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/m/ - Mecha

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What's everyone watching or reading or building? Looking forward to anything this year?
Let's keep it /m/-related.
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>is a girl here
>is a guy here
Is the show good, I only know it's police real robots.
I only have this pic and an anon's cel, and I can't find the pic with the bored guy talking on the megaphone
Tetsujin 28 FX is pretty cool. The robots on both the enemy and hero sides are cool (I especially like the transforming truck in the second episode) and it's got a new contender for my favourite super robot theme. I'm also chugging along through Astro Boy and am continually impressed by just how much better it is than most other manga I've read.
Also, I've started Gridman the Hyper Agent, probably the first toku I've enjoyed as much as a mecha anime. I've always liked the designs of Gridman, but I hated the anime, so I'm watching the toku instead. It's pretty good so far -- perhaps if I like it I'll watch other Ultra stuff, starting with Tiga, Gaia, or Mebius.
28 episodes into Machineman, pretty just okay series overall. The villains suck and you can tell it had a thin.budget, but nothing bad.
Not an AI art thread.
I can't, I'm court-mandated to finish my other shows first
Patlabor fan we get it you can quit spamming already.
All of those are by an actual person
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So the artist uses AI?
NO, you fool, if that was the case, pixiv would had tagged it as such, they are VERY fussy about AI slop.
If I have to watch another episode of a 70s anime or Sailor Moon I am going to have a mental breakdown
>inb4 Patlabor
>another thread ruined by patlaboringfags
Can you do the board a favour and kill yourselves? Or at least develop better taste?
I finished L-Gaim, pretty fun show. Kind of a weird ending though, left me a little unsatisfied.
Trying to pick between Macross and Combattler for what to watch next.
Very nearly done with the original Mobile Suit Gundam - Amuro just bodied M'Quve and I love seeing that 16 year old kid just mowing through Zeon mobile suits where he used to struggle against more than two at a time.
What's with the literal faggot pedophile itt?
Based Patlabor poster.

Still going through Jeeg. As I've said before, it's fine. It's really amusing a lot of the time, and Mecha Don is the best. Also, I hope we get to see some more panty shots from the main girl. That was about twenty episodes ago.
I'm also about to finish Burst Angel. The nod to Geist was unexpected. And Sei is best girl.
How worthless are the mods here when the only spamming they ever delete is shit about Duel? I'm not saying that Duel and his many ragers aren't fucking annoying, that shit should be deleted, but this is textbook spamming just as annoying as Duel and nothing is done.
This year alone I’ve been going through metal heroes and showa era kamen rider for the first time(just finished V3 about an hour ago), really awesome stuff
I wonder how much overlap/m/ has with /tg/
My girl bought me a HG Zaku III custom for xmas 2021 and I still haven't built it because of the ungodly amount of /tg/ related shit I have.

We have a /m/ thread every Monday
>Is the show good
it's shit. generic retarded-girl comedy school-tier trash with robot because the suits knew nobody want to watch that shit without robots in the 80s
>We have a /m/ thread every Monday
You know I mean bumpfag and him forcing everything to be an imagedump with no discussion(unless he can steer it)
>generic retarded-girl comedy school-tier trash with robot because the suits knew nobody want to watch that shit without robots in the 80s
In many ways it was the G-Witch of its time, right down to the more mundane premise and drama between corporations. At least it wasn't yuri, but if it came out today, you can sure bet it would be.
>Refuse to recommend more good /m/ to newfags
>Looking forward to
Either Govarian or OG Jeeg
I could forgive Patlabor if there was robot action that isn't just 5 minutes of bomb disarming or blocking streets footage to catch baddies.
if you want to show me robots, let them fight
Unlike most of /m/ I will tell you most of it is trash. Just watch the stand alone movie 3 with the big sewer monster, it's the only part of the franchise that's worth watching. Most of the cast is garbage with Ohta being the absolute worst. If you want good police mecha check out Tank Police, J-Decker, Zoids Fuzors, AD Police (both versions), Angel Links, Tiger a d Bunny, and the Silent Mobius movies. I rag on Patlabor, and it deserves it, but even it's worst is still better than Active Raid or Steam Detectives.
At least you didn't call it "Patlaboring" this time, Duel, but you just HAD to shill garbage like TV AD Police and Angel Links. Did those shows have spicy bondage scenes?
Not duel, not into bondage, and why are you ragging against AD Police and Angel Links?
>Calling shows he's never seen garbage
Yup, he's trolling.
TV AD Police (not the OVA) is a pseud snoozefest with an awful MC. Angel Links is a boring, poorly-paced, predictable fanservice fest with awful animation.
>Angel Links is a boring, poorly-paced, predictable fanservice fest with awful animation.
No that was Outlaw Star, a bunch of dreadful gunk somehow made by two legendary studios Sunrise and Xebec. Angel Links was an extremely well made series.
Watched New Mutants and Shazam: Fury of The Gods this weekend which were both great movies.
You've got to make it at least a little believable.
It's the truth. Outlaw Star sucked balls while Angel Links was a 10/10 anime.
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I only need /m/echa shows with maternal deuteragonists.
Post more.
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This is the only other image I have of this character I don't know. I'm afraid.
Finished Zeta a couple of weeks ago. Currently on episode 11 of ZZ and I don't like it so far. No wonder people are saying the tone is too different. It's like they are forcefully shoving the old characters out of focus and saying "Look at these plucky and fun new characters! Just forget the dumb old cast!" You're shoving all these stupid comedy shit right into my face after all the shit the characters from Zeta had gone through? I hope people aren't fucking with me when they said it will get better in the second half.
Also playing Megaton Musashi Wired. I like Danball Senki, so this is quite enjoyable for me.
>I hope people aren't fucking with me when they said it will get better in the second half.
It does then it gets dumb again
I'm determined to see the end, but maybe I'll take a few breaks along the way.
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Recently watched the 5th episode of Gaiking, the show has really gotten into it's own by this point.
>Sumo guy is big, stubborn and kinda stupid (thinks the MC is actively trying to sabotage him), but get things done
>The kid character likes to mess with Sumotard and take embarrasing pictures of him
It also has some bouncy Yoshinori Kanada-style animation, right as the action choreography gains some legs.

Go Nagai may only have created the titular robot, but the designs, personalites and advanced precursor civilization shenanigans definitely make it feel like one of his works, even if all signs point to the show being a product of his Dynamic Pro. assistants/disciples and the people at Toei Animation.
Is there some major creative shift in the second half, considering that Dynamic is only credited for the first 22 episodes?

