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/out/ - Outdoors

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I really really like the way Slingbags look, but I hear they are bad for hiking since they distribute the load unevenly. How retarded would I be to get one as a daypack for 6-8h hikes with around 2500 feet elevation, hiking in the alps?
Get a bumbag instead. If you really don’t want to be a bumchad then I guess you can use this but I don’t see the advantage over a standard backpack.
There probably isn't any advantage, I just like the aesthetic.
You go out to have people look at you?
Yes, I'm a self-obsessed fashion faggot, now please answer if this shit will fuck up my spine.
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Why yes I choose my gear based on looking badass and not min-maxing stats how could you tell?
They're not bad for hiking. They're stupidly bad for hiking. As in, a load that would have been just fine for 20 miles with a regular pack will give you serious back pain in like 2 miles with a single shoulder design. When I see people using sling bags, I automatically know they just bought it and don't actually go outside very much.
Sorry anon, but they're only useful when you're carrying virtually nothing. That means they're OK in some situations (like when you're fly fishing and just carrying an unhooking mat and some flies), but you're better off just getting a backpack.
If you look good you get +5 to all stats. Totally serious.
there's literally 0 reason to use slingbags if you're not some sort of bike courier
Most slingbags will be too small to put a notable amount of weight in, unless you're bringing kettlebells along for the hike. For day hikes they'd probably work okay; try one out and see if you like it.
I figured as much, I'm already having some shoulder pain when carrying a messenger satchel at work all day.
What's even the point of slingbags then?
So you can swing it around in front of you and take stuff out of it without taking it off. This is pointless unless you're doing this every five seconds at some kind of specialized job.
Did you grow up playing Fortnite? It looks like some shit from that. You're not going to go outside for any substantial length of time based on what you've told us already so we can assume it won't fuck your spine.
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>Slingbags are a zoomer thing
The absolute state of you
They're actually a boomer thing like everything else that blatantly wrecks your body and doesn't work.
this board is pure larp
how fucking sad do you have to be to larp fucking hiking?
I feel like there's some bitter, fat, handicapped person in a gaming chair somewhere screaming "LARP! LARP!" in every single thread as a temporary alternative to suicide.
"Hiking" is just walking without concrete. It's a nonhobby. You have to zazz it up. It needs zazz. Larp walking dressed like Aragorn or a tier 1 operator or a cowboy makes it muchbmore fun
That's how I've always felt about snowshoeing. Snowshoes are just a tool that let you get work done in snow without burning 1000 calories per step. "Snowshoeing" is not a thing unless you have no life, and neither is hiking.
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Here's me at the Muttsee after hiking up from Linthal last summer. I wore a Helikon-Tex Foxtrot Mk2 with a Metal gear patch because it kinda looks like an ALICE buttpack and I like to LARP while walking around in the mountains. So yes, I LARP. But I do hike.
Pretty much. Watch it cause massive seethe though.
>it's the "hiking is not a real hobby" meme again

So what separates a hobby from a "non-hobby"?

Are these hobbies?

>trail running
>rock climbing
>mountain biking
>gravel biking

Where do you draw the line?
depends on your intention. hobby is anything you do for the sake of doing it, literally everything you can think of can be a hobby
>camping because you can't find any lodging for the night: probably not a hobby
>camping because you love the feel of sleeping in a tent: hobby
>climbing a mountain because your job requires you to do shit on top of it: not a hobby
>climbing a mountain because you love the view and fresh air: hobby
>cycling yo get from point A to point B: not a hobby
>cycling as a form of exercise: hobby
I didn't say "hobby". I said "a thing". "Hobbies" are for people with no life. Snowshoes were invented for serious business like bow hunting moose to feed your family. That's why they exist.
Where the skill floor isn't something a toddler can do.
My dad taught me how to bike when I was in preschool. Does that mean that cycling isn't a hobby?

Having a hobby and having a life isn't mutually exclusive

>My dad taught me how to bike when I was in preschool. Does that mean that cycling isn't a hobby?
Yes. Racing is though.
What if you're a really bad racer who always finishes in last place? Is his participation in races considered a hobby? If not, then where do you draw the line?
Also, would hiking through the wilderness with a map and compass be considered a hobby? A toddler wouldn't be able to do that.
You don't do orienteering. You take walks on walking paths at parks.
I changed my mind. Bicycle riding is for faggots and is not a hobby at all.
How would you know what I do and don't do?

