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Previous: >>41050000
>inb4 rainbow factory
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Why did the pegasi make cloud stairs? Can't they just fly
It pains me seeing Hitch with that parasite on his neck, what a waste.
Sparky is shit, i agree
So what's the verdict, yay or nay? I guess it really comes down to how you feel about the "more magical moments" angle they're pushing
I miss movie Hitch
So do you think there's also a machine that moves Sun, Moon and stars?
I was pretty hyped up about Zipp&Pipp song. Instead of a musical they just... played it? I felt like I was watching a PMV made by 12-year-old. There was zero musical aspect, and lyrics and choice of participants didn't make any sense. Did they slap it in post-production?.. Is there zero communication between composers and animators?
Other than that, overall, I liked it.
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Why do they even keep Hitch anymore? He doesn't even do much
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G5 could have been something great, instead we got this. G4 reached star wars level hype comparably, now it's all dissipated like Netflix Disney brand.
Every time a TyT episode release I think we've hit the bottom and every next episode they manage to some how fall through the floor
terrible episode
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The 5 minute limit kills this series so fucking hard

Why is this even the case? You can't possibly tell me that Hasbro is too poor to fund a bunch of 20 min episodes
Nay. All these "magical moments" feel the same. I watch a lot of shows that have them (likely the same shows they're trying to copy), and TYT does it poorly. Sort of a sweet moment between the sisters, but that's about it.

I hate Hitch so much. Yeah, it's Sparky's fault, but at this point Hitch has sucked for longer than not. I'd rather they just make it a mane five instead of having him tag along everywhere. And where the hell is Comet? And Sprout, but I think we've all given up on that dream.
Hasbro is too greedy. It's a vicious cycle: they're too greedy to invest in MLP, so revenue is falling, because it's falling they invest even less, which causes revenue to fall even further, etc, etc. Basically the new leadership is retarded.
Nu-Hitch can fuck off for all I care. He's a lost cause, they're never going to get rid of Sparky after all.
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Yes! G5: my little Zipp show.
Anon I don't think they're gonna break into heaven even with 20 minutes.
>G4 reached star wars level hype
pretty delusional since it fizzled out infinitely faster
Star Wars had the same effect from the disney sequels as G4 got from G5.
Exact same.
Even got Emily Thompson's hands on both lmao
another week, another garbage TYT episode
Now non pegasus ponies can just walk on clouds once again reaffirming that pegasai are on the bottom of the G5 magic totem pole
What the fuck Snake Way is canon?
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I truly understand the beauty of children's books and how they provide the ability to creatively paint a picture of the imaginative future, BUT I also love the idea of painting a picture of the beauty of what actually presently exists.
it was fine in season 1 the writers went full retard in s2
Pretty average episode this week. Nothing about it was especially terrible, but there's also nothing that stands out as being good either. They're back to doing that Power Rangers crap again, which is unfortunate. Last week's episode was a nice reprieve from that.
so how many have you attempted suicide when you found out they were making a calarts MLP?
Brian Goldner did
Very punchable face.
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It's frustrating because returning Sprout would not only be good pay off at last but also allow them to fix Hitch easily even if the ball and chain that is Sparky has to stay.(i wish he stayed in the dragonlands so badly)

Imagine having the two buddy cops hanging out working together but still balacing their stark differences and how Sprout would complement the whole cast etc. The focus should always be the main mares but just two dudes being lovable idiots together would be kino, we would be hype everytime these two get moments of screentime

