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>normie faggot being forced to watch gundam seed and gundam seed destiny in preparation for the movie
>seed is pretty ok
>starts gundam seed destiny recap movies
>minerva is constantly getting attacked by earth forces
>kira: athrun pls stop fighting you cant
>kira decides to just fucking fight minerva even though everything so far seems like self defense?
i truly don't know if i'm missing something. what the fuck does kira want to happen? "athrun pls just let them kill you guys, cagalli's crying." clearly the dumb bitch isn't getting through to orb, how the fuck are they going to stop orb and the earth forces from attacking minerva? i don't understand why he's only fucking lecturing zaft when they're the ones getting attacked?? is there something in the show that's missing in the movies or am i crazy?
>is kira fucking retarded?
Wasn't it also around this time that Kira and the Archangel crew distrusted ZAFT because of the Lacus assassination attempt? I think aside from Berlin, Team Kira rarely treated LOGOs as a serious threat, at least compared to Durandal.
Pay more attention next time, buddy.The Minerva is attacking the Orb forces, even if it is self defense. Cagalli and Kira are from Orb, of course their priority is to save their countrymen and try to get them to back down from being Earth Alliances' attack dogs. Cagalli is failing to get through to them and she is lamenting the fact that her country is going down the path that her father died to avoid. She is as powerless now as she was when she was a chief representative of Orb. Kira is upset that his best friend has gotten himself involved in this conflict fighting for the wrong side. Characters make mistakes, its not them being retarded.
Destiny's writing isnt complex. It baffles me how 99% of detractors have room temp IQ simplistic understanding of the plot as if they're watching it without subtitles and guessing the plot from the visuals.
>Destiny's writing isnt complex.
That's actually the problem. It's so stupid that everyone can see it for how stupid it is.
>The Minerva is attacking the Orb forces, even if it is self defense
No shit. The question isn't "why Kira mean," it's how is he justifying his actions based on /what he is saying/? Team Kira is asking both sides to stand down, but he's only lecturing and attacking the side fighting for self defense. What exactly did he want to happen? If Zaft stopped fighting knowing the Earth Forces wouldn't let up, what did he think would happen? What did he plan to do?
Lets be honest, it's not any more stupid than the majority of Gundam media. The stupidity is just amplified by a moronic online echo chamber filled with people with the reading comprehension of a 4th grader. If people find Destiny to be confusing and miss the basic plot like this so badly, I shudder to think how they react to actual literature. Read more books, watch less animu cartoons
>happen? If Zaft stopped fighting knowing the Earth Forces wouldn't l

Kira is shown disarming and beam sabering multiple Murasames. They're clearly attacking both. Kira cant reason with Nameless Orb Soldier #72, he can try and reason with Athrun
>If people find Destiny to be confusing and miss the basic plot
Destiny's plot isn't confusing, it's nonsensical. OP's complaining about a scene that's obviously just a scenario to put Kira and Athrun fighting again.
Kira's not retarded. His concern isn't the Minerva or ZAFT (especially after the attempt on Lacus' life). His concern is Cagalli's feelings and that means trying to save Orb soldiers from dying and Orb military equipment from being destroyed.
During the Crete battle, Kira saves the Minerva at the last second by disarming a Murasame that had a point-blank shot at the bridge tower. A few minutes later Athrun barks "Are you saying you want the EA to destroy the Minerva?" or something to that effect.
If you don't come out of Destiny writing off Athrun as little more than an utter moron, you are not an individual with intelligence more than one standard deviation above average.
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>During the Crete battle, Kira saves the Minerva at the last second by disarming a Murasame that had a point-blank shot at the bridge tower.
They why he didn't do anything about the insane Murasame pilot that made a kamikaze run on the Minerva and caused critical damage to the ship?

Because a single character cant be in 15 different places at once. There is bound to be one mech that manages to slip through. They dont show him just standing around watching this happen.
>OP's complaining about a scene that's obviously just a scenario to put Kira and Athrun fighting again.
Fukuda has a bunch of things in his head he wants to see depicted:
>i want kira and freedom coming back!
>i want kira and shinn facing each other!
>i want kira and athrun facing each other again!
>i want tm revolution to do another cameo!
The big issue is constructing a coherent story, and have those events take place within it. Otherwise, we're just watching a bunch of action toys smashing each other for no reason.
Nta but Kira knows from the start that ZAFT is full of shit because if they weren't then Durandal wouldn't have sent assassins after Lacus before he got involved. And the problem is everyone else on ZAFT's side early on has completely bought into Durandal's bullshit and think he's on the up and up. The audience knows that shouldn't be the case since you know, he's voiced by fucking Ikeda and you don't get Ikeda for your show so he can play the hero, but the characters don't know that.
>i want kira and athrun facing each other again!
If that was what he wanted then Kira wouldn't have utterly crushed Athrun the second he stopped playing around. That undercuts the entire idea of having a big epic battle again.
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Remember how the story introduced the Extended as Shinn's main foes?

Then we have this episode, and Auel's death is like the 16th most important thing that happens: Impulse just impales Abyss with a javelin and nobody gives a fuck about it. And earlier we have Kira making sushi out of Chaos.
>Otherwise, we're just watching a bunch of action toys smashing each other for no reason.
I mean... that's what mecha shows are.
Also advertising so that the audience can buy those toys and act out those scenes themselves.
I think it's more of Kira on one political side with Athrun on the other for drama, like in the first 40 eps of SEED, and not an actual MS fight.
>her country is going down the path that her father died to avoid.
He didn't "avoid" anything. Orb was occupied and Uzumi died for no reason.

>She is as powerless now as she was when she was a chief representative of Orb.
Didn't we agree already that Cagalli's power is the most inconsistent thing in this story?
At the start, she describes herself as "powerless" and lets herself become a hostage of the Seirans for the good of the nation. Later on, she pulls rank and becomes commander in chief, with authority to arrest Yuna for treason.
>Kira knows from the start that ZAFT is full of shit because if they weren't then Durandal wouldn't have sent assassins after Lacus
The problem with this is that, although we know now that Durandal ordered the hit (and we're not having this debate again), the evidence they have against him is flimsy:
>it was a bunch of Coordinators with military training! [so were the radicals that dropped Junius Seven, who have every reason in the world to kill Lacus]
>they were using prototype ZAFT mobile suits! [MS get stolen and disappear like it's nothing in the CE]

>everyone else on ZAFT's side early on has completely bought into Durandal's bullshit and think he's on the up and up
At that stage, Durandal hadn't done anything "bad". The villains were Phantom Pain, the Logos cabal and the Seiran pukes in Orb, while Durandal tried to keep things in check.

