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VGH... Edition

>Get the game
Reminder to use creamapi to get all the DLCs. You can also get the game for about $10 on instant gaming if you don't want to wait for a steam sale.
>Get the mod
>Balefire Blues
>New to HoI4

Previous thread:
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This is the former Equestria dev. I found out why he was booted off the team. He dared to dislike the communists' favorite pony, he slaughtered their sacred cow.
It sucks that you put a G5 pic
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You had the entirety of Tuesday to make the thread yourself. Beggars can't be choosers.
Balefire blues is dead, right?
how can i play nazi equestria ?
Changelings were a mistake.
Supposedly there should be update soonish for New Mareway and Canterlot Alicorns.
My source says that he got put on probation by the rest of the dev team so that he couldn't run for some leadership position they made on the discord server recently

They killed the Equestria rework on purpose
>this fucking sunny out of nowhere for no reason
dogfaggots are utterly insufferable
The Crystal Empire needs a rework with crystal heart mechanics.
So they cut off their nose to spite their face, eh? Him and Siggy are their best devs too, the rest just don't match up to them at all. Kiria is fucking trash because it was the retarded Pax dev that did it.
Ok I have to be honest. I fucking hate Posada. I hate how the game goes out of it's way to make her le heckin wholesome in every single event. "BUT SHE CAN BE EVIL!" says the apologist, but she is ONLY morally questionable if the player chooses evil options which are, in all honesty, always out of character. The genociding Chiropterra option especially feels like it comes out of nowhere. It's like if you won the Great War as Celestia and you got an option to ultragenocide the bugs. In the events themselves she is always presented in a positive way, so if the intention was making her a morally ambiguous character then the game failed preety hard.
I've seen the people in the 'cord get mad when someone says Posada is fully evil, saying that "she isn't totally evil OR totally nice either", but for whatever reason none of them seem to mind when someone says she is 100% epic good and wholesome. Ask yourself why that is.
Which brings me to her fans. I have, and I'm completely serious here, not seen even 1 Posada fan that isn't obviously mentally ill (I mean they're communists so mental illness is a given, but you get what I mean).
TL;DR: I fucking hate Posada
>always out of character
Her torturing the high command is 100% in character, as is executing Razorbeak, as is committing to a military occupation of Chiropterra
The Crystal Empire exists to eat the north and then be absorbed into Equestria. At least it should.
>It's like if you won the Great War as Celestia and you got an option to ultragenocide the bugs.
I thought you said it was supposed to be out of character.
Directly occupying Chirroptera is well within her character. Did you miss the entire deal with her schizophrenic dream episodes? For her to see parallels between Storm King and Chiro makes complete sense.
The only disappointment in that path is that the successors after she goes BOOM don't have more content. Because, Terrafin, Hard Line and Crack all have the potential to do some interesting stuff continuing her vision with their ow streak.
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It's a bit sad reading the after events of Crack especially. Just from two events you can tell he's really torn up about losing Posada despite their differences, and in the second one even can take her good lessons to heart and move away from supremacy when he sees an old photo of the two of them.
Sorry if you want actual content for them you have to fulfill Posada's shitty utopian dream even though Harmony already exists as the utopian seeking ideology (that doesn't involve subjecting millions to death and torture for not being Harmonist)
Ironic words from Diamond Tiara.
She captures the average paradox gamer well, joke flies right over your head
But she's not VGHing over the changelings though.
>band wagoning one of the most commie games in existance
>shill this opinion infront of a bunch of unironic paradox commies
Why don't I just go down to the projects and start screaming nigger, then when I get banned from irl I'll be sure to blame joggers. while the analogy is a little strained, being this unself aware on the nature of this game is the perpetual face of retarded white people not realizing everything has their guns pointed at them.
Why are you this much of a nigger? Stop defending it.
>"I'm not defending it, I'm just saying..."
Yes, you are excusing it. Now fuck off back to where you came from and kill yourself.
>Why are you this much of a nigger? Stop defending it.
I'm actshully not, and no I don't need some mental gymnastics reason because the actual motivation I have couldn't be more simple
Stop giving paradox slop attention and money. let them fucking die already.
>>band wagoning one of the most commie games in existence
>he says about a game where PDX cant make fun commie paths and they are always the most bland shit
HOI4 is a monarchist game if anything, because monarchist paths always get the most fun shit.
Hate 'em.
Hate people who like 'em.
Simple as.
its okay to give things that aren't a threat because of 350 years of liberal backed regicides fun toys.
>Commietrash trying to start shit
Go back to your discord hugbox
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When Sombra over commits.
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Equestria seems to have made a comeback though.
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Gonna put up a Hoi4 Eaw game tomorrow at 1130am est, starting at 12pm est regardless.
The mods will be: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players
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Seems like a happy place.
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Saturday lobby is up! We'll be starting at 12:00PM EST! No theme decided on, but we might figure one out in the lobby before we start

ID: 90197373169678348
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players
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There is one single determining factor that makes a country the best country, and that is the presence of Sugarcoat.
Is this fucking harmonist black hundreds?
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Cool are we adding Skyros to the game? Or Starlight Ridge? Or any place from G5?
I think there was a teaser that renamed Chiropterran cities to G5 locations, but I can't really find it.

Wouldn't it be hilarious though, if G5 actually took place in some post-apocalyptic future version of Chiropterra?
>Crack/Posada screw over the region so hard they lose their history and the remaining nonbats just form their own civilization once the hippogriffs go away
Will be hosting an EAW game today at 18:30 CET!
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Reminder that this was supposed to be for the Equestria rework for them winning the civil war against Nightmare Moon and now we'll never actually get it.
Opaline is the HItler of G5
ID: 90197424742898699
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players

Lobby is up!
What? Equestria defeating Nightmare Moon results in G5?
No, it was just supposed to be a cheeky reference.

