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Did I misunderstand something? Shouldn't she be in prison or dead by Uraki's hand?
Women shouldn't bear responsibility for their own decisions. That's what Tomino says.
Corpojews always skate out of consequences.
Uraki didn't talk, nobody but him and her knows what happened in the colony. Thats why she looked so relieved. Nina got away with murder and gets to keep the loser.
Gundam has made me misogynist. I hate how often an overly emotional women gets in the way of two manly rivals, or a grand plan. They don't belong in the battlefield.
The writers couldn't decide what to do with Nina's character so you're just kind of left with the mess that is her.
Its best to just not think about the writing in 0083 too much.
The ending of Rebellion really fixes a lot of the plot holes and just plain shit writing in Stardust Memories (although it can't escape being a little bit of Zeon wankfest). The best part is Nina and Kou because THAT was a big surprise!
Monsha really is the true hero of 0083.
Gundam made you a misogynist? Lucky, you must not have met a real woman before, they do a pretty good job of that themselves.
>The ending of Rebellion really fixes a lot of the plot holes

Like what, other than Nina not being there when Kou's released?

>Monsha really is the true hero of 0083.

and "Donald" is the true loser of AoZ.
Wasn't Gato being her ex added into the last episode to force drama? Like in the first episode she sees him stealing the GP02, yet she doesn't recognize him.
hence, the shit writing criticism
there was some pretty clear foreshadowing some episodes before
>That's what Tomino says
Huh? Women get killed all the time in Victory, even for doing good things like being too selfless. Are you retarded?
Maybe in the second half but they see each other in the first episode and can't recognize each other at all
>fixes plot holes.

No it doesn't. It only makes it worse. They add more nonsense and retcon the ending. The manga makes Gato lose against Kou instead of winning like in the anime. Also Kelly decides to betray Gato for some reason despite Kelly and Gato being hardcore friends who trust eachother with their loves. Uraki's nice guy powers are too much for Kelly and he betrays Gato.

The only thing the manga does better is make Monsha a better character. He literally calls out multiple characters for being idiots and calls out how stupid the Albion acts on life or death situation. He says it's their job to defeat and kill Zeon. Not try to befriend them on the battlefield like Uraki does. It's like Monsha is the self-insert of the reader who questions the author.
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>Also Kelly decides to betray Gato for some reason despite Kelly and Gato being hardcore friends who trust eachother with their loves. Uraki's nice guy powers are too much for Kelly and he betrays Gato.
??? This is wrong. Kelly and Gato are hardcore friends in the manga, and Kou didn't woo Kelly over to his side as much as it was a "enemy of my former-friend-turned-enemy is now my friend".

In the OVA, Kelly and Gato are -supposed- to be friends, Gato even wrote a letter to Kelly to personally invite him to join him. However, Gato isn't the one who comes to meet Kelly on the moon, it's Cima. I mean, it's fine that Gato is too busy to personally pick up Kelly since he's basically Delaz's right-hand man, but Gato never actually speaks of Kelly ever again or asks where he is. They really don't seem that close, other than having both hidden out in the same junkyard after the war.

In the 0083 Rebellion manga retelling, Gato and Kelly definitely are friends and actually interact with each other beyond just a single letter. Kelly also lives longer to see the nuking of Konpei island and the subsequent colony drop. It's a godawful misunderstanding, but based on the available information, Kelly discovers that Delaz looks like they're going to drop a colony on the lunar city where Kelly's girlfriend lives. Kelly considers this a betrayal by Gato. He asks Gato over the radio to confirm, but at that time there's no way for Gato to reveal to Kelly that they really mean to drop a colony on Earth without at least two other people overhearing and possibly exposing the ruse, so Gato refuses to tell the truth because Gato is still going to be Gato and he values the success of the operation more than one of his closest friends. Kelly misunderstands this refusal to speak as confirmation of his worst-case scenario and becomes enraged, and Kelly ends up siding with the Feds to try and stop the colony drop.
>They really don't seem that close
They literally fought side by side together in the OYW as comrades. Even before the manga was released, we had databooks to confirm it.

