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THE GUIDE: http://gunpla.buyfags.moe/


For those new to gunpla/plamo or even just new to this thread; please read the guide. Please read it before asking questions, as there is a chance it has already been answered there.

For the unclear, "plamo" is a shortened form of "plastic model". If it's made of plastic, someone can probably help you here!
If you're new, you're gonna fuck up. Don't worry! If you're experienced, don't make the new people worry!

And don't forget to report shitposting and spam.

>Why won't anyone answer my question?
Try being specific, especially about your materials and process. Post images whenever possible; even if the kit/part looks bad, you are more likely to get help posting images.

>Why are my pictures sideways?
4chan strips EXIF data from images when they're uploaded to the site from your phone, including the orientation display tag. To fix this, save your images separately, or use an app that will rotate and save the images for you.
One commonly used app that works well on Android:

>A guide to other types of plamo:
>Kawaguchi gunpla tips:
>Gundam lineart:
Explore our extensive lineart links collection:
>Funaka's gunpla guides:
Building Gunpla: https://files.catbox.moe/fj5azc.pdf
Scratchbuilding: https://files.catbox.moe/2d9ppa.pdf
>Falldog's gunpla guide:
>Saintism's gunpla photography guide:
>Dalong's gunpla reviews and kit documentation
>Schizophonic's gunpla and plamo reviews

Past Groupbuilds:

Previous thread: >>22630211
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Build a mecha or vehicle that is meant for an indirect role in combat. This can concepts such as:
>Electronic Warfare And Communications & Airborne Early Warning And Control
>Minelayers and long-range weaponry spotters
>Scouting and Surveillance
>Commanding roles
>Sub-flight units to aid MS (Base Jabbers)
>Field Repairs & Supply
Basically any kind of combat role that isn't just "Robot made to shoot/punch another robot"

Submit your entries to gunplaplamo@gmail.com , include at least 5 finished pics and any WIP pics you took while working on your entry, as well as a brief description of your build.

START: 4/24/24
END: 7/31/24
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Show me what you're working on!
Say, has anyone tried fitting the Gundam Hammer included on the Perfect Grade RX-78 Custom Set on the PGU RX-78? To be real honest, the Gundam Hammer's handle is too thick that it can't be easily held in the original PG RX-78's hand.
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Snapping an MG Gouf. Did a shit job trimming nubs on the arms and made a couple gouges. The kit is really nice though.
Over doing some chipping
oh god
Looks fine
In my headcannon is it's a test mule for experimental technology and rookie pilots so it gets driven hard and put away wet.
After doing a lot of HGs, I finally got the courage to do a MG. The Zeta Gundam Ver Ka. Still haven't opened it, but I'm gunna build it soon.
Looks great, heavy but not overly so.
Actual retards
Do you guys ever bought a kits solely for kitbash to other kits?
A lot.
>local toy store restocked MG Justice Gundam
>already sold out when i arrived
jesus christ MG Justice is probably the HG Calibarn of Master Grades!
No, but a lot of Hexa Gear stuff is tempting me something fierce.
last time i did that, i bought three HG banshee kits just for the shield to build my Full Armor Phenex custom.
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What the hell do people like about this design? Among all the ugly Seed designs it sticks out as particularly bad, and not in a cool way like the Arche Gundam.
>Complain about ugly designs
>Posts one of the ugliest 00 designs
arche could be salvaged if it wasn't for the feet
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>hating on the Arche
I bet you dislike the Jinx too. Plebeian.
I think the feet are one of the best parts; the side skirts are the bigger problem for me. But since they can literally just be removed, it's literally a non-issue.
can't believe we went from quality stuff like this and especially the thrones to a shitstain on the entire genre like Barbatos
All the time. Came in handy this time around as I needed a Jegan, and no where in the GTA seems to have one. So from past projects I was able to blend parts from half a stark Jegan and a Build fighters Blast Master.
most of my purchases are decided based on what kitbash material I'll get out of it
Jealousy is a bitch anon, don't get upset at others work and opinions just because you can't paint
Pyw btw
Why does it have that much chipping? Is it flying through an asteroid field? If it is it would be damaged a lot more than that.
gnx is nice. the thrones and their derivatives are all trash
wahhh muh skinny waist wahhh mecha is ruined
Doesn't matter, it's a buildable toy based on a fictional cartoon. Get your head out of your ass and go get some help, freak.
Dude shut the fuck up. I paint everything solid so I'm just doing something different ok?
Don't even attempt to argue with unimaginative mouth breathers like that. He's just gonna have an envious autistic meltdown and screech the entire thread. He's like a really fat version of Sheldon from the big bang theory.
Haha alright I'll ignore it thanks for looking out.
>media reference
you're right but now i disagree with you
Amazing how asking for justification on why it looks like that has caused this many people to be on suicide watch. I also believe that White Glint paint job looks like absolute shit.
Newtype has a 10% off sale on some PGs. PGU and a Zaku is pictured but no idea what else.
the only true answer is to paint gunpla like they're race cars fresh from the showroom.
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You are having an autistic meltdown over a toy
No, I'm actually chilling here listening to Anison remixes. If you interpreted my question asking why the chipping is that bad then that is on you, not me.
>thrones and their derivatives are all trash
No. THIS is trash.
I don't remember it looking that bad in action.
fuck you it's cool
It looks substantially better in action. The picture above is particularly unflattering, though I halfway agree with him that it's not a great design in general. GNX line's far better.
>i-im just chillin
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Correct. Here is my post by the way. Then you two proceeded to have a meltdown over me asking this calling me an incel and fat.
Well you can't just post something innocuous like that and expect to get away with it.
This is a Tieren.
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Tieren? Now THAT'S cool.
Lol post BMI fatty
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Also Flag. Flags are cool.
I've already explained to the other anon why it's all fucked up. You yourself can easily imagine a scenario I'm sure but instead would rather be a contrary fuck about it as we've all witnessed today. And since you aren't even a fan of the entire method apparently why would any of us spoonfeed you made up fucking situations where paint got knocked off of the giant sword wielding war machine.
>I already explained
>>22634716 #
In my headcannon is it's a test mule for experimental technology and rookie pilots so it gets driven hard and put away wet.
Then it needs more and not just edge chipping.
anon you're a fucking stupid
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Don't mind me. Just posting some things I snapshit together.
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Beats looking at schizophrenic ramblings.
true that, this is actually on topic
All the designs you mention are by washio and fit into the same aesthetic. If you added a couple of pistons onto a throne it would fit right in with ibo.
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HG Burglarydog
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>single color
>almost no part separation or interesting shapes
This reeks of a design made for a no budget anime
Stop having a meltdown.
>Make P-Bandai accessory packs.
>Release full kit with said accessories at retail.
I don't understand this madness.
>all works by the same designer are of equal quality
all great
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P Bandai still has stuff like red shoulder custom, bazooka, open cockpit and stuff. Burglarydog only contain 1 or 2 of the Piss Bandai packs.
Fuck that guy. Tell me more. I was planning on some of the chips and gouging to have gotten through to the base metal but after posting the glint I'm wondering if it needs streaking and soot.
One strong piece of leather.
Like you did with the sword, the lines across. There should be more of that and the unit should have fewer cleaner areas. If it's a trainer that they don't care about, the pilots will likely have lots of little fuckups here and there that should have more scratches and dings and dents. Paint failure can happen anywhere on these things also so consider some of that. I should show you a picture of my 4runner's hood as inspiration. Random rust holes that aren't at the very edge.
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I see a lot of scratch builders online use this type of pla plate that has grids printed on it, where can I find this stuff?
Just look up Waves Plastic Plate and you should find it.
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First time panel lining, light weathering, and decals

