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Previous: >>40828366

ITT: Let's explore any and all sorts of ideas for the underutilized and under-developed Shadowbolts from Equestria Girls.

Completed Stories:
Treating Miss Sweet by ChurroAnon
- https://pastebin.com/7r8iCJ2U

Ongoing Stories:
To Listen (Part 1) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/c6D2XDbL
Game of Headphones (Part 2) by AlexanderGrey
- https://pastebin.com/Sx1M6gnB
Music Is Coming (Part 3) by Alexander Grey
- https://pastebin.com/4c5BLWLd

Shamelessly stolen writing guides:
- https://pastebin.com/V1ujiyJt
- https://pastebin.com/whCQ2GpX
- https://pastebin.com/bnMmZ2T3

Other Shadowbolt links: https://pastebin.com/wYy0FyrA
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Anyone else willing to bet this guy >>40891403 >>40876229 slid the thread off 10?
seems autistic enough
There’s something about Cinch’s tummy that awakens something in me
I would love to pump them up
It wouldn’t surprise me
>Thread hurts your feefees
>Stops replying to you
>Slide it off page 10
>They remake the thread and keep going like the terminator after getting shot
>Claim it as a victory in your head anyway
Why are sad retards like this?
Her prudeness
What happened?
The comic? Or why slutty book nerd is /fit/ slutty book nerd?
Do you think it's the same anon who called them the N word in the luddite thread?
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Smaller b cup girl
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I can only find Sour Sweet.
Requesting this with Lemon Zest.
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sour sweet would be more like the golden egg girl
Her or sunny
mostly sour
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I want them to catch me sneaking into their sleepover than beat me up but not let me leave
>You let just 2 of them take you down
Couldn't be me
>but all 6 in pic related
that's more understandable
>She is the one who rapes you
If love to get gangbanged by all the girls at once
This but you take turns on them with >>40906353
Wouldn't stand a chance against all of them
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>they force you to watch girly movies with them
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i like this
>The girly movies have nude scenes
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So sexy
What was the conversation that leads up to something like this?
Delete this even if it's double dubs.
>Delete this even if it's double dubs.
Low quality bait or newfag trying to fit in?
Don’t answer that, you’re retarded either way.
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She saw your morning wood she knows you want it
>”You already took your damn pic of them! Would it kill you to stop staring already?”
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>start groping them instead
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even if you didn't want it, you're getting it
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File deleted.
>next day
>teacher explains looking at boobs is healthy for a man's heart
>she seats herself again like before but starts talking about her day instead
>if you actually listen she lets open her shirt and touch them only if you sign a letter promising to marry her later
>you ask if they're warm
>she won't let you touch them
>"just a poke"
>she lets you poke them
>you poke right in the decolete (translator's note: this is fancy for cleavage)
>next day
>she asks you if you can check if they're warm today
>she invites you while her parents aren't home
>you think you're going to do it
>you think wrong
>it's some dumb assignment for writing class
>you're allowed to make suggestions though
hot pic
>looking at boobs is healthy for a man's heart
I want to believe this is true
Sour Sweet after she’s oiled up and strutting around in the locker room in nothing but her bra and thong panties
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The only reason they wouldn’t be warm is because Sugarcoat can really be a cold ass bitch sometimes.
>”Do you have brain damage?”
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Wrong season, dumb girls.
Yeah they should start taking things off
I love the crown saying “leader”
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Look it up. It's true. If Snope's says it's false it must be true.
I love bunnygirls.
Cute bitchy princess girl
I’d be their plaything
Imagine if they were mares. That would be cute I think.
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>”Bet you’ll give me a car now”
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Very cute
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Would cuddle the plushies.
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>”Haven’t you ever heard of knocking?”
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"okay i'll knock next time"
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Is the writefag writing the sour sweet story still here?
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Probably not
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Now post the other version
Which one
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The one where she gets raped.
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>when 2 out of 3 people are gay
Looks like >>40917412 happened.
To Cinch? That's kinda hot...
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>since then the school had a policy to punish fails and naughty girls
What about incredibly cute girls like in your picrel?
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They're the worst offenders because they think they can get away with it.
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I promise to continue
>Sour Sweet restrained in her underwear while Anon gets ready to pull her underwear off and fuck her
Can’t wait
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>A minute later, Sour Sweet broke free of her chains, but Anon got her bra off and cornered her in the locked room anyway
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love that angle
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In spite of this being an edit, I'm bummed MLP g4 didn't get any reruns due to the merge last year.
