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Why would you want other people to see you before you see them? That would make me very uncomfortable, like sitting at the very first table in the break room with your back to entrance. I don't own a single piece of clothing or gear that is any color except Earth brown, olive drab green, and stone grey. The whole point of going out in the woods is escaping humanity and becoming invisible and being left the fuck alone.
I wear all multicam with a matching bag and I get weird looks from the colourful fags.
>Earth brown, olive drab green, and stone grey

>becoming invisible
They don’t. The worst you could come up with is sky blue (normal) and red (normal). This is a meme from the 90’s that simply won’t die.
Yes they do. I see it all the time. 90% of people I encounter on trails are wearing bright, conspicuous colors. I can see them moving from 120 yards through thick new growth.
they don't care because they are not paranoid and/or autistic
If they fall down they want someone to see them before they die. What retard would hike on the Appalachian Trail in military camo ?
You can literally get lost from the trail at night when you go take a piss if you do not pay attention to what you are doing.
So it's easier to spot them from height when they get lost.
No, they don’t. You’re making things up, and it’s fucking stupid.
If you're lost then just hang a blaze orange bandana on your person. No reason to permanently lock yourself in to looking like a fag at all times. Also, you can't hunt birds in bright colors. Turkey and ducks are some of the most useful survival foods because of how easy it is to find these animals during the daytime, but they see colors very well. You also need to be able to hide from dangerous people who mean you harm. You might not even have cell service to call the police in the woods.
How the fuck can you get lost when every phone has gps and there are hundreds of free offline map apps now? Real life is literally Skyrim. I go miles off trail on a regular basis and don't give a fuck.
>So autistic he dislikes even being perceived
Yeah, total mystery. Can't even begin to figure it out.
It is an extremely unnerving experience to suddenly notice someone on the trail who is already looking at you when you spot them. I don't like it.
Maybe they should wear some more bright colors so you can see them sooner.
I'm trans and tripple vaxxed btw not sure if that matters
You definitely are, yeah.
I don't think that was op
It very obviously was, though.
humiliation ritual
i think it's funny to wear loud ridiculous clothes
>That would make me very uncomfortable,
This is because your brain doesn't work very well.
The onlg reason to go retard bright colors is if you are afraid of getting lost and would want to be seen. But the real reason all the people itt are salty about this is that they buy their gear on clearance and only the ass ugliest colors are ever left in the clearance section. Normal people would buy muted or normal colors like navy or burgandy or forest green or brown or grey or black. But those colors don't go on clearance. What goes on clearance is electric blue with neon yellow suppers.
so they dont get hit by cars. Nothing more retarded than someone wearing full camo, dark colours at dusk by the road
Enjoying getting shot by drunken rednecks I mean hunters.
They think it'll help the helicopter find their jacket when it's in a log jam after being ripped from their body when they tried to cross a flooded stream.
People have liked wearing bright colors since before recorded history. Even uncontacted tribes have been spotted wearing brightly dyed cloth and/or body paint. You're just a mentally ill antisocial retard.
Or he just knows how to dress himself.
This, but unironically. I always think about it when I notice someone on the trail from several hundred yards away because they’re wearing a red jacket or something. Wearing loud colors for a quiet /out/ing has the same feel as driving around driving around with untinted windows
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>check regular colors
>full price
>check dipshit orange with electric retard blue stripes
>45% off
Gee I wonder why you guys are buying these
Only niggers and spics tint windows.
Gray is ugly, and does nothing to improve your own inherent malodorous hideousness.
686 disputes your whole argument. Imagine getting btfo by a company that uses Floyds for models lmoa
Poorfag cope
I agree for clothing and colors in regular settings, but in the woods it really looks like shit to have a pop of some bubblegum colors.
Not a response lmoa
You wear vans.
Technically speaking, blue is more easier to spot in the outdoors, even more than red.
That would depend on the saturation and value. A burgandy and navy would be pretty comparable. A burgundy #800020 would be more discreet than a neon blue #0cfff4. A navy #1c2e4a would be more discreet than neon red #ff073a
I miss going out in the 1990s and 2000s before Instagrammers turned the outdoors into a fashion show and popularity contest. The outdoors were better when they stayed in the cities where they belong.
You gotta look cool
Natural colour on the outer layers neon colour on the insides.

I do actually go outdoors during off season bad weather and do night time hikes. Summits etc. I do solo bivvy trips etc. so so signal colours are needed in case of emergency because I can't expect to have reliable signal. and I don't want to get blasted by some drunk hunter.

