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Previous Thread: >>41018894

Welcome to Fingerbang: The Equestria Girls & Humanized Thread! Anything with >no hooves is welcome and encouraged here. If you like to write, draw, read, or critique the humanized versions of the ponies, then this is the thread for you.

Story List:

--Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

https://ponepaste.org/2937 (Luna)
https://ponepaste.org/9978 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/9088 (Cadance)
https://ponepaste.org/3518 (Various)
https://ponepaste.org/7826 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9092 (All Four Pie Sisters)

https://ponepaste.org/9098 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/3985 (SciTwi)
https://ponepaste.org/7060 (SciTwi)

Magna Anon:
https://ponepaste.org/9460 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/3235 (Rarity)
https://ponepaste.org/3940 (Pinkie)
https://ponepaste.org/4395 (RD)
https://ponepaste.org/4987 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/6019 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/9699 (Pinkie Pie)

https://ponepaste.org/8602 (Coco)

https://ponepaste.org/4863 (Celestia)
https://ponepaste.org/4864 (Mane 6)
https://ponepaste.org/4865 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/9741 (Fluttershy)
https://ponepaste.org/10028 (Various)

--Less Recent Writefags-- (pastebin.com can be swapped with poneb.in if necessary)

PurpTrix: https://ponepaste.org/7160 (Twilight/Trixie)

Magicopia: https://ponepaste.org/user/Magi (Various)

https://ponepaste.org/8603 (Twilight)
https://ponepaste.org/8604 (Celestia)

SolAnon: https://ponepaste.org/6863 (Rarity)

https://ponepaste.org/4939 (Applejack)

https://ponepaste.org/3005 (AJ)

https://ponepaste.org/2619 (RD)

https://ponepaste.org/user/BetAnonTheSecond (Various story links)

https://pastebin.com/rnmM7QJk (Mane Seven)
https://pastebin.com/BFZq3W6t (Sunset Shimmer)

FiftyShadesofYellow: https://pastebin.com/x9BuyJQZ (Fluttershy)

Jade: https://pastebin.com/S9JWisFy (Fluttershy/Rarity/Dash)
https://pastebin.com/Aw0tfU9E (Fluttershy/Scitwi)

TerminusAnon: https://pastebin.com/ddNn3tjZ (Midnight/Twilight)

Lilith: https://pastebin.com/sPUtvkM7 (Mane Six: Space)

https://pastebin.com/6izpGbaV (Various)
https://pastebin.com/VJawJwMe (Various)
https://pastebin.com/jBBpfKdL (Various)

Archival Pastebin: http://pastebin.com/u/FingerbangingMLP
Thread Resources: http://derpy.me/b783H
FimFiction Group: http://www.fimfiction.net/group/204505/human-eqg-fingerbang
Applications: http://derpy.me/tQSuG
Discord: https://discord.gg/jXfKyJP
New Google Drive: >>41052275 (full url exceeded character limit)
>How did this Humanized thread get started? What happened to Fingerbang?

The Humanized thread was created when the various humanized threads (including Fingerbang) on /mlp/ decided to merge. The rest is history. Quite literally as of now.
As I said last thread, the oneshot is finished being written https://ponepaste.org/9978 so now I'll get to drawing, including whichever scenes anyone would like to suggest. Here's the anchor post for that.
Cute shys
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Shit I almost forgot, but thanks! Was really fun writing the Wallflower one, already know how I'm gonna shorhorn Gloriosa and Vignette into the story as well. Also I really really feel your sentiment about Celestia.
>so this livens the story up a bit
I agree. It does its part well.
I do what I can to go somewhere I haven't before. Also planning how I could possibly write a 100% non-lewd sleepover story at some point in the future if anyone would read that.
(reposting in case the post I just made last thread gets missed)
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There was a story on Furaffinity about a policewoman seducing an arrested streaker until he came and passed out;

I can imagine Tempest Shadow doing similar to a Canterlot High delinquent under the effects of Cadance's love magic.

>Officer Tempest Shadow was sent to investigate some strange happenings at Canterlot High.
>After a run-in with the equally strangely affectionate Principal Cadance, her body started getting unbearably hot.
>The temptation to "apprehend" male suspects was starting to interfere with her patrol.
>Tempest is frustrated with some punk kids loitering around at night, in more ways than one.
>They were the same kids she overheard were doing that NNN challenge.
>Her burning libido told her to "put them in their place" and "set them straight".
>Tempest is mentally set on doing something about the "loaded weapon" in his pants.
>Once in her custody, she empties his "concealed weapon" of its fat "load" once he she sees it pointing at her in a panic.
>on furaffinity
>EQG thread
>not even related to FiM
Go back furfag, I’m so sick of seeing you retards flood catalog to the point that something has to be fucking done to get you to finally fuck off
Ooh I like this premise
He must have known what he was asking for
Having a bad day there, Anon?
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>Mindbroken by merely seeing a furaffinity link
I kek'd
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>Fluttershy’s face
Eh I'm not seeing it
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>It takes you a second to realize what just spilled out of your mouth.
>Thankfully, it was only something verbal and not anything that could feasibly stain the carpet.
>A response comes in the form of a collective gasp from the seven girls in the room.
>”Really?” Fluttershy asks you.
>Her tone is a little difficult to parse.
>You can’t tell for sure how genuine she’s being.
>For all you know, she could be the one leaving you notes.
>Now’s not the time to interrogate her.
“Yeah, I’ve been finding these mystery letters either right under me or in my duffle bag.” You reply, presenting your most recent note as proof.
>Fluttershy analyzes the one-sentence correspondence meant for you, and the other six girls huddle close to see for themselves.
>You hold out the letter and seize the moment to study their faces.
>None of them are looking particularly guilty or like they’re hiding something, but the fact that one of these seven lovely young ladies has been secretly professing their attraction to you is incredibly compelling.
>”How many of these love letters did you get?” Twilight asks you, without any inflections in her tone of voice that would give away her being the messenger.
“Four, I think.” You answer, then going to root through your pockets to find the other notes that’ve been left for you.
>You present the previous letters you’ve received: “I have a crush on you.”, ”Sometimes I get lost in your eyes.”, and ”I could listen to you talk for hours.”
“Yeah, four so far.”
>”Ooh, how exciting! Who do you think’s your secret admirer, Nonny?” Pinkie excitedly asks you.
>You step back and place an inquisitive finger on your chin, eyeing all seven of the girls with suspicion.
“...I’ll be honest, you two were my lead suspects.” You say, pointing to Twilight and Fluttershy.
>Fluttershy looks away nervously and Twilight awkwardly chuckles.
>”W-What do you mean, ‘were’?” She asks you.
“It’s a little narcissistic to say, but it’s my belief that the reason all of you’ve been hyping me up for this sleepover was to set me up with the one of you who’s caught feelings for me. You backed off after realizing you were getting a little handsy with me, and Applejack had to pull you away from me.” You explain to Twilight and Fluttershy, then turning to Pinkie.
“Then that would mean you’d be ruled out, too. Seeing as how Twilight stopped you from… licking me.
>Pinkie gives you a guilty giggle.
>”Alright then, boy detective, who IS your prime suspect?” Sunset goaded you.
>You take a deep breath.
“Right now, it’s you.” You answer, turning to Rarity.
>Rarity softly gasped and defensively placed her hand on her chest.”
>”Why, Moi?”
>You shrug.
“I don’t know, leaving anonymous love letters for me to find is the kind of romantic thing you’d be into. That’s the best theory I’ve got right now, anyway.” You say.
>”He’s got a point there.” Rainbow remarked.
“Don’t get too smug, you’re in second place.” You say to Rainbow.
>”What!?” She cried out, making Rarity and Sunset giggle.
“I dunno, you’re not good with mushy romantic stuff and this is the best way you can express your feelings!” You answer.
>”Pfft, as if I’d EVER resort to doing something as dorky as THAT. Trust me, if I had any kind of crush on you, you’d know it.” Rainbow insisted.
“You mean like how you were eyeing me up earlier?” You grin at her.
>Rainbow sputters at you.
>”I didn’t leave you any stupid love letters!” She exclaims, red in the face.
“Yeah, well, the night’s still young, so we’ll see.” You remind her.
>”Hey now, don’t wanna tease her too much, there’s pretty good odds she ain’t the one.” Applejack reminded you with a grin.
“You’re in third place, by the way.” You say to her.
>”Oh, yeah? How come Rainbow’s ahead of me, then?” Applejack interrogated you.
“Because you’re a little more blunt when it comes to this kind of stuff. I feel like if you felt something for me, you’d just tell me.”
>”Aww, does that mean I’m in last place?” Sunset fake-pouts at you.
“Hey, come on, you’ve been weirdly flirty with me since we first met. I ruled out the possibility of you being into me like that a while ago.” You remind her with a grin.
>”That’s some serious sleuthing, Nonny!” Pinkie giggled.
>”Aww, you didn’t think I had any genuine feelings for you? You wound me, new boy.” Sunset teased you.
“Then how come you haven’t said anything the whole semester?”
>”Because I wanted to make the moment memorable? What, you think I’d just confess my fiery attraction to you in between classes?” Sunset rebutted.
>”And by the way, that could be why Twilight, Pinkie, or Fluttershy had to be stopped from leaping on you and giving in to their lust earlier. We could’ve spent all week planning just the moment where you two would share the most beautiful and romantic first kiss ever shared in Canterlot, can’t you imagine how disappointing it would be for your secret admirer to spoil that by tearing off her clothes and begging you to take her right here in the middle of the sleepover?”
>”H-He gets it, Sunset, you don’t have to be so descriptive.” Twilight interjected, hiding a faint blush.
>Sunset’s words made everyone else a little flustered as well.
>...And she raises a good point.
>You don’t know how much planning was done behind your back.
>You may have four love letters, but you’re not the one holding all the cards.
>The girls surrounding you two are watching you intently.
>Any one of them could have been leaving you the notes.
>You relent, nodding your head.
“...You’re right.”
>”You don’t know that! You could’ve been right on the money when you said Rarity’s the one you’ve inflicted many restless nights upon~” Sunset countered you.
>”That’s not what he said!” Rarity objected.
>”It’s like you said, the night’s still young, anything could happen~” Sunset reminded you, placing her hands on your shoulders and stepping close to you.
>You squint at Sunset as you lean closer to her.
“...You know who’s been leaving the notes, don’t you?”
>Sunset answered with a sinister giggle.
>Before you could say anything, Sunset placed a finger on your lips.
>”But wouldn’t that take the fun out of the whole thing? Wouldn’t you rather spend the night getting close to each of us, looking deep into our eyes, trying to find the truth we’re trying to hide from you~?”
>Sunset has such a way with words.
>It’s making your custom-made pants snug.
>You pray the girls don’t notice.
“...If my secret admirer’s any of the girls here, I doubt she’ll appreciate you getting so touchy.” You say to Sunset, crossing your arms.
>She gives you a playful shove.
>”You can worry your pretty little head about who your secret admirer is later, right now we’ve got a sleepover to get back to! Right, girls?” Sunset proclaimed, turning back to the six.
>A group of faintly flustered sounds of agreement came from the six.
>”Now, what was it you wanted to do tonight?” Sunset asked Fluttershy.
>Fluttershy glances between you and Sunset as she tries to answer.
>”Uh… karaoke?”
>”That’s right! Everyone gets ten minutes to pick a song while Pinkie and I get everything set up.” Sunset announced, clapping her hands together.
>Everyone hurried off to a different corner of the room to scroll through their phones and pick a song they could sing.
>You spent the first few minutes sitting on the floor and staring into space, just taking it all in.
>You didn’t know what to expect from this sleepover, but it wasn’t any of this.
>Not only does one of your friends have a crush on you, all the girls are showing interest in you.
>It might be just because you’re rocking the midriff, but all this is so new to you.
>You’ve never seen Pinkie so lewd.
>Twilight seemed like she was hypnotized by your body.
>Fluttershy almost kissed you!
>Your face feels like it’s glowing.
>What else is gonna happen tonight?
>What if you’re right about Rarity, Rainbow, or Applejack?
>You can’t be wasting time, you don’t want to be called up for your song and be empty-handed.
>You scrolled through your phone’s music library, hoping something will stick out to you.
>None of them do.
>You’ve never been much of a singer.
>Especially compared to the girls.
>They’ve all got such lovely singing voices.
>You can only hope you’ll get called up first to get the rough opening act out of the way.
>”Oh, one more thing!” Pinkie called out to everyone.
>”It’s gotta be a love song!”
>Damn it.
>You’re running out of time.
>You don’t really listen to a lot of love songs.
>...Honestly most of the music you listen to is video game soundtracks.
>Those typically aren’t known for their lyrics.
>And while your Latin isn’t up to snuff, you’re not confident One-Winged Angel has much to do with love.
>You keep scrolling and scrolling, hoping to find something that you could sing decently.
>You’re not hitting those high notes, that’s for sure.
>”Three minutes left!” Pinkie announced.
>Come on, pick something.
>You’re coming up short.
>So many songs, so many that are debatably related to love, so little time.
>You nervously look around the room to see how everyone else is doing.
>The girls are sitting comfortably on the couch, carpeted floor, or beanbag chair.
>Pinkie’s just about set up the makeshift stage and connected the bluetooth microphone to Rarity’s sound system.
>Come on, pick something, Anon.
>Slow down.
>Take a deep breath.
>Remember what Sunset said.
>”Go with the flow.”
>”Focus on having a good time.”
>You inhale.
>You exhale.
>You’re worrying too much.
>Like what you’ve been doing a lot today.
>It’s not like you’re competing in front of the entire school.
>It’s just karaoke with friends during a sleepover.
>There’s nothing at stake, there’s no awards to be won or lost.
>It’s all for fun.
>It’ll all be good fun.
>You’re gonna sing your best, and you’re gonna have a great time.
>This crop top’s gonna help you do that.
>And it’s not like they’re gonna throw eggs at you if they don’t like your performance, unlike your old school…
>”Time’s up! Hope you’ve all picked something good!” Pinkie announced.
>Oh, God.
>Pick something, now.
>You shut your eyes, blindly scroll down the list of songs on your phone, and when you feel your intuition hit, you press down on your phone screen.
>...You could’ve done worse.
>It’ll have to do.
>Pinkie giddily stands atop the makeshift stage with Sunset as the rest of you sit down in front of her.
>You end up sitting in between Rarity and Applejack, with Twilight, Fluttershy, and Rainbow in front of the three of you.
>”Alrighty, who wants to go first?” Pinkie asked.
>Before you could volunteer to be the first to sing, Pinkie spoke up again.
>”Just kidding! I’ll be going first! It’ll help get those of you with stage fright all loosened up and ready to sing your heart out!”
>Pinkie’s probably right about this, maybe seeing them put themselves out there will help ease you up.
>But you’re still nervous.
>You don’t have any reason to be nervous, but your hands are getting a little sweaty.
>Pinkie leaned over in Sunset’s ear to whisper something.
>Sunset giggled along with her and typed away at the nearby laptop to set up the song.
>”Hey, you nervous?” Applejack quietly asks you.
>You sigh.
“...Yeah, a little. But I know I shouldn’t be.” You admit.
>”Aw, shoot, Anon. I’m sure you’ve got one heck of a singin’ voice.” Applejack encouraged you.
>”Indeed! You’ve a nice voice, your singing is bound to be lovely!” Rarity pitched in, nudging your shoulder.
“Yeah, well, we’ll see…”
>Pinkie presses a button on her microphone, and the sound system buzzes to life.
>The sound of Pinkie breathing in and out is amplified by the two speakers set up on either side of the stage.
>The thought of your voice being amplified makes you a little more nervous.
>If you fall on your face, the entire town will know.
>Well, maybe not a TON of people.
>Rarity’s family is the only one living on Canterlot’s main street.
>”Alrighty, here we go!” Pinkie excitedly said, pressing the spacebar on the nearby laptop.
>The music starts.
>Playful laughter is shared between you and the girls as Pinkie belts out the lyrics.
>She’s really into it, too.
>She’s moving around in time with the beat, making extravagant gestures to emphasize her singing, she’s right in her element.
>It’s not what you’d immediately think of when it comes to love songs, but it’s close enough for you to allow it.
>...You have to admit, the song’s a guilty pleasure of yours.
>Damn those 90’s pop stars and their insidiously catchy music.
>Pinkie puts a real flair on that song that you’ve listened to more times than you care to admit.
>It’s impossible to not get infected by how much fun she’s clearly having on stage.
>Sunset, Twilight, and Fluttershy join in on the chorus, but you decide to sit that out.
>Don’t want to upstage Pinkie, after all.
>Your time will come.
>Once the song’s concluded, Pinkie is surprisingly not out of breath.
>The six of you laugh good-heartedly and applaud her, which Pinkie responds to with a deep bow and incredibly wide smile.
>”Okie dokie, who wants to go next?” She asks you all, wiping some sweat from her forehead.
You certainly are keeping me guessing with the notes stuff. Though here's my latest theory.
>Sunset is placing the notes and on the notes is stuff each of the girls have said about Anon
>>Damn those 90’s pop stars and their insidiously catchy music.
That's the gateaway for Anon. He can pick a shitton of songs, like:
I enjoy Fluttershy’s wetsuit having the sleeves and leg pieces being removed to make it a one-piece swimsuit. There’s something about the idea that it used to be a full wetsuit that makes it now being a one-piece twice as lewd as it originally being a one-piece.
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That's the best part!
Why do people who post this pretend they didn’t have 100+ pony threads to choose from? Is your dead nhnb site not enough? /mlp/ is barely more alive than there outside of rare happenings, so I’m just confused.
I love the upside down skirt flip wardrobe malfunction.
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It's low effort shitposting Anon, never give it the time of day
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Glad Pinkie is the type to take charge. She's such a good friend, getting them to sing a nice song like that.
it's obviously Rarity's mom
Wait, what about Rarity's mom?
>a 100% non-lewd sleepover story at some point in the future if anyone would read that
I’ll be honest, I don’t hate your idea but I think it’s a mistake.
Surely *someone* out there will read that but by its own design it abandons the point of what we want.
There’s a reason why most eqg sleepover fics end up glorified harem smut and Cosmic Butthole is closely following that trope set by many before him.
There’s a reason why the great general for it that once graced this board was called the LEWD sleepover thread.
Readers just want you to get them invested in the characters then have Anon fuck them one by one. It’s by no means new or original but it never was since the beginning lol.
Subtract the thing the people always wanted to see on repeat then start writing and what are you left with? What would you even write about? I wouldn’t expect many readers at all let alone replies.
It seems you already understand this but you’re proposing it anyway, why? I give you credit for not going ahead with it before asking if people want it, but is it worth the effort?
I look forward to your next update but I think you should reconsider this idea, gray. I really do not think it would work, or at least not on this website.
She's got it going on.
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New Canterlot Exchange devlog.
Cute Adagio!
Hell yeah! Really looking forward to this one. Snoot Game and I Wani Hug That Gator! got me into visual novels and this is the kind of premise I'd want the most in an EqG visual novel.
Reminds me of an idea I had for my dream game of Bully set in Canterlot High: a God Hand style build-your-own-combo system where you could choose how you fight in game. Like after grappling your opponent, you could headbutt them, knee them in the stomach, clothesline them, give them a haymaker, or sweep their legs and throw them to the ground
It's way easier to dream up this stuff than actually make, but it's fun to imagine. Maybe you could even unlock new fighting moves by beating certain bosses, like beating the captain of the football team gives you the ability to tackle someone to the ground, then pick them up and throw them.
It's great because it's visually communicating her character development as she comes out of her shell and her swimsuit

Also, for the next OP, be sure to switch out the Story List google doc link with this one: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zOXWA9Sk2Jx3mRzic0F-SMfBReeRLRXz/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103506761716451555172&rtpof=true&sd=true
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I understand where you're coming from, and you're right but for a different reason.
I've seen how this plays out before: Someone writes something a lot of people wanted and they all read it, then a second person does it but almost no one's reading it because everyone already got what they wanted, and the juice ends up not being worth the squeeze. This is why I have a slight feeling most people reading Cosmic's green now won't be so interested once any second writer here does a sleepover green. So I feel like I might as well approach the premise completely differently anyway, then just kind of see where that goes. Because I pretty much have a moral obligation to rewrite the ones I did years ago in my hilariously shameful cringe era that I think aged super poorly:
https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/30863056/#30883155 (will make paste for the full thing soon)
I have now found both of them during my hunt for more and more content from the larger google docs dead urls.
I really hope you see this post because I 100% want to give it a shot, but it might not pan out at all like I said above. I don't know if you noticed, but I rarely ever write the main six/seven anymore, and do lesser known characters instead because there's more blank spaces to fill in with whatever I want. That coupled with the fact that I don't update anywhere close to every day would make it extremely difficult to get/keep people invested enough to interact. I'd have to make it a CYOA or something, which would require me to update waay more often than every two to three weeks anyway, which I do not trust I will do. But I wanna try anyway for the reason I stated in the first part of this post.
>Also, for the next OP, be sure to switch out the Story List google doc link with this one:
Yeah, I apologize for rushing too much to think of that. I will definitely do that. While I'm still a little mad about the character limit, the OP has indeed been getting too long in recent years. I should move/take some more old stuff out of it since I kinda don't have a choice anymore at this point. Would you be up for making a ponepaste page for storing the "Less Recent Writefags" section of the OP or do you want me to do it? Either way works for me.
I really felt that part about insidiously catchy music from the 90s.
Karaoke night is actually perfect for sleepovers, I probably won't use that in my future green I mentioned above, but Pinkie was adorable as always here.
You just gave me an idea.

Sorry if this plaintext post was a bit tedious to read for some.
Honestly you can feel free to remove my Lightning Man green from the OP. I'll be the first to admit it isn't the best thing I've written here, I just put it on ponebin to make sure it's preserved for those who enjoy reading it.
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Will do.
But I am still going to see about storing the less recent writers/stories into one paste page and just having the url to that in the next OP to clean it up a little. So I might just do that with a new paste on my account unless you or someone else wants to do it. I'd much rather someone other than me (as long as they actually do it in good faith and keep things updated) store the OP links and stuff somewhere, but I'll do it on my Ponepaste if that becomes necessary.
The first scene where they strip Principal Celestia naked by ripping her clothes off against her will!
>”I’m going next! Lemme show all of you how it’s done!” Rainbow was quick to answer.
>Quicker than you.
>Be honest, you were never gonna beat her to the punch.
>Rainbow excitedly pulled up the song of her choice and gripped the microphone.
>”You all better be ready for this!” She hyped you all up.
>Now here’s a song you’re not embarrassed to admit liking.
>Rainbow’s head rocked in time with the beat and she strummed an imaginary guitar before the vocals came in.
>Her scratchy voice isn’t one you would’ve pegged for being good for singing, but she sings with such bravado that she basically wills it into working.
>If you had Rainbow’s confidence, you’d be way further ahead in life.
>But she’s got the skill to back up her confidence.
>You get swept up in the rockin’ music, nodding your head along with the beat.
>Rainbow’s a natural with the air guitar.
>You notice she’s accurately strumming as she sings and rocks around the stage.
>If she actually did have her guitar, she’d sweep this karaoke night.
>Something about Rainbow’s performance sticks out to you, though.
>Every now and again she’d make eye contact with you.
>It shouldn’t get to you, but it’s always during choice lyrics.
>”Down the street, I'm the girl next door”
>”I'm the fox you've been waiting for”
>Then, later in the song,
>”I'll give you somethin' to live for”
>”Have you and grab you 'til you're sore”
>Come to think of it, Pinkie was looking at you a lot when she was singing, too.
>Mainly when she was telling what you gotta do if you wanna be her lover.
>...Is this another one of Sunset’s schemes?
>Is she, or Pinkie, or whoever, trying to throw you off your investigation?
>The girls around you are enjoying Rainbow’s singing.
>To varying extents, granted.
>The Runaways are hardly Rarity’s favorite band.
>The song comes to its echoing conclusion and Rainbow throws her head back for the finale.
>You and the girls applaud her incredible performance.
>It’s difficult to say whether Pinkie or Rainbow put on the better performance, they sang such different songs in such different ways.
>You’re thinking about this wrong, anyway.
>It’s not about being the best singer, it’s about having fun.
>”Great job, Rainbow!” Fluttershy congratulated her.
“Yeah, that was awesome!” You agree, making Rainbow beam with pride.
>”I’m not entirely sure that counts as a love song.” Rarity muttered.
>”It totally does!” Rainbow insisted.
>”I’ll go next, this ought to be more in line with what you’re expectin’.” Applejack volunteered, getting up from the floor and getting her song ready.
>”Oh, alright, but I’m going next.” Rarity insisted.
>Man, ripping off this Band-Aid is gonna be harder than you thought.
>With a familiar drum riff, Applejack’s song began.
>Rarity’s immediately more pleased by this choice.
>Applejack takes to singing the lyrics belonging to both of the singers in the song.
>She really pulls it off.
>Most people might not have thought so, but Applejack’s a lovely singer.
>You’ve never really seen much of this side of her before.
>She’s normally so focused on being the tough and humble farm girl, seeing her sing about love is new to you.
>And she’s definitely making eye contact with you while singing.
>Especially during the chorus.
>”Ain’t no mountain high enough”
>”Ain’t no valley low enough”
>”Ain’t no river wide enough”
>”To keep me from gettin’ to you, baby”
>Is this what this karaoke thing is all about?
>To give each of the girls a chance to serenade you?
>Sunset planned this karaoke stuff with Pinkie, after all.
>If that’s the case, then Applejack’s in the lead.
>Her song’s the most overtly romantic one, compared to Rainbow and Pinkie’s selection.
>Oh, God, this just got more intense.
>What are you gonna do when you go up there?
>Get it together, Anon.
>Applejack’s singing, not you.
>Her song wraps up soon enough, concluded with Applejack taking a humble bow with a smile.
>Another round of applause comes from the crowd.
>You make eye contact with her while clapping, making Applejack quickly look away from you and towards Rarity.
>”How’s that for a love song?”
>”Applejack, if I was the lucky young man you were singing to, I’d have fallen helplessly in love.” Rarity answered with a smile.
>Rainbow looked away to roll her eyes.
>Applejack’s making a compelling argument for being your secret admirer.
>Maybe third place was too low for her.
>”What did you think, Nonny? Wasn’t AJ amazing?” Pinkie excitedly asked you.
>The girls turn to face you.
>Applejack looks especially interested in what you have to say.
>You manage to smile at her despite how much pressure you’re feeling.
“You were… amazing, Applejack. I never knew you could sing like that.”
>They’re all real happy with your answer.
>Applejack gently laughs.
>”Yeah, well, I don’t really let a lot of folks see this side of me. Consider yourself lucky, city boy.” She lightly teases you.
“Oh, I do, don’t worry.” You assure her with a smile.
>”Now, I believe it’s my turn.” Rarity reminds Applejack, getting up on stage to get herself ready.
>Applejack obligingly returns to her seat on the carpet next to you.
>She’s sitting a little closer to you than before, and she’s still got that smile on her face.
>Rarity takes a moment to compose herself before the song starts.
>Oh man, another song you’re a little too familiar with.
>Before the lyrics kick in, you think about how the girls have such varying tastes.
>Pinkie’s song was from the 90’s, Rainbow’s song was from the 70’s, Applejack’s song was from the 60’s, and Rarity’s song is from the early 2000’s.
>Wouldn’t it be crazy if everyone ended up picking a song from a different decade.
>Come on, that’s not what you should be thinking about right now.
>The scheme is clear, Rarity’s picked this song to be all sexy and seductive.
>Well, you’re onto her.
>It’s not gonna work.
>”Baby, can't you see I'm callin'?”
>”A guy like you should wear a warnin'”
>”It's dangerous, I'm fallin'”
>Oh, God, it’s working.
>You’ve known Rarity for almost the entire semester but you’ve never heard her like that before.
>Diamond-cut sensuality.
>She knows what she has.
>She’s swaying her hips as she sings.
>Her eyes are half-lidded.
>And she never breaks eye contact with you.
>You’re feeling exposed again.
>The confidence your new look gave you turned on you.
>Rarity’s using it against you.
>You’re covered in her handiwork.
>She has you in her grasp.
>Sensuality is laced into every word of the early 2000’s hit she’s singing.
>Her soft, breathy voice ensnares you.
>It’s like Rarity forgot she was singing karaoke.
>It’s like the only thing she sees right now is you.
>Any guy at school would kill to be sitting in your position, but you’re too hot under the collar to savor the moment.
>When the instrumental break plays, Rarity’s hands slide down her body to her thighs.
>Her hands trail back up her body, dragging her pajama shirt up just enough to give you a teasing look at her midriff.
>Oh, fuck.
>Is Rarity about to start stripping?
>You nervously look around at the other girls to see what they’re feeling.
>They’ve gotta be super uncomfortable.
>But… it doesn’t look like they are.
>The girls all look like they’re waiting for something.
>Applejack’s rocking in place, Twilight’s gripping her knees, Fluttershy’s glancing at the clock on the wall.
>You want to get a better look at what Rainbow, Applejack, and Sunset are feeling, but your eyes are magnetically drawn back to Rarity’s seductive singing.
>She finishes the final chorus and sings the outro.
>”Intoxicate me now with your lovin' now”
>”I think I'm ready now (I think I'm ready now)”
>”Intoxicate me now with your lovin' now”
>”I think I'm ready now”
>Rarity’s not singing anymore.
>She’s inviting you.
>She’s daring you.
>Then the song ends.
>The girls give Rarity a sound of applause, but you sit this one out.
>You’re still stunned by her sexy serenade.
>You’re sure your face is as red as a tomato, you’re positive.
>The looks she gave you while singing are gonna stay with you for the rest of your life.
>”Wow, Rarity, that was super hot!” Pinkie congratulated her, completely unfazed by her salacious performance.
>”Thank you! I do try!” Rarity thanked her, completely shedding the persona she wore while singing.
>”Yeah, that was something, alright…” Rainbow grumpily mumbled.
>”What did you think, Anon?” Twilight asked you.
>Suddenly, the ceiling lights appear more like the lamp in an interrogation room.
>”I bet it was your favorite of the night~” Sunset teased you.
>Rarity leaned towards you and batted her eyes at you.
“I… Well…”
>You shakily exhale.
>You’re sweating.
>You can feel Applejack and Rainbow looking at you.
“...It- It wouldn’t be fair to say it was my FAVORITE. I mean, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow did their own thing, it’s not really a fair comparison to make.” You manage to say, earning a giggle from Sunset.
“But… That was incredible.” You say to Rarity.
>She slyly covers her mouth as she responds with a flirty giggle.
>”Why, thank you, Anon!”
“Really, I’m just worried about how I’m gonna follow an act like that. You girls are making me feel like I’m about to go on stage at a concert and the warm-up act is Queen.” You remark with a self-deprecating chuckle.
>”We haven’t heard you sing yet! You could be just as good at singing, but that’s not as important as you getting up there and having fun!” Twilight reminded you.
>Yeah, Rarity looked like she was having a lot of fun up there.
>”Who’s up next?” Pinkie asked you, Twilight, Sunset, and Fluttershy as Rarity got down from the stage and sat down right next to you.
>Being sandwiched in between the two girls who serenaded you is hurting your ability to volunteer.
>You can feel their emotions radiating off of them.
>They’re infecting you.
>If Rarity’s the one leaving you the notes, you’d expect a trail of rose petals leading to her bed.
>And you almost dread to imagine what Applejack could do to you with those toned, muscular legs and hips of hers.
>Fluttershy still isn’t feeling up to performing, and Sunset’s clearly up to something.
>She’s hardly the type to get stage fright.
>But you’d think Fluttershy wouldn’t be having stage fright here, she’s with her friends.
>Maybe it’s the love song part that’s getting to her.
>”I’ll go next! Maybe it’ll get the rest of you warmed up!” Twilight volunteered as she got up.
>You’re plenty warmed up already.
>As Twilight’s getting everything set up, you feel Rarity lean into your ear.
>”You were a wonderful audience~” She whispered to you.
>You can’t turn to look at her.
>When your eyes meet again, she’ll have you under her spell.
>Nice one, ladykiller.
>Applejack’s hand grazes across yours.
>You freeze up.
>Twilight finishes setting up, grabs the microphone, and hits play.
>Ah, there we go.
>You’ve got a soft spot for these kinds of pop songs.
>Nice and wholesome, not brimming with sexual tension.
>”Here we go again”
>”I kinda wanna be more than friends”
>”So take it easy on me”
>”I'm afraid you're never satisfied”
>Twilight sings it so nicely, too.
>Her voice carries the lyrics in such a genuine tone.
>It feels less like a song and more like a genuine confession of love.
>You can tell she’s a little awkward being on stage.
>She’s more focused on the wall behind the group of you.
>Twilight must have more experience singing in the shower.
>When the chorus kicks in, she finds it within herself to sing a little louder.
>”Oh-oh, I want some more”
>”Oh-oh, what are you waiting for?”
>”Take a bite of my heart tonight”
>It might be because you’ve never heard Twilight really address a huge crowd before, but you’ve never heard Twilight vocalize so triumphantly before.
>Her smile is so pretty, too.
>In the brief bit of instrumental between the chorus and the next verse, your eyes meet hers.
>It seems like her confidence falters a bit, but she presses on with the singing.
>You don’t judge her, you doubt you’ll do much better.
>And her voice is better suited for singing than yours.
>As Twilight sings, she regains her confidence.
>This song clearly means a lot to her.
>The way she sings it, it feels less like a pop song you’ve heard on the radio a bunch and more like she’s genuinely confessing her feelings.
>Maybe she is.
>After the song’s chorus came the bridge.
>Twilight clutches the microphone and sings in a slightly quieter voice.
>Her eyes are shut as she sings.
>But as Twilight gets closer to the end of the bridge, she carefully opens her eyes and looks at you.
>That one, incredibly brief moment between the fourth and fifth line where your eyes meet hers freezes everything around you two.
>Twilight takes a deep breath and sings the rest of the song with passion.
>It’s almost night and day compared to how she started.
>Now it’s like she wants the entire town to hear her.
>She’s letting her body move with the music, rocking back and forth with the energetic beat.
>It’s really incredible to see.
>You can’t help but smile.
Rarity went for a killer immediately.
But those songs hardly about love, except for AJs, probably.
And all this time, Anon is sitting here, with his stomach at display, like a total manslut.
Damm, Rarity knows her game well.
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As you wish. I usually rush over two days at very most drawing something, but I'll take my time this time and spend about 4 to 5 days. I'll have it out by Monday-Tuesday if all goes well.
>>When the instrumental break plays, Rarity’s hands slide down her body to her thighs.
>>Her hands trail back up her body, dragging her pajama shirt up just enough to give you a teasing look at her midriff.
>>Oh, fuck.
>>Is Rarity about to start stripping?
Hell yeah, I see what you're doing here. While still drawing out the character-focus to get us invested into the girls as much as possible, using lewd moments like this to make us /feel/ like the dam containing the full-on smut is breaking even though it isn't yet. Pretty much how this anon >>41081213 put it last thread.
It's extremely great at getting readers super engaged with a story like this, I always liked this strategy.
Especially how it makes the eventual payoff feel 20x more satisfying.
Great use of different songs for each girl's personality. Looking forward to more.
Is this going to be a Homestuck-like? Don't get me wrong. I would've loved a pony FiM dating sim before an EqG game.
What the other anon said but if you do this like your Celestia downblowse pic then I can’t wait
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Cherry Bomb was super fitting for Dash. I took a guess she was going to go with that song and I was grinning ear to ear when it ended up being that one.
in;b4 Fluttershy tries to choose some crazy death metal shit at first
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Hey, Grey? Can we get a short story about a NNN winner who gets the confidence to date Rarity, but gets uncontrollably horny around her mom Cookie once he meets the latter at their house? It essentially boils down to a gradually losing struggle between his crush on Rarity vs his lust for Cookie.
Not sure what you mean by that. I don't think the name of the group behind the VN means anything.
I know I'd always go for more milf or cougar content.
To be completely honest I'm not super into music stuff so picking a song for everyone to sing for karaoke was the hardest part of writing this green
I also wanted there to be a kind of escalation in the intensity of the love stuff in the songs, where Pinkie's song Wannabe is talking about how you've gotta get along with her friends to be her lover, and Rainbow's song has some intimate lines in it but isn't super focused on that stuff
Thank you! That's something I really wanted to focus on when writing this because I physically can't write a story where Anon gets right to slinging dick, especially in a harem story. I wanted to really make reaching the goal of turning the mane seven into his personal harem feel earned, so focusing on each girl's personalities and why they like him was essential for me. I'm really looking forward to seeing you guys read the sex stuff when we get to that at long last
Homeschool Studios is the name of the guys making the game, the actual game is called Canterlot Exchange
Rarity was real fun to write in this section, she's got that home field advantage
I thought so too! My initial pick was Miss Independent by Kelly Clarkson, but that got shifted to Rarity because while the theme of the song could feasibly work for Rainbow, it would be a better fit for Rarity. Of course, that ended up being replaced with Toxic, which I think worked out way better.
I want to imagine Rarity introducing her new boyfriend to Cookie, and Anon is fighting a huge erection the entire time being so close to her. He can't keep his eyes off the 80s-style MILF in the room, wearing her exposing tank top and tight yoga pants that show off her voluptuously pudgy body.

And now, he can't stop thinking of Cookie every time he makes out with Rarity. He wants that fat nut he saved up to go to Rarity, but a more primal part of him wants to give it to Cookie once they're alone with each othet, who's strangely passively receptive to his unconscious advances.
That actually reminds me of an idea I'd had. Where it's more Rarity who has a crush on him while playing hard to get and leading him on. Then Cookie Crumbles subconsciously entices him with her traditional home making skills, especially her cooking. On the surface she's just being a good and attentive host, but deep down she likes any attention she gets from him too much and wants him to herself.
And with Anon being a hormonal teenager with over a month's worth of nut saved up, he goes for the easier lay with the MILF?
Basically, also I really like the idea of a milf acting possessive with a younger guy she has no right to do that with, and even better if she denies she's doing that when she clearly is.
I prefer a slow burn lust where both parties try and fail to resist their powerful base urges towards each other while trying their best to act normal, especially when the sexual relationship is highly inappropriate. Examples would be a noticable age gap or already having a partner or being married, so Rarity's boyfriend losing control of himself and fucking her mom Cookie behind her back is perfect for this.
What I was saying isn't immediate fucking either. Something along these lines.
>Cookie Crumbles prepares fresh baked cookies and homemade lemonade for Anon when he comes over and presents them to him
>Insists on staying close to him and not letting go anywhere with Rarity while he eats and she fawns over him
>It's obvious to Rarity and Anon what she's doing, but she denies up and down she's doing anything wrong insisting it's 100% innocent
I know. I'm just saying that I prefer if Cookie wasn't consciously pursuing Anon. The latter is gravitating towards her without realizing instead because, as much as he wants to be with Rarity, his lust for her mother is slowly overpowering it. Cookie herself is mostly oblivious and being genuinely kind and motherly.
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That sounds like a fun idea to top off this https://ponepaste.org/9592 with. Sure, as soon as I'm done drawing. Or at least done drawing the first pic. Though I should point out that I'm too caught up doing other stuff to add any new full projects. If I'm not mistaken, I think the top three projects on my plate right now are:
>1. Wallflower/Juniper/Gloriosa/Vignette thing to finish ASAP so it's out of the way.
>2. Drawing at least 3 panels of Principal Celestia vs. love zombies by Tuesday.
>3. Writing more Bros With Benefits on FimFic by Tuesday-ish.
Out of like 5 or 6 total currently.
And these don't even include irl responsibilities.
Welcome, m8. I fully align with your "it must be earned first" sentiment, and hyping up readers with lewdness suspense has always been fun. I just have way too much on my plate to focus on doing that with several characters at once, which takes extra focus for me due to something I should probably confess.
As much as sleepover content is extra fun, I truly wish I was into harem content in particular like people here seem to be. It'd be easier for me to have fun with it.
Either way, I'm really looking forward to how you bring it all into full-fledged action time after all the momentum you're building up. You're doing a great job with it.
Okay, I've been reading what you guys have been saying and could probably make it work as long as it's fast-paced and doesn't take a lot of posts due to my current time constraints. Though, I'm not sure how I could make a past-paced slow-burn work. But I could try.
>That sounds like a fun idea to top off this https://ponepaste.org/9592 with. Sure, as soon as I'm done drawing. Or at least done drawing the first pic.

I also want to imagine that the more Anon tries to focus on Rarity and her slim, busty figure, the more her mother Cookie and her objectively superior thicc bod encroaches on his thoughts instead. Displaying her assets to him obliviously through her tight shirt and yoga pants, and quickly making him erect. Unintentionally making euphemisms that bring sex to mind. Being touchy-feely over her excitement over Rarity having a boyfriend, mostly oblivious that her rubbing against him is making him ready to blow in his underwear.

It culminates in a visit to Rarity at her house for a date, just for only Cookie to be there instead due to a sudden change of plans, and a wait with her eventually leads that big load he was saving to be blown in her instead because he just couldn't contain himself anymore.

What leads to it? Maybe she invited him to do some joint yoga exercises, and they wouldn't stop grinding into each other while Cookie was mostly oblivious?
>What leads to it?
I would say the yoga exercises. And Cookie Crumbles has on an outfit that’s a little small on her, but she doesn’t notice just how revealing it is while inviting Anon to the room with her.
God, I know what you mean with that backlog. I've got a fairly hefty backlog of art that's gonna take a good while to get through, even without writing and my job
>I don't know if you noticed, but I rarely ever write the main six/seven anymore
I think you should sometime. As a full length green. Would be very interesting to see it done in your writing style with a unique twist you might put in.
got dayum
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Yeah. Not much feels worse than a backlog that keeps piling up higher, and higher and higher...
If it means anything, I semi-recently did this https://ponepaste.org/9403 though it's just a fun parody of cheap yet classic anti-premarital-sex slasher film franchises. Only reason I wrote it was because Friday the 13th and Halloween fell on the same month, which is actually pretty rare. Other than last year, the only other times that happened in the last 30 years were 2017, 2006, 2000, and 1995.
Rarity has to go to visit a fashion agent or something where there's an impromptu meeting and in-person attendance is mandatory. She probably knows what's going on but is trying to mitigate it but only inadvertently makes things worse (better).
>Rarity has to go to visit a fashion agent or something where there's an impromptu meeting and in-person attendance is mandatory. She probably knows what's going on but is trying to mitigate it but only inadvertently makes things worse (better).