>I could forgive Patlabor if there was robot action that isn't just 5 minutes of bomb disarming or blocking streets footage to catch baddies.
The original OVA is the only entry that suffers from this problem.
This, but with You're Under Arrest instead of Patlabor.
I like both, but YUA's cast isn't as interesting and its plots/situations are so lighthearted that they're practically a joke in and of themselves.
Noa has a wide range of expression in her eyebrows alone, while Natsuki and Miyuki's faces are so flat and undefined that they almost look like something from a decade+ later.
I don't see how a police drama doing dramatic police things like handling a terrorist threat is somehow a problem.
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I started watching Boonboomger when it aired which inspired me to watch Gaogaigar because of the screwdriver weapons. I finished that pretty fast so I just startef Future GPX Cyber Formula. I loved everything I'm watching a lot right now and it's really lifting my spirits.

I just had to drop Metalder though. I loved it at first but now it feels like I'm trying to make myself watch it at arkund episode 30.
Just finished MSG. I'm gonna move on to Zeta. If it's anything like the original, I'm excited.
>I finished that pretty fast so I just startef Future GPX Cyber Formula
Funny you mention it because I'm watching Cyber Formula too. Only at episode 8 so far.
Is the second part of the Yamato remake that bad? Heard it shelves some of the likable characters from part 1 and whitewashes Dessler, something about
>he's even more horrible than the original but it very briefly and poorly explains how all of that was necessary against something worse, even though he still attacked his own civilians/left them to die
>the issue or friction with him becoming an ally isn't properly addressed
I remember greatly enjoying the first part, was just strongly recommended to ignore the rest.
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>reluctantly permit myself one extra show against the pact, since watching two episodic shows of cutie Honey and sailors running around, and episodic crow hell is a nightmare, as opposed to back when I at least had Gundam Seed with an ongoing narrative (please don't hate me anon, I'll try to finish the other shows too and stick to just these on my own)
>realizing that I miss Gundam Sneed (affectionate)
>pick up Captain Tylor otherwise I'll keep forgetting to
>just want pleasant space adventures where no one dies and we get a happy ending
>he proceeds to make an AI lady cum so violently that she dies
I see.
Richard Dom's seiyuu also sounds familiar, I'm sure it'll come to me.
Im actually on the same episode.

I love the opening and ending so much I think I heard it in my sleep
Uh-oh you said the nickname
But but I'm using it as a term of endearment
You, I, and others have to be careful on certain terms. Some people just have a very violent reaction on these nicknames regardless of how it's used.
Alright, fair enough.. it's a bit late to delete the post but I'll try to be more careful. I really do miss the show though..
It really doesn't matter, like how ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
I'm sorry, I'll try to be more mindful, I just keep calling it that in my head because it's funny and endearing to me.
I really hope Seed Destiny is good, and the movie is too! I'll try to deploy Lacus and Waltfeld's ship more in SRW.
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>Richard Dom's seiyuu also sounds familiar, I'm sure it'll come to me.
>it's Rau Le Creuset
No fucking wonder he sounded familiar and recent. The show's absolutely amazing so far, Tylor got his first major win against the ayys. Absolutely charming seeing this friendly carefree guy bumble his way into successes through the power of sheer and utter luck (or ingenuity?).
>Dom said good fortune is the most important to win a war
>basically confirms that Tylor's going to single-handedly win the war
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I'm working my way through the Armored Trooper Votoms franchise. I've finished ATV, Last Red Shoulder, and Big Battle so far. Idk why I never gave the series much thought but it is now my favorite and I am thoroughly obsessed. They were able to produce the feeling of sci-fi that other "sci-fi" anime don't quite nail for me and I really like that.
I got 3/4ths of the way through L-Gaim during covid and it was a lot of fun and then a bunch of other stuff happened and I got distracted and depressed and now it somehow feels wrong to finish it cause I'm not in the same place emotionally I was back then
>Captain Tylor
>ongoing narrative
I mean, sort of, I guess? It feels like it's more about the crew's character arcs than having a story that builds up to anything. Should've went back to Digimon or read Demonbane or something if you wanted that
Do you really want to take that Italian rumor seriously? There’s not a single mention of it in Japanese and no recordings or official source for what he supposedly said. The whole thing sounds sketchy as fuck.
[9] was the only citation that contained anything remotely useful, namely Go Nagai claiming that he created Gaiking's design.
Nearly all of the other citations pertaining to that chunk of the Wikipedia article were incidential mentions.

If the Dynamic Pro. connection was nothing more than some Italian blogger/pundit's hoax, William Winckler Productions wouldn't have credited them in the opening credits of their compilation movies, assuming that they got the credits from Toei Animation (this credit also appears on the show's Japanese Wiki page).

Toei had no incentive to perpetuate foreign theories about them screwing over a famous mangaka, unless they thought it'd be a good way to drum up publicity for this show.
Even then I strongly doubt that their licensing department or William Winckler's low-rent voiceover company had enough passion toward this little project to do such a thing.
Some Dynamic Pro staff worked as freelancers in the show, but it was heavilly marketed as their first original Robot anime. Nagai's feud with Toei was regarding ownership of Mazinger Z. That's why to this day, elements from the TV series belong to Toei and elements from the manga belongs to Dynamic Pro, with a bit of overlap due to how close they were to each other. The marketing for Shin Mazinger couldn't call it a remake of the old show or make any reference to the Toei version for that reason. And even Z in Mazinkaiser and Grendizer U uses the manga design for that same reason. That was all settled in court and there was never any mention of Gaiking regarding any of that. There's nothing substantial about those claims outside one guy saying "he said it, I was there"
I would suggest teaking a brief break from it. While it isn't a depressing show by any means, the show does take a darker turn in the second half and it might sour your already bad mood as is.
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>find cool mecha anime
>fight scenes, gore, pilots fighting shit
>love it
>watch a few more episodes
>turns into slice of life autism/beach episode
Why does this happen so often?
imagine wasting your life learning how to draw just to end up making shitty AI looking "art"
They're taking stories better suited either for 1-2 hour OVAs or full 50-episode anime, and making them 12-26 episodes. They can't introduce more plot elements because they don't have time, so they have to water everything down and add in filler. I'm watching STRAIN right now and it's awful for that.
was going to comment what i was watching but this izumi spammer is super annoying
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Picked the fuck up.
Woah, a 100 images already.
No wonder no one talks about it
Literal pedophile ruining an entire thread. Kill yourself you fucking worthless spamming faggot.
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I only talk to anons who have a sickening adult woman fetish like I do
Well, it's still moving forward, much like how I'd like to move that crow forward into an oven. Just a little bit, just to do a bully
>Should've went back to Digimon or read Demonbane or something if you wanted that
I watched the intro to Demonsbane, I thought it wouldn't be as bad to be an oathbreaker if it was just one separate anime I finished instead of "I will resume something expressedly forbidden".
Demonbane looks nice, I get the vague vibe of why it might be compared to Shin Mazinger Zero, but the robots looked too overdetailed and I wanted to unrelatedly lie down that day
Is this supposed to be a fucking joke? My post got deleted but the fucking textbook spamming and flooding is allowed to remain? Fucking kill yourselves janny scum, you have one fucking job and you are incapable of doing it.
Kinda trying to find the time to start watching L-Gaim.
Same anon from >>22603682
Currently watching Jiban and kamen rider X, both are fantastic, already it seems like jiban is more powerful(and less restraint) than his more famous western counterpart and I like how rider X has a Greek motif for the monsters
What is with your obsession with him? Nobody except for you brings him up and this has nothing to do with that dip shit.
>looks like a boy
>boy name
You like little boys, faggot pedophile
>Looks show up to see if /m/
>Spaceship story
>Credited to fucking Shoji Kawamori?

