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New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan determined Tuesday that Donald Trump violated the terms of a gag order intended to prevent him from lobbing public attacks on people involved in his criminal hush money trial, warning the former president he could face jail time if he continues to ignore the order.

Trump “is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will impose an incarceratory punishment,” Merchan wrote in his ruling.

Merchan said the former president would be fined a total of $9,000, as the prosecution met the burden of proof for nine of the 10 incidents that the they alleged had violated the directive. Trump would need to make that payment by Friday, the ruling states.

Merchan said while the fine in this case is not sufficient to achieve its purpose given the wealth of the defendant, he does not have the discretion to increase the financial penalty, requiring him to “consider whether in some instances, jail may be a necessary punishment.”

“While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the judicial system, to compel respect for its mandates and to punish the offender for disobeying a court order, it unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine,” Merchan wrote.

Prosecutors argued at a hearing with the judge that Trump violated the order 10 times through derisive social media posts and posts to his official campaign website, putting witnesses in the case at risk of feeling intimidated.

“What happened here is precisely what the order was designed to prevent and the defendant doesn’t care,” prosecuting attorney Christopher Conroy said during the hearing last Tuesday.

While Merchan rejected Trump’s argument that all the statements brought up by the prosecution were made in response to political attacks against him and were therefore allowed, he said one of Trump’s Truth Social posts could potentially fall under that category, ruling that the prosecution did not meet the burden of proof in that instance.

In the April 10 post, Trump had praised Michael Avenatti, an attorney who once represented porn star Stormy Daniels, “for revealing the truth about two sleaze bags who have, with their lies and misrepresentations, cost our Country dearly!” in reference to Daniels and Michael Cohen, Trump’s former personal fixer, who are both expected to testify in the trial.

Trump’s lawyers referred to two social media posts by Cohen, one of which mentioned the possibility of Avenatti receiving a presidential pardon by Trump if gets reelected in November.

While it’s unclear whether Trump’s comment is “in fact, a response to these two posts, the tenuous correlation is sufficient to give this Court pause as to whether the People have met their burden as to this Exhibit,” Merchan wrote.

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg charged the former president with 34 counts of falsifying business records in relation to his 2016 payoff to Daniels, who alleges she had an affair with Trump while he was married. Trump denies the affair and has pleaded not guilty.

Prosecutors urged the judge to fine Trump $1,000 per alleged violation. He was similarly fined at his state-level civil fraud trial; a judge told him to fork over $15,000 for violating a gag order in that case.
The posts that landed Trump in hot water included a claim he amplified from Fox News anchor Jesse Watters, who said “they are catching undercover Liberal Activists lying to the Judge in order to get on the Trump Jury.” Whether reposts would be treated the same as Trump’s own original content in the eyes of the court was subject to extensive debate during the hearing last week. The judge did not appear amenable to the idea that reposts did not have the same effect as originals.

“This is not a repost but rather the Defendant’s own words,” Merchan wrote. “Mr. Watters uttered a statement which Defendant altered, placed in quotes, attributed to Mr. Watters and posted. The purpose being to call into question the legitimacy of the jury selection process in this case. This constitutes a clear violation of the Expanded Order and requires no further analysis.”

In other posts, Trump said the trial represented “Communism at its worst,” called Merchan a “HIGHLY CONFLICTED & CORRUPT JUDGE,” described the court and Bragg as “animals” and said Cohen was a “sleaze bag.”