Alt Idea;
Rarity still has to leave to the impromptu meeting, but she is just as cheerfully oblivious as Cookie to the impending sex between her boyfriend and her mother, and is none the wiser when the floodgates finally burst and the two rut like animals.
That could work too, yeah. I'll see about that.
>muh dick
It's not Celestia, it's a teen girl that happens to look like her.
>Once the song ends you give Twilight an eager round of applause with the rest of the girls.
>Twilight’s the first singer tonight to be visibly exhausted after singing her round of karaoke.
>She’s pretty out of breath as she wipes a small buildup of sweat off of her forehead.
>”Heh… How was that?” She asked you all.
“You were incredible!” You say to her.
>”Yeah! You rocked!” Pinkie agreed.
>The rest of the girls voiced their compliments, making Twilight a little awkward on stage.
>”Aww, thanks, guys!” Twilight said, trying to hide her embarrassed blush.
“I never would’ve guessed you could be such a great singer, I might ask you to tutor me in that, too.” You half-joke.
>”Hehe, well, my door’s always open~” Twilight giggled with a wink.
>Man, where’d this Twilight come from?
>You’re liking this side of her.
>The room is filled with something of an awkward silence as you and Twilight just look into each other’s eyes.
>”Looks like I’m up next!” Sunset piped up, sashaying her way onto the stage and playfully nudging Twilight off to the side with a bump of her hips.
>Twilight stumbles off stage after being reminded that she’s not the only girl here with you and takes her seat beside Rainbow, who’s giving her a really smug look.
>”You know, I was just thinking it’d be best if Anon went last. Since we’ve never heard him sing, it could be a real fun way to end this thing!” Sunset suggested with a smile.
>Please, no.
>You were trying to get this out of the way as soon as possible, not be the main event.
>Your eyes meet Fluttershy’s.
>She’s good at reading you, she can tell you’re nervous.
>”Um, Sunset, I don’t mind going last. Anon’s awful nervous about singing in front of us.” Fluttershy stuck up for you.
>”He shouldn’t be! We’re not gonna make fun of him or anything!” Sunset assured her and by extension you.
>”Well, of course not.” Fluttershy agreed.
>”He’s only nervous because he’s never sung like this before! It’s like going for a swim at the pool! It’s not as cold if you just jump in!” Sunset argued in your favor.
>Fluttershy turned back to you with a sympathetic look.
>”...But we never really did ask you if you actually wanted to sing, so we’d understand if you wanted to sit this one out.” Sunset relented, giving you a glimpse of her more sensitive side.
>Fluttershy sits back, happy that you weren’t being pressured anymore.
>Save for her and Sunset, all the girls are looking at you with a mix of hope that you’ll say you’ll sing, and guilt about wanting you to sing.
>You’re still feeling the effects of the cider, you’re feeling brave.
>Besides, you don’t know how good of a singer you really are.
>That doesn’t really matter, anyway.
>As long as you’re having fun, the girls are happy.
>You’d hate to be a party pooper.
“Don’t worry, I’m gonna sing, and I don’t mind going last.” You answer.
>Fluttershy looks like she wants to keep insisting you don’t have to sing, but stops herself.
>”...Okay, I trust you.” She smiles.
“Besides, I’d hate to disappoint a bunch of pretty girls like you all.” You say with a bit of a flirty tone.
>The seven girls you’re friends with respond to your sly comment with giggles and blushes.
>You don’t know where that came from.
>Saying something like that is like flashing a slab of raw meat in a lion’s den.
>Looks like the alcohol’s doing its job.
>”Well, save the charm for your song, Anon. As for now, just sit back and enjoy the ride~” Sunset grinned at you, starting the music.
>If there was some kind of trophy for singing as sexually charged as possible, Sunset’s really gunning for it.
>The way she sways her hips and arches her back, you’d expect her to start pole dancing.
>Her eyes, much like Rarity’s, never leave you.
>Her half-lidded eyes stay on you like a tiger lurking in the jungle.
>And like Twilight, it doesn’t even really feel like she’s singing.
>It feels like she’s talking directly to you, adding the melody to her words like cinnamon to a cup of hot chocolate.
>The lyrics leave her mouth, curled into a sinister grin, like venom from a snake, paralyzing you.
>”You can pretend you don't wanna know”
>”But I read the signs from your head to your toes”
>”Yeah, you don't need to say a word 'cause
>”Ooh, ooh your body talks”
>Rarity sang in a really seductive tone as well, but this is way different.
>Rarity sang like she was beckoning you forward.
>Sunset’s singing like she just cornered you.
>It’s what she’s best at.
>The first thing she did when you met her was corner you in the hall.
>This isn’t like her usual flirting.
>It’s more charged.
>The song got more intense, and Sunset raised her voice to match.
>She continued her sensual swaying, now matching the electric guitar and rocking beat.
>Fluttershy’s moved a little closer to you.
>You could only tell out of the corner of your eye.
>Sunset’s got you in her spell, you can’t tear your eyes away from her.
>You’ve heard this song plenty of times before.
>But never like this.
>You feel your chest tighten.
>Why even do all this?
>If all this is about getting the girl leaving you notes to confess her feelings for you, then why does it feel like they’re all trying to serenade you?
>If Applejack or Twilight was your secret admirer, then why would Rarity and Sunset be all seductive like this?
>As the song draws to a close, Sunset steps off the stage and sings the final chorus right at you without even using the microphone.
>Sunset towers over you.
>She’s radiating heat.
>You’re burning up.
>You can only adjust your legs to try to hide your arousal.
>But it’s no use.
>Sunset knows you’re aroused.
>And you’re sure Applejack and Rarity know.
>Thank God you’re going last.
>”What’d you think, Anon?” Sunset teasingly asks you.
>Her breathy voice tickles your skin, spreading goosebumps down your arms and legs.
>The girls are all looking at you intently.
>None of them look jealous or annoyed, they’re looking like they’re expecting you to do something.
>You clear your throat.
“...You were hypnotic.” You answer honestly.
>Sunset’s grin widens.
>She leans closer to you.
>”Why, thank you~”
>Her hand finds its way to the waist of her pajama pants and slowly undoes the knot keeping them snug on her lovely hips.
>Sunset’s pajama pants sag down just enough to give you a teasingly small view of her lavender panties hiding underneath.
>”I love the way you look at me, Anon~”
>You’re getting harder.
>You’re gonna ruin these pants that Rarity worked so hard on if this keeps going.
>The other girls get closer to you.
>Like they’re closing on their prey.
>You’re trapped between Applejack and Rarity while Twilight, Rainbow, and Pinkie back up Sunset.
>They’re all breathing so heavily.
>It’s getting harder and harder to hide what you’re feeling.
>”Um… I’m gonna sing soon…” Fluttershy meekly spoke up, saving you from Sunset’s predatory gaze.
>Sunset turns around and gives her a friendly smile.
>”Sounds great! Knock ‘em dead, Flutters!” She encouraged her.
>”Rock on!” Rainbow goaded her further.
>”I can’t wait to see what you’ve got!” Pinkie added.
>You can’t say anything.
>You’re still recovering from what Sunset did.
>As Fluttershy gets set up, Sunset doesn’t return to where she was sitting in the front row.
>She sits down right behind you.
>You can feel her breath on your neck.
>She’s playing with the idea of touching you, you just know it.
>You can’t let Sunset control you like this.
>Fluttershy’s about to sing her karaoke song, she deserves your undivided attention.
>You scooch forward a bit, away from Sunset, Rarity, and Applejack.
>You can sense their disappointment at you escaping their grasp, at least for now.
>Rainbow, Pinkie, and Twilight shift where they’re sitting just enough to close you in.
>You’re surrounded by the girls.
>You look up at Fluttershy as she gets the song ready, worried that she’d be uncomfortable with what’s going on.
>But no.
>Fluttershy looks like she’s sore about missing out on the “fun”.
>She’s clutching the microphone with both hands, but it really seems like she’d be down on the floor with you and the girls.
>Which makes sense.
>She got really close to kissing you earlier.
>The Hell is with them tonight?
>You’ve never seen any of the girls like this before.
>Just yesterday they were all acting like they always do.
>There has be a full moon out tonight.
>If one of the girls was acting up, you’d let yourself indulge in a fantasy and think she had a crush on you.
>But they’re all acting up.
>They’re not acting like they have a crush on you.
>They’re hungry.
>This look from Fluttershy is only fleeting, though.
>She clears her throat and gets her song going.
>Fluttershy’s singing voice always makes your heart melt.
>It’s so soft and genuine, like the voice of an angel.
>You honestly feel pretty honored to be able to hear her sing.
>It really shows how much she trusts you, to be this open around you.
>Her eyes are shut as she sings, but her head’s pointed up at the ceiling.
>Her voice gets a little shaky when she gets to the chorus.
>”Cause you'll be in my heart”
>”Yes, you'll be in my heart”
>”From this day on”
>”Now and forever more”
>Her eyes slowly open as the chorus ends, meeting yours.
>There’s that feeling again.
>The feeling that she’s melodically revealing her feelings to you rather than actually singing.
>But it’s very different from what Rarity and Sunset were doing.
>Fluttershy’s not trying to seduce you.
>It feels like she’s genuinely confessing that she has feelings for you.
>Feelings that she’s been holding for a long time.
>You can feel the vulnerability in her voice.
>She’s struggling to maintain eye contact with you, but you can tell she really wants to.
>”Don't listen to them”
>”'Cause what do they know?”
>”We need each other, to have, to hold”
>”They'll see in time, I know”
>Her singing gets subtly louder as she continues, like she’s getting more courageous.
>She’s making you feel warmer, but in a different way.
>Now you’re the one feeling a bit flustered.
>Being surrounded by the girls doesn’t help at all.
>You think back to the day you really got to know Fluttershy.
>It was after your streak of not getting beaten up at school ended when you defended Fluttershy from those assholes.
>But you got to spend the evening with her.
>Having soup and talking and watching My Neighbor Totoro.
>You’d have taken a hundred beatings and it would’ve still been worth it.
>One smile from Fluttershy is more effective on you than a hundred punches.
>Fluttershy walks towards the edge of the stage as she sings the final chorus of the song.
>Her legs are shaking a tiny bit, but she keeps looking at you.
>Her voice becomes that much more powerful as the song crescendos.
>She’s being so genuine and vulnerable.
>It’s clearly a lot of work for her.
>You hope for her sake she’s the one leaving you the notes.
>You couldn’t bear the sight of a heartbroken Fluttershy.
>Then again, you don’t know how much she’s aware of behind the scenes.
>There’s a real possibility that she doesn’t know who the girl leaving the notes is.
>The song draws to a close, and Fluttershy’s voice grows quieter with each line.
>She holds the microphone close to her chest and sings with her eyes closed.
>”Just look over your shoulder”
>”Just look over your shoulder”
>”Just look over your shoulder”
>”I'll be there”
>She opens her eyes and looks up at you.
>As the group gives her a round of applause, you can’t help give Fluttershy a warm smile.
“Fluttershy, that was beautiful.” You softly say to her.
>”T-Thank you…” She meekly responds, returning her gaze to the floor.
>She’s shyly smiling.
>”Now we get to hear Nonny sing!” Pinkie eagerly reminded everyone, bouncing in place as she spun around at you.
>”Last chance to back out~” Rainbow teasingly reminded you.
>You smile at her and shake your head.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going anywhere.” You promise her.
>”That’s the spirit!” Twilight cheered for you.
>”Knock us dead!” Sunset goaded you, nudging both your shoulders from behind.
>As you stand up to walk to the stage, Pinkie gets a chant going.
>”Nonny! Nonny! Nonny!”
>It doesn’t take long for the rest of the girls to get into it.
>Their excitement’s awfully infectious.
>These girls, they’re supportive to a fault.
>You wouldn’t normally jump off a bridge if your friends were doing it, but you would if the girls were.
>Thank God you had some of that cider earlier.
>It’s helping you win that fight against your stage fright.
>Once you’re on stage, Fluttershy gingerly hands you the microphone.
>”You’ll be great, I just know it.” She softly assures you.
“Thanks, Flutters. I hope you’re right.”
>Your hand briefly grazes hers as the microphone passes hands.
>Fluttershy’s confidence falters as she hurries off stage and gets herself seated where you were.
>Your palms get sweatier as you look across the small crowd of girls expecting the best vocalization you could manage.
>Pinkie’s looking at you like she’s expecting you to start tossing out candy.
>Twilight’s giving you a warm, reassuring smile and a thumbs-up to match.
>Rainbow’s sitting back with her hands behind her head, expecting something entertaining from you.
>Applejack’s leaning forward with her hands on her knees, showing a surprising amount of excitement.
>Fluttershy’s still giving you that soft smile that makes you feel all warm.
>Rarity’s leaning forward and batting her eyes at you.
>Sunset’s leering at you with her signature wicked grin.
>You shakily exhale.
>Cider, start pulling your weight.
“Here I go…” You nervously say.
>The sound of your voice being magnified by the microphone made your nerves a little more shaky.
>Quit stalling.
>Time to be a rockstar.
>You move over to the laptop setup and type in the title of your song.
>Your voice is a decent fit for it, there really aren’t any high notes.
>And it’s the most romantic song you know.
>Whoever your secret admirer is, she’s sure to swoon.
>If you don’t fumble the ball.
>You gulp, clear your throat, and press play.
>Rarity’s eyes light up when she recognizes the opening notes.
>Twilight and Fluttershy are leaning forward with anticipation.
>You’re in the deep end now.
>So you sing.
“I know I stand in line until you think you have the time to spend an evening with me”
“And if we go someplace to dance, I know that there's a chance you “won't be leaving with me”
>Your singing voice is no match for Frank Sinatra’s, but you’re a little surprised by how not terrible you sound.
>Much like Fluttershy, you hold the microphone close to you and sing with your eyes closed.
>You don’t have an audience.
>You’re singing to yourself.
>Like you do in the shower.
“Then afterwards we drop into a quiet little place and have a drink or two”
“And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’”
>The atmosphere in the room changes.
>You don’t feel so tense anymore.
>Maybe it’s the singing, maybe it’s the cider, but you don’t feel so self conscious anymore.
>In the brief instrumental portion between the refrain and the bridge, you open your eyes.
>The girls are listening to you sing intently, sitting forward and watching you with wide eyes.
>Even Rainbow and Sunset are swept up in the moment.
>You’re doing good!
>This gives you the confidence to sing with your eyes open, facing your audience.
“I can see it in your eyes, that you despise the same old lies you heard the night before”
“And though it's just a line to you, for me it's true, and never seemed so right before”
>You don’t care who your secret admirer is.
>Whoever she is, she’s hearing you sing like you’ve never sang before.
>They’ve been serenading you with varying degrees of directness tonight, this must be what the girls felt when they were up.
“I practice every day to find some clever lines to say to make the meaning come true”
“But then I think I'll wait until the evening gets late, and I'm alone with you”
>You’re not looking at any of the girls in particular.
>They’ve been giving you so many signals tonight, now it’s your turn to be the romantic one.
“The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue”
“And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’”
>You’re feeling good.
>It can’t just be the cider doing this to you.
>As the instrumental break plays, you survey the audience’s reactions.
>Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie, and Twilight are absolutely enthralled.
>Applejack and Rainbow are putting up greater resistance to showing such mushy emotions, but their wide eyes and rose-tinted cheeks give them away.
>Sunset looks… strangely proud of you.
>Like this is something she’s been expecting from you all night.
>The song is approaching its end.
>Time to really stick the landing.
“The time is right, your perfume fills my head, the stars get red, and, oh, the night's so blue”
“And then I go and spoil it all by saying somethin' stupid like, ‘I love you’”
>Your singing’s making you do something really dumb.
>You're gonna end up regretting this.
>You just know it.
>But your heart's got your brain beat.
>You're too swept up in the emotion of the moment to think twice about this.
>You're gonna go all the way.
>As the outro calls for you to repeat three choice words in your softest singing voice, you cast your eyes across your enraptured audience.
“I love you” You sing to Fluttershy and Twilight.
“I love you” You sing to Pinkie and Rainbow.
“I love you” You sing to Applejack and Rarity.
“I love you” You sing to Sunset.
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Nice work, dumbass, you just sold your soul to a seven succubi.
Or maybe he’ll flip it and own their souls since this will technically take the harem route?
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It better be like that, or else
First anon you quoted here. Not sure I agree with your hypothesis that no one will read a possible sleepover green by you because another writefag already did it before you.
I think they will as long as you share the readers’ love for the humane 7 as characters, build up their connection with Anon first before actual smut, and keep frequently updating like Cosmic Butthole does. Look how engaging his green got just because of that.
100% no lewd I think would be shooting yourself in the foot here. This thread and board wants to fap to wish fulfillment.
I don’t see the logic behind your approach, no offense.
Most of grey’s fics have been whatever he feels like doing clashed with coomshit anons want him to write kek
That’s actually kind of what I mean.
Doesn’t help that as soon as the green is apparently only what gray wanted to write, there’s no lewd and the characters and setting are different from most EqG content. Not much of an interesting read for the type of anons this place gets despite being incredibly well written as a story.
In my opinion the problem is no one ITT encourages gray to write until they want quick smut. I think that’s a waste.
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The main reason I've been so focused on these fast one shots is because that's all I have time and patience for right now. I tend to lose interest in writing something after a few days. I still really do want to rewrite my old sleepover greens, but I also really do think that whatever desire for something like that from the readers is already being met. On the other hand, I've been getting tired of writing lewd for a while now.
I guess I feel like I missed a chance to leave this smut-fueled feedback loop I've been in with writing for this thread. A lot of which is probably my fault but whatever. I feel like I'll manage to make it work somehow.

Would still be GREAT if more people here did what you're doing. Letting me know if they want me to write what they want to read outside of smut oneshots. I do want to be wrong.

Getting really strong "Anon just sealed his fate" with those last few lines. I'm sensing possible lewd truth or dare next.
Her name's Summer Solstice iirc
Fun fact, she's the daughter I had with Celestia
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I want to just write again, I want to finish my Sunset Shimmer Pro Wrestling story and I want to do my Alanamous/Cheating Elements green but I may tweak that with a more slice of life with the G5 cast since they haven't been explored much. I also had another harem smut idea where Anon live in a trailer park with the main 6 and one by one he gets them pregnant and other trailer park boys shenanigans with a tentative title 'Trailer Park Girls' But I just feel so... empty and can never get that motivation back. Also, nowadays I feel like my writing has been lacking in many ways in my recent stories and writings.
Still pretty mad about staff members going on Twitter saying she and Celestia aren’t related when there was no reason to. I think it shouldn’t count when they do that. I love fandom headcanons especially when they’re simple and obvious like that one.
I blame Rally Flag. Not sure why or how but that autist might have single handedly influenced their decision to do that.
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I believe you still got the spark in you. If it's enough to reminisce on past ideas and want to finish them, then it's enough to write as soon as inspiration suddenly shows up unannounced. And it probably will sooner or later, I know this personally. Also those are some neat sounding ideas.
>Also, nowadays I feel like my writing has been lacking in many ways in my recent stories and writings.
I've been there. My best advice for that would be to try writing in a way where you couldn't tell it was you if you didn't know. At least that's what worked for me.
I think I remember hearing about this, but I don't think it matters.
I wouldn't blame the Rally Flag guy for it. He wasn't doing what he was doing maliciously or anything. The staff on Twitter just didn't know when to let the fandom have their fun, is all.

Also getting myself to start drawing right now has been annoying, but I'm just now starting. Why am I cursed to keep somehow waiting until the last minute?
>That feeling that elevated you to such heights as you sang faded from your being along with the music.
>The feeling that kept you from singing before the music started soon arrived to steal its seat in your mind.
>Time seemed to freeze for a minute.
>You went too far at the end.
>For fuck’s sake, you have ONE secret admirer.
>Singing those three magic words to ALL the girls isn’t casting a wide net, it’s carpet bombing.
>You were worried before about infighting between them about this stuff, you really should have known to not pour fuel on the fire.
>Before you could spiral into this abyss of doubt and regret, you’re met with the most enthusiastic applause you’ve ever received in your life.
>You’re frozen.
>You were expecting some polite applause at best, but this is more than that.
>They loved it.
>They loved your singing.
>”Oh, Anon, that was marvelous!” Rarity swooned, standing up with her hands clasped.
“...Really?” You ask.
>You’d ever accuse the girls of lying to you, you don’t think you were THAT good.
>”Heck yeah! You’ve been holdin’ out on us!” Applejack was quick to assure you.
>”You sure you don’t sing in your free time? You’ve got a beautiful voice!” Twilight rhetorically asked you.
>”Your singing was AMAZING!” Pinkie gushed, leaning forward at you.
“Oh, come on…” You humbly downplay their praise.
>You’re sure you’re blushing, but you’d be lying if you said you didn’t want them to keep going with this.
>”I’m serious! If you sing like that during the big music competition in the spring, you’d make Principal Celestia blush!” Twilight insisted.
>”If I didn’t know you before just now, I’d believe in love at first sight!” Pinkie added with a giggle.
>”See? What’d I tell you all? Anon makes one heck of a show-stopper!” Sunset reminded the group with a smug look.
>”He sure does.” Applejack agreed with a chuckle.
>You’ve never been praised like this.
>You can’t take much more of this.
“Thank you all, really.” You sheepishly smile.
>”Really, it’ll be your secret admirer who’ll be thanking you for that lovely serenade! Whoever she is, she’s a very lucky lady!” Rarity reminded you.
“Yeah, well, that song kind of does work better as a duet. I hope I’ll be able to sing with her in the future.” You admit, glancing across the room to see if any of the girls have a tell.
>Pinkie looks like she’s about to burst, Applejack’s looking flustered, Twilight awkwardly chuckles, Fluttershy’s blush deepens, and Sunset’s still looking faintly smug.
>Rainbow’s sitting cross legged, staring down at the floor with her hand firmly clamped over her mouth like she’s afraid of what might spill out if she isn’t careful.
>Fluttershy looks like she’s working up the courage to say something.
>After a moment of her moving her lips, she looks up at you.
>”I’d… uh… r-really like to listen to you sing more…” She quietly admits.
>”Then let’s have him sing more!” Sunset beams.
>Fluttershy’s eyes immediately widen.
>”Anon doesn’t have to sing anymore if he doesn’t want to! I’d never pressure you into doing anything you don’t want to!” She hastily assured you, feeling super guilty about how she complimented you.
>You know what?
>You’re in a good mood.
>You’re a great singer, apparently.
>You wouldn’t mind doing an encore.
“You know what? I’ll do another song!”
>”Yay!” Pinkie cheered, leaping to her feet.
>The girls all look excited at the prospect of hearing you sing some more.
>”Really?” Fluttershy carefully asked you.
“Yeah! Karaoke’s a lot of fun, turns out!”
>”Is it that, or do you just like being complimented?” Rainbow finally spoke up, asking you with a grin.
“That’s a fringe benefit.” You cheekily admit.
>”Fine, but I’m picking the song!” Rainbow demanded.
>”Rainbow!” Twilight scolded her.
“No, no, it’s fine! I trust her judgment.” You say.
>You open up your phone’s music library and hand it over to Rainbow, who gets to scrolling through it like a nosy parent looking for weed or nudie mags in their teenager’s room.
>”I’m awful interested in seeing what Rainbow’s gonna pick.” Applejack admitted to Rarity and Sunset.
>”Can’t imagine it’ll be as touching as Anon’s choice…” Rarity muttered.
>You can’t help but get a little nervous the longer Rainbow takes to pick something to subject you to.
>What if she picks something really awful just to see you squirm?
>If she picks anything by The Bloodhound Gang you’re gonna make her pay.
>That wouldn’t be something you’d expect your secret admirer to do.
>Unless she was trying to get you separated from the competition…
>”Would it be too late to suggest Anon sing something like what he just sang?” Fluttershy asked Rainbow.
>”Yep! Anon’s gotta flex those vocal chords of his, he can’t ALWAYS sing that lovey-dovey stuff!” Rainbow insisted, not taking her eyes off your phone screen.
“Sure I can!” You argue.
>”I’m on Rainbow’s side, pick something with real energy!” Sunset enabled Rainbow.
>”Pick something sexy!” Pinkie made sure to add, earning a stern look from Twilight, Applejack, and Fluttershy.
>Rarity and Sunset aren’t opposed to the idea.
>A moment later, Rainbow stops scrolling and grins.
>Oh, man, you’re nervous again.
>You grip the microphone a little tighter.
>Her fingers fly across the laptop’s keyboard and the music starts.
>”Floor’s all yours, stud.” Rainbow grinned at you, tossing your phone back to you.
>Man, this song.
>It’s got some high notes, that’s for sure.
>It’s a little more… charged than your last one.
>...Fuck it.
>You’ve got this.
>You grip the microphone and sing the opening lyrics.
“I’m not the kind of red and blue you see on TV”
“I’m not gonna lock you up, I’m setting you free”
“Supersonic super trooper on a lover patrol”
“I’m a LoveCop (LoveCop)”
>It’s… a lot of fun.
>You don’t feel nearly as vulnerable.
>It’s way more cheesy, so you feel more comfortable singing your heart out.
>A much better fit for karaoke with friends.
>Maybe that’s what helps you hit those high notes in the chorus.
>Rainbow picked a good song.
>By the second verse, you’re really getting into it.
>Your movement is way more choreographed.
>You’re wiggling your elbows in time with the guitar riffs.
“Do you swear to rock the house, and nothing but the house?” You sing in a more gentle tone, rocking your hips to the music.
>The second time the chorus comes in, you’re really rocking.
>This music combined with your manslut getup makes you feel like a rock star plucked straight from the 1980’s.
>At this point, the girls aren’t even visible to you.
>You’re in your own world.
“I’m a LoveCop! (My pearls and shiny leather)”
>A world with neon lights and electric guitars.
“I’m a LoveCop! (fit perfectly together)”
>You’re rocking a denim vest, tight pants, and hair at a length that would make any authority figure shake their head in disapproval.
“Put your hands up! It’s now or never-ever!”
>But you don’t care.
“I’m a LoveCop! Here comes the LoveCop, baby!”
>Just beyond your reach is an army of fans, screaming your name.
>The softer instrumental section of the song comes in.
>You just let the music move you.
>Your body rocks and sways in time with the gentle beat.
>The electric guitar comes in.
>The energy of the song courses through you, bringing you shred your fingers on your trusty air guitar.
>At least, that’s how it looks to those viewing you on the material plane.
>But you’re in your own world.
>You’re tearing up the most magnificent electric guitar.
>There’s lightning coursing through your veins.
>You’re breathing fire.
>The chorus comes back to close out the song and you sing more triumphantly than you’ve ever sang before.
>You’re screaming the lyrics to the high heavens.
>You earlier concerns of being heard by the whole town have vanished.
>You want to be heard.
>You’re a rockstar.
>You’re hitting high notes you’ve never hit before.
>Your body’s moving on its own.
>If you had any less restraint, you’d toss your shirt off.
>But the song has to end.
>You wish you could stay in this world, but the world of the sleepover beckons you.
>You give your air guitar one last, powerful solo before you throw your head down as the music stops.
“...And you’re under arrest.” You growl in a low voice at your audience, ending the song.
>Your confidence doesn’t fade when silence returns to Rarity’s bedroom.
>You’re looking at the girls, covered in sweat and breathing heavily.
>You know what kind of effect you had on them.
>They’re staring at you, eyes wide, cheeks pink, and breathing heavily.
>They don’t make you feel self conscious.
>You savor their gaze.
>Fluttershy’s staring at your heaving chest and stomach.
>Rarity bites her bottom lip.
>Applejack twirls her hair in her finger.
>You stand up and take a deep breath.
“I’m gonna feel self conscious if none of you say something.” You tease the girls.
>”Anon, that was the hottest-” Pinkie starts, but is silenced when Twilight clamps her hand over her mouth.
>”Y-You were great!” Twilight said to you with an awkward smile.
>”Where’s THIS Anon been all semester?” Sunset asked you with a grin like she got exactly what she wanted from you.
“I dunno, just never had any opportunities to sing before tonight, I guess.” You say with a shrug.
>”I know I joked about this before, but you seriously should go out for the big music competition in the spring. I really think you’d be great!” Twilight insisted, her hand still firmly covering Pinkie’s mouth.
>Pinkie’s still trying to talk.
“I’ll think about it.” You smile, using the hem of your incredibly short shirt to wipe some of the sweat off your forehead.
>You quickly realize what you’re doing and hastily fix the shirt Rarity made for you.
“Sorry! I should use a paper or towel or something to clean myself-”
>”No, no, no! It’s perfectly alright! The shirt can be easily washed!” Rarity quickly assures you, slightly flustered.
“Well, okay then!” You say to her, intentionally not paying attention to how close she is to you as you turn to Rainbow.
“Nice job picking the song, by the way!” You cheekily thank her.
>”Yeah, yeah, whatever.” Rainbow grumbles, not meeting your eyes.
>”Say, now seems like a good time to get to using Rarity’s hot tub!” Sunset cheerily suggested.
>”Oh, yeah! Definitely!” Twilight agreed, keeping her hand on Pinkie’s mouth.
“A hot tub in freezing weather like this?” You ask.
>”It’s a really nice experience! The cold weather makes you appreciate the warmth of the water even more!” Fluttershy says to you with enthusiasm in her voice.
>Pinkie resorts to licking Twilight’s hand, who retracts her hand in disgust and wipes the saliva off on her pajama pants.
>”Eww, Pinkie!” Twilight scolded her.
>”OhmygoshNonnyyoursongwasthehottestthingI’veeverseenImeanohmygoshI’veneverseenanythinglikeitbeforeyoutotallyneedtosingmoreforusandatschoolbecauseyou’dtotallykickbuttinthecompetitionandmorepeopleshouldhearwhatanamazingsingeryouareandIthinkthehottubisatotallygreatideaIhopeyoubroughtyourswimtrunksbutifyoudidn’tthat’sokaybecauseyoudon’treallyneedaswimsuittousethehottubwhateverworksit’salluptoyou!” Pinkie rambles out at a speed you’ve never seen before.
>She shoots forward, gripping your shoulders and staring into your eyes.
>Thanks to your experience with talking to Pinkie, you get the gist of what she said.
“Okay! A hot tub sounds great! Especially with you all!” You eagerly agree.
>Pinkie beams at you, letting go of you and backing up a bit.
>”Pfft, you just wanna see all of us in our bathing suits.” Rainbow smugly deduced.
“Hey, it’s only fair. I’ve been dressed like THIS for half the night, plus I’ll be wearing less than you all in the hot tub!” You remind her, motioning to your exposed stomach.
>Rainbow’s face sours at your rebuttal.
“Aww, don’t tell me you’re shy.” You tease her.
>Rainbow’s head whips around at you.
>”I’ve got nothing to be shy about! I’ve got the most amazing body you’ve ever seen! And I know because you keep staring at my ass in P.E.!” She shoots back at you.
>All eyes turn to you.
“No, I don’t! I don’t stare at you! You’re just always ahead of me in the mile run or the pacer or soccer!”
>”Dude, come on, we’re all friends here. I know I’ve got a pretty amazing ass, nobody’s gonna judge you if you admit you sneak a peek every now and again.” She mockingly says to you.
“You wanna talk about staring, we could talk about how you were looking at me during karaoke.” You counter her.
>”Oh, no, don’t change the subject. We’re talking about YOU right now.” Rainbow is quick to retort.
“Alright, what makes you so sure I’ll be staring at YOU in the hot tub? Maybe I’m more into Sunset or Applejack or Fluttershy!”
>”Or me!” Pinkie jumps in.
“Yeah, or Pinkie!” You agree.
>”Oh, but what about me, Anon?” Rarity teasingly asked you, batting her eyes.
>”Rarity, you’re not helping!” Rainbow sternly says to her.
>”Personally, I wouldn’t mind if Anon admired my body. I’ve put so much into maintaining it, it’s nice to receive appreciation.” Sunset took your side, shooting Rainbow a wicked grin.
>”I dunno about starin’, but I’ll have to agree with Sunset here.” Applejack chimed in.
>Rainbow sputters, looking around at the other girls for backup.
>”What about you, Flutters? How’d you feel if Anon was looking you up and down while you’re in your bathing suit?” She interrogated her, making a blush appear on Fluttershy’s cheeks as she cast her gaze down guiltily.
>”Um… Well… I suppose if… Anon, would you stare at me if you found me attractive in… that way?” She carefully asked you.
“Of course, not! I don’t want to make you uncomfortable or anything.” You promise her.
>”Then, in that case… I don’t think I would mind-”
>”Ugh, fine! Fine, fine, fine! I’m gonna get changed into my swimsuit, then I’m gonna say ‘I told you so’ when you stare at my amazing body, because I know you will!” Rainbow relented, throwing her head back in frustration.
>You’d never say it, but Rainbow’s really cute when she’s annoyed like this.
>”So we’re all good for the hot tub?” Twilight asked the group.
>Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity, and Applejack voiced their agreement, making the decision unanimous.
>”Great! We’ll all get changed and meet by the back porch in five minutes!” Twilight decided, clapping her hands together.
>You’re about to make your way over to your duffle bag, but then you notice another one of the mystery notes you’ve been receiving all night.
“Wait, check this out.” You say, picking up the folded piece of paper with the heart sticker.
>”Nonny got another love letter!” Pinkie excitedly announced.
>”Ooh, how exciting!” Rarity said.
>”She must’ve slipped it here for you when you were up there rocking out.” Sunset surmised.
“Yeah, probably.” You agree.
>With the seven girls behind you eager to see what the message is this time, even though one of them already knows what the message is, you carefully unfold it.
>”Your smile makes me feel all warm inside.”
>”Aww, that’s so sweet!” Fluttershy said.
>”Who do you think wrote it?” Twilight asked you.
“Good question…”
>You turn around and eye up each of the seven girls.
>It’s getting tougher to say.
>The note doesn’t help.
>All the girls are giving you signals of varying intensity.
>And they were all pretty enraptured when you were singing karaoke.
>But to pick one?
>You’ve smiled with them before.
>They make you smile.
>That’s part of why they’re such great friends.
>”Tell you what, you think about it more while you get changed. I kinda really want to get into that hot tub.” Twilight sheepishly admitted.
“Yeah, good idea. It’s gotten awful hot in here, I’ve been dying to get out of these clothes.”
>”You’re telling me…” Twilight mumbled.
>”Well, I’d best be getting it all set up. Ta-ta~” Rarity gracefully exited the room, waving goodbye to you and the girls.
>You notice the extra sway in her hips before she shuts the door behind her.
>When you turn back around, you see Rainbow grumpily rifling through her bag and the rest of the girls looking at you expectantly.
>”Y’Know, Anon, since we’re all friends here, you shouldn’t have to feel uncomfortable gettin’ changed with the rest of us…” Applejack offered, her shifty eyes betraying her true motive.
>”Yeah, totally! We don’t want you to feel left out or anything!” Pinkie assures you, wrapping her arms around you in a hug.
>”W-We won’t peek or anything!” Fluttershy promises you.
>Rainbow just rolled her eyes, you could tell.
“Thanks, girls, but I think I’ll take the bathroom again.” You awkwardly chuckle, placing your latest note in your bag and grabbing your swim trunks.
>You could almost taste the disappointment in the air.
>”Your loss~” Sunset said to you, batting her eyes.
“Don’t worry, I won’t be gone long.” You promise the girls, wrenching yourself free of Pinkie’s hug and heading out into the hall.
Damn these character limits, I'd be able to flesh out my paragraphs better if I was allowed another thousand characters or so
It might sound weird, but what helped me get out of a writing slump in the past is writing with a different program like Notepad or Google Docs or using a different font. The bit of difference adds some rejuvenation to the process, like something of a breath of fresh air.
It's not anything that'll inspire you to write the novel of a generation, but in my experience at least it'll help get the ball rolling
Getting started with writing's always the hardest part, at least for me
Rally Flag's not particularly offensive to me. He does cringey self insert art and always shows up in the comment section of any Celestia post on Derpibooru, but I've people get seen way worse on the internet. Unless there's something particularly offensive he did that I don't know about.
I don't really regard anything staff members say on Twitter about their shows or movies as canon. It's really easy to say after the fact that this character was such and such, but it needs to be integrated into the story if you want it to really "count"
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Good shit. How do you write this much content so fast?
Their opinion already means nothing
I might have an idea of how to write a non-lewd sleepover involving the dazzlings.
I'm not much of a writer, but I hope you like the opening excerpt nonetheless.

>Today is Friday.
>It's been a long week, but you've finally made it to the weekend.
>Your new job took some getting used to, but it was well worth it for the pay.
>Now, there's nothing more you'd like to do but sit back and relax.
>Until your return on Monday, but that's a problem for future you.
>Present you is currently rummaging through the fridge.
>You /could/ make something to eat, but you're feeling particularly lazy.
>You decided to order some pizza.
>As you pull your phone out to order the italian delight, there was a knock at your door.
>You wonder to yourself how the pizza place was able to get your order delivered without you even putting in an order.
>However, upon opening the door, you are not met with delicious pizza, but three girls.
>Before the one with poofy hair speaks, you quickly slam the door on her face.
>This was supposed to be a calming weekend, but it seems like trouble was just outside your door.
>You've met these three a couple times, and they've been nothing but a headache.
>Adagio, the one with poofy hair, seems to be the eldest.
>She always bosses the other two around and reprimands them for doing something stupid.
>The ditsy one's Sonata, she's loyal to a fault and seems to order tacos at every fast food place you see them at.
>Some places don't even serve tacos, so you're not sure how she keeps getting them.
>Aria always looks like something's up her ass whenever she looks at you.
>You've never even met her, you only know her and the other two's names because they say it so often.
>In fact, you've had no relations with these three in all the times you've seen them.
>So that begs the question of why they're here, at this hour of the day, localized entirely at your front door.
>The knocking returns, this time more forceful.
>You pray they just lose interest, but you don't want them to break down your door either.
>For three girls they've accrued quite a lot of property damage.
>You still wonder how they managed to break open that fire hydrant.
>Reluctantly, you open the door a tad before Adagio pushes it wide open.
>"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?! Is that how you treat three beautiful women who show up at your front door?"
>Taken aback by your quick response, she clears her throat and restores her composure.
>"As I was /about/ to say--before I was rudely interrupted--was that we decided to throw some poor sap a bone and let him have the privilege of hosting us for the night. You should feel lucky."
>"I /said/ you should feel lucky that you'll be in the prescence of three beautiful ladies for a whole night."
"Well where are they?"
>"OH FOR THE LOVE OF- Just let us in already, or I'll stick my foot up so far up your ass you'll be wearing diapers for the rest of your life!"
>Aria explodes out of nowhere, grabbing you by the collar and giving you tinitus.
"Man, your breath stinks. Did you even brush your teeth this past month?"
>Before Aria could give you a black eye, Adagio was able to swoop in and hold her back.
>The blue one was staring at you, tears in her eyes.
>"Oh please please please please pleeaaase let us in, we /really/ need a place to stay! We got kicked out of our apartment weeks ago, and there's nowhere else for us to go! We've had to resort to eating from the d-"
>After calming Aria (or as close as she can get), Adagio quickly clasped Sonata's mouth shut.
>"D-Don't mind her! We just decided, on a whim, that we humor some lonely--a-and charitable--young man! We're not some weak, desperate-"
>In the middle of her explanation, Adagio's stomach decided to betray her.
>She's frozen solid, on the precipice of crying her eyes out.
>You may not want these troublemakers oblitering your home with a toaster, but it's not like you can just leave them to starve.
>You're not a monster, you've done your fair share of charitable work.
>Looking at the sad state of these girls, you've grown to pity them.
"You know, I was just about to order pizza. You girls can wait inside while I go and grab some."
>The three give you puzzling looks.
>Well, two of them do, Sonata breaks free of Adagio's hold and tightly hugs you, thanking you over and over again.
>You're starting to see how the fire hydrant broke open; you might need your doctor to confirm how many ribs were broken after this.
>After pulling free from Sonata's python hold, you switch places with the girls and make your way to the pizza place.
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>“Yeah, good idea. It’s gotten awful hot in here, I’ve been dying to get out of these clothes.”
>”You’re telling me…” Twilight mumbled.
Turboslut is THIRSTY, damm.
Don’t set up pointless deadlines silly
if you don't set deadlines and get in the practice of respecting them, you'll rarely get anything done
>Cookie invites Anon to try yoga with her.
>Cookie is, at most, mostly oblivious to how she's making Anon feel, teasing about how an "old lady" is making him shy.
>For some reason, joint yoga involves one partner holding the other down.
>Copious amounts of humping and grinding between pelvis and posterior ensues.
>Cookie is initially none the wiser.
>Anon can't hold it any longer.
>Cookie wonders why her sweatpants suddenly feel damp.
>Suddenly, her sweatpants are pulled down.
>Plapping ensues.
So you’re the kind who’s more into lesbo than you are into harems. Even though they’re both great and it is only a matter of taste at the end of the day, I still have to say that’s a little based.
>Rarity introduced you to Cookie.
>The two women are jarringly different.
>They still gush about you dating Rarity.
>Contrasting your confident stride earlier, you're oddly quiet and fidgety the whole time.
>They attribute it to nervousness and find it adorable.
>You've secretly been nursing a huge erection the entire time.
>You thought Rarity was attractive, but there was something about Cookie that REALLY aroused you.
>Maybe you were secretly into pudgy women, older women, 90s women, good old-fashioned MILFs, or some combination of those.
>Whatever it was, you were currently fighting a much stronger physical attraction to Rarity's mom than you had towards her.
>A fight that you were currently losing.
>Completely oblivious to the raging hard-on you were nursing, Cookie was touchy-feely with the new boyfriend of her daughter, who was simply happy that their meeting was simply going swimmingly.
>Feeling Cookie's assets rub and squish against you (those soft breasts, that belly pudge, those plush thighs), you had to resist the strong urge to hump the affectionate mom who was intent on getting physically familiar with you while Rarity watched.
>(Un)fortunately, it was time for you and Rarity to leave for your date, but thoughts of Cookie never left your mind, and kept your wang uncomfortably stiff.
>Hopefully, you would have a better time controlling yourself around Cookie next time you found yourself around her...
>You felt a constant reluctance to get intimate with Rarity.
>Thank God Rarity herself, melodramatic at times she was, thought you were just playing hard to get.
>Despite wanting to give the fat load you were saving up for over a month to her, a more primal part of you felt like it didn't "belong" to her.
>It truly "belonged" to Cookie, despite her being Rarity's mom, and already married on top of that.
>You knew just how inappropriate it was to lust after your girlfriend's mom, but you just couldn't shake off the powerful lust you felt.
>It was a constant, losing struggle between your affection for Rarity and your lust for Cookie, the latter's deliciously chubby MILF body persistently remaining in your mind, it's owner obliviously teasing you with how thicc and breedable she was.
>As desperately you tried to resist your base urges, you NEEDED Cookie.
Pinkie is based af in this. I love hornball ponka.
I'm even going to give you props for doing the annoying puttingabunchofwordstogether thing because, when Twilight clamped down on Pinkie's mouth, it only made sense that all of her words would just build up like that. They would need to come out that fast, given the situation. In a Pinkie sorta way, there's logic to it.

Plus, we had got the gist of what she wanted to say already.
>”Anon, that was the hottest-” Pinkie starts, but is silenced when Twilight clamps her hand over her mouth.
This was the part I liked so much, lel.

I've been reading these greens a long time, and an old piece of advice used to be "Never have Pinkie putallherwordstogetherlikethis because it's annoying." So it's rare that I find an instance where I actually like it in a green.
please don't do it again tho, lel
Man, don't you remember when the character limit was only 2k?
Pretty good so far. Honestly, I figured the Dazzlings were gonna be the pizza girls, or be the ones trying to steal the pizza or something.

I'll bet they eat anchovies.
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Just saying - Rarity will eventually turn into the same shape as her mom, after a pregnancy or two. Just work for it, boy.
Hornyness is temporary, your own handcrafted MILF fashionista is forever.
I mean, this one is my favorite green of yours, and while it is kinda lewd (which was appreciated still), that's not what I really liked about it. I just thought Pinkie was cute and relatable in it:
>trailer park main 6
>trailer park RD
>trailer park Ponka
>trailer park milfs
What the fuck, what a great idea. You should do it.
I know, but Anon's primal instincts combined with his heavily backed up load and possibly Cadence's corrupt magic have caused him to lust after the most breedable woman in the immediate vicinity, which is Cookie. He can't help himself.