>Kou didn't woo Kelly over to his side as much as it was a "enemy of my former-friend-turned-enemy is now my friend".
Kelly and Gato were never "enemies". This makes no sense.

The whole point of the anime is classic TRAGEDY. That hardcore soldiers like Kelly and Gato will never settle down or accept that Zeon lost. They will continue fighting until they die. Even Kelly, who has a loving woman, will not accept this fate and would rather fight to the death. And Kelly does die. A tragic end showing the fate of Zeon's hardcore soldiers.

Then the 0083 manga goes full R3TARD, and changes Kelly's entire character. He goes from tragic Zeon soldier to: "hurr durr I must go home to my waifu. I must betray my comrades for my moon waifu. I WILL EVEN KILL MY FRIENDS FOR MY MOON WAIFU."

This is a serious violation. This isn't just expanding his character. This is outright changing the entire character story. Anime Kelly would NEVER do that. Clearly some sort of author Japanese self-insert going on here. Maybe he wants to have a wife of his own. Sad.
I'm referring to Reccoa and Quess.
then refer to them instead of making blanket statements?
>Clearly some sort of author Japanese self-insert going on here. Maybe he wants to have a wife of his own. Sad.
Just gonna point out the writer of 0083 Rebellion is Takashi Imanishi. He also directed 0083.
But they get what they deserve?
What? Fuck no.
>they see each other
Nope. They're far away from each other and the head angle is wrong. Too bad, so sad!
>Takashi Imanishi. He also directed 0083.
Didn't he only direct the 2nd half of 0083? The other director died.
Neither of you have talked to a woman in your entire life lmao
No, you should check the credits. Yes, 0083 had two directors, but Takashi Imanishi directed episodes 2 to 13, scripted episodes 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, and storyboarded 2, 4, 9, 12, and 13.
Perfect example of why you shouldn't let writers also be directors.
What is with these Gundam OVAs and making the Asian guy get with the hot white girl? They never make the girl another Asian. Always white.
Would Nina really get with "Kou Uraki the I'm afraid of carrots man baby" in real life? Especially over a Chad like Gato? Yeah right.
Unfortunately, I've had the misfortune of talking to women several times in my life.

Directed by
Mitsuko Kase (eps. 1-7)
Takashi Imanishi (eps. 8-13)
Just wondering, where did you get that from? That's just wrong. For example, here's the episode 2 credits that show Mitsuko Kase (加瀬 充子) and Takashi Imanishi (今西 隆志)

He also directed za movie.

He is credited as the "episode" director for episodes 2-13 and director for episodes 8-13, whatever the hell that means.
Again, where are you getting that info from? The screenshot from the show's own credits contradicts that, it lists the two of them as just "director" under the same heading.
You can't have two episode directors for a single episode. That's not how things work in production.

So the most likely outcome is that Sunrise was being cheap, and they didn't want to animate two different sets of credits with different names. So they just made one set of animated credits to cover everybody. They just both names and are done with it.

Mitsuko Kase is the episode director for 0083 episodea 1 to 7. Multiple sources confirm this including Japanese Wikipedia (and the sources they use), several source books, IMDB itself, and bio websites covering Mitsuko's work history.

Takashi Imanishi is the director for 0083 episodes 8 to 13.
Which means he directed everything except the demo disc. Stardust Memory's first episode got released early as a substitute for F-91 being delayed a year.
Even ANN has corrected their information:
>Director: Mitsuko Kase (eps 1-7), Takashi Imanishi (eps 2-13)
Mitsuko Kase directed the first 7 episodes. Then handed it off to Takashi Imanishi. That's why there's such a change in tone in episode 8.
isn't it literally just 08th ms team where that happens
It's super interesting to me how all the praise, that I've seen at least, of Rebellion focuses on how it 'fixes' one or two elements and none talk about this shit, which seems far more glaring in terms of actually making the existing parts that worked a lot worse.
Rebellion manga wanks off the Federation a lot more and avoids any real "tragic" elements the original anime. It's like reading an amateur fanfiction where it's clear the author has a bunch of favorite characters and won't kill them off.

