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The secret ingredient is added... Updates will follow in the coming days after her inoculation
pinkie rye
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What exactly is going to happen to her?
Say her name
She will help me get to Equestria
Microplastic pie
children of the rye
she's stuck between a rye and a hard place.
Once she has cooled down to room temp, she will be safe for it. Right now she is too hot. Very hot mare
>he doesn't know what happens when you put a pinkie pie into rye
she will be consumed by the bacteria
Hopefully not. If she gets contaminated, I will have to start over
Sugar Cubensis Corner
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>OP in two months
Mareshroom takeover imminent
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She is now inoculated
Anon out here trying to make marecelium irl
out of all the drugs I've tried, magic mushrooms were by far the most fun
the secret ingredient is cum isn't it?
Careful, Psilocube Ponkascens is an extremely potent strain. You’re gonna be tripping balls on that in no time.

For real though, how the fuck does this board share literally every single one of my niche interests? Am I just that much of a cookie cutter autist?
The winding path that leads to this place is very particular, and shapes everybody similarly
He is gonna go to Equestria and back for sure
anon that's not how you make sweet rye bread
Ideally speaking, we should start to see signs of growth in 2-5 days here. I have a good feeling about this
Keep us posted.
magic poneshrooms gonna habben
it's called the "Ponka Fanaticus tek"
My main concern is that adding in a foreign Ponk may lead to potential contamination vectors. She withstood the steaming process though, so I am betting that wouldn't be the case. Would be quite funny if this somehow aided the process and adding a cute pink amre to the jar was beneficial
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>Ponk - LSD

>Rainbow Dash - Cocaine

>Rarity - XTC

>Twilight - Amphetamines

>Fluttershy - Magic Mushrooms

>Applejack - Apples
>Not assigning all the drugs to Pinkie Pie
So which mare would be DMT
one of my few pony drawings from the good old days......
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Update: From inoculation yesterday to today, there is some initial rhizomorphic growths near Ponk (Those little white thread-like spots against the glass). This is much quicker than my previous experiments. What is she telling them?
In one day? That's very fast.
That's what I'm saying! Do you think they like her?
I'd say molly for pinkie and not rarity
It begins.
i love shrooms and pinkie pie, op let's be friends
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Sleep well, Pinkie Rye
I think your list is mostly ass. Try this:
>penk: xtc or weed, for even more love of everyone around her or the turbo giggles and munchies.
>rd: agreed, gotta go fast.
>rares: lsd, for the overwhelming sense of beauty and patterns everywhere (untill she panics and starts her bad trip, she is definitely not stable enough for hard drugs).
>twi: keta, for extreme relaxation by inducing a dream-like halluciogenic state.
>flutters: agreed, maybe also dmt if she is brave enough, both for the (extreme) connection with nature.
>appul: agreed. Also cider, because tradition and it's perfect for adding a dash of ghb while she isn't looking.
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this thread can't die yet!
Pinkie Pie: Mdma. The movement the music, the very therapeutic feeling of love and connection and being able to let things go easier. She might also like Nitrous but probably only while on other substances.
Rarity: Unsure
Rainbow Dash: Speed
Fluttershy: Psilocybin for how intense nature becomes
Twilight:speed for study but maybe lsd for non study
applejack: Cider

>a dash of ghb
Eh sounds dangerous, maybe only use a little alcohol as a chaser.
Ill be posting another update by end of day here, thanks for bumping
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Update: Marecelium is visible...
You're onto something with this. Godspeed anon
Thanks, I'm doing my best to make sure the snowpity levels in the jar are at optimal levels for marecelium cultivation.
I find that marecelium needs a Laudiculic, non-tedmantic snowpity environment to grow property according to the Bunglingle classification methodology.
I don't have an Equine Entabulator to measure the exact snowpity flux, but I think we got a good approximation so far.
how much experience you have with growing fungi?
I tried myself doing it, and failed due to contamination and fruit flies
Pretty experienced I'd say. Its tough, but once you find the tek that works for you, then its pretty nice to adjust and refine your own process.

