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/out/ - Outdoors

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*blocks you path*
Lol Im a sovereign criminal and I will not heed any warning.
TL;DR some schizo boomer/ "sovereign citizen" thinks he has the right to a free pay day if someone walks on his lawn/thinks he can keep cops with warrants off his property lmao
>fake American flag symbols
>random highlights and emboldening of snippets of laws
>extreme fine
yeah it's fake as fuck, but what this sign really says is "if you enter my land I will shoot you". probably would work better if he just put a sign like that up instead
>Lawful Money
>random ass capitalization
>copyright symbol behind a name
Certified retard.
Who are more retarded sovereign citizens, flat earthers or young earth creationists?
probably a ton of overlap desu
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This is giving me Ricky Sipes vibes

Just carry on. In case that litigious lardass confronts you, just make a run for it. They can't do shit to you if they never catch you.
Americlaps, land for the freee
Executor Stuart Swan is a big clue some fag had his lawyer draft up a complete bluff haha
What's with the random ruzzian Zs on the sign?
Why they gotta be Ruzzian?
>eurpderp too smoothbrain get the joke but still tries to participate.
Flat earthers > young earth creationists > sovereign citizens
But flat earthers are so retarded I just feel sorry for them. Young earthers' only argument is that "we weren't there to see all this stuff form so it's impossible to prove it's old" which is stupid but at least they are partially correct with the fact that we weren't there billions of years ago... With flat earthers they completely deny reality that anyone can prove with basic logic and experiments right now. Both groups really struggle with comprehending scale and how large things really are, especially flatties.

Anyways, who wants to come with me to go see what they're hiding behind the ice wall
I want to know if the property owner has a Social Security number. This makes the person a 14th Amendment citizen, "subject to the jurisdiction thereof." People with Social Security numbers have signed documents stating they are "United States citizens," who, for legal purposes, have their situs, as government property, in Washington, DC, and merely "residents" of the state they live in. The US Constitution's protections and rights do not apply, unless the courts allow it. The 14th Amendment took the slave away from his master and gave him a new one: the federal United States corporation. The 14th also made this new form of slavery equal opportunity. Practically all United States citizens are slaves to the fed, and mere "residents" or "occupants" of where they live. I'm gonna bet the OP threatening signs' owner still pays property tax, does not have allodial title to his land. I'm gonna bet he has a Social Security number and is required by law to pay income tax. And "lawful money" is not US Federal Reserve notes.
standing on the public road and pissing really far over his fence
Flood the land by telling gypsies there is free copper just to spite the uppity cancerboomer, knowing he won't do shit.
*snips zipties and takes signs*
Did they leave the print test on the bottom of the signs lmfao
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I have you on camera

Any idea what the punushment for petty crime is here?
*takes camera*
Footage goes straight to the cloud smart guy
Straight to the cloud
boy i love living in surveillance dystopia all so our BASED private property owners can live free
i hope one day that the trail cams can just connect to ai and look up your face and a drone comes and picks you up and takes you to jail before a video hearing with a robot judge
*takes cloud*
>all data is now splattered on the dirt and irrecoverable
what now friendo?
They'll never take me alive.
Reads like a non English speaker wrote that. I mean if you struck it rich and you come to America and set up shop in the sticks at least hire a lawyer who speaks proper English like everyone else to handle your details. This shit comes off as unintentionally comical.
Is this some """sovereign""" citizen bullshit? I'm having trouble figuring out how one of those idiots could write all that without a spelling error.
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>pays the fine in unlawful money
Can't wait to see the look on his face when he gets that check.
can't see cant report
>Vertical stripes flag
HAHAHA what is up with that? Is it because you live in a prison country? Americalories explain yourselves.

wounder if this is the same guy
Very clearly you are more retarded than all those people.
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>actually retarded
Not a day goes by that I'm not surprised at the drivel splattered across this board
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That's not what it is. Note that it has blue stars on a white background and that section is oriented horizontally. It's actually a flag that was used by early customs vessels (predecessor of the Coast Guard) and has been adopted by Sovereign Citizen morons who think that the normal US flag is for the military and this vertical stripe one is the civilian version.
Sounds like threeper nonsense. On par for /out/
>take off the signs
I don't know how this would block my path considering I have no reason to go on somebody's property other than using their driveway to turn around.
Go in on a dirtbike. Good luck catching me.
Creationists are the least schizo, not like there is any way to disprove the sky wizard snapping his fingers and making everything a few thousand years ago. Flat earthers are 99% well poisoning glowniggers attaching it to legitimate conspiracies and sovereign citizens are just straight up retards who think they can avoid the force of the state through jewish loophole tier wordplay.
>not like there is any way to disprove the sky wizard snapping his fingers and making everything a few thousand years ago
It's pretty obviously disproven by the evidence that shows that the earth is several orders of magnitude older than that.
God could have created the universe as it is with evidence of age as a test of faith. It's not disproven at all even if you think it's bullshit which it probably is.
If this sort of reasoning was applied consistently, nothing could ever be proven or disproven. Unsubstantiated hypotheticals don’t render the facts obsolete.
I'm not trespassing bro, I'm travelling.
What's with the Zs?
How do you know god didn't create the bible as a test of retardedness?
what the fuck is "lawful money"? lmao
Where the fuck is this and what the fuck is it talking about? Reads like a bunch of gibberish.
Those warnings aren't even proper English. It doesn't even say you will be fined if you trespass. That's what the spirit of the sign is, but the down syndrome stroke patient who wrote it did a terrible job of conveying that message.

you guys think soverign citizens are retards but 'native' reservations basically function the way these 'retards' want to live.
they used Grammarly
But the difference is that Indian reservations are ordained by the US government and held in trust by the indigenous tribes that occupy them. Sovereign citizens have literally no legal basis for whatever claims they pull out of their ass.

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