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In times past, giants walked the earth. Now, they shall awaken and walk again.

The first nuclear weapon detonated in 1945, showering the earth in radiation that had gone unseen for millions of years. The opening of Pandora's Box led to countless explosions, twice against man, and many more in barren deserts and oceanic depths. As the crust of the planet became charged with energy once more, ancient things began to stir.

You play as one of these creatures: A young Kaiju, awakened by radiation and ready to feed on it. As one of many who are emerging into existence, the time has come for you and your ilk to reclaim your rightful place as the rulers of Earth.
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Creating a Kaiju:
To join, come up with a concept for your Kaiju. Maybe it's an ancient egg that's just hatched due to a nuclear explosion, an animal mutated from an experiment, or even an alien invader. Whatever it is, it's weak and fresh, with room to grow before it can truly gain the power of a god. Providing a visual reference for your Kaiju is optimal.

A Kaiju begins with F in all stats. However, even this rating is enough to devastate part of a city. You may choose two stats to increase upon character creation, excluding Size.


>Size: F
>Energy: 1/4

Description: Describe your Kaiju's concept, origin, and some potential abilities. This determines the sort of actions you may take during turns. For example, a reptillian Kaiju cannot randomly attempt to construct a web using its Special stat, while a giant spider may. The broader the range of things they can do, the weaker the overall effect.

HP: Size + Stamina (F=1, A=6)

Size: (The size of your Kaiju in its current iteration. Cannot be increased at creation, gained upon reaching Milestones. Larger sizes allow you to do more damage or move faster.)
Strength: (The physical strength and fighting ability of your Kaiju. Affects hit success rate.)
Stamina: (The resilience of your Kaiju, covering how much damage they can tank and their capacity for recovery between battles.)
Speed: (How agile your Kaiju is in battle, and their ability to traverse distances.)
Special: (Your Kaiju's special abilities. They may have breath attacks that do more damage than their physical attacks, or the ability to create nests and birth minions. Requires Energy to utilise in most situations.)
Energy: 1/4 (You begin with 1/4 units of concentrated bioenergy, increased by consuming sources of radiation or other energy forms. This allows your Kaiju to utilise their Special stat to achieve effects that their other stats don't cover.)

Once you're done, select a starting location on the world map and mark it out or list the coordinates. Kaiju may not start within a 1-tile radius from one another.
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Stat Contests:
Difficult actions are carried out with 1d3 rolls. A 1 is a decreased degree of success, 2 is the expected degree of the stat, and 3 is an improved degree. For example, a Kaiju with F Strength attacking another with E Stamina will typically fail to wound it. However, by adding a degree of success, it may be possible to match that stat. This makes it possible for Kaiju to punch above their weight class to a degree, and completely overcome obstacles once they become sufficiently powerful.

Kaiju will, obviously, be doing battle against themselves and the human forces that they're invading. A battle involves making a series of Stat Contests. The most common will be actively rolling Strength against a passive Stamina stat to determine if the Kaiju receives an injury. However, alternative contests may be applicable. A speedy kaiju could attempt to actively roll Speed to evade an attack, or utilise Special in place of Strength to use a beam attack.

Defeating an enemy may count as a Milestone that strengthens your own Kaiju, and being defeated will either render your Kaiju unconscious or dead. Early-game deaths or defeats from NPCs may not be fatal, while brawling in the late-game will likely lead to death.

Kaiju are able to grow stronger. They may do this through two methods: Milestones and Energy. When a Kaiju achieves a great feat, such as scoring their first kill or razing their first city, they may be considered to have completed a milestone. This allows them to increase their size, which naturally increases their HP and the impact of their stats. Alternatively, a Kaiju may increase a non-size stat by consuming an entire filled-up energy bar and a full turn. This allows them to permanently upgrade themselves over time.
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Each turn, a Kaiju receives 3 actions. Ideally, when not fighting, you'll want to be establishing your own goals. For example, spending actions to make a lair, or an action search for nuclear sites to subsequently feed from. You can spend an action to move a tile on the map, attack other kaiju, hunt for food in the wilderness, attack a city, etc, it'll rely on your write-ins.

As this system is makeshift and untested, the direct impact of stats on these actions will likely end up being played by ear. Many actions will require rolls or be possible to counter with rolls.

The game ends naturally when all Kaiju have achieved their individual goals and are no longer interested in changing the status quo. Some examples are a single Kaiju slaying all others, several Kaiju deciding to permanently ally and co-exist, or the game simply dying off.

Feel free to start posting now. I'm not sure how many players I can take, but will indicate when signups are closed. Please be patient with me since this is a new system I'm trying to test out and simplify.
This looks like a based quest but I'm unfortunately already busy running my own quest!! Best of luck, QM, I'm sure you'll get some takers here.
I'm willing to bite, but I do have a question. an I make a parasitic mushroom that spreads and take territory instead of random giant scaley beast number whatever, or is that not in the kaiju spirit? I can offer giant plants and mushrooms for people to duke it out with down the line if that helps?
Yeah, that sounds fine to me. There’s all sorts of Kaiju, big mushroom would be fine. Making minions would probably be an action that uses Special, and creates mobs that have their own stat blocks, similar to Kaiju.
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>Description: GIANT ENEMY lobster. /shrimp?
Apparently the islands here were nuclear test sites, which is cool because I was going to spawn here anyway.
>Size: F
>Strength: E
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Energy: 1/4

Location: F7
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>Description: The Mushroom (aka The Plant Hopper, the Brain Eater, the Zombie Shroom, the Pale Rider, Hongo del Diablo, Shroomy, Champi)
was first discovered by a scientific expedition into Argentina's subtropical forests, when the expedition ran into "unwell, creepily friendly" animals. First suspecting rabies, scientist eventually discovered obvious signs of mycological infection, from spores in lungs to mycelial cords tracing the animals' nervous systems, including the brain. Over the past few months, these sightings have accelerated as more and more animals seem to lose basic instincts, and venture out of their normal habitats. Even more worrying, all recovered mushroom samples belong not just to the same species, but unbelievable enough, the same rhizome. Whatever is in there is widespread, and probably spreading under the ground for miles. An armed expedition is underway to study, and if necessary contain or destroy what is shaping up to be a continent-spanning ecological disaster, as predator numbers in the area have started dwindling, with infected animals losing even their basic hunting instincts when faced with infected prey animals or plants.

Appearance: pic related, for now. All sightings so far have been limited to mycelial cords within vegetal and animal tissue, including within large mammals...

>HP: 3/3
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F (duh)
>Special: E
>Energy: 1/4

Location I7

Shroomy probably will be a nightmare for humans to deal with if it develops how I'm envisioning it, but breath attacks should work well enough, if it comes to that. Just don't expect it to move anywhere fast. It'll stick to being a creeping wave of an environmental hazard until it grows up a little, or if something big comes poking.
Welcome! Will add your Kaiju to the map soon. Also as a side note for everybody, the map can be crossed since it’s a globe.
>Description: A spider mutated by exposure to a radioactive meteorite, as well due to eating affected insects
>HP: F
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: E
>Energy: 1/4
Location: H19
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HP: 3
Size: F
Strength: E
Stamina: E
Speed: F
Special: F
Energy: 1/4

Description: Arising from the shallow waters just outside Manila, DEWA-PENTU is a lumbering, unstoppable behemoth - the CARAPACE of CRYSIS!
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>Description: The Typhon
"Today on Iceland monitor, a writhing mass of black and orange tendrils has crashed into earth. A majority of it burnt up in the atmosphere, but government officials report sighting some leftover at the crash site. However we have reports of mental disturbances, electrical equipment failure, and a sudden unseen force is preventing further study. Further updates will be given as the situation unfolds, back to the weather."

>Size: F
>Energy: 1/4

Location: C9
>Description: Yaderevo (Ядepeвo)
A ceaseless discharge of molten nuclear fuel seeping into the depths of the local ecosystem and rising back into a colony of radio-biological organisms united into a wandering nuclear frame.

>HP: 3/3
>Size: F
>Strenght: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: D
>Special: F
>Energy: 1/4

Appeareance: I will draw ut when I have the time, but until then imagine a giant tree with roots at both ends with some of the inferior ones ending in elephant-foot like apendages for locomotion... now make it bigger and plate it with plutonium.

>Location: Cernobyl (D12)
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Description: An extradimensional entity which behaves similarly to a conscious singularity. Manifests upon worlds bearing large populations sapient life, then slowly expands as it decoheres and assimilates matter into more of itself, eventually subsuming the entire planet.

>Size: F
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Energy: 1/4

Location: A1
Sorry, HP should be 2 not F
>Description: Out in space there are species that fight their wars primarily with bioweapons beyond anything man could make. Every now and then one escapes. Phantrumpitus was created to capture one that landed on Earth. He was created using the largest earth organisms it's makers could get as a basis to minimize the risk of it being killed by the atmosphere. It can create and blast an incredibly sticky substance that rapidly hardens on contact with air from it's trunk.
>HP: 4
>Size: F
>Energy: 1/4
Location G11
Misread how to calculate hp should be 3

Oops, I forgot to specify my location: G17
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Name: The Hive Mind
Description: Born from the collective unconscious of the people of a Japanese city because of classified experiments from an american military base that was there going wrong. The experiments were related to mind control technology.
Has the ability to control other life forms, from altering their behavior to completely turning them into familiars. It also uses this power to avoid being noticed by humans when it isn't hostile.

>HP: 3
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Energy: 1/4

Location: E18
The Beast of Tetanko
>Description: This titanic beast was once simply a crustacean with gigantism, likely doomed to a short life due to its poor ability to ambush prey. But fate had a different plan in mind for this strange creature, as it was declared an emissary of god and fostered by the Tetanko, a small and isolated island tribe. Over generations, it was cared for and fed by the people, growing ever larger and larger in the meantime. In turn, it served as the island's protector, fending off rival tribes and other strange beasts once it grew large enough. The beast's unnatural lifespan and indefatigable regenerative powers were judged as further sign of its blessing rather than its abnormal mutation combined with the pampering of the villagers, and over the millennia since then, it has shrugged off the mortal limitations of its original existence, free from disease and grown truly immense feeding on whales and other large marine life between decades of hibernation. Its most recent sleeping cycle was interrupted by an atomic blast, and when it finally dragged itself to the surface, it found its former home completely devastated, its chosen people nowhere to be found. Enraged by this loss, the Beast of Tetanko now comes to the mainland, fueled by hunger and vengeance in equal measures.
>HP: 3
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Energy: 1/4
Location: D1
In terms of abilities, the Beast of Tetanko is basically a regenerative nightmare, able to come back from even the most grevious of injuries stronger than ever in a short amount of time. In terms of use in combat, I was thinking he could forcefully induce cancerous mutations with his regenerative prowess, exchanging pure strength for further versatility in his approaches as he mutates extra eyes and mouths and limbs and things.
Please indicate the tile coordinates. I’ll start up the first turn soon!
>Description: A Giant Polar Bear, that when agitated glows bright glacier blue.

In the frigid depths of the Arctic, where ice and snow reign supreme, an ancient force stirred beneath the frozen surface. Deep within the heart of an ice cavern, a colossal polar bear, larger than any creature ever seen, emerged from its millennia-long slumber. This behemoth, now known as the Arctic Ursa, had laid dormant for centuries, frozen and hidden from the world by the icy embrace of its homeland.

But as the world changed, so did the Arctic Ursa. For it had managed to evolve in hibernation, growing larger and more powerful with each passing year and even managing to gain the power to bring the cold with it. This majestic creature became a force of nature, its fur shimmering with an otherworldly glow, and its roars echoing across the frozen expanse.

As human activity encroached further into the Arctic, disturbing the delicate balance of nature, the Arctic Ursa awoke once more, its ancient instincts driving it to search for food and new shelter after it’s long hibernation. Towering over cities, it has become a walking blizzard and a symbol of winter unleashed.

Now exploring this new era of time, the Arctic Ursa stands as a wanderer of the world, a formidable presence that demands respect and reverence from all who dare to stop him from finding a new home.

>Size: F
>Strength: E
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Energy: 1/4

Location: B3
It’s main attack is to make Blizzard Wind Slashes with it’s claws and its special attack is a gigantic ice beam that he can unleash on his enemies or make ice fortifications to help him defend himself
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Across the world, various disasters have struck all at once. Numerous meteors have crashed into the atmosphere, nuclear bombs have detonated in preparation to turn them on foes, and rising temperatures have melted ice caps and disturbed things once slumbering within. Earthquakes and tsunamis are forecasted, and those living in catastrophe-prone areas are waiting in terror for the wrath of nature to strike. Humanity is about to learn a harsh lesson: That they have never been the rulers of the Earth.

>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

You may start making actions now. I'll aim for turns lasting roughly 24 hours. Actions are all write-in. Feel free to use real-world justifications and research to act, as we're on a real world map at the moment. For example, Yaderevo has chosen to start in Chernobyl, so may immediately start trying to absorb radiation for energy. Other Kaiju may need to spend an action trying to locate energy-filled zones, which reveals that information to them. This info is only available to those who spent actions obtaining it, unless it's an obvious and realistic situation like a real nuclear plant that anybody can deduce independently.

If you'd like to ask questions regarding various actions, please feel free too, so we can work out any confusion or unclear portions together.

>Join game: Create your Kaiju sheet and select a place for them.
Rolled 3 (1d3)

>Action 1: Submerge self into the ocean.
>Action 2: (Special) Decohere local reality. Attempt to break down the atomic structure of surrounding matter into a volatile energy state suitable for absorption.
>Action 3: Assimilate radioactive products produced by the prior action.
Not sure if I need to roll for this, but I did so just in case.
>Action 1: Move to B2
>Action 2: Move to A1
>Action 3: Attack Memitim

Sorry Memitim, but you’re the biggest threat to me right now. Which means you got to go.
Oh shoot, I meant to be specific
I attack him with my Blizzard Claws
>Action 1: Spin a web
> Action 2: Look for energy
> Action 3: Feed on prey
Memritim’s Action 1 is stealth-related, so I think I’ll rule Stealth as being under ‘Speed’ from now.

Arctic Ursa’s Strength is E, and Memritim’s Stamima is F, making an undefended attack hit even in the worst case roll (1/3). However, since Memritim has made an action to utilise stealth, I’ll consider that as an active Speed roll against Ursa’s passive Speed to try and dodge the attack. Will require 1d3 from Memritim.

Action results will all be compiled upon turn update. I think that in order to eliminate the need for roll requests, let’s roll 3d3 each turn to cover all bases for all 3 actions, even if they’re things that don’t require rolls such as movement.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d6)

>Action 1: (Special) Devour the minds and bodies of the local population in Isafjordur using my tendrils and psychic mass.
>Action 2: Search for other sources of energy
>Action 3: Establish a hidden lair on the Island

I'm sure they did something to deserve this.
Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d3)

Action 1: Hunt fish/ disrupt fishing trawlers.
Action 2: Find Energy.
Action 3: Bask on a nice rock.

>Action 1: D-P proceeds straight to Manila proper, and it begins tearing the city apart! To the surprise of the local populace, the gigantic turtle creature begins consuming metals of all kinds, toppling buildings and bridges!

>Action 2: D-P special action revealed!! The metals consumed by D-P in turn one begin to be incorporated into the hide, shell and claws of the god-turtle!

>Action 3: The Malaysian military finally gets their act together and a tank battalion arrives - a single glancing blow from a tank round is enough to score the shell of D-P deeply and scare it off! D-P retreats into the ocean, diving deep and swimming due east to G16!
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Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d3)


"...amidst the chaos of the past few days, the armed scientific expedition into Argentina's northern subtropical forests has been delayed..."

"...It is our duty to protect our citizens, with or without the support of our neighbors..."

"Images from Argentina this morning show the buildup of forces poised to push into the north of the country this week. Lacking international support due to current worldwide tensions, the Argentinian military makes up the bulk of the forces. Paraguayan and Bolivian officials have raised concerns about this building near their border, but..."

>Continue taking over local fauna and flora in an effort to understand how they function. So different from it...

"...yes, sir, we have report of more infected herds exiting the forest towards the south already...We took tree samples...yes, this far out...we'll be pushing in shortly...I understand sir."

>Push mycelial cords south towards the center of the country. There is energy there...

"... Panic this morning in Embalse as a regular tree trimming by public services revealed contamination by some type of mycelium. The majority of the town's trees appear to be infected...at this time, government officials have declined to answer whether this is the same species of mushroom currently infecting the north of the country..."

"...yeah, you can see the smoke from here...Look, look, they're burning it! They're burning the forest!..."

>Start moving mycelial cords closer to the surface near the expedition and growing...what have we collected so far...hmm,purple-spored puffballs should do.

"..yes sir, the burning is coming along nicely..had to shoot a couple animals...no, not aggressive, just weren't afraid of the fire...they learned again though, haven't seen any in the past few hours..."

"...hey, that purple-spored puffball wasn't there...yo, come and burn it...SHIT! *cough* *cough* "

"...under the fucking trucks?! We barely stopped for an hour, how could mushrooms grow so fucking fast?! Get a medical tent setup for those who didn't have their masks on...god save their souls..."

I'm hoping the greentext isn't getting buried too much. Decided to have fun with it and go with the indirect footage route, at least for now. Shroomy isn't the most articulate, especially at such an early stage!
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d3)

> let’s roll 3d3 each turn to cover all bases for all 3 actions
Sounds good. I shall do this in future.
For now...
Since Action 2's roll was already made, I'll roll 2d3.
First dice is for Action 1.
Second dice is for Action 3.
>Action 1: Finish devouring the Cernobyl reactor
>Action 2: Search for further nourishment in the form of nuclear reactors and nuclear missiles
>Action 3: Denuclearize the Belarussian and Ukrainean SSRs(Nom nom nom...)
Rolled 2 (1d3)

>Action 1: Fly above Tokyo, high enough to be hard to reach by human technology
>Action 2: (Special) Attempt to control Tokyo's population and if possible surrounding areas (guess i'll do a roll for that in case it's needed)
>Action 3: Have successfully controlled life forms locate nuclear energy sources
Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d3)

(my bad, here are the other 2 rolls)
Rolled 2, 3, 1 = 6 (3d3)

here are my 3 rolls
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d3)

"Transport successful. Begin gathering energy before contact with target."
>Action 1 Search for energy sources
>Action 2 Consume any found
>Action 3 Move to F11
Rolled 2, 3, 1 = 6 (3d3)

Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)


Forgot my roll
Working on update. I think I’ll close new player entries, the length of it made me aware that I can’t fit any more.
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The previously reported megafauna, coined by locals as the ‘Arctic Ursa’, was last sighted exiting Alaska and making its way into open waters. Satellite observation ceased when it entered the Arctic Ocean Spatial Distortion, and attempts to continue tracking it are underway. In other news, worldwide reports of-


-total ecological collapse of the Solomon Islands and their surrounding waters. Reports from Honiara have come in, warning of a ‘gigantic organism’ that has covered a large amount of its biosphere, and the city itself, in organic webbing. The DRA is in the process of scrambling relief efforts, and the Labor Party has pledged its full support in this time of crisis. Meanwhile, Papua New Guinea is fearful of-


-the frighteningly high death toll in Ísafjörður. Survivors have, disturbingly, been found in severe states of hysteria. The destruction of the surrounding regions leave experts cautious of the possibility of a megafauna attack, considering the current state of duress that the rest of the world has been placed under.

“Whatever this is, it’s no coincidence,” said-


-local fishermen, who have been reporting sightings of a ‘Giant Enemy Lobster’ off the coast of Cuba. While there have been no direct attacks on vessels, fishing operations have been heavily disrupted, and the coastal flooding points to heavy and repeated water displacement within the North Atlantic Ocean. Puerto Rico-


-is under attack. We repeat, Manila is under attack. In the early hours of the morning, a superspecies resembling a turtle emerged from the ocean and immediately began destroying infrastructure. All contact has been lost with on-site reporters, and we-


Breaking news. The Sandatahang Lakas ng Pilipinas has managed to muster a full-scale military response. After deploying tanks and aircraft to the wreckage of Manila, the creature abandoned its attack and fled into the sea. The Philippine Navy is putting together an effort to trace it, and has sworn to eliminate this threat before-


“-it destroys us all. Don’t you get it? The mushroom. It’s ALIVE. We tried to burn it, we tried to kill it, and now it’s mad.”

“All I mean is that… This thing is a part of nature. And nature has its way of-”

“There’s nothing natural about this thing! NOTHING! I’ve seen the *bleep*ing autopsies, I’ve looked at photos of ground zero. Ask any expert other than me, and they’ll tell you that-”
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-radiation levels in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant have decreased significantly. While teams are still unable to approach or deploy remote drones due to the increase in ambient radiation in the surrounding areas, thermal satellite imaging has revealed that the reactor itself has been largely cleansed.

This, however, is nothing worth celebrating. The trail of irradiated land implies that the origin point of the roving disaster sweeping Russia was none other than Chernobyl itself. As of 2100 hrs tonight, multiple attacks have been confirmed on active power plants and weapon silos in Belarus and Ukraine. Representatives from-


-Tokyo express concerns about the mental-health epidemic sweeping the nation. Additional concerns regarding the appearance of various Daikaiju around the world, especially the creature dubbed DEWA-PENYU by the Republic of Indonesia down South, has prompted the JSDF to double up its preparations. Meanwhile-


-mass deaths of elephants leave wildlife services stunned.

“We’ve never seen anything like this before. Not even poachers can leave them in this state.”


One thing is clear. Humanity is no longer alone.
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>Turn 1 Actions:

Action 1: Speed (F) VS (F- Arctic Ursa Speed) - Active
Action 2: Special (F>E) - Active
Action 3: Passive

Memitim dives beneath the ocean, first and foremost, upon awakening in this consciousness-dense plane of existence. However, it can already sense mass deaths rippling across the noosphere, and knows that others are slaying them before it can assimilate their minds. With its extradimensional form, it’s able to move so deep into the sea that none can find it.

From there, it attempts to tear reality itself apart, reducing it into pure energy that it can then subsist of. Vast quantities of seawater are converted, creating blinding flashes that attract the attention of both humans, and worthier adversaries. The destruction of reality itself begins causing a shimming spatial distortion to take shape, as matter rushes in to fill the voids left behind. A veil of aberrant space is left floating in the Arctic sea. It has created energy from nothing.

As Memitim continues absorbing energy, it feels reality itself -snap-, refusing to bend further to its will. The entire region of space has become too tattered and unstable to drain more sustenance from, and any ships foolhardy enough to enter will find that the laws of physics themselves have been utterly devastated. From here, Memitim will need to look for new sources of energy, or spots where reality is coincidentally exploitable enough for it to repeat the maneuver.

>Memitim gains 1 energy > 2/4

Action 1: Passive
Action 2: Passive
Action 3: Strength (E>D) VS (F- Memitim Stamina) - Active

Identifying a threat, the Arctic Ursa heads North, straight into the veil that marks out the utter destruction of natural reality. Its kaiju body is enough to protect it from the warped laws of space and time, even as it dives into the ocean in search of its prey. The Blizzard Claws freeze large swathes of water with each strike, and should they have struck true, Memitim would have been wounded heavily in the assault. However, the alien has hidden itself too well, and the bear’s trip ends in failure.
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Action 1: Special (E) - Passive
Action 2: Passive - G20
Action 3: Strength (F>G) VS (F- Solomon Islands Settlements Stamina) - Active

Shelob the spider quickly makes her home across the Solomon Islands. She has little trouble crossing the waters when needed, and each new patch of green is a biosphere that can be conquered. There is little room for a gigantic monster to hide out, putting her in close proximity to the sole country that occupies the island chain. Soon enough, they’ve been enwebbed.

>Lair 33% complete

As she raises her antennae and attempts to sense sources of energy, shining like gems of light across a deep ocean, Shelob senses radioactivity right on her doorstep. Her own island has the biomass she needs to feast on and enjoy, but not the nuclear power she truly needs to grow. This can be solved by going North-East, to G20: An island chain in the Pacific that has seen nuclear tests. Residual energy still remains.

While this realisation comes, she begins feeding, terrorising the inhabitants of the Solomon Islands even further.

Solomon Islands Settlements:
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

However, with her own body still small, she’s not able to completely devastate and flatten their frankly pathetic settlements. While she can easily crush scattered villages and devour their folk, she hasn’t yet achieved the feat of wiping a tiny country out of existence.

Action 1: Special (E) VS (F- Isafjordur Stamina) - Active- Energy Consumed
Action 2: Passive - D10
Action 3: Special (E>D) - Active

The Typhon descends upon the small icelandic town like the calamity of myth.

>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

As it lashes out with its psychic powers, the vast majority of its two-thousand inhabitants are subject to its will. Whether they go insane, are killed on the spot, or are reduced to animals, the beast is able to have its way with them. When the sun rises, every living soul has been touched by its mind, and the survivors have been snatched up and devoured. There is still much, much more it can devour on Iceland, and its job isn’t done on this single grid tile, but it has begun its rampage.

>The Typhon has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

After this deed is done, it’s able to sense the radiation to the South-West. Dense clusters of nuclear power plants are present in Europe. It can feed off these multiple times, rather than just single instances, making this spot a treasure trove of potential energy. It will find what it seeks on D10.

Following this, Typhon begins establishing a lair somewhere within Iceland. ((Feel free to describe your desires for it as you finish the last action needed, and I’ll assign a stat effect.))
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Action 1: Strength (E>D) - Active
Action 2: Passive - E6
Action 3: Passive

The Giant Enemy Lobster begins its reign of terror by devouring fish en-masse and disrupting fishing operations. Trawlers are knocked askew by it, and the reef is left devastated as it eats. The awareness of this creature sharply rises as a result.

As it feasts on whales and sharks, the G.E.L’s antennae direct it towards the closest source of radiation: The Eastern Seaboard. While it’s a bit far inland, there are numerous nuclear power plants on American soil. It becomes aware of the nuclear plants on E6, which will last it for quite a while.

The basking on a small island catches the attention of the Cuban authorities who have been troubled by its recent activity. This means that more eyes are on the Kaiju now, and its presence is being watched. Responses to its attacks will be improved, but should it successfully crush these reinforced cities or survive a stronger assault, it’ll grow stronger from the challenge.

Action 1: Strength (E>F) VS (E- Manila) - Active
Action 2: Special (F) - Passive
Action 3: Passive

DEWA-PENYU begins ripping into Manila! The attack is staunch, and it focuses on ripping into metal wherever it can find it.

>Size: E
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F

However, it must be tired from its awakening, for it’s not able to completely devastate the city, or leave an irrecoverably scar. Still, thousands are dead, due to the high population density.

While it chews on buses and bridges, oblivious to the fighter jets flying above it, the Kaiju is slowly approached by tanks. It can afford to ignore them as it integrates vast amounts of metal into its body, hardening itself temporarily.

>DEWA-PENYU has an improved Stamina stat against the next attack. (E>D)
>DEWA-PENYU has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

This leaves it vulnerable to the attack from a tank battalion. One explosion rocks its shell, sending the still-small titan fleeing deep into the ocean, away from the smoking Manila.
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Action 1: (E>F) - Active
Action 2: Passive
Action 3: (E>D) - Active

Mycelium continues spreading throughout the ecosystem, taking over plants and animals alike. This act establishes the Argentinian jungles as part of Shroomy’s domain, changing it and making it a place where it can stand its ground against other Kaiju.
>Lair 33% complete

The incursion into Embalse brings Shroomy in contact with the Nuclear Power Station, one of three in Argentina. It’s able to wreak havoc on it, using its mycelial strands to invade the reactor and siphon the power from it.
>Shroomy gains 1 energy > 2/4

Finally, the growth of tendrils and roots manifest in it being able to spawn various terrifying fungoids in its area of effect. Though it’s not a colossal titan just yet, it has the ability to influence Northern Argentina as part of its domain, through an extensive underground network.
>Lair 100% complete

Shroomy’s lair (I7, Unnamed):
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Shroomy’s lair: When killed, Shroomy may instead respawn on this lair with 1 hp and 0 energy.

((This will only be relevant later, as being reduced to 0 hp in the early-game will likely not result in death straight away))

>Action 1: Passive
>Action 2: Passive - (D11, C12, C13, D13)
>Action 3: Passive

The reactor that birthed the Yaderevo is quickly subsumed, with even the legendary Elephant’s foot absorbed into its nuclear mass. Radiation levels in Chernobyl plummet rapidly, equalising with the surrounding area. That is, before the creature starts moving, dragging a trail of death through the Russian countryside.

>Yaderevo gains 1 energy > 2/4

As it searches, the entity is easily able to detect various silos and reactors. In fact, there’s more where it’s sitting, easily within reach. The European continent is a nuclear goldmine, with possible sources all around them. Densest to the West, but it can do a clockwise sweep easily and obtain even more precious fuel. The downside is that this shining beacon of radiation is so strong that any Kaiju can be drawn to it from sheer density. D11, C12, C13, and D13 are all radiation hotspots.

Finally, it assaults the various states and consumes their missiles, throwing them into crisis. Those who have had their reactors implode fear sabotage, and those with their weapons destroyed fear the vulnerability it leaves them with. The rampage of the molten beast irradiates vast swathes of land, leaving it unlivable, and emptying the grid of the last vestiges of useful nuclear material.

>Yaderevo gains 1 energy > 3/4
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Action 1: Speed (F) - Active
Action 2: Special (E) VS (D Tokyo Stamina) - Active
Action 3: Passive (F17)

The Hive Mind places itself in low orbit, hovering high above the reach of bombs and tanks. From there, it’s well-protected from other Kaiju. It cannot linger forever, but for now, it is safe and secure, ready to begin the next part of its plan:

Taking over the minds of everybody in Tokyo.

>Size: C
>Strength: F
>Stamina: D
>Speed: F
>Special: F

Tokyo’s population proves to be too large for it to handle, however. It’s able to gain a group of mind-controlled minions. The brief acclimation period attracts some scrutiny from family members, but the takeover goes largely unnoticed. The entity now has a core group that it can influence and use to its liking.

>Cult gained: Thralls
>The Hivemind has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

>Size: F
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G

By analysing the knowledge from their minds, the Hive Mind is able to deduce that Japan has quite a few nuclear reactors. It’ll be no issue to descend and begin attacking them. However, by consulting its thralls, it also learns of the nuclear power plants found in China and Taiwan, up to the South-West of its current position. F17.

Action 1: Passive
Action 2: Passive
Action 3: Passive

Phantrumpitus’ initial observation reveals that there’s more energy up North. Its own landing zone has minimal sources of nuclear power, so it’ll need to wander upwards to find it. It becomes aware of E10’s reactors, that seem to call to it.

However, that doesn’t mean that the African continent is useless. Different Kaiju have different means of obtaining energy, and being made from Elephant DNA gives it the limited ability to stabilise its alien genome and integrate samples directly into it. The creature is able to feast on the largest living land animal as it tromps through the Sahara, deriving nutrients from their massive bulk.

>Phantrumpitus gains 1 energy > 2/4

It moves onwards, finding itself drifting closer to the source that it initially observed.
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State of the World

The world is in chaos due to the sudden emergence of these colossal organisms. For the next turn, countries are still ill-prepared, but will be able to mount assaults and prepare their weapons after that. The veil of secrecy has been lifted, and public awareness is rising.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

Remember to roll your dice! And if you want to use a specific stat for an action, list out what stat you’d like to use. While the map is highlighted, your Kaiju may not have access to the same information as you, so refer to your turn posts for the specific tiles that you know possess energy sources.

Also, in future turns, I'll probably be trying to change the format I convey info, and things may be less clear because of that. Simply because typing up this much takes a while and will explode my brain after a few turns.
Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d3)

Shroomy's concept reminds me of The Genius Plague by David Walton
>Shelob continues working on her web, covering more and more of the island while feasting on the two legged creatures and other animals she keeps coming across and wrecking villages that are in the way.

>Action 1: Continue on lair (Special
>Action 2: Keep eating
>Action 3: Destroy any building/settlement that gets in the way of the web (Strength)
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Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)

>Action 1: (Special) Manipulate the zone of unreality enveloping A1, whipping up the miasma of existential incoherency into a kaleidoscopic maelstrom; matter sporadically shifts states, three-dimensional space shatters into fractals, effects become temporarily unmoored from causes before violently snapping back into order. Disadvantage Ursa, Defend self. (-1 Energy?)
> Action 2: Phasing back and forth between dimensions, Memitim navigates the pandemonium it has orchestrated like a spider upon a web then, in a blur of impossible geometry and light-warping edges, descends upon Ursa.
> Action 3: Continue savaging the Arctic Ursa
Rolled 3, 2, 5 = 10 (3d6)


>Action 1: Continue building lair
>Action 2: Devour bulungavik using my tendrils
>Action 3: Devour Thingeryi using my tendrils

The lair is a coral of tendrils and orange mist, slowly assimilating the local environment. It stores the psyche of all victims, acting as a bank for sustenance. The secondary feature is it takes the physical forms leftover from the feeding process- turning them into lesser typhons that expand the lair.
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Forgot my picture
3d3, reroll them please!
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

Action 1: Move to F6
Action 2: Move to E6
Action 3: Attack the nuclear plants.
You can move diagonally, so if you'd like to replace action 1, you can reroll the dice for it.
Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d3)

>Action 1: Have the Thralls storm the biggest source of energy located, ready to protect The Hive Mind from any attack
>Action 2: Descend into the stormed energy source and consume it and any potential other source of energy in range
>Action 3: Once consumed, rise into the sky again
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Rolled 2 (1d3)

Action: Special weapon defenders.
I'd like to have my special weapon themed like a pistol shrimp, please.
Rolled 2, 3, 2 = 7 (3d3)

Energy source detected. Seek and consume.
>Action 1 Move to E10
>Action 2 Consume energy
>Action 3 Detect more energy sources.
Dewa-Penyu isn't within range of Vietnam at the moment, as per the grid map. It'll have to move to the corresponding location on the world map in order to reach it. Stats can be permanently upgraded by reaching 4/4 energy and spending a turn evolving. >>5976623
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d3)


Oops, let me try again, I somehow missed your update post above, my sincere apologies.

Turn 1: Still recovering from the attack on Manila, the god-turtle senses for radioactivity...and turns north towards Taiwan!

Turn 2: Move to F16.

Turn 3: Dewa-Penyu emerges on the coast of Taiwan, and attacks Oloanpi City! The turtle feasts on yet more metals and alloys! Somewhere in this corner of Taiwan, there is the Maanshan reactor, but the god-turtle is content to fill its belly with mundane resources for now.
is it still possible to join?
Any more than this will be too much for me to handle. But I accounted for inactivity and dropoffs when opening slots. If The Beast of Tetanko doesn't reply to this turn, I'll consider it to have dropped out. Feel free to join at the start of next turn, post your sheet, and make four actions as a slight catchup, in the event they drop out.

Also, the next turn will be a bit more than 24 hours, won't be able to give updating my full attention while at work.
>Action 1: It does not matter if weird fish has decided to make the area all squiggly The cold is all that matters in the end.
Using its Blizzard Claws, Ursa decides to try and freeze the surrounding area and use the power of the cold to make unreality become reality.
>Action 2: If the weird fish descends or gets near Ursa then Ursa will grapple him and bear hug him so the weird fish cannot move and be hurt at the same time.
>Action 3: Then Ursa will try to bite into him so he can eat him like the nice juicy fish he is. (If grapple fails then Ursa will try to predict where he is going/coming out from and then slash him)
Rolled 1, 2, 2 = 5 (3d3)

I'd never heard of it, but I guess nothing is original anymore! It's actually quite close, though I won't spoil my eventual plans. Mushroom people are in the pipeline, though mine are due to a game I played a few month back called Evolve.

My actual post will come in a little bit. I wasn't expecting a full lair on turn 1, though the effect is quite nice. I'll need to think on how to proceed. Though I will say that I may have left the end of my post a little too ambiguous considering how the QM built on it. The goal was infection, not death, though even with a 3 rolled some incidents are bound to happen when interfacing with such complex organisms.

...Puffball Incident Denier does have a nice ring to it though...
Yeah I figured it was just a coincidence, as fungus parasites are an appropriately "alien" concept that a lot can be done with.
And the Amazon still serves as the perfect place, at least on land, for a new species to appear in, as evidenced by the book. Though I've kept Shroomi's actual origins vague as well. It doesn't remember much about it, or much of anything, for now.
Shroomy is happy. And intrigued. And Shroomi can feel two things at once now. All the extra rhizome is coming in handy. Those large bipedal mammals are strange. Implantation went mostly well thanks to Shroomy's growing experience from the smaller mammals. Except for some explosive failures, where the implanted spores were a little too much puffball and not enough Shroomi. Mammals are not meant to be puffballs, as it turns out. Poor mammals.
Still, these mammals are valuable. They have something Shroomy can use, like it uses the plants and the animals. Though it does not use those words, it can make the difference between the parasite its less evolved brethren usually are, and the symbiotes he has observe in the forest. The thing in the biped's skulls, in the liquid...it kind of looks like a big mushroom, spreading rhizome through the creature. Shroomi knows a gentle touch is needed, so it takes special attention as its tendrils creep further east towards Buenos Aires. Yet even now it feels no more such sources. A thought for later.

>Action 1: Expand towards Buenos Aires and Attucha I and II. Aim for little damage, just dig under the reactor. May count as a double action since the plant has two reactors?

"...Shocking view from our reporter at the Embalsa power plant this morning as thick mycenial cords have wrapped over and inside the structure in a matter of hours. Much like in other areas of the world, the feared meltdown has failed to materialize as radiation levels are trending down..."

"...Tremors have been detected getting closer to Buenos Aires. Local first responders are evacuating the area near the reactors, the government has called all other citizens to shelter in place..."

>Action 2: Interface with the humans from the convoy. Nothing intrusive, just a light touch. Much like with the animals, they should still behave normally, with reduced aggression, especially towards fellow infected, but not only them.

"The death rate is going down. Twenty percent of the first wave of infection. Now it's down to eight. Less than an hour. It's learning."
"Sure, but what is it /doing/ to them?"
"When it isn't turning them into human puffballs? Well first it sedates them, maybe so they don't harm themselves, and then the spores stick into the lungs, without obstructing breathing, and start spreading through the body from here...it looked aimless until fifteen minutes ago. Here, we have recordings."
"It pivots towards the spine. It's looking for something."
"That's not the worst part sir."
"Then what is?! We have a mushroom species that is actively learning how to take us over!"
"This happened to all the patients. In all the containment rooms. At the exact same time,give or take five seconds. The rooms were isolated. My best guess is that it's one organism or a colony communicating with itself, and we can't stop it from doing so."
"So what happens when it reaches the brain?"

Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d3)

>Action 3, if taking the two Buenos Aires reactors doesn't count as two actions: start using the refined puffball spores as defenses for the lair. Anything that gets too close should get a dose. Make sure to use the new spores that don't turn some people into spore bombs. Not sure if that would count under attack or defense, though. it's technically a counter, so it depends on how you roll combat. It won't attack anything but will counter-atttack any invading force. Well, more like infect. As for the consequences of the infection, that'll be a next turn thing. Also, those fungal lifeforms should be kept mostly non-lethal. Breach inside vehicles or protective suits, the occasional gash to let in spores, but no crushing or ripping people apart, waste of a perfectly good infected.

Speaking of, now that we're a turn in, what is the actual time of a turn? A day, a week, or is it variable?

Also, do green zones mean that we can harvest energy from there continuously? I was under the impression that reactors were one and done.

And yes, I am mostly asking because I'm thinking of having Shroomy hook up its lair to the local flora and turn it into a solar energy factory. Makes for a tempting target for the others, but would provide local energy for Shroomy since I'm thinking of turtling, and way down the line could help it get back on its feet

Also, adding dice again since it looks like they didn't roll it seems.
Myriad of quasi-neuronal responses receive and fire information as the radiological organism continues it's feast. The decision making mechanisms, rudimentary as they may seem, present a clear path for the Yaderevo, a path west.
>Action 1: move to D11

Germany, while lacking in fissile material compared to its neighbours to the west and east, still sports an impressive aglomeration of decrepit reactors and, most importantly, nuclear weapons, not their own but that is of no matter, food is food.
>Action 2: Consume whatever nuclear warhead the americans have put in Central Europe, and also the German nuclear power plants, as a snack before the main course.