Plus, if he plays his cards right, he might have two, and later maybe even three hot women in his life.
The nerdy ones are the freakiest, you know
By doing literally nothing else with my free time after work lel
Thank you! I definitely see how that could get annoying in stories, and don't worry, I don't plan on doing that again, but I do hope you'll keep liking what I write!.
And yeah, I do. Man, those were some dark times.
I like to imagine the inciting incident was Rarity inviting Anon over to her house before a date or something and he said something like "Hey, Rarity, I thought Sweetie Belle was your only sister" upon meeting her mom to flatter her
Ooh, that's a fun scenario! Looking forward to more!
Do you get that feeling where you have lots of ideas to happen later in a story, but writing what comes immediately next just doesn't come to you as easily?
>Shy girl club and Harshwinney Anon here
>Trying to come up with exactly how I'll introduce Anon and establish him as a timid guy who wants to be more bold and outgoing
>Have lots of ideas for after he joins the club but writing this intro with Anon is eluding me right now
God, do I ever
That's something I deal with in writing all the time, especially with this one and another story I've got on the backburner: Captain N and the Super Smash Bros. I feel like that's something a lot of writers struggle with, we've all got those big scenes we really want to get to but you've gotta build the bridge that gets you from where you are now to where you want to be.
Picrel's an example that shows getting writer's block like this is normal, but it's not insurmountable
My advice would be to step back and come back to the story the next day, that way you're looking at it from a fresh perspective and might see something you didn't see yesterday because you burned yourself out racking your brain trying to come up with something
I'll help you out with that idea:
>Anon is friends with Flash Sentry because they worked together well during a class project last year
>Flash pushes Anon to start going to the club because he's convinced that Anon's got a lot to offer and could be doing a lot better with his social life if he knows how to put himself out there more
>Anon isn't entirely convinced by this, but is too meek to come up with any real counter arguments and ends up caving to his insistence
>Bonus points if Flash has to literally shove Anon through the classroom door for the first club meeting
Can't wait to see what you write!
I actually like that. Though it's especially funny imagining if Flash literally pushed him into the club thinking it's a normal club not knowing what the girls including Harshwinney are like in the club, what they've been talking about, or what'd happen to Anon after going in.
You’re in Rarity’s bathroom for the third time tonight.
>It doesn’t take you long at all to switch into your swim trunks.
>They’re dark blue with white drawstrings.
>But it doesn’t escape you that you’re gradually exposing more and more of yourself over the course of this sleepover.
>First you were in your pajamas, then you were in that exciting shirt, and now you’re down to your swim shorts.
>You’re nervous.
>Earlier tonight you would’ve been more comfortable with the idea of using Rarity’s hot tub with the girls.
>Even looking forward to it, to be completely honest.
>Getting the kind of look at Rarity and Sunset that the guys at school would be dying to get.
>But there’s all this love letter stuff muddying the hot tub’s water.
>You’re not even really worried about accusing the wrong girl of being your secret admirer because all seven of them have been showing interest in you.
>Even beyond their reactions to your singing and new look.
>Their comments, the way they’ve been looking at you…
>Fluttershy invited you to get changed into your swimsuit with the rest of the girls!
>To think it took her an entire week after first meeting her for her to say an entire sentence to you…
>Under any other circumstances, that would be the smoking gun you’d need to accuse Fluttershy of being your secret admirer, but Pinkie’s been drooling over you all night, Rarity put on that little show for you during karaoke, and the comments Twilight made under her breath didn’t escape you.
>Sunset, Rainbow, and Applejack have been giving you some eyebrow-raising signals, too…
>Stressing about this isn’t getting you any closer to solving any of this.
>You turn on the faucet and rub some cool water on your face to clear your mind.
>You check the time.
>10:07 PM.
>The night’s still young.
>Not young enough to avoid being carded, but young enough to give you plenty of time to solve this mystery.
>You step back and look at yourself in the mirror.
>At the risk of sounding narcissistic, you look pretty good.
>In the months since you’ve started having P.E. with Rainbow and helping Applejack with some farm stuff every now and again, you’ve slimmed down your gut a bit and got more muscle definition on your chest and arms.
>Actually, you don’t need to worry about sounding self-absorbed.
>You’re sure Pinkie or Rarity would be delighted to compliment your body.
>What friends you’ve got.
>You take a deep breath and step out of the bathroom.
>When you’re back in the hall with your clothes bundled under your arm, you hear some commotion in Rarity’s bedroom.
>You can’t make out any specific words or phrases and you don’t want to be a creep, so you decide against pressing your ear against the door to listen closer.
>It sounds like some kind of back-and-forth is going on between Sunset and the rest of the girls.
>Despite their debating and pleading, Sunset’s staying resolute in her position.
>No matter how much pleading Pinkie does, or how much arguing Rainbow does, Sunset doesn’t budge an inch.
>You can only hope this isn’t about anything real bad.
>This sleepover’s been doing really well, all things considered.
>You’d feel terrible if there was a huge argument between them, considering how long they’ve been friends with each other.
>The door swings open before you could worry more, revealing a triumphant looking Sunset.
>She’s wearing a dark red bikini, generously revealing her cleavage.
>”Great timing, Anon! We were just talking about you!” She beamed, pointing you in the direction of the other girls.
>Fluttershy’s wearing a teal one-piece swimsuit, Applejack’s got a green bikini on, Pinkie’s wearing a bright yellow bikini, Twilight’s got an indigo one-piece, and Rainbow’s got a black sports bra and spats to match.
>They all look amazing.
>Don’t stare, Anon.
“Really? You ask Sunset, turning back to her.
>”Yeah! We were talking about how much you’ve grown since your first day here. You were so nervous and awkward back then, and look at you now! You’ve really come a long way, emotionally and physically~” Sunset answers with a grin, eyeing you up and down.
>The other girls have their eyes on you, too.
>Seems like they forgot what they were debating.
>But you’re still getting used to being looked at like this.
“Well, thanks.” You smile. “I couldn’t have done it without the help of you girls.”
>”Ooh, yeah! Hey, Applejack, doesn’t Anon look incredible?” Sunset turns the spotlight to Applejack, who takes an awkward step back.
>”Uh… I- I mean, he’s certainly lookin’ a lot better.” She admitted with an uncharacteristic clumsiness, her eyes darting around the room.
>”I’ll say!” Pinkie chimed in.
>”Oh, and we can’t forget you, Rainbow! You’re the best personal trainer he could ask for!” Sunset agreed, turning her attention to Rainbow, keeping her hands on your shoulders to present your half-naked form.
>”O-Of course I am! I’m the one who made Anon so fun to look at!” She boasted.
“Hm?” You raise an eyebrow.
>”Whatever! Let’s just get going, already!” Rainbow rapidly shifted gears, pushing past you to get down the stairs.
>Sunset giggles to herself at having successfully gotten those two flustered.
>Seems like that’s what she’s best at.
>”Oh, wait a minute!” Sunset said before bending over and reaching for your waist.
>You freeze up and feel a chill run down your spine.
>What’s she doing?
>Turns out she just tied up the drawstrings on your swim shorts.
>”There you go! Wouldn’t want you to lose your swim trunks in the hot tub!” Sunset giggled.
>”Y-Yeah, we wouldn’t want that to happen…” Fluttershy muttered, playing with her hair while looking down at the floor.
>You feel embarrassed just thinking about the possibility.
>”We should get going, Rarity’s probably waiting for us down there.” Twilight suggested.
“Right, good idea. Lead the way?” You ask Twilight.
>”You got it!” She giggled, heading down the stairs after Rainbow.
>”I’ll help you find your way through the house! It can get so spooky here at night!” Pinkie offered, clinging onto your arm.
>”I better help, too. Two’s better than one!” Sunset jumped in, grabbing ahold of your other arm.
>It’s basically impossible to turn down their generosity now.
>They’ve both got a surprisingly firm grip on you.
>And their chests are pressed against your shoulder.
>The only thing separating your skin from theirs is a thin swimsuit.
>No, stop it.
>Don’t start thinking about this stuff now.
>Your arousal’s gonna be harder to conceal like this.
>”On we go!” Pinkie declared, marching you down the stairs with Sunset’s help.
>You could’ve sworn you just heard Applejack and Fluttershy grumble about something behind you.
It’s a little tricky to keep up with those two as the three of you walk as a unified entity.
>They know how to get around Rarity’s house better than you do, and it’s a little difficult to predict where you’ll go.
>The warm, fun atmosphere of the sleepover fades behind you as the three of you return to the ground floor where the lifeless mannequins haunt the boutique.
>You steal a glance out the front windows to see what the world outside this house is like.
>It’s snowing like crazy out there.
>There’s gotta be at least a foot of snow on the ground with no sign of it stopping.
>The wind seems to have died down, though.
>It’s looking even more dead outside.
>You’ve never seen the town of Canterlot like this before.
>It’s a little eerie.
>Maybe Pinkie was right.
“Geez, it’s really coming down out there.” You note.
>”No kidding! You think we’ll get buried in the snow out there?” Pinkie asked you with a hint of nervousness.
“That’s not gonna happen. I’ll dig you out of the snow if I have to.” You jokingly assure her.
>”Aww, you’d really do that for me?” Pinkie swooned, leaning into you even more.
>”Come on, they’re gonna get frozen solid if we keep them waiting!” Sunset reminded her.
>”We better hurry, then!” Pinkie realized, tugging you through the rest of Rarity’s house.
>As you try to keep up with her, you can barely make out your surroundings.
>Vague shapes of a kitchen and dining room pass you by as you’re ushered by your two friends.
>You don’t have time to dwell on this spooky environment because before you know it, you’re standing in front of the back door.
>There’s a buildup of frost on the window, but you can make out footprints in the snow outside.
>Is it really a good idea to go out like this?
>You’re not even wearing shoes.
>”Come on, let’s go!” Sunset pushed you outside after opening the door.
>You’re blasted by a gust of cold wind the moment the door opens, chilling you even more now that you’ve spent the past few hours in the warmth of Rarity’s heated home.
>Pinkie and Sunset don’t mind the cold at all.
>They’re determined to get you out through the cold and into the hot tub.
>You’re weakened by the harsh weather, so you let them drag you.
>On the other side of the porch is the hot tub, bubbling with fresh water pumped in by the jets and steaming hot.
>Twilight and Rainbow are already in the water, leaning back and enjoying the warmth without even noticing the three of you arrived.
>You hear Fluttershy and Applejack shut the door behind you.
”Hey, where’s Rarity?” You wonder aloud.
>”Yoo-hoo~” You heard her voice call out to you from behind.
>When you turn to face her, you feel some warmth return to your body.
>Rarity’s bent over a small control panel at the edge of the patio, facing away from you.
>She’s wearing a purple bikini that you’re confident reveals more of her body than the swimwear of any of the other girls.
>If you were feeling any braver, you’d describe Rarity as “presenting”.
>”Just had to make some adjustments. Feel free to take a dip!” She giggled.
>You quickly return your gaze to the hot tub when Rarity stands back up.
>Pinkie lets go of your arm and does a cannonball into the water.
>Everyone ends up splashed with the heated water as a result
>Rainbow and Twilight are rudely drawn out of their relaxation when they’re soaked by Pinkie’s splash, motivating both of them to give her an annoyed look.
>Applejack and Fluttershy join them in the hot tub, both releasing a relaxed sigh upon sinking into the tub.
>The longer you’re out here in the cold, the more tempting the hot tub looks.
>You’re tempted forward with each lick of the steam rising from the water, and your freezing feet are crying out to you to give in and join the girls.
>But before you could take a dip, Sunset steps in front of you with her signature sinister look.
>”I bet you’re having a good time~”
>Oh, God, she’s onto you.
>The girls are all looking at you.
>You glance around with an awkward laugh.
“Well, yeah! This is the best sleepover I’ve ever been on!” You say to her.
>”Oh, come on, new boy. You know that’s not what I meant~”
>Sunset takes a step closer to you.
>You stand firm.
>You’ve been on fire tonight, you’re not gonna let her get all wily on you.
“Then, what DID you mean?” You ask her in a lower voice.
>”Getting to see us all in our bathing suits, dummy!” Sunset giggled.
>Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack, and Rainbow giggled.
>Fluttershy averted her eyes from you.
>You feel your face warming up again, but you stomach the feeling.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I’m just focused on having a good time with my friends.” You insist, giving her a firm look in return.
>Sunset let out a hearty laugh.
>”Oh, come on, Boy Scout, Live a little! None of us would mind if you admired us a little! In fact, I’d bet we’d all find it flattering! Isn’t that right, girls~?” Sunset grinned at you, then waving to your friends in the hot tub.
>”I know I would!” Pinkie was the first to answer, popping out of the water enough to show off the cleavage spilling out of her bikini top.
>”I wouldn’t mind, I trust you to not be too salacious~” Rarity batted her eyes at you.
>”You’ve already been eyeing me up in P.E., you might as well commit to it.” Rainbow chuckled at you.
>”Well, I dunno a ton of guys who appreciate a physique like mine, so I’d appreciate a pair of admirin’ eyes like yours.” Applejack admitted.
>”B-Besides, we’ve kinda been admiring you when you were singing your heart out, so it’d only be fair!” Twilight argued, faintly embarrassed about admitting that she was eyeing you up during karaoke.
>Sunset’s eyes fall to Fluttershy, who’s remained silent this whole time.
>”Well? Don’t leave dear Anon waiting!” Sunset pushed her.
>Fluttershy gulped as the blush deepened on her cheeks.
“...Hey, it’s okay if you don’t feel comfortable with me… looking at you that way.” You try to comfort her.
>She looks up at you and quickly shakes her head.
>”No, no! I wouldn’t mind!”
>Her response surprises you.
>Fluttershy carefully nods.
>“...I kind of… like the way you look at me…”
>”There you have it! We’re giving you a golden opportunity here, new boy! Let yourself enjoy it!” Sunset insisted, taking another step closer to you.
>She clasps her hands in front of her, compressing her breasts together for you as she gives you a smile to go with her half-lidded eyes.
>The girls are all sitting out of the hot tub, looking at you anxiously and with varying levels of flirtiness and confidence.
>You exhale.
>You force your eyes to drift downward from Sunset’s eyes to her bikini-covered boobs.
>...They’re really nice.
>She’s gotta be a C-cup.
>This gets a victorious giggle from your oldest friend at your new school, subtly pushing them up further for your viewing enjoyment.
>...You’re getting harder.
>”There you go, that didn’t hurt, did it?” She teased you further.
>You sigh and shake your head with a half smile.
“No, I guess not.” You admit.
“I’m just worried I’d pick wrong and not eye up the one of you that’s been leaving me those love letters.”
>”Gosh, Anon, we’re all really proud of your detective work, but just enjoy yourself! Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the pretty sights~” Sunset insisted.
>She stepped back into the hot tub and gestured to a vacant space between Rarity and Fluttershy.
>”Best seat in the house~” She invited you.
>Your freezing feet command you to take the invitation.
>With your legs shaking (from the cold, no doubt) you carefully slip into the water between your two friends.
>You have no idea how much you needed this until now.
>You feel your entire body relax the moment you make contact with the water.
>You allow a content sigh to escape your lips as the water swirls around you.
>Then you notice there aren’t any other spaces left for Sunset to sit.
“Hey, Sunset-”
>Before you could fully voice your concern, Sunset finds a seat.
>On your lap.
>”There we go~” Sunset happily sighs, draping her arms around your shoulders and resting her cheek against your head.
>Oh, fuck.
>It’s getting hotter.
I'll bet before Anon returned with his swimsuit on they were arguing about Sunset's plan to sit on his lap. Either way I'd be shocked if things didn't rapidly escalate towards sex now.
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>Sunset making the power move where she knows what she'll feel happening under the water.
This is perfect for mind-reading shenanigans too.
I also like how you moved the action to a hot tub, the premise you're working with for this green has a lot of different directions for the story to turn.
Deadlines suck when they make one rush and fuck up how the final product was supposed to be, so if that's what you meant, then I agree. I still think this guy >>41095225 also has a point.
Huh, never considered anything about one with the Dazzlings before.
Just to be clear, can it be the same Anon from the steamed up locker room?
I imagine having to give each girl equal attention to a tiring degree, or else they'll start having their feelings hurt thinking they're not as attractive as the others. I overthink too much.
I really appreciate you saying that. I wanted to set up the vibe and her character just how I wanted it to be.
I still honestly think I overdid my thing for the simple "bouncy Penka on a pogo stick" premise in particular, and made the plot for it way more busy than it needed to be.
I'm still going to make a lewd animation of Pogo Penka like I previously said I would. Would you like to see that soon?
I'll post a WIP sketch of Principal Celestia getting her clothes ripped away tomorrow on catbox.
This is gonna be more work than I thought.
>Just to be clear, can it be the same Anon from the steamed up locker room?
I envisioned this as an alternate universe thing to the locker room incident. But if you have to, sure.
Sure. Sorry I deleted the first post, quoted someone's post twice by accident.
>I'm still going to make a lewd animation of Pogo Penka like I previously said I would. Would you like to see that soon?
Yes please.
>Patreon link for ai art
NOW it’s gone too far
this must be the work of vtuber/gachafags. i cannot imagine anyone else who would actually pay for someone else to make generic bikini ai pics, nor anyone else who when given a tool that could theoretically be used to easily make any kind of porn would just choose to make infinity pics of anime girls in bikinis with neutral expressions and post them all online as if anyone else wants to see them. their brain disease is all over it.
>Be Anon
>Finally start attending Crystal Prep
>Have two deadbeat parents who never got past highschool and were unremarkable working class
>You've long since determined to not be like them
>You want to climb to the top and make something of yourself
>Through willpower, hard work and strategically applied grants, you were able to snag a spot
>Necessarily, this means most of the other kids don't accept you
>After all, most of them come from prominent families and you're just some prole they've never heard of
>You can't say all this hasn't given you a bit of a napoleon complex
>But your ambition will not be checked, and you're going all in
>This is certainly going to earn you a few enemies, but nothing motivates someone quite like having a rival to soundly beat
>But to your surprise it may have also earned you a secret admirer.
Yes. AI should be used against paypiggy simp culture, not for it.
Human body be damned, you just know Sunset's still got that pony ass, and she knows how to work it. Anon's in for a real time, here. Best seat in the house, indeed.
what the fuck are these repeating numbers, damn!

>"There you go! Wouldn't want you to lose your swim trunks in the hot tub!" Sunset giggled.
>"Y-Yeah, we wouldn't want that to happen..." Fluttershy muttered, playing with her hair while looking down at the floor.
yeah, they probably saw there weren't enough seats for all of them, and that was Sunset's solution
>This is perfect for mind-reading shenanigans too.
Yeah, I've had an idea for this before myself. Make sure she's got the magic geode with her somewhere, if you do go that route.
women have more hiding places than men

>I still honestly think I overdid my thing for the simple "bouncy Penka on a pogo stick" premise
I get it. I feel like I do that too. I've gotten a little better at editing since then, and I like to think I don't overwrite as much as I used to, but it's still a problem for me, lel.
Your green dragged a little in some spots, but I wanted to see what was gonna happen so I stuck with it. A cute Pinkie will do that to me. I liked the dialogue too.

>Would you like to see that soon?
Yeah, it sounds awesome. It sounds like a lot of work too. Hope you're not pushing yourself too hard, you and Butts.
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>Your green dragged a little in some spots
Out of curiosity, which parts had that happening? I want to make sure I don't do that in future greens.
>Yeah, it sounds awesome. It sounds like a lot of work too.
I'll try my best. What I'm currently doing is tiring enough as it is.
>Hope you're not pushing yourself too hard
My main problem is that I have way too much to worry about and I'm also super easily distracted. It's easy to tell most of what I write or draw was done at the last minute, I imagine. If I had actual discipline for once, I could probably type 10,000 words a day if I had the time. Used to get close to that several years ago, when I had less clutter in my life.
Could try to get something out before June. Like I said above, what I'm currently doing is tiring enough as it is. Will try to have that in particular out by no later than sometime tonight (the Celestia WIP sketches).

Asking this to everyone:
Anyone know of good animation programs I can get for free? I'm kinda poor and using photoshop layers for it is so fucking tedious.
worst of both worlds.
at least paying artist get you better than this slop.
Now that's a story I'm interested in
I was tossing around ideas on getting Crystal Prep involved in my story but nothing's nailed down yet. Very interested to see who could be underdog Anon's secret admirer
I've got a couple more twists and turns in mind that I'm looking forward to seeing you all react to
>I imagine having to give each girl equal attention to a tiring degree, or else they'll start having their feelings hurt thinking they're not as attractive as the others. I overthink too much.
I've thought about including that kind of thing in the story, but I reeled back and decided that this is gonna be a largely self-indulgent green that doesn't get too bogged down in drama. I kind of used what Sunset said to Anon after they got out of school as a thesis statement for the green
>”Just focus on having a good time. Don’t stress your cute little head about anything, just go with the flow and you’ll have the time of your life~”
Looking forward to that sketch!
You'll have to see!
I've seen people make charts comparing the sizes of the six's boobs but you don't really see anything like that for their butts. I'm sure Sunset's on the higher end of that scale, nice and shapely and she knows it
>Hope you're not pushing yourself too hard
Not really, I stay up later than I should anyway, I just like making something with my hands, like writing or drawing. I tried to take time off and focus on getting through Cyberpunk 2077 but I honestly felt a little restless about drawing or writing some more lol
Mullvad VPN is like 5 or 6 dollars a month and you can use that to get whatever program you want
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Reminder that one of the biggest aspects of pogo ponk is not just the booba and butt, but the movement and physics of the skirt as well
>which parts had that happening?
I went into it a little here:

>It's easy to tell most of what I write or draw was done at the last minute, I imagine.
I actually didn't see this until after I finished my little review. I haven't read a lot of your stories. I don't know what your writing process is like, but I'd be interested to know. You've been writing green here a long time, after all. I feel like you've always been in Fingerbang for as long as I've lurked.
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Fucking hell this post got long. Too long even for the character count. Splitting it into two parts.

Thank you so much for the feedback.
You raise a lot of good points in this document, and I suppose the cause of me talking like that in the story is because I both have difficulty staying focused and sometimes get unnecessarily verbose without realizing.
I know I must have made it hard to tell in the story, and that's my own fault, but I feel like it's worth trying to explain what I was trying to convey with:
>"but can't help those things being forced to assert how big and soft they are under there"
I was getting at the fact that Pinkie's tits' soft volume always asserted its presence through her clothing solely from how much they obviously move around, and the pogo hopping was like an extra kind of movement that made that even more unavoidable on her part.
It was evidently a lot clearer in my head than it ended up on paper, and probably still is now that I read it back to myself. It really frustrates me when I come up with something and try to translate it into concise words, but words just don't work for what I'm trying to get across. I'm sorry if that just now happened again.

>I don't know what your writing process is like, but I'd be interested to know.
On a larger scale for the sake of clarity, it's basically like this:
>It's Monday.
>Deadline for 15,000 words minimum is Friday.
>Most other people: 3,000 words on Monday, same on Tuesday, etc. until comfortable and proofread 15,000 to 20,000 words on Friday night.
>Me: Looking up accuracy of old 50s movies on Monday for said story then discover a 70s movie I've been looking for for years, photoshop my own grainy 70s camera edits of thing I'd have loved to see in the 70s movie out of curiosity on Tuesday, having nothing to do with the story, type some of another story because the deadline for that was about to come up on Wednesday, do something else that distracted me on Thursday while forgetting to open 4chan and remind myself, stay up all Thursday night and Friday typing 14,500 words, effectively ruining my sleep pattern for the next month.
>Without proofreading.
>It ends up being like 25,000 words on Saturday afternoon after a bunch of random rambling I added in.
>Take up 3 more projects on Sunday because that's a great idea.
Also, what I just described is basically how the process went for the animated WIP sketches I just started. Only officially started it like this morning despite having the last five fucking days (and typing this post took more of that time away). Pushing myself to get as much of it done as possible by midnight in my timezone. But thank you very much for the feedback, I appreciate the help a lot. I'll remember what you said, namely in my other stories with Pinkie such as the late 90's Pie sisters one.

tl;dr: my process is a fucking mess. I lack discipline, unironically. But I still manage somehow.
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Part two:
>I've got a couple more twists and turns in mind that I'm looking forward to seeing you all react to
Nice to hear. I envy your freedom to write lots of green every single day if you want to. I miss that.
>but I reeled back and decided that this is gonna be a largely self-indulgent green that doesn't get too bogged down in drama
Yeah, over-considering those types of things in story ideas is something I should probably just kinda get rid of the best I can. That's probably another fault in my writing process that could have been added to my post above. Though, it only happens with a handful of ideas I come up with. My Luna ATV one for example was just start to finish having fun writing it.
I'll look into that.
I'm about to finish as much of the Celestia thing I'm doing in the next hour or so, but will post these responses to you guys now so as to not get in the way of your incoming update with it.
>I'm about to finish as much of the Celestia thing I'm doing in the next hour or so
Can’t wait
>Your breath is caught in your throat.
>You can’t move.
>You can barely think.
>You can hear the blood rushing through your ears.
>Sunset’s sitting on your lap.
>In a bikini.
>She’s teased you with her body before, but never like this.
>Even beyond this being your first time in Rarity’s hot tub, you’re in uncharted waters.
>You don’t know what to do with your hands.
>You’ve got Rarity and Fluttershy on either side of you, and they’re just about as exposed as Sunset is.
>If you accidentally touch any of the girls crowding you, you’re gonna get yourself even deeper.
>You’re already making plenty of contact with Sunset.
>...Man, Sunset has a really nice ass.
>It’s so soft and shapely.
>You’ve never gotten a good look at it before, except that one time you scored an upskirt look at her when she dropped her pen that one time.
>You’ll always remember the sight of her lavender panties beneath her skirt.
>But this is on a whole other level.
>Oh, God, no.
>Don’t do that.
>Not now.
>Sunset can feel everything.
>Come on, Anon.
>Fight it.
>Don’t let Sunset win.
>A boner is the last thing you need right now.
>But it’s no use.
>You can’t stop the forces of nature.
>The other girls are staring at you.
>You can’t see them through your unfocused vision, but you can feel their gaze burning into your exposed body.
>Say something witty!
“...So, what would you like for Christmas?” You ask Sunset, forcing the best grin you can manage onto your face.
>Sunset cackles at your joke.
>”Can’t think of anything, I’ve got everything I got for Christmas right here~” She grins at you.
>You lose your grin like you were holding a pose.
>Sunset wiggles her hips against you.
>And with Sunset resting her cheek against your forehead, her half-exposed breasts are right at eye level.
>You’re losing.
>You’re getting harder.
>Sunset can feel it.
>How are none of the girls saying anything?
>You’re practically suffocating on Sunset’s aura.
>How come none of them are put off at all by Sunset being so openly sexual in the middle of this friendly hangout?
>You have to sit on your hands to make sure you don’t set off any of the depth charges keeping you cornered.
>Do something.
“S-So, Rarity, this is all really nice! I can’t remember the last time I was in a hot tub.” You shakily say, managing to get your neck to turn to face her.
>”Thank you! I wish I could’ve shared this with you earlier, but I just knew it had to be saved for a special occasion.” Rarity said to you, leaning slightly closer to you.
>Rarity, you’re not helping.
>Time for another topic change.
“So, winter break! Any of you got any special plans?” You ask the group, trying to ignore Sunset getting comfortable on your lap.
>”Sleepin’ some more, now that farm work’s gonna be slowin’ down for the season.” Applejack answered with a chuckle.
>”I’ve gotta get to work planning the big new year’s blowout! I’m gonna make it my best new year’s party ever!” Pinkie excitedly let you know.
“That sounds fun!”
>”It will be, that’s for sure!” Pinkie gushed.
>”I’ve got some books I got this past Black Friday that I’ve been meaning to get into, and curling up under the covers with a cup of hot cocoa and snow outside is perfect for reading!” Twilight spoke up.
>”Of course you’d spend your time off from school reading.” Rainbow snickered.
>”Aren’t you sitting on that new Daring Do book?” Twilight countered her.
>Rainbow couldn’t come up with a witty comeback.
>”Sh-Shut up.” was the best she could manage.
>You and Sunset chuckle at her a bit.
>”I’ll be spending a bit more time at the animal shelter. Those little guys could get awfully sick in this weather.” Fluttershy said with some concern in her voice.
>”We’d all love to help you out if you need it!” Twilight reminded her.
>”I know, I really appreciate it.” Fluttershy softly thanked everyone.
>”I truly wish I could be more available to help you, but my schedule’s rather filled with all the outfits I’ve got on my plate.” Rarity sighed.
>”What about you, Anon? Got any big plans?” Sunset turned the spotlight to you, wiggling in your lap to add some emphasis to her question.
>It takes a moment for you to compose yourself enough to answer.
“...N-Nothing, really. Mainly just relax at home, except for stuff like helping Fluttershy every now and again. Honestly, helping you girls is my biggest hobby.” You answer with a small chuckle.
>”I know! You could practice your singing!” Pinkie eagerly suggested.
>”Now that’s a good idea! You’ve got a good voice, with some practice you’ll be great!” Sunset concurred.
“I dunno, Rarity said I was marvelous.” You cheekily reminded her.
>”You were! You were passionate and powerful, but rather unrefined. Nothing practice can’t fix!” Rarity clarified for you.
>”Passionate’s an understatement.” Sunset added, grinding against you a tiny bit.
>Only two small layers of swimsuit fabric are all that are keeping you from literally fucking Sunset right here in the hot tub.
>Your breath hitches again.
>”God, Anon, you should see yourself, you’re red like it’s harvest season on the farm!” Applejack giggled.
>You sputter trying to come up with a response, earning yourself a few giggles from the girls.
>Sunset, especially.
>You can feel all her little movements.
“Hey, come on, I’ve never had to deal with stuff like this before!” You defend yourself, inadvertently dyeing your face another hue darker.
>”Well, you better get used to it! You make for an awfully comfy seat~” Sunset said to you, rocking her hips just enough to get a shiver from you.
>You clench your teeth.
“S-So that’s what all of this is about, huh? Just seeing if I’ll make for a good chair?” You ask her with mock seriousness.
>”I don’t hear you complaining!” Sunset grinned at you.
>You look around at the six other girls occupying the hot tub with you.
“What about you all? Looking to make me your chair, too?” You ask them in a nervous voice.
>The six girls exchange glances with each other instead of actually answering your quarter-serious question.
>Sunset drags her fingernails across your shoulder.
>You never would have thought the sleepover would get this intense.
>You’re filled with so many mixed emotions.
>”...Well, I mean, you’re a really cool guy-” Twilight finally answers.
>”No, he’s not, he’s a total dork.” Rainbow butted in.
>”He’s a cool dork!” Fluttershy defended you, clinging onto your wrist to show her support.
>”My point is, you’re really handy and stuff, and we all feel so safe with you that we kind of… think you’d be good for some… stuff…” Twilight trailed off, losing confidence in her answer as she spoke.
“...What kind of stuff?” You press Twilight further.
>Twilight gazes down at her lap through the water.
>”Y’know, stuff like… I dunno…”
“Like being your chair?”
>”Y-Yeah! B-Because, uh, you’re pretty tall and stuff, we could get a better look at the stage if we were at a concert or something!” Twilight answered with a clumsy laugh.
>”Or if we need help applying suntan lotion!” Pinkie added.
>”Yes, indeed! Anon, give me your hand.” Rarity commanded you.
“Huh?” You ask, feeling more self conscious.
>Rarity leans into you further, pressing her lovely chest against your shoulder.
>”Come, now, I promise I won’t bite~” Rarity whispered to you with sultry eyes.
>Her eyes are hypnotic.
>Fluttershy’s gripping your wrist tighter.
>You can feel her heavy breathing on your exposed torso.
>Sunset’s hips rock against yours again.
>You’re outnumbered.
“Okay…” You relent, releasing your hands from underneath your thighs.
>The moment your hand emerges from the water, Rarity seizes it for herself.
>Her delicate, intricately cared-for fingers trace along your hand like a careful inspector.
>”Your hands, they’re so firm, but with a gentle touch. They’re perfect for applying suntan lotion to a very lucky young lady’s body~” Rarity sighed, delicately holding your hand in hers.
>You would say this is getting overwhelming, but you crossed that line when Sunset got herself situated on your lap.
>Rarity’s hands are like the finest silk dancing across your skin.
>You’re not rich enough to afford what she’s showing off.
>”Oh, yes! Anon handles the critters at the animal shelter so wonderfully, those hands of yours are really special!” Fluttershy agrees, taking your other hand and gently holding it in hers like she was handing a baby bird.
>Sunset gently scratches her fingernails against your back.
>Your breath is getting heavier and shakily.
“I dunno, I think I’d be the lucky one for getting to rub lotion on a girl.” You try to argue.
>”Don’t undersell yourself, darling! You’re handsome, charming, caring, funny, everything a girl would want in a boyfriend!” Rarity challenged you.
>You can’t help but gently laugh at her bold claim.
“Really, everything?”
>”Why, sure! Granny and Big Mac are real good judges of character. They wouldn’t let me date any guy they didn’t like.” Applejack gently chuckled.
>Fluttershy nestles into your arm like she’s snuggling into bed.
>Her hair is so soft.
>It’s like her head’s covered in a blanket.
“Oh, yeah? If I’m such a catch, then how come none of you ever made a move on me?” You ask the group.
>”Remember, you’ve been getting love letters all night, new boy. Maybe the girl’s been too shy to approach you before now, so be nice!” Sunset rebutted you, pressing her body closer to you.
“Yeah, good point…” You admit.
>You’d be amazed if it wasn’t Sunset leaving you those notes.
>She’s just openly flirting with you.
>Even though they’re kept restrained by that bikini top, Sunset’s boobs feel amazing against you.
>You want to touch her.
>A lot.
>You want to touch her boobs and her stomach and her thighs.
>You want to turn your head up and kiss Sunset.
>There isn’t any other girl you’ve ever known that’s given you attention like Sunset has.
>Your arms are still being held by Rarity and Fluttershy, but if you were free of them, you doubt you’d be able to stop them from touching Sunset.
>You wouldn’t do anything too forward, just kind of rest your hands on her waist.
>Like a hug.
>You’d just be hugging her.
>...Your second-in-command has other ideas, though.
>The flag is flying at half mast.
>And it’s comfortably positioned between Sunset’s legs.
>Every small motion of her body makes you tingle down there.
>Her fingernails dig into your back more and more each time.
>You can barely make out the sound of the girls talking to each other.
>It’s amazing how they don’t seem to care at all that Sunset’s rubbing up on you.
>Fluttershy and Rarity aren’t helping at all.
>Rarity’s still gently caressing your left hand, and Fluttershy’s snuggled up on your right arm.
>They’re both so pretty.
>All your friends are so pretty.
>They like you and trust you.
>But tonight you learned that they’ve all got such lovely bodies.
>Pinkie’s nice and thick, Applejack’s muscular build is a thing of beauty, Rainbow’s lean body is something you could admire for hours, Twilight’s got a cute, petite build, Fluttershy is surprisingly curvy, and Rarity has the body of every Sports Illustrated swimsuit model you got to sneak a peek at.
>You’re intensely grateful you’re sitting in this hot tub, the steam’s hiding your nervous sweat.
>Or making it worse.
>”Hey, Anon!” Rainbow called out to you from across the hot tub.
“Huh?” You turn to her, thankfully being rescued from Sunset’s hypnotic powers.
>”I was saying I’d be down to help you practice singing. Pay attention next time, this offer’s limited time only.”
>You release an awkward laugh, which is the best you can do with the girls rubbing up on you.
>”What? What’s so funny?” Rainbow leered at you.
“Nothing! I just didn’t expect the offer.” You clarify.
>”Well, while you were off thinking about who-knows-what, Twilight and I figured that I’d be best suited for that, since we like the same kinda music and all.” Rainbow continued.
>You feel a chill at being reminded about the kind of thoughts you were thinking.
“Thanks, Dashie. I’d really like that.” You say to her with a soft, genuine tone.
>”You keep calling me that and you’re not getting anything from me.” Rainbow sternly reminded you with a hint of blush on her cheeks.
>”Ignore her, new boy. She secretly likes that nickname.” Sunset insisted.
>”I do not! It’s a little kid’s nickname!” Rainbow insisted, blushing deeper.
>Rainbow’s doing that really cute thing where she scrunches up her face when she’s annoyed.
>You can’t help but giggle at her with Twilight, Pinkie, and Applejack.
>”W-What’re you laughing at, Twiggles?” Rainbow directed her frustrations at her, invoking the nickname you came up with in a drunken haze.
>This only gets Twilight to laugh more.
>”Honestly, the name’s kinda grown on me.” She revealed.
>Before Rainbow could get even more indignant about this nickname drama, Rarity hurriedly pulls her arm from yours to cover her chest with a sharp gasp.
>Her horrified sound surprises you enough to make you sit up, and at first you’re confused because she’s still got her bikini top, but then you see the strings of her bikini top dangling from her shoulders.
>There’s that stiffness again.
>But you can’t let too much time go by without saying something.
“...You okay, Rarity?” You ask her, trying to not embarrass her further.
>”Y-Yes, darling, it’s just a minor… wardrobe malfunction, is all.” She nervously assures you, keeping her arms wrapped around her chest to remain covered.
>Incidentally pushing her chest.
>With a better look at her cleavage than you’ve ever gotten before.
>God damnit, Anon, not now.
>”Anon, would you be a dear and help me?” She gently asked you, turning her back to you.
>Fluttershy obligingly releases your right arm from her grasp to let you work.
>Sunset finally gets up off of your lap so you can use both of your arms easier.
>This is the most exposed you’ve ever seen Rarity.
>Her bare back is facing you, save for the dangling strings of her bikini top.
>You almost don’t trust your hands.
>Sunset’s been working you up all night.
>This is the first time you’ve gotten to touch a girl like this.
>But you can’t keep Rarity waiting.
>Time to put those highly praised hands of yours to work.
>You reach out and grasp the lower strings that wrap around underneath her chest like you’re playing Operation.
>In the brief moment where your fingers meet Rarity’s back, you can barely hear the sound of her softly gasping.
>Please, don’t do this now.
>You’re only getting harder.
>Don’t you dare poke Rarity with it.
>Although you’re not super up-to-speed on your knots, you fashion the two strings into a nice, study knot.
>Now for the shoulder straps.
>This requires getting closer with her.
>Your hands are almost trembling, but you’re making good progress.
>You carefully reach over Rarity’s shoulders and take a shoulder strap in each hand.
>Rarity is unable to stifle a shiver as her head tilts back when your thumbs graze her neck.
>The flag is flying at three-quarter mast.
>You surgically take the shoulder straps and tie them securely behind Rarity’s neck.
>Your fingers fumble a bit in the process, but you manage to not let the shoulder straps escape your grasp.
>Once you retract your hands, Rarity gives her bikini top a test tug to make sure she isn’t at risk of being exposed again.
>She’s convinced that it’s not going anywhere.
>”Oh, my hero~” Rarity swoons, leaning into you and resting her head on your shoulder to look up at you and bat her eyes.
>Please don’t rub into your dick.
“Come on, I was just being a good friend.” You try to downplay your actions.
>”Hush, now! You saved me from public indecency once again! It seems like I have trouble keeping my clothes together around you. How ironic~” Rarity giggled.
>Boner pls.
>You might not be blushing too bad because of all the blood going down there.
>Don’t think about Rarity naked.
>Don’t think about how Rarity was almost naked in front of you.
>But then you’re smacked in the face by something that blocks your vision.
>You peel it off to inspect it.
>...It’s Pinkie’s bikini top.
>”Whoopsie! Lost my top, too!” Pinkie giggled, not even trying to appear embarrassed.
>Twilight and Applejack nervously laugh.
>Fluttershy looks down at her lap through the water.
>Your eyes make their way over to Pinkie.
>She’s covering her nice, juicy boobs in a way that’s really pushing them up.
>She’s not even being subtle about it.
>She’s biting her lip and leaning towards you.
>Sunset’s fingers return to your shoulders.
>You’re drowning in these emotions.
>You’ve never felt this overwhelmed before.
>You toss Pinkie’s bikini top back to her before you end up too frozen to do something.
“Here you go, try not to lose it again!” You say to her, politely averting your eyes so Pinkie can redress herself.
>You could almost taste Pinkie’s disappointment that you didn’t ogle her huge boobs.
>”We’ll see!” Pinkie slyly answered.
>”Man, this hot tub’s being a real jerk! Look at what I found!” Rainbow said with a sinister grin, holding up…
>...Applejack’s bikini bottoms.
>Applejack recognizes what Rainbow has.
>She looks down at her lap.
>Her eyes widen.
>”Give that back right now!” Applejack cries out with a fierce blush, trying to grab her bikini bottom back from Rainbow, who cackles victoriously as she holds it just out of reach.
>Applejack’s covering her lower half with her other hand, making it harder for her to reach out.
>While Rainbow’s facing away from Twilight to play her raunchy game of keep-away with Applejack, Twilight seizes the moment and tugs down the back of Rainbow’s spats.
>”Hey! Watch it!” Rainbow whips around at Twilight, her cocky demeanor having vanished in an instant.
>Sunset, Pinkie, and Rarity share laughter at Rainbow’s comeuppance, but you’re too thrown to join them.
>Because in that instant, you saw a teasingly small glimpse of Rainbow’s bare ass.
>It’s amazing.
>It’s so tight but curved so nicely.
>It’s everything you imagined it would be.
>Applejack’s able to snatch her bikini bottom back from Rainbow while she’s recovering from being given the Coppertone treatment.
>You try to ignore the tiny peek at her bush and keep to yourself.
>Things are getting hot.
>Really hot.
>”Enjoying the show~?” Sunset whispered in your ear, almost making you jump.
“What? I- You- They didn’t-”
>While you’re spilling your spaghetti, Sunset climbs back into your lap and gets comfortable.
>Your erection is standing straight up as it’s caught between Sunset’s thighs.
>She feels it.
>There’s absolutely now doubt about it.
>”Shh, you don’t need to say anything.” Sunset hushes you in the midst of the other girls laughing at their racy antics.
>You try to get some solace from all of this by looking over at Fluttershy.
>But that doesn’t help.
>Her one-piece swimsuit has made its way down to her stomach.
>She’s covering her chest, but is unable to match the confidence of Rarity or Pinkie.
>All Fluttershy can do is press her body against yours, hiding her face behind her hair.
>What is happening to them?
>You’re unable to brainstorm an answer because Sunset grabs your attention again.
>She carefully guides your hand onto her thigh.
>She sneaks your fingers underneath the strings of her bikini bottom.
>”Come on, new boy~” Sunset whispered, pressing her entire body against you.
>She guides your finger around the drawstring of her bikini.
>”You know you wanna~”
Really, I'm saving the relationship drama stuff for Life Flutters By because that's the slice-of-life romance story with some lewd stuff sprinkled in.
This is a story where Anon makes the seven girls into his harem, we're all here for the lewd scenes. Relationship drama would get in the way.
Okay, so to make up for the fact that I only started this barely 12 hours ago, I decided to make it a gif and it turned out way better than I thought it would. I won't need catbox yet since I now didn't have time to draw/animate the NSFW part(s) yet.
Sorry the hands are a little weird, I'll fic this up after putting each slide into Krita where vector tools can be used. So far, this was made using layers in photoshop.
Hope you guys like it.
Fuck yes, dude. Things are getting really spicy now. I'm really glad you took the green in this direction in this way. I think it's working out absolutely wonderfully. Amazing work.
I see, I gotcha. Maybe I really should reconsider my idea for non-lewd in my possible story down the road since that's pretty much completely true that we're all here for the lewd scenes.
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>The unf levels of this thread have increased tenfold
Ultra Based, both of you
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You've sentenced into a harem serving.
Pls make the rest soon
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I just finish reading all this green and I need to tell you that my dick is reaching critical mass, good fucking job
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I'm gonna repost the prologue from last thread before adding my intro with Anon I finally managed to write and get going with it.
>Be Mrs.Harshwinney
>You approved a request to form a club as a member of the school staff
>It's a club meant to serve as a support group for overly shy people
>You hope to help them become more confident like yourself so they can go on to have succesful careers
>You go to the first meeting of the new club feeling optimistic
>Once you get there and see the four girls in attendance they all look as shy and skittish as you imagined
>Though one thing you didn't expect is they all have enormous chests
>Even bigger than yours
>Still, you keep your professional composure and do a formal introduction before seeing what they want to do here
"So, girls, what made you decide you want to become more confident?"
>They might not answer so easily, but hopefully asking them directly will get somewhere
>One of them you recognize speaks up first
>"I'm... I'm Fluttershy, and I was hoping to become more confident so I could get a boyfriend..."
>You internally sweat because that'd probably be the one thing you aren't prepared to help with
>The other girls nod and press the issue further
>If you tell them you've never had a boyfriend you doubt they'll take you seriously at all
>Then you wouldn't be able to help them be more confident in other pursuits like career goals
>So you decide to pretend to have knowledge and experience with dating
>It's not like you've never heard advuce about it you could retell and you know about having non-romantic relationships with people
>That should be enough to at least help them get their foot in the door
"Sure, I could help you with that."
>The green one among them speaks up now
>"Hi, uhhmmm, I'm Wallflower... Are you sure? No boys even seem to notice I exist..."
>That's normal if she doesn't make herself known
"If they don't approach you, then you need to find a boy you like and make the first move yourself."
>It's common sense to you, but all of them practically seem to have an anxiety attack thinking about it
>A girl with a more gray color theme to her clothes and hair is next to speak up
>"I... I couldn't possibly do that! I hardly ever leave home! How could I 'just' walk up to and talk to a boy?!"
>She starts to hyperventalate and takes out a paper bag to start breathing into it
>Fluttershy pats her back while trying to calm her, "It'll be okay Marble, that's why we're here after all."
>THe anxiety in the room rises before the last girl who hasn't spoken yet speaks
>"What if I get rejected?! I don't think I could handle that..."
>All the girls seem to agree with her, but you don't think they have that much to worry about considering their 'assets'
>You've got to turn things around and quick
"Alright girls, let's just take a deep breath here..."
>You do some exaggerated deep breathing to help them follow your lead
>It does seem to help a little
>"I'm Moondancer by the way..."
>The last girl introduces herself after calming down a little
"You girls really don't have that much to worry about. You're all very beautiful girls with great figures."
>Marble fidgets with a blush before asking, "D-do you really think so?"
"Of course I do, if you approach a nice boy and talk with him. He'll be head over heals for you in no time."
>She seems very happy to hear that
>In fact, all of them seem very willing to listen to you now
>Maybe if you could just shift the topic away from boys you'll be able to get to more familiar territory
>Talk about securing a good job instead
>Though for the rest of the club meeting boys is all they want to talk about
>How to talk to boys
>What boys like and what do they do for fun
>How can they get involved in those activities with boys
>Once talking with a boy, how do they get them to stick around
>You try to answer the best you can, but you feel like blind leading the blind here
>You project the best air of confidence you can, but you feel like the longer you talk about it the more cracks will start to show
>How long before they realize you don't have any actual experience with dating?
>You hope they don't find out, and that you really will get to talk about something besides boys
>Though hearing their worries about boys does remind you of a younger you
>Back then you devoted yourself to work instead of worrying about securing a boyfriend
>Was being a workaholic even back then the real reason, or was a part of you shy like them?
>You can't help feeling a sense of comradery with them hearing their concerns and wanting to help them
>Be Anon
>You are at lunch sitting in a back corner practically hiding by yourself
>Like you usually do
>When your attention is caught by the mention of your name
>You look in the direction to see Flash Sentry looking for you
>Recently you'd done a class group project with him
>You both needed to create a powerpoint presentation about something and do a presentation on it
>You did most of the research and explained it to him so he'd know what to talk about
>He wrote the script for the presentation based on your research and you made the powerpoint based on the script
>Then he gave the presentation while you sat at the computer and moved the powerpoint along as he spoke
>You think the arrangement worked quite well
>Especially since you'd have frozen up in front of the class trying to give a presentation
>So you wonder why he's looking for you now
>Out of curiosity you leave the table and sheepishly get his attention
>He notices you quick enough to realize where you'd been sitting
>"Hey, Anon, why sit all the way out here by yourself?"
>You feel put on the spot, but need to say something
"Well... I don't know very many people and don't feel comfortable sitting at a table people are already at. Back here I can consistently find an empty table."
>Flash stays positive and gives you a few firm slaps on the back
>"There's no need for that, come sit with me."
>He takes you with him more towards the center of the caffeteria
>All the noise from people talking around you is making you feel on edge and anxious
>After sitting down he says more about why he looked for you
>"I thought you were an alright guy during the project we worked on, and was wondering how you're doing. I hadn't seen you at all since. Now I think I know why."
>You definitely don't put yourself out in the open often
>You're a bit like a mouse that way
>Though you wish it didn't have to always be that way
"How do you just put yourself out there in front of people and talk like that?"
>Asking him hoping there's some kind of secret to it
>He looks at you a little confused
>"It just comes naturally to me. If anything I'd want to ask why you seem to have so much trouble with it."
>Sometimes you wonder what you'll do after graduation if you can't get over your social anxiety
>Since you've heard how important networking is for getting a job
>You're only a sophmore, so you have some time, but you can't not think about it
>Without even saying anything further about how much this worries you Flash can tell how troubled you are
>He then seems to remember something
>"I remember seeing an announcement about a new club that started for helping really shy people, like a support group kind of thing."
>That sounds interesting, but maybe too good to be true
>"I may not know how exactly to help you be more social, but maybe they can."
>Maybe, but will they?
"I... I don't know... Are you sure they're legit? I hear most things that promise help like that are scams..."
>Flash laughs
>"Come on, Anon. It's a school club, how would they make any money tricking anyone? It's not like you pay to join."
>He's got you there
>The more Flash thinks about it the more sure he seems that you should join this club
>"I'm pretty sure they meet every day after school. Let's go then and check it out."
>You feel nervous about and and shake a little wondering how to tell him you don't want to
>Though before you can he assumes you will as he leaves after the bell rings ending lunch saying, "See you then, Anon!"
>The rest of the school day you feel a knot in your stomach considering trying to avoid him after the end of the last class
>You almost feel like you'd trained for this the way you'd always practically hug the walls as you went around the hallways and avoid any attention
>Once school ended even your best efforts didn't stop Flash from finding you right away
>He got behind you and started pushing your back to get you going towards the club room
>Having apparently found it before school ended
>You want to resist more, but you don't work out and it's not like you want him to get hurt
>Once the door with a sign for the club on it comes into view you reflexively dig in your heels and Flash has a much harder time pushing you
>"It's for the best Anon! Just get in there!", Flash says with a strained voice as he stubbornly pushes you the rest of the way to the door and opens the door before shoving you in
>Inside you see four girls and a woman you recognize as Mrs.Harshwinney
>All of them have huge chests and kind of impressive figures in general that make you flustered and almost makes it feel like a trap for beautiful women to be at a club like this
>You're the only guy here and their stares at you feel like they pierce into your soul
>You panic and turn around trying to turn the doorknob and leave
>It's useless because Flash is holding the door shut
>You freeze when you hear Mrs.Harshwinney address you
>"There's no need to be so nervous, you're here to join the club, right?"
>Letting go of the knob, you turn around and answer her while staring at the ground, "Well... Uhmmm. Y-Yes..."
>She gives a frustrated sigh before speaking again
>"Alright, come take a seat over here and introduce yourself, Anon."
>It seems she remembers you well enough as well to remember your name
>You look back up enough to see where an empty seat is before moving over to it and sitting down
>The seat is next to Mrs.Harshwinney, and after you sit down you hear the girls whispering to each other about you being a boy
>Making you worried that you're unwelcome because they expected only girls to join
>"Go on and introduce yourself."
>Mrs.Harshwinney prods you again as you sat there feeling like coming here was a mistake
"I'm... I'm Anon, nice to meet you all. I, well, I always have trouble speaking up, especially in front of people... I kind of hope to fix that before I graduate because I don't know what I'll do after graduation otherwise..."
>Looking up a bit to see how they reacted to their reaction to their introduction they seem more understanding and sympathetic to what you described rather than like they want you to leave
>Bringing your head all the way up, you can't help but smile a little at the thought of being accepted and welcomed
>Mrs.Harshwinney pats you on the head lightly
>"You're the exact kind of person this club was made for, welcome aboard."
>You hear murmurs of agreement from the girls before Mrs.Harshwinney prods them to introduce themselves as well
>They all blush profusely and seem reluctant to do it
>So Mrs,Harshwinney introduces them instead seemingly unwilling to wait for them to do it themselves
>"First we have Fluttershy, the founding member of the club. Although she's still very much shy, I'd say she's normally the one who has the least amount of trouble with her shyness."
>She meakly waves to you before saying, "Hi, Anon."
>"Next we have Marble, she's homeschooled but still allowed to join the school club because her sister Pinkie attends the school. In fact, it was Pinkie who reccomended to Marble she join the club after Fluttershy told Pinkie about the club since they're friends."
>Marble hides behind her hair as she waves to you much more meakly than Fluttershy, in fact it was hard to tell she did it at all
>"Then Wallflower here joined the club after seeing a poster for it. Honesetly she hasn't said much about herself and nobody has been around to say more for her. So my introduction for her is a little lacking, I'm sorry about that."
>She waves to you with a bit more of an energetic jerkyness to her hand while blushing and averting her eyes
>"Finally we have Moondancer. As far as I'm aware the last member to join before you. She's been ignored by people she tried to make friends with before and feels burned by that, but hopefully we can help her be more comfortable with opening up to people."
>Moondancer gives a quick huff while waving to you, apparently not exactly liking the introduction given for her
>After everyone is introduced there's a silence that feels awkward
>You're forced to say something
"So... What do you normally do here?"
>The girls clam up again and avert their eyes even more from you
>Are they always like this?
>You guess it makes sense given the nature of the club, but they're making even you feel outgoing by comparison
>More surprisingly though, even Mrs.Harshwinney seems reluctant to answer that question
>It seems like she's even blushing a little before she coughs uncomfortably and turns her chair to directly face you rather than the center of the group
>"I'm going to demonstrate something with you for the rest of the club."
>The air feels tense as even Mrs.Harshwinney takes time to prepare herself for what comes next
>You'd never seen her apprehensive about anything before now
>"How are you going to ask him to be your boyfriend?!"
>Moondancer blurts out as you feel your face burn up like you got red hot coals shoved in your face
"What?!", you yell without thinking
>Mrs.Harshwinney glares at her sharply and Moondancer cowers immediately
>"You can't just ask a boy to be your boyfriend right away! You need to talk about other stuff first to get to know him better!"
>She retorts while sounding upset and very uncomfortable with a clear blush on her face
>"For all you know when you just meet him he could be dangerous!"
>Adding before glancing back at you
>"Anon here is a gentle boy who wouldn't hurt a fly, obviously, but just for the sake of argument what if it was a farce, and he had a dangerous and violent side to him deep down he was hiding until you realize too late?!"
>Clearly trying to scare them into not trying to just jump into a relationship as you sit there completely shocked
>"That's... kind of hot...", Marble mumbles before adding, "D-do you think he'd choke me, just a little, not too much...?"
>Mrs.Harshwinney goes into a full rant after hearing that
>"Don't be like that! What's the matter with you?! Women get killed that way! By abusive boyfriends! It's terrible!"
>Calming down a little after, but stil continuing
>"It'd be one thing if he just pretended to be a bad boy, but you shouldn't want a guy who's actually dangerous. You should want a respectful guy who'll treat you right."
>Marble is clearly very embarrassed and nods in agreement with what Mrs.Harshwinney is saying
>Mrs.Harshwinney actively calms herself down before addressing you again
>"So, what do you normally do for fun?"
>Asking you about a much more normal topic
"I like video games. More specifically I like turn based games like strategy games or RPGs. Since they give me plenty of time to think about what I'm doing. If it gets too hectic I get nervous."
>Mrs.Harshwinney seems to get more comfortable as she asks you some follow up question about specific games you've been playing and what they're like
>You find yourself feeling more comfortable as well talking about the games
>Everything is going smoothly until a lull in the conversation happens, and Moondancer raises her hand
>"Yes, Moondance?", Mrs.Harshwinney asks in a very teacherly fashion
>"Are you going to ask him to be your boyfriend now?"
>Mrs.Harshwinney sighs wearily and shakes her head face down in her palms
>"You know what" Fine, I'll demonstrate what happens if you just ask out of the blue like that."
>She then turns back to you
>"Will you by my boyfriend?"
>You blush fiercely and feel put on the spot
>How could you deny her?
"Y-Yes!", you respond nervously feeling like it's what you should say
>Mrs.Harshwinney blushes a deep crimson before scolding you
>"That's not how you should respond after a quick conversation like that! You should say you don't know me well enough to give an answer yet! You should talk more, hang out a few times, go to a cafe or something, a first date before you decide if you'd date for real!"
>She looks away and trails off while clearly imagining a scene in her head
>"On that first date you'd feel the romance in the air... Talk about your feelings for each other... Maybe go back to one of your places... Get comfortable with each other on the couch, and decide if your truly right for each other while in each other's arms..."
>She then stops to look you in the eyes like she's wondering if your 'yes' was serious
>"You shouldn't toy with a girls emotions like that by saying 'yes' unless you really mean it
"I... I'm sorry...", you respond feeling bad about it
>Mrs.Harshwinney pats you on the head a couple times
>"It's okay, Anon, I did kind of put you on the spot there, and we're learning here. So it's expected to make mistakes."
>She then places a hand under your cheek, holding your head as she clearly thinking about what she said earlier about going on a date
>Mrs.Harshwinney then abruptly shifts gears by getting out of the seat she was sitting in
>Gesturing for Fluttershy to come sit in the seat
>"Let's have Fluttershy come over and try having a normal conversation with him. Just talk about something completely mundane. Like maybe the animal shelter."
>Flutershy is reluctant as expected, but with further prompting Mrs.Harshwinney manages to get Fluttershy to take the seat next to you and facing you
>She whimpers a bit cutely before starting to say something
>"Like she mentioned... I volunteer at an animal shelter... I really care about the animals and like taking care of them..."
>You actually think you've heard about her and the animal shelter before
"That's very nice, I wish I had something so noble to be passionate about..."
>You say praising her as she blushes and hides behind her hair a little
>"You could... Uhmmm... Join me and help out too sometime. If-if that's okay with you..."
"That sounds fine... When would be a good time for it?"
>Fluttershy mumbles and seems too nervous to say a specific time
Mrs.Harshwinney tries to help her out
>"Maybe you could try talking about video games with him as well?"
>Fluttershy then brings up she has a few games she plays as well
>Mostly games that have to do with caring for animals or otherwise very cutesy games about animals
>Definitely nothing where anything bad happens to any of them
>Not quite your cup of tea, but it's already obvious to you why she'd like those games
>She mentions one time she was playing one of her favorite games with one of her friends, and they got mad because they were competitive and Fluttershy was too good at the game
>Fluttershy of course felt bad about it
>Only intending to have fun with a friend rather than be competitive about it
This is what I've got so far. Really hope to have more sooner rather than later now that I have some momentum starting here.
Really cute idea, I love these gals. Would give each of them a hug. Looking forward to the next part whenever you get it out. I’m readin’ it.
Pinkie: “Wowie super cool wipeout nonny!”
Maud: “Are you okay?”
Limestone: “Ha loser looks like I’m the better surfer!”
Cloudy: “Anon I warned you to be careful”
Marble: “He’s cute at this angle”
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>draw/animate the NSFW part(s)
I really liking this, and not only because I have a soft spot for Harshwinney, hopefully there are mor of this green
Defo looking forward to more! I like the little cast of characters you've assembled, it's gonna be fun to see how they bond and develop
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>Four equally hot sisters
>Breeds their mom instead
I'm real impressed by your ability to animate like that. Animation is something I don't think I'll ever touch because it seems like way too much of a headache for me. Can't wait to see the spicy stuff!
I actually thought about including more shy girls, but couldn't think of any more really shy girls to include. Though 4 of them plus Mrs.Harshwinney is probably enough here. I'm definitely glad to hear you like how I'm handling the roster with it.
I think the four girls plus Harshwhinney is plenty. Personally I start having trouble keeping track of everyone in a scene when there's five characters involved. That's probably the biggest hurdle to overcome with what I'm writing right now.
Keeping a smaller cast like this lets you focus on what makes the five ladies different from each other, which makes them more interesting to read
Actually, I just remembered that there was one other girl I considered. I also had an idea for Twist, but was unsure what grade she'd be in or how exactly she'd be included. I'm also sort of thinking it might not be out oof the question for her to join later in some way. Though I'm not cemented on it one way or the other. Either way I probably won't have very many scenes where I try to have them all participate at the same time. In retrospect them being shy girls is very convenient for me because it's entirely realistic for them to not say anything for a while if a scene doesn't specifically call on them to do or say anything. In between meeting I'll probably try to give Anon more 1 on 1 sessions with each of them.
Will this story also go the harem route? I love the idea of scoring with 4 shy, big breasted schoolgirls and an insecure cougar.

