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Iraq's parliament has passed a bill criminalising same-sex relationships with jail terms of between 10 and 15 years.

Transgender people could also be sent to prison for between one and three years under the new law.

Supporters of the changes say they will help to uphold religious values in the country.

Rights groups say they are a further black mark on Iraq's record of violations against LGBT people.

Those who promote homosexuality or prostitution, doctors who perform gender reassignment surgery, men who "intentionally" act like women and those who engage in "wife swapping" will also face prison terms under the new legislation.

A previous draft of the bill - an amendment to an anti-prostitution law that was passed in the late 1980s - had proposed capital punishment for same-sex relationships.

However, this was amended after facing opposition from the US and other Western countries.

MP Amir al-Maamouri told Shafaq News on Saturday that the new law was "a significant step in combating sexual deviancy given the infiltration of unique cases contradicting Islamic and societal values".
Passing the bill had been postponed until after Prime Minister Mohamed Shia al-Sudani's visit to the US earlier this month, according to lawmaker Raed al-Maliki, who advanced the amendments.

"We didn't want to impact the visit," Mr al-Maliki told the AFP news agency, adding that it was "an internal matter and we do not accept any interference in Iraqi affairs".

LGBT people have long been targeted by the authorities in Iraq, with other morality laws previously being used to punish them.

Human Rights Watch and other human rights organisations have also detailed several cases of abduction, torture, rape and murder.

Major Iraqi political parties have in recent years stepped up criticism of LGBT rights, with rainbow flags being burned at protests.

The US State Department said in a statement that the passing of the law reforms were a threat to human rights and freedoms.

"The legislation also weakens Iraq's ability to diversify its economy and attract foreign investment," it added.

"International business coalitions have already indicated that such discrimination in Iraq will harm business and economic growth in the country."

UK Secretary of State Lord David Cameron, meanwhile, described the amendments as "dangerous and worrying".

"No one should be targeted for who they are," he wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

"We encourage the Government of Iraq to uphold human rights and freedoms of all people without distinction."

>The amendments also ban organisations that “promote” homosexuality and punish “wife swapping” with a prison sentence of 10 to 15 years.
Fantastic. Yknow this really puts it in perspective. America, so called first world country, allows and encourages people to be their most degenerate self. Iraq, a bombed out miserable shit hole, does the right thing and knows gayness is a sickness.

Really makes ya think.
>Conservatives jerking off about how cool it would be to live in a theocratic regime with no personal freedoms
Every time
too much personal freedom leads to societal ruin
>Unff, I LOVE when the government tells me how I can dress and act
based iraq throwing off the global homo. Though I thought iraq already had a tradition of toons
>cutting off your child's dick and having sodomy are personal freedoms
>religion, freedom of expression and the right to keep and bear arms are not personal freedoms
sodomy kills more people each year in the US than AR-15s do
Damn they couldn't have made an exception for lesbians? Cause that's hot. God damn Muslims are gay.
According to whom?
lesbians aren't real. its literally just straight girls fucking other girls for attention
The government here is more likely to tell you to sodomize your own asshole or the asshole of grade school kids, usually both
boring fanfiction, it's been done to death by news schizos
>cutting off your child's dick
Imagine being so obsessed with trans shit that you literally invent delusions about child penises to get upset about.

>having sodomy are personal freedoms
Yes, of course. Normal Americans who believe in the constitution usually like to keep the government out of consenting adults' bedrooms. You, on the other hand, deeply desire an authoritarian surveillance state.

>religion, freedom of expression and the right to keep and bear arms are not personal freedoms
Yes they are. They are negative freedoms enshrined and protected by law. The government has no right to interfere in your freedom to worship who you want, express yourself how you want or to keep and bear arms. This is what it is to live in a free, democratic society. I don't know why you're fighting this so hard. You love the government telling you what to do, how you're allowed to look, act, dress and think. You desire boots on your neck. When conservatives say people who don't share our values shouldn't live here, you are who they're talking about - authoritarian boot lickers who think the government should control people's lives and expression.

Chud headcanon is wild
>Imagine being so obsessed
why not ban trannying minors then?
>Yes, of course. Normal Americans who believe in the constitution
where does it say sodomy in the constitution? Also you are a fucking faggot who doesn't believe in freedom of expression, assembly or the right to keep and bear arms. You cite the constitution for shit not in it, while at the same time hating the shit in it.
>I don't know why you're fighting this so hard. You love the government telling you what to do, how you're allowed to look, act, dress and think.
not me, the faggots
>When conservatives say people who don't share our values shouldn't live here, you are who they're talking about - authoritarian boot lickers who think the government should control people's lives and expression.
conservatives aren't authoritarian and fags and trannies aren't people
>why not ban trannying minors then?
It is. There are no children getting their genitals removed. You've invented this in your head.