Before pic
Blue Armor to Voldox is a fucking crime.
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GM Space Command
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Should I wait for Verdenova to drop in September or get the Flight Type Alto now? I worry having two 30MM flight kits is too much
should I buy a bootleg of a retail kit that hasn't been reprinted in probably a decade or of a p-bandai kit I can't buy directly?

berry naisu
That's a strange thing to ask. Also, if you want to buy Alto kit, go ahead. They are good. Don't buy Rabiot, they are literall dogshit.
I've been checking out my forklift at work for inspiration. I'll try some of this out later.
sd patlabor?
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thoughts on the paintjob?

looks dirty and grimy/10

really liking it
Feel like the front of the left shoulder needs a tiny bit of something. It looks quite clean compared to the rest. Otherwise, I like it.
Went to my local(ish) Hobbytown for the first time, and I was reminded that shit like the metallic coating versions of the HGUC Nu and Sazabi are retail kits while we get completely new molds thrown on PBandai. I'm also pissed because there were zero HG GM kits and like six separate Zaku 2 variants.
SIKE bitches it's not painted
also these are stickers
How good are the newer bootleg? i am tempted to grab all 3 bootleg woundwort variants.
pretty solid all things considered, at least the regular Woundwort is. I heard Hazel II is even better and I assume psycho blade variant is as well. A little delicate in some places, definitely, but for that price it's absolutely worth it.
Looks like Zaku got his narrative, which should mean USA got their shipment.
correction, apparently they did not yet get their shipment.
nacchin police type
Yes a FM Gundam Vidar for the inner frame that I've been slowly trying to fuse with an old ass 1/144 Abigor, and a couple The Origin Zakus mostly because of joints and shit like that because holy shit they're ugly.
how can one person have both great and awful taste at the same time
>high humidity today
>rain next two days
>haven’t been able to paint for like a week because of rain already
i’m going to go insane
Are you painting outside or something?
What are some sites that I can use to import stuff directly from Japan and bypass western merchants like P-Bandai, or BBTS?
i use mr leveling thinner which already has some, thanks for the advice tho
>bypassing p-diddy
Say that again but slower
I want to import stuff from Japan, I know there's sites like Mandarake, but I wanna know of any more, especially if they do pre-orders on items.
Nigger, preemo band is the manufacturer itself. You're not avoiding that ever unless you don't buy the kits or buy bootleg.
This was about their figures not their kits.
I wanted to see if there was a way I can directly buy them from Japan, because the yen is weak right now but on the P-Bandai site the prices don't reflect this.
you're going to be paying a premium for pbandai even importing from jp stores because you're only going to be able to get them through second hand stores and scalpers who both mark the prices up because they can get away with it, and shipping costs from japan constantly keep going up on top of that. you're honestly better off just buying from your country's official pbandai store if you have access to one.
but if you want to look at them anyway, there's mandarake, suruya-ya, solarisjapan, thehangarbay, and side7exports (don't use this one, the guy's a cunt and sometimes doesn't ship orders out for over a year even if you pester him)
If you weren't retarded you'd realize that thrones and arche have very similar silhouettes to ibo gundams.
>Knee curve making the leg more demonic
>Tiny waist
>Elbow joint detail
>Forearms disproportionately larger than upper arms
>Giant swords
Thrones were clearly the prototype for ibo gundam frames and deflecting with naganoslop is dishonest
Stupid question, but is a gundam gloss marker usable for sealing stickers and/waterside so they don't get damaged?
Second hand Japanese sites you tard. But shipping will most likely make it more expensive than directly from bandai
I can't say for sure but I feel like there's a risk of the marker scraping off waterslides, I'd recommend just grabbing a couple cans of topcoat, it's way less hassle than it seems at first
Chances they will do a RG zeta 2.0?
For your sake hopefully zero. Ask for new kits not to rebuy old ones slightly updated unless it's absolutely necessary to have a rework.
Newer version of this when?
This kit is old as fuck, it is about time we had something new already.
>old bad
it has no issues and doesnt need a new version
To this day I do not understand how a sailor school uniform themed Gundam is representative of Sweden. Even with the most racist representations of other nations like Tequila and Zebra, you could tell what they were going for.
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working on figuring out fitting LEDs into this Rex kit
it makes me sad how many otaku probably just get this kit for masturbatory proposes
Oh. I'm interested.
The RG Zeta is so shit it needs a rework.
skill issue
you guys get this a lot of times but I got my first gunpla! (well two) i got a zaku 2 and a rising freedom, any tips to not screw them up? what if I cut off the part wrong??
Have fun. I screwed up my first kit but became a master with the hobby knife to deal with nubs.
Just pay attention to the instructions and do your best to clean the nubmarks
Post ur thighs
a hobby knife, a glass file, and your fingernail are the only tools you need for nub removal
There is a ten year old animated tutorial out there that tells you exactly how to build Gunpla.
Anyone know if scanned gunpla instruction manuals exist? I need one for the HG Gaplant and the HR TR-6.
Arnt these shitty and hollow?
Check on dalong.
Never thought to check Dalong. I do not read Korean, but I can toss it in a translator/check for hyperlinks at least. Thanks.
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You don't need to know any Korean, there's an English/Korean toggle to navigate the site. The manual scans are in the information section, not the review.
take pics of them with your bare thighs visible in the picture
Are these actually painted? I don’t know the difference
Oh, thanks Anon!
I haven no idea what I'm doing
Add more guns
The japanese version of Hobby Search usually has manuals for regular releases

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Surprisingly good so far