It was only a matter of time before Nazi Germany got isekaid to EAW.
>he doesn't know
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This bump is sponsored by the Pentarchy
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The Solar Empire has the best aesthetics.
Nice gif
I want to pet that mare.
FOE timeline.
I've read a couple similar fanfics years ago, the idea is far from new. Fanfic writers will transport to Equestria anything and everything.
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It's a good thing there are no women here. Only mares.
Which nation has the best aesthetics?
Barrad probably has a funny thing going on
>peasant levies raised to fight for the guys who turned their land into a pile of shit
>haughty adventurer nobility served hand over hoof
>pentarchy can't agree on which flavor of evil doomsday motherfuckers they're supposed to be
Barrad is only fun, interesting and compelling once. Only replay it just becomes annoying as fuck.
The bears and Zarantia are the best nations currently.
Yea, but aesthetically? Are Bears and Zaranthia better in that sense?
Equestria. It has the most show-accurate aesthetics.
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Without text.
cute mare
wait, so equestria rework is not happening ? And the reason is that someone was shit talking commie horse ?
Yeah, the main guy who was behind the Equestria rework got booted for disliking Starlight.
what the fuck is wrong with those people... Only real hoppium i had for this mod full of gryphon and commie shills and they nuke it over such a bullshit. Fuckin autistic commie chuds.
you ready for the influx of new players when he drops the EAW video?
damn that fucking blows if true. I wish I had the skills to just do it myself
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>if true
I don't know where the "he got kicked off the team" thing came from but there's nothing to suggest that it's actually true. He is indeed no longer working on the rework, but I think it was something to do with getting busy with real life stuff. But it definitely wasn't from being kicked off.
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>and on the 5th day, another teaser arrived.
>Equestria rework has been cancelled and Equestria is now going to Macawia
>We're taking the entire content and changing the names in order to fulfil Macawian imperial ambitions
>(It won't be on the Equus screen, but its funnier to have it there)
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the horses have begun their assault
Conversion Bureau time.
Bo played EAW? Did he invite ISP?
Are all the horsies gonna make it? Every article only focuses on the dumb humans who got run over.
>and now for something completely different
we cancel rework our main country so we can continue to fuel our fanfictions, yay
I think it's a roundabout passive aggressive way of saying the EQ rework is still ongoing.
Really question is why say it with passive aggressivity, instead of just honestly saying if it is cancelled or not. I hate how modern people can't be honest.
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When Alexander died, his empire was divided.
Let's pester the devs about what really happened
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That's alot of resources anon
Its also super late game.
Start the civil war, play as Celestia, go for Daybreaker. Changelings are supposed to be nazi expies. There's also Chiropterra, they're llike a secret Nightmare moon nazi colony.
Great, so the Equestria rework is dead. Wonderful, thanks devs, no reason to play your mod anymore.
What wider impact? Were they jealous of him?
>rework hinges on one person
>one psychotic break/car accident/heart attack/fall down the stairs/ukraine war conscription from being permanently put on hold
this is always a terrible idea
>implying that anyone else cared for Equestria
It was abandoned for years. Anyway, at this point only Sig, Baron and JPG make any good content. Every other dev just sucks and makes different variations of blandness.
Oh yea, Tiddo is also good, shame that he only does gfx nowadays. I am still disappointed he didn't finish the Changeling Queens submod. .
Wait, actually, who made Zarantia. I don't think it was any of these, Was it? Whatever, that one is also good so whoever it was count them in.
>Really question is why say it with passive aggressivity
>implying that anyone else cared for Equestria
Why then still even called this mod equestria at war...
it always buffled my how much resentment dev have in making any pony content. Why making such a mod at first place even, when it feels that fans almost must push them to do anything else then 169th rework of some small gryphon country.
Well if we took off our fucking moron hats, we could probably guess that they have significantly more creative freedom with zebrican or griffonian nations because they aren't canon.
>one person was in charge of the entire EQS rework
The last time this happened we got Kiria. Why does this mod keep giving its nations to one person. Unless this mod has multiple developers on EQS all at the same time (which it won't because internet retards have no concept of teamwork) we're probably going to be stuck with what we have now for Equestria and the Changelings.

Does anyone actually know why Baron left or are we just writing fanfiction in this thread to guess?
baron threatened to cancel the equestria rework unless he got promoted to the new mod coordinator role (they get to say what goes in the mod) and was kicked soon after he raged about it. now someone else is working on equestria but they haven't announced it yet. sorry if that doesn't fit your nice little headcanon of tranny commie devs abusing power
>guy responsible for doing the most important content in the mod doesn't get to say what that content it is
>doesn't fit your nice little headcanon of tranny commie devs abusing power
Sig's problem is that he's pretty much obsessed over the polar bears and will probably die working on their umpteenth update.
The difference is Caspy made bad content (Pax Chrysalia, Kiria) while Baron made good content (Sirens, Twilight Theory)
Considering that they made the changelings a large modern nation directly bordering Equestria and that Stalliongrad is a thing it's not as if they've ever been especially concerned with canon.
Why are EAW devs jealous of Baron?
>They're not concerned with canon when it makes Equestria strong. When canon makes Equestria weak they love it.
Let's not beat around the bush. The rot started with Griffonia release, after all it's Griffonia At War not EAW
>manchild throws a fit when he was told he can't tell other devs what they can do with their countries when he already had a blank cheque to do whatever he wanted with equestria

this was entirely his doing and everyone was fine with the status quo until he raised hell about not having power over everyone else
The rot started the first time they updated and didn't change Equus.
Why wouldn't you give your most significant and important team member a significant and important role?
The more important question is why even add such a role to the dev team instead of communicating clearly with each other?
This, plus Equestria is massive and isn't just one country anyway. If Fillydelphia has Glimmer talk about how the sisters didn't do anything and barely lifted a loaf of bread is he supposed to just say "ok"?

This isn't like all the Griffonian shitholes where devs can just make whatever they feel like and ignore everyone else. Even if he had a blank cheque with Equestria, it didn't matter if other people's bad content leaked in and made Equestria worse too
They'd be envious of anyone who tried to make good content for Equestria because they know that anyone who did that would instantly become the most well-liked contributor of the mod.
I've completely lost the plot and I refuse to join their discord. Is the Equestria rework still happening or not?
It's dead, Jim
Are there any good submods besides Balefire Blues?
Ghosts of Yore
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Hosting an EAW game today at 19 CET. Theme will be that we coop MARESOC and try to take over most of our buffed neighbors.
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Lobby is up! Will start at 19 CET, which will be around an hour from now. I need to go to the store, so I may not be there for the first 10 or so minutes. Don't be afraid.

Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players

Don't be afraid if you can't chat at first. It's a common bug and will go away once the game starts.
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Baron confirmed in submodding channel he's going to make his own submod that is more MLP focus and will use the canon map.
>I'll probably have to make a discord server or something for this HOI4 mod sooner or later
>Since that's the hip thing to do or something and this isn't technically even an EaW submod
>It's just an MLP mod itself
>I'll probably make one once I've filled out most of the core parts of the map with countries
It's over
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Not so fast.
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>turning Equestria into TNO Russia with a season 9 setting
There will never be a good HoI4 pony mod.
Will it have a Golly path?
Fate of EAW? It will lol turn into OWB situation aka oh so speciul, shitty OC galore Granted that at least they have some decent content for canon and semi canon shit
It's been that since the beginning with Stalliongrad and only got worse.
The only thing that is worth playing in OWB is the Enclave Reborn Redux submod.
Stalliongrad is a fitting nation for a WW2-styled pony mod. It's all about moderation - you can add some ocs and original nations, but at some point it all becomes overwhelming and you just get tired of all the stuff. I think adding Zebrica was a mistake - instead of TNO-style loredumps about literally who OCs i'd prefer if the devs fleshed out the existing content. A major rework of Equestria, making the world more interconnected (what happens in a certain nation affects its neighbors and sometimes the whole continent), adding more late game content, perhaps individual paths for a global war between united Equus and united Griffonia for each possible unifier? What i'm getting at here is that a lot could still be done with the 2 existing continents and the mod could be made more interesting without the Zebrica bloat.
You could say that Griffonia is also an OC continent and you would be right, but somehow it feels fitting, it's not overdone and nicely fits together with Equus.
>Stalliongrad is a fitting nation for a WW2-styled pony mod.
The problem is specifically in its relation to Equestria.
One of its biggest issues is that it's perfect to form as a breakaway due to changeling interference as they prep for the Great War but it's already its own thing long before that AND the changelings only got tank experience there without actually having an active role in affairs.
Funnily enough they could just steal shit from Enclave Reborn and it would make Equestria and the changelings both way more fun to play and way more fitting for their countries.
>changelings are a tiny nation that has to hide from Equestria while trying to subversively undermine it when it's focused on other stuff
>Equestria can bring everything into a new order under it but has to actually uphold harmony and defend harmonists across the world
How so?
>large region that apparently just wasn't part of Equestria for a long time
>eventually decides to join Equestria
>is one of the main areas of industrialization
>spends 200 years prospering within Equestria
>apparently felt "mistreated" for some reason
>goes into total revolt after one bad famine
>"the businesses" of Equestria apparently kept food prices impossibly high just to fuck with them I guess
>despite being one of the first areas to industrialize and having been under Celestia's rule for 200 years they just decide to become communist
>Celestia is completely unaware that any of this is happening
>when she finds out she fires the captain of the guard because he tried to stop a violent communist revolution
>just lets the entire region secede
>after it breaks away it becomes even more successful in industry and technology
It's not just a shitty nation that's the country equivalent of an overpowered self insert OC, it also displays an astounding lack of historical literacy, writing ability, and even basic understanding of people.
Stalliongrad fits nothing other than what reads like it would be in-universe propaganda and everything about its inclusion is a complete mistake. It should be erased entirely and totally from the map and lore.
Okay, coming here for the monthly EU4 mod information.
there is nothing new
this one is pretty good
Don't forget that they also happen to invent fucking tanks as a weapon for their revolution.
If Austria-Hungary and the Russian Empire can do it then I don't see the reason why that would be an issue for them.
Actually, one sin of EAW is that all the tanks look so boring. I wish we got more cool designs like Tsar Tank.
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Reminder that OWB plagiarized Fallout: Equestria with The Chained Choir stealing the Single Pegasus Project (Single Psyker Project).
It will be good.
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Most nations in EaW are trying to be a mirror of a real-world counterpart, whether because the writing is creatively bankrupt or just out of some attempt to appeal to normies. It's been like this since the very beginning (Stalliongrad, Olenia, Changelings). The tank models are just a symptom of it.
The best nations imo are Bears, Barrad, Wittenland, Zarantia, (and extremely reluctantly Dread League) because all of these nations embrace the fantasy setting and work within it, despite half of them lacking modern content. I'd include Tambelon among them but it's literally just the story of Star Control 2 rehashed albeit with a shittier bad guy motive.
It's insane how slept on Zarantia is and when it is talked about the focus tends to be on the Worm Queen than anything else.
It suscks, I'vve played their Non Aligned and Supremacist paths, and both are really fun. Non Alligned is a real feel good path, pleasant story about someone's dream coming true, and making their country better. Supremacist is fun gameplay wise, and you get insane cores.
I loved doing Non-Aligned and just making Zarantia fucking huge by adding all the known Imazeeb tribes together, making it a truly magnificent regional power.
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But why.........
>communism is based on the notion that the working class in the most advanced and industrialized countries in the world will rise up and seize power
>a small insignificant group of communist revolutionaries in the poorest Euripean agrarian empire that only begins to enter the industrial age somehow manages to take the power and win an incredibly bloody civil war
>this communist state proceedes to take control of half the Europe and engage in a worldwide struggle with the rest of the world spanning half a century that only by sheer luck didn't devolve into a nuclear war
Who writes this shit? So tired of the unrealistic writing guys
Stalliongrad requires Celestia acting with such sheer incompetence and stupidity to happen as it does and would only make sense as a changeling op.
I suggest you read up on Nikolai the second and his brilliant leadership. Reality is stranger and much more retarded than fiction. I don't think that most people understand what an incredibly ludicrous and unrealistic the mere notion of communists coming to power in Russia was just before the WW1. Looking at that, Stalliongrad is not that unbelievable.
The situations are entirely different, don't be disingenuous.
There's a reason communism didn't arise in Britain. Or America. Or Germany. Or France. Or Belgium.
The fact that you can only use such absurd false comparisons just shows how uninformed you are on the matter.
>just before the WW1.
Gee, I wonder if the "war to end all wars" had anything to do with potentially upheaving Russian society to the point that it suffered complete breakdown.
Nah, it must've just been an inevitable matter of time until the communists took power that would've happened anyways, it was just that everyone was too stupid to notice until it was too late.
>New portrait for Silver Star when he is redeemed in Wittenland.
post it
There's a super easy way to fix Stalliongrad:

>Make it a semi-autonomous duchy that has it's own Duke but is under the Equestrian Demesne.
>It's still the heart of the industrial revolution that spread into Equestria but now the ills of it are felt locally: it's now starting to be left behind by the rest of Equestria as conglomerates and big tycoons squeeze the populace
>At game start though it's still a Duchy but there's a growing communist movement who have forced the Duke to recognize the power of the Worker Councils and the situation is rapidly deteriorating. Celestia doesn't want to intervene unless necessary, if you do so as Equestria it will trigger nationalist sentiment and probably result in a war. Even if you conquer it the moment Changelings evade they'll rise up again and you can only really pacify them by going full scorched earth as either Daybreaker or NMM so better to just leave them to their devices.
>Once any upheaval in Equestria happens revolution in the Duchy happens with several different sides potentially taking part. There always will be a communist revolt though. It's also possible for a full take over without civil war if you play your cards right as the Communists start off from a strong political position.
>Communist path plays out as normal from there with maybe an expedited power struggle between how Stalinist you want to be. Potential for other non-commie paths too.

