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Donald Trump has booked a one-way ticket to jail, and the judge overseeing his ongoing New York criminal trial on Monday said he’s ready to send him there at any moment.

New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan started the fourth week of Trump’s trial with a speech that’s more than a year in the making, explaining why he hasn’t yet thrown the politician into the slammer—making what he called his final warning to the former president.

“I’ll find you in criminal contempt for the tenth time,” Merchan said in a stark tone. “It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent. Therefore, going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction. Mr. Trump, it’s important to understand the last thing I was to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next one as well.”

Trump keeps ignoring the judge’s order forbidding him from speaking publicly about witnesses and jurors in a menacing way, something that the former president keeps doing anyway on social media. Merchan last week fined Trump $9,000 for nine separate violations of a previous gag order—a step he only took after making repeated warnings.

I dont know why he even goes...
Oh no! Another fine! Ohhhh man I'm sure they're really going to jail him next time! Whatever will us MAGATARDS DO?

Nobody cares, faggot. Clownworld on display.
You sure know how to make normal people cringe.
Hundreds of millions of people care
Since I have no power to change things, I care little.
I don't vote.
If nobody voted, the duopoly would have to admit their veneer of democracy is a sham.
I seriously doubt even a small percentage of these people know or care that Trump got his 10th contempt fine for $1,000. It's just libshit masturbation material.
You're retarded and/or underage. 95% of voting is local and non-party affiliated.
Who gave you the "serious doubts" and why were you that gullible to listen to them?
Trump has been in and out of court his entire life. Long before he ever became a politician he was in legal trouble over and over again.

How do you reconcile this fact with your claim that all his current legal trouble is fake and manufactured to hurt him politically?

I really wish a single Trump supporter could answer this question when they spout over and over that Trump is being railroaded. Is that just a big coincidence?
Honestly he looks much better bald without the birds nest of a hairstyle.
Literally begging him to stop violating court orders instead of just throwing him in jail like would happen to anyone else.
It's insane how the whole world bends over backwards to accommodate him and not upset his cult, and they still scream and cry every day about how oppressed they are.
Schools out, did you need a juice box?
Getting sued in civil court is completely different than facing manufactured criminal charges from the government. It isn't really that hard to understand, but I know you don't have the ability to do so, so I can figure you. God makes all different kinds.
Forgive* not figure. Sorry.
Trump WANTS to go to jail so he can harp on it forever and make himself out to be Nelson Mandela. Yet another thing he does that is so blatantly obvious to anyone with a triple digit IQ.
>95% of voting is local and non-party affiliated.
Local is even less representative than fr POTUS and Federal.
tRump gave billionaires tax break in 2018.
My vote for local rep. amounts to shit
Nelson Mandela was a criminal though.
>Kangaroo court judge continues to be a kangaroo judge
Of course it's a spic too lmao I bet he has relatives lined up on the border.
Normal people don't shove their faces full of pins, dye their hair the color of seaweed, and have to explain their gender identity with a flowchart.
No but he does donate to ActBlue and has a daughter that works for the DNC.
the orange stinkernel doesn't have any of mandela's accolades
>has a daughter that
NPC just like hunter.
>if democracy didn't exist...
>democracy... wouldn't exist!
a stunning deduction, mr holmes
Are you insinuating that manufactured civil charges are not a thing?
You're right, we should only let judges who politically align with defendants and don't have any family members that politically disagree with defendants preside over trials. I mean, do you make these same arguments about the supreme court or do you just selectively use baseless claims of bias to dismiss rulings that make you feel bad?
>Guilt by association
Good job confirming Trump is a Russian spy then.
I only want Trump locked up, if they have to take his official height and weight.
That would damage him much more than jail time.
You speak as if the defendant is merely a registered Republican and the Judge is merely a registered Democrat. The judge and his daughter have and continue to spend time and money to keep the defendant from being president. You can't refute that.
Here, I'll explain it for you slowly.

Getting sued in civil court means either somebody is paying a bunch of money to a lawyer with an expectation that they'll win, or the lawyer is taking the case on contingency with the expectation that they'll win. Pushing to file a lawsuit without proper grounds could mean you're paying legal fees for both sides if you lose. Generally speaking, there's a lot of money to be gained or lost depending on what the lawsuit is about. Anyone can file a lawsuit for any bullshit reason, but money talks. Bullshit lawsuits usually get settled before it gets to court.