what it is that in the upper left box? zgok? i’m having trouble reading it and i’m going to go crazy please tell me
Top is a bootleg Freedom I got prebuilt at flea market to use for parts, $5 for those railguns wasn't that bad IMO
oh thank you so so so much now i can go to sleep
bought that chinese bootleg black devolution getter 1, eh?
Finished snapping the MG Wing Zero Ver. Ka. Overall is a pretty solid kit, though some of the assembly of the wings can be a bit nerve wrecking. 8.5/10
Bubllegum Pop originated in Sweden and most magical girl shows are inspired by that song genre.
modern gunpla are retard-proof, that even kids can build it themselves.
Thanks so much Anon. I might grab that TR-5 sans instructions now.
>imagine being the anon who thought this was okay to post
How embarrassing
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Chinks may like like their bootleg-looking shit, but sometimes they get it right!
Damn. I gotta build my catlabor and meme team epic kits.
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Worth it at $255 or wait for next drop?
And what would those times be? I don't think I've ever seen a good looking chink kit.
>someone cancelled their order of Meteor Unit on P-Bandai
I am sorely, sorely tempted to grab it, but I still have a backlog out the ass and I used my free shipping coupon on my July order, so consolidating would cancel it.
Depends on how much you really want a Perfect Strike. The MG and RG are P-Bandai exclusive, with the RG having sold out on US P-Bandai just last month.
Why not get the regular one? I'm being sincere.
Why bother with all the extra crap that only makes the kit look worse? Strike is at its best when there is no backpack involved.
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PG Perfect Strike has updated, more detailed armor.
Not him, but that's wrong, Strike is basically naked without a backpack unit and its profile looks bare and incomplete. Perfect Strike is unwieldy and overly bulky it's true, but the kit effectively allows you to build any one of the three Strike variants. To do that with the original you would have to buy the P-Bandai accessory pack as well as the Skygrasper kit, which is a hassle. If you don't care about the Skygrasper or the Grand Slam sword from Evolve, then this kit is the easiest way to get all the goodies in a single purchase.
I don't see why you would. There aren't any differences between the retail Meteor unit and the P-Bandai version and the retail release is still available on many US hobby shops.
This thing is finally getting reprinted
Yeah, if I want to spend about thirty extra bucks for a worthless Freedom and not get the waterslide. My local hobby shop does have an unsold Freedom + Meteor, but I can't justify the increased expense for a kit I don't want.
What's currently the single best kit in each grade?
oh shit, chinkino red cliff
Yeah, mine too. Not all that much in mine so it wasn't a huge hangup, but still glad to know that they've sorted out whatever it was that was causing this.
At last, my G-Line and F90L.
>literally nothing.jpeg
>Strike is basically naked without a backpack unit and its profile looks bare and incomplete
Nice wrong opinion you have there
These Contrast kits look so good.
I'd cop the Barbatos one, but considering they're not making the option set in the same colors I think I'll just go for the regular one. A shame since I kinda like the colors and replicating that on the option set is going to be difficult on my own.
>I know you are, but what am I?
Right looks better.
The head was improved but the chest is a downgrade
Yeah those guys are disgusting. And sadly, i do that, too.
Hello, this is israelanon from yesterday,do omachajapan do international shipping ? and if yes how much is it usually compared to mandarake?
Huff paints and sand resin without a respirator, rabbi.
Don't you have children to rape rabbi
Burglary Dog is out.
Now answer my question again: Can you swap the arms of the Chirico figures in the first two expansion sets so that you can make him shoot someone from his cockpit? No questions asked, the expansion sets are compatible with the Burglary Dog for obvious reasons, now this is the coup de grace.
i'm gonna buy it just to stick the weapons on Grimoire Red Beret
reprinting it at the same time was one of the rare genius moves by Bandai
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Grimoire Red Beret seems to be very popular in Japan and one of the Build's best seller during its initial print. It probably motivated Bandai hard enough to starts making HG for Votoms.
apparently these are the reprints for August.
>Shia Qant
>Xbone Full cloth GBFT
scalperkeks in shambles.
>Efreet Schneid
>Cherudim SAGA
>Striker GN-X
oh fuck yeah
>burglary dog
>not black
There are some in an OVA. You gotta watch your back around them.
*Smack lips* We wuz PS and shiets.
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Better pic.
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Jokes aside, AT mechs only look good when they are green.
I dunno, man, Bloodsucker looked pretty slick.
haha so funny
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The red shoulder enhances the design alot. You can say the same about Scopedog. Just a colorswap of a single piece, yet makes the design so intriguing and stands out.
Is Build Divers line kits flop in Japan?
I don't think any of the Build stuff flop in Japan. They gets reprinted regularly.
How much work do these generally need? Compared to a HG
Honestly, SD kits are rather low quality. They are on par with those Sodo toys of Kamen Rider.
Even these? They all seem pretty color accurate. Have you built them?
For snap fit? Literally meant for kits.
Painting and modifying them to fix all flaws? Significantly harder, mostly due to lack of part separation and/or copious amounts of holes to fill with putty
Okay so I guess my followup question, because I actually don’t know any better, is are those worked on? Because they look pretty accurate but I I’m unsure how they started
Depends on which kits.
To this day I can still find GM Beam Master with a red logo at the MSRP price, while the likes of Astray No Name or 00 Diver Ace are pretty much impossible to find without a scalped price.
You'll have to wait for the builder to answer that as I don't really know enough about the AGE SDs to say for sure, but I believe they are pretty high quality for the line (as AGE kits tend to be). Check how they look oob on dalong.net
I don’t own all of them because it’s insane to buy three of each like this, but I do have some info.

