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And all my photos are fucking garbage and I'm realizing my edits look like total shit I think because I subconsciously try to replicate the iphone HDR look.

What the fuck do I do? How do I get better at shooting in imperfect settings?
Did you not hand a flash?
Post some of them man
Get a flash and learn to use it. Get a fast prime and learn to use it. Mix the two modes as necessary. Don’t fight bad light. Use good light, and if there isn’t any, make your own.

Don’t cry about it, learn from your mistakes and do better next time. Make new mistakes. Learn from those too. Good luck, have fun, don’t worry too much, we all die at the end of the day and nothing matters, so just have fun and enjoy the trip.
I did but today was my literal first time shooting with a flash. I'm worried about posting any because i'll dox myself lol.

Unironically kind of helps thanks anon
Direct flash tends to look bad, but with glamorous people it can look good in a high contrast Terry Richardson kinda way. Usually I’d recommend bouncing the flash off the ceiling, or using a diffusion cup type attachment if it’s a dark ceiling. Make sure to leave your shutter open long enough to balance the flash exposure with ambient light.

Since you shot an event, presumably a paid gig, with brand new equipment — doesn’t help you much now, but don’t do that. Practice with the kit BEFORE turning up and acting professional. Your test shots don’t need to be amazing, take pics of your dog or a figurine or literally anything, but put your shit through its paces before a high pressure situation so you’re not panicking when you have to figure it out on the fly.
Terry Richardson look is a terrible choice for a new shooting a normie wedding. It’s highly unflattering lol, op gonna ruin some zoomette’s special day
Hey Anon, first of all stop shitting yourself. You have workable photos I guarantee you.
I recently did my first two paid photoshoots for a total of 400 euro dollars for both.
I had shit lighting twice, and had the displeasure of working with slow lenses and micro four thirds cameras.
I ended up with quite a lot of ugly grain in many of the photos and had to push up the exposure in a few of them, only worsening the problem.
I found you can get rid of the worst of the grain without too much effort.
If you have access to lightroom, use the AI denoise feature, set it to a strength of 15%. This achieves a good balance between getting rid of 90% of the grain, while not making people look like plastic goop.
I don't know what event you were shooting, but the following advice for editing probably applies.
When I sent in my draft edits, I was told that they were too stylized and contrasty. I then re-edited them minimally, which meant pretty much just tuning the white balance to be slightly warmer, boosting the whites a bit, and adding only a smidge of contrast. They didn't end up looking all that different to the jpegs that came out of the camera.
When I sent these new edits in, they were accepted immediately. Less was more in this case.
As long as the photos were relatively free of grain, and didn't look washed out, it was golden. I imagine the same may apply in your situation.
Good luck Anon. I hope you deliver good work.
Also, for shooting events, a telephoto lens works well, headshots and closeups seem to be well received.
It's insane if you're getting paid to shoot an event without knowing how to use flash. If not then you just went out and took bad pictures like everybody else, just try again brotha
Getting a photo is better than nothing. That moment of time is saved for your client to see at the least.
Like I said, usually bad. OP didn't say it was a wedding. Direct flash could look good at like, a fashion party, or club, when you process the photos correctly. But yeah, pointing the flash is almost never the way. I like direct flash if you can get the flash off camera, like holding it in your left hand and shooting with your right. Get some interesting shadows in there.
It wasn't paid but yeah you're right I should've been more practiced with my flash before going. Oh well, whoops.

Yeah it wasn't a wedding, it was a small local business group meeting...basically snacks/drinks/presentations/socializing. I did try to use bounce flash but idk it wasn't turning out how I hoped.

Thanks anon, I appreciate your advice. I did have workable photos. I ended up delivering 48 edited photos after a little less than 2 hours of shooting. Is that light on photos? It feels a little light to be honest but I would not have been happy to deliver many of the photos outside of what I sent. The lady literally just downloaded my wetransfer so I'm hoping I get some feedback, good or bad lol.

Kek yeah I didn't get paid, thanks though anon

Zach, you gotta stop man. Go practice instead of giving highly unqualified advice in every thread.
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Hey, those that can't do teach. That's what I heard about from film school. :P

The school that you barely scraped by with a D?
No I was talking about from a youtube filmmaking tutorial video.
converting the photos to black and white is the meme answer desu
I genuinely considered that but it was for a local business group so pretty corporate and I didn't want to send over photos that felt too ""poetic"", you know?
>local business group so pretty corporate
They will accept the shittiest of pictures, you're unironically completely safe. Shit could be out of focus and they would still be cool with it.
Yeah you right. I'm more disappointed in myself than anything, lol.
That's fine too, you'll improve from your fuckups.
Just don't worry much about this one.
48 is reasonable. I got about 38 very good shots on my first shoot (100 mediocre, 800 shite), and 44 (130 mediocre, 950 shite) on my second.
If it's going to be used on social media whoever you did the shots for isn't going to use every single one.
shoot more

You're being too harsh on yourself, nobody gives a shit about your pics they either want to see themselfs or see the subject they care about

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