Instead Hitch just has fucking NOTHING to do and it SUCKS
>Transformers Earthspark is getting canceled after two seasons due to low toy sales
tick-tock, TYTfags, tick-tock.
Pains me to even see Hitch at all. He has been a bitchy dragon dad since the Movie ended. Would have been better if this was all female mane6 cast right now since he doesnt even radiate the Chad aura
I hope Sunny's and Hitch song isn't just background OST not relevant to the story. You would think Zipp&Pipp song would only air in a Zipp&Pipp focused episode only
At least our brand isn't drowned in content farm AI slop like Amazing Digital Circus, you literally can't find anything beside algo slop or reaction videos and this supposedly have like 5x times bigger audience than bronies in their peak
G4 reached it's peak around season 5 while most oldfags would say S3 killed the hype. So in the end it had more seasons and years of "bad era" than its "peak era"
I'm watching DBZ for the first time and I thought the same thing kek
Lacking any male friend to showcase his Chadderdom really plays a number on him. And we can't have a stallion act superior toward any of mane5 can't we
this episode was so bad i have nothing to say
I'm just waiting for the "MOAR" poster to show up so I have something to laugh at
Season 1 like starting a fire that builds out of control irrelevant of what season 5 was doing
Its wrong to think so vertically that season 5 = peak because it was happening at the time
That shitty makaryo guy is worse than if it was a bunch of content farm slop because he is a political douche
what are his politics?
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This felt like a filler non episode
Get ready for a real POSEY KINO in 2 weeks!
Should have given him a dragon wife and had him fuck off in The Dragon Lands while having Comet replace him. I miss Comet. He would have been a good cast member and superior versus nu-Hitch.
I like how Zipp jumps to her certain death into a rainbow death machine and needs two other ponies to save her
It's not her fault. She has autism, okay?
>retcons an established character
>character development is... le bad!
We don't have any good male characters, at least G4 had Spike or Discord, Big mac used somtimes, plus the odd rando like Braeburn, cheese, whoever. Fuck even Sandbar and I hate the student 7

G5 has no boys being boys, it can't even do fun little "Girls smart, boys dumb" jokes which I'm sure the target audience enjoy and relate to because Hitch is so lame and feminine now

Rocky or maybe Alphabittle is the best guy we have in g5, it's a low bar
it's not character development it's character deletion
Posey had friends before that episode
someone put an intake filer on that rainbow machine
you have the mentality of G4 dogfag
>we didn't see anyone controlling the weather...it must be a retcon!!!
Try imagining that Posey broke friendship with Windy and never considered Dahlia as someone close, it can't be that hard for your peanut brain
Allura's brother will become the first contender for decent male character as a villain
pathetic cope for shitty writing
they literally showed her hanging out and having friends all throughout S1 and even in S2
now all of a sudden she doesn't have friends?
fuck off
Considering Posey's 'status', it is highly likely they never considered her anything but acquaintances.
>still at with this retarded logic
shut the fuck up
it's a retcon
Sure, dogschizo.
Were things really better then? No. You’re idolizing a fake past.
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>Transformers Earthspark
lol good riddance
you're so desperate to eat this slop you're gaslighting yourself
you don't even have to go back to S1 TyT threads to see anons talking about Posey having friends
literally in the FIRST FUCKING EPISODE of this doghsit season Posey is shown having friends
Things were absolutely better back then
the writing was better
characters felt distinct
not everything was "DOOD MAGIC"
no power rangers bullshit every episode
no retcons
a better, more entertaining villain
better music
and more importantly people were actually enjoying g5 back then
people would say TyT was better than MyM and there was actually room for an argument
now everything is shit
You jus hate change
Posey called Windy "bestie" in Mane Smelody
summarily dropping their friendship is just bad writing
I agree with everything you said.
So true
back to your toddler general
no it is objectively worse
literally the only thing that has improved is animation but even TyT S1 had good animation
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you don't even have to look at MyM for proof of Posey having friends
literally everyone thought Posey was friends with at least Dahlia and Windy until the pajeet spilled and cleaned up that dogshit episode
>being part of the background means she has friends
>pretending to be retarded
kys shill
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>posey's chudditude being due to not getting any attention from the opposite sex
many such cases
I never really liked the episodes where Spike, Big Mac and Discord hung out, but a buddy cop routine sounds like fun, and I imagine they could use it for episodes that break the mold like those episodes did in G4.
>tick tock marelet
I don't care if these episodes are just 5 minutes long, I really wish the writers would tell actual stories. Too many of these episodes are just
>ponies walk into a place / a macguffin sends them there
>they are amazed at the place
>some kind of challenge arises
>they beat it in 1 minute with no real suspense
>roll credits, place is never seen again
Even a kid with his new MLP playset can come up with a meatier plot on the fly. I just wanna see the girls go through some actual stuff, earn their victories, and learn something on the way, but episodes like this feel like they're trapped in YouTube Kids algorithm hell. Also, the Mane 6 saying the rhymes about their personalities is fitting for MLP, but extremely corny.
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I think it's even worse than that: think of the shoes she has to fill in. Her late ancestor was not only one of the saviour of Equestria, but also renown by everyone for being kind and lovely. Basically someone beloved by almost everyone, ponies, animals or anything else.
Posey is nothing like that, but not in the sense that she's evil. She's just a normal pony with a huge legacy on her back.