Now communists get the play out their revolution LARP instead of it being just background lore and it makes more sense. Celestia at game start would be retarded to not invade or at least force them to recognize Canterlot's authority. If they break away during any Equestrian Shitfest stuff though than it makes way more sense.
“The Way of Fire”
Added tank anti-air radar module.
New portraits for Gilda and Gallus in Griffonstone.
Reworked flag for Rumare.
New advisor icons for Rainbow Dash, Flash Magnus and Carrot Top in Equestria.
Added new icons for air plane and tank modules.
Added a new general in Changeling Lands.
New portrait for Silver Star when he is redeemed in Wittenland.

Slightly weakened Hayzeb Federation's starting army.
Equestria can now always take the decision to rename Stalliongrad if they own it.
Gallus advisor in Griffonstone now has the Friendship School Graduate trait.
Verany is now the historical leader of Aquileia.
Personal union autonomy level now uses the same icon as in vanilla.
In Bronzehill, Prelate Gunhild's subideology is now authoritarian theocracy.
Strengthened modern turret tank module slightly.
The decision to ask Flowena for a loan is no longer available if they cannot afford it.
Tarrin now gets claims on Aquileia when completing certain focuses.
Renamed Adelart's theocratic Aquileia formable.
OT-26 tank variant in Stalliongrad is now a flame tank.

Fixed all countries on Equus having a developed science base.
After researching a racial technology and opening the technology screen, it will now properly show the racial technology tab.
Arclight in River Republic and Applethorn in Farbrook are no longer available as advisors after becoming the country leader.
United Free States in April Fools' content now check for controlled states not owned, and is formed later.
Kaiser Kattail now gets claims on all the cores of the nations he attacks, and will automatically declare war on any nation happening to hold these cores
Kaiser Kattail can now attack any Detached Countries.
The Kirian Civil War will no longer be paused by Kaiser Kattail's attacks.
Fixed Austurland getting extra rewards from raiding right away rather than when they win.
Fixed several issues with province shapes and terrains.
Fixed demilitarized subjects being able to switch into normal ones immediately.
When Equestria triggers a civil war in Olenia, the harmonic side's focuses now reload properly.
Asstyria and Anseruk now get claims on each other to ensure they annex rather than puppet.
Fixed faulty modifier in Colthage's state devolution national spirit.
Fixed issues with focus shine effects.
If the constitutionalists won in Colthage, Coltva will now return any Colthaginian states they took.
Tobuck decisions regarding party popularity now account for being harmonic.
Vasile tree in Tobuck accounts for Colthaginian civil war tags when adding a state modifier.
Fixed faulty focus check in Crack Lightning's Hippogriffia.
Fixed DLC checks for Macawian planes.
Fixed Flopparnold advisor from April Fools' content showing up in regular Abyssinia.
Cleaned up some country borders in Twilight Theory April Fools' content.
Adelart focus about recruiting Bernier now bypasses if Greifwald has him as leader.
Sixth Great Hive Changeling Lands focus now accounts for puppet Olenia owning Vanhoover.
Updated Canterlot Guard and Garrison templates in Changeling Lands.
Fixed issues with Falcor creating resistance in Wingbardy.
Hippogriffia now also white peaces the Great War if New Mareland also white peaced after Equestria capitulated.
Fixed hitboxes for new 3D models being too large.
Fixed Aquileian conquest decisions no longer being available after a target got annexed or subjugated by another country.
Fixed a broken Stalliongrad focus icon.
Gerza's and Star Father's Colthage now gain a generic focus tree after being puppeted.
Tobuck focus to claim Warzena can now be taken if the country does not exist.
Blocked Star Father's Colthage from recruiting and creating avian race operatives.
Dehumanized some GFX.
Miscellaneous bugfixes and improvements.
Miscellaneous localisation fixes.

Checksum: 71a8 @everyone
This update SHOULD be save compatible with, but some fixes will require a new game.
Still shit.
Barrad is only really fun once. And in Wittenland only Wulfric is fun.
I agree about Bears and Zarantia and I would add Longsword and Tobuck to that. I also like Hippogriffs and Yale albeit with some caveats. I still need to play Azir to see if it is good.
>There's a reason communism didn't arise in Britain. Or America. Or Germany. Or France. Or Belgium.
It did though. IWW and Web Dubois, and Henry George were incredibly popular in US. Same goes for Diggers in UK. And France had several socialist government. Why do you lie on the internet?
Better than what's there at least.
>tripfag retard thinks there being some communists in a country is equivalent to there being violent communist revolution
>IWW and Web Dubois, and Henry George were incredibly popular in US.
No one tell this guy about Henry Ford or Charles Coughlin or else he'll start yelling about how the United States is about to start genociding the Jews.
Difference is IWW and George actually had lot of following as opposition to mainstream parties.
Well I used wrong word there brcause AFP was quite popular.
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So does this mean siren development is also dead?
Sirens have been finished for months
They have? Last time I played it the story cut off after you beat Equestria.
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Is there a version of the mod without commies?
not yet
but in the meantime you can open up the pre-game settings and set every commie nation to some other path
The guy who was making the Equestria rework is now making his own mod and there won't be any communism, but it's set after Ending of the End.
Will it have Golly route?
I don't think so. He said that Twilight still defeats the trio.
>EaW: My Little Fanfiction mod
>it's real communism this time (tm) because it works
>the mod where we cannot name fascism
>monarchy griffin empire cannot be perfect without controlled opposition
>Solar Empire is still based
>River Federation is still the ponified EU
>the mod where we cannot name fascism
sir, your beakolini?
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>Barrad is getting a touchup! Here's a sneak peek.
I remember when Barrad had lobotomites as content, I remember when Silver Star was the big boss, they need a new glow up for sure
Friendship path, Friendship path, Friendship path.
God this looks BAD, please no
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Fascism is a subideology of Supremacy
They can't use the F word, prease understand
By their own definition of supremacy, communism would also apply. It's ideological.
Fascism is still in the mod and is a prominent ideology for Wingbardy and Aris. Crack is a very popular character among the EaW fans.
Why the FUCK is the Roaman Kaiserate more fun to play than Kiria?
How so?
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>Penario has done a great deal in his tenure, but all good things must come to an end. Let's hope that what lies ahead will be even better.
God forbid someone wants to make playing Equestria somewhat challenging. If it was up to you autists Equestria would just be able to stop every other country as soon as the game starts
Fuck off, nigger. It's only your own fault that you're so lacking in creativity that you can't think of any way to give Equestria something to do without overwhelmingly nerfing them into the ground.
>Equestria should be super strong and be able to beat everyone on game start
>also Celestia is a perfect ruler so Equestria can't have any problems ever
>also there should only be two countries in the mod (anything else is furshit)
>the other country (changelings) should be weak (if its a real threat to equestria then the mod is furshit)
Anything else?
>so butthurt he can only be disingenuous and strawman and won't even reply
Kill yourself.
Celestia should in fact be a perfect ruler because that is her role in the show as well. Being a benevolent and good ruler.
The issues Equestria has to deal with should be external threats, no the internal ones. Because most of the internal threats were already dealt by Mane 6 through out the course of the show.
because supremacy includes non-fascists like the changelings (absolutist monarchism is NOT fascism fuck you), actual necromancers, plutocrats, etc etc
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the perfect ruler in question:
Literally not canon. Not even for the obvious reasons, but literally because EAW only follows canon up to right before the season six finale.
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Also not canon, this time for the obvious reasons.
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Communism also has plenty of non-communist socialist regimes. So the point does stand that Communism should be renamed to something more broad too.
I still think Equalism should have been the ideology name and everything else subideology.
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>A familiar face is getting her very own face lift. Veterans know that Queen Oiren will only appear as Greneclyf's ruling monarch if the country is in dire straits.

