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Groping for apples Edition

Last drop https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/40980735/

Archived threads:
>What is this thread about?
A place to talk about humanized/EG fillies

>Why /jdb/?
Based on the very first threads with greens that opened with "Hey anon, just dropped by"

>Some pastas:
https://ponepaste.org/6155 - For Whom the Bell Tolls
https://ponepaste.org/9645 - Love Games
https://ponepaste.org/9646 - Icarian Love
https://ponepaste.org/9647 - I'll think of a title when I'm done writing (Apple Bloom story)
https://ponepaste.org/9648 - Freshmen, Drama, and Prom
https://ponepaste.org/9548 - Silver Spoon Story WIP
https://ponepaste.org/7980 - The Man Who Fell For Sweetie Belle
https://ponepaste.org/575 - Soarin's Silver Lining
https://ponepaste.org/9649 - Of Sweetie Bots and Young Love
https://ponepaste.org/7910 - Anon and Sunny Shimmy
https://ponepaste.org/9650 - Ska Anon x Sweetie Belle
https://ponepaste.org/2308 - Silver Spoon is an Expensive Friend
https://ponepaste.org/9653 - Wind Sprint's Daddy
https://ponepaste.org/9652 - Daddy's Little Scootaloo
https://ponepaste.org/9816 - Raising Scootaloo
https://ponepaste.org/5391 - SS/DT Kidnapping
Damn, Bloomy
Dropping your apples again? What are we gonna do with you?
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They grow so fast these days
Must be garbage day with that many dumpers
Why's it called just dropping by anyway? Who's dropping by? Us or the dumb fillies?
silver spoon dropping by anon's house to paint warhammer minis together
the writefag died off ages ago but the name stuck around
Why does Applebloom bend over so much?
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Shes missing the extra thin condoms
Why would she waste money on something she isn't going to use anyway?
it is a crime for her to wear shoes
Like I said in the previous thread: blame the mods.
apple bloom needs to correct the mods with her whuppin stick.
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i need king of the hill ponies so badly.
Textured is better
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been thinking about Ponk too much lately and I'm tempted to write a lewd out of season christmas green of her and Anon Santa.
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as long as it's not infantile that sounds pretty good
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Who would be the Clarissa of mlp?
In loliquestria? no one, why anyone would want to add that grim scenario in such beautiful world?
Wind Sprint would be the closest
thank you!
god, fuck that entire thing and fuck the fucker who made it.
But would not be the inverse scenario, wind sprint genuinely love her original dad, it would be like a Clarissa that maybe lover her dad too much.
now that's a much nicer story
instead of something so over the top it comes off as the much-more-common scenario of 'she's making it up because she's been inundated with the concept'
>dad goes to prison because she was really lovely
>she pretend to be all grumpy with the new one not because she hate the new one but because she believe if she get really friendly again the new dad will end in prison like her original dad
she got a ticket for being tooo cuuuute

seriously it's a law. it's like the speed limit.
Gives me an idea.
>Uuuoooohhh force
>Tasked with ticketing little girls who are too cute and funny
>Possibly even correcting repeat offenders or especially egregious cases
>Anon is the best officer in this unit
>No human filly is too lovable for him to ticket or too bratty for him to correct
your mom is like the speed limit
Could you correct them into dutiful kind young wives /jdb/?
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I am not your aspirin, Janus.
chryssi sure. she clearly needs a stern father figure
golly needs a mom badly, I can't help with that.
Kid's learning. Good.
>Silver Spoon just drops by
>three hours later, you're halfway done with the trim on one of your rubric marines and she's doing the last bits of edge highlighting on a neurolictor that was still on the sprues when she showed up
that seems out of character for her. is this a Trixie Tang kinda situation
IIRC she played Imperial Knights in the original green but you obviously don't need a lot of models for that so it makes sense she'd be working on something for one of her other armies
I guess the joke works at least as well if she's bringing over a Warlord Titan or something.
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She's not wearing anything under those shorts
that is a VERY puffy vulva.
they look so little.. like their relative head size probably shouldn't be like that.
Can't have panty lines if you're not wearing panties.
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>"Good morning, Anon. Is breakfast ready yet?"
