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We never have Lamia or Sphinx threads anymore......
Unfortunately the vore overlap with Lamias nearly ruined them for me. Cute snek though
namefag once again pretending like /mlp/ is one person
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I like noodles
They're great
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Lamias, draconies, driders, succupones... They are all ultimately way too niche to really have a genuine presence on the board. Maybe they'd find some relevance in a general mosnter mare thread, but I imagine that if there really was enough interest in the idea, it'd have been done already.
Go away newfaggot
I dunno who's more retarded: you for thinking sage is their actual name, or them for essentially announcing a sage which is a reportable offense
putting anything in name category is homosexual and namefagging
Are snake ponies intelligent or...not so much?
God I wish that was me
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Just way too niche, sadly. A shame, they are the best type of monsterpony.
They are highly intelligent and charismatic. They easily become local celebrities.
This particular serpent mare is very grabby, huh?

It's fine. The natural state of normal pony is as a coil warmer.
Sphi. . . ?
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The best of cat and snake combined into one
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Cats don't have many upsides
Wow, rude for literally no reason.
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Anyways this is peak catsnek
I love them.
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the only snake pony I like is Snerpy
her name is funny
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I like it when snakepones do this.
Im curious, there were greens of snake ponies?
Some snakes are green, that is true
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I enjoy it as well
But I like it more when ponies get rubbed up against by the noodle pone's smooth, soft scales
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The vore overlap is what makes them good though Anon.
I remember the Strange Waifu threads, I miss those.
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>triggered janny deletes the first post
>but leaves 4+ eqg nigger threads on the front page and doesn't nuke them.

it's all so tiresome
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Announcing a sage is, in fact, against the rules.
Specifically GR 7.
Anyways, finaggle, fidoodle, your Luna is now a noodle.
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Hug purple ponies
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Imagine the sound
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Woo it’s back

Yeah I’ve been ABSORBED quite quite in other things, haven’t really drawn much in months and the few times I did it’s not lamias or sphinx, I’m doing the dragons and I made some sheep. Most recent snek is still this one
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Tbh I was the one who made new snake threads every 2 weeks or so, and I stopped. Mostly because the amount of Nazis, pedophiles, and sheer fucking dumbass morons on /mlp/ (tho they have always been with us) has seemed to increase to a noxious degree in the last few years.....Or perhaps it's the same, but all the halfway decent people have left the board. And therefore the proportion of lame, hateful, argumentative, toxic, dumbass little fuckwits has increased dramatically.

In any case, this board is a shitshow and I just can't find the same Pony community or discussion we once had here. It's sad, but it's just how it is. Sorry. I sure WANT to post snake pony stuff with you guys but what's the point, most people on this board are no longer thoughtful or caring enough to have a discussion of any value with. Plus no one cares about Lamia anymore anyways...

You have always been the most imaginative and cool person in these threads and it's been an honor witnessing your creative gifts. I hope that you are rewarded for them and that life works out for you.
That’s a mighty compliment, I feel like I haven’t actually done very much. I’m glad everybody liked these threads enough to make 38(!)

They kinda fell off after the first five I’ll admit but we discussed so much in them, I can’t even believe there’s still a struggling attempt to keep going with a thread I made in 2019, feels special, this is truely what it’s like when OP isn’t a fag?

I haven’t done literally nothing, here’s a sad attempt at Jag with a shitty broken ponyXL thing, she looks rough
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I miss Snerpy
Looks like Tija's theoretical drunkard cousin more than Jag.
The others aren’t the right colors but they look a little bit closer, I hate that the ai can replicate the style so well but it fucks up most pictures with stupid mess. It’d be great if I didn’t have to spend like 8 hours making a picture with no colors or background on paper like I’m stuck doing, but it can’t do my characters obviously and it’s not clean
why are they upset
They are but poor imitations
They probably have better colors for the shows palette, I’ve been worrying about that with my characters, I have no real way to test that but the ai just kinda knows with all its seen
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So... no greentext?
Not in a while, I don’t know if there’s a list of them or something