Let's look at some of what they change in the Rebellion manga:

Kelly lives. Cima lives. Most of the Cima fleet lives. Gato lives at the end. There was even a moment where I thought they were teasing that Burning was going to live too. Uraki and Cima "team up" to defeat Gato. Wtf?

How are those not the most offensive retcon changes I've ever seen in a Gundam manga? It offends me.
Kelly and Cima living is almost as bizarre as Cima 'teaming up' with anyone. Gato living just completely fucking ruins his character arc.
I don't mind making the Federation a little more competent depending on how it's done but the real thrust of 0083 was the tragedy of these remnant forces. They were denied their honourable deaths in battle and don't know how to live otherwise, so they find a new cause to die for. With the cruel irony that their final middle finger to the Earth Federation directly caused the further eroding of their claimed ideological interests too.
It's like one big suicide by cop that got way fucking out of hand.
There's totally room to execute on the idea better than the OVA did in its back half but it doesn't sound like the manga has done that.

An idea that the show Star Wars Andor brought into its franchise with the fledgling resistance movement was the idea that inciting more aggressive, visible oppression in response to an act of terror can be a net positive for the cause by rallying more people against it, that's probably the direction I'd take if I wanted to try and rework it. Keep the tragedy of the remnants but play up the idea that they've convinced themselves inflicting future generations to their own suffering is a necessary sacrifice for the cause. Bring it back to that classic Gundam 'the last generation ruining everything for the next' idea. But I'm spitballing.
The guy who wrote the Rebellion manga did it by himself and is a fan of melodrama. Instead of fixing the issues the anime had, he just amplified the worst aspects of the anime and changed a bunch of stuff. Nina is substantially worse now.

In the manga, she never had a serious relationship with Gato. They went on like few dates at most, but they didn't sleep together. And Gato just ghosts her and leaves.

Yet Nina becomes OBSESSED in pursuing Gato. Even betraying the Federation and Anaheim. He turns her down multiple times and tells her to go home. That she doesn't belong with Zeon and he doesn't need her or care about her. So Nina tries to commit suicide by shooting herself in the head in front of everyone since she can't be in Gato's life and he won't accept her.

This girl only went on a few dates with Nina at most. I don't even think they kissed let alone had sex. Just hung out on a few dates on the Moon city. And then Gato was like nah I'm done. Then disappeared.
The manga doesn't explain why she's so obsessed with Gato. He doesn't even care about her.

If only you knew how bad things really are
>They're far away from each other and the head angle is wrong.
those bimbos definitely had it coming for this decision...
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>she works for Anaheim Electronics
It's the hidden grammar of the UC power structure
Best part is that his wife is just Marsha Blackburn, neocon extraordinaire. The smartest thing Unicorn ever did.
Tomino should do a series where they deal with the real powerbrokers of the UC timeline.
Have AE try to engineer another massive war but get stopped
I think the intention for the show was that there had to be some kind of love triangle obstacle for Kou and Nina. Then they made Monsha suck and be totally unlikable, so they had to find somebody else. They probably should have put Lucette into the show way earlier and made her the third wheel.
Gato's even more Asian than Kou.
Cima was completely willing to work together with the Albion in the show after receiving orders from Bask. She's even surprised/angered when Kou just starts attacking her and her fleet.
>hot white girl
>How are those not the most offensive retcon changes I've ever seen in a Gundam manga? It offends me.
I'm pretty sure there's significantly stupider in Crossbone and Plot to Assassinate Gihren.
I'll agree it gives Monsha a layer of characterization better than the OVA, but I can't agree it was the only good change. There are a bunch of smaller and offhand changes that on their own just make 0083 less of a narrative mess. The biggest fix to me was the Neue Ziel problem and why Axis couldn't just spam them out. It was a high end prototype that they couldn't properly build without its power generator exploding so they needed La Vie En Rose and Anaheim's technicians to help calibrate it. That whole episode in the manga is something I wish was an episode of the OVA.
>some kind of love triangle obstacle for Kou and Nina
They had the opportunity with Kou's gay one-arm(y) crush.