Even Kira questions himself whether Durandal has good intentions at some point.
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Seed Destiny is the best Gundam entry without a doubt.
Seed, destiny and the new movie are all shit. I whole heartedly regret the time I spent watching any of it
It's amazing how Auel just goes down like a bitch as if it isn't even meant to be shocking. To be fair though, they basically did everything they could with his character, he had already served his purpose.
>Even Kira questions himself whether Durandal has good intentions at some point.
Durandal DOES have good intentions, but you know what they say about the road to hell
>The problem with this is that, although we know now that Durandal ordered the hit (and we're not having this debate again), the evidence they have against him is flimsy:
You forgot a big factor here
>assassins are sent after Lacus right before Durandal publicly brings out Big Titty Lacus to use for propaganda
Doesn't take a genius to put two and two together
>"people" defending Destiny's dogshit writing
Reminder that Orb deserved to burn. Do it again, Azrael!
Because he spends the whole rest of the fight tied up with Athrun. That's like asking why he didn't stop Shinn from trashing the fleet.
Regardless they can't take the chance and walk themselves and the real Lacus right into his clutches by trying to ally with Zaft. So they go it alone.
Kira's view is perfectly clear. He wants to stop the Orb fleet from getting trashed and to pull back and also make sure as many people walk away from the battle as possible. This extends to the Minerva, but they're his secondary priority and he's willing to do stuff like blow up their cannon than let them kill the Orb fleet. And he's suspicious of Durandal so he won't ally with them directly.

In the second battle though Shinn immediately starts shooting at Cagalli which means Kira goes to take him out and then they get tied up fighting each other for most of the episode while the Orb fleet and Minerva trash each other.

Minerva meanwhile doesn't give a shit about the Orb fleet and just want to crush them with no losses themselves. Which is arguably understandable to them, but puts them at odds with Kira. And Kira's pissed at Athrun because he's forsaken their original cause in favor of a solid Zaft victory.
>Kira's view is perfectly clear. He wants to stop the Orb fleet from getting trashed and to pull back and also make sure as many people walk away from the battle as possible.
>And Kira's pissed at Athrun because he's forsaken their original cause in favor of a solid Zaft victory.
The second battle could've been interesting if it had been an effort on Kira's part to stop ZAFT from attacking the Orb ships and viceversa. Instead, his main concern is arguing with Athrun.
It's okay to admit Destiny was too complex for you, anon. This is a safe space for retards
this but unironically
>>assassins are sent after Lacus right before Durandal publicly brings out Big Titty Lacus to use for propaganda
Meer debuted before that. She first appeared after The Plants were nearly nuked again.
Athrun keeps stopping him from doing anything else. He tries twice to try to take a shot at Shinn to stop him from trashing the ships only for Athrun to block him.
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>He tries twice to try to take a shot at Shinn to stop him from trashing the ships only for Athrun to block him.
First time around, Shinn was firing at the Rouge. Second time is not clear-cut, but Shinn was firing at the kamikaze squad of Murasames and Kira is more focused on Athrun.
In any case, it's a bunch of crap because, just like he did to Chaos earlier in the episode, Kira easily filetted Saviour. He could've gotten rid of Athrun as an obstacle at any point if he cared about the Orb ships.
I still think trying to set up Freedom vs Impulse fucked up the plot too much.
What's with Destiny fans claiming their story is complex? Dumb stretches of logic for cool action scenes doesn't make the plot deep, it makes it retarded. I promise you Fukuda didn't make destiny as complex as you think it is.
You are being trolled, Anon. Nobody would seriously argue that Destiny is "complex" in the slightest. "Confusing" and "nonsensical", however are very different from "complex".
The claim isn't that Destiny is complex. It isn't at all. The claim is something that simplistic is too difficult for anon to comprehend. Keep up, buddy
I dont think anyone fan or otherwise has ever called Destiny complex. Where are you getting this from?
Oh, so you're the shit-stirring troll.
>being forced to watch gundam seed
which country do you live in that allows torture?
>Everyone sees the bait
>"Haw-haw u mad! I was only pretending to be retarded!"
It's poorly written.
Is there any reason why the Minerva didn't just........fly away? It's not a boat.

It can go into the sky and ascend. Minerva can just go super high and avoid the enemy fleet.
It's like the Archangel. It's pupulsion will not allow it to fly at high altitudes. They needed a mass driver with giant rockets just to send the thing into space.
Aside of what another anon pointed out, the EA ships would just shoot them down with their anti-air anyways.
>recap movies
Judging by how their missiles are always intercepted by Minerva's defenses, I doubt it
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Minerva (and the other CE ships, for that matter) have little to no defense on their bottom portions.
That's the case for most, if not all, Gundam ships.
>It's like the Archangel. It's pupulsion will not allow it to fly at high altitudes. They needed a mass driver with giant rockets just to send the thing into space.
Nope. Minerva was able to fly thousands of feet in the air and attack an EA Mountain Base.
>Minerva (and the other CE ships, for that matter) have little to no defense on their bottom portions.
Yeah but N jammers mess with long range sensors. So most missiles are dumb rockets or very inaccurate. That's why units like those nuclear missile carriers the EA used had to get stupid close to ZAFT colonies to launch their missiles.
Ships and suits in Seed/Destiny have as much defense as the plot calls. One battle the Archangel is eating missiles and lasers for 2 episodes by an army, the next battle it's forced into the sea by 3 mobile suits.
The problem for me has always been Cagalli.
She was onboard the Minerva, from Aprilius One all the way until they reached Orb, and so she personally experienced how they fought, the type of people that they were, and even talked with many of the people in the ship (even if they were negative interactions, it's still something). All she had to do was to tell the rest of the Archangel crew and TSA that the Minerva people were good people, and figure that their efforts in Break The World alone warranted them getting a free pass. That doesnt' mean betraying her own countrymen - just get Kira and the rest to actually cover them from the insane firepower that the ship was taking on its own. They could've still prevented the Minerva from actually giving any damage to the Orb fleet as they did, with the same result (because in fairness, their intervention did prevent way more people from dying in the battle). However, it could have also prevented a lot of later conflicts with the Minerva crew.
It's just baffling how the Archangel crew never once bothered communicating with the Minerva in any real way. It's true that they had right reasons to not trust ZAFT, due to the assassination attempts and Durandal's obviously shady nature, but if anything, obtaining another ally inside ZAFT would have been the better move in the end.
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No ZAFT are evil and must be taken care of.
Even with Minerva's actions earlier and Talia being reasonable there was still a significant chance trying to befriend the Minerva would backfire on them. Shinn spent the whole time Cagalli knew him ranting about how he fucking hated Orb and would attack them himself if he ever got the chance, so expecting him to be happy to see her again was an obvious no. Plus it was just too risky with Lacus with them initially, if Minerva couldn't be trusted in the end they'd be handing her straight over. A very big gamble.