>where does it say sodomy in the constitution?
That isn't how the constitution works. The constitution covers a lot of activity that isn't explicitly mentioned in its texts. That's what constitutional law is for. That's what the supreme court is for you fucking moron. The supreme court, by the way, ruled in Lawrence v. Texas that sodomy laws are unconstitutional. So the constitution, in fact, does protect sodomy. Cope.

>Also you are a fucking faggot who doesn't believe in freedom of expression, assembly or the right to keep and bear arms
You're either illiterate or you're unironically delusional. You're arguing with someone in your own mind.

>conservatives aren't authoritarian and fags and trannies aren't people
Well, the courts and the constitution disagrees with you. You're the minority. Cope with that however you need.
>It is.
it isn't. troons flip the fuck out every time a red state tries to ban trooning and there are high school troons
>That isn't how the constitution works. The constitution covers a lot of activity that isn't explicitly mentioned in its texts. That's what constitutional law is for. That's what the supreme court is for you fucking moron. The supreme court, by the way, ruled in Lawrence v. Texas
ok you are a legit retard. you are still going off the communist griswald shit activist judge bullshit they pulled just because they didn't have the votes to actually pass a law. Hopefully that shit gets corrected in Dobbs part 2 and goes back to state laws like it should be. Also weird how you are fine with state laws violating the 2nd amendment.
>You're either illiterate or you're unironically delusional. You're arguing with someone in your own mind.
I'm arguing against you troon. we both know you are anti gun
>Well, the courts and the constitution disagrees with you. You're the minority. Cope with that however you need.
the constitution literally does not protect sodomy or cutting off your kids dick. it falls under the 10th amendment, like baby murder. Griswald will fall and RBG will keep burning in hell
>it isn't. troons flip the fuck out every time a red state tries to ban trooning and there are high school troons
So, you concede. There are no children getting their genitals removed. You made it up.

>ok you are a legit retard. you are still going off the communist griswald shit activist judge bullshit they pulled just because they didn't have the votes to actually pass a law.
You concede again. The supreme court, the highest court in the land, voted 6-3 that anti-sodomy laws are unconstitutional. Sodomy, in the U.S. is a constitutionally protected activity. Cope.

>I'm arguing against you troon. we both know you are anti gun
Awwww Its getting BTFO'd so badly its trying to pivot away to shit that has nothing to do with what we're talking about.

>the constitution literally does not protect sodomy
It literally does. Lawrence v. Texas. Supreme Court ruling. 6-3 majority. Cope.

>cutting off your kids dick
A thing that you made up in your own mind.

>it falls under the 10th amendment, like baby murder. Griswald will fall and RBG will keep burning in hell
Yeah let me know how that works out for you, schizo. Enjoy your BTFO.
>So, you concede. There are no children getting their genitals removed. You made it up.
there are. there are high school troons. how are there high school troons if they are not castrating kids?
>You concede again. The supreme court,
you sure as fuck don't know what concede means. but thanks for admitting abortion is murder and not protected by the constitution and all gun laws are unconstitutional.
>Awwww Its getting BTFO'd so
only one getting btfo'd here is you faggot and also you have no dick
>It literally does. Lawrence v. Texas. Supreme Court ruling. 6-3 majority. Cope.
show me where in the constitution the word "sodomy" is mentioned.
>A thing that you made up in your own mind.
so you would be fine with a federal ban on all tranny healthcare for anyone under the age of 45?
>Yeah let me know how that works out for you, schizo. Enjoy your BTFO.
worked out great for me in Dobbs, especially when I have a 6-3 advantage and all you have is seethe
>how are there high school troons if they are not castrating kids?
Jesus Christ. Do you actually think all trans people have had bottom surgery? You're actually dumber than I thought.

>but thanks for admitting abortion is murder and not protected by the constitution and all gun laws are unconstitutional.
Fucking kek. I love watching you try to pivot away and ramble about irrelevant shit because you got BTFO'd on the constitution protecting sodomy.

>only one getting btfo'd here is you faggot and also you have no dick
Look guys its getting angry

>show me where in the constitution the word "sodomy" is mentioned.
Here's a link to the Lawrence v. Texas ruling. The Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that sodomy is a constitutionally protected activity. Anti-sodomy laws violate the constitutionally protected right to privacy and the due process clause. Cope.


