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Former President Trump on Wednesday confirmed he told Secret Service agents he wanted to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, while he mocked the claim that he lunged at officers in his vehicle when they refused.

Trump, speaking to supporters in Wisconsin, complained at length about his legal cases when he began attacking lawmakers who probed the Jan. 6 riots at the Capitol.

“Remember the person that said I attacked a Secret Service agent in the front of the car? It’s not my deal. I’m a lover, not a fighter,” Trump told supporters in Waukesha. “Remember that? And these are tough guys. You know these Secret Service guys, I hate to admit it, they’re slightly younger than me. Just slightly.”

Trump continued to mock the testimony of former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who told the congressional panel investigating that day she had heard from others that Trump “lunged” for the steering wheel following his speech near the White House in an apparent effort to veer toward the Capitol.

“This is crazy stuff. I sat in the back, and you know what I did say, I said ‘I’d like to go down there because I see a lot of people walking down,’” Trump said Wednesday. “They said, ‘Sir, it’s better if you don’t.’ I said, ‘Well, I’d like to … whatever you guys think.’ That was the whole one of the conversation. These people are crazy.”
Trump’s actions on Jan. 6, when rioters stormed the Capitol in an attempt to halt the certification of the 2020 election results, have been central to President Biden’s campaign for reelection, and they have been at the core of federal charges against Trump in Washington.

Hutchinson’s bombshell testimony before the now-disbanded Jan. 6 committee in 2022 raised new questions about Trump’s actions and his efforts to join supporters marching toward the Capitol.

The driver of Trump’s car on Jan. 6 disputed the testimony that Trump tried to take control of the car.

“[President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all,” the unnamed driver told the committee’s investigators, according to a report from House Republicans released earlier this year.

A copy reviewed by The New York Times, however, indicates the driver backed Hutchinson’s details about Trump’s insistence on joining supporters at the Capitol, making the demand to the driver as well as Bobby Engel, the head of former President Trump’s security detail on Jan. 6.

“The president was insistent on going to the Capitol,” recounted the driver, whose name was not disclosed.
>Trump Confirms He Was Going to Personally Lead
[citation needed] because nothing in your article supports that
what attack?
>Failed Coup
what coup?
>Cassidy Hutchinson, who told the congressional panel investigating that day she had heard from others that Trump “lunged” for the steering wheel
>she had heard
there's a reason hearsay isn't accepted as evidence
Honest question:Would you have supported Trump's rise to power if Mike Pence threw out the vote and the Supreme Court upheld it?
Imagine being a trump apologist
>he wanted to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021
Why else would Trump go to the capitol when Trump's hoard was assaulting it and he was encouraging their attacks?
>Should we trust everyone else
>Or Trump
If you pick Trump, you're part of a cult.
Who are you talking to?
>Imagine being a trump apologist
Arsonists want to watch their crime
But enough about Republicans.
Excuse me, you didn't answer my question:
Oh lawd, they're talking about Trump "trying to steal" his own car again.
Fuck man, it's been half a decade.
Trump's failed coup isn't going away you know. Historians will still be talking about it in 100 years.
>Excuse me, you didn't answer my question:


Democrats, FDR, etc, didn't put Jap. in concentration camps 81 yrs ago.
Democrats didn't create Jim crow.
Nazis didn't create a society of ants.
Human nature did.
look in the mirror.
We're all capable of doing this evil or at least looking the other way.
There's a few of us that say no, and serve as a moral compass that can make the rest of us(my self included) ashamed.
something about

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, the quote reads.

David Bromwich, Professor of English at Yale University:
“I don't know that anyone well known said this famous quote''.
President John F. Kennedy in a speech before Canadian lawmakers in Ottawa, on May 17, 1961.
"the thing that strikes you about this saying, on a moment's reflection, is how little sense it makes: the silence of good men isn't the only thing necessary for the triumph of evil. The persons advancing the evil, whether in command or the rank-and-file, must be strong and determined; and the lukewarm must be either cowed into submission or willing to go along because the evil seems to prosper”.
All the historians will be eaten by blacks fresh out of Africa in 100 years when there's 8 billion of them.
So 'yes'
>spend months on end ranting to his base about how cassidy hutchinson is a liar and nothing she said actually happened
>makes a casual admission in conversation that in fact confirms what she said was true
i often wonder how much farther down the authoritarianism slope we'd be by now if trump was even just an eensy weensy bit less of a moron
What does that have to do with my question?
That's not fascism though. Fascism is the subjugation of the individual to the nation. It's a form of collectivism.
>Demoshill libshit pissbabies still mad no one believes their "he said that she said and the said that he heard Trump attacked secret service agents" hearsay testimony
>former White House aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who told the congressional panel investigating that day she had heard from others that Trump “lunged” for the steering wheel following his speech near the White House in an apparent effort to veer toward the Capitol.
>The driver of Trump’s car on Jan. 6 disputed the testimony that Trump tried to take control of the car.
>“[President Trump] never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all,” the unnamed driver told the committee’s investigators, according to a report from House Republicans released earlier this year.
So literally uninvolved people are repeating 3rd party hearsay, and both the individual involved and the secret service agent who was driving said it never happened.

Why tf do Dems cling to fake news and rumors like children?
Trumps actually right for once, these people are crazy.
the driver, with absolutely zero motive to cooperate with the investigation, corroborated it
No, he did not. Because it didn't happen.
>Gets pre-debunked before he even posts by >>1292241

>from House Republicans
So no creditable source, gotcha
>doesn't provide a source
>thinks he gets to say other sources that debunk his claims aren't credible
Lmao, no
How did you get this confused?
>[citation still needed]
A citation isn't needed. Learn to google if you're still confused.
Would you have supported Trump's rise to power if Mike Pence threw out the vote as requested and the Supreme Court upheld it?
Says the party of people who believed in voter fraud conspiracies because a bunch of random hearsay testimony from random Trump supporters who saw a guy carrying a box.
>unnamed driver
Why is everyone else putting their name on record fine, unless it's the Republicans trying to damage control for Trump?
>A citation isn't needed.
Thank you for admitting that you made it up
I did make it up. I'll do anything to give any Dem some sloppy toppy. And since I'm a Canadian, it doesn't matter if I spread disinformation to fuck up your country, because I'll have already done MAID before the next US president takes office.
Imagine not liking Trump in general
Why tf are people so upset about what people think or say now? Everyone's got an identity that is more important than what they do. Meanwhile we've got murderers, paedos, and thieves in jail or walking free, and corrupt politicians and businessmen scamming us all. But ideology is the real battleground. Absurd.
Liars and swindlers like him are rarely liked.
This level of cope
Because murderers, pedos, and con artists are the only people trying to get into politics and business.
So if I run for office does it mean I'm automatically a pedo and a con artist?
No, but if you’re a demoKKKrat it does.
QAnon is Donald

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