So what's your idea of a rEaL hObBy? Collecting gear and jerking off to it?
Hunting, fishing, woodworking, songwriting, writing, things that produce value. Exercise is just basic personal hygeine.
So things that are done for fun cannot be considered a hobby if there's no output?

>weightlifting or marathon running
>playing any sport or martial art
>playing chess or board games
>boating, diving, surfing, snowmobiling, ATV riding
>salsa and other forms of dancing
>any sort of collecting
>studying history, philosophy, etc.

None of those things are hobbies to you?
>things that produce value

Fucking lmfao
You may as well just watch tv with half of those things. Exercise is necessary and basic personal hygeine and you should be doing resistance, flexibility, and cardio training. I just wouldn't describe it as a hobby.
watching tv
Also a hobby if the person enjoys it. Not the most productive hobby in the world, but a hobby nonetheless. Just because you don't like an activity doesn't mean it's not a hobby for some people.
>a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation
That's it. If you like doing it and you're not getting paid for it, it's a hobby. Scratching your ass can be a hobby if you do it occasionally and enjoy it.
> sling bag
> look at a 16th century equipment book and see snapsacks

Lol its just a 21st century take on an idea that has existed for centuries.
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Lol imagine trying to do fucking anything with that piece of shit flopping all around you constantly
just switch sides so your spine evenly fucks up you complete imbecile.
>can fit a 5 dollar bill, 1 shirt and 1 10" rubber dick
>is even marketed as a gimmick
it's a purse you cunt
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It's actually perfect size for my bong and my bad dragon
For me, it's the Borealis sling
bizarre lack of ass for a black chick
Makes up for it with the size of her cock
>the north face
sorry i don't support white genocide
What are the dimensions? I've been looking for a pack like this for awhile that will nicely fit my break down carbine. I like having something I can fit my rifle and some basic camping necessities.
Do you have the m&p fpc or the keltec sub 2000
Get a mollie
My slingbag is relegated to dayhikes, I mean...couple hours hikes.
It fits a water bottle, a knife and a folding pad to sit on.
And I like it exactly because it's small. Same with most lumbar packs.
One the size of OP's pic is just ridiculous, if you're going with something that large, might as well take a backpack, more comfortable.
>hey i've heard from many, many people who are much smarter than myself that this is a bad idea for a very valid reason
>are they wrong because it lookz kewl?

you don't go outside anyway so why are you bothering with this thread
I've walked with a Maxpidition one strap pack daily for 7 years now. 10,000 plus steps in a row, 15 to 28 lbs. depending. My shoulder was repaired 10 years ago(stitched 4 places in the Labrum. Gets to me once a great while, I've had to Steroid shots in that time when it got to be a problem. I say do it.
Forgot, no spine issues.
Pretty stupid. I understand wanting to look good but that should be towards the end of your list of priorities
I know a guy that has back problems because he biked with a sling bag for almost a decade and never realized the connection.

These things are awful, just get a two shoulder bag.
I've hiked with shoulder strap bags before as an experiment--they're awful. I'd rather just get at 20liter day pack with two straps.
You're not gonna get back problems from a bag that small
Depends how much you use it.
There is no reason to get a single strap pack though. Just get a purse if you want something impractical that you're mostly wearing for style.
Sling bags have notoriously bad ergos for comfort and weight. There are hardly any sling bags that can hold more than 10 or 15 pounds comfortable. You'd need a waist belt. You'd also need an ambidextrous sling bag so you can switch shoulders regularly as not to poopoo your posture. I still like sling bags but they are for carrying guns in that you can sling around fast and unzip and blast someone in the face while urban exing. The most notable sling bags are maxpedition and I wouldn't trust anything else much.
I keep my gat in a neon fanny pack.
No one ever suspects.
Carried a one strap toolbag for a few weeks and got horrific upper back pain, your mileage may vary. I say try it (maybe with something cheap) and see what happens
as a dude who has hiked with a toddler...you are not going very far. So it takes some skill or at least ability to put some miles on and actually get anywhere or see anything
It’s not that crazy of an idea. Ray Jardine does it. He hiked the PCT that way, switching shoulders, and using both if he had to scramble over something. Just because it’s unconventional doesn’t mean it’s undoable. When he wrote the PCT Hikers Handbook making your own gear and packing an ultralight load was unconventional.

