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How come there's no Mecha Isekai anime when the genres positively demand to be combined?
>hit by a truck
>wake up in another world
>god grants you any mecha you want
>you have to defeat the evil empire to return
Fuck off duel.
You are, without question, one of the dumbest new fag pieces of cum guzzling shit I think I've ever seen.
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OP is a newfaggot.
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this cunt killed mikazuki
dunbine "isekai" elements are so fucking dumb i can't. i mean the whole people going back to byron well or whatever is fine it's just the weird moment when shu or whatever his name is comes back
>"ARE YOU AN ALIEN???????"
like lmfao i know tomino makes some weird ass shit but holy fuck that whole episode took me out of the experience with how dumb everyone was
what about Escaflowne
haven't seen it yet but i know he ends up with his mom and i checked how his mom looks and now im kinda meh about it. like i'm all for milf action but damn that milf kinda looks bad for me
Go back to twitter you fucking huge faggot.
"we die together?" PROBABLY. no it can't be true. IM NOT JOKING 12TH AND 13TH CENTURY FOREIGNERS SURROUND ME. i must somehow make sense of our convoluted situation.
oh come on you gotta admit that scene was stupid as fuck
Isekai is a plague to anime and I can't wait for it to stop.
Shit thread.
Dunbine is fucking garbage, you simply talk like a twitter tard. Now get the fuck off this board and go back to that shithole.
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari
Weird ass dumb ass, what (you) are. Imao.
Dunbine is great & both of you suck each other's cocks. Die. In a hole together. Faggots.
I can thing of 4 of them from 4 different decades.

>Aura Battler Dunbine (80s)
>The Vision of Escaflowne (90s)
>Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari/War on Greminar (00s)
>Knights & Magic (10's)
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Enough people have called you a newfag, I'll just say unlike Isekai Mecha that has other wordly parts are not apart of wish fulfilment. mecha is never about fighting but the situations in the fighting. Fucking Isekai watchers think that Mecha's all about the mechs and fighting but then you watch the Schlop of Isekai and it's like
"I must fight the demon lord to get stronger and all his generals." Man fuck Isekai watchers

Sounds like you're a speed watcher.
It's just since isekai had a huge boom in popularity that it became pure escapism fodder,. Twelve Kingdoms is a great example of good isekai and criticizes one of the characters for thinking this is great and not wanting to go back home, but compare it to anything from the past decade
You are right there are some great Isekais, Escaflowne, Twelve Kingdoms, Grimgar, Dunbine,techincally Now and them here and there and bunch of others. But the issue is modern Isekai is based on escapism. The majority of things pander to that fantasy ever since the lost generation.
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I'd rather not revisit this one. The OP song is great though.
>MC get isekai'd
>buys a loli slave
>has steamy episodes with the female crew
>attempts to romance his own daughter
Orguss would be at home in the modern isekai landscape.
I like Konosuba. Mostly because it doesn't take itself too seriously. I do agree with both of you that the genre has become oversaturated.
>the genre has become oversaturated
Yeah back in 2016.
Sounds boring as fuck anon. Hope you’re not considering writing as a job
There are a lot of isekai and near-isekai mecha series. You're just not widely read/watched.
If Escaflowne, does Brigadoon count?

There are many isekai that aren't "wish fulfillment" and they are worse for it.
Oversaturated or just lazy? I think isekai is basically limitless because you could have so many different settings and cultures that the Japanese MC find themselves in and having to navigate. But the lazy authors and publishers only put out slight variations to the same 3 stories and sell it entirely on the basis of the LN artists.
>attempts to romance his own daughter

You forgot:
> gets cucked by his former partner
Are there any isekai that don't have the MC end up in a fantasy world?
There's ones where the MC is from a fantasy world and ends up in our world, but I don't think there's really any where it's a sci-fi or another modern world involved.

Really though that's not the problem with isekai, it's that it almost always follows exactly one of two plots:
>Loser MC is sent to fantasy world and discovers that their loser skillset is actually great in a fantasy world
>MC is sent to RPG mechanics world as the Weakest Thing, but it turns out that the Weakest Thing is actually the Strongest Thing if you spend more than two minutes level grinding, something only the MC has ever tried

Dual!! parallel trouble
We can't forget them getting nearly every girl they meet to fall in love with them. Also, I can think of two that have someone from a fantasy world end up in a regular world. Devil is a Part Timer or Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid. Would Re:Creators count as well?
>There are many isekai that aren't "wish fulfillment" and they are worse for it.
Explain. I find that hard to believe
>Schlop of Isekai and it's like
>"I must fight the demon lord to get stronger and all his generals." Man fuck Isekai watchers
Isekai is the most garbage dog water genre in fiction. Infinitely worse and more retarded than shonen shit. It is a genre made for emotionally stunted manchildren with arrested development.
Empty. Boring, hollow and dumb AF. With a plot that's not worth making a story about. Like 99% of stupid isekai shit.
Holy shit are you retarded? There are literally no moms in Escaflowne. The main character isn't even a man. You have brain damage.
Technically there's Van's mom, but she's a ghost
There's quite a few isekai into a sci-fi/science fantasy world isekai. The ones I actually read are

Butcher Demon: Mid-late 21st Century Earth is invaded by the fantasy world. The MC is a reincarnated human soldier who ends up in the body of a Butcher, a biological weapon/demon of the fantasy world.