Spallow has solid blue shoulders and solid gray arms and hands. It’s Shigeru blade is also solid grey so all that white and the fins being blue/hands painted are all custom.

Orbital as well has solid red shoulders. No other color, as well as solid white legs and feet. The 3 backpack also is solid blue. So I can’t speak for the others but those two I know for a fact are toy bricks that absolutely had some TLC put into them
if fairness it is spectacularly ugly, only time I see it talked about is its value as kitbash fodder since it's literally just GM III + a bunch more parts
Oh god
this is pretty above average for an SD kit, really. Especially the yellow.
So I guess the OP actually is well done?
Same designer btw.
Bandai finally shipped my April shipment.
Still no sign of my May shipment, though.
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Kenji Teraoka is like a discount Katoki. Majority of his designs are so boring and ugly. Atleast Katoki has several good designs. This guy has none.
yes, yes, we get it. You're a retard, what's new?
Seethe, faggot.
but anon, you're the one throwing a fit over a drawing
Looks like SRW reject
Criticism equals throwing a fit? Huh?
Wouldn't look too bad with better color scheme, to be honest.
It is just a colorswapped GM 3 with extra parts. Original design looks ok.
and that's a good design, Aheadrager-kun
Pic not related
looks like the poop I took this morning
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Once i bought Burglarydog, i'm gonna paint his shoulder red.
how did we go from the kino that was the tieren to this slop
S2 designs are shit in general, except for Reborns
HG kit when?
In the next batch of Requiem kits along with Gouf custom
honestly, possible soon
but it will be the Origin version
or Requiem
frankly your best bet is getting the old Magella kit and sticking Zaku's torso on it.
Yes, why not
Remember to get the right shade of red.
And the Arche.
nta but
>OR question
Still waiting on the Scope Dog to get back in stock on HLJ...
How much time does tamiya putty takes to cure ?
2 years
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r8 today's haul
I can't believe I won't be able to work on this kit for 2 more years...
where thigh?
Not a fan of Aerial, but I'm a sucker for SD. 4.5/5 out of 10.
I mean thats canonically some stupid kid's OC, it should look dumb
Aerial Rebuild is one of the only designs from that series I enjoyed, it's a fun kit!
Yet the thing was designed by an industry professional artist, so the criticism stays. It is not even dumb fun like majority of Ebikawa's designs, just boring dumb.
Skill issue. Don't blame Tamiya.
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>just use rapid thinner bro so it won't look like grainy glitter
at that point why bother with that instead opting of gaianotes star bright gold if you're going to be blasting lacquer thinner
>HG S Gundam
I'm still mad the hyper mega bit cannon didn't blow up anything big.
did I fucking stutter?
Snapshitter trannies out in full force today
Star Bright gold is literally their ugliest gold you no paint faggot
Bro you seriously think someone can't afford a $3 jar of paint...?
Avatarfagging is against global rules
post hand
Yes, that makes you a snapshitter. You're also a tranny.
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your actual hand, not your boyfriends
biiiig gun. beautiful
some day i'll be cool enough to do that
Holy snapshitting tranny
blasting shitcrylics instead of superior lacquers makes you a snapshitter/poorfag with extra steps
the past 20 posts were all me btw
the non-pbandai ones are all online straight from bandai themselves
keep in mind the search is case sensitive