>so you would be fine with a federal ban on all tranny healthcare for anyone under the age of 45?
So you concede. Children aren't getting their genitals removed. You made it up in your mind.

>worked out great for me in Dobbs, especially when I have a 6-3 advantage and all you have is seethe
I don't care about Dobbs. We're talking about Lawrence v. Texas where the Supreme Court found that sodomy is protected by the constitution. You were wrong. You got absolutely blown the fuck out by the Supreme Court. Cope.
>Jesus Christ.
don't use the lords name in vain, tranny lover. children should get zero tranny medical care. and if it never happens why not have a federal ban on child castration?
>Fucking kek. I love watching you try to pivot away and ramble about irrelevant shit
holy shit you are retarded. Do you not know about dobbs and bruen?
>Look guys its getting angry
only one seething is you
>Here's a link to the Lawrence v. Texas ruling
that isn't the constitution and Clarance Thomas has already said it is retarded bullshit. Please show me the section, clause or amendment that mentions sodomy
>So you concede. Children aren't getting their genitals removed. You made it up in your mind.
so why wouldn't you agree to a castration ban and mandatory jail time for anyone with a tranny kid?
>I don't care about Dobbs.
dobbs literally is about the same due process clause griswald bullshit lawrence is and dobbs partially overturned griswald. but you don't know how to read so you can't understand how decisions affect each other
>don't use the lords name in vain, tranny lover. children should get zero tranny medical care. and if it never happens why not have a federal ban on child castration?
I accept your concession. Children aren't getting their genitals removed. You lied. You made it up in your mind.

>that isn't the constitution
Supreme court disagrees. Cope.

>Do you not know about dobbs and bruen?
No no, schizo. We're not pivoting to different topics. We're not talking about guns or abortion. We're talking about sodomy, which the Supreme Court says is a constitutionally protected activity. Cope.

>Please show me the section, clause or amendment that mentions sodomy
In the Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court opinion. Anti-sodomy laws violate the right to privacy and the due process clause. Cope.

>so why wouldn't you agree to a castration ban and mandatory jail time for anyone with a tranny kid?
I accept your concession. Children aren't getting their genitals removed. You lied. You made it up in your mind.

>dobbs literally is about the same due process clause griswald bullshit lawrence is and dobbs partially overturned griswald. but you don't know how to read so you can't understand how decisions affect each other
Supreme Court. 6-3. Lawrence v. Texas. Sodomy is constitutionally protected. You were wrong. Cope. Enjoy your BTFO. I'm bored now.
>I accept your concession. Children aren't getting their genitals removed.
you literally have not proven that. there are tranny kids.
>Supreme court disagrees. Cope.
partially overturned in dobbs. the rest will fall Alito and Thomas hate griswald
Please show me the section, clause or amendment that mentions sodomy
>No no, schizo. We're not pivoting to different topics. We're not talking about guns or abortion. We're talking about sodomy, which the Supreme Cou
dobbs and lawrence both address griswald you fucking retard and since you say the scotus is settled law, you believe abortion isn't a right and all gun laws are unconstitutional
Please show me the section, clause or amendment that mentions sodomy
>In the Lawrence v. Texas Supreme Court opinion. Anti-sodomy laws violate the right to privacy and the due process clause. Cope.
in dobbs, the SCOTUS said the griswald view of the due process clause, which lawrence relies on, is bullshit.
Please show me the section, clause or amendment that mentions sodomy
>I accept your concession. Children aren't getting their genitals removed. You lied. You made it up in your mind.
then why are there tranny kids? Why are you against anti troon laws?
>Supreme Court. 6-3. Lawrence v. Texas. Sodomy is constitutionally protected. You were wrong. Cope. Enjoy your BTFO.
partially overturned by dobbs. thomas said he is going to nuke all of griswald
>I'm bored now.
we both know you will be back because you are obsessed with trannies and are just trying to throw out an insult
>bottom surgery
What are you a child?
Damn chuds really got BTFO ITT.
damn trannies really got btfo'd hard itt just like every thread
Third world countries are looking better and better these days.
Trannies castrated yet again.
desperate samefag
How are you always wrong about everything?
It's very unlikely there are two different people with /pol/schizo-tier opinions here.
>being against castrating children is a /pol/schizo-tier opinion
Tired fanfiction is tired
Bad faith lying troon is bad faith and lying
Yes it is since that isn't really happening anywhere else but your head.
>The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021.
Nta but it is indeed happening and you've been btfo. Now move the goalpost.
In your mind that actually means something but everywhere else on the planet it doesn't
The data does matter, you can't refute it, and you've been btfo. Thanks for playing ggez
>things that happened in my head are real
No they aren't.
Why would that be? This is 4chan not Reddit.
>another lost /pol/tard thinks all of 4chan is /pol/
Whoa that never happens
But it mostly is. That's what the news, and movie jews told me too.
>The Komodo analysis of insurance claims found 56 genital surgeries, including vaginoplasty and other procedures, among patients ages 13 to 17 with a prior gender dysphoria diagnosis from 2019 to 2021.
Your own source doesn't say what you claim it does. Children in the U.S. aren't getting full sexual reassignment surgeries. The goalposts will remain where they are, thanks.
>56 genital surgeries, including vaginoplasty and other procedures, among patients ages 13 to 17