This was what im finding online.
I bet the Titans fucking space her on the sly sometime before Zeta.
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>The biggest fix to me was the Neue Ziel problem and why Axis couldn't just spam them out. It was a high end prototype
It always was a high end one off product. When did you think it wasn't? They say in 0083 that the Axis fleet only had very limited amount of strength. Bask was even confident that the Federation Fleet (even after getting nuked at Solomon) was more than enough to wipe out the Axis fleet.

Axis really didn't even have the resources to mass produce giant mobile armors until ZZ Gundam. And by that point, they felt that smaller high end custom suits like the Doven Wolf and Zaku III were better mass production choices for their troops.
Sincere question, what stupidly offensive retcons are there in Crossbone?
The only ones I can think of are the Jovians somehow having access to Amuro's Core Fighter, and Umon's (obviously) tall tale about how he's the reason Amuro didn't get to fight Gato, which is very likely bullshit on the old man's part.
Axis didn't mass produce it because mobile armors were very expensive and time consuming to build. The 0083 anime already assumes the viewer is familiar with this lore based on Gundam shows that came out before it. 0083 after all was made as a video release for Gundam fans. You had to actually order the 0083 video tape from Sunrise. Brand new gundam fans aren't likely to do that.
The B-Gundam is canon because it's funny and makes fun of Gato. But everything else is retarded.
>The manga makes Gato lose against Kou instead of winning like in the anime.
Good, fuck him. the Dendrobium is fucking sick and it looked too cool to end up being scrapped by some dollar store alpha aizeru.
Literally everything to do with the Jupiter Empire and everything secretly being a Jupiter Empire conspiracy to cause wars in the earth sphere. It's something Hasegawa invented for his story and he can't even decide if the helium transport fleet was independent of the empire or not.
This is why Stardust Memory should be consigned to the wastes.
>When did you think it wasn't?
When Axis actually entered the earth sphere with the Quin Mansa, an army of Qubeley Mk IIs, Doven Wolves, Zaku IIIs, and Bawoos (actual mass produced Zeta Gundams)
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If you're trying to look at me with a straight face and tell me that the "tie a bunch of fucking rockets to a mech to give it massive speed boost" approach isn't a sick design choice then you have no taste and I will no longer waste words with you.
I could just post the Freedom and Justice METEORs and prove you wrong
>Good, fuck him. the Dendrobium is fucking sick and it looked too cool to end up being scrapped by some dollar store alpha aizeru.
Kou wins by teaming up with Cima, and Kou also uses a modified Stamen. The Dendrobium doesn't win. Kou actually abandons it and let's it be destroyed.
Those didn't come until later when Axis took over part of the Earth sphere and had a bunch of resources and factories. Including Side 3.
At least it put up a better fight, right?

