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It's her! It's THE KIRIN!
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the kirin has a drugproblem
She cute. And fluffy.
Get her before she gets away!
>the kirin has human cum addiction
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Sorry boss, she's just way too fast...
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Come back, Kirin
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The Kirin brought you a beer!
Spending all that time in the forest she's probably filled with fleas and ticks. Disgusting
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The Kirin is clean now.
I want to drink beer with the kirin
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The Kirin is happy to share!
The Kirin is artificial and soulless.
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The Kirin will leave now. The Kirin will be fine on her own. Don't worry about the Kirin.
Ticks don't exist in equestria or else ponies would be filled with them
I will pet the Kirin and scratch behind the ears.
I want to hug the kirin after breaking >>41089073’s face and continuing our conversation
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Kirin eat human men! Flee! FLEE!
I could fight Kirin
Can't believe the vorefags fucking won
>comparing Autumn to gingers
Oh come on.
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I love the kirin
>It's her! It's THE KIRIN!
Wait, so there's only one? How did she fake all the rest?
>THE Kirin doesn't have need to explain anything.
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>create a new, interesting pony subrace
>NEVER mention them again
Anon, it was S8-9. It's a blessing they never touched them again. We dodged a bullet.
They came too late. It's a wonder that the episode was as strong as it was though. If it had been dogshit, no one would remember the kirin now, or worse, they'd be genuinely loathed. Also what >>41090388 said. The staff would've found a way to fuck them up if they had a second episode featuring them.
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The Kirin is feeling a bit better.
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What a lucky guy
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That's piss, isn't it?
what if we had the kirin episode back in S2 instead of Mysterious Mare Do Well?
Then it probably would have exploded with Kirin art and fan stuff like crazy. It would easily have landed a guaranteed top 10 place in every list. Hell, it almost does that even now. The Kirin are by far the strongest latecomer in the whole show.
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The Kirin is now in a much better mood!
Imagine being this buddy buddy with Autumn. A dream.
I want to drunkenly kiss the kirin
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The Kirin is drunk and kissy!
The Kirin is calling you out for lying!

>No magic aura around the mug
The Kirin will have a concussion in about a second. Talk about a knockout drink.
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What happens when you spell kirin in reverse?
These are really cute. I need more.
They made a harry potter movie about this thing and it was really really bad
What exactly do you want to see?
The kiring learning about tax brackets and how to properly fill her taxes
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The Kirin is doing her taxes!
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The kirin is claiming her hoof puppet as a dependent. The kirin is going to get audited!
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Where is the Kirin!?
So how spicy is Kirin ponut?
I would love to have a three-way conversation between myself Autumn Blaze and her hoof.
As per rule of Queen Big Kirin That Makes All the Rules, this kirin shall now sentenced with getting to the silly filly corner for 5 minutes
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There she is!
But never when I'm around. Damn it.
Nikir. Lol.
In this, always take the side of the hoof. It really pisses her off.
>Autumn Blaze becoming furious with her own hoof.
Would be amusing.
I agree. As much as I wanted more of them, it's better this way.
I love my schizo kirin gf
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Mighty kek!
The Kirin ran off...
And now...
she had to survive, pls understand
>yelling at her own hoof
Cute. CUTE!
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she run
Ai is getting pretty good, took a few seconds to notice
The lighting still gives it away though.
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the kirin is not real
Well shit
The kirin is real to me.
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You're wrong!
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i dont get it. did he kill the kirin in nam?
>Ywn happily marry and have cute foals with the kirin
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page 10 bump
I'm going to the source
I want to draw the kirin
what's stopping you?
I need ideas
Rain Shine could use more art. There is already art of her interacting with Celestia. Maybe something involving the other princesses?
you're right She really could use more love
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Is this stuff any good?
Should the tag 'Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands' be added to every Autumn Blaze pic that depicts her shadow? I think it would be funny, but it would become a problem if you're actually looking for pics that refer to her shadow as a character.
See, you say that, but if one walked up to you and nuzzled your crotch and licked your face for about half an hour, you would be boning her too, man.
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Is a the Nirik fine too?
She can heat up your chicken nuggets.
The drug is Applejacl
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Look at the Kirin go!
It's a shame that 4chan eats the transparency from .webms now
I'm too lazy and set in my ways to fool around with 4chan X, as much as I want to listen to audio in webms and all.
Depends. How good can you fuck when you're set ablaze?
I am going to have sex with this female Nirik from My Little Pony. I find the female Nirik in My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic sexy. However, their body is made up of 87% fire, and 100% fire surrounds them. That could kill me if I tried to have sex with one. To remedy this, the Nirik casts a spell on me making me resistant to fire. Keep in mind, resistant is not the same as immune. I still take damage. It is either 1 point or 0 points of damage each second I am having sex with her. Just because a particular second caused 0 points of damage, does not mean that I did not feel anything, It just means that I took no damage. I am not going to rush through having sex with this Nirik, I make sure I pleasure anything I have sex with, especially non-humans! I'd rather take damage than not pleasure the Nirik.
>kirin beers all over the floor
>"You're going to have to drink all that, Anon!!!"
How much total HP do you have, Anon? I would advise that you can increase your HP by leveling up (i.e. working out, going on quests, and finding enchanted items, etc.) before having sex with a female Nirik. Note, by leveling up you will also increase your ability to pleasure her.
At least 10 thrusts before stop drop and roll
Imagine having sex with a Nirik
Be sure to do it in the Kirin village. When having sex with non-humans it's ALWAYS sexier to have sex in their natural habitat.
The kirin won't attack you because they know you are there on sexual business.
It was one of my favorites even before the episode came out, solid flavorful lager
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I hope the Nirik appreciates your efforts at least.
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Yes, yes, soon the Kirin will be mine and then I shall complete my immortality potion and become the true Demon Lord.
>Anon embarks on a rigorous physical and mental training routine in order to survive having sex with the Kirin
Gave me a chuckle
Fuck I can't stop hearing this in Dagoth Ur's voice after the ai shenanigans.
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The Kirin is a super hero
a kirin actually.
It would be very painful...
Ticks are mentioned in Past Sins, that makes them canon.
Who's this the kirin?
Brown Bonsai Kirin
What city does the kirin protect?
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All aboard the Kirinbus!
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And she does make me so!
That's not a kind of the kirin name
>Those hooves
The heart hooves only make sense on ponies if they point the other way, and they just straight up don't on cloven hooves.
>The heart hooves only make sense on ponies if they point the other way
Sure but gee percent did it and shit eating bronies accepted it.
I reject cow hooves anyway and just see it as a notch in the pony hoof.
It's cuter, your opinion is invalid

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