Creating your grain spawn jars is the hardest part of the whole process for sure. I've never had contam in my jars thus far, so I am confident in my sterilization tek Though truth be told, I am kinda expecting a larger chance of contam with Ponka, given she is a rogue addition to the jar itself

I went through the proper sterilization steps, though her snowpity might be just a little too intraconferous for the marecelium to handle. We will have to see
Any tips on how to cultivate Lion's mane mushroom?
I don't cultivate that type, really. Though all mushrooms have the same process.
>Prepare grains
>Steam sterilize
>Inoculate with spores
Then once your grain spawn is ready
>Create pasteurized substrate
>Mix grain spawn with substrate (and casing layer)
>Keep humidity and temp at optimal levels until fruiting bodies appear

Its a lot more involved if you are doing it from step 0 though like me. Lions mane is legal in all states and there are a lot of grow kits out there for it that come with the grain spawn and substrate prepped, you just need to inject the spores.
Ponka is not a contaminant, yet she can contaminate the results. A conundrum.
She's just too friendly!!
a fellow shroom grower
let's see how it goes
forgot to ask: what strain?
I wanna see if you guys can recognize the strain once this mycelium gets put into substrate and starts to fruit
might be difficult honestly but i'll give it a try
What Teks do you use fren?
lately i just put the substrate into a bag, seal it up, sterilise it, do the injection and once mycelium is done, cut the bag open and let them grow (inside a container ofc). tired of juggling jars and increasing the risk of contamination
rye have you done this?
Going to try and take a timelapse today of her and one of my other jars for comparison to post here. I think that might be cool to see if there is visible movement and growth over the day
Ive not had a chance to experiment much with different substrate teks. Once I get to that point, I do wanna experiment with doing my own all in ones. Might be pretty fun
I'm wondering if I should let this time lapse go for another day before posting or if I should post the progress for today's stuff around midnight tonight.
Please post more punki fungi
>why yes, I would like microplastics in my drug cultures!
but im allergic to rye :(
I just got my timelapse together. Its super cool and you can see the marecelium growing! Im doing some compression and stuff to get that posted up here at some point today, hold tight anon!
Looking forward to seeing the video.
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piezomorphic growth
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>The movement the music, the very therapeutic feeling of love and connection and being able to let things go easier.
Fully agree
>She might also like Nitrous but probably only while on other substances.
She'd only use nos when others are joining in on the fun
Do you think her taking lsd would strenghten her connection with magic? Or should she take mushrooms for that with flutters?
>sounds dangerous
Fair enough. She wouldn't be consuming a little, though
Update: Here's the timelapse! Was a total of about 1.5 days or so just pointed at the jars here. I had another one of my jars that's pretty far along next to it so the Marecelium had someone to talk to. If you scrub back and forth through it, you can see it propagating outwards to make more friends
gif pulsates weirdly. I guess it adds to the effect
The marecelium is now in tune with Ponk's biorhythms.
I just zoomed the playhead back and forth and compressed that as a gif for the image, hah
Looks like Rye is getting very exicted for her friend
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I want to grow mareshrooms too
Grab some rye and give it a go!
might not be so easy depending on where anon is from
there are guides online. remember to sterilize both the growth medium and the mare. depending on what kind of shrooms you're looking to grow you may or may not get in trouble with the ponice
Nothin' wrong with growing some normal gourmet ones ;)
Same process and all, doesn't really differ
one in the rye, two in the pie
Eventually if/when my grain jars are 100% colonized, I will probably move mycelium pie to another jar just to see if she along can colonize a jar without me having to inoculate it with spores
pie sisters
that's risky. do you have sterile environment to do that?
Just grab syringe, get some sterilized water in it, inject it into the cake, and then suck it back.
BAM, you have a liquid culture now! Okay, to be precise, you would need some honey in that water to call it a proper liquid culture, but it's still perfect to inoculate grain.

Also, have you ever tried the coconut coir monotub tek?
honey is no god imo, it has some anti properties and mycelium will have a difficult time digesting it down. corn syrup or potato water are much better
Still air boxes, plenty of sterile teks. Ultimately speaking wouldn't be any different than using a spoon doing a grain-to-grain transfer. So shouldn't invite any more risk than that
Ive been wondering how to go about making my own liquid cultures. Honestly seemed super hard to do, though I havn't looked into teks on how to do it.
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Update: Not much outside of the timelapse from the last post. Clear marecelium growth still, though now seems to be mostly propagating around her eye and behind her ears. Thus far, no signs of contam, though still holding my breath in case Ponk wanted to invite more friends to the party that we don't know about.
thats sick as hell dude
>"my eye! MY EYE!!!"
Do you think she notices?
I am thinking of giving her about another few days or so before maybe break-and-shaking? What do you guys think?
For those who don't know, at a certain point in marecelium growth, you violently shake the jar in order to break apart the grains and redistribute them through the jar in order to allow for more exponential growth (which is aptly named the break-n-shake). How long do you guys think I should give her?
>how long should I wait before breaking the mare
how forward
Sounds cool. When you shake up the stuff, you're creating extra spawn points for the mushies, but on the downside, you damage the marecelium. When the fungi is shocked, first it will take some time to regenerate the damage before continuing the colonization. So don't go overboard with that shaking!

