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Rozé ended in the 8th place in the weekend box office despite being only shown in 60 theaters and with no hype.

It's a success both financially and critically. Geass is back.

Rozé is coming to Disney Plus in late June, perhaps they will drop all 12 eps at the same time.

Lost Stories special stream on 5/15 8PM JST. They will reveal all the anniversary stuff plus info on the future of the game.

Previous thread: >>22623874
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>Rozé is coming to Disney Plus in late June, perhaps they will drop all 12 eps at the same time.
I though it was a movie?
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What went right?
Literally the best design since Kallen.
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Haruka is going to be the franchise's second biggest heel after Ohgi by the end of this.
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couple or three big things
It's funny that in the ranks of the "super racist" Britannian army there are so many dark-skinned characters, and in senior positions...

So maybe the briannians despise the Japanese not for being “Asians”, but because they lost without even trying to really fight with the knights of the empire, but after the “fight” they began to wave their fists and took up terrorism with guerrilla warfare?

Simply put, the split between the subjects of the HBE and the inhabitants of the conquered Area lies in the conditions of the existing relations between the victors and the vanquished? For example, if the losers were unable to accept defeat with dignity and engaged in a dishonorable war, including with the civilian population of Britannia, then the “eleventh” are not worthy of respectful treatment?..
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It's crazy how much more sympathetic I'm beginning to find Ohgi's motives.
Why does bigotry have to mean targeting brown people?
>12 eps
Considering the pace of the movies, that's four movies, one compilation per month, correct? I thought we would always have 6 episodes.
I want to watch it.
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Can I politely address the elephant in the room for a second here that I’ve noticed on the past few threads, why’s this on Disney plus? Like why would sunrise put one of their anime that has dark plot lines and some raunchy fanservice onto a platform associated with the happiest place on earth and some of our childhood favorite animated movies and shorts? It feels so out of place, I know the Disney channel has aired anime in the past and still does but code geass is something else.
Ohgi is the best Code Geass character.
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I feel bad for her. Shes probably gonna develop a crush on Roze, only to get hit with the reverse trap card.
>Go to edit the front page, which has been the same for since before I started editing
>Want to switch things up and put Roze on the front page
>It uses an old template that Fandom broke/got rid of so I can't just edit things
>If I want to edit I have to do everything manually
Fandom is so goddamn garbage. No idea how to make this stuff...

>But bahamut, just abandon it, Fandom is trash
Its not gonna go away if I walk away and I want to make sure people who end up there have correct information until a real alternative is created and gains traction. I don't want people putting out wrong information or repeating incorrect stuff anymore.

Theres so much stuff that needs fixing. I forgot to mention, one of the things that really made me realize was when you asked me about "Where did the Baryon stuff come from?" balofo in regards to the Shen Hu, and made me second guess things. Between things like that, the Area list and Urabe Gekka, I want to seriously correct the record on things. And if Roze does well once it hits streaming, its probably gonna see an influx of people.
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Uhhhh you know that bleach tybw is also on Disney plus?
Disney+ also made the the strange move of licensing the Shinkalion movie, but not the original series that said movie is a sequel of. Which would be by all means a random move if it weren't for it's inclusion as DLC in Super Robot Wars 30.
The things Japan does is kinda funny ngl
Yes I did know that especially with Hulu
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1)You aren't responsible for this, Sunrise should have made a decent English site for Rozé. The JP one is kinda poor in info, even.
2)My policy now is not editing anymore for Fandom and telling people to do the same since once you edit the copyright for that edit becomes theirs so you can't even delete it later.
3)Fandom is a profit first, quality later site. It's run by greedy unethical people that want free money from editors who waste their youth editing for their communities.
4)If you really want to edit just create an account at miraheze so I can you rights to edit at the geass wiki I created there. Beware it only has a mecha infobox for now and aesthetics still haven't been touched. But if you want to write stuff with proper sourcing and upload HQ official images/settei/etc it's the best alternative. This doesn't apply only to Bahamut, so if anyone here edits for Fandom already or wants to start to contribute with quality stuff just do the same and inform me here once you have created your account at miraheze.

I can import and improve infoboxes and other stuff if needed.

The battle against Fandom hasn't even started.
DON'T betray your country and commander for brown Britannian tits and pussy!
Why does Lelouch look like Asian despite being Britannian exile?
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Wasn't he supposed to have white hair in the early drafts? Also his mother has black hair although she does look like a grown up Tomoyo.
Disney literally does not give a shit. They licensed Black rock shooter remake where there is a man cyborg that raped multiple lolis and kill them on screen. It was wild and funny trainwreck
But it got fanservice censored by Kishida, and Kubo's family issue.
And Disney+ sponsoring Code geass which has anti America theme seems weird too, spite recent disney is quite anti america ironically.
I didn’t ask you
Alright settle down there
CG's Britannia is actually a parody of the GWB era US with 18th century aesthetics. Saying that, most of the major characters have been Britannian, half of the sidestories are from a Britannian perspective, Brittania is basically unstoppable and ends the series still the hyperpower of the world, Britannians seem to be very attractive on average, and Britannians generally have a very high standard of living. Most Americans would not necessarily view Britannia as a somewhat flattering portrayal, even if they're bloodthirsty conquerors. They have too much of a cool factor to be reviled.
>Most Americans would not necessarily view Britannia as a somewhat flattering portrayal,
Meant to say unflattering portrayal.
Just a bystander but

1-You need a better name than "Free Code Geass Wiki". Maybe something theme related or such or something simpler, but the current name sucks
2-You need a real Home Page. It just sucks. It will turn off people and give the impression of low effort people who don't care. Maybe a layout for the site as well, but not looking cheap matters.
3-Gotta get the templates and everything for people ready. Its fine to encourage people to move away from Fandom and encouraged but you gotta provide the tools if you want people to use yours.
4-Start adding pages yourself. Hard work put in at the start encourages more people to join in eventually. It might not yield a lot early but it will bear fruit eventually.
5-You gotta have more than those few mecha pages. For example, you can't call yourself a Code Geass wiki without a Lelouch page. Him, Suzaku, C.C., Kallen, organizations, elements, etc. The more stuff now the better.
6-Probably the biggest, you gotta bring in a community. Been in these threads long enough, I know you got the info, and I can see the effort bahamut puts in on the existing wiki. You're still just 2 people, you need more who can grow the site and maintain it. It takes certain types of people to even want to.