BUT if care this much what others wear you are an autistic spaz.
Because that's what's available at the local REI.
I get most of my cloths from the thrift store. I can get lightly used or in many cases totally unused high end clothing. The only thing I buy new are coats, hats, underwear, shoes and socks... the rest are thrift store treasures.
Learn to fix zippers bitches.
Congratulations, hikers have always liked bright colors. Also, you weren't even born then you zoomer faggot.
>I can see them moving from 120 yards through thick new growth.
well that means those outfits worked as intended
I'm sorry to tell you this, but you have severe autism and homosex.
If you don't know when big game seasons are, that is your fault. And if you do allow me to introduce you to something to put on OVER your normal colored clothing. How are you guys this fucking stupid
numales you mean
>calling anyone else mentally ill
Sounds like the multicam isn’t working then. STILLNESS is 95% of successful camouflage so if you’re wearing camo patterns to hike in bc you want to be hidden, uh lol you won’t be because you’re walking on a trail and obviously identifiable as a human. Very pointless to wear camo when you aren’t actually stalking anything.
That's a pic from the 1970s you god damn retard. The decade before smartphones and social media had more subtle colors and fewer people overall. You wouldn't know because you're a newfag who "discovered" the outdoors after iPhones came out. Kys.
multicam is kinda cucked anyway, unless his camping trips involve sniping terrorists in the afghan mountains. i can see something like a properly matched realtree or even flecktarn tarp being not completely useless though. i personally default to olive drab as my color of choice and introduce other/bright colors that make sense
>bright yellow guyline so i don't trip on it
>dark blue underquilt so i don't mistake it for the hammock
>bright red fuel bottle because it's a bottle of fuel
>bright teal wallet so i don't lose my $$$ and car key


>why isn't everyone as autistic as me?!?!?!?!
Just carry a blaze orange handkerchief
I could set up an ambush and mug them as easily as I could fall out of bed
Imagine pouncing on a trailtwink and just holding him down and dryhumping him. Humping and whispering in his ear how small and sexy he is. Not actually raping, just letting him know a man could and fear it for the rest of his life every time he goes on a trail hahahahaha
I have fantasized about meeting a hung stud on the trail and letting him take it...would be hot.
Apparently you're not a golfer
>umpteenth fashion thread devolving into overt gay fantasies
You're all gay, just different flavors of gay.
You mean you miss going outdoors when you still had knees
>mug them as easily as I could fall out of bed
On a completely unrelated topic, what race are you?
>different flavors
>not different shades
Missed opportunity
Lol, I like how he never responded to you because when you said "you might need to hide from dangerous people who want to do you harm", he knew he was wasting his time with a low IQ larper.

Can you give me a realistic example of needing camo for camping/hiking because of people wanting to do me harm? I'm trying to come up with some scenarios that are realistic, but none of them involve an apocalypto chase. I either die or survive the ensuing fight, but I will draw my CCW and shoot. And if I have to do that, it's probably because they attacked me as I'm hiking.
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For me, it's the flipper zero with a broadband rf jammer to make your cellphones not work. Then it's a pneu dart gun set up for a mule deer sized animal. Then... we'll see if you guys like my burried shipping container
>The whole point of going out in the woods is escaping humanity
nah, it's about enjoying the beauty of nature. just stay in your basement if you want to escape humanity.
t. eastoid hivedweller
How do you draw and shoot someone who has planned their approach for several minutes without you being aware of their existence? Why are you defending the practice of being conspicuous at all times for no reason? That is such an objectively stupid concept.
Only urban people think that way
Why would you need to "escape humanity" if you already live in the countryside?
>Why would you want other people to see you before you see them?
Most of them are planning for the moment the heli rescue team needs to spot their dead bodies easily.
People like me, for example, are comfortable with the fact that our earth tone clothes will mean not even wild animals will spot us until our remains start smelling.
We will become one with the Earth. Our clothes won't, because they're polyester, but we will.
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Lmao countryside. Nigga you a yuropoor
>he doesn't wear wool, leather, linen, cotton, hemp
Because there are still people and I still have to have a job
He's literally right.
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I bought an orange knock off sierra designs parka from Uniqlo because
*orange seemed to be the colour most associated with it.
*kind of a 1970s vibe that i liked.
*orange looks decent on me.
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Why does northern Finland have some civilization while Murmansk in Russia is completely empty?
Because the countryside is industrialised even in the most rural of places, atleast in the west.
>until our remains start smelling.
You fucking stink right now to a wild animal, they see the world through their nostrils.
This hurts.
It's like the Rainbow flag, it shows others that they're faggots.
>t. poor
Mom's basement doesn't count as /out/ my nigga.
Found the faggot. I've not seen my mom in over eighteen years, I own my home and go out every weekend because the Olympic Peninsula butts up against my property, so good job on being so wrong, faggot.
>buys clearance colors
>you're poor
It's because hunters exist and they don't want to get shot.
-a lot of them don't
-safety (hi vis)
-it became fashionable & common in design based on the hi vis
>deer season is usually november-early january
Ah yes, the prime time for hiking. And with plenty of sweet december foliage for a hunter to think I'm a deer!
Unfortunately, a lot of boomer hunters will shoot without properly IDing their target because they're eager to get the "deer" near the edge of the woods. That's why I always make a lot of noise until I'm far enough in that there aren't any people.
There are so many things stupid about this. 1. Deer are crepuscular and hunters only really see them at 5am-7am and 5pm-7pm. 2. Deer tags usually go to specific public land units or private land and the parks people hike in don't have legal hunting. And the common public land units sound like a war zone in the east and south where this would be a problem. In the west hunters usually glass their deer far before getting the chance to shoot them. 3. At that time of year the deciduous trees have nearly all lost their leaves and you're visable anyway. 4. Pic related. There is no reason to buy an ugly jacket
, a unitasker, you couldn't wear around town normally without looking stupid.
1. Boomers don't care
2. I live in the northeast and state forests are multi-use, also boomers don't care
3. See >>2713056
4. Boomers. Don't. Care.
Are boomers even allowed to use a rifle there? I lived in maryland before and it was muzzleloader/slugs only.
There is another solution
Fuck off, you never actually have to wear these for longer than an hour or two don't you?
based esl
>"I don't want to be shot by hunters/boomers/red necks!"
Skill issue, if you get shot then clearly you weren't camouflaged enough, you should be able to get close enough to record their voices & play them at different pitches to fuck with them.
I just have a multicam shirt because it was the cheapest abrasion resistance layer I could find that would also seal up well against the 8-legged blood balloons.
Yer welcum
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I have one of these.
Wearing bright colours is a good idea for two reasons:
1) Hunters exist, it's a good idea to make it clear you're not a wild animal
2) if something goes wrong, it's a lot easier for mountain rescue to spot someone wearing red than it is to spot someone wearing camos
>I can see them coming
They don't care retard, you're not in vietnam
Why don't we just take this to its logical conclusion.
I need people to see me, y'all! Safety first! Y'alll, there's redneck trump voters out there and I could get lost!
>Why would you want other people to see you before you see them. That would make me very uncomfortable.
Want to know what makes ME very uncomfortable? Getting shot.