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what brush paint to replace metallic green color correcting stickers
>hand paint
You bought that at Hobby Lobby, didn't you? Get their Testors metallic green and look up how to thin it down. Then gloss coat the whole thing so the bare plastic parts don't stand out as much.
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>You bought that at Hobby Lobby, didn't you
my closest hobby store is a HobbyTown actually

are testors metallics all enamels? am I gonna want a rapid thinner?
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Bros for life
Vallejo mecha green metallic is pretty close to that.
Testors enamels are a different chemical than the Mr. Hobby paints Your rapid thinner won't do anything to them. Enamels thin with Enamel thinner browski
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man i’m not autistic but im r really loving the parts separation and moving detail so far on the gp02, it’s so pretty. i wonder if i should paint the inner frame in a stainless steel, would that make sense for support metal to be made of?
but gpg told me lacquer thinners work for enamels before
>no! you can't use acrylic paint it sucks
>what???? how can you use latex? that garbage!
>meanwhile none of you fags Tempera and pigment pilled
99% of people giving paint advice here don't even paint man. Lacquer thinner will turn your enamel into a sludgy mess. Enamel thinner would be best but varsol works too
nta but yes you can thin enamels with mr levelling thinner. mr levelling thinner is magic and works with almost anything, somehow even fucking most waterbased acrylics. yes, i have tried this, and yes, it works, at least with vallejo, army painter, and greenstuffworld (but NOT any of vallejo's acrylic-polyurethanes, they instantly turn into a weird gel blob).
never tried rapid thinner or hardware store lacquer thinner, however. i have noticed when i clean my enamel mixing dishes out with hardware store lacquer thinner it seems to not actually depolymerise and just turns into floating paint chips in the liquid
Any gray metallic of your liking really. I like burnt iron. For the kit in your pic I'd use mr hobby steel, with a flat or semi gloss coat over it
What if I try to paint details with an enamel thinned with L thinner over a coat of lacquer paint ? Wouldn't that reactivate the lacquer layer ? I never tried thinning enamel paint with L thinner
God damn, that purple/teal colorshift is sexy as fuck.
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Hardware store lacquer thinner with Testors enamels at 1:1 is primarily for airbrushing, pic related. If you're going to handpaint, mineral spirits or lighter fluid. Not sure if something different needs to be used for metallic enamels, as everyone says that metallic lacquers require different treatment than gloss lacquers.
how difficult would it be to replace a thunderbolt hg kit's joints with regular ones that don't look covered with material? Alternatively, would it be easier to putty/sand them into smooth surfaces and then add details to make them look normal?
>Wouldn't that reactivate the lacquer layer
yes. use mineral spirits/petroleum lighter fluid (zippo is the common one with little no no other additives)/branded enamel thinner if you want to brush paint over lacquer.
Bro that yellow detailing...
Yeah, that was my fault, I used a really shitty primer that left a rough finish, and since I already did the blue I decided to accept the loss. Still not bad for a first time ever fully airbrushed kit.
Finish painting ur fss kit
Thanks, that clears things up
im almost done priming and about to start painting my first fully airbrushed kit. pics tomorrow when the first coats of paint go on
i've seen a dude paint metallic laquer then a coat of enamel over it, then brushed the details with enamel thinner to reveal the metallic bits. granted it was for the trim on a sinanju and might be overkill for larger details like that
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this is pretty nice so far for chinese stuff, and the plastic quality is pretty good too

i’ll consider it, right now im trying to convince myself to not go with brass and copper just for aesthetics

