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Herb ID please?
Do you see any small, black berries? Or some small green berries?
Definitely some kind of mint. Probably oregano from the look of it. You should be able to tell if it is from the smell.

Almost all mints will have that square stem and opposite sets of perpendicular facing leaves like that.
I agree with this anon
Which is concerning because that's an incredibly common plant that can be positively identified by simply picking a leaf and smelling it.
Smell is unronically one of the most underutilized ways of IDing a plant.

The biggest mistake people make though is relying on a key to ID plants. You use a key to ID it the first time- but once you see a plant enough times you really do just get a feel for it. There are some that are just hard to tell the difference between though.. oregano is NOT one of them kek. The mint, pea, nightshade, parsley, and geranium families usually jump-out at you from first glance.

Anyways, ID'ing mature plants is alot easier than ID'ing very young sprouts seedling etc. That's where the "feel" thing really matters.
I thought so too but someone said otherwise.
Sorry meant for >>2729760
It is definitely a mint. Probably oregano but some other mints can also look like that. That's where the smell matters.

Alot of mints can have an oregano-esque smell though. Some monarda's like Dotted Horse Mint can smell like oregano/basil but looks nothing like that. Basil looks alot like oregano to me.
Google says oregano, but to me it looks like a spicy globe basil I used to have.
That's definitely mint family. But it doesn't look like spearmint or peppermint. Maybe sweet mint? Looks kinda fuzzy like marjoram, but I'm guessing it's bigger than that? At least it looks like it. Doesn't smell sagey right?
Honestly it looks like basil, but not shiny.
thai basil or oregano
It's pot. try smoking some.
I've wondered, have we tried to smoke everything yet? Maybe there is still some undiscovered smokable plant?
Since archaeologists and paleontologists seem to think most mind altering plants, including alcohol, mushrooms, ect, have been mostly accidental discoveries, maybe. On the other hand, I'm sure just about every plant known to man has been eaten at some point or another, probably due to tragedy/desperation or plain curiosity. Typically if it effects you when you eat it, you'll get similar or even more potent results from smoking it.
There's also tons of medicinal plants that you can smoke for their effects that simply aren't commonly known about.
If I was going to bet on it, I'd bet you there's some cool undiscovered drugs in the ocean no one has thought about hauling out, drying, and lighting it on fire to get high.
Haven't been through high school eh? Gotta be over 18 to post on 4chan. We smoked everything we though might get us high in HS. If it could be smoked, it was. Unless the plant itself hasn't been discovered yet, someone's tried smoking it.
I'm an oldfag, smartass.
Definitely minty. Maybe greek oregano since they have smaller more mintlike leaves
You should be able to identify this from the smell alone.
I'm guessing you grew up in a city in America and struggle to tell the difference between a sheep and a goat.
use plantnet phag
Based response, though I have never seen oregano with such large leaves.
It's heuristics and that's difficult to convey to people- when you're IDing a new species it's important to base it on solid and consciously reasoned evidence, but there is also lots of value in unconscious pattern recognition, and when I have seen pros in any sort of ID that is 99% how they operate (though they can explain their reasoning when asked).
>Definitely some kind of mint
That was my first thought.
When I was younger I was really into plants. State champion FFA on nursery landscape, state champion on Plant ID FFA, state champion on timber stand improvement etc. Went to undergrad and didn't pursue something related to plants (a decision I regret every day). But I have a good job now- it's just not what I love.

Anyways, I moved back home about 10 years ago, blessed with property and woods.. it's a very rural place so I got back into plants. Stopped getting cable and all that, not many other people living around so I just spend all my time in the woods.

Spending that time just out there seeing the plants every day season after season year after year made me understand them in a way no book or key ever did. If you dont have a fascination with them they will never stick. Almost a form of autism. Like you see people's face in a crowd and you'd never recognize them but if you have some interest in them it might stick and be familiar. Opposite/alternate is always useful but when it really comes to ID'ing young or out of season plants there is no replacement for just "knowing" them. Each one has certain qualities aside from obvious characteristics... they like to grow in certain places, slight variations in color, do different things at different times of year etc. and I never made a list to ID these plants it's like recognizing a person's face. Every day for like a decade if I'd go in the woods and come across something I didn't know I'd take pics and go home and figure it out and after about the five year point I sort of got to where I can get 90% at first blush, and can put the other 10% in the right family for the most part. Every now and then I get stumped though and this area is sort of hard mode I mean there are a ton of species here.

But tbqh I miss the days of going in the woods and every day it was one I didn't know.. like sort of an adventure to figure them all out. Makes me a bit sad now that it's no longer that way. Sorry for TLDR
Sorry meant for >>2732722

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