>However, she can now pull both herself and the country out of the low that would bring her into the picture...

>portrait by talented @AnaStaFury
Meh, the old Oirenn portrait is cuter. This is a bonafide downgrade. But yea, I totally forgot the Greneclyf rework. I have no idea when it actually comes out.
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I did another A-Z nation. This time Griffonian Republic.

I decided to go full on harmonist with this, conquering what I can through my focus and getting the elections. I went for the Wingbardian guy. I had a pretty easy time overall, likely due to the fact that the Empire was very late with its unification allowing me to attach while it was fighting Katarin.

>Lots of unique story and events. A lot of work has been put into the lore of this nation.
>Good amount of content. Even when you beat the Empire, you'll still get a new political focus tree to go through.
>Fun gameplay and it does feel satisfying to take Griffenheim. Lots of cores to be had.

>It gets very easy if your lucky with the Empire, especially so once you take them.

This nation is only slightly harder then the Empire, which to say, its still very easy and certainly a good option for newer players. I will say that the focus tree is great. Barely if any 70 day focuses and there's a lot of content. I feel like the Republic gets often overlooked compared to the other Griffonian majors, which is a real shame because its certainly up there in terms of quality,

Next up will be Griffon Liberation Army.
>Okay, edgy griffon time!
>"When you are 10 years old and you discover creativity mode in Minecraft"
>Morgan Bernier by me:maresmaresmares:
If you're genuinely comparing Nicholas II with Celestia then you're far more detached from reality than he ever was.
I wanna boop her.
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The season six finale isn't canon to EaW but seasons 7 and 8 are, the School of Friendship stuff happened just without Ocellus.
The truth is, EAW cherry-picks stuff from the show that are canon and that are not. And then still puts its own spin on the stuff.
So arguing about it is pointless, it has been a thing since the beginning.
Haven't played this mod in ages, can someone recommend a fun/hard nation to play as??
That depends. What nations do you remember playing and what is your skill level?
The fuck? Why would they do that?
I don't know, but Silverstream is a character for Hippogriffia and when you hire her as a political advisor the event talks about her using what she learned at the Friendship School
Reviving Grover II path is hard with historical focus on unless you purposely cripple the Griffonian Empire by assigning them to Dawnclaw path.
Thanks, I'll give it a shot
I havent played since they added the zebra continent, skill level is above average I guess? The hardest thing I did was destroy the River coalition with Hellquill
In that case, try Zarantia or Tobruk if you want to play in Zebrica. As for Griffonia, I guess you can try Longsword, since its basically a slightly harder version of Hellquill. For Equus, definitely try the bears. They have a lot of fun paths.
I always enjoy these A-Z posts. Keep it up my nigga
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Fuck it.
I'd like one of these maps for every country, secrets be damned.
Is this a submod?
what is the CSO?
another part of the image says "Circle of the Salvific Ossuary" which might be it. Salvific means salvation and Ossuary means a place where bones are kept, so my guess is that its a necromancer church of some kind?
Is this the supposed DED rework? Looks shit. Way too complicated for a concept that doesn't need that. I knew they'd fuck it up.
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>guy who is already allowed to do whatever he wants with his countries suddenly decides he needs to control the rest of the mod too
>rages when people don't agree with the idea
>is a passive agressive bitch after being told no
>"Wtf why didnt you give this person full authority???"
If you can't see the red flags I don't know what to tell you. This is just what happens when you let an underage person think they have authority, they go insane.
Based Bradford, Yaks stronk, Yaks need no creature else
>guy who is already allowed to do whatever he wants with his countries suddenly decides he needs to control the rest of the mod too
Well considering that Equestria should define the world and the mod it doesn't sound unreasonable for him to want to have a say in what's being made in other parts of it.
>rages when people don't agree with the idea
>is a passive agressive bitch after being told no
You gonna back that up with anything or what?
My thoughts exactly. Would rather talk about the mod and not the gay homosexual drama behind it
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>`Macawia's Survival Must Be Fought For!`
I hardly ever use paratroopers.
You can just convert them to infantry.
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this is exactly the kind of schizophrenic nonsense I signed up for
Neither, I side with the Eternal and the Worm
>Wake up babe!!! New EU4 teaser has dropped!!! Well it is kind of a weirdly put together teaser but I hope you all get what I was going for hehe...
That sounds shit, not only this contradicts the lore of the show, but it is just outright boring. Can people really not imagine anything more interesting than "le splintering realm". I always knew that EU4 EAW would be trash, but devs are really intent on proving me right.
Isn't the EU4 teased stuff set like a few hundred years back?
it still doesn't make sense for there to be feuding nobles when they have the Pearl and can change anyone who starts to get uppity back into a seahorse.
Also, it is just bland and boring.
Would you rather the entire region started off as one unified realm? They would either be ridiculously overpowered or stuck doing nothing on their island.
I think the EUIV mod is a mistake. The game itself is already an abomination, but add onto that the EaW team trying to retroactively create a world to fit as a background to their already poorly thought out WWII setting and trying to balance hundreds of years of gameplay and it just starts tearing itself apart at the seams. This is never going to end well, and that much was apparent from the very moment it was even revealed.
What's your trick for playing as the Sirens? What's the best time frame for each step, or should I just skip over the Aria and Sonata sides of the focus tree until after taking Equestria?
Maybe if you lack imagination.
>all nations should start weak
That too is boring.
Once you stabilize the regime, you can do whatever. Only thing you should rush is getting back Zumidia before shitty bats take it. It happened in my first run. Wasn't fun.
>it still doesn't make sense for there to be feuding nobles when they have the [army] and can [exile] anyone who starts to get uppity
Army loyalty can change.
For a long time the army was the nobles.
I drew this image :)
How would EAW nations fare against WW2/Cold War era Earth nations?
Poorly. Very poorly. They're less populous and less developed. For example the entirety of Equus has about the same population as the United States in 1948. Humans would also have a lot less regard for their lives because, well, they're not human. Some races would have it worse than others on that front. Changelings would definitely have it the worst seeing as they're shapeshifting parasitic insects. You'd probably be hard pressed to find a single person who wouldn't want all of them dead.
I'd rather they do Crusader Kings than EU
>Out of the thread that they made and bump with bot
lol ok
> Siren dev exiled for wrong think
> STG devs put in charge of EQS