Being chud is somewhat of a normal reaction to such pressure, if you ask me.
Well, the rhymes are fine, once. Seeing them repeated is just highly annoying, waste of precious episode time.
>her late ancestor
Pure headcanon.
They're way too self-aware. It would be fine if they were done from the third person, like Sunny defending her friends and inspiring them, but currently it's the ponies waxing lyrical about their own quirks and indominable spirits. That also makes it a "show, don't tell" issue: yes, we can see that Misty overcomes her awkwardness, and that Hitch balances his duties with kindness, etc. By spelling it out so literally it just takes the fun out of it.
You wanted "adventure" this is what you get
TYT simply wasn't designed to do what it's trying to do
I didn't want ""adventure"".
it's "show, then tell". What do you think letters to Celestia were?
Just curious, did you like Pony Life Season 2?
And I suppose you'd rather have Hitch be the descendant with how much of a betafaggot doormat hes become like her
Only his stalker knows. Oh, here he is:
define his politics
noone did, yet here are
The drop off in quality should be studied
Literally just post an N word on twitter and you will lose all friends faster than Posey
Shut up you retard. Posey being frienldess is better for her chud character
>political douche
>he just likes g%
Fucking kek. Retardation.
Posey has friends
meme addicted faggot
posey was better before
a normal earth pony who had her problems but was still apart of the community
now they got rid of that in the name of some shitty episode
its fucking retarded and anyone who likes it is equally dumb
Everyone is tired of your shtick. Have some self-awareness.
I accept your concession.
Posey does have friends, but only recently did she get a good friend which was Windy. Good meaning she treated her well in return.
Treating Posey as friendless is a destruction of her character as was making Sparky Hitchs gay ass dragon son.

Just popping in to say if they canonize any f/f ships in G5, I hope it's Posey and Windy. It's been so nice seeing their arc from initial hostility to that expression, that level of friendship. That's why it's BS that they forgot about her. Hopefully, it's just that one episode.
>actually wanting to see Posey being made a faggot
Kill yourself.
The stars no, well maybe in g5 it actually would because fuck logic. But yeah there’s been presumed a master clock, that’s the implication with twilights dial
CanterLOVE Studios. A large studio in Maretime Bay that anypony can rent out to make all kinds of fun livestreams and tv shows together. Converted from a remodeled section of CanterLOGIC
Faggot is for men, dyke is for women. If you're gonna do this, do it right.

Still wanna see her get FEATHERED by an athletic mare tho
keep eating this slop faggot
Make your mark was always better and tyt should have never been made
they are not dating, they're friends
Posey has literally never showed romantic feelings to either mares or stallions
not canon
never mentioned or shown in TYT, like most of the MYM post-Ch2
make your mark was bottom of the barrel shit that's why it was canceled
literally no one talks about it unless they are shitting on it, rightfully so
it deserved to be canceled
Everyone has a cellphone. That's why it was axed over tyt. Tyt should have never been made, there should have been only one show with a big budget. Oh well, at least tyt is more like mym now. Which I know you hate hahaha
even homos and tranners can be chuds now, get with the times gramps
Where G4 may have been around the Magic of Friendship I was hoping G5 would be able the Magic of Acceptance. That ponies are different and that's ok as long as you treat those ponies with respect and kindness and compassion and whatever other elements they can throw in there. And that our heroes would travel Equestria solving social problems as they arise. :(
your PoseyxWindy shipping headcanon was always in your head