Make a good homepage and layout, decide on a style of how you want given types of pages (Characters, Organizations, Plot elements, Given entries of the franchise like shows or manga, other stuff I can't think of) to be set up and get things started. Your KMF style of pages look good and informative, you need other types as example. The more stuff you can get pages for the better.
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Catherine character PV, this looks great

It's a shame Kimura Takahiro left us so soon, but life can be cruel like that.

The man himself knew what he was doing in terms of fanservice and this is a good sign of that, but honestly...he really was a great designer and animator overall.
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Goddamn. She seems to be sexy and psycho, the best combo for female pilots.
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Also here are some shorter, higher bitrate cuts.
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>Kimura leaving us some big brown tiddy.
god bless him.
Is she trying to seduce Roze's own babe? Yep, RIP to her at some point.
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Grade Roze's Miyavi themes.
A little too late to say that
Holy fucking SEX.
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She is certainly beautiful, but the expressions on her face are disgusting and her voice is bitchy...
The expressions and voice are part of her appeal.
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>the expressions on her face are disgusting and her voice is bitchy...
She is evil after all
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Is Narah more your speed?
Her voice only hardens the diamonds.
Well, she makes a more “balanced” impression, like a “stable” person... On the other hand, she is in the “bad guys” faction and openly insults her supposed subjects/enemies...

Perhaps she is a “strong and independent woman” in a negative way.

In general, if we consider all the female knights of Britannia, then, according to personal impressions, the most adequate and reasonable girl is Nonette Enneagram
WTF is that filter?
>but the expressions on her face are disgusting and her voice is bitchy...
What do you find ugly about it?
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She has a classy appeal. Her scared expression is pretty cute as well.
Running in My Head is catchy
Not “ugly”, but her facial expressions are very artificially creepy and this greatly spoils the natural beauty of Catherine
These sound like shit
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Bahamut, changed your user rights so now you can edit on miraheze.

Rozé OP animation will release on 5/16 6PM JST:
Will she survive until final battle? Black lives matter.
Is there any spoiler yet for the plot? Is it a politic plot or a Geass Order one?
wtf bikinigger is also in here
More politics for now (although it's apparently more action than politics), I guess the Geass content will increase during the second half (movie 3 or 4).
Lost Stories Anniversary stream tomorrow morning and I can't wait
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Marianne's original KMF poll:
1)Gawain/Galahad variant
2)Mordred variant
3)Something based on the Ganymede
4)Something completely original
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How much of a badgirl is Catherine anyways? Is she the
>just doing my duty/collecting a paycheck
type, or is she the:
>that CC
I would do literally anything under her command
Saw that. I agree with some of what >>22629696 said on things to improve. Particularly on needing to improve the look of it and getting templates ready. A community effort is also gonna be needed since I for one am not the best on actually writing pages/articles but those are necessary for characters and groups among other things. Plus, people need to be able to know it exists to decide to go there over fandom.

Also, interface is a bit clunky, not the easiest to navigate, such as how to make new pages. Obviously people like you or me should have a final say in what makes it on, but if we are to grow it will need to be more than a two person job. So its gotta be easy to use.

One thing I wanted to check was images in the database so as not to double up but its not easy finding that section. Same thing with finding how many total pages as I only have the Knightmare section readily available
Wasn't the Ganymede the only KMF around during her time as a pilot? I could see a prototype glasgow maybe.
Worst case scenario for Catherine: She gets a face turn and her personality does a 180.

If she turns good, she should still be a snarky bloodthirsty ojou-sama and a 24/7 fanservice machine who poses constantly, just that now she's deredere for the good guys and snarky towards the bad guys.
More towards the loves killing end of the spectrum.
She's Roze's Suzaku. Basically Sakuya's homolust gf who happens to be one of the best aces on the enemy team. She's a bit more bloodthirsty and violent than Suzaku though.
General advice for fiction, BTW, not just Catherine and not just anime.

The absolute worst thing that you can do to a cool heel is turn him into a smiling sweater-wearing babyface. He should still do bad guy things and have bad guy style, but he should do them for the good guys and subtly tone down the worst excesses like murdering innocent people pointlessly. That's how you get Stone Cold Steve Austin instead of Diesel.
No, Ash is Roze's Suzaku
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To be honest I expected absolutely nothing given it's modern Sunrise where Idolm@ster and Love Live have priority over mecha, good to see it delivered on the tiddy front at least.
>english youtube comments calling this woke
Did Kimura do all the character designs for this before he died?
Yes. After he died they used all his rough sketches for the character profiles instead of the finished ones in his honor
Her fiery femininity is half of her appeal.

Guaranteed the fanbase wouldn't be as hyped if her facial expressions and body language were normal.

One comment with no upvotes, you mean? And the way I read it, it's not responding to the trailer specifically. It's responding to comments from the Japanese Disney+ executive who said that they were going to try to make anime more """socially acceptable"" (socially despised to the tune of arguably trillions of dollars; at least tens of billions as an extreme lowball) for a """wider""" audience. He doesn't make it very clear, though.
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-You can write the history section of KMF/chara/etc just be concise and keep it according to the material (non headcanon)
-we can deal with fandom once we have enough content
-I haven't touched any of aesthetics, main page or side bar menus yet, I can fix them quite easily
-Since the wiki is from the ground up it won't be tainted with "non-canon" thrash like fandom
-Use this link for all the special pages: https://geass.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages

All images uploaded so far can be found here: https://geass.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:NewFiles?offset=&limit=500

As for pages I've only done KMF ones so far, to create a page just type in the address bar https://geass.miraheze.org/wiki/???? with the "????" being the name of the new page, then it will have a prompt to create a new one telling it doesn't exist yet.

If you need character/faction/etc infoboxes let me know so I will add them.
That's a loophole I forgot to recognize. She is loyal to Neo Britannia, but if she's just too loyal to Sakuya and learns that the rebel leader's the real princess saving the fake, she gets conflicted. But because Catherine flirted with the fake, who happens to be really important to Roze, she's pretty much doomed to fall, otherwise she might change her mind just to squeeze smaller breasts than hers or something.

Yeah, Roze sees Ash as her weapon. She might be the real reason they start a war, but when Ash slowly learned about feelings for her, it could change over time.
>-You can write the history section of KMF/chara/etc just be concise and keep it according to the material (non headcanon)
Believe me, I have no interest in using headcanon, fanon, whatever projections, etc. I think stuff like this should be just objective information free from biases regarding various characters, groups, whatever.