Also, your colonies spread like crazy, it looks like they are having a great time in there! The jar is relatively small, maybe that shaking isn't really necessary... not to mention that Ponka could be buried under the rye!!

Nah, maybe you mixed up that with it's anti-bacterial properties, fungi loves honey. Just look up "honey LC tek".
I always use honey in my agar-agar medium for petri dish work and never had problems with it.
One of my other jars is pretty much ready. Going to start experimenting with substrate teks to see what works best before we do the thing with Pinkie Rye when she is ready
if you used twilight you'd have purple teachers.
we need updates anon, how is ponks journey?
Saving this thread
I will snap a few pictures today, I think the interior of her jar is getting the most populated, so outside is not toooo much different than last update. Ill be sure to post once Ive finished up with some other jar activities today
>other jar activities
uh oh
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Update: Marecelium has thickened up, especially around her ears. Condensation goes in and out, which is a good sign still that things are growing. No signs of contam thus far, which is good! I have a feeling it's going to propagate along the top and in the center of the jar for the most part here. I would say maybe 25% colonized?
I am gauging the best time to break-n-shake her at this point to redistribute those grains to fill the whole jar faster
lel is the mycelium on her eye?
Ohhh yeah that's a better shot, I see now, amazing
We need an image of Pinkie with a huge glob of white (marecelium) on her face
seems like a party
>thick globs of marecelium
Fucking awesome. What was your setup for this?
What strain of marecillium is this?
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-|.) bump
I've seen this done with brown rice before, is there an advantage over using rye for this?
Barring she gets that far, gonna let all of you try and guess what strain it is when she starts to fruit

Rye doesnt burst easily and is easier to hydrate
Broke Boi for the most part. Jars, Rye, a pressure cooker, and a shelf to put em on
You had my interest, and now you have my obsession by the balls. I’m gonna ID these fuckers as soon as the caps start showing
I’m keeping an eye on this
I tried. (I don't know anything about mushrooms, but I like this thread and wish you luck in growing them)
Ohmygod anon, that just made my whole night. Absolutely cute amre!
imagine that the first shroom grows from her crotch area
It kinda grew out of control.
cooter shrooms
cool stuff
the Marecelium mare Pinkie Pie fandom is THRIVING and FRUITING
H-Help her bros…
get this thread ARCHIVED NOW!
I will make sure to post an update today. There will likely be two pictures, since Ill probably break-n-shake her up today. One before the shake, and one after
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Update: Took a picture here of what she is like before the shaking. Marecelium is strong, and I don't notice any signs of contam, so its prime time to give her a shake and redistribute the grains and our mare
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Update: Grains were shaken, and the Marecelium is redistributed. As for her? She seems to be unbothered, happy, and in her own lane.
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That stuff in her eye though seems to have given her a little bit of a twitch though, hm...
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Anon, even if I don’t reply I want you to know that I’m following this really closely.
Happy to have ya along, fren!
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>seems to have given her a little bit of a twitch

You will awake to a crash in the night and discover that Pinkie has broken free of the jar you have bound her to. She will be somewhere in your home..stalking.
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This is what happens when there’s no “don’t do drugs” episode.
fungus amungus
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I wanna consume ponk shrooms.
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Pink oiyster mushroom
You made me go and give mushrooms another try
i have a big sack of rice shells and 10 200ML glass bottles
i will try pink oyister mushroom, that i guess you are growing there
what do you think of the method applied here?
the history its repeating itself
Ive started doing another timelapse, so Ill probably not post an update for a day or so while that is coming together. Kinda wanna get a lapse of what it looks like after the breakup and such
her pinkie sense must be activating
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stinky horny pie
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>Pinkie is a fungi
makes sense
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Update: Been making that time lapse, so nothing too out there for today. There is condensation in the jar though, which is cool because that looks like it might get rid of a lot of the particulates from the rye after the shake that were obscuring her a bit.
I have two other jars near her right now, so when the timelapse comes through, we can see a few of the growing along-side her
Is that coffee grounds in the furthest jar?
Substrate I made as an experiment. Its using the CFG method, but I just wanted to test out what substrates work best for when Ponk is fully colonized
wait, that's cheating. there's only one Ponk in a single jar
i want to trip on pinkie's essence
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Timelapse Update: Got the timelapse made! Pointed the camera at it for a little over 2 and a half days. The other two jars are different strains than Ponk, but it seems by the looks of the third that my substrate experiment is pretty good for microclimates. Ill likely be using that for when she is done being colonized.