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>you corner her in a locked room
>with a compressed air station
>she tells you to bring the air canister
I didn't know hasbro and cartoon network merged
>found an OC which looked a lot like a Shadowbolt
>forgot to save it
>now it's gone in the depths of DB's files
What do you remember about it?
It's tag search time.
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Found it.
She's cute.
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I want to boop her
>”My feet aren’t going to lick themselves, Fancy Pants.”
curse you lol
>Grab her and tug her panties down
Are you gay?
>As her panties get rolled halfway down her thighs it’s clear she subtly wants it
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Is there a nude version?
I don't think there is one, no
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Nice view
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How long until she gets dizzy?
Schoolgirls shouldn't dress like this.
If Indigo Zap shouldn’t be wearing nothing but a skimpy sling bikini, then why does she look so damn sexy in one?
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She was meant to be sexy and that's a good thing
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What was it?
It is simple temptation to make you commit sins, stay vigilant.
Posts last thread
Something about workshop classes. Can be found in desu.
Too bad I want to be a sinner
It's not a sin if the school arranges your marriages according to eugenic guidelines.
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>"Oooh... You think boys like that? They love their toys."
>Whips out circular saw
About a minute
Oh however long it takes a pony to get dizzy
That is a good image set
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That tank top looks like it’d be easy to force off of her
How large is that image set?
The girls posing in lingerie and one main image.
6/10. Good eye candy.
There’s like 30 something images though right?
What’s the main image?
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Considering edits until it was done? Yes.

I don't have it. Momentarely on my phone, but it was the Shadowbolts with a few background CPA girls posing in black and white lingerie. That was it.
Like I said, eye candy.
I'll just look it up on derpi later on
Very cute
Wasn’t there a small green of this
I think?
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Woah, that was fast. And big.
Such a nice pic
Needs a version where they bust out of there
really now how would they react?
>"Is he asking for a blowjob or not?"
that'd be hot
That would be way too much effort
They’d not know anything about how that shop class stuff works
Evidently they do because they have shop class.
Good point
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Why did someone remake>>40915952
and why is it so shiny?
Practice, maybe
I like it.
need sassy sugarcoat gf to annoy me
I want her to bully me
How do you think they would?
This but with Sour
>hfw I throw her headphones off a bridge into a river
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You’re in for it now Anon
I want them to bully me for sneaking in
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you have to be 18 to post here
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>”Why is anon publicly masturbating to us?”
Ah yes.
Pump them up sexually
That sounds better
He doesn't know he is
She looks like she needs help breathing.
How so?
That's a line Spike said to Applejack in the show.
Would head pat
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Someone's spamming.
They must be pretty mad.
Wanna put myself right between them
>Whip your cock out and force yourself between her thighs
>Your tip finds her pussy and you penetrate inside
>Sour’s mind goes from fear to lust from feeling your length deep inside
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“Wait, I’m NOT invisible?!”
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>"No but now we wish you were."
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go on...
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Drop the towel sour
Are their colors dingier here?
Are you the one spamming the catalog right now?
It’s happening again?
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>”That’s the other green one, retard”
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>Tells anon she’ll grant 3 wishes
>He just starts molesting her
>Lemon Zest the teenage genie had to appear before anon out of that artifact
>In that skimpy revealing outfit
>No one is around for miles in this lonely desert abode
>He sets his gaze upon her
>”I will grant you three…” Lemon Zest sees his eyes wander to her exposed cleavage and midriff “w-wishes…”
>She backs away, realizing what this is
>Can’t go far from the artifact
>She doesn’t know how to use her powers outside of granting wishes
>Closing the distance, Anon wraps his arms around Lemon Zest and pulls her against himself
>”D-don’t you want to make a wish?” She stutters
>Anon doesn’t need to
>Lemon Zest’s tiny, strapless, cleavage revealing top is easy to manipulate into malfunctioning
>Anon’s groping hands squeeze Lemon Zest’s soft tits
>”No!” She reacts, struggling to push him away “Wait no! Get off!”
>Anon only advances harder
>Lemon Zest’s big boobs jiggle more the harder she resists “No! NO!!”