How the fuck have I not heard of this? And this is smack dab between Genesis of Aquarion and Macross Frontier by the same studio (and Gonzo)! It's like finding a slice of life anime in the 90s and finding out Go Nagai was the head writer. Actual WTF moment right here.
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im about half way through unicorn. I'm thinking of watching new getter robo next
not /m/ related but I've just started the eyes of the overworld
backlog consists of a MG ver ka zeta, MG rick dom, HG gouf custom, and a HG wing. im gonna test panel lining with the wing so I don't mess up when doing one of the MGs.
Yeah, there's a lot of spaceship shows /m/ never talks about -- Bodacious Space Pirates, Sol Bianca, Lost Universe, Starship Operators, Galaxy States Warring Chronicle Rai, Technovoyager, Kiddy Grade, Melty Lancer . . .
I watched and enjoyed Bodacious!
I liked New, hope you do as well!
I'm reading the Abyss of Hyperspace manga right now and it's surprisingly good. I love all the spaceports, the fancy room, the ID cards, and the ship designs which remind me of Outlaw Star. The title is misleading -- it's barely ecchi and it has a good story. Any other obscure spaceship manga recommendations?
>Bodacious Space Pirates, Sol Bianca, Lost Universe, Starship Operators, [..] Kiddy Grade,
All of these come up.
>Credited to fucking Shoji Kawamori
Yeah this happens a lot with him. His name always pops up in unlikely of places. I was surprised when I found out he worked on Escaflowne and Basquash.
>Bodacious Space Pirates
We talked about that
Noa does look like a shota especially from a far
You don't watch Demonbane, you read it
I'm also not a fan of the robot designs. It's part of why you don't watch the anime. Those designs weren't really meant for animation and look very strange when you see them in motion.
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Not sure whether I read it yet or just saw the movie. Wish there was more for me to read, it was very very fun show.
>Outlaw Star
Still have to watch that!
I wouldn't know, sadly, I get my recommendations from here on /m/. /m/ is ho/m/e...
Sorry uh, I meant just the opening animation and the intro with the robot falling down to the planet. Just couldn't remember whether that was animated, automated, or something I clicked through, but I definitely didn't start the visual novel in any meaningful capacity yet. Although it seems like the world has sentient robots that have to be piloted for full potential, which is a giant plus in my book.
The only other instance of "the eroge is so good, you'll actively want to get back to the game and story from the H scenes" I experienced, which is /m/-unrelated, was Sengoku Rance. Fate was good too but you could theoretically ignore the H scenes.
>Although it seems like the world has sentient robots that have to be piloted for full potential, which is a giant plus in my book.
Yeah, you saw the VN's animated opening, nothing else would have given you this impression. Rest assured, there are no sentient robots. Well, except for a human-sized android girl anyway
>Rest assured, there are no sentient robots.
But I wanted the sentient evil robot antagonist the story revolves around...
>android girl
Alright, I'll take it.
Holy shit drool is MAD
At least the scat pics are less shit than faglaboring spam
Oh crap, a lot of images got deleted.
Good, Noa image dumping belong in Patlabor threads. Unfortunately there's still Duelrager spam abound.
Looking forward to Grendizer U, I suppose.
15 episodes into the following:

>Log Horizon season 2
Needs more action, new characters outside of Leonardo are annoying, and it has slow pacing. Not too different from season 1.
>Tsubasa Chronicle season 2
More character development, slightly better comedy, and the villains actually do things. GASP!
>Shinkalion Z
I like the E7 pilot he's a good character, unfortunately much of the supporting cast from the first series came back for no reason. It's like the writers gave up around episode 9 and said "fuck it just bring people back we can't flesh this out on its own". I do like Dark Shinkalion, he's basically a centaur Epyon Gundam with a trident.
>Glass Fleet
Ignoring the fact the main villain is an incestuous rapist and murder this is one really shitty cast. Everyone is either violent, unfunny, petty, or obnoxious. Top that off with very low quality music, corner cutting animation, and subpar world building and you get, well, this. The action and pacing are good at least.
I'm watching the tangentially /m/ Legendz.
Also was at the library earlier today and they had a tv which I guess you could use to watch videos in the library's collection; oddly enough it was playing an episode of City Hunter when I got there
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pic related
Sir, this is a mecha board.
This post needs to go too.
And that was mecha, you even have robot punching as the picture.
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Watching 2 eps per day for Great and Grendizer should get me ready for Grendizer U's debut in July, even if it debuts on July 1st. Shouldn't be that hard, hopefully.
>get to Great's parents' day episode
>assume it's about Tetsuya
>realize it's about Shiro
>realize it's actually about Kenzo
>Ank is giving everyone a run for their money
>Dr Tonda, who's been helpfully sticking around for a while, dies unhesitatingly to save Shiro
>Shiro and Borot are captured but Shiro says it's fine to die since he's already alone, and he can be with mom and dad after dying: all within earshot of Kenzo
It worked out in the end but I didn't think we'd get such a heart-wrenching episode, this early. Good show. (And no Bakarasu! Woo!)
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>Shiro shitting on Kenzo for sending Tetsuya out to a trap (I guess he's picked up on a few tactics from seeing Dr Hell's frequent raids) just like he doesn't care about Shiro either
>that very very subtle change of expression before Kenzo wordlessly turns away
At least we get this by the end
and a few eps earlier we got
so I guess the continuity to follow is not just "Hades is fed up with Ankoku who is fed up with his generals", but also parental relations with Shiro before the reveal. Tetsuya already said he considers Kenzo his father, so I guess any issues about that will come up later, or after Koji comes back.
Also just look how happy he was to get to Shiro for parents' day
while Kenzo, Yumi, and the viewer are the only people who know about Kenzo's secret, Tetsuya and Jun (as I was already told) are considering Shiro as family unknowingly. But I didn't anticipate Shiro likewise unknowingly treating Kenzo as a father. Really really really really wish we get any sort of closure or reflection from the characters about Kenzo's death, outside of a SRW30 interaction and whatever might be in the unfindable pre-Infinitism manga.
>Log Horizon
>Tsubasa Chronicle
You're posting on the wrong board.
Kamen Rider Geats' Korean dub
I don't know why Korean dubs almost always sounded cheesy to me, even if it's a completely normal dub. Manga's fine for whatever reason though.
>that sheer level of sass about kicking the invincible guy
The sheer level of cute bickering and seeming indifference between these guys makes me wonder what non-Toei Getter pilots would sound like in a decent Korean dub.
That episode in general had some adorable interactions between Michinaga and Ace. Especially Michinaga's reaction to Ace's Punkjack art.
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I'm on about episode 14 of Future GPX Cyber Formula now where Hayato lost the American race and met the former champion and it feels like the more I watch it then more I love it. I watched it at a perfect time where I needed something about an underdog that was uplifting. I had no idea what to expect I just watched it on a whim because I heard the OP somewhere.

