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In a country on the cusp of war there exists two sides. The country of Westalis and Ostania, many people live their lives attempting to keep peace and prevent an all out war from taking the two countries once again.

You are one such person. You've seen the way society was ravaged by war. So you've sworn your life to protect it. The only question is...

How exactly are you protecting it?

> An agent of WISE, Working from the country of Westalis and keeping the peace. (The Same organization as Loid Forger and Fiona Frost)
> A member of The Garden an illustrious and secret assassin Organization, who work for a shadow government to take out traitors(Same organization as Yor Forger)
> A member of the State Security Service an organization dedicated to torturing and interrogating Westalis spies(Same organization as Yuri Briar)
> A Renegade/Mercenary operating on your own morals and beliefs with no true allegiance simply trying to prevent war.
Welcome to Spy x Family quest! This is something I decided to run to potentially gauge interest in any sort of Spy x Family quest. If I see there isn't much activity. I'll leave it as a one-shot, if not we can keep it going!
>> A member of the State Security Service an organization dedicated to torturing and interrogating Westalis spies(Same organization as Yuri Briar)
> An agent of WISE, Working from the country of Westalis and keeping the peace. (The Same organization as Loid Forger and Fiona Frost)
>> An agent of WISE, Working from the country of Westalis and keeping the peace. (The Same organization as Loid Forger and Fiona Frost)
Not a series I would have expected to see a quest for, I'm interested in seeing where this goes
> A Renegade/Mercenary operating on your own morals and beliefs with no true allegiance simply trying to prevent war.
> A Renegade/Mercenary operating on your own morals and beliefs with no true allegiance simply trying to prevent war.
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Flipping a D2 since this is deadlocked
1- Agent of WISE
Agent of Westalis it is. Writing.
Ah so you're an agent of Westalis, that's understandable. A proud and noble people who want nothing but to prevent war from breaking out once more... While getting a leg up on Ostania. Hey I'm not one to try and go about judging who people decide to work for.

Ah but you're in the middle of something important aren't you? That's right! You just got called by your handler Sylvia!

"Ah Agent, it's a pleasure to see you again. I see here that you've opted to change your name again, agent..."

> What's your new name?
>Tanya Degurechaff
>Samuel Newman
On the nose maybe, but I'm shit at names
>Quinten van der Gray
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Alright rolling again since we're just starting up here. Plus it gives us a good way to pick between male and female so.
Supporting, but since the setting is based on Germany, I'd prefer a spelling of Neumann
Woops, Well guess we're a man and our "name" is Samuel Newman.

I'll second this if it is still possible.
Works for me

"Samuel Neumann" Sylvia looks up at you, a small smirk on her face "A little on the nose isn't it agent? Granted, this has always been a quirk of yours. Since the day you joined you've always been..."

> Aloof and Positive even in the face of danger
> Stern and focused, which leads you to not stress smaller details.
>Aloof and Positive even in the face of danger
>> Aloof and Positive even in the face of danger
>> Stern and focused, which leads you to not stress smaller details.
>> Aloof and Positive even in the face of danger
Goofy secret agent it is. Writing!

"...aloof and positive even in the face of danger. It's honestly pretty impressive." she looks over reports she has in her hand "but your results do speak for themselves."

You nod "Thanks Handler, I appreciate that but why did you call me in today?"

She looks to you face stern. "I'm sure you've heard of our current most important mission yes?"

"Operation STRIX, with agent Twilight right?"

You're aware, it's the plan to get close to the current running candidate for Prime Minister Donovan Desmond by pretending to be a Family. Intel has reported that he intends to cause another war allowing Ostania to rule over Westalis. Something all of you are working to stop by any means necessary.

"Indeed, while I'm glad to say that things have been going well with the plan other higher ups have gotten worried." she says face turning stern

"Worried? About what? I'm sure Twilight has got it." you remark eyebrow raised

"Hm. I agree, any look at Lloid, Ms. Briar and Anya leaves no doubt in my mind that he'd succeed. But other don't believe such things." she sighs "Which is why we've had to begin something known as 'The STRIX contingency.' "

"A contingency?" you question slowly realizing what they're going to ask you to do.

"Yes, we want you to be our plan B in the case that Operation STRIX goes wrong."

"What?!" you shout, panicked at the prospect.

"I do apologize but it's necessary. You need to find a wife and child as soon as possible."