Yes, we're having sausages. Well, you two are, anyway.
>”Awww! But we have sausage for, like, every meal! And it gets less and less filling every time until breakfast the next day!
Fine. How about some Eclairs?
Oh, this was a really nice set but that first image is just so adorable, loli fluttershy irradiate innocence and eagerness
While the pantyshot is nice the thing that activate my brain is the exposed back in t he uniform
I know my wives have to eat healthy to grow up big and strong but cant they make me breakfast?
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I wonder if Derpibooru would nuke that one.:.
it's run by some crusty old school principal!!
you are the man, cooking is your job.
Also funny
I want to buy her folders and stickers
I want to like it but that piecing kinda get one the way to make her perfect
It's a flex because of how strong her thighs are. You can't bend over as much as her, you'd hurt your back. Suck it, scrub.
she's way too little to have a real piercing. Nobody would mar that perfect bellybutton
she just jammed a jellybean in there, because she is Ponk
It's probably a fake one, my sister used to use one of these when she was 13. I can't fully remember if these ones worked with magnet or with some kind of glue
Maybe shes latin? I know the mexicans get girls ears pierced when their babies so they don't remember the pain
The cutest. Would love to cuddle her and kiss her before slowly undress her.
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of course sweetie belle has the biggest ass
Marshmallow butt
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>"Golly, Pinkie, you really need to be humbled for swinging these things around in people's faces!"
I have no idea why I made this.
Golly made you do it. And it was the right choice.
The fact there wasn't a molestation green or a public sex one is a tragedy, considering Snowdrop is perfect for those.
Cozy glow know how to make her moves, she only need to appeal pinkie "unusual" desires and she knew that she will have one mane 6 that would do anything for her
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What's in the box?
Marriage ring
more aislop
based on her arms, thalidomide
Was honestly expecting Cozy to suddenly have even bigger knockers somehow.
her dick
Surely an innocent girl like her wouldn't exploit that knowledge to the fullest. Certainly not.
There is just one
Moar, please
Yeah, this was gonna to happen eventually. A loli finally took advantage of pinkie and pinkie will develop a lolidom fetish really fucking hard after cozy
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Get this disgusting loli shit off my board
Poor Dash, she looks miserable. She should sit on my face, that will cheer her up.
>my board
Take your faggotry elsewhere.
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>my board
2/10, could be better bait.
your mom was a loli once
and if your dad had met her back then, maybe you'd be older and less autistic.
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>anon goes back in time by shenanigans
>meets his dad
>finds out his mom is a qt human filly enamored with said dad
>tries as hard as he can to stop them
>comes to realize he's such a spastic because he made her trip before realizing she was already pregnant with him
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Hnnnng cute freckles!
also that's how you do a cute turned-up nose, okay pixar? not your pignosed little brat with the emotion people inside.
We need more human fillies with pigtails, it's basically the most childlike hairstyle
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I always thought Ponk looked cute with the puffs, we need a human loli version of her with her hair like this.
puffpuff girls are the cutest
love me some Jazmine Dubois. and she loves her some ponies.
Jazmine is peak UUUUOOOOHH. I would cuck the living shit out of Tom and steal his family if she was part of the deal.
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Could an Anon reccomend to me a loli Twi green?
I just finished reading one, but it only left me wanting more.
Wholesome is prefered but lewd is fine too.
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Surely this knowledge won't be spread to the other girls that Cozy knows, and surely they wouldn't take advantage of that, albeit in a more playful manner. Certainly not.
>aislop mutts
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Best brats. Need more
nah these are the best brats
i want to see them being a bad influence on each other
I wonder what kinds of fun these two get up to on sleepovers..
Built for rags and rope.
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>ywn molest lolis with Pinkie GF
Feels badman
>ywn be molested by lolis with your Pinkie gf
that's a darlin lil bloom. i wanna take her to the dance
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>"Oh my gosh, Anon! Look what I found! Can we keep her, please?"
So sexy
yeah i like this art style
but i don't like her attitude! she should be happy you're making the exam easier.