Only worry so far is that some grains seem to be a little sticky to the side of the jar? Just a thing Im watching out for in case there are signs of any bacterial contam based on being a bit too wet in there.
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>the level of rye slowly falling in the ponk jar
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The shrooms aren't the only thing needing sustenance.
fun fact: humans are more genetically similar to fungi than plants, sharing nearly 50% of DNA with them
fun fact 2: mycelial network highly resembles the neural network of mammalian brains and thus some theoretize that mycelium is capable of thinking and has some degree of consciousness
Which neurons make me attracted to mares?
The pink ones. Ever wonder why your whole brain is pink?
the "nothing but mammals" ones
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bumping before bed. how long until we can expect fruiting bodies, OP?
once its colonized and the button appears, its result can be finished in 1 day or 2 tops
Ahh, thats hard to tell! I want to give it a week or two to fill out the rest of the jar, really. That whole jar has to be white before I consider putting it in substrate, or there's a wider risk of contamination.
Given I just did a break and shake, the growth is a bit slow right now since its in a recovery period. Once it goes into substrate, it'll need at least 10 days to colonize the bedding, and another 10 or so to actually fruit once I open it up and mist it to try and get her to fruit.
>colonizing noises intensify
Small update: I think I may have predicted right on those sticky grains. Marecelium is growing, but at a much slower rate, and those grains aren't reabsorbing that moisture. Certainly grounds for bacterial contam. Ponk might have invited more than who she was allowd to to the party
So if all this is necessary how does a fungus ever grow in the wild. Also can we get a nod for Princess Celestia voicing this?