Thing is this isn't even technically wrong because we know Durandal had a personal agent on the Minerva and Rey, who could and would go around Talia for Durandal's agenda, best show where despite Talia taking responsibility for Athrun's meeting with Kira and sealing up and ordering Lunamaria to keep it to herself, Rey still obtained the photos and told Durandal about it which they later used to frame him. He'd absolutely screw them over. Same reason they really shouldn't have surrendered at Angel Down despite Talia assuring them she'd guarantee their safety, all it would take is Rey sneaking into the brig at off hours shooting them all and claiming they attempted to escape.
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>She was onboard the Minerva, from Aprilius One all the way until they reached Orb
One correction there: Armory One, a military-use PLANT colony distant from the L5 mainland.

By the way, it's obvious that they intended to replicate Gryps 2, but in reverse, with the not-Titans stealing the new Gundams instead.
Close but no, they were trying to replicate SEED with the EA stealing Zaft's new Gundam's instead. Out of universe, and possibly in universe depending on if you believe Durandal allowed them to be stolen and it was part of his plan to raise Shinn.
>Close but no
Destiny has a lot of Zeta elements, so it makes more sense for it to be Gryps.

>and possibly in universe
I don't think so, because a large part why Heliopolis was shocking was its destruction. Armory One suffered a lot of damage at the hands of the Extended, but it's still standing as far as anyone knows.
Well obviously Durandal wouldn't want his own Armory destroyed. Nor does he want Shinn to be traumatized by it. He just needs enemy Gundam's for Shinn to fight to increase his skill like the original 4 were for Kira.
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>Well obviously Durandal wouldn't want his own Armory destroyed
It is implied that Durandal masterminded every awful event in the war, including the colonies that got blasted by Requiem.

>Nor does he want Shinn to be traumatized by it.
If I was Durandal, traumatizing Shinn would be Task #1.

>He just needs enemy Gundam's for Shinn to fight to increase his skill like the original 4 were for Kira.
Well, he destroyed one of them and killed its pilot in the process. The lamest one of the bunch, but it counts.
Then he killed another pilot.
>It is implied that Durandal masterminded every awful event in the war, including the colonies that got blasted by Requiem.

Yeah but he wouldn't want to risk the Armory being destroyed while he was on it. By the time of Requiem he's already far away in his new secret base.

>If I was Durandal, traumatizing Shinn would be Task #1.

Not like that. He wouldn't want Shinn to think "I need to be careful or such and such would be destroyed" the way Heliopolis was for Kira and Athrun. He wants Shinn to fight with maximum rage and nothing held back and to think that it's good that he's killing all the "bad guys".

>Well, he destroyed one of them and killed its pilot in the process. The lamest one of the bunch, but it counts.
Then he killed another pilot.

Well then the purpose was served if Shinn was good enough to kill them. Even the original Zaft boys were only Kira's enemy for half of SEED. After that it was time for Shinn to move onto fighting Kira and after that he was ready for the Destiny.
Did the EA really stop making custom Gundams for their Extended? Did they really stop after making Raider, Forbidden, and Calamity?
They had the Stargazer ones, but they weren't Extended.
>Did the EA really stop making custom Gundams for their Extended?
>Did they really stop after making Raider, Forbidden, and Calamity?
Other than Destroy, basically. All of the customized EA units that appear on Stargazer and other side material are upgrades of either the first- or second generation GAT-X models.
I can see why Fukuda hates Astray. Those suits are wildly unbalanced. It doesn't even look like they can move with all that weight. Are they nuclear powered? If not, then the battery will die after 2 minutes.
>I can see why Fukuda hates Astray.
Fukuda doesn't "hate" Astray. Stop making shit up. He just sees it as a side story (that was created to maintain hype after gunpla ran late) with which he wasn't involved.
Fukuda said he "doesn't consider it Seed" since it wasn't created by him.
>Fukuda said he "doesn't consider it Seed"
Where? When?
Nah he hates it. Probably Hates all the comparisons to Mighty Strike Freedom and Lowe using a katana.
Like most things in SEED, Kira is only as good as the plot requires him to be. He'll get stuck fighting trash pilots to build dramatic tension, then obliterate someone in 15 seconds because it looks cool and the plot now needs to move along.
>Stop making shit up.
Just because you are a slow grandpa when it comes to reading social media doesn't mean the rest of us have to humor you.

Everyone knows Fukuda's distaste for Astray.

Fukuda doesn't think of Astray as canon.

He doesn't even think of it as real Seed.

Try to keep up.
That statement is going to bite him in the ass when he steps down from making Seed anime.
>plebbitor spacing
>spelling of "Seed", with only an initial capital letter
Is >>22569843 yours too?
Not unless he gives us another Gundam Seed anime. My body is ready Fukuda. Give us Season 4.
What he has worked on between Destiny and Freedom, other than Cross Ange?
I don't think Director Fukuda "hates" Astray. He simply treats it like doesn't exist. To him, any gundam seed manga has absolutely zero influence on his work. Whatever happens in the astray manga means nothing. Like Fukuda said he didn't Astray and doesn't categorize it as a true gundam seed. So when fans asks him about the astray manga he probably just finds the whole thing bizzarre. Like astray is a different company making different products.
This, Bandai made them without his input. George lucas probably doesn't care about recent SW entries either.
why are quoting a non-existent post
In that very episode he slices Sting to ribbons in one hit despite Sting getting the drop on him, but then almost right after in Berlin, suddenly Sting is putting pressure on him and he needs the Murasame's to bail him out.
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>a non-existent post
The extension automatically parses old posts from the archive. You didn't know that because you're a shit-stirring troll.
>Quotes some deleted post

You don't know how 4chan works do you?