We all miss Honeysickle
That's because the strange waifu thread got killed and all that shit died with it and good riddance.
Yeah, that was the strange waifu thread.
And it was shit.
Fucking bump general.
Being digested is not sexy.
How long ago was that because people have been saying SWG! Since the first thread and it was 5 years ago, this has been a separate thing for a while
Doesn’t have to be sexy kind, I like that they’re terrifying monsters who are never unarmed
This must be a newer snek

She’s going to take that whole tree down
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Tree snek
I feel like these colors aren’t very authentic sps colors, but SPSS ocs are rare as hell and half of them are pre2017 so canon sphinx ocs are even more so
This thread can’t die it’s too important for the health of the quality of thread topic ecosystem, if this dieds to another “Fluttershy’s is cute, that is all” thread or the like we are truely beyond saving as a civilization
Civilization is a myth anyhow.
Get rekt.
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She's proud of her catch
I like her

Dunno what you mean, looks perfectly authentic to me aside from the feathers not being a different color from the coat. Also holy shit this motherfucker has ALL FOUR TOES on each foot, this is like a miracle

What is sps
I didn’t even think about the lack of belly or wing secondary color, I just feel like the shade of blue and magenta there feels off somehow for a sphinx

4 toes is good

This guy doesn’t know what Sps is oh my gosh how embarrassing, I think even toddlers usually know what spyufxx are, cfinks man, a SPSSS
what is sps

Wait, it’s CONCEALING ITSELF! It doesn’t want you to know!
Ah! There it is!
Ooh I get it, this is like the "what walks on 4 legs in the morning" riddle, I gotcha. So a sps means a human
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That's because they SUCK!
Sound like a good deal?
Answering wrong has horrible consequences
Too good, must be a catch, maybe the ones she’s trading are secretly defective
It's a trap, I just can't figure out how yet
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The nurse is ready to show you to your hospital bed!
Guys help! If you got to cuddle all night with a sphinx OR a lamia, which would it be? I can't decide!

>have paws/fingers
>they purr (guys...THEY PURR)
>big comfy wing blankets

>wrap around your whole entire body
>all lamia are naturally charming/charismatic
>capable of extremely fine manipulation, unlike any other creature---you get the massage of a lifetime

I can't pick!!!!
I can't tell whether the ability to hypnotize hospital patients would be a good, or problematic thing
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Good when used appropriately. It can be used as a painkiller or to ensure that the patient follows the treatment plan!
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Give me the hugs!
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I love Lumo I love Lumo
Both are probably too large to cuddle but a lamia you would feel like you’re doing a fair job of

>all lamias are naturally charming and charismatic

lol, lmao
She's beautiful...she would be loved...
She's a pretty fatsnek
I still don't trust her though
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Come now, look how cute and excited she is to meet you!
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No way Lumo hours
I love her and her hilariously space-filling tail that often serves as her own background
Have we decided whether or not all Sphinxes are enormous, or if the one in the show was a special case?
For my lore I’m going with they are all big, but I’m absolutely not sure what the implications of that are, I haven’t figured out how they live, my current thought is the caves of conundrum might be a decent spot because nobody is going to go there and it could be a good large underground space but there’s problems with that like light and food and water even, food in general is an issue, I think they are too big for their own good, it’s possible that they could be made smaller but I’m not sure they would want to do that regardless. If it’s an option then it breaks a lot of a story I have

Honestly though I lot of the timeline and shit is broken and I feel like I have largely failed to develop a strong foundation for them, I have the characters but the background information is thin
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Her owner likes em loooooooong and thicc
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I think they're all big too, because beeg soft paws
Needs 4 toes
I prefer Sphinx to not be a "race" persay and have them be super rare. Same as Alicorns, I suppose they could become a race but they're so few in number it feels weird calling them that. If Sphinxes are rare that makes them intriguing and special, as a proper mythical beast should be.

