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I recently got some expired Delta for $10, and I have an OM10, which only goes up to 1600 ASA. What's
the best way to go about getting decent images from this. l've only ever pushed HP5, and trying to work out the logistics of shooting lower than box speed, then developing at box speed, and not being able to tell if it's pushing or pulling is making this a mindfuck. I've read and
read and understand what pushing and pulling DOES, but I guess this is hyper specific to this situation? I also
bought some expired P3200, so this would also translate to that somewhat.
Wow that's a great question Anon, I'm glad you asked. Sadly I don't know at all, but maybe someone in the film thread could help you! Any other questions so an entire thread didn't die for a single question?
pushing means you underexpose and then overdevelop to compensate
pulling is the opposite
when you push, less 'light' hits the negative (log-exposure or whatever units it is). on the density curve this is the x-axis. if you were to then develop normally, you would get a thinner negative. overdeveloping to compensate results in a denser negative.
delta 3200 has a true iso of 1000 (box speed is not always true speed), but lets say 800 because thats the closest. by shooting it at 1600, you are underexposing by 1 stop. you can then overdevelop (dev at 1600) for a comparable dense negative. however, given its expired, i would shoot it at 1600 then develop at 3200, because you may be losing a stop extra due to it being expired (losing 1 stop due to underexposure + 1 stop from expired -> develop 2 stops more)
and then you now have to figure out where you expose for on the zone system because pushing means you lose shadows faster.
File: mysignaturelook.gif (1.41 MB, 400x352)
1.41 MB
1.41 MB GIF
read the datasheet you mongoloid
(It's an ISO 1000 film like the TMAX, shoot at 1600 and dev accordingly)
(dev in DD-X like everything pushed if you care about both shadow and highlight detail)
t. I only shoot HP5+ at 1600/3200 and delta at 3200/6400 it's my signature look
Why are zoomers so allergic to shooting their films at box speed?
>it's my signature look
please post some for future reference
so you could bully me online?
You shoot Delta 3200/P3200 at 1000? Be honest anon.
so i can steal your look, hehe
Lets face it, the only real threads in this god forsaken board are the recent photo and digishit ones. Only thing op killed is a gear/bait thread
I hope the film general and all the people in it die in a fire.
>meter for 1600
>develop for 1600

I did that recently with a roll of delta3200, came out fine. I will try to find a scan to post.
Why do you post here?
Neg film has most of its latitude/dynamic range on the highlight side. So over exposing by 1ev and developing normally usually helps the shadows and grain without blowing highlights. Sometimes anons do this on purpose. (E6 is more critical with less DR so it's important to nail exposure and shoot at box speed or just slightly over.)

That said, as other anons have pointed out its truly an ISO 1000 film designed to be pushed up to 3200. So you're not actually even over exposing it. It's expired so giving it more light is good. You might even want to shoot/develop as ISO 800 film. Or shoot as 800 and push to 1600.
cant afford a roll of foma? your first roll came back entirely blank?
People posting individual threads is how chan culture was supposed to work before that faggot moot ruined it by explicitly allowing generals and letting them take over. Oldfags remember when generals were not welcome. And they still aren’t.
you fuck dogs

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