If it falls off the board then you can't quote it anymore.
The real question you should ask if how come they were able to repair Chaos Gundam after it was shredded to pieces? Only the chest and legs survived.
>If it falls off the board then you can't quote it anymore.
Sure you can. That's what the archives are for. If I was Hiroyuki, I would bombard those fuckers with DMCA takedowns because they miss the point of 4chan and its intended falling off the board. Regardless, they're there and usable, so.
turn off your extension. thats how you look to the rest of us
Fukuda was asked about astray and he just laughed it off and said he doesn't consider it as real seed since he wasn't involved in its creation.
>Season 4.
Season four of what? There have been two series and one movie.

Just the arms and backpack. Still severe damage but repairable although it probably shouldn't have been repaired that quickly.
>https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gundam/images/f/fd/Chaos_Gundam_Sliced_02_(SEED_Destiny_HD_Ep28).png (embed)
Please stop doing this. This is an IMAGE board. The point is that you post the damn image yourself. Fucking plebbitor scum with no manners polluting my /m/
How could they repair that level of damage but couldn't repair Saviour? It's the same thing
Fuck off I'm not saving it just to repost it for you. You get what I feel like giving to you
You are a lying sack of shit. Fukuda was asked about Astray last fucking month at an event. He didn't say anything negative about it, nor that it is not "real SEED". In fact...
>福田 皆さんにはひとつの「SEEDワールド」
Fukuda: it is one "SEED world" to all of you
So your logic is if Fukuda didn't repeat his statements at one recent event then he never said it at all? Flawless logic.
Saviour's loses power when it goes down so it must have taken more internal damage, plus it loses it's head as well which probably didn't help. Plus it really should have been repairable given the damage, as they'd repaired suits in similar shape before. I guess Minerva's staff either sucks or just didn't have the resources since they couldn't give Rey's Zaku replacement arms either.

Though that's just the usual lazy writing. They couldn't fix it because Berlin and Angel Down required that nobody be mobile but Kira and Shinn to play out so that's what happened.
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>Fuck off I'm not saving it just to repost it for you.
Among the nice things about the extension is the ability to directly post pictures out of addresses, rather than having to save them locally. And to paste directly from an image on the clipboard as a PNG. Are you a phoneposter, by any chance?
>So your logic is if Fukuda didn't repeat his statements at one recent event then he never said it at all? Flawless logic.
You could support your argument with a source, like I did. All you have is baseless blabbering.

>Everyone knows Fukuda's distaste for Astray.
>Fukuda doesn't think of Astray as canon.
>He doesn't even think of it as real Seed.
You don't have a source for any of these claims, and you saying "everyone knows" counts for jack shit. How can anyone know you aren't just making shit up on the internet?
Do you have to be such an asshole in your posts? Do you have bad trouble in your personal life, and take your frustration out on this board? Have you considered people don't want to answer you because you are being a dick? How hard is it for you to say: "Thank you for sharing. I didn't know that. Could please post the source of where you got that information? I would really appreciate it. Thank you Anon."

You would get more results being nice than being a jerk and insulting everyone until they give you what you want.
My headcanon is that Athrun was so embarrassed and mentally checked out that he didn't bother asking for any sort of salvage or repairs, and the Minerva crew didn't think enough of him to do it without orders (Athrun could probably pull rank with his FAITH badge, although I'm not sure what happens if he conflicts with Talia). But the more likely reason is to reduce the number of pieces in play for Berlin and Angel Down.
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>Have you considered people don't want to answer you because you are being a dick?
No, and you know why? Because this board is full of people making shit up every single goddamn day. There was that schizo that derailed multiple threads with his obsession that Destiny couldn't use its cannon without detaching it. This went on and on until it was debunked on a screencap.
So no, I won't be "nice" to people such as >>22618084 with their "everybody knows it" crap.
I actually know the exact interview Fukuda said it, but I won't share because anon will not ask nicely and say please. He has autism + pride + ego. The worst combination. His form of asking is insulting you until you accept his challenge and prove him wrong. Nah. Not doing it. Just going to ignore him unless he asks nicely.
>people smeared shit on the walls
>now I'll smear shit on the walls! That'll show them!
>I actually know the exact interview Fukuda said it, but I won't share because anon will not ask nicely and say please.
>Just going to ignore him unless he asks nicely.
This is a nice try, seriously. Even if that other guy came out and say "sorry for being an ass lol can i pretty prease have the interview prz", you still wouldn't post a goddamn thing and post some excuse about "etiquette" or some shit like that. Because you don't have jack shit.
But still, good bait.
Now go fuck yourself back to your circlejerk at plebbit.
The Destiny movies compress the plot in a pretty bad way, such there's many things that get completely melded together and become nonsense as a result. Especially in the second half.
Mind you, the show has some serious problems even in full form. Especially the last five or so episodes, with Shinn's character in particular just completely collapsing towards the end. Meer was also a completely wasted character.
Just be nice. Stop letting your ego get in the way you dum dum.
>your ego
If I cared about "ego", I'd go on R*ddit and debase myself for karma points.
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>how come they were able to repair Chaos Gundam after it was shredded to pieces? Only the chest and legs survived.
The same answer as to how GAT-X102 had its arm and rifle melted by Strike, only to appear fully repaired a few episodes later.
See, a better director would do something ingenious with this, like have Duel use a GINN weapon or something. But Fukuda just disregards this kind of stuff: MS get damaged and later just appear as functional as before, as if nothing had happened.
>The same answer as to how GAT-X102 had its arm and rifle melted by Strike, only to appear fully repaired a few episodes later.

The very next episode actually. To be fair, we do see them repairing the arm though in an establishing hangar shot.
>To be fair, we do see them repairing the arm though in an establishing hangar shot.
See, this is interesting. I would've made it make an effort to show them manufacturing a new arm from scratch onboard the Laurasia (it's a stolen enemy unit: make it look a little bit more difficult than just grabbing a piece from the spares box), but the rifle annoys me even more.
Just like in UC, ZAFT was running behind on compact beam weapons technology. Give something else for Yzak to shoot with, like that sniper rifle of the Recce GINN. Status quo for the sake of it is boring.
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It's not like they were completely oblivious to replacement logic either
There are so many things happening in that finale that I had overlooked completely that Yzak and Dearka ended up docking in the Archangel.
Lauresia-class ZAFT ships have on-board MS manufacturing facilities to do much more severe repair work that other ships normally couldn't do. Such as repairing destroyed limbs. That's why they are so much bigger than other battleships. Very similar to how American battleships and carriers used to have small factories and small metal foundries onboard to to do metal work and repair planes.

