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"We Are So Back" Edition.

I have recently been thinking about one greentext I read ages ago (2016-2017, I think?).

Upon deciding to find it and read it again, I witnessed a truly horrible sight: most of the pastebins are dead, especially for my favourite greentexts.

The time has come for the thread to come back.

Wiki: http://nst.wikia.com/wiki/NST_Wikia

Old pastebin of /nst/ greentext stories (most are dead):

The promt that Started It All:
>"Uhhh, mmm... Anon? W-what are you doing after school?"
What was the paste about?
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I remember really liking BoringLight and CrusaderLight but it seems they've been deleted (at least the links in the pastebin say so)
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i'll be monitoring this thread
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that is HUGE
holy shit thank you sm
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scitwi beach episode
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she really gets me going like what the fuck
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it’s almost that time
anons are expendable
trixies are the best
go back
If I didn't know any better I would think this is a bot. However it's clearly a low functioning NPC from Discord. How can you tell? Random permutations of recent buzzwords.
Badmouthing Reddit and/or Discord is the surefire way to anger them until they spazz out and get banned.
>Badmouthing Reddit and/or Discord is the surefire way to anger them until they spazz out and get banned.
exactly what i've been doing for 15 years
We're back Bidenbros
holy fuck twilight sparkle im gooning im jerking my shit off fuuauaaark
what happened to all the writers??
OP here
idk, i used to write for NST (i wrote dumbtwi, but it's not very good, since English isn't my first language)
Any suggestions?
Write more.
Her oneitis, Anon, tells her to come over to his place. He wants to >rape her. She wants him to >rape her. She's so obvious he's put of and they play video games instead.
Human twilight gets bodyswapped with princess twilight and has to pretend that she knows what she’s doing.
what would scitwi smell like
Hot take: EqGirls smell like herbivores. Nothing. They have no smell whatsoever unless they're seriously sick.
>EqGirls smell like herbivores. Nothing.
Huh? I feel like vegans would smell bad tho
Vegans don't bathe. Herbivores only smell of the shit you keep around them or when they're sick.
overspraying of semi expensive perfume
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>Sci-Twilight and the girls go to Hawaii.
>Rarity ‘won’ a contest and invited the girls to come with.
>Stuff happens but at night Midnight Sparkle shows up and creates havoc around the place.
>Next day the girls have more fun while seeing the stuff Midnight caused.
-Twi is a little put off but that night Rarity catches her transformation and has to hide from her.

……wait did you want lewd or non lewd ideas?
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Ok just to give you more ammo for writing:

>Midnight catches Rarity and she sure she’s gonna get eaten.
>Midnight was just planning on scaring she shit out of the marshmallow rich girl but her smell causes her to think otherwise.
>Lesbian Femdom happens and Rarity is left a squirting passed out mess afterwards.
>Next day Rarity is a little clingy to Twilight and AJ is wondering what’s up.
>Rarity can’t remember Midnight but brings up she and Twilight just had a fun night pillow fighting, but Twilight get a hint Midnight is back.
>Apple buys it but wants in thinking about trying something now cause island fever.
>Twilight is strangely turned on by this event and agrees

That enough ammo?
scitwi is cucking apul?
It’s more she’s about to see WHY you don’t cuck Apple and Midnight’s gonna ‘help’ even the odds
Ok one more JUST for the sake of it:

>While getting ready for a Hula competition, Midnight talks to Sci-Twi saying she’ll help.
>Twi tries to deny her until she hears some local girls talking shit and then accepts.
>All the girls are in and having fun, Twi though is trying her best till Midnight kicks in and challenges the local girls.
>Group is shocked by Twilight’s mood shift unaware it’s Midnight as she smokes the chicks.
>Dashie challenges her, loses but they put on a show to get everyone riled up.
>’Twi’ take the prize and a ‘winning kiss’ from Rarity, Apple is NOT amused while Pinkie is pissed she didn’t think of it sooner.
>Midnight gives Twi control back saying she’ll help again just as Sunset asks if she alright.
>Twi assures her she’s ok and lies saying she just got WAY to into it which gets a laugh out of her.
>That night though Twi, AJ and Rarity play twister and AJ is just mean mugging Twi.
>Sexual tension is in the air damn it.
>AJ just gives Twi a kiss wanted to see what Rarity felt and after a laugh she looses up.

Now THAT should be enough Ammo to get a ball rolling
I crank this thing and it sounds okay, and tweak it all the time, but I can't get a good sound from it. What settings should I put it to?
Don't crank the distortion all the way. Use the level to get the right amount of distortion that you want. Tone should be somewhere in the middle but a lot of people find it way too bright. It works well in the context of a full band especially mode 2 imo.
>everybody calls her turbo, slut, or turboslut
>including her friends
>you ask her out
>you make out
>come to think of it you have quite literally never seen her go home with any boy
>she treats it like she won the lottery
>it takes a lot of work to get her comfortable
>in fact, she's shivering and cold
>when you're about to do it you notice she has an intact hymen
>you ask her what kind of joke this is
>she tells you there's this new popular website called Reddit
>next day you become the biggest bully in school
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I swear that awaken someone if they hadn’t been already. They knew what they were doing with her this time.
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>tfw have lifelong subscription
Truly insane character design. Like its perfectly designed to make my heart skip beats when I see her.
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Wait till the androids become real and affordable my fellow anon. Soon we can have our own Sci-Twi’s to have in our lives.

Yes I believe android tech will be that good, as soon as people gets the kinks out via horror game saturation using them.

>”For just 299$ you to can have the woman of your dreams…..or be strangled by Annabelle mechanic cousin cause a woman could handle being rejected. Come, join the revolution friend!”
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I mean I guess she is a turbo slut after all. Personally, I'd just hire an escort that looks close enough to her and have her dress up like Scitwi.
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A friend of mine tried that with an Onlyfans model. He spent 2 grand to take her out looking like Sci-Twi and was legit a chill dude. She laugh at him, took the money and ghosted him. Thankfully he got the money back but that shit haunted him. He got over it after he found her again, found out her real name and told her parents. (Chick was 22 and STILL lived at home)
How would that even happen? Personally I'd just ask her to come on down and spend an entire day shopping, gathering supplies for her cosplay and then fucking like rabbits at night? If he did that all online its kinda his fault.
There’s your answer and yes I still give him shit for it, granted as a joke but he learned his lesson.
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She has massive smug energy for someone who isn't as dominant as Sunset.
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>who’s your pick?
pony evil
Just let me in a room with them, and we will let things escalate from there.
More like SHE learned a lesson. She tried to fuck over somebody, and he fucked her instead. Good on him.
They were far too horny with the Yacht video
Some argue they were not horny enough.
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Honestly you can get damn good quality gifs from that video.
It really backs up that rumor the animators also drew porn of the girls.
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jesus FUCKING christ....
This is why I joke with him about it. He knows it’s in good fun and the very fact he heard her parents kick her out just makes it sweeter.
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lol, based
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Love her
>be yourself, ten minutes ago, two days of lunch money richer
>you find out Reddit, or "Mareddit", is actually popular
>their subforums look the same and feel the same
>upvotes, downvotes, and moderators with a god complex
>but EqGuestrians are very different from humans
>one word: tame
>they find the same things hillarious
>call each other "slut", "hunk", and similar
>that's it
>you keep forgetting fornication is still illegal
>and the only get-out-of-jail card is marrying the accomplice
>the principal had to give you the talk
>the talk
>you have to marry the co-fornicator
Far right.
This is my choice but also a joke.
The best way to watch 'I'm on a Yacht' seems to be with the sound muted, lol

>that rumor
OK, now I'm interested...
It a well known rumor the animators also drew porn of the girls but never released it cause of obvious reasons. Sci-Twilight I SWEAR they had a field day with IMO.
>Porn of the girls
>Yatch special

[Insert obvious seamen joke here]
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she is so adrobz
>which you totally planned on doing
>totally not having packed your bags
>you miss your parents
>there *is* a pony 4chan which you're thankful for
>again: tame
>back to your situation, which is now
>she's deeply unhappy her first time ended in nothing happening
>but she keeps doting on you
>you tell her she needs to get hot first
>people here don't use that word so she was visibly confused
>and now her friends are staring you two down whenever you're around
>remember porn?
>cheap alc?
>doesn't exist here, it's all amateur productions and strong stuff
>Anon is like this cause their’s no porn, got Twilight and didn’t clap cheeks cause she’s a Virgin

Not my cup of tea, yet I’m genuinely curious about where this is going. Keep going
>society is very different
>you guess calling that block of ice a """turboslut""" is funny
>these "humans" are not like the real humans
>and they're skittish
>when they expect you to marry her you pull her to your side
>they're happy
>when they call her a turbo, a slut, or a turboslut, you shout at them
>they're unhappy
>including the nerd
>"Y-you can't ju-"
>you didn't do anything she just broke off
>in fact, they stop talking when you look them in the eyes
>you know what you're thankful for?
>there's actual freedom of speech
>you can call them faggots, sons of whores, and whores, and they can't do anything about it except "actually I'm getting betrothed" or "my gynecologist said"
>and the worst/best part is the nerd is hugging you whenever you look down
>you see a penny = she hugs you
>you want to tie your shows = a hug
>you're sad = hug
>you guess you have to marry her
>rent is affordable
>taxes are already slim to none
>work pays a living and you get tax breaks for being the sole provider of the family
>more often than once she tried to get into your computer
>guess what?
>their passwords are easy crap, "1234" and their favorite color
>you know what she likes
I've been wanting to draw Sci-Twi again lately. IRL's a bit finicky atm, but if y'all want me to draw/write anything short for Sci-Twiggle, let me know. If these threads continue, I'll try and post 'em in the next thread if not this one. If this is the only thread for a while, I'll post them in Fingerbang. Or Canterslut, depending on the idea. :)
maybe something with these ladies >>40986230
kek. nice
I'm in the mood for something wholesome desu
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I'd pork this dork
Ponk can watch too
Why not both or all three?
Just in case I don't finish any drawings before the thread archives.
Post related is #100. It'll be fine.
scientific bump
You tell her you want to 'do' her like that and she's confused long enough for the heroes to defeat her but you actually 'do' her then and there and the good guys girls watch
it's morning
We NEED a green about Sci-Twi giving a footjob. Literally how can one not exist? This nerd would be scientifically ecstatic at the idea of seeing how one can find pleasure in feet while hers are getting coated in thicc loads of cum.
We don't need it. You want it.
So what's her angle here? You gotta pay for her NOT to fuck you?
It just sounds like a computer nerd trying to flirt, lol
>"your sperm cell has about 10^10^26 chance of phasing through my egg due to quantum tunneling~"
"You mean you didn't take the pill?!"
Marital rape is not illegal in EqGuestria.
Hot take: contraceptives don't exist there either.
Smooth brain take.
Hot take: She hates Star Trek.
you think she likes cuddles?
>she gives birth to octuplets
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I love this turbo dork
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I want to cum inside this dorky nerd while she rambles on nerdy dork things.
look at the richness of this animation
EQG has sovl
she looks so insanely good....
She is so fucking adorable, she reignited my thing for nerdy girls.
Sci-Twi deserves a bump.
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Sci-Twi deserves a pump.
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>using pregnancy test with a belly like that

