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This story is about a young man working hard to make a living.
What is his occupation? (Choose one)

>1: Farmer. Strong muscles makes tilling the earth easier. (STR+)
>2: Thief. Nimble hands means easier pocketchange. (DEX+)
>3: Doctor. Smart mind finds the cure. (INT+)
>4: Musician. Silver tongue pleases the crowds. (CHA+)
>5: Write in. (Define which stat this would increase)

One night while the young man sleeps tight in his bed after a long days work, something strange happens to him...

What is that strange thing? (Choose one)
>A: A burgler tries to steal from his room.
>B: Wild and vivid dreams of adventure occupy his night.
>C: The moonlight slips through his window, bathing him in mystical light.
>D: A bee flies into his mouth, and down into his stomach.
>E: Write in

Welcome to Powerlvler quest! Here we play as a weak nobody, which might end up pretty strong sometime in the future!
Stats work like this:

STRength is increased by performing physically demanding tasks. Strength passively increases charisma.
AGIlity is increased by performing tasks requiring precision and speed. Agility passively increases strenght
INTelligence is increased by performing mentally demanding tasks. Intelligence passively increases agility
CHArisma is increased by performing social tasks. Charisma passively increases intelligence
CONstitution is increased by taking damage of any kind and recovering succesfully. Constitution passively increases every other stat slightly
Some wounds (physical or mental) can reduce constitution permanently
There may also be other stats, but we will get to them when they are relevant

Pictures may or may not be included in some of my posts.
>3: Doctor. Smart mind finds the cure. (INT+)
>B: Wild and vivid dreams of adventure occupy his night.
>>1: Farmer. Strong muscles makes tilling the earth easier. (STR+)
>1: Farmer. Strong muscles makes tilling the earth easier. (STR+)
>B: Wild and vivid dreams of adventure occupy his night.
Letting the vote go for another 10 minutes
If still tied by then, I will flip a coin and write
Rolled 2 (1d2)

rolling and writing
As a farmer, Inindur has always been content with spending his days on the farm growing his vegetables. But tonight his dreams have been of adventure and distant lands. Somewhere within his dreams, an apparition reaches towards him, spreading a new and comfortable warmth over him.
The rooster wakes him up, like every day, but this time Inindur would prefer dreaming some more.
Somehow, he feels lighter and faster. His muscles does not ache like they usually do when he wakes up, and the flowers outside have a little more color than he remembers.

How does Inindur spend his day?
>Time to farm
>Take the day off, hang out with friends
>Discuss dreams with the holy father
>Write in
>Discuss dreams with the holy father
>>Discuss dreams with the holy father
>Discuss dreams
As Inindur enters the temple, the holy father is already busy with prayers at the alter. Father rises up when Inindur approaches, and they both nod.
The holy father had a vision tonight, that a man with incredible inner strenght would reveal himself, and that together they will train to meet a future filled with death and despair.
While Inindur initially did not interpret his own dreams the same way, maybe there is something to fathers visions.

As they talk about their dreams and visions, father seems to believe his visions refer to Inindur. If Inindur decides to train with father, he would likely not be able to tend the farm as much
How does Inindur respond to the holy father?
>Write in
Accept the offer.
Inindur trains over several weeks. Holy father Vaars introduces several Holy Words to Inindur, which he is expected to learn. Holy Words will, when uttered correctly and with conviction, activate certain effects depending on the word. While Inindur only manages to barely grasp some of them, there is one in particular he seems to master flawlessly and with little effort.

Which word did Inindur master?
>Taarmus: "May strenght guide my actions." (STR+)
>Renduus: "May the resolution align with my wish." (DEX+)
>Bremas: "Wisdom shall light my path." (INT+)
>Melenoor: "I will carry my friends, like they carry me." (CHA+)
>Bremas: "Wisdom shall light my path." (INT+)
>>Renduus: "May the resolution align with my wish." (DEX+)
Giving it 10 ish minutes before I end the vote
If tied, I will flip a coin
Rolled 1 (1d2)

rolling and writing
Now that several months have passed, Inindur has grown stronger. Father Vaars has seen another vision, that any day now there will be an attack on the little village. Everyone is preparing for combat, and the tension within the city is high.

Inindur has not had a lot of time lately to actually talk with others from the village, and decides it would be a good idea to talk with one of them he feels closest to.