>Like sitting at the very first table in the break room with your back to entrance
So you don't worry about getting shot out in the wild, where there could be some idiot out hunting, but you DO worry that someone might get you from behind at work? Are you doing ok?
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>Want to know what makes ME very uncomfortable? Getting shot.
What if they're trying to shoot you on purpose?
What the fuck do people think is going to happen if they answer their phone? They going to get the call from "Cell" or something? People I work with are like this. One of the fucking goblinoids found a phone in the park the other day and they genuinly took it to the police station because they got it into their heads that it was a drug dealers phone and he'd be angry if they tried to return it.
If I answer spam calls then the people making the calls know when I'm awake and double up on how much they do it. It's annoying as fuck.
"The wicked flee when no man pursueth, but the righteous go boldly as a lion."
Basically, you're gay.
This. And they add you to a list of schmucks who answer the phone
It’s mostly an east coast thing in my experience. I’ve seen it out west but yeah the REI pastel faggots usually like attention and being looked at and somehow believe in their mind that they are going to have to worry about getting lost on crowded clearly marked trails with rangers on them every couple of miles. They aren’t trying to be super hard core survivalists just get some exercise and enjoy pretty nature. They’re mostly middle class nerds.

Personally I tend to hike those types of places in fall when it isn’t as hot, crowded, or just stick to the way less commonly known spots. Either way brown Carhartt work pants to fuck off thorns and stickers, moisture wicking base layer, wool flannel, and my duck hunting jacket all repurposed from my hunting shit are what I usually wear. To each their own I guess.
Because if you take something off at camp and then later pack up to go, you're more likely to see your gear and not accidentally leave something behind. Especially when the conditions are adverse and you need to get a move on.
normies only care about being noticed / seen doing things, every action taken is for the purpose of bolstering the artificially supported, advertising-indoctrinated social media ego which has replaced their free will and personality.

very few people do anything uncomfortable or outdoorsy for the actual self-fulfillment or benefit to health. people who unironically just walk through the woods to walk through the woods are doing so to be SEEN doing it, to be SEEN taking the instagram selfie at that scenic overlook.

You've effectively fallen for their simplistic peacocking and have had your time and energy STOLEN just by discussing this

Go outside
You started off with a good point but then you got pretentious with it, so now I'm just going to tell you to go back faggot
Do normies seriously have that problem? I have never been in the habit of throwing shit all over the place and leaving it there. I have never lost anything important or expensive in my life.
Lions are nocturnal stealth predators. What a dumb scripture.
Nobody uses voice call anymore except scam artists and debt collectors. If you aren't texting or emailing me then we do not have business.
Most hunting accidents are people injuring themselves or their hunting partner with NDs, not random people in the woods being mistaken for wildlife.
The claim that a lot of people wear bright colors while hiking just proves you don’t hike around other people. It’s literally a non-issue. Yes autists, there are a few exceptions. But most people aren’t doing this.
Yes they are
Never underestimate an eastoids ability to söy up everythind
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>Why do backpackers wear hideous colors
Uhm... because it is based?

Grays and blues seem to be the most common, followed by muted pastels but in earth tones. I should add “bright colors” to this meme.
Trekking poles are the gayest shit I have ever seen in my life and objectively inferior to walking sticks.
Double gay.
Being gay is based and walking sticks and poles have different purposes.
>everyone is wrong except me
God damn you faggots are just insufferable. Get over yourself, Anon.
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This is what I wear. Too much?
You'll never see me in red, for what it's worth. I don't go full camo mode but bright colours are not my deal -- the idea that you see me way off before I see you is not a good feeling.
Imagine using a fucking stick to walk when you should constantly be scrambling. They're even less than usless in rocky areas. Why do easterners need them for their little hills? Is it the mud? Is the mud slippery?
Bipedalism is not functional in the mountains, especially heavily forested mountains with pervasive ground debris and obstacles. You would know that if you ever took one step off of a trail.
It's a good thing God gave me arms.
Poles (and natural sticks) are helpful for uneven terrain and stream crossings. This should be common knowledge to anyone who actually goes outdoors.