>Anon continues to grope her, pulling that skimpy top out of place, forcing Lemon Zest’s nipples to slip out
>”NO!!” Lemon Zest struggles to pull her mini top back over her exposed nipples
>Anon continues to grope Lemon Zest’s jiggling exposed breasts
>Then rips her top all the way off
>Horrified, Lemon Zest desperately tries to push Anon away from her
>”NOO!! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!” She screams
>Lemon Zest fights as hard as she can
>Topless and helplessly throwing weak punches at Anon while he squeezes her soft bare breasts and feels up her smooth bare midriff
>She whimpers in distress and starts to cry
>Lemon Zest screams again
>This time into Anon’s mouth as he kisses her on the lips
>He tugs her pants down
>She tries to hold them up with tears in her eyes
>Anon pulls harder and exposes Lemon Zests’s buttcrack
>She hopelessly resists Anon’s horny advances
>Tears roll down her cheeks while she looks at how hard Anon is
>Topless Lemon Zest desperately tries to keep her pants over her crotch
>Anon spanks Lemon Zest’s soft buttcheeks
>They jiggle while he pulls her pants further down and exposes them
>Her rips the top of her pants wider open
>Anon forces Lemon Zest’s pants down her soft thighs
>They fall to her ankles
>”NOO!! P-PLEASE!!” Cries Lemon Zest
>She covers her exposed pussy when Anon whips his huge cock out and starts jerking to her forced nudity
>Lemon Zest shrieks, trembling and crying
>Anon throws himself at her, forces himself between her legs
>Lemon Zest’s fear wasn’t enough to stop Anon’s arousal
>Whimpering, naked Lemon Zest helplessly struggles to keep Anon’s erect cock away from her pussy
>”Please don’t!”
>Her voice breaks as she gets exhausted
>Anon’s not exhausted
>Lemon Zest cries, desperate for escape “No… don’t… don't! No! NO!! NOO!!!”
>Anon pushes his cock between Lemon Zest’s pussy lips
>Lemon Zest lets out a final loud shriek
>Anon forces his erect cock deep into Lemon Zest’s naked pussy
>Lemon Zest’s hot naked body is pinned to the wall
>She loudly whimpers with tears going down her cheeks as Anon rapes her
>He gropes her soft tits and grabs her soft ass
>Helping himself to her nude body as he thrusts his hips between her upper thighs
>Lemon Zest’s restraint dies
>She realizes it’s hopeless
>Horrified, she quietly cries and lets Anon continue humping her
>He kisses her again, sticking his tongue into her mouth
>Lemon Zest gives in and lets him kiss
>She lets him plap her while feeling up her naked body
>There’s nothing she can do to stop him now
>There never was
>Her heavy breathing is as loud as his
>She feels Anon’s hard cock twitch inside of her while he slams his hips against her
>She tries not to let it turn her on but he JUST keeps going
>It’s clear he’s getting close… Lemon Zest can feel it
>He’s humping faster, making Lemon Zest’s soft ass mashed against the wall push up to it harder
>”P…please d-don’t cum…” Lemon Zest begs
>As if that’ll make a difference
>Anon humps Lemon Zest harder
>Ignoring her pleas not to cum inside of her
>She cries and cries, not realizing she started leglocking him
>”Please no…” Lemon Zest whimpers as her soft naked breasts bounce up and down
>Anon intensifies his movements and suddenly grunts
>She feels his cock wildly jolt
>Begs Anon to pull out while still leglocking him
>Anon proceeds to fire off loads of cum deep inside of a naked and crying Lemon Zest
>She feels him cumming buckets, and she winces, horrified
>Lemon Zest stays paralyzed in traumatized shock, sobbing while Anon dumps his foul load deep into her womb by force as she’s powerless to stop it
>She feels it getting all over the inside of her womb
>Lemon Zest feels lightheaded
>Anon continues cumming inside of her until he finally finishes
>He pauses for a moment before resuming humping
>Lemon Zest doesn’t know what her mind is feeling, but she’s almost relieved he’s doing it again
>It feels… good…
>She fully give in to Anon and tightens her leglock, staring into his eyes while he continues humping her
>Lemon Zest understands he’s going to cum inside of her a second time
>Doesn’t like it but doesn’t oppose it
>She has accepted this
>But the longer Anon keeps humping her, the more Lemon Zest slowly begins to welcome it
>She likes feeling Anon’s cock ravaging her pussy
>It feels better than she first realized
>Then Anon cums again
>Lemon Zest bites her lip feeling his cock jolt with semen squirting out inside of her
>Her eyes now silently plead into his to do it one last time
>Just so she can make sure she really does like this
>But Lemon Zest already knows deep down she does
>Anon continues
>Kissing Lemon Zest on the lips again now with her sticking her tongue into his mouth
>Lemon Zest encourages anon to grope her soft and big naked tits as they jiggle from him humping her
>Anon now came 3 times, she reluctantly rejoices
>Shamefully aroused, Lemon Zest cums too
Whichever thread they don’t like was still up at the time.
