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The North Carolina Republican Party on Saturday came under fire for a Star Wars-themed post meant to celebrate the "May the Fourth" internet holiday and promote Donald Trump.

The official account of the North Carolina Republican Party on Twitter, posted an image showing Trump holding a lightsaber. The text says, "May the Fourth Be With You," which is a play on the Star Wars line, "May the force be with you."

The problem, as social media users were quick to point out, is that the ex-president was shown with a red lightsaber. According to Vox, "Sith usually use red-hued" lightsabers, such as the one Darth Vader wields.

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National security attorney Bradley Moss wondered if the state GOP outpost was ignorant.

"You gave him... a red lightsaber? Do you know anything?" he asked Saturday.

Democrat Harry Sisson said, "You know the dudes who have the red lightsabers are the bad guys, right? Didn’t watch the movie I guess?"

@Venti__Poet chimed in in response to the post, "At least you know he is on the dark side."

@cj_bria said, "So, he’s a Sith Lord? Sounds about right!"

User Nick Anderson, @NickAnderson217, had a slightly different take from others.

"People are too hung up on the fact it's red... y'all why did they make his saber so small?" Anderson asked.

One user, @t3hrobzlqx, looked into things a bit.
"Something about this irked me, so I did some research. First of all, the fact that they gave him a Red Lightsaber for this while Red has traditionally been associated with the Sith and the Empire should tell you that either the person who created this meme doesn't know a thing about Star Wars, or that they know exactly what they're doing and somehow think that the Sith/Empire are the good guys," they wrote. "Second, I was curious about whose Saber they gave him because it didn't explicitly remind me of anyone's saber. I had to Reverse Image search it, but I found that this is a design from one of the many Lightsaber Storefronts online, that doesn't belong to any on-screen character from the series. The pictures they use even have the blade color as Blue, so they straight up changed it to Red. I know that 'Republicans are Red (as are Maga hats) and Democrats are Blue,' but they could have taken from literally an entire rainbow of colors to evoke 'Oh, it's a lightsaber,' but they insisted on making his lightsaber Red."

They concluded:

"As a Star Wars fan, I frankly find this cheap attempt to gain my vote more insulting than anything that Star Wars fans have ever taken issue with. This is probably the most embarrassing cash-in I've ever seen, and I've ACTUALLY WATCHED the Star Wars Holiday Special in its entirety, unironically, multiple times."
That tracks: most Republicans don't realize they're the villains
I guess it couldn't possibly have anything to do with the fact that the party color is red.
It's funny because Democrats are actually the villains.
And they never realize it.
>/pol/ in charge of memeing
If that's the case, it shows Republicans are totally ignorant of what they're using to try and pander to people.
Because ... star wars?

I don't think anyone really cares. Just the faux outrage faggot patrol.
It's absolutely not a meme.
The hints are already there.
Killing babies.
Aligning with Satanists, jews, and jewish, satanist billionaires.
The fact that you can't see it is astounding.
>No one cares
Except you had the conservative media lose their shit over Mark Hamil being at the White House. It's clear they do and the double standard where Trump always gets a free pass.
Mr. Trump really isn't all that bad. People don't realize that he and Mr. Biden even enjoy having conversations and a drink with each other on their personal time. I dunno if anyone knows why he uprights his fist in empowerment however I have a weird feeling he knows about my encounter with the Prince Andalite. It's like he's spreading the news that we've already made contact since a long long time ago. I hope he doesn't spend time in jail just for that hush money nonsense. I'd adore that he and Mr. Biden enjoy their time off with a new president elected this year but what ever. It was suppose to be the face behind the public one btw. The true and actual villain and all that hulabuloo.

"Freedom is not free." - ???

I salute you former president.
>People don't realize that he and Mr. Biden even enjoy having conversations and a drink with each other on their personal time.
>Prince Andalite
That's animorphs, right? Take your fuckin meds.
"I know you are but what am I?" Really?

Reporting for underage b&
But enough about Republicans.
Trump would absolutely sell out Earth to the Yeerks.
>some people say that Tobias was an idiot for staying in the form of a hawk for more than two hours. I don't say that, but some people do..
>they're not sending their best, folks. they've got an entire pool of little yeerks in our borders, stealing our homes and our jobs. we gotta get 'em out. they are animals, folks, real inhuman monsters.
I FUCKING love childish fan fiction.
>Acting like Yeerks don't mind control people and would bother making deals at all
Try reading a book, faggots.
>Implying there weren't humans who betrayed humanity
You should read it first.
That's the Republicans you're talking about dude.

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