(Fluttershy, Marble, Moondancer, Marble, Harshwhinny)
Yes, I talked about it last thread when I was proposing the story concept, but the whole idea is for it to be a harem. Probably how I would try to justify it being a harem and them sharing is that once Anon is thrust in front of them that was an accessible to them they're dead set on him enough to share, either feeling like they couldn't or not even wanting to try to get a different guy for themselves besides Anon even if it means sharing him.
Is Harshwhinny naturally the "top wife" in the situation?
I can say I didn't start with that in mind, but I'll admit that as I flesh it out that seems to be the natural fit of it. Though she may be last to fully admit she wants him and confess having feelings for him directly.
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I can't do a lot tonight but I can work more on this as well as hopefully the Pinkie Pogo gif at a few points of time throughout the remainder of May.
I like these characters together a lot. Hoping there's at least one group hug in the harem thing for this, for multiple reasons. I was almost getting ready to plan a story with these characters in their committee too but I still got the other stuff to write and draw and I see you've got this covered.
I used to fuck around in Adobe Flash all the time before Adobe Flash was no more. Thank you very much, though. I'll try to make the spicy stuff even more enjoyable, and I'm looking forward to your next update!
>I can't do a lot tonight but I can work more on this as well as hopefully the Pinkie Pogo gif at a few points of time throughout the remainder of May.
Outfit in mind? I like her second EQG set of clothes with the pink frilly skirt.
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Exactly the same outfit I was already planning to do. None of her other outfits are quite as neuron activating as this one.
I'd definitely be wasting serious potential if I have a harem of big titty girls and don't have at least one time where they all smother him with their tits in a group hug. Though one thing I want to say the bit with Marble saying the idea of Anon having a dangerous side to him was hot and Harshwinney going off about it like that was definitely one of those idea I'd had waiting well before I got help with Anon's intro. I thought it was really funny and just couldn't not include it.
>helping you girls is my biggest hobby.
Damn, dude, he picked a good hobby.
Fluttershy grabbing his wrist really got me going for some reason. As much as I love busty hornball Pinkie, and Dash being a little shid like that with AJ's bottoms, I think Flutters might be stealing the show again. Twilight's awkwardness is adorable too.
Definitely reading this tonight. Loved it last thread.
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I like that a lot. Can't wait until we get to see how whenever a group hug part pans out and where it might lead afterward.
Can’t wait to see booba and skirt bounce
>You’re touching Sunset.
>You’re actually touching Sunset.
>You’re holding her waist in your hand
>All you can think about is how soft and warm she is.
>The world around you fades away.
>It might as well be you and Sunset alone together in the abyss.
>Your thumb gently brushes along Sunset’s exposed skin.
>She’s more heavenly than you could have imagined.
>Her body has to have been shaped by the Gods.
>She’s got curves in all the right places.
>The warmth of her body makes you feel like you’re sitting beside the fireplace on Christmas morning.
>It’s so inviting.
>It makes you want more.
>It makes you want to explore the rest of her immaculate body.
>You can feel Sunset’s fingers rest on your neck.
>They’re curling into you like a falcon sinking its claws into its prey.
>You’re happy to be her prey.
>There’s nowhere you’d rather be than in Sunset’s grasp.
>Her slender fingers slide down your arm and gently play with yours, inviting you to tug on her bikini bottom’s drawstrings.
>You can hardly comprehend that that’s the string you’re holding between your thumb and index finger.
>All it’ll take is one little tug.
>Just that one swift motion and Sunset will be bottomless.
>Then it’ll only be your swim trunks separating your sex from hers.
>But you doubt it’ll be that way for long with Sunset at the wheel.
>Your fingers tighten on Sunset’s drawstring.
>You’re as hard as a boulder.
>Could this really happen?
>Could you actually lose your virginity tonight?
>To a girl as stunning as Sunset?
>That has to be what’s gonna happen.
>Sunset’s never been this forward with you before.
>You’re gonna do it.
>You’re gonna take the leap.
>You begin to pull on her bikini bottom’s string.
>It starts to loosen.
>Here we go.
>No turning back now.
>Sunset leans against you and rocks her hips.
>Your manhood is still trapped between her thighs.
>This one motion of hers elicits a sharp, surprisingly lewd gasp from you.
>”Having fun over there?” Applejack asked you, yanking you from your special place with Sunset and back into the world of the sleepover.
>Not the worst place to be, granted.
>But you’d kind of prefer to be alone with Sunset.
>Everyone’s looking at you.
>This is like something out of your nightmares.
>A torrent of shame washes over you when how aroused you were really sinks in.
>In front of your friends.
“What do you mean?” You anxiously ask her, pulling your arms back beneath your legs.
>”Oh, Anon was just telling me how he’s down to try skinny dipping.” Sunset was quick to answer on your behalf.
>A new feeling surges through your body.
>You’re thrust back into the blistering cold of the winter night.
>Why would Sunset say that?
>She’s never thrown you under the bus like this before.
>As all of tonight a scheme to do this to you?
>The girls gasped.
>”You are!?” Pinkie asked you, her face conveying.
>You glance around at your friends to gauge their reactions.
>None of them seem offended by what “you” said.
>You know how to read them well enough to know when they’re upset about something.
>From what you can tell, their reactions range from surprised to curious.
>”He sure is! He’s been telling me all about how comfortable he feels around us, and he’s been dying to really put himself out there and try exciting new things! Isn’t that right, new boy~?” Sunset answered, turning her wicked eyes back to you.
>Oh, God.
>What do you do?
>None of them said anything to oppose “your” idea.
>You’d expect bigger reactions from Rarity, Fluttershy, and Rainbow, but they’ve been silent.
>Your immediate instinct is to profusely insist that Sunset wasn’t telling the truth and that you’re not interested in skinny dipping with these girls, but something stops you.
>Something you’ve never really felt before.
>It feels like you’re being commanded by a force greater than yourself.
>You can hear its thunderous voice in your head.
>”None of them reacted with disapproval, don’t waste this opportunity.”
>”History is never made by men who don’t take risks.”
>Sunset drags her hand up your arm.
>She’s siding with the voice that just spoke to you.
>One last glance across the group gets you something telling.
>In the eyes of the girls, you can just barely make out the light of anticipation.
>Go for it, Anon.
>Take the leap.
>You shakily exhale, preparing to speak the “truth”.
“...Maybe a little.” You say.
>There’s another round of soft gasps from the girls.
>It’s enough to make you doubt your risky decision.
>But none of them called you a creep or a pervert.
>You’re in too deep to back out now.
>You’re committed.
“It’s just… I don’t know, I’ve been doing a lot of things for the first time this past semester. I’ve never tutored anyone before, I’ve never volunteered at an animal shelter before, I’ve never… been to a sleepover like this before. And I’m really grateful that all of you feel so comfortable around me.”
>You take another breath, feeling heat return to your face.
>A fracture manifests in your boldness, and you cave.
“I’m sorry, it was dumb to bring up, I shouldn’t have-”
>”I’m in!” Pinkie announced before you could finish your attempt at backtracking.
>That’s another curveball thrown at you.
“...Really?” You carefully ask her.
>”Totally! It sounds super fun! It’s a perfect way to celebrate the end of the semester!” Pinkie excitedly continued, swimming over to you to emphasize her point.
>Sunset grinned victoriously.
>The girls begin murmuring to each other about this whole skinny dipping thing.
>You turn to Rarity, dreading you’ve offended her.
>Especially after what she just went through with her swimsuit.
“Hey, you don’t have to do this, I’m really sorry if I offended you.”
>Rarity smiled and shook her head.
>”I appreciate your concern, truly, but… it sounds so daring~” Rarity admitted in a lower tone.
>She digs her fingernails into your forearm under the hot tub water, biting her bottom lip with a fiery look in her eyes.
“Well… Okay…”
>You cast your eyes across the hot tub to see what the other girls are thinking.
>Rainbow smirks and leans back with her arms crossed behind her head, highlighting her (admittedly modest) chest.
>”You’ve been having so much fun staring at me, you might as well get the full Rainbow Dash experience.” She said to you with her eyes shut and grin wide.
>Applejack and Twilight roll their eyes at her.
“I wasn’t staring- whatever.” You try to object before giving up.
>”Yeah, you’re right, you’ve been real focused on Sunset since we got in.” Rainbow snickered.
“What, are you jealous? I’m sure there’s room for two.” You remark back at Rainbow.
>You’re surprised by how forward you just were.
>Maybe it was Sunset, Pinkie, Rarity, and her saying they’d actually be down for skinny dipping that gave you the confidence boost you needed.
>Rainbow recoils and blushes again, making Sunset, Applejack, and Twilight.
>You’d really think she’d be better at taking what she dishes out.
>”Whatever! You’d like that, wouldn’t you, you dweeb!” Rainbow bluntly accuses you.
“Getting so up close and personal with the school’s star soccer player? Sounds like a dream come true!”
>”Sh-Shut up!” Rainbow blushes deeper.
>You’re having too much fun to shut up.
“What’s wrong? Scared you might like it?”
>”I can still change my mind about letting your dork ass see me naked!” Rainbow reminded you, fully red in the face.
>Looks like you found something you’re better than her at.
>”Except you won’t!” Twilight giggled.
>”Of course YOU’D be down for skinny dipping! I’ve seen the weird, pervy you read!” Rainbow shot at her.
>”It’s not pervy!” Twilight defended herself.
“Okay, look, I’m sorry for teasing you, Rainbow.” You say to her, dropping to a softer voice.
>Rainbow groaned and shook her head.
>”Whatever, it’s cool. Seriously, though, you get on bad side and you won’t get to see my good side~” Rainbow grinned at you.
>Damn, so that’s what it feels like.
“Alright, alright, you win.” You chuckle.
>”I did kinda think about skinny dipping in the past…”” Twilight nervously admitted with a lopsided smile.
“Really?” You ask her with a grin.
>”You?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at her.
>”When’d that happen?” Pinkie urged her to answer.
>Twilight gulps.
>”W-Well, back when I was at Crystal Prep, I stayed late one night to study-”
>Rainbow faked a shocked gasp, earning herself an elbow from Applejack.
>Twilight takes a moment to compose herself again.
>”It was after dark when I decided to pack it in, so nobody else was around. I walked through the halls and passed by the pool, and just kinda… thought about doing it…”
>Rarity giggles at how close she came to public indecency.
>”I didn’t though! I went home right after!” Twilight was quick to assure everyone.
>”I did… keep thinking about it… So I’m really excited to try it here with you all!”
>Twilight stiffens up after saying that, awkwardly giggling.
>Man, this is going a lot better than you thought it would.
>It feels too good to be true.
>Pinkie, Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity all said they’re down to get naked in front of you.
>And you’ll be naked in front of them.
>The pink hair in the corner of your vision reminds you that Fluttershy hasn’t said a word since you pitched the idea.
“What about you, Flutters? You wanna-”
>”Yes.” Fluttershy bluntly interrupts you.
>You’ve never heard her that direct before.
>You never would have expected it with something like this.
>Her face is still hidden behind her hair, and her bare chest is still hidden behind your arms.
“...What happened to your swimsuit?” you ask her.
>”...I dunno…” was the best answer she could manage.
>”Sh-Shut up!” Rainbow blushes deeper.
>You’re having too much fun to shut up.
“What’s wrong? Scared you might like it?”
>”I can still change my mind about letting your dork ass see me naked!” Rainbow reminded you, fully red in the face.
>Looks like you found something you’re better than her at.
>”Except you won’t!” Twilight giggled.
>”Of course YOU’D be down for skinny dipping! I’ve seen the weird, pervy you read!” Rainbow shot at her.
>”It’s not pervy!” Twilight defended herself.
“Okay, look, I’m sorry for teasing you, Rainbow.” You say to her, dropping to a softer voice.
>Rainbow groaned and shook her head.
>”Whatever, it’s cool. Seriously, though, you get on bad side and you won’t get to see my good side~” Rainbow grinned at you.
>Damn, so that’s what it feels like.
“Alright, alright, you win.” You chuckle.
>”I did kinda think about skinny dipping in the past…”” Twilight nervously admitted with a lopsided smile.
“Really?” You ask her with a grin.
>”You?” Applejack raised an eyebrow at her.
>”When’d that happen?” Pinkie urged her to answer.
>Twilight gulps.
>”W-Well, back when I was at Crystal Prep, I stayed late one night to study-”
>Rainbow faked a shocked gasp, earning herself an elbow from Applejack.
>Twilight takes a moment to compose herself again.
>”It was after dark when I decided to pack it in, so nobody else was around. I walked through the halls and passed by the pool, and just kinda… thought about doing it…”
>Rarity giggles at how close she came to public indecency.
>”I didn’t though! I went home right after!” Twilight was quick to assure everyone.
>”I did… keep thinking about it… So I’m really excited to try it here with you all!”
>Twilight stiffens up after saying that, awkwardly giggling.
>Man, this is going a lot better than you thought it would.
>It feels too good to be true.
>Pinkie, Sunset, Twilight, Rainbow, and Rarity all said they’re down to get naked in front of you.
>And you’ll be naked in front of them.
>The pink hair in the corner of your vision reminds you that Fluttershy hasn’t said a word since you pitched the idea.
“What about you, Flutters? You wanna-”
>”Yes.” Fluttershy bluntly interrupts you.
>You’ve never heard her that direct before.
>You never would have expected it with something like this.
>Her face is still hidden behind her hair, and her bare chest is still hidden behind your arms.
“...What happened to your swimsuit?” you ask her.
>”...I dunno…” was the best answer she could manage.
>”That just leaves you, AJ!” Sunset says, directing every pair of eyes in the
>Applejack crosses her arms and rolls her eyes.
>You sigh.
>It does make sense that she wouldn’t want to take part in anything like this.
>She’s probably the most responsible out of everyone here.
>”I can’t believe I’m bein’ talked into this, but… fine, I’m in.” She relented as a small grin formed on her lips.
>”Woohoo! Everyone’s in! Great idea, Nonny!” Pinkie cheered, popping out of the water and splashing everyone with the heated water.
>”Yeah, great idea, new boy~” Sunset repeated, whispering in your ear.
“Really? After what Rainbow did to you?” You ask Applejack.
>”My swimsuit’s comin’ off on my terms, I’m makin’ sure of that. Besides, I ain’t got nothin’ to be ashamed of.” She answered with confidence.
>That’s everyone.
>You tripped and fell your way into pitching skinny dipping to your friends, and it worked.
>In literally any other circumstance, you basically would’ve committed social suicide.
>But it worked.
>And the price of that is having to be naked, too.
>You’ll be completely naked, surrounded by these pretty girls.
>The other shoe just dropped.
>”Y’alright, Anon? You’re lookin’ awful pale all of a sudden.” Applejack asked you, slightly concerned.
>”Aww, I think he’s shy!” Rainbow realized with a wicked grin.
>Your cheeks flare up in defense, only serving to prove her right.
>This gets a round of
>”Come on, where’s the Anon that wanted to do exciting new things?” Rainbow laughed.
>”I bet the Nonny that was singing his heart out would be down to get naked!” Pinkie surmised.
“I can! I totally can!” You insist.
>”Oh, really?” Applejack grinned.
“Absolutely! I pitched the idea, didn’t I?”
>”After I helped you.” Sunset reminded you.
“I would’ve said it!”
>”I doubt it; you would’ve just kept starin’ at Sunset.” Applejack rebutted.
>”She’s got a point~” Sunset smirked, brushing fingernails across your back.
“Because she was getting all handsy AND was sitting on my lap! I’d stare at you too if you were sitting on my lap!”
>”Careful what you say, I might do a little more than Sunset if I catch you starin’~” Applejack slyly warned you.
>You grit your teeth and shakily exhale through your nose.
>Rainbow and Pinkie share a laugh at how flustered you’re getting.
>Sunset giggles, too.
>You can feel it.
>”Relax, Anon! You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of!” Twilight tried to comfort you.
>You almost accept this compliment, but then you leer at her.
“...How would you know?” You ask Twilight.
>Twilight’s eyes widen a bit as she realizes what she insinuated.
>”Uh, y’know, because the human body’s proportional and all, I kinda, like… I- I mean, given your-”
“I got it, thanks.” You cut her off before she could choke you on her condensed awkwardness.
>”Seriously, dude, you don’t gotta be worried about anything. We all took health class, you’re not gonna show us anything we haven’t seen already.” Rainbow assured you with a noticeably more supportive tone.
>Pinkie gasped.
>”What if Nonny’s secretly a space alien, and that’s why he doesn’t wanna show off his body to us?” Pinkie conspired, leaning forward to squint at you inquisitively.
“I’m not an alien!” You try to insist.
>”We don’t know for sure! What if Bullworth is actually the name of your home planet?” Pinkie questioned further, leaning closer to you.
>She’s doing a good job at making you less nervous about your impending nudity.
>Her supple chest’s hanging down as she bends forward at you.
>You smile and raise your hands in mock defensiveness.
“You got me, I’m actually the last son of planet Krypton.”
>”I knew it!” Pinkie cried out triumphantly, standing straight up.
>”I knew there was something that made you so much better than all the other guys at school!”
>You laugh along with her and the girls at Pinkie’s brilliant deduction, but what she said really sticks with you.
“...Is that actually how you see me?” You ask Pinkie.
>”Well, duh! You’re the only guy we all like!” She cheerily answered.
>”Anonymous, you’re the only guy we’d even humor the idea of going skinny dipping with.” Rarity said with a stifled chuckle.
>”Any other guy tried that and he would’ve been walkin’ home with a slapped cheek and a black eye.” Applejack added.
“Okay, yeah, fair enough.” You admit.
>”You’re the only guy I feel this comfortable around…” Fluttershy whispered, nuzzling into your shoulder.
>She’s still half naked and hiding her face, but she’s being really bold, given the circumstances.
>”Y-Yeah, never thought I’d be naked in front of a boy like this…” Twilight muttered. “B-But I’m really glad it’s you!”
>”You know how many times I’ve been asked out this past semester? You better feel honored that I’m letting you see me like this.” Rainbow spoke up.
“Don’t worry, I do!” You insist.
>”We all like you a whole lot, Anon. We like you enough to get naked enough in front of you, so have fun with it! Remember what I said to you after school?” Sunset reminded you.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t worry, go with the flow, I remember.”
>”Good boy!” Sunset teasingly praised you, wiggling her butt on your lap.
>The sensation sends another shiver down your spine.
“Alright, you all win!” You relent, getting up from your seat.
>The seven girls lean towards you with bated breath.
“I’m gonna… skinny dip with you all.” You summon the strength to vocalize.
>Just saying that made you that much more self conscious.
>All seven girls cheer at your statement, flattering you more than a little.
>Flattering your second-in-command more than a little, as well.
>All eyes are on you.
>Their eyes dart between looking you in the eye and looking down at your rapidly tightening swim trunks.
>The girls are expecting you to strip for them.
>...It WAS your idea.
>Kind of.
>The pressure’s on.
>You take a deep breath.
“Well, here goes nothing. Or, rather, here goes everything…” You weakly chuckle.
>You reach for the waist of your swim trunks.
>”Wait!” Sunset interrupted you.
>You almost jump right out of your swim trunks in surprise.
“What is it?”
>”We GOTTA get more of the cider! It’ll really help loosen everyone up!” She realized, standing up with you.
>”I dunno, we don’t wanna overdo it with the drinkin’...” Applejack contested.
>”It’ll be fine! Anon’ll only get two bottles that the eight of us can share. It’ll be, like, half a bottle for all of us here! We’ll be fine!” Sunset assured her.
>”Ooh, that sounds like fun!” Pinkie agreed.
>”I sure could go for some of that good stuff.” Rainbow added.
>Sunset could be right, getting a drink in you could be the social lubricant you need.
“Sure, I’m down!” You agree with her.
>”Perfect! Go get two bottles from my bedroom, and hurry!” Rarity urged you, pushing you towards the patio.
“Alright, I’m going, I’m going. You girls stay pretty!” You say to them as you climb out of the hot tub.
>You feel Fluttershy sulk slightly when you pull away from her.
>Good lord, it’s cold.
>You only vaguely hear the girls behind you giggle and talk before you dart back inside Rarity’s house.
>Did they see your boner?
>It’s not worth worrying about.
>They’ll see everything there is to see in a bit.
>Remembering the path to Rarity’s bedroom, you expertly make your way through the hallways and up the stairs back to where the sleepover was last being held.
>You make sure to not drip water everywhere.
>Don’t wanna ruin the carpet.
>It’s just you in Rarity’s bedroom.
>You locate the box Applejack was keeping the remaining bottles of hard cider in and grab two of them.
>And then you freeze.
>This is really happening.
>You’re gonna be naked with seven other naked girls.
>This should be your dream come true, but you’re freezing up.
>You’re so close.
>You try to calm yourself down.
>There’s nothing they’re likely to say or do that’ll completely ruin you.
>But you’ve never been this…
>You’ve never done anything like this before.
>This is all Sunset’s doing.
>She was the one who put those words in your mouth.
>Granted, it worked, but why?
>And why was she urging you to get intimate with her?
>You stop yourself in your tracks.
>If you keep worrying like this, you’ll be in Rarity’s room alone all night.
>That’s not how you want to remember tonight.
>You don’t want tonight to be remembered for how you ran away when approaching what could’ve been your finest hour.
>You want to remember tonight as the best sleepover ever.
>Let’s do this.
>You march back downstairs with your two bottles of hard cider and your tightened swim trunks.
>It feels like you’re walking towards the octagon before a UFC match.
>It feels like your whole life has been leading towards tonight.
>That might not be as overly dramatic as it sounds.
>Moving across the country to a new school, meeting these wonderful girls, getting to know them well enough that they’re willing to get naked with you.
>This isn’t just a sleepover.
>This is destiny.
>You barely pay mind to the cold weather outside once you emerge from Rarity’s house.
>”Anon’s back!” Twilight announced to the group.
>The girls halt their conversations and turn to face you.
>They’re eyeing you up and down.
>There’s that hungry look in their eyes.
>This hot tub’s looking more like a piranha tank.
“I sure am!” You reply with a gentle smile.
>”Come on, get in here!” Rainbow hurried you.
>”The anticipation’s killing us!” Pinkie whined.
>You carefully step into the warm water.
>You’re really in it now.
>Sunset takes one of the bottles from you, opens it up, and takes a large swig of the alcoholic drink before passing it to Rarity.
>You follow suit.
>You open up your bottle and take a swig of the hard cider.
>It’s still incredibly bitter going down, but you’re prepared for it this time.
>The alcohol does its job mercifully quickly.
>Your head feels a little lighter and you feel a little more giggly.
>Just what the doctor ordered.
>You move to hand the bottle to Fluttershy, but she’s still covering her chest with both hands.
>It strikes you as a little weird she didn’t fix her swimsuit while you were gone, but whatever.
>She’s got a head start.
“Oh, sorry…” You sheepishly say to her.
>”No, no, it’s alright! Just… Hold it to my mouth.” Fluttershy carefully requested.
>Man, you’d be stressing a lot more about this if you didn’t have the cider just now.
“Okie dokie…” You respond with a giggle.
>With some careful maneuvering, you hold the bottle up to Fluttershy’s mouth and gently tip it so she can drink it.
>A little bit of the cider dribbles out from the side of her mouth.
>Don’t overthink it.
>Stay focused.
>A moment later, Fluttershy steps away from the bottle after she’s had enough.
>Some of the cider spills into the hot tub, making both of you giggle a bit.
“You alright?” You ask Fluttershy.
>”Mm-hm! I’m feeling better now.” She answered in a less self-conscious tone.
“Thank goodness…”
>You hand the bottle to Applejack, who takes a swig before handing it to Rainbow.
>Pinkie and Rainbow have taken their portions of the hard cider.
>Here we go.
>Everyone’s ready.
>You’re ready.
>”Woah, what’s that?” Pinkie asks, pointing to something behind you.
>You turn around and spot yet another love letter resting in the snow beside the hot tub.
>Geez, this is still going.
>You’d think your secret admirer would get the courage to confess her feelings to you if she’s willing to skinny dip with you.
>That’s not important.
“Let’s see here…” You mutter, picking up the letter and opening it up.
>The girls crowd around you to see what this newest confession is.
“I want to hold you close and make you feel loved.” You read aloud from your newest love letter.
>”Aww, that’s so sweet!” Rarity swooned.
>”Who do you think wrote it?” Sunset questioned you with a grin.
>You fold the letter back up and place it back on the snow.
“Doesn’t matter right now. I wanna focus on this skinny dipping stuff.”
“Whoever’s been leaving me these notes, her dreams are about to come true.” You giggle.
>”That’s the spirit!” Rainbow cheers you on.
>”Okay! On the count of three!” Pinkie commands everyone.
>Your hands return to your side.
>The girls get ready.
>You get ready.
>Rarity fans herself.
>Applejack takes a deep breath.
>Twilight rubs her face to calm down.
>This is happening.
>Fluttershy stiffens her jaw.
>Rainbow’s psyching herself up.
>Sunset’s hand gently teases yours.
>This is really happening.
>Once that magic word is spoken, the gloves are off.
>...Along with everything else.
That's quite a cliffhanger there.
Fucking awesome green, holy shit. There's a few typos/mistakes but you've got everything else down great. I love the girls and Harshwhinny, and Anon has actual motivation to be there, being shy himself. This is cool af.
Fucking hell, I can't keep up with the thread anymore, lel.
Will read tonight.
>I was almost getting ready to plan a story with these characters in their committee too
Sheesh. I did, too. I wrote up a bunch of notes for a long story, and then I planned out a oneshot. It's a great idea, and I love the guy's green.
Butthole's green is giving me ideas too; I think springtime might be harem season in Fingerbang. Nice.
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>...Along with everything else.
>Anon in next update
>after putting each slide into Krita where vector tools can be used
I think it looks perfectly fine this way. But that’s my opinion.
Anchor for the anon coloring the bottomless humanized Fluttershy.

(NSFW, obviously)

Requesting that this sketch of bottomless humanized Fluttershy is colored. Be sure to expose her genitals.

Reference for color and painting style (also NSFW):

And this is how the original artist would draw female genitals in the similar pose and from the similar angle. (WARNING: NSFW, anthro and hyper)

Or, if you want to finish it yourself, here is the incomplete painting (it too is NSFW):
She can arrest me any time she wants
Fucking hell, I need to reel it in a bit. I ended up getting four and a half hours of sleep last night because I was determined to end on that cliffhanger. Future updates will be shorter so I don't inflict sleep deprivation on myself and so you bros don't have to call in sick to read what I posted.
The more, the merrier! I'd love to see what your ideas turn into
Man I was thinking how the latest update was way longer than the other ones. Thank you for your sacrifice.
The idea of a big titty committee gave me an idea for a different green I hope you'd at least think is amusing even if it's ridiculous.
>Big titty committee as an actual committee with more smug and arrogant girls
>The girls with the biggest titties in school lording their status over the girls with inferior chests
>Anon in this green is a well known connoisseur of huge melons
>Big titty committee wants to employ Anon
>Not just to help determine who's fit to join their committee as a new member, but also help them determine how they rank against each other to decide who's the top bitch with the absolute best cleavage in school
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I have my own story idea, it's essentially inspired by the Rick and Morty episode where Rick made Morty a love serum for his school dance.

But in this case, a cocky post-NNN Anon uses a love potion he got from Cadence actually Chrysalis through Cadance to ensure he can attract a date or two for the dance. But the potion is so strong that it sexually attracts all the female students, chaperones and principals to him while spiking his own libido, and an attempt to control the situation (and possibly escape the ensuing snu-snu unscathed) ends up with him pulled into a private room with three of the mothers urgently wanting him and his fat load.
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Well now something pretty much has to happen now that clothes aren't even in the equation anymore.
I might still do mine, but the other one with Wallflower is one I still gotta finish.
Personally, I always get into that spring+summer vibe, I've even done it all throughout December to about last month to kind of ignore winter.
I could leave it like that if enough people want, would make it easier for me too. Krita is indeed kind of annoying after all.
Definitely an amusing idea. Possibly with competitive breast envy to top it all off.
I'll be honest this is pretty much what happened in my love zombie green except Cadance is actually Cadance and it was on a different scale, though I'll admit I didn't really make that clear enough. I was planning a scene where Cadance was holed up in her office after it became clear what happened. And then she was the last to go as the one who accidentally started the whole thing as they all forced their way into her office by the dozens. But I didn't know where to chronologically put that scene when I brainstormed, so I ended up just having that happen "offscreen" and then have her be one of the love/lust zombies in the end to confirm that it definitely happened at some point. Still, this is a good spin on the idea.
>this is pretty much what happened in my love zombie green except Cadance is actually Cadance and it was on a different scale
>Still, this is a good spin on the idea.
Well, maybe instead of turning them into love zombies outright, the love potion's effects on Anon are less overtly mind-addling and more subtle, like all, and I mean ALL of the girls around him are suddenly more interested in him. He looks great, sounds husky and smells amazing to them. Those with girlfriends and wives are strangely okay with being as near him as possible, and flirting and the idea of intimacy is casually brought up with him with no resistance to the idea.

Then comes the dance. All the girls want to dance with him, including the teachers, principals and female chaperones. Things happen with a combination of his own spiked libido, punch spiked with alcohol and three of the moms wanting to dance with him leading to a "private dance" in a vacant room.
Girls addled by Anon under the love potion's effects still thinks and act coherently, they just find themselves physically and sexually attracted to him enough to resist thinking and fantasizing about them, but otherwise retain their higher brain functions. It's the kind of effect that would allow Anon to casually have sex with any girl he wants, but everything else is otherwise mostly normal aside from the sudden posse of female "fans".
>Well, maybe instead of turning them into love zombies outright, the love potion's effects on Anon are less overtly mind-addling and more subtle, like all, and I mean ALL of the girls around him are suddenly more interested in him.
That's definitely the best way to go about it IMO. It allows for a more engaging and natural raising of the stakes as the story goes along, where Candace goes from "Heck yeah, this potion worked like a charm" to "Oh God, what have I done", like wishing on a monkey's paw.
I wonder if the story would work better if Anon didn't know he was using a love potion, and Cadance was like "Just use this fancy cologne and the ladies will be all over you, wink wink"
>I wonder if the story would work better if Anon didn't know he was using a love potion
That could work too. Instead of being a cocky NNN winner who was hoping to get laid through a love potion that ends up potentially being a Monkey's Paw for him, he could just be oblivious and confused about all the girls suddenly being interested in him, including ones that are either already taken, almost twice his age or both.

Although because I personally prefer fapfics involving milfs/cougars and coerced ejaculation following a while without sexual release like the ones Grey wrote, I'd prefer it as a Monkey's Paw for the NNN winner, gets in over his head with the love potion he takes in the hopes of getting laid in prom, gets swarmed by female "admirers" and ends up losing both his virginity and over a month of stored nut to three voracious milf's who attended said prom as chaperones.
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>instead of turning them into love zombies outright, the love potion's effects on Anon are less overtly mind-addling and more subtle, like all, and I mean ALL of the girls around him are suddenly more interested in him
That's a very interesting approach. And he thinks it's something else at first.
And then the whole dance is set up to for lack of a better term entrap him into an orgy or something. I could flesh that out into a green pretty easily. A couple of my other greens already do that, so I wouldn't even need to brainstorm a lot.
I think either way could pan out into a story, but the obliviousness route is kind of more fun because he knows less and the element of eventual discovery comes into play. Like waiting for a character in a mystery to find out another character is the murderer. Dramatic irony and all that.
But if you want me to write it the other monkey's paw way, that also works.
meant to quote >>41102754 too
The obliviousness route lends itself better to comedic scenarios where Anon could try to see how far the girls are willing to take this newfound interest in him
I picture Anon rambling about Warhammer lore to three or four girls who are heavily invested and giving him "fuck me" eyes the whole time
>if you want me to write it the other monkey's paw way, that also works
Honestly, I prefer cocky NNN winner wanting to score at prom and getting in over his head, even if it's less interesting. Something about him losing both his cockiness and his carefully contained load at the same time to voracious women (preferably older girls) is hottest to me.

>the whole dance is set up to for lack of a better term entrap him into an orgy or something
I want to imagine the chaperone moms (Cookie, Posies, led by Cloudy) pretending to be the voice of authority and reason just to get him away from the female students, out of the gymnasium where the dance is happening, and abscond Anon to a private room in the school just to have their way with him, and the three milfs going down on him at once causes the once cocky male student to blow his month-worth of load before he can even get his pants off from the sexual tension before the intense foursome happens.
>I picture Anon rambling about Warhammer lore to three or four girls who are heavily invested and giving him "fuck me" eyes the whole time.
And one of said girls takes the opportunity to slowly edge their hand onto his lap, and onto his crotch under the table, and the others can tell from his resulting surprise alone what she did and glare at her for beating them to the punch?
Also here's a somewhat similar idea I'd think is amusing while also to differentiate itself.
>Anon tries to be attractive at prom with a specific girl in mind among fellow students
>He does become attractive but not to who he wanted
>All the girls his age are the prom are actively repelled by him including the girl he wanted, but all the milfs and cougars are all over him
Actually, in fact, I don't think it'd even have to be supernatural.
>Anon asks Cadence for advice on how to woo girls in advance of the prom
>Cadence inadvertently gives him advice on how to dress and what to say that's in line with a guy from a movie or something older women like her have been crazy about lately
>He does it and all the younger girls his age think it's stupid or creepy
>While the older women eat it up and want him badly for it
That's an idea I can get into
>The older women try to make Anon into who their dream date would've been for prom to relive their high school years
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I'm thinking maybe I can have it be two Anons competing to see who still lasts longer, but one of them isn't aware of what just happened to the dance. I'm trying to think of a compromise between the two that works, but it might get a little busy story-wise this way. I'm trying to think of a way to keep it more or less focused and straightforward.
>and the three milfs going down on him at once causes the once cocky male student to blow his month-worth of load before he can even get his pants off from the sexual tension before the intense foursome happens.
I can see that. A situation he was 0% prepared for overtaking him.
An interesting way to flip the premise. Could add some brief comedy into there too. Also gives room to have some stuff happen in the days before the prom.
>>The older women try to make Anon into who their dream date would've been for prom to relive their high school years
That actually works perfectly for this because they're all at the prom. Perfect idea for this premise. I can't see how it wouldn't be part of it now lol.
I vote for oblivious anon
If you like the fictional girls in, uhh... *certain ages*, could someone update the Kemono entry for Uotapo's Pixiv Fanbox page?