Trump has also been smearing Cohen as a liar since opening statements were made in court last Monday, even though Cohen is expected to be a key witness for the prosecution.
>$9,000 fine for somebody who is literally a billionaire
Watch out, he might have to whip out the checkbook for that one. Or sell another pair of sneakers.
Or spend a night in jail if he keeps it up (please do it please please please)
>Jailing a former president for tweeting.
I don't think so, but you can dream faggot.
if the tweets do something contrary to the judge's order in his criminal trial, then yes, it's going to happen whether you think so or not.
Judges have to lay their little heads down and sleep at night, too.
So do chuds who threaten judges
(you) soon: https://www.volusiasheriff.gov/news/volusia-county-sheriff/third-4chan-user-arrested-following-threat-to-kill-sheriff-chitwood.stml
>Jail everybody I don't like!
Ok, if you say so. Come get me glowniggers, you got my address already right?
>Jail everyone who makes a veiled criminal threat against judges in Trump's criminal trials
I'm waiting right here faggot. Whenever you're ready.
It's like you think they operate on your schedule. If they come for you it will be when you least expect it.
Home arrest with ankle bracelet for 2 weeks...no campaigning
Why is this the go to excuse for breaking the law for conservatives?
>mom I called the guy who made me BTFO a tranny again
Does it ever get tiresome?
they're the new snowflakes
The shills and glowniggers are out in force in this thread.
I'm ironically reminded of the old nazi saying, something about "crying out in pain as he strikes you"... He has become as bad as the stereotypes he hates.
Counterpoint: there are no shills on this dead board, just dumbasses.
Just gonna say, you wouldn't care unless you were a tranny, or a dyke.
schizo logic is pretty amusing
I'm curious if you've ever counted the number of times you randomly bring up trannies out of nowhere in a single day, and stop to question why that number is in the double or triple digits.
So according to republicans...
>Trump committing election interference is fine
>Trump committing Witness tampering is fine
>Even giving Trump warnings and slap on the wrists is considered corruption of the judicial system.
>Trump shouldn't be held responsible for the stochastic terrorism he incites
Definitely a permanent gaping bloody hole.
you don't have friends do you
Logic? I spun the wheel of faggots.
It said your mom's gay but sucks all the dicks.
>stochastic terrorism
You faggots are so creative with the new names you come up with.
Fuck off, dyke.
How many photos of trannies do you have saved?
It's been around for years. Trump just helped popularized it when he was encouraging his followers to attack judges in the 2016 election.
it's not a new word, maybe you're new to the english language?
Trump did engage in good old fashion Terrorism with his failed coup on January 6th.
>As of 2016
lol, you stupid faggots.
>another chud who thinks it's 2016
I'm noticing a trend with this...
Trump Kneels to the Judge!
the term originates from its first use in 2002. do you like being made fun of for your poor reading comprehension?
Bend the knee!
i think you need to find a therapist so you can stop projecting on us
I enjoy learning the newspeech vocabulary, comrad! It makes me laugh when you guys come up with new fagspeak and pretend "tHeSe wOrDs hAvE AlWaYz eXiStEd!!!"
Between my white loving family, smart finances, great health, and early retirement, life is great for me.
you really are a snowflake, i can't believe the existence of certain words is getting you this riled up
Stop the cap.
no cap, anon. you are a snowflake
It's weird the Stochastic terrorism people would accuse Trump of Stochastic terrorism.
The people of the Floyd riots, who ensured there'd be riots are complaining about Stochastic terrorism and I'm ova 'ere laughin' my ass off.
For a group that always claims they don't conspire with the Russians, Republicans sure like using their tactics.
is the KGB in the room with you now?
>Another canned response
Right wing just can't meme
just the third world shills
You're using the term "whataboutism" wrong again?
This is comparative, not distractive, Slapnuts.
Nah, you're using it wrong.
Nope. Besides who ever said tu quoque wasn't valid?
You literally have no grounds to judge anyone, terrorist.
>ad hominem
The far right fascist grasping at straws to justify his terrorism, yet again.
Donald J. Trump
drumpf is firmly in the 'find out' phase
so you don't have any friends?
imagine being a namefag
>dignity of the jewdicial system

Hi anon. I am a foreigner, so I don't vote.
Here's what I noticed.
>>Trump committing election interference is fine
It is not fine but it pales in comparison to the amount of Jerrymandering that occurred in the past century. You choose to see only what displeases you.

