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What are some dangerous jobs that an able bodied person can make a bunch of money in?
I've been looking into wildland firefighting but it seems like Oregon is the only place to go for that. Also the pay doesn't seem substantial.
prostitution, as long as you don't become an addict, then it's even more dangerous and you will never keep a dime longer than it takes to go up your nose or in your arm.
Oregon is far from the only place to do that. The entire western half of the US and a solid chunk of the eastern US has a lengthy fire season. The pay is usually pretty shit though unless you work for CalFire. People get by living like hobos and working 1200+ hours of overtime in a 6 month season. At least, thats how it was when I was doing it. I hear 15/hr is the bottom wage now
An oil drilling crew is what you're looking for.
Big pay.
In the east there are alot of private forestry outfits that conduct controlled burns. There are no actual wildfires though (extremely rare and small). Where I live you are supposed to burn woods every few years. Some people burn them almost every year.

Most forestry work involves cruising timber, cutting firebreaks with machines, doing burns, spraying, thinning, harvesting with machines and then replanting. The work is not particularly dangerous and it pays like a normal job.
>wildland firefighting
I knew a guy who did this and he has cancer really fucking young. Think of all the burning noxious shit in those flames you'll be breathing in.
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LMFAO this isn't 2009 bro. Dakota oil rush is dead. I made bank and GTFO in 2014. Back then you could show up with 0 experience and shake some hands and make 6 figures. But too many people rushed there because of the housing crash and tales of riches (which was true).

The Bakken is dead. The next big thing will be shale oil fracking in PA and NY when legisltation opens up to it- it's the largest oil field in the entire planet... bigger than anything in Texas, Alaska, Saudia, Russia, Nigeria, Canada Venezuela, etc.