You stutter at the blunt request before you.

> I have a son but...!
> I have a daughter but...!
> I have a wife but...!
> I'm single I don't have any of those things!
>> I'm single I don't have any of those things!
>> I'm single I don't have any of those things!
Hard mode engaged, baby!
>I have a son but...!
>> I have a wife but...!
I think there was a Beatles song about this. Writing!
"I'm single and I don't have either of those things!" you yell both afraid of the repercussions and annoyed that that's the case.

"With Fiona running assistance on other missions and helping Twilight when necessary. We unfortunately didn't have any other options. You have to get this done now." Sylvia explains

"You said it wasn't essential right?!" you ask trying to see any way out of this.

"It wasn't but it was ordered by those above, non compliance will unfortunately result in termination." she says

"AGCK" you feel your whole body tense up, how are you supposed to even manage something like this in such a short amount of time.

"Good luck Agent, we'll be providing you with the necessary finances to keep things a float." Sylvia says turning back to her work.

You hobble out of her office and sit in a train car blank faced staring straight ahead, receiving strange looks from passengers as a result. A wife? When you don't even have a girlfriend? A kid? When you don't even have the two other things?! How the hell did Sylvia expect you to manage that on short notice?! There's a ringing as you receive a coded message.

"I forgot to mention, you need to get the student enrolled in Eden Academy."

...You let your phone drop to your side. Didn't enrolling already pass? Does your kid have to be really smart? Oh no...

> Attempt to find a wife... somehow
> Attempt to find a kid... somehow
Fun fact this is entirely wrong I was making a "Here comes the sun." joke but that wasn't what won. I must've made a mental typo.
>Attempt to find a wife... somehow
>> Attempt to find a kid... somehow
>Attempt to find a wife... somehow
Wife it is! Writing!
"I guess I can look around for a wife..." You remark. fingers pinching the bridge of your nose.

"Oh this is a nightmare." you sigh "I would preferred an attempt at assassination over this..."

Hm... I think Samuel is dealing with a lot right now. Maybe we should look in on someone else. This country is much more than just one individual of course.

The question is. Where are we going now?

> City Hall
> State Security Service
> Nowhere in particular.
> Nowhere in particular.
>State Security Service
>> State Security Service
>> State Security Service
Awake and Writing!
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Ah of course, The State Security Service. A secret organization known to many in Ostania as the brutal Secret Police. They exist as a force for their own perceived justice. Striking down dissenters and those who would try to besmirch the name of the country.

Of course there are also those who are simply fighting under the assumption that they're doing so just to help their families, their country and it's citizens. You are one such person and your name is... your name is... Hm. I can't seem to place it right now.

If you could please Madame...

> Tell me your name?
>Eleanor Finch
>Elizabeth Blanc
Alright, writing!
Eleanor Finch.

Ah a strong name, you walk down the halls to another interrogation. Inside is a younger man, face bruised some teeth missing. He stares straight ahead not looking at anything really.

"Hello." you say with...

> A Cold focus
> A Pleasant veneer
>A Pleasant veneer
>> A Pleasant veneer
> A Pleasant veneer
You say with a pleasant veneer a small smile on your face as you approach. This rouses the young man from his stupor as he now looks at you.

"I'm sorry for how you've been treated so far." you continue "I really wish they'd lighten up on people who come in here."

The young man tenses leaning back in his chair a bit. Choosing to not believe what you're implying. There is a grain of truth to it if you're being honest, but these people are bad you're just doing this to protect the country you care about.

"I didn't do anything." He responds

You frown "Now listen, we don't just bring anyone in here. We have good reason to suspect that you we're leaking information to Westalis that would make us look worse than we do. That's not good for keeping this peace here young man."

"You freaks deserve it! Taking people out of their homes! Beating them till they talk! You're trash you hear me?! TRASH!" he yells clearly incensed

Hmmm how to proceed...

> Continue taking it easy.
> Diplomacy has failed, put on the pressure
>> Continue taking it easy.
Give him a chance to dig his grave deeper.
>> Diplomacy has failed, put on the pressure
Hans, bring out the testicle stretcher and my boxing gloves
>> Continue taking it easy.
>> Continue taking it easy.
if we continue to be nice eventually he’ll spill the bean
>> Continue taking it easy.
Keep it up until we need information and then continue with a pleasant attitude while performing horribly painful acts.
>> Continue taking it easy.