>>Trump committing Witness tampering is fine
Ahem... It seemed to be fine when Dems allowed Epstein to be killed while under 24/7 surveillance

>>Even giving Trump warnings and slap on the wrists is considered corruption of the judicial system
It is so if you place gag orders on political candidates

>>Trump shouldn't be held responsible for the stochastic terrorism he incites
Woke culture and cultural Marxism have led to way more suicides than you think.
>I am a foreigner
That explains why you're shilling for Trump so blatantly.
Ruble or rupee is the only real question to ask you.
>Dems allowed Epstein to be killed
Dems tipped over my garbage can last night too
Dems shit my pants and fucked my wife
I don't even understand why he'd try and make that claim.
Epstein was held in a federal prision, so Trump controlled it and Barr, Trump's AG secretly met with Epstein right before he was murdered.
Its important to keep in mind his understanding of the world begins and ends with conspiracy shitposts on substack. You can't expect him to be aware of any other information.
>It is not fine but it pales in comparison to the amount of Jerrymandering that occurred in the past century. You choose to see only what displeases you.
Both sides do this though. In fact, when you look at the numbers Republicans have an advantage.
>Ahem... It seemed to be fine when Dems allowed Epstein to be killed while under 24/7 surveillance
Why would this be a democrat-exclusive thing?
>It is so if you place gag orders on political candidates
Why would a candidate be immune to gag orders? In that case, everyone who is on trial should run for office.
>Woke culture and cultural Marxism have led to way more suicides than you think.
What does this have to do with your quote?
>Why would a candidate be immune to gag orders?
The US gov makes exceptions for the conduct of presidential candidates for the sake of a smooth transition of power. I mean.. it used to.
>The US gov makes exceptions for the conduct of presidential candidates for the sake of a smooth transition of power.
??? No they haven't??? The judicial branch isn't required to do anything like that.
Where does it say that in law?
It doesn't. It was the policy of the DoJ and judicial branch, same as presidential immunity was.

This was why SCOTUS refused to hear any of the election lawsuits in 2021. The judicial branch is slowwww, and if Biden was found to be an illegally elected president, then that would basically mean every single bill and EO signed by POTUS up until that point would be illegally signed, creating a constitutional crisis.

There isn't any set of instructions in the US constitution which lays out how to walk back an election. It just doesn't happen. Which is why it's better to get the election out the door and try your luck at the next one rather than spending years litigating the past.
>It doesn't. It was the policy of the DoJ and judicial branch, same as presidential immunity was.
This it's not a policy though. It's just that no one commits obvious crimes like your president.
>This was why SCOTUS refused to hear any of the election lawsuits in 2021.
That's not the reason at all. They were thrown out because they were silly. You should read what some of the official statements were as even Trump's own lawyers refused to call it rigged when it came to court.
>and if Biden was found to be an illegally elected president, then that would basically mean every single bill and EO signed by POTUS up until that point would be illegally signed, creating a constitutional crisis.
Yeah it would be a headache, but that's not why they were thrown out before Jan 6
>It's just that no one commits obvious crimes like your president.
Every president commits crimes anon.
>You should read what some of the official statements were
They were all dismissed on technicalities.
For example, SCOTUS argued that one lawsuit couldn't be heard because it wasn't 'ripe' until the election fraud had happened. And then they said it was too late to sue after the election finalized.
They also ruled that they didn't have the responsibility to adjudicate conflicts between the jurisdictions of states. Which is literally their job as the final appellate court of the United States.
Democrats are basically breaking all the norms to prevent Trump from running, which is hilarious, as its bound to bite them in the ass.
>tfw your president is considered too retarded to be convicted for crimes
>Democrats are basically breaking all the norms to prevent Trump from running
Other way around, Trump is obligated to answer for the 91+ criminal charges that have been levied against him.
He is not obligated to run for office.
Likewise it's republicans breaking every norm and rule in the book by running a sham impeachment against Biden to the point we found out their key source was a Russian spy.
no one but rachel maddow's audience takes seriously the "91+ criminal charges". tweeting mean things isn't a criminal offense.
Proving my point about how Republicans are breaking every norm and excusing all of Turmp's criminal behavior.
In the trial OP is about
Election interfere and witness intimidation are both crimes, which Trump has committed.
You do know he has to be found guilty for it to e a crime, right?
And it's safe to say anything out of banana New York isn't valid either.
>It doesn't count because of 'unfounded reasons'
Not helping your case. Especially when your excuses are 'everyone commits crimes'
You're responding to multiple users. That wasn't me.
Also, when we speak of norms, we're talking about things like presidential immunity.
If Trump is prosecuted, republicans are going to go after every single democratic president going forward. Because that's the precedent they will have set.
No one is above the law, presidential immunity is not a thing and that's Trump and the Republicans breaking the norm.
>No one is above the law
..yeah, many people are actually. That's why Obama was allowed to drone strike children and nobody could prosecute him.
Congress is also an insider trading paradise. They invested in arms manufacturers right before signing lend-lease act to Ukraine, and invested in Pfizer before using American taxdollars to pay for vaxx R&D.
Stop watching retarded lefty lawyers tell you how the world works.
Actually, it's always been the case with Republicans.
Nixon should have been prosecuted for sabotaging the Paris Accords. Reagan should have been prosecuted for Iran Contra, George H W Bush for running a cover up of Iran Contra. George W Bush for War crimes and Trump for all his crimes.
Feds can't and won't do shit, they get routinely cucked by random sovereign citizens and local cops.

