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A dozen Republican senators on Monday sent a letter warning International Criminal Court chief prosecutor Karim Khan not to issue arrest warrants for senior Israeli officials, days after the British lawyer cautioned against efforts to try to sway the court.

“Target Israel, and we will target you,” the senators, led by Sen. Tom Cotton, warned in the letter. “Such actions are illegitimate and lack legal basis, and, if carried out, will result in severe sanctions against you and your institution.”

Sens. Mitch McConnell (minority leader), Rick Scott, Tim Scott, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio also signed the letter, amid increasing concern in Israel that the UN court could issue arrest warrants for senior political and military officials over the nearly-seven-month-old war in Gaza, including against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and IDF Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Herzi Halevi.

As reports swirled of US and Israeli efforts to dissuade the court from issuing arrest orders, the ICC prosecutor said on Friday that, while the ICC “welcomes open communication” with government officials and non-governmental bodies alike, it will only engage in such dialogue so long as it is “consistent with its mandate under the Rome Statute to act independently and impartially.”

“That independence and impartiality are undermined, however, when individuals threaten to retaliate… should the office, in fulfillment of its mandate, make decisions about investigations or cases falling within its jurisdiction,” he added, demanding that “all attempts to impede, intimidate or improperly influence its officials cease immediately.”
Nevertheless, the senators charged in the letter that the ICC “is attempting to punish Israel for taking legitimate actions of self-defense against their Iranian-backed aggressors. In fact, in your own words, you witnessed ‘scenes of calculated cruelty’ conducted by Hamas in Israel following the October 7 attacks.”

Khan visited Israel in December 2023 at the request of families of Hamas hostages. During his visit, he toured some of the communities attacked during the October 7 Hamas onslaught, including Kibbutz Be’eri and Kibbutz Kfar Aza, and heard testimonies from survivors of the massacre.

“These arrest warrants would align the ICC with the largest state sponsor of terrorism and its proxy. To be clear, there is no moral equivalence between Hamas’s terrorism and Israel’s justified response,” the senators wrote.

The war in Gaza erupted after Hamas’s October 7 massacre, which saw some 3,000 terrorists burst across the border into Israel by land, air and sea, killing some 1,200 people and seizing 252 hostages, mostly civilians, many amid acts of brutality and sexual assault.

Vowing to eliminate the terror group and return the hostages, Israel launched a wide-scale operation in Gaza that has come under international rebuke as the death toll mounts and UN bodies warn of looming famine.

The senators’ letter also noted that the ICC is only allow to charge individuals from countries in which the government is “unwilling or unable to police themselves.”

“You yourself have said that ‘Israel has trained lawyers who advise commanders and a robust system intended to ensure compliance with international humanitarian law.’ By issuing warrants, you would be calling into question the legitimacy of Israel’s laws, legal system, and democratic form of government,” the senators wrote.
“If you move forward with the measures indicated in the report, we will move to end all American support for the ICC, sanction your employees and associates, and bar you and your families from the United States,” the letter stated. “You have been warned.”

In recent weeks, Israel has reportedly told the US that the Palestinian Authority may be pushing the court to issue the arrest warrants and warned that it would retaliate against the PA if they came to be.

Last week, Axios reported that US Congress members from both parties had warned the ICC that Washington would also retaliate against the court, including by passing legislation that would sanction ICC officials, if it issues the potential warrants, amid fears that such a move could sink a hostages-for-truce agreement in the works between Israel and Hamas.
Doesn't surprise me that Republicans continue to deeply devour the collective schlongs of Zionism.
Democrats are hopelessly corrupt and full of fraudsters, and Republicans care more about religious zealotry than common sense.

Really wish we just had a common sense party to vote for.
Don't forget, Romney also gave away why Republicans pushed through the Tik Tok ban.
It was because Tik Tok was a way to cut through Israeli propoganda for the public and show their war crimes.
>pro terrorist = common sense
Okay retard
>ask ally to stop committing warcrimes
>retards immediately assume you must support hamas
This is line of argumentation is literally the reason why Israel is losing global support. And why the GOP is probably going to lose 2024.
Good list of Reps that need to be primaried here.
I don't pay these faggots to advocate for Israel continuing to steal land that they stole.
>pro terrorist
USA: Here's a cookie, be a good satellite, no need to be 'TERRORIZED' by that big stick behind my back.
What authority do these fucking asshats have over the ICC??
>We will come after you ..
Wtf?? Found the red commie senators... Wasnt expecting Cruz on there.. but i kinda figured.
They think they're doing God's work cuz of a Bible passage that doesn't mean what they think
you will be left behind on this ̶p̶l̶a̶i̶n̶ plane of existence aka HELL.