Are 13 year olds not children to you anon? If thats the case I have two questions:

1. What do you think the age of consent should be?
2. Are you allowed to be within 100 yards of schools?
>I just want legal baby murder, and to legalize children fucking themselves up of faggotry that most of them grow out of!!
>Me and the baby-killing fetus eaters are the moral authority.
Normal people hate this shit, dyke. No one wants a troon kid, except Munchausen mothers.
What the fuck does an extremist like you know about normal people?
You sure marijuana ain’t sabotage like gay donkey show USA? Uh I’m not sure probably but why procreate if high and marijuana taxes for health are gonna be like 10 dollars per pack of 5 dollar cigarettes , blood pressure psychoactive causes mental illness causes heart attacks panic attacks etc etc etc you guys act like your all artists named prince formerly hairy desantis

Also that shit stinks on the street is like COVID’s and flu prticles travel miles in marijuana smoke

It’s probably trump is Chinese dildo too dumb to live in USA

Sure if it’s social drug instead of beer but it’s lsd marijuana opiates alcohol tobacco cocaine
Take a dip of chew then tell me it’s worse then cocaine , also coffee is nearly as bad , alcohol is basically worse however you need a cartel to make shit expensive

What’s mass consumption of beer , not sure if eu Protestants or France can repay for those debts

Inbevs gonna buy me new eu monarch
Ru Protestants owe Germany uh say 50 trillion France 1000 trillion Dutch uh 25 trillion Finland Sweden Norway maybe 1 to 3 trillion each rest of euro states maybe hundreds of billions Poland maybe 100000000 trillion basically ussr lone wolf

What to euthanize Europeans or make dolls?

You guys ain’t worth one cent can’t even pay the golden goose
Longhorns ids for sale dildo is full of shit is Saudi sixteen from sept 11 cashing in Farmington satans anus

She swears she made Facebook with tik tok and china Chyna but she forgot her stolen face at embudo

Dutch ain’t worth 25 trillion new toilet for Kansas
They take university ids to Dixie jails then sell them same as NM takes k12 pictures then sells them to china via the Vaticans records , and NM DoD gay marriage and sept 11 also and the dudes a New Mexican not a Mexican and ET ain’t no New Mexican

2 million each spent by each nuclear family then current can pee on brains from space like USA does for technical deliveries from some to head as receiver

Who pays trumps COVID’s debts of 500 trillion not just texanus who also pays bush’s debts of relative wealth
Anyway doesn’t matter Scarface blowing kisses blowing away kids pope droning is dumb and they’re just buying time before gay marriage ruins the west so Vatican 2 pope ain’t bad basically you idiots hacked the popes airspace from crypto what kind of NM pile of crap let’s nukes get hacked from Linux Unix encryption? World doesn’t gay marriage and USA doesn’t pay for that

Yea Vatican kills wants to be new Swedish monarch with trump is princess for kingsman movie
I don’t know NM is Yemen really ? How many Trojan war fields are there ? Clergy are Spartans saying Trojans are crucified I’m gonna crucify you all ! Look at your son he’s dead I crucified you all ! Lmao that’s funny then hades is heaven and Jesus is Lucifer brought morning star wtf crap is that , why dont clergy just say they were around 5500 years ago as genitals removed turned into making better social workers then clergy had to not have sex as rule for employees
Keep telling yourself I'm an extremist.
You're gonna be real surprised.
>no response from anon who thinks 13 year olds aren't children
Shocker, probably too busy dilating
>not wanting to cut off childrens dicks is extremism
>normal people are pro cutting off kids dicks
lul what?
I don't have to tell myself that. You prove it without me saying anything at all.

I hate to be the one to tell you but normal people don't think or talk about trannies at all, ever.
I guarantee you normal people hate trannies when they see them irl
They don't see them IRL. There aren't that many of them like you think.
thank goodness /pol/tards usually get chased off of the boards and threads I actually care about

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