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>What is Sunrise Robot Laboratory?

>The Sunrise Robot Laboratory is a research institute established to study and speculate on the imaginary robots and mecha that have appeared in Sunrise works, which have created numerous robot animation series since the first "Invincible Superhero Zambot 3" in 1977, from various perspectives, including past databases and new studies. The research institute was established to explore the imaginary robots and mecha that have appeared in Sunrise productions, which have created many robot animations.
Since it was established in 1977, I can imagine how the mecha in Armored Trooper VOTOMS were to work must have been tested there.
>Since it was established in 1977
1977 is just the date Zambot-3, referenced here as Sunrise's first robot anime, was created.

My bad. If not 1977, when was this laboratory created?
Seems like they are going to do shorts with their old franchises
next one seem to be Zambot 3 https://roboken.sunrise-world.net/reference/
ZA ZA ZA ZA ZAM hell yeah.
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This building looks like the old Sunrise building
>Votoms gets nothing.
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Zambot, Daitarn, Lgaim, Xabungle and Dragonar are coming soon.
So I'm guessing we aren't actually getting anything from this? No series, no OVA, no movie, only these short vids?
There would be more material if more interest was shown. By interest, meaning more toy sales so buy those new Dunbine (or other non-Gundam Sunrise mecha) plamo if you want more content.
>proceeds to make them P-Bandai or some other shit
Are they skipping Layzner, Ideon and Gundam?
The Dunbine new animations looked like something out of a pachinko. I gather they are using less 'flashy' videos like so nowadays.
Kinda unrelated but I really hope this points to them doing a remaster for it, esp since kits are coming up for it on p-bandai.
They should since its 40th anniversary is this year.
Please fucking please, I want to see the auge in glorious 1080p.
I'm sure they're skipping Gundam given the entire point of this was to put focus on the less used IPs
They are skipping a lot more than just that, starting with Trider G7.
As >>22635841 said, it makes sense that they aren't choosing more popular ones, like Votoms.
Or maybe we are in for the Phase 2.

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