samefag obsessed over their shipping instead Posey
Now she will only get shipping fan art with fat Pipp so you can forget about Windy even getting any scraps. Pipp already only ever had incest shipping as anything remotely popular so there is nothing to stop shippers
literally only you think that way, otherwise anyone would at least post the screens of MYM on this site or twitter when talking about this show. But other than Opalinefags its all TYT because it doesnt look so cringe
I always wondered from where all those newfags crawled from. We have an answer straight from the horse's mouth.
I love Pony Life, and the way it handled arcs is actually my reason for bringing it up. PL's plots are short but sweet, and feel more substantial because they are part of mini-arcs that build up to something. It's still zoomer content, but done pretty well given the formula.
>The stars no, well maybe in g5 it actually would because fuck logic.
In the Starlight Ridge (which is supposedly is an another world/realm) Auroracorns are powerful enough to casually pluck stars from the sky.
>The machine is sucking-up everything that's rainbow
>The retard is surprised that unicorn magic goes too, forgetting the fact that magic aura is rainbow-colored in TYT continuity
How can a reviewer be THAT incompetent?
Also a meaningless rant from the last time about "manipulative music". The whatnow? How is it "manipulative"? Sure it's too loud, but anything else is just "reviewer"'s pure nonsense (including obligatory "think of the children!" part. No self-awareness to recognize manipulative nature of that argument).
Just because you admit you're an autistic minority doesn't it doesn't make your argument anymore valid
He is right that unicorn rainbow magic is made straight out of their ass, but that might be just the hippie pony talking nonsense
>Look at this faggot and laugh
Why do you care about some 'reviewer' nobody's opinion?
Reviewers aren't real people. They are all AI generated.
I think the point of G5 is that the pride rainbow flag lets all the ponies do stuff TOGETHER
like the rainbow magic lets even earth ponies fly we see
All the unicorns have the same magic effect instead of fim where its individual now and the rainbow magic makes that possible
The rainbow magic lets all the types of ponies walk on clouds instead of only pegasi
The pride rainbow magic is like equity and inclusion of the G5 writers desires for a sameness world instead of equestria from fim
No, that would mean they would at least sometimes make sense.
Interesting point. Very upset if you're correct.
corporate says little girls like rainbows, and earth pony magic is still green
the curtains don't symbolize depression, the curtains are fucking blue
laugh at what?
MyM being shitcanned?
yeah that's pretty funny
calm down xir and take your hormones
It fits in with the G4 -> G5 timeline. Pegasi found that they were losing their magic and were no longer able to create weather, so in desperation they built machines to do it.

You don't want to know what hellish bargains they made to get them running.
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ANG went there (in the concepts)
I think it predates the founding of Zephyr Heights.
I'm curious how many things were excluded from "all magic" that had become dependent on Unity Crystals.
Dependent on Unity Crystals and lost magic when they were separated and the leftover juice run out after a few generations:
- Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn and Dragon magic
- Bridlewood Crystals
- Magical critters
- Magical artifacts (Grogar's Bell, Crystal Mirror, etc)
Independent of Unity Crystals and never lost magic:
- Together Trees (partially): they teleported Misty when she was a foal/filly, but otherwise were mostly idle
- Cutie Marks: magically appeared with a flash, but otherwise subtle, no granting understanding of animal language, no glowing, no flying projections
- Izzy's sparkle/luminessense vision (presuming it's real)
- Rainbow-making Machine
- Liminal spaces like Breezies' home, and alternate dimensions like Starlight Ridge
- Skyros (???)
That creature hates g5 so every argument they make is in bad faith.
Source or bullshit
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So earlier version of G5 was set in earlier timeline, when the magic was not gone, but was about to.
All three cities had giant rainbow beam-emitting Crystal that powers:
- Rainbow Factory for Earth ponies (basically all Maretime Bay tech is magic-powered, no magic = tech stops working)
- Giant weather cannon for Pegasi
- Museum for Unicorns (there were some other variants, like unicorn monument)
(They all powered their respective tribe magic, of course)
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this guy hates on every single TYT episode, to the point where I wonder why he even watches the show
For money, clicks, and clout. God I want to see on the critic mare-chair
it absolutely does not
rainbow factory was a retarded story and always will be
Real footage of me climaxing
There was also a wall around the Maretime bay
Oh right, I thought you were referring to:

>You don't want to know what hellish bargains they made to get them running.