Taking it easy on the traitor. Writing!
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You smile keeping a light tone of voice. "I understand how you feel. If you would just allow me a question though?"

He stares you down

"Do you want to go to war?" You ask

The man freezes up.

"If you do the things you do, we will be plunged into another war and many like yourself will have to fight in it." you say

He panics

"We do our best to keep the peace, believe it or not we want this country to be better." you continue "Now can you please tell us everything you know and we can use it to continue making the country a safe place to be?" you ask

"I..." the man stops for a moment "A-alright."

"Good, let's take it from the top shall we?" You ask

You emerge from the room, gloves off, no blood on your uniform no screaming coming from inside

"Good work Finch. I don't know how you manage to stay so nice with these people." another member comments

"I think they just want what's best in their own way like we do." You respond. "We shouldn't be punishing them as harshly as we are on a first arrest."

"Quite the statement there Eleanor." You tense up as the boss approaches

"Boss!" You salute as he approaches.

"Hey now, no need to be so formal haha" he beckons you "Mind joining me in my office for a moment?"

You nod and follow him, he takes a seat by a glass window behind his desk overlooking the city.

"So Eleanor first let me say I'm glad to have you on board, your methods of interrogation have been a great shake up to this old place." he says smiling

"Of course sir, thank you sir." You respond

"But there have been certain murmurings about WISE recently that have had me nervous so I want to propose something to you." he asks

"Yes sir?" You ask confused

"Would you be willing to start a family to serve as a more active spy in the city."


> Sir yes sir!
> What?!
>> What?!
> Sir yes sir!
Probably the more proper response. Writing.
"What?!" You shout

"Ahahahahaah!" The captain laughs "Sorry, I sprung that on ya pretty bluntly didn't I?" he calms down "Let me explain."

"Tensions have been rising on this side of the country and as a result people suspect that more and more individuals could be spies. We already dispatch those disguised as civilians but it's proving to not be working as often these days due to the distrust some member of populace have for us."

"So you want to send me out as a member of a family..." you continue

"To lift the suspicion that a normal member would have." HE finishes.

> Well I understand and I do have a son...
> Well I understand and I do have a daughter...
> B-but General I'm single!
>> B-but General I'm single!
The Christmas Cake option
>> B-but General I'm single!
>> B-but General I'm single
>> B-but General I'm single!
"B-but general I'm single!" you say

"Welp better start lookin' for a boo! HAHAHAHA!" he laughs heartily

That laugh echoes in your brain as you walk outside of the building now in your civilian clothes. You stare off into the distance, how can you even manage something like this...

Oh dear... well that's unfortunate. Hm... something about this story is feeling familiar. I suppose that leaves us with one more question.

> Are you a Boy
> Are you a Girl
> Are you a Boy
Chadwick Mordheim
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I'm just gonna flip a coin for my vote
> 1 boy
> 2 girl
> Are you a Boy
>> Are you a Boy
>> Are you a Boy
>> Are you a Boy

Understood. Writing.

Ah a boy. Then allow me to ask you this.

> What powers were you given... if any?
>> What powers were you given... if any?
The power of tickles.
Hmm, thinking about what would be a good fit for a spy story, how's about the ability to make ourselves unnoticeable? Like we can project a field that interferes with other people's brains and erases our presence from their senses. So someone could be staring directly at us, but if we use our power their brain tells them 'noone's there'.

No powers
>time stop/slow like a sandevistan
Basically extreme reflexes
How about those reflexes from Sniper Elite? We can watch that body cam and see if we nail our target in the balls.
Hi I'm awake, these two concepts seem familiar I'm willing to combine them both if anons are cool with that.
This quest looks pretty interesting, can't wait to see what sort of time slowing/eagle eyed powers our little junior will have.
My man
Also Samuel has to go ask Twilight how he managed to acquire his family for tips... Although his response would just be ''Go to a shady orphanage for the kid, as for the wife... Just randomly stumble into them.''
I will be doing some posts tonight folks. Forgive me I had a dentist appointment and was waiting for some more responses and a bunch of lovely folks showed up so.
Good teeth are the backbone of any good agent
Oh by the way, how early are we in SxF? Like, has Anya just joined Eden or are we like months into the school year?
That was a lie, my bad folks. I wasn't supposed to be but it was. We will get back to it today.