Fungus and /mlp/ were always meant to be
>So if all this is necessary how does a fungus ever grow in the wild
they grow just fine. it's just that if you only want a certain species in a certain place things get difficult
take a look at the magic mushroom episode of Hamilton's Pharmacopeia for an idea of how strict commercial (if illegal) shroom growers are about cleanliness
The good news is that I actually have 3 jars all with the same strain as Marecelium pie going, so even if this one jar fails, we'll still get to see her growing with some substrate. Those jars themselves are actually pretty far along, so if they get to be ready before this current one, and the jar here is indeed slowed by contam, I might just take her out, sterilize her (bad pony spraybottle tek), and let her know she's not allowed to invite those guys to the party this next time.
>>41011881 is right though, cleanliness in the process is insane. I have a still-air box, constantly am wiping things down with alchohol, gloves, PC tek's the whole 9 yards. Ive never had a funcle contam in my stuff, which is good, but bacterial contam is a fair bit harder to stop if your grains aren't dry enough. Gotta hit that sweet spot between not too dry to slow growth, but hydrated enough to allow them to propogate without growing bacteria
when it comes to bacteria, mycelium can actually fight back given that it has colonised the majority of the jar. i had some bacterial contamination in the past and mycelium has bulldozed over it, producing those amber coloured droplets in the process
Interesting! I knew that they could do that kinda thing and they call that mycelium pee or something. Here's to hoping Pinkie pee's in my jar
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Y'all think this is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBISfv-6hfo worthy?
only if you put me in it.
bump for the ponka poo shrooms
No one tell them, they'll take his jars away or worse
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I'd use shroom tunes of some sort
>Or worse
The shrooms, they speak
i can never listen to this again without hearing UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU or AEIOU in the distance
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I want to fully colonize the Ponk
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"pink mushroom music" turns up interesting results:
also maybe something like this, even if it's for pl*nts:
or the music in the mushroom cave in The Longing
> 10
Ill post and update later this evening. Does still seem as if the growth is stalled though, but Im willing to let her try and fight whatever it is thats stalling her. Otherwise, rather than doing a grain-to-grain transfer, we can do a Ponk-to-Jar transfer
maybe shook it too soon?
Nahh, grains were just a little too wet I imagine. Either that or some of the burst grains were carrying some bacteria. Or y'know... Ponk herself has a lot of nooks and crannies for things to hide in, Im sure. Im gonna do a transfer into one of her sister jars tonight so she can continue to make friends. Those ones are a lot further on already, so should be fun
op is not a fag, has been delivering for two weeks, good job
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Update: Took one last picture of the jar before opening it up. As I suspected, the smell inside was soured instead of mushroomy. Pulled our gal out of there before she got wrapped up with some bad influences
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She is free lads... Got some rye sticking to her mane, but overall seems fine. None of it actually took off any of her colors, just covered up her eye and such. Rest assured we WILL have Marecelium bros...
Some additional shots of our gal. Giving her a good bath as we speak [1/2]
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>Pulled her out
Anyway, healthy looking jar op. Brings back memories of my first still air box as a teenager
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Ehhh compared to some of my other jars and her sister jars, she wasn't doing too hot at all though. That jar was a bust. Look at this one for example. A lot thicker, no sticky grains, etc. Im thinking if I add her to a jar like this with an already established presence, she would fare much better.
Honestly was super surprised there wasn't anything more unsavory really. Like bacterial contam is super common, so Im just gonna steam her, and slip her into one of my backups.
yeah I guess it could just be bad luck too, cool project, hope to eat one of your ponk caps at mare fair ;)
Friendship is magic, as they say
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Update: After dishwashing, steaming, and sterilizing her again, I put her into another one of her sister jars. Maud said it was alright if we used hers, since Limestone wasn't budging.
Anyways, she seems to think its quite comfortable, and the grains themselves have already been shaken before all this and are already spreading through the whole jar at a super fast rate, so we're still on schedule to have her in substrate in 1-2 weeks as planned
Did it fall off of her eye?
Friendship is Magic Mushrooms. Lol.
fielding this for OP, he took pinkie out
>>41016186 (you can see her eye pre-wash here)
and re-sterilized her and threw her into a new jar with healthier fungus, her jar got infected >>41016179
steamed hams but it's steamed horse
It didn't look bad to me just young, some jars just take more time I've found. Though my thoughts are biased since I fucked up and had a couple with mold recently
Will this be the new jar meme?
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Doing another small lapse of her in the new jar over this weekend. Should be a fun one
It was def the smell that gave it away. When you open a jar, it should smell mushroomy. Like if you were to open a bag of portabellas from the store and took a whiff, should have that same smell.
If it smells sweet, sour, or rancid, something went wrong in the jar, and that was what the one she was in originally was like.
1 man, 1 Ponk in the jar
cultivating (marecelium)
This is like a much more boring version of the cum jar. I guess that's just where the board is at these days.
Would bathe pinkie in caustic soda. Good ponk.
Aww man I was hoping for a big ol shroom growing on her eye like the anon arted.
>MARE celium.
I think the problem was you didn't add any handmade "protein" to the jar.
Sorry you have cumbrain and can't enjoy interesting things unless they're related to sex in some manner.
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Y'know you might be onto something.......
I dont think that would happen even if that jar did succeed. Mushrooms need nutrients and water in order to be able to fruit, and on top of that are super picky about where they decide to fruit. They would have grown around her, and not on her if that first jar made it to substrate.
That being said, I plan on getting pics of Ponk in a shrigma forest come the time
Going to wait till a bit later tonight before posting the timelapse. Always fun to see it grow in a quicker way rather than one photo at a time
memewy, shouwd i buwmp dis thwead
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Update: Seems to be doing pretty good so far! Condensation present and you can see it continue to grow in nicely. Given this one is already within most of the jar, should have a much better time dealing with any parasprites Pinkie may have brought in with her.
Strains on the left and right are also there for fun. Left is a different strain than the other two, but fills out in a super noticable way
On the side, I am also currently putting some of my containers into fruiting conditions to test out my substrate tek. If you guys wanna see those too, I can post them as well. Ponk will eventually be put into the same substrate mix
so the jars are just to get the marecelium going?
Yup, pretty much you get a good marecelium colony going, and then once those grains are 100% healthy and colonized, you create or buy some substrate and mix the grains in with it.
Then from there its just
>Wait for the marecelium to colonize the whole brick of substrate
>Open the shoebox lid and allow in fresh air/increase humidity to spark fruiting conditions
The hardest bit of the whole processes really is the initial jar process, since the fungi is just so young at that point that bacteria and other contaminants can pretty easily stall or kill the marecelium.