as well
she thought she was just gaining weight
eating the pancakes off her nude thighs, then licking up the crumbs and syrup off her thighs...
does it get a hint of grape afterwards?
Any greens about her?
…….Fund it!
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One more time
What paste.
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my OTP <3
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they're cute and ngl I sometimes self-insert as shimmer
the paste talked about in the op presumably.
looks new
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wtf how did I not see this green
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I feel the problem is people only look at the top posts and the ones at the bottom, missing out everything in the middle
god damn
Thicker than a snicker
Wasn't on page 10 but thanks anyways
It was on Page 10 before >>41008139 replied about 20 seconds before I did. Either way, yeee~
Working on a Sci-Twi piece. Even though there's nothing in the actual drawing that indicates it, I set it during the apocalyptic green I made. lol
Theres a whole series of these I believe
Now it was.
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I actually wrote a series of greentext about Twilight trying to make Anon go to church on some request a few years back, but the thread got deleted and I forgot about it. It was during covid, I'll find it right now
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huh funny
Did ya find it?
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I wonder what goes on in here...
>Be Anon.
>Middle of the pandemic.
>Live the simple life.
>Wake up to the school bell, time to go home.
>Leave while all the other suckers are putting their school stuff away.
>I started going empty handed to school, saves times in the morning AND the evening.
>Last in, first out. That's my motto.
>Rush to the bus stop.
>Check chat to see if my friends said anything.
>Don't see them as often since I was transferred to this public school.
>Mom couldn't afford the tuition at Chrystal prep anymore.
>Few texts from Fleur. Even a cryptanalyst wouldn't be able to decipher that shit.
>Miss my bus trying to understand what the fuck she's saying.
>About to text her that she's a cunt when a voice coming from behind surprises me.
>"Oh, fancy seeing you there Anon. Haha."
>Almost got a heart attack.
>Turn around to see that purple girl from Crystal.
>What's her name again ? Twilight ?
>Used to do all my paired assignments with her before I was transferred here.
>Got me straight A's all the time and never complained that I let her do all the work.
"Hey Twi what are you doing here ?"
>She looks away.
>"I'm going home."
"Home from where ?"
>"Home from school !"
>This is the opposite way from Crystal Prep.
"... Which school ?"
>"The same as yours ?"
"No way, you've also transferred to Canterlot ? When ?"
>"...Last week. I'm sitting right behind you in class, hadn't you noticed ?"
>I usually just sleep in class, but they don't even care.
>How the fuck am I supposed to know who the other students are ?
"Sorry I don't have eyes in my back. How come I haven't seen you on the bus before ?"
>"Oh I usually drive to school."
>Lucky bitch.
>I'd love to have a car.
>Most of the time the bus is so full I can't get a seat, especially in the morning.
"Is your car out of gas ?"
>Fuel got crazy expensive now for some reason. Something happening somewhere a teacher said, but I wasn't listening.
>"No, I just wanted to talk to you."
"To me ? About what ?"
>"Can I ask you something ?"
"Yeah go ahead."
>"You're gonna find it stupid"
"I don't care, go for it."
>She takes a deep breath in.
"Would you like to go to the service with me Sunday ?"
>What ?
"What service ?"
>"The mass !"
>I actually do find it stupid.
"What the fuck you on about, I'm not going to church. Never have, never will."
>I've got lots more productive and/or entertaining things to do on a Sunday.
>Ok that's a lie, since the sixth wave of covid caused by the vaccine-resistant Micronesian variant, there's nothing to do on the weekends.
>I mean, even before that, I wasn't exactly the busiest person, especially on Sundays.
>Still not going to wake up early to go fucking pray.
>"Come on, it'll be fun."
>"That's your idea of fun ?"
"Yes ?"
>How come churches are open ?
>I can't even sit indoor at McDonald's and they're letting 80-something old fucks hang around in a closed space for hours ?
"Find somebody else, you're speaking to a depressed atheist. I've got no business with churches."
>"Really ?"
"I'm a godless heathen, like my dad before me, my granddad, bunch of infidels before that."
>Crazy nerd nods.
>"It sounds like you need church very badly then !"
>What ?
>Can't win with these people.
>Tired of this shit. Bus is here anyway.
>I get up and take a seat at the other side of the bus.
>She follows me ?
>"So... The service is at 8 am."
>8 fucking am. On a Sunday.
>She really doesn't know who she's talking to.
>Only way I'm awake at 8am on a Sunday is if I didn't sleep all night.
>Get up from my seat again, the bus is coming to a stop.
>It's not exactly my stop, but I'll just walk the rest of the way.
>"See you on Sunday then Anon ! I'll be at your place at 7:30 ! We'll got to Olive Garden after !"
>The door closes.
>What'd she say now ?
>How does she knows where I live ?
"Hey Twilight, how do you know where I live ? Hey !"
>Bus doors closed, she can't hear me anymore.
>The bus is leaving.
>I don't want her to disturb me at home early in the morning.
>Don't wanna have to explain shit to mom either.
>Grab my phone.
>Call my main man Starburst.
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>Be Twilight Sparkle
>Have no friends.
>Except Spike.
>And science !
>For a while it was all I needed. Or at least that's what I liked to believe.
>Then something terrible happened during the friendship games.
>Sunset Shimmer saved me, then she said I needed to make friends.
>I asked her if she'd be my friend.
>She said no.
>Apparently, I look exactly like her former lover who live in a faraway land, so she can't even look me in the eyes.
>How is that a problem ? I can't look anyone in the eyes.
>Anyway, mom transferred me out of Crystal prep. According to her, Cinch was a bad influence.
>Now I'm enrolled in Canterlot High.
>And I'm supposed to make friends in such an unfamiliar environment ?
>How does that even work ?
>Ask dad.
>He tells me to ask mom.
>Ask mom.
>She said I should make friends at church because it's 'good frequentations'.
>Ask Shining Armor if church is a good place to meet people.
>He tells me how he met his fiancé at church.
>Cadance is so nice, maybe they're onto something.
>Go to church next Sunday as usual.
>Never really noticed how old churchgoers where before.
>Youngest people here are Shining and Cadance.
>No one else looks under 30, except the very small children.
>When did all the kids my age stopped showing ?
>Not quite certain Sunset expects me to befriend churchgoers trice my age.
>First day at my new school the next day.
>Anon is in my class, sleeping through the lessons.
>I don't know why he's here, but I definitely can tell it's him.
>None of my interactions with other kids were that positive at my previous school. That is when they noticed me.
>Didn't seem to happen to Anon.
>I'll need to ask him how he does that.
>Maybe it's the big question mark on his face that makes him look intimidating.
>Anon was nice to me back in Crystal Prep though.
>He even once told his friend Fleur De Lys 'Go f-word herself' in history class when she asked him to do the history assignment with her and went with me instead.
>It felt very flattering, even though I disapprove of the overtly colloquial language.
>I should follow Anon home.
>He must live close by, since we attended the same primary school.
>If I want to befriend him, I should do it at church like mom said.
>He's obviously not going to the same church as me, since no one my age does.
>I'll just follow him on Sunday to whichever denomination he frequents and approach him here.
>Technically, Mom didn't specify which church.
>I've rehearsed the entire exchange in my head. I'm gonna start with 'Oh, fancy seeing you there Anon. Haha.'. That's a good opener.
>Take note of his address to come back Sunday.
>Come Sunday at 7am.
>Anon's not coming out.
>He doesn't live that far away; the neighborhood church I go to is the closest one.
>If his family is going at one next town over or farther, they should already be on the road.
>Car is still there; lights are on inside the apartment.
>I stay here half an hour hidden behind a tree and no one is coming out.
>Leave because I'm almost late to the service.
>Come back after the service.
>Somehow the car didn't move at all, I noted where the wheel were parked.
>Did they not go to church at all ?
>Is that even allowed ?
>Ask him in the bus a few days later
>He's indeed not going to church at all.
>Just wow.
>He says he doesn't believe in god.
>It's fine, if I can convince him to come to church at least once we can become friends here like mom said.
>She never said I needed to make friend with regulars after all.
>Anon says he's ok to come next Sunday.
>I mean, I don't exactly remember how it exactly went because I'm so stressed when I speak with people, but I think he said he'll come.
>As agreed, I come give him a ride.
>Ring the bell.
>Someone opens the door.
>It's not Anon.
>"Yes ? Can I help you ?"
>This is Starburst
>Actually, Starburst is just a nickname, his real name is Nolan North.
>Very allogenous name. It's from a foreign country named 'USA'.
>He's a Crystal Prep student too.
"Hum… Is Anon here ?"
>"There's no Anon living here, you must have the wrong door."
>I don't have the wrong address.
>Go check the name on the mailbox.
>It says 'North' on a piece of paper taped over Anon's mailbox.
>What ?
>I go back there, Starburst answers again.
>"Yeah, moved in there recently and I have no idea where the previous occupants are now."
>He pretends to hear someone inside call him.
>"I need to get back inside now, you needed something else ?"
"No... Sorry for the inconvenience."
>He closes the door on me.
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>Be Twilight again
>It's Monday and classes already started.
>I'm usually yearning to learn at the start of the week, but right this instant I've got something else on my mind.
>The quality of education here is debatable anyway.
>I take my ruler and poke Anon's back with it
"Psst, Anon."
>"Let me sleep."
"You stood me up yesterday !"
>"Who, me ? It's you who stood me up. I waited aaaaaaaaaaaaaaall morning. You said you had my address."
"Come on Anon, I know you set up your friend Starburst to make me leave."
>"Star who ?"
"We were in the same class for twelve consecutive years, Anon."
>"We were ?"
"So, will you come with me to church next Sunday ?"
>It's the teacher.
>"Can you two tone it down ? I can barely hear myself speak"
>"So what? You want us to play you the flute as background m-"
>Anon turns back.
>"Ah, shit."
>He apparently didn't realize he was talking back to the teacher.
>He must not know what she sounds like since he's sleeping all class long everyday.
>Teacher gets mad.
>Give us both detention.
>That's not going on my record, is it ?
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>Be Anon, chilling at school
>My plan to get rid of Twilight didn't work, and I ended up in detention where she insisted on telling me, in great details, what the bible had to say about respecting your elders.
>Don't get me wrong, my plan was great. It's Starburst who must've fucked up somehow.
>But I'm far from done.
>Now it's Friday, and the classes are just finished.
>Weekend's tomorrow.
>I know exactly what's coming.
>Don't even have the time to get out the school before she gets to me.
>"Oh, Anon !"
"Yes Twilight ?"
>"So, you'll be coming with me Sunday ? For the service ?"
"No Twilight, I won't be coming."
>"What, why ?"
"As a practicing muslim, I have islamic obligations on Sunday."
>Twilight gives me a doubtful look.
>"But you told me you were an atheist ?"
"It was a lie. I don't tell people I'm muslim because of the current political climate."
>"...But I thought Islamic service was on Friday ?"
"Huh ?"
>What ?
>Holy shit, is that true ?
>Are all religious services not on the same day ? Why couldn't they get in tune ?
>I knew I should have googled that shit !
>Think fast !
"Ok so, I don't have anything to do on Sunday, but my faith still prevents me from going to the mass, right ? I don't want to get bad looks at the mosque you know ?"
>"Ohhhh. I understand. I'll just go to the mosque with you then."
"Yeah. Wait what ?"
>"It's Friday afternoon. I'll come with you."
>No way, is she calling my bluff ? How did she figure me out ?
"Why would you want to come with me to the mosque, I thought you were a Christian ? Or something approaching ?"
>"It's absolutely fine. You're probably familiar with Witgeinstein's expressive-cathartic approach to religious rites, so the physical place where in at the time of praying ultimately doesn't matter."
>The fuck she just said ?
"Wit gains what ?"
>I don't even know where the fucking mosque is.
>Or if there's one around at all !
>I need to improvise.
"Oh wow oh look, I got a text. Probably from one of my fellow muslims !"
>Get my phone out, pretend to text.
>Launch google maps, search for the nearest mosque.
>The nearest one is actually not so near. No choice, let's say it's the one I usually go to
"Ok Twilight, we're actually going in the wrong direction, we need to take the other bus. Silly me."
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Waiting at a bus stop in front of the mosque.
>Went there with Anon.
>A bearded man said that men and women can't pray in the same room.
>Anon seemed delighted hearing that.
>Glad to see that he's so enthusiastic about his faith, but I would have preferred if we weren't separated.
>Didn't feel great alone in that place.
>I was sent to the basement were the girls prayed.
>The other girls were looking at me weird, probably because I was the only one without a veil.
>None of them looked like they wanted to be friend with me, so I left.
>Now I need to take the bus back home because I left my car at school
>Taking the bus alone is scary
>I should've drove here with Anon.
>Speaking of which, I better wait for Anon to come out.
>That's the polite thing to do.
>It can't be that long, right ?
>Just as I was thinking that, Anon comes out of the mosque, escorted by the same bearded man who directed me toward the girls praying room.
>"Yeah as if I would get on my knees for your made-up god, dumbass !"
>Someone threw a shoe at him.
>"Go back to where you came from, goats fucke-"
"Anon ?"
>He turns toward me.
>A frown forms on his question-marked face.
>"What the hell are you doing outside Twilight ? I thought you wanted to do catharactarism ?"
"Anon... are you not muslim after all ?"
>"Err... No. I mean yes. I just had a friendly scuffle with the beard here. He's an old buddy of mine. We go back. Waaaaayyy back."
"...I have troubles believing you. You already lied about not being home and about being an atheist."
>"I swear, it's just friendly banter !"
"Tell me one thing Islam-related and I'll believe you. Anything at all."
>"Uhhhhhhh... Doner Kebab ?"
"I'll see you at the service Sunday."
>Be Anonymous Poster
>Day-2 until church
>I was actually inside a fucking mosque for about thirty seconds. I can't frequent two places of worship in one week. I have my good name to uphold.
>Out at the mall with Starburst and Fleur.
>She wanted to go shopping so Sunburst and I took this opportunity to get some outdoor seating food. Doner kebab from Mehmet's place.
>Sunburst telling me how they don't have those in his home country, just burgers and pizza and burritos.
>Might catch covid, but hey I'm too young to worry about it.
"Before I forget Fleur, can you give me your agent's number ?"
>"Why, you think you've got a future in modelling ?"
>She looks at me from head to toe, disdainfully.
>Pretty hurtful ngl.
"No, no modelling. But your agent's name is Filthy Rich, gotta be Jewish with a name like that, right ?"
>She thinks about it.
"Think faster."
>"Yeah he might be, why ?"
"I need him to induct me as one of the chosen people too. Islam didn't work, but if I'm literally a Jesus killer they won't want me at church, right ? Right ?"
>Startburst, who was too busy eating until now, shook his head and swallowed whatever was in his mouth.
>"It takes like years to convert to Judaism."
"What ? How do you know ?"
>"I come from New York, Jews everywhere there."
>Pretty sure he just made that place up.
"You know, you could just aggressively tell that girl to fuck off. Like menacingly."
"No, I want her to be cool with me when she decides to shoot up the school.
>That school is a fucking zoo, I need to watch my back.
>"Oh. Then what about getting a restraining order on her ?"
Stupid immigrant thinks he's smart.
"So I don't know how it works in your shithole, but when I went to the police to file one, the cop on duty was her brother ! He said he'll talk to her, but it doesn't look like he did."
>Turn back to Fleur
"So you're in the show-biz, right ? You must be friends with a lots of pedo-ritualists right ? Like Epstein or whoever ? My plan C is to convert to Satanism, that way they'll REALLY won't want me at church, so if you could direct me to the last Hollywood producer whose dick you sucked-."
>"What Hollywood producer ? I only did a few photoshoots for discount store clothes catalogs."
"You mean you don't even have a sugar daddy or something ? I thought every fashion model was somebody's whore !"
>"Oh fuck no, I just took the first job that kept me busy in the weekends because I didn't want to go the church with my mom anymore."
>Seems legit.
>Wait what ?
"Why didn't you say so before ? I've been complaining about this church situation for the past week !"
>"I told you a thousand times ! But you never read my texts !"
"I read all your texts Fleur, I just can't understand them. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to speak with the manager of the closest essential business."
>Be Twilight.
>I built a cool 3d printer on my free time.
>The software passed all the tests. It should be working now, making actual use of it for the first time.
>Import cross_necklace.stl
>Now I just need to wait for it to finish printing...
>A few hours...
>I can always optimize for speed later you know.
>I'm fine as long as it's ready for tomorrow, it's a present for Anon.
>Home phone rings.
>I don't like answering phones, but there's no one else home.
"H-hello ?"
>"Oh hey Twilight."
>It's Anon's voice.
"Anon ? How did you get my home number ?""
"From Fleur's mom."
"Oh, ok. You know, I'm glad to hear from you, I was just making you a-"
>"Yeah cool. I just wanted to tell you how much I was looking forward to the service tomorrow..."
"Me too !"
>"As I said, I was really looking forward to the service tomorrow, getting closer to god and all that spiritual shit, but I won't be able to come."
"What ? Why ?"
>"I have to be at work Sunday morning."
"You got a job ?"
>"Yeah, the discount store at the mall, the one right next to Mehmet's kebab place. We ain't got much money since the pandemic started, didn't Jesus say something about working hard for your family or something like that ? Bye."
>He didn't even let me say something before hanging up.
>Now I'm sad.
>Just me and my 3d printer running for nothing.
>Want to cry.
Will continue later. Story is mostly Anon right now but it will soon switch to almost exclusively Sci-twi's POV
Yeah it's just the beginning, I need to go to work right now I'll be back to post the rest
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Neat! Looking forward to it
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Looks like sneaking your boyfriend into your house during the night wasn't a bad idea after all~ -----> https://files.catbox.moe/sl5vky.png
me on the right
moar? is this animated?
Nope, drew it on the /clop/ Magma canvas. But I eventually would love to do animations once I'm confident enough for it.
Made some quick edits:
TOPLESS -----> https://files.catbox.moe/j0d6wo.png
BOTTOMLESS -----> https://files.catbox.moe/lv8suc.png
NUDE -----> https://files.catbox.moe/grum6w.png