Right now, the three stuffs are missing:
* Apple Bloom
* Sweetie Belle
* Cozy Glow
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>he's not just a pedo, he outright posts links to k-o so algorythms can pick the site up and show it to the artists
I hope feds handle you kiddiefiddle ass to the meanies nigga in the prison
ah yes, the infamous algorithms that pick up piracy site links off of 4chan threads and email them to artists????????
Its enought to get it into search engine results, retard.
Maybe the algorithm that helps him find the post asking for Uotapo pics and reply to it almost immediately lots of the time.
Looks promising. Can’t wait m8.
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Most likely to defend themselves without their geodes?
Definitely AJ, followed closely by Rainbow Dash.
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Based as fuck, pedofags OUT
I've been watching a bunch of Simpsons lately so whenever I plan out a lewd scene I think of Granny Smith watching Anon and the girl like https://youtu.be/kdsERzA-9O4?t=22
Probably my favorite with her reacting to lewd scenes.
>You expect her to be all prudish and insist on abstinence till marriage
>She's actually like, "Get in there and fuck already! Make me those babies damn it!"
I’m pro piracy and anti pedshit but you’re cringe as fuck. Jesus Christ dude lmao
Was kind of glad to see Anon kiss up to Rainbow's ego a bit. Make her feel like the star soccer player she is. Rainbow a cute. Fluttershy is still hot though
Also, the pants have come off, the cider has come out, and the time has come, and so have I.
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I prefer them aged up as adults but you do you
>It all happens in a haze.
>You don’t even act consciously.
>It isn’t even the alcohol working for you.
>It felt like some deeper force was commanding you to do it.
>But you did it.
>In one swift motion, you’re naked.
>As naked as the day you were born.
>You feel the hot tub water all around.
>Your skin is much more receptive to the warmth now.
>All of your skin.
>The hair on your body stands on end.
>At that moment, you’re surrounded by silence.
>Time stands still.
>All you can hear is your own breathing.
>Your fingers graze the surface of the bubbling water.
>So many emotions swirl in your mind.
>Dread, shame, excitement...
>You want to run, but you also want to stay.
>You’re being pulled in so many directions at once.
>You’re so vulnerable.
>You went into this school year wanting to just keep to yourself and not draw too much attention, and yet, here you are.
>You just did the boldest, most daring act you’ve ever done.
>You’ve taken the biggest leap of your life.
>Sound surrounds you.
>It’s indiscernible at first.
>Then clarity follows.
>It’s the voices of your seven friends.
>You refocus your eyes.
>You’re naked.
>The girls are naked.
>Everyone’s naked.
>They’re all holding their swimsuits up in the air and cheering.
>Pinkie, Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Sunset, Rarity, even Fluttershy.
>You can see them.
>All of them.
>Their breasts hang freely and sway as they move their angelic bodies.
>They all trim their bushes differently.
>The girls are all laughing and giggling, happy as a clam.
>A strange feeling fills you.
>You feel like you’re trapped inside a dream.
>There’s no way this is actually happening.
>But these doubts are forcibly torn from you when Sunset grabs your shoulders and gives you the widest grin you’ve ever seen from her.
>”Wow, new boy, this was an AMAZING idea!” She excitedly says to you, staring you in the eyes.
>Sunset’s gripping you so tightly.
>Her entire upper body is heaving with her breathing.
>Her impressive boobs bob up and down so enticingly…
>You stole a glance at Sunset’s pussy earlier, she’s clean shaved down there.
>You clear your throat, focusing your eyes back into hers.
“Heh, yeah, I guess it was!” You answer as confidently as you can.
>But it’s still not very confident.
>You’re as hard as a diamond, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to hide it.
>Your dick stands as triumphantly as an American flag planted on the surface of Mars.
>Just like you can see all of the girls, they can see all of you.
>You’re still deeply embarrassed about this whole ordeal, but there’s a part of you that’s enjoying this.
>That part of you is winning with the help of the cider.
>A smile spreads across your own face as a shaky laugh escapes your lips.
>”I don’t get why you were so hesitant about this, you look great!” Twilight complimented you with her hands behind her back.
>Twilight’s got a more modest body, and her southern hair’s neatly trimmed.
>Your breathing’s getting heavier without any conscious effort on your part.
“Oh, really?” You ask her.
>”Really! I could stare at you for hours!” Twilight quickly answered.
>She realized her answer was a little too enthusiastic and shrunk back with an embarrassed giggle.
>”All thanks to my training!” Rainbow boasted.
>You look over at Rainbow.
>She’s athletic perfection.
>Her stomach, legs, and ass are perfectly toned for maximum aerodynamics.
>Those subtle abs, those small but perky tits…
>”You know, back in ancient times, Olympic athletes would compete naked, all oiled up and stuff. Isn’t that right, Twiggles?” Rainbow grinned at Twilight
>”Uh, uh huh, yeah…” Twilight awkwardly responded.
>”Don’t forget, Anon’s been helpin’ Big Mac and I ‘round the farm. You ain’t the entire reason he looks so fine.” Applejack reminded Rainbow.
>God, Applejack.
>Those muscles.
>You’ve never really been into muscles on a girl before, but Applejack single-handedly changed your mind on the subject.
>She’s so firm.
>She could crush your skull between those powerful thighs and you’d die a happy man.
>At least she kept the hat on.
>”Pssh, I’m the best physical trainer that dweeb could ask for. Thanks to me, he broke every single one of his personal bests. I bet it was watching this amazing ass of mine as we ran that motivated him!” Rainbow continued, turning around and posing to show her admittedly pretty amazing ass to you and her nay-sayers.
>Applejack rolled her eyes, crossing her intimidatingly muscular arms.
>”Isn’t that right, dork?”
>When Rainbow cast you a cocky half-lidded grin over her shoulder, you got more than a little flustered and averted your gaze to…
>Beautiful is an understatement.
>Her curves flow across her body like the majestic dunes of the sahara.
>Every inch of her bare skin has clearly been carefully maintained.
>You heard Rainbow cackle victoriously at her naked body having such an effect on you.
>”My, Anonymous, I don’t think anyone else could have talked me into doing something so scandalous. That was so brave of you~” Rarity sighed flirtily, failing to suppress a devilish grin.
>You manage to grin back at her, locking your eyes with hers.
“I dunno about brave…”
>Rarity covers her mouth to hide a giggle.
>You’re still maintaining perfect eye contact.
>Don’t look at how naked Rarity is.
>Don’t look at Rarity’s naked, perfect body.
>Or Applejack’s.
>Or Rainbow’s.
>Or Sunset’s.
>Or Twilight’s.
>”Don’t undersell yourself, I doubt any other boy at school could have summoned the courage to suggest we all strip bare out in the open!” Rarity reminded you.
“Maybe because it’s a really bad idea.” You chuckle nervously.
>You can feel the girls’ eyes devouring you.
>There isn’t an inch of you that isn’t out in the open.
>”Maybe for them, but the way you-”
>Rarity couldn’t finish her sentence before she started laughing.
>Oh, God.
“W-What’s so funny?” You ask her, making sure not to look anywhere below the neck.
>”I can’t take you seriously when you’re staring at me like that!” She giggled, making no attempt to hide her nudity.
“I dunno, I’m just trying to be polite-”
>”Dude, it’s okay, you can look!” Rainbow goaded you.
>The girls giggle at how flustered you are.
“But- But I’m just-” You sputter.
>Sunset’s arms snake around you from behind.
>You can feel her breasts and stomach press against your back.
>”You had trouble talking to girls when you were younger, didn’t you~?” Sunset asked you, already knowing the answer.
>Rarity, Rainbow, Twilight, and Applejack are looking at you and your naked body with an eager, hungry look.
“...Maybe a little…” You timidly admit.
>”Aww, that’s precious!” Rarity giggled.
“At least they were clothed!” You defend.
>”Getting naked was YOUR idea! Applejack rebutted.
“I mean… I guess so…”
>”Anon, you’re gonna hurt their feelings if you avoid looking at them! They’ve put a lot of work into maintaining their bodies, and it took a long time for them to trust you this much!” Sunset mock-scolded you, twirling your hair in her fingers.
>”If you try to hard to avoid looking at their bodies, then they’re gonna think they’re ugly!” Sunset teasingly pouted.
>She’s rubbing her naked body on you.
>You’re fully erect.
>You’ve never been so erect.
>You caught Twilight glancing down at your dick.
>The girls never looked at you like this before.
>How they were looking at you in that crop top was nothing compared to this.
>They’re really liking what they see.
>”Come on, new boy…” Sunset whispered, gripping your hair and pointing your head right at Twilight’s naked body.
>”Isn’t Twilight so pretty~?”
>You can’t speak.
>Your breath’s caught in your throat.
>Sunset’s forcing you to admire Twilight.
>Twilight’s a little embarrassed by the attention, but manages a cute pose as she returns your gaze.
>Her boobs are B-cups, but they’re so perky.
>Her tummy looks so soft.
>Her thighs look so fun to squeeze.
>And the neatly-trimmed hair above her little pussy…
“...Yeah, she is…” You quietly admit.
>You know Sunset expects better from you, so you look Twilight up and down before addressing her.
“...You’re really pretty…”
>Twilight get much more flustered at the attention you gave, only managing to respond with awkward laughter and a deep blush.
>”Good boy! But what about Rarity?” Sunset pressured you, turning your heard towards your fashionista friend.
>Rarity’s savoring the moment.
>She’s sitting on the edge of the hot tub and striking a seductive pose, throwing her head back to accentuate her chest and batting her eyes at you with a sultry grin.
“...She- …You take my breath away, Rarity.” You admit.
>”Oh, you’ve such a way with words~” She giggled in response, dragging her eyes up and down your naked body.
>You can feel Sunset’s wicked grin right behind you.
>Her grip on your hair tightens as she turns your head to Applejack.
>This is more than just being comfortable looking at them, the sexual tension’s as taut as a trampoline.
>You’ve got a secret admirer, so why is Sunset getting you to compliment all their bodies?
“Hey, Sunset, what are you-”
>”Applejack could use some appreciation, don’t you think?” Sunset interrupted you, reminding you of the farm girl’s exposed body.
>Now isn’t the time to worry about the “why’s”.
>Applejack’s waiting for you.
“Applejack… Your muscular body’s a thing of beauty.” You admit as your breathing gets heavier.
>”Aw, shucks, Anon…” Applejack chuckled, clearly flustered.
>Rainbow steps forward with a smug grin and closed eyes, ready to have her body appreciated.
>”Oh dear, Fluttershy’s been awfully quiet, hasn’t she?” Sunset realized.
>Rainbow’s eyes opened in surprise as she was skipped over.
>Before you could say anything, Sunset spun you around to face Fluttershy in all her naked glory.
>Her flowing pink hair cascades down to her surprisingly hefty chest.
>Each breath in and out only serves to highlight how much she’s blossomed.
>She’s hiding her face behind her hair, but she’s staring right at you through the part in her hair.
>Her hands are locked behind her back, but you can tell she’s trying her hardest to present herself to you.
>Sunset sashays from behind you to behind Fluttershy, freeing you from her power and placing her hands on Fluttershy’s shoulders.
>”It’s taking Fluttershy a lot of courage to strip for you, you know~” Sunset reminded you, rubbing her back.
>You take a step forward and gently brush Fluttershy’s hair out of her eyes.
“You have the body of an angel, Fluttershy. I’m honored that you trust me enough to show me this side of you.” You say to her in a gentler tone.
>Fluttershy gently gasped as your fingers brushed against her cheek.
>An adorable blush appears to accompany her gentle smile.
>”Thank you… You’re beautiful, Anon…” She quietly admits.
>Now it’s your turn to smile and blush.
“Thank you…”
>”You really are!” Twilight awkwardly spoke up from behind you.
>It’s only then that you notice how close the girls have gotten to you.
“Say, Pinkie’s been weirdly quiet-”
>You turn your head to the right and find Pinkie.
>Right in your face.
>Panting like a dog in the summer and almost literally vibrating.
“Oh, hey, Pinkie…” You say to her after having recovered from being jumpscared by her.
>”W-W-We’re naked.” Pinkie sputtered out amidst her panting.
>You look down from her eyes to look at the rest of her body.
>She’s like a comfy cushion of a girl.
>She’s got pudge in all the right places.
>Her breasts rival Fluttershy’s in terms of size, but she’s definitely curvier.
>Pinkie’s carpet matches her drapes: big and curly and unkempt.
>Knowing Pinkie, her pussy probably tastes like bubblegum.
>You’d love to find out.
>When you look back up at Pinkie, you find her staring right at your dick.
>”You’re the sexiest alien I’ve ever seen.” She said bluntly.
>Oh, yeah, you’re from planet Krypton.
>Funny how you can forget stuff like that in the heat of the moment.
“Well, thanks, Pinkie-”
>”I wanna taste you.”
>”Pinkieee.” Sunset said to her in a faintly scolding tone.
>Pinkie didn’t pay her any mind, she just kept staring at your nude body and licking her lips.
>Looks like it’s her turn to receive some of your verbal appreciation.
“Pinkie, I’ve always thought your body would be fun to hold and squeeze close.”
>”There’s only one way to find out! Wanna find out? Because I do! I really, really, really do!” Pinkie gasped out.
>Her breathing is bordering on hyperventilation.
>”Not yet, he doesn’t! Because he saved the best for last!” Rainbow loudly reminded you and the girls.
>She took to standing up on the edge of the hot tub to better display how amazing she looks when she’s not wearing anything at all.
>The girls are acting even more predatory now.
>Rarity, Twilight, and Applejack found their way over to you from their side of the hot tub.
>Twilight's nervously holding your left hand in both of hers.
>Applejack's admiring the progress you've made over the semester by rubbing your bicep.
>Rarity's hands trace along your stomach, testing how close they can get to your crotch before you let her hear another one of those involuntary gasps of yours.
>Fluttershy’s returned to wrapping her arms around your right arm.
>She's feeling a little bolder, so she's planting delicate kisses down your bicep like she's afraid of getting in trouble for it.
>Pinkie's wrapped her arms around your neck from behind.
>She's struggling to keep herself from humping you.
>You notice something.
>This should be making you even more self conscious, being surrounded by girls when you’re all naked.
>But instead, you’re feeling the opposite.
>You feel great.
>You feel powerful.
>They want you.
>You felt like you were walking into a lion’s den when coming to this sleepover, but you only now realized that this is your den.
>You’re the lion.
>They’re the lionesses.
>They’re not in control of tonight.
>You are.
>Your eyes briefly meet Sunset’s.
>She knows what you just realized.
>With her sinister grin, she motioned you to Rainbow, still standing triumphantly naked.
>"Don't keep her waiting, new boy. She's not known for her patience." Sunset reminded you with an insidiously eager tone.
>”Yeah, I ain’t got all night, dweeb!” Rainbow impatiently reminded you.
>She turned around to highlight her tight ass to you, as if to give you inspiration for what to start with if you were at a loss for words at her sheer sexiness.
>She wants you to compliment her body?
>You'll compliment her body.
>But you're not gonna let her win this little duel.
“Oh, Rainbow Dash, I could spend all night talking about everything I love about your body~” You sigh to her.
>A prideful smile appears on her face.
“‘Poetry in motion’ really is the best way to describe how you move. Every time you kick a soccer ball or run another lap around the field, I can’t help but be drawn to your divine body.”
>Rainbow not-so-subtly pushes up her chest with her crossed arms, very pleased by your words.
>But the other girls know what you’re doing.
“And you know what? You were right, Rainbow. I was staring at your ass in P.E.”
>This gets a reaction out of her.
>Her eyes open in surprise as her confidence wavers just enough to give you an opening.
“How could I not? The way it sways as you run, the way you highlight it in your tight shorts, it’s all I can think about.”
>”D-Dude, come on, I was just messing with you.” Rainbow awkwardly laughs, trying to brush off what she’s feeling.
>Sunset’s fingernails dig into your skin.
“Yeah, well, I’m not. Can you imagine what torture it was to never be able to tell you how perfectly sculpted your butt is? Or how much I wanted to give your butt a good squeeze when you get a little too smug about beating me in a race?”
>”A-Anon-” Rainbow sputters.
>She’s squirming.
“It feels like my whole life has lead to tonight, getting to see THE Rainbow Dash strip naked to grace the eyes of this lowly mortal.”
>You can hear Rarity, Applejack, and Twilight giggle at your teasing.
>Rainbow’s getting noticeably more aroused.
>Her chest is heaving more and more.
>"Rainbow's real hot, isn't she?" Sunset teasingly goaded you on.
"Hot's an understatement, she's the reason the water's so warm. I really want to lick those delicious abs of hers, but I'm afraid I'd burn my tongue." You fake pout.
>Rainbow's resolve is weakening more and more.
"But I'd wear that burn like a badge of honor. I'd show the whole world that Rainbow Dash allowed ME to lick the sweat from her body after she performs more of her poetry~"
>Time to go in for the killing blow.
“Leaving P.E. for the last time today was real depressing for me because I never got to fulfill my fantasy of stripping you naked and licking you clean after you’ve ran the pacer-”
>”God, I can’t take this anymore!” Rainbow cried out, clutching her head and not caring who hears her.
>She marches over to the patio and produces a folded piece of paper that was hidden from the snow under one of the chairs.
>It’s after she throws it at you that you recognize it as another one of the love letters you’ve been getting all night.
>”There, he’s got his stupid note, can we fuck him now!?” Rainbow exclaimed at Sunset.
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Depends what the threat is.
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What you’re worried about happened to me long long ago in a prompt thread.
>Writing green.
>2 replies max.
>Then someone else started writing.
>Updated more often.
>Wrote all humane 7 at once.
>Milked lewd teasing as far as it could go.
>5 or more hyped replies per update.
>Had no idea the thread had that many lurkers.
>I gave in and dropped my story.
>Started over.
>Tried doing what he did.
>Humane 7, same premise in the same thread.
>Same approach everybody loved his green for:
>Slow build, lots of dialogue and sweet moments.
>Updated often to keep readers interested.
>Anons moved on once the first green finished.
>Half left the thread completely.
>I didn’t bother continuing after one more week.
>Never even made it to the lewd fun.
>Too ashamed these days to want anyone finding out which failed projects were mine.
Watching so many anons get so invested in another green but ignore all my hard work fucking hurt. It felt like a personal insult.

Don’t do it, fag. It happened to me and it’ll happen here too no doubt. Just watch.
Poor Pinkie's been burning up since the 'fashion show'. I hope she gets to go first.
Get on in there.
A bit of an overreaction I would say but I haven’t seen this happen in my experience. Those guys sound like dicks.
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I just realized something: Aren't those guys technically promoting paedos and basically everything else they're uncomfortable with?
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I know those feels bro, but you can't let that stop you from writing. If you aren't interested in your own stories, then who else could be? This is the point in which you must start writing because YOU want to write. It'll be nice when other anons drop (You)s on your posts if they like your work, but at the end of the day, all that matters is that you like what you write.
Very real take on this subject. No point in doing something you don’t enjoy
Based Dashie cutting to the chase
>it’ll happen here too no doubt. Just watch.
You had me until that.

We truly try to be better than that over here, right guys?
Not 10 years ago we didn’t
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Previously: https://ponepaste.org/9397
>”Anyone in chat know how to start up a campfire?” Vignette Valencia grips the selfie stick, phone camera panning down upon her from above.
>She can’t read the little messages on the screen from this distance anyway.
>Those colorful little oval shapes indicating donations say all she needs to hear.
>She aims to stay in character for her followers for the rest of the day… then she can go back to normal and look at how much money she made.
>What a time to be alive.
>”You like, rub two sticks together or some shit, right?” She continues.
>Vignette scours the ground for various twigs, almost tripping over a rock half engulfed in the dirt that was hidden by tall grass blades.
>”Damn, imagine trying to mow this place. That’d be a nightmare.”
>Little emojis fly up the most recent chat history, blasting off like Vignette’s bank account.
>Perfect time of year to try out doing a camping vlog for her social media following.
>”Hey uh, nostalgia moment, anyone remember when we were kids, and we were in the boy or girl scouts, and we did that like… snipe hunt thing?”
>Most of the chat is too young to remember whatever this was, or were just never exposed to this experience because they stopped going outside when they were 8 and never looked back.
>”We’re going on a stick hunt, chat.” Vignette is sure to continue talking, keeping her followers pacified every single minute. “Come on, sing it with me! We’re going on a stick hunt! We’re going on a stick hunt! All together now, chat!”
>She stomps a little roughly on the ground to make her chest bounce a little bit for the attention of her loyal simps, but not enough to spill all the way out of the crop top she has on.
>Through the gentle gusts of wind from the distant knolls of long grass and thick pine trees, a voice hollers.
>”GET BACK HERE!” Gloriosa stomps over the rocks in the direction of the attention seeking princess. “Do you have any idea what you just did?!”
>There’s still a few bits of mud and other residue stuck to the bottom of Vignette’s recently bought hiking boots.
>Material from the beaver dam she just walked across and caused to collapse…
>Gloriosa is surprised how unable to catch up to Vignette she is.
>Those e-girls really do move fast when chasing those dollar bills.
>”We’re going on a stick hunt! We’re going on a stick hunt!” Chants Vignette in hopes to keep her short-attention-span fandom entertained enough to donate more money. “Then we’ll start a camp fire! Then we’ll start a camp fire!”
>She laughs to herself.
>”Y’all are right. That’s so cringe. Ooh!” Vignette wanders over to a bundle of sticks on the ground like a moth to a flame. “Do you guys think this’ll work? Can one of the mods start a poll?”
>The little text box reads: [use these random sticks for fire? yes (fire emoji) or no (X emoji)]
>The votes come pouring in.
>”I just… uh… I just remembered that movie. With the VHS. Blaire Witch Project. This is totally like that!”
>”VIGNETTE VALENCIA! GET OVER HERE!” Gloriosa appears from over a small hill like an ancient one-woman army ready to charge. “YOU DESTROYED A BEAVER DAM!”
>Vignette finally notices her. “Yooooo, is that Gloriosa? She looks pissed off!” She laughs to herself, getting her fans to laugh with her.
>Gloriosa Daisy’s face glows like a thousand degree knife headed straight towards its target.
>”I wonder what she’s saying, V-gang…” Vignette take a few mid-video selfies with a visibly perturbed Gloriosa Daisy rapidly approaching from behind.
>Gloriosa waves her hands wildly like a maniac, as though she hadn’t gotten Vignette’s attention yet which is partially true.
>”You. Destroyed. A. Beaver. Dam!” Grunts Gloriosa with gritted teeth and fire in her eyes. “Get. OVER. Here!”
>”What?” Vignette cluelessly steps closer to the camp lady. “Damn, what?” She asks her to clarify.
>”You ran over a beaver dam! You destroyed their habitat!” Gloriosa’s facial expression causes Vignette to hesitate in approaching her.
>”What? A beaver dam?”
>”You destroyed a beaver damn!”
>It all dawns upon Vignette in this very instant what happened, and she cups her hands over her mouth.
>”Ohhhh fuck!” The social media star with millions of followers gasps. “Are they okay?”
>Gloriosa tenses her lips as her eyelid twitches. “How about you go ASK them if they’re okay?!”
>”I didn’t know! I was just live streaming!”
>”You walked RIGHT over it! You STOMPED on it and made it fall apart!”
>”Hold up, hold up, I did not stomp on it!”
>”It sure looks like you did!”
>”My backpack probably just made me weight more! I’m so sorry, are the beavers okay?”
>”No they’re not okay, they have to build their home all over again!”
>”I’m sorry!” Vignette darts her gaze around in a frantic panic, spotting the bundle of sticks she just discovered. “H-hey! They can use these, right?” Vignette goes over and picks the bits of wood off of the ground while her livestream chat is having a grand old time.
>”Back to camp! NOW!”
>”I can help them rebuild!” Vignette fixes her wolf-cut hair after some of it falls in front of her eyes, holding the bundle of sticks up like they’re Excalibur. “I wanna make everything right. We can help them rebuild their nest, right, chat?”
>”It doesn’t work that way! Back to camp NOW!” Shrieks Gloriosa, fists trembling and her patience withering into nothing.
>And with that, Gloriosa Daisy marched Vignette all the way back to camp.
>A 20-something-year-old herding another 20-something-year-old back like a parent to a stupid teenager.
>Vignette continuously apologizes profusely, having genuinely zero intention of destroying the beaver dam as she genuinely had zero knowledge of what it was.
>Her apologies are indeed from the heart, but they won’t undo what she did.
>”Turn that thing off already! How do you even have cellular service out here?” Says Gloriosa.
>”My internet’s premium.” Responds Vignette.
>”I thought I told you at the beginning of your trip you’re not supposed to have technology out?”
>”It’s the only way I can make money!”
>The mobile phone clamped onto the end of the selfie stick remains in question for the remainder of the walk back until Vignette finally relents and agrees to turn it off for now.
>Not wanting to cut her trip (and thus, potential camping vlog content) down to 3 days instead of one week.
>It’s good content, eh?
>”Why can’t you just keep your phone off like a normal person?”
>”I’m not like other girls, okay?”
>The two of them finally make it back to camp Everfree.
>Vignette is ordered to stay in her cabin she was assigned to while Gloriosa rubs her temples at her desk, groaning and feeling nothing but deep sympathy for the wildlife that just got so carelessly disrupted today.
>In the next hour or two, Vignette posts three more selfies to her social media page with the hashtag #thatwentwell or whatever the fuck.
>”Ugh! I gotta fix up my hair. I’ve been sweating like crazy, chat. It’s making my shampoo start to fail me.” Complains Vignette. “Y’all, I feel sooooo bad about those beavers! I swear I didn’t know! Protect wildlife, folks!”
>Her chat’s moderators have to comb through messages in this moment.
>I gotta make everything right, I can’t let those poor beavers just be homeless like that!” Vignette says to her followers before looking at the wall mirror in her cabin. “Ah damn, this place has a shower, right?”
>An angry knock sounds at the door.
>Vignette answers to find a not-so-happy-camper in Gloriosa Daisy.
>”Alright, look. First off, I wanna say I’m so sorry about the beavers! I had a really stupid moment and didn’t know what that thing was. I was just in character for my followers. I couldn’t find another way across the river.”
>”You weren’t supposed to cross the river. That side of the river is off limits to campers!” Gloriosa has to remind for the tenth time.
>”But there were so many pretty flowers and ferns and stuff over there! I was only going for a second.”
>”Do you seriously not understand that rules are rules?”
>”Look, I’m sorry. It’s totally my fault, I’m owning up to it. I’m sorry, okay? Anything you need me to do to help the beavers get their home back, I’ll do it.” Says Vignette, reflecting on how her content has gotten more and more annoying to other over the years as she kept trying to one-up whatever it was she did last to keep her followers engaged.
>”You can help but staying inside from now on until you leave. Alright?”
>Vignette sighs, knowing she can’t get good nature content to her vlogging escapades if she just stays in this cramped little cabin for the rest of the week.
>”Do I have to? I’m really really sorry! It won’t happen again, I promise.”
>”You’re not allowed to leave immediate camp grounds from this moment on.” Scolds Gloriosa. “You’re lucky I’m still letting you stay.”
>”Oh, thank you! Thank you!” Vignette clamps her hands together, fingers interlocked. “I’m so sorry, it won’t happen again, I promise promise promise! I swear on my follower count!”
>”Look, I couldn’t care less about your follower count.” Gloriosa says under her breath, hoping Vignette won’t hear and give the camp a bad review to her millions of followers.
>Vignette’s current predicament keeping the guilt on her is a goos way to keep the spotlight in her direction and keep her apologetic about what she did.
>Getting a conventionally popular social media influencer to advertise the camp to tons of new audiences is a prospect Gloriosa doesn’t want to let slip away.
>It’s too bad Gloriosa underestimated just how much of a… handful social media influencers can be.
>This is what she continues to worry about as she returns to her office, once again worried about the future of Camp Everfree.
>She prays this interaction will be omitted from Vignette’s account of it, as she doesn’t want to be portrayed in a light where she’s angry and hammering down all the rules upon the campers.
>That sure wouldn’t be a good look, now wouldn’t it?
>Meanwhile, Vignette ventures outside of her cabin reluctantly, because her chat dared her to.
>Barely a few minutes later.
>The intrepid explorer ventures around the campgrounds just out of sight of the view from Gloriosa Daisy’s office window.
>”Alrighty, chat. Let’s see what we, oh my gosh!” Vignette notices a bunch of cattails by the shore of Lake Everfree.
>Gloriosa didn’t say anything about the shore of the lake being the borderline fo the campgrounds, at least not to the extent of Vignette’s memory.
>The cattails are right before the shore anyway, so it doesn’t matter.
>Time to milk more content.
>Vignette keeps her selfie stick in hand, making a cute face as she takes a few selfies in front of the cluster of plants before grabbing one of them.
>”I got some wild glizzies!” She chimes before slipping the hot dog shaped part into her mouth.
>Not biting down and instead just slipping it further and further and further watching the implications make more donations come in as she acts like a total (attention) whore for her stream in a way that might be pushing her luck with the streaming service’s terms of service.
>She in particular won’t have to do a lot to get herself off the hook anyway.
>”Mmmmmmmmm~…” Vignette moans before the cattail inevitably bursts open in the back of her mouth after enough saliva and pressure. “MM-aock! c-c-c-c-c-c-c-ccchhkkkk k-…aaugh!” She begins to gutturally croak as the phallic object expands into the back of her throat.
>Welp, now she HAS to get Gloriosa’s attention…
>The livestream chat goes wild watching Vignette Valencia hurry over to Gloriosa Daisy’s window faster than Swifties report deep-faked porn of their idol.
>Deep choking noises ensue and grab Gloriosa’s attention, prompting her to race out of her office just in time to save the e-girl influencer’s life.
>…This moment was pretty good practice for Vignette’s gag reflex…
>”Alright, so…” Vignette speaks quietly into the mobile phone raising her vocal inflection at the end of each sentence like she’s asking a question. “We totally just got kicked out. And Gloriosa’s telling me to get on a bus. And we have to like, go home now.”
>The chat keeps rapidly posting skull and laugh-crying emojis with the letter L.
>”Ugh! I know, y’all. I know. I guess I… apparently destroyed a beaver dam.” Vignette tries not to laugh, like this whole thing is just a wacky experience for views. “I swear I didn’t know! I thought it was like, man made or something!”
>She actually didn’t know, but she’s not taking the situation anywhere nearly as seriously as Gloriosa wants her to.
>She really just can’t wait to be back in her room she knows so well.
>Surrounded by vibrant colorful lighting like she works at a red light district.
>Her fans love the bright colors.
>The colors of the bus’s flashing lights remind them of Vignette’s instantly recognizable (to them) room as their favorite influencer climbs the steep metal stairs.
>[Just choked on nature’s corndog and got kicked out of the camp :(] The caption under Vignette’s bus seat selfie reads, followed by a billion hashtags under it.
>The clip of Vignette Valencia deepthroating the cattail for views goes viral within 20 minutes.
>And during that 20 minutes, the bus finally reaches the bus stop where Vignette is to get off and then head back to her place in town.
>But she decides to make a pit stop at the convenience store on the edge of town first, now in the mood for actual hot dogs because her chat wanted it.
>[Today was wild] Vignette says in the comments to her livestream chat one last time before entering the convenience store. [literally almost died]
>She’s effectively done doing her camping vlog livestream, and properly embarrassed herself trying to do the most outrageous things she could think of for her followers.
>Part of her wishes she could go back and help the beavers rebuild the dam that she busted up.
>Maybe she’ll try again at another time.
>It’s not like she can sneak back into the camp or anything, though just doing that to rebuild something that the wildlife is going to rebuild on their own feels pointless.
>”H-heya…” The cashier of the edge-of-town convenience store greets Vignette.
>Vignette Valencia looks up to find Juniper Montage staring right back at her.
>”Heh, hi. I’m just browsing, thanks.” Vignette says.
>”You’re uh… Vignette Valencia, right?”
>There’s a long pause of Juniper just standing there behind the cash register and Vignette looking confused.
>”You want an autograph?” Vignette asks. “I think I can make up something on ink and paper real quick.”
>Juniper rubs the side of her arm and half-shrugs, not able to figure out how she wants to say what she’s going to say next.
>”Is uh… there something else?”
>”Were you just doing one of your… livestreams?” Blushes Juniper. “That get… lots of views?”
>”Yeah… why?”
>”Did you already finish doing it?”
>”Ah darn, yeah you just missed it. Sorry.”
>Juniper had this opportunity she wasn’t at all prepared for just placed in front of her, doomed to be wasted as she has no way to go about it.
>This is Vignette Valencia, a social media influencer with millions of followers, something Juniper had never had in her entire life, but has dreamt about through her entire life.
>”Wanna take a selfie?” Suggests Vignette.
>”Oh! Uh… yes!” Juniper perks up. “I-I’d love to.”
>Juniper walks around the counter top of the job she still desperately wants to leave despite its new location.
>There hasn’t been any suspected paranormal activity here yet.
>But she feels as though that may or may not change soon.
>Something deep inside tells her that her new location is already known.
>”Can it uh…” Juniper sheepishly starts to ask before stopping herself, afraid she’s being too demanding.
>”Can it what?” Vignette watches the other girl blush like crazy as she tries her best to get the words out.
>”Can it be a… video selfie?”
>”Sure thing. You wanna plug your insta and all that, right?”
>Juniper gulps, barely knowing what any of this means, having only planned just now to hope she could display her acting abilities in this video selfie that will be shown on an account with millions of followers.
>She wasn’t prepared for this!
>Juniper Montage’s heart thumps in her ears, and her legs feel like they’re going to collapse at any moment now.
>”oh god oh god oh god what do i do what do i do what do i do?” Juniper rambles on to herself inside her own head.
>She feels like she’s playing operation with her own destiny.
>One false move and it all goes out the window, she misses what’s probably her only chance at exposure and that’s the end of it.
>All of those future years of Juniper Montage starring in new movies coming out, cameo-ing in super bowl commercials, walking down the red carpet, so on and so forth, all cease to exist because she did this moment wrong.
>The moment when she faced her only chance at exposure when a sizable-follow-count social media influencer ran into her at work after she changed locations.
>It must have been fate that aligned all of this together, and Juniper can’t believe she’s about to blow her only chance!
>”Uh… helloooo?” Vignette becomes impatient. “We doing this or not?”
>Juniper shyly nods and stands next to the influencer now holding out her selfie stick.
>Her breath grows shaky and uneven, so much so that even Vignette is starting to glance over at her, ready to ask Juniper if she’s okay.
>”I’m fine!” Juniper gives the other girl a *really* wide smile, assuming she was just about to ask her if she’s having a seizure or something.
>Juniper has a pretty good idea of how she looks and sounds right now, but is mostly hoping it just draws more attention to her during this sudden impromptu video selfie with a pretty big social media influencer that can land her lots of attention.
>”Sup, V-gang? I’m here at the 7 Eleven with a fan.” Vignette starts it off then gestures for Juniper to state her name.
>”H-hi…” Juniper’s mind wildly races trying to find a way to shoehorn an excuse to show off her acting abilities into this desperate situation of hers. “I’m Juniper Montage.”
>”Yeah, pham! Here with this girl with awesome twin-tails here! Love your video reel thingies you got going on there! They look really cool.” Vignette compliments Juniper sense of style in hair accessories. “Where’d you get those?”
>”Uh… I’m in the movie business.” Juniper freezes up like a deer in the headlights, her inner diva doing everything it can to shed its shell and come out before it’s too late to show itself in a meaningful way.
>”Got a handle?” Asks Vignette.
>Juniper stares back at her, puzzled with pupils shivering back and forth while she clumsily readjusts her glasses with a trembling index finger.
>”You know, Twitter handle? Instagram username?” Vignette specifies.
>”I… Ig-got a… an IMDB page… technically.” Juniper brings up the only thing she can think of.
>She hasn’t been networking much.
>”Ooh, you really are in the movie business!” Vignette looks back at the camera. “This girl’s on FIRE!”
>She points at Juniper all coolly while Juniper herself all but physically recedes backwards into the floor, folding into a plane on nothingness that’s bound by her own nature as a nervous wreck with no plan of what to do.
Hell yeah we do, this general can't afford to have writefags calling it quits. I always show support to new writers so they feel encouraged to keep going
I get it, man. I really do. You're definitely supposed to write for your enjoyment of writing first and foremost, but it's human to want to be told you did a good job on the work you put time and effort into. You really do just gotta stick with it and keep writing if you actually want to tell a story. If you're just looking for (You)s, you'd do nothing but requests
What was real satisfying for me was going back to what I wrote for Life Flutters By in 2021 and thinking "man, I did a good job with this"
The trick is to be your own biggest fan. I know it's not easy, every creative is their own worst critic, but as my art professor told to me, "give yourself grace"
Be proud of the fact that you've put time and effort into something that came together as a cohesive whole
>10 years ago
Don't say that shit, you're making me feel old
>Vignette can clearly see how nervous Juniper is, and is actively doing what she can to lead the interaction of this video selfie.
>”What’ve you starred in?” Asks Vignette. “Was it something big or just tiny?”
>Juniper Montage shudders. “Background extra… in commercial. Years ago….”
>”That sounds nice, which commercial?”
>”Captain Crunch commercial.”
>”Niiiice! We all gotta start somewhere, right?”
>Shivering as though she just got out of a swimming pool on a cold day without a towel, Juniper sporadically nods at random intervals, fully away of but in zero control of how awkward she’s being.
>Why did this have to happen now?!
>Juniper was not prepared for the only chance she’ll ever get!
>”Whoa!” Vignette suddenly notices something happen at the other end of the empty convenience store. “Did you see that?”
>”I-I’m sorry?” Asks Juniper.
>”Did you see that orange juice container just like… disappear into thin air?”
>A stake hits Juniper’s hear the very second she realizes what this means.
>”Oh my gosh! I just watched it just disappear! Right there!” Vignette points her camera towards where she just witnessed the event.
>Juniper is scared stiff, unable to even plan her next move.
>”Is this place haunted?” Vignette continues to film with her phone, waiting for something else to happen.
>Juniper is hesitant to answer.
>”Hey, Juniper. This ever happen before?”
>”Y-yeah…” Juniper responds. “I think this place might be haunted. We should leave. Now.” She immediately suggests.
>”Wait! I gotta get this on camera!” Vignette has found her new vlog live-streaming theme for the rest of the week now that camping is out of the question.

I actually promise for real this time that this story with the four flower-name girls is going to be finished in the very next update this time. I can finally do more stuff now that I have time of the weekend on my side.
Apologies if Vignette is a little bombastic, I tried writing her as the simple "I'm x age and this is deep" e-girl and it didn't feel interesting enough.
Let me know what you think of these gals in this story so far.
The girls putting pressure onto Anon to check out their naked bodies is a nice touch. Plus the sudden lust-driven boldness that come out of being fully nude in front of nude people in a situation where it's finally okay and he's like exploring even more new territory now. Like there's a barrier between not having a bunch of girl look at you naked and erect, and then after it, and Anon had crossed it and his boldness has been set free.
Are they gonna jump him?
Just now caught your post and I gotta say I also second what you say in addition to some stuff I say below.
I'll be working on it more tonight.
>all that matters is that you like what you write.
The truth. Though I'll admit I don't always like what I write, so I'm guilty of doing it the wrong way.
Honestly, I definitely should have worded my post better, now that I read it back to myself. I'm more concerned about whether I should write it the lewd harem route people already like, or just do my own thing, and just assuming no one's gonna read the same story twice, so might as well.
I understand your viewpoint because I was there too once, but I should also point out that it's not the truth for everywhere you go on this board. And definitely not here, considering the amounts of replies people have been getting.