I'm thinking of the objectively most optimal time which is like right before the initial meetings and entry but before the entrance exams. So it genuinely is like even more down to the wire than Lloid and Yor. Sort of emphasize the actual insanity of the request.
Samuel needs a raise
Alright, I'm back Writing!
Ah just a boy are you? I see, I'm sorry to hear that you've been on your own... that power of yours as well...

I can only hope you haven't had to use it often, if at all. But quite honestly that's a bit too dark for us at the moment. You're currently...

> Playing in the backyard (Athletic)
> Reading and Writing stories (Academic)
>Playing in the backyard
>> Playing in the backyard (Athletic)
Reading is for NERDS!
> Playing in the backyard (Athletic)
Use it to catch fish and flies to catch more fish
>> Reading and Writing stories (Academic)
I think the boy being more cool and academic compared to Anya would be neat
This wins! Writing!

You're currently bouncing a ball of the wall outside of the orphanage. You continually take notice of it's approach as you see it slow. You easily move out of the way and grab it with one hand. You sigh.

"This is boring..." you sit down on the floor looking at other kids wandering around playing different games. You hate times like this, it causes you to remember everything that came before.

"I'm gonna go to bed." You begin to wander back into the orphanage. As you pass, you feel the eyes of the other orphans on you. Things have been odd since the pink hair girl left, things seem different more kid want to find homes and leave. You feel the same obviously, you're like 6.

There's a commotion at the front door... a family???

You are Agent Samuel Neumann, you've arrived at the orphanage that Twilight found his daughter. I mean hey if it worked once makes that it would work again right? You look and see kids to the sides all in various states of filth and dress. It's honestly pretty despicable, the drunken owner doesn't make you feel much better.

"Well you shouldn't have any trouble with any of em. Just sent a kid to a loving home last week heheheh." he croaks out

Concerning but... huh? You see a small kid standing at the end of the hallway looking at you as you approach.

> Approach the kid "Hey bud, what's your name?"
> Ignore the kid
> Approach the kid "Hey bud, what's your name?"
>Approach the kid "Hey bud, what's your name?"
>> Approach the kid "Hey bud, what's your name?"
>> Approach the kid "Hey bud, what's your name?"
Hey gents, there'll be a post later tomorrow! I'm workin' from the office this week so I can't post like I usually did! Good news though, after a birthday trip this weekend, I'll be free the rest of the week!
Whew, had me worried there for a second, guess we'll have to start thinking of names for the little fella, I'm thinking... Cyril.
No worries QM
Writing now!
"Hey bud, what's your name?" You lean down to the kid looking at you two

He stares up at you both eyes looking over you both. Seems pretty guarded, but he is the one kid that's not immediately staying away from you. You go into a squat.

"You looking for a family bud?" you ask

He stays silent, but seems to get less tense.

"You wanna take him?" the caretaker asks, clearly just wanting to get rid of him

You grimace sightly and the young man seems to notice this and he actually chuckles. You smirk, hey this might not be so hard after all. "You got a name buddy?"

This could be the chance you're looking for...

> What's your name?
>> What's your name?
+1 >>5979625
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Hello agents! Some updates, there won't be a post tonight but I did go see pic related in theaters!

I really loved it! It's definitely a side story but it's a side story that was animated fantastically and to me felt like it moved the relationship between Loid and Yor further. While the side characters weren't too much to talk about they served their purpose well and the villain was actually pretty cool. I'd to think about where I;d put this if I decide to adapt it since it can really fit in anywhere based on what I had seen.

As for future posts, there's not going to be many this weekend! I'll be on vacation and posting from mobile isn't possible for me since I'll be out and about a lot. We'll hopefully be back Tuesday and I'll be updating the rest of the week!
Glad you liked it, gonna try and see it some time next week myself.
Side stories always give me mixed feelings. On the one hand, they are generally very well made. On the other, it is content that is not progressing the primary story and I HAVE A MIGHTY NEED.
Alright agents, I'm back from vacation! We'll be back at it again tomorrow since I've spent a good amount of time recuperating from my weekend in sin city as it was.
I can't believe our commanding officer would gamble during his off period, shameful display.
It's looking like Cyril! Writing!
"Cyril." you say

"That's a nice name." The older man says

"Are you looking for a family?" you ask "I am too."