No idea if they’ll do it again because there’s no telling if they already succeeded yet.
Fucking pathetic cunts these people are.
Disrupting the whole board to slide one thread off page ten.
This this why /mlp/ is so fucking dead and dying further these days, people who pull shit like this ruined it for everyone else and then turn around thinking they’re defending the board’s honor, then project their actual bullshit onto people just leaving the board alone to die after all these years like it’s supposed to.
It’s incredibly sad.
Same anon writing the sour sweet rapefic?
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>”got any sunscreen?”
Hi Juniper.
Not exactly sunscreen but kind of
Straight offa page 10
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>Jump inside the suit with her
Imagine if Juniper was a Shadowbolt
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bump before bed
She’d be just as cringe
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Nice drawings
Never understood why they replace lighting dust with Indigo Zap.
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I want to ruin reputations with her
Sour when she gets shoved around and stripped by her jock classmates after teachernon mindbroke her
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Zesty panties
Why are her eyes extra light?
Principal Cinch when she steps in to stop them but the whole team turns on her and starts molesting her too: >>41047625
>Principal Cinch
Is she actually attractive?
Exactly how?
What is that even supposed to mean?
I think he's asking what's the appeal of Cinch.
You can do that with any cartoon character and add whatever headcanon you want. Like how Cinch is a prude woman with a nice bod who secretly wants to ditch the suit and haircut and finally let loose to give in to sexual urges. Why is it being asked as a definite thing anyway?
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>Why is it being asked as a definite thing anyway?
I think what he's trying to do can't work if it isn't presented that way.
What a shame
>Cinch is a prude woman with a nice bod who secretly wants to ditch the suit and haircut and finally let loose to give in to sexual urges
That’s one headcanon I’ve seen. It’s pretty good.
>He doesn’t like a woman in a uniform
Why are you gay
Because you suck at trolling.
She’s blind
It fits.
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I saw this scene, and it will take a while before they go.
Did you make this anon?
This poster <<41058211
is also this poster >>41058207 but he will deny it to the very last reply.
Cool story bro.
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>Untie her side-tie bikini before she can stop you
Cinch was a party animal in her heyday
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still is, secretly
How can you be so correct, and yet make a huge mistake?
I mostly like to imagine Cinch as a sexually frustrated cougar who regrets being so straight laced when she was younger and wished she'd let loose at all.
>I think it's cute to imagine a woman like Cinch trying to awkwardly engage in the party scene with a young Anon while being totally ignorant of it
It’s called nausea.
Her tummy can’t be feeling nausea, you’re not in the room with her.
Play nice, Anon
That’s a cute headcanon for cinch. What would she try to say to sound hip with the younger generations?
She's going to say neato of course.
I like to imagine she gets half the slang right
>Having a good gpa is quite based, Anon
>I rizz having you as one of my students
>Your answer for this test reads a bit sus
>Sit up straight, we wouldn't want you cringing now would we?
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This is why Lemon Zest doesn’t get voice lines.
Is there any fan art where the plant monster is having it's way the shadowbolts?
Should be easy to find on derpi if there is
There's this one, that was deleted from derpibooru.
Unf that’s the stuff
that's what your mom said
Kek, this is better than whatever personality the writers were trying to give her.
Need more Lemon Zest being aggressively horny.
You have to be 18 to post on this site.
Fucking hell this would have made her so funny but somehow even worse
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I kmow how is this going to end, so I'll just say: yes.
I agree with this stance.
>Cinch tells the shadow five they have one day to build a small barn using their shop class skills
Do they pull it off?
20 Amish men can barely do it in a day, so I don't think 5 high school girls will be able to.
>No underwear under the overalls
Better off trying a shed desu
Birdhouses to sheds is a more reasonable step up.
Sure. With magic.
By being horny
I remember this one
It’s so hot
Why do people hate that site?