Who does he meet up with?
>Smether. A burly man who likes to help other villagers whenever asked. Many call him a gentle giant
>Verolian. A slender woman who is notorious for winning in card games. Used to be an orphan, and was adopted by Inindurs neighbour.
>Everno. A man with many scars, always concocting potions and herbal remedies. For his age, he is surprisingly good at mixing alcoholic drinks.
>Thaske. A woman with the largest smile in the village, always able to lighten any mood. To some she seems like the definition of the village stereotype.
>Write in (Insert a name if you'd like, and write a small description. I *might* change the name to fit local naming conventions)

Im going to sleep now, vote stays open until I return
>Everno. A man with many scars, always concocting potions and herbal remedies. For his age, he is surprisingly good at mixing alcoholic drinks.
>Write in
>Jorgen. A quiet family man with a homely wife and four children. Has a nack for building and designing structures. He often startles others by being around until noticed without making a sound, but he has a habit of being where he needs to be when needed.
>Conan. A barbarian man that had settled in the village some years back. While many fear him for his obvious warrior background, you've noticed he has an intelligent and cultured mind in the time you two have conversed.
>Mazela. The all-knowing witch queen living in the outskirts of the village. Some think she's crazy since she lives with her 87 cats, but other people know her for her strong physic powers and kind heart. She mostly sticks to herself tending to her cats and studying the arts of blood magic and strengthening her physic powers.

>Welcome to Powerlvler quest! Here we play as a weak nobody, which might end up pretty strong sometime in the future!
This would make a good manhwa title unironically.
Changing my vote to this.
After his training session, Inindur leaves the temple to meet up with his good friend Joergen. Joergen is a quiet family man a couple years older than Inindur, and has made himself rather busy. With four kids and a wife, he has learned several trades to keep the family expenses down.
Inindur looks everywhere for him, but cant seem to find him anywhere. Just as he is about to give up for the day, Joergen taps his shoulder. They both share a laugh, before they use the rest of the evening to hang out.

While the sun sets, the two of them share a couple drinks outside.
From somewhere in town, people are starting to shout and scream. Inindur and Joergen checks up on the commotion, and apparently there are some troublemakers in town!
Five bandits are harassing villagers, threatening to bring more bandits unless they are being paid handsomely.

While Joergen is usually a calm man, he asks Inindur to join him in beating up the bandits. He argues the bandits will come back for more loot regardless. "Might as well beat them up now."

How do the two of them proceed?
>Beat them up
>Pay them off
>Find father Vaars first
>Write in

Inindurs current stats
STR - 4 (Base) + 1 (Half of DEX)
Total STR = 5
DEX - 2 (Base) + 2 (Half of INT)
Total DEX = 4
INT - 4 (Base) + 0 (Half of CHA)
Total INT = 4
CHA - 0 (Base) + 2 (Half of STR)
Total CHA = 2
>Write in
Make a blood sacrifice to the Witch Queen Mazela, she'll easily take care of this.
>Beat them up
Tempted to talk to father Vaars first and see what his views on the matter are.
>Find father Vaars first
>Find father Vaars first
Closing vote in 10 minutes ish
>Beat them up
>Find father Vaars first
We're going to need a healer
>Find Vaars
The two of them start looking for father Vaars, as he would likely be helpful when confronting the bandits. They find him in the temple, and then hurry back to the villagers.
Unfortunately some of the villagers have already taken a beating. On a more serious note, one have taken a knife to the stomach.

Before Joergen gets the chance to fly fist first into the bandits, father Vaars stops him, and tries to talk the bandits down from further violence.

Inindur and Joergen stands back while Vaars talks. Joergen seems very calm suddenly, but Inindur can see the intensity in his eyes. As they have been friends for a long time, Inindur feels confident in assuming that Joergen is ready to pounce at the first opportunity.
The bandits have better arms, but lightly armored. Getting hit would certainly hurt, but hurting them is very possible.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Charge. Better to hit immidiately
>Improvise a weapon. Better even the odds first
>Let Vaars talk. Maybe he has a plan of sorts
>Help Vaars making his case. Two talkers could be better than one
>Tend to the wounded man. Saving lives matter more

Current HP: 4
>Improvise a weapon. Better even the odds first
Don’t bring a fist to a knife fight.
>>Tend to the wounded man. Saving lives matter more
>Improvise a weapon. Better even the odds first
>Tend to the wounded man. Saving lives matter more
Mazela will be pleased with us saving lives
Closing vote in 10 ish minutes
I'll change my vote to
>Improvise a weapon. Better even the odds first
To break the tie
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Oh, and roll me a d10
Rolled 2 (1d10)

Queen Mazela, grant me the power of LUCK
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Inindur looks around for a weapon. While there are planks some meters away, he would not have a chance to grab one before the bandits catch onto him.
He looks down, and at his feet there is a rock at the size of his fist. As he picks it up, one of the bandits notice what he is up to, and charges.

The bandit swings, and hits!
Bandit dice: 8
Inindur dice: 2 + 4 (DEX) = 6

A nasty gash is inflicted upon Inindurs chest. -2hp
Immidiately following, Inindur swings towards the bandit and hits!
Inindur dice: 6 + 4 (DEX) = 10
Bandit dice: 8

The rock goes hard into the bandits head, knocking him out.