However you do have a point that it stretches credibility that ZAFT could instantly repair a limb of phase shift mobile suit. One would expect that it would take a while for ZAFT engineers to understand the underlying technology and be able to apply to new suits.

But like other anon said, Fukuda follows the "rule of cool" first. Seed is 70% lore and 30% cool factor.
The limb I can actually understand, that level of tech is definitely something ZAFT has a handle on

The weaponry however is a different matter, that was a genuine tech point of difference at the time, ZAFT beam weaponry was much more unwieldy. If they managed to replicate Duel's rifle they probably should have had someone spitting out a few hundred of them.
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>Lauresia-class ZAFT ships have on-board MS manufacturing facilities to do much more severe repair work that other ships normally couldn't do.
What "other ships"? Laurasias are ZAFT's workhorse. In fact, I don't remember ever seeing any ZAFT heavy cargo ships at all, like Zeon's Papua or Pazock. The Earth Alliance has the Marseille and Cornelius classes, but nothing on ZAFT's side.
he did get a Ginn arm in remastered manga I think
Fukuda was a huge Star Wars fan. He wanted Destiny anime to be like Star Wars and Shinn to be like a reverse Anakin. Like instead of being evil he saved at the last moment. But it didn't quite work out. The execution was off.
>Lets be honest, it's not any more stupid than the majority of Gundam media.
Gundam Seed Destiny?
Yes it actually is pretty easy to say it's on the extreme end of stupidity for the franchise. Frozen Teardrop and AGE's last leg are the only things that seems to beat it out.
Destiny's plot fell apart after the Colony drop in the first 12 episodes of the show.
Nah, If you're the anon I think you are, you can be pretty insufferable too. Not your hug box.
You must be starved for human interaction. You imagining all posters are one person. Get out of your house
I think the biggest problem was the groups first interacting being Talia immediately trying to waste the Orb fleet and then Kira dealing heavy damage to Minerva. Justified maybe, as they couldn't get control of the Orb fleet if Minerva blew it all up and they didn't get there fast enough to head them off before the fight began, but that pretty much ruined their relationship for the rest of the show. So that by the time the two ships actually came to blows for real they had no reason not to want to take each other out.
You sound like a miserable person.
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>went to watch the movie earlier
>someone brought their HG Rising Freedom snapgod kino'd on an action base
Saibros, what went wrong? In every single frame he was in, he had 0 lines...
Yeah. Didn't SRW K change a lot of the early AA/Minerva run ins to reduce the animosity between their crews?
sai's a cuck who thinks cool sunnies are a personality
Guess I nailed it
Yes I am totally that guy. It was me all along! Fear me.
That was L. K kept the Minerva as an enemy for the entire game. Shinn and Lunamaria join your team after the final battle. However, both games did make Cagalli more active. You could even have her pilot Akatsuki even after she gives it to Neo/Mu in the story. Also, Heine can survive since the DS games didn't need to hire voice actors.

How did you know?!?!?

I thought this board was anonymous.

How did you discover it was me?

>making shit up every single goddamn day
There are plenty of people like that. SEED Destiny mech threads have that problem. Typically they don't reply when you call them out on mixing head canon with factual information.
You get retards like >>22618474 that think withholding conclusive info is smart.
>K kept the Minerva as an enemy for the entire game

While technically correct, "entire game" isn't as long as that sounds as the Destiny plot is resolved before even the halfway point after a handful of stages. They seemed to want to get it over with and everyone on the same side as soon as possible.
>There was that schizo that derailed multiple threads
YOU were that schizo. You even spew the same insults. You demanded databook evidence to "prove you wrong". You were just making random shit up and challenging us to prove you wrong. Turns out you were a speedwatcher. Still waiting on you to admit you were wrong and apologize.

>with his obsession that Destiny couldn't use its cannon without detaching it. This went on and on until it was debunked on a screencap
No. You didn't debunk anything. I DEBUNKED your nonsense with a picture. That's MY picture you just reposted. I even added a minor edit and watermark to that picture that no one would notice unless they knew where to look.

You really are a schizo and need mental help. Stop pretending to be other people. Admit when you were wrong and apologize. Move on with your life.
Lmao. I remember that guy.

Is it the same shizo anon that says lines like:

"You are full of shit! Nothing but fanfiction"


"Give me proof or it didn't happen! "


"No gundam seed databook ever made says that. You are full of shit! "

Then gets proven wrong several posts later? Then magically disappears and never replies. Then comes back later and says "tHAt waS noT mE tee HeE"
where the got dam movie rip
Ignore him. I don't think he has ever been right able a single thing. The thread always proves him wrong
Total Savior Death
I watched this frame by frame. It doesn't make sense.

>both suits charge into each other.
>Saviour goes for the shield bash
>Freedom only has single beam saber>*somehow* Saviour is thrown backwards despite shield bash.
>Saviour raises its sword to swing down long before Freedom draws beam saber
>Saviour stops moving
>long pause
>Freedom reaches for 2nd beam saber
>cuts Saviour's hand

Does the animation team not know how to animation a sword fight? The choreography was awful.
>both suits charge into each other.
>Saviour goes for the shield bash
Its the rest of the part that is wrong, Savior is not thrown back he is now in a position to swing his sword down and cut Freedom down
Whether Athrun hesitates or Kira is simply too fast reaching his second saber to cut Saviors hand is the question
Oh this is the guy that mixes head canon with factual information at times.
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>YOU were that schizo.
>DEBUNKED your nonsense with a picture. That's MY picture you just reposted.
I don't know how to convince you or if it is even relevant, but no, that guy was most definitely not me. I only pointed the thing with the Destiny's cannon as a well-known example of endless bickering.
If you were the one that made that screencap, kudos to you. In all honesty. I was getting tired of that nonsense, mostly because I don't care much for Destiny.
This thread is from almost a year ago, derailed almost from the start with the bullshit about Destiny's hands: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/21883769/
And this post is mine: https://desuarchive.org/m/thread/21883769/#21883791
I attempted to end the nonsense before it got started, but the janitors are faggots and wouldn't hear of it.