Human fillies in spats
remove piercing
delete nail polish
give her regular shirt and skirt
>posts a dr*gon
best image in the thread, pantsu are cute but i would rather them be covered up. do not sexual the belle
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.... who is speaking?
i'm sure that's just a candy she stuck on her bellybutton
>Anon, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle are in a throuple together.
>What originally started out as Rarity giving Sweetie the birds and the bees talk with her boyfriend present for what was supposed to be emotional support turned into Rarity getting hot and bothered halfway through and asking Anon to help her give live demonstrations.
>To better explain, of course.
>And then what started as a heavy makeout session between young adults in front of a confused and increasingly horny tween turned into Rarity demanding, not asking, Anon to give Sweetie a hands-on lesson.
>Turned out Rarity was something of a cuck queen and got incredibly turned on by watching her boyfriend get to third base with her sister while she sneaked her hand down her panties.
>It spiraled from there, and now the three of them do everything together, going on dates that look like a nice big sister and her boyfriend taking her little sister out on fun activities, like going to get ice cream or watching movies, unaware that it's romantic in nature.
>One of Rarity's favorite sexytime activities is making cute lingerie for her little sister or costumes for roleplay, like a cute and sexy nurse who needs to relieve her patient's critical case of swollen balls.
>Anon can't complain as he takes his little GF from behind while the girl has her head buried between his bigger GF's thighs.
I like some of this but I don't like you
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>One of Rarity's favorite sexytime activities is making cute lingerie for her little sister or costumes for roleplay, like a cute and sexy nurse who needs to relieve her patient's critical case of swollen balls.
This revelation makes me seriously respect Sweetie's commitment to her role in the original image. Maybe she's destined for the stage after all.
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I like the idea, but I also like the idea of being older and molesting Rarity herself
I don't like some of you too, guy.
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She hates us all
She's grumpy even when she gets to go to school barefoot.
it's immoral for human fillies to wear shoes
Can you imagine a human filly not feeling every floor and ground she steps on directly with her soft, sensitive bare soles at all times? Outrageous.
floor and ground and.. her dad...
just as long as she doesn't hop on pop
She hates us but loves what we do
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more Bloomy
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I miss this artist, the cunny was puffy in a good level but his unique sin was the way he draw the noses
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We failed guys, they're getting into zoomer trends
at least bloomy and sweetie don't seem to know what it is
scoots knows it because she doesn't have a computer and just listens to what others are talking about to sound in the know.
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this game is fun tho
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It looks like these girls need help with their sunscreen. You should go and give them a hand like a responsible adult.
Sunscreen is bad for you. They need to limit their time in direct midday sun and wear long-sleeved shirts and adorably large hats and nothing else
this is a new one. what's bad about sunscreen?
Mostly user error—not applying enough, not waiting long enough before sweating or swimming, not reapplying often enough (if at all) over the course of the day, etc.—but also the sun-blocking chemicals in many sunscreens, such as oxybenzone, can leach into your blood and nearby coral reefs, and a lot of them are misleadingly labeled since the "SPF" only accounts for UVB rays that cause sunburn, not UVA that causes photoaging and skin cancer.
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what does oxybenzone do to ya
i thought sunscreen just used like, UV-radiopaque minerals.
The usual—endocrine disruption, cancer, that sort of thing. The FDA sets blood level limits on it for a reason, and if you're reapplying as often as you "should" then you're probably going to exceed that limit on your first day out on the beach.
Other UV-blocking/absorbing substances in sunscreen, like zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, are less harmful to you and the environment, but wash off more easily, requiring more frequent reapplication for as-advertised performance, as well as typically having a greasy texture and visible white residue.
sounds like they need to reformulate. that sucks, assuming it's true. which, yknow, things like this aren't, 95% of the time. but that remaining 5% gives a bunch of people cancer, so..
There's a reason that more and more people are getting skin cancer (barring a slight dip in 2019-2020 when no one was allowed outside) despite more and more sun safety messaging.
It's not surprising at all; lots of modern problems are caused by something that technically works but has side effects nobody wanted to let get in the way of making a buck—leaded gasoline *did* reduce engine knocking, and CFCs *were* less toxic and flammable than the refrigerants and propellants they replaced, but...
fair, but that is a bit cherrypicked.