I always wanted to watch Legendz becaude Kenji Watanabe (Digimon,Tamagotchi) did the designs but I haven't gotten around to it.
>Ignoring the other two which are mecha
Hmmmmmm. Those lizard people from Saturn sure have a way with hypnosis.
Only at episode 11 myself, but holy shit at Hayato in ep.11. I really liked how his stubbornness bit him in the ass hard.
Patlabor is excellent. One of my personal top three anime of all time, across all genres.
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>the other two which are mecha
You're almost there! Keep following that logic.
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A bit disappointing that Great Mazinger ends at 15 episodes, but I guess the brightest things burn twice as fast.
>across absolutely all genres
Ok that IS a pretty strong endorsement, it will firmly be on my list then, thank you.
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Now as a reaction image.
Also made this webm.
Arigato, Kamen Rider Zombie.
>them absolutely bullying him about New Form Never
Ahahahaha, poor Buffalo
Kamen Rider Zombie has felt the agony of the lack of stronger power ups like Shadowmaru did in his show. Coincidentally, they're both purple.
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Picrel is my current backlog, any suggestions on what to tackle next? I like MJP-like humour, Takahashi and pretentious things.

If this is your backlog why are you asking for more suggestions?
Watch this stuff first.
I wasn't asking for additions but for some spoonfeeding on what's the most interesting and what is worth skipping on this list.

Project Ako
Armitage III
Betterman(dont bother with that BD version and just watch a dvd rip)
Iczer one
Blue submarine no.6, find version with dolby 5.1 or dts with subs and not that dual audio one.
Gun x Sword
Macross DYRL instead of that one on your list.
Watch og Dominion Tank Police before the new dominion one.
Is there a real life VHS with lights like this?
this is giving me serious nostalgia vibes
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It has a model number drawn on it and this pops up when you Google it
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One of the most fun part of the show for me is how it's like 'kid falls into Gundam' but way more grounded.

I never expected this show to hit me emotionally either but then following episode really got me. And episode 14 or 15 whatever Im at now.

Also I found out China made a fucking Transformer Asurada and I had to buy it.
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I dont care about drift but I liked his old toy.
Really cool looking robot.
Just completed episode 13 myself. So far, Kaga's only appeared in two episodes, but he's been a good bro to Hayato.

Alot of late 80s/early 90s VCRs had that look. Solid button feel, comfy leds in multiple warm colors.
Then the mid-late 90s soulless chinese rounded edges corporate grey junk showed up.
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>next ep is the Jun one
How sad will this be and will it be "hated my mixed-raceness and tried to scrub my skin off" tier depressing
>remembering that the cartoon played the depressing Lorelei arc completely straight
I'm going to assume the show won't pull any of its Atomic Punches either
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The Zombie buffalo bullying Keiwa
>Kenzo cements himself as a surprisingly warm, perceptive, and caring father figure
>comes across as even more paternal than Yumi, since he's working with 3 and later 4 of his actual children instead of just 1
>is slightly more stern than Yumi but not the hardass I expected him to be
I guess that's from knowing Kenzo prior from Mazinkaiser, Shin Mazinger, and Shin Mazinger Zero, which probably has 1-2 parental interactions with him and anyone else, from all three works fucking combined
>same priest from "Shiro fights bullies but also bullies animals" episode is back
>petitions Jun three times to go back out and fight (Boss helped too)
Christian episode, Christian anime...
It wasn't as emotional as "Sayaka has to depart with Aphrodite A after over several dozen episodes", but I assume it's probably the most emotional story we'll get from Jun, although I'd be happy to be proven wrong.
That's around the thirdway mark for Great. And that crow has been gone for a few episodes too, I swear the quality of the episodes went up fucking instantly. I tried not to hate him, I really tried.
Keiwa sounds familiar even though there's no way that should be fucking possible, unless the VA dubbed Pokemon, Flint the Time Detective, and Conan that I watched over a decade ago.
>that lady just killed a man
And yeah, he does look a bit like a zombie buffalo. Keiwa looks like a minty cat? Where are the beetles and grasshoppers? I should have seen this coming when they designed Kamen Riders after different flavours of fruits and wheels.
Keiwa is a ninja tanuki Rider specifically.
>lime green
>a ninja and a tanuki
>neither purple nor brown
You are lying to me, he is merely speedy
He said ninja but it must be a homophone of a different word in hanja
>zombie buffalo went fucking FLYING
>it's a Reboot-tier minigame hell that they're trapped in
I miss Reboot
Not any of those, but playing Zoids Legacy on a GBA emulator. Liking quite a few waifus there so far; Claudia, Leena, then Pierce. Oh ofc, there's also the most mature 13yo in the verse: Juno Hera.
>Zoids Fuzors
Sad theres no Zoids gen but eh
Vt forever stained my view on that word
Wait, so does Highspeed Etoile also qualify in this board?
Alice also helps. I guess this Lorenzo is the main antago?
A sign of a courageous hero.
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If GPX does, then I guess Etoile also does. The main racing machine has a voiced AI too.

