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>designs the gundam, the mobile suit that wins battles and eventually the war
>motivated to stop young people like his son being thrust into war
>final fate is going mad from hypoxia, abandoned by his son and dying from falling down the stairs
>his circuit from when he went mad is a joke item nearly every time it appears

Why did the they hate Tem Ray so much?
Life just sucks sometimes and bad things happen to nominally good people for no real reason.
>his circuit from when he went mad is a joke item nearly every time it appears
Except in IIRC SRW Z where it gives zero repair cost, and in SRW 30 where it not only gives stat boosts on par with Haro but is in said game's canon revealed to be the direct precursor to the Hi-Nu Gundam's perfected psycoframe control circuit. That floating T? Not T for Tomino; but T for Tem.
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He looks like M'Quve's long lost brother.
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It's less of hatred and more the cruelty of fate.
Tem could not help being caught in the blast that threw him into the void, nor could he save himself from permanent brain damage or from only being able to make junk following his brush with death. That is the occasional and unfortunate nature of life and the cruel fate bestowed to him and his son, as well as his own wife whom we can presume likely never saw him again, not to mention Amuro who became completely alienated from her.
The great tragedy of the Rays is that the war, alone, completely and irrevocably destroyed the Ray family, but ironically it did so without actually killing a single one.
He died from the staircase scene? I thought he was just idk out of it at that point
he had noble motivations but he was still a horrible dad
>The great tragedy of the Rays is that the war, alone, completely and irrevocably destroyed the Ray family, but ironically it did so without actually killing a single one.
Left ambiguous. Sad ending either way.
It seemed like Amuro had no intention of seeing him again.
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I like to imagine that after the war Amuro uses his money to have his father put into a good home where he visits every once in a while to hear his dad ramble about his next 'invention'
There's a bunch of famous inventors and art innovators who died as reclusive laughing stocks, not really far fetched
I always thought the scene was a joke but that's his last chronological appearance ever, I think the implication is there
>his money
He didn't have enough money for the fruit basket he wanted. There's no way he could afford a plush retirement home.

Also didn't he die from the fall.
Removing Yas headcanon out of the equation, what was terrible about him?
It is a miracle it even works.
Even though he's under house arrest in Zeta, I assumed the Federation gave Amuro whatever he wanted just to shut him up
I could believe he probably asked for them to send money to his mom or something
>he had noble motivations but he was still a horrible dad

So your typically Japanese Father
Imagine Amuro's face when he got his first kill and the console in his mobile blew tf up all:

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