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Fore the record I've technically been solo camping a bunch but I've always been within eye sight of other campers. I've been wild camping with friends/my ex but never alone.

I'm not usually afraid of the outdoors and when I do feel nervous about something once I start doing it I'm fine. I love to go through night drives and explore hoods, which I know is way more dangerous.

My main fear is for some reason I'll go a bit crazy and flee from my campsite and get disoriented. There's some mountain lions periodically out here but they're super super rare. I slept in grizzly country before but, again, not alone.

Anybody else feel a bit nervous then realize it wasn't that bad once you got out there?
Ive never spent the night at any of the places i go, but then again solo camping in the Everglades is not a good idea. Im not so much creeped out but rather afraid of getting heat stroke 10-15 miles in the jungle and no one knowing where i am. Longest I have been in the Everglades alone was an 18 mile walk from 7am to 9pm.
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I'd only worry about getting lost,because that would be the only way that I would encounter problems. Get a comfy camp site going in a sheltered place like under a low-growing tree, and enjoy the solitude and peacefulness. You can always listen to podcasts etc. if you feel isolated.
Yes, same here. As I get older it gets worse.
>inb4 alcohol
That only makes it harder to get a good night's sleep.
This is a pretty shitty thread.

Why are you typing like this, OP?

The only way to get over it is to stop being a pussy.

Become that which is feared instead of being the one who is fearful.
Don't care about dying. I accept the possibility I can buy it out there.
When I'm /out/ I only worry about /x/ stuff.
This is how I do it. If it's my time, it's my time.
>Paragraphs are for pussies, Holmes
Can't relate. Maybe you're just a pussy, bro.

[spoiler] The real reason I can't relate is that I've never been solo wild camping, I've only ever been camping with friends or a partner. I'm pretty certain I wouldn't get the creeps but who knows. [/spoiler]
Same. I can car camp in the most violent crackhead new black panther party infested shithole ghetto just fine solo but the sticks freak me out. Wierd because I grew up in a small town.
Is there a small Island, or piece of higher land in the middle of a swamp near you Anon?
Maybe it'll calm your nerves if what's "out there" is seperated from your site by a shitton of water.
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Be me, AZN camper … by myself. I hope no white people bullies me like at work. Cry myself to sleep after a bowl of MAMA and some shrimp. Pray for world peace and for my parents. Maybe a GF, Lord willing.
>Reddit spacing is now paragraphs because retards have no clue
Die in a fire newfag.
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I used to have the same issue as you anon. I would happily go deep in the woods with friends, spend days in the bush however was afraid when alone. I found what helped me get over the fear was remember. It’s all in your head, everything has an explanation, most animals are afraid of you and wish to avoid you.

Also carry a gun.
I've gone solo backpacking several times. It can get a little spooky but thats part of the charm. I find walking out past the light of your camp fire and looking back at your camp somehow helps. Its the way the campifire lights up a certain amount but leaves everything else darker so you cant see past the circle of light- that freaks me out
The really great part is when you go out into the woods and turn back to your camp only to see yourself sitting by the fire staring fearfully out into the night and you don't know if what you're seeing is actually you or something pretending to be you and then you think that maybe you were pretending to be you all along and will never make it back to the fire, shit's crazy lol
Been scared of ayylmaos since I was a kid. Before that I was scared of tornadoes and skeletons, but ayylmaos was the fear that stuck.
nah. i'm on the east coast we just have rednecks (will only harass minorities) and black bears (harmless)
Nta, but that's not reddit spacing you stupid faggot.
Just need to have that stone cold knowledge that you are the most dangerous motherfucker around.

I only feel apprehension around men of similar power because they could potentially be as dangerous as me, but its not likely.
I have two ideas.

You could try weening yourself off from camping around others, you already camped within eyesight of other campers so mayber try camping in eyesight of a ranger station/firewatch tower, then in eyesight of unmanned landmarks like cell towers/powerlines/boat launches, then finally out of site of all these. Try getting farther and farther eachtime, having manmade landmarks will make you psychologically feel close to people even if there aren't any on/in them. Also carry a gun if you can.

the second idea is be the thing your afraid of, wear camo and watch other campers from afar, instead of walking through the woods sneak through them being careful with how much noise you make and staying hidden with bushes, as you hike pick up sticks and fibers to make strange little talismans and hang them from trees, at night get out of your tent and make alot of noise like howling and laughing into the dark woods to scare other campers, Also carry a gun again.
That Anon here, yeah me too. Used to have gnarly nightmares of that shit constantly that would get me screaming until I woke up until I moved to the big city. I miss the peace of nature though.
>Is anyone else scared of the dark ?
If you really get freaked out about that, try stealth camping.

Keep the fire going only when it's light out. At night, try to keep everything pitch black.

If you need it, use red light to preserve your night vision and reduce visibility.

It's even better if you get all your gear in camo patterns.
That's actually the best thing to do if you get the spooks is just get up and go look at whatever is spooking you. Because it'll look just like what it did during the day, but almost calmer somehow. It'll be nice and you might want to walk around some more.
>not bleeps
>not sweeps
>how many assholes do we have on this camp anyways
lol. second idea reminds me of that fucking ghillie suit greentext

>when I do feel nervous about something once I start doing it I'm fine

There's your answer OP. It's a little spooky the first few times and after that it's fine. Bring a weapon and sleep with it next to you if it helps.
>if you get all your gear in camo patterns.
If you don't have all your gear in neon or other unnatural colors and nobody is actively searching for you, camo is overkill.

Just don't move, don't use lights after dark unless you absolutely need to, make sure that your tarp is at least below your waistline and you're going to be fine, especially if you're camping in the US where if you are in true wilderness you have basically zero chances of meeting anyone.
it's statistically impossible that two serial killers run into each other in the woods.
>statistically impossible for two serial killers to run into each other in the best place to hide a body.

Not to mention who tf asked
I've been "solo" camping multiple times, but if I'm heading off without other people I always bring my dog with me. I've not been in grizzly country but I've spent a lot of time hiking and camping in mountain lion territory. If I'm going to be alone, having both my Malinois and a gun with me goes a long way to making me feel more secure.
I'm too scared of people to sleep anywhere near them while camping, unless it's family/friends. Just be scared of others judging you and you'll prefer the unsafety of solitude.
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> Implying that OP is a serial killer. XD
>Going into mountain lion country alone
>Bring dogs
That's quite literally statistically the worst thing you can do. Being alone is bad enough, alone with dogs is way worse. There's a reason a lot of places in mountain lion country don't allow you to bring dogs.
Why is this? What happens, the mountain lion wants to hunt your dog?

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