BUT, unlike GPX, THE RACING PART OF THIS RACING ANIME IS SO UNDERWHELMING AND BORING! And a shame too, since the manga, which is a prequel to this TV series, does evoke a sense of speed better in static panels than in animation.
I'm halfway through Tetsujin 28 FX and the direction they're going is quite interesting. It seems like it's basically Da Garn (a drawn-out war with planet-destroying villains that get plenty of character development) in the first half and Might Gaine/J-Decker (episodic robot battle hijinks) in the second half. The robots are very cool -- I love the truck they transport Tetsujin on (it's so cool that it has a spacious interior and a logo on the side) as well as several of the enemy mecha (especially the transforming ones, of which there are plenty).
Kenzo wasn’t in Mazinkaiser though?
>j decker
J-Decker is good. It's one of the best Braves. Don't let "hurr durr toy commercial" ruin it for you.
Braves aren't good, hell most /m/ isn't good because there's no characterisation, there's no story in the episodes besides a random monster or something, the animation is repetitive and boring.
It's emperors new clothes shit to pretend Braves, Voltes V, Mazinger, Getter et al are good
There is LOTS of characterization in J-Decker and most of the Braves in general, most notably Da Garn, Goldran, and GaoGaiGar. There's also a lot of characterization in 70s mecha, especially Grendizer. There are overarching stories in all these shows as well, especially near the end. Have you even seen these?
Fucking lmao no there isn't, the status quo is reset every episode, no one learns or remembers anything.
Da Garn at least had the villains realise they could interrupt the transformation and stuff, but otherwise most mecha is just pure dreck
Why the fuck are you replying to him? How stupid are you?
Oh, so you just don't like episodic shows.
>most mecha is just pure dreck
Why are you here, then?
Fighbird > Dagwon > Da-Garn > Betterman > J-Decker > GGG > Might Gaine > Exkaiser > power gap > Goldran
>why am I here
To talk about the actually good mecha and not fucking garbage like Braves, Eldran or Voltes V
Kill yourself you retarded pseudo-intellectual faggot
Jesus christ, it really is emperors new clothes to pretend actual garbage like Combattler is amazing
Lots of the love for Combattler is Filipino nostalgia and the show's cultural/political significance. It's like how in the US Voltron is "the giant robot show" but Golion really isn't good. However, the show does have Yasuhiko character designs and it was a more sophisticated super robot show for its time.
That's Voltes V, not Combattler.
ITT: subhuman evafag comes here to cry after being insulted in his terrible bait thread
>Voltes V
Oh fooking boy that got a live-action series in my country. Gotta say, I saw Nips liking it.
Leaf here and I liked Voltes V Legacy too. It was very cool.
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>Boss and co cause the bad thing to happen and almost inadvertently ruins everything by doing a very understandable thing
>Boss, Nuke, Mucha, and Boss Borot proceed to separately save literally fucking everyone from dying and receives a decent amount of appreciation
>Mycene generals are getting more bullied for dropping the ball
>the general quality of the episodes have increased
>this is extremely correlated to how much the crow shows up
>shits in Boss' mouth in ep 12
>eps 13-15 has rather innocuous roles of just delivering maybe one message half-successfully
>and then just gone
Yeah there's a correlation between the amount of Nicholas Cage movies and the amount of people drowning in swimming pools, but I'm going to pay very fucking close attention to this correlation
>calmest brave interaction
Is it better or worse than Imagawa's, or are these two separate shows? Sounds like it's more of a super robot show than Imagawa's.
The mysterious old prophet guy that told Koji about the Final Kaiser Blade seems like it's Kenzo, I have no idea who else it could be. He's done the oldguy disguise in I think the Z vs Ankoku movie and maybe in the manga as well. This never really goes anywhere though, in any continuity apart from maybe Shin Mazinger Zero, and in isolation it's never shown in the OVA who this is, but that's literally the only person it could be, either that or a hallucination that's homaging Kenzo's appearance.
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I never thought I'd miss VHS or floppy disks but I do.
Even back then I knew something better would replace them, but I miss that tech for some reason.
Was it the ritual of loading it up?
He gets a purple form in a side special.
I have a VHS and mini-VHS players but none have buttons that light up like these.
I'm a 90s born but I have huge love boner for 80s
Flip here and the old Voltes V was pretty much my and every other late 90s-born childhood.
My bloodlust has been sated-
>no EN sub or KR dub, or KR dub with EN subs
My bloodlust is rising.
Ninjas just have to be purple, I think. I guess one exception is Tobikage whose show I haven't watched yet. And Sorakage from Goldran I guess. And teal Kagerou from J-Decker.
I guess I should give ninjas of different colours a chance, even if they're buffalo-coloured
Izusubs has the TV series subbed and a different subtitle group that translated the Tycoon and Shinobi special (purple ninjas)
But anon I promised YOU I'd finish other shows first
Oh, I thought your other post was referring about wanting subtitles. My bad.
No, I was just pretending to bully you with arbitrary and unstated demands, thank you for being helpful and straightforward as always, though..
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Watching TV Mazinger after putting it off for a long time. I'm going to try to go through the TV shows for Z, Great and Grendizer before Grendizer U releases
I set up my subs to simultaneously use the Discotek subs and the crabstick subs, it's been a good time though sadly it doesn't use the crabstick font past episode 1
I'm doing the same thing and am on Great right now, you are absolutely in for a treat as far as the story goes, definitely don't dismiss it as a weightless episodic show with no consequences!
>juggling crabsticks
That's actually amazing, I just went with whatever subs the BD had but was curious about crabsticks, hope that's treating you well!
Lmao imagine getting bullied by a cripple because you fucked up a race
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Here's the encouragement that got me to start Toei
>the movie
That's... actually very sweet. We didn't get much of that in Seed Vanilla.
May we watch Seed Destiny soon..
Currently watching Fukuda's first directed series, Cyber Formula (episode 18) and you still have the promise of those other shows to fulfill.
I don't know what that is nor knew it was you, but I hope you're enjoying it.
I'm doing my best on the other shows but it was a bit depressing seeing qt blondes just episodically hopping around 24/7 but also get personally tormented by a demented crow, I'm really really sorry for picking up Tylor and I never checked /a/ for Sailor Moon threads because I love /m/ too much
I beg of you to pick up Mazinger Zero though, after the "is this a fucking edgefest" hurdle, it's a positive and charming story full of hope. I think you'd be able to most appreciate it after having consumed I think all known prior Mazinger material.
As a racing series, Cyber Formula is a solid ride so far. Episodes 11-12 were the notable ones as they showed that the main character, Hayato, wasn't invincible and had to learn and grow from his hotheaded cockiness and crushing defeat.
>Cyber Formula is a solid ride so far
Was this intentional
It's often a Hayato, not that I mind. The name is associated with speed in my mind for some reason.
>crushing defeat
I hope it wasn't literal or drastic, the cheery cast looks like the kind that would break your heart with their tears.
>there's even a Char
Literally just paint your tires red if you want to go faster, I don't know why cars have never done this.
I like how he's Racer X and Char combined
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>mfw the crow's returned but hasn't been a fucking annoying piece of shit, literally just leaning in an unimpressed manner for two or three cuts
This is rather silly and adorable, but I'm a sucker for "you don't have to do this alone" beatdowns, Akito had it as well, despite whatever flaws it had (I don't know what flaws it had, I don't think it was horrid but it just took me a while to finish it)
>SNS is called SNS
>it's not just the VAs ACTUALLY dubbed this
Actually amazing.
>twenty years
What a cute and heartfelt way to say thank you to their fans, pretty in-character, no less.
>smug villainous-looking rival except he's probably not fucking evil, literally just a fellow professional in the industry
Or at least that's how he comes across.
>look into it
>Racer X is like another older brother from a show I don't want to spoil, even though everyone has probably already seen G Gundam
Ok, so the only actual villain of the show is Speed Racer, got it.
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Dangaiou tv 2001