i wish i could but it’s raining this entire week, so painting is on hold for now
Europoor interested in topcoating here.
Tamiya and Mr TopCoat availability and prices aren't the greatest in my country, does anyone here know about any acrylic based products that can be easely found in the UE?
>acrylic topcoat
Tamiya and mr topcoat are your best bets, order from a euro shop outside your country if you can't find any near you
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High gloss is hard to do. I put 4 layers of clear on there but still I was wearing off the paint on the edges before I was satisfied. At least some of the parts got that nice mirror sheen. Anyone got tips for next time? I used 4000-10000 grit sponges and Tamiya's buffing compounds.
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I'm glad I got the photo etch parts because the lack of vent detail is really the only thing I don't like about this Zeta.
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HG when?
i would sooner intentionally inflict trauma on myself until I repress the entire section of my life where i was aware of its existence
Skill issue
if you have an airbrush, vallejo polyurethane is about as good as it gets for waterbased acrylic.
no idea about rattlecan shit because i've never used any
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potential kinobash alert
More like cleano your fucking table
dw it’s just weathering, it’s not actually messy
Whew, carry on sir
What clear did you use ? I usually get a nice glossy surface with mr color gx clear gloss, with only 1 or 2 layers
That's exactly the one I used, super clear 3 I think it's called. It was quite glossy right out of the airbrush of course; but I wanted to be able to see my reflection as clear as in a mirror so I went for buffing.
get floorpolish pilled
gunpla meli is keeps evading the wall. Absurdly cute lobotomite
man, being a plamofag, this is such a weird time to be into gundam for me.
The Wfm kits is fine, but it's design have stuff I like and stuff I hate
the seedfreedom kits(for MC at least)'s gimmick doesn't feel as fun as the one introduced in seed and destiny(HGCE included, but I do like Rising Freedom design more than strike freedom).
My favorite line AoZ is going hard, but it's all P-bandai
The stuff I am looking forward to in Bandai is the 30mm and the related stuff. Granted, I am also interested in other bandai stuff such as kamen rider, dinosaur and macross, but I am not ready to invest into them yet.
I think I'll snap together my MG Acguy next...
I like how Bandai have been diversifying more between SRW, Macross and old Sunrise mecha anime getting HGs recently.
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Does anyone have Delta Gundam? What's exactly made them so pricey compared to Hyaku Shikki and even Delta Plus?
the electroplating for the shiny bling bling gold
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Only one left. Shame best girl will be last...
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Are all normal models this level of sticker hell? It is going to be a fucking bitch and a half to mask this thing.
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the stickers are free masking tape you know that right?
>are all normal models this level
yes? Welcome to the world of actual models where a base tooling is as plain as possible to make it cheaper to put out out different variants with minimal cost.
kek look at those awful gaps that need to be filled in, good thing bandai didn't pander to retarded snapshitters like you even further.
The gold chrome job.
>tfw no P-Bandai MG Delta Gundam despite the Delta Plus being a thing for years

Normal models just get waterslides for the markings and that's it. It's up to you to cement and paint the whole thing yourself.
Pride dictates that I paint it but again that looks like so much more hassle than it's worth. You can still do a weathering wash over waterslides, right?
Are there even in-universe reasons for the random coloured plates?
Why would there be?
I believe it's implied that they're made up from junk, retrofitted and/or improvised parts. Like some parts might be patched from the hull of another ship's wreckage and they didn't have time to repaint that panel.
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Guys hear me out
Why do chink resin kits never look even remotely like what they're supposed to be depicting? I'm not even talking about the added detail, but they always unnecessarily mess with the basic shapes of a design and ruin it.
This one's pretty tame for a Chink kit
You can thin Testors and Tamiya enemel with Mr. Color leveling thinner. Mine never turned into sludge, I painted some parts of a small cannon using tamiya's and did some tests with 3 year old testors paint. Both worked fine.
It's beautiful bros
God I can't wait for mine, Standard G-Line is SEX.
Mail me one
Tell me your kits wishlist so that I can ignore it
not for long ;3
Yeah can I get a reprint of the Gyan Krieger please? Thanks in advance.
In 5 years along with Jamru Fin to close ZZ HG line.
god I'm so fucking excited that it's not such a pipedream now
Please give me a non-ms ensemble inle
just a bit longer and we'll have 3rd party kits of it, people are working on it
Bandai will surely realise that AOZ is popular and give us an official manga translation r-right?!
psycho gundam mk ii as a retail kit together with finishing up the zeta hg lineup
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that would be so cool
in the last few years we got fat fucks like nightingale, destroy and now psycho mk ii. Bandai is not afraid of releasing big kits like that as retail, and with a bit of luck HGUC releases will pick up again now that the second factory is operational (or almost operational)
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Whip Swords are fucking kino
100% true.
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>For decades, Bandai tried to stop bootlegs
>they caught one, another new one keeps popping up
>their newest gunpla release gets copied in less time than ever before
>some started to make MSVs that haven't even seen a Bandai release before
>it only took chinese bootleggers to start designing their own mecha and now they stopped making bootleg gundams
>Bandais not afraid of releasing big kits like that as retail
They absolutely are.
Announcing Psycho Mk II after that buildshit that was based on it flopped is proof positive they aren't
>in the last few years we got fat fucks like nightingale, destroy and now psycho mk ii.
My point is that it took them 30 years to release big kits like these. People have been begging for Queen for 20 years. Plus, HG 1/144 is not exactly a giant scale.
you do not have a point
>it took them 30 years to release big kits like these
What is HG Dendrobium, Alex
neo zeong???
>Bandai releases a PG once every 5 years, that must mean they are not afraid of big robots being retail!
Same argument - AKA non existent.
What does the HG Alex have to do with this?
>big HG has the same development costs as a PG
I don't work for bandai, and I didn't say PGU. So, yes.
>PG Zaku is just a scaled up MG
1 RG Master Gundam to go with the RG God Gundam. Arigato Mr Bandai
Gonna resale for 3x the price to canadians?
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Okay, I know that there is at least one anon here that enjoy (or enjoyed, if he is no longer posting here) these galleries I sometimes make and upload so here is new one - with ATK Girl Jinyiwei. As usual, main gallery is on private site so no worry about "spamming" thread:


In case somebody would wonder - black and gray parts, as well as skin and hair were not painted, just covered in varnish. Only painted details, red, gold and silver parts. Not my finest work, I must admit - gloss varnish dried a bit odd, in form of slightly uneven "shell" like surface, and Vallejo "Liquid Gold" is problematic to work with brush, separating quickly and, due to using alcohol as solvent, activates layer under it. But there is a lesson in failure as well.
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Also tried making pantyhose-like effect on belly. I think I should use satin varnish here and decrease contrast but direction is right one I guess.
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And that would be all. Link have 33 photos total so its rather small gallery.
Left or right?
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Welp, Zeta Ver.Ka. definitely went back to monke. Look at those hands.
only good part of the ver ka design
I look like this IRL
To be fair, I will buy a MG Zeta 2.0 down the line and keep both. One for MS mode and Waverider mode.
the 2.0 is gonna be in waverider, right?
I would have to compare, but from the picture 2.0 looks infinitely better on Waverider.
pg moon gundam onegai
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yup, it's not a close match
coompla kino alert
you will be hunted down every time
this is a cool effect
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>heres your plamax VF-1 bro
it's kinda impressive how the shield just fucks up everything
then again the wings would still be really small without that problem
Fuck no. You can't have exposed steel in space. Also it's dark grey because it's dark grey. Why do you dudes like to pimp your frames with gold and silver so much? Like use your brain. Everything is coated with some kind of protective shit.
the protective shit is shiny
there you go
>i’m not autistic
>Posting on gpg
>Why do you dudes like to pimp your frames with gold and silver so much?
Because it looks cool, autist.
i’m a dummy, why can’t you have steel in space? is it too heavy?
>why do you like pimping in shiny colors
it looks more metallic rather than like plastic, so it makes it seem more “realistic”. as for the colors i just really really like brass as a metal, i’ve had an ingot of it since i was young and it’s very comforting to just hold in my hand
>protective shit
ok well i also cover the shiny paint with protective shit called mr color gx100, who’s to say anaheim couldn’t use a clear coat?

oh geez
>I know that there is at least one anon here that enjoy (or enjoyed, if he is no longer posting here) these galleries I sometimes make and upload
That person is me, and I'm still here. Nice work, anon.
>i’m a dummy, why can’t you have steel in space? is it too heavy?
Bare metals in space spot weld on contact. I'm a retard so I'm not sure of how or why, but metals in space apparently need protective coating for that reason.
>I'm a retard so I'm not sure of how or why,
the real question is if we can exploit that for manufacturing purposes in space
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yes, it's called cold welding
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>ummm achully u can't have bare metal frames for mobil suets cuz they would be cold welded in space
literally who asked?>
See >>22638405
>i’m a dummy, why can’t you have steel in space? is it too heavy?
>genre called "real robot" (with unrealistic, humanoid robots)
>fans shit pants and cry over anyone pointing out lack of realism
>paint doesn’t exist in real life
yeah, and people certainly aren't painting military equipment with shitty high flake gunmetal metallics
Dude it's like 300 years in the future and you drooling retards still think they're using the same technology and materials as today
their not using semi gloss plastic either are they?
just matte topcoat
>2000 million years into the future, everything will be covered in poopy metallic flake
>nanolemonade armor is just tamiya semi-gloss clear
water based, as lacquers will have been banned that far out into the future
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definitely looks like plain plastic, no shiny metal here
Bros, all the water decals on my Sazabi are starting to peel off... I didn't topcoat because it's not available where I live. Anything I can do?
ultimately you will need to topcoat, but if you have decal setter and softer you can pin them down for a bit longer.
Where the fuck do you live, the sahara?
i don't believe there's a place where you can't get any type of varnish or clear coat
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This guy is a menace.
>metallic paint doesn't exist in fiction
singlehandedly invalidating p-bandai lmao
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I've tried panel lining with oil washes. How's the end result? It's bare plastic with the oil paint, nothing more.
>this is where all the michaelis lances went
also giant robots arent realistic at all, you should be painting panzers and fighter planes
>n-no, everyone loves G-Witch!!!!!
>G-Witch best selling gunpla!!!!!
Meanwhile it's just this fucking dude buying it all, gbitch fans shidding and farting rn
planes aren't realistic either
seriously you're trying to tell a big metal box can fly if you give it big metal plates on the sides and push it hard enough???
>I didn't topcoat because it's not available where I live
there are many kinds of clear varnish beyond just the brands targeted at autistic plastic modelers. you surely have some kind available.
schizo much?
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from now on /gpg/ is for zeppelinfags ONLY.
post snapshitted zeppelin kino
gwitch is interesting as it got really good viewership and ratings, but not with the core gundam audience. it appealed the the normalfags who usually don't buy toys.
sure it did
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Right here, yes all those propellers spin and spotlight has an LED in it.
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>oil washes on fucking bare plastic
>can't fuckihg clean it up properly or blend
at this point why are you bothering with that instead of acrylic washes if you're going to risk adding cracks for something that doesn't look much better than safer solutions
aile strike is my favorite gundam ever, what's the best kit for it?
only cracks if you already damaged the part, hamhands-kun
>1/N scale
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First coats on my first fully sir rushed kit, Entry Grade RX-78-2. I definitely see why acrylics need paint retarder and will be getting that soon, but thinner and flow improver has been enough to get this far. Vallejo model color acrylic paint.
I'm trans btw
the moment you cut a piece out and snap it into place there will be many micro cracks present. The moment any sort of enamel or oil wash goes in on the surface, those cracks will expand either to be more visibile or enough to make the part brittle. This is why if you're going to be a retard and panel wash with anything oil based on bareplastic do it while its still on the runners to minimalise the risk of making existing cracks worse.
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Snagged this. Is it really a god tier HG kit?
Uhhhh, bros? I ordered one kit wtf do i do with the other 2?
Customs and kitbash obviously, build a thunderbolt version with sub-arms and extra shields
>Thunderbolt AUs
imagine G Gundam Thunderbolt
How many kits have you lined with enamels uncoated?