>Stop pretending to be other people
"Pretend" what? This is an Anonymous imageboard. Unless you steal a tripcode, what you are saying is impossible to do. Or are you really so mentally damaged that you can fathom the likelihood that you may be arguing with multiple individuals?

Freedom has more output thanks to it's nuclear reactor. It overpowered Savior on the charge and was faster on the draw of the second saber thanks to that.
It doesn't look like Athrun could get a nonlethal hit in there without significant wind up so he either stopped himself or took too long trying to line up a disabling hit. Kira meanwhile is in perfect position to take the hand off with a quick draw.
>Savior is not thrown back
Except he is. Watch it again. They collide and Saviour is pushed back after they make contact
See >>22622269

Freedom has more power because of it's stronger power source so it overpowers Savior and forces it back despite Savior charging with it's shield out. Similar to how Freedom stops Duel cold when it tries to slash him in Alaska despite having no weapons out and being at a standstill just by holding it's ground although not to that extent because the power difference between Freedom and the Second Stage series isn't as extreme as Freedom and the GAT-X series (where it had 4 times the power they had)
>it's not any more stupid than the majority of Gundam media
Absolutely. Gundam is incredibly autistic, especially Tomino's stuff
Then how was it that Impulse won against Freedom, if the power difference that a nuclear reactor provides to an MS is so extreme compared to batteries?
Shinn was fighting absolutely suicidally and using moves that left his cockpit and vital areas (chest, reactor, and cockpit) completely exposed. Any other enemy would have killed Shinn, but not Freedom. Also Athrun did not fight like that and still guarded his vital areas in Saviour.

Shinn also was willing to kill himself if it meant destroying Freedom. That's why Shinn was willing to stab into Freedom's reactor even though it would cause a nuclear explosion and kill himself too.

Imagine charging at a Police officer and knowing the Police officer can't shoot you in the chest or head. They can only shoot your arms and legs. And in your left arm you carry a bullet proof riot shield. So realistically on your legs and tight arm can be shot. It would probably give you amazing confidence.
While knowing Kira fought nonlethally helped alot, Shinn scored his hits by using Impulse's flyer system to catch Kira off guard until Freedom was sufficiently damaged that he could move in. Even when practicing against him he and Rey mention that Freedom is superior to Impulse in power speed and reaction time and in the fight Freedom consistantly is faster than Impulse until it loses a wing and the one time Shinn tried to press his advantage and attack before getting any major damage in he was quickly damaged himself instead.
There's something I don't get about this whole sequence. If the relationship between Cagalli and Athrun is supposed to be so important to the plot (Morosawa rumours and resentment aside), why don't they interact at all during either of these exchanges? Kira does all the arguing with Atrhun and Cagalli just stays there being useless.
The Impulse cheated and everyone knows that.
Kira is still the best.
Kira is the strongest but what Shinn did with the Impulse is not cheating.
How do you reply to the people who argue that Kira having a nuclear-powered Gundam (when everyone is bound to batteries) is cheating?
I think in his mind, it's okay when Kira does it.
Kira was basically given cheat codes by Fukuda.
-ultimate coordinator
-one of the last newtypes
-gundam with a nuclear reactor.
I love that Kira is the prototype for self-insert power fantasy protagonists. Like this guy.
IIRC, the game skips a lot of stuff, and this ended up affecting L too.
>-one of the last newtypes

Is it canon in CE that there was an ancient race of newtypes that slowly died off???

Unclear. Fukuda only called people who control remote weapons with their minds Newtypes as a UC love letter. I imagine that in universe, the Atlantic Federation created that Newtype in unit out of desperation when ZAFT showed off the mobile suit and lucked out until Endymion. Liu Goto's novelization does imply Newtype powers are genetic with Al da Flaga unknowingly using them to make himself rich and that Mu and Rau inherited them.

Meant "the Atlantic Federation created that Newtype unit out of desperation"
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>I imagine that in universe, the Atlantic Federation created that Newtype in unit out of desperation when ZAFT showed off the mobile suit and lucked out until Endymion
It's my understanding that the Zero was developed before the war's outbreak. The bulk of their "fighter" force was made out of Mistrals, before they developed and mass-produced a simplified Moebius.
Just a concern: Why always Artemis? Whenever any of our heroes in the Cosmic Era go to that blasted space station, everything goes to shit. First, it tries to acquire everything from the Archangel including a G-Weapon, then sends out a strike force to kill a prototype DRAGOON wielder. After the second war, it was occupied by some megalomaniac entrepreneur who crafted his own powerful metal composite, which would have nearly killed the next Sahaku successors, and when that guy was arrested, it was captured by another rising power who would become the next Blue Cosmos, except they are a proud warrior race who wants all Coordinators and Naturals dead! Tell me, should Compass just straight-up destroy the damn space station for good?
I don't remember any of this in the anime. Artemis was trashed or partially destroyed after the Archangel leaves. I don't think it was ever rebuilt or repaired again. Probably for the best since they have no way to detect Mirage Colloid stealth units. It would just fall to the same attack a second time.
>then sends out a strike force to kill a prototype DRAGOON wielder.
>After the second war, it was occupied by some megalomaniac entrepreneur who crafted his own powerful metal composite, which would have nearly killed the next Sahaku successors, and when that guy was arrested,
Not canon.
is there any special gundam seed/destiny mix that brings back the original openings and endings? getting rid of Rivers and Wings of Words are huge mistakes.
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Does destiny spec 2+zeus silouette have beam blade part for their long sword? No removing beam part like V2AB again.
Destiny with Zeus pack doesn't even use a sword. Destiny ejects the AA ship and long cannon with docking with Zeus. The Zeus pack connects using the same back clamps that Destiny's weapons use.
I meant for 7400 yen HGCE kit. I wonder if they omitted beam parts in Destiny spec 2+zeus silouette kit.
>is there any special gundam seed/destiny mix that brings back the original openings and endings?
You just have shit taste.