It's like a mix of eva parody and supermecha. They even had episode with electricity on not-nerv base turning off. Or when big bosses leave on secret business and not-Mistao has to take command and bitch-slap non-Ritsuko doctor. Animation is pretty fluid. It's kinda weird, i can tell they had talent but i also can see why it's forgotten obsolete show.
Also I like how every episode ends up with mastermind behind this week attack getting murdered.
Yeah, G Dangaioh actually isn't that bad. I liked the plane launch hangars and the secret base's exterior/interior, as well as its cool computer screens, and many of the enemy mecha were cool (especially the Build Ranger, the Knight of Gold ripoff, and the final boss). The twist with Mia Alice at the end is interesting, and the final two episodes are good in general. Re: the animation, when CGI has fully taken over modern anime, we'll look back on this as a cool animation piece much like with the original Dangaioh. The only problem I could say this anime has is that the slice-of-life/fanservice bits are suuuper painful to get through (especially considering that the OVA wasn't very lewd aside from the main cast wearing leotards).
Duel you have the absolutely most stupid opinions on this site.
Not Duel because I don't think G Dangaioh is a 10/10; at most it's a 6/10, but it's certainly not one of the worst /m/ shows ever like people on this board say (that would go to Franxx or Code Geass)
One of these days I should really watch VOTOMS, king gainer, and a bunch of other mech shit I've had downloaded for a decade
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>Dr. Hell's soldiers are supposed to commit suicide when captured but seemingly don't have anything like a suicide pill
>this guy just bolts and starts climbing an electrical tower so he can grab the wires
Fucking brutal
I've watched a good share of monster of the week stuff so I know they can take time to get the plot rolling, and Mazinger is already going at a faster pace than some others like Gaiking or Voltes. Enjoying it so far; I actually did read the manga of Z (not Great or beyond though, none were translated at the time) and the audio component makes Baron Ashura in particular way more enjoyable, great presentation for the character
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Great Mazinger, actual spoilers!
>title gives away Gorgon's death
>honourfag who came across as a cunt until he actually was very kind to Ashura who died in his arms, seeing what they thought would be the end of Mazinger Z, and subsequently joins Dr Hell's revenge campaign just as an honourfag
>turns out is in some pecking order/internal politics bullshit against the Mycene army
>frontline base is almost done, generals fuck up, heads out to help the sentouju purely out of concern, even trying to shield it and takes a Thunder Break to the fucking face and is presumed dead
>subsequently limps back home, is promoted to commander, personally by the Emperor, achieving his dream... only to succumb to his wounds, with even a sad theme playing
Only downside to the ep is that the Emperor doesn't mourn his death like I know he later does for Ankoku Daishogun but Boss got another assist in some brighter news. I was hoping I'd like Gorgon and that he wouldn't die a bitch's death like in other works and I was not disappointed, Great continues Z's tradition of treating its antagonists well.
There's also Mommy Marquis Janus to look forward to immediately after.

Glad you're enjoying its pace, I can't remember how many episodes felt like I was giving it a chance vs being invested, I think it was maybe 7 or less, possibly even 3 or 4. You'll definitely get a sense of progression and development if you haven't already. Z's manga was fine and felt like a complete story iirc.
In the meantime, posting another Geats clip.
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>the audio component makes Baron Ashura in particular way more enjoyable, great presentation for the character
Forgot to comment, Ashura is absolutely top tier here. Have you watched Shin already? I liked Brocken over creepy Ashura before I watched any Mazinger, but there are extremely good reasons why Baron Ashura is the iconic go-to number two for Dr Hell, I'm certain you'll appreciate Ashura all the more by the end.
>so many things I want to comment on that I can't
>find the pineapple
What a cool line, totally.. I don't think that would sound cool in any language.
>a pineapple is a relevant weapon in TWO Kamen Rider shows
Choreo and effects look pretty good though, seems like they found a nice balance and aesthetics, albeit still not a super fan of so much neon and colours. But I enjoyed what I watched for Gaim, so I'll probably just have to warm up to the flashy colours.
>Shit posting on dangaioh & gaogaigar
Let the bait retard on page 10 talk to himself & let the thread die. Don't even post in it.
Started Kamen Rider Revice and marathoned the first five episodes. Mostly cool, the buddy team up finishers are weird. Did not expect an evil version of Kamen Rider Ghost to show up at the end of episode 5.
Just finished episode 47 of Zeta Gundam. Why did the AEUG start fighting Axis Zeon after Jamitov's assassination? Did they just think Haman was too dangerous to leave to do their own thing? I mean they're right but it feels like I missed an episode or something.
Finished Kamen rider Amazon, it’s quite different(but still charming in its own right) from previous three entries but stronger seems to be using the classic formula once more, also great leader is back after destron was wiped out by v3. I’ll say that Amazon’s violence was heavily exaggerated which makes sense as his show was never cut short and previous shows showed similar amount of violence.
Finished Turn A Gundam. The only Tomino Gundam I have left is G Reco. I hear the movies are better than the TV series, is it true?
I just watched episode 21 and 22 if Future GPX Cyber Formula and I really didn't expect shit to get so real. The Smith always seemed just sort of silly and lighthearted antagonist stuff till now I didn't know it would go in this direction Hayato's dad was murdered by him since before the series began and Hayato only just found out. But thankfully Smith is fucking dead too.
They’re more complete. Still didn’t watch the last one.
These highlights look more like a series of toy commercials... maybe it's because it has the company credits at the bottom
Still swearing up and down that these seiyuus (baewoos I guess) sound exceedingly familiar
Ok that's actually pretty cool, in its smugness.

Later in the series Stronger's formula actually becomes quite different from the previous shows.
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Zombie has some Gridknight energy on him with that purple and orange color scheme.
13 eps into Revice, still enjoying it quite a bit
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>Emperor of Darkness actually gives a shit that two of his generals undermined a fellow Mycene dead
I think Grendizer straight up has two commanders either kill another one or leave them for dead, who in turn sets off a self-destruct switch that kills them too? Or something?
I loved seeing Ashura and Brocken bicker as well as get along now and then, but there's something interesting about seeing villains under an actual head of state try to get ahead or just kill someone they hate. Really wish I can finish Great and Grendizer before U comes out.
So do you
And you're right, I do see it!
Sweet, one of my webms being reposted.
Oooh, I think delza gundan might be involved with those episodes. I’m eight episodes in right now so I’ve still got a way to go. I think those episodes might be why stronger is so well regarded amongst the Showa era riders.
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They're pretty handy!
Still only saw the first ep and the Great vs Grendizer movie for Grend, really really hoping the TFO gets to do something cool, I have no good reason for disliking it and I feel bad for doing so. It feels like another version of
>SRW30's character asking Koji where his Mazinger is, booing the Ichinana
>"hey don't be like that, my custom Ichinana isn't no slouch either, it can be pretty nifty"
>it's still shelved immediately once Z shows up
Wouldn't mind an Ichinana kit though, the notion of having a lil army of mass-produced Mazingers sounds really appealing these days. Actually looking forward to rewatching Infinity after finishing Great for some reason
I'd almost rather have that worthless Patlabor spamming retard than these two faggots who shit up every backlog thread and turn it into their discord messages. Seriously, fuck off.
Kill yourself drool
Is IBO and 08th MS team the only gritty series in gundam?
Define gritty. If you mean lots of death then 79, Zeta, ZZ and CCA would fall into that category. Victory too, even though it's way overdone and you stop caring. SEED/SEED Destiny should also fall into that category.