I'm sitting at over 100, so I'd like to compare notes in experience.
>reddit spacing
>flexing over 100 snapshitted model kits
Ok I looked up and found some clear varnish in spray form aparently for wood, will this work? even if I applied the decals like two months ago??
Are you mentally challenged?
I never applied varnish or topcoat I have no idea how this shit works
Who's the fucking dumbass retard who told you it's OK to put waterslide decals without varnish after?
I didn't know varnish and topcoat were the same thing lol. So, will it still work to protect the decals if I apply it now?
t. hamhands
Better late than never. Just make sure it's clean and free of dust before you do
>. The moment any sort of enamel or oil wash goes in on the surface
why are you treating these as if they're equivalent? enamel solvents are 1000x hotter than oil...
just try it out on some spare runners to make sure it has the finish you want
Been out of the loop. How's the Solomon GP02? It looks really nice and tempting.
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/m/en. How many hours of work do I have left on my Ex-S model?

p.s. Fuck these little metal screws on the skirt armor. Fuck yo couch, nigga.
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Don't mind if I do
You haven't even started yet. You're barely just putting it together.
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They're a VF-1D for all 7 people in the world who care about it
>but not with the core gundam audience
Itsagundam and /m/ isn’t the core audience
>Itsagundam and /m/ isn’t the core audience
The core audience is the people who like mecha, not yuri fans or social media retards.
>tell me you didn't watch the show, without telling me you didn't watch the show
I did not watch it. I'd not waste my time on that shit.
How do I dust off old kits?
acetone spraycan
>subscribed to the Crafta channel
>suddenly some kind of apology video
Anyone have an idea what he's apologizing about? I don't understand Japanese.

He plays AC6 with mods installed. Then he got a lawsuit warning from Bandai Namco overlords so he had to make this vid out of his own will.
If you know about Bandai and Fromsoftware, they don't like mods. Dark Souls have anti mod system, too. You might get banned from playing PvP if you use mods.
I mostly wash them with warm tap water. Warm water can wash away slippery properties, which helps the kit from being too floppy.
i find that stroking the pieces slowly and occasionally kissing them makes them less flaccid too
Why have game devs/publishers become such giga faggots?
>. You might get banned from playing PvP if you use mods
not being able to use gameplay-affecting mods in pvp is normal it's not some weird japanese thing.
>publish gameplay with hacked game client
>oh no, how could I have gotten in trouble for this!
retard alert
he should be gracious that he didn't get bannned and blacklisted by bamco as a whole.
>lawsuit warning
What the fuck? Thanks, anon, for translating.
Sand the fucking wing joints for the love of god.
>why are you treating these as if they're equivalent? enamel solvents are 1000x hotter than oil...
they use the exact same shit to thin which is the real nasty stuff to plastic you know that right?
>All the Japanese comments treating it like he actually made a mistake or giving him shit for not apologizing enough.
They're an entire island of corporate cocksuckers, huh?
Bandai can't ban you from YouTube you fucking retard. And they can't copyright strike you for using your own gameplay footage.
>hacked game client
He was using a visual mod that visually replaced his ac with wing snow white (on his screen only btw), jap companies are mentally disabled
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Jap game devs are extremely trigger-happy and will fuck you over a stupid videogame.
No, most of Souls games have automatic ban. That means, some dickhead can use a burner account, hack his resources into outrageous amount. Then in PVP, he can give you those multiplied items if he successfully killed you or pretended to be friendly. You will be banned because the game's anti-mod counts your inventory, too.
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>those fucking hip connections
Why are bandaibabies so content with eating this slop
It's a special kind of retarded
Sucking corpo dick and having to apologize over the armored core games is some of the most ironic shit I've seen recently.
>modding games against the creator's vision is bad
>modifying plastic models against the creator's vision is fine though
And yet it's still the only good model of it that exists
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Not for long
That Hasegawa kit is horrendous. Completely fucked proportions, ugly additional detailing.
>Completely fucked proportions
but thats how it actually looked in the anime? it wasn't a stumpy proportional mess like the hg
>ugly additional detailing
but its the same as the hg but more clarified?
if it has more than one panel line compared to the line art its chinkslop tier greeble
I get the feeling that the EG joints won't be able to handle this backpack at all.
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what's the difference between this and the regular thinner that they put out
I tried a little bit of this yesterday and I felt like it stings my skin way more than the regular Mr. Color thinner and is stronger at melting paint?
just thicken them, the waist is a regular ball joint
I prefer the taste and bottle shape of this one
it has retarder in it
Paint it like Galient.
funny how they only really target the usually law-abiding japs while gaijins can literally rip the fucking game apart and make content out of it and nobody cares
with souls games there are a trillion channels out there dedicated to just digging through the game to uncover whatever assets that are either unused or hidden to make content out of it, I bet whatever those people do is far more "serious" than what he did.
You can't be sued for modifying video games in most places.
New thread

cool, but I'm talking about his game account.
Regular Mr. Color thinner is weak as fuck, the leveling and rapid thinners are stronger
Leveling thinner contains retarder to slow down paint drying and make gloss coats easier to achieve

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