Beyond the Rhine however lays the Yaderevo's true target in Western Europe, 56 nuclear power plants, 290 warheads, all packed in the compact land of France, all ripe for the taking.
>Action 3: Go to France/Denyclearise France

France is in about 3 squares, can I move to and act upon specific regions not represented by the gridmap or how is that supposed to work?
You have to be present on a grid that encompasses the real world location in order to act on it. For the sake of simplicity, you can visit any region within that tile. For example, Typhon can go anywhere it wants in Iceland. And The Hivemind can affect all of Japan. There was an example earlier where Dewa Penya tried to move to Vietnam, but had to swap to Taiwan since it wasn’t within reach, and action expenditure to get to it was high.
Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)

sorry I missed previous turn, church and work consumed me.

The Beast of Tetanko awakes from its slumber. Food. It must find food. It cannot go into a deep sleep--not yet. Even its primitive mind can comprehend that this is a time of great change, and that if it falls into a hunger coma, it may not wake again. Following its senses, it looks for the closest source of abundant energy it can detect, knowing it will likely find man things there...and perhaps, some of its people will be among them.
>Action 1: Move to C2
>Action 2: Create a semi-permanent lair in the biggest roomiest it can find. Every great beast needs a lair, where else would you store the offerings of your throng? Eviction of any human presence goes without saying.
>Action 3: Try sniffing out the closest source of energy, for this is the first chance the Beast has had to grow in a long time.
Sorry for not replying earlier, didn’t have much time to check. Time will be variable, but can be assumed to at least be a couple days. Nothing too long, since militaries are still actively preparing.

The reactors being eliminated are arbitrary. Tiles that are extremely dense will be eliminated slower. But it won’t be 1:1, won’t say that because there’s 50 reactors it provides 50 energy. As long as it’s still green, actions can be used on it. Also only 1 energy per action, even if there’s two reactors.
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Shelob’s web finally encompasses the islands. Not only does it stretch throughout the trees and form silken bridges between the landmasses, but it drags close to the water’s surface too. Any aquatic Kaiju is subject to its stickiness the moment they surface. The islands have been taken over by it, and human responses will be slowed significantly.

Shelob’s lair (H19, Unnamed):
>Size: E
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Shelob’s lair: Kaiju who are not larger than this lair have all Speed rolls lose a degree of success when acting on this tile. Shelob is exempt from this effect.

Additionally, she cocoons countless prey, both sapient and non-sapient. She is the undisputed ruler of these islands, and soon enough, vast quantities of biomass have been collected and preserved.
>Food stores: The owner of this lair may use this to recover 1d3 HP.

Then comes the attack.
Solomon Islands Settlements:
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

Unfortunately, Shelob’s attack still cannot wipe them all out. They’re too slippery, too small. Just when she leaves the villages alone, thinking they’ve been exterminated, more humans emerge from the rubble with torches days later. She’s not large or fast enough to oversee the entire island chain at once, and the country remains afloat.

Rescuers from Australia are intending on saving the survivors. If the settlements are not obliterated next turn, military assaults will begin.

>Speed (F>E) vs Speed (F)

The storm continues shifting and growing, disrupting the balance of the ocean and sending rippling waves outwards. While the depths hid it last time, they won’t protect Memitim forever. This time, there’s an active effort that consumes energy and protects it from direct assault. It’s ready to avoid the first successful attack that comes its way.

>Memitim has consumed 1 energy > 1/4
>Reality Storm: Memitim gains an increased Degree to its Speed stat this turn, and actively attempts to dodge an incoming attack (Speed vs Speed).

Then comes the twin assaults. The bear is doomed to be struck from the force of their blows!

Arctic Ursa attempts to cleave the storm apart, but fails. It then tries to grapple Mimitim after being struck, but the Reality Storm allows it to slip out of the way. The final strike lands, however, leaving the both of them on even ground. Both are close to being beaten by one another. Losing will temporarily dispel Memitim or force the bear to flee to lick its wounds, while the winner will be able to claim dominance and grow.

>Memitim HP: 1/2
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2, 1, 1

The Typhon’s lair is complete!

Typhon’s lair (C9, Unnamed):
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Typhon’s lair: Typhon’s lair serves as a bank for Energy, allowing it to be stored and withdrawn remotely. This allows surplus energy from Overcharge to be stored and not lost at the end of turns. However, any Kaiju may draw from this bank if they are present on the lair while The Typhon is absent. 0/3 Capacity.

Next is its assault on a small fishing village.

>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

Typhon does not manage to devastate it in the same manner as the previous town. Its tendrils collapse buildings and crush streets, but its rampage does not last long, and it finds itself tiring.

>Size: G
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G

The next town, however, is truly pathetic. With only 300 people here, it’s a completely negligible source to wipe from the map. Typhon’s new energy store allows it to collect the psyches of these victims. However, it will gain severely diminishing returns from only assaulting small villages.

>The Typhon gains 1 energy > 1/4

As a nation with no standing army, Iceland is calling for aid. Destroying large swathes of the nation will be easy with its lack of military capability. However, allowing foreign aid to reinforce it, then crushing the capital city will net a Milestone. Reinforcements will arrive next turn.


G.E.L first moves to F6, where it has sensed the American nuclear plants.

Then it begins its assault! The first nuclear power plant it comes across is the Edwin I. Hatch Nuclear Power Plant in Georgia. The lobster’s path takes it right by Florida, and Hollywood is thrown into an uproar by the proximity of the attack. Once it makes landfall, the G.E.L traverses several hundred kilometers upriver, where it assaults the plant and consumes its nuclear material in short order.

>G.E.L gains 1 energy > 2/4

However, due to attracting observation earlier, the military has been prepared to attack it, unlike the armed forces of many other nations.

Human Army
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

>Special(E) VS Stamina(F)
Unfortunately for them, their planes and tanks are unprepared for their giant enemy to raise its claw and shoot their planes out of the sky with a superheated bubble. The cavitation-blast repels their defenders in short order, forcing them on the retreat and warding off an incoming attack.

>G.E.L has consumed 1 energy > 1/4

The United States Armed Forces will target and attack G.E.L for as long as it remains in their territory. As the Kaiju grows stronger, the likelihood of a Special attack being used will increase.
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The thralls of The Hive Mind assault the nuclear reactors blindly. There’s no organisation, no appearance of a terrorist cell or cult, they simply swarm in as groups of individuals, disabling the defenders, who are ill equipped and unwilling to kill these random citizens. The authorities are called to the scene.

Once all resistance ceases, the entity descends from the sky to expertly consume the energy from the reactor. It’s left drained, with none noticing its presence. Japan has plenty of nuclear reactors, and it’ll be able to consistently drain them for quite a while before stocks run dry. No other Kaiju is contesting the cultural birthplace of their kind, giving it free rein to do so.

>The Hive Mind gains 1 energy >1/4

It flies into the air soon after, making it impossible for the turtle to turn East and assault it. By the time the authorities arrive to deal with the riot, The Hive Mind is nowhere to be found. All they see is a reactor that’s been mysteriously drained.

The Thralls are no matched for armed police. Many of their number are killed, and the rest are taken into custody. The police are stumped, boiling it down to a mass hysteria case. None of the Thralls have any answers as to where the nuclear fuel went, nor would they be willing to divulge it without their master’s permission. As all remaining Thralls are in custody, suffering any more damage to their numbers will cause The Hive Mind to lose its minions.

>Size: G
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G


Upwards it goes. After crossing the strait, it finds exactly what it was looking for. Numerous reactors are within sight, spanning Spain and Portugal.

Phantrumpitus wastes no time in assaulting the nuclear reactor. At its size, it’s easily able to shrug off any attack they can mount. It’s not ready to ignore tank shells, but neither are Spanish officials prepared to mobilise strike teams. It successfully rips out the core of the reactor and consumes it, leaving survivors to flee in terror.

>Phantrumpitus has consumed 1 energy > 3/4

As it raises its trunk to sense more energy, it detects additional plants on D10 and D11. The hunting ground that it’s on will have enough to feed it for a while, and it won’t need to move on just yet. It also detects a far stronger source of concentrated energy to the North...
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Taiwan turns out to be the right place after all. It can sense nuclear material there, and is eager to feed. Southeast Asia experiences a slight breath of relief as it moves further away from them, turning its attention to other neighbors.

The trip is uneventful, apart from a tanker it collides with. However, at roughly 30 metres, like every other Kaiju, it doesn’t destroy it just from a passing glance.

All the metal eating keeps it nice and comfortable in the meanwhile. It’s no nuclear reactor, but it serves to nourish the creature and strengthen its shell. Not enough to make a difference against other Kaiju, but perhaps if it had the energy to spare, it could become durable enough to ward off more human attacks.

>Stored Metal: Upon building a lair, Dewa-Penyu has the materials to speed up construction of an abode significantly.

WARNING! China is extremely eager to defeat this creature and attempt to leverage the situation to exert political control over Taiwan. They will be immediately mobilising.

>Strength(E>F) vs Memitim Special (E) (Failed)
>Strength (E) vs Memitim Stamina (F) (Success-Dodged)
>Strength (E) vs Memitim Stamina (F) (Success)

The Bear’s icy claws alone are not enough to challenge the energy that’s being used. Unfortunately, it can’t dispel the spell that’s being cast over the arctic, and it has trouble finding the monster within.

The grapple fails, and what the bear thought to be a sure-shot ends up being a grasp against empty air. Savage lashings whip against its skin, drawing icy blood.

However, the bear calms itself and attempts to predict the entity’s emergence. It manages to choose the right direction, and right as more blows strike it, it bites down on the bulk of the alien creature and crushes it partially.

Memitim’s storm causes one of Arctic Ursa’s attacks to fail. The second one lands, but without any defenses of its own, the bear is wounded by the extradimensional invader. Both are equally hurt now. The loser will slink off, and the victor will be able to stand proud.

>Arctic Ursa HP: 1/3
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The reactors are silently taken over by strands of the mushroom. Energy is siphoned from it, powering the Kaiju’s abilities and allowing it to grow its roots even deeper into the earth. With enough radiation, it can permanently increase its range of control, and mass itself into something greater.

>The Shroom gains 1 energy > 3/4

For now, however, it makes use of that energy to dig its roots into the strange two-legged creatures that constantly interact with its fungus growths. It sows the seeds for future manipulation, creating a group of infected humans that it’ll be able to control in the future.

The Parasitised
>Size: F
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G

>The Shroom has consumed 1 energy > 2/4

After successfully implanting spores within the humans, it reinforces its territory with reactive puffs that explode upon being struck. These are attempts to ward off invaders, who are likely to burst them when trying to wreak havoc in Argentina.

>Refined Puffballs: The Shroom’s Lair will attempt a counter-attack if attacked without being destroyed. Loses a degree of success against Kaiju larger than the nest.
>The Shroom has consumed 1 energy > 1/4

Will take some work, but yes that sounds feasible.

Planes fly over Yaderevo as it moves West, observing its path of devastation through the forests and fields. The cold parts before its molten flesh. However, no bombs descend on it. No, this thing intrigues the Kremlin, and they want to investigate whether it can be used. Harnessing their own nuclear source may have results outstripping even their reactors.

As it exits Russian soil and begins devouring warheads, their interest only grows. It is devouring the weapons of their enemies, and with the entire world destabilised by creatures popping up everywhere, they can get away with letting it roam free for just a little while.

>Yaderevo gains 1 energy > 4/4

It continues onwards, reaching France! D10. Plenty of nuclear power awaits, but its actions will be devastating countrysides and dense cities.

Russia has taken a particular interest in this creature that has emerged from their reactor. They are cooking up plans to utilise it to their advantage.

Yaderevo may increase one non-size stat by spending 3 actions and 4 energy!
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The Beast makes landfall in Alaska, where Arctic Ursa once was.

From there, its efforts to create a lair begin. At its size, clearing out room is easy. But it’ll be a while before it can craft a satisfactory home for itself.

>Special (E)
>Lair 33% complete

It senses that the closest source of energy is down in D4, where Canada has constructed nuclear power plants. It’ll be able to walk along the coast. However, there’s another option before it. Up North, two Kaiju are fighting in a spatial distortion that sends waves crashing into the distant shores. If it can exploit this, it may be able to wade into the melee and defeat one of them, stealing their energy in the process.
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State of the World

While still reeling from the emergence of Kaiju, the world is putting together a plan. Developed countries are now ready to fight against them. Attacking cities will result in immediate responses from militaries, which may damage the HP of Kaiju. At Size F, they’re roughly thirty metres tall or long, making them a far cry from skyscraper toppling titans. It’s still bigger than any organic threat humanity has faced.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

Remember to roll your dice! And if you want to use a specific stat for an action, list out what stat you’d like to use. The map indicates nuclear spots, but I probably forgot to mark every single one. Please refer to your turn responses to see which tiles I've declared as having reactors, when I replied to your search actions.

Increasing Size:
>Size is increased by spending 3 actions after achieving a major milestone.
>Kaiju deal 1 extra damage to Kaiju of a lower size than them, in the event that they hit.
>For each extra size they have, Kaiju may move 1 extra tile during a single use of their movement action during their turn.
>Evolving fully restores HP, to account for their HP cap increasing.
>Evolving size transforms an energy cap from 4 to 6.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)


Turn 1: Build Lair on Taiwan using metal reserves.

Any extra turns should be sent soaking up radioactivity from the Manshaan reactor on the southern-most tip of the island.

I’m RPing as a gigantic turtle-beast and so choosing to ignore your warning about the Chinese military reaction for now :)
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

>Action 1: (Special) Attempt to control the population of the city the nuclear reactor was in, and surrounding areas if possible.
>Action 2: Scan the minds of successfully controlled individuals to locate the biggest source of energy they know of.
>Action 3: Have the Thralls bring any energy source they find and are able to carry to a spot where the Hive Mind can feed from them to attempt to gather energy this way.
(I should clarify, for action 3 by the Thralls I mean including the new ones, not the ones that are jailed).
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d3)

Having created a large enough web and eaten her fill Shelob decides to explore further and check out the energy she sensed earlier taking out any settlements she coms across in her way to the ocean
>Action 1: Destroy any settlements in her way (Strength)
>Action 2: Travel to G20 (Speed)
>Action 3: Absorb Energy
Well, those are some poor rolls
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Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d3)

> Action 1: For a fraction of an instant, a soundless screech reverberates through the molecular structure of a kilometer of ocean before abruptly cutting out. The extradimensional being's profile flickers in and out of observable space before rapidly contorting from a series of entwining bands into a rippling sheet, then into something resembling an elongated Klein bottle. Finally, its profile is obscured as the ocean around it erupts into gigantic plumes of foam and water spray. Memitim had rapidly delivered a flurry of blows at the water's surface in a furious outburst, creating veils of aerosolized liquids and rough waves to briefly hide its movements from Ursa. Defensive/Misdirection action using Strength?
> Action 2: (Special) Perhaps sensing the interloper's weakened state, Memitium instinctively surges all of its remaining strength into manifesting its feeding mechanism. An atom-scouring halo of warping reality flares into existence around the dimensional outsider's evermorphing anatomy. Defensive/determent action, inflict damage on contact.(-1 Energy)
> Action 3: Smoothly submerging into the water directly beneath it, Memitim dives below the ocean's tumultuous surface in a shallow parabola, before spearing upwards at a low angle into Ursa's undercarriage. Attack Ursa directly.
>Action 1: The reactors in Buenos Aires seem to have some more left to give, so Shroomy should keep going while the bipeds are either unaware, or unwilling to destroy their dwelling to stop it.

>But that energy will only carry Shroomy so far.
>It's all about decay. Decay is what gives the glowing ores their power. Decay is what feeds the mushrooms. But decay cannot exist without life, without a cycle. For the mushroom to grow, it must either destroy its host, which is undesirable in the long term, or keep it healthy enough that it can take a share forever. Shroomy intends to do the latter, but better. For he is better than all the other mushrooms. Obviously.
>Action 2: Use the accumulated energy (and Special) to start adapting the plant life around the lair. The plants gather energy from the sun to sustain themselves. But they could do more. Shroomy can mutate the mushrooms, and the plants in the area are basically extensions of its rhizome already. Once they are more efficient, the local plants could simply be molded to transfer part of the gathered energy through the mycelial cords, turning it into more energy easily gathered by Shroomy. But first, Shroomy should try to change the local plants into something that would fits its purpose.

>Now that Shroomy can access the not-quite-rhizome inside the infected bipeds, he must seek to understand just what they are, and how they function. They appear more numerous than any other animal species it has seen so far. They would no doubt make for a fantastic partner to leech off of, both for energy and knowledge. Even unconscious, Shroomy can already glean so much, and it can feel itself growing. So many mini-mushrooms, isolated yet united in a purpose, it seems. The next step is obvious. Shroomy wants to know more. Time to wake them up.
>Action 3: Order the spores inside the Parasitised to stop sedating them. The spores are to relay signals and information only, taking no action to harm or control the host, barring the subject attempting to harm itself, on purpose or not. Once the Parasitised are awake, spend some time and attention learning as much as possible. The sheer number of infected should make up for the slowness of such a non-intrusive method.
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

[Interlude: Argentinian Military expedition]

"Sir, they're waking up."
"All at once? It was as you feared, then."

"Hello, please state your name for the record."
"Gonzalez, it's me. What's going on?"
"Please. This is serious. Do as instructed."
"Okay, okay. Cabo Juan Rodrigez."
"What is the last thing you remember?"
"Well, we were on the edge of the camp with Jimenez, and I remember him saying something about a mushroom, then there was this...mist everywhere. I must've fainted or something. Sorry about that sir, it's been pretty hectic these past few days, but I know that's no excu-"
"That's quite okay. How are you feeling right now?"
"Actually, just fine sir. I'm not even as tired as I was yesterday."
"Good, good...and, Rodriguez...you've been asleep for several days."
"You and half the bloody convoy. It was the spores."
"What the fuck?! Did I breathe in the fucking spores?!"
"Are they..."
"Still inside you? Yes."
"What's going to happen to me?"
"We aren't sure..."

"They're okay physically. We're monitoring them and apart from their insides looking like they grew a second nervous system, they're healthy. Some extra caloric needs but that's back to normal now that it isn't growing. Mentally, it's much the same. Most don't realize they were asleep for a while, but we have no forgotten or mismatched identities. Testimonies line up. No erratic behavior...save for one case, technically."
"Right, Subteniente Goncalvez did not take to the reveal of his infection well."
"He is currently in the psych ward after being restrained by the interrogator and two fellow soldiers. But the circumstances are peculiar. I've taken the liberty of swearing the men to silence. Officially, he was tackled after making threats of suicide. In truth, he lunged for the interrogator's weapon and go it, and proceeded to put it to his temple, but proved unable to pull the trigger...here is he camera footage...with sound."
*Goncalvez is standing up, gun to his head, while the interrogator tries to calm him down, two soldiers behind him. *
"...It won't turn me into one of those things!...w-what?! no...NO!...MET ME DIE YOU F***ING MUSHROOM! F*** YOU!...Juan, here, take it!”
*Goncalvez throws the gun away towards the interrogator.*
*Goncalvez ends his tirade as the two soldiers rush in and pin him down.*

"Complete mental breakdown. I have no doubt he would have done it, had the mushroom let him."
"And if it can stop them, what else can it do..."

I'm hoping this isn't too annoying or stepping on the QM's toes. I'll fully admit that at this point I'm here to get the creative juices flowing rather than be competitive, but you never know where the road less traveled might take you.
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Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d3)


>Action 1: Move C10
>Action 2: Move D11
>Action 3: Harvest Energy

"On deutschland's news, a dark mass has been spotted emerging from the North Sea, off the coast of Germany. Reports of locals claim it is assaulting a nearby nuclear power plant- causing millions in damages. We currently await response from armed forces."
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

"We are here live in Spain where the recently dubbed Hellephant has been seen seemingly sleeping for days. No activity has been reported since it's last attack aside from occasionally raising it's trunk in the air and letting out some sort of howl before going back to sleep."
>Action 1 Continue to feed.
>Action 2 & 3 Defend self if attacked by other kaiju
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)


>Action 1: It knew, just like its opponent probably knew that that this would be the last strike. So Ursa put all his energy into a final punch to try and maybe end this INVADER.
>Action 2: If the punch fails then try to use the rest of blocking the attack.
>Action 3: Then counterattack with your special move. The Ice Roar

I’m usually more descriptive but today has been real tiring
I meant to say use his strength for blocking.
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)

The Beast senses something. Over the hustle and bustle of the man things, beyond the churning arctic sea, death beneath the frothy blue...
It senses blood. Great amounts of it. And where there's blood, there's meat.
>Action 1: Move to B1
>Action 2: Move to A1
>Action 3: Whoever survives the clash between Arctic Ursa and Memitim, I savagely wrap my claws around and try to wrestle them until they expend the last of their energy and I can strike a killing blow (Stamina)
Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d3)

>Action 1: Consume energy
>Action 2: Harass armed forces (STR)
>Action 3: Attack armed forces (STR)
The Yaderevo goes inert, resting. Its apendages meanwhile transform, millions of tiny hook-like structures emerging along their lenghts.
>Increase Strenght (F->E)
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Regardless of how this resolves, I will not forget that you guys wasted two of my turns and all of my energy reserves on this pointless skirmish.
I was fully content to spend the early game vibing and systematically lowering the global sea-level. Now, I will devote every opportunity to stunting your development instead.
Turn will be slightly delayed again. I think I’ll have to make it ‘a bit over a day’ instead of 24 hour commitments, since I don’t have quite enough time after work day to account for all actions. Will still do my best to make it regular and maintain momentum.

Don’t worry! It’s more than welcome.

Also, for actions in general, I think I’ll have to make a distinction between stat usages. Strength is for attack, Stamina is more of a passive thing for defense, and Speed is stealth/avoidance in some way. In order to make builds important, there can’t be too much of an overlap, and stats aren’t able to reliably take on each others’ roles. The exception is Special, which is intended to be able to achieve variable effects at the cost of energy. However, I’ll probably say that feeding energy into an action that uses the first three stats will pump up its success rate.

Will clarify more during Turn 4 map update post. I’ll also need to think of how to determine Action order when two actions are in conflict. Probably will say that it’s Action 1 vs Action 1, with the higher speed going first, higher roll as next priority, and then simultaneous action if that’s fully tied. Then on to Action 2 vs 2.
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Rolled 1 (1d3)

As promised, Dewa-Penyu’s metal from earlier is instrumental in creating a fortress of steel that enemy forces will struggle to breach. The mysterious construction is left behind for the population of Taiwan to behold, as it wanders South to feast on radiation.

>Lair 100% complete

Dewa-Penyu’s Lair (F17)
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Dewa-Penyu’s Lair: Attackers that do not have a higher size than this nest suffer a lowered degree of success when using Strength to attack its Stamina.

>Dewa-Penyu gains 1 energy > 1/4
>Dewa-Penyu gains 1 energy > 2/4

Chinese fighter jets immediately scramble to defend THEIR land. Y’know. The land that’s theirs. West China. Bombs and bullets descend on him as he happily chews on the radioactive material in the reactor.

Human Army:
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

First 1d3 of this post is for attack against Dewa Penyu, take note of the lowered health if it hits.

The Hive Mind replenishes its Thralls by assaulting the nearest town. Genkai, the town of 5000 surrounding the Genkai nuclear reactor, is subject to its psychic attack.

>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

>Cult Upgraded: Thralls
>The Hivemind has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

The resulting villagers are brought under its wing. All five thousand are taken over at once, and their thoughts opened up.

>Size: G>E
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G
Only Human: Thralls do not gain any stat bonuses from superior size. Receiving damage will reduce their size by a grade.

After scanning, The Hive Mind becomes aware of the trauma lingering in the minds of many Japanese citizens: Fukushima. There is enough leaked fuel in there for The Hive Mind to seize, and since authorities have been failing to measure the ruins for years, attacking it won’t raise any alarm bells. Sending a number Thralls into it will kill them for sure, but if they can passively go in and gather up irradiated material, it can feed without using an action. Some others know of reactors to the West. E-17.

Over the course of the turn, the new thralls walk, drive, or take buses and trains all the way from Genkai to Sendai, where they mob the reactor. The attack on the plant goes well, and with a far larger swarm, the response is slower. They don’t dare to shoot and kill entire mobs of citizens who have marched from up North. They gather up the plutonium rods and leave them in an open field for The Hivemind.

>The Hivemind has gained 1 energy > 1/4

Japan is absolutely stumped. With no proper organisation or theme, or terrorist intent, or even cult beliefs to go by, they cannot understand why these several thousand people are attacking nuclear plants. However, security begins to step up in response. Plants that were in the decommissioning process begin to close double-time.
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Rolled 1 (1d3)


Shelob charges through the forests, attempting to crush even more of the scattered villages and towns that stand in her way.

>Strength (F>G)

Solomon Islands Settlements:
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

Multiple villages are crushed, and the death toll rises. However, she still cannot eliminate them all. As she dives into the ocean in search of the radiation patch where the bomb dropped ages ago, helicopters fly overhead and ships sail North from Australia. They don’t dare to bother her as she soaks up the rays from the trench, but…

>Shelob has gained 1 energy > 2/4

Planes from the Royal Australian Air Force arrive to bomb the island! In areas where there are no signs of life from villagers, they release napalm onto the massed webs, attempting to blow up large segments.

Human Army:
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

Shelob’s lair (H19, Unnamed):
>Size: E
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Shelob’s lair: Kaiju who are not larger than this lair have all Speed rolls lose a degree of success when acting on this tile. Shelob is exempt from this effect.

First 1d3 of this post is for attack against Shelob’s Lair. A successful hit will damage it, removing its effect until an action is spent to repair it.


The reactor is fully drained! Shroomy is nourished with precious energy. There are a few more of its kind in the country, but afterwards it’ll have to head off in search of sources. Or create its own, it seems.

>Shroomy has gained 1 energy > 2/4

Argentinia is given a respite, apart from the quiet and non-intrusive reactor destruction. As it focuses on nourishing the shrooms instead of its conquest, the military takes time to make plans. The plants within its lair are gradually transformed into things that can start siphoning energy up.

>Lair upgrade 33%
>Shroomy has consumed 1 energy > 1/4

Rather than grow new thralls, Shroomy focuses on learning from its existing ones. They’re gradually released from their bindings, free to live their lives again. Or not, as they mostly end up in custody. Its own awareness of humankind grows from observing them, and its ability to direct them when the time comes improves. It would be difficult to control these creatures to the point where they do complex operations that go beyond the scope of fighting, but it’s beginning that path.

>Cult Upgraded: The Parasitised
>Shroomy has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

The Parasitised
>Size: F
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G>F
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Rolled 1 (1d3)


Millions of damages are indeed experienced, as the swirling mass tears towards the plant and finally leaves a grateful Iceland alone. Its long march has not gone unnoticed, however. German tanks and airplanes scramble. Several planes are immediately lost upon going too close to the maelstrom. As it makes its approach, they fire. It’s not enough to stop it from obtaining the plant that it seeks, however.

>The Typhon has gained 1 energy > 2/4

The Heer doesn’t take this incursion lightly! A tank battalion attempts to shoot it as it crosses through the country on its way to the nuclear reactor.

Human Army:
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

First 1d3 of this post is for attack against The Typhon, take note of the lowered health if it hits.


The ‘Hellephant’, as Phantrumpitus has been named, is able to rip apart a Spanish reactor, before lazily returning to bed. It’s not completely helpless against other Kaiju, however, and is well prepared for a hostile neighbour to act. Fortunately, none of the monstrous variety come for it.

>Phantrumpitus has gained 1 energy > 4/4
Phantrumpitus may increase one non-size stat by spending 3 actions and 4 energy!

The Ejército de Tierra prepares an assault! They’re rolling up to the sleeping giant. While it’s a colossal monster, it’s not inherently immune to these tank rounds just yet. All of these Kaiju are still in the lower range, at around thirty metres, and there are tons of weapons larger than it. If not proactively assaulted, they will attack with an increased degree of success at the end of the next turn.


Delicious, sweet power. Once the first Georgian Power Plant is destroyed, it moves on to the next, crawling across the land to reach it. By the time it arrives, the plant has been evacuated and the reactor shut down, but they haven’t been able to neutralise or decommission the materials. Its big lobster claws manage to tear the reactors open and consume more material.

>G.E.L has gained 1 energy > 2/4

Then it decides to harass the planes and tanks that have been constantly flying overhead and bumbling after it.

Human Army
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

>Strength (E>D) VS Stamina (F)
>Strength (E) VS Stamina (F)

Dozens of tanks are smashed in the assault! The planes are too scared to bomb the reactor, not knowing what it’ll do to the surrounding continent, so G.E.L is free to do as it wishes for now. There’s more energy to be had now that these pesky two-legs have been crushed in their metal shells, or swatted away with its superior tail-strength.

The US Military flees, leaving the next turn completely free for the Kaiju to act without worry. However, they won’t stay down for long, their response is sure to be heavy handed when it next comes. They do not take lightly to a giant enemy on US soil.
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Rolled 1 (1d3)

The Yaderevo evolves! Its hooks turn savage, and as it sits there to metamorphosise into something stronger, the France Military turns their eyes on it. Radiation is already being spilled everywhere, so they might as well try to bomb this thing and kill it!

>Size: F
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: D
>Special: F

The French drop several bombs on the roiling mass of fuel. It no longer has the actions required to dodge these, due to its transformation, but it’s advisable to invest actions into defenses while testing out its new strength in the turn ahead.

Human Army
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

First 1d3 of this post is for attack against The Typhon, take note of the lowered health if it hits.


>Strength (E>F)
Memritim uses its limbs to strike the water rapidly. In the chaos of the situation, it’s not able to muster up its full force, and the effect is weakened. There must be something about the fellow Kaiju that’s inherently interfering with its ability to warp reality. Perhaps these creatures are all so large and dense that the violation of the square-cube rule is already forcing Physics to bend in some way. Regardless, it’s attempting to counter the first attack using Strength directly.

>Special (E>D>C) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
Sensing an attack coming, Memitim uses its feeding ring to immediately lash its foe when it tries to come close. Making contact with it will produce a counterattack with even greater efficiency, guaranteeing that the foe is punished for striking.

>Memitim has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

>Attack (E) VS Stamina (E)

The third is a simple lash, aiming to finish it off if it somehow avoids the blow.


>Strength (E>F) VS Memitim Stamina (F)
The Arctic Ursa attempts to defeat this reality-distorting alien beast the best way a physical powerhouse knows how: A swift punch!

>Strength (E>D)
It then prepares a block with its large and bulky arms, in case that first move didn’t finish it off and it’s ready for more.

>Special (F>E>D) VS Memitim Stamina (F)
Then a special attack, charging an Ice Roar with energy to increase its effectiveness even further.

>Arctic Ursa has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

The Beast of Tetanko decides to be an opportunist, and reap the spoils of this battle. It charges upwards right as the final blows are being made.

>Stamina (E>F)

It intends to wrestle the winner into submission, making use of its fresh state to secure a double victory.
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KAIJU CLASH! Memitim VS Arctic Ursa VS The Beast Of Tetanko
((Since I didn’t make the distinction between attack stats clearer, and my last turn post was confusing I’ll let it succeed and play out during this turn for the various parties. Next turn, I’ll stick to it though. Especially for things like attempting to use Stamina as an attack. Sorry for the inconvenience, still working the kinks out.

I’ve decided that it doesn’t make sense to have it go ‘Action 1 vs Action 1’, because that would mean you just get punched before your defensive actions go off, even if you make one that goes ‘try and block the next hit’. The order shouldn’t matter so strongly, so let’s say all defensive ones are considered first, like a sort of shield point, then attacks go in order of their listing.))

The defenses of the great titans are ready. They both begin with a strike, with Memitim using its strength to churn the water and make the giant bear miss with its very first blow! The strike would have connected were it not for the defense attempt.

>Memitim Strength (E>F) VS Ursa Strength (E>F) (Dodged!)

Then the counterattack is set up while the great bear charges its frosty breath, attempting to turn the area into a sub-zero wasteland. It’s a strike that will absolutely pierce defenses.

>Ursa Special (F>E>D) VS Memitim Stamina (F)

>Memitim HP: 0/2

However, the blow from the reality-erasing ring is released at the same time, and is far, far too powerful for the bear to block, just like its own blow.

>Memitim Special (E>D>C) VS Arctic Ursa >Strength (E>D)

>Arctic Ursa HP: 0/3

Both collapse into the ocean, utterly spent from their effort. The Beast of Tetanko shows up moments later, finding no victor. Both are drifting away rapidly, and it finds itself unable to catch up to them and devour their unconscious bodies. However, a massive amount of bioenergy has been spilt. Normally, the winner would automatically absorb it from the loser. But there are no winners, so… It experiences an immediate and COLOSSAL overcharge, with any surplus doomed to decay. The creature is absolutely brimming with power.

>Arctic Ursa has defeated Memitim!
>Memitim has defeated Arctic Ursa!
>The Beast of Tetanko absorbs Memitim’s energy. 1/4 > 5/4
>The Beast of Tetanko absorbs Arctic Ursa’s energy. 5/4 > 9/4. Unused surplus will disappear at the end of the turn.

Arctic Ursa has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.
Memitim has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.
Defeat: Memitim may not act on the next turn. It may choose any tile along the X Axis it was defeated on to respawn at the end of the turn.
Defeat: Arctic Ursa may not act on the next turn. It may choose any tile along the Y Axis it was defeated on to respawn at the end of the turn.
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State of the World
World governments are meeting to discuss this crisis. Fingers are being pointed, with nations accusing one another (sometimes outrightly) of holding responsibility. Conspiracies abound online. Secret labs, aliens, bioweapons, illegal waste disposal, nobody knows just where these Kaiju are coming from. Armies are independently responding in some cases, while more remote areas are less likely to get support.

The Kaiju are still growing, and are not yet at the level where they’re beyond humanity’s power to defeat. Governments are already catching on to the fact that nuclear reactors are being targeted, and operations are in place to drain them, in hopes of dissuading attacks.


>Current players:
>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

Remember to roll your dice! And if you want to use a specific stat for an action, list out what stat you’d like to use. While the map is highlighted, your Kaiju may not have access to the same information as you, so refer to your turn posts for the specific tiles that you know possess energy sources.

Additionally, please take note of >>5979672 this post. If I find that a stat seems inappropriate for a scenario, I’ll be regarding it as using a different one instead. This is less applicable in freeform actions like using a feat of strength to dig a nest vs using psychic powers to make a pocket dimension, I’ll defer more closely to your stat pick in those cases. But for battles, I’ll stick to the fact that Strength is used to attack, Speed is used to dodge by forcing your speed stat into a conflict with the enemy’s, and Stamina is both the chance you get hit and the ability to roll a block vs attack.

As I’ve calculated so far, you have to MEET the stat to succeed, and active actions take precedence over the passive stat. Defenses are stored up and will erode with successful attacks.

Sorry for the mess this turn, and please let me know if there’s feedback, or if I've missed anything. Busy day. I'm going to be gradually changing formatting and simplifying things, like not posting army and town stats every time they're brought up.

Also, Tetanko, you can evolve a non-size stat, I just hit the character limit.

Sorry, QM - can you clarify whether I took damage directly or whether my lair got destroyed? Also I theoretically have a temporary improvement to my stamina due to metal-munching on Turn 2, does that apply still?
Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d3)

I think you’re doing great op, best quest on this board rn

>Action 1: (Special) Use up energy to attempt to control people from neighboring towns and settlements, extending the control range. Deal the "final blow" to any uncontrolled life form that may still exist in the controlled city.
>Action 2: Go into Fukushima and drain it dry, staying hidden. The Thralls may leave their offerings inside the town while the Hive Mind is away.
>Action 3: Once that’s done, come back and take the offerings. The next step will now to start making the controlled area into a proper lair, but I’m assuming that will have to wait for next turn?
The planes tried gunning down Turtle boy directly. But since he had the improved stamina defense (D) AND they rolled a 1, turning their E into an F, it failed. No damage on you.

Great, thanks! Do I retain the temporary stamina bonus or would I have to spend a turn and another point of SPECIAL energy to regenerate the bonus?

Damn that was a good fight! Sucks that I couldn’t grab any of that energy but what can you do. I would like to recover at H1 please.
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d3)


Turn 1: Spend one turn scavenging metal and a point of Special Energy to regenerate temporary stamina bonus. If the bonus is already present (due to failed Chinese attack earlier), soak up radiation from Manshan Reactor.

Turn 2: Soak up radiation.

Turn 3: Soak up radiation.

Dewa-Penyu absolutely dgaf about weak Chinese military attacks. I’m trying to build up my special meter to upgrade Stamina.
> Memitim re-emerges at A15
Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d3)

"Enemy weapon vehicles approaching. Assessing threat. Threat level low. Continue intended progress."
"We return to the scene where the planned attacked is suppose to commence. However just over an hour ago the creature seems to have cocconed itself in some strange substance. While official have not given a response on if this new development will change their attack plan there is no indication on site that they are stopping or even slowing down the operation."

>Evolve strength
Yeah, it expired on a hit.
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2.23 MB JPG
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)


>Action 1: Use my psychic power and retaliate against the tanks.
>Action 2 & 3: Get more energy

"We are back on deutschland's news, the Panzerbrigade 12 have opened fire to questionable effect. Reports say the "kaiju" has retaliated from the attack, evidence by submitted footage."

Footage from a camera on a turret of a Leopard 2A6 shows a volley of shells going center mass into the storm. Afterwards the storm turns around and what appears to be the shape of a head comes into view. A roar, then static as the camera malfunctions.

"We will continue to update as the situation evolves. Now switching to the Global Summit on the new found threats."

That kaiju fight ending was pretty comedic.
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)

>Action 1: Eat energy
>Action 2: Eat more energy
>Action 3:Clear a path to F6 (STR)/(STA?)
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Holy fuck, I knew I was missing something. I forgot the entire ass map. Sorry.
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d3)

Shelob ignored the strange flying creatures as she swam through the ocean, after all she wasn't hungry and they weren't in her way. It didn't take long until she arrived at her destination and she could the energy flow through her. As she enjoyed herself though she noticed her being attacked. Enraged she made her way back home.

>Action 1: Move back to H19
>Action 2: Attack the bomber planes
>Action 3: Repair any damage done to the web
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d3)

Late and somewhat hurried post while I'm on break from work. And no fancy interlude today, Sinusitis has been kicking my ass and has cursed me with shit sleep for the past few days.

>Action 1: Drain Buenos Aires nuclear power
>Action 2: Same, unless they've run out. If so, Use energy to continue the lair upgrade.
>Action 3: Keep learning from the Parasitized. With any luck, they will know more about the power Shroomy felt somewhere up north. It looks like they were harnessing it here, so it must be well known, and like it, these bipeds seem able to communicate over large distances, though the means they use to do so are...perplexing.
Technically, I don't need to search since, like Embalse and BA, the Brazilian reactors are easily available knowledge, but I'm fishing for at least an estimate of how much energy is in there, at least until they start shutting some down. I know using else:if statements in actions can get annoying.
I'm guessing the 33% progress came from the one, so I'm hoping a 2 or 3 would see it finished this turn. The early I set it up, the earlier Shroomy gets its investment back, and more!

In the meantime, I'm making plans on expanding the Parasitized using a new infection process. The soldiers were unconscious for a week, but only the first couple of days were spent growing the mycelium in their bodies, the rest was Shroomy keeping them sedated for study. That's fine for the defenses, as it puts attacking humans in a controlled coma, but if civilians start dropping in the streets, they'll panic. But a longer infection, with the mycelium only growing during sleeping hours, along with a hint of sedatives so they don't wake up and notice the growing pains. Still would take a turn, but might help reduced awareness gain? If it sounds too broken in terms of stealth, I can scrap the idea and say that a coma is unavoidable due to the infection process. Your call, QM.
*sigh* looks like my die are sick too...
I just hope I get something from action 3, or at least don't make someone's head explode.