I'll just put it simply. I've brewed up a couple of summer-themed sleepover ideas, so who wants me to write that (and how)? Or who wants me to write the prom idea?
I hope the smut stories with Rarity's mom and the prom night are coming along nicely. (After the other stuff, of course. I don't want to rush you)
Can you do the prom idea first? I can't wait to see the cocky Anon deal with three milfs in private.
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Sure, I'll do that if you want. I don't think that idea should take long. Also, just updated the paste for the Wallflower story.
And to the guy dumping horse pics, they're really cute. Would boop. Maybe don't post them in bad faith next time.
Wait, the Rarity and Cookie idea first, or the prom idea?
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Whichever one you guys want to be first, I guess. If there'll be more than one of you making suggestions.
Rarity and Cookie first, please.
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Will do.
I think it would be best to tackle that prom idea or that Rarity and Cookie idea first and wait until I've gotten past the sleepover part of this sleepover green of mine, since I'm planning more story and smut beyond what happens during the sleepover and I'd hate for your work to get ignored, given the real high quality of your writing
Hell, I had an idea for a story where a wheelchair-bound Anon ends up with the symbiote, and although he gains the ability to walk again and possesses strength and speed and other powers, it kickstarts his fall from grace to where he ends up being the villain of the story.
I'm pretty sure I'd be the only one interested in reading that story but I could go into more detail on the story I had planned if any of you are curious
I respect the hell out of that King of the Hill reference
Vignette's antics are pretty fun to keep up with, can't wait to see her livestream go all Blair Witch Project lel
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>I think it would be best to tackle that prom idea or that Rarity and Cookie idea first and wait until I've gotten past the sleepover part of this sleepover green of mine
Yeah that's what I was figuring I should do. Your winter theme and my summer theme might conflict the vibe if told at the same time too lmao. Still gonna brainstorm how I'm gonna redo my old 2017 and 2019 greens in the meantime because my god those things must be rewritten.
>I respect the hell out of that King of the Hill reference
I'm glad you caught it.
>Vignette's antics are pretty fun to keep up with, can't wait to see her livestream go all Blair Witch Project lel
I'm gonna have a lot of fun with her. Both non-lewd and lewd.
Anyway, looking forward to your update if you're getting ready to post it soon.
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this part induced an out of body experience my sides
As good as boner fuel flows for Anon, I hope it won't be about Shy most of the time again. Grow tired of her.
AJ stoicism in all those situations is great.
>”My swimsuit’s comin’ off on my terms, I’m makin’ sure of that" - great line.
But I really can't grasp at the size of this hottub and girls placement in the scene. At one moment it's small enough for Sunset to no have a place to sit except for Anons lap, at the other it big enough for Pinkie to swim. AJ was far from Anon, but now she can feel his arm? The same arm from Raritys side? And was Anon's lower half under the water all this time or not?
In conclusion, descriptions of Anons feelings are splendid, but the whole stage is confusing.
Maybe your story wasn't as great as you think to comment on it? Also "write for (you)s" is... retarded.
Honestly, the biggest hurdle for me to overcome with writing this is keeping track of all eight characters in a scene so I get your concerns.
I may have poorly communicated the hot tub stuff, Anon moved toward the center of the hot tub when he and the girls got naked and Sunset was pushing him to admire their bodies. I also should have taken time to describe where everyone's sitting in the hot tub. I attached a rough diagram of what the layout is like. The water only goes halfway up Anon's thighs when he's standing up.
And don't worry, I'll make sure Fluttershy doesn't get most of Anon's attention in the story
As long as Pinkie doesn't go dead last I'm okay with the fucking order.
This the first (digital) Equestria Girls drawing I made.
Pinkie Pie is my favorite <3
The 2nd one I made is of EG's best villain
And the most recent one is of Fluttershy (my second favorite)
Can you do moms of the Mane 6?
Daym bro
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>You stand there clutching the love letter Rainbow just flung at you.
>You can hear Sunset slyly chuckle at the question she yelled out in her outburst.
>Your mind is filled with questions.
>So much is happening at once.
>But despite the alcoholic drink flowing through your system, your nudity empowers you to actually ask these questions as opposed to letting yourself stay trapped in this mental vortex of mystery.
“...You’re my secret admirer?” You ask Rainbow.
>”Now, now, first things first: open your love letter!” Sunset reminded you.
“But I already know who-”
>”Rainbow put a lot of love into that lover, you’d really let her down if you didn’t get to read what her soul’s been hiding all this time!” Sunset interrupted you.
>Rainbow’s crossing her arms and staring off to the side, still covered in a scarlet blush.
>Not because of her nudity, you imagine.
“Alright, alright…”
>You open up the letter and read what Rainbow wrote for you this time.
>”You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.”
“Aww, Rainbow!” You compliment her note.
>Her face scrunches up again.
>But then what Rainbow said returns to your mind.
“...Wait, what did you mean ‘we’?”
>Rainbow looks like she’s about to explode, but Sunset beats her to the punch as she sways in front of you with a seductive look in her eyes.
>”Oh, Anon, your detective work this evening’s been very impressive…”
>Sunset steps even closer to you.
>Your chest is barely touching hers.
>The tip of your cock is gently grazing her lower waist.
>”...But what made you think only one of us was leaving you those love letters~?” She whispers sensually to you.
>It couldn’t be.
>There’s no way Sunset could mean what you think she means.
>But you think back on the love letters you’ve received.
>”I have a crush on you.”
>”Sometimes I get lost in your eyes.”
>”I could listen to you talk for hours.”
>”You feel like a big teddy bear when we hug.”
>”Your smile makes me feel all warm inside.”
>”I want to hold you close and make you feel loved.”
>And finally, from Rainbow: ”You make me feel things I’ve never felt before.”
>There’s seven letters.
>And you’re surrounded by seven of your closest (and most naked) friends.
>Your eyes meet Sunset’s.
>She’s giving you a wicked grin.
>You look across the group of your six other friends.
>Rainbow’s trapped between the emotions of annoyed and flustered.
>Applejack’s not looking as tough as she usually is.
>Twilight eyeing you with bated breath.
>Rarity can barely contain her grin.
>Fluttershy’s trying her hardest to hide behind her hair.
>Pinkie looks like she’s about to explode with joy.
>Oh, fuck.
>This can’t really be happening.
“...No.” You call her bluff.
>Sunset cackles at your disbelief.
>”Oh, yes!” She insists.
“You’re messing with me.” You stand firm.
>Figuratively and literally.
>”Say it, boy detective~” Sunset pushed you.
>This is more pressure than you’ve ever felt before.
>It feels like you’re at the bottom of the ocean.
>Your shoulders are being pulled down to Earth.
>The girls are surrounding you.
>You barely have enough room to breathe.
>But the idea…
>If Sunset really means what she’s getting at…
>The girls HAVE been giving you those signals all night.
>Your new look.
>Skinny dipping.
>You take a deep breath.
“...All seven of you left a love letter.”
>”Which means…?” Sunset presses you further.
>She’s breathing with such intensity.
“...Which means… all seven of you have a crush on me.” You deduce.
>The rack of ice cubes have been dumped into the deep fryer.
>Sunset wraps her arms around you and pulls you in for a tight, intimate hug.
>”Yay! He figured it out!” Pinkie cheered, leaping into the air with joy.
>”’Bout time you did.” Applejack chuckled.
>”Gosh, that’s a weight off my shoulders!” Twilight sighed with a goofy grin.
>Fluttershy didn’t say anything, she just nuzzled herself into your shoulder some more.
>You’ve never been speechless in your life before this moment.
>Yesterday you’d admit to being at least a little attracted to these girls and would be lucky to date any one of them, but not even your wildest dreams would you imagine anything like this would happen.
>Not only do all seven of these lovely girls have feelings for you, but don’t seem to be bothered by this at all.
>...Sunset’s body feels really nice…
>Now there’s absolutely nothing between you two.
>Skin against skin.
>Intimates against intimates.
“I’m… I’m just MADE of questions right now.” You admit.
>Sunset pulls herself away from you to give the other girls a better ability to speak to you.
>”I know, it’s… kind of a lot to take in.” Twilight agrees with you.
“Yeah, no kidding.”
>”But we really mean it! Seeing you blossom over the course of the semester was really wonderful to see. After how viciously you were bullied at your old school, nobody would’ve blamed you for trying to keep your head down and get through school as uneventfully as possible. But you’ve become a really awesome guy!” Twilight continues, smiling at you encouragingly.
>”And how!” Pinkie piped up.
>”You were just so fun and caring and helpful and patient and… handsome and… stuff…” Fluttershy quietly added.
“Well… I’m really flattered, but… that doesn’t explain how ALL SEVEN of you have a crush on me.”
>”It’s all Sunset’s fault!” Rainbow indignantly yelled.
>”She knew, I don’t know how, but she KNEW you’re some kind of Prince Charming deep down the moment she first saw you! It’s because of her that we all got so close with you!”
>Rainbow grips her hair with frustration.
>”God, this whole ‘having a crush on a guy thing’ would be way easier to deal with if I was into, like, the captain of the football team or something. Do you have ANY idea how annoying it is to have a crush on you while you’re rambling about who would win in a fight between Scarecrow and Mysterio!?”
“But, like… why? I kinda thought you’d be into a sportier guy.”
>Rainbow throws her hands up in the air.
>”I dunno, you’re funny and kinda cool in your own way, we get along real well, like, a lot better than all the athletic guys I know, and… ugh, you’re hot, okay!? Rarity thinks so, Twilight thinks so, Fluttershy thinks so, Pinkie’s been foaming at the mouth all night because of you!”
>A quick glance over at Pinkie barely containing her animalistic lust confirms her claim.
>”In no small part, thanks to my self-care advice you were wise enough to listen to.” Rarity remarked with a satisfied grin.
>”AND thanks to me being the best personal trainer ever!” Rainbow quickly added.
“So… Seriously?”
>”We’re naked! Of course we’re serious!” Applejack reminded you.
>”You think’d we’d let just ANY guy see us like this~?” Rarity sensually asked you.
>”And it WAS your idea…” Fluttershy mumbled.
“Well, okay, one: Sunset put those words in my mouth earlier, two-”
>”You were totally thinking it.” Sunset insisted.
“No, I wasn’t!”
>”Oh, yes, you were! You were just DYING to see us step out of our little swimsuits~” Sunset teased you.
>”I love the way you look at me, Anon~” Rarity whispered in your ear, rubbing her body on yours.
>”You ain’t as sneaky as you think you are, I caught you peekin’ at me today and when we’re workin’ on the farm. I guess I didn’t mind it so much because no guy’s ever looked at me the way you have…” Applejack admitted.
>”Those eyes of yours really cast a spell on us.” Twilight giggled.
“Okay, okay, I’m hot stuff, I get that, but… What does that mean for… us?” You ask the group of naked girls that just confessed their romantic feelings for you.
>Sunset giggled like you just asked a dumb question.
>”That depends, how do you feel about having seven girlfriends?” She asks you.
>You didn’t hear her say that.
>Even if you did, there isn’t a snowball’s chance in this hot tub that she was being serious.
>But the other girls aren’t surprised by what Sunset said at all.
>In fact, it looks like they’ve been waiting all day, if not longer, for her to pitch you the offer.
>This could be that feeling from earlier, when you were getting the two bottles of hard cider.
>That feeling of destiny.
>No matter, you’re calling her bluff.
“Okay, now I KNOW you’re messing with me.”
>The seven girls giggle at your reaction.
>”We’re bein’ serious!” Applejack insists.
>Applejack’s the least dishonest person you know.
>She does a terrible job of hiding what birthday gifts she’s gotten for her friends as is, there’s no way she’d be able to lie about something like this.
>Being offered the opportunity to date SEVEN girls?
>That’s the picture-perfect definition of “too good to be true”.
>”Maybe we should explain our perspective better.” Twilight offered.
“Yeah, that’d be really helpful.” You say to her.
>Twilight takes a deep breath and looks you in the eyes with a soft, genuine expression.
>”Well… You mean a lot to us, Anon. You’re unlike any other guy we’ve known. Sunset must’ve known from the first day that there was something different about you.”
“Different, how?” You ask her.
>”It’s how caring you are. Everyone at school was expecting you to be a huge bully on your first day, given that your old school was… kind of awful. But you’ve got a really big heart. You helped Applejack study physics, you saved Rarity from complete humiliation, you stood up for Fluttershy, you always go above and beyond to be the best friend you can be.”
>Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy smile at you appreciatively, with some sexual intention laced within their eyes.
>Your uncertainty washes away in the hot tub’s water, replaced by the warmth of their trust in you.
“...I get thinking I was gonna be a jerk. At Bullworth, being left alone was the best you could hope for. Most of the time I spent interacting with other students, they were trying to beat me up or steal something from me. I guess I always went the extra mile to be a great friend to you all because… I was excited about having such wonderful friends.”
>This gets a round of “aww”’s from the girls.
>”You’ve really come a long way, new boy. You’ve come out of your shell, you’ve worked on your looks, how could we NOT fall for you?” Sunset asked you.
“But, sharing me?” You ask her, still not entirely believing her.
>”Gotta admit, it was SUPER awkward when we realized we all had a crush on you. We brainstormed a ton of ways to figure out which of us gets to ride the Anonymous Express-”
>”Pinkie!” Rarity scolded her.
>”But then we realized, ‘Hey, we’re all friends, we’re all kinda busy already with our hobbies and jobs and stuff, why don’t we share him? That way Anon would never feel lonely and we’d get all the loving we want!’” Pinkie explained to you, clearly eager to get started.
“That’s really what went down?” You ask.
>”More or less.” Rainbow confirmed.
>You’re some hot stuff.
>Hot enough for this love octagon to be resolved by checking off “all of the above”.
>”But, why?” Fluttershy asked her.
>”I wanted to get some genuine lust out of you girls, too! Otherwise, you’d have spent all night just waiting for you cue! I know I can see hunger in YOUR eyes~” Sunset teased Fluttershy.
>”Um… Well…” Fluttershy stammered out.
>”What do you say, Anon? Offers like this don’t just come around every day~” Rarity reminded you, leaning against you in a sultry manner.
>”We already stripped naked for you to say we’re into you, you want us to beg?” Rainbow rhetorically asked you.
>”I’ll beg! Please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes, please say yes-” Pinkie urged you, pressing her entire naked body against yours.
>”Desperation isn’t a good look, Pinkie. …But we would really like it if you said yes.” Twilight awkwardly admitted.
>”Come on, bein’ naked like this is hard enough as is, the least you could do is say yes after all the trouble we went through for you.” Applejack reminded you.
>”...Please say yes…” You barely heard Fluttershy whisper to you.
>”Well?” Sunset leered at you, smirking.
>They’re serious about this.
>You reflect on your past.
>In spite of all the torture and abuse you suffered in Bullworth Academy, you had the willpower to remain a good person at heart.
>Your willpower was rewarded with a second chance at being a high schooler.
>You’ve seized the day.
>You’ve seized every day.
>You’ve made seven amazing friends and made yourself into a better person.
>You've learned more about farming, baking, animal care, studying, fashion, and workout routines than you thought you ever would.
>Your evenings were actually spent making memories with your friends, as opposed to being alone in your bedroom.
>Your efforts ended with your seven friends developing romantic feelings for you.
>Feelings so powerful that they’ve decided to share your love.
>The feeling you had earlier was right.
>This is destiny.
>Who are you to turn down destiny?
“...There’s nothing I’d love more than to date all seven of you.” You say in a gentle tone.
>As soon as you’re done talking, the seven girls clamp their naked bodies against yours and subject you to the tightest, most joyful group hug you’ve ever felt.
>You feel every inch of these seven lovely girls.
>Their heaving chests, their stomachs, their thighs, their hands.
>All of them.
>They're so soft.
>So warm.
>It feels like you're draped in the thickest blanket in the world's thickest blanket, which just came fresh out of the dryer.
>The gentle sensations of their bushes only excited you further.
>This is heaven.
>You really feel like your entire life was leading to this one, indescribably wonderful moment.
>”Oh, Anon!” Twilight swooned.
>”Took you long enough, dweeb.” Rainbow lightly teased you, nuzzling her head against your neck.
>”I knew this would be the best sleepover ever.” Fluttershy happily sighed, covering your cheek with gentle kisses.
>You sigh contentedly and sink into their incredibly loving embrace.
>”I’ve been waiting months for this!” Pinkie said to you right before puckering her lips and diving in for a kiss.
>But Sunset’s quick hand prevents Pinkie’s lips from meeting yours.
>”Don’t forget about the other condition I set…” Sunset reminded her and the other girls.
>Pinkie nodded understandingly (albeit with a hint of disappointment) as Sunset positioned herself directly in front of you.
>”I saw him first…”
>Her face draws closer to yours.
>”...I get to be his first.”
>Sunset brushes a lock of hair with her fingers.
>”Come on, new boy…”
>Your lips are only an inch away from hers.
>You two are almost totally pressed together.
>You can feel the inviting warmth of Sunset’s pussy on the tip of your diamond-hard manhood.
>Anticipation is high.
>All their eyes are on the naked bodies belonging to you and Sunset.
>”...Kiss me~.”
Ready, Grey? We're ready for Anon x Cookie!
It's happening!
Hot damn, you actually found the perfect workaround to the thing I mentioned before about not having enough time for all the girls. Where they're all too busy to have a boyfriend, but all like Anon so they might as well share him and add up what little time they can give. It not only solves the thing I overthought but does it realistically.
I also love how him accepting their proposition gives them the greenlight to give him a nude group hug. Amazing work, I see you really thought this out.
Expect it tomorrow-ish. I don't wanna post anything too close to Cosmic's updates and get in the way.
I remember seeing your stuff before. Got some pretty good stuff.
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>The gentle sensations of their bushes only excited you further.
>gentle sensations of their BUSHES
Pick one and only one. There is nothing gentle or not disgusting about bushes and never was. Your shitty fetish aside, man, is this hot as all hell and somehow wholesomely cute.
What was it like 10 years ago?
It sounds like a perfect solution until you remember that everyone is busy at approximately the same times due to business hours and diurnal cycle shit, so actually it would make the problem worse by causing even more conflict over the limited time windows they have
>and just assuming no one's gonna read the same story twice
You don’t know that for sure, but I admit it wouldn’t be fair if you asked the thread if they’d give a chance to your version of a green premise they’ve been enjoying, and they don’t even let you know if you’d be wasting your time or not.
Personally I’m not reading either of you guys’s greens, but I see why you want to ask the thread first. And the fact that effectively only two people before me answered you from what I can tell sort of proves >>41106893 may have had a point after all.
After 56,000 words, it sure is!
Thank you! There's also more to this sharing stuff lurking beneath the surface that'll be revealed over the course of the story, so stay tuned for that
That was briefly one of the contenders for Fluttershy's song in karaoke. I was committed to giving her a song from a Disney movie
Maybe bush was the wrong word to use, the girls all maintain it in different ways. It's not my fetish, don't worry.
That's some great stuff! Would love to see more of your work in the future!
>>41111766 (nice dubs bro)
If it's not your fetish then why include it at all? I don't think I quite understand. It could've been left open to interpretation(something like "gentle sensations of their loins/nethers" maybe?).
>>41109911 (great dubdubs)
wew lad, this is quite well done, especially for your first time. Is it me or clothes look edited on? Are there secret nude versions somewhere out there?
To add more detail, I guess. That and couldn't think of anything else to put there at the time. I'll defo use your suggestions in the future though
I'm a complete dumbass and forgot to copy and paste a portion of yesterday's update from the text document I was writing it in to here. Just slot this little paragraph right in between >>41110557 and >>41110565

“...So that’s what tonight was about? A huge scheme to hit me with all this?”
>”It was all Sunset’s idea! She’s the one who made all of us write you a love letter saying what we liked about you! If it was up to me, we’d have dropped the bomb at lunch!” Rainbow exclaimed, clearly frustrated by how long it’s taken for her to get to this point.
>”Remember, Dashie: I saw Anon first. I had every right to keep this sweetheart all to myself, so it was only fair I set the stage for how we confess to him~” Sunset slyly reminds her, satisfied by her work.
>”You’ve kept stuff from us, too! I’m willin’ to bet Anon’s telling the truth about you puttin’ the idea of skinny dippin’ in all our heads and that you put Rarity up to givin’ him that saucy outfit!” Applejack indignantly accused her.
>Sunset raised her hands up.
>”Guilty as charged~”

Ponepaste has been updated to fix this
>Also "write for (you)s" is... retarded.
Not him but what’s the point of writing tens of thousands of words for a thread if no one there responds to it?
You're supposed to write because you WANT to write. If you want attention and money for it, then go write a novel you loser.
We're ready now Grey! Bring on Rarity and Cookie!
>Just write green for a literal prompt thread even if no one reads it
That’s retarded. Also who the hell was talking about money? This is 4chan. The whole point is interacting with each other.
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Huh. Well there's seven girls, so maybe Anon can get intimate with each one of them for every day of the week, though that's just me reaching for whatever random that might work for the time being. Not sure if it effectively mitigates the obstacle but I think it'd be a cute idea to work with.
Can't wait. Curious, how much of the story would you say is left since it goes beyond just the one sleepover? Also is the thing I mentioned right above going to be a factor to a degree or nah?
And when are you updating tonight? Just so I know when I have an adequate time window to post my thing.
I'm going to finish the Juniper/Wallflower one in a next few hours so it's out of the way, and will post it whenever the timing works out with Cosmic's updating. But right after that, I'll start the Rarity/Cookie one.
I'm still in the "do my own thing unless enough people want something else" camp, but you're right. Discussion and interaction is literally the point of the website lmao. Except straight-up image dump threads, but that's different.

Well I'm getting too many ideas to not soon write my own sleepover story anyway, so... I guess my only issue is making it as fun and exciting as possible to make the anons here WANT to read it.
We'll see how long the story continues after the sleepover. My ideas for afterwards are pretty much just a bunch of lewd scenarios with the girls. I don't think it'll be as rigidly structured as "one girl for each day of the week"
Also I won't be updating tonight so you can have the floor to yourself. I'll do some writing but I'll update tomorrow.
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No story updates tonight?
Well, I WAS gonna update tonight, but then that one anon called my use of the term "bush" a disgusting fetish, and that really hurt my feelings :(
Jokes aside, I spent today with my gf. We made some plans for rewatching the series together in the future
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>having a gf
>having a gf that likes MLP
I'm thinking about drawing something else, maybe some other time
Thanks bro(ny)
I'm thinking about drawing Apple Jack soon, in her swimsuit (pic related)
Unfortunately, I didn't make NSFW versions of those drawings. I have made some other r34 art before tho, I posted them on pixiv
Ever have her cosplay for you?
That's one of the reasons I prefer nerdy girls to normie girls. anime conversations are great for hooking up with chicks like that, I tell them it keep it on!
why the fuck her legs so damn long?
The Juniper/Wallflower story ready yet?
Out of all of them, which would ironically be the most spontaneous and daring? Personally, I want to say Moondancer since she's similar to Twilight.

Like, her "research" in attracting a boyfriend would prompt her to do something like flash Anon her bare breasts out of nowhere during a study session simply because "the book said so"? Or not wear any bra and deliberately just let her hooters jiggle freely under her tight wool sweater in front of him? Or inviting him to her room just to have him "catch" her wearing next to nothing?
Story Prompts;
>A NNN candidate was dared to go on a date with the "nerdiest nerd" in the school, Frazzle Rock.
>Considering her cute but otherwise unattractive, he figures it wouldn't be hard at all to keep his load where it belongs.
>However, an unseen force (possibly Cadance or Chrysalis) gives said "nerdiest nerd" of Canterlot High a very noticable "growth spurt".
>Frazzle Rock suddenly found her once-petite A to B-cup sized breasts expanded to gargantuan sizes.
>The girl, once-invisible to the opposite sex, now found the object of attraction by the male student body.
>Frazzle's large chest, wobbling and jiggling unrestrained under her dress, easily creates an uncontrolled tent in the shorts of nearby boys, and even some male teachers.
>What's worse, the height discrepancy makes her huge hooters mesh seamlessly into his crotch, something he learned the hard way and almost resulted in some premature spillage.
>He's expected to slow dance with her, and Fraggle's dress is unexpectedly plenty revealing.
>Can Anon last under the immense bosom of the "nerdiest nerd" and complete the bet without losing his composure, and his load?
>Frazzle was allowed to show so much tit and cleavage through her dress.
>You could feel the soft heft jiggling against your boner tent with every step.
>Frazzle looked so happy, clinging to you tight.
>You anxiously smiled back, trying to hold in your load.
>You'd think Fraggle would notice the gooey warmth spurting between her deep cleavage the moment you went off.
>You could feel her nipples poking into your front through the thin dress fabric, telling you just how excited Frazzle was to dance with you, or really just being in contact with a boy.
>Being so pent up and erect, on top of being in perfect titfucking position, it took all your willpower to keep from thrusting your hips.
>Even if nobody could see it through the dim lights, and Frazzle would likely be into it being the horny nerd her body language implies, you still tried to show restraint, even it was slowly fading.
Running a little late but I'm getting it finished up now. Fucking hell, I had too much stuff to do during the day and it bled far into my writing time. But I'm going to drop the update into here really REALLY soon. Hopefully in the next 30 minutes.
I wonder if Frazzle is at least semi-aware of the erection tent throbbing between her enlarged milkers? She'd probably let her own base instincts run wild and grind her huge breasts into him without thinking, agitating his already worked up penis and causing it to already spit up pre into her cleavage. He wouldn't last long after that, no matter how hard he tried, especially with that big, cheeky nerd grin of hers.
>To anyone else, such humongous hooters on a string bean nerd would look silly.
>But to someone who hadn't nut in over a month, it was the sexiest display you've ever seen.
>Your entire world was Frazzle's breasts, and she seemed strangely flattered by it.
>It was admittedly hard to notice anything else, especially with her huge breasts being almost completely bare in her dress.
>You STILL didn't know how the school dress codes allowed this.
>One day and a half earlier…
>You and Wallflower have recently caught up with one another in a flurry of certain physical encounters in the apartment bedroom together.
>Over the entire weekend or so, you’ve made the bedsheets get really wrinkled and uneven and eventually balled up and thrown into the laundry hamper.
>It was a team effort.
>You’ve never seen Wallflower so happy, so fulfilled and lost within your presence, receiving all of the acknowledgement of her existence she’s ever gotten in her life.
>Her ecstatic grin spanning from ear to ear spells out her never-ending appreciation for your touch, for your kiss, for your embrace.
>And you’re addicted to her taste, lip-locking with her without ability to pull yourself away for even a couple of hours.
>Wallflower’s colossal breasts press naked onto your side.
>Before recent days, before recent weeks, you were afraid to let Wallflower near you.
>Like she was ready to make you her victim, and you had to survive and keep her at bay, to keep yourself safe from her as she forever-stalked you.
>Now that looming presence that used to make you uneasy embraces you with the last of the ruffled bedsheets lazily draped over the two of you.
>And you serenely lean over and kiss Wallflower on the cheek, then lock lips with her again and again as your full acceptance of her union with you further cements itself into your heart.
>Holding Wallflower closely and tightly while swapping saliva with her, having fully surrendered yourself.
>Softly moaning into one another’s mouths in the most non-competitive way before you’re both too exhausted to move around much.
>You lie face up in the bed together with arms around one another, staring at the ceiling fan hypnotizing the both of you.
>Making you reminisce.
>There was a time when you were urgent to not let her break into your apartment, to not let her make her way inside of your personal quarters.
>Tired of you looking the other way, Wallflower Blush had other plans for you.
>And so, there was at first a series of streets and roads of buildings and trees between the two of you. Plus distance.
>But Wallflower found where you live.
>And so, there was a series of walls and furniture between your natural equipment and Wallflower’s supple goods, sealed off by the lock on your front door for your security.
>But your security was useless… Wallflower found a way inside… All those barriers meant nothing…
>And so, there was nothing between your natural equipment and Wallflower’s supple goods but your clothes and hers.
>There was nothing you could do at this point; you couldn’t detect her inside of your apartment with you, like a thirsty ghost haunting you.
>Wallflower wanted nothing more than to infiltrate your clothes, and she did so herself swiftly without your knowledge.
>You’d be sitting on your couch wondering why you’re suddenly getting erect in your pants for no reason.
>Try to push it back down, but it keeps coming back.
>Your erection only getting stronger and stronger each time.
>And so, you began to panic as you discover have miraculously become undone, and your throbbing erect member was struggling to force its way through the fabric of your boxers.
>No matter what you did, the front of your boxers began to malfunction more and more somehow, increasingly exposing your hard shaft.
>This only made whatever was happening more difficult to try and prevent… until your erect cock flung all the way out of your underwear.
>Your attempts to put it back away were unsuccessful, and you felt more and more stimulated until you finally realized you’re getting closer to cumming.
>Why is your cock doing this?
>And you got closer and closer and closer until it happened against your will…
>You shut your eyes in fear, but then opened them again to find a very familiar trail of saliva-cum bridging between your tip and Wallflower Blush’s lips…
>You quickly fell victim to your love for Wallflower once again, not allowed to forget about her that easily.
>And now you’re both resting in bed together.
>Wallflower sits up to reach the remote, letting her massive cushiony naked breasts gracefully wobble right in front of you as she snatches the device off of the nightstand.
>Unable to help yourself, you reach out and grope her with all of your hormones screaming as loudly as they can.
>Wallflower’s soft heaving breasts wildly jiggle against your ambushing hands as you pull her back down onto the bed with you.
>You lower your face to her divine chest and plant your sucking lips onto her huge bare nipples with all the attention she ever wanted for them and then some~
>This is like the third time today.
>”I guess I get to choose the movie this time?” Asks Wallflower, prompting a physically readable nod out of you with your face buried in her irresistible jello.
>The soft drink that was next to the remote on the nightstand is picked up after the TV flips on, and Wallflower takes a sip before letting you have your turn with the straw.
>The bag of junk food is already empty, but there’s still a lot of this sweet sugary beverage for the two of you to work together sipping down.
>The front door has not been even thought about by either of you in days.
>Having been taking its turn being forgotten.
>After a number of movie watching sessions known to some as “netflix and chill” over the next several hours, you and Wallflower then go out to the store to steal some food together once again.
>It’s unclear how long you’ve slept together, but it’s probably late morning or something.
>Didn’t take a lot of effort to figure out where Juniper works since the town only has one other convenience store in the same chain close enough to where she lives, you just learned.
>Bt you still never figured out how you’re going to make it up to her.
>That part is still something you have yet to figure out for yourselves.
>But for the meantime, you take a few things from the same old local convenience store from before.
>Wallflower walks across the parking lot with you once more the way you always do together, and the two of you get a good glimpse of the priest inside of the building with the D-bag manager nowhere in sight.
>Wallflower holds your hand, closer to you than anyone else ever will be.
>If your memory is correct, there’s a bunch of restraint devices on all of the merchandise to track where they all go, and they’re the type that explode with colorful ink when forced open.
>”Watch this.” Wallflower grins over at you as she struts ahead.
>All of that relaxing you two have done all day is now going to pay off after the sweet junk food you ate gives you sugar rushes as your bodies fully wake up.
>The doors swing open right when the priest is saying “Bless this nest” or some shit mid-sentence.
>”Hello?” He pats himself down for his crucifix.
>Finds it and holds it up, with Wallflower invisibly standing right in front of it all menacingly with the metal cross right in front of her forehead as she begins to grin wider and wider.
“Spook the shit outta him!” You cheer her on.
>”By the power vested in m-” The priest starts his exorcism rant before the crucifix miraculously vanishes from his hand.
>”The power of Sunny-D compels you!” Wallflower twists the lid off of a nearby orange juice container and splashes it all over the priest.
>He was out of the store not long after, and you helped Wallflower chug the rest of the OJ down before gathering anything you want and high-tailing it back to the apartment.
>The ink turns into invisible ink as soon as you use your kitchen knife to take the security devices apart.
>These “ghosts” cannot be stopped.
>Some more hours later, you and Wallflower decide to take a bus ride to the edge of town where the new location of Juniper’s job supposedly is.
>The two of you agreed to write a little note on paper together explaining that you’re invisible to her and you were just sick of her manager.
>Even though that’s a bit of a lie by omission on Wallflower’s part.
>But it doesn’t matter anymore, you just want to make sure that Juniper’s doing alright and manages to find to hope in her life.
>The paper includes a proposal to start a ghost show type of deal with your invisibility powers, starring her, and its authenticity will be sure to turn lots of heads.
>And after that, you and Wallflower plan to have a little fun on the bus ride back to your apartment, because why not? You two can do whatever you want.
>And Wallflower’s developed a little bit of a kink from some of the porn she’s seen you watch in the past.
>Said she wants to try it out in real time, but after giving Juniper the note.
>After the bus drops you two off, there’s the store.
>Right off of the edge of a desolate road with several cracks in the asphalt, front lawn littered with dull patches of tall unkempt grass with the literal forest not more than several yards/meters behind the building.
>While going through the whirlwind of stuff you and Wallflower wanted to do together at random just because, you guess you’ve now decided to just try to make things up to Juniper ever sinc-
>”Holy shit, is that who I think it is?” Wallflower peers into the blotted window as she approaches the building from across the old beat-up parking lot.
>As she gets closer, she recognizes one of those attention-whore vloggers from MyStable or FaceHoof or InstaGallop or whatever social media site just became popular a year ago.
>That’s… Vignette Valencia.
>That dyed wolfcut hairdo isn’t hard to recognize, especially not to a trained eye that has hatefully obsessed over popular people on the internet wishing to switch popularity with them.
>Wallflower’s eyes are so clouded with smoke from the hateful fire she has for social media influencer that she doesn’t even notice Juniper Montage standing next to Vignette Valencia.
>She enters the store stealthily this time, not wanting to make much of a scene until after it’s too late for Vignette to get away.
>Once again, she goes straight for the orange juice.
>Her silent footsteps echo anyway, at least to herself.
>”What’ve you starred in?” Asks Vignette to Juniper. “Was it something big or just tiny?”
>Juniper Montage shudders. “Background extra… in commercial. Years ago….”
>”That sounds nice, which commercial?”
>”Captain Crunch commercial.”
>”Niiiice! We all gotta start somewhere, right?”
>Shivering as though she just got out of a swimming pool on a cold day without a towel, Juniper sporadically nods at random intervals, fully away of but in zero control of how awkward she’s being.
>Why did this have to happen now?!
>Juniper was not prepared for the only chance she’ll ever get!
>”Whoa!” Vignette suddenly notices something happen at the other end of the empty convenience store. “Did you see that?”
>”I-I’m sorry?” Asks Juniper.
>”Did you see that orange juice container just like… disappear into thin air?”
>Wallflower sips a little bit of the orange juice, having been feeling a little parched herself.
>You stand there at the front door, not knowing how to react, or really knowing a lot about Vignette Valencia to begin with.
>But Wallflower knows a LOT about her.
>And it shows in her angry glare.
>”Wait! I gotta get this on camera!” Vignette tells Juniper after the other girl suggested leaving.
>”Oh you’re getting this on camera alright.” Growls Wallflower as she sends a wave of orange juice directly at Vignette’s chest.
>”Is th-AH!” Vignette shivers as she suddenly feels a great wetness all over the front of her crop top.
>The white fabric becomes soaked, and allows a decent view of Vignette’s nipples to begin to shine through.
>Wallflower snatches Vignette’s phone right out of her hand while it’s still recording and makes it disappear to her.
>She has no idea where it is now, being filmed by an invisible camera as she covers her chest after remembering she didn’t wear a bra today.
>Wallflower finally notices Juniper and remembers what she had planned to help her with.
>Though, there’s no time to do that so long as Vignette is here ruining the moment.
>”My phone!” Vignette instantly forgets about her visible chest she doesn’t know is on invisible camera and begins scouring the floor. “Where the fuck did my phone go?”
>Her entire focus shifts to her handheld device she can’t live without.
>Wallflower keeps filming Vignette, saying things into the camera even though no one can hear her anyway.
>”Hey guess what, V-simps!” Wallflower laughs. “This is what your dream girl’s nipples look like. You don’t have to watch her anymore! The secret’s out.” She angles the camera to get a good view of Vignette’s pride shining through her top’s wet fabric.
>The view is actually not that clear, but it’s enough to show the outline and overall color of Vignette’s areolae as her stiffness begins to poke outward due to the chill from the air conditioned room hitting the soaked fabric on her skin.
>Wallflower hooks her other finger into the front of Vignette’s top and tugs it down, letting her stiff perky nipples flick out, tasting like the orange juice they were splashed with.
>”God damn, look at those delicious things. I’d suck on those all day too, huh?” Wallflower says into the camera before realizing the video already automatically was sent after a timer ran out. “The fuck?”
>Turns out Vignette was still doing that KitKot challenge where you only have 30 seconds max to take a video selfie before it automatically sends, and whatever is there is whatever is there.
>The video was posted, and it included a splash of orange juice appearing out of thin air, followed by the container appearing out of nowhere and hitting the floor after being dropped.
>The chat automatically goes wild, believing the authenticity without question, asking if Vignette is okay.
>While also not needing to ask who the girl at the beginning of the video is, since she clearly introduced herself as Juniper Montage.
>And so, a conspiracy theory has been started, and Juniper’s IMDB page better get ready for all of the eyes it’s going to receive on account of Vignette’s popularity.
>”Whatever, fuck your phone, bitch.” Wallflower chucks the phone at the floor Ricegum-style and then stomps on it.
>”MY PHONE!” Vignette cries out as she finally notices the destroyed moneyvacuum resting on the tile floor with tiny plumes of smoke and sparks coming out of it. “SPEAK TO ME! Chat, are you there? CHAT!”
>You take the liberty of tucking the note into Juniper’s back pocket and leave the scene with Wallflower.
>Well that kind of spiraled out of control fast, but at least Wallflower can rest easy tonight and hopefully Juniper too.
>The two of you quietly leave before Juniper starts freaking out too much again, knowing she’s better off left alone outside of whatever new attention she’s going to get.
>Wallflower Blush steps onto the bus back into town.
>Unaware of the “revenge” you’re about to exact upon her.
>For how she made her way into your apartment and sieged your clothes, and got you hard and made you cum the way she did…
>Undetected, you follow Wallflower onto the bus with no one batting an eye at either of you.
>Wallflower “doesn’t see you” either, but you definitely see her.
>Eyeing her all up and down her body that calls to you through her sweater and pants.
>God, this girl is so busty… she has no idea what’s coming to her.
>The bus continues to travel around town, and a few people get off, while a few more get on.
>You stare at Wallflower, waiting for her to sense that there are eyes on her.
>Something she’s wanted for a long time.
>Creeping closer, you keep your eyes fixed on her clothed body, ready to unwrap it in public in front of everyone on the bus.
>And so, there’s nothing between your natural equipment and Wallflower’s supple goods but a short distance and two sets of clothing belonging to each of you.
>None of which will protect Wallflower or her sexy body from you as she pretends to be oblivious in the midst of this roleplay the two of you love to act out in real life together.
>Something you’ve both seen in certain types videos on the internet, and found a common kink in.
>You “accidentally” brush up against her to the movements of the bus as she holds onto the handle attached to the ceiling.
>She’s not sure if she felt something, not at all having been expecting an invisible man to come and give her surprise attention.
>She looks around and sees no one doing anything to her.
>The bus continues to run on its route, and you bump into Wallflower again, this time copping a quick feel on her round buttcheeks through her pants.
>Wallflower swears she felt something… like someone… grabbing her ass?
>She looks behind herself and sees no one there.
>But begins to feel apprehensive as her safety on this bus is now in question.
>She tries to ignore what’s happening to her, but what’s happening to her only happens more and more intensely.
>Her pupils contract as she feels something brush by her hair.
>Accidentally bumps into another person, apologizing to them but getting no response.
>It’s like they don’t even know she’s there.
>Wallflower does everything she can to keep her mind off of the hopefully imaginary feeling of hands gradually but surely giving her soft busty chest a couple of gentle squeezes.
>She jerks herself around in response, heart pounding and mind stumbling in search for a way to stop this.
>She KNOWS she felt someone groping her!
>”Wh-who’s doing that?” She blurts with a bead of sweat on her brow.
>No one even looks in her direction.
>Guilt from the memory of what she did to you earlier floods into her conscience.
>Can she really convince herself that she doesn’t deserve such comeuppance?
>Wallflower clumsily hobbles past people on the bus towards the door.
>Of course, the bus is still moving and the doors won’t open anyway… so this is just a dead end where she gets cornered.
>Wallflower half-enthusiastically panics with her palms delicately slapping against the glass, watching the lights glide by as they line the streets and buildings outside in the night.
>She quickly begins to feel hands feeling her up as she has nowhere else to flee to.
>Grabbing her round butt and holding on, groping her soft sweater-stuffing chest and squeezing them a little less gently every time…
>”No…” Wallflower blurts once again as she’s miraculously pulled back up the commercial bus’s stairs and deeper back into the aisle. “P-please… no…”
>She breaks free and ducks behind a couple of people standing as the bus continues to travel.
>Grabs onto another handle and prays that this unknown force has now been stopped… as if that even did anything at all.
>Maybe she can just wait and it’ll go awa-
>”G-guh!” Wallflower jolts again as the feeling of groping hands returns to all over her body.
>She frantically looks around, desperate for an escape or at least a way to fight back, but can think of nothing.
>Trying not to bite her lip or break the act she’s putting on for the both of you to immerse yourselves in.
>This is not only “revenge” for yesterday, but “revenge” for the train station incident as well…
>Wallflower had previously had her way with you.
>Now it’s Wallflower’s turn to be the helpless victim as you eagerly have your way with her~
>Something happens where the bottom of Wallflower’s sweater is dragged up her midriff, briefly giving everyone a glimpse of her bare tummy and lower back.
>With one panicking motion, Wallflower eeps and yanks her sweater back down.
>Only to have it get dragged back up again and expose even more of her lewd midriff each time.
>”S-somebody help…” Croaks Wallflower to no avail. “Ngh… I’m getting so…”
>The front of her sweater is insistently pulled forward.
>The tension exacted upon the spot right on top of her chest is enough to start stressing the fabric too much.
>”N-no!” Wallflower masks her excitement with false fear as she “worries” about people seeing this happen to her.
>Wallflower gives up trying to keep the bottom of her sweater over her smooth midriff, letting her fully bare tummy and lower back stay in the open for anyone looking to watch as invisible fingers graze across Wallflower’s exposed bellybutton.
>”D-don’t look at me!”
>The upper front of her sweater now has a hole torn in it, and that hole is getting pulled wider and wider with loud ripping noises no one seems to hear.
>Despite her resistance, Wallflower’s deep soft freckled cleavage gets more and more exposed as the front of her sweater is forced to rip open.
>Wallflower’s comeuppance is entering full swing…
>She looks down and notices the front of her pants are miraculously undone.
>It’s payback, now~
>”Help meee!” Wallflower pleads in inauthentic distress, Blushing bright red in the face.
>The bus slows to a stop, suddenly.
>This is Wallflower’s chance to escape, but she’s being held in place as people get off of the bus, not even knowing she’s there crying for help as invisible hands “molest” her.
>She feels a pressure against her lips, and begins to feel sedated… too sedated to properly escape and stop this from happening to her.
>Wallflower knows that if she doesn’t leave the bus right now, she won’t be able to make it all the way to the next stop after this one.
>Wallflower knows that if she’s made to cum, to orgasm in public on this bus in front of everyone, her resistance is done in.
>Her mind will be horny mush.
>She’s running out of time to escape the bus and disappear into the night!
>Where she can hide and fix her clothes the best she can, and recollect herself, and… and…
>Only several more seconds later and he officially missed her chance.
>The doors close back up.
>The bus starts moving forward once more.
>Wallflower squeals in desperation as it dawns upon her that her comeuppance is now a fate sealed…
>Now it’s irreversibly her turn to be exposed in public and made to cum against her will~
>The front of her sweater gets torn so wide open that her tummy and bellybutton are unable to be hidden no matter what now.
>Wallflower’s soft massive freckled breasts bounce and sway to the motions of her struggling, barely held down underneath her now exposed off-white bra cups…
>Unable to keep her failing clothing together in public, Wallflower still fights on the best she can, but she knows she’s losing badly…
>Her fumbling hands scramble to hold her exposed bra cups in place, but Wallflower just noticed that her pants had at some point been pulled down past her knees when the sides of her matching panties get effortlessly tugged down~
>Wallflower Blush is powerless is stopping her panties from making their way down her thighs, and feels something finger-like push its way between her vulva…
>”Nooooo! Oh nooo, somebody help meee~!” Wallflower shudders from rising arousal as she holds her hands over her smooth naked pussy hoping the agitation will cease if she ignores it.
>It only gets harder to ignore…
>Wallflower Blush loses the battle to keep her bra on, as it starts coming apart in all places, unable to stay together.
>Her bra cups fail to stay over her big sexy nipples in public, and fall back behind her arms.
>Wallflower embarrassedly pushes her massive naked breasts together with her upper arms in attempt to cup her hands over her crotch as the fingering drives her closer to orgasm.
>”Please help! Unffff, please help mee…~!” Wallflower’s begs and pleas fall upon deaf ears. “He’s gonna make me cum! He’s…”
>Wallflower’s now further torn open sweater slips off of her shoulders along with her limp bra straps.
>Wallflower’s sexy naked boobies enticingly shake and jiggle as your fingering gets faster and faster upon her.
>Forcing her closer to inevitable climax.
>”P-please… someone… he’s m-moles-s-stingg… m-mmMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE~~!!”
>Wallflower recieves the treatment she had previously dished out, and is made to orgasm against her will in front of everyone on the bus by an “unknown” molester.
>…You already have your cock out, having dreamt of this moment for so long now.
>Wallflower finishes cumming into your hand, and you spread it onto her soft jello-y bare buttcheek with a quick lustful smack.
>She’s paralyzed under a horny spell keeping her from budging as you push your pre-leaking tip between her slippery vulva and driving your throbbing length all the way inside.
>Her slippery soaked-ness allows you to glide right in with little to no effort.
>”Ohhhh~! Isn’t anyone going to help me? He penetrated me!” Wallflower now starts to sound like she’s taunting the other bus passengers. “You’re just gonna stand there as poor innocent me gets raped right in front of you? Hmm?”
>Her eyes meet yours, begging you to start plowing her harder, to which you oblige.
>Letting her blushing walls clamp down on your trapped, twitching shaft that drives in and out.
>You keep going and going and going as the bus does the same in a different way.
>”Last chance, everyone! He’s gonna cum inside me!”
>No one knows she’s even there.
>Wallflower screams at the top of her lungs, but out of aroused joy instead of horror, always feeling more free than she’s even been when she does something like this.
>”Fucking figures!” Wallflower turns to you. “Do you worst, stud~!”
>You plap Wallflower with a frequency that would make a woodpecker run for its money, and quickly reach the point of tensing up and cumming buckets.
>Wallflower’s beautiful exposed breasts jiggle intensely to your wet-humping.
>Your erect member jerks around against Wallflower’s wet envelopment wrapped around it as your hot load charges through your underside then out deep inside of her.
>Wallflower shouts at everyone telling them they should have paid attention to her and they wouldn’t now be liable for what just “happened” to her.
>She’s still pretty angry about being naturally ignored, but at least she managed to have a little lewd fun with it while it happened tonight…
>As soon as you and Wallflower re-enter your apartment, the two of you tightly embrace one another and deeply smooch all the way over to the bed where you let loose all of your lovestruck emotions upon one another and make love like you never have before.
>Damn, this girl is great.

Alright yeah, so this story has been an absolute mess structure and pacing-wise since like October when it first started. I really just wanted to write the convenience store arc because it was too funny to me not to do, but I hope you at least enjoyed the lewd I shoehorned into the story so some people here would like it too. I’m really sorry I missed adding in a lot of Vignette’s antics I wanted to add in, I got carried away with the other part and I ran out of time and can't let this bleed into my other projects. I REALLY don’t want to write more of this story, but now I have to if I want to deliver all of what I promised I would deliver.

I might redo this green entirely and actually write a proper story out of it from start to finish next time. I'm not satisfied with how this turned out. I’m gonna be mad if there’s a lot of typos I missed.

I can confidently promise that the next thing I write is going to be WAY better than this lmao. I just had to rush through this one so it was fucking done and over with already. God damn.
I can’t be the only one who loves the out of order storytelling in some of your greens. I didn’t think it was so much a mess as it was a minor product of finishing fast. Only thing I’d change is adding a part with Vignette into the beginning to balance out her role in the story. I can’t be alone in this right?
>Average day for Wallfower on Japanese public transport
Anchor for the full nude edit of two different Cogbrony pics.

Here are what I've been requesting, by the way.

1. Remove the top from Wallflower blush.

2. And merge the following images to remove all clothings and cowprint from both Sci-Twi and Fluttershy.

As always, if you need references for the way the artist draws nipples, switch your booru filter to either "Maximum Spoilers", "18+ R34", "Everything" or similar, and search for:
artist:thebrokencog, -edit, sideboob, nipples
>Writefag frustrated his work isn’t enjoyed or garner interaction anymore no matter what he does.
>”You just want attention I bet you want money too.”
This is the bullshit attitude that kills greentext threads.
I think you sound like a pretentious faggot.
Absolutely loved this story! Please continue to make more EQG harem stories or continue this one.
I could do more scenes with her in a future story if you want. I think this one she shares with Wallflower is too disorganized to add more stuff into. Glad you liked the thing I do making scenes cross over at different times. A lot of my favorite movies do that.
I forgot to reply to you, was on the verge of passing out after staying up so late, but thanks.
I'm considering doing the "one girl each day of the week" thing for what I might write if you're doing something different. I've never considered writing a harem story before so the more second opinions I get, the better.
If I wrote one, would you read it? I've been needing to start over fresh for several months now and a harem premise would be perfect for that.
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Thank you for the support! Don't worry, this one's getting continued!
I've been there. My dedication to get an update out sometimes means I'm up past 1 AM
I think that's a good route to go down! I don't have such a set schedule in mind for the seven, or really that solid or cohesive an idea for what happens after the sleepover since most of my plans for this story hinged on the sleepover being all there was, so go for it.
And I totally get what you mean about rewriting old greens. I've tossed around ideas on rewriting Lightning Man from 2017 until I realized the ideas would really only please me like a shocking story moment where the villain of the story actually manages to kill Anon or I would basically be writing Shazam! (2019) because I really like that movie's down-to-Earth "wouldn't it be awesome to have superpowers" stuff combined with basically the same powerset.
I've got enough on my plate as is, with King of the Castle and Life Flutters By
By the way, I would totally read your harem story. I don't get as much appeal from reading my own work because, as I'm sure you could understand, I can kind of see the strings in my own puppet show. I'd love to see your take on the idea, especially since you're a real good writer
Wallflower's the poster girl for exhibitionism, I love it.
Also loved seeing Vignette gave a bit of an ENF moment on stream in front of millions of viewers. Serves her right for fucking up that beaver dam.
Not yet, but I'm sure I could talk her into it at some point in the future. She sees herself as most similar to Twilight Sparkle, so I could pitch the idea of her doing that cosplay and I could cosplay Flash Sentry.
I'm really lucky to have her
Applejack's not unique in that regard, basically everyone in EqG has freakishly long legs when you really look at them
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Good shit.
Why do you have such poor time management?
I also agree with this sentiment. While you ARE supposed to write because you enjoy writing first and foremost, the point of sharing it to a public forum like this is to receive feedback on your work. Otherwise you'd just write your story on pen and paper and then lock it in a vault.
Feedback, compliments, and appropriate criticism keep writefag generals alive
What do you think of my Frazzle Rock green idea? Nobody's responded so far.

Grey, what do you think of my Frazzle Rock green idea? >>41113553
I like the idea of a cute dork Frazzle Rock with huge tits. Though I think the whole NNN thing is being overdone. An idea with her could be done where she just has big tits and Anon is dared to date her. He not only likes her big tits, but comes to realize how likable and sweet she is once you get past her dorky appearance and less than flattering choice in clothing. Not Grey by the way, just a rando commenting.
I'll have to agree with >>41115192, the NNN stuff is kind of overdone at this point. The story would work just as fine if some magic amulet thing gave Frazzle Rock huge boobs and Anon ends up having to deal with the consequences of getting more than he bargained for with this dare. Some easy drama in there when Frazzle learns about the dare after Anon becoming more attracted to her as a person. Maybe Frazzle just isn't too concerned about sex stuff and is perfectly happy with just kissing and stuff even after her growth spurt.
Either way, I'd be down to see what you write!
Also a more horny and much less wholesome idea with Frazzle Rock.
>Where she's a TA
>She acts painfully innocent and naive while swinging around huge sweater puppies
>Anon is dared to ask her out on a date thinking she'd be super flustered and uncomfortable with it
>Instead once he asks her out she flips a switch and pounces on him
>Revealing a very repressed horny and desperate side to her
>She completely drains him dry and goes full stalker girlfriend on him
>In completely over his head and nobody believes him that she could possibly behave like that
Waifu stealer Brad?! Nigga!
Another idea. Frazzle Rock IS mostly innocent and naive, but she's not above taking advantage of the height discrepancy to take every opportunity to mesh her humongous tits into your crotch, and leaving you with an erection everyone will see if she removes them. She might even be trying to make you cum in your shorts.
That's actually really good. I can just picture her pressing her tits into your crotch and looking up at you with a smug grin on her cute dorky face. You aren't going anywhere and if she has her way, which she probably will you'll cum in your pants right there in the hallway. After which there'll be no denying attraction to her.
And the prom is the perfect opportunity for Frazzle to make it happen through her unflattering dress, the prolonged contact from dancing, the height difference and the dimmed lights. You won't escape until she feels you spurting between those fat tits.