>constantly scrambling
Not applicable to most of the eastern US. Even in the exceptionally rugged Adirondacks and Whites you aren't CONSTANTLY scrambling on most routes.
Okay, then crawl around on all fours and see how well that works out for you.
>Even in the exceptionally rugged Adirondacks and Whites you aren't CONSTANTLY scrambling on most routes.

On trails? No. Off trail? Yes, obstacle clearance techniques basically become your default mode of locomotion and you will almost certainly succumb to a serious injury without a walking stick sooner or later. Attempting to take game via stalking while having your hands occupied with a rifle or shotgun is virtually impossible. In the southern Appalachians I actually attach a hook to my walking stick as a climbing aid and it's constantly in use whenever I'm bushwhacking. The Adirondacks were not quite so bad, still very dangerous country for people who don't understand basic climbing form though. Wear suspenders.
>east coast
The Appalachians are physically harder to navigate than probably any wild region in North America, in part because of the dense forest cover and the absolute mess of dead blow down trees that make up the forest floor. When I watch videos of people doing anything /out/ related out west it looks like they are frolicking around in teletubby land.
>No reason to permanently lock yourself in to looking like a fag at all times.
Fragile masculinity
>You also need to be able to hide from dangerous people who mean you harm.
>are physically harder to navigate than probably any wild region in North America, in part because of the dense forest cover and the absolute mess of dead blow down trees that make up the forest floor.
> When I watch videos of people doing anything /out/ related
maybe people who have no idea what they are doing and without any prior outdoor experience should not be walking those well kept trails just for the social media clout then

90% of people these days havent been taught how to use compass and map in middle school so how could they manage a straight basically paved road that has shops to cater to him calculated for every day walk
>imagine being /out/ with more than 20 pounds of gear
>imagine not knowing exactly what you brought, and exactly where it is at all times
Skill issue.
I'm in the east right now and I'm 20 miles from the nearest gas station. This isn't Europe.
How weak are you?
I just wear normal clothes with some boots in my pack is my wet weather gear. It really depends on the hike and length. The hideous colors and gear like that is just what the mainstream brands sell.
Lol. Might as well be. Appalachians are eaaasy to navigate. There's legit landmarks every couple miles in any direction.
>imagine needing to limit yourself to under 20 pounds of gear just so you can keep track of it
Skill issue, indeed
You're talking about trails. I'm talking about the wilderness. You can't see more than 50 yards most of the time, landmarks are completely useless.
>weight doesn’t matter
Let me guess: camping is supposed to be uncomfortable, right?
20lbs is how much my dick weighs. Buy a plate carrier and train.
Lmao wilderness on the east coast. Just look for the cracker barrel billboard and walk over to it.
Antisocial freaks should sui instead of dragging down society with them
>t has cancer in his dick
>t. got lost in Fremont park once, hasn't left Sacramento since
Neat. But this is the outdoors board, not the society board
Northern New England, upstate NY, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Kentucky are full of places where even the most experienced outdoorsmen could easily get lost and die, and where you could squat and live off the land for the rest of your life and probably never be found.
Eastern America is kind of like Japan, densely populated urban zones that abruptly transition into huge mountainous regions that are virtually uninhabited. The West has lower population density, but also way less forest, so it's not really comparable. Lots of shit is way too easy out west.
You leap around on all fours like a little fox.
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I love my bright jacket. If I hurt myself people can see me.
What are you hiding from, anyway? There's nothing out there.
Unironically, why do you look like that?
Mirin those thick and juicy elephant calves, bro.
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Counter example this absolute faggotron I saw at the top of kili I can only assume he was paid to wear this shit
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what's with all those tactical gears and clothes?

why can't you wear normal clothing?