It's jover
>Siren dev exiled for wrongthink
If you know anything about Baron is that he's his own worst enemy
>STG devs put in charge of EQS
Why can't they try to convince the polar bear dev to do EQS
>STG devs put in charge of EQS
>plebbit spacing
>github is literally public
> last update on the EQS branch was 2 months ago
They live in fear of His work
>only dev work is on oc furry species
>bird furry pirates
>canon content ignored bar Hippogriffs
>Kiria is a visual novel that ignores lessons of the episode
NGL it's a furry mod at this point
This, I would prefer that way more. Preferably set in really ancient era when Grogar was a thing with all the Gen 1 characters. Having Grogar and his Monstrous Empire as a big threat to fight against would be way more fun. Then just le get of exploration and centralization.
The birds are canon, Celaeno is one of them.
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Remember that Celestia and Luna got fucking Jobbed by Vines in the S4 premier. Joblestia is canon even if you're a S2cel since Faust also revealed that NMM immediately BTFO Celestia when she came back.
>Joblestia is canon even if you're a S2cel since Faust also revealed that NMM immediately BTFO Celestia when she came back.
>if you ever lose to anything for any reason you're a jobber
Anon, literally every character in the series is a jobber.
Still if S4 is canon to EaW than that means Celestia and Luna canonically got their shit pushed in by vines, so them being 'immortal god emperors' already is pretty questionable characterization if they're that weak.
If they're "that weak" then you run into the problem that Celestia wouldn't have survived for as long as she has.
*magic vines made by Discord
M6 didn't really have any trouble fighting them off when they weren't overwhelmed and you'd think Celestia would have enough power to keep them from raping her.
That only makes >>41061294 even worse.
>EQS dev was a Glimmer hating Gook that hates Communism
>Gets forced out by Glimmer loving Russian Devs
Bruh we could have had absolute monarchist Celestia beating the shit out of reds
Is he really?
Anon they're all gooks and russians. You think western horsefuckers could make shit like this?
>half the team is russians or slavs
>bunch of new coders brought on are gooks
>old EQS dev was a gook
Anon the only western horsefucker with any talent left is the one batshit lunatic who made nuke fish. Each clique is trying to take over.
EQS is ruined and the devs will beg Him to save them, give it time
But there's plenty of talented western horsefuckers, why haven't they really gotten involved with EaW?
>why haven't they really gotten involved with this cesspool
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First, rude, second, fair enough.
Wouldn't the same regard for life apply to the EAW nations? Also, the magical advantage may make up for the population. Changelings may not be popular, but their natural abilities easily give them unparalleled spying and intelligence gathering potential, especially since humans would have no magic to potentially detect them.
>Wouldn't the same regard for life apply to the EAW nations?
No, because they're already used to having lots of other species around. They can still regard other species as lesser of course, but it wouldn't be the same total disregard that many humans would have for other species.
>Also, the magical advantage may make up for the population.
Magic in the world of EaW is really impotent. And you're talking about overcoming a 2.5-3x population difference plus more industry.
>Changelings may not be popular, but their natural abilities easily give them unparalleled spying and intelligence gathering potential, especially since humans would have no magic to potentially detect them.
This would work great at first, but it wouldn't take long to develop countermeasures against it.
Just think about it, if they're sending in changelings disguised as preexisting people then all it takes is asking them something that only that person would know to instantly out them. Not only that, but when you discover a shapeshifted changeling you already know for absolute certain exactly who they're working for and that they're up to no good. Now you might say that they'd obviously kidnap the original person and torture them for information, but that runs into two problems. First, how many of these kidnappings can you really do without anyone noticing anything? Second, how can you know that they're giving you truthful information? Your changeling agent only has one chance to give the right information to not draw suspicion. If you give them the wrong stuff then it goes back to the first part where they're instantly outed. If the guy you're torturing deliberately gives you the wrong information, how are you supposed to know? You can't exactly test it.
If they're disguising changelings as people that don't already exist in order to avoid all of the above problems, then how is that any different from regular spying with sending a guy over with a fake identity?
What a shitty fucking take. Almost as shit as the most EAW devs. This is exactly the kind of mindset why the mod went to shiter. Because most of you fags have no ability to dream or imagine anything outside of most bland bullshit.
>Magic in the world of EaW is really impotent
That is also a lie, because you have shit like Tatzlewurms being a massive threat and Zebria alchemy being able to create literal supersoldiers.
Ignore that retard. The only thing limiting ponies is their predisposition against violence, but if they overcome that they have nothing but advantages, one of which is actual fucking magic. I'm not even mentioning that necromancer bitch who can reanimate the fucking dead
Clearly we need interaction events between Silver Star forma Witch King and Shinespark
>Because most of you fags have no ability to dream or imagine anything outside of most bland bullshit.
I'm just telling you how it is, not how it should be.
How was anything I said wrong?
And you are wrong.
Tatzle wurms are something that you cant defend against even with technology, because they strike from underground.
Sirens can easily mindcontrol an entire nation with their singing.
Barrad can create a mechanical supersoldier, build an infinite zombie army and summon army of demons.
Longsword has a spirit of revenge sent down by the she-wolf goddess and he cannot be killed no matter what.
Polar Bears have their star steel armour that can go toe to toe with tanks.
Celestia and Luna control the celestial bodies.
Pony magic controls the weather, creates super-strong soldiers and can heal most of the wounds.
Griffons can enchant their weapons and armour.
Zebras can also boost themselves with alchemy.
Changelings breed incredibly fast and can infiltrate the enemy, and their Queens can also mind control the enemy.
The magic in EAW is most definitely not impotent. If there was any human invasion the humans would absolutely have a difficult time.
Yeah, I guess technically lore wise magic is supposed to actually be significant, I just forgot because they do such a terrible job at making it noticeably impact gameplay 99% of the time.
Polar Bears, Tatzle wurms, Zebra alchemy and chargers, Unicorns, Pefasai, and earth horse alchemy, griffon knights, Sirens and Silver Star and Leopold are literally powerful in game too. Stop beimg dumb liar.
>wow, a +10% bonus, so magical!
Yes, +10% trickleback is a lot. When ot stacks with other medical compies and unicorn tech.
All this tech is incredibly op.
Real issue is, thag then the focus trees are acting as if magic was somehow being out competed by the tech, and nations just do bland modernization.
Because devs are souless husks of cringe modern liberals. Who lost ability to dream. Oh how I wish Sig, Tiddo, Cofido, JPG and Baron were working on EaW alone. Everyone else should get the boot.
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DT is based tho. Insane, but based.
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Are people finally seeing that the white fascist anons were right that this mod sucks and focuses more on griffons than ponies?
I wouldn't have issue with that if the griffon content was more interesting. Like recently I realized there is nothing like Salon diplomacy, depite that fitting very well for Empire or Aquileia and it wpuld make their conwuest bot more interesting.
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Great Lakes on their asses for so long they just said fuck it and already release Zar-Hay I see.
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He doesn't look very happy
>Oswald Mosley
>Octavia Melody
This came to me in bed this morning and I can't believe nothing has ever been done with this.
Sadly ponies are already unified in one state, so you can't really use his pan-European larp.
looks good
You could have her be a breakaway faction in the civil war, maybe supporting Celestia in name but advocating for stronger authority, less direct diarchic control in favor of Octavia as the leader of a council of corporations. Batpony genocide and buffalo resettlement would be included, of course, as well as purging Lunarist elements in the state. It could be like an alternate flavor of Solarist-style authority, with Celestia only going along reluctantly in response to overwhelmingly popular support for the Melodites.
Mosely wasn't genocidal. Like all brits he too believed in civilizing mission.
Yeah, don't know what the hell that anon's on.
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They look too sophisticated for yak.
Not really. They look just right.
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>Briefly, memories flickered on the edge of his vision.
>Of Pink and Grey, dancing to the voice of a siren.
>A time long past, a choice made for him.
>Rather than a ring of gold, he can now only offer a ring of iron.
>As his griffons encircle their enemy, so too does his regretfully silent throat tighten.
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>"Light has come into the world, and creatures loved the darkness rather than the light."
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>Here's some more Barrad stuff!
Haven’t played in a while. Has there been any reworks or new focus trees since the Kirin update?
Siren path got finished.
Wait a year in Azir for funni.
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It did?
Based, we need more jesters in general
which ruler has the most sex?
Green cunny filly formerly a man.
She fucked and got fucked by all mares and stallions in Equestria.
Best portrait?
Grover II
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Has anyone actually played Sirens here? did they get finished?
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Commies being commies or is it against Solar/Lunar Empire?
It's still commies being commies either way.
>playing Lake City
No thanks, maybe when it is actually good.
It is good though.
No it is not. It is the most blandest take on Japan. It could have been so much more.