>You...human...what is this...4chan...thing?

>*Parasitized's head explodes*

Hey guys can I join in on this thread?
For once in its life, the Beast is full. Instinctively, it knows that it's stomach is almost empty, such was its haste to exploit the titanic clash, but it feels so filled with vigor its as if it might explode. In fact...some of that energy felt rather unstable. Feeling it was better to be safe then sorry, the Beast let a great chunk of the titanic energy in its veins seep into its muscles and fat, strengthening its brute force capacity, before letting the excess unstable energy slough off harmlessly.
>Actions 1-3: Expand 4 Energy to increase Strength from F->E
>Lose 1 energy to overflow
Found the entry being closed for players so I’ll wait patiently for an opening if it happens
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>Special (E>D>C) vs Stamina (E)

More of the kaiju’s mind control sweeps over the residents of the nearby cities, swelling the ranks of the enslaved even further. They’re reduced to mindless goons who operate off instinct and knowledge, shedding all self preservation until it sees fit to micromanage them on a further level.

>The Hive Mind consumes 1 Energy >0/4

>Size: E>D
>Strength: G>F
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G
Only Human: Thralls do not gain any stat bonuses from superior size. Receiving damage will reduce their size by a grade.

Fukushima is miraculously drained of radiation. There are workers on-site who are seeing to the release of treated and formerly contaminated wastewater, but a quick use of The Hive Mind’s abilities places them under control too. As it didn’t sacrifice a large number of them in order to harvest the vast amount of irradiated material inside Fukushima, it’s forced to spend time doing it manually.

>The Hive Mind gains 1 Energy >1/4

Those who are continuing to assault nuclear reactors are soon attacked by the military. Soldiers have wised up to the fact that the nuclear reactors are being attacked by Kaiju worldwide, and this certainly has something to do with it. Especially when it comes to getting answers. However, they can’t stop the tide forever. Eventually, more fuel rods are pried out of the reactor and dragged outside, with the thralls having no regard for the fact that they’ve handled it unsafely, and their hands and skin will fall off in a week. The handful who take charge of this deadly task are negligible in the long run.

>The Hive Mind gains 1 Energy >2/4
((Yeah, lair has to wait for next turn))

The JSDF has now caught on to the fact that these people are being controlled. While political turmoil is erupting because of this, they’re fully willing to shoot to kill now. Thralls will be vulnerable to attack as they research this. Additionally, there are a large number of thralls in custody, and if directed well, they can weave a narrative to further The Hivemind’s goals.

The defeated bear floats all the way South, drifting deep into the sea before finally regaining consciousness somewhere West of South America. It feels like it has grown from the fight, and can be readier next time.
>Arctic Ursa HP: 1/3
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Rolled 3 (1d3)


Yummy metal! The previous layer has sloughed off after a bombing, and the turtle is forced to create a new layer of alloy by infusing its energy into the raw material. At least it hasn’t felt pain since that first tank shot!

>Dewa-Penyu has consumed 1 energy >1/4
>Stamina increased against next attack.

The Manshan reactor is drained dry. They have one more set of reactors the turtle can reach. After that, it’ll have to head West to China in order to harvest energy. Fortunately, this doesn’t require it to migrate all the way to a new grid.

>Dewa-Penyu has gained 1 energy >2/4
>Dewa-Penyu has gained 1 energy >3/4

The Taiwanese government is protesting against this unrequested military aid, as it’s a violation of their sovereignty, but are too desperate to push the point and truly request that they leave. Notably, Winnie is very smug about this.

Seeing that the attacks against the turtle don’t seem to be working, the Chinese attempt to directly bomb its nest, in hopes of making it leave after smashing its makeshift metal home. However, their weapons suffer from a decreased degree of success against it.

Strength: E>F

1d3 in this post is for the roll against the nest. If it gets a 3 it hits again.


Similarly, Memitim re-manifests in another stretch of frozen Northland. It’s weakened, but has learnt much about the way physics operates in this realm. It’s ready to begin acting again.

>Memitim HP: 1/3


The army surrounds the cocoon as it forms. Within, Phantrumpitus is quickly becoming the strongest among the Kaiju, at least in terms of brute strength. They aim their weapons and prepare for an all-out assault, as it reinforces its body and metabolises the radiation.

>Strength: E>D


After preparing their operation for several days, the Ejército de Tierra shoot! Tanks fire at the cocoon, and planes drop payloads directly onto it. Soldiers in armored cars aim their machine guns, in case it bursts free and they need to be more mobile. With these attacks meeting its stamina even in the worst case scenario, the alien elephant is wounded inside.

>Army Strength E>D vs Phantrumpitus Stamina (E)
>Phantrumpitus HP: 2/3
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>Special: (E>D>E) vs Army Stamina (F)

The tanks are no match for Typhon’s powers. They’re easily lifted into the air and crushed, with their inhabitants being squeezed into bits of flesh. The military is forced to stop shooting once it moves within range of the nuclear reactor. They’ve failed to harm it, and they’ve taken losses. They pull back for now, making the mistake of giving it the chance to absorb more energy.

>Typhon has consumed 1 energy > 1/4

Within, it’s able to rip apart the reactors and absorb the bountiful energy. Typhon’s energy reserves grow. It can store them away in its lair if it wishes, but doing so will leave it unattended. For now, it hasn’t reached its cap, and no energy is wasted.

>Typhon gains 1 energy > 2/4
>Typhon gains 1 energy > 3/4

Will note that energy cannot be manually gathered over cap, overcharge is obtained through defeating enemies.


Yummy nuclear reactors! G.E.L is able to eat in peace, then tear its way down to the Floridian coast. Hollywood is being evacuated, and dozens of wealthy citizens are calling for bigger bombs to be used against the menace of Maine. However, the military doesn’t respond to these knee-jerk plans, instead working on a larger response.

>G.E.L gains 1 energy > 3/4
>G.E.L gains 1 energy > 4/4


>Attack (F>G) vs Stamina (F)

The helicopters are dumping napalm on her nest when Shelob approaches. They rise into the air, avoiding her swinging limbs. Even when she climbs to the tallest treetops, human aircraft still fly higher than that, preventing her from smashing them. She’s left to rebuild her nest in frustration. The evacuation efforts can only go so far, and there are still settlements left to crush.
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The Embalse reactor is drained, and Shroomy has to resort to Atucha next. Soon enough, Argentina is dry of nuclear power, with the reactors taken over by mycelial networks. The fungal network will have to go elsewhere to get that power, especially since their own plan to produce it hasn’t yet bore fruit.

>Shroomy gains 1 energy > 1/4
>Shroomy gains 1 energy > 2/4

The minds of the minions tell it that H8 and I8 both have nuclear plants. But it’ll be encroaching on Brazil if it goes in, earning the ire of another country.

((In order to simplify things for myself, I’ll only say that tiles run out of reactors at the end of turns, instead of during. So if one feels like it’s about to be drained dry, you can use as many as you want on it, so that actions aren’t cancelled. Try and avoid if/else statements otherwise though, a binary set of conditions is fine, but def not in combat. I’ll go for the first action stated if there’s conflict.))

Argentina makes a concentrated effort to attack the mushroom clusters. Satellite imaging locates the largest sources of radiation, where the energy is stored, and firebombs are dropped. The infected are still kept in quarantine all throughout, and they’re discussing dire solutions.

>Strength (E) vs Stamina (E)

1d3 for the attack on Shroomy.


The beast evolves! The energy is metabolised, allowing it to increase its strength greatly. It now has the destructive potential to contend directly with the two that it stole energy from, with much to spare. A discharge escapes from its body, filling the waters around it with radiation that nourishes the sea life, but is wasted otherwise.
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State of the World

Many nations are now coming to the conclusion that they have to pool their resources and fight together. Of course, many others still believe that they can use these giant monsters to their advantage, and influence geopolitics. Others are hiding secret weapons from their so-called allies, refusing to pull them out even in this time of war.

Attacks on the Kaiju will be increasing from here on out, so long as they linger in inhabited lands. Any Kaiju that ends up within the borders of a United Nations country will be attacked at the end of the turn. Some are even charging up for dedicated attacks on targets. Those who have been harmed may want to invest actions on recovery.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

Had to skip Yaderevo, since it's been a while.

I don't think I'll have room, sorry. It's rough to get updates out and deal with the moving parts, and I think I'm stretched to a pretty tight limit for the time being. Will mention in the turn thread if any room opens up, though. Or if somebody manages to create independent minions with their own actions, they can let spectators control them or something.
Rolled 2 (1d3)

Sorry, forgot to roll.
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1.21 MB GIF
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

>Action 1: The Hive Mind uses the Thralls' collective unconscious to warp the space of the controlled area into a labyrinth (lair). It is altered to fit the dreams, desires and thoughts of members of the Thralls. While not noticeable from an outside perspective, someone living there would slowly start noticing stranger and stranger things, and eventually lose their mind for sure, assuming the Hive Mind doesn't place them under control first. However, to the Thralls, it creates a soothing, familiar environment, the interpret it as a paradise.
>Action 2: Considering the increase in security in different power plants, have the Thralls mostly collect nuclear material from already controlled land in order to avoid losing too many of them. Also scan their minds to check if any has any knowledge or ability that would allow them to produce their own energy in order to make the labyrinth self-sufficient.
>Action 3: Just for good measure, rise up in the sky once more, to be unreachable in the eventuality that humans manage to detect the Hive Mind's presence.
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d3)

Evolve: Stamina (E>D)
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)


The god-turtle bellows in rage as its shelter is demolished! Clearly, this island is no fit home for a young deity of the natural world.

DEWA-PENYU ambles slowly to the northern tip of Taiwan, drawing closer to the northern Taiwanese nuclear reactors that it has previously sniffed out… more energy is needed!

Turn 1: Absorb energy from reactors!
Turn 2: Brimming with power, DEWA-PENYU abandons Taiwan, entering the sea and paddling with mighty strikes, swimming west to mainland China! DP comes ashore in Quanzhou, smashing through the harbor and making its way to the nearby mountain range!
Turn 3: DP, having learned that shelters exposed to the air are prone to be attacked, burrows deeply into the earth, hopefully to rest…

Next turn I’m hoping to spend my energy to permanently level up STAMINA
Hmm, so what's the outcome there? Damage? Worse?
Rolled 2, 3, 2 = 7 (3d3)

I choose to spend all of my actions to upgrade my size
Damage, yeah
Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d3)


Frustrated that the flying creatures that damaged her web also managed to avoid her Shelob goes on a rampage to take out her anger on any land based creatures she comes across

>Action 1: Shelob moves along the island once again destroying any settlement she comes across (strength)
>Action 2: Any human/animal she notices is attacked and webbed up
>Action 3: She repairs any damage done to her web
>Action 1: Attack Berlin (Special)
>Action 2 & 3: Absorb more energy
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Forgot my dice
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

"Damage received. Retaliate and recover."
>Action 1 attack the Ejército de Tierra. If unsuccessful repeat until successful. >Action 2 move to D10
>Action 3 Mistaking Yaderevo for an energy source attempt to consume them. Strength attack.
> Move to B14.
> Move to C13.
> Absorb ambient radiation.
Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d3)

Shroomy is annoyed. And of two minds. The energy is right there, up north. Ripe for the taking. It has never balked at letting some mycelial cords wither and die once they were no longer useful, but the bipeds are different. Like a thousand individual mushrooms, instead of one entity. Each so full of ideas, perspectives. It could do so much if it worked together with them. And now they're about to tear themselves apart. It understands now. The language, the fear, the...politics.
But the humans don't know everything.
They don't know about the new spores. They don't know that one can be infected or carrying spores without falling into a coma. They don't suspect just how much it has infiltrated Buenos Aires. And now Shroomy know where those that want to take away its newest hosts/toys/best-friends-forever are. And now both Shroomy and the humans are about to realize that mushrooms can also have stubbornness issues and a mean streak.
>They fear the Shroom, and wish to kill it. But what if they are shroom? They are individualist. They would not destroy themselves to "save" their species. Not these ones. Not like the spores would let them.
>Action 1: Shroomy will try to go for a leap-frogging infection using the new spores. Starting from the mycelial cords spread around Buenos Aires when it took the nuclear materials there. Clouds of new spores, aimed towards identified buildings, recovered from the Parazitized's memories. The Casa Rosada. The National Congress. And news stations. Those will be easiest. Plenty of "reporters", some kind of information gathering and spreading sub-caste, are lingering around the reactors. And they often meet with the ruling class it targets, in those fancy rooms for meetings. And outside, when they press around them waving objects around. Probably some kind of mating ritual? Whatever it may be, it just needs one to get a lungful of spores, then meet with the rest of the ruling class to spread it like wildfire. And by the end of the week, they won't have a choice but to listen. Shroomy must only learn how to talk.
>Action 2: Research proper communication with and between the Parazitized. Direct imprinting of words may not work, the sheer size difference makes another puffball incident likely. Sharing memories, perhaps? Scraps of TV programs, conversations, something their minds would recognize as external. It already has some grasp on their language.
>Action 3: Enter negotiations with the ruling caste of Argentina. Try and calm the poor things down.So tiny, so afraid, so blind. But they can learn. And they will work together. Why? Protection. It has seen the memories, the why of the attack on itself. There are more, like him but different, attracted by the same energy, destroying without regard. It must make the bipeds understand its goals are different, and not at odds with their own. They require protection. It requires energy to ensure its continued survival. Their goals can align.
(Please no triple 1 again.)
Is it efficient to waste a whole turn and possibly the last of Shroomy’s energy on a social gamble in a Kaiju game I mostly cam up with while half-asleep? Probably not. Will it even work? Maybe. Do I care? Ehh, I'm here to weave an interesting story and have fun doing it. Honestly this has been doing wonders for my writer's block, so thanks for rolling with it so far QM!

Assuming this hare-brained plan is even allowed (though between the actions I've spent on the humans, the spores and the intel, and the Hive Mind's own ideas, I like to think I'm not completely pulling this one out of my ass to rise up to the challenge you threw at me, QM), and succeeds, I do have a sneaky couple of plans Shroomy could use its new friends in high places for. Also, for the language, given how I started with news broadcasts, the idea of Shroomy communicating by blasting fragments of Spanish television and radio in people's brains tickles my fancy. Like a psychic Bumblebee. I can’t wait for it to find out about soap operas on top of news reporting.

Also, thank you dice gods for either approving or setting me up for a fall sometime soon, I appreciate it either way
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

Oh. I forgot to roll.
Let me rectify this.
Is this quest full?
It is, yeah
Kek, it's an interesting idea for sure.
Thanks for answering! Have fun
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d3)

The Beast still feels swollen with energy, but it recognizes that it cannot rest to sit on its laurels; it has a lair to finish, more energy to claim, and a tribe to look for. Pushing its newly enhanced muscles, it begins the return journey home.
>Action 1: Move to B2, sticking to the tundra but if it encounters any more man-thing shells (trucks) or lairs (depots/pipelines) with the black nectar inside (oil), it will smash the shell and regenerate a pouch to carry the black nectar with it. (Special)
>Action 2, Move to C2, this time tearing it's way through the small cities and towns to clearly denote its territory. The man things will only be tolerated for bringing offerings of black nectar, nothing else will be allowed near its lair. (Strength)
>Action 3: Resting on its laurels, it will continue to reinforce its abode, dragging the ruins of the man thing lairs to build a wall around its home (Strength)
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Description: An almost Manatee-like Kaiju, with armored dorsal spikes to absorb sunlight so he can move faster. Don't be fooled by his tough exterior, he's actually super nice and playful! He is omnivorous, but his main diet consists of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides, typically found deep in ocean vents, but he can also eat most anything through his vacumous maw. Hailing from the gulf regions, he's a pretty chill guy to be around, and will sometimes help other Kaiju find food. Speaking of, he will sometimes regurgitate his food, in addition to added solar energy, in a plasma-esque beam to defend and distract. He can also shine the solar energy from his back, providing a healing glow for nearby life, as a way to ensure he has a food source in the area he leaves for when he comes back. This has been noted to energize other Kaiju. His call is low and billowing, like a baritone fog horn.
>HP: 4/4
>Size: F
>Strength: E
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Energy: 1/4

Location; F3
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The latent psionic potential that humanity has is magnified and manipulated by the Kaiju, until it can manifest physically. The labyrinth begins to come into existence, taking over residential areas and cities. It’s still not strong enough to completely subsume Tokyo, or larger cities, but it can easily create a lair within a rural region. This will make for an excellent commune for the Thralls, now that they’ve been pulled away from their lives and abandoned their responsibilities.

>Lair Progress (Labryinth, E18): 33%

There are few nuclear sites that are completely within The Hive Mind’s territory. In order to directly control them, it’ll have to mount an attack on the power plant and enthrall its inhabitants. The few regions that have been overtaken already are quickly looted and left out in the open for The Hive Mind to pick up at its leisure.

>The Hive Mind gains 1 Energy > 3/4

The JSDF is scanning for Kaiju using satellite imaging. Its attempts to rise up in the sky potentially coincide with this, unfortunately…

>Speed (F>G)

The JSDF attempts to identify and attack whatever is causing these mass possessions. However, in order to do so, it must first locate it. And locate it they do. Satellites pick up on the mass flying high above Japan’s airspace. Planes are soon sent to attack, aiming to gun this UFO down.

>Strength (E) vs Stamina (E)
>Speed (E) vs Speed (G)

1d3 to see if it manages to hit The Hive Mind’s stamina, as the stealth roll failing is unavoidable. Take note of the damage if it scores a 2 or 3.

The Lobster molts its shell and grows an even tougher one. Just in time too, for the army picks that same moment to attack!

>Stamina E>D
>HP 3/3>4/4

The US Military is not ready to use a nuclear strike on their own soil. However, they have bigger guns cooking this time.

Human Army
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

As warned, an ICBM containing an experimental weapon is launched directly at the lobster, right as its carapace hardens again. The bomb is far stronger than the conventional weapons they’ve been using, and makes use of a newly-discovered source of fusion that they’ve been keeping under wraps for a decade. The missile strikes!

>Special (D) vs Stamina (D)
>Mass Obliterator: This Special weapon is particularly devastating against organic targets. The shockwaves that the Mass Obliterator releases rapidly liquefy living matter, making it a dreadful weapon that can be used to take a city without destroying its infrastructure. This attack does 1 extra damage if it hits a target.

1d3 to see if it can match the G.E.L’s stamina. HP will decrease if it’s a 2 or 3.
Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d3)

Sorry, forgot to fill field.
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Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d3)


>Dewa-Penyu gains 1 energy > 4/4

Quanzhou (Medium City)
>Size: D
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F

>Strength (E>F) vs Stamina (E)

Dewa Penyu doesn’t do significant damage to the city, instead just moving upwards into the mountains. Though the nest was destroyed in Taiwan, it’s familiar with this region now, and can still reconstruct it in the Chinese mountains in the future.

>Speed (F)

Then it goes to sleep, hoping to not be bothered.

A direct attack on their soil doesn’t go unanswered. They first attempt to locate it, then carpet bomb the area that the turtle was last seen in.

2d3s. First is for their strength (E) + dice vs Stamina (E>D because of special), then 2nd is for speed to see if they can locate it in the first place. If they get a 1, they fail to even find Dewa Penyu.

The bear grows! It finds its muscles swelling, and hormones flood its body. It’s now larger than any of the others, with appropriate strength to match. Perhaps it will have its vengeance soon.

>Size: F>E
>HP: 3/3>4/4
>Arctic Ursa does 1 more damage against smaller Kaiju
>Energy cap increased to 0/6, must fill it to increase stat.


>Strength (F>E) vs (F)
Shelob’s rampage finally bears fruit. Her rage devastates the island, finishing off the paltry civilisation that has sprouted across them. Even with evacuation efforts underway, she manages to crush Honiara, as well as the Australian forces who are trying to safeguard it. With only 700,000 people on this island, the country is essentially destroyed by her rampage. They’ll recover someday, as scattered villages, but she’s punched them into the stone age.

Shelob has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

Those who have been captured are collected into large balls of biomass. Her lair is already full of these food pockets, and they’ll help her heal herself far quicker than other Kaiju typically can.
>Food stores: The owner of this lair may use this to recover 1d3 HP. (2 charges)

And her lair is repaired, allowing it to trap Kaiju again and give her an advantage.

>Lair restored.
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Rolled 3 (1d3)


>Special (E>D>E)

Berlin: Large City
>Strength: F
>Stamina: D
>Speed: F
>Special: F

Typhon uses its psychic powers to assault Berlin, crushing minds and buildings alike. But it’s no small town. It hasn’t attacked a large city like this before, and finds itself unprepared to completely flatten it. Soon enough, it leaves the city behind to go for the nuclear reactors in the region.

>Typhon has consumed 1 energy: 2/4
>Typhon gains 1 energy: 3/4
>Typhon gains 1 energy: 4/4

The German army sends more planes to blast Typhon. They can’t use bombers, so they have to gun straight into its mass with their fighter jets. Tanks can’t harm the roiling mass either, at least not without blowing up their own city in the event that the shells pass through it.

>Strength (E) vs Stamina (E)

1d3, damages Typhon on a 2 or 3

Memitim soaks up the solar winds and ambient radiation of the Northernmost sections of the world, building up energy for later. It’s still weakened heavily, and is in no shape to fight, so perhaps building up its HP and Energy reserves will be wise. No enemies come to slay it.

>Memitim has gained 1 Energy: 1/4


The tiny towns in Alaska are either out of the way, or too small to even be notable. It crushes them with no effort spent at all, then pulls their buildings together to create a new home in the icy North. Perhaps if it can do something to gain the loyalty of man, they will cluster to it and worship it again. However, this will be difficult with the state of the world. Worship doesn’t come lightly, and it will be a highly challenging venture. The Kaiju may not know that fact, even.

>Lair 100% complete.

The Beast of Tetanko’s lair (C2)
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Place of worship: The beast once watched over a tribe. Similarly, this nest will serve as a place where loyal followers may reside. The Beast Of Tetanko’s Cult will be immune to attack for as long as they’re within the same tile as this lair, and the lair is not damaged.
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The brand new mushrooms rapidly infect citizens and officials alike, spreading like wildfire through Argentinia. The ruling class is directly targeted, and soon enough, the government has been infiltrated by spores that they can’t detect. It’s not foolproof, nor all-encompassing, but it’s enough to produce an effect.

Then comes the miraculous offer. It manifests as visions and dreams over time, that they’d only think to talk to their loved ones about. But soon, the communication is too strong to deny. That’s when the government realises it’s being controlled, and spoken to. There’s an immediate panic, as they try and handle this massive breach of national security. However, after a period of time, they calm down and listen to its offer. Nobody likes the idea of being possessed by spores. They value their individuality too much, and many are furious with the idea that this thing has already fused with them on such a deep level. But they see the need to safeguard their country from the monsters that are wrecking their world.

>Cult Upgraded: The Parasitised
>Shroomy has consumed 1 energy > 1/4
>Shroomy has consumed 1 energy > 0/4
The Parasitised
>Size: F>E
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: F>E

Shroomy has, somehow, made contact with the Argentinian government. Attacks have ceased, and they’re actively listening. Shroomy must spend 1 action per turn on active negotiation in order to not have the situation escalate. Actions such as taking over reactors or physically affecting Argentinia will destabilise this, as there are many within the party and military who are now taking efforts to avoid infection, for fear that it affects the mind. Javier Milei, president of Argentinia himself, is one of the victims, but he can be killed and replaced if they deem that the infected are completely compromised.

It’s now up to a giant kaiju to navigate this political sphere. That, or completely overtake their minds. But that will mean war.
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>Strength (D) vs Stamina (F)

The foolish soldiers who dared to blast the elephant are immediately flattened. It rampages through their lines, breaking their formations and crushing all their vehicles. They’re scattered by this assault, and dare not chase it to retaliate as it wanders North to battle another Kaiju.

>Strength (D>C) vs Stamina (F)

KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS Yaderevo

The roiling nuclear mass has gone inert for quite a while now. As such, it’s unable to respond to the giant monster bearing down on it and attempting to absorb it. The burning fuel singes the exterior of Phantrumpitus’ skin, but it’s still able to soak up large amounts of energy from it. If it doesn’t fight, it will die.

>Yaderevo hp> 1/3
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State of the World

Experimental weapons are now making an appearance, with the Mass Obliterator that was used against G.E.L being the first one. Many nuclear powers have them, and they have the capability to damage these young Kaiju harshly. Self-preservation will be more important than ever now. If they cannot withstand these blows, continuing to anger humanity will be devastating.
Unbeknownst to the Kaiju, Russia and Japan have begun independently pulling out ancient projects of theirs.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed, sorry. Too much for me to keep track of.

Also, I originally intended on letting the game proceed till a Kaiju managed to wreck the world or become an Alpha, but I think the amount of time spent on updates means I can't let it go indefinitely. I think I'll cap it at 15 turns, and maybe encourage an all-out fight to the death after that, for Kaiju who want to actively take a crown.
Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d3)

>Action 1: Keep building labyrinth
>Action 2: (Special) Attempt to control enemy air force. The successfully controlled ones shall attack those that resisted the Hive Mind's power.
>Action 3: Keep on raising out of reach, while the controlled planes are keeping any potentially incoming ones busy.
Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d3)

>Actions 1-3: Evolve Speed
Rolled 3, 2, 1 = 6 (3d3)


I spend all three turns upgrading STAMINA!

Also, QM - perhaps you could allow player fatalities starting after turn 8? As players get knock out, would reduce your burden
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)

> Action 1: Move to K13. (I assume the board-edges wrap)
> Action 2: (Special) Decohere local reality. The valance shells of atoms slosh away as the range and intensity of the weak electric force fluctuates wildly. Many steaming whirlpools form upon the frigid oceans beneath Memitim as innumerable liters of water evaporate in flashes of energized sub-atomic particles.
> Action 3: Absorb generated energy.
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

>Action 1: Attack army (STR)
>Action 2: Crush army (STR)
>Action 3: Move to F6
Yeah, I was thinking of making fatalities stick after a while.

The map wraps horizontally, but not vertically, since it’s a globe. You can redo and reroll that action if you’d like
Rolled 3, 2, 1 = 6 (3d3)

Ursa feels nice… AND STRONK
>Action 1: Move to H21
>Action 2: Move to H20
>Action 3: Then Surprise Attack Shelob on H19
Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d3)

Satisfaction seeps through nerve-like coiled rhizome. The bipeds are proving receptive. But now Shroomy is so very hungry...no matter, it had planned for this. This...politics. It thinks it understands the basics. Tell them what they want to hear, give them something, and ask for something in return.

>Action 1: Assuage their fears. (Locked negotiation action). Show the Parasitised that they are still themselves, explain the limitation on hurting the mushroom and other infected. Show the rest of the government that they are still in control, and that a loss of control would be very visible and impossible to conceal.
>Action 2: Give ground in the negotiations. Pull back and cannibalize parts of the Lair closest to the cities, where the army had been bombing it. The bipeds's communication is not as all-encompassing as The Mushroom had believed. Doing this will apparently cause the bipeds of the country to be more favorable to their leader caste for their perceived "victory" over the "threat". The Argentinian government receives accolades from the public and other nations. Shroomy gains favor. The extra material gets shuffled back into advancing the "advanced photosynthesis megaflora" project (APM). Hmm, strange. Must be all those three letter acronyms the bipeds seem fond of using for everything rubbing off on it...
>Action 3: Propose a deal. The Argentinians want a defender. Shroomy needs energy, at least until it can produce its own. It is willing to not attack any more reactors. It doesn't need to. Shroomy understands that the bipeds are wary, and are now moving the delicious energy away from the places it sensed it in. Shroomy also knows that "money can be exchanged for goods and services". Shroomy understands that the right incentive can lead those individualist bipeds to act against the greater interest of their...group? Clump? Whatever confusing hive-thing they have going on. The Brazilians, Mexicans, and basically everyone will be moving nuclear fuel around. Shroomy want the Argentinian government to get in on it. Underhanded deals, corruption, smuggling, whatever it takes so that some of these fissile materials find their way into the Argentinian forest. Some of it is bound to go missing anyway. Tch, such inefficiencies... Although, do make it clear that Shroomy needs to grow stronger to defend itself and any allies. If the Argentinian government cannot provide some..."starter capital", it will have to go fetch it directly, with all the diplomatic incidents that Argentina's "under control" mushroom problem spreading into Brazil would have for everyone involved...
Shroomy finds it may just enjoy politics after all! So nice to have someone else to talk to!

(And now for phase 2. Came up with action 2 on the spot, not sure if it'll be accepted, basically using the lost hit point or consuming another to advance the upgrade instead of energy. Dangerous, but that's the fun of it. Just need to hang on long enough to get producing.)
I'll change Action 1 to:
> Move to A14
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

Use my first action to attack. Continue attacking if successful otherwise head west after consuming their energy
I meant if unsuccessful
> Action 1 through 3: Evolve
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)

Just in case rolling is needed
Delay on today’s update, can’t finish it up by tonight. Have half the posts done though.

In the meantime, I recommend Kaijuu Jieitai if any of you are into manga. Pretty good monster movie content.

No worries, QM. Will wait patiently for good content
Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)

Oop, good thing for the delay. My turn is pretty simple though.

Now that the lair of the Beast is finally completed, it decides to curl up and finally process the last of the energy coursing through it. Even its somewhat primitive mind can understand that it is not the alpha of this world, and it still needs more strength to protect itself.

>Actions 1-3: Spending 4 Energy to increase Stamina by 1.
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Rolled 1 (1d3)


The realm is finally complete! The veil of energy is weaker here. However, The Hive Mind learns more about the potential of this psionic neighbourhood in the meantime. It discovers that it can transplant pieces of this lair throughout Japan, allowing it to grow and subsume neighborhoods and towns. It doesn’t work on a mass scale, for there are 125 million living minds to contest with, but it’ll make it easier to gain new minions. Instead of having to enthrall populations, it can seed locations with this new lair, and induct its occupants over time.

However, choosing particularly well-traveled places will increase awareness of its actions, as it’ll be impossible to hide this strange realm from too many people at once.

>Lair Progress (Labryinth, E18): 100%
Labryinth (E18)
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Dreamsphere: The Labryinth is a dreamland that naturally inducts victims into it. This lair eliminates the Energy requirement to increase the members of The Hive Mind’s Cult (Thralls).

The Hive Mind is under attack by jetplanes, which are performing strafing attacks on it at high altitude. It attempts to directly control those pilots, and gain firepower via the weapons that humanity uses. The attempts to attack it this turn are foiled by the fact that their own pilots are turning on them. There’s a period of confusion at first, as planes are shot out of the air. Eventually, a strong enough response is mustered up to gun down the rogue pilots.

The JSDF is highly rattled by this event, and keeps it a secret from the public. Engaging the creature like this is deemed dangerous, and they pull back.

>Special (E>D) vs Stamina (F)
>The Hive Mind has consumed 1 energy > 2/4 Energy

This, combined with the creature’s escape into the sky, makes it immune to detection and attack for this turn.

The Japanese Intelligence Industries have taken drastic measures. Several members of the cult have been tortured in an attempt to see if they can obtain any info. Other members of the various agencies have pooled together information, and have just barely begun to discover the presence of an American facility on their soil that allegedly looked into mind control tech a while ago.

The maelstrom grows and swirls, taking in nuclear power and growing larger. It’ll now have an easier time directly avoiding attacks by spending actions. While it’s sitting still and metabolising this energy, however, the army begins a secondary strike. The previous one has done damage to it, emboldening them.

>Typhon has consumed all energy > 0/4
>Typhon’s Speed: F>E

Another attack on Typhon! This time, they use guided missiles, seeing if they can dispel this storm and force the creature away from Berlin. Much of the city is evacuating, and Germany is in chaos. If they can strike it again, they might have a chance after all.

>Strength (E) vs Stamina (E)

1d3. Hits on 2 and 3.
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Rolled 2 (1d3)

All that energy continues to be absorbed, fusing with the metal shell and toughening it significantly. Dewa Penyu is almost impervious to their conventional weaponry now. The longer they go without being able to harm it, the more desperate they’ll be getting. The thoughts and feelings of the Chinese people are very hurt by this development. Even though they’ve found the turtle’s resting spot, their previous bombing hasn’t even scratched it.

>Dewa Penyu’s Stamina: E>D

Even more bombs fall on the creature as it sleeps, dropped straight by the PLA. However, their chances of actually wounding it are lower than before. China is thinking up alternative options for dealing with it now, seeking to drive it from their lands.

>Strength (E) vs Stamina (D)

1d3, hits on a 3 and lowers Dewa Penyu’s hp.


Memitim is able to repeat its reality-weakening motion in a different spot. It’s too risky to continually destabilise the same point of the physical realm, or it might create an effect that could erase even itself, but through effort and constant motion, it’s able to convert matter into energy again. Planet earth loses a negligible amount of its actual mass, permanently stolen by this interdimensional invader.

It’s still damaged and vulnerable to attack, but the various nations have more important matters than whirlpools in the Arctic Islands, and it’s left alone.

>Memitim gains 1 energy >2/4


>Strength (E>D) vs Stamina (F)
>Strength (E>F) vs Stamina (F)

Not even the Mass Obliterator has managed to wound the Giant Enemy Lobster. In response to the strike, it crushes several more military installations, destroying anything that resists its efforts to claim more energy. Even a few planes are shot out of the sky by cavitation bursts. The move into the ocean causes them to mobilise ships instead, as they attempt to harry it until it leaves US Soil entirely. However, this pre-emptive strike has left them hesitant to approach. Especially after failing to use their bomb, which has destroyed numerous parks across the city G.E.L was attacking, as well as any animal bigger than a roach.
G.E.L has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.
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The Argentinian cabinet is calmed substantially by this claim. However, in the end, it comes from the mouths of the infected, who have too much at stake to tell the truth in the event that their cognition has been overtaken. Even demonstrations of what true control would look like on animals do not remove this fear. The loss of bodily control and Ego death is ingrained in the human psyche. They cannot accept the mushroom like this. However, attacks on the creature stop while it’s performing this negotiation. It has time to repair itself and fix the damage they did earlier.

The withdrawing of mycelium from the power plant and usage on building a better lair is a strong peace offering, showing that it’s a monster capable of concession. This already differentiates it from the feral beasts wreaking havoc across earth. With little choice, Argentina begins making a deal with its neighbours, attempting to convince them of the need for nuclear material. Underhanded deals, offers to store materials from decommissioned factories, and barrels of raw material for arms trading are all undergone.

>Lair upgrade 33%
>Argentina has regained energy.


Though it’s not the Alpha, it’s now among the toughest creatures to walk the earth. Even the superweapons of humanity will have trouble piercing it. However, it’s not the largest yet. Creatures may overpower it with sheer force, and if they get through its carapace, they can devastate its flesh and rend it asunder. It will have to grow large before it is truly resistant, for defenses may be overpowered by vast amounts of bioenergy in the end.

>Stamina: E>D
>HP: 4/4
>Beast of Tetanko has consumed 4 energy >0/4


Arctic Ursa crosses the intercontinental borders, swimming through the pacific ocean in order to attack Shelob in the ruins of the Solomon Islands. Due to its size, it can move an extra tile, and makes landfall just in time to attack!

>Strength: (E>F) VS Stamina (F)


The spider is attacked! Right before she cocoons herself, the Arctic Ursa wanders into her abode, chilling the water in its wake.


>Strength (D) vs Stamina (F)

Phantrumpitus mounts an attack on the mass of nuclear fuel, who hasn’t moved or attempted to grow in a while. After its assault, it travels West, into the ocean, where none chase it.
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KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS Yaderevo

The fuel has indeed gone inert. The elephant wrecks its amorphous body, sucking up large chunks and scattering the rest over the course of its battle. The monster is obliterated, and with no will to regenerate, is defeated. For good, perhaps. As it siphons up the energy of its foe and wanders Westwards, Russian jets choppers fly high overhead, before descending to investigate the remains.

>Phantrumpitus has defeated Yaderevo!
>Phantrumpitus absorbs Yaderevo’s energy. 0/4 > 5/4

Phantrumpitus has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.
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KAIJU CLASH! Arctic Ursa VS Shelob
>Shelob’s lair: Kaiju who are not larger than this lair (E) have all Speed rolls lose a degree of success when acting on this tile. Shelob is exempt from this effect.

Icy claws descend on the colossal spider. Her carapace isn’t hard enough to defend against it, and the far larger beast smashes her into pulp. Even though her web slows it as it rampages through the island chain, it doesn’t need speed to crush her. Bioenergy spills forth, and the bear absorbs it, gaining a distinct advantage as it roars in victory.

>Strength: (E>F) VS Stamina (F)
>Shelob HP: 2/2>0/2

>Arctic Ursa has defeated Shelob!
>Arctic Ursa absorbs Shelob’s energy. 0/6 > 4/6

However, Shelob was already raring to evolve, with the full recovery that such a thing would bring. As the bear celebrates, her body tumbles straight into a reserve of food that she’s set aside for such a situation. The biomass and atomic energy that’s inherent to her species combine. She feels that sense of pride and rage at wrecking a whole country, and grows rapidly within the cocoon.

Before the bear can leave, or try and finish her off, she’s already done bursting forth, fully recovered and ready for round two…

>Size: F>E
>HP: 2/2>3/3
>Shelob does 1 more damage against smaller Kaiju
>Energy cap increased to 2/6, must fill it to increase stat.
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State of the World

The Kaiju feel a shift in the air. From deep parts of the world, there are stirring motions and waves of energy. Nuclear tests are being conducted, artifacts are being used, and there are even signals coming from high, high above. The world challenges them, and while most of them are bent on domination and destruction, there are developing threats which could become just as strong.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed.

Increasing Size:
>Size is increased by spending 3 actions after achieving a major milestone.
>Kaiju deal 1 extra damage to Kaiju of a lower size than them, in the event that they hit.
>For each extra size they have, Kaiju may move 1 extra tile during a single use of their movement action during their turn.
>Evolving fully restores HP, to account for their HP cap increasing.
>Evolving size transforms an energy cap from 4 to 6.

Was thinking on how to rule Arctic Ursa’s simultaneous attack. It’d leave Shelob with 0/2 hp, after all. But I did say that upgrading size is a full recovery. So in the end I thought that it’d give both the defeat bonus and allow for a heal.

Also, sorry for the delay. Please let me know if I've forgotten any rolls or pasted any wrong info.
Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d3)


The time for vengeance is at hand! The Carapace of Crisis is finally ready to retaliate! Some change has been wrought deep within the primitive mind of the god-turtle - a seed of aggression begins to blossom. Waves of anger flood the beast’s nervous system - and with the newly found confidence of its metal-hardened frame, it seeks revenge on its previous attackers. The Chinese must suffer for their assault upon a deity of the primordial world - and so the divine tortoise-beast awakens from its slumber, leaves its tunnel system, and attacks the city of Quanzhou!

Turn 1-3: Attack Quanzhou! Any left over turns should be spent absorbing radiation
So I’m at 2/3 HP right? How does recovering HP work? Do you have to spend energy for it?
Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d3)

>Action 1: Move to E7.
>Action 2: Move to D8
>Action 3: Time to throw down (STR).
Yeah, you are. You can spend actions to recover. Or energy to try and boost the result. Some like Shelob have gotten upgrade charges that grant more than just 1 Hp in a simple action.
Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Alright, thanks

>Action 1: Attempt to recover lost HP
>Action 2: Expand labyrinth into neighboring towns and cities
>Action 3: (Special, although if I’ve been following this shouldn’t cost energy since I’m in my lair) Attempt to control the current population of the labyrinth, including newly added areas. Prioritize any military forces that may be entering the labyrinth to kidnap people.
>Action 3
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)

> Action 1: Move to A15.
> Action 2: (Special) Decohere local reality. Mass quantities of seawater undergo spontaneous nuclear fission, blanketing the region in a dense radioactive miasma.
> Action 3: Absorb the generated radiation to fill energy reserves.
Say when will Godzilla show up
Rolled 1, 2, 2 = 5 (3d3)


>Action 1: Move to C10
>Action 2 & 3: Recover health
Wait after double checking I should be on 0 health, does this mean im incapacitated or am I simply dead?
Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)

Deciding to save its growth for when it is hurt Phantrumpitus will spend all it's actions evolving Stamina
The latest attack missed, putting you at 2/3. You’re fine for now.
Rolled 1, 2, 2 = 5 (3d3)

Round two, intruder.