I always thought it was lame that in the anime Kou doesn't eject the gundam out of the giant missile carrier part of the dendrobium and stab gato's giga cockroach. That said, gato's gigaroach looks way easier and fun to use for a 1v1. Dendrobium looks godawful to use in a 1v1 against a similarly sized opponent, but seems way better to fight a horder of mobile suits with, thanks to all the missile pods.
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You reminded me how similar Balteus is to Dendrobium.
>powerful energy shield/I-field
>giant fire sword/giant beam sword
>bazooka/mega beam cannon
>both have an insane number of missiles to spam
>mobile suit/something that looks like an ac in the center
The major differences would be that Dendrobium has more handheld bazookas + arms and claws to manipulate its gear with, while Balteus has a shotgun, double minigun, and a flamethrower.
Dendrobium wasn't really designed for it, the GP units were all designed around specific roles as support units, they loosely seem based on the V Project units. GP01 is the most direct parallel to the original RX78 but faster with its additional boosters, the GP02 fills the role of the Guncannon with the added benefit if being able to deliver a nuclear payload (admittedly this is sort of a retcon with the addition of the missle pod MSV of the GP02), and the GP03 covers everything the Guntank and G Armor could do but on a wider colony/fleet sized scale. Point being the Dendrobium isn't really meant to go one to one with other comparable units, it was meant for general widespread destruction on enemy forces and being able to zip away far very fast. The Neue Ziel is a lot more agile, it has that turning speed you do want in 1v1 engagements.

The Dendrobium by all means can but just from its role as a payload delivery system it's not that suited for it.
Nina Purpleton and Nina Einstein: name a better duo of horrible /m/ bitches who ruined the world over their obsessions and got away with it.
kek he's spoken to women so few times he still considers it exceptional
Zeta is not meant to me taken seriously. It's Tomino anime. You're supposed to focus on the characters and not the terrible world building. You no shit have things like Kai showing up in suit and cracking a whip at 4 soldiers armed with machine guns and the next sceen is the soldiers all tied up and disarmed. It's not supposed to taken seriously.
Exceptionally awful experiences.
Is Rebellion any better? Keep in mind Kou never really cared about Nina, and only they knew the whole truth to trust each other as much as possible. Their bond is only professional, and he would have killed her on the spot if she intentionally gave the GP02 to Gato in the first place just to create a lead-up to Zeta the way the OVA was created.
Just read everything else, no, it just added a nuke to a burning dumpster. Rebellion made it worse to where it would break off to turn Advance of Zeta into its own universe like Thunderbolt.
Rebellion manga ramps up the Nina craziness to new levels of drama between Nina and Gato and Kou, but it does end hilariously with Kou NOT meeting Nina again after everything ends when he gets reassigned to a posting at an EFF base. Kou even hallucinates about her on the jeep next to Mora for a moment but she's not there at all, she already fucked off into space to find something else to do.
I'd rather she fuck off desu
Do you guys think Kou, Keith and Mora joined the AEUG or eventually Londo Bell or do you think they just stuck in tje regular EF Forces as part of a test pilot unit?
I think they more likely would have joined Karaba since they were stationed on Earth. Kou might be somewhere else since the OVA ending has him just getting out of prison, while Rebellion has him rejoining as a Hizack pilot alongside Keith.
I think Keith and Moira probably stayed out of it. They both seemed generally good but also at the same time have seen first hand how nasty Zeon was. Maybe they start a family.

Kou with good intentions. probably joined the Titans on Earth. We know there are alot of good people in the Titans but they had bad leadership.
I like to think Keith and Moira started a family

I doubt Kou would be allowed in the titains due to his role in almost not letting them exist even.if it's off reccird
Kou would hear Monsha is in the Titans and join the AEUG just for the chance to shoot him down.
Monsha getting annoyed at how lame the Hi-zack is suddenly gets shot by Kou in a Nemo or a Rick Dias
The AEUG's secret Nemdrobium Orchis
Monsha is a better pilot than Kou
Imagine if she joined Zeon.
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meganekko is sex as well
You mean the Gundam?
sure why not we can do that to
>Monsha is a better pilot than Kou
I know you are joking but I do think Monsha is better. Kou was a fresh academy graduate. No field experience. The only time we saw Kou using a Non-Gundam suit was in episode 1 and he wasn't very good. Monsha was a OYW veteran and fought in numerous battles against Zeon. He was at Solomon and ABQ. Monsha or one of his squad should have been given the Gundam.
I'm not sure if I like the Anaheim girls or the Shrike team more.
Both are love.

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