Reborn as a Space Mercenary: Basically what it says. A salaryman gets reborn as a late-game space merc in a setting reminiscent of an MMO with an advanced space cruiser at his command.

Mobusekai: MC is reborn in the world of an otome game he played. It's a pastiche of fantasy otome tropes, Skies of Arcadia, and Escaflowne, and the MC pilots his own mech thanks to the cooperation of an ancient AI he uncovers. There's a spinoff that people think is better because instead of being a harem it's monogamous incest.

Sentouin, Hakenshimasu!: As much of an isekai as Escaflowne but the mecha/robots are either imported from Earth or ancient relics hidden beneath the fantasy world.
was it another mecha show i was remembering? i swear someone fucked the reincarnation of their mom
im not saying dunbine was bad but it was also fucking STUPID. i s2fg you retards i will find the episode on post screenshots of it
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there's a mecha isekai manga by Butcha-U

though its more of a slice-of-life mecha than something with a concrete plot
Is this by Butcha-U or just art by Butcha-U? Pretty sure Sekkaku Cheat is written by someone else just like how Orc Hero Monogatari is just illustrated by Fatalpulse and isn't written by him.
>im not saying dunbine was bad but it was also fucking STUPID
That's rich coming from a midwit that enjoys seasonal isekai. Don't even bother looking shit up. Just, Stay off your phone kid.
just illustrated the comics version

the light novel is illustrated by Mizuryu Kei
I think the main problem is that it's done by a generation who consumed primarily the same five generic RPG's so their imagination is stunted on slop.
If the fantasy world has people speaking in video game mechanics, I skip it.
>Mizuryu Kei
I recognize that man anywhere
I thought the name and art looked familiar. Middle girl even looks kind of like Kurumi Souma.
You are a stupid faggot with shit taste, Dunbine is fucking trash and you should kill yourself. You also type like a Redditor and you should fuck off back there.
>You also type like a Redditor
That's wrong because no one posts like that there, you stupid dumb fuck. You should take your own advice and blow your brains out. How can you be this retarded? Also your taste is the one that's garbage. Nice try with that terrible failure of a come back that took your low iq brain hours to conjure up. Dunbine is based, btw.
The whole point was that his mother was deluding herself so she could justify rejecting Sho, as him showing up so publicly in the Dunbine and fighting could get her in trouble by association. Her father didn't take that idea serious and criticizes her for how she is responding to the situation.
Yeah, Orguss proves that isekai has always been a trash genre.
He's too retarded to read in between the lines without the plot explaining that to him. OP is a dumb halfwitted speedwatching faggot.
I just realized, Digimon is isekai too
God Shou's mpm.is such a bitch that entire arc was damn sa. I felt terrible for him and the re s t of his family at yhe arcs end
Really? Why do they use the Butcha-U art on Novelupdates then?
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>Mobusekai: MC is reborn in the world of an otome game he played. It's a pastiche of fantasy otome tropes, Skies of Arcadia, and Escaflowne, and the MC pilots his own mech thanks to the cooperation of an ancient AI he uncovers. There's a spinoff that people think is better because instead of being a harem it's monogamous incest.

The Mobuseka author has another isekai SF work going on, though it's more LoGH-style space feudalism with occasional fleet battles
Shout out to that one Isekai that was about the OP going after parodies of various Isekai mains that lasted only one chapter because a bunch of isekai authors got salty
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I liked A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, but it could have been improved with a giant steampunk spider mech.
I need cat-ears and the one on the right on my dick IMMEDIATELY
are you fucking kidding me??? literally the first thing you see your son in a bug machine robot and you ask him where he's been and he's like "MOMMM I WAS AT BYSTON WELL!!!!!!!! like everyone's suppose to know where that is"
like are you literally autistic? because that was the most autistic i've ever seen tomino.
It's funny how the isekai trope was already played out in the 90s yet here we are in 2020s and people still can't let it go.
Alternate world stories are old hat and go back much further than that everywhere (ie. the fucking Wizard of Oz), the current fad is not actually that but cheat skill power fantasies and related or inverted gag premises that play on the preexisting staleness of the genre with increasing absurdity, which people refer to by isekai just because the word appears in so many of their overly descriptive and jokey titles.

Fantasy world where average person is summoned to be a hero? Old hat. Fantasy world where fucking loser is killed by being stung in the dick by a bee, is summoned to be a sex slave, and then uses his magic cock to rape the demon lord into submission and take 100 wives? REAL TWENTY FIRST CENTURY SHIT. "I was summoned to an alternate world and then I was a Gundam main character with a slightly diferent episode 1 backstory" is not a new or exciting concept, Buddy Complex is narratively the same thing even if it's using time travel instead of dimensional travel. Also it goes without saying Muv-Luv exists.
Terrible & embarrassing post, mate.

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