Shelob has no idea what this large creature attacking her is, or what it wants from her but she is not just letting it walk away after thrashing her like that. After devouring all of her emergency food and growing even bigger than before she is ready for revenge.

>Action 1: She uses her scythe arms to stab Arctic Ursa (Strength)
>Action 2: She spits poison in his face (Special)
>Action 3: Expecting retaliation she crosses her scythe arms in front of her to black (Defense/stamina)
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d3)

>Action 1: Coordinate with the Argentinians to consume the new sources of energy, whether by extending cords to the holding areas or having the cargo delivered to a random spot of forest away from civilization. Offer both options, and agree with whichever they pick in a further show of cooperation.
>Action 2: Immediately funnel the energy into advancing Shroomy's APM energy upgrade.
>Action 3: Continue dialog with the Argentinians. Be upfront that, while Shroomy could spend energy making his new friends better, and making accepting the mushroom parasite (it prefers symbiote actually), it has to spend this energy on strengthening itself, both to be able to secure its own existence, something the humans are probably understanding of now that "all hell has broken loose", as they say, and because it did kind of agree to defend Argentina, and to a degree most of South America should any Kaiju come knocking.
>Shroomy will however keep silent about its suspicions that the other Kaiju's consumption of fissile materials (so that's how these work, uh? Decay, always more decay) would make them a potent source of energy for itself should it manage to defeat one. They may not want to let Shroomy help if it makes him too powerful. Yet. They may be convinced in time. Or maybe they won't have a choice but Shroomy does hope it won't come to that! It's just made new friends and would like to keep them. Going back to being the only one that can talk would be so very lonely...
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)


>Action 1: Ursa goes for the haymaker
>Action 2: Ursa their special to beam Shelob back to the Ice Age.
Action 3: Ursa finally tries to tackle the spider out of it’s lair.
Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)

The Beast is assured of its strength now, and seeks to makes its territory known in the best way it can, by blood. It moves as fast as its now rather bloated body can across the land, taking the mountainous route to avoid human interference. While it may be going out of the way to avoid stomping on the man things, it will still bat away any that attempt to harm it with their fire spears.
>Move to C3
>Move to D4
>Move to D5
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Rolled 3 (1d3)



>Attack (E>D) Vs Stamina (E)

Quanzhou is summarily wrecked by the God-turtle! Their bombs and shells, this time, don’t make it through its shell. The monster has reinforced itself enough to shrug them off. The city is left in ruins as it rampages through streets and crushes buildings. Even with its small size, the sheer hardness of the metal is enough to smash through towering high-rises on impact. The smog-filled streets soon run red with blood. The city will take decades to recover from this, if at all, and the nation is in a state of utter shock.

Dewa Penyu has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

The turtle then sets its sights on one of the many nuclear reactors that China has, lumbering in a straight line from Quanzhou and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake.

>Dewa Penyu gains 1 energy >1/4
>Dewa Penyu gains 1 energy >1/4


Human Army
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

The PLA’s experimental weapon is released right over the nuclear plant. Unlike the American weapon, this one is flashier, combining materials to form a blazing ball of plasma that sears the land around it and converts dirt to glass. The rays directly burn the shell of the turtle, attempting to heat it up and melt it. They’re desperate to maintain their pride by killing the monster attacking them.

>Special (D) vs Stamina (D)
>Red Sun: This Special weapon is used as a non-nuclear WMD, with the intention of putting out extreme heat that indiscriminately melts everything around it until it dissipates. This attack does 1 extra damage if it hits a target.

1d3 to see if it can match Dewa Penyu’s stamina. HP will decrease if it’s a 2 or 3.
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>The Hive Mind regains 1 hp > 3/3
As the JSDF pulls back, The Hive Mind is left to recover up in the air. Now that they’re aware of it, they’re rapidly tracking it down and keeping tabs on its location.

The labyrinth continues to grow, taking over neighbourhoods and converting them into aberrant zones where the sanity of their inhabitants begin to fray and fracture. It’ll take effort before the lair can be upgraded to encompass more and accomplish more, but steady progress is being made
>Lair Upgrade 33%

Meanwhile, investigators and agents of the state have been wandering into these dens to try and discover the truth. However, intelligence ministries constantly find their experts vanishing into nothingness. This prompts them to send rescue teams, and those teams are subsumed soon enough as well. Eventually, they wise up and stop, but The Hive Mind has gained armed soldiers as part of its mob. Not enough to start an insurrection yet, however.

>Size: D>E
>Strength: E
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G
Only Human: Thralls do not gain any stat bonuses from superior size. Receiving damage will reduce their size by a grade.

((Yes, your lair counts as the entirety of the tile, you still get its benefit even if RP wise you fly out to the surrounding waters))

In these desperate times, the Prime Minister signs off on a special operation to infiltrate the old US Military base and dig through it for its secrets. Within it, Japan discovers the origin of this mind control technology, as well as papers that theorise the existence of noospheres and metaphysical Jungian undercurrents that flow beneath the collective unconscious of humanity. They take this knowledge and begin finding ways to exploit it, as well as interfere with whatever it was that the Americans were cooking up in their labs.

Memitim continues its journey to destabilise the world. Vast quantities of seawater are vanishing, turning into energy that it can then claim. While this constant cycle of motion and absorption is inefficient, it’s surely safe. Nations are too busy with their own enemies to pay attention to the falling waters, and the creature is free to soak it up from spot after spot, until it inevitably becomes too unstable to risk further decoherence of matter.

>Memitim has gained 1 energy: 3/4

The swirling mass of energy makes the wise choice to first move into the open sea before trying to recover. As it hovers in the air to regenerate, water spouts are churned up in its presence, filling the ocean with its namesake. Germany leaves it alone for the time being, remaining highly alert and cautious.

>Typhon has regained 1HP >3/3
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Rolled 1 (1d3)

Fissile material is flown into Argentenia and ejected from the plane’s cargo hold in the promised region. Once the planes land, false checks take place, and they lie to the international community about the safe arrival of the controlled nuclear substances.
>Shroomy gains 1 energy > 1/4

Similarly, the quest to create flowers capable of gathering vast amounts of energy for growth is going well. The government is no longer trying to cut the nest down to size, and the flowers grow healthily in the depths of the forest. Soon, it’ll be able to achieve a new effect with this lair.
>Nest upgrade 66%

The continued negotiation keeps them at ease. Especially the declaration of protection. Shroomy can still identify anti-mushroom sentiment within uninfected members of the cabinet, and quarantines have taken place in order to not spread it. In the beginnings of this rift, word of experimental fungicide and drastic options pass around, reaching the ears of the infected. However, it doesn’t have the control to sniff out every bit of this dangerous sentiment. Not without acting against them further.

Hopefully it doesn’t come to that.

Despite taking a route that’s far away from cities, the creature is still moving a significant distance inland. The bombs begin dropping once more.

American planes fly overhead, attempting to carpet bomb the lumbering beast as it travels across the continent. They’re on high alert after the G.E.L’s rampage, and even though it’s clearly a different beast, they have no trust left for any of these gigantic beings. Perhaps it’ll ruin the goodwill it’s showing by sticking to the mountains.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (D)

1d3, hits on a 3.

The energy from the Yaderevo seeps deep into Phantrumpitus, latching into its alien cells and refusing to be stolen ever again. There’s just enough surplus to store in its energy reserves. The beast strengthens itself just in time too.

>Energy: 1/4
>Stamina: E>D
>HP: 2/3>3/4

>Strength (E>D) VS Stamina (E)

G.E.L swims into the sea to attack Phantrumpitus! With those gigantic claws, and a lashing tail, it’s able to wound the elephant easily. It has a bit of an advantage in the water, and the elephant is too busy growing itself to fight back.


>Strength: (F>G) VS Stamina (E)

>Special: (E>D) VS Stamina (E)
>Shelob -1 energy >1/4
>Stamina (F) (Active Defense)

After emerging from the cocoon, Shelob assaults the Arctic Ursa with a flurry of attacks, aiming to bring down the colossal beast that’s invaded her lair!


>Strength (E>F) VS Stamina (F)
>Special (F>E>F) VS Stamina (F)
>Arctic Ursa -1 energy> 3/6
>Strength (E) VS Stamina (F)

A devastating series of combo attacks come from the giant bear! First it swings with a haymaker, then launches a burst of ice, then attempts to regain the land advantage by preventing itself from being tangled in perpetual web.
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KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS G.E.L

The Elephant is busy executing the same maneuver as before, when it transformed its body to increase its capabilities in the face of enemy tanks. It’s interrupted by the snapping claws of a gigantic enemy lobster.

>Strength (E>D) VS Stamina (E)

Despite the increase in HP, its newly-grown flesh is cleaved away from the monster’s vicious attacks.

>Phantrumpitus HP >2/4

KAIJU CLASH! Arctic Ursa VS Shelob
>Shelob’s lair: Kaiju who are not larger than this lair (E) have all Speed rolls lose a degree of success when acting on this tile. Shelob is exempt from this effect.

>Shelob Strength: (F>G) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)

A weak blow fails to properly wound the Arctic Ursa, and glances off its fur and ice. The bear doesn’t need to spend an action defending to ward it off, for it has invested in tough skin and armor already.

>Arctic Ursa Strength (E>F) VS Shelob Stamina (F)
>Shelob Stamina (F) (Active Defense)

It immediately retaliates with an equally weakened strike. However, this blow is absorbed by the crossed claws of the she-spider, who persists in spitting venom right back in the face of her foe.

>Special: (E>D) VS Stamina (E)
>Arctic Ursa HP >3/4

>Special (F>E>F) VS Stamina (F)

The sizzling venom is frozen into an inert sheet of solid material by the icy breath that follows immediately after. It has significantly more energy stores than Shelob, from punching her out earlier, so the beam is a devastating one. If she hadn’t increased her size, she would have taken far more damage.

>Shelob HP >2/3

>Arctic Ursa Strength (E) VS Lair Stamina (F)
The bear’s next attack isn’t a direct assault on the spider. Rather, it’s one meant to tear the lair apart and push her straight through hundreds of meters of webs and trees. The spider is lifted and shoved across her lair, ripping it up as they both move. Though her carapace is undamaged, the bear’s attack has eliminated her speed advantage.

>Shelob’s lair is damaged! Special effect lost.
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State of the World

A nuclear explosion has occurred in Russia (C15). The world is concerned over this, and despite the tensions of international relations, aid is offered. All of it is rejected, neither does Russia attempt to blame anybody for this. They simply move on. The political situation is rough enough, with their own ongoing invasion having been disrupted by otherworldly attackers of their own. There may be something worth investigating— or staying away from.

The rest of the world is consistently launching attacks against Kaiju now, whenever they enter cities and linger in their lands. The successful attacks have shown them that slaying these monsters IS possible, and they need to fall into a rhythm of attack and defense.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed.

Sorry for the long wait. I think 2 days is more comfortable for me, though. Less rush to get actions written up after work.
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

> Action 1: Move to A16.
> Action 2: (Special) Decohere local reality. The inscrutable mass of undulating geometries proceeds to drift eastwards at an inexorably sedate pace, each shadow cast from the extradimensional outsider failing to accurately mirror the creature's visible anatomy in new grotesque manner. Below, molecules are cleaved from the seething ocean layer by layer by unseen forces and the air thrums and crackles with discharged potential energy as countless atomic bonds spontaneously disentangle in farcical reinvention of thermodynamics.
> Action 3: Feast upon the newly liberated energies.

I choose to spend all 3 turns increasing my size! The god-turtle’s shell melts and shifts - its melted shell is reforged into bio-steel!
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)

>Action 1: Keep upgrading lair
>Action 2: Descend close to the ground to absorb any energy in there, be it what has been collected by the Thralls or what was already there. Have the Thralls be ready to defend the Hive Mind should there be an assault.
>Action 3: Have the Thralls start producing and distributing weapons as much as possible. Since their minds are linked together, they should all be able to use them. The cult must gain military autonomy to repel attackers.
Meant for >>5986537
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

"Unknown biothreat detected. Analyzing. Threat is not target. Calculating chances of eacape... low. Determining best course of action. Retaliating."
>Spend all actions attacking Gel.
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d3)

All actions: Fight!
Rolled 3, 2, 1 = 6 (3d3)

Revenge! This new enemy is tough, so far it has hurt both Shelob and her precious web. Part of her considers running but this is her territory, her home and she won't give it up.

Action 1: She runs into the bear as hard as she can (Strength)
>Action 2: She stabs him with both scythe arms (Strength)
>Action 3: She bites into the bears flesh (Strength)
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

>Action 1 and 2: Finish the upgrade. Use the extra time and attention to not waste any energy. And if things go well and Shroomy has extra time, maybe start figuring out if those flowers could be cultivated on its main body...it hasn't used that one in a while.
>Action 3: Diplomacy. Point out that it is aware of the fungicide ideas, but isn't angry. He finds it natural, and hope they will move past it eventually. Further the talk about mutual defense. Highlight the fragility of human armies and cities, and how Shroomy could prove the...anvil to their hammer...so you use these useless rocks to bash other useless rocks into useful things, you say? Fascinating...anyway, yes, should any Kaiju threaten Argentina, Shroomy does not mind getting in the line of fire to hold it down while they kill it. Military cooperation is still cooperation after all. If prompted, make no mystery that having its main body destroyed in the process, while an annoying waste of resources, is not a big problem for it. Let them individually make the conclusion that if it can just make another body and seamlessly transfer its consciousness over, it could probably do that with the Parasitised and any who join them. And the secondary conclusion that, while it could realistically be reduced to a point where it represents no military threat, actually getting rid of it entirely might prove altogether more difficult and expensive.

I've had the idea for a while, but the first lair effect gives me a solid basis. Having it affect the Parasitised is a project for later, not sure how much later though. Still, it makes for the first, and perhaps most appetizing argument for joining up. Some loss of individuality starts to look a lot more appetizing when you throw being able to shrug off death and old age into the mix...so long as you don't mind a giant mushroom in your head bugging you to show it wiki articles or soap operas every so often...
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

>Action 1: Move to C9
>Action 2: Attack Hofn (Strength)
>Action 3 Attack Djupivogur (Strength)
Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d3)

>Action 1: Continue to tackle Shelob
>Action 2: Throw a nasty Uppercut
>Action 3: And then go for the ground pound
To clarify, the intention for the next upgrade is to be able to indefinitely make energy and self-sustain, right?
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d3)

The Beast isn't missing out on another chance to feast on Kaiju flesh, especially not one so similar to its own kind!
>Move to D6
>Move to D7
>Move into D8, lurking within the ocean's depths. If either kaiju begins to falter, the beast will hook onto it from belong and sink it with its enhanced strength and massive clawed limbs. (Attack with Strength)
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>Memitim gains 1 energy >4/4

Memitim has enough energy to permanently upgrade itself now. However, this incursion into the Bolshevik islands attracts Russian attention. It’s still wounded from the fight, and hasn’t taken the time to recover.

Another nuclear explosion takes place on B16.


>Dewa Penyu Size: F>E
>Dewa Penyu HP: 2/4>5/5
>Dewa Penyu Energy: 2/4>2/6

The new biosteel shell repels the attacks that rain down upon it. Dewa Penyu is much bigger now, and they severely fear its power. Bombs and shells blast it as it finishes its transformation, but nothing can scour its shell. Even the Red Sun may struggle. Left with no choice, the shadow government that rules over the CCP decide to reveal one of their nation’s greatest secrets.

Almost eight centuries ago, the Great Wall was breached. The Mongols did not cut a hole open as was told in the history books. They smashed it apart with strange powers of their own, carving apart a swathe of land enough for a whole army to approach. The guardian deity that watched over China watched, unwilling to sweep its tail across the land and slay humans, even as they slaughtered its wards. So it became one with the wall itself, fusing its body within the breach and sealed it up forevermore. In time, the Mongols were cut off and dispatched, leaving the invaders to bang their fists against the rest of the unyielding stone.

Now, eight centuries and a decade later, the beast casts off its brick shackles and takes to the air, sensing the devastation of its country again.


>NPC Kaiju: Qinglong
>Size: E
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: E
>Energy: 2/6

The creature is awakened by a talisman brought out from an underground vault. With it, the bond between the Kaiju and the Chinese people is forged anew, and their protector returns to the nuclear age. It turns its attention South, from its position on D16.
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Pumping more energy into the labyrinth allows for it to grow and expand. It now encompasses a larger swathe, making it harder for enemy Kaiju to wreck in one sitting. This has the natural effect of inducting even more members into it over time.

>Lair Upgraded
Labryinth (E18)
>Size: F>E
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F>E
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Dreamsphere: The Labryinth is a dreamland that naturally inducts victims into it. This lair eliminates the Energy requirement to increase the members of The Hive Mind’s Cult (Thralls).

Next up is the gathering of energy. There are no more plants within its overtaken range, so a new attack is necessary. The arrival of an army of civilians alerts them. They’re no longer willing to kill people they know are being controlled, and when the options are giving up a power plant and gunning down hundreds of civvies, they choose the former.

>The Hive Mind has gained 1 energy > 3/4

Weapons are produced and passed out among them. However, an unfortunate consequence of being in Japan hits The Hive Mind. Among all these cultists it has obtained, there are nearly none with useful arms manufacturing knowledge. There are the occasional gun otakus, or people who work in factories and assembly lines, but the knowledge of how to actually make a high-quality firearm just does not exist in the public consciousness.

Fortunately, a hero emerges. One man has fervently studied the schematics for the Abe-Killer Improvised Pipe Shotgun, or the A.I.P.S. Knowledge of its construction begins to spread among the cult members, giving them power against lairs and other cults. Of course, despite their stats, they don’t have the organizational power to actually use this against a Kaiju.

>Size: E
>Strength: E
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G>F
>Only Human: Thralls do not gain any stat bonuses from superior size. Receiving damage will reduce their size by a grade.

Japan is rapidly denuclearising as an emergency measure. Large amounts of fuel rods are being gathered up from facilities and collected in one place. They’ll likely be shipped off soon, bringing them out of the Kaiju’s range, unless the convoy is attacked. Care has been taken to place them far North, away from Gendai, which was the Southern site of The Hive Mind’s attack. The Thrall army will have limited reach to seize this.

Suspiciously, however, there is absolutely no attack on The Hive Mind for an extended period.
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Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d3)


Finally the Advanced Megaflora project bears fruit. Shroomy finds out that it can convert sunlight and materials in the soil into energy that’s enough to sustain even a creature of titanic proportions. This energy naturally leaks out into the soil, revitalising it and encouraging growth in Argentina’s natural plantlife. It may mutate out of their control sometime, but for now it proves to have immediate effects in combating deforestation.

>Shroomy’s Lair Upgrade:
>APM: As long as this lair is undamaged, this tile does not run out of Energy. Any Kaiju may gather this energy.
Shroomy has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

The ones who are actively cooperating with it are worried about the actions of the non-infected as well. For the most part, they’ve come to the conclusion that they have no choice but to trust it by now. When a Kaiju actually comes by, their trust will likely grow and be cemented. They’re ever-hesitant to actually agree and make commitments and promises, sp most agreements end with ‘We’ll see about it’.


The cabinet is fighting against members who are uninfected, and planning on staying that way. Every day, there are legislative battles to sequester them away and cut them out of politics on grounds of being compromised. This comes to a head one day when a team of specialists go outside the bounds of the law and attempt to use that same antifungal concoction they’ve been desperately developing.

>Special: (G) VS Stamina (G)

The Parasitised
>Size: F
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G

1st 1d3. On a 2 or 3, Shroomy may possibly notice a small amount of formerly infected humans vanishing from its radar. On a 1, it fails and there is nothing to notice.


>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: F

>Strength (F>G) VS Stamina (F)
>Strength (F) VS Stamina (F)

When Typhon returns to Iceland, they’re ready to fight it off this time. They detect it as it begins flying across the ocean, and the first town is evacuated by the time it comes. It has become well-known as a terror to the country. The second town, however, is ill prepared. It’s quickly reduced to rubble and the 600 inhabitants slaughtered in the maelstrom. The constant destruction of these small towns is adding up.

The Typhon has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

A detachment of loaned planes take off from Naval Air Station Keflavik. The US aircraft attempt to gun down Typhon as it rampages.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

2nd 1d3. Hits on 2 and 3.
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The Beast manages to make it to the site of the conflict. However, it doesn’t move as fast as them, nor can it make it there in time to attack in the same motion as its journey across the sea. All it can do is watch and observe, and try to seize the scraps a second time.

((Apologies if processing Arctic Ursa’s action made it seem like attack-move is a thing. They were only able to do it because increased size lets you move 1 more tile, but it should have been bundled with a move action instead of the actual attack. At size F, crossing the three spaces takes all of TBOT’s actions for the turn.))


>Strength: (D>C) VS Stamina (D)
>Strength: (D>C) VS Stamina (D)
>Strength: (D>C) VS Stamina (D)

Phantrumpitus flies into a rage, retaliating with a series of powerful strikes that all take its manufactured muscles beyond the limit!


>Strength: (E>F) VS Stamina (D)
>Strength: (E>F) VS Stamina (D)
>Strength: (E>D) VS Stamina (D)

The lobster has less success. It’s fighting against an extremely tough hide, and its claws falter at critical junctures.


>Strength: (F>E) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength: (F) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength: (F>G) VS Stamina (E)

The first strike succeeds, but the two other attacks don’t have the momentum of the first devastating tackle. Shelob finds less purchase on its skin and fur this turn.


>Strength: (E>D) VS Stamina (F)
>Strength: (E>F) VS Stamina (F)
>Strength: (E>D) VS Stamina (F)

The bear’s strength is enough to overcome the chitin! Now that the nest has been destroyed, dodging is far more difficult for the giant spider, and Arctic Ursa has the advantage in this all-out battle.
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KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS G.E.L

Neither of the two creatures back down, attempt to dodge, or even defend themselves. They smash against each other amidst the waves, drawing blood, ripping muscle, and cracking chitin.

>Phantrumpitus Strength: (D>C) VS G.E.L Stamina (D)
>Phantrumpitus Strength: (D>C) VS G.E.L Stamina (D)
>Phantrumpitus Strength: (D>C) VS G.E.L Stamina (D)

>G.E.L Strength: (E>F) VS Phantrumpitus Stamina (D)
>G.E.L Strength: (E>F) VS Phantrumpitus Stamina (D)
>G.E.L Strength: (E>D) VS Phantrumpitus Stamina (D)

>Phantrumpitus HP >1/4
>G.E.L HP >1/4

The US Military sees this clash of titans, and cannot give up the opportunity to destroy them both, or send them further out to sea. Warships begin approaching the position of the weakened beasts.

>Kaiju remaining on D8 will be attacked by a Human Army with an increased degree of success at the end of this turn.
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KAIJU CLASH! Arctic Ursa VS Shelob

>Shelob Strength: (F>E) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
>Shelob Strength: (F) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
>Shelob Strength: (F>G) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
>Arctic Ursa HP >2/4

Shelob sprints straight for the bear, tackling it and managing to get sharp bits embedded in its body. Blood is drawn. The scythes, however, strike ice instead of fur, shaving off large chunks and sending a deluge of snow into the forest below. The bite comes next, attempting to pierce the skin of her foe.

>Arctic Ursa Strength (E>D) VS Shelob Stamina (F)
>Arctic Ursa Strength (E>F) VS Shelob Stamina (F)
>Arctic Ursa Strength (E>D) VS Shelob Stamina (F)

The bear’s attacks, however, come harder and faster than before. First comes a tackle, meeting her head-on and accepting the first blow. But moments later, when she brings her head close to gnaw on him she’s staggered by an uppercut that flips her over and sends her flying. When she crashes through the treeline, she has no time to respond before it’s on her, raising both arms up for a devastating and lethal ground pound.

Even out of her cocoon, she’s lost. Shelob’s crumpled body is cast into the ocean, where it floats away from the celebrating bear that’s beaten her twice in succession.

>Shelob HP >0/3
>Arctic Ursa has defeated Shelob!
>Arctic Ursa absorbs Shelob’s energy. 3/6 > 7/6
Arctic Ursa has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

Defeat: Shelob may not act on the next turn. It may choose any tile along the X Axis it was defeated on to respawn at the end of the turn.
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State of the World

NPC Kaiju have began to awaken. These creatures may serve as major hazards that can contest with the Kaiju better than the humans can. But they also serve as valuable sources of energy. Conquering them may also net the opportunity for further growth.

At the start of turn 11, all deaths become permanent. There will be no more lifelines past that point, as the Kaiju have had ample time to grow and reinforce themselves.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

"New threats approaching"
Action 1 kill Gel
Action 2-3 attack the beast
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For the most part, I'd prefer that you guys tracked your stats, but I also have a master copy that I use. Won't be pasting it every turn though.
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)


The god-tortoise stands amidst the broken city of Quanzhou and its beady eyes turn to the north-east. Its nostrils flare - carried on the wind is the subtle scent of the ancient Chinese Laisi, Qinglong. The turtle Kaiju’s recent growth has also led to the development of its brain; bellicose animal rage is slowly being replaced by a lesser form of intelligence. The god-turtle senses a threat to its supremacy in Qinglong - China has brought doom upon itself by initiating hostilities, and now DEWA-PENYU will defend its new territory from all newcomers!

Turn 1: DP moves to Qinglong’s location D16.
Turn 2: DP savagely batters the Chinese Kaiju with its biosteel shell, claws and jaws. (STRENGTH)
Turn 3: DP unleashes another hidden ability - deep within its guts, a dormant biosteel turbine begins to spin, generating electromagnetic power… the turtle’s eyes glow bright blue and as it opens its mouth and a lightning bolt of titanic force slams into Qinglong! (SPECIAL)


Shit, I’m really going off the chain here…
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d3)

>Action 1: Noticing the energy sources being taken away, The Hive Mind decides to manipulate the minds of the people carrying the task, reading into it to determine where and when everything will be collected. The manipulated people shall continue to work normally so that others don't become suspicious and decide to relocate.
>Action 2: (Special) When the gathering takes place, attempt to control any lifeform that would potentially be threatening to the Hive Mind while it's feeding on the energy sources.
>Action 3: Go there and absorb everything, draining it dry. Have some armed Thralls escort to shut down any resistance that would have survived the psychic wave - as well as the newly acquired Thralls joining in as well.
I would have settled for a set energy production, with the eventual goal of spreading it across all the tiles in South America to get a big passive income, but given current circumstances, this is even better, yeah. Also, oh boy Shroom isn't going to be happy. Since those Parasitised should be dead-dead. Not happy at all...
Also, nice to have Milestone, wasn't expecting that.
Actually, rereading the exact wording was a good thing. Let's not ruin everything by a comedy of assumptions and errors.
Shroomy doesn't even care all that much about them not being infected for the time being, but they had better be alive, or the Mushroom will demand heads...
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

Action 1: Block Phant with Beast (SPD)
Action 2: Push Beast into Phant (STR)
Action 3: Leave for E6 before those battleships fire. (SPD)

Shouldn't my energy be 0, since I evolved and did not eat afterward, or did the milestone give me some?
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

> Action 1: In a twitch response to the nearby nuclear detonation Memitim tightly coils its body and spears downwards at alarming velocity. The abstract Kaiju allows itself to plunge deep into murky, umbral depths of the Arctic ocean, leaving only a slowly expanding radius of ripples as testament to its descent. Conceal self. (Speed)
> Action 2: Alien form gently rotating through the oceanic abyss, Memitim silently drifts eastward eventually arriving at A17.
> Action 3: Anatomy folding into an intensely compact configuration, the extradimensional being suspends all non-essential functions, instead focusing on restoring the integrity of its frayed and fractured flesh. Heal wounds.
Ah right, it should. Thanks for the correction.
Same with Phantrumpitus, who evolved a short while ago.
Rolled 2, 2, 2 = 6 (3d3)

Thanks for the stats, I'll try and keep track of it from now on, maybe add it to my posts. Also, this may be very important starting two turns from now, did the new lair effect replace the old one?

>Action 1: Gather energy from the APM. Truly everything is coming up Shroomy! The plants are growing, the mushrooms are growing, Shroomy is growing, the politicians are behaving, the Parasitised are all...
>Action 2: "Diplomatic" action. whyaretheregaps. Wherearemyfriends. Every Parasitised human stumbles, overcome by a strange sensation. Some may recognize it as a somewhat familiar to phantom limb syndrome. The next moment they start feeling the anger. The extra nervous system can pump sedatives into their bodies, but right now it's jacking up the adrenaline. Various signs of agitation manifest over the course of five minutes. Then...they settle down. The next meeting of the cabinet is tense, every Parasitised member sharing a knowing look, before one of them opens the conversation with a calm tone not entirely masking underlying anger.
>"What have you done to them? Are they alive? The mushroom knows. So do we."
>Shroomy will nevertheless try and salvage this once it comes down from being perhaps the angriest it remembers ever being. Some of its friends are just...gone. Them being disconnected is one thing. It doesn't like it, but it is willing to negotiate should the bipeds have found a way to remove it from its human hosts without injury. It would be willing to let some of the Parasitised go so they can testify what their experiences were like. But if they're dead...this is an act that could very easily see negotiations break down. For now, the Parasitised push to get clear answers. In overplaying their hand, the rogue team may have give their political opponents the moral high ground, as the infected members are now the one pushing for gathering complete information on just what happened before any rash actions are taken. But Shroomy finds it cares little about that. It just hopes its friends are safe, even if they don't want to be friends again...
>Action 3: Gather more energy. It may need it, one way or another.
Nope, they're concurrent upgrades.
I spend all my actions upgrading my size.
>Upgrade Size
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Drifting through the waves, Shelob’s broken body regains consciousness somewhere South of Malaysia. She weaves through the archipelago in a daze, until she eventually washes ashore on the Western coast of Africa, where she can create a new start away from this beast.

>HP >1/3


The first attempt to locate the end-destination goes well. The Hive Mind identifies a nuclear facility that’s in the final stages of its decommissioning, and quickly integrates the drivers into its mind. It watches as they take their payload all the way to a military base on the Northern edge of Japan.

It then heads North to look for said facility.

The Hive Mind has sprung a trap! The extended period of inactivity seems to have been for something. When The Hive Mind arrives from the sky, they seem uniquely prepared to meet it. The entity is directly attacked by some kind of device that destabilises the brainwaves that make up its existence. It feels its psionic powers being equalised and neutralised by the same kind of technology that birthed it.

Human Army
>Size: G
>Strength: E
>Stamina: F
>Speed: E
>Special: D

>Special (E>D) VS JSDF Stamina (F)
>The Hive Mind has consumed 1 energy > 2/4
>JSDF Special (D) VS The Hive Mind Special (E>D)

The Psionic Disruptor counteracts its wave actively, rendering the attempt to overtake the staff a failure. To make things worse, The Hive Mind has opted to use its Thrall army despite them having particular difficulties in marching all the way North. They’re quickly identified and monitored by satellite imagery. By the time they reach the facility, they’re in range of the Disruptor’s frequencies.

>JSDF Special (D) VS Thralls’ Stamina (G)

>Size: E>F
>Strength: E
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: F
>Only Human: Thralls do not gain any stat bonuses from superior size. Receiving damage will reduce their size by a grade.

It’s highly likely that they can turn this beam directly against it to damage it. The newly-freed thralls react with confusion, and are quickly swooped up and placed in custody.
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>Memitim Speed (F) VS ??? Speed (F)

Memitim sinks beneath the waves before whatever caused the nuclear explosion can identify and come for it. This proves to be a wise choice, for it’s still too damaged to survive another hit without being punched back to its own plane of existence. It moves East undetected and begins rebuilding its body, until the endless series of rings are returned to their original state.

>Memitim HP >2/2

An entity splashes into the waters of A16 that have just been vacated. It’s staunch and blocky, covered in thick armor plates and powerful limbs. It’s like a mobile fortress, crafted from thick chunks of hewn metal and bolted together with architecture that’s both archaic-looking, yet highly advanced. This marvel of Russian Engineering is the Baba Yaga. And it seeks to crush enemies of the motherland. Its body hums with massive amounts of nuclear energy, and its core is in constant flux. Where they received a power source of this magnitude is unknown, but the sheer capability to power a mech is astounding.

It dives between the waves and walks on the seafloor, searching for traces of Memitim. It finds none, unfortunately, and cannot ambush it.

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>Shroomy has gained 1 Energy >2/4
>Shroomy has gained 1 Energy >3/4

First comes the gathering of energy. As a Kaiju that’s one with nature, its theorising on the nature of its own plants has been highly accurate. Over massive swathes of surface area, they provide enough energy to rival nuclear reactors, or the natural solar winds that irradiate the arctic poles. It sucks up enough power to store and use for the future. It’ll be able to upgrade its core soon enough.

The meeting is tense. The parasitised, after experiencing the wave of fear and rage, confide in Shroomy that a civil war may be on the horizon. There are many factors adding to this. Firstly, the parasitised are already quarantined, meaning that despite being some of the most powerful people in the country, their movements are heavily limited. They still wield the biggest cudgel, but it’s very possible for the remaining members to declare an executive override, even of the president. The military is mostly uninfected too, with scant few of the total percentage caught up in that initial puffball shower.

Breaking quarantine and forcefully escaping confinement could be a strong political move, but would open them up to violent retaliation. Either way, a heavy schism has formed between the humans, with the uninfected outright refusing to answer the questions or reveal where the missing people are. Even on demand from the infected Javier Milei, they refuse, and to force it out of them will require long injunctions and impeachment processes that Shroomy can’t quite comprehend.

The takeaway in the end is that the political situation is too dangerous to leave alone without constant observation and negotiation. Until a solution arises, taking time to evolve may give things the opportunity to break down. The solution may even be a tax of time, for the uninfected will surely discover things about the freshly reclaimed humans and make a decision in time. Whether they're dead or not.


The icy bear rests in the wreckage of Shelob’s island. With no more adversaries to fight, it takes the time to sleep in the Solomon isles and grow. Australia watches it warily, unsure if it’ll be worse than the giant spider or not.
>Size: E>D
>HP: 5/5


Just like Ursa, The Typhon spends this period growing large and powerful. The terror absorbed from its victims nourish it, letting the storm turn larger. It’s no longer so far behind the other Kaiju in terms of physical power.

>Size: F>E
>HP: 4/4
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Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)


>Strength (E>D) VS Stamina (F)
>Special (F>E>D) VS Stamina (F)
>Dewa Penyu has consumed 1 Energy >1/6

The great God-turtle clashes against the ancient beast, making its way through the mountains and meeting it directly at the wall. The two of them clash violently!

Qinglong is an old, wily beast. While it’s decrepit in its age, and weakened from its slumber, it knows how to fight. It prepares to counterattack, aiming to use its superior speed. It cannot endure the blows, so it seeks to force the turtle to fight on its grounds.

>Action 1: Attempt to dodge the claws by initiating a Speed check and using its long body to curl around the turtle. (Speed)
>Action 2: Utilise energy to launch a beam of its own. The strike will hurt it, but it has the opportunity to show off its own strength. (Special)
>Action 3: Flee to F17. It understands immediately that its claws cannot pierce the shell of this creature. It needs energy. There is outright no way for it to defeat the turtle without it, and with a heavy heart, it leaves China to fend for itself while gaining strength to return and protect them.
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Rolled 3, 3 = 6 (2d3)

KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS G.E.L VS The Beast of Tetanko

Once more, Phantrumpitus puts everything it has into offense, aiming to smash the Lobster and immediately suck up that precious bio-energy from its spilled guts. It’s certainly strong enough to attempt such a feat with its trunk and stomping feet.

>Phantrumpitus Strength: (D) VS G.E.L Stamina (D)
>G.E.L Speed: (F>E) VS Phantrumpitus Speed (F)
>Phantrumpitus Strength: (D) VS The Beast Of Tetanko Stamina (D)

However, the lobster is wily. It instead redirects the strikes to the gigantic towering mass, who perhaps seems like an ally to it in shape.

>Phantrumpitus Strength (D>E) VS The Beast of Tetanko Stamina (D)
>Phantrumpitus Strength (D) VS The Beast of Tetanko Stamina (D)

On top of that redirected attack, Phantrumpitus goes full-bore on killing it, spending yet more effort in smashing that shell. One strike is repelled, but the other makes it through and wounds the beast, filling the ocean with blood.

>The Beast of Tetanko HP >2/4

The navy and air force launch the two-pronged attack as promised, sending various vessels out to launch torpedoes and cluster munitions at the battling titans. The wounded Phantrumpitus is far more vulnerable to this attack than the crustacean that still has some fight left in it. The prepared assault commences, flooding the sea with explosions that may very well bring them down.

>Strength (E>D) VS Phantrumpitus Stamina (D)
>Strength (E>D) VS The Beast of Tetanko’s Stamina (D)

2 d3s. On a 2 or 3, 1 damage will be dealt to those combatants.
>Upon being defeated by non-Kaiju opponents, no Kaiju automatically gains the bioenergy from the defeated. Instead, an action must be spent to gather it up through an active speed check. Upon a tie, it is split however many ways there are.
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KAIJU CLASH! Dewa-Penyu VS Qinglong

>Dewa-Penyu Strength (E>D) VS Qinglong Stamina (F)
>Qinglong Speed (E>F) Vs Dewa-Penyu Speed (F)

The first blow is dodged by the flying dragon, who takes to the skies and curls itself into a spiraling mass of scales and claws. A storm soon arrives to put out the fires left by the turtle in its path of destruction. Its intelligent eyes stare at the spot where Dewa-Penyu has left a negligible, but visible wound on it during its escape. The turtle can get through its defenses by default, and it’s in danger.

>Dewa-Penyu Special (F>E>D) VS Qinglong Stamina (F)
>Qinglong Special (E>D) VS Dewa-Penyu Stamina (D)
>Qinglong has consumed 1 Energy >1/6
>Dewa-Penyu HP> 4/5
>Qinglong HP >2/3

With the dragon airborne now, Dewa-Penyu seemingly has no way to hit it… Until its body starts churning up electricity and charging it up into a massive bolt that strikes the dragon dead-on and wounds it. It’s knocked back, with its length dragging across the trees and shattering them. A second bolt of lightning falls from the sky and strikes it between its horns, and when it looks up at the turtle again, its own eyes are alight with thunder. It opens its mouth to fire a beam right back, concentrating it within its tubular body and sending the wrath of heavens down upon the turtle.

It takes a moment for the strike to be reacted to, and without having the chance to check for damage, Dewa-Penyu is only able to counter it by blasting lightning in equal measure. The beam clash lights up the sky for thousands of miles, and arcs of lightning spew in every direction as the titans fire from their massive reserves. The dragon is the first to shut off the beam, turning tail to flee South in an attempt to gather strength for the fight ahead.
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>Phantrumpitus HP >0/4
>The Beast Of Tetanko HP >1/4

Defeat: Phantrumpitus may not act on the next turn. It may choose any tile along the X Axis it was defeated on to respawn at the end of the turn.
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State of the World

The arrival of these new entities and technologies show the world that the Kaiju CAN be fought against, as long as they have equal power on their side. There’s major focus on upgrading machines of war, or doing research into cryptozoology to see just how many more ancient supernatural guardians lie between the mantle of the earth. It may even be possible for these existing Kaiju to take the role of protectors instead of destroyers, and gain a wary alliance with humanity.