Asking for splinters
Long story. But in short, they wanted to dictate what was allowed and what's not, and backfired terribly.
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The hypest girl in all Crystal Prep.
>”Kiss me, Anon!”
Reminder that we never see her again.
Is there good fan fiction of the Shadowbolts?
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Look at her go!
Imagine being so butthurt over nothing
Even if the bump posts all disappeared tomorrow you’d still be a pathetic backseat moderating retard
Go outside or something already
can you please stop using discord.
>He’s delusional too
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She would have won the dance competition if she was in that episode
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kek the pic that started the compressed air equipment meme
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Trips confirm
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>whoever made this still added pollution in the background
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I want to play twister with them
Twister sisters
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My heart is racing
My heart is racing and my cock is erect.
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Small head
Next: pregnant modelling. But: she isn't pregnant.
Always a hot pic
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Anon, read the thread.
sorry my bad
I want to suck on sour’s sweet nipples so bad bros
>and backfired terribly.
It did?
Well it’s still far more alive than the alt boorus
>It all really went south when they stopped making Sugarcoat balance things on a tray
>They were already groping Sugarcoat’s soft tits and ass without her consent before this
>Sugarcoat’s humiliating defeat had forced her into a lewd revealing bunnysuit bringing beverages for the victors
>Letting them do anything they want to her
>She sensed cruel enjoyment in Sunset’s eyes when that hand spanked Sugarcoat’s soft ass cheek through the tight leggings only slightly shielded by the undersized behind of the leotard
>She felt how legitimately turned on Rainbow Dash was when that hand grabbed on her soft half bare tit nearly spilling out of the revealing little top of the leotard
>This wasn’t part of what Sugarcoat thought she agreed to
>Their hands shamelessly squeeze Sugarcoat’s scantily clad tits and ass like she’s some cheap whore
>Sugarcoat silently promised her own fists would retaliate once both of them were free from balancing drinks
>She already sheds tears in her eyes
>Trying to keep a tough angry persona only to get her barely clothed body groped more than before
>Sugarcoat’s “mean” look only masks how scared and horrified she is
>”I’m still thirsty, sugartits!” Rainbow Dash gropes both of Sugarcoat’s soft tits
>”Get the fuck away from me!” Sugarcoat growls fiercely
>Pushes Dash away and covers her chest with her crossed arms
>Sunset grabs Sugarcoat’s arms from behind and holds them back
>Forcing Sugarcoat to resume showing off her full cleavage
>Sugarcoat’s hatred for the Canterlot high cunts rises in her when they force her to the floor
>Sunset clamps Sugarcoat’s arms back while Dash sits on Sugarcoat’s legging covered thighs
>Sugarcoat desperately attempts to free herself and escape to anywhere but here
>Failing and only arousing Dash even more by shaking her soft barely covered tits around for her when thrashing her body back and forth
>There’s no one around to help
>Dash licks her lips and aggressively grabs Sugarcoat’s tits to her heart’s content
>”NOO!!” Screams Sugarcoat “You’ll pay for this!”
>Sugarcoat’s threatening growls turn to horrified whimpers when her nipples get exposed against her will
>The top of Sugarcoat’s leotard is bunched below her bellybutton and Dash goes to town sucking on Sugarcoat’s nipples
>Sugarcoat stops fighting back and sobs with tears rolling down her face
>Vowing her revenge on the Canterlot high cunts for this humiliating assault on her body
>Sunset kisses the side of Sugarcoat’s neck
>”What the fuck is wrong with you!?” Sugarcoat sobs
>”Do you want to eat her out or should I?” Sunset asks Dash
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Sorry about your broken leg sugarcoat
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What is it?
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Still a great set
Does it have a nude version
I love girltummies
I love them big.
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Sexy costumes I think they shouldn’t try to cover themselves more in once magically under attack
I love costumes
That's what they're designed for.
No, but there are lewd scenes. Personally, I think that makes it better.
Costume makes it cute, actions make it sexy.
Fair point trips
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This pic is so hot
Costumes that are meant to be easily reached under with no underwear underneath for easy access to the girls’ bodies
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big booba
Should've kissed Sugarcoat instead.
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Needs wider hips
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hope it is good enough
Hand could use fixing but not bad
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Or maybe sour sweet
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Now the waist seems slightly pinched
I think that's actually the abdomen
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foot fetish, nothing of value
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New thread: >>41124040
I go to bed

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