>getting rid of Rivers and Wings of Words are huge mistakes.
No, it wasn't. River is there, but Wings of Words is, by far, the absolute worst Gundam opening ever in the franchise's history.
It's obvious Fukuda hated it, since he put TM Revolution's Vestige immediately after the OP in episode 49, as if saying "forget about that ugly thing".
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>"Neutral" Orb: Its Ideal and Reality
"Orb will not attack another nation, will not allow another nation to attack them, and will not intervene in the conflicts of other nations."
This is the national policy of the "Neutral" Orb, but it is also a difficult way of thinking. This is because Orb must build up a powerful force by itself, without relying on anyone else, in order to maintain its commitment to neutrality.
Neutrality without a backing of strength will always be defeated by someone else.
In fact, many of the existing permanent neutral nations possess a huge military industry to back up their power. This weapons industry not only develops weapons for the defense of their countries, but also acts as a so-called "merchant of death".
Morgenrete, which was developing the Gundam in Heliopolis in cooperation with the Earth Alliance in secret from its home country, was simultaneously producing the Astray to defend its own country. This seemingly double and triple betrayal is actually a very common behavior for a military enterprise of a neutral country.
Protecting neutrality is never a pretty sight.

>Source: Gundam SEED OFFICIAL FILE Mecha Vol. 2, p.22
>Wings of Words is, by far, the absolute worst Gundam opening ever in the franchise's history.
Nah it's solid.
>This seemingly double and triple betrayal is actually a very common behavior for a military enterprise of a neutral country.
Uhhh...no it isn't. Not even close. Has Fukuda ever looked at actual neutral countries like Sweden? They just build their military hardware like the S-Tank.
>Uhhh...no it isn't. Not even close.
>They just build their military hardware like the S-Tank.
The column writer was probably thinking of Switzerland, who had a reputation of selling to anyone during the Cold War. And Sweden itself does export platforms such as the Viggen or the CV90.
And the S-tank has been out of active duty for almost two decades now, replaced by locally-built Leopard 2s.

>at actual neutral countries like Sweden
Sweden isn't neutral anymore. Don't you keep up with the news?
Why Fukuda tossed in the trash for the Remaster, then? You WoWniggers can never answer that one.
I meant for if HGCE destiny spec 2+zeus silouette set will have beam parts for long sword and boomerang.
They had to re- license songs for the remaster. That means paying money again for the songs. So either the band Chemistry said no or the Music label said no, or they asked for too much money. So Fukuda went with something else.
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>The Mystery of the Letters Engraved on the Forehead
Letters sometimes appear on the Gundam's crest in a close-up. This is because the development number is written in Italian in honor of Gian Carlo Maniani, the engineer who developed the first mobile suit at PLANT, who was of Italian descent. For some reason, this tradition seems to have been taken over by the Earth Alliance forces, and is carried over to the newly produced 3G.
>They had to re- license songs for the remaster. That means paying money again for the songs
One of SEED's biggest sellers is the music. Paying for the rights in re-airings and such is just part of doing business. Makes no sense they didn't want to keep doing business.
The Seed Remaster project didn't have as big a budget as the original anime production. Fukuda faced some tough choices. Re-license a song or give us new animated scenes like Perfect Strike Gundam. He made his choice.
That doesn't make sense. The remasters had the budget to license the whole gamut of songs from the series (13 in SEED, 21 in Destiny), plus some new stuff, with the exception of two older tracks?
Which are coincidentally more down-tempo than TM Revolution or even Kajiura's? I'd rather go with the theory that Fukuda personally wanted them changed.
>That doesn't make sense.
Bandai doesn't give much money for Remaster projects (probably because they can't sell model kits). This has been well known since Tomino complained about the lack of money back when he Remastered Zeta Gundam.
Sometimes you just can't get the rights to a song anymore. It could be for many reasons, but it happens all the time. Like when Evangelion lost the rights to "Fly me to the Moon" on the re-release.

But weren't the gunbarrels of the Moebius Zero really useful when used by Newtypes? That would mean the Newtype unit was a thing before the Bloody Valentine War started.
>1. Believe
>2. Invoke
>3. Realize
>4. Moment

>1. Ignited
>2. Wings of Words
>3. Pride
>4. Vestige
>5. Bokutachi no Yukue
Ultimate Coordinator is a nothingburger. People attribute more to it than what it actually is in canon.
lol pleb
>1. Realize
>2. Moment
>2. Believe
>4. Invoke

>1. Pride
>2. Bokutachi no Yukue
>3. Wings of Words
>4. Ignited
>5. Vestige

Vestige is fine as an insert song, but a terrible OP. Invoke and Ignited are too generic for my taste. Wings of Words, when cut down to 90s, is much more suitable.
So Im rewatching the original Seed and am at ep 16 but did Yzak really got out scotts free for murdering an entire ship full of civilians? He thought that the ship was full of EA soldiers but isnt it still a warcrime to kill an entire ship of unarmed soldiers?
Not only did he get away with it, his career is going great.
He got a trial and then Durandal had him pardoned.
If Zaft, and EA can make beam shield, They can make beam saber which can clash with object or each other like UC beam saber as well since how beam shield, and beam saber operarate are really similar. They will just make mirage collioid work in the same way as I-field. Also, Wackymodder84 BTFO.
In Seed it really didn't matter, as the Plant higher ups were planning on killing all the Naturals in the end anyway so they weren't going to care.
It's a warcrime, but the Le Creuset Team reports to Patrick Zala, who treats warcrimes as a bingo card. After the war Yzak's tried for shooting the shuttle and would have been executed if Durandal hadn't pardoned him for it.
>Like when Evangelion lost the rights to "Fly me to the Moon" on the re-release.
Only in the West for the Netflix release. It's there in Japanese.
Just because they have money doesn’t mean they wanted to spend it licensing a specific song. Who knows how much money was being asked? They maybe have crunched the numbers and decided that money was best spent elsewhere like giving us better re-done animation.
>>Is Destiny plan literally the DEI foreseen? Wokism seems like destiny plan for me.
wait i just realized something, wtf happened to the orphans kira and lacus adopted in destiny?
They didn't adopt them, they were with Reverand Malchio at his orphanage which Kira and Lacus started living at post Seed. After they redeployed in AA in Destiny the orphans presumably remained with Malchio and Kira's mom.
ah ty misremembered that
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It's more so of a genetic-based communism.

...so kinda sorta.
Cagalli and Athrun as a couple have never been important to the plot. If they are together or not doesn't change ANYTHING inside SEED world or the dynamic between characters: Kira and Lacus would be the main characters and the main couple as planned, Shin would have played the same role as the protagonist who lost everything (he would have the same grudge against Cagalli, no matter if Athrun was his official boyfriend), the conflicts between Naturals vs Coordinators, now Zaft/Earth Nations vs Foundation would have remained the same, etc.