Gonna do a cum edit tomorrow.
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I will be waiting patiently...
bumping 2 pump
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>Be Anon.
>Happiest I've felt in a long time.
>Like singing in the streets happy.
>Ok, maybe not singing in the streets.
>It's only 8 in the morning and I'm already up and outside.
>Yet I'm smiling.
>I have to walk the long way to the mall because no buses on the weekend with that covid shit.
>Yet I'm beaming with joy.
>On days like this, my most misanthropic tendencies are repressed.
>I almost want to skip to work. But I'm not a fag.
>See Sweetie Belle and her friends playing in the park.
>"Hi Anon !"
>Ah, kids.
>It was so easy being a kid
>No responsibilities, no work.
>No religious nutjobs harassing me.
>I wish I could go back to being a little kid.
>I smile at them, thinking: 'Don't grow up, you don't know what's coming for you.'
"I'm going to work Sweetie, you be nice heh ?"
>I'll get them cookies or something on the way back. I'm a wagie now after all.
>Finally get to my new workplace.
>Find my supervisor.
>At least I think it's my supervisor ? It's the woman who gave me this job yesterday.
>I was surprised, she gave me a job so quick and without an interview, but she said they were in dire need of new recruits because there was a covid outbreak and some of the employees were now unable to work.
>She didn't say it out loud, but I think they actually died.
>Still better than going to church.
>I'm now officially an Essential Worker™, which grant me the unalienable right not to go to church.
>I proudly pin my name tag on my shirt and go to the home utilities section as instructed by what's-her-face.
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>I put my cool 3d printed cross inside my cool 3d printed box.
>Wrap it up and label it 'For Anon '
>After reflection, I remove the heart.
>Way too promiscuous.
>I don't want him to think of me as a harlot.
>Fire up my car and drive to the mall.
>Make vroom vroom noises as the engine starts. Never gets old.
>I couldn't call Anon back because I don't have his cell number. He called under hidden id yesterday. No idea why. Maybe he doesn't know how to turn the setting off.
>So I'm going to his workplace to give him his present.
>The store is quite big.
>I go ask the supervisor-looking woman at the reception.
>"Yes, may I help you ?"
"I'm -huh- I'mm looking for - you know"
>Not the moment to lose your cool Twilight
>Mime a name tag on my shirt
>"Say what ?"
"The, hum, the new recruit."
>Looks like she didn't understand me at all.
>"Oh, are you one of the new recruits ? Give me an ID."
>She seems to think I came here to work.
>"Id. Now."
>She impatiently gestures for me to give an ID.
>Give her my driver license.
>"Ok, Twilight Sparkle. Go help the other new kid stock up the shelves in the home utilities section, I'll be there right away with your name tag."
>Guess I'm working here now.
>Just hope nobody asks me for help.
>Go to home utilities.
>Anon is here, trying and failing to juggle with screwdrivers.
>That's incredibly dangerous.
>Get the present out of my bag.
"Hey Anon !"
>Anon looks at me sideways, not surprised.
>"Oh, Twilight. Came to check if I was actually working here ?"
>He shows me his nametag.
"As you can see I'm now officially an Essential Worker™, which grant me the unalienable-"
>Supervisor comes.
>She pins my nametag to my blouse.
>"Here you go. Welcome to the team."
>She leaves.
>Anon eyes widen.
>He takes his head in his hands.
>"You did that on purpose."
"What ?"
>He grabs me by the collar.
>"You did that on purpose, you neurotic bitch ! Think if you wear me down enough I'll come with you to your fucking church ? Want me to show you what it's like to be on the receiving end ? You know nothing about real harassment ! I won't keep my eyes off you ! I'll follow you better than a fucking tracking dog ! It'll make every creepy stalker call me 'Sir' as a mark of respect ! You won't have a second to yourself, my name will legally be changed to Navi the fairy ! Oh, so it seems god has given you faith ? You'll soon be wishing he would give you a new face, because you won't be able to hide from me. I am a nightmare you won't wake up from. Even when you'll be sleeping I'll be there-"
>"Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow wow ! Wow. What is that !?"
>Supervisor woman came back.
>"Is this workplace harassment? Is that why you wanted this job so badly yesterday ? You need to go kid. There have been lawsuits for less. That's how the previous supervisor lost her job, I didn't even get to learn her name !"
>Anon turns toward her.
>"No wait, no ! It's a misunderstanding, I'm the victim here !"
>She doesn't listen to Anon's pleas, take his nametag, and goes away.
>Soon after, bearded muslim man comes and escorts Anon out. Apparently he's working security here.
>Anon's gets hostile and security man throws a shoe at him.
>Anon probably figured making a scene was the best way to quit without his mother getting mad at him, so he could go with me to church.
>Very ingenious.
>Taking advantage of the commotion, I remove my nametag and put it on the counter.
>Go meet a brooding Anon on the bench outside the store.
"Hi Anon ! I left the job too. I can't make the hours anyway with the service on Sunday, and I also need to work on my 3d printer. It's too slow. Speaking of which..."
>Give Anon his present
>He opens it, sight loudly and pinches the bridge of his nose
>"A plastic cross ? Couldn't even get me a metallic one ?"
"You can't 3d print metal, Anon."
>"Aight I give up. I'm coming to the service with you tomorrow."
"Awesome !"
>"I don't wanna walk. Come give me a ride, I'll open up this time."
>I separate my car keys from the rest of the keyring.
"Take my car back home with you. I don't really need it; we live just next to church. The tank is full."
>"That's nice of you."
"You, hum, you know how to drive right ?"
>"You're kidding, right ? A dump like that I can drive with one finger."
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>Be resigned Anonymous Poster.
>Keys in the engine.
>Seat and visor adjusted.
>Make vroom vroom noises as I start the engine, it never gets old.
>I accepted my fate. There's no avoiding Twilight and her fucking mass. I'm commuting to church for the first time in my life.
>I hope, but doubt, that showing up there just once will satisfy her.
>She'll likely make me attend over and over again.
>Every Sunday until the sweet release of death.
>And then even after I die she'll have the funerals held at that same fucking church.
>And there's nothing I can do about it.
>Contemplate suicide.
>Or nerdicide.
>Or moving out. Somewhere she can't find me. Maybe Startbust can smuggle me in the 'States'.
>She'll never find me there. That shithole sure ain't on any atlas.
>I'd need money for that tho, and the purple cunt got me fired from my job.
>It's like she predicted all my moves before I even thought of them. She's playing mind games I can't follow.
>Oh, I'm already at church. Kinda close by, I probably could have walked there in half an hour.
>Twilight is lucky to have a car, it makes commuting easier. I'd like to have a car.
>I could have saved money for one if she hadn't gotten me fired.
>Hope church has enough parking.
>I'm actually not the best at parking.
>And it's been quite a while since I've touched a wheel, now that I think of it.
>Last time was when I failed to get my license for the fourth time.
>Monitor made it sound like I broke some kind of record.
>Meh, it's fine.
>Oh fuck no it's not fine.
>The car in front of me looks like a crushed soda can.
>Look around.
>No witnesses.
>Twilight's car seems fine.
>Not seen, not caught.
>That's my motto.
>Get the fuck away from here and park at the other end of the parking lot.
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>At church.
>I'm waiting by the door so I can see people coming in.
"Hey Anon ! You made it !"
>"Yo Twilight."
"Anon, let me introduce you to my brother Shining Armor. Shining, this is Anonymous Poster."
>Shining stares at Anon coldly.
>Anon stares him back, more nonchalant.
>"I already know him, actually."
"Oh, ok. Mom and dad are visiting my grandparents so it's just us and Cadance is- oh here she comes."
>"Anon ? Long time no see ! I didn't know you were an attendee here !"
>Anon shrugs.
>"Yeah me neither."
>"Is it your first time here then ? You're really unlucky, because there won't be a service today."
>What is she saying ? No service today ?
"What happened ? They haven't missed one in the past eight years !"
>"Apparently someone rammed into the pastor's car from the back and there's nobody to replace him. He hurt his neck really bad. The ambulance getting him as we speak."
>Anon is looking at her, shook.
"D-did he see who did that ?"
>"No he didn't. They said he wasn't in mortal danger, but we don't know when he'll be back."
>Anon's looking relieved. How nice of him to care for the pastor !
>"Phew. Could be anybody then."
>Shining is staring him down.
>"Yeah... Anybody. I'm going to see around if I can find something about this, you guys stay here."
>Anon sits up.
>"I'm going home. What's the point if there's no service ?"
>"Oh no Anon, we'll get you home after. Stay, enjoy the architecture. You wouldn't want to leave before we get the asshole who almost killed the pastor, would you ?"
>For some reason, Shining said that in a menacing tone. Must be all this police work, getting to his head.
>Not easy being a police officer these days.
>"Whatever. Hey Twilight, you said we would get pasta after."
"It doesn't open until eleven Anon, but I can get you something to drink. Maybe some snacks."
>"Yeah, go on. Coffee."
>As he said that, Anon lied down in one of the pew and started to sleep
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>"Hey ! Anon !"
>Be Anonymous Poster.
>No one will just let me sleep.
>Oh, it's Twilight.
>"Come on Anon, wake up. I got your beverage."
>I take it, still half-sleeping, and have a sip.
>It's hot cocoa.
"Didn't I ask for coffee ?"
>"Coffee is for grown-ups. I wouldn't want you overdosing on caffeine."
"Whatever. Can we go home or what ?"
>"Almost ! Shining found out who injured the pastor."
"What ?"
>I woke up at the speed of light.
"What do you mean they found out ? No one was here !"
>"Apparently there is a security camera in the parking, it recorded the accident. Cadance is getting the tape in the back room."
>Get up.
>Sprint toward the back room faster than Usain Bolt chased by a pack of wolf.
"Hey, Twilight told me you found the culprit ?"
>Cadance's holding a tape
>"It's all recorded here. Shining is trying to find the TV."
>Think fast.
"Err... Twilight made this hot cocoa for you."
>"How nice of her ! I really-"
> 'Accidentally' spill the cocoa on the tape.
"Oh, woah. Oh no, I'm so so so sorry. I just spilled all this coffee on your tape !"
>Quickly take the tape away from her hands.
"Let me see if I can salvage it somehow. Again, so sorry."
>Open the tape.
>Screw it up even more.
>Spread the cocoa as much as possible.
>Make fucking knots with it.
>Good thing those old-ass security systems are still using tapes.
"Yeah... I think it's ruined. Thousand apologies. Now the culprit is probably gonna get away scot-free !"
>Fuck yeah.
>Like the fox to the crow, the melodic imposter
>I am Anonymous motherfucking Poster
>"Oh but it's fine Anon. Shining made a copy."
"Eh ?"
>"Yes, he said he had an intuition that something like that would happen."
"He did ?"
>Fuck no.
>"He must have found the television by now, want to come and watch the tape with us ?"
"I'm fine."
>I already know what's on the tape, and I don't like how it ends.
>Go back in the chapel.
>"So Anon, did you watch the tape ? "
"Don't need to. I'm the one who rammed into the pastor."
>"W-w-what ? How could you do such a thing ?"
"Oh, chill. Your car doesn't have a scratch. I checked."
>Suddenly, shouting was heard from the back room
>Twilight looks at me, horrified.
>"Uh ? Why am I in trouble ?"
>Yeah, why ? It's not like she was the one driving the car.
>Not that they necessary could tell on a security camera, because she left her "e=mc2" sunshades on the windows.
"Ah, I get it ! They couldn't see me on the tape !"
>"W-what ?"
"And since it was your car, they think you ran into the pastor ! I'd start working on my case If I were you. Maybe get a lawyer."
>I take my jacket, what's left of my hot cocoa and leave.
>"Wait Anon, you're not really gonna leave me here like that ?"
"Of course I am ! See you tomorrow at school."
>"Anon ! Wait !"
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>Be Anon.
>Back at school after an eventful weekend.
>Found and lost a job.
>Broke the neck of the priest and sent him to the hospital.
>Or maybe it was a pastor ? Are those two the same ?
>I'll ask Twilight later.
>I actually don't feel remotely bad about it.
>Let me tell you what he would be doing if it wasn't for me:
>Dodging taxes and touching kids.
>He's better bedridden.
>Go to class, get comfortable.
>Not really tired because I kinda got my sleep schedule back on track yesterday.
>Maybe this wasn't a complete waste after all.
>Wait no, does that mean I have to actually listen to the lesson now ?
>Fuck that.
>I'll try to have a nap in the afternoon to fuck up my sleep schedule again.
>"Hey Anon..."
>Look back.
>It's Twilight.
"Yo Twilight."
>"Hey Anon, I didn't see you on the bus today. Did someone drive you here ?"
"Course I took the bus, my mom has to work, can't just drive me around."
>"Really ? We must have missed each other then. It was horrible. Someone tried to steal my milk money."
"…Milk money ?"
>"Can you believe it ? And an older woman kept yelling at me because she thought I was her granddaughter and I apparently never visit "
"Welcome to the real world, princess. Why were you even taking the bus, something happened to your car ? I swear it didn't have a scratch after the incident, I checked."
>"My parents said I'm too irresponsible to drive. And to make things worse, Shining said I was using it to harass people ! Why would he say that ? I don't think I've ever harassed anybody ever. They took away my car privileges."
>Very strict parenting.
>Twilights folks sure aren't appreciative of my anti-clerical efforts.
"That's a little rash. You're not even the one who drove the car into the priest."
>"But they think I am."
"Uh ? Why didn't you snitch on me ?"
>"Because I know you didn't do it on purpose."
"True enough."
>"And if I told on you, you wouldn't be welcome here anymore, and you looked sooo happy to attend service."
>I'm starting to seriously consider that she might be advanced-trolling me since the very beginning.
>Probably not since she took the fall for the accident.
>In doubt, don't react.
>Still feel kinda bad about losing her the car tho.
"Ok Twi, I feel bad so you can sit with me on the bus. I'll deal with the old lady if she comes back."
>"R-really ?"
>"Yeah but only the old lady, I'm ain't John Wick."
>Twilight looked genuinely happy
>"I didn't see you on the bus this morning, at what time do you take it ?"
"8:24 in the morning, 4:02 in the afternoon."
"What ?"
>"Are you serious ?"
>"The bus stop is about five minute away from school, and the bus takes 25 minutes to ride from here to our block under optimal traffic conditions."
"So ?"
>"So you're guaranteed to be late if the bus is even one minute late, like if there's a single red li-"
"Yeah but it's not super late you know, it's like acceptable late. Teachers usually don't care, except the hardasses."
>"And what about the ride back ? How do you even get to the bus stop in two minutes?"
"I run."
>"But it's not even enough time to write down homework !"
"Homework ? Are you telling me we still have homework in high school ?"
>"You don't turn in your homework ? How did you get there without turning in your homework ?"
"I make it up on the exams, I've mostly got passing grades. The standards at this school are pitifully low."
"What, you'd rather take the bus alone ?"
>"No, it's fine. I'll be there on time. I'm so happy we're taking the bus together Anon !"
"C'mon it's just a bus ride."
>"I finally made a friend !"
>What a loser.
>"Psst. Hey, Anon."
>Someone calls me from the other side of the class.
>It's bacon hair girl.
>She holds a thumb up and winks at me.
>The hell was that for ?
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>Be Anon.
>School bell ring.
>Didn't bring shit to eat.
>Go to the school cafeteria.
>Buy a lunch from the old Apple lady.
>Sit alone as inconspicuously as possible on what I hope is the least noticeable table.
>It's the first time I bought a school lunch here, and it's not very good.
>How it's possible to make such disgusting gunk with only apple as a main ingredient I wonder. I should have gone out to get a sandwich.
>Next time I'll bring something from home.
>"Hey Anon ! Wanna share lunch."
>Guess who it is.
"No thanks."
>Actually my lunch is shit, so I should share with her.
"I mean, yes, I'll share lunch."
>Hope her mom is a better cook than Apple lady.
>"Look, I made a Fibonacci themed lunch !"
"...Fibonacci themed ?"
>Immediately regret asking.
>"I have toast cut into golden ratio rectangles, Romanesco broccolis and boiled carrots."
"Carrots ?"
>"Yeah, because it's what rabbits eat !"
>Her lunch is somehow shittier than mine.
>"Look, you can see the fractals on the broccoli ! If you count the number of spirals, it actually adds up to one of the number of the Fibonacci sequence !"
>My apple meal suddenly got way more appetizing.
>"Psst ! Anon !"
>Bacon hair calls at me from her table with all the other stacies.
>She holds up a thumb up and winks.
>What's up with her.
>Now Rarity saw me, and I can't ever flip her the finger since it would look like it's targeted toward Sunset.
>Meh, life is too short to worry about such trivial matters.
>Flip her the finger anyway.
>Be Anon.
>Wake up.
>Class is still not over.
>Ask teacher to use the bathroom, they allow me to go.
>I don't like to pee in public, so I go inside a stall.
>Do my business.
>Wash my hands.
>Still half-asleep.
>The water comes out by itself.
>Weird, it didn't do that before.
>Did they put automatic faucets ? Anti covid measure maybe ?
>Maybe this school is not as cheap as I thought.
>Soap my hands.
>Quickly scrub them.
>"Anon you're supposed to rub your hands for thirty seconds."
>Jump on my feet.
>It's Twilight fucking Sparkle.
>In the fucking boys' bathroom.
"Jesus fucking Christ, Twilight."
>"Please don't say that."
"What are you doing here ?"
>"I'm operating the faucet for you. Everyone's touching it, you don't want to catch the coronavirus do you ?"
>Bacon Hair gets out of a stall.
>She holds two thumbs up and winks.
>Wake up in class.
>It was just a dream.
>Be Anon.
>At recess.
>Twilight is fucking annoying.
>I tried to be nice after that car incident, but now she's acting like a fucking pot of glue.
>Worse than before.
>Open chat, ask my friends for advice.
>Startburst is the first to answer.
>'It's not often that a girl's after you bro, just hit that bro.'
>Mfer won't stop thinking with his dick.
'And how am I supposed to fuck a devout Christian ? Won't she want to get married first ?'
>'Promise to marry her but don't do it. Or convince her to take it from behind.'
>Fleur is typing...
>It'll be a spectacle of poesy for sure.
>'U guys ar pigs al u tink abt is fkn us'
'She right, you should never fuck a crazy girl. Even if she's coming at you on all four and in reverse gear.'
>'And that's why you be a virgin forever Anon.'
'Oh yeah ? And how many girls have you slept with ?'
>'Including that date you set up for me last week ? Zero.'
'Wasn't Fleur supposed to subtly imply that you had a big dick ?'
>'She did.'
>How could such a big brained strat not work.
>Maybe my plans aren't as foolproof as I think.
>"Hey Anon, who are you texting ?"
>Didn't notice Twilight creeping up on me.
>Those two idiots were supposed to help me get rid of her, how did the convo digress like that.
"Leave me alone Twilight I'm talking to my friends."
>"That's what I'm doing too ! We're friends, Anon !"
"No we're not. I already have more friends than I need, I'm at capacity. Plus you're pissing me off all the time."
>"Capacity ? How many is that ?
>"Two is capacity ?"
>"Oh. I haven't managed to befriend anyone since I've been transferred here. Or before. How did you do ?"
>I actually have no idea either.
>Didn't bother to socialize since I was transferred here either.
"I don't know, I've been hanging with those two since we were kids."
>Bacon hair comes out from behind a tree.
>She looks at us.
>Gives two (2) thumbs up and one (1) wink.
"You come here"
>I take Sunset Shimmer aside and drag her back behind the tree.
"What the fuck are you doing ?"
>"I'm encouraging you to be friend with Twilight ! She badly needs some. Bad shit can happen if she doesn't make any."
"You think she might shoot up the school too ?"
>"What ? No. I meant the more colorful kind of disaster."
"I don't understand."
>Sunset looks at you, puzzled, resting against the tree behind her.
>"Where were you during the friendship games ?"
>I actually skipped school that day.
>Not like I could have taken part in the games anyway, it would have been treachery.
"It's none of your business where I was during the friendship games."
>"Oh. It would be too long to explain then, basically you need to be friend with her, kthxbye."
"Wait, why don't you be friend with her then ?"
>Sunset looks up at the sky, teary-eyed.
>"I can't Anon. I can't befriend Twilight because she looks exactly like that girl I'm in love with. She had to go back home because she got governmental responsibilities so we can't be together but-"
"I didn't ask you to tell me a bedtime story ! What kind of shit excuse is that ?"
>"Honestly, I'd give it a try but my therapist advised against it. She said it would be unhealthy."
"Why are you seeing a therapist ?"
>"Anger management."
"Anger management ?"
>"Yeah. Where were you on the day of the fall formal ?"
>I actually skipped school that day.
>Not like I had anything to do at that normie party anyway.
"It's none of your business where I was during the fall formal."
>"Oh. It might be a little long to explain then. Basically I was trying to get the-"
>I really don't give a single fuck.
>How did she even digress the conversation toward HER personal issues ? We were talking about Twilight.
"Look Sunset, find someone else to be friend with that nerd. Don't you have a pose entirely comprised of cute girls and Rainbow Dash ? Can't we trick one of them into hanging out with her ? 'Cause I'm not doing it."
That's it for now. Expect way less Anon and more Twilight as she tries to befriend the girls.
RIP, forgot to post the cum edits:

BASE -----> https://files.catbox.moe/s0ikag.png
TOPLESS -----> https://files.catbox.moe/a0pd82.png
BOTTOMLESS -----> https://files.catbox.moe/fnlodx.png
NUDE -----> https://files.catbox.moe/trzipk.png
interesting story unfortunate it wasn’t binned
I like it
Startburst is enlightened
Would they share a husband?
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nice legs
We need more porn of her in this outfit.
I agree
cum inside sci-twi
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>Be Twilight Sparkle
>Anon and Sunset organized a playdate for me.
>Feel a little infantilized, but I said yes anyway.
>Mom tried to set me on a playdate when I was a little girl, with the daughter of another lady from church.
>The other kid, Fleur de Lys, didn't like it and said I was lame and I cried.
>After that, mom didn't set up playdates for me anymore.
>Anyway, I'm seated at the school cafeteria with that girl named Rarity.
>I don't know what happened, but Anon doesn't like her much.
>He said she was 'a dirty skank'.
>She's very dressed-up.
>I probably look like an unkempt bum in comparison.
>Mom's chooses all my clothes for me and I don't think she follows the latest trends.
>Rarity speaks a lot.
>I haven't had a chance to place a word in yet.
>Which is fine.
>I usually need a few hours of mental preparation before having a conversation with people I'm not related to anyway.
>She's talking about boys.
>"Anyway Twilight, do you have a boy you like ?"
>Caught me off-guard.
>"Oh ! Who is that ? Do I know him ?"
"I'd rather not say."
>"I absolutely understand, dear. It wouldn't be a good look for us to start throwing names. I, for one, do not partake in slanderous gossiping. Unlike that lying slut Violet Burr."
>Anon warned me.
>He said girls could be mean toward each other.
>Actually he used the b-word.
>He said girls were b-words around each other and double b-words behind each other's backs.
>He then went into details explaining how Fleur somehow alienated the entire female population at crystal prep, and now only hangs out with him as a result.
>Not hard to believe from someone who calls other people 'lame', especially after we spend that afternoon solving my cool 2500 pieces Milky Way puzzle.
>I need to be as unalienating as possible toward Rarity.
>Just need to coax her a little.
"Huuuh.. Okay ?"
>"Oh Twilight, sorry for using such uncouth language. It slipped out."
>Nailed it.
"I'm used to it, Anon swears a lot."
>"He does, doesn't he ? I'm not usually like that, it's just that I'm upset because I had the absolute worst date last week."
"Really ?"
>I'm actually interested.
>Maybe I'll go on a date someday.
>I'd like to know how it works.
"The absolute worst you said ?"
>"Yes, the absolute worst ! I'll never go on a blind date ever again !"
>I'd rather hear about a nice date, but I don't feel like telling that to Rarity.
>I think she may not have that many nice dates to tell me about.
>I can use her experience as an example of what to avoid !
>What could go wrong on a date ?
>I should enumerate the traits that could be considered undesirable in a male companion which may appear transparently on the first meeting.
"Did you consider him physically unattractive ?"
>"Oh, not at all. He looked like a young Richard Gere. Or maybe better."
>Don't know who that is.
"Was he not eloquent ?"
>"Of course he was ! A modern day poet, with an irresistible, slight but noticeable foreign accent giving him an air of exoticness."
"Did he have an unpleasant body odor ?"
>"Oh no, fresher than an autumn waft."
"Was he poor ? Or stingy ?"
>"No no no. See the monopoly guy ? They might be related because he paid for everything. The restaurant, the uber, everything."
"Then... Huh… He looked like he would be an uninvolved parent ?"
>"Not a chance, he gets along so well with children. Sweetie Belle still can't stop gushing about him."
"…Sexual incompatibility ?"
>I'm grasping at straw there, because I don't see how it could be apparent on the first meeting.
>"I know from reliable sources that he's packing it down there. A circus horse I've been told !"
>Didn't she just describe the perfect guy ?
"Well, what then ?"
>"You wouldn't believe me, Twilight. I swear this kind of stuff only happens to me !"
"Go ahead, tell me !"
>I'm dying to know what's wrong with Mr.Perfect.
>"Well... It wasn't until we were at the hotel that I discovered he's a Scorpio !"
>Wait what ?
"Seriously ?"
>"Yes ! Scorpio ! Scorpio rising Scorpio ! Just like my asshole ex-boyfriend. And we were minutes away from doing it ! I immediately put my clothes back on and went home."
"…Minutes away from doing what ?"
>"I asked him how they let him book a hotel room, and he said that he just turned 18 last month ! That means he's a Scorpio !"
>"And to think he almost got what he wanted, I feel used. No surprise, coming from a Scorpio. What did I do to deserve that ?"
>"I'm never going on a blind date again ! Especially if it's set up by Anon ! To think he wouldn't even check for astral compatibility ! Humph !"
>"By the way Twilight, what's your sign ?"
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>Be Anon.
>Riding the bus home with Twilight.
>"Anon, I can't hang out with Rarity anymore."
"Can't blame you."
>"I mean she's nice enough, but I'm apparently the wrong astrological sign."
"Oh yeah I get that too. Apparently being a cancer makes me fucking Hitler to her or something. I only judge people based on which sauce they get with their fries so I wouldn't know."
>"Why did you set me up on a playdate with her then ?"
"'Cause you both looked like ketchup people. And she's the only person I really know here because we're cousin."
>"Oh, ok. Makes sense. It's fine anyway, listening to her gives me headaches. I don't want that to affect my studies or I might not be able to get a PhD and become an astrophysicist."
"Astrophysicist ? Doesn't that go against your religious beliefs ? With the big bang and shit ?"
>"Georges Lemaitre, author of the big bang theory of the origin for the universe, was a catholic priest."
"Seriouuuuuusly ?"
>I didn't know that.
>That's actually almost interesting to hear.
"I'll tell Rarity to fuck off."
>"Thanks Anon."
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>Be Anon.
>Gonna have a talk with Sunset after school.
>Gives time for Twilight to write down her sacrosanct homework before we catch the bus.
"Hey ! Sunset !"
>"What ?"
"Twilight told me it didn't click with Rarity."
>"Wow, who could have guessed ?"
"Right ? I already told Rarara to fuck off, so you don't need to. Do you know anyone more down to earth we can introduce to Twilight ?"
>"Yeah I might have someone like that."
>Be Twilight.
>Currently at the cafeteria with a girl named Applejack.
>She's not related at all to Anon.
>A little burly but seems nice enough.
>I'm very intimidated.
>Even more so than usual.
>"So Twilight, what do you like to do on your free time ?"
"Homework !"
>"Homework ? And what else ?"
>"Reading ? Don't you ever do anything a little more manual ?"
"Yes I do, I build things."
>"You build things ? Like what, tools sheds and stuff ?"
"Hm, no. I made a 3d printer, but it's slow and the software is a bit buggy."
>"Let me tell you Twilight, you wouldn't last a minute on the farm. You're clearly not made for real work. Manly work."
"Why would I need to know how to do manly work ?"
>"So you're saying you want to do girly work ?
>That's a false dichotomy.
>"Ya should come to the farm."
"I'll be there !"
>I may have answered a little bit too fast.
>But it's the first time ever I've been invited to a sleepover !
>"Bring enough clothes for a few days."
>Few days ? Not sure if mom will let me go that long.
>I'll need to convince her. It's my very first sleepover ever you see.
>"I'll meet you in front of the school after classes tomorrow. Just look for the tractor parked there."
>The tractor ?
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>Be Anon.
>Just got to school.
>Not late for once.
>Bus driver doesn't care anymore about traffic violations.
>He finally listened to reason.
>See Twilight at the gates
>She wasn't on the bus today.
>Maybe she got her car back.
>She looks extenuated.
>Dressed the same as yesterday.
"Yo Twilight, you look like a zombie. Was there an all-night science guy marathon on tv or something ?"
>"Oh, no Anon. I just cleaned the barn, cooked dinner and made a few laundries. That's all."
"You didn't pull an all-nighter doing house work, did you ?"
>"Almost Anon, almost. It took me three and a half hours to make the oven work, it's an old model Anon. It doesn't even have switches, you need to smash rocks together to light it up. The food wasn't ready until 2am. They were all yelling 'Twilight, Twilight we're hungry', hitting the table with their cutlery. I-I can't take it anymore Anon, I can't. When I was finally done baking the apple chicken, everyone was already passed out drunk, even Apple Bloom. I had to drag them to their bed, one by one. I swear Applejack's brother must weight like three hundred pounds. Then I did the laundry by hand and cleaned the barn, I had to faint before Granny Smith finally allowed me to go to sleep, but I still needed to wake up at four in the morning because I hadn't touched my homework yet and-"
"Told you already, homework isn't worth wasting time on."
>"Anon I-I have to maintain my GPA."
"Heh, don't worry about it. Two or three days tops and you're done with the Apples, you'll go back to your home. To your dog, your bed, your computer programs. It'll be chill again."
>"Y-yeah you're right Anon."
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>Be Anon.
>Twilight seriously looking like shit.
>She's struggling to stay up, got patches of mud all over, still dressed like the days before. Her hair is all over the place and she have the largest eye bags I ever saw.
"Hey Twilight. Is that a fashion statement or did you just stop changing ?"
>"I-I don't have the time anymore Anon. It's just not doable, all the chores at the farm and the school work I just can't-"
"C'mon, you're just one day away from freedom."
>"But this day will be my last Anon. We're hosting some kind of family reunion tomorrow, how am I supposed to cook something apple-based to feed all those people ? They're a really large family. Really really huge."
>Something apple based ?
"One time we went to this Indian place after one of Fleur's photoshoot, they served us fucking apple curry, I'm not kidding. Apple curry."
>"A-apple curry ? Y-you don't need to use the oven for that, right ?"
"I think it's on the stove ?"
>"Oh, that's perfect."
>She yawned loudly, then almost fell asleep on her feet again.
"Come one Twilight, you can't fall asleep yet. We have a presentation today and you better not tank my grade."
>"Y-yes Anon..."
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>Be Anonymous Poster.
>Ridin' the bus back home.
>Twilight is with me, prim and proper.
>She survived the rural life.
"So, you're happy to be back at home ?"
>"All I can say is that this morning I woke up to clean clothes neatly disposed on my chair, my hot cocoa was at 67°C with a brix index of 11 just how I like it and my school lunch was already packed in my bag."
"Happy to see your life's back in order. Your mom must be happy to have you back."
>"Very happy."
>Next to us, there's a woman wearing a shirt saying 'Help. Inc Maid Service'.
>She's sleeping loudly, hair undone, clothes badly fitting.
"Would you look at that Twilight ? What kind of hobo fucking sleeps on the bus. She could at least have bothered to change out of her work shirt."
>"It's really a matter of respect for others Anon. Some people just aren't trying."
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>Be Anon.
>Sunset's gonna hear it.
>What Applejack did to Twilight was straight up extortion, borderline slavery.
>Not that I give a fuck, but it's affecting my grades. She only got me an A++ on our joint presentation instead of the usual A+++.
"Hey dumbass, didn't work with Applejack. She just worked Twilight to near-death."
>Sunset rose up from her seat to meet me at eye level.
>"Hey don't call me a dumbass, you're the one who asked for someone close to earth ! I thought the farm life would be within your expect-"
"I said 'down to earth', not 'close to earth' god fucking damnit."
>Sunset blinked a few times.
>Fucking immigrants.
>"Oh. My bad. Why didn't Twilight just said so then ? How hard is it to say 'stop' when there's a misunderstanding ?"
"Are we talking about the same Twilight ? She's never gonna tell anyone if there's a problem, neurotic like she is."
>"Really ? The Twilight I knew was way more outgoing."
"What do you mean, 'the Twilight you knew' ?"
>"There was that other girl named Twilight, she won the Princess Fall formal few days after coming to this school, definitely not as socially crippled as your Twilight."
"The fuck I care about that ? Just because two people are named the same you think they're anything alike ? That's even more stupid than fucking astrology, Twilight Sparkle is a very common name."
>"Yeah, you must be right. I'll find someone who's not overtly outgoing, like your Twilight."
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Sitting at a table with Fluttershy.
>At least I think it's her ?
>Anon said I'm eating with Fluttershy today.
>I even brought extra money in case she wants to go somewhere other than the school cafeteria.
>But the pink-haired girl said nothing yet.
>It's weird.
>Both Rarity and Applejack engaged me.
>Am I expected to speak first ?
>What to say ?
>Hello ?
>How are you ?
>Hello how are you ?
>Hello how are you Fluttershy ?
>What if this is not Fluttershy ?
>I'll look dumb and weird !
>Am I at the wrong table ?
>That's probably why she's not speaking to me !
>Anon just said she had pink hair, but that's the second most common hair color in the country.
>If I start speaking to this person and it turns out she's not Fluttershy, I wouldn't dare coming back in the cafeteria ever again.
>I didn't even ask before seating at this stranger's table. How rude.
>Get up.
>Try to find another table.
>There aren't any empty table left.
>I end up eating in a corner on the ground wondering where the real Fluttershy is.
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>Be Anon.
"Yo Sunset, it didn't work with Fluttershy."
>"What ? What happened again ?"
"No idea, but Twilight didn't get to speak with Fluttershy and I found her eating on the ground for some reason. She explained what happened but I wasn't listening."
>"Huh ? Didn't Twilight bring her dog ?"
"Yeah, she brought the dough but didn't use any of it, so instead I had her buy me a chicken pesto panini at the-."
>"I said bring the DOG ! Not the DOUGH. I meant for her to bring Spike."
"Ah. Shit. How would her dog have helped ?"
>"It would have made Fluttershy more easy-going ! She loves talking about pets !"
"Oh. Ohhhhhh, makes sense. It's your fault tough, couldn't understand what you said, 'cause of the accent."
>"The accent ? What accent ? I don't have an accent."
"You're a migrant, so it makes sense that you would have an accent from your shithole country. I got my main man, he's from bumfuck nowhere named 'USA', they speak like 'howdy-h'-"
>Sunset got up and pointed her finger at me menacingly.
>"Hey don't start talking shit about my country ! Equestria is not a shithole, it's a magical place !"
"Oh I am going to talk shit about your country. What country gives fucking governmental responsibilities a teenaged carpet muncher ?"
>"Well sometimes it just happens that the person most fit to the job is a teenager ! And the language's exactly the same as here, there's absolutely no accent !"
"Wow wow wow. Why're we speaking about you again ? How did we digress like that ? We're supposed to help Twilight make friends. What do you have for her now ?"
>"Well I don't have many options left, maybe Pinkie Pie ? There sure won't be any awkwardly long silences with Pinkie."
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>Only parties I've ever really been invited to were birthdays. In my own family.
"What party ?"
>"Sugar Rock parents aren't home this weekend !"
>No chaperone ?
"What is the expected attendance ?"
>"I don't know, maybe fifty people ? Sixty ? Last time her house was so full some of us had to move to the attic ! It was dope."
>Large gatherings during a pandemic ? This is extremely irresponsible.
>But I can't start ranting about public safety measures lest she might think of me as too uptight, I just need to find an excuse not to go.
"You know Pinkie, I'm not acquainted with that Sugar Rock person, it would be rude to come uninvited."
>"It's fine, you're with me ! I usually bring dozen of people, if not more !"
"Oh, hum, what time is the party ?"
>"I don't know, whenever you want ? I mean don't come before nine unless you want to help set things up."
"Oh, six is my curfew."
>Didn't even have to lie.
>"Curfew ? Just ask your parents for an extension."
>I can already hear the scolding if I dared utter the words 'Curfew extension' in front of mom, especially after spending so many days at the Apple's.
>Her parents must be way more placid than mom.
>But she doesn't need to know that, I don't want to sound like a mommy's girl.
"Huh... I'd be too tired you know. My usual bedtime is 9:05pm. Can't stay up that late."
>Her eyes widened and her mouth formed a smile