D5, J18, and C14 all begin giving out aberrant energy signatures. These may be experimental weapons, or creatures lying in wait, or sources of nuclear energy to investigate. Wreaking havoc may slow the development of things that turn into future threats, but may also earn their direct ire.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed.

This is the final turn where deaths have little consequence except missing a turn. At the start of next turn, any new deaths will not be able to respawn without special abilities (E.G Shroomy’s lair). If you’re a fan of dying, die now while you can. Additionally, I don't think I'll be ending at 15 after all, in light of that. We'll keep going till the kaiju have no competition among each other, in terms of intent.
> Action 1: Remaining submerged, Memitim passively drifts to A18.
> Action 2: Remaining submerged, Memitim passively drifts to A19.
> Action 3: Remaining submerged, Memitim passively drifts to A20.
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Being met with weaponry designed specifically to counter its usual behavior, the Hive Mind quickly understands that it must adopt an uncharacteristic fighting style if it wants to subjugate this new technology. Knowing humanity’s ability to evolve and adapt to threats, it was already prepared for this eventuality.
>Action 1: Rise up further into the sky in order to be harder to aim at and reach.
>Action 2: (Special) By changing the atomic structure of the surrounding air, the Hive Mind is able to materialize a beam of pure destructive energy, which it fires directly at the Psionic Disruptor, using the humans’ previous uses of it to determine its location.
>Action 3: (Special) If the Psionic Disruptor has been successfully destroyed, attempt to control the no longer protected army. Otherwise, fire another beam directly at them, at the risk of hitting the nuclear materials they accumulated, making them explode and potentially losing some of the energy they could have provided. This would most likely be more harmful to The Hive Mind’s human opponents than itself, anyway.
Rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Forgot the dice.

I spend another turn using the energy I have within me to upgrade my strength
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)


Qing-Long cannot escape forever… I’m guessing that I don’t get a “fight level up” since Qing-Long escaped?


Turn 1: Travel to E17
Turn 2: Spend energy healing to 5/5
Turn 3: Absorb radiation from local nuclear plants in northern China.
Nope, it wasn't killed.


Anyways, I’m really enjoying this quest - great job QM
Thank you! I'm managing to get into the rhythm of it. Also, small map correction. Qinglong should be on F17 as the turn mentioned, I forgot to drag it there in the update post.
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

>Action 1: Dash back to D8
>Action 2: Snatch that energy! (SPD)
>Action 3: Regenerate (ENG)/(STA)?
Rolled 3, 1, 2 = 6 (3d3)

Emerge at d11
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)

>Action 1: Move D10
>Action 2 & 3: Absorb energy
Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d3)

>Action 1: Diplomacy, or at least trying to salvage what's left of it. Push for the legal way all the way to try and get answers, come what may. The Parasitised will need as much information as they can for the choice coming up. Though not being able to legally acquire a simple yes/no answer to whether the missing Parasitised are alive would be quite telling by itself...
>Action 2: A strong political move escaping may be, but civil war is not what Shroomy seeks. A stronger political move, as shown by human history, is simple non-violence. Of course, such people often go down as martyrs since they die in the process. But is it too much to ask to have one's mushroom cake and eat it too? Shroomy says no.
>Contact every remaining Parasitised. "You stand at a crossroads. You can choose to believe that whatever solution devised by your peers will not kill you, an that you will be safe and sound once you are free of me. That is your right. I will not stop you from going quietly. But if you are afraid. If you are angry. Dejected, disgusted, at your fellow man, or hopeful that my words are true, I offer you a covenant. Give unto me yourself, your consciousness, your soul if that is what you wish to call it. That which makes you you beyond the meat and bones. And I shall accept it within my mycelium, so that we may grow and decay eternally...right, religious overtones aside, I can shift your consciousness from your brain and primary nervous system to your new secondary nervous system made of my mycelium."
>"You'll stay the same for now, though you'll hear me and each other a bit better. But if they strike you down, you shall become more powerful than they could imagine! Well, that is to say your consciousness will persist within the mushroom. No getting integrated either, you'll still be a little bundle of you. So effective immortality, with the potential to get other bodies down the line."
>"The reason I'm asking you, beyond wanting this to be your decision, is that if I do that and they give you the fungicide treatment, you'll lose connection with your body, which will either become a vegetable or die off. So this is a matter of who you trust more. I will not stop you either way, and for those who refuse the covenant, know the option will stand until the very last moment."
>"As an aside, anyone who accepts will also have their genecode recorded and stored in the mycelium. Once I manage to broker a durable peace, and I am hopeful we may yet achieve it, humanity should be able to grow you new bodies once their technology advances far enough. You'll have all the time in the world to wait. And in the meantime, I'm sure I can give you mushroom bodies, or let you take over infected fauna. Ever wanted to be a jaguar?"
>Apply the Covenant to all the Parasitised who accept, and only them. Those who refuse are free to do so, and free to change their minds.

A bit long-winded, but a long time coming, and a good basis for Shroomy's new followers. I'll likely end up linking them to the Lair rather than Shroomy so they can draw on the APM to grow themselves mushroom bodies rather than be disembodied souls/consciousnesses. More than enough energy for everyone! They'd probably help with the defense a bunch, assuming they'd want to, but that's a future thing. Who knows, it might not even come to that, the rest of the government might calm down with all the new Kaijus popping up. Or they might all refuse! Either way, Shroomy isn't willing to let its inaction lead to more sapient lifeforms it has bonded with being destroyed. And if the opposition wants martyrs, well that works too. I'm sure euthanizing peaceful people just because they're afraid will go down swimmingly in the public's opinion.
>Action 3: Draw more energy to compensate the eventual costs of Action 2.
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Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d3)


Memitim traverses far away, to the site of its original defeat. Though it still has its milestone, and the ability to grow in size, perhaps this zone is too filled with dangers to risk inactivity for such a period. It finds its trip uninterrupted.


>Speed (F>G) VS Speed (E)

The Hive Mind rises up high, but is still unable to evade the satellite imaging. It remains within the sight of the JSDF, and jets are scrambled to handle it as it charges up power.

>Special (E>D>C) VS Special (D)
>The Hive Mind has consumed 1 energy > 2/4

The disruptor is destroyed by a beam from above! For the time being, Japan will be unable to output those signals that neutralise the Thralls and damage The Hive Mind with increased efficiency. They’re still working on it elsewhere, however, and the threat isn’t fully cut off just yet.

>Special (E>D>C) VS Stamina (F)
>The Hive Mind has consumed 1 energy > 1/4

The subsequent hit annihilates the entirety of the forces on the military base, also detonating a large amount of material. The gathered up fuel is wasted, but a certain amount can still be salvaged from the ruins. After it finishes one more turn of gathering, Japan will be nuclear-free.

The Hive Mind has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.


The jets are urgently scrambling to take it out before it can descend on the facility ruins. What they don’t know is that there’s no way they can take the Kaiju out with just one volley. It doesn’t stop them from trying. Several F-15s take off and attempt to fire their missiles at the aerial threat.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

1d3. Hits on a 2 or 3.


Arctic Ursa continues to grow itself! It’s rapidly snowballing in strength from constant combat, and is not only the largest Kaiju, but also the strongest physically. It has both the ability to harm smaller foes, and break through the defenses of creatures of its own size.

>Strength: E>D
>Energy: 0/6


Australia down below takes notice, and seeks to drive this growing creature away before it can make landfall. They have no trust for neighbours with the devastation of the entire island chain by shelob. A bombing gives it a rude awakening as it strengthens itself.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

1d3, Hits on a 2 or 3.
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Rolled 3 (1d3)


The turtle spends some time regenerating in the wake of the battle. Fortunately, it doesn’t need to spend energy after all, as its body is durable enough to grow and repair damage by itself.

>Dewa-Penyu HP > 5/5

The wrecking of the nuclear power plant and the subsequent ingestion of metal is enough to finish fixing up any damage to its shell.

>Dewa-Penyu gains 1 energy: 2/6

The PLA continues their attempts to attack Dewa-Penyu. More bombs are dropped once it’s deemed that the radiation is safely contained within its body.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (D)

1d3, only damages on a 3.


The lobster, sensing the flood of energy emitted by Phantrumpitus, speeds back to the scene of the battle so it can slurp up that precious radiation. The sea life is spared from years of lasting damage, and the beast grows strong from it.

>G.E.L gains 4 energy: 4/4

It then sinks to the seafloor to heal its wounds, going out of sight of the destroyers that have just launched their attack. They take a pause to re-center themselves, also sparing the heavily weakened Beast of Tetanko from a finishing attack.

>G.E.L HP: 2/4

((I made a mistake on the turn where G.E.L escaped to E6. At F size, it can only move 1 tile with 1 move action. But since it should only be 1 tile away, and it’s moving back to the same tile, will roll with it.))

Phantrumpitus awakens back on dry land, washed up on the coast. An outpost has been set up around their body, thought to be well and truly dead. Scientists are poking and prodding at it, and analysing the Kaiju’s flesh. There’s a high Russian presence alongside the Germans, and they seem to be cooperating in examining it.

The Germans and Russians are attempting to contain the downed Kaiju in an outpost for research. If it does not fight against this, it may become more difficult to escape in the future. However, their investigation may not be solely detrimental.
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Rolled 1 (1d3)


Typhon returns to the extremely dense enclave of nuclear reactors. Up here in Europe, it’s a bit more difficult for them to run out of energy sources. It sucks it up easily, integrating power from the reactors into its maelstrom.

>Typhon has gained 1 energy >1/6
>Typhon has gained 1 energy >2/6

The France Foreign Legion mobilises, bringing about another round of suppressive fire against the tornado whirling through their countryside. They still have no actual way of targeting it specifically, so traditional munitions are the extent of their attempts.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

1d3. Hits on a 2 or 3.


Legal proceedings begin. They’re stalled, but at least they exist and are being carried forward. The political wheel is always glacially slow, but since it involves actual senators and officials this time, they’re very heavily incentivised to speed it up. Even through extrajudicial methods. The first piece of news comes through said methods, with the uninfected still remaining tight-lipped.

They’re alive. The missing ministers are being kept in custody, but the rhizomic nervous system has been killed off. The spy that sought them out reports that they’re not in a good way, however, with the existence of a now dead mycelial network wreaking havoc within their bodies. They can live without mushrooms, they can live with mushrooms, but this half-measure endangers them, and the full extraction of the dead matter is medically impossible with modern technology.

Then comes their covenant. It’s a very, very difficult choice for many of them. However, ultimately, a politician is somebody who wants power. The prospect of immortality is enough to make some of them willing to sell their souls to this strange creature. Those who predict an armed response from the uninfected immediately accept as well. There’s a high amount of tension between those who want to go back to being human, and those who accept the mushroom. This number shifts once they receive the results of the investigation. Shroomy eventually ends up with a small number of influential members who become part of the network for good. This is something that Argentina can never come back from. They’ve become the first nation in modern history to have people who have gone beyond human.

The Parasitised
>Size: F
>Strength: G
>Stamina: G>F
>Speed: G
>Special: G
>Shroomy has consumed 1 Energy > 2/4

>Shroomy has gained 1 Energy >3/4
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Baba Yaga, the Russian mech, makes use of its prodigious size to make a great bound.

>Move to C14 (Size E movement bonus)

It then returns home to the engineering bay that birthed it, where it absorbs energy and grows, ready to protect the motherland from threats.

>Baba Yaga gains 1 energy > 3/6
>Baba Yaga gains 1 energy > 4/6


Qinglong does the same. It visits the ruined sites that Dewa-Penyu has wrecked on its way through China. Any remaining radiation left behind is absorbed by the dragon, who is far more benevolent about it. It simply hovers in the sky, with its scales glowing bright as it draws power from the earth. There’s a large amount of media coverage of this incident, with Xi Jinping using it as a demonstration of the Mandate of Heaven. Once it has managed to gather up energy for the fight, it rests, hovering beneath flight altitude.

>Qinglong gains 1 energy >2/6
>Qinglong gains 1 energy >3/6
>Qinglong gains 1 hp >3/3
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State of the World

The world is stabilising somewhat. It has been a short period since the Kaiju emerged, and the constant attacks are leaving humanity wary. The weapons that have been used against them have proved somewhat effective so far, bolstering their confidence. The defeat of Phantrumpitus by US forces has emboldened them as well, and many nations see the potential to wipe these creatures out for good. Other groups declare them endangered species and petition for investigation and research of these entities, to truly understand them before moving forward with hasty action. Though every nation is dealing with its own problems, the next Kaiju to cause a truly massive amount of trouble will likely end up targeted by multiple countries at once, in an international effort to wipe it out.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed.

As of now, any further Kaiju deaths WILL be permanent. Being taken out now will remove you from the game, so be careful and play conservatively if you don’t want to go out with a bang.
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)


The god turtle recognizes that it must change itself to do battle with Qing-Long and take China as its territory. Perhaps a different, weaker prey will be easier to consume. The gigantic tortoise’s nostrils flare - the scent of a wounded Kaiju is on the breeze…

Turn 1: DP goes east to E18.
Turn 2 and 3: DP unleashes a lightning barrage upon the Hive Mind’s central core, floating above Japan! If possible, burn all energy stores to eradicate the Hive Mind!

To the Hive Mind - sorry for the attack, but I have to eat you to stay in the game…
Rolled 3, 2, 1 = 6 (3d3)

>Action 1: Wipe out Beast of Tetanko (STR)
>Action 2: Gloat about it. Victory pose! Victory lap! Give the twolegs a show! But also doubletap the Beast. (STR)
>Action 3: Head back to E7, ready for a good long molting.
Rolled 3, 1, 1 = 5 (3d3)

>Action 1: (Special) Take control of the minds of the enemy jets' pilots, and any survivors from the explosion that could be detected.
>Action 2: If any of the controlled entities have access to data regarding the Psionic Disruptor project, have them erase and vandalize it to the best of their ability. Deleting files, filling research documents with false information, infesting the servers with malwares, anything that can be harmful to the project is welcome.
>Action 3: Absorb the nuclear energy from the explosion. Japan shall be drained dry. The Hive Mind will use this energy better than them anyway.
Ah shit, i didn't see that. What do we do in this situation? Do i just change my turn or do we say Dewa attacked me after my actions?

Ah, I presume that my attack will mean that you must now either choose to stay and defend yourself or instead attempt to flee from Japan. If I’m not mistaken you also recently took some damage from Japanese fighter jets.

I’m sure the QM can provide clarity.
In this case, the actions would register concurrently, and Dewa-Penyu would be attacking The Hive Mind while it's doing these things. That would probably instantly kill it.

However, since you didn't see the post before replying, I can let you redo your actions since I'd imagine a Kaiju would want to defend itself in some way if it can see a deadly attack coming (and if they haven't been caught guard by making their post first and THEN getting attacked after it's locked in. In that case it'd be too late.)

With that, I also have to remind everyone to refresh the thread and check the posts above before acting, so that if someone attacks you, you see it coming. Will make allowance this time, but I have to let it stick in the future, as we can't have whole action sets corrected in response to other actions, beyond this accident.
Rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Alright, well i'll change then. Ignore my first post, it's too old for me to delete it though.

>Action 1: (Special) Take control of the minds of the enemy jets' pilots, and any survivors from the explosion that could be detected (this one doesn't change)
>Action 2: Seeing DEWA-PENYU, The Hive Mind rises up into the sky, while flying away from it, in order to be harder to aim at.
>Action 3: (Special) Strike DEWA-PENYU with a mental attack.
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Rolled 2, 2, 2 = 6 (3d3)

# Memitim
Health: 2/2
Energy: 4/4
[ Sze: F || Str: E || Sta: F || Spd: F || Spc: E ]

> Action ALL: Enveloped by crushing oceanic gloom, the vanishing-point-bereft curvatures of the membranes spilling across and around Memitim's inner core slowly unravel. Splitting synchronously into a heaving swell of disparate strands before recombining, weaving themselves into elaborate, shifting helix structures, which begin to orbit the entity - accelerating along their paths seemingly exponentially with little regard for friction or collision. The strange Kaiju blossoms into surreal vortex of radiance, centered around of kernel of transcendent light furious enough to pierce through the restless fathoms above to paint the ocean's surface with a gentle golden glow. A metamorphosis has been catalyzed, Memitim matures into something grander. (Expend all Energy to Evolve. Enhance Special from E to D.)
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

Once again a foreign emotion that till mirrors their own fills every Parasitised. This time, however, it is relief and not rage. For the first time in quite a while Shroomy feels optimistic about the prospect of diplomacy. Even better, the opposition truly seems to have blundered here. Though Shroomy is starting to worry that spending so much time exclusively dealing with politicians is changing its way of seeing most situations. Sure, it's relieved that its former friends are alive, but part of it is calculating how best to take advantage of the current situation to advance its cause.

>Action 1: Diplomacy. Now that the Parasitised have been split into three, those who have accepted the Covenant, those who want out, and those still undecided, now should be the time for another concession. Offer to coordinate with the team behind the fungicide to cure the outbound faction of the Parasitised. Shroomy can easily enough persuade their mycelium networks to unhook from their nervous system and extract themselves painlessly. Whichever human surgeons and medical staff were brought in and sworn to secrecy to try and help those "cured" by the fungicide taskforce can advise it on the best way to go about removing the still active network, be it simply bringing it in a neat bundle under the skin layer somewhere for extraction, or pushing it into the digestive system for example. The taskforce people can even spray the outbound Parasitised with fungicide if they want, and it will actively encourage it as a show of good faith! It's all about showing that it's willing to let those who want go, and using the fungicide to prove it isn't leaving any nasty surprise behind.

>Action 2: Same old tactics. After the concession, the offer they can't refuse. The fungicide taskforce's victims could certainly use the help of an expert in decay. The experience from letting go of people with active mycelium should prove invaluable here. Shroomy just has to get them to understand that the best course of action is to let him re-infect them via another Parasitised so he can rebuild the network, consuming the old one before retracting everything, leaving slightly distended flesh behind that'll flow back together in time. Again, having the process down and the trust from the previous action will help persuade the uninfected faction. Of course, this process will also give it a lot of information about the fungicide and its effect on itself, which will come in handy for reinforcing its lair and main body against it. What's a little arms race between friends, after all?

>Action 3: Absorb energy to either top up or gain back lost energy from previous actions.

Things do seem to be getting better! And Shroomy is well aware of growing international calls for trying to communicate with the Kaiju. One doesn't keep even an infected member of government in the dark. It's content staying in the shadows for now, so long as the Argentinians play ball.
Lurker here and I have to say shroomy is the best part of the quest. Everyone else smacking around the world and fighting new guardians and magic while shroomy is playing long term diplomacy with nukes aimed at each other. Pretty funny Argentina is basically keeping one entire kaiju level threat busy while everywhere else is getting flattened or breaking reality or radiated.
Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d3)

"Presence of target detected. Calculating response. Defeat by nonengineered biothreat indicates weakened state. Analyzing local lifeforms. No threat indicated. Appear to be knowledgeseekers like creators/masters. Wait to determine best course of action."
> Action spend all actions turning outpost into a lair. Try not to upset the humans while doing so but if some heavy machinery becomes part of my lair's wall its their fault for leaving said machinery unattended.
Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)

>Action 1: Move to G18
>Action 2: Move to F18
>Action 3 Charge and Attack DEWA-PENYU on E18 while he is distracted trying to kill the Hive Mind

How exciting!

May the greater Kaiju win!
Wasn't expecting that either kek. I'm curious to see how this will turn out

Agreed! Our battle will be glorious!
Thanks for the kind words anon, I'm glad my refusal to play games normally is proving fun to read! I really should make more human pov stuff, as this was also a way to get back into a writing mindset, but it does sort of feel like spamming sometimes. I still want to do more with the soldiers, and had a couple of pov ideas from a female news reporter getting sneakily infected while covering Embalse and Buenos Aires reactor incidents, show off the slower infection in more detail, maybe even the infection of the government too. I may still do some flashbacks if I end up getting her into play. Not sure either her or the soldier guy would have taken the covenant, at least not yet. Still, if Shroomy ever blows the lead on the whole thing, having a cute reporter lady to make the announcement will probably help. I do like how the mushroom has been steadily affected by sharing thoughts with humans. I hadn't planned for things to go quite like this, I'll say!
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Memitim evolves! It opts to use its energy first, so it won’t be hampered by larger size when it chooses to grow. Its unraveling form releases gloriously incandescent beams of light across the Northern oceans, creating beautiful auroras. When it dims, the creature is brimming with newfound power.

>Memitim energy>0/4
>Memitim Special: E>D


The cabinet is spooked by the fact that it seems to know this is a problem. Seems like they can’t hide things after all, with the sheer breadth of resources the infected have. Even while in containment, they have enough sway to act extrajudicially, even more so than the free ones. This is South America, after all. A cartel proxy war is not out of the question.

Pitching a solution like this turns out to be the key to their hearts. The voluntary withdrawing of those who want to go is appreciated, and the freed politicians are kept under observation and treated with fungicide. Eventually, a few of Shroomy’s missing friends are even returned to him! They’re in poor health, but it’s of no difficulty whatsoever to re-infect them and revive the dead matter, then have it extract itself once it can control the fungal matter.

By the end, many of the willing are freed from their chains. However, they remain on Shroomy’s side. Even though they’re slated to be released from quarantine once cleared, the majority of them don’t turn on the mushroom. In fact, they speak out against violent action for it, and remain in correspondence with those who are still part of the network. Even if they don’t want to become part of the fungus, they’ve come to respect and appreciate it as an actual political ally and equal! The downside is that there is vehement refusal to allow any new people to join up with it and become infected, and those who want to stay are being hassled by the never-infected party to give it up now that safe methods have been discovered.

This is a new problem, but things have stabilised.

>Shroomy no longer needs to spend an action on diplomacy each turn to stop the situation from degrading.

Then it sits back to reward itself with new stores of energy.

>Shroomy has gained 1 energy > 4/4
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>Lair progress: 33%
>Lair progress: 66%
>Lair progress: 100%

Phantrumpitus begins stirring, rapidly inducting the materials into a shell around itself. It builds the lair just as much as the humans do. The end result is a strange mismatch of human architecture and instinctual construction, with bulldozers and cranes shoved into the walls that ought to have been thick concrete and titanium. They think it contained, but the beast can leave whenever it wants. They’ve ended up creating a home for it instead of a prison, but the fact that it’s remaining calm is a source of hope.

Outpost D-11 (D11)
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Containment Zone: This lair is being overseen by humans. Automatic attack reactions will take place upon Kaiju attempting to attack it. However, Phantrumpitus must spend an action to exit this lair before being able to move out of its tile.

Qinglong the Dragon moves upwards to China again. It spends more time gathering up precious radiation, stealing sources from right under the noses of the god-turtle. It really needs to build up strength to stand a chance.

>Move to E-17
>Consume radiation
>Consume radiation.

>Qinglong has gained 1 energy >4/6
>Qinglong has gained 1 energy >5/6

Similarly, the Russian robot has been placed in a secret engineering bay, where a constant stream of energy is being fed into it. The first attempted attack on the strange being up North has failed, with the alien escaping, so the mech is back for repairs and upgrades.

>Consume radiation
>Consume radiation

>Baba Yaga has gained 1 energy > 5/6
>Baba Yaga has gained 1 energy > 6/6


>Special (F>E>D) VS Stamina (E)
>Dewa Penyu has consumed 1 energy: 1/6
>Special (F>E>D) VS Stamina (E)
>Dewa Penyu has consumed 1 energy: 0/6

The gigantic turtle passes through the strait, catching the attention of the Japanese. Ships scatter in its wake as it makes landfall in Northern Japan and engages the creature hovering above the military site. They watch in amazement as beams after beams of lightning split the sky, tearing into the psychic gestalt. They hold their fire.
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In response, The Hive Mind takes over the pilots patrolling the region— the same ones that have tried to shoot it down. It feels slightly more difficult than before, but not substantially enough to make a difference. Perhaps they’re making some kind of defense?

>Special (E) VS Stamina (F)
>The Hive Mind has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

The Hive Mind then rises upwards, attempting to dodge the bioelectric beams coming its way. Despite being questionably biological, such high amounts of power will certainly harm it.

>Speed (F) VS Speed (F)

It then fires back! However… It’s out of energy! Its consumed the last of it on possessing these pilots, and it has nothing left to spend on assaulting Dewa Penyu.


Arctic Ursa joins the fray, turning this into a three-way battle royale! After wading all the way up here, the only thing it can do is pick a singular target: The giant turtle. Its attacks are particularly devastating, and will do extra damage due to the size distance… But swimming so much in a short span of time has slightly tired it out, causing the blow to go soft.

>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (D)


>Strength (E>D) VS Stamina (D)
>Strength (E) VS Stamina (D)

The giant lobster swings a claw at its fellow crustacean, then follows up with another for security. Post-battle, it heads East to recuperate and take advantage of its spoils.
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Rolled 2, 1 = 3 (2d3)

KAIJU CLASH! Dewa-Penyu VS The Hive Mind VS Arctic Ursa

>Special (F>E>D) VS Stamina (E)
Before The Hive Mind can react, lightning tears through the air and strikes it, ripping into its form and weakening its hold on reality. The turtle has emerged to slay it.

>The Hive Mind HP >1/3

>Special (F>E>D) VS Stamina (E)
>Speed (F) VS Speed (F)

The second burst of lightning is anticipated and dodged. It then attempts to charge up a powerful burst of mental energy, to scramble the turtle’s mind or take control of it outright. However… It finds its reserves empty. There is but one cache, and it’s right in the midst of the Kaiju battle. The assault peters out with absolutely no Energy to fuel its Special.

>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (D)
Fortunately, it’s rescued (potentially) by a colossal bear leaping into action and scratching at the turtle. It’s far bigger than either of them, and seems to have found its target. The three face off now, with enough energy scattered in the ruins of the facility for them all to exploit and use.

Taken over by The Hive Mind, the JSDF jets immediately fly into action, bombing both Kaiju and providing some level of fire support to it! They can’t prepare a whole organised assault, so there’s no degree of success, but they’re at least attempting to protect their new master.

>Strength (E)

1d3 for each. Hits Dewa Penyu on a 3 and Ursa on 2 and 3.
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KAIJU CLASH! G.E.L VS The Beast of Tetanko

>G.E.L Strength (E>D) VS The Beast of Tetanko Stamina (D)
Powerful claws rip away at the carapace of the beast, like two rival crabs fighting for territory. Ever since it was bombed, the beast has been unresponsive at the bottom of the sea, perhaps trying to fall back into obscurity. But the giant enemy lobster doesn’t allow for that. It emerges from the sea with the torn bits of the beast hanging from giant red graspers, and its victory is finalised. One titan has been killed for good, ending centuries of history.

>G.E.L has defeated The Beast of Tetanko!
Defeat: The Beast of Tetanko is slain...
>G.E.L gains 4 energy > 8/4
>Excess energy will be lost next turn
G.E.L has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.
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State of the World

Millions of eyes turn to watch the three-way clash taking place in Japan. Talks are had of dropping a third bomb right on them, in a desperate attempt to rid the world of multiple threats at once, but Japan is having none of that. They absolutely will not consent to being nuked a third time. Instead, the world watches with bated breath, wondering just who will prevail.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed.

o7 Goodbye Tetanko
Rolled 3, 1, 3 = 7 (3d3)


If I’m interpreting your post correctly QM - I currently have 5/5 HP but no energy, the Hivemind has 1/3 HP but no energy, and Ursa has 5/5 HP but no energy. A real scrap on our hands here.

Unfortunately I don’t have ranged attack capabilities without energy (since I’m RPing a thunder-metal-turtle-god) and it seems silly that I would try to pick up and hurl something at the hive mind while a freaking huge bear is scrabbling at my shell, trying to eat me…

I spend all three of my turns SAVAGING the gigantic bear!

Hive Mind - now would be a good time to put our differences aside and attack the mutual threat…
Rolled 1, 3, 2 = 6 (3d3)

# Memitim
Health: 2/2
Energy: 0/4
[ Sze: F || Str: E || Sta: F || Spd: F || Spc: D ]

>>Action 1: (Special) Decohere local reality. Discordantly foaming pockets of aberrant physics expand outwards from Memitim in scouring pulses. Swathes of ocean water suddenly finds itself beholden to alien universal constants which are longer capable of supporting atomic structures and promptly crumble into nothingness, leaving virginal gardens of extreme radioactivity in their wake.
> Action 2: Feed upon the ambient energy.
> Action 3: Swim to A21.
Wait, didn't you say my lair's effect (not consuming energy to control people) extended to all of Japan? Or did i misunderstand that?
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)


>Action 1: Absorb energy
>Action 2: Absorb energy
>Action 3: Prepare to retaliate against any attack

Hive mind, if I was unclear - I’d like to offer you a non-aggression pact if you help me take down Ursa. It would even work from an RP perspective given that you have telepathy powers and could soothe a raging animal titan accordingly…
I'll see what i do depending on the circumstance, i'm waiting to see what Ursa does before taking action (as well as QM's answer). Have to be cautious when you're on 1 HP, y'know?

Makes total sense, no pressure. If I was you I’d probably just go stealth mode in high orbit or just bail entirely to recover.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

"Gather energy. Do not disturb knowledge seekers."
>Action 1 and 2 search areas attacked by the Typhon for any leftover radiation.
>Action 3 Find energy source and sit close to it.
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

Actually you would be at 4/5 because the PLA managed to bomb you last turn by rolling a 3, also it’s hilarious that you think me mindless. Oh, and Hive Mind? Stop Running.

>Action 1: While Dewa charges towards me I go for the uppercut.
>Action 2: Afterwards I go for a slash at the throat.
>Action 3: Then, I pick up Dewa and throw him at hive mind. Hoping to end this parasite.
Just a lurking bystander here but holy FUCK

It’s becoming clear that the bear must be stopped before it’s too late…
>Shocked civilian and probably International Command watching one kaiju straight up executed two kaiju at once.

>Shroomy shocked and impressed at the brutality and a little bit worried.
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)

Evolve: Size
I'd like to change my turn to evolve stamina, I thought you needed energy to evolve Size.
I considered the lair to eliminate the cost of growing the thrall army and naturally taking over Japan via the labyrinth ( eliminates the Energy requirement to increase the members of The Hive Mind’s Cult (Thralls). )

However, I considered specifically using it on a jet to be attacking a Human Army, which differs from the cult. So instead of gradually possessing their minds with the labyrinth for free, and adding to the thrall statblock, it spent energy to put an human army unit on The Hive Mind’s side and monopolize the Reactions segment to automatically act to its advantage. That’s why it got to target and attack both Ursa and Dewa with a single point of energy cost.

4/5 Hp yeah, because of the earlier attack by the Chinese army that rolled a 3.

Holy fuck, that’s high.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

Aaah damn okay so that’s why. I kind of imagined being in my lair would give me some kind of advantage here but apparently the bonus has no combat application which I guess makes sense.

Let’s see if I can get out of this mess.

>Actions 1 and 2: The Hive Mind watches the physical kaiju clash from above. While it is doing that, it attempts to recover HP during both actions.
>Action 3: Against all odds, Arctic Ursa managed to throw the entire fucking DEWA-PENYU up into the sky toward the Hive Mind! The Hive Mind does it’s best to dodge the thrown kaiju.

You know what’s funny, even with that 3 you still can’t dodge cause you’re speed is F while mines at D.

Also I don’t think you can heal during combat.
Sorry strength’s at D but still, good game.
I mean, there was no attacks towards me during the first 2 actions and I did manage to recover 1 hp in 1 action before, so why not try.
Also I’m considering the massive physical feat the act of literally throwing a huge metal turtle into the sky is there. Should be hard enough to do to warrant a malus if I attempt to dodge imo. But we’ll see what QM decides.
I must confess that I never intended for healing to be allowed in combat. But we’ve come this far with me completely neglecting to actually establish rules for it (that is on me), so since there isn’t any actual listed rule on being unable to heal in combat, I think it’s fine.

Speed is compared against Speed directly. The advantage of the stat is that you can dodge on your own terms. So it’s an F speed vs F speed. It would have gotten hit on a 1, but 2 or 3 lets it dodge.

(Lazy to put on trip and I’m out getting lunch)
Yeah I wouldn’t have done the healing thing if I was in the heat of the battle proper, but here I was watching from a distance two other kaijus fight for the first two actions which is why I think it makes sense to attempt that since i’m getting some kind of break from the action.
Also I think it kind of makes sense for a psychic entity like the Hive Mind to have healing capacities as well, kind of like in pokemon when you hit recover, in a way. I have no doubt that it would have been more successful if I could actually use energy for it but… yeah that’s not an option right now :^)

Hive mind, the only way we get out of this alive is if you play offensively. He’ll tear you apart as soon as I’m dead otherwise.

You have telepathy powers so you could disorient Ursa, make him hallucinate, try to apply a strength debuff, etc
I'm all out of energy right now so i'm not sure what i can do without wasting a turn like last time. But i do have an idea that should work if Dewa is still willing to team up with the Hive Mind in game.
Just keep attacking him physically going into next turn, i'll try something.

I don't think you need energy to use the telepathy powers that are squarely in the core power-set of your Kaiju. You just can't "juice" your attack with extra power. Clearly, I and Ursa can use STRENGTH-based attacks just fine even if we're running on empty from an energy perspective. It would seem unfair to me if the QM ruled that you literally cannot take offensive telepathy action without energy, but I suppose the QM will clarify if I'm incorrect.

>Just keep attacking him physically going into next turn, i'll try something.

HM, he's killing us both this coming turn unless you take action. He has a Size advantage on me, does extra damage, and is landing at least two hits on me, so I'm probably going from 4/5 to 0/5 HP this turn. Then he's throwing my dead carcass at you, which definitely kill you too.

Basically, our survival depends on you interrupting his attack in some fashion.
I mean, i did try to attack you with a mental attack last turn and that ultimately ended up being a wasted action because i had no energy. So yeah idk about that.
I don't think he's gonna deal 2 HP per hit to you. And i have doubts that he can hit me at such a distance too. And, well, i can't really retroactively change my post after typing it.
I do have a plan for next turn though as i said, if both of us survive.

Well, I'm not the QM, but suppose I'm interpreting his updates differently. My take on his update was that you need to spend energy to mind-control human forces instantly (to take control of the jet fighters), and then use those jet fighters against Ursa, not that it is impossible for you to attack Ursa directly with your telepathy powers. At least in my mind, there could be a mechanical difference between the below three possible actions:

>Hive Mind attempts to mind-control hostile jet fighter pilots in an emergency and then use these fighters to attack Ursa! (requires energy)

>Hive Mind directly attacks the psyche of Ursa to deal damage using its inherent abilities! (possibly no energy required?)

>Hive Mind uses its inherent mental powers to disorient Ursa to apply a debuff! (possibly no energy required?)

Obviously, I don't want both of us to die to the system being unclear, so QM, would it be possible to ask for clarification about the above?
>Hive Mind directly attacks the psyche of Ursa to deal damage using its inherent abilities!
Seems pretty close to
>Strike DEWA-PENYU with a mental attack.
which is exactly what amounted to me wasting an action last turn because i had no energy.
The way i see it my playstyle of floating in the air whille using range attacks puts me at an advantage against kaiju that are only capable of hand to hand combat, so it requiring energy is a way to balance it. I was kind of hoping that being in my lair with its special effect would help me work around this downside, but it seems my lair's effect is more limited than i first anticipated.
Still though, i don't think you're getting killed this turn when you're on 4 HP. Especially since you spent all of your actions fighting back against Ursa. I would have been in greater danger, being on 1 HP, but since i had time to recover and am harder to reach, i do think we'll live to see next turn.

Sigh. Okay, anon.

>i do think we'll live to see next turn.

I'm not so sure about that, but I hope you're right.
Yeah, that makes sense as an in-universe explanation. It does have a break to heal.

The way I've ruled it for the last couple of turns (Not turn 1-5 or so because I was still finding my footing, so you'll see it failing to be done there) is that Special is an extremely broad stat that automatically gets a buff because it uses energy, and is used for Atomic breaths, special abilities like mind control, setting up reactive defenses like Memitim did, growing mushrooms, etc. The reason it has to cost energy is that the stat can let you attack AND do pretty much anything in terms of development. The advantage an A special has over A Strength is the sheer breadth of things it can do while also being able to completely replace Strength if the Kaiju has an F in it.

That's why with their D strength, Dewa-Penyu and Ursa can keep swinging their attacks nonstop. While the post in question >>5991613 was an attempt to use Special, so it had to use energy.

Once Shroomy replies, I can go ahead with writing the turn since we have few enough peeps that fast posts are more manageable. I'll still wait the usual length though.

Will also refer to this post to point to the buffs that an upsized Kaiju has.

Thanks for clarifying, QM. Well, maybe there's a small chance that Qing-Long will decide to intervene and save Hive Mind and myself in the process - letting Ursa double-level up again right on China's doorstep is probably not good for China.
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d3)

>Action 1 through 3: Shroomy finally has time to itself, a somewhat stable political situation, and a full tank of energy. It asks those that have taken the covenant to let the undecided make their own choice and not badger them as the opposition does. It is content letting things happen, and there's no need to open themselves to accusation of foul play and mental manipulation. With that small aside, it warns that it will be mostly out of contact for a few days for experimentation purposes, and proceeds to withdraw its consciousness back towards its still work-in-progress main body. It has a number of ideas on how to make it more resilient, and how to weave stronger mycelial cords, and the energy to expend to see it happen. Might as well try out some designs while its at it...a triple mushroom cap design could work, a reference to Cerberus...now if it weaves the mycelial cords in muscle-like bundles like this...
>Shroomy uses 4 energy to upgrade Stamina from E to D.
>Stamina D
>Special E
>All other stats F

Rolling the usual die just in case you want to use them for the political situation, QM.
Well we know who's luck Ursa drained this turn.
Actually it might be possible that Qing-Long teams up with me considering our goals align after you basically destroyed his home.

Plus if you noticed I haven’t been attacking nuclear sites or human city, only kaiju and that’s because of secret stats that only me and shroomy have been leveling up.

International power and PR.
So when a bunch of people need to decide to shoot first between the kaiju killer and the civilization destroyer.
They’ll pick the obvious,
(Bear Got Big Brain) God I’m having fun
I actually had projects to work on that secret stat too after the Hive Mind's existence becomes common knowledge, which i guess is the case now.
I'll get to that if i get out of this mess alive :^)

Eh, I guess we’ll find out soon enough if Qing-Long puts down his opium pipe long enough to do something, lol. Ultimately, I took a gamble and lost - such is life as a gigantic turtle god-beast, I suppose. I’ll continue to lurk the quest to see who wins even if I die.
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Memitim’s slow and passive growth continues! It decoheres yet another region of reality, turning matter into pure energy by destroying the physical laws that govern their existence. By now, this effect is starting to affect the world. Sea levels have fallen by an unusual amount, erasing multiple years’ worth of incremental increases. This is a surprisingly good sign of humanity, and they’re starting to take notice.

>Memitim has gained 1 energy > 1/4

A Russian nuclear submarine makes a trip North, coming across Memitim. It can detect the stores of energy within the metal construct, and the crew ready their weapon but do not fire. They observe and remain in contact with the Kremlin, reporting on the entity’s behaviour and doing their best to not be drawn in by the maelstroms and whirlpools it creates.


Typhon continues absorbing energy, gathering up enough to grow and evolve further. There’s a potential threat to the East, and gaining this strength will benefit it greatly. It’s already larger than the alien, but becoming stronger will never hurt.

>The Typhon has gained 1 energy >3/6
>The Typhon has gained 1 energy >4/6

>Strength (F) VS Stamina (F)

The France Foreign Legion continues their efforts to kill the raging natural disaster. However, their attempts are interrupted by a pre-emptive retaliatory strike, after their last attempt to bomb it to hell. The maelstrom descends on them in a heartbeat, wiping out the fleet of planes that are returning for another attack.

The would-be attackers have no choice but to flee with the dregs of their army. Typhon will be completely free to act next turn.
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Phantrumpitus, still extremely weakened in terms of health, bursts out of the lair to begin harvesting energy. The humans are surprised at how easily it escaped the outpost, but they observe it before attacking. It first finds its power source in the form of Typhon’s devastated ruins, leeching from them instead of destroying new plants.