NGL, my other, similar idea with Frazzle that throws out the NNN part involves a male teacher dancing with Frazzle out of sympathy since no one else wants to dance with a "super nerd", only to notice just how big in the chest she was (possibly due to Cadance or Chrysalis influence answering her desire to "get laid" with any guy, regardless of how much older he possibly was) when its pressing into her crotch. So you have a grown, possibly middle aged man trying not to blow his load between the big bust of one of his teenage students, whose hormones are going crazy enough from having a boy in constant contact with her to have her subconsciously stick to him like glue, especially when she feels his boner tent.
I like that second idea except middle age is probably too old for it. I'd prefer if he were something like a fresh faced teacher in training or a college aged tutor her parents hired, and possibly also asked him to go to the dance with her.
TBF, older girls like Celestia, Luna, Harshwhinny and the Mane 6's mothers are all between late 30s-early 40s, and nobody minded them having sex with the Canterlot High students doing the NNN challenge. I just swapped the ages in the scenario.
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I do way too many different things with my free time while also being very easily distracted. Plus, my job being set up the way it is somehow made it worse. Because there's no official schedule to stick to and give myself discipline with. I should probably work on that, it's kind of destroying me lmao. Especially when I'm also up in the wee hours of the morning just to follow through on a promise to update before sleeping. Having less on my plate would surely help.
Also yeah, I'll be sure to go down that route, hope I'll impress ya along the way when I get around to it. I sure do understand what you mean about seeing the strings in your own puppet show. There has been a lot more to take in from your green than I'm sure you're aware of, as I'm sure is equally true for how much I consider about my own writing.
The same goes for my own art, like the drawing of RD I did for my story Bros With Benefits. Everyone else can see the greater whole but I only see the sum of its parts.
Also thanks, I think you're a great writer too.
>Also loved seeing Vignette gave a bit of an ENF moment on stream in front of millions of viewers.
I actually planned more, but of course, my poor time management got in the way. I'll get back to what I wanted to do as soon as I get myself back together.
It's a really fun idea, but I also agree with the others >>41115192 >>41115218, maybe it's better to not have every story incorporate NNN, plus November is like 6 months away in either direction anyway lol. I don't remember if I'm the first one who started this mini-meme in this thread, but I would rather just keep the NNN stuff to where I first did it in the Venus's Mercy stories in pic related as originally intended. As for Rarity and Cookie though, I'm still going to write that no matter what.
I've been reading through this convo too, as they were being posted while typing this post. These prom and dancing related ideas got good potential for something I could get into, pretty much only for reading for now since I'm not in a good position to start up writing anything new right now anyway. If anyone wants me to write this in the *future* future, I'd be glad to.
I'll have it out tomorrow for sure. So don't worry, that's still happening. You absolutely have my word.

Fuck, I gotta stop making my non-green posts this long so often.
I guess I do generally prefer less of an age gap, even when it's the woman who's older. I'd say I prefer to imagine Harshwinney, Celestia, and the rest bring in their late twenties or early thirties at the oldest. I even prefer imagining Cinch being younger than she looks. Though I thought of more detail with the tutor idea.
>Anon is an athletic college athlete who tutors as an extra curricular
>Hired by Frazzle's parents to try and help get the doughy big toddy dork in shape to pass PE
>He gets physical with her trying to help her exercise and sexual tension mounts
>Then she's complaining about not having a date to prom with her parents
>They then ask him and he agrees
>It's like a dream come true for her and she gets a sexy dress to impress him
>At the dance she pressed her tits into his crotch accidentally at first, but then gets caught up more and more into doing it on purpose seeing him react to it
>Makes him cum in his pants at the prom after which he can't escape his fate of having her as his girlfriend/wife
>doughy big tiddy dork
I know it's part of your idea, but I always imagined Frazzle Rock as a string bean with huge tits. Like, her chest is irresistibly massive, but the rest of her is of a stereotypical nerd girl (lisp, braces, acne, thin waist and hips). At the most, you could say that she's unconventionally cute, which ends up setting this clashing dissonance between her frumpy physical appearance and sexual attraction to that one massive part of her that has Anon confused. Like, his mind says he needs to think carefully about choosing to date Frazzle, and his dick is telling him to fuck her ASAP.
The main part of saying doughy was her being soft and out of shape, not so much fat. Though I definitely get and like the idea of her chest being disproportionately big compared to the rest of her body. Though Anon being athletic and tall definitely helps her not have to go full midget in order for her chest to be at crotch height with him.
I know. I also want to think that the disproportionate bigness in Frazzle's chest was an attempt by Cadance to make her more attractive to boys. It's why the rest of her is the same, but her breasts are massive, and why Anon feels such conflicting thoughts and base urges around Frazzle when one part of her is so heavily arousing from the sheer size.
It's also great to have her be shapely as well as soft to the touch. Like having hourglass curves that are further accentuated by Cadance's magic in just the right way to spark Anon's neurons and hormones just almost past the point he can do anything about it. And then the final nudge over the edge would be him being in close quarters with her and making contact, so the restraint breaking unavoidably happens exactly the moment it needs to. Makes it more calculated and specific to the moment.
Him being an exercise tutor would also be especially fun for lewd.
>Her chest bouncing while he watches her exercise and her chest heaving when she cutely complains about being tired
>Him having to help her up when she's legitimately too tired to stand up on her own or she falls down
>Any kind of stretching that involves both of them
Then I also imagine if her parents were naive about how sexually charged things are, but are then practically go shotgun wedding on him after finding out what happened at the prom.
>You don’t hesitate.
>You follow Sunset’s request.
>You rest both your hands on Sunset’s cheeks.
>Sunset leans in, shuts her eyes, and purses her lips.
>You follow suit.
>Your eyes slide closed.
>You lean forward.
>And finally, after several months of teasing and buildup…
>You kiss Sunset Shimmer.
>The moment your lips make contact with hers, it’s like a great inferno surges through your veins.
>Her lips taste like the most decadent dessert ever crafted by mortal hands.
>Her gentle moans are music to your ears.
>She leans her naked body against yours and wraps her arms around your shoulders, pulling you further into her embrace.
>It’s like she’s inflicting months of built up love and passion upon you as punishment for not having made a move on her earlier.
>You can hear Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity swoon all around you like a chorus of angels celebrating your shared love.
>Their hands find their way to your shoulders and back, needily caressing your nude form.
>Their loving touch, both gentle and forceful, invigorates you further.
>You never imagined this would be how you would have your first kiss, but you couldn’t ask for a better moment.
>You’ve never kissed a girl before, though.
>You don’t really know what to do with your lips.
>Sunset must be able to tell.
>She grips the back of your head with the same intensity and takes control.
>She forces your lips to move in sync with hers, opening your mouths to gasp for air as a couple.
>It doesn’t take long for you to become much better at physically expressing your attraction to Sunset.
>Your hands travel to the back of her head and pull her in to capture her lips.
>Sunset’s content sigh signals that you’re making the right moves.
>Her tongue prods at your lips.
>This is moving so fast.
>But you don’t want to be anywhere else.
>You open your mouth just enough for Sunset’s tongue to slither inside your mouth.
>It’s… a weird sensation.
>Up until now, the only tongue you’ve ever had in your own mouth is yours.
>Sunset’s tongue is like a slimy alien creature trying to navigate through your mouth and down your throat.
>”Easy now, Boy Scout. Just relax and enjoy the ride~” Sunset whispered to you in the brief moment where your lips were separated.
“I’m trying-” You whisper back to her, but you’re cut off by Sunset’s lips.
>Her tongue returns to your mouth.
>This time, you sink into the moment and allow your tongue to move with hers.
>Sunset clearly did her homework, your tongue is seduced by hers into a passionate dance.
>The sound of your lips smacking when you come up for air is far more lewd than you could ever imagine it being, accentuated by Sunset’s moans getting louder.
>Your hands slide down her warm, smooth back.
>Your diamond-hard cock rubs against her stomach, sandwiched between you two as you make out.
>It’s getting to be a little much.
>You’re getting closer.
>But you don’t want to stop.
>You want to keep kissing and holding and rubbing Sunset.
>Your breath gets shakier.
>Your grip on her naked hips tightens.
>But before you could get too deep in the moment, Sunset pulls away with a glow on her face.
>”Wow, that was one Hell of a first kiss~” Sunset moaned, her hands lingering on your forearms.
“That was… an amazing… first… everything~” You gasp, still feeling hot.
>”Sure looks like you were having fun, hot stuff.” Rainbow snickered, not-so-sublty glancing down at your erection of steel.
>”My, aren’t you full of surprises~?” Rarity flirted with you, leaning against you even more.
>”See? I knew you wouldn’t have anything to be embarrassed about down there!” Twilight encouragingly reminded you.
“Heh, thanks, Twiggles.” You grin at her, feeling Sunset lean away from you to give the girls a better look at your dick.
>Twilight rolls her eyes at your new nickname for her, but still smiles.
>”She should know, she peeked at your shoe size when you were getting changed.” Applejack informed you with a smug grin.
>”No, I wasn’t!” Twilight cried out, unable to hide the guilty look on her face.
>”I caught her sniffing your spare underwear, too.” Rainbow cheekily added.
>”Rainbow!” Twilight exclaimed, deeply embarrassed.
>So Twilight DID see your spare boxers when rooting through your duffle bag.
>You’re not nearly as concerned about that now that she’s seen way more of you.
>”Honestly, I thought you’d be a briefs guy.” Rainbow remarked to you.
“You thought, or you hoped?” You teasingly throw back at her.
>Rainbow’s too flustered to answer that, getting a giggle from you and Sunset.
“Now, I WOULD say I’d be down to give briefs a try, but I’d have to consult with the fashion expert-”
>”Yes, darling, absolutely! I think you’d look absolutely RAVISHING in briefs!” Rarity is quick to answer, allowing her ladylike composure to slip for a moment.
>”We can talk about Anon’s clothes later, I’ve still got a few more “firsts” to go through with our dear, darling boyfriend before I let you girls get your needy paws all over him~” Sunset teasingly reminded the girls, pulling you back into her embrace.
>This is really happening.
>You’re finally gonna get laid tonight.
>Seven times over, from the looks of things.
>Pinkie whimpers like she’s about to fall apart at the seams.
>Fluttershy’s hand drifts further down your stomach, but is swatted away by Sunset.
“I don’t think we should keep them waiting, I’m afraid of what they’ll do to me when their patience runs out.” You remark to Sunset with a cheeky grin.
>”Don’t worry about them. They’ve waited all semester to throw themselves at you, they can wait a little longer.” Sunset tossed off your fake concern.
>”I, however, can’t wait a moment longer.”
>Sunset motions for the girls to spread out from you and leans against you.
>”Oh, Superman, would you mind using your incredible strength to carry me back up to Rarity’s room~?” She seductively requested of you.
>You smile back at her.
“I’d be honored~”
>You kneel down and scoop her up into your arms, leaning her back on your left arm and holding her up at the legs with your right arm.
>Sunset giggles with delight and graces your cheek with a quick, flirty kiss.
>”Sunset, please, I’ve been very accommodating of your plans for tonight, but I feel the need to request… can you please not share your first time with Anon on my bed?” Rarity asks with a hint of shame in her voice.
>”Calm down, I’m not gonna fuck him on your bed! I wouldn’t be a very good guest if I did that, now would I~?” Sunset grinned at her.
>”No, you certainly wouldn’t.” Rarity agreed, relieved.
>”Then don’t you worry a hair on your pretty head! Once I’ve broken in Anon for you girls, he’ll be ready to make all your wet dreams come true! Isn’t that right, lover-boy?” Sunset promised Rarity and the others before turning to you.
“That’s right! Making you lovely ladies feel loved is a dream come true.” You concur with her.
>”THIS lovely lady wants you two to get going already so we can have our fun!” Rainbow impatiently spoke up.
>”That reminds me: you’re going last.” Sunset informed her.
>”WHAT!?” Rainbow shrieked.
>”You broke the rules, Dashie! All of us waited for Anon to turn his back before we snuck him our heartfelt confessions of our deepest feelings, you ruined the surprise for him!” Sunset teasingly scolded her.
>Rainbow rolled her head back and let out the most annoyed, drawn-out groan you’ve ever heard from her, getting some giggles from you and the girls.
“Think of it this way, I’ll be saving the best for last, right?” You encourage her.
>After another moment of annoyance, Rainbow nods along.
>”Yeah, yeah, that’s right! Good thing I’m going last! I’m totally gonna rock your world!” Rainbow perked back up.
>Your arms are starting to strain from holding Sunset like this.
>Your blood circulating down below isn’t helping.
“Oh, I’m sure you will. As for now, wanna get this sleepover’s after party started?” You ask Sunset.
>She leans up in your arms and kisses your cheek.
>”There’s nothing I’d love more~”
>As you carefully step out of the hot tub and reintroduce your bare body to the freezing cold winter night, you ensure Sunset doesn’t get shaken up by how you’re holding her.
>Rarity and Twilight quickly step out of the hot tub to open the back door for you and guide you back through the house.
>Pinkie’s hands lock onto your shoulders and try to hurry you along as you walk through the dark house.
>”C’mon, c’mon, c’mon! This is so exciting!” Pinkie urged you onward.
>And, yeah, it really is.
>Fluttershy, Applejack, and Rainbow follow closely behind.
>Each step up the stairs to Rarity’s bedroom is one step closer to what all your time at Canterlot High has been leading to.
>All your time spent helping and getting to know the girls.
>Becoming a better person.
>Their bodies brush against yours.
>Their soft, inviting bodies.
>You ascend the stairs like you’re ascending Mount Olympus.
>You, a mere mortal from hellish lands, were deemed worthy of sharing pleasures of the flesh with these seven heavenly girls.
>Twilight holds the bedroom door open for you and Sunset.
>Rarity’s prepared a velvet rug for you and your lover.
>Walking through the threshold carries a hauntingly familiar feeling compared to when you first arrived at the sleepover.
>But then, you didn’t know what you were in for.
>Now, you know exactly what you’re in for.
>Sunset scrapes her fingernails along your back, exciting you further.
>You kneel down on the carpet Rarity laid out and carefully set down Sunset.
>She sits back and spreads her legs open, giving you a perfect view of everything she has to offer you.
>Her C-cup chest heaves with every heated breath she takes.
>Her navel invites your eyes further downward to admire her carefully maintained patch of hair atop her glistening pussy.
>To tie it all together, she’s biting her lip seductively and looking over your naked body through half-lidded eyes.
>”Anon…” Sunset whispers to you.
“Sunset…” You whisper back, kneeling closer to her.
>”I’ve always loved the way you undress me with your eyes~”
>She lays back on the carpet, letting her hair splay out around her head.
>”Every day, I’d secretly hope you’d throw caution to the wind and act on those desires you keep buried within you~”
>She spreads her legs a little more.
>”But you’ve been such a good boy, always so respectful. You’d NEVER peek down my shirt or up my skirt, no matter how many times I gave you the opportunity to~”
>You inch closer to Sunset.
>”A good boy like you deserves a reward~”
>Sunset runs her hand down her naked body.
>”So I’ll let you play with my body in any way you like~”
>You’re kneeling right over her.
>Your dick is hovering right above her moist pussy.
>Your hands act on their own and stretch out towards her tits.
>The same tits that have teased you all semester by hanging by your face or being pressed against you.
>”Come on, take me. Make me yours.” Sunset urged you.
>You take the dive.
>You grab Sunset’s boobs.
>The moment you make contact, she arches her back up and allows a content sigh to leave her lips.
>This is incredible.
>They’re so soft.
>So squishy.
>So fun to fondle.
>You knead Sunset’s boobs like you’re preparing loaves of bread for the oven.
>Her hips rock as you grope her, teasing the tip of your frighteningly hard cock.
>”Pinch my nipples~” Sunset shakily requested of you.
“O-Okay…” You whisper to her.
>You work your thumbs and index fingers to her nipples and gently roll them in between your fingers.
>This elicits a sharp gasp from Sunset.
>”Harder.” She implored you.
>You nod and shakily exhale.
>You pinch her nipples with more force.
>This really gets her going.
>Her entire body is rocking.
>Her moans get louder and higher pitched.
>She’s rubbing her pussy on your outstretched dick.
>You’re back in that zone you shared with Sunset in the hot tub, when she was inviting you to untie her bikini.
>The edges of your vision fade into pitch blackness.
>All that matters to you now is Sunset.
>After a few moments more of squeezing and pinching her breasts, Sunset grabs your wrist and drags it down her stomach.
>You deeply savor the journey.
>She’s feeling hotter than you’ve ever felt her before.
>You feel your dick twinge when your finger brushes over her navel.
>Finally, your hand arrives at its destination: Sunset Shimmer’s pussy.
>The softest prod at her womanhood gets a lewd shiver from her.
>You withdraw your finger and find it coated in a clear, sticky substance that leaves a trail connecting you to her.
>”Don’t leave me hanging~”
“I wouldn’t dare.” You reply in a low, growly tone.
>You trace along the oval-shaped entrance of the girl before you.
>Her breathing quickens and her body rocks even more.
>Your other hand stays locked on Sunset’s breast, continuing to play with it.
>”Anon, quit teasing me~” Sunset softly whined of you through a grin.
“This is my first time touching a girl like this, I’m teasing you as much as I want.” You firmly respond, continuing your sensual touching.
>Sunset’s grin widens.
>She must’ve liked what you said.
>But you don’t want to keep yourself waiting, either.
>You join your two fingers, take a deep breath, and slide them into Sunset’s pussy.
>Sunset sharply inhales through her nose and her toes curl.
>You’ve never felt anything like this.
>She’s so tight, so hot.
>Her womanhood’s squirming around your fingers.
>The closest comparison you could make is if you stuck your fingers in your mouth, but that can’t compare.
>”So good~” Sunset sighs.
>...Where’s the clit, though?
>You’d have done some research if you thought you were gonna get this far tonight.
>Sunset probably knows you don’t know.
>You awkwardly maneuver your fingers around inside her, poking and prodding at every inch you could reach to provoke some kind of reaction.
>When your finger drags upwards from her vaginal opening, Sunset’s back arches again and she almost screams with pleasure.
>There it is.
>You don’t have an exact idea of where it is, so you just keep rubbing around that general idea.
>Sunset’s breathing gets closer to panting.
>Her hands shoot down to your fingering hand to hold your wrist in place.
>You’re breathing heavier than you ever have in your life.
>You’re harder than you’ve ever been in your life.
>Sunset clenches her teeth and grips your hand ferociously.
>Her pussy’s getting tighter.
>Her breathing’s getting more high pitched.
>She’s getting close.
>You’re actually gonna make a girl squirt.
>But before you could really go all-in on her, Sunset sits up and yanks your hand out of her pussy.
“What’s wrong?” You ask her in a shivering whisper.
>”Nothing at all…”
>Sunset gets on her knees and pushes you onto your back.
>Your dick’s standing straight up in the air like a proud monument built to stand the unrelenting passage of eternity.
>”I just wanna take you to home base~”
>Sunset shimmies between your legs, positioning her soaking wet womanhood directly above your fully erect cock.
>Your breathing slows.
>Your eyes ravenously roam up her naked body.
>Sunset’s hair falls over her shoulders in such a sexy way.
>She digs her fingernails into your chest.
>”Ready, new boy~?”
“I was born ready~”
>With a borderline wicked smile, she lowers herself torturously slowly.
>Then, it happens.
>You’re in.
>Sunset Shimmer is on your dick.
>You can’t help but gasp pleasurably.
>This feels amazing.
>You’ve never felt anything like this before.
>Sunset gently trembles as she settles herself onto your lap.
>Her fine ass is pressing down on your balls, but you don’t care about that at all.
>Your hands clamp down onto her hips.
>She’s not going anywhere.
>Her hands find their way to your shoulders.
>You’re doing it.
>You’re having sex with Sunset Shimmer.
>Here goes nothing.
>You carefully rock your hips upwards.
>Sunset sighs happily and rocks her hips in time with yours.
>Soon enough, you two fall into a rhythm.
>Your pelvis moves in perfect synchronicity with hers.
>”Anon~” is all Sunset can manage to say in between lewd moans.
>You love the way her boobs bounce as she rides you.
>Her head falls back as Sunset indulges herself in the sensation of your manhood.
>Her voice is almost musical.
>Of course, this is your first time.
>You don’t have a ton of experience holding yourself back.
>You’re getting close.
>The pressure you’re feeling confirms it.
>Sunset’s still pretty worked up from your handiwork; she’s getting close, too.
>Fuck it.
>This is your first time.
>This is YOUR special night.
>You’re in control.
>You summon the strength to sit up and grip Sunset’s back.
>Her eyes widen in surprise as you draw her out of her trance.
>You silence her with the most passionate kiss you’ve given her yet.
>This time, it’s your tongue exploring the contents of her mouth.
>Sunset submits to you.
>She drapes her arms around your neck and allows her tongue to dance with yours.
>Both of you openly moan into the kiss.
>Your hands greedily explore each other’s naked body like you were afraid of being torn apart.
>But you’re in control.
>You’re deciding how tonight goes.
>You grip Sunset’s shoulders and push her onto her back.
>Snarling like a rabid beast, you tower over your oldest friend at Canterlot High and hungrily eye the body she’s been teasing you with for months.
>Sunset’s surprise at your boldness fades, replaced by a frenzied smile.
>”There he is~” She growls.
As I said before, I prefer if a mishap in Cadance's love magic caused Frazzle Rock to be mostly unchanged aside from her massive hooters jutting from her chest. There's some cute charm in being an "omega nerd" and the subtle spike in virgin horniness is still there, but the powerful sexual attraction Anon has toward her is mainly from her massive breasts, the rest of her is still a conventionally unattractive string bean with a thin waist, hips and legs.
>You’re done wasting time.
>You clamp your hands back onto her chest and pound away at her needy pussy.
>Sunset’s incapable of hiding her lust.
>Her hands stretch out to grip the edge of the carpet with all her might as she submits to you.
>With each thrust, you force an incredibly loud moan from the tease’s pretty mouth.
>She’s almost screaming with pleasure.
>Anyone outside would be able to hear her.
>You’re fucking Sunset Shimmer.
>You want everyone to see how much she wants you.
>You deserve an audience.
>Your hands travel down from her chest to her waist, but you retain a vice grip.
>Sunset’s matching the pace of your thrusting.
>She’s practically slapping her ass against your lower region.
>If only you had more hands, there wouldn’t be an inch of her that could escape you.
>You’re not even moaning anymore.
>You’re growling.
>”A-Anon, I’m close!” Sunset cries out.
>So are you.
>Time to bring it home.
>You dive down and capture Sunset’s lips in one last, fiery kiss.
>The moment your lips meet again, both of you reach orgasm.
>Your dick pulses like never before as you empty your load inside Sunset’s soaking wet pussy.
>She coats your dick in a thick layer of her love juices, like she was pouring warm milk over your most precious area.
>Sunset’s scream of pleasure is muffled by the union of your lips.
>As is yours.
>This is ecstasy like you’ve never felt it before.
>But the moment inevitably fades, leaving you completely drained.
>You let your body collapse on top of Sunset’s as both of you gasp for air in the wake of your fiery lovemaking.
>Neither of you say anything, but nothing needs to be said.
>You wish you could spend the rest of the night like this, just savoring the afterglow with Sunset.
>But the world slowly reappears around you, reminding you of your audience.
>You gather the strength to sit up and eye the six girls you’ve had the pleasure of becoming friends with.
>Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy.
>They’re stunned.
>They’re staring at you.
>They’re blushing like you’ve never seen them before.
>Their hands are precariously close to their nipples and the unions of their legs.
>You’ve never seen the girls so visibly horny.
>And they’re horny about you.
>You’re crouched over the thoroughly-fucked Sunset Shimmer, heavily breathing in and out like an apex predator, staring right back at them.
>You’re gonna savor this.
“...It’s not polite to stare.” You teasingly growl at the six girls.
God damn, that's more in-depth planning than I've ever done for any of my stories. I tip my hat to you.
I've got a list of plot points I have in mind for Life Flutters By so I don't forget them again
Honestly, I feel the "see the strings" stuff way more with my art because with writing my imagination can fill in the gaps and create the image of what I was trying to say. With art, the flaws in my work are only more apparent.
Mother fucker she's my IRL waifu, I'm not stealing shit
I second this, kind of a "getting more than you bargained for" deal
>Twilight Sparkle cosplay
Which one?
>a "getting more than you bargained for" deal
For Frazzle, or for Anon?
>“...It’s not polite to stare.” You teasingly growl at the six girls.
Looks like he's definitely out of his shell now if he wasn't before already. Pretty darn good sex scene, though. Even more impactful coming after *all* that dialogue and character establishment magnifying how rewarding it feels.
Is he beckoning for them to join immediately or just teasing them in general?
I made the image in Photoshop really quickly a few months ago to map out the chronology of everything to find out if it even actually makes sense lmao.
Also, I agree. Seeing the strings is more apparent in an immediate image to look at in less than a minute compared to remembering the hours of drawing it, rather than the time it takes to read something compared to remembering the hours of writing it.
>if her parents were naive about how sexually charged things are
>practically go shotgun wedding on him after finding out
That'd be a funny as hell twist. Also digging the exercise tutor idea.
That could work too, yeah. Like she doesn't know how to handle having them at first.
>funny as hell twist
Now I'm just imagining the shotgun wedding happening between Frazzle and the teacher in training/college aged tutor.

>she doesn't know how to handle having them at first.
And neither does Anon, his brain and penis are in conflict with each other on how to treat Frazzle.
Ah darn, "to find out if it even actually makes sense" was meant to be spoilered too but I guess 4chan's syntax said no.
But still, I'll take this moment replying a second time to say thank you either way. I appreciate that you like the effort I put into the image.
>his brain and penis are in conflict with each other on how to treat Frazzle.
Ah, the eternal inner young male struggle. Also that'd be a pretty awkward wedding lol.
Regardless of if this specifically happens I definitely want to see something now where a short girl pushes her large chest into a guy's crotch. Accidentally at first, but then shifting to doing it on purpose after she notices how it's affecting him.
I just realized. What if Anon starts only feeling sexually attracted to Frazzle for her humongous breasts, but not only does he start to see her other nerdy attributes as physically attractive, but also ultimately gets a nerd fetish through mental association, so now he can't be around other nerds like Twilight and Moondancer without getting erect?
Oh damn, who is gonna be next?
I think Pinkie, but it could also be someone like AJ. That girl Pinkie is gonna explode if she's not very soon even if not immediately next.
>College athlete chad Anon who could date any popular girl he wants gets a nerd fetish from trying to help a dork with huge boobs exercise and finds himself listing after any nerdy/dorky girl he sees
>Cheerleaders aren't for him anymore
>He needs those big glasses and frumpy sweaters to get hard
Top tier idea
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>Word starts getting around regarding your dance with Frazzle Rock.
>Other nerd girls have been approaching you for one reason or another, mainly Moondancer and Twilight.
>Strangely, Frazzle immediately comes to mind when they're near you, thick glasses, smiling braces and huge knockers and all.
>Even stranger, you always feel your pants tightening hard in their presence.
>It's like Frazzle had conditioned you to lust after nerd girls instead of conventionally attractive women.
>Was it unintentional, or did Frazzle feel like her fellow nerd girls should have a turn with you?
>She certainly didn't seem to mind when she caught Moondancer a little too close to you like she was at the prom, pushing her own suddenly massive milkers into your conveniently level crotch after her own sudden, similar "growth spurt".
>Are you just free game for nerd girls now?
Hi, I once requested a nude edit of Sunset Shimmer (and got it delivered) here.

I have moved (back) to the /trash/ Edit Thread since then in order to request further edits, including naturally sagged breast while maintaining the same size (among others), and recently got one.


While I could notice some changes, the editor there failed to make her breast not to defy the gravity.

So I'd like to request here that Sunset Shimmer is given a naturally sagged breast.

You can remove the background or give a new one, if you have no idea how to deal with it.
>Was this what Cadance wanted all along?
>To have a boy overlook their "nerdiness" and nurse an attraction to to nerd girls?
>It seems that way, simply wanting the previously overlooked to have a fair shot, but the results were not quite how she expected.
>The nerd girls, despite their usual crippling shyness, all seemed to gravitate towards their teacher Anon.
>What's strange is that they all seemed to hit their "growth spurt" at once, their frumpy dresses and itchy sweaters all stretched thin due to the sheer tit meat underneath.
>As for teacher Anon himself, he couldn't fight his base instincts.
>Frazzle had instilled something powerful in him, a primal lust for his nerd girl students.
>Conventionally attractive girls wouldn't do it for him, he quickly pops a stiffie for the bookish, thick-glassed, nasally, lispy, acne-ridden and strangely over endowed instead.
>It's not surprising that this eventually led to their joint "study sessions" in the school's private rooms.
>If you listen closely, you can hear the vigorous plapping, grunts, moans, gasps and slurred words of pleasure from behind the doors as Anon "educated" the girls...
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MSoB drew such perfect big titty nerds, their Twist has always been my headcanon for her
Of course I would read it, love me some harem stories!
I’m excited for who we’re gonna see ride the anon next. I’m sharing the other anon’s sentiment and hope it’s pinkie.
Had a busy holiday weekend, but I wanna read greeeeeeen!
>Rainbow is the one that blew it and revealed everything
fucking kek. I loved that. The scene had a good flow to it with the girls. I liked the way it went from Fluttershy being bashful to Pinkie being, well, horny af at being naked.
Also, shit, it looks like the lewd sleepover is ramping up. I gotta read the rest of this.
>"Of course YOU'D be down for skinny dipping! I've seen the weird, pervy you read!"
Pretty sure you mean to write 'pervy stuff' here or something. It looks like a word is missing, don't know if it's fixed in your paste.
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Great sex scene description. It feels alive. I always was more on a side of writing feelings of characters at those moments rather than composition.
But the best part of whole update are those two lines:
>You can hear Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack, Pinkie, Rainbow, and Rarity swoon all around you like a chorus of angels celebrating your shared love.
>Their hands find their way to your shoulders and back, needily caressing your nude form.
The visage of crowd of naked girls roaming their hands over two kissing bodies in a union of bare, moving flesh is just UNF.
>can you please not share your first time with Anon on my bed?
>Rarity's bed in a course of night anyway
What model did you use?
Ready yet, Grey? We are, for Cookie!
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Sounds fun. Good set up for more intimacy to come.
That's great! I'll be sure to start my own soon after I'm done with enough of my current stories. But it definitely won't be too long before I start mine.
I just got back on, will have the beginning out sometime in the next hour and a half before it gets too late.
Most likely Princess Twilight since she doesn't wear glasses
Thank you! I was a little worried going into writing it that the scene wouldn't last long enough to be satisfying after all the buildup, but I thought it came together real well
Anon's just enjoying the attention he's getting and riling them up further. I think deep down he knows he couldn't survive all six at once. ;)
I've got a little map of my own that I made for Life Flutters By, I'll share that when the moment's right
You'll just have to wait and see!
I'm having fun imagining rumors spreading among the girls at school that "The hot teacher's into nerdy girls" and they react like Christmas came early
Thank you! One of my biggest pet peeves with writing sex scenes is that there's way too much talking in them. In reality, you're far more focused on the actions and the feelings than having a full-on conversation with your partner.
>The visage of crowd of naked girls roaming their hands over two kissing bodies in a union of bare, moving flesh is just UNF
It's moments like that where I really enjoy having the "harem" stuff to work with. In most greens it's just Anon fucking the girls one after another.
Rainbow spoiling the surprise was one of my favorite parts to write, especially when she gets her comeuppance from Sunset
And yeah, I caught that little oversight after posting, it's already been fixed in the paste. That's what happens when you stay up until like 2 AM writing.
>Anon's just enjoying the attention he's getting and riling them up further. I think deep down he knows he couldn't survive all six at once.
Ah, I see. That's understandable.
>I've got a little map of my own that I made for Life Flutters By, I'll share that when the moment's right
Looking forward to that.

Are you going to update soon? I'm planning to get a couple of posts out in the next 30-ish minutes of the Rarity/Cookie story if that's okay.
Don't worry about me, I'll update tomorrow. My writing turns out better if I space out the work on each update, anyway
Ready yet, Grey?
Thanks. And yeah, I hear that.
Also, something in your last post I forgot to mention:
>>The visage of crowd of naked girls roaming their hands over two kissing bodies in a union of bare, moving flesh is just UNF
>It's moments like that where I really enjoy having the "harem" stuff to work with. In most greens it's just Anon fucking the girls one after another.
I've been planning to incorporate "collaborative" almost-orgy scenes into mine too and I'm glad to see you've got a taste for that as well. It's refreshing to see people writing it in a more wholesome way rather than how movies like Midsommar did its version of that.

Anyway, I'm going to post the beginning of my unrelated oneshot in just a moment. My stupid remote job just sidetracked me one last time today.
Yeah, give me just a few minutes. Sorry about the 45 minute delay.
>You were NOT prepared to be Rarity’s boyfriend.
>Let alone meet her parents.
>Saying hello to the king of Siam once would still be more than the amount of times you’ve talked to Rarity in your entire life up until the day you asked her out..
>This was why she probably doesn’t even know if you’re shy or not.
>That plus the fact that you two haven’t had any classes together throughout the entire first half of the school year.
>Lots of really good looking girls attend CHS, and you almost feel overwhelmed feeling such a way about so many of your classmates.
>Having all these fantasies dancing through your mind.
>It’s tantalizing to think about so many dozens of girls your own age attending here you’ll never actually see outside of clothing but wish you could have.
>You’re not sure why, but Rarity is the one you’re thinking about asking out.
>Because it seems like she’d be the hardest for one of the boys to manage to land a date with.
>Let alone more than one date.
>But something inside tells you that you might as well give it a go, even though only a small fraction of the boys at this school are in the same league as her.
>After the second half of the school year is in full swing, you’re seriously considering asking her out.
>Because the two of you now share a couple of classes together.
>Being in closer proximity to Rarity gradually reveals more about why she’s out of your and most boys’s leagues.
>Just look at how thoroughly Rarity takes care of herself.
>Never wears the same outfit sooner than two weeks apart.
>Look at her hair.
>Neatly styles her well-washed and conditioned hair every single day.
>Look at her arms and shoulders.
>Her creamy white skin is so perfectly smooth that Photoshop wouldn’t even be necessary after a photoshoot.
>Those graceful legs of hers mimic her arms.
>You’ve never seen someone in person look like this *for real* before.
>Look at how sharply applied the makeup on Rarity’s face is.
>The amount is modest and not overly-done; her natural beauty does the rest of the work and she knows it.
>You can sense how annoyed she’d get if someone interrupted her daily routine that keeps her this pristine.
>And there’s no doubt she’s aware of how much boys like her chest.
>Whatever bra Rarity has on can’t be anything less than a C-cup size or else it’ll be too small.
>Not that you’d mind that.
>Rarity’s chest may be decently sized, but it’s *really* decently shaped.
>Rarity has just the right amount of perkiness to compliment the reasonably large size of her magnificent boobs.
>The weather getting warmer excites you, because girls like Rarity start wearing less.
>And when you finally start seeing Rarity wearing tops that aren’t designed to cover her cleavage, you decide that even her saying no to you would be worth the shot.
>And challenge yourself not to look down from her face as those soft smooth breasts wonderfully packed into the front of her low-cut blouse when you take the leap of faith.
>If an arrogant jock got rejected by her, he’d probably simply understand and walk away.
>And you’re not even an arrogant jock, so what chance would you have?
>Doesn’t matter.
>You seriously consider asking Rarity out even though you’re more than certain she’s going to say no.
>Why not? Maybe you’ll get more popular for having the balls to ask freaking *Rarity* out in the first place.
>You KNOW at least some of the other boys in school will have to respect that level of fortitude.
>Maybe the jocks will befriend you out of respect and give you some pointers for next time, and you’ll be able to land a date with one of the other girls.
>It’s worth it.
>”Absolutely.” Answers Rarity as she stands in the hallway with you.
>Your jaw drops, desperate to rise back up so you can coherently explain that you were expecting her to reject you and that you’re not ready to be an adequate date with a girl like *her* yet.
>The air falls silent for a few seconds with deafening surprise.
>You’re blushing harder now than you were before you asked Rarity out.
>”I wouldn’t mind at all going on a date, Anon.” Continues Rarity. “I understand this must have taken a lot of courage for you. You’re shaking all over.”
>You look down at the evidence of this in your trembling hands.
>Your trembling hands that now must bear the weight of the surprise responsibility that has been generously placed into them.
“Are… you sure?”
>”It’s quite alright. It wouldn’t be fair if I hadn’t given you a chance to open up more, Anon.”
>You… weren’t prepared for this…
“I can’t believe you actually said yes.” You huff in honest disbelief.
>”It’s the least I can do for a shy, sweet guy like you. I’d be glad to go on a date with you.”
>And just like that, the situation started zooming by you faster than you are able to manage it.
>You have to pick something nice to wear.
>You showered an extra time today, same with brushing your teeth.
>Which restaurant did Rarity say she wanted to go to again?
>God damn it, why couldn’t she just have said no?!
>Like, she’s hot as hell, but you… just weren’t fucking prepared for this!
>The place you have to drive to isn’t that far.
>Feels like it was only a couple of minutes ago when you asked Rarity out a couple of days ago and she said yes.
>Said yes to your surprise dismay.
>You struggle to keep your tie properly fixed.
>Spraying something into your mouth to keep bad breath away.
>You’re panicking.
>There’s really no reason to panic, but at the same time, there’s EVERY reason to panic.
>This situation crept up on you by surprise, and now you’re walking through the front doors.
>What kind of date would you be if you got too nervous to come, and stood her up?
>Hell, that’d make everyone at school hate you, doing something like *that*.
>”Yoohoo!” Rarity is already sat at the restaurant table, waving over to you.
>What the hell, why did she have to say yes to a date?
>Should you nerf the whole operation on purpose so she doesn’t officially become your girlfriend?
>What happens if she likes you too much?
>What if you have to meet her parents?
>There’s no backing out of it now.

Alright, so Anon is dating Rarity, and she's going to ease him into it and get him used to being with her. And then he's going to meet her parents, but I did not have time to type anything else yet, but I'm going to start typing more right now and post a second time tonight with even more posts if I have to.
No cocky Anon about to lose his pent-up nut to his date's mom instead of his date, like he planned?
I can write it either way. He's going to date Rarity a few times first, but that's all the set-up for his time with Cookie Crumbles.
These two and a half posts I just did were mostly from earlier, then irl bullshit happened in the past couple of hours when I tried to add to it.

I don't want people to think I'm going to rush this out, I'm sick and tired of doing that, I want to take my time with it and make something everyone here can enjoy.

Feedback on the green would be greatly appreciated.
I hope it goes with the initial premise. I know the NNN thing is probably overdone by now, but there's something hot about trying and failing to contain yourself around a girl that's too irresistibly sexy to contain yourself around, especially if it's an older woman that's already taken, and the whole "losing mental battle between affection for Rarity and lust for Cookie" thing is a perfect porn scenario to me.

Nonetheless, I can't wait for Anon to meet Cookie and try to compose himself over this sudden surge of lust he has for the oblivious MILF in her and Rarity's company.
ouuhhhh Pinkie in that outfit on pogo stick~
The kink of giving hot female perverts a taste of their own medicine then cumming inside them is so fucking unf. Bravo.
I'm really liking Anon's constant worrying about asking out Rarity and then realizing he might be in too deep when she ends up saying yes, it's very relatable. I know the feeling of thinking you tricked a girl into wanting to go out with you and dreading the moment she sees you for who you "really" are. Really looking forward to how much more intense things will get with Cookie in the picture.
>I don't want people to think I'm going to rush this out, I'm sick and tired of doing that, I want to take my time with it and make something everyone here can enjoy.
I've been feeling that lately. Turns out waiting a day to update my green was a good decision because it gets me more sleep and a better update for the lovely Anons who follow what I write and reply with comments and feedback.
You could stand to be a little more patient
Sorry. TBF, >>41117791 >>41118114
I'll go ahead and do that then. Not sure if I can get it out tonight, but perhaps tomorrow morning. Whatever I do, I am going to make sure I don't rush this time.
I got more ideas with that down the line too. Stay tuned for that.
Good point, I had indeed brought this upon myself.
ngl I’m so glad someone else has found the kino of pogo ponka with me
That guy's pics always get me feeling torqued.
Twist approaches the teacher and asks if she can suck on his candy cane while she meshes those huge funbags into his crotch.

(BTW, how old do you think this Twist is? I needed teens, but Moronsonofboron liked drawing oppai lolis and this was cropped from an age progression pic, so this Twist is probably mid-teens)
I don't want to say 15 (or that I've been staring at the tits of a 15-year-old), because that would make me look like an Ebilephile.

Speaking of which, what's the minimum age for the Canterlot High boys and girls that get involved in sexual escapades in the stories? 18? All sophomores?
Of course most of our greens wouldn't be legal in real life or as real life porn, but if Anon is a teenager himself then the girl he's with doesn't have to be 18 because two people who are both underage doing it is usually considered okay legally.
Was 15 a common age for freshman? I imagine her being a freshman.
I'm also asking because another story idea pretty much popped into my head involving said young freshman also getting her growth spurt as an "early bloomer" because of Cadance, and the abrupt physical and hormonal change had essentially turned them into a horndog on the inside while still being outwardly nice and sweet from not having time to gradually adjust to it.

Combined with her immaturity about boys and intimacy, she convinces herself that it's okay to lust and pine after her innocent teacher. Not to an outright creepy and stalker-ish degree, but enough to be around and cling to him as often as possible while shamelessly displaying her newly enlarged assets in the hopes of getting him to reciprocate. (And given how Cadance/Chrysalis' magic works, he just might cave in and sleep with her despite his better judgement).
In said immaturity, maybe Twist convinces herself that, just because she feels this way in the first place, then it's perfectly okay to pursue her teacher despite the age gap, or that her heavily developed body means that she's already "mature" enough to have an opportunity with him, and that she simply needs to "convince" him to give her a chance, hence the emphasis on the humongous hooters she presents to him when ever she gets close to him for whatever reason, usually with a seemingly innocent conversation.
The age gap, student-teacher relationship, immaturity, and hormone-fueled behavior could lead to some VERY conflicted feelings from the teacher once he gives in to his own urges and has a sexual encounter with Twist despite the numerous reasons not to, only for it to happen again, and again, and again, until they fully cave in to their carnal desires and sleep with each other at the first opportunity.
It’s always been 18 and up
Warning: NSFW

Could someone remove the remaining parts of clothing off this humanized Rarity, and apply some gravity to her breasts? The zero-gravity boobs are weird as fuck, you know.

But if redrawing the breasts is out of your capacity, or if you are busy right now, you can just remove that part first. Boobs with correct physics can wait, I guess.
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I'm a little worried the quality of today's update will be hurt by how disappointed I am by the Silent Hill livestream lel
Any comments on the story idea?
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I'm glad you can know you're not alone in your sentiment. If all goes well, I might have the animation done by next thread.
Just for transparency, I'm going to be updating my Rarity/Cookie green early tomorrow morning instead of tonight to give myself time to pace myself and do things right, so don't worry about any time windows tonight.
Personally, I'm more geared towards her being a short and petite 18-19 year old who bloomed late until Cadance stepped in and did her thing, but it's still an interesting idea. Maybe Anon can be her new-to-the-job college professor while she's a college freshman, but that's just me tossing a suggestion out there to see if it sticks.
Sounds good!
None of you had to hear my angry, betrayed yelling at Konami in the distance, so tonight's update should go smoothly
After saying I was hoping to get the next update for shy girl club out quickly here I am not making much progress... I have some written and have been thinking up ideas, but not getting much written. One big reason is a game I play entering a new stage of development with rapid fire updates.
Though I do have an idea for introducing Twist to it more concrete as well as more reason to have it then one more harem girl.
>Twist is a big titty short girl freshman
>Twist had noticed him at lunch and wanted to sit with him, but was too nervous
>After Anon joins the club he starts going to the club room for lunch
>When Twist doesn't see Anon at the cafeteria anymore she worries something happened to him
>Either hears he joined the club or goes to the club wanting help finding him
>She's a clingy underclassman who wants to follow him like a lost puppy and presses herself into his front a lot
>Gets more bold and less nervous when she's close to him
>The club considers letting her join, but regardless if they do or not they decide to take down all posters and such about the club
>Officially closing off any new members after her from joining
Okay, I can see this happening too.
>Cadance wants to give a lonely nerd girl a "boost" to her chances of attracting a boy.
>However, she accidentally goes too far, and the resulting "growth spurt" gives them the body of a porn star.
>The exaggeratedly large proportions are accompanied by a perception filter effect similar to the Memory Stone, as despite none of her clothes fitting anymore and her huge tits and ass barely being contained by her dress, nobody can be bothered to acknowledge the break in dress code or public indecency.
>In fact, all the students and teachers, especially the males with their visibly bulging trousers, can't be bothered to notice anything but her suddenly larger assets.
>Aside from a deeply apologetic Cadance, said nerd girl is the only one to notice the drastic changes in herself and anyone elses behavior.
>Her own hormones are also distracting, as she keeps eyeing the erections in both the male students and teachers, telling her to get laid ASAP, even with the older teachers as long as she gets some dick.

