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You're Mazela, the queen of the witches. You live in a hut standing on chicken legs deep in the forest and use your psychic powers to defend women who have been abused by men. Today the miller's wife has come to you with a black eye. "My husband beats me when he is drunk," she cries about her abusive husband. How do you help her?

>>Grant her psychic powers to enslave her abusive husband.
>>Teach her a curse to kill her abusive husband so she can find someone better.
>>Write In
Just make it so the guy can't get drunk any more. EZ
>>Write In
Sacrifice my life to prevent any husbands from abusing women ever again by performing a special ritual.
No, that's stupid.
"I will cast a spell to prevent that man from getting drunk, no matter how much he drinks," you use a folk magic spell that's often used by the Domovoy spirits to punish men who don't make offerings. The miller's wife thanks you profusely for your help. After she leaves, you reminisce about your past. Why did you set out to punish abusive men?

>>Your father was an abusive husband who beat you and your mother.
>>Before you got your psychic powers and became the queen of witches, you were assaulted by a group of wicked men.
>>The boy you loved in your youth betrayed you and abandoned you for a rich girl with big tits.
>>Write In
OP you're a legend, I'm the guy who constantly keeps pushing the Witch Queen Mazela thing, I made that up. I love you for making an actual quest out of it. You just made me laugh and scream "WITCH QUEEN MAZELA" throwing my arms into the air in an autistic fashion.

>Write In
You were once a young handsome maiden who got sold off by her parents into becoming a sex slave for a famous brothel called "The Virgins Tail". Winter was near and the summer was long and dry, the harvest was terrible, therefore your stock for the winter was bad and they had no other choice. While you were in captivity you were brutally molested, beaten and generally abused. Every day you reminisced at the though of your parents selling you for 10 bags of tatoes, while you were being molested by sometimes even up to 15 violent man. One day you were booked for 2h to be a young lads plaything, but he forgot to put away your knife. You took his knife while he was fondling your downstairs area and thrusted it deep inside of his eye hole. At first you thought to yourself, while killing him, "I don't care if the brothel manager Gordaf or any of the guards hear the screams. I might as well be dead anyway". But as you speared his head with his knife you noticed that you did it in such a manner that he didn't make a single squek. You suddenly realize that the client booked you for 2h and you were only going at it for 5min, therefore you had plenty of time to make your escape and disappear into the night before anyone noticed. You climb out of the windows in your torn up dress, half naked, half dressed but you think to yourself "Better naked than dead". And that's how you escaped into the Witches Forest, where you'll one day become the Queen of witches, judging and punishing abusive man as you remember the days of physical and mental abuse in The Virgins Tail.
I'm the guy who constantly keeps pushing the Witch Queen Mazela thing

I can prove it. If you want to I can write something in the threads below!

I'm doing it in the Gondola quest, this is where I started, because I really wanted to go into the forest and see a witch, not sure why kek. I just really did

Also started mentioning it in this quest

The Witch Queen AWAITS MY LADS! Let's make this story a good one ! With the power of our combined IMAGINATIONS!
>Your father was an abusive husband who beat you and your mother. When he passed, your mother became abusive as well. Abuse perpetuates abuse, and as such it must be prevented at all costs
>OP you're a legend, I'm the guy who constantly keeps pushing the Witch Queen Mazela thing, I made that up.
I could kinda get it in the gondola quest, but why pester the Prodigal Son one ?
i think its some autistic kid thinking hes quirky and not a fucking annoyance, he has nothing better to do than force his garbage on others
I don't know. I just like adding my side story to it. Sorry if it bothers you or other people. I just fell in love with the Witch Queen Mazela thing. I don't know why, I just makes me giggle. While on the other hand Mazela is all-seeing and I really don't want to anger her, since she is the incarnation of the magic god Lok'thuk herself.


I prefer to be called kid with autism my good sir
Oh, so this is a shitpost quest?
you must be 18 to post
No, this is a PROPER non-shitpost quest with a proper story. It's the most non-shitposty quest on the whole board. It's the best quest to be precise, it's the only good one to be honest, It'll literally breath new life into this board, it'll attract HOARDES of new people since the story is something so bold and new and never thought out before.

>>The boy you loved in your youth betrayed you and abandoned you for a rich girl with big tits.
Is the quest always going to be filled with annoying spam?
I will swap my vote from >>5977060
>The boy you loved in your youth betrayed you and abandoned you for a rich girl with big tits.
just to get the quest started
Dead quest
Oh no :(
OP don't fuck me over :'(. I'm counting on you!
I've come to life from your story to tell you to kill yourself OP. You are not worthy of telling my tale.
You will never be a woman

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