straight jeans, a normal shirt and if it rains, a plastic bag.
Have you got your tactical stealth whistle in matt black too?
Hassans walls?
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cost 2 euro not 700 and protects you better then yours
More like Hassan Piker
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>What are you hiding from, anyway? There's nothing out there.
The crinkle is annoying and you look stupid
>I saw this guy this one time
Check your autism and give a serious effort to understand what averages and exceptions are.
There are people. I don't want people to see me before I see them. Most people are harmless but some are not and I want to scrutinize every single person I encounter without their knowledge and decide calmly whether I want to just continue on normally or go around them. If there's a bunch of guys on 4 wheelers with guns saying the N word in conversation then I'm not going to let them see me and I'm going to a quick press check.
>less forest
To be fair, this is because the west coast actually has mountains. There are rain forests in the west as well.
just going with the flow of the thread anon
You are a massive faggot
>4 bros hanging out plinking talking freely in nature
>"They said nigger! I better get ready to kill if needed!"
Are you actually black or just really sensitive?
I'm actually black and I've been a victim of unprovoked violence multiple times.
Neither of which proved OP’s point, because OP is just parroting memes.
Why are you leaving your designated containment zones? Who is funding you to move places like arizona and colorado? Why are you suddenly appearing?
Because Finland is a first world functioning state. Russia is a mongol scrapyard.
I grew up in the country and I will stay there. If anyone ever confronted me in a secluded area and I detected any kind of racial hostility however slight I will draw and fire upon that person instantly without any intermediate escalation or even a single word.
>I grew up in the country and I will stay there.
>If anyone ever confronted me in a secluded area and I detected any kind of racial hostility however slight I will draw and fire upon that person instantly without any intermediate escalation or even a single word.
But here you turn into the usual suspect again. Should've stopped at step 1.
I don't care. Black people largely deserve to be mistrusted and even hated, but when that is turned against me, I'm going to be the one who walks away. It's just survival.
>more Django: Unchained fantasies
Yeah man sorry can't help you with that.
Then what do you suggest I do? Give the other guy any fucking chance whatsoever to win when the stakes are life and death? Being called a larper is a very small price to pay to stay alive.
>in this scenario ive made up in my head a guy confronts me and calls me blackie and i shoot him because otherwise he would have surely shot me
>i spin my gun, tip my hat and say "nothing personnel kidd"
>i get on my horse (also black) and ride into the sunset
I'm sure all violence seems like a fantasy to you. Unfortunately for me it has been a recurring feature of reality. Sometimes that was my fault and I had options to avoid it. Other times that was not the case. Either way, I plan to win.
>Sometimes that was my fault
>Either way, I plan to win
Usual suspect.
If you ever see a black man on the trail, just make sure to be polite. That's the best policy with everyone anyway.
quads checked
You're not doing yourself any favors.
Statistics say that was done to you by other blacks
I've met maybe 3 other black people in my entire life
Then you're clearly a statistical outlier and your personal experiences mean absolutely nothing to anybody else and you're a fool if you think they're any kind of predictor of behavior.
So it's happened 3 times then?
that's not how statistics work, friendo
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part of me tells me i should logically own something bright if i ever get into trouble and need someone to find me
most of me knows if i ever die innawoods i will never be found because i was just too cool to walk along trails
No, everyone I've ever had a violent altercation with was white. Some of them were strangers who I did nothing to.
Brugly you need meds. Badly. It's not okay to be this schizophrenic.
I'd rather be schizophrenic than have a false sense of security
>unprovoked attacks
Pot to kettle
And saying nigger doesn't cound as provocation to attack someone.
Anyways stay strapped with your glawk fawty for killer racists coming out of the trees.
>The most predictable low rolling hills in the most populated region of America are the hardest to navigate
lol. lmao even.
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With the jacket zipped all the way up?
I just did it for the photo because I thought it would be kinda funny. It was drizzling though and I did have the hood up, just not zipped up like that.

Thank you homie

Hidden Gorge at Mount Remarkable

Not true. That guy's arms would get wet and his hood would fly off in the breeze. Plus that poncho would be sticky and not let out the sweat. Ponchos also don't work that well with a pack, and thin ones rip very easily since there is lots of extra material. If you have to buy a new one every time it's not very good.

I wouldn't worry about it

Hmm. Interesting point. If you are solo hiking in the middle of nowhere or a place where hardly anyone goes then perhaps I understand. People like myself who wear bright colours are usually on well known trails or safer areas in general when they do it. Many shell jackets are made for alpine conditions, so you can understand why people want to be easily seen in that scenario. You wouldn't want to blend in with the snow if an accident happened.
If you were real back-country and alone I can see that you'd be more nervous about your personal safety.
I also have a camo jacket if I want to do some more stealth camping type stuff.

I just think trying to look like you're hiding while on a public trail is a bit silly.

Pic is me on Mont Blanc with my camo shell jacket. Didn't climb the mountain, just took the cable car as we only had a day in Chamonix.
Go be disingenuous somewhere else, lad.
Lad... no. Just no.
This isn't true but I wish it were.
Perhaps you should stop hanging out with your family
Only faggots and women care what other people wear.
>nooo you're enjoying the outdoors wrong, I don't like the color of your jacket.
How fucked in the head do you have to be to actually think this?
Mystery meat asian?
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This only proves that the stupidest threads are the most engaged with threads.
Would you like another ten boot threads instead? Or maybe a savotta pack thread?
Anon, while a disposable poncho isn’t a very good choice, you’re wrong about them being “sticky” and not “letting out the sweat.” Ponchos work very well at being ventilated. Thats one of the reasons people use them despite their failures. And ponchos slip over backpacks.
those are definitely the only other options, right?
I’m not a kindergartener.
Unironically yes
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Grow up

I guess they do have the ultimate vented armpit hey? That makes them flap around a fair bit in the wind, though. Probably less good for driving rain or more severe conditions in general. You also have to get a certain type to slip over a big backpack otherwise it messes up the whole system and your entire back is exposed.
Here is my buddy from a hike. The poncho sorta worked well for him, but he ended up tucking it under the pack because the wind was just blowing it around with it draped over his pack.
>lives in western Washington
>calls people faggots
Pot, Kettle, etc.
Lad... don't be a disappointment to yourself. You're already a disappointment to me.
Nah this dude is megabased and literally living in your head rent free.
I honestly don't know what you're talking about, "lad".
I don't care at all if I've disappointed you. What have you ever done? Why do you think I should care? You are nobody.