...with your post.
Wasn't the slow loss of magic canonized somewhere?
yes, but everyone remembers the fanfic
That machine has literal heart valves
Dumb birdbrain
he's right about every s2 episode
But he said he love G5, i think he is just overcritical of this show because he is autistic and treat it the same way as movies made by Nolan rather than just show for kids
What can we do about the autist question?
>just show for kids
y'know that FiM was also "a show for kids"? Faust explicitly fought against that attitude.
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More like Winded
Faust G4 is just a part of G4 though. But yeah, G5 is definitely worse than G4 in that regard.
this episode is so terrible that not even the shills stuck around lol
It's filler. Who expects a ton of discussion about filler?
That was just the overall attitute of creators in the 90's and 2000's. Powerpuffgirls had adult jokes and violence and were enjoyed by younger and older people. But same was with Courage the dog, Dexter's Lab, Johnny Bravo, Ed,Edd,Eddy or virtually any cartoon that wasn't Thomas and Teletubbies. Its the rating system that butchered cartoons and we either have Family Guy clones for adults or outright shows like G5 or Bluey. You will never even witness main characters bully eachother verbally let alone use violence like in Power Puff Girls. Faust was still old school, she made Twilight and Pinkie Pie go full crazy and become antagonists in their early season episodes
I mean i like fillers if they sound interesting, like whole episode about Posey or Dahlia. But overall if we got synopsys for episodes like we did with G4, i would only care about episodes mentioning Allura, Skyros, Sunny's mom or Twilight
Wut. Did you miss G3 happening? That's quintessense of "just for kids" attitude
G3.5 was just for little girl toddlers. Even less appealing and inclusive than g3 and g1.
the s1 SoL episodes were more talked about than this
I would've made Posey lose her color
And it's still better than all of g5
>fimfags believe this
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don't reply to fimfags. they're just mad their show is over
Well, I am disappointed about that too (and its decline) but I try to turn that into positive energy. I guess "G% haters" is what you get when you let it destroy you from the inside.
no g5 is just that bad
g3 is superior just at a glance because they actually knew about colour theory
Stop trolling these threads if you don't like the show.
Nice falseflag, shizo.
im one hundred percent serious
99 percent of the character designs post the movie are ass
so list your perceived 1% that are good in your opinion
from post movie?
We're waiting
I'd be making that face too if I was that close to Posey
posey, flare, rocky, rufus, fifi, and various nameless background ponies
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I want to fuck her like you wouldn't even believe.
This pony was semi-regular in s1 and now she barely shows up in backgrounds
They're trying really hard to cheese them up this season.

Also holy shit just 12 episodes? did I miss something? are they only releasing them once every 2 weeks now?

Also I fucking hate it when they don't put numbers on the specials. Why didn't anyone tell me they made a 22 minute episode? I want to see if it's just as rushed and filled with content as the 5 minute episodes or they're way way slower and actually take the time to expand on the ideas.

Most of these 5 minute episodes are great as shells/proof of concepts for bigger episodes.

>5 day old episode
lol nobody is watching it
>No merch in stores either

>Most of these 5 minute episodes are great as shells/proof of concepts for bigger episodes.
No, Hasbroke is dumping these days so they can get rid of their contractual obligations. They've already given up on even existing by this point and are outlicensing everything they have. It's a matter of time before MLP gets sold off (or licensed off) to the highest bidder so that Cocks can get another fat bonus.
>cheese them up
>Most of these 5 minute episodes are great as shells/proof of concepts for bigger episodes.
And a lot of them probably were as there's very good evidence that this is stemming from those 2019 leaks content still.

Hasbro already throws out the license constantly. They already act as an IP company half the time.
In fact that was the case even during FiM, MLP was never a super hard internal hasbro brand. Hasbro in general relies on licensing largely.

Its unlikely they'd hard sell one of their larger brands. Its somewhat scuffed currently sure.
Also thinking hasbro is actually broke is dying is kinda funny.
Their main losses still stem from disney and a decision they went back on.(Disney in general sorta fits under this)
Otherwise they're only "dying" like any other comparable brand as in not really.

People who think they are completely eating it are coping based on any current statistics.
Just like the magic shit; which for context is actually also including their mobile game revenue for the actual reason that shit is so absurd.
Its not the card game bit giving that revenue.
considering how ugly most of the post-movies are
i dont blame you
not like anything of value is lost
Remember Littlest Pet Shop? Hasbro have given up on it completely now, licensing-only. Hasbro didn't give up on MLP in 2010s, what are you smoking?
I don't remember
It's okay, newfriends who never watched The Hub streams together with other fans wouldn't know it.
They're not broke, they're stagnate in growth which mostly comes from WotC not seeing the same level of growth as during the pandemic. Unfortunately, this means they ARE dying in the eyes of shareholders and investors who demand line must go up no matter the long term consequences. Which is bad because we already saw investor groups like fox try to take over and burn down the rest of the company that wasn't making DnD/MtG for a quick buck.
Downwards stock is downwards stock yeah. But Hasbro has been performing better than contemporaries in practice, they do have obvious glimpses of growth among the rubble.
Hasbro clearly does want to curate their big brands though, with MLP being in a weird nebulous zone currently its kinda hard to gauge how much for it particularly.
Early G5 does come off as them having plans before they realized their shoes were tied together. I do feel like MLP is still valuable enough they'll try to resume past that point
But ultimately thats just a wait and see case. Ultimately Hasbro will obviously go for big and flashy moves first and foremost to look good for investors obviously.