Cagalli and Athrun individually are main characters who are very important to support the protagonist's development, talking about Kira in SEED and Shin AND Kira in DESTINY. Or yes, they are important to the plot because Cagalli is Orb's representative and Athrun was Patrick Zala's son and is one of the best pilots in the Cosmic Era. But, they are a couple or not, is irrelevant to the plot.
1. Realize
2. Invoke
3. Moment
4. Believe

1. Pride
2. Ignited
3. Bokutachi no Yukue
4. Vestige
5. Wings of words
*her official boyfriend...
*If they are a couple or not, is irrelevant...
You are missing the point by a mile:
>the conflicts between Naturals vs Coordinators, now Zaft/Earth Nations vs Foundation would have remained the same, etc.
All of that shit you wrote? NOBODY CARES ABOUT IT. Well, /m/ and the gunota crowd do, but the core audience for SEED are girls. For them, the romance between Athrun and Cagalli is front and center in importance over whatever background war that might be happening.
That's why I'm asking why was it overlooked.
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Is Zaft not super-tech alien like protoss or eldar? I thought zaft as Space elf.
>Is Zaft not super-tech alien like protoss or eldar?
>I thought zaft as Space elf.
No, you dumbass. They are not "aliens" of any kind. They are human beings.
Was Patrick Zala born in Earth ironically?
All of the first-generation Coordinators were born on Earth.
Sorry. Now I got the point of your last post: >>22622826 And, outside the show, i think Cagalli and Athrun didn't interact because that's just how Morosawa wanted things to be (why? Who knows really). Inside the show, they probably couldn't talk because a bunch of things were happening at the moment and they were carried along with those things. Only after Athrun's defection it's when they found a moment to talk about things, but just for a little, because again, urgent things were happening at that moment too (Meer got exposed, they discovered Destiny plan, etc). Also, maybe, because Athrun had a mess in his head and didn't know exactly what to say or do. That's why he couldn't answer to Kira in OP's scene, he was confused in that scene.

But still, their romantic relationship is a subplot that is irrelevant to the main plot of the story. It doesn't matter if the target audience were adolescent girls. I repeat, if they were together or not, didn't affect the final resolution of any of the 3 SEED entries. And I keep talking about the plot because you asked exactly that "if Athrun and Cagalli's relationship is supposedly important to the plot". And if you know what is "plot" in Narratives, you'll realize that Athrun and Cagalli's relationship is not that important to the plot.
>And if you know what is "plot" in Narratives
You're correct. "Plot" is too big of a word, but saying "this franchise and characters on its various TV shows, movie, et cetera" is a mouthful.

Although it may not affect the overall resolution, that relationship is a key element of the series' enduring popularity.
Maybe I'm repeating myself, but it's entirely possible that you can change the background noise (ie. the actual conflict, war and their 'resolution') for something else and you will still have an audience if you pander to the "AsuCaga" people. It's a matter of looking at character polls, fanart on Twitter, etc.
It's likely Morosawa just didn't care and nobody else felt like they needed to change the plot. Morosawa for whatever reason didn't seem to care much for the couple or didn't think it would work, hence Destiny. And Destiny taught the staff that viewers will turn up in droves for the old cast even if they aren't actually doing anything (ie the ratings spike between episodes that sole featured Minerva's group and episodes where Team Kira appeared even if it was just a quick scene of them chatting on AA's bridge before back to Minerva). So they felt no need to really focus on it. Just a quick scene of them implying their in a relationship was all the audience would need. And it worked apparently since Freedom was more successful than they ever could have hoped it would be.
>And Destiny taught the staff that viewers will turn up in droves for the old cast even if they aren't actually doing anything (ie the ratings spike between episodes that sole featured Minerva's group and episodes where Team Kira appeared even if it was just a quick scene of them chatting on AA's bridge before back to Minerva)
This should stop any and all discussion about the CE ever having a sequel that does not have the main cast front and center.
That sucks.
Why did you bump this thread, shithead?
>ratings spike between episodes
How did the audience in 2004 know when to tune in for these alleged spikes? What normie in early 00s had that kind of awareness? Or are you pulling this out of you ass like 99% of these baseless BTS DRAMA rumors?
>How did the audience in 2004 know when to tune in for these alleged spikes?
Forum's. Destiny was the first Gundam show to have major forum traffic and feedback. If the episode preview showed Kira and Lacus or if the summary posted online mentioned them they'd know they were in the episode.

Plus honestly even though it was 20 years ago Destiny episodes weren't really all that differently received then episodes are now, just with less image posting. You could still watch it live if you knew where to look and had a good connection and people did live commentary on forum posts.
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Reject SEED and SEED Destiny
Embrace SEED Astray and the absolute crazy of it.

I highly doubt the majority of the Destiny broadcast audience back then kept up with anime message boards. Anon is definitely exaggerating the variability in ratings episode to episode.
Magazines published vague summaries of upcoming episodes on a monthly basis.
In Japan? They have tv commercials with episode previews.
Sorry, I just wanna give my two cents.
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Disney plus exec named Yawata announced DEstIny plan on anime, which forces every anime to comply on Global standard. Tomino's concern was right.

Jap anime and games gets fucked up by feminism and LGBT, not only working condition and China and Korea will take over, for China and Korea never gets woke. they have no LGBT. No ESG. Tomino is Anti-Woke as well as anti-war.

I used to be Pro Japan, Anti Korea right winger(aka netouyo), but Betrayed by Japan when Abe was killed and Kishida banned bikini from anime and console game of Japan, banned porn by new law on AV(AV新法). Casting the shadow upon Japan by shackling with SDGs(Destiny plan but worse)...
while Korea and China isn't shackeld by wokism. It made Korea censor less than Japan while it was Korea who ban bikini while Japan allowed in 2019...

Why did I worship Yasukuni?

So Japan is foundation, Korea is Orb, and Hallyu fans are Lacus'orders. Right?
Normalfag detected
No it has all the effect parts including the wings of light, I was surprised as well.
most observant anon
There is zero love between kira and lacus
It could be manipulation.
Those are some large moons. Shinn is so lucky.
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Why does Yzak have such big mommy issues?
There's zero love between your parents and you.
Anon cope, keep telling yourself that, doen't need even Freedom even in Destiny they are the only one acting like couple

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