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ITT Moments that made you shed /m/anly tears
Hell of a way for a man to go out.
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Break the World and the ending of Armada. Break the World is the only time I cried in Gundam aside from 0080, especially since they had that "We Are The World"-like song playing over it. And the ending of Armada is self-explanatory.
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Why does yuri make me cry so hard?
Honestly this might be one of the most amazing episodes in all fiction.
Dude got a giant robot, got his cousins murdered and literally learned nothing.
Kikaider in general really
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>knows the war will be over soon and Zeon's defeat is coming
>tries to preserve the last holdouts on Earth instead of throwing them away
>has a soft spot for pseudo adoptive neice
>clowns on your entire mobile suit team
>shit talks you on open comms the entire time
>"I've won!"
>refuses to elaborate
I fucking loved this episode.

"What's a warrior without his weapon?"
"A warrior still!"
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I know everyone cites this anime, but I think the real tragedy is what his actions resulted in. Assuming the Alex Gundam gets delivered to Amuro in a serviceable condition before his final battle with Char, and he uses it to defeat Char, that means no Char's counterattack, probably no mafty, maybe no aeug... for better or worse, he unknowingly prolonged the Spacenoid-Earthnoid wars for decades, and probably sent tens of millions to their deaths. That's the real tragedy.
Victory Gundam: Usso's mother death & the ending
The Alex wouldn't have made it in time to make a difference no matter what he did. More to the point the damage he did inflict was entirely superficial and, with some great effort, could have been up and running in transit. The tragedy is that this whole affair was meaningless in every regard.
I think the episode where he falls into a coma, wakes up, and sees everyone he knows move on and live successful, peaceful lives without him is even sadder. Without a purpose, he just crawls into a basement, holes up, and fucking dies until it was revealed that is was actually a dream all along at the last second.
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The question which once haunted my being has been answered. The future is not fixed, and my choices are my own... and yet, how ironic! For I now find, I have no choice at all! I am warrior... let the battle be joined.
I cry so hard thinking about this but I don't tell anyone because it's a cartoon
what show?
Beast Wars: Transformers
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was about to post this

shut up nigger
everyone laughs at the flippant hamburger comment, but that always burned deep when you heard it the first time watching.
your soul sinks.
I didnt cry manly tears
I cried baby tears
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post the real version
Amuro essentially does defeat Char, if you mean to say he would have killed Char with the Alex, that means Kycillia probably successfully runs off to Axis with no Char to ACK her with a bazooka at the last second, which means you get a stronger Axis with a Zabi at the helm.
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Engine-Oh and Gilturbo from Gosaurer
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>he unknowingly prolonged the Spacenoid-Earthnoid wars for decades, and probably sent tens of millions to their deaths. That's the real tragedy.
For you.
Hard to feel sad for this one. Like bro go seek medical attention.
He knew it was pointless to do so.
>Like bro go seek medical attention.
And do what? Die on a cold hospital bed without even getting the chance to see the person you love. You're an idiot. A retard trying to play genre savvy whose brain has been rotted by a cinemasins generations. Fuck you.
That episode hit hard.
Why are gundam OVAs the only ones capable of making me feel for a character's death?
Gundam series have anywhere from 2 episodes to 50 to set it up but it rarely hits me as hard
>He hasn't watched Victory
Thanks. Do I need to be familiar with anything else before watching it? never watched anything TF except the 2007 movie
Nope, the show tells you everything you need to know. If you watch it's sequel you might have a couple of questions, but for the most part they're answered. Some people really hate on the sequel but I think it was a good wrap up, much darker though.
>Getting emotional over cartoons

American cringe shit
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When Aurora starts playing at the end
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"I don't need to kill the man, just the malice." The Dunbine finale hits hard
The war ended before the Alex would've ever been deployed. It's why the colony didn't get nuked; Killing was going to do it even if Bernie didn't succeed, but Zeon surrendered and he committed suicide.
In other words, as >>22625001 said, the tragedy of 0080 isn't that Bernie didn't succeed, it's that his effort genuinely didn't matter at all.
>only ones

Which is it? Also, there's like, two deaths in the OVAs I'd say are any kinda impactful, that being Bernie and Burning, and Burning's death is pretty much irrelevant after the episode he dies, there's no lingering effect. Compare deaths like Ramba, Hamon and Ryu, whose deaths are a big turning point in the series.
What's this from?
The song really added to this scene and ending so much. Easily my favorite Gundam insert song.
Which show?
Victory has some of the best fucking songs
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The hamburger comment is truly one of the most well written dialog pieces in UC gundam
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Victory's music is pretty excellent in general.
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"Thank you Domon"
Baldios, it's the poem at the end of the movie after the credit

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