I've had the same sling bag for over a decade. The Maxpedition Sitka gearslinger. Why did I buy it, how did I use it? I had a job which entailed climbing up places and using tools. So the sling bag allowed me to bring up tools and materials while having access to them easily.

Years later and while I still feel much affection for it, it's not practical. It has a third strap to stabilize the load and bring it close to your body, but once it starts bouncing up and down due to weight you'll be done in a short while. The most comfortable way to carry it is in the front, on my chest, but that just gets stares.

Just get a small light backpack that can go tightly and comfortable against your body if you plan to walk long distances with it. If you're climbing into windows, up poles and riding bikes, rock the sling.
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I use a modified 5.11
pic and link rel, its really nice for day packing, I have mine set up to be good for 24 hours and I can also use it as a lumbar with their series belt and I can attach it to my kelty backpack when I camp
I use an amazon special water bottle holder on the strap instead of bottom slot so I can do everything without taking off the pack
I've been a sling hiker for several years and you cant really beat this one with a few adjustments.
Sling packs are awful, not even once.
yeah just keeping my mirrorless camera on a shoulder strap was very uncomfortable on hikes after a few hours, with higher weights I'd get fed up with it real quick
Anon it’s a bag from tarkov and that’s boomer vidya ..
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>"Hiking" is just walking without concrete. It's a nonhobby.
Wish they make the back of the Foxtrot with something which can vent, but on the other hand great bag.
>autism: the post
Good bait.
if you're not carrying a 10/22 takedown in one then they're really good for looking like a faggot
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Are military bags /out/ approved or should I buy an actual hiking back pack.
I tried hunting rabbits with a sling bag on the theory that it wouldn't obstruct my shooting shoulder. It sucked.
Buy the pack which has the features you need.
If you want to add pouches etc. military bags are better.
that looks like hell for 6-8 hours if it's full
get a butt pack like the other anon said
>Uneven load distribution
Yeah go ahead man
Unless you're carrying 20+ pounds of shit in it, not likely
Not a hobby

Got issued this. Worked pretty well. Wouldn’t add much to the outside besides your entrenching tool pouch.
I have a similar one to pic I got to carry my (reasonably heavy) camera.
Really bad move - the uneven weight distribution gets insanely uncomfortable in a short time.
It's convenient to get stuff out if I'm on my mtb because I can just swing it around and rummage about without taking it off.
I knew it wouldn't be good for long walks, but holy shit, I didn't realise just a couple of kilos could get so painful so quickly.
They're totally shit.
Even throwing a windbreaker, drink and small camera for an hour gets sore.
yeah I use one on short day hikes sometimes and i wouldn't use it for anything more than like 3-4lbs which is like a litre of water plus misc bullshit. it's strange because you'd think what you can carry on one shoulder would be 1/2 of what you can carry on two but that's not the case at all
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Also called a FANNY PACK.
it's usually just roomy enough for any 9mm pistol and a couple loaded magazines.
And a tube of chapstick and a pack of chewing gum.
Wear around your waist. Which sucks because unless it's insanely tight around your hips it will slide down constantly.
Ove gotten around that by running a strap through the little nail loop and ties around the top of my belly under the ribs Japanese style.
Otherwise around one shoulder resting on back or your chest belly area.
Anything heavier than a liter of water get a backpack.
Get a skinny normal backpack
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>I like the way it looks
Nobody gives a fuck what your pack looks like you narcissistic little cunt. Just get the whipsnake 3700000000000 and do your thing.
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The image in your mind is probably pic related but the people who currently spam LARP everywhere are actually normalfags who learned it from FaceBerg during the boogaloo retard days.
But only in combination with Le Crevasse™
LARP - Live Action Role Play

I would say that buying garbage impractical gear because you think it "looks cool" constitutes as such.

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