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/mlp/ - Pony

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>Ponies of the Rim
A mod for Rimworld that adds ponies to the game.
Highlights include full compatability with Biotech and all DLC: cross-breed with human-likes and recruit ponies with fire-breathing genes. Fulfill your Anon in Equestria fantasy and raise a family of foals with your waifu. Then watch them starve, catch on fire, or be mowed down by mechanoids - or are you a bad enough dude to protect your family?

Other reccommended mods:
>Pawnkind Race Diversification
Remove the nohooves! With this mod you can make a pony-only world.

>Kijin Race
This mod includes a researchable tech that makes every plant drop hay when harvested, even cutting trees. Also includes some cute weeb architecture (and big-titted demon women but you can ignore them or remove with PRD above).

>Interaction Bubbles
See what your ponies have to say to each other.

>Speak Up
Same as above, adds even more cute banter.

>Gloomy Furniture
Cute furniture for your ponies.

Post screenshots and discuss.
Dwarf Fortress and other colony games with pony mods also welcome.

Previous Thread
News of the Rim

>when will 1.1 be ready for launch?

Dev says:
>Probably in the next week, since I need to draw a lot of stuff still
>I've fixed (almost) all previously reported bugs, but there definitely will be more bugs with all of the new stuff
>But after the update I will be finally working on batponies and other races
>I want to redraw all vanilla apparel before the release
I really love how they look with hats on.
Especially that dumbass yellow sombrero.
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i called the faction-region-settlement whatever Equestralia because everything here wants to kill and eat you
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Dev says:

DJeck12 — Today at 12:46 PM
This event is bugged and I don't have time to fix it, so it will not be released in 1.1 update
Its supposed to check for for the Prophet role, but it requires leader role instead
DJeck12 — Today at 12:49 PM
So the moral guide should be as a spectator to give that 20% boost
There are very few mods that added their own rituals and roles, so I don't have many references on how to do that
DJeck12 — Today at 1:00 PM
So the new role will just have prisoner-recruiting ability in the release, but the +20% to social is a very strong buff by itself
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Made my noble a proper palace for meditation and reflection
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I love her with that cute little beret and the glasses
>no comments
>thread dying
it is the way of high-time-investment game threads
I'm sorry, I just lurk
Been a while since I checked on my mares. I’ll post some if the thread is alive later tonight.
please do <3
Sorry, was dead for a moment. I'll be back soon too
I'm mastering Dwarf Fortress. I have nothing to show.
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show your fort
As long as my relentless samefagging isn't getting on anyone's nerves I will keep the threads going

Unironically post your fortress and ask any questions you may have because I also love fort
It's really easy to mod too
I did a raw-file mod to make unicorns easier to tame and train and milkable
You basically just find the animal code file and copy the text from the regular horse but make sure it's edited to be unicorns
And here's the g4 races mod for Dorf Fort compatable with the steam version
It's decent but slightly uggo
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Last time I played I allowed for a human female to join my colony. I fed and cared for her for a week before she recovered from whatever bullshit she was going through. She then had a mental breakdown from a drug withdrawal and tried to kill Anon's pregnant wife while she was sleeping. She was jealous because she knew she could never compete with mare. Anon shot her dead.
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Now I come back on, get Night hospitalized and as soon as she recovers from her bruising, she goes into labor. She just gave birth to 2 (two) pegasi colts on her birthday. I take back what I said last thread about her teats not going back to being petite anytime soon. These little fuckers are milking her dry.

>hope you can make it. Sounds rough.
Sorry to leave on a cliffhanger, but yeah we made it through just fine and wildlife returned to the area pretty quickly. We just had to spend like 2 weeks mostly indoors huddled around the fireplace. The difficulty has definitely been picking up a lot lately, though. The storyteller thought it would be fun to send raid after raid of mechs for an entire week.
>being paralyzed and likely left for dead by your family has traumatized her in a way to make her want to mitigate the shortcomings of her assigned meatsuit and even surpass it's limits to never feel like that again.
Damn, I had never thought about it that way. I won't turn her into JC Denton, but I'll let the poor filly have a couple augments when I get that tech, just to keep her happy.
>At this rate, I wonder if Night would accept her into a herd as more of a concubine if she begged - seeing as she's probably so alone and demoralized. Would definitely spitroast her with my wife using a strapon. Then pamper her in aftercare while assuring her that I intend to get her pregnant too.
Kek, you REALLY want me to herd my colony mares. Just for you, I'll try it. I had to change my ideology to allow for free love and for men to be allowed to have multiple spouses. The chance for them to romance each other is pretty low right now, but we'll see.
This game is very realistic
These are the kinds of player stories I love to tune in for
I keep telling myself THIS time I'll do a difficult run where I let pawns die and I never do, I always puss out
Try commitment mode, that's what it's for.
I'm too much of a raging pussy to see my favorite pawn in pain
Imagine getting alicorns...
We will be getting alicorns, changelings, and batponies in a future update!
dwarf fortress sucks dogshit
horrid UI, steam version has tranny dating game publishers behind it (foxkit or whatever publishing), have to mod the shit out of basegame to even have fun, no proper tileset replacements that are decent, barely any tutorials since "le niche 20 year old game"