uhhhhh, wasn't epstein in jail under the trump administration??? how did the democrats allow this to happen when he was in federal prison during the trump administration??
And what jail was he in?
Not the one Obama didn't put him in.
So you admit that presidential immunity has existed since Nixon?
Terrific, thanks for playing.
Nixon was pardoned, Trump wasn't, learn your history.
Obama did exactly what Nixon did, but worse, and suffered no consequences for it.
what did obama do, be black?
Yep. Just like Nixon, Slapnuts.
Spied on a political opponent's campaign, are you retarded or are you seriously calling Nixon black?
You mean that political campaign that conspired with the Russians and who's party continues to conspire with the Russians? An enemy of America?
Sounds like Obama did the right thing to monitor traitors.
Are you talking about the Steele dossier?
Funny how Trump is still obsessed with the piss tape. screams consciousness of guilt
Yeah, Democrats just love that Russian propaganda.
Funny how it's Trump and the Republicans who are always caught conspiring with the Russians though.
Did you already forget the Republican's star witness was a Russian spy who was arrested?
Christopher Steele?
>Still believing Hill Dawg's oppo research trash.
>Still stuck in 2016 because the Russians still haven't updated your talking points
How /pol/ has fallen.
In the text of his order, Merchan lamented that the fines' costs "unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine."
"Criminal contempt is punishable by a fine not exceeding $1,000, by jail not exceeding 30 days or by both in the discretion of the court, for each violation of a court order," Merchan wrote.
"However, the Judiciary Law, does not vest the Court with authority to craft an appropriate punishment when a $1,000 fine will not achieve the intended purpose. While $1,000 may suffice in most instances to protect the dignity of the judicial system, to compel respect for its mandates and to punish the offender for disobeying a court order, it unfortunately will not achieve the desired result in those instances where the contemnor can easily afford such a fine," he continued.

Fucking lol.
Also, what was the point then? Just a middle finger to Trump? You can't shut him up and you won't dare throw him in jail.
This whole trial is just good publicity now, just end it.
no, the Russian government runs troll farms that flood social media with pro Trump misinformation. This is how the Russians help trump. Not some stupid Christopher Steele shit about how trump loves golden showers. That's just funny and we bring it up because it expose who Trump really is, a filthy pervert.