Still, I know doing all that on my own is too much. Writing character stuff isn't my forte. Its why so much of the Genesic pages are bare bones, or Disel's isn't as comprehensive as I'd like. I can machine gun article creation, structure infoboxes once I get the hang of stuff. But writing up pages, thats what worries me.

>-I haven't touched any of aesthetics, main page or side bar menus yet, I can fix them quite easily
I'm not picky about aesthetics, I just think something that looks appropriate and leaves a good impression on people

>-Since the wiki is from the ground up it won't be tainted with "non-canon" thrash like fandom
My personal feelings is that any official stuff should be fair game. I don't personally care if its the various AU manga even if stuff like the old Rebellion manga or Suzaku of the Counterattack suck. I'd like the idea of having a comprehensive database on everything there is to Code Geass, even the stuff I don't like.

Although I do hate using the words "canon" or "non-canon" in what is supposed to be informative stuff. Casual conversation, whatever, but it grinds my gears when its thrown around in articles.

>If you need character/faction/etc infoboxes let me know so I will add them.
Having good infoboxes read makes things easier to work with.

Something I was looking at on fandom because it irrks me is this template
Its a great idea to have things like these linking things together, but its just so haphazardly put together and wrong because it groups things together that shouldn't
The fandom wiki is full of ridiculous stuff, it has been abandoned for more than a decade.
People shouldn't use fandom. Crappy woke site with corporate cringe, and once that process starts, it's a guarantee that it's going to get worse over time. I would be surprised if there doesn't come a day where you can't even post 95% of shots of Catherine from the neck down.

Instead of letting things get to that point, just look at the writing on the wall and use the alternatives.
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Already on it, chief.
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no character PV today, sad

7 hours until the LS stream
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Delicious pink chocolate.
No Sakuya PV until at last a week or two after the movie's debut so they can show the twist.
I wonder if Twitter messing up around that time had an impact or only a coincidence? Anyway, they're releasing the OP soon at least.
nigga she barely talked to sakuya..
she might develop friendship with the body double sakura though
Thought the movie brochure said they were friends, but I guess it was the double the whole time.
BahamutX on the SB forum stated the following:
>Bandai and the staff who worked on it refer to Re;surrection as a sequel to R2, not the compilation movies. Shirley showed up as a C's World "ghost" in the manga with Euphemia and Rolo helping C.C., and they gave her role of gathering the body to Jeremiah. Also uses SRW 30 Gekkoei Sui instead of regular Gekkoei so make of that what you will, not gonna be surprised if that becomes a G-Fighter vs Core Booster thing.
>Another thing the manga does compared to the movie is tie it in directly to Lancelot & Guren, having L&G's epilogue set in its time period, have the Black Albion arc conclusion tied in too with Benio getting a job at Tamaki's, and using the Lancelot & Guren characters in it. Lancelot & Guren is treated as canon to the TV series.

But this statement, if he is right, means one thing - Lelouch received the code in the serial ending. It turns out that all the opponents of the “Code Theory” were wrong, and the creators of CG in their interviews about “Lamperouge is definitely dead” lied not only to the audience but also to themselves.

What do you think about all this bullshit?
Being good friends with one of the good guys is a big face turn flag.

Like I said before, I just hope that she doesn't lose a good chunk of her sex appeal in the process. The attitude needs to stay intact; just adapted slightly so that she's no longer having a blast murdering civilians.
"Catherine loves the strong and despises the weak," but what does this mean in practice? I mean, does she think it is acceptable and normal to kill the weak/civilians?
But it's fun blasting civilians.
Its called a retcon. Even the people who did the Code theory were wrong since they had to invent something new to explain why Lelouch could have gotten Charles Code and not lost Geass.

Also, I bet you can't even actually find that interview you're talking about, if it even exists
And Roze is trans. For xe change gender by geass necklace.
Cuttings and links to these interviews can be found on Wiki and in them the authors “swear to God” that Lelouch died completely and definitely

Then “Resurrection” appears and the same authors begin to utter some kind of nonsense trying to justify themselves due to the presence of a living Lelouch in accordance with the fan theory of the Code - although the authors tried to pass this off as some kind of original concept by pushing the idea of a “Broken Code” into the plot - apparently an allusion to "Renew", but there are generally some mutants there and a lot of strange shit, like some kind of "Curse".

But for the time being it was considered a separate timeline and fans of the dead Lelouch could say that the series had a “correct” ending. And now Bahamut refers to the same self-refuting authors and claims that the events of "Resurrection" are not at all connected with the presence of Shirley alive or dead, that the events of the manga "Resurrection" are a continuation of the series and not compilation films, and that in his fucking gacha "Lost Stories" (it would have been better if they had never been found) a version of “Resurrection” is expected as a continuation of the series.

And here’s the thing: if the serial version of events, just like the films, continues with “Resurrection,” then all the supporters of “Lelouch is Dead!” They can go to hell with the formation and the song, because Lamperouge turns out to be alive in the serial version.

So it goes.

Anniversary stream is going on
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Main weapon is Caliburn.

They are doing Re; as the main story after R2 ends.
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So resurrection will be part 3 of lost stories main story, are they going to rewrite all the Shirley part?
Is Shirley dead in Lost Stories?
It follows the TV version so yeah.
It will probably use the manga Re; version with the black Albion chapter and the Gekkoei Sui.
Well a custom/prototype Quinn Roses is not something people expected for her.
Yeah, that was a twist. Still want to know the timeline for it.

Told you they wouldn't blow Rozé stuff in banners now, it's the only thing left to do after the Re; story chapters end.
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Bigger and without text box
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Mark Alice
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>found on Wiki
I read Nightmare of Nunally, what the fuck is Alice the Code Geass the Knightmare of Nunnally?
Some kind of crap in the Resurexion style, or rather Quinn Roses Model-Z for Cornelia.
Tail Slash Harken and 3 extra smaller hadron cannons on each shoulder
Another Quinn Roses based machine, main weapon is the Magical FLEIJA? Rod that can fire Fancy Beams.

To the guy that wanted a KMF for Nunnally, here it is.
Its no Mark Nemo but I'll take it. They didn't mention NoN by name, but given Taniguchi's comments about a manga and the name, they were definitely conscious of it
Finally watched with sound, and yeah the MC will appear in the Re; chapter but his personal story will be finished in R2.

Also lol at Fukujun's Hobby Hizack comment.

Great, another ace on Lelouch's side when there weren't enough enemy aces before, original Zilkhstan character time?