I haven't seen 00, G-Reco or AGE so can't speak for those
>these two faggots who shit up every backlog thread and turn it into their discord messages
One of them is korean, literally a soulless insect.
Started Gundam X. It's great. I have no idea why it would be cancelled, nips truly have the worst taste
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>Great Mazinger is so badly damaged that literally the only attack he can use is Breast Burn
>think or hope it has the cool "we'll see who lasts longer" heat showdown that Z had in the manga but expect little
>instead it overheats itself and the sentouju and then proceeds to fucking beat it to death with the Great "Boomerang"
>so red-hot that it's not even a dramatic pallete-change the scene has, the redness is literally from doing the Breast Burn at maximum output for an extended period of time
Damn, those thighs, that dumper. Great looking dummy thicc
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Never say that again
>assume kid appeal character's gimmick robot would be grating, because there's been zero fucking instances where anything like that's been
>Shiro and Robot Junior is fine, literally just a vehicle to lead us into the dad reveal
>one Mazinger show has a peace-loving dad with one sole child, a feisty daughter, and he's vaguely a parental figure to the orphaned protagonist and his younger brother, begrudgingly permits his sole child to go to battle
>another Mazinger show has a hardened cyborg who gave harsh training to two adopted children and presumably sends all four of his children willingly into battle
>this second father hid his fatherhood from his biological children, sometimes even disguising himself as an ancient prophet in addition to concealing himself, and was absent for 99% of his bio-children's life-or-death struggles
Never mind Shiro, if you asked me between Professor Yumi and Professor Kenzo, which character I'd assume had more warm and parental moments with his children, I would have bet zero dollars on "Kenzo Kabuto has a lot of emotional and sympathetic moments with all of his children", teared up a bit. It's a good show if you get past Crow Purgatory. Hope some good closure exists regarding Great's finale, even if it's an audio drama or a fanfic.
Uh, could I ask if you could make two webms of Great's ep 26?
>from Shiro seeing an injured Kenzo and calling him dad and his hug+apology
>the immediate scene after of them enjoying family time