Yet that has nothing to do with the Russian troll farms and their constant attempt to Boost Trump.
Faggots ,degenerates and treasonous cunts own companies and NGO's like Share Blue to run troll farms that employ useful idiots like you to cover up the crimes of the so called elite and swamp creatures by projecting their own crimes onto their enemies.
You are a useful idiot that will be the first against the wall if your employers ever get their way but your too dumb to learn from history.
In also think that Trump is an idiot by the way so your usual retort of calling me a Trumper or maga fool doesn't work against me.
Both sides are terrible for the people but the Democrats are the greater evil.
>everyone but me is stuck in 2016
>everyone but me is /pol/
The irony

Is /pol/ in the room with your right now?
>jewdicial system
a jewdicial system would work in Trump's favor
The fines lay the groundwork for escalating punishments for repeated violations. First there was a warning, then a gag order when the warning was ignored, then these fines for repeated violations of the law. If these do not serve as a deterrent, perhaps 30 days in jail will compel the defendant to respect the rule of law
I hope you're the first to die when SHTF, lumpenfascist retard
eVeRyOnE I dOnT LIeK iS A sHaReBleU Shill
you are like a child stumbling into a discussion between adults, injecting your verbal diarrhea and fouling the air for everyone.
please consider killing yourself ASAP
It's funny to see lumpen/pol/s repurposing the language used to expose their obsession with trans people :)
Shut up, crippledick.
He's right you know.
No just you.
There was the fact that Trump's family conspired with the Russians at his Tower, or his campaign head handing over campaign information to the Russians.
Or Trump burning one of the US's top spies in Russia, to the Russians, after he became president forcing the CIA to extract him to save his life.
>Jail everybody I don't like!
How very conservative of you
Are you projecting? Do you have erectile dysfunction?
>muh Trump Tower meeting
Daily reminder that, along with the entire debunked Russian-collusion narrative, was orchestrated by Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign


Reminder: Fusion GPS CEO was sworn and testified before congress and stated that:
-His firm, Fusion GPS, supplied the Russian lawyer with the info in the meeting
-Glen Simpson met with the Russian lawyer the days immediately before and after the meeting
-Fusion GPS has a previous relationship with the lawyer as she was involved with a lawsuit they were working on years before
Pipe down zippertits, superior-CIS people are talking
Who are you virtue signaling for this time?
>Trump's family conspiring with the Russians debunks the claim that Trump conspires with the Russians.
>Does nothing to refute the claim that Trump burned a top spy in Russia to the Russians.
>refuses to admit Russian-collusion narrative has been debunked 1000x times and was literally crafted by Fusion GPS and the Clinton campaign

Mueller time when?
>purposely leaving out that it wasn't debunked
The Bipartisan Senate Report which came out in 2020 contradicted the Mueller report.
Haven't killed yourself yet, huh?
Might wanna get on that if lying on a dead board is all you have to live fore.
Where's the lie? How much longer are you going to stay in denial?
>No ‘Hoax’: Bipartisan Senate Report Confirms Russian 2016 Role, Putin Ordered DNC Hack, More
Mueller confirmed crime and sent it to Bill Barr who killed the investigation. Bill even says now in interviews this week that he did it to protect Trump not because he thought there was no crime. Barr even said this week that he thinks Trump tried to steal the election but he doesn’t care and will vote for him again.

Corruption not even trying to hide.
Not him but there will always be contrarians. There are still people alive who think Richard Nixon did nothing wrong.
>If I keep pushing the lie that Trump conspiring with the Russians didn't happen it will come true!
Just ignore stuff like Trump's family conspiring with the Russians at his Tower, or his campaign head handing over campaign information to the Russians to use in their election interference.
>demoshill libshit pissbabies mad no one believes in Hillary's conspiracy theories anymore
Troon headcannon is wild
Why do terminally online conservatives continually bring up trans people?
Are they obsessed with them?
Projecting their own insecurities?
Anyway, it's good to see that Trump is starting to face consequences for his many crimes. $9000 here, $450 million there, $5 million over there, $83 million around there somewhere. More to come too I hear! Possibly jail! Maybe even an execution (firing squad, bing bong pow x_x)
Here we see the chud coping.

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