Anyway, riddle me this anons. Ugabi was in production in 2019 yet it is still not out. And there is no mention of it in the dev diary for Zar Hary, Icepaw and Hyenas either.
It's probably done and waiting to get released with the rest of South Zebrica. Probably summer, maybe fall release.
I just want to play the Emperor of Zebrakind it is supposed to have.
Best racial tech tree?
Ponies, Bears, Monsters Dragons, Zebras, Griffons, Hippogriffs, Deers, Kirins, Changelings.
In that exact order.
Dragons have a racial tree?
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>these two are not mutually exclusive :Trollface_nonfree:
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>And behold, a grey city of earth ponies, ancient but unbowed, with proud guards and strong towers… and too many legs.
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>For those who werent already aware, Talouse is being reworked.
Odd choice for a rework.
To be fair, its pretty boring rn
In some paths, sure, but its still reletively modern compared to other nations.
Supremecist is pretty good.
Sounds pretty good!
Uh yeah, you have post game content too, like an epilogue.
Orange one is left by other 2 alone and gets -80% CB generation time and you are tasked with WQ, didnt do that last part because im not a masochist
Blue one is the chill one that want to be an absolute ruler but without mind control and thats her epilogue
I havent played the purple one
Each of them have a special set of requirements to get specific ending but you can cheat trigger even after you do the final focus which is when you get the ending. AKA you can switch the ending.
Okay so... Equus rework is... abandoned? This is the most important continent, what the fuck
Is it good though?
They all have a final event for doing world conquest
Is it the same one or unique for each one of them?
I'm pretty sure they have a unique one.
Well, Im not replying Sirens again 3 times to check that, it was fun as hell the first time, I will have to console command this or just read files
Yea it's fucking over
Ah, that old cartoon. Or was it an anime?
I think it's still going, it's just being handled by different people.
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doomposting without confirmation is a pathway to many grudges
Which nation has the most realistically competent military?
One controlled by the player.
None of them.
Did the devs ever admit that Kiria sucks ass and is just a visual novel? I seem to recall one dev mentioning something, but I can't remember
You're not supposed to enjoy the historical route :^) It's all the civil war stuff you're supposed to dive into.
Even civil war stuff sucks, the only somewhat interesting things are Rising Sun epilogue all the way at the end of her path when she actually claims immortality, and Corporate Wars in Fickle path. Everything else is just boring. I am also infinitely disappointed that Niriks are just rebellion to slow you down as Rising, I wanted actual playable Niriks.
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Finally finished this long ass coop game.
How wholesome.
Well, someones gotta pay for the welfare. And if its not through high taxes...
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I wish Rainbow Dash could be a country leader.
I wish Cloudsdale could be a breakaway during a civil war.
I wish Pumpkin family tag the Rock Union didn't get removed. And instead got a proper focus tree.
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Fucking finally done with this as well. Another A-Z nation done. This time Griffon Liberation Army.

This campaign took way too long. Started off as GLA, went to Prywhen and obviously went expansionist. I eventually unified my region, then killed the Karthinians and finally the Empire followed by the Feds. Took over most of the continent, basically.

>Lots of conquest potential. I pretty much cored Evi, the Empire and the riverlands, which means reasons for conquest.
>Interesting start.
>Natural enemies lead to good wars.

>Lack of variety. You either go expansionist commie or isolationist commie.
>Lore is lacking. Some of the focus tree descriptions are nice, but very little events or anything to make the nation feel anything more then somewhat generic communists.

Overall, despite the warning when starting up this nation, GLA is surprisingly fun. Lots of conquest options without putting you in an impossible situation for them can make for a fun country to play if you want a chill conquest run. Otherwise though, there's not much more to it. The nation itself is kind of boring in its character, making conquest not as satisfying outside of getting more cores.