I thought people were just living long enough to get skin cancer more, and that that trend hadn't stopped and never will.
anyway I still want to see more images of cute human fillies getting sunscreen rubbed on them. the nice coconut-smelling kind.
We should just go back to the visible white streaks of zinc oxide applied to the tip of the nose like all those comical old people in tv shows.
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I'd put my cream all over her face
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>UVB rays that cause sunburn, not UVA that causes photoaging and skin cancer.
dafuq, that's news to me
>(barring a slight dip in 2019-2020 when no one was allowed outside)
That sounds like bs to me. covid didn't get on the news until the tail end of 2019 and the lockdowns didn't happen until the March of next year, so it should have no effect on the 2019 statistics. Besides, skin cancer development is generally a result of cumulative sun exposure over multiple years, so I find it unlikely that just a year of reduced exposure could have such an immediate effect on that very year's statistics.
What I think is more likely, if such observation could be, attributed to the lockdowns, is the changes to healthcare access impacting the discovery and diagnosis of new cases.
i definitely, 100% remember being told that yeah there's UVA and UVB, one of them causes all the bad stuff, the other is harmless and actually good for you. so don't worry about this blacklight, it only puts out the good one.
yeah starting in the late 20teens it started to become REALLY hard to get a doctor to do anything for you but talk to you for 5 minutes after you've been waiting for 45, then leave with a spot suggestion. You go in for a physical, they just wanna talk. nobody's even undressing, so there's gotta be more skin cancer going unnoticed.
I'm willing to be persuaded that it's just correlation, but
artist on this one?
Some anon's computer.
I don't even care if it's ai generated, I want more pics of this style.
>Attention users: The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted health services, leading to delays and reductions in cancer screening, diagnosis, and reporting of data to some cancer registries. This may have contributed to the decline in new cancer cases for many sites in 2020. To avoid incorrect interpretations, the 2020 data point is not connected in the incidence line chart.
good art is good art. just don't charge for it or pay for it when it was made without any work.
Oops, but at the same time that means that we can, until the 2021 data is available, assume the trend line followed its course and people kept getting skin cancer at increasing rates despite the lockdowns, probably due to people tanning in their backyards and shit.
so cute, great song
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Precious future predator
I got it from this thread:
You have to create an account to see the pictures. There are a bunch in that style on there, the ones I posted were the only SFW ones.
>You have to create an account to see the pictures
In case anybody else is wondering, it was hardly worth the effort. Here's the rest of the set, somebody please upload it to the boorus: https://shota(dot)nu/ss/7dyi8d2k.zip
Is it because they have their cutiemarks? Is that like an ID?
>Got to have ass mark to get your ass marked.
I don't think arms are supposed to bend like that
You saying you don't want that large ass? What are you gay?
it looks unnatural because those can't be your arms
but rather, two people, standing to your left and right, are both stroking her boingy hair.
>~touch boingy haiiir~
but pull her trunks down.. they're unpulled!
How about adding a lot of more hand petting her? and add a naked version of that pic
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The problem though is that even if you see it as two people, it still looks wrong. If the arm on the left is a second person it should be their right arm, but that's clearly a left arm bent the wrong way at the elbow. So either it's one person with freakishly bent arms, or two people, one of whom has two left hands.
well think about it, the elbow bend is straight up, if you're on one side of it, it looks like it's tilted one way, and.. here you're on the other side. I can definitely move my head so that my left arm looks like that, and if the two are standing shoulder to shoulder and using their dominant hands.... okay not great.
Honestly the more I look at it the more I want to believe this image is from the point of view of some Anon-creature with freakish nightmare arms, but instead of being repulsed or frightened loliponk is just friendly and curious.
awww one of those Dark Souls creatures.
or a small hekatonkheir
We all need to be in it to pet her. Did you not read the fine print?
Oh I am retarded and assumed you were op, being reluctant to post more.
I prefer Silver Spoon's, but I guess yours is fine too.
what the hell are they teaching you in schools these days
it's perverted if i DON'T wanna see it.
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But I bet Silver Spoon doesn’t have a booty you could snort coke off of
Do you really think Diamond Tiara goes to public school? Do you really?
well i didn't say public did i
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Pie sisters deserve more love

New to SD still. I'm gonna see if I can fix the arm with InPaint.