>"Oh I get you Twilight. You should have said so sooner."
"Said what ?"
>She started rummaging in her bag
>"Don't worry, I got you. That's why Anon told you about me, isn't it ?"
>Pinkie held out several blue colored glass shards.
>"Pick your poison !"
"W-what are those ?"
>"DRUGS !"
>She yelled that before realizing that we were in a crowded place.
>"Hum. I mean, drugs."
"What kind of drugs are those ?"
>"Oh I don't know, mister White from chemistry gets them for me."
"You don't even know what those are ?"
>"Yes I do ! It's the blue crystal that keeps you awake !"
>She took the blue crystal, smashed one up with her spoon and snorted it before handing me one.
"Here, first one on me. After that it's twenty bucks a pop. The house does not offer credit, mister White gets angry when I'm not on time."
>She put one of the glass looking shard in my hand.
>I quickly hide the drugs away under my plate before someone sees me with it and tells my mom.
"B-b-b-b-b-but Pinkie, you can't do that, you don't even know what you're selling ! Taking drugs is extremely dangerous."
>"Oh come on Twilight ! I don't even sell that much. I'm just helping out a few friends. Barely making anyyyyy money out of this."
>Should I denounce her ?
>What would Jesus do ?
>I need to ask the pastor.
>No wait, he's hospitalized.
"Don't you know those are dangerous, Pinkie ?"
>"There's noooooo danger aside from the occasional bad trip."
"There's more than just bad trips. Come with me to the library."
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>Be Twilight Sparkle at the library.
>I'm trying to make Pinkie Pie understand how dangerous drugs are.
>It's working really well.
>The webpage "Top 10 Shocking Before And After Drug Photos" in particular seemed to make her realize the errors of her ways.
>"How am I supposed to eat cupcakes with teeth looking like THAT ?"
"Err... You stop taking psychotropic substances ?"
>Pinkie Pie looks at me, horrified.
>She takes all the sachets of drugs out of her bag and gives them to me.
"W-what are you giving me those for ?"
>"I don't want to end up toothless at twenty ! I'll be too tempted if I keep them with me, you throw them away."
"I can't do that !"
>"Yes you can ! Luckily I don't any inventory left."
>She leaves, muttering to herself.
>What do I do with those ?
>Dispose of them in the trash ?
>I can't do that, if the school finds those they'll check the surveillance camera to see who threw them in there.
>And Anon mentioned dogs coming to sniff the bags and lockers sometimes, I can't risk keeping those in mine until classes are over.
>What to do ?
"Anon !"
>I get closer to the math aisle, which is where Anon goes to sleep during recess.
"Anon ! Wake up !"
>"Wh-It's a library Twilight. Be quiet."
"Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase !"
>I physically shake him until he agrees to interrupt his nap.
>"What do you want again ? I found you a friend so you'll stop bothering me, where the fuck is Pinkie Pie ?"
"I don't know, she left ! I need to get rid of those, it's urgent !"
>Anon takes a look at the drugs.
>"Wow Twilight, you trying to get into cycling ? Where'd you find that ?"
"I don't know; those are all Pinkie's."
>Anon takes the drugs.
>Holds the crystal looking piece in front of his eye to see through it.
>Then, he throws all of the drugs up in the air, extends his jeans pocket open and catch them in it one by one.
>How long does it takes to do that useless trick ? That's what he's wasting his time on all day instead of doing homework ?
"What are you going to do with those ?"
>"Don't worry and let me sleep."
Shit I didn't know there was a brewing green in this thread. I know what I'll be doing tonight.
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>Be Twilight Sparkle out of school.
>Pinkie is looking disheveled next to me.
>"Twi, I don't think I'm gonna make it."
>Is it even possible to be in withdrawal so soon ?
"How many pills do you usually take in a day ?"
>"Oh, I don't know. Like, ten or twenty ?"
"T-ten or twenty ? That's everything you gave me at lunch Pinkie, it's way too much !"
>"No no no, what I gave you at lunch was dinnertime stuff. You only asked for what I took during the day, didn't mention anything about the night."
"Wha- Then how much is it over a full day ? 24 hours period ?"
>"Hum... Maybe thirty ? It's a balance to find really. You need to take enough to be a party animal, but not so much that your tolerance gets too high."
"You don't need drugs to be a party animal Pinkie. You should come at my house one weekend; we play scrabble, sometimes until 8pm ! My father even occasionally let me drink soft cider. It's non-alcoholic but mom says it's a slippery slope so I'm not usually allowed have any."
>Pinkie looked flagger basted.
>"Wow. Leave some for the rest of us."
>Her eyes rolled toward the sky.
>Probably a drug-induced spasm.
>"I think I'm just going to keep doing crystal Twilight. Teeth are not that useful anyway."
>She said that, but her teeth sure looked useful right this instant, biting her nails till blood.
"Pinkie, I think you need to check in a specialized institute."
>"No I can't ! What are my parents gonna say ?"
>Her parents.
>Wouldn't want to disappoint my parents either.
>Need to find a way to help Pinkie Pie with her problem.
>What does wikipedia says about treatments for drug addiction ?
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>Be Twilight Sparkle riding the bus.
>"You've been making what ?"
"Buprenorphine. With my little chemist kit."
>Anon scratches his head.
>"And what exactly is that ?"
"It's used by therapists to treat withdrawal syndromes."
>"You're crazy Twilight, you were afraid about a few little pills the other day and now you're manufacturing ?"
"But Pinkie was suffering ! It was the Christian thing to do. Now the worst has passed and I threw all the evidence in the trash. It's not like I'm going to do it ever again."
>"If you say so."
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>Be Twilight Sparkle at school, with my new, drug-free friend Pinkie Pie (but I call her Pinkie).
>Her hair are noticeably flatter today.
>"By the way Twilight, I'm gonna need some more of that dope you gave me the other day."
"The hot cocoa ? It is indeed very much dope. Mom's recipe."
>"Hihi, no silly ! I meant that dope you gave me to get over the blue stuff. Never would have figured that trick by myself."
"...I can't do that Pinkie. You're fine now, what do you need it for ?"
>"That's the thing, it's not for me. Since I stopped providing, my friends are all dry out there."
"And how is it a bad thing ? Drugs are bad, my mom said so."
>"Oh, your mom's wonderful. But since they're all in withdrawal too, maybe you could make some for them ?"
"I-I don't know Pinkie."
>"Come on Twi. Imagine what unspeakable things they might do to get their fix now that I can't hook them up ? You wouldn't leave all those poor souls in disarray ? Wouldn't it be, dare I say, the Christian thing to do ?"
>Would it ?
>I need to think about it.
"I need to think about it."
>"Look Twilight. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you. You're the one who caused this, indirectly, so you're making more of your Butepro-thing."
>She took me by the collar and closed her face onto mine.
>"Capeesh ?"
"Y-yes Pinkie."
>"It's miss Pinkamena for you."
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>Be Twilight Sparkle at school.
>Trying to find Anon at the cafeteria.
>Been so busy with the business, haven't seen him in a days.
>"You know my little Twilight, the more I think about it, the more I'm realizing how good an idea it was to get my own manufacturer."
>It's Pinkie Pie.
>Or rather, miss Pinkamena.
>She's seriously making me call her that.
"About that Miss Pinkamena, I needed to talk to you-"
>"Of course we're going to talk Twilight. But right now you're in a hurry."
>She points at her watch with a menacing look.
"Oh no Miss Minkamena ! I've already been doing deliveries all evening yesterday ! And during lunch too !"
>"Yeah whatever Twilight, it's rushtime in five minutes so you better be on the road right now. School is nice, but this butephro shit you make is the future !"
>Ugh, ok.
>Delivering therapeutic drugs to addicts, it's basically charity work. Right ?
>Although I don't understand why Pinkie refuses to chip in for the shopping and the gas.
>She says we're not turning a profit yet, which is a mathematical impossibility when she's getting all of the income while letting me take care of all operating costs.
>She must have her reasons.
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Getting scolded at by miss Pinkamena.
>I hate getting yelled at.
>"Twilight, what's that on my sister's car ? Where did you even get you license ? The rear light is ruined."
"Sorry miss Pinkamena, I'm just too tired. This morning I was coming back from grocery, 5am like you asked. I was parallel parking when my neck accidentally touched the headrest, I fell asleep on the spot."
>"You think you're the only one tired ? Like I'm not prospecting all night long at the club ? Thanks to me we MIGHT get an opening in the dance scene ?"
"But you told me it was only a temporary thing, just until your friends got over their addiction. Yesterday I was playing scrabble with my mom and she put 'Narcotic' in triple word score, I head-butted her on the spot."
>"I don't give a FUCK about your mom Twilight ! You know I didn't come to you out of good will, if you're an entrepreneur today it's thanks to ME."
"Yes but-"
>"So we're NOT going to ruin everything just because you broke your mother's nose !"
"But listen-"
>"WHAT ?"
"I was thinking... Maybe we could be closed for business one night a week ?"
>Pinkie was looking at me like I killed her pet crocodile.
>"Wh- Closing one night a week ? And then what, nine to five ? Lunch breaks ? Who the FUCK put those lazy ideas in your head ?"
>She gets closer to me and squint her eyes, like she's trying to read something written on my glasses.
>"It's Anon, isn't it ? Ok you've pissed me off, you're paying for the rear light."
"Oh no, please !"
>I'm pretty sure I heard her call me a very unpleasant word while she walked away.
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>Be Twilight Sparkle again.
>Getting yelled at. Again.
>"Start from the beginning. What happened EXACTLY."
"They were four, they ordered three half and one full, which doesn't make sense by the way, and they were at the seventh floor of a building without an elevator. I hadn't even started climbing the stairs when I heard the car getting away."
>"I thought you were supposed to be fucking smart Twilight. Why didn't you lock the car ?"
"I took the keys with me, they shouldn't have been able to get the car going without them !"
>"In the hood ? How fucking sheltered are you ? So what did Pinkie say ?"
"Well my mom still doesn't want to give me my car back, so Miss Pinkamena said she would 'sell my behind on the street' until I can buy a new one. What does that mean Anon ? What work is there to do on the street ? Cleaning ?"
>"Ya you'd be cleaning some things."
>I took my phone out of my bag to show Anon.
"But wouldn't it take a really long time to get car money from cleaning the streets ? Pinkie already gave my number to car dealers ! We don't have any money yet !"
>I showed one of the text to Anon.
"Look, this one says 41yo white, bareback for 150. I wouldn't feel safe driving a 31 year old car Anon, no wonder it's so cheap. And what does 'bareback' means, is that inner-city slang for a convertible ?"
>Anon took the phone from my hand while I was talking.
>He reads the texts and sneers.
>"Aight Twilight, I'll talk to Pinkie Pie."
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Can't make the deliveries without a car, but I still need to report to miss Pikamena.
>She's sitting with Anon drinking a strawberry milk shake.
>Her hair are looking like cotton-candy again.
"H-hello miss Pinkamena. Anon."
>Pinkie started laughing.
>"Hihi. 'Miss Pikamena.' Hihihi. Why the long name Twilight ? You can just call me Pinkie."
"C-can I ? About the car, I don't think-"
>"What car ?"
"The car I'm supposed to buy. I really don't feel safe driving-"
>"Why do you need a car ?"
"For the deliveries ?"
>"Oh, no. I'm not doing that anymore. You need to answer the phone, and there's so much buttons on the screen, and then you need to type the numbers. Ugh. I'm going back to the olden ways, I'll just sell random pills to anyone who ask for it."
"W-what ? But you stopped- Did you start using again ?"
>"Using what ?"
>I leaned toward Anon.
"Anon ! I think Pinkie Pie is using again !"
>"Yeah looks like it."
"Oh, no ! She worked so hard to give up drugs, I thought she was done with it for good ! I really don't like seeing her like that."
>"Yeah, neither did she. Those things didn't put themselves in her milkshake, right Pinkie ?"
"W-what ? You spiked her drink ?"
>Anon nodded.
"Anon, how could you !"
>"You'd rather have Pinkies' friends run a train on you ? I can't even imagine the shit you would have contracted getting creampied by those junkies."
"…Why are we talking about pastries all of a sudden ?"
>Pinkie giggled at me.
>"Ask you mom ! She did it at least once !"
>"At least twice."
>Anon corrected her.
>"Ooh, twice. How do you know that ?"
>"She's got a brother. A cop brother."
>Pinkie turned toward me, wide-eyed.
>"Your bro is a COP ?"
"Yes ! He enrolled after his criminal justice degree. He's officer, he says he'll be an investigator before long but I looked on the internet and they say it's usually at least four-."
>"You can't be serious ! Why didn't you say so sooner ? Not cool, not cool !"
>Pinkie left in a hurry.
>Does that means we're not friends anymore ?
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>Be Anon.
>Speaking with Sunset again.
"Next I'll ask for someone who won't try to whore Twilight on the streets, please."
>"Yeeeeah. Of course."
>Bitch doesn't even believe me.
>Heh who cares ?
"Whatever, what do you have for me ?"
>"Huuuuuuuh... I've still got one girl we can try, but it's the very last one."
"Yeah, and you saved the best for last, right ? She's exactly the kind of person Twilight would get along with, right ? Some sort of super-studious genius, right ?"
>I might have sounded kind of desperate.
"Right ?"
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Meeting with a girl named Rainbow Dash today.
>Anon said it was my very last chance and that I'll die alone if I can't manage to befriend this girl.
>So much pressure !
>Doesn't look like she's in the best mood right now.
"Are you alright ? Are… are you crying ?"
>"Oh no, I just got something in my eye."
>She sobs.
"You can talk to me about it."
>"Ok. You see, I've been supporting the local soccer club since I was, like, this tall."
>She places her hand very close to the ground.
>"It started when my father brought me with him to a game. Yesterday I learned that after the shit season we had last year the president, Ball Breaker, resigned. And with that china flu going on they had to cut funding. Canterlot FC is now definitely over."
>I heard about that.
>They said it was not a very good team.
>"I loved this club, damnit ! I wanted to stay a supporter all my life ! Or at least until 18, when I could join as a player ! They basically accepted anyone ever since we were relegated to the 7th division."
>Wow, seventh ?
>There's a seventh division ?
>I had no idea sports teams could rank so low.
"And that seventh division, was that the last ? They don't have any lower-"
>"Are you mocking the club ?"
>"Don't try me Twilight. I'm a real supporter."
>She loudly clapped with her hands.