The older man smiles softly. "Is that so? How old are you bud?"

"Six." you respond.

He smiles "If you'd like to join a new family, I'd be glad to have you."

You nod. Before the two of you can continue walking however, two children approach in some combination of a fight and game of tag. They're about to careen into you.

> Allow yourself to stumble
> Use your quicktime
> Use your quicktime
Impress him with a flip
>Use your quicktime
Gotta assert dominance
>> Use your quicktime
>> Use your quicktime
>Use your quicktime
Just caught up. Loving it so far! It'd be funny if our family ends up the exact opposite of Loids, in that we all know each other's shit but all have the same goals of avoiding war.
Eleanor:''You're a Westalis spy!? I ought to have you arrested on the spot!''
Samuel:''But don't you want piece? I know we have our differences but we both want the same thing right?''
Eleanor:''But I have my duties as an officer to capture you... But I also have my duties as a wife as well, I'm so... Conflicted.''
Samuel:''Then follow what your heart says, Eleanor.''
Eleanor:''Oh Samuel~''
Cyril:''Can you two knock it off I have to study.''
The real drama is keeping bosses and coworkers in the dark
Billy watkins and cyril duo would make a crazy sports team
Still alive bossman? I know it's only been a couple days but with how QST is I get a bit jumpy.
Yes, sorry for the delays. Combination of getting bloodwork done and preparing for my birthday tomorrow.
You know, it's almost comical how busy you are, you had a dentist appointment, you had office work, you had a birthday trip, went to the movies and now you had bloodwork.
Alright folks with birthday festivities complete, we'll be back to late night posts next week!
The entire world slows down around you. The two kids approach and in this bullet time you find yourself in you manage to weave between the both of them. As you do, they both tumble onto the floor for a moment before picking themselves up and continuing to run.

"Those were some slick moves bud." The man looking to adopt says to you soft smile on his face

Ah, you usually don't use that ability so openly. He doesn't seem to be too put off by what he saw.

"I think we can have a lot fun with moves like that at home. What do you say bud?" he asks

You sigh before smiling "I would like that a lot mister."

He smiles "Looks like we got ourselves a little family then."

"You can go ahead and take him." The caretaker slurs out

"What about paperwork." the man asks

"No need, you can get on outta here!"

"W-well alright then?" he leans down to you "Cmon, buddy."

You take his hand and begin walking out of the orphanage.

Looks like this family is beginning to form. But where shall we go from here? Would you like to perhaps move ahead? Maybe when the lovely couple meets properly? Or would you maybe want to stick around, maybe something dangerous could happen to this newly adopted son.

> Skip ahead
> Stay for now
>> Stay for now
>> Stay for now
Maybe whatever happens could even be what ends up putting them on her radar.
> Skip ahead
I'd prefer the dangerous thing that happens with the son to involve meeting the potential wife
> Stay for now
lets have cyril and samuel get to know each other a little more before finishing the family
>> Stay for now
>Stay for now
qm are you still alive
I'm trying to be
Hope you're doing alright boss

Writing. Sorry for the big delays I have been wiped recently.

It's been a day since you've adopted the new kid. You gotta admit, even though it's just for the mission he's grown on you, he's pretty reserved but sharp! He seems to be pretty smart for his age and he has some incredibly moves, you've seen him recover from stuff faster than even yourself sometimes, and you're a trained spy!

Right now though, you're trying to find a place to set up shop, WISE said they would front the bill but man it's hard for you to imagine where you should even live. Is there a good place? A bad place? Maybe you should shack up near Twilight? Would that be too suspicious?

"Dad." huh oh it's the kid "I'm hungry."

You notice your own stomach feeling empty "You know what? Me too, let's grab a bite to eat yeah?"

The kid smiles and you look around for some sort of restaurant.
You look around at the world around you, your new dad is pretty awesome so far. Granted you have no frame of reference for what a good dad even is but he's not ignoring you so that's a plus.

As the two of you walk by you both suddenly stop, you're confused but in the corner of your eye there's a glint of some sort of metal your dad clearly sees it as well.

> Let it be
> Ask him why he stopped walking.
He has risen from his grave
> Ask him why he stopped walking.
>Ask him why he stopped walking.
>Ask him why he stopped walking.
>> Ask him why he stopped walking.

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