I've been looking into growing food 'shrooms and it seems to be a bit of a bother
you can mail order pre-colonized boxes where I live, but at $30 it seems just barely worth it. probably better off picking wild ones. I have ceps and chanterelles growing on my property
Well remember that you can and usually should be getting more than one flush out of a single brick. Average is 2-3, but sometimes you can get up to 5.
And depending on your conditions, obviously can be a pretty good value overall. If you wanna save the most though, you'd go through the whole process. Takes a while longer, but you also get a lot more insight into how they really propogate, and how to actually do things like make your own Agar plates, liquid cultures, etc. That 30 dollars can go a looong way if you know how to clone a strain
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right, at the very least one could set up a second box with substrate and move some from one box to the other. unless the marecelium gets angery from that treatment
So how many of you anons actually grow, curiously?
Looking good, let's goooooooooo
I used to, just PF tek way back in the day, before ponies. These days more focused on plants, like getting a low germination rate on super hot peppers :')
currently on hold. will get back to it soon
this thread made me go for it
i got myself a liquid pink oyster
I tried to grow cubes twice with PF tek. A couple jars actually fruited and I was able to make spore prints. The whole sterile process and watching the mycelium colonize the jars then begin pinning was fascinating.
What is this Adventure Time ass sounding background music?
You wire up a synth to translate variations in electrical potential in the mushrooms into sound.
Ayyo?? Be sure to post progress when you get it going!
Growing shrooms? None, but I've been gardening for a few years, so I am at least growing something. Plants like potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, strawberries, and etc. Hoping for good yields this year.
the syringe arrived, i put it in the refrigerator but i think this specimen in particular dies, compared to its cousins.
soo, i will have to wait for the next syringe to arrive, going for white oyster
Spores are usually good in a fridge for a number of months though?
Ponk is doing pretty good thus far. Ill be sure to take an update photo at some point tonight. She’s close…!
I like this one way more.
Is there any disinfectant that kills bacteria, but is tolerated by fungi?
That horse had a really angry expression.
Closest you are going to get is sprinkling hydrogen peroxide on a substrate mix to determine if there might be cobweb mold hiding on the substrate but thats about it. In small quantities, that stuff isnt' harmful to mycelium.
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Jar is coming along nicely! Update photo of her progress. Ill include a second of the back where the bulk of it seems to be growing the most
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Guessing about 60% colonized?
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Some people are just completely oblivious to reading body language.
So, nothing you can dunk a pony figurine in before introducing it to a jar that would keep bacteria off of it that wouldn't also harm the fungus?
the ears being folded back is a bad sign
if the mare doesn't have your full attention, ears upright and demeanor curious, it's best to stay away
Well of course there is things you can do before adding something to the jar. But when you add something to a jar in general, you are inviting a potential vector of contamination in. Mind you, I do the standard sterilization steps. PC steaming, and a cautionary alchohol dip, on top of being inserted within a still air box. That's about the most anyone would be able to do for her
but when do the mushrooms appear?
>there's a person inside this suit who has to jump all day long
these are the thoughts you will have looking in the mirror after eating the ponk shrooms
thanks op you made me discover the magical world of mushrooms
usually? two weeks.
nta but the only time i've done mushrooms i looked in the mirror and saw myself with four eyes and my hair trailing into wisps of faint smoke.
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This you, anon?
update: there seems to have a white spot in the middle, will take a picture later
I just got a big boy camera for timelapsing stuff. Giving it a spin on one of my other tubs just to see how well it does. These timelapses are exceptionally helpful in seeing good/bad growing patterns, cant lie
Do the thing! Id love to see them, anon
I grew Pleurotus ostreatus (i dont know the english name) once and it was really fun.
Had a mycology phase in elementary school and one day I came home with a bag of coffee grounds like half the size of me because the teachers had put all the school's quarterly budget into a massive industrial grade coffee machine and I asked for some grounds to grow in.
Put them under the sink and they molded something awful while I was away. I was a retarded kid.
I also filled up my entire school bag with acorns and they all hatched white larvae that went everywhere which didnt make mom happy
>I was a retarded kid.
hey at least you were motivated.
>hatched white larvae
probably acorn weevils, if you check dropped acorns you can sometimes see little holes drilled in to them, those ones have weevil eggs in them.
should i wait for untill it gets properly colonized?
larvae on mushroom? i have found out that this oil can ward fruit flies if you spray it
Don't see why you'd have to. I'd love to see the kinds of fungi things everyone is up to!
wikipedia says neem oil also has antifungal properties
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Thems are some huge grains anon. What Tek are you using?
some leftover glass bottles of 200ML and corn
Not familiar with this sort of thing, do you shatter those when the mycelium is mature or do you just let a few fruiting bodies grow from the top? Seems narrow.
i will shake the bottles for the grains to fall from the top. maybe i should have had cracked corn for this but i think it will work
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Update: She longs for the substrate
looking groovy doc
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Update: That camera I got to test out timelapsing and to see if my substrate stuff is ready for Ponk is pretty nice! I actually took a small timelapse of one of my tubs while Ponk colonizes, and you can see a patch of it really fill out here: https://files.catbox.moe/ep4fi7.mp4
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sped up fast for fun and bump
looks like the Crystal Empire
Ah hey, that's super helpful!
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bump for shrooms
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1 bottle did not make it, the leftmost one
New timelapse underway. Got 3 jars in the camera as of yesterday. One with substrate, one with millet, and of course our mare.
Tiny bottles or huge grains?
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God I hate Pinkie Pie
>mycelium is finding its way deep into Pinkie's vagina. she has a perfect pH and moistness for mushroom growing
Soon that won't matter ever again.
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>"Her hygiene cannot protect her now.."
Would you eat the ponk vaginashrooms bros?
inspired anon here:
i think the bottles has been colonized drastically in 2 days, will post a photo if the thread does not die
the shrooms are spreading =|)
bumpity bump bump
Based jar keeper, I look forward to it
is the marecelium real?
captcha: GR 284
She's REAL
What's the plan after colonization here? Break it up and pour into sterilized straw or something?
yes, i did grab straw from a neighboor. will sterilize with limestone
We are so making it to equestria
now put her in
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>thread does not die
Sorry there isn't too many updates on things folks. Realistically most of making mushrooms is just... waitin' around and all. Im converting a timelapse I took though tonight, so that'll be a thing
i have a pleurotus djamor, not sure if its faster than your mushroom but... i am about to make the bags with straw
>pleurotus djamor
Post?? Those are super cool to grow!