I am very proud of the person I am. I have a wonderful wife, hobbies, and friends.
And those people you are describing don't wear bright colors. Social brained normies actually wear less bright colors than ever before because they are afraid of standing out. The only people that still wear bright colors are upper-middle class white people with strong values, humility and a self image that won't get shattered by someone not liking their color choice.
You guys ironically care more about your appearance more than the people you project onto that don't care.
The 1970s IS before smartphones anon...
based. the thrift store is pretty good for brand name synthetics, especially base layers. i did find my olive drab LL bean down parka on FB marketplace for $20 though

we don't use switchbacks, which is based. i've climbed some easy normie-tier mountains like mt success, that sometimes had long lengths of smooth wet granite. some of the harder mountains require you to basically climb up a series of boulders. also the large amount of fallen trees the second you go off trail to find a campsite. for me, it's the long trail

i was in the green mountains for the 1st stage of my eclipse journey and there were plenty of remote unpaved roads with very steep ascents and lots of sharp curves. it's the perfect place for some tesla faggot to kill his battery and roll backwards off the road just trying to get to the trailhead, which can be miles down another dirt road that abruptly ends

how stereotypical

lmoa even *
Then why are you dressing like one
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Well first of all people poach year round, and you just really don't want to scare other people in the woods and have them think you are a bear. You want them to know its a human asap.

Second reason hi vis makes sense is for rescue, pretty self explanatory but if your friend breaks their leg and you are both dressed in all black, by the time a rescue heli comes in at 6pm you would be tougher to spot.

Additionally if you are in real dangerous backcountry, for example foothills of the rockies in alberta where you will see bears every other week and share spaces with them. Some of these bears have been conditioned to be afraid of Hivis colors because of oil and gas and logging guys honking at them and giving them a hard time when they see them. This is part of the reason that yearling bears are so dangerous because they have not yet been trained.

Pic rel is a black bear that I had the pleasure of sharing a block with doing some forestry work, I basically followed him into the treeline but before I did I put a splash of diesel on my shoulder and test fired my spray onto my boot. It's all part of the deterrant package.
>absolute mess of dead blow down trees that make up the forest floor.
>trees out west dont blow down
I tend to agree but it does depend, and has more to do with the underlying geology than the tree typing. For example there are much more difficult to navigate types of forest like those in which it used to be swampy and all of the black spruce have since died creating walls and hurdles everywhere of extremely sharp impassable small trees. But because this happens in flat areas where water can accumulate the terrain isn't so rough and in the winter can even be said to be nice.

Contrast that with appalache you see rolling shield hills everywhere, loose rocks from glacial sedimentation, etc.

It really varies though because if you are walking through a mature forest offpiste the spruce trees with limbs all the way to the ground like you see in Kinbaskett, revelstoke, etc are very much impassable.
and just generally sharper, maples are really welcome compared to a hemlock or a pine, quite prickly.
>the West has lower population density, but also way less forest,
Citation needed. For example Montana has 26 million acres of forest, West Virgina only 12, Washinton State has 26 million acres, Maine only 17 million acres, Oregon has 29 million acres of forest, NY only 18 million, CA has 31 million acres of forest, VT and NH combined only 9 million, Idaho has 22 million acres while N. Carolina only 18 million....

So, I am curious as to why you believe what you wrote....
>Washinton State has 26 million acres
Sorry, that should be 22 million acres but still...
I don’t wear high vis vests.
So you've never worked a single blue collar job.
This just in: plumbers wear high-vis.
>huge mountainous regions that are virtually uninhabited
...and the Rockies are what?
Absolutely they do, yes.
The conversation was about the clothing people choose to wear while engaging in outdoor recreation, not clothing they're forced to wear during work. But no, I haven't worked a blue collar job. Unless, of course, summer jobs count.
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So after reading these high level arguments on the thread, I must ask
Should I go with a dark navy or black lightweight raincoat? I was considering dark navy since black doesn't seem like an /out/ color but I'm interested to hear what you guys have to say about it
People actually wear those?
reminder that this is a picture of a single row of gas stations and rest stops at an interstate crossing surrounded by farms, game lands and state forests. It has a population of less than 200 people and the county its in has an average population density of less than 1/10th the average population density of the UK or Germany
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to blend in so mountain bikers run us off the trail. they cant see these colors.
If you are on the local walking trail: dark navy