Maybe Sphinx are infertile, or they aren't created very often for some reason. But I imagine there's no more than a max of 50 Sphinx in the whole world. They have very powerful magic and keep themselves mysterious
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I have them with low population but it’s probably around 250-300 and it’s split between two groups

They are chimeras like griffons or hippogriffs, you can kinda see the relation even with what they’re made of, but sphinx live so much longer and there were fewer original ones made that they have to worry hard about things like pedigree collapse

They are old chimeras though, all the sapient ones we see are, Grogar’s were the monsters, and although the sphinx are rather seen that way I think they were made originally to be effectively soldiers, giant powerful forces to be reckoned with, there’s unusual in that they weren’t intended to be a race, but just enough of them existed for them to become one

The whole idea of “guardian creatures” makes most sense to me if they were created to be so, so the Ahuizotl is similar, the sphinx are just too big for the dense jungles

All the powerful and dangerous magical artifacts that were made by the ancient civilizations were liable to cause some kind of devastating war or catastrophe and they were made to just go in and say no to everyone

I’m not sure though if it makes complete sense yet, the pyramids themselves seem a little confusing, who actually made them, and in some ways it seems like the sphinx might be an overreaction

What the sphinx in the episode was doing would be something abnormal and probably late in the timeline even so long ago, after they had already effectively lost

They know they were made artificially and what their purpose is supposed to be so they are still very traditional and see their creator as a god, and themselves as semi divine perhaps, they do keep to themselves almost entirely, but their mission is basically dead and they’re holding on desperately to their intended path where they’re way behind the times
>cute nurse snake with hypno powers

God I wish she'd take care of me by force
imagine the warmth sharing
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Nobody likes you megaminx ur 2 pinks and your name is bad
There is no such thing as too pink, especially not for males. More pink is only better
We all know by that you mean you just can’t get enough of his giant pink balls.
You mean a guy who is in touch with his feminine side but doesn't come across as meek/awkward, and is still very evidently capable of being fierce/capable? Who can resist?
Being pink doesn’t mean he’s feminine, maybe it makes him a tough guy because he’s got a complex around being pink, it’s not like it’s a choice that shows personality
There’s gotta be a way to determine the realistic weight of a lamia right? I feel like (mine at least) could be 650-800 pounds at least
You could find a snake and mutiply it by squarecube to get a rough estimate
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That's assault
Any other way a lamia could attack a pony is far worse
Sphinx must weigh many tons
Criminally underrated. They don't even have a presence in this thread.
About 20
That's cause this is the Somnambulan cryptid thread
Lamias aren’t usually somnambulan ?
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I picture them as jungle denizens.
Ah yeah, mine are desert but far away by maretonia
What is that purple bubble?
A magic orb! Muyal is a collector.
I'd collect her top
Her top....what?
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cat pnoy i had made
beaut and cute
This must be one of those classic sphinx riddles I'm way too dumb to understand
Defeated by a typo, for shame.
Having hooves in the front and paws in the back is like a sick joke by god
You've been warned
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If you don't like this one I've got a counter offer for you. What d'you think, sound good?
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Send noods
Why should I have sex with a snake? What can they offer me? I'm not sold on it. Seems like a silly thing to do
Full body contact
Tail rattling
Soft and smooth but firm
Cute tongue flicks
can feed your enemies to them
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>snakefag has to mention vore
and this is why I hate creaturefags, they always end up being into some sort of weird ass fetish like vore.
I was thinking more Rancor than fetish, but you do you
Hey man I don't like vore either but it's a harmless and slightly funny fetish and since we only have like 5 people posting in these threads and don't think we can afford to be picky about who's posting or what they post about

All snake lovers are accepted here even the weirdos
It must be very frustrating to be a Lamia and to cuddle anything other than a fellow Lamia, Draconequus, Dragon/super-sized being. A Lamia is
so large and has a ton of surface area, cuddling a normal-size person is insufficient. They have all this tail to use but can only wrap like 15% of it on a pony cuz they're so small. It must be very unsatisfying for the Lamia. Not enough skin contact for them
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This nood doesn't get hugs often
The Sphinx can’t get hugged either, everybody is mouse size to them
What a pretty cow
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Cuppa is just a squishy constrictor noodle that's physically weaker than Kalianne
I love her awkward nerd personality and I love her hair and I love the way she moos
Pair Shinx with lamia for optimal cuddling!
Sphinx is so big that not even a lamia can hug them
Not even Titania?
Well I mean she’s certainly an exception, she could probably eat the whole sphinx
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One free page 10 bump from your friends over in /plone/
That's a chubby one

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