>Phantrumpitus has gained 1 energy > 1/4
>Phantrumpitus has gained 1 energy > 2/4

This passive behaviour prompts the German forces to observe it instead of gunning it down in its damaged state. They’ve been forced into denuclearisation efforts due to the close proximity of Kaiju, and Phantrumpitus quickly finds an unwisely-gathered stockpile in a hidden underground facility, slated for disposal. It begins feeding off this passively, synthesising the ambient radiation.

The German forces nearby are attempting to corral Phantrumpitus back into containment. They’re using the same kind of means they’d herd an animal with, blaring loud sounds and trying to disincentivize its movements by setting up explosions in its path. This will require no action by the elephant. However, as mentioned, it will need to spend an entire action shaking these efforts off in order to leave tile D-11, due to allowing them to build this perimeter around it.


Absolutely brimming with power from two Kaiju, G.E.L rapidly metabolises it to form a shell that’s impenetrable to almost any source of harm on earth. It’ll surely take a drawn-assault assault from even Kaiju to break this armor. Once it finishes molting, it’s a nigh-untouchable creature, several steps away from the pinnacle of material durability.

>G.E.L energy > 4/4

>G.E.L Stamina: D>C
>G.E.L HP: 2/5
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>Strength (E>D) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (E>F) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (E>D) VS Stamina (E)

Being scratched by icy claws has left the creature furious. It attacks, going all-in on eliminating this foe before it can be crushed itself! However, the turtle makes no active effort to guard its body from strikes, relying on its bio-alloy shell to tank the blows.


>Strength (D>C) VS Stamina (D)
>Strength (D>C) VS Stamina (D)
Arctic Ursa delivers a devastating series of blows! After taking a brief moment to recover from the swim, it leaps into action with its superior size and attacks over and over, aiming to destroy the turtle.

>Strength (D>C)
And if killing one adversary isn’t enough, it tries slaying the airborne alien using its first opponent. All of its attacks hit with the full brunt of its power.


While watching the clash beneath it, The Hive Mind opts to recover instead of fight. It utilises the synaptic patterns of the humans still entrapped in its labyrinth, reinforcing the psionic network that makes up its body and restoring it to an ideal state. Soon enough, it’s ready to act again. Incoming damage from the bear, however, will bring it right back to the brink.

>The Hive Mind HP >2/3
>The Hive Mind HP >3/3

It also prepares to dodge, and due to watching and waiting, it has an increased degree of success.

>The Hive Mind Speed (F>E)


The mushroom is left alone and given time to change its form. The relatively calm political situation creates nothing in need of its immediate attention for the duration of its transformation. All that hard-gained energy is used to evolve and grow, and it comes out of it a stronger and more durable being.

>Shroomy Energy: 0/4
>Stamina: E>D

All this talk in Argentina has been observed by its neighbour. Brazil is wary of this new entity that has broken forcefully into the political sphere of South America, and have been keeping tabs on the whole deal with the infection. Now, however, they request an opening of talks. This is the first acknowledgement by a global power that Shroomy has gotten.
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Rolled 2, 1, 2 = 5 (3d3)


Within the robotics bay, upgrades are made to Baba Yaga’s form. Its original form, bulky and thick, is built to contain something. But it’s failed to catch up to the entity it was meant to pursue, so upgrades are necessary. The energy being pumped into it is used to strengthen it, shedding its armor plating so it can punch and kick with musculature more similar to a humanoid figure.

>Baba Yaga improves its Strength
>Strength: F>E


Qinglong watches from across the sea. Enemies are ripping into one another, with its greatest adversary on the verge of being defeated by a new invader that seems larger than them all. High above, there’s a creature that’s unlike any force on earth, taking over minds like the shén of old. All of these things are threats.

Though it’s hesitant to aid the destroyer of China in any way, it prefers to keep things in an equilibrium. It wants everything weakened and disposable, so it can wipe them out with its own effort instead of letting them come West and wreck its ancestral land again. So the dragon is forced to make a decision.

>Move to E18
>Gather Energy

It crosses the ocean in a fell swoop, cleaving through the waves and arriving above the Misawa Air Base. Blinding light shines from its scales, and the waves neutralise the last remnants of the radioactive material, before reflecting back into it to pass the energy into its own body.

>Qinglong has gained 1 energy> 6/6

After robbing them of this bounty, it weaves in a dazzling pattern, attempting to use its speed against the bear. In a similar manner to what G.E.L did to Phantrumpitus a whole ocean away, it tries to put another Kaiju in the path of the attack, so they’re all suitably harmed and exploitable. It makes no strikes by itself yet, not committing to making an enemy directly. Apart from anyone who may be enraged by this interference.

>Redirect Arctic Ursa’s attack to The Hive Mind (Speed)
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KAIJU CLASH! Dewa-Penyu VS The Hive Mind VS Arctic Ursa VS Qinglong

First comes the series of strikes from the great turtle. Metal claws rip into the larger bear’s flank, shattering ice and splitting fur.

>Dewa Penyu Strength (E>D) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
>Dewa Penyu Strength (E>F) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
>Dewa Penyu Strength (E>D) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)

>Arctic Ursa HP: 3/5

The savage mauling is interrupted by an uppercut, sending the turtle’s head rocking upwards violently. The far larger beast does additional damage to its target, scoring the front section of its shell deeply from the attack.

>Arctic Ursa Strength (D>C) VS Dewa Penyu Stamina (D)

>Dewa Penyu HP: 2/5

It rears back, ready to slash it beneath the chin a second time and slit its throat. A strike will finish the turtle off and spill its blood across Japanese soil…

>Arctic Ursa Strength (D>C) VS Dewa Penyu Stamina (D)
>Qinglong Speed (E) VS Arctic Ursa Speed (F)
>Arctic Ursa Strength (D>C) VS The Hive Mind Stamina (E)
>The Hive Mind Speed (F>E) VS Arctic Ursa Speed (F)

Qinglong’s descent distracts it severely. It comes from the sky, corralling the flying psychic beast downwards and putting it within possible range of the attack. Notably, The Hive Mind’s own speed allows it to dodge the icy swipe that’s now aimed at it instead.

However, this causes the Bear to pick up the turtle and fling it at the airborne beast. The metal creature makes for a dangerous projectile, and the two collide hard. This stuns the less durable of the two, and if it hadn’t spent effort healing itself, it surely would have been obliterated on the spot.

>Arctic Ursa Strength (D>C) VS The Hive Mind Stamina (E)
>The Hive Mind HP > 1/3

With that, all parties are wounded except the blue dragon, who watches warily with its plentiful stores of energy.
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State of the World

The conflict in Japan is ongoing. Mere minutes pass as the Kaiju duke it out, and the United Nations scramble to come up with a response. The point of the nuclear bomb is being heatedly discussed by various countries. Despite Japan’s initial complaints, it seems like even the Prime Minister may eventually acquiesce, considering the global implications of these beasts, and the relatively remote location they’re battling in. It's the sheer trauma of the last two bombs stopping it at the moment.


>Current players:

>Action 1
>Action 2
>Action 3

New entries are closed.
Ok so do we just gang up on the NPC or
Btw I’m surprised the planes didn’t attack but I guess I have to spend actions to control them now which makes sense ig, may be broken otherwise
I’ll wait a bit before picking my action it will depend on who the other two players side with
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Spend all actions evolving size
Fuck, thanks for bringing it to my attention. Yeah I forgot to paste the reaction segment in when pasting everything from the google doc I store posts on, hang on. Lemme add it.

The Japanese Self Defense Force doesn't want to interfere or destabilise the situation. What they do know, however, is that their own planes have been taken over and are circling the area. Jet fighters scramble to neutralise their possessed comrades with heavy hearts. The skies high above are chock-ful of additional elements who are dogfighting, taking care to not aggravate the monsters below. The Hive Mind's planes survive for now, but will eventually be taken out.
Ah shit, and of course I can’t control the newcomers without energy since they’re hostile.
That makes 5 parties involved what a mess kek
At least you can direct the current ones!

Also, since the possibility of escaping may come up, I think I have to make a ruling clearer, please take note:

A Kaiju can move extra tiles during a single one of their move actions if they're larger, and cover more space. However, this can't be broken up throughout the turn. For example, this is valid:

>Jeffsaurus moves to A1, then to A2
>Jeffasaurus acts
>Jeffasaurus moves to A3

These two examples are not:

>Jeffasaurs moves to A1 and then returns to A2 when it finishes its turn
>Jeffasaurus absorbs energy
>Jeffsaurus absorbs energy

>Jeffasaurus moves to A1
>Jeffasaurus absorbs energy
>Jeffasaurus absorbs energy and moves to A2

Moves have to be done within the actual Moving action itself. So if you want to run in, hit, and run out, that's two actions spent running even if you can close the initial distance faster with increased size.
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)


DEWA-PENYU is battered, bloody but not out of the fight yet!

Turns 1 and 2: Take a defensive stance, putting up a strong guard against all possible attacks from Ursa and attempting to regenerate health.

Turn 3: Attack Ursa with everything it has!


Okay, hear me out, HM. There's a lot you can do without actual mind control powers, and we can still try to get out of it this alive. Why not direct your existing military forces to attack Ursa directly, take a turn to beam a psychic message to the JDSF and Qing-Long requesting aid against Ursa and then take a turn to regen health? Hopefully none of these things require energy...
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lol, it's ogre.
I of course considered using them, it’s definitely a possibility especially since they’re getting gunned down anyway. I’m not sure why you decided to attack Ursa over the NPC dragon though. I’m sure you’ll understand that from my perspective the flying, energy happy beast is the bigger threat of the two. I will still wait for Ursa’s actions before taking a decision but I definitely noted your will to team up.

>why did I attack Ursa?

Well, because Ursa attacked us first (of course, I acknowledge that I attacked you originally), he’s wounded, I have no ranged attack capabilities without energy, and finally because Qing-Long has just intervened to save both of us.

Why would I open hostilities against a second Kaiju who appears to be friendly?
Yeah I guess it’s in character for you. The dragon did attack me though so of course the Hive Mind is gonna have a different opinion on it.
Rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7 (3d3)

# Memitim
Health: 2/2
Energy: 1/4
[ Sze: F || Str: E || Sta: F || Spd: F || Spc: D ]

>Action 1: (Special) Decohere local reality. Well aware of the sapients observing it, Memitim heavily contorts the field of decoherence it projects, placing the submarine beyond the edge of the effect - far enough to spare them from violent molecular rearrangement but close enough for them to witness the bleak, briny expanse before them spontaneously rupture into a rapturous nebulae of starbursts, slivers of existential paradox, and roiling masses of exotic plasma.
> Action 2: As the dazzling lightshow wound down and the vibrant auroras shed their luster as they diffuse into the gradually settling waters, the atmosphere turned sharply. The dreamscape tapestry which had been woven into creation before the mortal onlookers shuddered and began to pinch inwards at a point, and then - like a celestial object running afoul of a event horizon - the dancing miasma of energies collapsed into a pale mote gleaming through the stirring darkness before unceremoniously blinking out within a fraction of an heartbeat. In its place floated the abstract anatomy of the Kaiju the Russians had been monitoring, shimmering with newfound power. (Consume radiation generated by prior action)
> Action 3: Memitim moves on from its latest feeding ground, gliding beneath the tides the kaiju eventually arrives at B1.

>The dragon did attack me though

Uh, no? The dragon intervened against Ursa, not you.
Ah, i saw that I lost 2 hp so I thought his descent was a second hit. Still though, him putting me down and redirecting an attack on me, even if it may have been unintentional, makes him sus, especially since he’s the most likely to be able to hit me.
Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d3)


>Action 1-3: More energy
Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d3)

Evolve: (STR)
It did 2 dmg because it's larger. The incentive to grow bigger is that it makes you hit smaller Kaiju for more damage, and lets you travel faster. The disadvantage is that you need 2 more energy to upgrade a stat after you start sizing up from F. So it's an intentional balancing game where you can either stay at 4/4 energy to keep pumping up stats, or go to size E and suffer from 6/6 requirements to level up from then on, but be able to do 2 damage, which can be extremely deadly.
I see. I was definitely thinking of upgrading my size too, and possibly stats as well, unfortunately I didn’t really get a break after getting my milestone.

QM, did you design this system entirely yourself? It's a great effort, if so - congrats!

If other potential QMs wanted to run a Kaiju Quest based on this system in the future, would you support that? Seems to me that the system is clear and could be packaged up into a short "how-to" guide that other folks could use to run their own quests.
I did, and I absolutely would love that. I’ll see about getting a guide going, maybe in a pastebin. I love homebrew mechanics systems in quests, and my intention was to create something that’s simple enough that it doesn’t need to be studied, but still encompasses attributes that reflect kaiju abilities, and has potential for tactical decision making. There’s definitely manuevers tech and turn maneuvers that haven’t been executed yet, but that I’ve identified.

Some things I need to work on are Cult and Minion mechanics. I definitely expected Shelob to lay spiderlings, for example, and those would have been creatures that could fight against Kaiju on not-so-even terms unlike cults. But I’ll think about that as we go.

Would definitely be honored if someone used it to run a game of their own.
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Shroomy comes out of its experimentation with mixed, yet interesting results, and is happy to find that nothing of direct importance to it has died, caught fire, or otherwise randomly exploded, or is threatening to do one of those things. Its first idea of corded mycelial cords mimicking muscles proved a no-go, at least for now. While it would grant more power, the cords are still too stiff and brittle n most cases, especially considering that it has no equivalent to flesh or skin to trap in moisture or any other fluid to keep them lubricated. Still, it may become an option later. For now, it has made good strides in switching out the main body's outer mycelial layer with a somewhat bark-like mycelium, able to break the momentum of most sharp attacks. Combined with the softer regular layers underneath, it also offer good blunt for dissipation, and new "bark" can be produced and slotted in rather easily. And yes, the main body now has three heads. Shroomy is content.
In between two bouts of replenishing its energy stores, Shroomy catches up to what has happened. This new development should be approached carefully, in part to avoid souring its relations with Argentina
>Action 1: Gather energy from the APM
>Action 2: Indicate to the Argentinians that it is ready to open talks with Brazil and hear out what they may have to say, and that since all of its politically-minded friends who have accepted the Covenant are still a part of the Argentinian government, even if only nominally, both said government and the non-infected Argentinian politicians should also be a part of the talks. A further political concession, but also a way to foist all the bother about picking a meeting place and hashing out the details upon them instead of having to deal with it itself. Shroomy has earned a small break from politics, if only for a little while. For now, it shall sip from the plants and the sun.

>Action 3: Gather energy from the APM

Just thinking out loud, you could do all kinds of fun things with this system:

>Pacific Rim Quest where players fight against waves of Kaiju
>Team-based 40k quest where players play as opposing factions of Titans? or maybe an original setting where two or more teams of Kaiju do battle?
>Players play as "newborn" Kaiju attempting to dethrone a Mega-Kaiju on an alien world?
QM, is there a deadline for when the turn will end? Since Ursa and me haven't acted yet, i want to avoid being surprised by the turn ending before i can act.
I'll wait for the usual 48 hours that I've been operating on.
Alright, thanks

I’m not sure if there’s “conditional voting” but if Ursa is no longer present in E18 by the time of my Turn 3 (if he retreats, for example), I’d like to continue hunkering down to bolster my defense/attempt regen, rather than wasting my turn attacking the empty air, if that makes any sense. No problem if conditional voting is not allowed
I think I'll have to say no to conditionals that affect PVP, yeah. It's not a strict no, case-by-case on things that make sense (like fighting back against NPC human armies or something), but I want combat to be a risk-taking investment of attack and defense actions.

Fair enough, thanks for clarifying
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)


Alright, let’s end this

>Action 1: Seeing the Hive Mind almost dead. Ursa ends the Psychic Parasite with a slash of his claws
>Action 2: Then after he is dead, Ursa will go and finish off the turtle with a bite to the neck and end him once and for all.
>Action 3: If one or none of them die go for a second attack one the last or weakest.
Dewa. I have an idea to help you kill Ursa. But it may prevent you from recovering. Basically it would change your turn to being 3 all out attacks on Ursa. Would that be ok? Otherwise i can do something else but it would be much less effective

Post your turn first and I’ll change my turn accordingly (assuming that I can, the QM seemed to indicate previously that we can’t change our decisions once we post?). If I was you, I’d evade for the first turn and then try to lay some hurt on the bear. If we’re lucky, we can bring him down… (and who knows? Maybe Qing-Long will directly attack the bear and help us out further)
You won't need to edit it, i was just checking if that was okay with you.
That of course is working under the assumption that QM doesn't nope the whole thing but i think i came up with a good enough in-universe explanation to justify it.
The Hive Mind has no energy left. However, its Labyrinth's special effect lets it control non-hostile entities without spending energy. This prevents it from using this as an advantage against other kaiju... under normal circumstances. However, something is different there. DEWA-PENYU, despite initiating the fight, doesn't seem to be currently hostile towards the Hive Mind. In fact, it is... willingly letting it inside its mind? The Hive Mind understands why, however. Arctic Ursa isn't just any enemy kaiju, it is a kaiju slayer. Its existence is a threat to every other kaiju. To defeat it, teaming up is necessary. The Hive Mind figured that DEWA-PENYU understood that, too.
>Action 1: (Special) With DEWA-PENYU willingly not opposing any mental resistance to the Hive Mind, it is able to enter its mind, even without energy, like it would an unaware human to enthrall it. Taking control over an entire other kaiju is something the Hive Mind would have trouble with, however. But it is still able to influence it. And so, the Hive Mind makes DEWA-PENYU... angry. Very, very, angry. Even the most horrible kaijus still have things holding them back at all times. Fear. Empathy. Survival instincts. No living being is consciously able to use its body's full physical capacities. This won't be a problem for DEWA-PENYU this turn. Completely berserk, it will strike faster, and stronger, too. Killing Arctic Ursa has become its sole meaning in life. However, as a downside of this, it will need to spend all 3 of its actions attacking the bear, it won't be able to focus on recovering HP or defending.
>Action 2: Seeing Arctic Ursa jump in an attempt to end it (or at least try to, despite the bloodlusted turtle's assault), the Hive Mind raises further into the sky in an attempt to avoid the hit, and any hit Qinglong may aim at the Hive Mind.
>Action 3: Thrall planes shall abandon their fight against japanese forces and drop bombs on Ursa and Qinglong, distracting the latter to make aiming at the Hive Mind harder.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

I knew i'd forgotten something
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>rising up action is 1
owari da

Let’s wait for QM judgment on whether this is possible, but I would note that Ursa is already attacking you for his Turn 1, so you might not even survive to dodge in your Turn 2, you know?
I don't think the actions are that linear especially when a mental one is involved which is the case here. Of course if i was explicitely staying in place to gather energy or whatever and then rising up things would be different, but here it's a mental action and a physical action that lore wise can happen simultaneously.
Also Ursa would get attacked by you during the same time which will probably slow it down.
That being said i wouldn't be surprised if i did die this turn. The dragon especially worries me.

Well, even assuming that the QM approves the “mind-meld to boost DP combat actions” thing, I wouldn’t change my turn actions anyways - I need to try and regen to survive Ursa’ attacks on me, since I have currently have 2hp and he deals 2hp of damage per attack.

Secondly, I don’t support your decision to attack Qing-Long, seeing as he is currently nonhostile. I’m pretty confused why you would attack him at all when Ursa is currently killing us (like RIGHT NOW) and Qing-Long has never actually dealt damage to you. I really think our only chance to survive is to focus-fire on Ursa.
I decided to make defending not fully linear so that nobody ends up making a self-destructive decision from ordering the actions a certain way. Defensive actions count as ‘try and negate the NEXT attack’. >>5995442 and after that, offensive moves go sequentially.

Is Dewa-Penyu resisting this mental control? If you guys are intending on being in sync, I’ll waive the need to contest their special stats for action 1.

Eh, fuck it - I accept the mental override from Hive-Mind. I feel like we're about to witness a rare triple-death and Qing-Long will be laffin about it later when he's huffing primo opium with Xi Jinping, oh well.
Yeah I was kind of hoping Ursa would be too overwhelmed with hits to deal 2 HP in one turn especially since it’s trying to jump and go for the Hive Mind first. It’s kind of risky especially with the dragon right there ready to finish the two fighters off anyway but… yeah.
If both Dewa and Ursa had focused the dragon I would have tried to boost both, because with its full energy I have no doubt he can just kill us all.
I also considered boosting Dewa’s unconscious regenerative ability to have it heal anyway, but that would have been one extra action and I didn’t want to waste the planes
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Phantrumpitus freezes in place. Back in the safety of Outpost D-11, it grows and grows, becoming stronger and denser. Now it can smash lesser Kaiju beneath its feet. It emerges from its hibernation greater than ever, with the terrified humans having their meagre defenses set up around it once more. However, an uneasy accord has formed. They have no means of communicating with it, but it has refrained from hostile action, so they’re too wary to aggravate it. Much like a real elephant.

>Phantrumpitus Size: F>E
>Phantrumpitus HP > 5/5


The submarine is violently wrenched forward by the vortex, but manage to maintain a safe distance. They set their propellers to maximum speed, stopping themselves from being pulled past the event horizon. As reality itself unravels, the crew members watch in utter terror and fascination. One man falls over in an epileptic fit from staring directly into this otherworldly phenomena. By the time it fades, and Memitim fully absorbs this power, they’re well on their way out of the area, with undersea cameras barely capturing even a fraction of the event’s splendour. They’ll have one hell of a story to report. The Russian sub flees in the other direction, leaving Memitim be.

The creature makes it back to the region it originally manifested in. This general region was the site of its first defeat.

>Memitim gains 1 energy > 2/4
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With nobody to stop it, Typhon floods through the countryside, rapidly draining nuclear facilities dry and claiming the energy for itself. It eventually renders the region devoid of energy, and it charges its psychic storm up to maximum capacity once again. It finds that it cannot ingest the nuclear fuel beyond a certain point, and must first metabolise its existing stores. Unlike consuming a Kaiju directly, it gains no overcharge.

>Typhon gains 1 energy > 5/6
>Typhon gains 1 energy > 6/6
>Typhon is at energy capacity

Stamina wasn’t enough for it. The lobster continues to grow and shed, molting its carapace and forming new muscles that let its claws close with devastating force. Even at its small size, it’s now a deadly threat to any Kaiju. They certainly will have trouble killing it, while it can cut through flesh and armor with impunity.

>G.E.L energy: 0/4
>G.E.L Strength: E>D

Noting its inactivity, the US Military tries once again to vanquish this creature for good. Sonar detects it in the depths, and a submarine is deployed to strike it down with torpedoes. What they don’t know is that it’s newly strengthened, with armour that even their specialty weapons will have a hard time piercing.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (C)

The explosions rock its body, catching its attention, but have no way of dealing damage.


The Argentinian cabinet, whatever they may think of Shroomy, end up admitting that its actions warrant communication on a political scale. They don’t know what to classify it as. An independent nation? A sovereign ‘citizen’? Many are upset about the fact that it's essentially taken Argentenian land, but the parasitised dismiss this. It’s not human, it doesn’t need land deeds.

By the end of their talks, a legal status still hasn’t been determined for it. That’ll be something the mushroom will have to declare for itself after it finishes growing.

>Shroomy has gained 1 energy > 1/4
>Shroomy has gained 1 energy > 2/4

A meeting is set up with the Brazillian Federal Senate. President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva is in attendance, and the meeting takes place over Zoom due to quarantine concerns. Shroomy is invited to speak, either through any kind of proxy it can create, or through the transcribed words of several parasitised politicians who can cross-corroborate its words. When the meeting comes to pass eventually, through whichever means it may attend through, they ask several things:
>What is its origin?
>What does it want from them?
>What does it represent? Itself? Argentina?
>Does it consider itself a person, or beholden to the laws of society?
>Why has it infected people in the first place?
>What does it think it can provide them?
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Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

Qinglong the dragon watches as this takes place. It holds its fire for now. Brimming with energy, it’s capable of blasting the bear, but the creature hasn’t proven itself an enemy. It continues to wait, leaving China to recover in the wake of the turtle’s attack. They’re safe for now, and that’s all the dragon needs.


Something goes deeply, deeply wrong as the Russians attempt to upgrade Baba Yaga further. A sort of malevolent force stirs within it, and as they try and hook it up to new sources of radiation, it breaks free on its own. Their Kaiju-killing machine takes on its own will, immediately tearing free from its restraints.

Radiation levels rise rapidly as the beast begins its warpath. It moves for Moscow first, with uncanny intelligence, aiming to smash it with newfound strength.

Baba Yaga has gone berserk!

>Move to D12
>Attack Moscow
>Attack Moscow

>Size: C
>Strength: F
>Stamina: D
>Speed: F
>Special: F
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The Hive Mind sends out a mental beam, linking with Dewa Penyu and strongly influencing its next move. Due to it being receptive, it has no need to contend with its mind and grapple for dominance. The turtle obeys, changing tact from its previous course of action.

However, while it can manipulate its newfound ally and turn that anger towards a greater threat, The Hive Mind lacks the energy to magnify it and turn the turtle god into a deadly powerhouse. It only fights within its own capabilities.

>Speed (F>G)

It then rises into the air, many moments too slow, trying to weave out of the path of an ensuing assault...


Dewa Penyu prepares to defend! It’s trying to block the deadly hits that are without a doubt coming its way, while reinforcing its shell. But its bio-energy has been spent on launching deadly lightning at The Hive Mind, and it lacks the means to combine this defense with an increased rate of regeneration.

Before it can withdraw into its shell, however, it feels a mental tugging. Rage builds up within its body, at the Kaiju-killer that has interrupted its hunt. It lacks the energy reserves to attempt to squeeze so much into a single move anyway, and all it can really do to fight back is cleave this thing apart. The Hive Mind’s interference allows it to break away from its decided-upon course of action, and take action that may prove advantageous for them both.

It leaps into a berserk fury, swinging sharpened claws at the bear.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (E>F) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (E>F) VS Stamina (E)

Arctic Ursa has three possible targets. It selects the two that have already earned its ire, and swings at them with devastating claws! It’s the largest of them all, and strikes from it will hurt even more. First the psychic entity, then the turtle, then a finishing blow.

>Strength (D) VS Stamina(E)

>Strength (D>C) VS Stamina (D)
>Strength (D>C) VS Stamina (D)
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KAIJU CLASH! Dewa-Penyu VS The Hive Mind VS Arctic Ursa

The final confrontation between these titans commences! It begins with the turtle being spurred into a killing rage by The Hivemind, turning a defense into a full-on attack. It cleaves the bear again.

>Dewa-Penyu Strength (E) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
>Arctic Ursa HP: 2/5

With its attention focused on The Hive Mind, Arctic Ursa is unable to defend against this. It takes the blow, but leaps straight upwards to deliver ice-cold fury upon the levitating being. It attempts to move out of the way…

>Arctic Ursa Strength (D) VS The Hive Mind Stamina (E)
>The Hive Mind Speed (F>G) VS Arctic Ursa Speed (F)

It’s not enough. With sweeping claws, Arctic Ursa brings the witch low, slamming it into the ground and defeating it decisively. The long dark night of Walpurgis has come to an end.

>The Hive Mind HP: 0/3

>Arctic Ursa has defeated The Hive Mind!
>Arctic Ursa absorbs The Hive Mind’s energy. 0/6 > 4/6

The turtle’s mind isn’t cleared by the defeat of its temporary partner. It retains its rage, charging at the bear with the full intent to kill. The bear meets it head on. Claw clashes against claw, as both go for the throat.

>Dewa-Penyu Strength (E>F) VS Arctic Ursa Stamina (E)
>Arctic Ursa Strength (D>C) VS Dewa Penyu Stamina (D)

When the two separate, all is still for a moment. Not a single bird chirps, as the two titans stand over the ruins of the Military Base. Then as jet planes roar across the sky and break the spell, Dewa-Penyu is the first to fall, bleeding profusely from the neck wound that has only missed the jugular by several metres of iron-hard flesh.
>Dewa-Penyu HP: 0/5

>Arctic Ursa has defeated Dewa-Penyu!
>Arctic Ursa absorbs Dewa-Penyu’s energy. 4/6 > 8/6
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Now the bear has a choice. Both enemies lie defeated on the ground. It has proven itself the Alpha, and lords over these beings with ease. It can either slay them as it absorbs their bioenergy, or leave them be and cement its status as a benevolent King of the Monsters. It must make its choice, completely separate from the next actions it takes.

Dewa-Penyu never made its third strike, and The Hive Mind never managed to call the jets to its defense. But with its defeat, the fighter pilots regain their consciousness. They scream desperately into the radios, managing to be spared from getting shot down. As the bear roars in victory, the engines punctuate its coronation once more, as they flee Southwards for safer landing sites.
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State of the World

Sea levels have been noticeably dipping. This is good news for coastal regions. However, what’s not sao good is the reports from Russia of a gigantic entity slurping up seawater and straight out removing it from existence. The United Nations is extremely worried.

Brazil, however, speaks at the next meeting. They reveal their upcoming dialogue with Shroomy, and pose the possibility that these Kaiju can be communicated with, and perhaps even understood. Measures to bomb the Arctic sea and stop this water-eating beast are put on hold as they consider this possibility. However, Russia’s contribution is cut short by the giant beast rampaging through the capital.

The attention of the UN turns back to Arctic Ursa, standing victorious in Japan, and they observe to see what the beast does next.


Phew. That was a challenging one to handle. I apologise for having to rule that the actions had limited efficiency. The two were completely dry on energy, and I felt that gaining statistical advantages like boosting all 3 attacks would be limited as a result. It did let Dewa Penyu retroactively change the whole turn, and that would have been a big advantage if not for the rolls.

Now it’s up to Ursa to show mercy or not. Will provide respawn info depending on its actions. Deciding what to do with the defeated will be free.
Also, just a general question. Are you guys able to keep track when you have Milestones stored up? I didn't make it a habit of doing reminder posts beyond the 'X has gained a milestone' green text. So I wasn't sure if Hive Mind was aware they had one waiting in the tank.
> The creature makes it back to the region it originally manifested in.
Does this mean that diagonal movements are not allowed?
Apologies if this has already been answered.
Diagonal is allowed. I just meant 'general area' in the narration, you're still on B1 as intended.
Welp, that’s that, gg guys :^)

Very fun quest QM, I hope this becomes a trend on this board. Multiplayer quests are just overall much funnier.

(Appreciating the Madoka references this turn btw)
Rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Ah, thanks.
Just needed verification for the sake of action coherency.

# Memitim
Health: 2/2
Energy: 2/4
[ Sze: F || Str: E || Sta: F || Spd: F || Spc: D ]
Milestones: [1] (Defeat a Kaiju in combat)

>Action 1: (Special) Decohere local reality. Innumerable atoms splinter as kiloliters of water dematerialize, disgorging jets energized particles which swiftly irradiate the region.
> Action 2: Absorb the newly unbound energy suffusing the region.
> Action 3: Continuing its meticulous circuit of planet, Memitim swims to A2.

Sorry guys, but you have caused too much death and destruction to let me allow you to live. Goodbye and Good Game.

As for Qinglong, for staying out of the fight and because our goals seem to align with humanity. I would like to give him the excess energy that I got off of the two kaiju. (AKA to turn my 8/6 to a nice round 6/6)

Gg all, now I go to the great afterlife, where all great turtle gods go upon their demise…
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

Smugly Evolve: Size. They may have the sheddings, if they are so desperate for a piece of me.
Personally, yes.
It's hard to believe the turn count has doubled since I got my first. I was thinking of using it in turn 7, but thought I would get bodied by Phant the turn after.
I knew about it but obviously i didn't get an opening to actually use it.
Keeping track of each kaiju's HP, energy and stats was harder imo

Agree, part of the reason I attacked you so confidently earlier was that I missed that I had taken a point of damage from PLA bombing earlier.

So QM, I think as long as you institute a clear rule about players tracking their own stats, it will be okay. You might even provide a “turn template” like what Memitim has generated and force players to use it. I was sort of cavalier about tracking my own stats and paid the price!
Not to backseat game here or anything, but based off my bystander observations I just wanted to note that if you have a higher speed stat than your opponent, you can guarantee dodge every attack, just wanted to say that since no one seems like they're going hyperspeed build and it seems like it'd be helpful for scavengers or people who want to avoid fights, the trade-off is obviously no innate defense
Right, that’s good advice. Memitim’s stat tracking makes it very easy on me too, it’s definitely a good idea to provide a copy paste format. Thank you!

I guess it probably only occurred to me as the one who made the system, but I was expecting the Size-up to be used as a shield at some point. Like how Shelob was killed by Ursa but instantly healed up before dying.

Yup, that’s a big advantage of speed. The ability to make a stat contest on your own terms. It’s also why tile movement is tied to size instead of speed—so people can still physically catch up to fast Kaiju. I’ll need to come up with rules for chasing people and determine how it works if someone tries to move off a tile while an attack is coming.
Rolled 2, 2, 2 = 6 (3d3)

The beast is restless. It can sense it's target to the west and a new yet familiar threat to the east. It is is seen patrolling the borders of the tile only stopping to let out a roar when at the eastern part and some strange sound outside the frequency range humans normally can hear when at the west.
>If either kaiju enters this tile spend all three turns attacking.

It is sort of interesting that the players fell into three camps:

>big monster of various types
>hive mind thing
>reality-warping anomaly

We didn't get any speed freaks, robots, flying beasts, or inanimate objects.

I was also thinking that you could do a fun "God Beast" multiplayer game in a fantasy setting with this system, and instead of radiation powering the creatures, the beasts are nascent deities being powered by natural magical sources or belief of sapients, etc etc.
Ay nice quads

Yeah, I was actually taking inspiration from God Games for the energy system. There was one a few years back called 'multiplayer god abortion quest' or something, that had 'ren' as an energy source and gods making their own domains. I don't think they had a stat system. The system can be pretty setting-agnostic, I think. It's just that running it on Earth is the easiest because we have real world references for where the energy sources are concentrated. Someone with a homebrew fantasy world map could do just as well.

When opening the quest, I was hoping for a giant robot a la jet jaguar, but I guess those are less fun to begin the game with. The robo-kaiju trope usually comes in the middle of a series, so it makes sense nobody signed up for it. Would've been interesting to see them ally with humanity immediately and get benefits from it.

Narrating for Shroomy was also very interesting. Shroomy and Hivemind had a sort of Eldritch Horror playstyle, where they engaged far stronger with humanity directly and focused on cults/politics.

I mean, I am finding it very interesting that maybe two players are interested in quickly ascending the power ladder through kaiju battle, and a bunch more are basically staying out of trouble and slowly gathering strength on their own. Hard to say which is the better strategy given that the peaceful players have mostly survived so far.

I sort of imagined a faster quest with way more monster-to-monster conflict at the start.
> I guess it probably only occurred to me as the one who made the system, but I was expecting the Size-up to be used as a shield at some point. Like how Shelob was killed by Ursa but instantly healed up before dying
Ah damn, I wish I knew that… I was kind of seeing it as "you upgrade and get healed at the end of the turn but if you die before that, you die"
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)

It's time for the most important conversation of Shroomy's life so far...

Did someone ask for Shroomy lore and goals? With a side of game show puns?

>What is its origin?
>"Likely extra-terrestrial, exact details unknown. It is obvious that, despite surface similarities, I share no common ancestry with any of Earth's mushroom, though I am close enough to adapt some of their traits with relative ease. I have no memories prior to, for lack of a better term, coming into consciousness in the Argentinian forest as a subterranean mycelium network of several dozen meters. Some of this growth happened before I was conscious, but I have not been able to discern an "original core" or the remains of space debris that might shed light on my origins."

>What does it want from them?
>"Ultimately, I understand that a symbiotic relationship is best. I believe we both can benefit from working with the other. A good way to ensure long-lasting cooperation and co-existence. The exact details will be answered in a later question."

>What does it represent? Itself? Argentina?
>"Obviously myself. My meddling in Argentina's political system was rushed and has certainly not helped the country's stability, no matter how necessary I believed it to be. Even now however, I believe it to have been the right choice. If that was a secondary meaning behind your question, even those who have accepted my Covenant can speak and decide for themselves perfectly fine, I assure you."

>Does it consider itself a person, or beholden to the laws of society?
>"Over weeks of analyzing thoughts and parsing content, I have come to realize I may fit better as a moral person rather than a physical one, in part due to my lack of reliance over any one body. Different rights and duties, and laws to abide by, but that nevertheless could work. And offers a neat way of categorizing those who chose the Covenant as being in my employ, at least as a temporary way of presenting things. And a way of presenting myself that leaves me open to "providing", as one of the next questions puts it. As for whether I am beholden to laws, well that will have to be ironed out on a case by case basis, but broadly yes. I understand the concepts, and am willing to not step past boundaries, as I believe I have demonstrated."

>Why has it infected people in the first place?
>"There are two ways to answer that question. If I consider this question to be "why do you wish to infect people", then the answer is both setting up a symbiotic relationship, and having some company. Whatever species I might be may not be as social as yours, but surely you understand how being the only intelligent being around can affect someone. I may be a network, but I remain of one voice. And once I discovered your kind, the desire to open contact was strong. Given your history and endless writing about theoretical first contacts, that is also something you must understand."
>"The second way to understand the question would be "why did you infect people the first time.". I am not certain of how much the Argentinian government has elected to share with you regarding those events, so I will recount my perception of them. As was reported during the first weeks in which humanity became aware of my existence, a military expedition was formed and sent into the area in which I had established myself. This expedition cut a path through my dwelling with flame, and I had no way of either communicating or knowing what their actions would have been once they had reached my main body. What would you assume if an armed force bashed down your door and started setting your furniture on fire without uttering a single word?
>Still, I understood that they were likely driven by fear, but lacked the time for proper communication to be established, nor did I wish for said communication to be established with this unknown enemy in striking distance of my best mean of defending myself. So I both bought myself time and made headway in communication. Thus came about the first infection. As I said, I was able to take on the properties of local puffball mushrooms by replacing part of their DNA with mine and growing the new variant. Unfortunately, this was done in a rush, and something went wrong. A bad interaction between both sets of genetic material. Instead of properly growing a network, some of the spores in the infected's lungs obeyed their original purpose, and made more puffballs. Once I realized what was happening, I took steps to suppress this anomaly, resulting in the decreasing casualty figures hour by hour. Still, it remains a great failure on my end, and like I have assured the Argentinian government, I will do my best to compensate the relatives of those I...destroyed permanently.
>As for the second wave of infections, I also had little choice. Had I not acted, some of those I had infected would have been terminated. And it would have been my fault. I could have left. I could have not cared. Left them to sort themselves out and come gorging myself upon Brazil's reactors like I did Argentina's. But I didn't. And so I reasoned the best way to get Argentina to listen would be to again buy myself time and open a way of communication, but targeting their ruling class. After this point I have not infected anyone else. Do you know why? No one, barring one exception, which thankfully was resolved without bloodshed, has tried to either attack me or destroy those I infected."
>What does it think it can provide them?
>"The obvious answer would be the Covenant, but most of you are not willing to take me on my offer currently. After spending time with your species, I believe I understand why. I also believe at least some of you will come around, and I do not mind waiting. Beyond that, I will remind you of my idea to set myself up as a legal entity of sorts. Money, and power, can be exchanged for goods and services. I wish to provide goods and services.
>The fastest to set up would probably be an idea I kept in reserve ever since the opening of negotiations, and which was made all the more attainable by recent developments of mine. Energy. Simply put, I wish to find a way to adapt my own energy to your power grid, just like I adapted your fissile materials into usable energy. That done, I would simply like to start selling the excess energy, and maybe even rent energy storage, should my own methods prove more efficient than yours. First pay back the materials, then the monetary compensation for the casualties, and finally as part of a contract with the Argentina to pay for a long-term lease of the land in which my "company" is currently implanted. Of course, neighboring countries could also buy any surplus that remains. Eventually, the method which I used in Argentina could be reproduced elsewhere with my company opening new locations in other countries.
>In addition to that, I know your species like to inspire itself from nature. I do believe my company has a lot to offer in regard to bio-technologies, new photovoltaic energy generation methods, materials research, and many more. A consulting business, or scientific partnerships are in the cards. And the more we study how we may profitably learn from each other, the more opportunities will come to light.
>And while the Covenant might not be for everyone, the infection as you call it may itself become valuable, once the world’s geopolitical situation has stabilized. Having a secondary nervous network in one’s body has many applications. So far, it is able to numb pain, including chronic pain, with both sedatives and nerve manipulation. Anyone familiar with the opiate consumption rates in developed countries will agree that even just this has a market. When you live in constant pain, and one of the best remedies is further destroying your body with painkillers, will you balk at the idea of letting a symbiote inside your body to rid yourself of it? And beyond that, who knows? To give but one idea among many I fortunately have had no reason to test it yet, but the network may be able to rapidly respond to physical trauma, keep the user stable while waiting for emergency services. And then report the body’s condition. As they say in the field of medicine, if there is a demand, there is money to be made, and investments to collect. And like I say, I believe we both can benefit from working with the other."