BTW Bakken life was fucking insane. People from all over the county, even the world, living in fucking containers but making 6 figures because you're living in bum fuck north dakota that hasn't seen an out of stater ever. And of course, that brought shady shit, whores, etc. Yeah... it wasn't for the faint og heart but damn I miss it. It was the wild west and we all got fucking rich if you don't blow it on whores and drugs. But Bakken life is fucking dead now.
I was in Bakken before you left around the same time. Man camp life was crazy. You know zhe zhovan lol but they went up over and out, kheson tempo... if you know you know. Like kalokoma lmfao. Before 2012 you could quit come back, ya hear me. But you know that. So I'd work get dough go fuck around in Montana then show the fuck up and get a raise cuz they needed more folk. But yeah bakken's fuckin dead now bro. Man camp life ahrder these days they been lucky for da times if they even gets 60k bro. Bakken out... ya hear me?
Holy fucking shit kalokoma that takes me fucking back. Been a while since I heard Bakkenese. I read about researchers in the ISS and Antarctica developing their own linguistic patterns ya hear me? That went down in Bakken for sure like ketevik lol shit's a lost language. Now I wanna write that sit for they in the future ya hear me. Document that shit because we were in a moment in time for sure.
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Hear ya something to it and something for the memory lane. Took this my last night in the man camp after a little going a way gathering. Thought something was magical about how mundane shit had been there. Shipping container life is next level outside never got it.
FIFO mining
Holy fucking shit now way. I'm Bakkener too, 2008-2015. On and off doing fuck on fuck off like many did until I had to go full time 2012 to keep over 6 figures a year. Totally worth it. Bakkanese takes me fucking ya hear me? Been man camped in Minot out bouts the most but fucked in medora too, up past TRNP
Benjeva pastom? Ogalamak when to go pervonik bakkener if you knowing lol
Nah my minot was bred benjeva not pastom. Ogalese types came from NE but fucked in Medora past up TRNP when they was there with folks from flathead controversey out in Montana because some guys were snatching girls from the rez gave us all bad names.
Ogalamaks were fucked. Shoulda stayed in Chadron or where they came from.
LMFAO been a minute. Fucked in the he types ya hear me. And when I was in Watford benjevas came lakeling and yuthanka to out the west. Cuz people comin from california after housing matrket, bakerites and Siskis fwent up twice watford. Kept the the ogalmaks out east.
Fuck you faggots. I lived in Bismarck for college and had to deal with your faggy gobbledygook. Nobody likes a man camper, you're all retarded pieces of shit who failed elsewhere and made a dialect that sounds more retarded than the simplest african pidgin language. PTSD hearing this shit and seeing people like you in Bismarck trying to pick up girls as if you didn't have enough whores in your fag camps.
Lmfao I approve Bakkenese as and Omahan fuck those fuckers I didn't even know this shit existed lol
Yeah who cares though? The golden age for them is over. The smart ones invested their money the others got fucked in the end spending more than they earned. It's not like ND is man camped anymore, at least not to an extent it matters or you'll ever see a dialect come about.
Where I'm from in NE wyoming we called them "Bakken*****s" most retarded people on earth. They'd quit, then wreack havoc in surround states with their oil money and talk like retards not realizing they need to code switch back to normal english then go back, make a ton, then blow it all again. Tons of missing girls ended up in those camps and it wasn't only Ogallalans doing it. Like 70% of Bakkenites by my estimation where scum. The other 30% were people who wanted to put their head down, work, and leave and those types didn't pick up the lingo are call themselves Bakkenites, sadly those types didn't frequent Western wyoming, we got the scum.
The seasonal Alaskan fishing industry might be up your alley.
these guys are fucking with us right
what the fuck are they even saying?
i refuse to believe that two guys are speaking this undocumented "language" and understanding each other perfectly
Nah it’s legit. I’m from rapid city and we’d get these guys from the mancamos when they’d job hop. They actually talk with their own weird slang as a mix of different USA regions and shit like Tagalog, Russian, romanian, Spanish, Chinese, and Portuguese. People used to hate them and see them as rough vagabonds but I never had issues with them.
It's hard to believe three random Bakkenites are in this thread but they know the lingo so maybe it's legit. My dad moved us from Bakersfield after the crash and I lived in a family unit in a mancamp for two years until we got enough for him to move back to Cali. He never talked like a Bakkenite with us but could do it with others and I picked some up and yeah it's actually true they talk like this. These guys aren't even talking full Bakkenise probably because nobody's talked with them in it for 10+ years. The one guy said Bakerites aka people from Bakersfield like my dad. Siskis are from Siskiyou county, Ogalamaks = from western Nebraska. I used to get hate from the few other kids from being Bakerite.
BTW the "ya hear me" is from from ghetto blacks but not ghetto blacks from LA or Chicago or Philly... I mean southern ghetto blacks from the Mississippi delta. They literally end every sentence with "Ye hear me" and a ton of them flocked there, especially from deep Louisiana
Underground mining.
It's kind of the opposite of /out/ but it's fucking decent money.
If you want dangerous, go into what your picture shows - felling timber by hand. Alternatively, working on a logging crew as a choker setter. These are the two most dangerous jobs in the woods.
You're not gonna make a bunch of money but if that's what you want, then you should just stay inside and code or something. There really seems.to be an inverse relationship between hazardous work and how much it pays
Boy, this thread took an interesting turn.

I suppose "east" could mean a lot of different things depending on the speaker, but there are Federal hotshot crews in Virginia, Tennessee, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Illinois, and quite a lot of assorted engines and helicopters in those and other states east of the continental divide. Fair amount of wildfire activity in the Appalachians, Florida, and northern Minnesota. Louisiana was banging last season. Though there surely isn't much north of Virginia and east of Ohio.
You can come to Alberta for wildfire fighting but the pay is shit and you'll probably get cancer if they don't give you proper equipment.
>Bakkenites on /out/
Holy shit some of you mother fuckers didn't blow your money on whores and coke (at least enough to buy a computer and wifi)
hello kevin
>no wildfires
Lots of plains that burn even above 30% relative humidity out here. I loved having western firefighters come to R8 and be flabbergasted when fire ripped across a field in RH's even above 45%. I worked on a state wildland crew in the upper midwest and we had plenty of legit wildfires from late February to about early-ish May. It's a short season and the fires are much smaller than what you see out west, but we do have real fire seasons. Rx and project work does eat up the rest of the year, though.
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The pay's not substantial but the experience & connections you'll make are invaluable (at least on the federal side)

The application process is the hardest part. USAJobs will be posting positions late August/early September for next summer. Put in for any place you'd be willing to work & stay west of the Mississippi.

Try out a couple seasons, enjoy your winters off and take things from there. If you wanna make good money, enjoy a healthier work-life balance and stay /out/ you can bring your chainsawyer skills over to the private sector and work as a contract feller or work for an arborist.

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