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Two of my hiking friends are going to the USA for two months leaving me alone for the summer without hiking friends. I don't get it. I am from the Netherlands, which yes is flat and boring but Europe is better than America for landscapes. Want mountains? Go to urals, Carpathians, Alps. Want canyons? Go to Greece, Turkey, and France. Want deserts? Visit Spain. Want grasslands? Visit the European plains. Want forests? Visit England, Germany, Baltics.

I have been told American plains and flatlands and grasslands are more interesting because the heat lightening and powerful storms are awesome. But so? So you're saying Europe cannot do awe inspiring stuff?

To me it's Americentrism. Like we all must go to America for nature. Europe has so much more and yes I know people will say america has areas of super sparse populations. Okay, so does Russia. So what? If you go into nature in germany or france it won't feel any different than Alaska or Montana besides the landscape.

In my view people should stay in europe because then our nature will be more accurately seen as as good as or even better than americas. America has mythologies around their natural areas which sadly causes europeans to think it is worth it to visit.
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I know this is probably a bait post because you said England has forests, but I have trees in my back yard taller than anything you could find in Europe. Only advantage to Europe is that in some cases your ancestors have been in that nature for thousands of years, but if you are going across the continent for purely nature exploration anyway you might as well come to America. Yes I would rather roam the Spanish countryside than see the southwest, but the southwest has more stunning desert
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>Want forests? Visit England
>American nature not worth it for Europeans
Obviously, who the fuck wanna go to america when i have whole finland for myself
>If you go into nature in germany or france it won't feel any different than Alaska or Montana besides the landscape.

Bait, population density isn't even close.
I mean, England does have some nice forests. But yeah, not many. If you want forests you should go to Germany, Poland, Scandinavia etc.

We chopped most of forests down in England, though the small patches of ancient woodland that are left are a delight to walk through, it's not exactly a reason to visit England by itself, only if you happened to be there for another reason already you could take a quick look.
He didn't say the population density was the same? He said once you are there in nature, it doesn't feel any different.

If you are deep in a forest in a mountain and there is a town 15 miles away which you cannot see, vs 100 miles away, so what?
Population density in wilderness isn't independent of the population of the surrounding area.
The population density in the surrounding area determines the popularity of the park you will visit. If you want true seclusion with nature go to upper NW.
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Don't care about the thread, my country's in the OP!!!
>In my view people should stay in europe
Yes. America sucks. Stay in Europe :)
bober kurwa, ja pierdole
youre a faggot
>Want deserts? Visit Spain.
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real and based
OP, have you ever been to the USA?
or are you just bitching because now you're lonely because your friends are away?
flan is GOAT
desert ≠ dessert
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The problem with the US is euro trash has turned it into fucking gay ass Europe.

In every fucking thread,"why do burgers need guns?" because we are fucking slave yet, like you.
Only some.dumb grass is always greener retard would visit this private property ranger jannie shithole knows as amermuttca. Enjoy retard I'll trade.
Yankee doodle went to town
Got raped by a nigger
Always brags about his guns
And never pulls the trigger.
>Wigry National Park
So it was a national park this whole time and not a bike? Damn.

As an Euro, the main thing that seems cool about the American nature is the wilderness and remoteness of certain parts. Dude, there are probably plenty of places in Montana/Idaho/Alaska where there practically no people living permanently in a 50km radius. Good luck finding a place like that in anywhere in Europe.

What's cool about hiking in the US is that you have to prepare much more carefully when it comes to supplies and other things, especially in the winter, while in Europe you're an hour away from a fucking grocery store or supermarket, and that's the worst case scenario.
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this out I don't go to cities just town, not meany Niggers in a small town asswipe. Let me guess you never been out of a city?
maybe it's the photo but I live in Poland and they look about as tall as the treesin my backyard. I'll give you this tho - sudden winds a fwew years back took down 3/5 of them.
Spoken like a eurofag who doesn't know any better
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Europe has Red Deer, which is the most Deer of all Deer, they're pretty big but not Elk Big, they have the most Antler of all Antlers and have the coolest roars too.

Granted that Europe doesn't really have much true wild Red Deer population, that kinda takes away from it.
Yes America sucks dont come here
>hiking in USA to see plains, mountains, canyons, deserts and forests
>just go, maybe watch out for bears
>hiking in Europe to see plains, mountains, canyons, deserts and forests
>lol, get a passport, learn local laws for every place you're visiting (as camping may be practically illegal) and learn at least 5 different languages first, then maybe we'll talk
y-yeah, europe sure is great bros
>get a passport
Is that even a problem in the US?
>learn local laws for every place you're visiting (as camping may be practically illegal)
It's literally a google away. Just avoid the countries with nazi laws and expensive tickets (Germany, Austria and Switzerland) and you'll be fine. The entire Scandinavia has ultra liberal camping laws, same goes for most of Eastern Europe and the Balkans. Even if you get caught in some of the places where camping is illegal, they won't do anything.

Also, reminder, you can sleep anywhere if nobody sees you. Avoid very popular tourist destinations, do stealth camping, sleep under a tarp or a bivvy, also the authorities are usually much more friendly towards foreigners, unless you're from an "enemy" country.

>learn at least 5 different languages first
Every other person in Europe is at least communicative in English, and usually the authorities are fluent. No, you don't really need to learn any language, unless you're planning on moving there, but it's a whole nother story.
Correct. Don't come here. Stay in your bug hive.
lmao even

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