Common sense is taking care of the terrorist threat right outside your front door. Its not the fault of the Israelis that the terrorists use human shields. If it was up to far left idiots, every democratic nation would never fight and would be trying to negotiate non stop, while terrorists and dictators kill civilians unimpeded.
Common sense tells me we got more jews to burn if we want world peace.
>why aren't you outraged about that time the world was made of cheese? huh?
>yeah that's what i thought you subhuman world-cheese sympathizer
even if hamas was using civilians as human shields as often as the IDF spox insist, israel would still be in the wrong by choosing to drop the bombs anyways
I wonder what the Jews will call the camps they force the Palestinians to "concentrate" into.
>Its not the fault of the Israelis that the terrorists use human shields.
Anon, 'human shields' is a lie.
Israel likes to assert that Hamas is hiding under every school, bakery, playground, hospital, ambulance and church because they are ethnically cleansing the region.
Also, even if Hamas was holding women and children hostage, that still wouldn't be an excuse to bomb crowds of non-combatants.
>Common sense is taking care of the terrorist threat right outside your front door.
Israel is the terrorist threat right outside the front door of every country around them.
It's among the arabs. Let the Turks and the Saudis work it out. They know what to do.
>bombs towns and sends the general populace running
>"we will not bomb you if you go to said refugee camp"
>bomb said refugee camps
>"we will not bomb you if you give up the hostages that may or may not exist"
>bombs a few of their own men anyways
hamas will forever exist as long as the kikes keep up their genocide campaign. oct 7th was the start, in enough time it will happen in tel aviv or in an even more densely populated area, and their cause will continue to stregthen.
That's the crazy thing: this campaign ONLY makes sense if Israel just wants Gaza depopulated. They've destroyed infrastructure, bombed the Parliament and Supreme Court, destroyed empty colleges and universities "because engineers might help Hamas some day." Meanwhile, they've ignored what should be real military targets.

They have no actionable goals. They probably KNOW "eliminating Hamas" is impossible, not without razing Gaza to such an extent they run through the global supply of all bombs. So they're settling for pain compliance and fomenting a humanitarian crisis that squeezes out the Palestinian population. And they'll pin a fucking medal on their own chest after the fact.
You left out the part about how Israel is radicalizing an entire generation of children against Israel. The (surviving) kids who used to live in Gaza are never going to forget how their lives were destroyed.
>anti-colonialist = pro-terrorist
You do not exist.
>two groups of brownoid gangs in close proximity to one another's turf
>one weak gang (hamas) "supposedly"* manages to attack the other infinitely more powerful gang (israel) on their turf (* israel had tons of forewarning of the ensuing attack, not up for debate)
>the infinitely more powerful gang reacts to this "supposed'" attack by killing hundreds of thousands of rival gang members on their home turf
would the police in new york or la put up with this ongoing attack from the more powerful gang?

no? then why is israel getting a pass from the "authorities"?
The ICC is blatantly controlled by Islamic extremists and those they pay off with oil money. Fuck'em.
>surviving in Gaza
They just have to render all of Gaza unlivable, kill off as many as they can with disease, exposure, famine, and war crimes, get the rest to panic into the Egyptian desert to die, and then shut the border behind them. A few well placed bombs in the border wall either from Hamas fighters looking to escape or Israeli operatives looking to cause a human stampede, and enough internal pressure on the populace, and Gaza is no longer Israel's problem. They can let settlers clean up the rest with summary executions or kettling the limited number of survivors into heavily monitored tent villages that can be burned down in riots at their leisure.

tl;dr why would Israel let any Gazans continue to survive in Gaza? It'd get in the way of redevelopment by Israelis.
>would the police in new york or la put up with this ongoing attack from the more powerful gang?
You realize LAPD actually has internal gangs, right?
There is literally nothing wrong with supporting Hamas. They are honorable freedom fighters who are fighting a rapist genocidal death cult that masquerades as a society

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