>It's really not that imaginative a slogan.
>Doesn't even rhyme.
>"It all over. My football career is finished before it even started."
"Don't be so sad Rainbow Dash ! I can give a second life to the supporter within you."
>"Yeah ?"
"Come see me play chess Saturday ! It'll keep your mind off the soccer club."
>Rainbow smiled.
>"I can come cheer for you Saturday ? For real ?"
>"You just bought yourself the realest supporter Twilight ! I'll be there to all your games !"
"Really ?"
>"Yes ! So, who're we playing first ? Who's the opposing team ?"
"Oh no it's not a team. I'm playing the county's under 18 champion, Royal Fork. One of the state's very best, she's extremely skilled, her FIDE rating-"
>"Duly noted ! Royal Fucker won't know what's coming for her ! I need to make some banners, does 'Twilight Sparkler' take one 'C' or two ?"
"...It's 'Sparkle' with a 'k'. And, hum, it's chess, not soccer. I'm playing at Canterlot's youth center, not a stadium."
>"So what ? I'm gonna bring HEAT to your youth center !"
"Maybe low heat then ?"
>"Don't worry Twilight. I know how to act during a game."
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>Be Twilight Sparkle.
>Rainbow Dash is here.
>With a 'Go Twilight Sparkler' shirt.
>"Heya Twilight ! Saturday was FIRE. When do we play again ?"
"...Not anytime soon guess, after the show you put on at the youth center."
>"Oh, it wasn't that bad. I might have gotten a tiny bit too enthusiastic."
"A tiny bit ?"
>"Yeah, a tiny bit. I didn't even get into a fight, we used to run them hands at least twice a week with the faggots from the opposite teams, in the stands."
"But was it really necessary to throw that beer can on the board ?"
>"I could see that your horse was in a bad spot ! I saw that other dickhead going straight to the goals ! That's when I figured to throw the can. Wet field, game cancelled Twilight. That's how it works."
"Really ? And what about the airhorns ? And the smoke grenades ?"
>"Ok, I'll admit I, huh, I might have brought a little too much ammo for such a small room. But it's not my fault they had such a shitty evacuation protocol, is it ?"
"...Look Rainbow, I have nothing against you but I think I'll do without a supporter for the time being."
>"Fair, I can't understand how you guys play checkers anyway."
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>Be Anonymous Poster.
>Twilight's explaining how it didn't click with Rainbow Dash.
>Color me surprised.
>"So... Are you gonna set another playdate for me ?"
"Sorry, you went through Sunset entire stock."
>"...All of it ?"
"Yes, all of it."
>She looks sad.
"I mean, hum, they're all kind of temperamental you know, it's not necessary your fault you couldn't befriend them."
>"Don't sugarcoat it Anon."
"No but I'm serious, they all have very defined personalities you know, you can't expect people to just get along with everyone, right ?"
>"Then why are they all friends with each other ? In a group of six persons that's fifteen unique pairings, and they're all friends nonetheless. To get through these six sociotropic individuals and not manage to get along with a single one of them must mean that I'm the problem. I'm the only constant."
>Twilight is sounding miserable.
"Come on, I can be your friend."
>"Seriously ?"
"Yeah seriously."
>Didn't think I would have to go this far.
>To be fair, she's been way less annoying since she let go of that church stuff.
"But I'm not going to the service with you."
>"What ? Why ?"
"That's non-negotiable."
>"…Then what friendly activities can we do ? What do you do when you're with Fleur and Starburst ?"
>Lately I've mainly been complaining to them about Twilight.
>I guess they'll be glad it's over too.