I like how Twist is included, it adds more variety to the group. Something I wanted to say to you earlier is that you should really find ways to make the girls in the group different from each other since they can all be called shy. You've already got stuff like that with Marble being into intense sex stuff, maybe you could play into Moondancer being a NEET. Looking forward to what you'll write!
Twist is adorable.
I like it so far. Rarity is gracious, delightful.
Cool art. This one is my favorite. Ponytail Pinkie is based.
Caught up now. Twilight being outed as a perv again made me kek. So did Rainbow getting put dead last on the line for dick. I think we all knew that Sunset was the ringleader of this whole thing, but I like the way it all came together, and how Rainbow blurted it out again, saying it was all Sunset's idea. Rainbow definitely has had a hard time keeping her cool so far on this snowy night. Poor Dashie.
I want her to semi-consciously walk right into the boys shower room after a lengthy period of gym, and not realize from the sweat and exhaustion until it's too late and she's already stripped naked, and all the other male students are busy eyeing her, and silently daring each other to make a move.
>If all goes well, I might have the animation done by next thread.
Take your time, fren. Physics of frilly skirt and booba bouncing required perfection.
>”Careful, don’t poke the tigers~” Sunset weakly reminded you as she sat up.
>”Anonymous, darling, you were SENSATIONAL.” Rarity breathlessly complimented you.
“Oh, yeah?” You grin at her, still breathing pretty heavily.
>Rarity clambers over to you and weaves her delicately cared-for fingers through your frazzled hair.
>”The way you held her, the way you kissed her, the way you DOMINATED her! Such desire! Such passion! And sealing the encounter with a kiss! Oh, Anonymous, you take my breath away~” Rarity gasped as her hands roamed down to your cheeks.
>She’s given up on appearing composed.
>Her lovely breasts rise and fall with each aroused breath she takes.
>Each exhale is accompanied by a soft, melodic moan, inviting you forward.
>She’s not being very ladylike.
>”Yeah, where’s THIS Anon been all semester?” Twilight giggled, actively trying to avoid playing with herself.
“What can I say, I just found I like kissing.” You admit with a gentle smile.
>”I’m sure I’d like kissing, too…” Fluttershy mumbled, sitting on her hands as if she’s afraid of where they’ll go if she’s not careful.
>Out of curiosity, you glance over at Pinkie.
>She’s gnawing on her sleeping bag in a very desperate attempt to suppress her arousal.
>Her pink knuckles are turning white from the force she’s exerting.
>Her shaking could be measured on the Richter Scale.
>Rainbow’s arms are firmly crossed in front of her and her face is all scrunched up in embarrassment again as she stares down at the floor.
>What you’d give to see what she’s thinking.
>Applejack is awkwardly twiddling with her hat, making you realize how uncommon it is to see her without her signature hat.
>It’s only now that she’s really “naked”.
>Rarity guides your attention back to her.
>Her plump lips have never looked so enticing.
>Her hands guide yours to her chest.
>Rarity actively wants you to touch her boobs.
>Your fingers spread out to grab as much of Rarity’s chest as possible.
>They might be subtly smaller than Sunset’s, but they’re so hypnotic.
>Rarity smirks when she sees how much you’re appreciating being brought to second base.
>”You’ve surprised me in so many wonderful ways this past semester, to say nothing of tonight…”
>Your thumbs brush across Rarity’s nipples, eliciting a soft shiver from the fashionista.
>That’s a sound you could get used to hearing.
>You may have spent the entirety of your cum on Sunset, but your second-in-command is putting in that overtime.
>”Would you like to know how you’ve surprised me just now?” She whispers to you.
>She tries to be subtle in how she arches her back to present her tits to you, but her façade has more than a few cracks in it.
“I’d love to.” You huskily answer her with a whisper of your own.
>Your words compel Rarity to bite her lip and stifle her racy reaction, intensified by how you’ve been lightly teasing her nipples.
>”I’ve dreamed of seducing you, of casting a spell on you with nary but a beckoning finger…”
“Dreamed, huh?”
>Your hands slide down to Rarity’s hips.
>Nothing in the night sky could compare to her heavenly body.
>The body that’s only existed in the imagination of every guy at school.
>”But, you devil, you’ve cast a spell of your own on me…” Rarity sighed, leaning her body into yours.
>Your hands slide down her back to the ass that’s always teased you with every sway of her lovely hips.
>You give Rarity’s ass a playful squeeze, making her whimper endearingly.
>”You… You beast…”
“What’s my surprise, Rarity?” You ask her in a low but subtly more dominant voice.
>Rarity’s naked body makes for such a wonderful toy.
>”You’ve ruined my fantasy of seducing you!” Rarity pouted, but sinking into your nude embrace nonetheless.
>”You’ve ignited such a flame within me that I’m… I would dare to stoop to… begging for your affection.” She finally admitted with deep shame.
>That incredible feeling of power courses through your being once more.
>To think you were scared of approaching Rarity at the beginning of the year because of how beautiful she is.
>Look at her now: completely naked and completely at your mercy.
>A devilish grin spreads across your face.
“Really, now~?” You quietly ask her.
>Rarity pulls herself away from you and gives you a whiny look.
“Yes, Rarity?” You smirk at her.
>Her lips quiver as she tries to muster the strength to speak.
>When her lips part, she speaks at such a low volume that you could mistake her for Fluttershy.
“I couldn’t hear you, Rarity~” You tease her.
>Rarity pouts even more.
>Out of the corner of your eye, you could spot Twilight, Rainbow, and Applejack enjoying your little show, judging by how they’re closing in on you.
>Pinkie sounds like a rabid dog with all her growling.
>Fluttershy’s starting to tremble.
>Rarity leans into your ear.
>”You’ll have plenty of time to talk to Anon when it’s your turn!” Sunset suddenly interjected in a sing-songy voice, pulling Rarity away from you with a very smug look on her face.
>”Sunseeeeet!” Rarity whined, powerless to fight back against Sunset.
>”You’ll get to do whatever you want with your lovely boyfriend when it’s your turn, you know that!” Sunset pompously reminded her.
>”Why shouldn’t this be my turn? I’ve waited ever so patiently! I’ve followed your every direction this evening!” Rarity reminded her whiningly before she turned back to you.
>”Anonymous, my handsome, passionate, caring boyfriend, who I’ve admired in secret for far too long, wouldn’t you say I’ve earned my turn?”
>As much as Rarity’s desperation is music to your ears, you’re gonna make her sing.
>You gently brush Rarity’s hair with your hand, making her lean into your touch.
“I wish I could say, but Sunset’s the mastermind behind this sleepover. Who am I to ruin the plans she’s worked so hard on?” You slyly answer her.
>Her expression falls further.
>”Thank you, dear~” Sunset grinned at you, pulling Rarity further away from you.
>Rarity could only mope to herself and hung her head in naked shame.
“If Rarity’s not next, then who is? These girls are all so pretty, I don’t think I could pick just one.” You ask Sunset with a jokingly complaining tone.
>Sunset stands back up, stumbling a bit from the soreness you left with her and giving your pride another boost.
>”First things first…”
>She goes over to the punch bowl filled with that mysterious purple drink you noticed earlier in the evening and fills a plastic cup with the liquid.
>”If you’re gonna show all your new girlfriends the time of their lives tonight, you’re gonna need this~” She informs you as she presents the cup.
>You eye the mystery beverage before carefully taking the cup from her.
“What’s in it?”
>”It’s just a little something I whipped up! I haven’t really… tested it a bunch, but it should keep you, uh… y’know… virile…” Twilight answered you, getting more flustered the longer she spoke.
>You leer at her a bit.
“It’s not just fruit punch mixed with, like, a pound of Viagra, is it?”
>”No! Of course not! This stuff’s totally safe! I kinda… tested it on myself.” Twilight sheepishly admitted.
“And what happened?” You ask her, your curiosity piqued.
>Twilight’s mouth dries up as she tries to answer your question.
>”She got so riled up she started playin’ with herself in the middle of one of your study sessions.” Applejack answered on her behalf.
>This claim is proven true by how Twilight hides her face in her hands, making you gently laugh.
“...Was that when you said you had a fever?” You ask her with a grin.
>”Yeah…” Twilight shamefully answered from behind her hands.
>That explains why she was in such a hurry to go to the bathroom.
>And why she spent, like, ten minutes in the bathroom.
“Wow, I never knew you were such a pervert.” You tease her.
>”I’m not a pervert!” Twilight tries to insist, her deep blush betraying her true feelings.
>”You totally are, Ms. I Sniff Anon’s Underwear When He Isn’t Looking.” Rainbow reminded her with a sneer.
>Twilight sputters pathetically as she tries to continue this uphill battle of hers.
>She looks around at the other girls for support, but each of them are giving her a look like they could think of another scenario of her being a pervert.
“You’re so cute when you’re embarrassed, Twiggles.” You needle her with a giggle.
>”I’m not a pervert! I swear!” Twilight cries out.
>Rainbow and Applejack share a knowing look.
>Rarity’s ego is still recovering from Sunset rejecting her on your behalf.
>Pinkie’s on her hands and knees, eyeing you like a tiger and gnawing on that sleeping bag like a wild animal.
>Fluttershy looks like she’s trying to curl up into a ball and disappear, but her aroused trembling continues against her will.
>Those poor girls.
>They’ve been waiting so long for tonight and Sunset’s making it even more arduous for them.
>It’ll be worth it once they get to have their dessert.
>The dessert being you.
>Man, you’re still getting used to that.
>”Aww, that’s such a shame, if you admitted to being a pervert you could’ve gotten your turn with Anon!” Sunset playfully scolded Twilight, strutting in between you and her to capture your lips in a brief but saucy kiss.
>As mean as it sounds, the sounds of Twilight whining in protest add a real flair to your kiss with Sunset.
>But as much as you’d love to keep kissing Sunset, you’ve got six other girls to share the love with.
>You separate from her and turn your attention to the wonder drink you’ve been given.
“Here goes nothing…” You mutter before you bring the cup to your lips and downing the strange fluid Twilight prepared for you.
>...It doesn’t taste that bad.
>You can’t really place exactly WHAT it tastes like, though.
>Then you feel it.
>Your eyes shoot open as a powerful force surges through your veins.
>You stand straight up like you’ve been tased.
>Your muscles feel more tense.
>All your muscles.
>Especially THAT one.
>Your dear friend dutifully returns to his post.
>This feels like the energy you had carrying Sunset into the bedroom was instantly returned to you.
>The feeling of exhaustion you felt after railing Sunset vanished in an instant.
>You’re not leaving Mount Olympus yet.
>You’re ready to party.
>”So… How’s it feel?” Twilight nervously asks you.
“Amazing!” You grin at her, clenching your fists.
>You stand proud and tall like the Kryptonian you claimed you are, much to your female audience’s approval.
>Sunset excitedly rubs your shoulders.
>”Perfect! Pinkie, you’re firs-”
>Sunset didn’t get a chance to finish her sentence before Pinkie launched herself at you, pinned you to the floor, and jammed her tongue into your mouth.
>No human could react fast enough to keep up with the dangerously horny Pinkie Pie.
>Her fingers dug into your hair and gripped with all their might as her tongue frantically swished around in your mouth, inspecting every crevice like a TSA agent looking for drugs.
>As if French kissing Sunset wasn’t weird enough, now it’s really like an alien creature is looking to slither down your throat.
>Pinkie’s making sounds that were halfway between a moan and a growl.
>Her breathing slows down only slightly now that she’s expressing herself physically.
>Her pussy’s as wet as a wash cloth fresh out of the water, which she’s frantically bucking against you like she’s trying to start a fire with the friction.
>Your dick’s getting a nice, warm coating of Pinkie’s pussy juice.
>Your eyes were open in shock as Pinkie helped herself to your body.
>It’s so overwhelming.
>All you see are shades of pink.
>You can feel the starvation in every little thing Pinkie did.
>But nothing she’s doing to you is “little”.
>Months of attraction is being dumped onto you.
>She’s not nearly as composed as Sunset but her desperation is super hot.
>Pinkie finally withdraws her tongue from your mouth with a mighty gasp for air.
>You’re so stunned by the assault that all you can do is pant like you just ran a marathon.
>”Wow, Nonny, you taste really good~” Pinkie giggled lewdly, running her hands up your stomach and back to your cheeks.
>Before you can flirt back, Pinkie dives back in for some more.
>But her lips don’t lock onto yours.
>Pinkie drags her tongue all the way from your neck to the top of your forehead.
>You shiver at the new sensation of Pinkie kissing and licking your neck
>Arching your back up in surprise accidentally leads to you rocking your hips in time with Pinkie’s.
>”So delicious~” Pinkie whispered to you right before licking your ear.
>A sharp inhale is drawn from you.
>You don’t even have time to react to Pinkie’s boldness before she gets to covering the rest of your face and neck in kisses, licks and nibbles.
>You’re literally drowning in Pinkie’s affection.
>But you’re gonna drown a fighting man.
>You’ve recovered from your shock enough to grab her push butt.
>”Oooh~” Pinkie happily giggled as you forcefully groped her.
>God damn, she’s as fun to grab as you thought.
>Her butt is so big and plush, your hands almost sink into her flesh.
>Pinkie arches her butt up to lean into your touch, thankfully sparing your cock from continuing to rub against her soaking wet pussy.
>You’re having too much fun with her to spill it all now.
>You give Pinkie’s ass another squeeze, getting another delightful giggle from her
>Pinkie’s kisses and licks trail down your neck to your chest.
>”You’d go great with some hot fudge and whipped cream~”
>Her hands soak in the sensation of your stomach.
>Her teeth graze your nipples, giving you a real shock.
“Ah! Hey!” You cry out, slightly embarrassed.
>”Ooh, never heard Anon make that noise before!” Rainbow chortled.
>”He’s so full of surprises!” Sunset agreed with a grin.
>”So spicy~” Pinkie teases you, wiggling her butt in the air enticingly.
>Time to humble her.
>You roll Pinkie onto her back, splaying her hair and limbs out to present her nude, desperately aroused form.
>Her bountiful breasts splay out, really helping you admire how she’s been blessed.
>She’s got nipples the size of pepperoni slices.
>They look tasty.
>”Oh, no, you don’t, buster!” Pinkie snickered.
>She wrapped her arms and legs around you and flung you back onto the floor.
>Gritting your teeth, you use the momentum to keep the roll going and get Pinkie back beneath you.
>Her noises of delight only invigorate you further.
>You kiss Pinkie Pie again, this time forcing your tongue into her mouth.
>Pinkie’s mouth happily accepts your tongue, but doesn’t let up in her efforts to get on top of you.
>Her giggles are muffled by the kissing, but that only makes it hotter.
>As you two make out while rubbing your sweaty, naked bodies together, you weigh up how much you actually want to keep this little fight going.
>Pinkie’s got energy for days, you’re sure she can win a battle of endurance.
>But you can't let her get too smug about this.
>You’re gonna win this.
>You pull your lips apart from hers with a wet pop, grab a handful of her messy hair, and clamp your teeth down onto her neck.
>”Eeeee!” Pinkie squeals joyfully, bringing her womanhood back down against your dick.
>...She’s weirdly tasty.
>There’s something sugary-sweet about her.
>Must be some special lotion.
>She tries to turn her head to pepper you with kisses some more, but you’re staying firm.
>Each time your cock prods Pinkie’s warm pussy, you can feel electricity shoot through her.
>Pinkie’s wiggling as hard as she can to turn her head and continue covering every inch of your body in kisses.
>”C’monnnn, lemme kiss youuuuu.” Pinkie whined as you kept kissing her neck.
“But I haven’t gotten to kiss you as much!” You remind her.
>”I’ve waited FOREVER to touch your sexy, hot, naked, sexy body! Watching you sing and get naked in the hot tub was TORTURE! All I could do was just look at you! You’re like a scratch-and-sniff painting! So pretty, but I wanna do more than look!” Pinkie continued while trying her hardest to worm out of your grip.
>You hold firm, giving her a taste of her own medicine by licking her cheek.
>Like M&M’s, she melts in your mouth and not in your hands.
>She’s humping you even more vigorously.
>Your entire crotch area has to be covered in her pussy juice at this point.
I got a little carried away writing tonight, I'll have another update out tomorrow evening
Rainbow needs to be humbled every now and again. Can't let an ego like hers go unchecked!
Sounds like a plan
Anyone have thoughts on this story idea?
So glad Pinkie is finally getting what she needed. Poor girl was dying of her own… heat.
I think it’s hot. I like it.
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You the same anon who posted the luna one a thread or two ago?
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>It’s just a little something I whipped up!
It's kinda stupid stretch right here. I know you've had to somehow fix the "you have to bang seven girls in one go retard I hope you brought a second dick and heart with you", but you could just say that she synthesised some ecstasy. Drugs are usually more simple and reasonably good way to sort it out. I Bobby Hill could make meth, Twailot certainly is smart enought to make some too.
Noneless, wrestling Pinkie is a great part, even if it postpones Rarity. And her touch-starvation over Anons body is pure boner fuel.
>”You’d go great with some hot fudge and whipped cream~”
>instantly reveals her foodplay fetish
Sunset is a magic student from magical horse dimension, she probably knows potions.
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>You were a hormonal, horny teenage boy who wanted to get laid.
>You managed to get your hands on a magic pairing device that would determine your "soulmate".
>It previously belonged to Principal Cadance, who had secretly created it using her love magic to more easily decipher which couples would make the most optimal pairings.
>She would later discard it for reasons known only to her (actually because said device neglected to take certain other important factors into account beyond love), which would later find it's way into your desperate hands after overhearing it's powers.
>Expecting your "fated partner" to be a fellow student, you were caught off-guard by who it really was.
>It was your own homeroom teacher Ms. Harshwhinny, a woman old enough to be your mother.
>Age gap aside, you saw her as rather plain before, but now it was strangely harder to ignore Harshwhinny's womanly attributes.
>The age was still visible on her face, but it seemed to accentuate the couger-ish vibes on her.
>Her purple suit was so tight on her that you could practically make out her sizable assets.
>Her breasts seemed to stretch the dress fabric outward while her the outline of her ass could be made out from the back of her skirt.
>Another thing you almost immediately noticed was her slightly open blouse.
>Your eyes slowly trailed her up her cleavage, just to meet your teacher's annoyed scowl.
>"I would appreciate it if you didn't stare at my chest, Mr. Anonymous."
>Harshwhinny had a faint blush on her face, clearly flustered by her student having the audacity to look at her that way.
>You watched as her prominently large chest jiggled as she walked away.
>Realizing how uncomfortably tight your pants suddenly are, you remembered that you had first period with Harshwhinny.
>It was going to be hard to pay attention in class when you were sexually attracted to the world's most strict teacher.
>Almost as hard as the erection in your shorts.

Student Anon finds a magic love tool that makes him INCREDIBLY horny for his teacher.

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More harshwhinny content is def welcomed
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You ready with the Cookie story, Grey?
>Date 1: The BIG First Date.
>”Oooh, Anonymous! I really like that tie.” Compliments Rarity as you anxiously rest yourself into the cushioned bench of the corner booth.
>You smile.
>”I certainly hope I didn’t stress you out by picking a date so soon.” She continues.
“Oh I’m fine. I’m fine. Just a bit nervous.”
>”It’s quite alright, darling. We don’t have to go too in-depth with conversation this time if you don’t want to.”
>Now you finally look up at Rarity.
>The vibrant light blue top she has on spans all the way up to her neck, luckily not showing even a bit of her cleavage.
>This really makes things easier for you.
>Though Rarity’s shoulders are completely bare and this top’s “arm holes” basically just imply it’s a backless top from what you can tell.
>And her lovely busty chest is still tightly accented by the front of that top anyway.
>Rarity’s smooth perfect skin alone is enough to get you feeling some type of way.
>”The menus are right over here, dear.” Rarity pulls one of them out of the slot next to the table’s bottle of ketchup.
>You already know you’re just going to get yourself a simple burger and lemonade if they have that here.
>Saves time and effort… if they have that here.
>”Is this your first time being on a date?” Asks Rarity.
>”Alright, then. Well I’m sure you’ll have the hang of it by the end of tonight. It’s perfectly normal to be nervous, darling.”
“How many times have you been on a date?” You don’t bother putting into question whether she’s ever been on a date at all before.
>”A couple of times.” She responds.
>The conversation quickly turns into favorite things ping-pong.
>The standard topics might as well be bouncing off of the table between the two of you.
>Favorite movie, favorite color, favorite type of music, etc.
>Of course Rarity would enjoy watching that movie The Devil Wears Prada, why wouldn’t she?
>The fork in Rarity’s hand is neatly pinched between her fingers after your food finally arrives.
>The pasta she had ordered gets twirled into the fork’s hold very neatly.
>You can’t help but watch how Rarity does this with her hand so well.
>Even her very movements make you feel like a slob in comparison.
>”If only skipping gym class were an option.” Rarity casually complains before taking another sip from her drink. “I don’t believe students should be *forced* to work up a sweat if they’re already healthy enough as they are.”
“You’re saying there isn’t anything at all you find fun about gym class?”
>”Maybe if our uniforms weren’t so tacky. But then again, I don’t want to imagine something that looks better getting sweat all over it. I prefer everything stay as clean as possible.”
“Well the uniforms are more about function instead of appearance.” You ride along with the topic Rarity herself started.
>”Oh, I still understand that. But I would say the function of the uniforms we have doesn’t compare to a full elastic body suit.”
>Rarity goes on to rant about aerodynamics and wind resistance, and which fabrics allow more air passage so loose arm and leg holes wouldn’t be as necessary.
>Mentally redesigning the school mandated gym uniforms into her own rendition she thinks would both work and look a lot better.
>”But I digress.” Rarity concludes. “I couldn’t imagine the toll that would take on the school’s budget.”
“Yeah, I was wondering about that.”
>”I suppose it’s just one of those things I can’t help but daydream about. While being forced to play dodgeball and rock climb.”
“I guess I can’t blame you for not finding those things fun.” You build off of it. “Wouldn’t be fair to assume everyone should like that. I actually used to hate rock climbing.”
>”You did too?”
“Heights make me uneasy.”
>”Oh, TELL me about it!” Rarity’s voice grows enthusiastic as her eyes lock with yours in full agreement of what you just told her.
>You begin to feel warm and fuzzy inside having found something you and Rarity connect over so closely.
>It feels so great to completely agree with her about how you feel about heights, even if it is probably more common than you’re mentally giving it credit for right now.
>The way she calls you “darling” on occasion begins to sound more and more personal.
>Like you’re listening to her gradually getting used to you in real time, through the sound of her voice.
>You had started this date off quietly and non-talkative.
>But you can’t even remember any of those moments now that you’ve really starting to vibe with Rarity.
>Notice that you’re clearing your plate off faster than she is.
>If it were a race, you just won and she’s still on the home stretch.
>But by the time the two of you go on to talk about your favorite animals, barely a crumb of food is wasted.
>Probably because the two of you only got small dishes to eat; you had settled for a salad due to the burgers here looking too big for your nervous self to finish all the way.
>Both of your voices don’t go above the volume of the voices of anyone else in here amongst the restaurant chatter.
>Rarity seems really good at keeping you at her level in a way.
>As in, getting you to speak up if you were too quiet (and probably would have gotten a loud guy to quiet down if that were the case).
>She politely prompts you to talk more about yourself.
>”So would you say playing a sport in gym class is more fun than playing it officially after school?”
“At least the after school part is optional.”
>”You raise a fair point, darling.”
“Maybe I just have more fun doing it in class where I have nothing else to do anyway.”
>”What would you do somewhere you’d *rather* be that isn’t at school? Something less active?”
“Honestly? Yeah. I’m not super into sports once I have an option to be somewhere or not.”
>”Ah, then it looks like we fall on the same page.” Rarity warmly responds with a smile.
>You can tell she’s actively trying to make you feel as comfortable as possible, but you appreciate that a lot.
>You’ll choose this over being a nervous wreck any day.
>It’s so fulfilling to know that right now, you’re comfortable talking to a really attractive girl, on a date with her.
>The you from a week ago would have never guessed this would happen.
>Part of current you is still in utter disbelief that this is happening to you.
>But the rest of current you is enthralled to have this happen to you.
>You can’t believe you’re starting to initiate the topics you and Rarity bring up together next, even long after you’re done with your food.
>This has given you a massive boost to your confidence, this night. This date.
>You’ve never felt so… on top of your own personal world.
>Going on a date with a hot girl, with it happening outside of your fantasies.
>This is really really real, and you can’t believe how much your nervousness about it has shrunk.
>As soon as the two of you got the ball rolling, you’re talking for almost a full extra hour before it gets a little too late for Rarity to be out with a boy.
>”Well since we both seem to enjoy casual walks outside, how about we choose the park for our next date?” Rarity suggests.
“Our… next date?” You stare at her. “You really mean that?”
>”I really enjoyed getting to know you a little bit tonight, Anon.”
“I enjoyed getting to know you too, Rarity.”
>You and her take and almost synchronized deep breath together.
“So uh… how’d I do?” You ask.
“How’d I do for a first-timer?”
>”You did wonderfully, darling.” Rarity tells you. “I think you’ll learn everything you need about how to treat a lady on a date after we meet a second time.”
>There’s a short pause.
>”I have to say, I’m really starting to like you a lot.”
>Rarity’s really starting to like you a lot.
>The effect of her saying that courses through your body little by little the more you think about it.
>You can almost sense her… legs opening up in the future.
>A little ashamed that your mind is now going there after all of the intricate and platonic conversation the two of you just shared.
>But the mere newfound POSSIBILITY of getting laid with Rarity in the future drops into your mind, weighing it down and dragging it into the gutter.
>Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel of virginity is even more promising than you imagined.
>A hot girl like *Rarity* being down for you?
>You better prepare to keep yourself maintained almost as dedicatedly as she does.
>Maybe that’s a great way to better yourself…
>Maybe something like that was Rarity’s intention, except in a less skip-to-third-base kind of way:
>She agreed to go on a date with you to your surprise, so you’d get at least some experience with a girl of her caliber instead of never gaining any experience at all.
>The latter might have happened as far as Rarity is concerned… a rejection could have sent you into a state of never wanting to ask a girl out again from fear of re-experiencing rejection.
>And you’d have never learned anything about how to treat a lady.
>Rarity’s probably doing this to give you a chance to actually gain experience and work your shyness and awkwardness out.
>As a sort of a favor to help you get more comfortable around girls and the idea of dating them.
>”Is everything alright, dear?”
>You return to the immediate reality right in front of you.
“Oh yeah, I’m fine.”
>”I suppose you really like me a lot too?”
“A lot.”
>Rarity responds with a quiet giggle.
>The two of you pay for your food and soon leave before it gets too dark outside and late on the clock.
>But not before you’re reminded of your own libido-driven nature while sitting at the table talking to Rarity.
>You can’t help but notice the slight bumps poking through made by what are undoubtably Rarity’s nipples.
>This makes you instantly visualize what Rarity’s breasts would look like if made bare in front of you.
>Now that you have this frame of reference.
>Many times before the two of you stand up, you pray Rarity didn’t catch you glancing down at her chest.
>And throw all the non-sexual bonding you just shared with her into question.
>As she soon leads you out the door, not only do you have confirmation that Rarity’s top is indeed backless, but direct confirmation that Rarity is indeed braless.
>The smooth perfect skin of Rarity’s bare back you’ve never seen this much of before mesmerizes you so.
>You can stare as much as you want as long as she’s walking in front and facing away…
>Swinging her hips, part of her beautiful hourglass figure she has been naturally blessed with.
>And when you’re standing outside the restaurant together, you notice the chilly night air has sided with your horny hopes.
>It’s getting easier to see Rarity’s hardening braless nipples poking out through her top…
>If she ever did notice this happening to her, it wasn’t until after both of you got into your cars and left separately.
>Dates 2 and 3: The smaller ones.
>The smaller ones that happen before a monkey wrench is thrown into everything.
>But date 2 had a lot more important things said, and they all started coming out in a way you didn’t expect.
>First, you meet Rarity at the park on a cool late morning this time.
>She’s wearing another blue top, but this one is one of her tops you recognize from school.
>And it’s one of those tops that isn’t designed to go up to her neck this time.
>The upper front is low cut enough to show a bit of Rarity’s cleavage.
>This is the first thing you notice when you walk up to her.
>Level 2 sure is gonna be a lot harder than level 1.
>”Oh you absolutely must see some of the locations I’ve memorized here!” Says Rarity with her hand already gently gripping your wrist and pulling.
>The wrist gripping soon turns into hand-holding as you and Rarity take a stroll through the large park full of grassy fields and scattered trees together.
>You tingle a little to the feeling.
>Holding Rarity’s hands like this.
>Locking fingers.
>Rarity cutely swings her hand locked with yours forward and back
>”The trees here look absolutely gorgeous during the spring, darling. Don’t they?” Rarity peers up at the flourishing cherry blossoms.
“Yeah, they’re pretty.” You respond..
>You can see that Rarity is wearing a bra this time.
>But now her top shows her cleavage.
>Her tight skirt shows off her shapely behind.
>Your eyes struggle to stay on her face while she’s talking to you.
>But despite your hormonal nature, you manage.
>But Rarity’s hourglass curves tempt you when you are lucky enough to find her facing away from you.
>”So how do you feel now?” Asks Rarity as she leads the way down a gravel path past a few more cherry blossom trees.
“What do you mean?”
>”Not as nervous this time?”
“Not at all, actually. Yeah.”
>Rarity blinks with a kind laugh. “I knew you’d come out of your shell sooner rather than later. I could see it in you. You’re a lot more sincere than other boys. That’s what I like about you.”
“I just try my best to not screw things up.”
>”It’s a shame that trait isn’t as common anymore.” Conveys Rarity, squeezing your hand just a little bit tighter. “So many boys out there nowadays seem to be preoccupied with trying too hard in different ways. What I like about you is that you simply stayed yourself.”
“I wouldn’t know what you mean by that. I don’t talk to a lot of people, not even other guys so much.”
>”Let me put it this way, darling.” Starts Rarity. “I’ve noticed that a number of guys are either artificially nice, or artificially mean. And they think their motives can’t be figured out, but it becomes clear after talking with them for a while. It takes a little bit of intuition, but it’s eventually easy to tell if someone’s putting up an act, so to speak. I’m not mad at boys for it, but it does usually feel insincere.”
>You think back to the restaurant.
>Where you, having previously expected rejection, figured you wouldn’t even try to make the date go in any direction except wherever Rarity wanted it to go.
>But then didn’t want to ruin the moment when Rarity agreed to share a date with you a date with you.
>The two of you are sitting at a park bench together now, letting the gentle flower petals falling from the cherry blossom trees flutter down and ever so delicately land on both of you.
>As birds chirp not too far away and a distant lawnmower hums in the further distance.
>”What lots of boys don’t realize is that us girls know exactly what’s going on. They’re *trying* too hard to influence what our next decision will be. Whether it’s to say yes to a date with them, or to believe we have more in common than we actually do, or to eventually have sex with them which is the end game in lots of cases.”
“I see.” You just let her continue, not saying much right now.
>”We may not read your minds, but we can read your actions. We can read where your eyes go. We can read contradictions in stories about oneself. And it feels rather offensive when a boy assumes I’m not able to read those things and proceeds as though I’m entirely clueless.”
>She sounds like she’s about to call you out for leering her; you knew she’d probably have noticed but didn’t want to say anything to not ruin the first date.
>Maybe you’ll just own up to it now and let her tell you thanks and goodbye and let that be the end of this.
>Then you can let the fact you went on a date and a half with Rarity get you some new buddies in school who sympathize with you for trying.
“Yeah, about that.” You scratch the back of your head. “I’m really sorry about kind of doing that the other night. When I was looking down at… you like that. I should try to have more self-control.”
>Rarity nods and looks over at you. “That right there, that’s what I like about you.”
>”You didn’t even wait for me to address it myself. You didn’t try to see if you could hide the fact you did that. You’ve proven that you’re too honest with me for that. And *that* was only the icing on the cake.”
“I uh, had a feeling you’d know.” You genuinely admit.
>”This is the thing about you, Anon. You’re not *trying* incredibly hard to persuade me, or hide your honest missteps from me. I understand that boys will be boys and the can’t help it sometimes, but it kind of ruins it when you try to *hide* it like we don’t know. There’s nothing wrong with being imperfect in that regard as long as you’re willing to admit it. As long as it’s not excessive as well.”
“You mean… excessive staring?” You don’t even know how you’re going to allow this date to fall through and be the last anymore now that Rarity herself sees something in you you didn’t expect.
>”Absolutely. But you not only moderate yourself, but you entered this without over-reaching expectations. You didn’t go out of your way to try to convince me you’re the best possible guy for me… you actually listened to me, and then interacted more naturally.”
>You begin to feel more and more amazing on the inside hearing Rarity say all of this about you, especially so after doing exactly what she described and entering this without many expectations.
>”Darling, I don’t think you understand how refreshing that was. Going on a date with a boy like you.”
>It was at this point when you realized that you were doomed to go on a third date with Rarity.
>But you know what?
>You really wouldn’t mind that at all.
>On date 3, Rarity begins to complain more about the guys whom she describes as “artificially mean”.
>After having described the guys who are artificially nice a week or two ago at the park, and contrasted you from them.
>Actually nice guys who care for real don’t call themselves nice guys who care; they don’t have to.
>But now mean jerks are the brief topic, the ones with so much self-pride for a multitude of reasons.
>Who either never got rejected and are full of themselves and think they can act however they want around women and it won’t matter.
>Or got rejected too many times and turned themselves into a metaphorical fortress who constantly proves they’re not swayed by women.
>Or some compromise between the two…
>Each are equally sad.
>But this topic didn’t last long, and Rarity eventually just takes you clothes shopping with her.
>The two of you are at the mall now, and Rarity is wearing her off-white top that still shows an amount of her cleavage especially if she leans forward.
>If any of the further conversations you’ve had with Rarity so far have indicated anything, it’s that she only dresses the way she does because she’s… just dressing.
>Girls just like to play around with their own style, and they don’t see their own bodies in a sexual way like boys do.
>So it doesn’t really register with them as much as it does you when a girl wears something that shows off her cleavage.
>Same goes for short skirts, tight lowriding pants, etc.
>Talking to Rarity enough has helped you realize this to a degree you hadn’t before all of this, since she’s super into clothing and style.
>You almost wanted to assume that she showed herself a little bit just to test you, but you figure that would be foolish to assume.
>Rarity is currently taking you throughout department store after department store.
>Now confident in your opinion about her style enough to ask you what you think about different outfits she tries on before buying them.
>”I always felt red looks too gaudy on me.” Comments Rarity. “Light blue accents me better, would you agree?”
“Light blue and light purple.” You tell her, three of her shopping bags in your hands that will bear the weight of them down the next few aisles.
>”Oh, it’s so splendid that you’ve been paying attention!” Rarity expresses her enthusiasm. “Are you sure you don’t want to shop for you next? I can help you pick out outfits that work best for you.”
“I don’t want you to have to spend money on me.” You politely decline. “But I’m more than happy to give a second opinion on your outfits you want to buy yourself.”
>You’re looking forward to seeing Rarity in more and more different lewd outfits, lots of which show off a lot of skin.
>As Rarity *encourages* you to look at her body.
>And there’s a reason why you’re thinking about it this way this time.
>In truth, you’ve been hoping this whole thing you and Rarity started together would eventually lead to intimacy.
>Whether that’s a month down the road, or a year down the road, a girl as divinely sexy as Rarity would be absolutely worth it.
>You started off jacking off right before each date to clear your head of any sexual thoughts, so you wouldn’t be glancing down at Rarity’s body like the closeted pervert you’re still somewhat convinced you are.
>At least after the way you’ve still been thinking about Rarity and the outfits she wears.
>But then you remembered what she said, the thing about trying too hard.
>Maybe it’ll help you more to stop jerking off so much, because it might condition your mind to remember all of the places it went to while doing that *right before* a date… while on the date.
>Maybe it’ll help your genuineness more if you just build up your natural resistance to horny thoughts by taking the brunt of it and learning to mitigate them all directly.
>So now, you haven’t beat your meat in almost an entire week now, solely to let your true self come out so you can surprise-discipline him.
>It’s making all of the outfits look even BETTER on Rarity, plus it might make you perform a lot better if you two ever do have sex.
>And if this doesn’t work out, you’ve got endless new mental images to fap to for years to come.
>Which might take your mind off of being so *into* other girls more than they’d be comfortable with.
>But that part is after this point this starts feeling like a massive reach in logic.
>Nevertheless, watching Rarity’s sexy body grace the fabrics of countless nice looking outfits that showcase the beautiful curves and softness of her body has made this mall-date feel like it lasted a lot shorter than FOUR HOURS.
>Lugging around all these shopping bags just feels like a workout for you, and your heightened arousal-encouraged testosterone helps you enjoy this too.
>You’ll be honest, you LOVE dating Rarity.
>But you can already tell she’s not going to put out any time soon.
>Even outside of what you’ve hear her say about guys expecting girls to put out, she doesn’t give off the vibe of easiness at all, which shouldn’t have been hard to tell.
>But honestly?
>That is perfectly okay.
>You’re starting to really like being around Rarity in a non-sexual way.
>She’s helping you improve yourself.
>You’re showering a lot more often, you’re styling your hair, you’re being more social, you’re becoming the type of guy you wished you’d become.
>All due to Rarity’s guidance.
>After the mall date ends with you helping Rarity haul her shopping bags into her car, she already has intentions to date you a fourth time.
>She REALLY likes being around you, and conversing with you, and watching how genuine you display your demeanor as.
>She respects you because you *actually* respect her despite your horniness you’ve kept bottled up even since the beginning.
>And everything’s great.
>And if this eventually leads to sex down the road in this relationship, then hell fucking yeah.
>You already know you’d stay interested in Rarity even after that, which you assume was something she might have been concerned about regarding your motives as well.
>Going off of a bit of what she’s told you.
>Rarity wouldn’t want to date a guy who’s only in it for sex and would stop pretending to be interested in her and the things she’s passionate about the next day after they finally sleep together.
>You can perfectly see why Rarity would see that as not only disingenuous, but also just straight up disrespectful.
>Honestly, you wouldn’t want a girl doing that with you either.
>Relationships are a team effort built on trust and honesty.
>And that’s what you and Rarity have started together here.
>Would be a shame if some new event derailed this.
>Before the fourth date, Rarity suggests that the two of you are finally ready to meet eachother’s parents.
>This is how you know she’s actually getting *really* serious now.
>She hasn’t even decided where the two of you are going to go yet, but you’re going to meet her at her house to pick her up and drive her while she decides with you where you two want to go.
>And while you’re there, you can meet Rarity’s mother.
>In the living room of the place, Rarity’s mother, Cookie Crumbles, is currently engaged in her usual session of yoga.
>Dressed in recently cleaned clothes and resting her yoga mat atop the recently cleaned carpet beneath it, Cookie takes deep breaths and once again makes her muscles and tendons leans just like how they were when she was younger.
>she missed feeling this loose, after so many years of being on tight schedules and, on occasions, tight budgets.
>Cookie misses being a teenager.
>No responsibilities, slim, limber, full of energy and hope in her eyes for the future, much less stress over things that actually matter in life…
>She could go on and on about how she misses when she was in high school.
>Yoga and just stretching and exercise in general is the perfect way for her to unwind and forget about her long history of adult life so far.
>Her smooth lotioned-up skin softly glows in the afternoon light shining through the window, illuminating her vibe as she slowly breathes in and out.
>stretching her arms, stretching her legs, stretching her core as her beep breaths relax her more and more.
>Cookie Crumbles has entered her zen zone.
>Mind falling away from not only the worried but also the logic and reasoning of the real world as she only does the tings that make her body feel… good…
>It’s like revisiting an old friend: her past self.
>Her easy-going past self who was more flexible and energetic.
>Cookie Crumbles has indeed been a little bummed out about letting her figure go a little bit after so many years of adulthood, but that’s just something that comes with life as one gets a little older.
>She’s read tons of articles on the internet about it… it’s perfectly normal for both women and men to go through.
>One of the most common remedies for stress and losing shape Cookie had sen popping up was simple exercise and yoga, along with eating healthy foods every day, which should be an obvious answer.
>And so, Cookie Crumbles bought herself a yoga mat, started up a few sessions of smelling the flowers while revisiting her teenage self in spirit.
>And now here she is achieving a transcendent state where there is neither suffering, desire, nor self of self.
>Feels like 1991 again as all the memories of what was going on in Cookie’s life at the time come rushing back into her mind as she stretches her body in serene silence.
>To this very day, you STILL haven’t waxed your carrot for a while now, having been prolonging the little thing you’ve been doing.
>You’re standing outside after having received a text from Rarity that a fashion agency had contacted her and needed her to attend something right away, so she’s going to be running late.
>But she left the front door unlocked for you.
>With this, you enter her house, eventually finding your way towards the living room as a woman’s voice calls out to you, having heard you entering.
“Hello?” You answer. “Rarity told me I can come inside to wait.”
>”Oh you must be Rarity’s boyfriend! I’m Cookie Crumbles, Rarity’s mother. You can come right on in! I don’t mind.”
>You weren’t prepared to meet Rarity’s mother so soon, but here it goes.
“Hi, I’m-“ You begin before the sight before you ambushes your curious eyes by surprise.
>Cookie Crumbles likes to do yoga.
>Loosen up her muscles and stuff.
>And she also likes to wear yoga pants along with a clingy tank top.
>Thing is, this tank top must be from when she was Rarity’s age.
>At her own age, Cookie Crumbles’s body has become really *really* developed.
>As a fully grown and proven fertile adult woman having to work with such an ensemble of completely developed assets and features.
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>No teen-sized bra could hope to properly fit over Cookie Crumbles’s massive soft boobs over-filling up the front of that improperly fitting tank top from ages ago.
>Rarity had certainly inherited her hourglass form from Cookie Crumbles.
>Almost two decades of non-stop slowing adult lifestyle has thickened this woman’s body out.
>Widening her hourglass shape.
>Packing lots of cushioning onto her buttcheeks wrapped up in those tight leggings.
>The slight but obvious muffintopping going on around the waistband of her leggings teases more of Cookie’s softness to you.
>Her smooth arms and shoulders are also noticeably thick and soft to the touch.
>The thin spaghetti string straps on Cookie’s shoulders pressing into that soft skin are the only things keeping those heaving fully developed adult breasts from spilling all the way out into the open.
>Cookie’s bountiful swaying breasts overstuffing her stressed lowcut tank top boast more deep busty cleavage than her teenage daughter Rarity could ever hope to.
>All of this *body*… wonderfully clothed in an outfit just a little bit too small for keeping these wide soft curves from letting their sexiness shine through without intention.
>Cookie asks you if you’re okay but you can’t process her words at first.
>All you know is that you want her soft fertile womanly form on top of your trembling body…
>Pinning you down on the floor under Cookie’s soft curvy body weight~
>”Are you okay?” She repeats.
“I’m fine.”
>”I see Rarity has good taste in boys.” Cookie says to you.
>She’s too into her zen zone to register the nature of anything she’s saying or doing.
>All she knows is that she’s been feeling like her early 20s again for the past 20 minutes.
“I’m just waiting for Rarity to come back.” You melt a little.
>”Oh I know.”
>You anxiously clench your fists behind your back, unable to think any more clearly than Cookie in her overly relaxed state.
>”You look tense.” Cookie observes your awkward posture. “Would you like to join me?”
>You say no in your head.
“I’d love to.”
>Having answered on your behalf, your stiffening member begins pushing against the inside of your underwear, as any guy would have the same happen.
>”Well get on down here, dear. I could use a hand with a few of these positions.”
>She doesn’t notice your rapidly growing erection bulge you’re feeling intensifying and thinking for you.
>Walk over and begin lowering yourself down to the floor with Cookie Crumbles.
>Your jittery caution cycles through countless emotions at once, unable to find the right one.
>Because Horny is throwing everything out of balance; struggle against it as your member threatens full erection inside your underwear.
>Cookie greets you as you become eye-to-eye with her, eagerly welcoming your presence into her personal space…

Took longer than expected but here it is. A thousand apologies for taking up most of the rest of the thread with it. Should I also repost this update with images in the next thread?
Should I also repost this update with images in the next thread?
Sure. also, I don't think Rarity needs to know what's about to happen...
I'll save my update for the next thread
Good update! I appreciate the time taken to establish Anon's chemistry with Rarity, gonna make it sting even more when he goes after her mom
Alright then.
This thread kinda flew by to my surprise, anyone else want >>41084171 as the next OP to have the Fluttershy theme last longer?
Yeah, I felt like this thread flew by, too
Wanna just spam a bunch of images to get the next thread on with?
I'll make the next OP
Condensed the less recent writefags into this ponepaste to save characters: https://ponepaste.org/10099
repost pls
For research
I'm just gonna spam art to get the bump limit over with
New thread this way:
Finally this vapid thread is dying.
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Thanks, that's one less thing I gotta worry about now. Also thanks for shortening the OP and putting the recent writer section into your ponepaste. I wasn't super enthusiastic about doing that myself if I didn't have to, as I think I previously admitted.
forty and flirty
>playful sex with ponka
wew, lad!
I liked it when her pink knuckles turned white. And Twilight's "fever" was cute and unf.
>You've recovered from your shock enough to grab her push butt.
probably meant to write plush butt here
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really hoping for more cougar content in the next thread

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