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Update: Timelapse of the Ponk and the other two jars over the course of 3 days. Cant lie folks, I am starting to think our gal Ponk is far too inviting to be left alone. It started out well, and there aren't any sticky grains, though I dont see any positive growth anymore, and I fear she stalled again
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the marecelium is sleeping
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This thread is relevant to my interests. Makes me wish I had a pony plush to stuff full of grain spawn.
Now I like that idea a lot, that would look pretty awesome. Now I'm thinking of getting TWO more anon fillies to experiment on
Im disgusted, yet intrigued
Imagine the timelapses
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i needed some limestone powder, i went to search for limestone pie but found maud only... lucky, she could arrange some limestone from the rock farm

Somehow i missed the opportunity to show the lawnmover grass with the limestone for sterilization in a photo
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after the limestone bath, the grass, wich turned brown, was put togheter in a fishing net to loose some of the moisture and water.

i admit, i look at this and wonder if its the right medium where i should work with, or the right procedure. but i will use other methods available with the other 3 bottles.
if this fails, i am going to cook some rice hulls and some sawdust too, giving me more options in my quest for learning to grow mushrooms
fungi will eat even cigarette butts if you coax them hard enough
this meme, but with mushrooms
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Really? this raise my hopes on it
this reminds me that not so long ago scientists discovered bacteria that consumes plastic (PET) and are trying to genetically modify it to turbocharge it
that's all nice and dandy but imagine this bacteria spreading globally. literally anything made of plastic will be consumed. take a look around your room and see what's made of plastic and you'll see how serious it is
It only works in anaerobic conditions. And honestly, plastic needs to go anyway.
Does that mean plastic would go bad with time just like food? That'd be quite the change. Inmideatly I can see the motivation to push this as it would force people to throw away and replace the plastic things that went bad with new ones. Which ensures more and regular sales.
what is that?w
I'd like to think it would help put an end to mass produced garbage and force us all to seek out higher quality products. But like I said in >>41053638 , it needs an oxygen free environment. So, there's really no concern of that happening. North Spore had LC last time I bought from them in February, if anyone wants to try making their own bioreactor.
>It only works in anaerobic conditions
for now
there's always weird things with pony jar projects, but I wonder what will be next.
Applejack helps someone make applejack.
1 man, 1 pony in a jar
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no more brother wars
i have prepared the bags, with a trick from trixie i did not need to break the bottles. she will tell how it was done later
it's been a month
where shrooms?
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Double Applejack
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OP had to restart the process 5/19 >>41016584