If you're working in the mass marketing sector, it makes a million times more sense to say "Resurrection continues the story after R2", because that is a simple explanation that's easy to understand even if you've been disconnected from Code Geass for ten years, rather than trying to explain "Resurrection continues after an alternate version of the R2 story, which is still 95% the same storyline except that Shirley doesn't die and a couple of other small differences, which were only depicted in recap movies."

Marketing needs simple messages that are easy to understand, it's not a scientific or academic analysis of so-called "canon". The movies are still following a separate timeline, technically speaking, but that's of almost no interest to Random Japanese Person who, say, might have watched Code Geass back in 2006-2008, never knew any of the manga nor any of the other side content, and probably skipped Akito. Outside of raising an eyebrow at the very brief, unnecessary scene with Shirley, that person has no real need to go hunt down the recaps.
Hiding other old statements that were more ambiguous has always seemed the most intellectually dishonest aspect about that article and makes me distrust the guy who collected these things..
What is Quingrind's original design base? Sure, it's themed after a queen, but still.
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Should be Quinn Glint, 2 days to confirm

Why a theorical? Marianne KMF during the Re; time? Hopefully its profile sheds some light on its lore.

Re; manga version will give about 7 to 8 main story chapters (using a TV episode runtime as basis). R2 main story should end on July/August (assuming it will have 13/14 chapters total). They will probably do Re; in 4-5 chapters considering original stuff.
I imagine they'll still do small events featuring other content, but that was a logical step to me for the main story.
I'm disappointed at the Quinn Glint, kek.
The design itself isn't without merit as it does look more like a knight's armor, which perhaps might have been the initial vision for future KMF even before the technology got there, but in terms of the lore it would have been easier to make it a more customized Ganymede instead. Just less attractive, I suppose. Well, I assume they'll come up with an explanation, even if it's a strange one.
The design is not bad, I suppose the giant rear skirt armor is to support the Caliburn's sheath like the Galahad's one. It also probably has the BL generator on the left arm.

Just strange they decided to use the Quinn Roses as the base for 2 unrelated original KMF.
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Nunnally in Wonderland? Nah, lets go for Mario in Wonderland
Why the fuck did they allow characters that have already got birthday skins to be voted on again?

I hope characters who won before are weighed less, just because otherwise most of the same characters would win again

I purposely voted for different characters
Even Kallen?
Glad I went with the girl.
No, except her. I couldn't resist, and her competition was only Ohgi and Tamaki. She was the easy exception.
Crossdressing festival event when

Luluko and Disel banner
Is this body type A or B?
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the ED is just this image, lol.
EDs being low key is normal, but yeah...that's funny.
>No cool new poll for 2.5 Anniversary
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There's too much stuff to cover, funny they saying they can't do Rozé now.

They didn't even show the SEITEN...
>passing on God Emperor Tamaki
They are adding KMF coloring, this is going to be some fun stuff to mess around.
Mario will read a book to Nunally and groom her. Drag storybook time.
Is there a translation for ch10-19 for resurrection?
Sutherland IIs using the old Assault Rifle, kek
Those stupid shoulder protrusions limit the view through the head sensors. What kind of fool made this scrap metal?
It's not like they would spoil everything. SEITEN is surely coming soon
They must have made a million of those things. Kinda like how Russia still has some WWII-era munitions, supposedly.
How new are you, fag?
Oh^~ Mario^~ Oh^~ Luigi^~
The King of Braves Tamaki
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Will the MC get an Energy Wing upgrade for the Re; main story chapter?
With MC stellar track record of trashing their KMFs, there's zero chance Pendulum would survive R2, so what will they pilot in Re; a new Sougetsu type or a new Pendulum type.
Gimme 9th gen Sougetsu
can we get a full summary of this chapter, I don't think we got one yet?
Resurrection continuing after R2 is true because R2 also happens in the recap movies which Resurrection timeline followed up on. Like >>22631770 this person said marketing-wise it's better to simply just said it takes place after R2 without getting into the whole separate timeline differences between the the original anime series and the recap movies. The manga is it's own separate canon that has it differences to the the anime as well.
>Resurrection continuing after R2 is true because R2 also happens in the recap movies which Resurrection timeline followed up on
>"Resurrection continues the story after R2"
There is a problem with these statements. Both supporters of “Lelouch is dead” and the authors of CG (in fact, quotes) argued that the complete and final death of Lamperouge served as “atonement for sins,” including the death of Shirley (which is bullshit and one must atone for sins not by suicide but by service to society), as well as called the "Code Theory" untenable.

However, if the events of “Resurrection” take place not only in the timeline of the films, but also the anime series, then all this fucking moralizing by the authors and supporters of “death” turns into a hypocritical and untenable nonsense of lovers of suicidal tendencies, indirectly recognizing the entire plan of “Requiem” as idiocy.

The authors could have avoided such shame if they had not come out with their, as it turned out, false opinions from the very beginning.
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I wonder why fans design KMF better than professional mecha CG designers?
In either scenario, Lelouch still chose to die. C.C. was the one who didn't agree with him and brought Lelouch back without that being planned by him, almost a metaphor in a meta sense.
Lelouch is ALIVE in the end, which means all this nonsense with “he died for his sins” and those who preach this nonsense can go to hell.
There are 4 versions of the OP, they will have subtle changes as the story progresses

This is fucking terrible
Those are some fat tats.
I like the minimalist, old-school approach, especially since the relevant cuts are pretty meaningful based on what we know.

Nice to know they will also do the evolving credits gimmick like Taniguchi did in several of his shows back in the day.
Mecha pilot running in the OP is always neat.
Okouchi and Taniguchi are credited for story draft and Okouchi said that they consulted him for the script on Twitter. So it should still have a bit of their energy.
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Poor Maya, they got so lozy with her on this event
Looks like you're getting pretty lozy with your own posts too, buster
Is this a newly invented word I'm seeing?
Either way, they definitely were more biased for Mario this time.
I typo'd and got mocked for it. I will leave my shame up
Maybe Norland was left by Sherry/whatever for Sakuya's dad, that's why he wants revenge on the Eleven, most specifically the Hokkaido region.
That hole was made for paizuri
Thinking about the 2nd Birthday poll, Lost Stories has probably gotten a greenlight for another year. So 3rd Anniversary seems likely.