dwarf fortress is just for the horrifically autistic. Really surprised that nobody is going to compete with them for a better colony sim, since Rimworld clearly hates the player owning a successful colony.
kill yourself immediately + no one asked
us autists deserve a game made specifically for our depth of interest and focus, cope
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>you zill enjoy a horribly designed UI that is not user friendly, and a "dedicated developer" who can't into making a settings menu.
if you weren't yourself autistically committed to cutting your nose off to spite your face you'd have realized by now that the steam version has a better UI and the tutorials you're bitching about missing
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"it was made by troons" is the most retarded reason not to use a piece of software anyways. there's a reason coder socks is a meme. i guarantee you're daily using an integral piece of software that uses code that was made by a trains.

man the fuck up and play dwarf fortress or admit you're too stupid to follow a simple flowchart
>No crystal ponies
Everyone always forgets the rock horses...
Any update on your colony?
That's a good point, I'll bring it up in the discord as a suggestion

Thamks for keeping my thread alive guise, loaf u

Going to be trying this mod out and see if it unfucks my slowdown as it's recommended in the /vg/ thread. Will report with results but I trust our brothers over there that it will work.
It's pretty damn good, but keep in mind that there's only so much it can do. Automatically clearing out the cached pawns (yes the game keeps a record of basically all pawns you encounter, even after they're dead) is a godsend for longer games
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>accidentally posted a micrometer of cartoon nipple
better safe than sorry
>THIS time i will play like a BIG BOY
>mechanoid cluster
>everyone dies
>alt f4 the game without saving
Wtf the speed boost from the sanguophage building is op
>The sanguophage is down for a quarter of the year
It's balanced
>Plap us
In a world with mares, women are getting increasingly desperate. It’s pathetic.
>Anon, stop lusting over those sweaty mares and plap me!
>Don't plap the horses, plap ME!
>Don't you walk away from me!!
Haven't gotten a new colony up in a while. Will definitely try out this mod when I do.
What hoof or leg prosthetics can I install on a pony nugget with two destroyed thighs? It turns out prosthetic human arms can be attached to destroyed shoulders, but nothing works for destroyed thighs. I tried to peer into xmls, but I don't seem to understand what I'm looking at. In Defs/Bodies/Bodies_Pony.xml the body plan of a pony goes like Torso -> { Pony_Thigh -> { Pony_RearLeg -> {Pony_RearHoof, ...}}, Shoulder -> {Pony_FrontLeg -> {Pony_FrontHoof, ...}}, ...}. In the original game in Core/Defs/Bodies/Bodies_Humanlike.xml humans have Torso -> { Leg -> {...}, Shoulder -> {Clavicle, Arm -> {...}}, ...}. Therefore, Pony_Thighs are isomorphic to human Legs, and not, let's say, human Pelvises. In the original game in Hediffs_BodyParts/Prosthetic.xml the "appliedOnFixedBodyParts" for leg prostheses is Leg and the "appliedOnFixedBodyParts" for arm prostheses is Shoulder - both are root entities of extremities. But in PotR we only have hoof prosthetics that isomorphic to artificial hands and feets because they are appliedOnFixedBodyParts-d on Pony_FrontHoof and Pony_RearHoof, and a patch in Patches/Core/Hediffs_BodyParts.xml that allows to to install human legs on Pony_FrontLeg and Pony_RearLeg - that is to say, second level entities of extremities. Is it by design? Is it a bug that I can install install human arms on pony shoulders?
I don't feel like going the "just harvest her lungs out lmao" route or, even worse, cheating this time. Is there a separate mod for artificial pony thighs? Or should I make my own mod? Ididn't play it, but apparently in Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering artificial pelvises for humans are meant to be created and installed separately from legs. My colony is a bit low on components and I have absolutely no idea how to make mods for this game but if it's the right and most rimworldish thing to do then I may do that anyway.
A bit of backstory for context. I play on naked brutality and recruit raiders who come after me. It was easy and fun until it wasn't. This mad motherfucker of a mare showed up on my doorstep at the end of a particularly long and difficult winter. She had no fighting skills whatsoever but enough determination to keep trying to kill my initial colonist with two limbs missing. I kinda respect that, you know? Actually, now that I think about it, she may have been just too high to notice the loss. But my initial colonist is just the kind of a dude to decide to respect her determination nonetheless. And she has two flames of passion for medicine - he respects that too, being something of a mad doctor himself. Now she lays in the prison with major go juice withdrawal and exactly zero in mood but she can't even throw a tantrum because no legs. But the real kicker is her name. I'm not making it up, that's how she was generated.
>Is it a bug that I can install install human arms on pony shoulders?
Yes, the dev is working on the body part distribution and says that EPOE should/will work with bionic hooves etc in future updates where they fiddle with it more
>her name
Now THAT'S funny.