As someone who has been paying attention to an actually attended to parts of hasbros brand, there has been some vague movements to a good spot.
Alongside dogshit unshockingly but hey, Hasbro isn't that wild in most cases. WotC is where most of that madness landed for obvious reasons.
If they can get one of their insane plans to stick they will get their mythical growth; even if it can't last even on that absurd of a scale.
They literally just launched a new generation of Littlest Petshop this year.
No, BasicFun launched a new generation of Littlest Petshop.
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>It's okay, newfriends who never watched The Hub streams together with other fans wouldn't know it.
Anon, please don't remind me of the good old days we lost... it still hurts.
>Early G5 does come off as them having plans before they realized their shoes were tied together.
Yeah, it seemed like they had big plans with all the tie ins for chapter 1 and extra stuff like the podcasts before axing most of them. I'm 90% sure they thought that they were gonna reuse the movie assets for the series and video games with minimal budgets before realizing that's not how 3d animation works. Since they pivoted back to 2d with TYT I hope they commit to longer episodes outside of the specials. Even 15 minutes would be a massive improvement.
Yeah the whole three games thing very much sounds like that was a basic part of their outline. The thing is they pulled out so rapidly I'm not sure if it was the cost that really spooked them.
They have gone balls deep into absolutely stupid money drains and sat through them as long as it made the brand look good. And there is precedent in them being willing to shell out money for MLP before.
But gen 5 was nearly instant; and considering it was clearly a "lets reboot with the gen 4" project up till super late its hard to gauge what version the movies general production was meant to be.
There's a pretty strong lack of faith in gen 5 the second it actually comes out; but Hasbro seemingly wanted to push the hell out of it and had an absurd amount of stuff lined up initially.
Well aside from some red flags like some of the main merch featuring the mane six despite them not being there.

The timing for next year is pretty suspect in multiple aspects(hub contract probably ends, FiM anniversary) and in general gen 5 has gone on for quite awhile so I can't imagine they'd do a format change for gen 5 itself but thats small stuff.
Hopefully they have learnt that having an overarching plot and only rely on 5 minute episodes is pure ass yeah. Probably by gen 6 but hey it'd obviously be better if gen 5 got the memo.
Doubt it though as this shit is in a constant state of being made in the past.
I just looked it, you're right. Interestingly enough they are remaking a bunch of MLP G1 stuff.
>They're not broke, they're stagnate in growth which mostly comes from WotC not seeing the same level of growth as during the pandemic

Nope, it has to do with the insane behavior from the board, foremostly Cocks, who was in a bad position to begin with (Goldner screwed up and made no bus-factor plan before he died).
>Want a cinematic universe with TF/GI joe because ''Marvel made money we want money too''
>Have no plan or idea for it, boomer managers just demand box office hits
>Fail over and over again
>Buy entire studio and then sell said studio for pennies, keep the debt

Cocks knows the shareholders don't give a shit because the shareholders are all pension funds, and per individual pension fund the portfolio only has <1% Hasbro in it, so why should they care. And he knows that if he wants to make the company profitable he has to clean house. Instead, he fired all the people who were actually productive and kept the bureaucrats and fiefdoms around. If he truly wanted to save the firm, he wouldn't sack the employees making the products right before fucking Christmas while giving himself and the rest of the board big bonuses.

> TF is nothing compared to 10 years ago
> MLP lost both its audiences and the bronies do their own thing these days, G5 is all but ignored. Zuru Rainbocorns are replacing the ''little girls'' audience
> Nerf has deteriorated in quality and is being replaced with XShots
> GI Joe doesn't even exist anymore
> Power Rangers productions got cancelled, brand licensed off
> Board games still in decline
> Furbies/Pets not selling, removed from aisles
> DND/MTG did so many stupid actions people are making their own alternatives to circumvent Hasbro/WoTC

Hasbro didn't do jack shit. That's BasicFun who licensed (''hired'') the brand. Hasbro burned their bridges with LPS back in 2018.

