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Home Office to detain asylum seekers across UK in shock Rwanda operation


The Home Office will launch a major operation to detain asylum seekers across the UK on Monday, weeks earlier than expected, in preparation for their deportation to Rwanda, the Guardian can reveal.

Officials plan to hold refugees who turn up for routine meetings at immigration service offices or bail appointments and will also pick people up nationwide in a surprise two-week exercise.

Lawyers and campaigners said the detentions risked provoking protracted legal battles, community protests and clashes with police – with officers in Scotland put on high alert.

Enver Solomon, the chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: “The government is determined to recklessly pursue its inhumane Rwanda plan despite the cost, chaos and human misery it will unleash. We know it is likely to cause a catastrophic system meltdown.”

Detainees will be immediately transferred to detention centres, which have already been prepared for the operation, and held until they are put on planes to Rwanda. Some will be put on the first flight due to take off this summer.

The Home Office said ratification of the prime minister’s Safety of Rwanda Act meant “the government is entering the final phase of operationalising this landmark policy to tackle illegal migration and stop the boats”.
Could this be it? Could this be the government finally getting its act together and fixing the country?

Let's be honest, probably not. Almost certainly this will be stopped at the last minute due to some bullshit legality which the government no doubt knows about already, but will use this as a fake demonstration of how they're tough on immigration despite not being able to do anything about it.
Imagine being a boomer who gets mad about immigration.
Stop crying and have a cup of tea bonglander
Imagine going to a country illegally, fucking it up, sucking on their system, and then claiming the country is the bad guy in this situation.

fucking clown world.

Go Go Home Office.
No. Shut up.
It is about time this country opened there eyes and done something about these cunts the country bends over for them gives them everything which they don't even do for most of us who are actually British even tho they just ruin the place makes sense
Go Go Home office
The bongs who are established here see new bongs and m easteners coming here and cutting into their action, so it's bong on bong
Unfortunately it loons like it isn't happening after all.

I thought the gov was gonna round up every illegal starting Monday and deport them. But they're not. So why the fuck this was reported is bizarre.
They arrested all the Brits who thought this would be beneficial to the country.
It was a honeypot operation and the limey scum fell for it.
Your alternative facts aren't real.
>shock Rwanda operation
I see what you did there.

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