"Ah I don't know Twilight, think of something."
>"Hum… Do you like programming ? I've got a new rasp-"
"Not a chance."
>"We can do our homework together !"
"I'm not going to start doing my homework Twilight."
>"Do you have a dog ?"
"I don't."
>"Any kind of pet ?"
>"I like to go on immodest influencers social media pages and explain the benefits of abstinence until marriage in their comments sections."
"Kinda based but it sounds like a solo activity to me."
>"Hmm… Sometimes I sample water sources to check for nutrient pollution and then write to the EPA if they do not meet the standards for human consumption."
"Sorry this sounds too much like a joke I can't take it seriously."
>"Do you play Minecraft ?"
>"Minecraft ?"
>I used to play Minecraft a while ago.
>But it's really been quite a long time, it was what, beta version ? One dot something ?
>I wouldn't mind getting back.
>Shit, that could work.
"Ok, but I don't know shit about the newest versions, last time I played they just put wolves in the game."
>"Oh it's fine, I'll show to you ! They added so much redstone utilities that you can now code a-"
"I said no programming. When do you want to play anyway ?"

>Be Anon.
>It's Sunday in the morning.
>Wake up.
>Actually I haven't been sleeping, but it's a detail.
>Struggling to keep my eyes open.
>A detail I said.
>Go get an energy drink from the fridge.
>Sit on the computer.
>Launch Minecraft.
>I re-installed it yesterday and updated it already.
>Enter the domain name Twilight gave me.
>Spawn in a fucking live-sized reenactment of the neighboring church.
>Large-nosed mobs on benches.
>A wizard looking npc is in front of a floating book in the front.
>Twilight types: 'Welcome to the virtual service Anon :)'
>Mfw that bitch tricked me into attending the service after all.
That's the end
Finally some good green story.
Good shit
Damn so much green
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This shit always makes me laugh so much. I know it's probably a parody of an anime comic, but it's still funny. Poor Twiggle.
Anon should put a fuckton of TNT underneath and use a pressure plate to blow it up to the point the server crashes
Outjerked yet again by Sci Twi
>drug lord Pinkie
based af
that was just part 1 of their masterplan
Bumps, big ones at that.
scitwi belly bumps?
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>her armpit is pregnant
uh oh
I would take responsibility
I kinda want to see a pregnant Sci-Twi green. Would it even be cute?
It depends on when the pregnancy is. Still in highschool would be stressful while post would be more wholesome
Implying she didn't want you to find her and the others unwittingly helped.
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I dunno, I kinda like the idea of the high school pregnancy but my ideas are more sad in a sense.

I'm trying to work on a green that was a sequel to an older green of mine where tl;dr Anon is dating twilight and cheats on her with Rainbow Dash then fucks Twilight and an heroes. the sequel is Twilight gets knocked up from the sex and is forced to give up the baby due to her family being super rich/influential and trying to gain lots of Political pull. Twilight convinces her parents to let her carry the baby to term on the condition that Anon's parents take the child.

It's basically me trying to EqGfy Anonfilly(as the kid will look like Anon if he were a cute grill and has Twilights eyes) and her experience in high school (her 'friends'/supporting cast are the G5 crew) not knowing her parents and finding out Twilight is her mom
Oh shit, hey BetAnon. It's been a while. I remember reading the first draft of the green when you posted it all those months ago; always wondered what happened to it. It definitely seemed interesting, what you had. If you plan to continue it soon, I'm definitely looking forward to it!
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I vaguely remember that green
>implying their school system isn't geared towards marrying off students and training housewives
sci twi would give you a lecture how both genders working would turn children into assets of the state and reduce wages over decades.
Link to the Green where anon cheats on sci twi?
Oh my. BetAnon lives. How cool!
Very cool
sounds sad
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I've made small revisions of the prologue but nothin g major other than she first gets accepted to Crystal Prep but get expelled after not even a week due to beating up and injuring another student. writing time has been very sparse for me and desu I'm still fucked in the head over IRL shit but I am desperately trying to move on.

That's the goal but I don't know I did have a scene planned for late in the story where they are aware of each other and they get into a massive argument and SciTwi in the heat of the moment says she(Anonfilly or Alanamous as I have dubbed her) was a mistake I do want to end it on a high note but i just don't know how you forgive that.
wow koikatsu looks good here
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>BetAnon lives
What about HOPE? Teenage parents Anon and SciTwi strive to become the best parents they could be to their child?
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What's stopping you from writing it?
I want to spread those flat asscheeks and sniffer asshole and stuff her
You should ponepaste this
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unf indeed
That would give her too much power
having sex with sci-twi and cumming on her nerdy lil booty
What's with posts like these all of a sudden?
Sorry, that was me. Wanted to bump since we were on 10, but didn't want it to be a boring bump. lol
Board's pretty slow today...\
>page 9 in an hour
What the fuck is going on
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Someone was bumping Every single thread
There's some ">no hooves" autist who slide threads he doesn't like
It's not every day but when he appears, he waste all day doing it
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why does this image make me suicidal?
You're under the false impression that your only value is in experiencing this. Once you do it gets boring very quickly. Unless you integrate ("internalize") society's expectations or make it a ritual you'll understand why some married couples stop doing it after a decade.
>inb4 sex feels too good
You're favorite food becomes a bore if you have it every day. Men are simply not built for the current year.
Thicc thighs
Save lives
bump because holy shit, somehow we hit page 9 in not even an hour
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I get the appeal of overly thicc twi but I’ll always favor her more petite.
I wish that Twi Twi green got completed, twicest is always fun.
Sci-Twi works so well as a petite smol gal. Though there is a part of me that imagines she would be a little pudgy/chubby in her older years. Nothing gargantuan or grotesque, just a few extra pounds, a little muffin top. Chubby nerds <3

Probably something like picrel.
night time bump
don't die while i'm sleeping, now
Shes cute when she's smol
Who made this?
holy kino body
Its from the Koikatsu thread
>page 9 in 1 hour
The what?
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A game for pc
Link? (Too lazy to find it desu)
Will look for it tomorrow
Look at this cute little nerd. I want to make a tulpa of her.
Board is slow again.
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forgot to link >>41046766
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Good green, Anon. Very nice.
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Velvet disguised as a younger girl
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damn she's hot, I see where Twilight gets it from
I can't do it...it wouldn't be right to scitwi...I'll have to go with my baby, scitwi.
Looking wide, Flash!
Wide Flash walking down the school hall.
hot I want to cuddle with both.
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This was first
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Was there ever any update or news about r9klight? I remember it just ended when the girls went to, I think, Rainbow Dash's show and Rarity and Applejack finally came out and that was kinda it.
Also, that one is full of nigger shit
so cute, and no not that I can recall
Holy shit! My sides!!
you guys think she keeps it bushy down there?
no smooth as a baby’s behind.
She doesn't have time for shaving. She probably invented some kind of shaving laser though...
Also bump
She'll probably shave for you thinking that you like that. But she usually keeps it bushy.
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and up you go limelight
she fuckin better
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What a cutie
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the physics are……off a bit but it gets the point across.
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Need Sonata to rape and manipulate SciLight, acting as an innocent ditz whenever she tries to ask for help or accuse her of anything.
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Only if she partners with me
I wish to spank that ass like its a bongo
egghead bump
we definitely need it.
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Less is more
I want both of them as my wives
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Nice legs
I like her leggings
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Ayyyv lmao
Oh man
me on the right
God this was so horny
This is so stupid.
I love it.
BRB I'm going to >rape her and force her to marry me.
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How the hell did this pass the censors
They just didnt care by that point
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IMAGINE if she had inverted nipples
The background reminds me of the sky in Spongebob
to be fair this was a youtube short and I feel you could get away with a little more there than you can on TV.

Let's not forget one of the storyboard artists for the series did confirm that they made lewd art of the characters.
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Nice legs
too bad it's not colorized
You can also replace pastebin.com with poneb.in; ponebin keeps the urls the same apart from that.

https://poneb.in/u5REjNtL BoringLight
https://poneb.in/m6uAQbne CrusaderLight
page 10, fuck the captcha, fuck you
Oh nice
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The dream
They forgot to turn the sound on lol