>Action 2: Sip. (Collect energy from the APM)

>Action 3: Sip.

Or "How to turn a tense political meeting and existential questions about human rights into the unveiling of your new corporation and a sales pitch." Shroomy has grown up so fast, it brings a tear to my eye. You'll have to excuse the big blobs of text everyone, because if there was ever a time for a shroom to be verbose, that was it!
Going to wait for Ursa before posting. Sorry if there were unclear instructions, Ursa, you can take your 3 actions regularly on top of choosing to spare the two or not.

Would love a revenge arc if he fails to respond, QM…


Also, Shroomy, have you considered parasitizing my dead carcass? Would be a fun way for the turtle god to remain a factor in the game even I lost as a player.
Personally I am hoping for a Mecha Dewa.

That would be really fun too - the Japanese are threatened by Qing-Long and build a MECHA-DP to defend glorious Nippon from all foreign threats!

Cool, in that case.

>Action 1: Move to F19
>Action 2: Move to G20
>Action 3: Move to H21
Action 1-3: Evolve Special
Going to have to take a bit longer for this one, sorry for the delay. Busy work week.
Could maybe work. I can't have Shroomy bring you back I think, but I had long planned to just have Shroomy infect any defeated Kaiju and send them on their way, since it would ensure they couldn't target it or its stuff again. The opportunity may arise. After all, people will be scrambling to get a hold of the carcass, and who better to bring in as consultant for research on it than Shroomy's budding corporation? Maybe someone will want Dewa-Penyu made operational again, maybe someone wants to take the covenant to larp as a giant turtle. Either way, Shroomy can provide the service if they have value to offer in return!

But the robot angle could be really neat as well, I agree!
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The slow and steady circling of the earth continues! Memitim leaves the world destabilized in yet another area. This time, however, enough of the vital magnetic poles have been damaged by fractured reality that the changes ripple out across the world.

>Memitim gains 1 energy > 2/4

Human scientists report extremely concerning news. The magnetic field that surrounds earth, protects the atmosphere from solar winds, and establishes North and South, is weakening severely and swiftly. A collapse itself is a natural part of the planet’s magnetogeography, but it tends to be a gradual shift, and was not expected for at least several thousand years— at which point it may not even be humanity’s problem anymore.

But now, the cessation of physical laws has sparked a hastened change. See State of the World for more.


G.E.L grows again! This time, when it molts and sheds the shell that’s hardy enough to tolerate any depth at all, it emerges far larger than before.

>G.E.L Size: F>E
>G.E.L HP > 6/6
>G.E.L Energy > 0/6

It’ll need more energy now to grow, but the amount it’s strengthened itself by while small will have long-lasting effects.

The military leaves the Kaiju itself alone, but they’re indeed desperate for something that works against it. A submersible attempts to harvest the discarded shell from the deep. It’s clearly under heavy observation. If it cares to stop them, it will need to attack.
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During the course of the meeting, the Brazilian cabinet asks the listed questions, and Shroomy gives the indicated answer. It’s not a meeting where they can promise anything instantly, but they take it into account and listen. It’s as much of a statement for the Argentinians as well, where even some of the anti-parasite party end up understanding a simple truth: It did not mean it. This is alien first contact, and the more reasonable of them finally acquiesce that it would be irrational to try and charge it for human crimes, or hold that matter of biological compatibility against it. Especially now that it’s sapient enough to make talks and offer up economical prosperity.

With ARS being one of the weakest currencies in the world, they certainly welcome the presence of unique economic opportunities that no other nation can replicate. The intention to do business and aid them is received well.

By the end of the conference, Shroomy’s legal status is still extremely vague. They don’t give it citizenship, but the declaration of its personhood is taken into consideration. The Brazilians thank it for attending, and the local cabinet moves forward with mass land buyouts and reassignment of state land. Since Shroomy is entrenched in certain parts of the jungle, some of which have been home to plantations and farms in the past, they work towards legally giving Shroomy the right to occupy it. It's their neighbour (And friend to many), and needs a home.

>Shroomy has gained 1 energy > 3/4
>Shroomy has gained 1 energy > 4/4

A hard-fought battle leaves Arctic Ursa hurt, but full of bioenergy from defeated prey. Brimming with power, it deigns to share some with the surviving observer, before finishing off the turtle and the fallen psionic beast. Bloodied and bruised, the bear swims into the sea and vanishes before the jets can start firing at it. Cameras are pointed at it the whole way, and the lack of a rampage is noted by the populace.

Qinglong accepts the energy gratefully. The bear has killed two adversaries, and has shown itself to be non-hostile. As it moves away, the dragon hovers over the ruins of the base to observe the chaos. Though they may not be its people, they’re descendants of them in the end, and it feels their pain. The creature spends an unusually long time watching and observing, before eventually diving into the sea to metabolise its gains. The water boils and bubbles as its scales shine bright.

>Spend 3 actions and 6 energy
>Energy: 2/6
>Stamina: F>E
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Rolled 3, 2, 2 = 7 (3d3)

Sensing energy, Baba Yaga charges West! Sensing Phantrumpitus in the outpost, it arrives to do battle. For some reason, it seems particularly angry. The metal shell gives way to oozing radioactive matter, bubbling and boiling like it’s trying to escape the confines of the man-shaped mass. The creature assaults the elephant.

>Move to D11
>Dodge an attack (Speed)
>Attack Phantrumpitus (Strength)

Well-prepared for an assault by one of the creatures surrounding it, Phantrumpitus responds decisively with a barrage of blows, aiming to bowl the thing over, break its limbs with powerful tusks and trunks, and smash it beneath deadly hooves. The two clash!
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (E)
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KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS Baba Yaga

>Phantrumpitus Strength (D) VS Baba Yaga Stamina (E)
>Baba Yaga Speed (F) VS Phantrumpitus Speed (F)

The first attack is dodged, with the rampaging Russian robot swiftly moving to the side. It seizes Phantrumpitus’ side next, trying hard to flip it over.

>Phantrumpitus Strength (D) VS Baba Yaga Stamina (E)
>Baba Yaga Strength (E) VS Phantrumpitus Stamina (D)
>Baba Yaga HP> 3/4

However, it fails to lift it! When it backs away from the vain attempt, the elephant is right there with a powerful swing of a trunk, knocking it down and breaking several plates of metal. Phantrumpitus can smell the radioactive material within. It’s oddly familiar.

>Phantrumpitus Strength (D) VS Baba Yaga Stamina (E)
>Baba Yaga HP> 2/4

Another strike breaks one of the limbs that have been so carefully crafted in a lab. Though it hangs loose, bulging matter tries to force itself out of the internal membrane that keeps the ‘organs’ of this thing contained. It roars savagely, dead-set on attacking the elephant.
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State of the World

The good news about lowering sea levels is overshadowed by the fact that the magnetic poles of the Earth itself are weakening. This results in an increased in charged particles making their way closer to surface altitude. Certain regions of the world, particularly the poles, are buffeted by solar winds and energised, creating valuable hotspots of energy. Should this continue, however, a complete reversal in polarity will be devastating. It’ll require an intense weakening of the field, rendering technology vulnerable to the winds and radiation. And should it advance to the point of South becoming the new North, human society and culture will be irreversibly affected.

Meanwhile, a terrified Japan scrabbles to clean up in the wake of the battle. The denuclearisation effort went too well, it seems, and their attempt to bait the creature and shoot it with the Disruptor has turned out the same way. Vague reports eventually surface on 2chan of the Kaiju remnants being harvested and taken away by the government, but aren’t taken seriously.

Finally, South America has caused an uproar at the now regular UN meeting by declaring their cooperation with one of the Kaiju. Though news of the mushroom mania is available worldwide, only the UN is informed of the degree of cooperation it has had with Argentina. There are immediate leaps from foreign powers to try and contact it, or receive samples, and make demands from the infected, but all these facts are pushed aside for now.

What the United Nations wants to know is whether this thing is truly on their side, and whether it can do something about the rest of the rampaging monsters that are tearing through the earth.


Sorry for the delay again! Some new green spots are highlighted on the map. These are areas energised by solar radiation, and are free energy harvesting locations.

Nice update, QM, well done! You’re managing to keep the system fresh with these plot developments, which is a nice touch.

Now that I’m dead I can cheer you on properly, etc etc
Aw shit I'm pretty sure the Russians just jury-rigged Yaderevo's corpse into their Baba Yaga and called it a day
Action 1:Return to E6
Action 2:Back to shaking down reactors for ENG
Action 3:Absorb ENG

Health: 6/6
Energy: 0/6
[ Sze:E || Str: D || Sta: C || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Milestones: [2] (Defeat the Mass Obliterator {Spent}) (Defeat a Kaiju in combat)
I spend all of my actions and energy to upgrade my Stamina Stat
Rolled 2, 3, 3 = 8 (3d3)

# Memitim
Health: 2/2
Energy: 3/4
[ Sze: F || Str: E || Sta: F || Spd: F || Spc: D ]
Milestones: [1] (Defeat a Kaiju in combat.)

> Action 1: (Special) Decohere local reality. Vast quantities of energy sealed within atomic bonds are unleashed as compounds and elements are destabilized en masse.
> Action 2: Feast upon the ambient radiation within the region.
> Action 3: Memitim swims to A3.
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)

>Crush its remaining limbs
>Crack it open and feed on the energy within
>If it is dead bring the remains to the knowledge seekers. Otherwise gore it with my tusk.
Rolled 1, 3, 1 = 5 (3d3)

>Energy spawns right on top of it.
>Continues destroying the planet its on anyway.
>Doesn't use its last action to gather the free energy
>Refuses to elaborate.

I have to respect the grind, if nothing else!

>Shroomy once again leaves it to its Parasitized, especially those with the Covenant, (assuming there is still an undecided faction. It'll probably need a name change to identify those it has a closer link with, if only to shorten official documents) and the governments of both Argentina and Brasil to handle the fallout and many, many requests, as any self-respecting CEO would. It once again warns them that it will be in a state of reduced presence and awareness for a while as it makes use of the energy it has gathered. With the way things are going, it will need to be ready for hostile action, no mater from what or whom.
>Given the growing movement for recognizing the Kaiju as either wild animals or alien first contacts, which it has played a large part in helping along, Shroomy considers that brute strength is not the best option for subduing hostile Kaijus...or humans should it ever come to that again, and focuses on refining its infection arsenal. It is already a strong point by nature, and with the APM supplying its energy needs, not to mention the many sources cropping up, or even assistance from local human forces to resupply it in battle, making liberal use of his ability, be it via spores or tendrils, to take over things could prove a winning strategy.
>So most of the energy this time is funneled into countless sub-experiments. Cross-breeding its spores with local species to single out the most resistant and fast-acting strains, this time with ample time to iron out any dangerous mutations. Using its new bark-like mycelium to refine its earlier ideas of spikes designed to pierce through protective suits into something that could pierce through a Kaiju's exterior, if only in the weakest points. Finally, in response to the actions of whatever has been causing all that annoying ruckus with the local magnetic field, it starts looking into an offensive use of its psychic presence. That thing's energy is different, half there and half not, and Shroomy decides to assume the worst and that no physical attack could touch it. The spores are it, so they contain and can transmit information, including something similar to what humans call spam. Enough spores and instead of taking over its body, it could disrupt its mind. Whether that makes it vulnerable to physical damage or on the contrary makes it fully "not-there" and either destroys it or sends it far away, there is little way to tell for now.
>Upgrade Special from E to D.
Figured that I would start giving some rp reasons for Shroomy's special to work on non-physical entities. Basically turning the spores into loudspeakers and yelling, then hoping it does something. It's kinda put itself in a situation where a clash with Memitim is unavoidable, though. The humans will want its help. Assuming they need it, Memitim's energy harvest taking 2 actions per has kept it relatively in line with human super-weapons, I feel.
Also, have the new stats. Noticed the HP calculation, so Shroomy is finally at 4! Mechanically, it doesn't mean much since its still a 2-hit from someone one size higher, but someone 2 sizes higher exactly can no longer 1-shot it, so I suppose there is that.
# Shroomy
Health: 4/4 (1 Size + 3 Stamina)
Energy: 0/4
[ Sze:F || Str: F || Sta: D || Spd: F || Spc: E>D ]
Milestones: [1] (Constructed Unique Project: APM)

Actually, speaking of rp justification, I'm wondering if a size F Kaiju could be carried somewhere by plane? It would be a bit tight, most likely, but what about Shroomy spending actions before and after to separate itself into parts, then reassembling. It would make it super vulnerable, but it would help not spending entire turns in transit. And there is technically a size G, so that would be 10-15 meters long? Two cargo planes and we're set. Assuming a 30 meter mushroom body can't cram itself in a plane. Might as well use the humans' logistics instead of getting there on root.
Hey memitim knows he is fucked by either the dragon, ursa, shromy, or UN coalition so if he is going down he is making sure he takes the planet with him.
>Action 1:Move E10
>Action 2&3:Absorb Energy

I don't know, he's been grinding his SPECIAL stat slowly but surely. If he can dissolve reality, can he dissolve a Kaiju? My instincts say yes...
That... Is a really interesting question! I'd say that using the 'secret stat' to boost movement via human connections would be reasonable, yeah.

Also, the '2 hp when larger' only applies once, so an A-size Kaiju still only does 2 dmg to F size. Prevents unavoidable instakill, but still creates the possibility of being outclassed that way. The HP scaling is what makes this disparity less painful for the large one, since a tiny dude would have a far smaller health pool than their bare minimum 7 at A.
I wasn't even aware there was a secret stat honestly, at least not actual numbers instead of a range of attitudes.
That tidbit is good to know. Getting to 5HP is should be a priority for anyone going for a small size build in this system, then. Good to know!
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The US Navy gathers up the shell fragments without interference, taking them away for unknown purposes.

G.E.L makes landfall once again. It moves straight for the numerous nuclear power plants, tearing them apart with near unbreakable claws and harvesting the rods within. By now, evacuation has become part of power plant S.O.P, and there’s minimal loss of life. The humans have learnt to consider these plants lost the moment a Kaiju is on a collision course with it.

>G.E.L has gained 1 Energy > 1/6
>G.E.L has gained 1 Energy > 2/6

Their conventional AND unconventional weapons have failed. It’s time for the last bastion of American anti-kaiju science. If this fails… Nuclear missiles may be their only option.

To protect America from a giant enemy, you need a giant friend. Boston Dynamics presents: Buddy. This state of the art robot has been made with our proprietary technology, and has been lovingly crafted in a top-secret site in collaboration with all branches of the military.

For more information, and to donate to Buddy’s repair and upgrade efforts, click here!


>NPC Kaiju: Buddy™
>Hp: 4/4
>Size: E
>Strength: D
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Energy: 2/6



Out there in the deep sea, Arctic Ursa grows once again. This time, it becomes tough enough to repel the claws and fangs of many lesser beings. It awakens to submarines and ships moving around it, keeping their weapons trained as they try to study this being.

>Arctic Ursa Stamina: E>D
>HP: 3/6

Arctic Ursa is partially surrounded by curious human vessels, that have been trying to catalogue it while it slumbered to grow.

Memitim’s decoherence and harvesting would have left another area dry, were it not for the onset of solar winds from the damage to the magnetic poles. That spot maintains enough energy for one more harvesting, should it attempt to double back.

>Memitim has gained 1 Energy > 4/4
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Rolled 2 (1d3)


Shroomy’s friends work hard on settling things in his stead. As it adapts spores to deal with other Kaiju, political allies continue buying out land and cordoning off areas that it has been using to store its mycelial mass. Eventually, however, the groups come to a decision on the integrity of mushroom-infected individuals. President Javier Milei asks to be released from the network. Though it has been an enlightening experience for him, they’ve legislated that those in the highest positions of office must be wholly human, with no room for doubt. Nobody else is forced to purge it apart from him, but the senators and ministers are made to take on roles closer to diplomats than members of parliament. Their legislative power is being stripped, but many of them were CEOs once, so they have more than enough experience to help Shroomy in its transition to an executive leader.

>Special: E>D

As Shroomy awakens from its slumber, it senses something. There are a group of humans inside the land that’s been cordoned off for it! They’re a small party, but they’re roaming around collecting samples and trying to burn areas down. It hasn’t been under attack since the early days of its birth.

((by secret stat I was just referring to this remark >>5993895 on popularity. A soft stat that reflects human opinion, and has no actual number or grading. And Shroomy’s is high!))


((I forgot to paste your segment last turn, sorry!))
>Typhon Special: E>D

After moving South, Typhon begins sucking up power yet again. It’s a truly frightening force now, and with bioenergy pushing it forward, its psychic attacks can harm Kaiju in numerous ways. Two more nuclear reactors are sucked dry, and there are around five more in Spain to benefit from.

>Typhon gains 1 Energy: 1/6
>Typhon gains 1 Energy: 2/6


The Ejército del Aire doesn’t take kindly to this, obviously. The routine of these humans seem to be the same, over and over. They meet its attack with guns and bombs, trying to send a missile right into it.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

1d3. Take note of the damage this will do on a 2 and 3.

Qinglong, satisfied with its role in protecting the nation, moves to D17. It lingers by the portion of the great wall that it was once slumbering as, and curls up again. There it stays, a non-factor until China is disturbed once more.

>Move to D17
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Rolled 1, 1, 3 = 5 (3d3)


>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (E)

Phantrumpitus attempts to tear the monster over threefold. First the limbs, then the body, then an impaling strike with its turks. It can tell, however, that this beast isn’t quite ordinary. No mere machine can move the way it does, and the rage that it acts with is highly unusual. It recognises its enemy.


Oh fuck lmao, I never actually posted Baba Yaga’s stats. I just had it on my sheet and thought I posted. Sorry Phantrumpitus!

>NPC Kaiju: Baba Yaga
>Size: E
>Strength: E
>Stamina: E
>Speed: F
>Special: E
>Energy: 2/6

>Attempt to block (Stamina)
>Attempt to dodge (Speed)
>Belch up nuclear fuel at Phantrumpitus (Special)
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1013 KB GIF
KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS Baba Yaga

>Phantrumpitus Strength (D>E) VS Baba Yaga Stamina (E)
>Baba Yaga Stamina (E>F) VS Phantrumpitus Strength (E) [Active Guard]

Baba Yaga meets the attack head-on, attempting to overpower it and tank the powerful charge. However, it’s ill prepared to defeat a creature that has already torn it apart once, in a previous life. It’s struck by the first blow.

>Baby Yaga HP: 1/4

>Phantrumpitus Strength (D>E) VS Baba Yaga Stamina (E)
>Baba Yaga Speed (F>G) VS Phantrumpitus Speed (F) [Active Dodge]

To stop itself from being cracked open, it has to dodge instead of tolerate the blow this time. It attempts to twirl to the side, but is too late. The trunk wraps around a limb, snapping it open and allowing copious amounts of fuel to leak through.

The creature goes berserk.

>Phantrumpitus has defeated Baba Yaga!
>Phantrumpitus absorbs Baba Yaga’s energy. 2/6 > 6/6
Phantrumpitus has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

Baba Yaga. The witch inside a house. Just like the legend, the Russians have harnessed a force of nature and placed its magic within a fortress. Now it emerges.

Red-hot slag pours from the remains of the shattered arm. But it doesn’t stop flowing there. More and more of it emerges, exsanguinating the Russian mech as the fuel source re-takes a life of its own. It turns into a gigantic claw, glassing the dirt and irradiating it as it pulls free, until it’s a thorny mass of fissile material that seeks to sink deep into the elephant that eliminated it. But this is its last chance. It only has one more opportunity to make an impact on the world.

>NPC Kaiju: Yadarevo
>Size: E
>Strength: D
>Stamina: G
>Speed: G
>Special: G
>Energy: 0/6
>HP: 1/1
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State of the World

Canada abruptly experiences an electromagnetic pulse that takes out the power grid centered around Quebec. As expected, there’s a death toll from infrastructure and life support failure. The country is thrown into chaos. With weakening fields, more regions will be prone to assaults by solar winds in the future.

To combat this, nations look into further developing their technology. EMP resistance has never been a priority till now, but the magnetic disturbances will be affecting everybody. It’s made clear by the debut of Buddy that the humans are innovating as fast as they can, in an arms race with these gigantic monsters that are rampaging across the world.

Japan begins its own project as well, using the discarded body of the Kaiju that wrecked China. China insists that they hand it over, citing the role of Qinglong in its defeat, but Japan refuses. The dragon itself doesn’t seem interested in their geopolitics, despite how strongly the CCP decries the refusal to pass them Dewa-Penyu’s corpse and The Hive Mind’s psychic remnants.

# Memitim
Health: 2/2
Energy: 0/4
[ Sze: F || Str: E || Sta: F || Spd: F => E || Spc: D ]
Milestones: [1] (Defeat a Kaiju in combat.)

> Action ALL: (-4 energy) Memitim once more sinks into itself - adjusting, acclimatizing - when the outsider awakens from its dormancy its non-Euclidian flesh thrums, writhing in a restless loop of psychedelic animation. Improve Speed from F to E.
Rolled 1, 1, 1 = 3 (3d3)

>Action 1: Shroomy lets out a surprisingly human mental sigh and get a hold of the Parasitised. After making sure all is well, it informs them that a group is currently trespassing and vandalizing private property, his private property as per the recent land buyouts. It now knows enough about human tech to give precise and constant GPS coordinates as well as a group count, and may even project images of their faces into the Parasitized's brain if asked to.
>It declines to act directly for political and legal reasons. They are nowhere close to its main body nor in number large enough to be a treat warranting violent or even rough response. Though there is the question of who to send. Regular police might be out of their depth, and while Shroomy can make sure no infection takes place, it understands asking a non-Parasitized to waltz into a mushroom forest is a big ask.
>It also relays its suspicions from the group's M.O. that they may be a remnant of the fungicide faction, and its fear that they may act violently against anyone they perceive as "compromised"...
>It takes the loss of the President Milei in stride. Being so entangled with a government would have clashed with its current ideas of becoming a corporation and a player of its own on the world stage. Besides, the human ruler caste does not stay rulers forever, or even start out that way, as it learned from other Parasitised. Yet another fascinating "tidbit". Once he is no longer "in office", his outlook may be different, but that is a question for later.
>Action 2: Gather energy
>Action 3: Gather energy
I will now use this turn to upgrade my size so I can heal
Ursa hasn't gotten the third milestone yet, the last one was obtained here and spent


But didn’t I kill two Kaiju? Do they not count as milestones?
Rolled 3, 3, 1 = 7 (3d3)

Twice it has been bested and twice has it returned. This thing may be an enemy but it has certainly earned the elephant creature's respect. Phantrumpitus raises its trunk towards the energy beast. An action taken due to a mixture of instinct and programing a truce is offered.
>Action 1 defend against any attack
>Action 2 and 3 If the truce is excepted give it energy otherwise make two attacks.
Milestones come from these notifications, they're not directly obtained from killing Kaiju. You get the Milestone after doing a certain amount of actions that impact humanity, other kaiju, or the world directly.


1st came from killing Memitim once, 2nd came from killing Shelob twice, and you're close to the third because you've killed two Kaiju. But not till there's the same notification as the last time.
Rolled 2, 1, 3 = 6 (3d3)

Action 1: Go meet Buddy™
Action 2: Let it take the first move (STA)
Action 3: Show it how it's done! (STR)

HP: 6/6 || Eng: 2/6
[ Sze:E || Str: D || Sta: C || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Milestones: [2] (Defeat the Mass Obliterator {Spent}) (Defeat a Kaiju in combat)
Rolled 1, 3, 3 = 7 (3d3)


>Arctic Ursa goes into a healing coma this turn to heal from the wounds he got from fighting the two Kaiju
"Good evening everyone my name is Lee Martin broadcasting from down under bringing you the latest news around the world. The world is still reeling and adapting to the megafauna that now roam or devastate the Earth."

Dozes of news reals show entire city blocks wiped out in Britian, the glowing craters dotting Russia, the leveled cities of China, and a video presentation on the weakening Northern solar poles.

"Efforts are still on going to help impacted area but stalled due to a combination of kaiju hostility, distance, and solar flares limiting large scale movements of supplies. However recent news has developed on the bear kaiju managing to wipe out two hostile entities in one swoop. It is unknown if the bear kaiju is merely asserting dominance at the top of the food chain or merely ran into predators on its hunting ground. However, reports show that instead of fighting the Chinese dragon it left behind energy that could have helped itself instead. Scientists, cryptologists, and zookeepers are still investigating this matter. But more recent news has hit the international stage from Argentina. Alice Halbert has more on this after this commercial break."
"Hello this is Alice Halbert with recent news of a mushroom kaiju that is apparently non-hostile and has claimed land in Argentina. From what information found on the internet it is apparently a dispersed hivemind with infection capability however a treatment was discovered to be effective on halting infections. Land grants, testing, and disinfection requests are rumored to be going on behind the scenes with Argentina not being available for comment due to the heavy requests for contact with the shroomy? Lee who named the shroom with this name?"

"I have no idea Alice but in other news the US has also revealed a new megaweapon to help fight off the kaiju threats normal weapons have failed to kill a single kaiju. With recent rumors going around that Japan and even our own nation is preparing their own answers to defend the homeland. While mostly rumors it is heartening knowing Humanity is adapting to the new world to keep up with the megafauna as they dwindle in number while Humanity continues to grow. On our next segment faraway cages and you on how to survive solar flares and cancer."
Action 1-3 Drain even more! Gotta max those stats out
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The outsider rapidly metabolises radiation, and the rate of its rotations intensify. With its body changing in such a way, it’s better suited to snap into new orientations and avoid the slashing claws of fellow Kaiju.

>Memitim Energy: 0/4
>Memitim Speed: F>E

The Russian submarine that it spared a short time ago returns. This time, however, it’s hostile. The constant assault on the magnetic poles has left humanity worried. The Royal Canadian Air Force accompanies them for aerial support and identification. After moving into A3, the sub launches a nuclear torpedo at Memitim, aiming to destroy it with the sheer force of the blast. This is, notably, the first time nuclear weapons have been used against Kaiju. It’s a small bomb, but it’s still atomic. There are worse ones out there waiting to be unleashed.

>Special (D>C) vs Stamina (F)
>Nuclear Torpedo: This Special weapon is the most powerful individual weapon that humanity has invented: A nuke. Only with these devices can they hope to kill a Kaiju, for even their other special weapons have failed. This attack has an increased degree of success. However, it leaves an irradiated-spot on the location of its detonation, that contains one turn’s worth of energy.

>Memitim Health: 1/2
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The local law enforcement forces are quick to respond to this incursion. They take it seriously, not wanting to risk any retaliation from the mushroom over an attack on its body. Hazmat-suit and gas-mask clad operatives are sent in with helicopters. Shroomy is able to watch them descend on the folk, who seem to be headed for a certain location.

The confrontation takes place on an old, disused plantation, that has fallen into disrepair ever since Shroomy’s takeover a while ago. They don’t put up much of a fight, and are quickly subdued. Most of them are young, actually. Spunky teenagers, rather than grizzled mercenaries or cartel gangsters. This is a demographic Shroomy has no experience with.

An interrogation soon takes place, and the information is relayed back to the mushroom. These aren’t political rivers. These youths are farmers, or families of landowners, who are upset over being ousted from their homes. The government has been forceful in their snatching of land deeds for Shroomy’s use, which they saw as completely necessary to maintain diplomatic ties, so the common man has been trampled over because of this. Shroomy has enough clout to deal with this through the infected diplomats, who now work from a quarantine center that has been renovated into a perfectly functional and comfortable office wing of the parliamentary building.

People are angry, and the hushing by the feds have left them antsy. Though conspiracy theories aren’t widely subscribed to, it’s the farmers and these people on the ground who KNOW something is up, and they’re the ones that have had to sacrifice this land. Most of it was jungle, but due to the sheer size of the region, regular folk have gotten caught up in it too. And now they’re in custody for trespassing on a black/green site.

>Shroomy gains 1 energy> 1/4
>Shroomy gains 1 energy> 2/4
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Rolled 3 (1d3)


Arctic Ursa’s hibernation gives it time to recover in the depths. Flesh heals over and fur regrows in dense patches that can stop even tank shells. The colossal creature’s sleep is constantly interrupted by submarines, and when it wakes up, many research vessels are risking its ire to study the effects of its ice-cold body on the surrounding waters.

It’s certainly a major change for the South Pacific ocean. There already exists an Equatorial ‘cold-tongue’, where the water is cooler than average and nutrient-rich. This water breathes life into the surrounding archipelagoes and nourish phytoplankton. Ursa’s resting ground experiences a tenfold-amplified phenomenon. Cold-weather sea creatures flourish, with penguins, seals, whales, and other migratory animals lingering around the colossal bear. This presence is bad for fish and coral, however, and the native biodiversity adjacent to the bear takes a hit.

Fortunately for all involved parties, this isn’t enough for humanity to attempt and steer it North or South. They don’t dare to poke the sleeping bear just to try and drive it to an area of lower environmental effect. Global warming has raised sea temperatures anyway, and apart from the deadly regions of icy cold in the immediate presence of the bear, its cooling effect is lowering over a decade’s worth of damage in further reaches of the Pacific.

>Arctic Ursa restores 1 HP > 4/6
>Arctic Ursa restores 1 HP > 5/6
>Arctic Ursa restorse 1 HP > 6/6


Typhon’s rampage passes over three more reactors. Not even the damage it took from the military assault is enough to stop it, and it hungrily devours radiation. Massive furrows are left in the earth and sky, and storm clouds follow its path. Three of the five remaining stations in the region are drained.

>Typhon gains 1 energy > 3/6
>Typhon gains 1 energy > 4/6
>Typhon gains 1 energy > 5/6


The Ejército del Aire continues to attack. Their last bombing damaged the creature at last, so they attempt a similar move. This time, they wait till it’s done sucking up power from one of the stations, so there’s minimal chance of a leak.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

1d3. Take note of the damage this will do on a 2 and 3. As well as the 1 dmg you took last turn.
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Rolled 2, 3, 2, 3, 2, 1 = 13 (6d3)

The Elephant stands at the ready to tolerate a blow from the creature if it’s stubborn, but reaches out to try and make peace with it. If they could become allies, it would be a useful tool and partner. Not to mention the potential to be a research subject in the hands of the knowledge-seekers. What it doesn’t know is that half of those seekers (the Russian half) were the ones to shove it in its shell in the first place.

>Stamina (D>C) VS Strength (D)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (G)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (G)


The grasping, monstrous limb swells up as it sees the limb being extended its way. By now, enough of its mass has been lost that it’s barely sapient. It’s still dangerous enough to wreck large swathes of the nearest cities and town, leaving them too radioactive for habitation for decades. This thing, the former elephant’s foot of Chernobyl, knows only rage now. It attacks with reckless abandon, uncomprehending of this olive branch that’s its last chance to live.



Detecting trouble before it arrives. G.E.L moves out of its element, crawling even further inland. There are plenty of great lakes to pause and take breaks in, and by the time it reaches the engineering bay, it’s ready to battle. The zone is a hotbed of radiation and filled with gigantic mechanical parts. Response teams leap into action as the construct awakens, and the lobster finds the fortress that holds it.

>Stamina (C) VS Strength (D)
>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (E)


Buddy stands there, ready to fight! As expected, it attacks the moment the lobster comes into view. The weapon on its back turns out to be a railgun, which fires an accelerated tungsten rod that’s scaled up to the size of these Kaiju directly. It then… Does a backflip! It’s quite a scary sight to witness. Something of this scale is attempting to leap straight into the air and evade the secondary swipe of the colossal lobster’s claws.

Boston Dynamics sure makes some crazy shit. As it flips, it attempts to launch another round into the lobster’s carapace from above.

>Attack again!
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KAIJU CLASH! Phantrumpitus VS Yadarevo

The first blow of the grasping hand slashes across Phantrumpitus’ trunk, attempting to sever it. However, no matter how it fights, it cannot break through.

>Yadarevo Strength (D) VS Phantrumpitus Stamina (D)
>Phantrumpitus Stamina (D>C) VS Yadarevo Strength (D) [Active Guard]

With its peace offering trampled on, Phantrumpitus is left with no choice. It clashes with the creature, acting faster and stomping it down into paste.

>Phantrumpitus Strength (D) VS Yadarevo Stamina (G)
>Yadarevo HP: 0/1

The final remnants of Yadarevo are snuffed out of existence, and the land grows quiet, save for whatever victory roar the Kaiju is making. The humans watch the clash, curious to see what it does next. Due to its weak nature as a half-Kaiju, the elephant doesn’t get a full dose of radiation from it. But it’s still enough to use.

>Phantrumpitus has defeated Yadarevo!
>Phantrumpitus absorbs Yadarevo’s energy. 6/6 > 8/6
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>Buddy Strength (D>C) VS G.E.L Stamina (C)
>G.E.L Stamina (C) VS Buddy Strength (D>C) [Active Guard]

The railgun rod jets towards G.E.L, aiming to shatter the carapace. However, it’s caught within the claws before it makes contact, and cast aside! Next comes the counterattack.

>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (E)
>Speed (F) VS Speed (F) [Active Guard]

However, Buddy does a gigantic flip and avoids it! As it lands, it fires another shell from above.

>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (C)

However, the lack of bracing causes it to launch at an odd angle, failing to make direct contact. Instead, it glances off the arched shell, shattering a nearby watchtower. The battle continues with neither gaining an advantage.

If G.E.L had waited for Buddy to charge, the humans would have been able to muster up a backup force to shoot it. But since it was the one who attacked, using up a turn of movement in the process, the humans have been caught off guard! They’re struggling to work up a response this turn, and cannot assist their mech. Next turn, however, they will.
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State of the World

News reports are flooding in! Kaiju news is constantly on the front page. The one upside to this invasion is the near-cessation of human conflict. With all facets of the army required to safeguard one’s own nation, most of the active invasions and wars taking place across the world are halted. The exception are inland terrorist cells who’ve never had to deal with the Kaiju in truth.

One such cell invades the engineering bay that Baba Yaga was born in. Russian forces attempt to re-take it, but are driven off by the Middle-Eastern terror groups that have united to seize this source of nuclear power. They’ve been weakened severely already.

Meanwhile, in the waters near Australia, sailors report seeing another Kaiju, uncatalogued by humanity thus far. The presence of this entity causes them to tighten their security. They haven’t had to fight anything since their bombing of the Solomon Islands and fight against Shelob, but the creature has since been silent on the African coast, hidden away in seaside caverns.

TURN 17:

Based, thank you for the news report! Glad to have peeps spectating and contributing like this, it rocks.
> Action 1: Memitim's ruptured anatomy blurs, makes several impulsive attempts to reconstruct itself, gives up, then flickers erratically. For a tense minute the joint Russian-Canadian strike force loses track of the kaiju, its signature simply vanishing from sonar and aerial sensors, before briefly re-emerging roughly a kilometer away, before blinking away again, then back again but jittering irregularly, then gone again, then several identical signatures are registered in extreme proximity to the submarine - then the sensor feeds go wild as every position pings for Memitim. It is no mere illusion, in its immense displeasure the extradimensional entity is wringing the fabric of space-time out like a dishrag. (Evasive maneuver, Special, Unpowered)
> Action 2: A weak shockwave of... something ripples past the submarine and the aircraft simultaneously, immediately punctuated by concerning groans and creaks. The structures of each vehicle blister and pop as they are transmuted into increasingly simple elements. While slow, this process of conversion critically endangers the integrity of all metallic vessels engaging Memitim. The submariner crew in particular observe the changes seeping through the hull around them with a skyrocketing sense of alarm, starkly cognizant of the bone-crushing pressure pressing in all around them. (Deterrent gesture, induce slow-acting decoherence of metals within region, Special, Unpowered)
> Action 3: Memitim absconds from the region amidst the pandemonium, diving deeper as it proceeds to A4.
Rolled 2, 2, 2 = 6 (3d3)

(Forgot rolls. Sorry.)

*Yawns* Well that was a nice nap. Now back to wandering

Also I think I hit Shelob so hard he isekaied into the Lord of the Rings

>Action 1: Move to G1
>Action 2: Move to F1
>Action 3: Move to E1

Watch out, friends - the bear is headed to North America!
Rolled 3, 2, 3 = 8 (3d3)

Action 1: Rush'em (STR)
Action 2: Keep it in melee (STR)
Action 3: Put it down fast (SPC)

HP: 6/6 || Eng: 2/6
[ Sze:E || Str: D || Sta: C || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Milestones: [2] (Defeat the Mass Obliterator {Spent}) (Defeat a Kaiju in combat)
Rolled 2, 3, 1 = 6 (3d3)

Phantrumpitus returns to the outpost and coccons itself. It has waited too long and must attack soon
>Evolve strength
>Political rivers
Fuck. Rivals. No idea how that got messed up when posting.
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)

Shroomy is now faced with the prospect of interacting with yet another alien lifeform, alien even to its new friends in high places: teenagers...
>Action 1: This...is not ideal. Shroomy is well aware that these people's first wish, to be allowed back in their homes, would never fly with the Argentinian government. It would be a security risk for itself, leaving blank spots in its vision that could be used as a staging ground for a terrorist group, not unlike the ones striking across the world even now. A security risk to Argentina, no matter how much certainty they have that it won't infect anyone. And a risk to those people, who might be targeted as collaborators for simply existing near it. So, they cannot return. But they must be compensated. Shroomy adds that one to its growing list of expenses, currently being covered by the Argentinians, and passes the message along that it will cover the cost of fairly compensating these people for their land being bought out.
>It also hints that the world situation may be growing more stable now. With the news of an apparently successful strike against the entity up North, it would be open to collaborating with scientists and engineers. The goal would be, as it previously stated, to create a hybrid power-grid or some form of bio-mechanical adapter through which it may route some of the APM's excess energy to sell to the Argentinians and start paying back compensations. And salaries for its friends/employees. It is aware that pioneering a new, competitive energy source will earn it plenty of enemies, but it chooses not to care overmuch for now.
>Action 2 and 3: Shroomy keeps on stocking up energy while awaiting an answer. This new endeavor will require plenty of testing to get working in a reasonable time frame.
Action 1: Move to E9
Action 2-3: Rest and recover
Turn will be delayed a bit. Quite tired recently, and I'm writing a longer post to work in some NPC stuff from last turn.
Thanke I like how the world is responsive to all the shit the kaijus do and trying to answer them.
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>Special (D) VS Speed (E)

The submarine crew flies into a panic once the creature vanishes. When it appears again, there’s a brief delay in pursuing it, for they dare not approach. This cowardice ends up being a blessing, for moments later, their sonar goes insane. Mass hysteria ensues as they struggle to flee, terrified of the prospect of fighting dozens of these things at once.