With confirmation that its going into Re;surrection, that on its own doesn't seem like it will have too many chapters even with the manga stuff (Black Albion is probably just a songle story chapter, for example). I'm wondering what comes after. Either we go into a Part 2.5 before Re;surrection or do a straight shot through.

Oz could last them a while, but I get the feeling until otherwise that that will be side story content like Akito the Exiled.
Feel like they might try Genesic Re;Code, sin e they can do stuff with alt timelines. Plus rework it a bit and include the Roze cast.

Speaking of Roze, since they're not doing them this month, they might want it so the Roze stuff isn't limited.
Rozé is a mystery, I don't think they will force the MC in it. But it will be a main story chapter for sure. Re; and Rozé are the swan song for this game.

OZ would give them another year of a side story monthly chapter but since nothing has been said we can only wait. They did add the rest of the Glinda Knights with full Live 2D sprites so they plan to both release them at some point and for them to appear in the 2nd Tokyo battle.

The Re; adaptation will sure add even more stuff than the manga. Looking at what they did to Akito I hope they try to "fix" it. The MC will probably get a new KMF too.

After they do Rozé the only thing left will be random stuff like Genesic and its AUs, Lost Colors, Libra, etc.

Almaria could be something short or take years to complete. And it hasn't even began yet. Another wild card.

Don't think they will ever touch stuff like NoN.
I hope Disel ends up in a goofy KMF, some Wonderland version of one his KMF, so they can let us potentially earn it as a freebie like the Ohgi and Tamaki Guren Type-Hei.

This event is pretty cool, I hope they do more with the Wonderland stuff. Theres some possible evidence of this not being all they have planned for Wonderland.

I think we might end up with Genesic Re;Code and some of the side stuff sooner than later.

I wouldn't rule it out on NoN yet. Lately, its been running with more stuff directly from Code Geass material. Ever since Code Black last September, events have been either seasonal or directly tied to old stuff. Code Black, the belly dancer PD, etc. I expect the crossdressing festival as an event eventually.

Also, Producer Taniguchi confirmed that the Mark Alice name is a NoN reference, or as he put it "a Code Geass manga that came out 12 years ago" and to go check it out.
Code Black and Wonderland are from the "canon" era of spin offs. More care was put into them than in NoN or the Suzaku manga. Still a lot of stuff to burn through before scrapping the bottom of the barrel. Character stories are pretty much endless possibilities. The proper Sutherland/Gloucester KoR customs would be another great stuff they could do. It's just a matter if the game can survive after they do Re; and Rozé.
One thing that the 2nd Code Black and this Wonderland event have done, they seem to genuinely fit Disel into these classic parts of the franchise. Thats why I'm expecting the Crossdressing Festival eventually.

I'm also hoping to see a surprise as an event where they give us forgotten parts like Libra. Rai is still popular in Japan so they could easily have him show up as an event like her. Or do Libra part 2 and make Crow an official design.

Also, glad that they are having fun with creating these KMF. I don't know about you or bahamut, but I love these goofy stuff. I would love to see them get creative and do KMF for a variety of themes and characters who don't normally pilot.
>they seem to
The seem to want to*
Yeah the MC integration is generally great, LS is a high quality product in the writing department.

Well, Libra and LC seem to have happened but they must have happened in a completely different way than the original games. BK Rai with Pre Production Gekka and ASEEC Rai with Lancelot Club Air would be easy banners to do and at the same time finally give Nonnette some backstory. Libra's geass is about activating geass ruins, that could lead to an interesting gaiden chapter.

I don't mind the goofy KMF if they fit their gaiden chapters, the more KMF we get here the more KMF will be available if some day we get proper Geass games.

Thing is, the lore is still a blank slate. I want to see stuff like how Clovis got involved and captured CC, develop all the other KoR and EB Head Knights, what happens in Australia, what Orpheus did from defeating Oiagro the 1st time until the 2nd Damocles battle, etc.

Gacha like this is a great medium for expanding and "fixing" the lore, since they don't have a severe runtime limitation or need a huge budget (Akito story wasn't even voiced).
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>I, I, I hear those voices always calling after me
>Feels like I’m trapped inside
>Running in my head, running in my head, yeah
>I, I, I’m always chasing shadows never wait for me
>Feels like I’m way behind
>I’m running in my head, running in my head, yeah
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Nemo and Alice cameos in the event chapter.
>People shouldn't use fandom. Crappy woke site with corporate cringe
Wookieepedia is the most blatant example.
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Here's a thought; instead of a sequel to either the anime or movie timelines, why couldn't they make this series an alternate universe all on its own? I mean, look at it this way:

1) We're basically repeating the same story beats with Japan being occupied AGAIN and the Damocles has been rebuilt, which arguably makes both the Black Knights' fight and Lelouch's sacrifice even more pointless since it's canon to the movie timeline.

2) According to the wiki, Neo-Britannia's Emperor is listed as the 100th Emperor, but I thought Nunally was supposed to be the 100th Empress (unless Neo-Britannia doesn't acknowledge Nunally, which is also possible), so they could have just as easily be an AU counterpart to the original Britannia.

3) We have another character with the Sumeragi surname, who could have been an AU take on Kaguya rather than another relative.

4) Since Roze's name is more or less an anagram for Zero, he, or rather SHE as the case may be, could have been a new take on both Lelouch and the Zero persona.

5) At the very least, if this were its own separate entity, it wouldn't have to suffer the Continuity Lockout from the movies and TV show, and both fans and newcomers wouldn't have too much of a headache trying to figure out which is canon to which. They also wouldn't have to scrounge the internet for canonical spin-off material that hasn't been officially released in English.

Hell, Gundam does this all the time. So, why can't Code Geass do the same here?
They want to be able to bring in Lelouch is things start going south like they did in Akito.
They just wanted to have Lelouch available as a side character, though shitting on Zero Requiem is always welcome.
As I said, I wouldn't rule out a proper Nightmare of Nunnally appearance in LS. Even more so now
I would rule it out. No one likes or cares about it.
It could work as story chapters, but they would only consider it after they had run out of options. Genesic would surely happen first.
I would probably likely happen as part of Genesic chapters since that already involves AUs
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Don't think Genesic even considered NoN but since it's a proper AU it doesn't matter. From what I've seen it doesn't give much attention to the KMF aspect, do the NoN versions of the Lancelot/Vincent even have something different?
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The Mark Alice bio talks about Nunnally manifesting it with "two friends from the world of possibilities". Thats along the line with how the AUs like Karma Suzaku were talked about in Genesic Re;Code.

