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File: Touch your focus.jpg (92 KB, 854x480)
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Now say fuji's af is bad again
it is so fucking slow lol
Oh it is with X-H2S latest firmware update which has released few days ago btw
that is literally so bad. the cope from slugs is getting unreal at this point. You know it's okay to admit that you just like the experience? It doesn't have to be the best for you to enjoy it.
what camera is this on?

wanted to buy a x100VI but not with this AF lol
I can do the same thing on my xperia, it's just the object tracking bugging out because you covered up the thing it was trying to track
Yeah, how is this impressive
>BOOM, HUMAN DETECTION (europoor accent)
>Takes like 3 seconds to focus
This has to be bait
i have a fujifilm x-s20 with the latest update and no, it fucking sucks. only now they added af modes from photo to video and the tracking will lose the tracking point as soon as it leaves the scene and wont even properly focus on the tracking point in lighting where it works fine in photo mode. face recognition will focus on back of people's heads and will try to look for faces specifically in poor lighting.
Is this a sarcasm thread

This is the same thing the nikon Z6 mk1 does, with the same speed and accuracy

I actually use a Z7II in DX mode for video and the autofocus is better than this
I really like my x100vi, but my A7III has a faster and more accurate focus.
Fooj is good but there are areas where it's nowhere near the best.
I dont understand how fuji managed to put the same awful 2012 autofocus in the x100vi given a simple prime lens to move around when there are 1" zoomy point and shoots with dead silent, lightning fast autofocus that are also much, much smaller than the x100vi.
just fuji things :')
No please explain

Like I get that sometimes there is an excuse. The nikon 26mm f2.8 needed a noisy autofocus motor so they could make it a few mm shorter than sony's 35mm f2.8 and make marketing claims about size and close focusing sharpness. It's designed somewhat like a phone lens as well with exotic elements. But the fuji lens is nothing special, it's actually a normal prime buried in the body. There's definitely room for a quieter, faster AF motor and they could have mogged their competition here.
But does it have cunnæ detection?
You'll be waiting until the X100X then.
nikon could have made the 26 quiet too. they're just cash strapped from putting aside money to buy RED.
Pros like myself use AF-S, you eye detect cry babies. :)
i was memeing on fuji, i agree with you, nothing to explain
>$2200 camera
Meanwhile the zf has literal magic snoy tier AF

kek fuji is such a scam. lower than pentax/olympus tier - at least they dont die from 20 minutes of light rain lol
Opening that link was shorter than the time it took for the camera to focus
>there are areas where it's nowhere near the best
let's see
>build quality
>battery life
>single card slot

There is something so satisfying about an all-metal build with a manual aperture ring. Why don't more manufacturers use manual apertures? The physical setting dials on the bodies too feel so nice to use.
my XF10 can't even AF-C, it just hunts back and forth and doesn't lock focus
Because it's been the ergonomic preference the majority for like, 40 years, to control aperture in a user-set increment using a dial on the grip.
+ Adding one or two tiny plastic dials on camera is much easier and cheaper than adding aperture ring on lens
Actually I could pass on the manual aperture ring, when I had a Fuji I just controlled it with the front dial. That being said having an iso and dedicated exposure comp dial was legitimately useful and should be on more cameras instead of just restricted to 'retro' cameras.
There was a period where people had both and people actually wanted the aperture ring gone because it would accidentally get bumped and it would make the controls confusing to have two aperture controls

Lenses without the aperture ring came out. Reception as positive. People chose the scroll wheel.

Sony actually has this layout. Front is aperture, rear left is shutter, rear right is exposure compensation, rear bottom can be mapped to ISO.

It's really annoying and preferable to at least map ISO to a button instead, because there's so many dials that inevitably one is easy to bump.

The fuji dials have a push button lock to prevent bumping. Do Sonys have the same?

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