>"if the thigh is destroyed, I'm unable to give them a replacement limb. I need to remove the hedif in devmode, have it turn into destroyed leg, just so I can give them a replacement."
This is the reported bug and how the reporting person is working around it for now

>"It's an issue with HAR, which assumes that all humanoid aliens must be bipedal"

The unstable branch is also available for playtesting but I'm unsure if they've pushed the fix to this bug to it yet
so do you guys lean towards more free-range construction or settle for commieblock apartments so you don't have to worry too much about space?
Depends on how difficult I'm running my game
Easy mode means there's plenty of resource, and time, to make stone blocks to turn into luxury homes that have lawns and flowers
Hard mode means their asses are living in a bunker and everything vill be sqvare
I build mountain bunkers, so I have residential wings that branch off of the throne room, while my resident noble gets a suite, they don't end up looking like commie blocks because I have to accommodate bathrooms and secondary bedrooms for any children that are had.
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Looks like these threads are on their way out, so one last thank you to the anon that made this art of my favorite rimworld mare. And thank you OP for bringing this mod to my attention. It's been fun.
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For now, it's a fort with dwarves that are enhanced by a cheater mod.

When I tried to create a colony with ponies, I chose a bad place without water, trees and plants, so ponies died of thirst.
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>I chose a bad place without water, trees and plants
Appleoosa was a fluke Anon, they needed earth pony cheats for it to work
\*laughs in sea ice run\*
Ohh, so that's what screwing up like that is like?
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That place was not like Appleoosa, but like Ashland in Morrowind.
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I tried making snow ponies, but sadly due to furskin gene, the color of hair and body are the same and not much I could do about it.
why did you start there
Remember to never install JecsTools and, if possible, don't use HugsLib either (most of the HugsLib mods have non-hugslib variants).
Those two frameworks alone can grind your game to a halt. Jecs is extremely outdated and a resource hog, hugs is up to date but still wastes resources on framework calls.
The only mod worth hugslib is SoS2, and you can patch the hugslib dependency out with Rimpy.
Man, I've been using both and now I hear about this twenty hours into a new colony? Fuck me.
Also use Performance Fish. Any of the Garbage Collector (GC) mods as well, for manual worldpawn cleanup is good too.
Trust me anon, it's not worth it. I rescued a 30h colony by deleting jecs alone.
Almost no modern mod uses jecs anyway, so you can delete it with no risk. Try and find versions of mods without hugs, as well.
I know my shit modwise, ask if you need help.
I'd also suggest against installing the vanilla expanded series of mods, as they featurebloat really hard (do you really need like 10 new plants and 10 new cooking mechanisms for cooking expanded?, sure let me make legendary cheese(???)) and that shit tanks performance, but not nearly enough as jecs alone does. You can have vanilla expanded as a treat if you use the picker mod to manually select what you wanna keep and what you wanna disable. I for one don't enjoy VE, but you do you.
Allow tool is also a performance hog, just flatout remove it, so is achtung, if you have it poorly set up, but it can be "fixed" a bit.
Most importantly, uninstall any mod that subdivides roles into smaller ones, cause those eat a fuckton of performance since all pawns (ALL PAWNS) now check and call for a lot more roles than they did before, and this shit grows with the number of pawns, which gets large during raids.
As a rule of thumb, if it adds pawn complexity (not to be confused with mechanical complexity), it will be a performance consumer, it is up to you to decide if this one or the other is worth that performance loss.
Dubs performance analyzer is your friend here.
>I'd also suggest against installing the vanilla expanded series of mods
Yeah, I already knew about this one, it's hard to imagine anyone falling for it, but reddit consistently does. It looks like I can wipe Jecs without any trouble, but some of my list relies on hugs, like elite bionics framework, medical system expansion 2 and xenobionic patcher, less importantly perhaps is rimjobworld which is a resource hog of its own.
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In case you need it.
cute swamp pony
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This is for horses or for mlp ponies?

why are most of those snowmares not even snowmare coloured?
>This is for horses or for mlp ponies?
Horses. I think RJW has settings that'd allow you to milk ponies, if that's what you need.
I think they are, but who cares? They are very cute.
Use the milkable colonists mod to allow milking your pawns.
You can dose Lact-X to enable temporary lactation, or Lact-X Max (expensive to make but you can sometimes get some in raids or exotic trades) to enable permanent lactation.
The Milk produced works like the regular animal kind, and can be used in anything that requires milk, like the comically large cheese cube from the mod with the same name.
You forgot to mention it needs patching to work with modded races.
well, they are ponies. being cute is sort of the default.
Depends on the colony and scenario, but I like free range initially and if I get a big colony going, they get commieblocks. I always have problems with space and bloat.
once, when I was running out of room (and more importantly, metal), I split off the colony into a second outpost.
Chugs a bit swapping between them unfortunately, but with the launch pods I at least don't have to worry about the main camp running out of stuff anytime soon.
Thanks for keeping the thread alive while I had IRL shit going on guise
I'm going to look into trimming my modlist down and optimizing for speed so I'll report soon(tm)
I might even look into That Mod
I assume he's using the xeno patcher mod if he's using the pony mods. Thing just works. I have like 10 ayylien races that all just work.
>optimizing for speed so I'll report soon(tm)
I would like to see it.

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