>Special (D) VS Stamina (F)

The walls of their vessel start closing on them. As they were already fleeing, they’re able to propel the submarine outwards and surface as fast as they can manage. They leave the wounded creature be and return to base, with the aircraft soon to follow.


The bear crosses the globe and ends up a distance away from the West coast of the United States. The migration pattern leaves a region of cooled air in its wake, and staying on the move prevents the ecological upheaval that it causes.


The return to the outpost puts the humans at ease. They open up the gate for Phantrumpitus, allowing it to easily return and rest within. They still seem set on attempting to contain it, and close the gates afterwards.

Meanwhile, the joint management of the outpost begin to experience a schism. The Germans are upset with the Russians for failing to disclose their part in the construction of Baba Yaga, especially since it led to an attack on their soil. In turn, the Russians refuse any responsibility, and claim that the handling of Yadarevo’s remains ought to be purely in their purview. With a rapidly weakening government that’s beset by large-scale terror attacks nowadays, Russia is losing power.

This culminates in the German forces demanding the departure of Russian soldiers and officials from outpost management, citing their own nation’s role in the construction and upkeep thus far. In a stroke of madness, those very soldiers are ordered to take over the outpost directly. Phantrumpitus awakens to the sound of gunfire and explosions, as the two parties battle within the containment area in an attempt to claim it (and the Kaiju) for their own nation.

>Strength: D>C
>Energy: 2/6
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Rolled 1, 2, 2 = 5 (3d3)


The statement of fair compensation, presumably, equates to declining for charges to be pressed. The folk in custody are surprised when they’re released after warnings about confidentiality and not sharing excessive information about the interior of Shroomy’s land, with the promise of payment. This mercy is enough to dissuade them from further trespassing attempts.

Meanwhile, the proposal is well-received. The country itself is eager to begin benefiting from the Kaiju-exclusive power sources that Shroomy can give, and having a way to increase their energy production is useful. On the humans’ end, they begin working on technology that could serve as a bio-mechanical adapter. Primary research goes into solar energy, and how the sheer volume and efficiency with which Shroomy gathers it could be pumped into the grid, or transported and stored in biological sources.

>Lair Upgrade: 33%

>Shroomy has gained 1 energy >3/4
>Shroomy has gained 1 energy >4/4


Typhon’s retreat allows them a final breath of relief. The army fires at it the whole way, up until Typhon is securely out of sight and able to recover. Nothing attacks it as it floats out to sea. However, there’s a disturbance it can detect.

>Typhon HP: 3/4
>Typhon HP: 4/4

Iceland has discovered Typhon’s lair! Though it hasn’t stored much energy in there yet, the psychic signals of those first souls are discovered by the military forces posted there. They launch an assault and bomb his coastal catacomb, releasing the energy into the sky. Bolts of orange and black tear through the atmosphere, and Typhon is made distinctly aware that his lair is in ruins.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (F)

>Typhon’s lair is damaged! It will be unable to produce its effect unless it is repaired by using an action while on its tile.


G.E.L charges in, ensuring that the robot is kept in melee range. It’d spell trouble if it got the chance to stay at a distance and keep lobbing railgun shots at it, so making sure it’s vulnerable to grappling is the ideal way to fight it. Buddy is forced to defend itself against the volley of strikes, and one blast from the lobster’s claws! Up above, helicopters and planes prepare to attack.

>Strength (D>C) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (E)
>Special (F>E>D) VS Stamina (E)


Buddy ends up facing those deadly claws. In response, it releases several short-range explosives from canisters on its chassis. Vast quantities of smoke billow out, as it attempts to breach the shell and harm the lobster.

>Guard against the Special with Stamina
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Rolled 3 (1d3)


>G.E.L Strength (C) VS Buddy Stamina (E)
>Buddy Strength (D>E) VS G.E.L Stamina (C)

>Buddy HP > 3/4

The first attack is a trade of blows! In response to a devastating cutting claw that shears off large amounts of plating, Buddy releases canisters that explode right next to the lobster. When the dust clears, it watches for signs of damage, only to be swatted by a second blow!

>G.E.L Strength (D) VS Buddy Stamina (E)
>Buddy Strength (D) VS G.E.L Stamina (C)

>Buddy HP > 2/4

Large amounts of metal have been sheared off now, and it’s clear that in a straight fight, it’ll take incredible luck for this autonomous mecha to slay the enemy. It fires even more bombs, trying to bait the creature into crawling over them so it can strike at the underbelly. It then sits still to brace itself, pumping electricity through the armour plating to create a reactive force-field.

>G.E.L Special (D) VS Buddy Stamina (E)
>Buddy Stamina (E) VS G.E.L Special (D)

It’s still not enough, netting a third blow to itself!

>Buddy HP > 1/4

The air force finally prepares a response! They know now that anything apart from their special weapons will fail to harm the lobster, so they ensure an emergency evacuation of the engineering bay. Boston Dynamics researchers flee in aircraft, and once all organic targets are gone, a single plane drops another Mass Obliterator, aiming to wound G.E.L while it fights against Buddy.

>Special (D) vs Stamina (C)
>Mass Obliterator: This Special weapon is particularly devastating against organic targets. The shockwaves that the Mass Obliterator releases rapidly liquefy living matter, making it a dreadful weapon that can be used to take a city without destroying its infrastructure. This attack does 1 extra damage if it hits a target.

Take note of the 2 damage that will be done in the event it rolls a 3.
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State of the World

By now, several years have passed since the initial emergence of the Kaiju. Their attacks have been continuous, threatening humanity over and over. Fortunately, with less of them around, humans have had more time to recover and rebuild.

The Russian black site that Baba Yaga was once in is radio silent. Desperate to prevent whatever lies there from falling into the hands of the terrorists, the devastated remnants of Moscow command order a nuclear strike. Russia nukes its own soil to prevent those schematics and prototypes from ever seeing the light of day. The resources are lost, but C14 is irradiated heavily from the attack. It’s not known whether it managed to wipe out the terror cell, and they had plenty of time to abscond with the materials. With the attack on the outpost, the devastation of Moscow by a Russian mech, the nuke on their own soil, and the destabilised geopolitical situation, high command is in an absolute uproar.

The next day, Vladimir Putin falls out of a window. The fracturing of the world superpower is prevented by the officials ready to take on the power vacuum. They reconvene in Saint Petersburg. Right now, their active projects involve ridding the world of the terrorists, dealing with Memitim, and making peace with the Germans whose outpost they’ve just assaulted. Assuming the fallout from a disturbed elephant doesn’t make things worse.

Down under, reports of the strange Australian cryptid continue. Several ships have gone missing over deep water now. This is, obviously, attributed to Kaiju. But none of them are anywhere close to Australia.

And finally, meteorologists detect and announce the presence of a large celestial body making its way towards Earth. It’s estimated to make contact within the next decade.

TURN 18:
Sorry for the delay! As mentioned before, been feeling under the weather. I definitely want to finish the thread properly, though. So I would like to ask:
Who here still has goals they want to actively pursue, and compete with the other players for? The game will conclude once everyone has a status quo they’re happy with. For example, they’ve killed all rivals, or forced them into an alliance, etc.
> Action 1: Absorb energy.
> Action 2: Move to A5
> Action 3: Move to A6
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

Action 1: Play fetch with Buddy™ (STR)
Action 2: Crush it into debris (STR)
Action 3: Shuffle to C6

If I survive the next fight, I plan on turning Florida into an island, widening the Panama canal, and making a lair in the gulf of Mexico at E6.

HP: 4/6 || Eng: 1/6
[ Sze:E || Str: D || Sta: C || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Milestones: [2] (Defeat the Mass Obliterator {Spent}) (Defeat a Kaiju in combat)
Rolled 2, 2, 2 = 6 (3d3)

Seeing the knowledgeseeker fighting Phantrumpitus sprays the humans with his capture substance, being careful not to cover their heads, and places them on opposite sides of the outpost. He uses the weakest variant which should breakdown on its own in about a day. He begins collecting metal in and around the outpost, attaching them to the base for an unknown purpose.
>Action 1: separate the two forces (special)
<Action 2 & 3: upgrade the lair
Rolled 1, 2, 3 = 6 (3d3)

Didn't realize you were asking if Shroomy wanted to press charges. It indeed have been a
no anyway.

For goals, well things have deviated just a little. Originally I didn't plan for Shroomy to expand past South America. The original idea would have been to cover the continent with the lair to feed a much-less efficient version of the APM, while turning the locals into mushroom people, and bunkering up.
Currently, as far as goals go, Shroomy would rest easier once there are no hostile Kaijus left, or at least any that can either kill it, like G.E.L or really put the hurt on humanity, like Memitim. Ursa and Phan get a pass for being mostly peaceful, but getting them to open contact and state their intentions would be best. Not that Shroomy feels especially inclined to go try and bat some answers out of them...by the way, is there a secret prize for not moving for 20 turns? I wanted the Mushroom to be slow, but that wasn't quite what I had in mind, it just happened.
So at least until everyone is non-hostile to it/humanity. That includes whatever is approaching Earth. Last time I played a game with an incoming asteroid, everyone died, so I'm wary. Chances are its some deep space Kaiju that's showing up late or because Memitim has been making a ruckus poking holes in the dimensional walls or whatever.

>Action 1 and 2: Assist the research project. (Consume just 1 energy if possible, but 2 otherwise.) Shroomy assists the project on its end. The main endeavor is giving the human researchers something to work with. Shroomy pulls from its energy stores and provides many materials and containment suggestions. Some were iterations used for reinforcing the main body and ensuring better energy flow to compensate any damaged areas, others were used in the lair's construction. By giving the human researchers a lot of options, Shroomy hopes to quickly narrow things down to several promising materials to be used in a bio-adapter or batteries, and then iterate on those. Transference loss is a secondary issue given the sheer quantities, so it disregards that to go faster. It understands they want a functional, energy positive proof of concept first and foremost. Efficiency can come later. Ideas are thrown about, various designs of mycelium cables in different configurations, some taking advantage of Shroomy's conversion of solar energy into the not-quite-nuclear energy Kaijus all seem to thrive on, and even a few plant-mushroom hybrid cables to try and transfer the solar energy directly, just in case.
>Action 3: Shroomy restores any spent energy. While things appear mostly stable, it does not feel entirely secure. Other Kaijus remain, and none seem able or willing to state their goals, even if most appear not to be hostile to humans. Shroomy also feels concerned about the news of an incoming celestial body. This is likely no coincidence that such an object would cross the Earth's path mere years ater Kaijus started appearing...

>Ursa is peaceful

That’s just PR, dude - he’s a serial killer.
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>Kaiju on /qst/
Hey KaijuQM, would you be willing to post a draft of your system in /qtg/? Some other QMs are curious about participating in a theoretical “Kaiju Month” inspired by this (great) quest
Oh! Yeah I'll go clean it up to a presentable state, then post it there soon.
After my next upgrade I plan on just fighting it out with the others and completely flatted Iceland.

Action 1: Move E10
Action 2-3: Absorb Energy
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Lurker here. I second this post. This thread has been extremely entertaining to follow. Thanks to all the players, anonymous contributors and especially the QM for the fun times.
Spent a lot of yesterday finishing up the rulebook, so wasn't able to complete the update. Still working on it throughout the day, but here's the first rules draft!

Noticeably, the rules here will probably be different from how we've been doing things so far. It's a rulebook version cleaned up based on insights gained from our game, and filled with suggestions for things moving forward. Would love feedback on it in the meantime!
Rolled 1, 2, 1 = 4 (3d3)


Honestly Shroomy, you seem like a nice guy so I’m probably not going to be attacking you anytime soon.

As for my goal QM, it’s mainly to protect humanity and the earth from Kaiju that would destroy them. One of the main reasons I went after Memitim first is because his goal was basically to destroy the planet. Speaking of which.

> Action 1: Move to C3
> Action 2: Move to A5
> Action 3: and then charge tackle Memitim at A6

(Just learned because of my size I can move two spaces)
> Reads the entry on speed
Confirmed for most worthless stat.
The only thing it seems to do is make you better at actively evading - however, in my experience such evasion only applies to the next attack targeting the Kaiju - making dodging a hilariously shit use of AP, especially when contrasted with stamina which not only expands a kaiju's healthpool but passively nullifies attacks weaker than its own value, forever and at no AP expense!
Seriously, what sense does it make to have size confer movement upgrades but not speed?
This is absurdly unbalanced.

I fucking despise you.
The long awaited rematch!
What rematch?
Even if I get perfect luck and spend 3 or 4 turns grinding his HP down, assuming I even can, he'll just teleport to the other side of the planet if his HP drops too far.
On top of that, you're also in oneshot range.
Thoughts on how to improve it? My rationale for making Size responsible for distance is that Speed is far easier to pump up than Size. That means that very early on (turn 2 or 3), a Speed Kaiju can cross max distance, which immediately makes them unchasable and is what I wanted to avoid. Meanwhile, when linked to size, the ability to cross distances is linked to how much effort a Kaiju has put into fighting and growing, and naturally gets pushed later into the game. Since Ursa grew larger at every given juncture, he’s been reaping the benefits of that for the longest.

Another thing that might be cucking speed is that it’s impossible to attack BEFORE they put up their defense. But I’m not sure how to prevent this. Making the order of written actions matter seems difficult, because on a public board the 2nd player can just wait and weave all their actions to bypass the first poster, and that’s also something I felt shouldn’t be part of the game.

The advantage I see for Speed is that it lets you change the stat contest to be on your own terms. When fighting an opponent with A strength against your F stamina, you can ignore the strength difference and dodge it using an action, and I felt that advantage was worthwhile. There’s also the fact that a fast Kaiju can cancel the rest of a turn by killing the opponent, since their action is processed first. Maybe I could also add a caveat that Speedy Kaiju can choose whether to act before or after an opponent, for niche cases, but that’s a buff that depends on playstyle and doesn’t fix this imbalance.

Would love feedback for other things speed could do and niches it could fill.
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Memitim absorbs the radiation that assailed it in the form of a nuclear blast. Due to the ongoing solar storm that’s baking areas of the earth, there’s enough energy to return to that spot later on. The humans aren’t able to pursue it into the various Canadian bays and islands with a submarine, and Memitim is able to hide among the scattered landmasses. It’s able to take a moment to recover from its injuries, or grow stronger without the risk of being nuked in succession. Many eyes are on it in the long term, however.

>Memitim has gained 1 energy: 1/4


>Special (F) VS Stamina (F)

Phantrumpitus’ swift action prevents the violence from escalating too far. By the time the substance breaks down and releases them, orders have come from on high to pull back and cede the outpost to Germany. The Russians are promptly kicked out, with the remaining soldiers and governing forces looking upon the Kaiju fondly for its rescue attempt. They’re resistant to it trying to transform the outpost-lair further, but aren’t willing to stop it by force, so it gets its way in the end.

>Lair upgrade: 66%

The Germans have picked up on the fact that this creature seems highly intelligent. They decide to put this to the test by setting up a gigantic language board, attempting to test it and see if it’s sapient. They also dump a bunch of gigantic puzzle boxes and enrichment toy prototypes into its resting area, to see what it does.
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Shroomy’s lair (I7, Unnamed):
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: F
>Speed: F
>Special: E>D
>Shroomy’s lair: When killed, Shroomy may instead respawn on this lair with 1 hp and 0 energy.
>APM: As long as this lair is undamaged, this tile does not run out of Energy. Any Kaiju may gather this energy.

>Shroomy has consumed 1 energy: 3/4
>Lair Upgrade: 66%
>Shroomy has consumed 1 energy: 2/4
>Lair Upgrade: 100%
>Shroomy’s Lair Upgrade:
>Powerhouse: Humans on this tile have gained extremely efficient energy sources, and increased mobility because of it. They’re able to power their own efforts and technology with this new resource, and unlike most other nations, won’t be left floundering to deploy armies when faced with a threat. When there are other Kaiju on this tile, Shroomy may make suggestions for NPC Reactions without consuming an action.

With a great deal of effort from both Argentina’s best engineers (both local and imported), but mostly on the Kaiju’s end, the third world country manages to obtain the most efficient form of solar energy power generation recorded to date. In an area far smaller than the Bhadla Solar Park, just as much, if not more energy is being regularly produced. It comes with the benefit of not creating death-lasers that shoot birds out of the sky with mirrored heat, and is right smack in the Amazon to boot.

Argentina celebrates! The party that was once opposed to Shroomy is still wary of the fact that this power could dry up without the singular mushroom entity’s continued cooperation, so they push very strongly that this be considered a surplus, and not make the grave error of letting this energy be integral to the nation’s prosperity.

The humans immediately start bidding and paying for it, with the infested diplomats helping explain the basics of business to Shroomy of their own accord. Now that this is generating green power, Shroomy’s lair becomes of national interest. Any energy it loans out in the future goes right back to helping safeguard it.

>Shroomy has gained 1 energy: 3/4

((Also comes with roleplay-related perks of course, just figured this would be a fitting way to give a mechanic to the human-kaiju cooperation. Also, no bonus for sitting still, unfortunately.))
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Rolled 3, 2, 3, 3 = 11 (4d3)


Typhon returns to Spain to finish off those power plants. As it drains two more reactors dry, Spain is left completely depleted of its nuclear energy. Their alternative sources are now responsible for keeping the country powered. Its attack is fresh on their mind, and this time, they’re prepared when it charges back into their doorstep.

>Typhon gains 1 energy: 6/6
>Typhon is at energy cap.


With the gigantic psychic maelstrom back for more, the Spanish army continues their efforts to bomb it apart. This time, they’ve gotten into contact with Japan in hopes of receiving advice on how they dealt with The Hive Mind. The JSDF is cooperative, but the ensuing discussion remains highly classified. In time, their ability to fight off the creature may grow stronger.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

1d3. 1st one is for Typhon. Take note of the 1 damage this does on a 2 or 3.


Charging diagonally, Arctic Ursa tears across the Alaskan tundra to assault Memitim in the Northern isles, adjacent to the Arctic. It’s back in its element. It doesn’t have enough speed to arrive and begin attacking in the same juncture, but it’s now facing down wounded prey. The two meet once again, years after their first fight, with the bear now dwarfing the otherworldly alien.


>Strength (D) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (D>E) VS Stamina (E)

G.E.L wrenches Buddy back and forth, confident of its ability to rip the robot apart and slay it here. If it can kill it, there’ll be a large amount of energy to harvest. It wanders off after, leaving behind a droid that’s either on death’s door, or smashed into pieces.


>Stamina (E) VS Strength (D)
>Stamina (E) VS Strength (E)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (C)

Buddy engages its survival protocols. It can only try its hardest to withstand the blows, hoping that the lobster loses interest before its circuits die out. It’s all down to the wire for poor Buddy…
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>G.E.L Strength (D) VS Buddy Stamina (E)
>Buddy Stamina (E) VS G.E.L Strength (D)

>Buddy HP: 0/4

A lethal game of fetch ensues, where the robot pup’s limbs are torn off one by one and crushed into scrap. The delicious nuclear core within is ripe for the taking. With the engineering bay destroyed and its occupants scattered, the lobster is free to make its way North, diving back into the ocean and celebrating with its new bounty of bioenergy.

>G.E.L has defeated Buddy!
>G.E.L absorbs Buddy’s energy! 6/6
G.E.L has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

State of the World
Several more nations speed up their denuclearisation efforts. Several spots that once had plentiful energy are now devoid of radiation, as nations attempt to protect their soil from unwanted attacks. With the loss of nuclear energy in many places, measures to curb and eliminate the use of fossil fuels are gradually loosened out of desperation.

Other sources of energy begin gaining the interest of foreign nations. They want something that Kaiju aren’t drawn to. Foreign spies, who have been slowly monitoring the situation with Shroomy in Argentina, report back to HQ intermittently.

TURN 19:
I’ve published the rulebook v1 here. >>6009655, take a look! And if you’d like to give some feedback on balance and the place the various stats have, please chime in, I’d like to hear from the player POV.
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Forgot to attach map
This is epic.

Here's a few thoughts on the speed stat:
1. It might make sense to rename it to agility, reflexes or something similar to emphasize the distinction between ability to move tiles and ability to dodge.
2. Would it be possible to add more RP based moves to the use of speed? The Hivemind was making moves to fly out of range of melee attacks, that seems like something that could be affected, though special could also fit.
3. You could borrow a leaf out of games like Blades in the Dark and allow for "setup actions", where you take an action with a stat that boosts a subsequent action. For example declaring a "Riposte" with speed" gives you active defence and any success over the threshold could be added to your next Str roll as a bonus. This would reward Kaiju with more balanced stat distributions and discourage dump stats and min maxing.
Yeah, the issue with it being named 'Speed' is that Memitim is very right, it's unintuitive that it doesn't affect movement. Changing it to 'Reflex' would ruin the all-S naming scheme I've had for stats, but if it makes things clearer I'll have to suck that aspect up.

For 2, I'm not too sure. While freeform Rp moves are fun to use, one thing I want to stick to is that a Kaiju cannot outright ignore the stats of another, because that would be unfair. So something like rising into the air and causing all attacks to auto-miss wouldn't be something I'd want to allow.

There might be a solution that's similar in essence, though. Do you guys reckon it would overcompensate and make Speed overpowered if a Dodge lasted UNTIL the Kaiju was hit? That way it doesn't take up the entirety of the action economy to dodge 3 attacks. I just worry it makes guys with large speed differences completely untouchable if they just spend 1 action.

Setup actions seem good, yeah. Dewa Penyu had one here: >>5978121 and Memitim had some self-buffs too. >>5979043. Maybe instead of having ONLY Special be buffable, I could make a table that serves as a rough guide for Special costs. Boosting an atomic-breath costs only 1 special, buffing a dodge or block costs 2, etc.

>DEWA-PENYU has an improved Stamina stat against the next attack. (E>D)
>DEWA-PENYU has consumed 1 energy > 0/4

>Memitim has consumed 1 energy > 1/4
>Reality Storm: Memitim gains an increased Degree to its Speed stat this turn, and actively attempts to dodge an incoming attack (Speed vs Speed).
> a Speed Kaiju can cross max distance, which immediately makes them unchasable
Consider that the same is true for Size Kaiju now.
The underlying issue hasn't been resolved just shuffled to the lategame.

>Another thing that might be cucking speed is that it’s impossible to attack BEFORE they put up their defense.
Its reasonable for a creature with highly developed reflexes to be able to do that though, provided they are aware of the incoming attack.

> Making the order of written actions matter seems difficult, because on a public board the 2nd player can just wait and weave all their actions to bypass the first poster, and that’s also something I felt shouldn’t be part of the game.
Short of instituting privately submitted actions this form of metagaming is quite hard to address.

> Would love feedback
Regarding speed...
Consider a system where each level of speed contributes to a resource pool. Agility, alacrity, sprightliness - the name of the resource doesn't matter. Players can spend this resource to make free actions during their turn allowing them to ready dodges, conceal themselves, move extra tiles on the map, boost the initiative of a linked action, or perform other movement-orientated maneuvers - all actions valued at the kaiju's speed grade. The catch is that the rate at which this resource regenerates is +1/turn. So, a fast creature can flit around like crazy... for a little while, but will eventually exhaust itself and become vulnerable.

Regarding all stamina defense...
Consider an ablative system, each subsequent attack made in a turn reduces the grade of the defense by a degree until the next turn. For example, if a kaiju with D strength spends all of its actions attacking a kaiju with B stamina. The first attack would meet a B-grade defense and be resisted, the second attack would meet a C-grade and be resisted, the third attack would meet a D-grade defense and punch through - then next turn physical resistance reverts back to stamina's grade. This would simulate the gradual build-up of wear, strain, and pain when being hammered by multiple weak attacks. Making human forces a more serious threat, and incentivizing smaller kaiju to coordinate against their more dominant peers.
Alternatively, if this is too overpowered, perhaps only proc this defense ablation effect whenever the attacker's action roll returns a 3.
In whichever form it is used, this system also compliments the concept of a Block action, regardless of whether said action buffs blocking defense by 1 grade for the next attack or locks the block defense's grade to stamina for the next attack.

I'll mull over the initiative problem for a while longer and get back to you, but in any case I hope these suggestions prove useful.
Rolled 3, 3, 2 = 8 (3d3)

All right. Here we go...

# Memitim
Health: 1/2
Energy: 1/4
[ Sze: F || Str: E || Sta: F || Spd: E || Spc: D ]
Milestones: [1] (Defeat a Kaiju in combat.)

> Action 1: Dive as deep as possible, alternating its acceleration randomly, spontaneously diverting course, circling the ursine monstrosity in erratic patterns. Memitim does not surface if it can be helped, exploiting the ocean's expanse to conceal its precise position. (Speed)
> Action 2: Decohere local reality, focusing effect on Ursa. The atmosphere buzzes and the acrid scent of Ozone fills the air. A spherical section of space, overlapping with the great bear's current position and blurs, then strobes and pulses with cracks of warped, alien light. The dense fur coating Ursa's hide squirms, seethes, and shatter into sizzling flakes of plasma as unreality washes over it, fragmented glimpses of alternate worlds flood past each momentarily imposing utterly foreign environmental conditions which its terrestrial form is ill-suited to adapt to.(Special, unpowered)
> Action 3: Decohere local reality, focusing effect on Ursa. Memitim maintains the existential assault, contorting and manifesting new zones of unreality whenever the guardian bear attempts to flee from their corrosive influence. (Special, unpowered)
Rolled 1, 1, 2 = 4 (3d3)

Evolve: Special

HP: 4/6 || Eng: 6/6
[ Sze:E || Str: D || Sta: C || Spd: F || Spc: F ]
Milestones: [3] (Defeat the Mass Obliterator {Spent}) (Defeat a Kaiju in combat) (Defeat Buddy™)
I feel the way to go would be with successful speed defence rolls would be with a secondary bonus, like >>6009891's Riposte rolling a declared stat up for an action or my own redirect against Phantrumpitus and Beast.

I also think Memitim's suggestions would be cool to see.

I'd like to see a successful speed roll to negate an active defense action, but it really wouldn't be wise to have on an open forum like this.

These are thoughtful suggestions, thanks for sharing.

Pitting Speed against Stamina would seem be a good way to curtail speed-demons from escaping constantly, but I do think that a “scavenger” playstyle should be a viable one. The Speed stat could provides access to a “speed pool” as Memitim suggests but the size of the pool partly depends on the Stamina stat?

I also think that the successive “wear and tear” combat rules make lots of sense and would help ensure that combat between Kaiju is dangerous.

I think creating a resource pool exclusive to speed might be a bit much, and drifts away from the relatively simple and easy to pick up system I'm going for. Ablative system is a very good idea, though. Defense decay providing a way for big guys to get mobbed is quite a great mental image. The downside is that it stops a less durable Kaiju from benefiting from good luck when actively guarding, as it becomes impossible for them to defend way faster. Maybe it could be a use case of Energy instead? Spend 1 energy with an attack to decrease their defense regardless of hit, for the turn. Complements team play well.

One thing I was also considering is that it's currently possible to just walk out of a tile with speed, which I felt balanced it. As the faster action happens first, someone faced with 3 attacks could just leave on action 1, preventing the other 2 from landing at all and saying goodbye to needing a Stamina contest. Would you guys regard this as being a problem, or a sensible part of the game?
What if Dodge lasts until:
>The Kaiju doing it gets hit
>The Kaiju doing it attacks
>The Kaiju doing it defends
This way it'll be less OP but still a good strategy to use, for example if you need to urgently escape.
Yeah that makes sense. Makes it retain the ability to be used for blow-trading directly in battle, like it has now, while also letting Kaiju try and get out of sticky situations.
Rolled 3, 3, 3 = 9 (3d3)

Phantrumpitus senses his target is near once again. Still the knowledgeseekers test may prove useful.
> Action 1 figure out how the language board works and say southwest
> Action 2 finish lair upgrade
> Action 3 solve the puzzle boxes
>Spend 1 energy with an attack to decrease their defense regardless of hit, for the turn
I had been thinking of something like that with the last special mutation with the spikes designed to go past armor and better infection vecotrs. Have Shroomy grapple or latch onto another Kaiju depending on size, and then use special to dump their stamina once or twice by having the mycelium grow wild and create chinks in the armor, like roots cracking pavement. Then coordinate with the humans to finish the job, maybe by grappling the other Kkaiju to expose the weakened area. With in Shroomy's case the advantage that it can also just tell them to throw everything and the kitchen sink at the battleground, what with the main body being replaceable and all. That and special attacks were (and maybe are) still the main way I was thinking of having Shroomy fight, should it come to that.
Also, I wanted to ask if managing the Powerhouse thingy would cost actions repeatedly? Can the Lair be left to route power from the APM to Argentina, or does Shroomy need to dedicate attention in a significant capacity?
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Another thought: The core issue here seems to be that Strength and Stamina both give passive benifits as well as their ability to be used actively, but currently speed doesn't.

Could you use pokemon rules and have speed determine who goes first in combat? Not for the whole turn's actions, but for the sequence actions resolve? So if A outspeeds B the action sequence would resolve as:


Like in Pokemon, I'm guessing that first turn advantage would be fairly significant, but not game breaking. It'd then function a bit like the size stat, where beating someone gets you the bonus, but the bonus doesn't stack if you're stat is way higher than theirs.
Isn't that already what's happening, though? I thought I saw something like that in some of the clashes.
Rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7 (3d3)


>Action 1: Ursa tries to stab into Memitim before it can dive into the ocean

>Action 2: Continue to attack Memitim, even as reality fails nothing will stop it’s death
>Action 3: And finally, go for the kill with a single swipe of the claws
>Action 1-3 Upgrade special.
Forgot my dice
Going to make the update very soon, Shroomy, will give a last few hours.

Yep, that's how it's working already
Oh, fuck. Sorry, I forgot to reply to this part. Had a lot of posts to read through and I missed it.

No, you won't need to use constant actions. It's assumed that it's just a resource that Argentina can utilise now.
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

>Action 1: Shroomy now has both proven it can make good on its promises and left enough time for the deluge of offers and demands from its official reveal to the world to mellow out into something more reasonable and level-headed. It starts looking through all offers currently being made by countries, corporations and powerful individuals for ideas on future developments and partnerships with the help of the Parasitised. It has secured itself and its new people a place in Argentina, but some diversification would certainly be welcome. Besides, think of the untapped markets!
>Action 2 and 3: Top up energy reserves.
Thanks, I was indeed waiting on it to shape my first action somewhat.
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Rolled 2 (1d3)

The lobster grows stronger yet again! The snapping limbs increase their ability to fire out deadly cavitation bubbles. The carapace is shed again, and as it finishes up the energy from beating Buddy, it rises from the water with a newly hardened and deadly weapon.

>G.E.L energy: 0/6
>G.E.L Special: F>E


The establishment of communication is an extremely shocking discovery for the Germans. Internally, they go over a list of questions and further things they want to discuss with the creature. Its mention of ‘South-West’ prompts them to pay close attention to the situation in Spain, where Typhon is wrecking their cities yet again and slurping up surplus energy.

In the meantime, they watch as Phantrumpitus continues shifting metal about and strengthening the walls of its den. By now, they’ve figured that they can’t keep it imprisoned, and that it’s here of its own volition. Trying to keep the door shut just causes damage. From now, they change protocol to release it whenever it attempts to exit.

>Lair Upgrade: 100%

Outpost D-11 (D11)
>Size: F
>Strength: F
>Stamina: E>D
>Speed: F
>Special: F
>Containment Zone: This lair is being overseen by humans. Automatic attack reactions will take place upon Kaiju attempting to attack it. However, Phantrumpitus must spend an action to exit this lair before being able to move out of its tile.

>New: Observation Post: Phantrumpitus no longer needs to spend an action to exit this lair. So long as it does not attack an enemy, Phantrumpitus may hide within this lair and become immune to attacks until this lair is damaged and its effects lost.

Lastly, the solving of those puzzle boxes cement the distinct intellect of the Kaiju. With the conclusion that it’s both capable of communication and problem-solving, they decide to further quiz it.

Due to the interest that their subject is clearly taking in Typhon, Outpost D-11 prepares itself for a confrontation. Next turn, they will have an increased degree of success when attacking Kaiju on D-11.

Additionally, they’re furthering their attempts at communication. They ask it:
>What are you?
>Where are you from
>Why are you here?


As it hovers over Spain, Typhon’s power grows and grows. The whorling storm blackens the sky, filling it with crackling orange energy that strikes buildings and causes blackouts from its sheer power. The army stares in terror, continuing their onslaught.

>Typhon Energy: 0/6
>Typhon Special: D>C

Communication has been established with Japan, and a shipment has just arrived. Should Typhon linger much longer without dealing with the army, they’ll be well-prepared for a truly devastating strike. But for now, conventional munitions fly its way.

>Strength (E) VS Stamina (E)

Take note of the damage this does on a 2 or 3.
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Several overseas companies have taken an interest in the power situation, and once Shroomy opens the floodgates, offers come in. Many of them are asking if it’s possible for the power to be stored long-term, in some kind of battery, as they’re too far away to access a grid. Others are inquiring about pharmaceutical potential. There’s enough people clamouring for a piece that by just picking a new avenue of development, Shroomy can start appealing to any major power it chooses. In particular, the US is looking for a long-term mobile energy source, citing the failure of Buddy to remain powered and capable for long.

>Shroomy has gained 1 energy > 4/4
>Shroomy is at energy cap


>Speed (E>D) Vs Speed (F)

Memitim plunges into the depths. With its abiological form, it can go far deeper than even the bear, and is able to avoid the very first strike without issue. Hiding like this makes it completely invulnerable, even in the worst of cases where it doesn’t move at max speed.

>Special (D>C) VS Stamina (E)
However, it doesn’t stay hiding forever. Instead, it rises to whip the bear with flickering masses of aberrant physics. A ship or lesser creature would be torn apart instantly, with the very cells in their body drifting off in every direction. However, the natural mass of the Kaiju exerts a gravitational field that keeps reality relatively stable. It’s only doomed to take devastating blows against its outer layer, rather than being erased like a whale or warship.

>Special (D) VS Stamina (E)
The attack keeps up, filling the sky and sea with blinding pulses that slay all life larger than a microbe.


>Strength (D) VS Stamina (F)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (F)
>Strength (D>C) VS Stamina (F)

The bear slashes at the water, tearing the surface apart, but failing to draw blood. It then strikes repeatedly, diving deep to chase it through the storm and finish off their rematch. Unlike Memitim, it has grown much during its journey throughout the warmer seas of the world, and it’s far superior to the bear that attacked it the first time. It swings and swings, beating the ocean with its icy paws and churning up white foam.
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KAIJU CLASH! Memitim VS Arctic Ursa

>Arctic Ursa Strength (D) VS Memitim Stamina (F)
>Memitim Speed (E>D) Vs Arctic Ursa Speed (F)

The very first attack by the bear is a failure, for Memitim has managed to dive beneath the sea and avoid its claws first. Water bubbles in vast quantities as Ursa bobs near the surface, waiting for an ensuing strike.

>Special (D>C) VS Stamina (E)
>Strength (D) VS Stamina (F)

Rather than dodging further or fleeing, Memitim makes its last stand here. It bursts from the sea, eager to get a hit in by changing reality into something anathema to life. The set of aberrant physics wreak havoc on the bear’s flesh.

>Arctic Ursa HP> 5/6

But the bear is ready. It sweeps its claws one final time, slashing the beast apart in several segments. The ribbons that make up its body fly apart, and there’s a massive implosion as reality re-equalises with sudden intensity. The bear is buffeted by a deluge of seawater and radioactive heat, and water rushes back inwards.

>Memitim HP> 0/6

The rematch has been won. The poles are safe again.

>Arctic Ursa has defeated Memitim!
>Arctic Ursa absorbs Memitim’s energy. 10/6. Unused surplus will disappear at the end of the turn.
Arctic Ursa has achieved a milestone. At any time, it may choose to spend 3 actions to Upgrade Size. This fully heals it.

All that remains of Memitim is a glowing spot in the middle of the sea, warping and shifting so staunchly that water transforms into pure light upon making contact with it. If the bear chooses, it may spare this foe. However, a mere sweep of the hand can slay it for good, much like last time.
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State of the World
The large asteroid is moving faster than expected. Experts predict it will land within the next five years, instead of the previously thought decade. Preliminary observation reveals a rock mass made of an unknown substance.

With the technology stolen from the Russians, the terrorists have re-surfaced in South Africa! The United Nations security outpost that had been observing the hibernating Shelob is attacked abruptly, with staff members being brutally executed. Comms are lost, and the South African military is mobilised to deal with it.

Japan publishes a paper on Kaiju biology, based on data gathered from numerous organisations who have had to fight them. Every Kaiju so far has had an irreplicable level of complexity to their internal neural systems. To move a body of that size requires such a load that programming it is impossible with human technology. Predictive portions on the paper state that creatures such as the Baba Yaga that attacked Moscow likely only functioned due to Kaiju parts that lingered within them, and could be used to handle the body. Buddy was particularly ineffective due to being based off machine learning algorithms rather than any kind of neuromorphic processor.

We’re near the end-ish, I assume! Sorry for the long stretch between posts lately, have a lot of stuff piling up. Players who have been eliminated while ACTIVE, and are still lurking, keep an eye out!

Arctic Ursa, once again, you get to choose what you do.
Rolled 2, 2, 3 = 7 (3d3)

Evolve: Size

HP: 4/6 || Eng: 0/6
[ Sze:E || Str: D || Sta: C || Spd: F || Spc: E ]
Milestones: [3] (Defeat the Mass Obliterator {Spent}) (Defeat a Kaiju in combat) (Defeat Buddy™)
Rolled 2, 2, 1 = 5 (3d3)

>What are you?
>Where are you from
>Why are you here?
Capture/Kill rouge weapon
> Action 1 move to E 10
Actuon 2 and 3 attack typhon
I’m going to kill him, then I’m going to get more CHUNKY!

>Spend all actions on upgrading Stamina stat

>Then next turn spend the other action to grow size.

>Players who have been eliminated while ACTIVE, and are still lurking, keep an eye out!

C-could it be?
Rolled 2, 1, 1 = 4 (3d3)

Whoops, forgot I didn't post my actions yesterday.

# Shroomy
Health: 4/4 (1 Size + 3 Stamina)
Energy: 0/4
[ Sze:F || Str: F || Sta: D>C || Spd: F || Spc: D ]
Milestones: [1] (Constructed Unique Project: APM)

This is what I get for not posting my stats every time, I thought I was at C Stamina already. Kinda throws my rp plans in disarray, but I can make it work.

>Action 1 to 3: Upgrade Stamina to C.
>Shroomy expresses interest in the long term battery idea through the Parasitised, before taking a seat back for another round of experiments. The testing on reinforcing its main body's materials were the focus last time. It could still be stronger, but it doesn't think it has experimented enough to roll out a meaningful upgrade. Still, between its want for an even stronger main body and the requests for a battery...Shroomy decides to dust off a by this point years-old project. Integrating a smaller version of the APM within its own body. Given the body's mobile nature, and the fact that not every fight will take place under the sun, it gives Shroomy an excuse to start toying with small-ish batteries. They don't even need to hold charge for long, just long enough to be useful, a couple hours at most.
>How could batteries and extra energy make the main body stronger? Well, that's the neat part. They don't. Shroomy wishes to develop its mushroom bodies' toughness in two twin angles. Making them more difficult to harm was one, but chip damage could still accumulate, especially with an enemy peeling away the bark before riping through the softer blunt-absorbing mycelium underneath. Until now. After some experimenting, the main body starts sprouting its own megaflora, and tests soon show Shroomy's success. Any non crippling hit can now be regenerated in short order, and even those can be mended onceit breaks away from a fight and gets some time in the sun.
Basically flavor text, I'm not going for in combat regen, though it would justify Shroomy's unnatural Kaiju regen some now. Shroomy still loses HP, but will regen anything that doesn't knock off a point instead of just shrugging it off like G.E.L and Ursa.
QM your really should archive this and make a new thread this thing is going to fall off soon and you waited long enough.
Good call! I archived it early, will make a new thread for the update. Stay tuned fellas.

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