If you are a professional or doing any type of dangerous alpine pursuit: bright colour
>The West has lower population density, but also way less forest,
You cant be this retarded.
Please refer to the image.
It works great on an actual mountain where you are scrambling rocks and not an eastern mud hill where you need fucking crutches to walk up a 5% grade.
Exibit b
What if I'm doing a common but potentially dangerous from weather and terrain back country mountain ascent like King's Peak in Utah?
>muh West
>Alpine and scree terrain confuses the easterner because his mountains don't go that high.
>muh West
Colorado isn't the West, faggy.
Everything west of the mississippi is the west. The midwest are the plains states. The great lake states are the middle east, not the midwest.
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All extremely valid points
Only reason I avoid clothes with hideous colors is usually because they're expensive and made of synthetics that immediately get holes with campfires. Wool is also a big standard in Scandi countries, so I use a lot of it. It all depends on what type of camping people do, there's no right or wrong
The plastic söy patrol will come for you
The midwest begins in Michigan. Everything east of Detroit is part of the northeast including Cleveland.
Nigga we don't care. I love wearing wool in my day to day. It's just too heavy for the benefits if I'm gonna be running 15-20 mile days.
Because contrasting colors make for better pictures on social media.
There are higher mountains that are completely forested. Elevation is why this is a barren wasteland, but you can go ahead and pretend like you already knew that.
>The easterner copes about bigger mountains than his by pointing out that there are even bigger mountains that also aren't his.
Lad. No.
If they need to talk to you, they will leave a voicemail. It's that simple.
When in Rome...So I'll have some colorful clothes and kit, but also some camo stuff on tap. A thread like this exists because people can feel uneasy if a fully-kitted camo dude suddenly appears before them. Keep the normies happy and usually all is well.

Disagree, browns tans and greens are nice, especially as pant/short colors. Go nuts up top. Put on a friendly face and all that. Maybe even God Forbid make some friends with the normies in your area and have hiking buddies on tap, of all persuasions from amateur-hour tiktokkers to paranoid smelly vets.
I do like sky blue.
Yes. Sometimes there's good deals to be had amongst the goofy colored stuff.
A notable risk. Fair.
EVERYONE in the southwest tints their shit. You can literally spot the out of state lost folks by how untinted their stuff is. Though there's also the topless jeep types in my area. YMMV depending on the clime you live in though.
Decent idea. Most people will actually mistake you for a trail maintainer of some kind. But they will see you and it's very easy to pack.
>multicam is kinda cucked anyway
Disagree, when I do wear full camo and kit I am pretty decently covered in my area. Again, location specific.

Wow this goes on. I'll end with saying I know a boomer in my area who pray painted his 1911 Hunter Orange after he almost lost it innawoods. He showed me a pic and goofy as it was, he'll never lose that due to it blending again.

People just wear what you want and don't be afraid to be admired or jeered at on this pinecone comparison forum of peace.
You are retarded, "lad". Grow up
>Why would you want other people to see you before you see them?
nigga you aren't in hunger games, people aren't out there to get you while you're on your little camping trip.
Let em larp. It's all they have.
>I'm actually black
You don't understand this board.
The hash slinging slasher
>like sitting at the very first table in the break room with your back to entrance.
Most people don't have their emotional growth stuck at middle-school level.
This is an interesting question even though I think your conclusions are stupid and full of poo. Why do backpackers wear bright colors? Is it a visibility thing or just a cultural norm? Like a social signal "I am outdoors recreationally"
gatekeeping going outside is crazy ngl you should probably kys lmao
>Why would you want other people to see you before you see them?

so they can be rescued if lost, or body recovered if dead. also to prevent hunters from shooting you on accident. this is some common sense shit.
because people panic when they get lost and forget basic things, especially women and children. a few years ago a grandmother and granddaughter were hiking along the coast in my country. the coast, as in the coast of the ocean, as in there is absolutely no way to not know what direction is north/south/east/west. All she had to do was face the opposite direction of the ocean, walk in a straight line any direction up the hill and she would find a road within 1/4 a mile. But she couldnt do it. Her little kid was crying and being difficult, she herself started breaking down, they wandered into some brush on a hill and started to panic because she no longer recognized the trail she started on. all she could do was phone for help and had to pay 800$ to get a helicopter to pick her up.

congradulations on having a brain attached to a penis anon, it's a much bigger advantage then people like to admit.
>gatekeeping bad
Vibrant colors on vibrant people silly
I think you're on the wrong board, buckley.
Go with ranger green or coyote like a boss.

The voices in my head start getting loud when people can see me outside, so I'm about all this camo shit.
Search and rescue here.
Lost/ injured hikers in bright colours are found pretty much straight away, helicopter spotters can see them from literally miles away.

Geometric, reflective, colourful, moving, silhouette, yea you get found, line search finds you just as easily but the reality is that line search can only cover a very small area.

People who wear camo just aren't found. If we hear someone set off in camo do we even send a helicopter at all? Line search where? We run the trails but the fool could be ten meters off the trail hiding, unconscious, we might just miss them. Often the person is found in an altered state, mental health, drugs, fatigue, dehydration, paranoia, ask of the above. They need help or they might die, but don't realise that

We're also suspicious of people in camo because they could be trying to ambush other hikers. I've had very stem words in the back of the truck with hikers who set off in plain clothes and were subsequently found in camo. Many hikers will immediately report someone in camo as a personal safely threat and they're not dumb for doing that.
Based baitpost.
This was actually pretty entertaining, 6/10. Could've been a bit more subtle though.
>tmw you wind up dead because you were wearing a hawaiian shirt and some boomer reported you for being suspicious to the SAR bitch that hates camo
Don't respond to trolls.
>sub 1min response time
What's the pay of a pretend jannie these days?
$38/h. Not good, not bad.
>wearing bright colors makes you a fag
>wearing full camo and LARP gear does not make you a fag
Yeah OK anon
Same reason hunters wear orange.
I think there’s a big dichotomy on this board of people who backpack vs. people who bushcraft and way too much autistic reeeeeeeee coming from both sides who misunderstand the other. If I was doing a bushcrafting trip that involved hunting I would definitely want camouflaged gear, but it’s utterly pointless and silly for backpacking. OP is an aspy retard that doesn’t seem to understand the rationale behind backpacker gear color being pretty much irrelevant. OP wears the camo but idk if they understand what it’s actually for
Who is more of a faggot? The retard sticking out like a sore thumb in his baby-blue jacket? Or the retard in full flecktarn?