When the state/federal government files criminal charges against you, they don't pay their own legal fees. Their budget is infinite. The penalties are much higher, both financially and in imprisonment. There is no penalty for the state/federal government filing bullshit criminal charges against anyone. At most, the taxpayers may end up paying damages to the falsely accused; but the judges, cops and lawyers involved in the process don't.

Can you give me any examples of Donald Trump being charged with criminal misconduct before he became president? Do you understand the difference now between civil suits and criminal charges?
>The judge and his daughter have and continue to spend time and money to keep the defendant from being president. You can't refute that.
I don't need to refute it. Its irrelevant. I noticed you didn't answer my question. Do you feel the same way about the supreme court? Do you think Clarence Thomas should recuse himself from all trials involving Trump because his wife lead the "stop the steal" movement?
>Clarence Thomas's wife lead the "stop the steal" movement
I'll take bullshit that never happened for $1,000 Alex.



Womp womp. Imagine being this fucking wrong when all it would've taken is 30 seconds on Google to check.
They might not release that info
>Conflating some random text messages with being the leader of a group
Ok faggot, whatever you say.
>proof? i'll just cover my eyes
Presumably this is a charitable organization registered with the government that's required to list their employees, right? Link me that, I'll take a look and see if anyone named Thomas is on the board.
They should, Republicans loved to publish that information when they got it on BLM protestors.
I'll concede the entire "leader" point. The judge nor his daughter are the "leaders" of any political movement, yet you say he's not capable of giving a fair ruling. Well, Clarence Thomas's wife is a supporter of "Stop the Steal". Is Clarence Thomas of the supreme court incapable of giving a fair ruling? Same standard. Lets see if you're a raging hypocrite or not.
Wow, I definitely wont be voting for Clarence Thomas's wife after this
>Can you give me any examples of Donald Trump being charged with criminal misconduct before he became president?

tRump didnt live in a glass house then.
many rich crooks know enough to keep a low profile.
tRump is an ego maniac and he deserves everything he's gotten.

>He looks much better bald

>Forgive* not figure.
naw, freudian slip.
You think you're smarter than most people.

dunning kruger effect
many such cases

>jews rape kids
Nazis are pedos(See the Movie 'The Damned' 1969)
>Is Clarence Thomas of the supreme court incapable of giving a fair ruling?
I would judge it on a case-by-case basis; which is the only thing that makes sense. It's what they're supposed to do.

Regardless of whether or not I think this specific judge should recuse himself from the case, it's absolutely Trump's right to criticize the judge, his staff or his daughter and point out their personal political bias. If we're being honest, the charges are all bullshit and no Democrat president is facing the same sort of scrutiny that Trump is now, nor have they ever. When is Obama going to be indicted for the murder of the 16 year old American citizen he killed in Yemen without a trial? Never, obviously.
Shame on you idiots for taking his bait. DNC shills derail conversations when you make a good argument.
Poor guy. He might end up in jail for a day after intimidating witnesses and jurors. Clearly this is the work of the deep state
Did you read his "intimidating statements"...
No. Ofc you didnt. Why would you? Someone else tells you what to think.
I read about half of them, but as the judge explained:This is the tenth time. It's impossible to keep up with every time this man breaks a law.
Isn't that the entire purpose of the judicial system? Do you really believe they do/should have the authority to just say, "Well we know this guy is guilty again, forget the normal process" ?
No, but a Judge thinks he should be found in contempt and I have no reason to see why his judgement is might be unfair given the current history.
So just this one time you're fine with ignoring how the law is supposed to work, because orange man bad?

Ok. I'm sure you would never be unfairly condemned by a judge. Peon.
What do you mean? Is there something you have a problem with on the ruling?
Yeah, like I said already, no judge has the right to quash criticism of himself or government agents. (his staff, his daughter working for Chuck Schumer, etc) It's basic 1st amendment shit. If Donald Trump doesn't have basic 1st amendment rights, you can bet your sweet faggot ass nobody else does either. You're only allowed to talk as long as you say the things big brother approves of.