I'm still interested in that story. When and where did that artist confirm it?
Its Sci Twi's eyes, their lidded which makes her seem suggestive
Shes the only one too
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>T U R B O
>then you take over an hour to get her "in the mood"
>more often than not she "lets" you
>she loves you so much that she fakes it and tells you this is how it should be (that men have more fun)
>she draws, requests, and commissions porn for you
>all you have to do is open jars, fix the car, and build a cabin in the woods to >rape her in
Damn, this hits hard
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>"You're Twilight, right?"
>You turn around to find a blue girl, looking at you with sad eyes, as if on the verge of tears.
"Uhh, yeah," you say as the cafeteria queue advances.
>"A-And you're smart, right?" she says gazing down at her tray.
"I-I think so."
>"Really? Can you help me study then? I have a math test coming up tomorrow, and if I don't get at least a D then I'll be held back a year!"
>"Please!" she says kneeling down, and you find that suddenly everyone is staring at you. "I'll do anything you want!"
"Ahh-- Ok! I will!"
>She gasps happily and stands up to give you a tight hug.
>"I'll go get my books!"
>She gives you her tray, throws a few coins on it, and runs out of the cafeteria.
>You briefly stand there dazzled until the queue advances again, and someone tells you to move. You look at the tray in your hand.
>Just what?
>You put down both trays with food on the table where the girls are eating. They go quiet as soon as they see you.
>"Tacos and baked beans?" says Applejack.
>"You're gonna eat all that?" asks Sunset.
"I... uhh..."
>"Oh dear, finally. Even I was thinking that you were looking too thin lately," says Rarity.
"It's not for me! It's for a girl I'm... helping study. I think."
>"Really? Who?" asks Sunset.
"...No idea." She raises an eyebrow.
>"Twilight! There you are!"
>The girl appears with her backback and a milk carton and sits besides you.
>"I was looking all over the place for-- Are those tacos?!" she says pointing at your tray.
>She swaps the trays and begins chomping on your tacos. You are left with the beans you had picked for her.
>"How did you know I loved tacos? Are you a MIND READER?! Oh, hi by the way," she says with her mouth full to the rest of your friends.
>They all look dumbfounded at you, and you smile nervously, not knowing what to say.
>You try to take a spoonful of beans to eat, but the girl suddenly pushes the trays away.
>"Ok, enuf eadin, we muf ftudy now", says the girl a taco still hanging off her mouth.
>She takes her books out of her backpack and her pencils and crayons, and gulps down the taco with milk.
>"Please teach me how to do multiplication!"
>There's a brief silence, and suddenly Rainbow spits her juice.
>"What are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?" the girl asks, looking seriously pissed off. Rainbow trails off her laughter and wipes the juice.
>"J-Just thinking of a meme."
>"Alright then! Then Twilight, can you help me out with this?"
"I mean, sure, but... uhhh..."
>"Sonata," whispers Pinkie in your ear.
"Sonata! Yeah!" you turn around to thank Pinkie, and find out she's on the other end of the table, far away from you.
>Uhh, whatever.
"Anyway, can it wait a little bit? I'm kinda starving right now."
>"But the test is tomorrow! We don't have time!"
"If it's just multiplication, it won't take long."
>"But it's not a multiplication test?"
"Then what's it about?"
>"Quadratic equations."
"Quadratics," you repeat.
>"Yeah. Quadratic equations." Oh boy.
"And you don't know multiplication."
>"I don't. But I know addition!" she says smiling.
>You look back at your friends, who immediately start talking about something else, leaving you completely on your own.
>"Hey! I know! Let's sit on that table! You need a quiet place to learn faster!"
>Sonata sweeps her stuff into her backpack, grabs your hand, and drags you away. You're barely able to catch your tray.
>Over lunch, you're able to teach Sonata what multiplication is all about, with drawings and stuff.
>She's not a bad learner, though it'd be much faster if she didn't stop to write the numbers and operators with different colors.
>She also likes to sit WAY too close to you.
>"Twilight! Look! I'm multiplying!" she says overjoyed, stirring a warm feeling of proudness inside you heart.
>As soon as she's done, she drops her pencils to hug you tightly.
>Uhh, ok.
>You glance over her head at her notebook. She multiplied some 2 digit numbers, and as far as you can tell, it looks correct.
>"Alright! Now onto division!" she exclaims full of energy. That warm feeling you had turns to dread.
>You don't dare tell her, but she won't be able to solve any quadratic on her test.
>The bell rings.
>"What? It's over already? Twilight, can we do division over the next reccess? PLEASE!"
"Sure, I guess..."
>It was all hopeless, but you couldn't say no either.
>"Thank you Twilight! You're the best!"
>Sonata sweeps everything into her backpack again and runs out of the cafeteria, leaving you to drop off both trays.
>You sigh. What did you get into?
>You are able to briefly join your friends on your way out.
>"So? Did you get to the part where you solve a quadratic?" asks Sunset, clearly messing with you.
>"If she passes, the school ought to pay you a salary for doing the impossible," says Applejack.
>"Twilight will be lucky to get only a salary," says Rarity. "That girl looks like she'll smooch her all over if she succeeds."
"She will what now?"
>"She looks more at you than the notebook," says Fluttershy.
>The girls start laughing, but you're left with the feeling it seems uncomfortably possible.
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>Sonata finds you during reccess, and drags you outside near the soccer field. She sits close enough to lean on your arm.
>Uhhhh... ok.
>You start calmly explaining how to do division, step by step.
>Even if she's able to get this, there's still exponentiation, which she might grasp quickly, but then there is square roots, which will definitively take longer.
>And then there's the equations themselves.
>Yup, quadratics by tomorrow? Impossible.
>You look at her working so excited despite you having to recite the procedure on every division, and you simply feel... sad.
>This girl is not normal, you know what you mean?
>You don't think you can save her from being held back a year.
>"What are you doing?"
>A girl dressed like a punk stands in front of you, and Sonata glares at her like she did to Rainbow.
>"What do you want, Aria?"
>"You got yourself a girlfriend?"
>"Yeah, and she's teaching me quadratics. What about it?"
"Wait, girlfriend?" you leaning away. Aria bends over laughing.
>"Yeah. You're my friend, and you're a girl. You're my girlfriend." Aria snorts in between laughs, and you feel your face flushing. "Aren't we friends, Twi?" she asks with sad eyes like in the cafeteria.
>Oh god.
"I-I-I mean, we're NOT not friends, so uh..." You feel uncomfortable saying it with the punk girl laughing in front of you, but Sonata looks as if expecting an actual answer. "w-we are friends," you whisper.
>"See Aria? She IS my girlfriend!" she announces to the world. The guys playing soccer suddenly stop to look.
>Oh god oh god, no.
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>"You two make a perfect pair! The dumbass and the smartass!"
>Sonata stands up, and her notebook and pencils fall to the floor.
>"You're mad cuz you don't have a girlfriend! You're just a stupid loner!"
>Everyone is suddenly looking at you, and you cover your face while Aria starts asking who's the man here and Sonata fails to understand what she's talking about.
>You should run. But won't that make you look worse if everyone is already staring?
>"Hey, what's going on here?"
>You uncover your eyes and find Rainbow approaching all of the sudden, and despite being shorter than Aria she casually leans with her elbow on her shoulder.
>"Don't touch me," she says stepping back.
>"What, you afraid I'll be mistaken for your girlfriend?" Rainbow gets closer, and Aria steps back again, bumping into Applejack.
>"Our friend here seems really immature, being afraid of a pint-sized bitch."
>"Yeah, I mean, getting off making retards say dumb shit? Did you transfer from elementary school?"
>Aria looks warily at both of them, then mumbles something and decides to go away.
>A few meters later she flips them the bird, but your friends seem to find that very funny.
>"You ok, Twi?" asks Rainbow. Then she locks eyes with Sonata.
>She's giving her the glare again.
>"We should go," Applejack whispers.
>"Y-Yeah. See ya Twi." They both go their way.
>"Watch your tongue next time, will ya?" you hear Applejack say before they're out of earshot.
>Sonata picks up her stuff, sits down quietly, and takes a deep breath.
>Then she smiles again.
>"Alright! Let's conti--!"
>The bell rings.
>Her smile turns upside down rather quickly.
>You're walking out of the school with your friends, when you hear a now familiar voice calling you. You freeze.
>"Twi! There you are!"
>She hugs you from behind, spins around with you, and then takes her notebook from her backpack and shoves it in your face.
>"I did it just like you said! Look! I can multiply and divide big numbers!"
>You adjust your glasses and look at what she did.
>Woah, what the hay.
>She had multiplied a bunch of 8 digit numbers, and also divided some to an obsessive amount of repeating decimals.
>The guesstimator in your head flags about half the answers as wrong, but still, woah.
>"How is it? Did I do well?"
"Y-Yeah, I think so."
>"Really?! Oh Twi! You're the best teacher ever!"
>You try to put up your arms to stop her, but she still squeezes you with a hug.
>Your friends just look at you both quite amused.
>"Hey! Can I go to your house to study?"
>"Please Twi! I need you! I'd invite you to mine, but it's kind of a trashy mess, heh. So can I come to yours?"
"B-But my friends and I--"
>"Pleaaaase! All the teachers suck at explaining everything! When I'm with you I... I feel like I understand these things for the first time in my life."
>Having feelings is such a terrible thing.
>"Twi, we'll go out some other day, 'kay?" says Sunset.
>Your friends leave, and Sonata stays still expecting an answer. You sigh.
>Sonata wanted to waste no time at all, and walks with you, notebook and pencils at hand, writing as you explain what exponentiation is.
>And as you steer her out of danger, too.
"Hey! Wait!" you pull her back before she walks onto traffic.
>"Sorry Twi! I wasn't looking." She looks down at her notebook, and scratches her head with the pencil. "What was I doing again?" Unbelievable.
>Once you finally get home, at least she understands what squaring is. And in theory how to raise to other powers, which she will need sooner or later anyway.
>"Alright! I'll expo-*mumble* big numbers to prove I really get it!" she declares while you unlock the door, and you gently convince her not to waste her afternoon on that.
>When you step in, you find your brother is already here, watching TV on the couch.
>"Hi Twi. Who's your friend?"
>"She's So--"
>"I'm Sonata! I'm Twilight's new girlfriend!"
>A goal is loudly cheered on TV, but this is the most awkward silence you've ever felt in your life.
>"Sorry, what?" he asks.
>"I'm--!" You cover Sonata's mouth before she messes up further.
"Sh-She means I-I-I'm her friend! A-And I'm a girl, I think, so that means I'm...! uhhh... she calls me her g-girl friend."
>He doesn't buy it.
"I-I'm helping her study!"
"I'm serious!"
>"Fwi, lefs ffudy afbeady!"
>You throw your backpack away and lead Sonata to the table.
>It'll be just today, right?
>Tomorrow you'll be free.
>You catch your brother glancing at you both, who then quickly turns back to the TV.
>What a mess of a day.
"Ok, we'll go briefly over square roots, ok?"
>"But Twi, you need a quiet place to learn faster. Why don't you take me to your room?"
"What" Shining is now definitively watching to see what you'll say. Sonata stands up.
>"C'mon Twi! I want to see my girlfriend's room! Let's go!"
>This is really stretching the limits of what you believe can be a series of accidents.
>Sonata somehow guesses correctly it's on the second floor and starts climbing the stairs.
>You tell her your room is at the end to the right, then quickly go over to your brother and corner him.
"She's not my girlfriend! It's a misunderstanding!" you whisper.
>He smiles almost broken-hearted without taking his eyes off the screen.
>"I'm proud you have finally found happiness, Twily."
>"Twi! I need you with me now! Also, do you have a bathroom?"
>"Your bathroom is so tidy!" she says coming out, and walks into your room with you. "Your room is so tidy too!"
>Sonata eyes everything with wonder. The TV downstairs can barely be heard here.
>"But we're in study mode now!" she says slapping both her cheeks at once.
>She sits on your bed, and motions you to sit together with her. She takes her notebook and pencils.
>"So what was that thing called? Square trees?" You sigh.
>You explain to her how square roots boil down to guessing numbers, and write down a few for them. You tell her to leave them as-is if the root is not an integer.
>She leans on your arm as she squares numbers, repeating aloud every multiplication step along the way.
>Hard to believe she couldn't do this at all when she spoke to you at lunch.
>Perhaps... you're actually a great teacher?
>"Seven times seven is fifty-four," she says and writes.
"Did you double-check that?" you ask.
>Sonata stops to think and absentmindedly begins to smile, then starts over again.
>She had already solved that correctly three-times on the page, but it seems she hasn't realized she can reuse results yet.
>But it's ok, it's good practice.
>After going through all the numbers that she might possibly encounter on a test, you're finally ready to move onto equations.
>Good Lord, please give me strength, I'm trying to do a miracle here.
>"Twi, do you have any juice?"
"Uhm, there's some on the fridge. Want me to bring you some?"
>"No, I'll go. You rest a little, alright?"
>She puts her pencils aside and goes downstairs. You lean back on the bed.
>God, your shoulders and neck are all tense. Specially since she clings so much to you. You try to stretch a bit to relax.
>"Your sister is the best girlfriend I've had," you overhear.
>Yup, tense again.
>"I'm back!" she says opening the door. She comes with a tray and two glasses of apple juice.
>She awkwardly closes the door with her foot, then walks towards you.
>If you had had just one 1 more IQ point, you would have rushed to help her, but no. Sonata trips and spill the juice on you.
>"I-I'M SORRY!!"
>She puts the tray and glasses away, and stands there panicking and not knowing what to do.
>You are soaking wet, along with the bedsheets.
>"I-I know! Y-You should change clothes!"
>You hold tightly onto your shirt expecting the worst to happen, but Sonata runs towards your wardrobe instead and picks a shirt and some pants at random.
>"This will be fine! Now go!"
>Sonata pulls you up and then guides you to your own bathroom.
>She pushes you in and slams the door, leaving you alone.
>Things went slightly better than expected.
>What a mess, anyway.
>You get changed completely, wash the juice out of your hair, and go back to your room.
>Sonata had thrown all the bedsheets back, but the mattress didn't come out unscathed.
>"Twiii, I'm so sorry..." she says holding back tears.
"It's alright. It'll dry."
>And will smell of apples. But if you managed to sleep over at Applejack's, it'll be ok.
"I'll take of it later. Let's just keep studying."
>"Ok," she whimpers.
>You sit with Sonata on the floor, go over everything you've taught her today just in case, and finally, at last, take on equations.
>You had had literally no faith on Sonata, but now, you could almost believe the impossible was possible.
"How long can you stay?"
"You don't know?"
>"Well, Aria doesn't care about me," oh dear, "and I already told Adagio I'd be late, but I guess she'll be pissed if I take too long."
"Adagio is your mom?"
>"She's my sister. We don't have a mom," she says casually.
>Yeeah... With all the clues she's dropped so far, her family situation doesn't seem too nice.
>"Wait, I've got an idea! What if I--?"
"Let's get this done before 8 then, shall we?" you say before she accidentally emotionally blackmails you into something you don't want.
>Sonata nods anyway, looking very determined.
>Are you a bad enough gal to teach Sonata quadratics in one and a half hour? Find out when I muster the motivation to keep going.
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Good job, love it so far.
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Sweaty nerd
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Fish and (book)worm...
God I want to fuck this retard
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Me too anon, me too.
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I need double scitwis immediately
Danger zone
Would you?
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wife material
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nice curves
both are nice
Love it
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>Cadence grooming Twilight
So THIS is what this whole "grooming" is all about. Thanks for the picture, Anon!
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Love it
post the rest
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>gloved handjob
That's nice!
Yooo! This is fire
we're so close
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Scientific bump.
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im gonna cum
Have fun!
Also nice
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She was still in her coof phase
Aren't we all?
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imagine the stench
>obsessed with riding her white half-brother Shining Armor's cock whether he wants her to or not
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fat dark chocolate scitwi...yum
>I'm still interested in that story. When and where did that artist confirm it?

Years ago on twitter. I forget how the conversation went to it but it basically boiled down to one of the storyboard artists commented that they had "so much lewd art" of the characters on one of their old drives.

then when people started to pester her for them she sort of backtracked and dodged it by saying "It WaS MoStLy JuSt KiSsIng! WhY Do YoU WaNt To SeE ThEM? TheY're UnDeRaGeD!!!"
nightly sexlight thread
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SciTwi good at ping pong
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makes sense
We're so close
close to trips like yours?
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damn didn't even notice
also fuck yeah, thats hot
how bout she do some ping pong with my ding dong
This has been a good thread
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see you all in a few months

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