If Genesic did get in as main story content as opposed to events, theres not gonna be a need to pad it out with showing us observations of the plots like in GR, we already played through Lelouch and Akito. Theres a lot of "blank space" left by focusing on the Fimbulwinter events that they could easily introduce NoN that way into it.

Only originals were the Mark Nemo, the Iregullars' KMF and the KGF that the Rounds used. Other than those, could reuse stuff or do NoN versions of things like Gawain, Lancelot and Vincent like the AtE Lancelot.
I'd bet money on them never touching it with how unpopular it is.
So, no NoN Zero?
They could if, but hes probably just gonna be in the Gawain he used in the second half of the manga. They're not gonna make him playable on foot if he got in to a game like this.
Doesn't Alice get something similar to the Mark Nemo later?

The GX 01 line is poorly equipped with either one weapon or nothing. But irelevant since they only need something for a skill.
Yeah, forgot about that one. Its been a while. Tristan is also different too.

If they added in NoN, I can't imagine them going too all-in with it. Probably just Nemo Nunnally with KMF and Alice. Maybe Rolo vi Britannia too and just re-use assets for everything else.
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Alice has two Knightmares; the GX-01 Alpha that she uses up until her fight with the Mark Nemo in which it gets trashed and the hilarously titled Code Geass which she gets after making her own contract with Nemo.
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We talking about NoN of all things but we don't even know if they are doing OZ/O2...

Akito should end next month
They aren't doing NoN.
>why couldn't they make this series an alternate universe all on its own? I
It is. It takes place during the movie's timeline
Why does Nightmare of Nunnally make you seethe this much?
Another thing you didn't mention, I think part of Anone and Memory C.C.'s conversation in the end also makes reference to Genesic Re;Code. When Memory C.C. talks about "Observation" and that Anone doesn't have the ability. It sounded to me like she was referencing Ar and his ability to me.

So yeah. Looks like they are officially promoting Nightmare of Nunnally to canon.
I expect Rai in the game eventually now more than ever.

I know you guys are talking about Genesic and NoN, but this makes me feel like they are in general preparing to dip into the stuff outside the "main" timeline. Rai is an obvious one, but DS twins seem possible now, be it a Libra situation or alt timeline.

They obviously know that they are running out of Lelouch's story, Res being the last they have. I'm sure Oz and Roze are on the docket. But beyond that, they have to be thinking of how to continue. AU stuff is one way.
I just realized something potentially cool if Nightmare of Nunnally does make it into Lost Stories eventually

Any of its original stuff that make it in could potentially get lineart in future books. Just like the DS and Lost Colors stuff do.
None of it will make it in.
If the game lasts more than 3 years we're sure to get LC and Genesic even if just event stories with banners.
Akito is amazing
Looking up stuff, apparently Roze on Disney+ will be streaming weekly, which should line up pretty well with the theatrical schedule since the animation is already done.
That's smart, imagine releasing all 12 episodes at once when only the 2nd movie has been screened.

Seems Rozé is a sleeper hit, everyone was caught off guard.
So if Nunnally had the help of Nemo and Alice to make the Mark Alice, does that make it technically a Mark Nemo upgrade?
Evangelion to Quinn Roses variant?
Ranking in the top 5 in theaters in 2024 doesn't mean a whole lot. It's not uncommon for #1 to be a massive financial failure.

Not saying that I don't want this to be a hit and the first step towards turning Code Geass into a healthy franchise, but it seems a bit early to pop the champagne.
Critical reception has been great, it will surely air on TV eventually plus BD sales.

The Disney Plus money probably already made them enough profit.
I swear to god Maya's boobs get bigger and bigger with each new version they release. Kinda like how Kallen was at the beginning of the series compared to her later designs.
Because Code Geass hasn't yet reached a point where it needs an alternate universe series. Gundam only started doing it because UC Timeline had gotten too big at that point with a total of 4 different animes (which had episodes spanning from 39 to nearly 50) and 2 films centered around it. Sunrise wanted to create a new entry point that would bring in new fans which resulted in them doing alternate universes starting with G-Gundam

In Code Geass Roze's case, there's only the original anime to worry about (which by itself also got three compilation films) so it's fairly easy to catch up on the original story along with the Resurrection film.
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You both raise good points, they should have gone proper AU or far future setting with Rozé. Because having an asspull barrier so that both the KMF stay grounded and the original cast can't intervene is contrived as fuck. And I'm saying this even before they try to explain the barrier and BK situation.

Geass made the same error as SEED in advancing the tech way too fast. Freedom has now Gunbuster tier weapons, lol.
Tech advancement isn't the issue, it's just a matter of the plot writing which in this case it's bad excuse to justify the plot.

That said, it's actually consistent that the Black Knights are complete fuck ups without Lelouch around to guide them so there's that lol.
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>Tech advancement isn't the issue

It definitely is, it was already a problem in R2 with ubiquitous floats and the energy wings. Before 9th gen KMF all the ace battles were balanced and after them only the SEITEN could handle each other.

They really, really regret making KMF fly. It became Gundam instead of a unique VOTOMS.
9th Gen was a mistake. They all admittedly do look cool, but there is too big of a gap between them and everything else. Float stuff isn't anywhere close to being as egregious of a gap as those with and without Energy Wings.
>It became Gundam instead of a unique VOTOMS.
It was always more Gundam than VOTOMs though from the moment the Lancelot was introduced.
To this day part of me is still disappointed that Sunrise turned Marianne into an evil hag. I would have liked it better if she remained the one morally good person among Charles' wives. Narratively speaking it would explain why he liked her so much over the others since she'd be the exact opposite of everything he hated in humanity.
I used to think like you, but after so many years...I think Marianne being a bit of a liar and a deceiver is something that her son inherited, despite his not getting her piloting skills. In any event, Marianne did like/love Lelouch. Just never imagined care for his opinion, nor did she think he would really go against Ragnarok Connection in the end.
*never cared for his opinion
Some of the story beats are similar, but the scale is different (most of Japan is free) and so are the personalities and circumstances.

Zero Requiem was never meant to bring permanent peace and even Schneizel briefly mentions near the end of R2 that other countries would be willing to make another Damocles/FLEIJA, though Kanon was skeptical of the cost/resources.

Let's get real. The 100th Emperor is a sham, an empty title. This isn't the real country of Britannia. Just a bunch of cosplayers and diehard fanatics who managed to dig up someone like a blood link to the royal family. Like people who still pretend to be the heirs to the French or Russian throne even to this day..