Even if you're a glownigger shill, surely deep down in your HRT, vax-riddled brain you should be able to understand that giving that sort of power to a human bring over other human beings is wrong. Right?
Why are you getting so angry and aggressive? Gag orders have been a thing for a long time.
>Gag orders have been a thing for a long time.
Putting innocent people in prison has been a thing for a long time, too.
Innocent? He violated the gag order 10 times.
Your desire to completely ignore the fact that Trump is also on trial for using his words to drum up a coup on the democracy and creating a violent mob with his words shows your inherit bias.

In reality, anyone can see the danger of his words in relation to his nutbag cultist followers who will betray kill for him.
>Still thinks the DNC is a thing
/pol/ still stuck in 2016 I see.
Free speech shouldn't be illegal.
>Your desire to completely ignore the fact that Trump is also on trial for using his words to drum up a coup
There's already very specific legal definitions in place for inciting violence, and Trump didn't come anywhere close to it.

You faggots insist you can rewrite the law ad hoc to get the outcome you desire. The only outcome from that is that the law doesn't matter any more; might will make right, and you faggots are delusional, soft marshmellow xers.
You should've said something earlier, years before the trial of you don't like gag orders. Those are he rules. Those have been the rules.
When they come to line you up against the wall, don't expect anyone else to lift a finger except to pull the trigger, glownigger.
Why are you simping this hard for Trump? Honest question. Personally if some leftist came out with 4 indictments, I would probably drop them or at the bear minimum wait until the verdict to say anything. I find it mind boggling that you invest this time and money in an obvious crook.

Just move in and endorse someone else. That's how life works.
So you are a legal expert and a terrible hate monger bigot? Interesting.
*Move on
Trump's tax breaks affected everyone, Dems complain because they live on the public cash flow.
Clickbait and obvious samefagging go together like peanut butter and chocolate.
Show me in the Constitution where it says you get the right to talk about a Judge's personal life in a public space after he specifically tells you to stop doing that.
Judges can hold you in contempt for basically anything they consider to be offensive to the court; the rules are very loose. If you repeatly call a Judge a biased fuck during the course of YOUR court hearing, what do you think is gonna happen to you?
>I would judge it on a case-by-case basis; which is the only thing that makes sense. It's what they're supposed to do.
Its the same case. The judge's daughter is active in political activity opposed to Trump. Clarence Thomas's wife is active in political activity that is opposed to Joe Biden. Its the same situation but the difference is one person is on your political team and the other is not therefore you have two different standards.

>Regardless of whether or not I think this specific judge should recuse himself from the case, it's absolutely Trump's right to criticize the judge, his staff or his daughter and point out their personal political bias.
Firstly, no he doesn't have a right. He doesn't have a right to violate a gag order. You're just wrong on that. Secondly, Trump has demonstrated no bias. His accusation is "The judge's daughter disagrees with my politics therefore he's incapable of giving me a fair trial". Its completely baseless. "Any judge who doesn't share my politics is bias and can't give me a fair trial" is a retarded claim with no legal precedent.

>If we're being honest, the charges
Thanks for proving that you have zero interest in actually witnessing the trial or the evidence. Trump is your guy therefore you give no fucks about the rule of law.

>When is Obama going to be indicted for the murder of the 16 year old American citizen he killed in Yemen without a trial? Never, obviously.
Yes, of course. Its not against U.S law for for the military to kill someone overseas without at a trial, you moron. Nice pivot to some irrelevant shit, though.
>Can't refute the evidence
Womp womp
>Dems complain because they live on the public cash flow.
Wait a minute I thought they were corporate elites?
Yes? These aren't contradictory statements.
>corporate elites
>living on public cash flow
Where exactly did you think the contradiction was?
They are. Not sure what point you're trying to make here
It's a gossip piece.
Trump has a First Amendment right and when he's being railroaded he has every right to say so. Cope.
the judge is in contempt of humanity and deserves to be judged by a higher power he is not worthy and trump will strip his title once he becomes blessed by god and claims his rightful place as emperor of the americans
you're a twat with no self-awareness who deserves to be in trump's concentration camp once he comes to term. all you're doing is self-projecting
I'll take "big empty threats" for $500, Alex.
Imagine being this much in denial
Trump is used to doing the railroading himself when he gets railroaded by someone else it's especially painful for his cult of followers

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