Canterlot Highschool seems like a public school to me.
okay at this point it's just a tentacle arm
part of the reason this isn't working is you can't really take a good picture with the arm like that without the head and shoulders in the way. you'd have to zoom in more.
Should I go with a floating hand perhaps
The abominable intelligence would probably struggle less with it.
i'm sure AI has been trained on plenty of floating-hands art. it won't have been trained much on art that is hard for an artist to draw, which basically negates the point of it.
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*pats you back*
see now this one's not too bad, except she'd be grabbing my nipple
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Limestone would
>Whatcha gonna do about it, Anon?
Marble would need some extra blush
>pats head,
"Good job, Squirt"

>pats bulge
>"Good job, now squirt"
Please no I just got done with Silver Spoon I don’t need another girl blackmailing me into being her sex slave/husband.
Imagine being weak that you cum on someone's command. Be man, cum because you want it.
>Anon is getting blackmailed by Diamond Tiara
>Anon is also getting blackmailed by Silver Spoon
>eventually also by Cozy Glow
>all girls find out and demand explanation (and obedience) from you
>cum instantly
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>The choice is yours. Who do you go to hell for anons.
>Picking just one
>Not all four
Pie sisters are meant to be a harem.
I want to hug her and never let her go from me
Loli Pie sister harem idea
>You end up visiting the rock farm
>Meet all the pie sisters and head pat them
>After head patting them each of them react very strongly to it for some reason
>Especially Limestone who grabs your crotch and Marble who clings to your side and refuses to let go afterwards
>Find out they'd gotten the idea that a guy who head pats them wants to be their husband
That's the appeal of Limestone. An aggressive, strong-willed filly exists to be overcome and dominated.
I think I actually want to take a crack at writing this one. Can't promise swift delivery, but I will definitely get to work on it.
there have been many a pie harem green written, but I'm always interested in more.
Wasn't there an Anon that was beginning to write one last thread or so?
Nice, writing is the life blood of threads
>The girls were left without their parents after a tragic incident.
>You have the option and financial capacity to adopt up to 3 of them.
>Whoever not picked will be sent to the local orphanage and eventually go to separate foster home.
>The local law allows you to marry 1 step-daughter when old enough, should you prefer.
Who do you leave without?
obviously I marry one of them now and adopt the other three. come on man give me a hard one.
>Anon went to jail and all 4 girls were sent to the local orphanage.
Well done
come on, the oldest one isn't old enough?
we'll just write the number 14 a little funny on the wedding license.. make the 4 look like a 5. done.
Oh no, that smile is affecting my heart
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My laptop broke, I'm waiting for a screen replacement
With human filly would be the best maid?
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I want her to pollinate me
sweetie but don't let her near the stove
which horse is this
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Humanized anon filly.
Humanized oc never makes sense to me
i mean it does to me, but you can't then put that OC in a costume. because now it's unrecognizable.
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Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara have lots of experience with maids, so they'd have a head start on knowing what to do.
>Luna raiding another loli vequesTuber
This isn't a coincidence, she only raid young ones
Pinkie's also there
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I love Silver Spoon
I’m probably just revealing how old and out of touch I am at this point, but wtf is that thing and what is the reference? I’ve seen it in other images but I don’t get the joke.
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So do I, but I don't love this depiction of either of them.
It's from a video game called "Among Us" that's popular among kids. >>41108293 Shows somewhat what the gameplay is about. You play as space goes on a ship, but some of the other players are monstrous imposters out to kill the regular crew. The goal of the regular crew is to figure out who the imposters are before they kill to many people.
It's like Werewolf for kids
mindless repetitive game for little robots. everybody else found it really fun... for about a week.
bizarre proportions
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I don't like the makeup
They look like midgets.
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he draws them squished
i think this image actually is squished
he draws the proportions pretty normal down to the waist, then abbreviates the pelvis, then SUPER abbreviates the legs.. actually going by the butt, the torso should be okay, but the crotch is too high
this actually reminds me of Breath of the Wild.
I don't like DT's hairstyle
It makes her look mature.