>Rainbow Dash calls Derpy out by name
>Chat goes wild
Those were the days anon.
You can probably trace a lot of the weird decisions for G5 to the pandemic. Hasbro saw a major earning rise during it which likely caused them to pump money into other projects. Then when it ended those other projects didn't bring in as much money as DnD/MtG did when everyone was stuck at home which caused them to pull back funding. Plus everything post movie likely started or was in full production during the pandemic which probably caused a lot of issues and headaches that made suits think they weren't worth it for what they made back. Plus the attempted fox take over happened right as chapter 1 came out to a lukewarm reception which made them want to refocus on their big money makers at WotC.
>Zuru Rainbocorns
First time I heard of these, they look awful
So, new episode next week?
yes although its a Posey episode that was accidentally released earlier in non english languages by pajeet intern
While thats true for the time, its a bit weirder in a modern sense.
Hasbro restarted trying to shill most of their major brands at this point but MLP is in a nebulous zone. I think the actual state of post chapter six is whats suspect. Yes the actual initial point was obviously kinda fucked.
But the fact that development and the overall goal of the show seem kinda broken from the outset makes it feel like something extra is wrong. At the end of the day, G5 is basically sitting on the ancient ass 2019 leaked multiverse shit conceptually.
With the knowledge they can't do anything with it for years.

Nah clearly they'll just hold it back for another week for no particular reason despite having the episode done again.
Leaked multiverse? For crossovers like Marvel?
It wasn't a super focused thing in the leaks and I can't remember nor find at a quick glance which email or file it belonged to so the specifics in my mind are a bit muddy.
But the movie 2/g5 initial stuff did in fact throw out a multiverse concept, though the use by 2017~2019 was just to literally split pony types across dimensions.
Considering the final series shat out a dimension traveling villain as its second major one(well as major as Allura is) It seems pretty obvious that they never actually let that idea go.

I'm pretty sure there is some elseworld concept in 2019 as well and that'd obviously fit better with the current use but i'm not sure on that one actually existing.
Like 70% sure there was a later "Rainbow Dash guards the multiverse tree" or some shit concept somewhere in it. Considering its drawn out point its current use its probably tied to G4 still,
2017 leaks. Each pony tribe lives in own plane of existence. They discussed whether to make a hub plane or what for post-movie stuff.
There's no such thing as "RD guards multiverse tree". Did you read too many fanfics?
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No episode today.
next new episode is June 13th
Probably. Like I said If it exists; it was literally a stray mention in an email.
If i remember my thoughts it was literally "if we want a new mane 6(which we hard know they didn't want to do until right up till the moments before the movie released) they could be dimensional guardians or something".
There's a reason why i was directly saying my thoughts on it were unreliable though yeah. Pony worlds is something i can find mentioned easily; my probably schizo would have to be some early story pitch that got shifted into that.

I really have to wonder considering they literally have these prepared a year in advanced how the hell this even happened.
Why announce something you apparently don't have enough content for apparently.
Whoever did that tyt powerpoint was a fucking liar, and it's starting to look like corporate warfare to get mym shelved when they can't even deliver on their own original episode promises
Posey is asexual?
Part of me wonders if they fucked up production in some way so bad they are actually still working on episodes right up until the release date. I don't know how that could happen but I'm confident Hasbro could find a way.
I mean if they are they're lying in their credits.

It sure would be hasbro to somehow manage this yeah.
Misty feels weird and artificial, and it's not getting better. Hitch also feels like negative space
I wish I didn't need glasses
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I don't know why but Hitch has been irritating me more during s2. I gave up on him during the cake dragon episode. I think even the writers don't like him because he's definitely the most peripheral part of the group now, he's an obligation.
On god the character is dead to me. No Sprout, no Comet, and this is the male character I have to put up with? The one who can't have a single episode without Sparky being around? I consider him a failed character now.
It's because of autism
No noooo I was told this wasn't produced by Hasbro it was some other company
Why Fifi?
Because she's a bubbly blonde
She's ditzy, I don't know about bubbly
What's the difference?
Get new material
How many scenes of Zipp and Pipp looking at each other with love do we really need?
I bet you they're behind their production schedule
I wonder if the fact Hasbroke laid a lot of people off has anything to do with that
Again it literally says in the credits this shit was produced in 2023 and it sure as hell isn't a new issue for this episode specfically..
Unless you mean the 2024 batch and even then that'd require foresight of all things out of hasbro.

Hasbro doesn't even do the brunt of the work here.
Its mostly just writing on their end and it doesn't look like its many people.(With some of them also just being probably free lancers working under the brand)
>he's an obligation
Exactly, it's like they had some sort of meeting and decided every pony needed to have one in every plot line. Every Hitch episode is like a fly in your soup.
Sparky didn't even get a proper introduction in tyt
What was the best part of the episode?
I'm dreading the Posey episode
its going to be a huge of shitstorm so i welcome it
the fucking hacks writing this shit deserve to be dragged for there garbage writing
Many, many more, until we're absolutely certain that audiences know that they love each other
Platonically, right?
This episode would have been better without Hitch, Izzy, and Misty.
I feel like Izzy can be saved with better writing, but Hitch and Misty are beyond hope
No one is beyond hope, including (You).
The spirit of Sunny is strong with this post
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I prefer fat jokes, because Pipp is a fatty
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Auroracorns are now "Ice Ponies"
They cut like a razor
So crystal ponies = ice ponies?
I mean its pretty dubious if they're crystal ponies in the first place.
None of the content that could get away with that is baiting it.