4) Since Roze's name is more or less an anagram for Zero, he, or rather SHE as the case may be, could have been a new take on both Lelouch and the Zero persona.

Isn't that what they are already doing?
If I recall correctly...while they had some flight capabilities during late S1, the main reason why the animation staff increased the number of flying mecha during R2 with the 8th generation machines and above was because it would be less labor intensive to animate in 2D.

With a handful of exceptions (like the Guren Flight Type's debut, the final battle and so on), most of the aerial combat choreography in R2 was bad and meant to keep costs down. It didn't need to be like that, in theory, but it was an austerity measure more than simply a tech advancement. We know that Gundam has space flight and, with some bad exception, they usually manage to have good combat choreography when they want to have it, even if it is labor intensive.

With Roze (and technically already with Akito for that matter), they're aware that what made the Knightmare Frames special was rolling-skating on the ground.

How can they solve that puzzle? First, by introducing 3D to reduce the pressure on the 2D mecha animation pipeline (Gundam probably monopolizes most of it these days). Second, you need to provide a location or part of the setting where there is a story reason why 9th generation KMF can't simply blow up everything once again.

They're introducing a bit of flight technology, with the Zi-Artemis, but they seem to know that isn't going to be the focus and, more importantly, flight needs to be paired up with good choreography when it does come up.
>Gundam probably monopolizes most of it these days
I love this attack Red Knight Gino is doing, because yeah the Mighty Freedom part is obvious, but its also a play on the names of the moves Alto Weinberg in Renya uses
I just realized that the Damocles is in the poster for the second part of Roze, except upside down.
Marianne ... an evil hag

>Let's get real. The 100th Emperor is a sham, an empty title. This isn't the real country of Britannia
Same crap as with the Republic of Zeon and Neo-Zeon, as well as their variations. This is monotonously dull and useless for the further development of the world. In addition, Rising actually forever cemented Britannia's status as absolute evil instead of fully revealing the country itself and its factions... Well, yes, they screwed that up back in OZ, but there was still hope. Now Code Geass has become just a pitiful imitation of Gundam.

>Second, you need to provide a location or part of the setting where there is a story reason why 9th generation KMF can't simply blow up everything once again.
It could have been done a little differently. After blowing up the mines on Fuji, reduce the amount of available sakaradite and, therefore, be forced to reduce energy-consuming technological levels such as float systems and hadron cannons. At the same time, pay attention to internal combustion engines and oil and gas as new sources of energy and focus on the states of the Middle Eastern Federation (Zilkhstan would be more than appropriate) and their relationships with the restored EU (reminds me of the loli-president of Europe) and member states of the UFN like India.

So the plot is ready without any self-repetition with Japanese Hokkaido under the brutal rule of Neo-Britannia...
>energy source
Look at this idiot
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nice to know, funny they haven't done Renya yet in LS since even Nunnally and Tianzi can pilot KMF in the game, lol.
Maybe if they do a Genesic arc, with all the history stuff it brings. Also characters other than Renya and Futaba would need to be cast.

If they start bringing in those characters as playable, I wouldn't be shocked if they do original KMFs for them. The Mark Alice and Nyawain show they're not above getting creative.
If the game lasts long enough they will probably do everything: Renya, DS, LC, Libra, Mosaic, NoN, Genesic, etc
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People want him. So, besides the final battle of the main Genesic story for Schrodinger and Doomsday, they will probably do Karma Suzaku's story in his own universe.
They won't touch NoN.
They just did though
But enough about the Zero Requiem...
They didn't.
Even if they don't, they will probably do more with him. A lot of Karma's fans were disappointed by how anticlimactic his "conclusion" was, which obviously was because they were rushing to finish. Him being in an outdated machine against Albion didn't help, but also they never really resolved things with him and Suzaku, who had already steeled himself to accept he probably had to put the other him out of his misery, only disabled him.
Nemo and Alice just appeared in Lost Stories, your seething can't change that.
What happened to the Zero of Karma's world? Was he the White Zero? Did he lose his geass along his left eye?
Britannia is brown, the empire has fallen, millions must die
All we know is in their last encounter that Suzaku took out Lelouch's eye with Geass. Nothing beyond that point is known.
Did they explain how LLoyd, Cécile and Rakshata died in that world?
Why does NoN make you seethe this much?
No. We only found out that they died in the Anniversary one's unit profile. No other details were given.
Someone get Karma the Zilkhstan engineers to give him a 10th gen KMF.
If Genesic gets adapted into Lost Stories, they need to better explain K.K.
I get his goal and motivation, but he was shown to have a larger organization that caused problemsfor Ar when we see his past. For someone who hated humans, one has to wonder the specifics there. He acquired himself a Vincent Ward somehow and managed to evade notice by Charles and V.V. or perhaps they chose not to deal with him. How did Doomsday come about? Did K.K. conjure it up or did he somehow steal Gen 9 data or did they swipe the LDMs and reverse engineer them?

Outside of the history stuff, Genesic's main plot is sparse on characters. Ar and Gigi, and K.K. and Zero would be its only "main" banner characters so they would probably pad put chapters should they do it with the AUs and potential future stuff, like clones and Karma. I'd personally think building on what already exists with NoN and new alt timelines would be how they would approach Genesic as an ongoing plot. Plus it needs more bad guys to pad itself out.
They didn't
It's bad and no one cares about it.
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Can anyone explain where the “Nazis” came from in CG, if a united Germany and the First World War as we know it never existed there?

And one more thing - what kind of “Panzers” did these “Nazis” use instead of the KMF?
What was this >>22634700 then?
A lot of nothing.
There was a first World War, a looming war was alluded to by M.M. and Y.Y. to Gigi in 1900 during Ar's observation of her past. We know nothing else about it.

Knightmare Panzers were described as walking tanks. They were referenced by C.C. in her 1.5 Anniversary character episode when remarking about the development of KMF to Marianne.
Well, you keep pretending and seething, I'm just gonna be laughing at how mad NoN being referenced makes you.
Did the Caretaker have any presence in Genesic's main story? Since the Schrodinger had a model number I'm pretty sure there is lore for the Doomsday but it has never been published.

Karma Suzaku has huge potential to be explored/expanded. Like give him a proper Lancelot Karma with a unique design. I assume he also decimated the KoRs of his world.

Was thinking for DS banners: Equus/Polux, Aquila/Castor, Regalia/Geass Castor&Polux and Geass Euphemia/Pink Siegfried.