Next up will be Gryphian Host.
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fuck that's actually a cool flag
Wait, so they brought it back? Based
>check git
>eqs branch updated
>EQS national focus updates
That's not him though
Who else is going to touch it? The Russians are obsessed with STG. They probably hired him back in secret to hide their shame
Any pics?
He just left their server entirely...
Well he is making his own mod instead.
Does he have any place where he posts updates for that? Or is he not doing teasers?
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Potential propaganda poster
Baronpill me, I don't know all the internal dev drama and who is /ourguy/ and who is a retard
Baron was the guy who was doing the Equestria rework. They booted him from the team because he wanted Equestria to be more important than they were going to tolerate. That's basically it.
Baron is a retarded /ourguy/
Has anyone gotten creamapi working and can share tips on how you did it? I seem to be having troubles on my end, as nothing shows up for me after patching and generating the creamapi files with Koaloader.
I did it a while ago so I don't remember exactly but you need to download all of the DLCs that you don't have, drag them into the DLC folder of your regular game, then run creamapi.
Creamapi doesn't download or create the DLCs, it just activates them.
Nobody is /ourguy/. They are all retards. Welcome to communal code development
Thank you very much, I have it working now. Take this picture of a cool medic nun as a reward.
>Here's a compass for the Severyanian region (incl. Our Town)! We hope you enjoy this look at the future of the revolution. :salute: :flag_stg:
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>New Balance of Power for Equestria
>balance of power
Isn't balance of power constantly derided for being a shitty mechanic? Why the fuck is it in Equestria?
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Wait, we getting Mean6 Twi? If so I might give them a shot.
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>stupid army mechanic still there
>no division training or editing
if i cant get rid of it in the first 3 months imma riot

>bb-but muh immersion and equestria is demilitarized
ive had it with this cope bullshit where equestria needs to be ultra nerfed at the start of the game until the mid-game 1012.
are players supposed to jerkoff to the game art for 5 in game years? industry is restricted, army is restricted, construction is restricted, the focus tree will probably be railroaded on top of that. just let us play the game ffs
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Once again they fucked up the future compass. AAAAAA save me Sig. Why don't they just give it to him to make? The only good future compass was bear one.
Equestria, should have been done like KX Russia. That you start incredibly weak, demilitarized and have to build up for the war. With difference that here you are not doing it through conquest but gradually as the tensions with changelings (and Stalliongrad) are mounting.
You've changed nothing but make the current bad situation more elaborately bad.
Siggy is their only good dev at this point. Caspy is obsessed with making shitty visual novels and no one else is notable for anything, especially with Baron gone.
he got booted for being a manchild and refusing to work on equestria (which he already had total control over to do whatever he wanted with) unless he was put in charge of the rest of the mod. nobody on the team has that kind of power and he wanted them to invent a new role that put him above everyone else. after realizing he was stupid for making such an ultimatum, he left the team and when he asked to be let back on a week later, he was refused reentry for holding development of the most important nation in the mod hostage.

anyways someone else is picking up his work on equestria now, and the moment that was made public, baron left the discord server

tl;dr don't demand to be made ruler of the mod (no such position exists, nor even for scroup) when you're already the undisputed ruler of the most important country
This seems infinitely more likely than some 'elaborate conspiracy' from all the other developers because they hate Equestria. Baron was just a colossal faggot.
>he got booted for [HEADCANON]
lol ok, ur welcome to prove me wrong by providing screenshots which ofc won't be edited psyop garbage or shit taken out of context
>my source is I made it the fuck up
Stalliongrad devs wanted Equestria to bend over backwards to accommodate their stupid ideas (just look at the new BoP teaser that has Stalliongrad sympathizers as the commie party) but Baron did chimp out which he has a noted history of. Everyone was wrong in this situation but a Baron led Equestria is far more important to the mod than Stalliongrad will ever be because he was actually good at writing and understands the show and characters.
>(just look at the new BoP teaser that has Stalliongrad sympathizers as the commie party)
Eh, it's not that bad. I think. At least considering that it used to be fucking 20% commie support.
if you had brain and stopped simping for baron or any other dev for that matter, you'd see in the commit history that it was actually added by baron
>Baron did chimp out which he has a noted history of
>if you had brain and stopped simping for baron
I don't think what he's doing qualifies as simping, anon.
It is in fact I that lack a brain, rest still stand that it was baron that added it
Do you have any proof of this? The way I see it, the only way we could know for sure what happened is if a dev post screens of whatever Discord conversation led to this.
Sounds like the mod just needs to be completely rebuilt from the ground up with Equestria at the forefront of every major decision.
What is this mods equivalent of Canada?
Crystal Empire
I always interpreted equestria to be semi isolationist. They have diplomatic relations and trade with other countries but they rarely get directly involved.
Okay? Just make their gameplay about changing that and becoming the global defender of harmony.
Back from a long haitus and missing "Arms Against Tyrany" and "By Blood Alone" (alongside "Trial of Allegiance")
Are they worth picking up? I was considering buying them on sale but I'm a retard and I forgot
yes, or just pirate them, or leech off from someone who has them in MP games
I'm normally pretty anti-piracy (out of apathy more than anything else) but given how shit paradox have been as devs I'm kind of tempted
There's basically nothing they've done recently that I could justify financing
Only BBA for the plane designer.AAT is kinda worthless and ToA is just vanilla trees no new mechanics.
I'd say if you bought the base game, you shouldn't feel too bad. It's not like their a small indie studio anymore. I did buy the DLC's myself, but then again, I had the luxury of being around when they came out. Much harder to justify them when more then one are new.

If you want to buy it, I guess you can check for prices at https://gg.deals/game/hearts-of-iron-iv/ . If you want to pirate, you can try checking from https://cs.rin.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=65592&hilit=hearts+of+iron . Good website if you want to pirate game DLC.
That could be one of the post war paths but a guaranteed thing
not a guaranteed thing*
Thanks, anon
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Dread League is fun.
Sometimes I forget how many unironic autists this board is plagued with
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This really has to be one of the worst artists on EAW. Those don't even look like MLP ponies. They are so ugly.
cute mare about to commit batocide
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You mean the bugicide regicide
Wanting Equestria to have a central role in Equestria at war makes you an autist.
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Should have had a Cadence flag.
DESU the whole concept just works a lot better in crusader kings than hoi
>Main Hive
Bomber Blaze do it again
Hosting a game today at 18:30 CET! Theme will be either a Northern Zebrica War PVP or a MARESOC coop.
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Lobby is up! Will be starting in around an hour from now.

ID: 90198582065103883
PW: /mlp/
Mods: Equestria at War, Player Led Peace Conferences, State Transfer Tool MP, No Slowdown For Lagging Players

Hotjoin and coop will be on. Don't be afraid if you cannot chat at first. It's a common bug that will go away once the game starts.
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What lowly eastern European language is that?
I didn't know the baby Kazakhstans had languages, though for most of my life I didn't know there were countries in down there and just knew Kazakhstan as the thing that isn't Mongolia between Russia and China.
There are several regulars of this general from that region, it's strange.
It's Russian. That anon is pulling your hoof
Azeris are not below Kazakhstan. They are in the Caucasus. Sheesh anon, learn some basic geography.
It is also less about the language and more about the picture.
Do asiatics really?
How would one politely decline art offered by this guy?

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