Would be pretty awkward in general cause i'd imagine hasbro would like to use crystal ponies again when they can.
So we're getting wider universe divides, Chris chan will be happy that G5 prevented the dimensional merge
>This felt like a filler non episode
You mean like a SoL episode? You mean like 90% of G4 episodes?

This pretend fan forgot (or doesn't know) that Tirek was defeated in G4 S4 LITERALLY thanks to rainbow magic (or maybe it was S5 I can never remember.)
The Rainbow is a gift from God. The gift is also message stating he will not flood the Earth again.
Jews stole it from Christians, to once again demean them and hate on Jesus Christ.
>a book for children just learning to read calls them "ice ponies" instead of the fictional and much harder to parse "auroricorns"
big whoop, tell us when something actually of note happens
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And the God is Faust, of course
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G4 unicorns had magic that let non-pegasi walk on clouds and even fly
Faust is a hack not a god.
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the entire food fight episode needs a gore edit. just innards flying everywhere. misty is violence-coded, Opaline saw and understood this.

izzy's inexplicable gay french moment at the beginning of the episode also needs to be called out
looping 4:55 - 5:01, personally. is this a power ranger moment anon hates? because i don't.
>goes into /mlp/
>insults Faust
Is this some elaborate suicide plan?
>insults God
>is a simp for faust
why would i fear your opinion?
Seeing the tyt showrunners push Misty and Izzy upsets me on a personal level, it's like they're trying to make Misty have a friend, but the only thing they can do with Izzy is insist that they have a connection because they're both unicorns. That's kind of low-key racist.
The showrunners are probably lefties. Those are usually pretty racist without knowing.
>da jooooooos
I'd say a Power Rangers moment is more when they recite their slogans and then random magic crap happens like https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UEJPpJPkFbQ from 03:30-03:40. It's not (just) the slogan that does it, it's that it initiates a scene where the dilemma of the episode is magically resolved. Hitch doesn't learn anything. Allura doesn't get outsmarted. The problem just disappears for no reason. It's like if Applejack and Rarity never learned to put aside their differences for Twilight's sake in Look before You Sleep, and instead magic just came out of the walls and then everybody was best friends forever. The end.
TYT international dubs soon to be done entirely by AI voices.
>some rando claims
If he's not from Hasbro Studios, you can disregard freely.
But the rumor is pretty prevalent
I find it funky that based on actual comments there it not even a notable swath of dubs.
People do know this sorta shit is outsourced and barely quality checked right? If this was a hasbro move like is being said in that video then why is it so localized.

I dunno, Hasbro is dumb but not omnipresent dumb.
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He is a voice actor employed on the show, there is a translation of what he said here
Wow, interview with an AI?
He's employed in a dubbing studio that isn't even a part of hasbro, most dubs are just thrown in with little care beyond "make sure it exists".
This is not some huge budget drain; it'd probably be literal penny pinching for a big company to do this sorta thing. Its incredibly unlikely its enough to even make your profits look marginally better.
And proceeds to make a bunch of insane statements, keep in mind his statement doesn't even line up with the french dub of TYT Season 2.
Which is his explicit example; but that doesn't sound like any real raw AI voicework in current day.
If this is AI, then Hasbro probably would have to invest more money than they would in your average shitty dub company.

The MYM case is straight up impossible timeline wise.
I just don't believe this until I can get a large pool of audio
I mean all the french dubbed episodes are on that channel. And the other episodes have that same clarity you don't get with raw ass AI.
Technically you can argue leeway with the idea that his "season 2" is actually the 2025 stuff which would be made this year.
And the rest of it is just his schizo because he still wouldn't be able to keep details down in this scenario either.

Not exactly the most likely scenario though. Probably just made it all up instead.
Just a lonely mare trying to make due while being a klutz on landings.
I hate that characters like this are being excised from s2
It always surprises me when dubs can get VAs that sound like the original voice actor. That’s just Zipp’s VA speaking French!
New episode:

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