Libra they need to do Val and maybe show Crow. So Val/Gloucester Pluton.

Mosaic could give Christina, Della, James and the Brighton.
It wasn't referenced.
>Did the Caretaker have any presence in Genesic's main story
She shows up at the start reading a book, says nothing like this has ever happened before and appoints Ar to be an Observer.
Archive, and probably Curate too, are her or at least a part of her. She basically created Archive to help Ar and act where she couldn't

I'm fine with Lancelot Karma as it is. But he needs like, an Albion equivalent if hes gonna have a climactic showdown with regular Suzaku.
Roze trailer 2 with subs:

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Did Lelouch or Nunully inherit any of her piloting talents?
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Befitting his role as a Char-clone, Lelouch initially was supposed to be a really good pilot (see early on when he dominated the KMF milsims). He was retconned later on into being a shit pilot to establish more direct allusions to chess (because the King is barely better than a pawn), balance his OPness, and allow Kallen to shine.
According to NoN, Nunnally did. They directly compare the Nemo's movements to her.
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This could be used in the future, since Shalio was a crippled ace.

Also no specs for the Queenglint, lol.
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Need mommy
Is she going to be Geass' Secelia?
New KMF incoming, if it's not Cornelia's Seiketsu.
Really, really need mommy?
Really especially need mommy!
Yuri looks like a boy
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>"There is no opponent who can defeat Sapporo"

I dislike mistranslations like that. MTL really is the death of media

-No idea of what Narah is referring to as fireworks. Could be regular artillery or the effect that happens when the Eliminator successfully stops the FLEIJA warhead.
-No idea of what Divock is talking about when he talks about sin/crime and life. Is it another reference to FLEIJA or something else?
Thanks. Definitely better than that.
I assume he's referring to whatever Ash did in the past or what he's doing now.
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Will code geass get censored by Disney due to Yawata's word? Disney will force all anime to adjust to woke standard, and code geass roze will be woke to be adjusted on Disney's standard. Yawata would censor code geass Roze.
Clamp has fallen, eleven millions must die. Yawata has started woke requiem.
Didn't Kishida and Disney executive Yawata ban these naked arses for girls?
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Seems that way. Japanese have already made the comparison.
I think that interview is being used maliciously by people to put words in the guy's mouth.

There's nothing "woke" about Code Geass to begin with. Not before and not now.

Anti-woke syndrome is as annoying as pro-woke preaching.
Nevermind that Disney+ has Black Rock Shooter Dawn of Fall, you know, the one with the underage girl raping. Sadly, the one you are replying to is a spambot, it won't stop this shit.
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Something I didn't even know existed.

In the LLoyd route in Lost Colors there's a segment where Rai tests new weapons for the Lancelot while Nonnette and Suzaku are having a mock battle elsewhere. This event happens before Narita so the Club hasn't been completed yet.

The first weapon is the elusive Variable Assault Rifle that's listed in the Club weapon list. Notice that the Normal Mode has a different, bit longer barrel than the vanilla Glasgow Assault Rifle while also mysteriously missing the magazine at the top for the grenade launcher. Then we have the Sniper Mode which attaches a longer overall barrel structure to the base Assault Rifle while magically having the grenade launcher magazine back at the top. Wonder how the barrel change is performed during actual battle. There's a picture of the Club holding the VARIS (haven't found the chapter yet for it) and later in the game during the Kyushu arc the game text refers to the weapon the Club is using simply as Variable Rifle.

The second weapon Rai tests are Short Swords which are MVS and can combine at the pommels just like the Vincent ones. Funny thing is that from this image these "Short Swords" seem to be just the Lancelot's MVS with their hilts shortened and a magical function to make them connect at the pommels losing their pommel decorations.

That brings the question, are these weapons simply prototypes LLoyd was testing or are these the actual weapons the Club is meant to have?

The Club lineart clearly shows it has the same MVS as the Vincent, so the Short Swords could fit as prototypes for the Lance Type MVS. The Short Swords can't fit (discounting magic) in the Vincent MVS holder so they were probably stored in the vanilla Lancelot scabbards, if that's the case.

The rifle is more complicated since there's a ingame picture of the Club holding the VARIS, the RD toy comes with the VARIS and the weapon list on the Lost Colors Guide Book with the Club lineart has "Variable Rifle VARIS" listed.
So it's pretty much safe to say the Club also carries the VARIS as its standard firearm. But the VARIS had already debuted with the Lancelot during the hotel hostage episode, so the Variable Assault Rifle doesn't make sense as the prototype for the Lancelot's VARIS.

Another nebulous point is that the Club is supposed to have strengthened Factspheres but it only seems to have the normal head visor eyes and no separate factsphere in the chest or shoulders like the Lancelot and Vincent have. So unless these super FS haven't been shown but actually exist somewhere in settei, I find it hard to believe that just the eyes overload (15x times the normal shooting mode) the energy filler for sniping use.

Also wish they would explain why the Club's model number changed from Z-01b to RZX-7 with its appearance in O2. Also its current place in the Vincent Plan.
It does leave open for interpretation exactly how they're lining up the weapons development, but I guess like with Gundam it's meant to be that way
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Still not getting anything from the free anniversary pulls, so I might as well wait for Guren Seiten.
So whats the deal with the inverted C.C.? I used to think she was just some part of C.C. from the anime, but Lost Stories treats her as some separate entity from C.C. but also part of C.C.?

Shes been basically watching the story with Anone, but when it was time for her to meet Lelouch she had to leave, meaning that stuff with the two of them is in real-time. And during this Wonderland story, she was affected and hot the black and white Cheshire costume and entered into he story as a separate character, while also being fully aware as opposed to all the Wonderland versions.

So whats her deal? Is there some old stuff about her? balofo or bahamut?
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Just schitzo-mommy-wife thing. Part of established tradition. She may not be pure but there is harem of her so it's a OK.
Is this a new word variant of schizo?
Don't know, only started following LS towards the end of R1. Maybe it will be explained when CC regains her memories after 2nd Tokyo.

Guess she's just a narrative tool to have someone for Anone to talk to since she's a child.
Only thing I can think of is maybe we'll find out when and if they explain what Anone is. Who she is and why she is so interested in the protagonist.
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NEW THREAD: >>22641126
Fukkatsu sucked ass but I can't wait for more Geass
Why won't sunrise ever put taniguchi in charge of a new Geass anime?

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