If only there was a third option, like just wearing muted colors. Sadly we'll never know.
>people who backpack vs. people who bushcraft
The dichotomy is actually "people who backpack" and "larpers who stay inside and scream about gear" for what it's worth, otherwise you're correct.
I like wearing bright colors in the spring and summer and darker colors in the fall and winter. If you care what other people wear, you are a dork.
The flecktarn faggot is the biggest faggot no contest.
>t. terminally /in/ keyboard trail guide
>answering hypothetical questions
Do you want me to explain the point of that post more clearly? Not being a vibrant tree frog doesn't mean you have to be a milsurp faggot, or the other way around. You can just be a normal guy, like the guy way to the right in OP's image.
Yeah but he’s not wrong though.
What am I supposed to be seeing here? None of these colors are that jarring. Sky blue isn’t the best but it’s not that terrible.

Pic is made by Town Shirt. It’s $70 and marketed toward thruhikers. I think the purposefully ugly shirt trend started on the PCT. It seems to be more common there than on the AT, but that’s just via social media. I guess it’s not the same as just wearing bright colors, but the concept is the same: visibility (as in “look at me,” not for any kind of emergency or whatever).
what a joke i wear thrift store shit i got from the town i stopped in, costs like 10 bucks, and i support the community not these yuppies. Also if you wear the same clothes hiking for 6 months you are fucking disgusting.
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I'm more concerned with how "dude outdoors lmao" has somehow been made fashionable
Idk try going outside for once in your life, go get lost OR go walk through some "shared" land and see why people like highly visible colors when they hike.
This is the real, honest deal answer
>70 dollars
Yeah, they'd have to cater that towards idiots
yeah last time i had a camo bag and a camo jacket i got funny looks from people because do you really wanna be lost in the woods, injured, wearing camo so the people searching for you don't see you??
Guys, I think this one's a nigger
Y-yeah…I’d probably wrap my legs around someone who pounced on me like that
>If there's a bunch of guys on 4 wheelers with guns saying the N word in conversation
Sounds like the people I wanna encounter
>The great lake states are the middle east
Well that certainly makes sense for Michigan with how many Muslims are there kek
>Retard OP and several others ITT don't know that the bright and conspicuous colors are for other hunters and rescue to spot you clearly
Holy shit, it really is true that no one on this board actually goes outside.
Learn how to read, you drooling sped.
Why do hiking gear manufacturers MAKE things in these hideous colours? Half the time I'm shopping for a nice natural colour and all I see are bright blue, orange, yellow. I'm not an arctic explorer, and if I were, I'd prefer to wear clothing that complemented the scenery.
because when im in the wild i want to wear bright colours so other people and things can see me you dumb fuck. wearing a green shirt isnt going to hide you from a fucking bear, itll smell you before it sees you
Bright colors are for women. Refer to your own pic.
Fuck yes I loved how I could just go for a wander anywhere and find a huge comfy mossy covered rock to sink into when I lived in BC. So soft.
Jesus Christ is the Son of GOD who came to earth and died for the world, so that may have eternal life. Three days later GOD rose Jesus Christ from the dead. He promised that whosever believes in Him, He promised them eternal, when the ask Him for it.
>If we hear someone set off in camo do we even send a helicopter at all?
>We're also suspicious of people in camo because they could be trying to ambush other hikers.
Jfc you're fucking useless aren't you.
thats the whole fucking point retard
its so if there's an emergency or you injure yourself you're easy to find.
fuck man /out/ has fucking falling since all the newfags invaded in 2020
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>hundreds of free offline map apps
Shill me one I don’t wanna pay for alltrails goyslop app
Yeah, this. I have to wear high visibility ugly shit when I go out because of hunters and because I also want people to find my body if something happens. I'm not doing a fucking fashion show.
I've used Navit in the past, but every update breaks the older android versions. Currently, I'm using osmand. You have to get it through f-droid for the free version (on google, they charge a small amount to make up for platform costs), but it works pretty well. The standard maps include height maps and terrain maps as well as standard road maps.

I don't get how people can get lost, though. If you understand basic land navigation (not that meme shit with compass and counting steps, but things like sectoring or defining stoplines), you should always know your position down to a few km. Won't help you find a geocache or a camping spot, but you'll always be able to get back to town or to your car.
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Thanks anon, I’ll try them. Literally never been lost but backup never hurts.
>up to 3xl
if you fall and die the helicopter search and rescue will be able to find you more easily if you wear bright colors

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