and it's actually not looking too good right now either >>41049203
Some of her sister jars have been sitting in substrate for a while
So if her jar itself doesn't work out, Ill still get to place her in there once they start to fruit for you guys to ID
Close on her sister bins! I have some other boxes that are already fruiting though if you wanted to see some of those going at the moment
OP, it's a bit late but i have a tip for you (from my experience): don't shake the jars to spread the mycelium. it doesn't necessarily like that. a bunch of my jars stalled because of that. nowdays i let it grow naturally and the mycelium appears stronger
also it's one more reason to switch to bags and simply cut them open when they're ready
Well it certainly bruises. But it really is just this ponk jar that's ever had problems with the shaking. Breaking up the grains is pretty standard to just get your mycelium spreading a lot faster (or to keep the top from suffocating the bottom grains on the jar)
Pretty much makes the spread more exponential and I usually only have to wait a week after before the whole jar gets colonized from there which is super nice.
Please persevere. The pinkshroom is important to me
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Marecelium status?
imagine discovering a new antibiotic extract from those fungi with a pinkylase process.
She isn't stalled completely, but her growth has slowed considerably. I am probably going to put her in substrate tomorrow since most of the grains are touched at this point, so I'd rather them colonize and get bigger than lose another jar.
Our gal gonna go in the dirt here in the next day or so! Ill take a picture when she's in the bin
>grains are touched
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Blewits and Lion's Mane both need cold to initiate fruiting. I wanted to see if you could get by with just time in the fridge or if they needed to be frozen. It's looking like they NEED to be frozen solid before they pop. They also each have unique casing requirements.
I actually have some Morels I'm growing right now. I havn't been able to figure out if they need to freeze up as well, do you know much about those? There isn't much documentation
i think i see hints of marecelium trying to expand on the grass and rice hulls
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IDK much about growing them. Just foraging. This is from "Growing Gourmet and Medical Mushrooms" by Paul Stamets.
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Woah, thank you for dropping these Anon.
Very based book!
Also general update: Im a bit behind on things, but I have made the substrate today, which means tomorrow she'll be placed in her box. I dont like to let substrate sit in my bucket for more than a day or two before I PC the rest of the stuff for later. Keeps everything nice and tidy.
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>Applejack dies of overdose first because Apple seeds contain small doses of cyanide
i understand this joke
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I didn't at first, tried some puns in my head, still didn't work, then thought about it and remembered, KEK
Fucking kek
I don't get it
chicken of the woods is what that mushroom is
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o nice, this will work FOR SURE
did her jar smell sour again?
Was rather neutral this round, so jury was out for a bit. But I took her out, let the grains spread through the substrate, and it only took em a couple days to get ahold of it nicely, so I say we're in the clear! Pretty resiliant all things considered
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>the final boss waiting in her chamber
She’s doing good so far! Already see some fuzzies from my Marecelium poking up above the substrate. Ill snap a picture of that once some of the condensation clears up later today
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Update: Slowly but surely, Ponk brings us closer to Equestria
good to see, there's no turning back now, buy the ticket, take the ride
very photogenic
She is so sweaty...
next time try corn
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Update: She's hangin' in there!
As an aside, I just had a big harvest today from some of my other bins. I cant wait to see the canopy grow around her
looks like an alt-rock album cover
wait until they fruit!!!!!
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Update: The Marecelium has accepted her truly as one of its own. Slowly it creeps up her body, tickling her here and there. If you listen closely, you can even hear her giggle
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finally, this is what we've all been waiting for
I can tell pinkie and the shrooms are going to be best buds
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earth ponies have rhizomatic hooves. earth pony magic is really them being in deep connection with the marecelium, resulting in runaway mycorrhizal action
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No turning back now...
they're eating her
and then they're going to eat me
oh my gooooooood!
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yes, YES!
watching this bread with close eyes. cant wait to see what kind op is growing...
holy fuck
>Thread reaches 500 posts.
>Instead of starting another thread, OP takes 2-3 posts from the original thread and reposts them in every other thread.
>The marecelium spreads throughout the board.
What is that attachment on the left jar? Did you modify these jar lids yourself?
Just some jars from Amazon. You can find ones with air exchange ports and self-healing injection ports in them pretty easily
We'll def kick off a Marecelium thread proper once we get within 10 posts or so. Im surprised how many people have kept the funny fungus thread here going and are interested in the hobby
I love them!
I've started notcing some hypheal knots forming. A good sign!
post hyphae
>eat out the new shroom mare in town
>fucking die
SAD! many such cases...
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Update: The substrate is pretty much completely colonized, and hyphae have started to form along the top at the edges of the bin (and some closer to her). Ill likely be putting her into fruiting conditions this week once a bit more of those start appearing!
It's not even a mushroom
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draw the marecelium growing up along her legs and body
mushroom infected ponk that you can just pick shrooms off of and sautee in garlic and butter, mmmm
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mareshrooms! i love them
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o you like mareshrooms????
amarenita manescaria is pretty!
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Holy shit
I cast: Ice tomb
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at this rate she'll be completely entombed in a couple of days
o m celestia
let's gooooo!!!!!!!
god damn
Soon she'll become one with the mushrooms.
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>something something penis envy
Fucking kek anon
Alrighty yall, we're at bump limit so its time to kick off a marecelium thread proper. See you there!

So long, Marewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye

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