There's no real way to isolate a portion of pretty much the last four minutes of this episode and meaningfully be able to summarize or depict it. Pretty much the last fifth of the episode (minus the fighting segment in between) is such a noteworthy moment
make a discord server for you and your faggot friend already
As much as I'd love to bother him regularly, I don't think he wants that unfortunately
I'm also just overexcited about Mazinger regardless of the presence of my good anon
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Onto episode 23 of stronger and I now finally understand the context of this particular scene, now a new mystery to me is HOW of all scenes it did become one.
Now onto the episodes with delza gundan and I was already enjoying stronger already but those first two episodes are amazing, it’s all uphill from here.
Finished STRAIN, and it came out a lot better than I expected -- maybe because I was toying with a story similar to that twist. I was going in expecting an ecchi, except aboard a spaceship and with 15 minutes of mecha fighting throughout, but it actually delivered an interesting story (I've heard it referred to before as "planet loli", and it's not at all like that IMO) even if the filler in the middle was excruciating.
Watching Tytania right now and it's pretty cool so far. For full disclosure, I haven't seen LOGH except My Conquest is the Sea of Stars, so hopefully it will be more enjoyable for me.
By the way -- how different is the Terra E TV anime from the manga? Terra E is one of my favourite manga and I want to know if the anime is as good as the manga.
Finished watching Cyber Formula's TV series. Really good run and one of Fukuda's stronger works..
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>cannot for the life of me remember the Salud, Bood, or Ghoul being as paper-thin as the Mikelos seems to be in most episodes, or if Dr Hell and his subordinates were more strategically competent
>Ankoku Daishogun's gets a whole two-parter send-off at the halfway mark of the show, not as emotional as Ashura's but still noble and noteworthy nonetheless, another villain who died thinking they've won
>Jun and Boss show some decent heroism and self-sacrifice (as does Kenzo but he seems to do this way more frequently than Yumi)
>a highlight of Great remains the Mycenae bickering, but even Argos and Janus seem genuinely respectful and concerned for Ankoku, potentially their entire race is full of honourfags
Looking forward to the generals' reaction to Grand Marshal Hell!
Been in a bit of marathon lately.
>FMP TSR 13/13
Can't believe it took me 4 years to finally watch the sequel. Amazing stuff, even if its essentially a transitory arc to the amalgam/IV stuff. Not sure if i'll read the LNs or Sigma once i'm done with IV.
>Back Arrow 24/24
Stupid Dumb Show but it was bloody fun, man. The final act was a bit rushed for my taste but otherwise it left me pretty satisfied with its cool designs and fights. Zetsu was turbo based and wish Bit or the Granedger had a figure.
>Fuuto P.I. 10/12
Thee are many things playing against it, like it being a sequel to a tvshow, or having a snail pace (3 episodes per case, jesus christ). But still, its W if it had some Edge (and sex) into it so its good stuff.
>Yamato 2199 9/26
Watched the OG some time ago and i'm liking the remake far more. It feels like a more rounded and complete story compared to the OG that felt rather empty and aimless at times. Not to mention the show is fucking gorgeous, nobuteru yuuki is a godlike designer.
Thinking of watching either Garo 2005, Ultraman The Next+Nexus or KR Amazons to get back my Tokusatsu Groove.
Lastly, looking forward to the Gurren Lagan movie screenings for thirdworlders.
Yeah I was shocked by how good TSR was after the first show was just a complete mediocrity. It's not even a matter of Gatoh since apparently Gates was an anime original thing and TSR wouldn't have been quite as good without him
>I haven't seen LOGH
Change this
Back Arrow was super fun, glad you enjoyed. Did you finish part 2 of the Yamato remake, how is it? Was dissuaded by some criticisms of it.
Watching og Macross, up to episode 28.
I'm on the fence about it atm, there's a lot of really kino stuff but also a significant amount of bad no good stuff too
Fuck off tourist.
I didn't even call it bad my dude, you don't gotta seethe so hard
>complete mediocrity
Eh, i think it was hit or miss.
The first two story arcs were meh but the desert and submarine arcs were pretty amazing.
>Back Arrow was super fun, glad you enjoyed
Yeah, regret not watching it when it came out.
>Did you finish part 2 of the Yamato remake
Meant the original 1974 show, still watching part 1 (2199). I too heard many negative things about part 2 (2202), but i don't think it will be that bad. Strangely looking forward to it too (although i first need to watch From Yamato with Love/Yamato II first).
How do the novels compare to the anime? I usually read novels/manga whenever possible, but I know this type of Japanese military writing can be quite dry, and it seems the anime has cooler stuff (like Iserlohn Fortress) all set to gorgeous animation and cool classical music. Either way I'm going to watch the Gaiden since the novels for that aren't translated.
It's because you said "kino", a forced meme that's antithetical to our culture here. Re: Macross, I agree with your assessment -- it has some really cool stuff but the romance and love triangle stuff is excruciating.
I think they should've just kept the conclusion from episode 27 and just stopped doing any more drama
Feels like Hikaru got hit with a stupid stick during the time skip
>noooo I want less episodes!!! why can't I just mark it as done on MAL already????
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I watched like 5 episodes of super robot taisen OG and it kinda sucks. Shit just keeps happening and where are we and who are all these people? Whole thing feels like one giant meme for fans that i do not get. I'm not a big mecha expert.
Should i have checked out divine wars first?
Anon, learn to read.
When I say "conclusion from episode 27" I mean the conclusion of the romance drama, not that they should've ended the show there.
I'm quite enjoying all of the stuff after the timeskip with the racial relations and issues, I just don't enjoy the love triangle nonsense.
Stop projecting.
>the love triangle nonsense
That's quite literally the backbone of the show, everything else is just a setpiece. "Bro just develop the characters faster lmao" is a midwit complaint.
I would disagree, and assert that the backbone of the show is the interactions between humanity and the zentradi.
I do not feel that the love triangle has been given enough legitimate weight to be called the backbone, it's more of the secondary plot.
If the love triangle has been confirmed by the staff to be the main thing for the show, then that would be bad imo because it's not written particularly well.
Inspectors is a fanservice adaptation of SRW OG2, a fanservice game for people who are fans of SRW, a fanservice crossover franchise for fans of mecha in general
It is like the last thing you should get into as a mecha newfag (though if you can't appreciate the Obari animation, leave, you will never enjoy mecha anime).
Went into Back Arrow only knowing that it was by the same director as Code Geass, but I wasn't disappointed at all. Wish we got more products for the characters and mechs.
Ah, part 1 was a treat, hope you enjoy it, Sanada was my favourite. Didn't watch the original but I did watch the og for Captain Harlock. The show was better than the unrelated/potentially-standalone Arcadia remake. From what I've heard about some of the themes of 74 Yamato, I would assume both of us would prefer OG Harlock over OG Yamato, but I could be completely wrong on both accounts. I hope you enjoy part 2, so I might be tempted to pick it up as well.
I actually was not aware the novels were translated and available on nyaa until now, so I couldn't tell you. The OVA was great, apart from the episode previews outright spoiling you on many things you'd want to see blind. From what I was told, the new LOGH anime with the worse shiny pretty-boy designs follows the novel more closely as well, although that's not exactly an answer to your question. LOGH is a mandatory watch here, and I swear it's not dry. You'll have fun, I promise.
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>Minster Argos in charge decides to do things completely differently than Ankoku Daishogun, instead of us immediately getting Marshal Hell, and he's not even that mean or upset about immediate losses as a long-term planner
>Boss Borot is trying new things with its weapons and flight attempts without making a big deal out of it, you're just shown the results of his efforts
>Shiro is presumably not always permitted to deploy his surprisingly adorable Robot Junior, instead of the show forcing it on you constantly
>things were so bad at some point, that pretty much everything except Venus A's scrander was out of commission, and they had to bank on a support robot's support module to barely win one day
>Crow is rightly relegated to joke status and his presence becomes rather harmless
>continuity about the Mycenae and the Institute noticing Great's weaknesses
The show literally starts skyrocketing in quality once the crow stops being annoying, it's a worthy successor to Toeizinger
>the Tetsuya spin gif I saved from /m/ isn't postable
Damn that is a great frame
You hardly ever see that kind of robot evisceration after the 1970s (or even in general really), but it's always so satisfying to see more than just a basic explosion
Did you give up on Ultraseven btw?
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"Great's leg upgrade episode is pretty good, the quality is great so far-"
>next ep: cat ninja robots steal Boss Borot and sit on Great's launch tube, rendering it impossible to deploy Great, Tetsuya must fend alone against his enemies with just the Brain Condor
What the fuck?
The kicks are pretty great, I remember enjoying them in Infinity and it's quite good here as well. You can definitely get away with a lot more gore if it's robots, even thinking about Mazingers reacting in pain or vomiting not-blood. Although I guess it's cheaper to dole out generic CGI explosions instead...
We did not give up on Ultraseven, instead we've been busy, or watched a bit of Macross, or got into some really insane non-/m/ show it's Revolutionary Girl Utena. I will never drop shows (in magma), there wasn't anything wrong with Ultraseven, Ultra's something I still view fondly.
Glad you’re enjoying Great and not listening to that annoying dude who keeps shitting on it every thread.
I wasn't aware there was one, granted that there was what felt like a slight slump (crow-related), but it could have just been me having a bad day
There’s one guy who even keeps repeating borderline lies like it had low ratings (it did better than Z on average) and Tetsuya was so disliked they brought back Koji to “save it”. When that’s only in the endgame arc and planned from the beginning. The Koji episodes did got some of the highest ratings but that was to be expected because team ups are generally hype as fuck and of course everyone would like to see him reunite with his dad.
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>shinto has a concept of objects becoming alive after being loved or abused, and apparently culturally this is somewhat accepted concept
>know a SRW (DD?) hinted this with Great protecting Tetsuya while he was getting on Emperor G
>did not expect to see Borot, unmanned, just casually get scolded by Boss and weep together
I sometimes seat or have toys/models lie down because I worry they'll get tired, hopefully my Mazingers will come alive some day.
I was honestly a bit worried about that, largely ignored it because I like Great Mazinger (the robot) and chose to like Great Mazinger (the show), but I'm really really glad to hear that was basically bunk. I keep expecting Koji to show up soon and he keeps not showing up, because I keep assuming he's here for the last third of the show.
I have Gridman and Dunbine to watch, need to finish 86.
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I'm going through it for the first time and just watched ep 34, I had to pause for a minute here and just sigh before continuing which rarely happens to me. This is painful.
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Any show that reuses a plotline from its predecessor (dog getting caught in the crossfire and the Mazinger pilot being blamed) and still makes it heartwrenching is a good show.
>even the fucking crow finds the notion of Jun deploying alone so severe that he immediately reports it to Boss with the utmost amount of seriousness
Helps a lot that Tetsuya feels like a more emotionally rounded character, where we get to see his merits, faults, and conflicts outside of arguments with the girl of the show (but somehow no hints at romance even halfway in); I like Koji too but I don't recall a lot of moments where he's been that warm or guilt-ridden while it feels with Tetsuya you get more extremes at all parts of the emotional spectrum, if that makes sense. Kenzo also says something about sorrow that I'll headcanon as being relevant post-show.

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