I feel there's something wrong with my sentence. Like a callout or an irony take.
>Lookit this half-a-woman ah found in the hay! If'n I can find the rest of her, ah'll have a nice new big sister who doesn't make me sleep in the barn!
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Why the lipstick? I get it with Diamond and Silver, but why the CMC? I'd even get Sweetie Bell, but not all 3.
Shit taste that's why
At this point I believe the artist just have a lipstick fetish
I don't like that they look like smug, know-it-all college whores instead of mischievous lolis.
They're throwing Big Mac a rainbow party for his birthday.
>swept up
Literally 1984
Is the hair. Makes them look like soccer moms.
still beats their normal hair
they look like moms because they're short and fat. their normal hairstyles are twice as 'mom' as these cute spunky ones.
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I like her normal hair
Silver Spoon looks like she gives her kid essential oils to combat cancer.
no though? that's a 'little girl' haircut
the normal hair... *checks* okay her normal hair is fine. but Tiara's hair is mom-as-fuck. it looks like she paid someone to do it for her.
More like forced the employees to do her hair for free, otherwise she would get the manager.
yess exactly.
Pretty doll girls
All dolled up! So cute
this reminds me of that one doll maker thing people used before AI
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>some silly twit did not get a big enough oxygen pump
>filled with air they're very adorable and precious
You can just tell a brown made this polished turd
from the baseball team? ??
It's just as likely to be the product of a white person of such a sensitive disposition that she feels the need to get offended on others' behalf.
yeah it's personality and upbringing that matter, not color. that was the whole point of the fresh prince of bel-air.
i thought anon meant ghetto people. yknow, the kind that come in all races (except asian)
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Holy cute
>ywn have an arranged marriage where you find love with these cuties
i wanna sit and touch her hands
Id rather grow up with scootaloo and fall in love during our time together. and raise a son and daughter with her. and grow old with her. and go to heaven with her.
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>The road is rough, your carriage bumping and jostling you with every pothole and pit that lines the gravel track.
>It's been a long journey to cross the kingdom to these lands, and the ride has not been smooth.
>You don't even know why you have to bother coming to this place, it's not like your the King. Or at least not for another good 10, no 15 years. Hopefully longer!
>As the Crown Prince you have all of the privileges without any of the responsibilities. Free to laze around all day and be waited on hand and foot. Free to drink and eat and sleep as much as you want.
>At least when your not swinging your sword around, heh in more ways then one.
>But this time your father was very adamant about having you come with him to visit an old friend, sadly one of the duties you must carry out.
>So that is how you found yourself on a carriage heading west across the country to the Duchy of Pastel.
>Your carriage finally stops and one of the knights in your convoy opens the door for you, as you step out into the chilly, saltsea stricken air you see your father already talking to a man in well dressed clothing.
>The Duke if you remember right.
>"Ah! And here is the boy now, Anon hurry over here and meet your new father in law!"
>Father in law!?!?
>That's when you notice it, or rather them. Standing around the Duke are three young girls. Each one dressed in fine fabrics and with expensive jewelry and makeup on.
>The three turn to look and you and despite their young age, you are struck by their beauty.
That's just a little dribble I thought of while looking at this art, there's so many ways a fantasy medieval adventure story can go, if anyone wants to continue feel free to. Hell by the Celestia picture there's no shortage of loli princess drawings out there, who knows? Maybe Celestia and Luna could be your sisters or cousins with a brother complex.
My (mini) queen. I kneel.
The princess of loliquestria
>kneeling before your princess child gf
>to kiss her on the forehead
Seeing pale skin scoots makes me so happy. Cutie! I love her! Shes so pretty! I must protect them.
>anon holds an umbrella over scoots all day
>she just wants to run and play in the sun but he wants her to stay cute and pale
i dig this outfit
Yes, yes, Scootaloo...I want you cuter...paler...it will please me. Now come, dear, it's time to reapply the sunscreen.
Just got a very silly idea.
>Sweetie bot thing that references the six million dollar man
>Six million bit human filly
>"We can rebuild her... Cuter... Funnier... We have the technology."
man i miss friendship is witchcraft
I need to rewatch that anime

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