By now talking is no longer an option. Joergen charges a bandit, while Vaars does the same.
Another bandit rushes up to you with a sword. Inindur is outranged, but still ready for battle.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Swing again
>Throw the rock
>Grab weapon with better reach
>Write in
>Write in
Grab some sand from beneath your feet and throw it in the face of the bandit charging at you, then when he's blinded use the rock to smash his head and steal his Excalibur, the legendary sword of Queen Mazela
>>Throw the rock
>Throw the rock
Rolled 8 (1d10)

Writing in 10 ish minutes
roll me some dice
Rolled 10 (1d10)

Queen Mazela, grant me the power of LUCK.
[b] Sacrifices a goat, puts the blood in a bucket and smears it all over his body [b]
Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Throw rock
As Inindur watches the bandit approach, he knows he cant outrange his foe in a melee. For a moment, as if it was the most natural thing to do, he draws the rock behind him, and sends it at the bandit.

The rock flies, and hits!
Inindur dice: 10 (crit) + 4 (DEX) = 14
Bandit dice: 8

The rock goes into the bandits throat. The bandit utters an awful sound, before he slumps to the ground, hands around his throat.

Vaars and Joergen have beaten up their opponents too. Inindur is sure he saw five bandits however, and there are only four of them on the ground. He didnt have to wonder for long, as he notices the fifth bandit attempting to hide behind some shrubbery.

When the bandit realizes he has been spotted, he turns to run!
How does Inindur proceed?
>Run after him immidiately
>Bandage first, then make chase
>Let him escape
>Write in
>Write in
Pick up the magic sword Excalibur from Witch Queen Mazela and start chasing the remaining bandit down like a blood hound. Since the sword is magic you can also heal with the sword while you run regaining all of your lost HP.

>Write in
>Check up on anyone hurt and bandage yourself, see if we can interrogate where the bandits come from.
>Run after him immidiately
Can we get Joergen pursue the last bandit? He seems to have better dex.
>Can we get Joergen pursue the last bandit? He seems to have better dex.
I guess write it as a write-in? Make him pick up the sword, don't send him off without it !
>Run after him immediately
>Bandage first, then make chase
Im off to sleep, next post tomorrow
Vote is open until then
Rolled 9 (1d10)

Roll me some d10s
Rolled 3 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

>Run after immidiately
While Inindur is still wounded, the last bandit can not be allowed to escape right now. The consequences might be dire if he does
For half a second Inindur considers picking up the sword on the ground, but the bandit is wriggling around on top of it. While pushing him off would be easy, it would cost precious time.

Inindur takes chase!
Bandit roll: 9
Inindur roll: 3 + 4 (DEX) = 9
While Inindur sometimes stumble in the dark terrain, he manages to keep up with the bandit!

Through the adrenaline he still feels good and ready to sprint for a bit longer. The wound on his chest starts stinging more now than before as his body moves a lot.
Assessing the wound is currently not possible, as Inindurs eyes are fixed on the bandit, to make sure he does not miss him in the growing darkness.
The two of them running, Inindur can see a forrest fast approaching.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Continue pursuit at current pace.
>Push yourself harder to catch up.
>Stop and assess the damage yourself
>Write in
Cool formating I did there lmao
>Stop and assess the damage yourself
closing vote in 15ish minutes
>Push yourself harder to catch up.
Mazela is watching, we must make her proud
>>Stop and assess the damage yourself
>Continue pursuit at current pace.
If this bandit escapes, he'll get reinforcements
Changing my vote to this, we don't want to dissapoint Mazela
Rolled 6 (1d10)

Roll me some 1d10s

Since this decision might be important, I will let the vote run for another 10 minutes
I will count votes as either
and from there look at how Inindur either chases or stops
if tied, I will flip a coin
Rolled 1 (1d10)

Rolled 10 (1d10)

Rolled 2 (1d10)

Rolled 5 (1d10)

Rolled 8 (1d10)


Mazela for the win.
Inindur feels so close to catching up. As he sprints, he consider pushing himself just a little extra, to catch the bandit before he reaches the forrest.
Unfortunately he never got the chance to speed up nor keep his pace.
Inindur dice: 1 (crit) + 4 (DEX) = 5
Bandit dice: 6

Inindur trips and falls to the ground! -1hp

As Inindur lays there, he curses his luck. He didnt manage to catch himself falling, going face and chest into the ground. The wound stings like crazy now, he has to return and get the wound cleaned.

As he stands up, he can see the bandit run to the treeline. The bandit turns around to see if he is being followed. Inindur notices that, when he stood up, he, for some reason, managed to pick up another rock.

He does the same motion he did earlier, and throws it!
Inindur dice: 10 (crit) + 4 (DEX) = 14
Bandit dice: 6

Inindur is not sure wheather or not the rock hit. But then, a loud scream comes from the treeline. Surely enough, the rock struck true.

While dragging the bandit back to the village would be a good idea, Inindur feels exhausted from all the running and the beating he has taken.
How does Inindur proceed?
>Bring the bandit back
>Leave him there
>Rest for a bit first
>Write in
Goddamnit I butchered the formating again
Mazela curses YOU!

>Write in
Bring the bandit back AFTER you rest for a bit first

>>Bring the bandit back
The quicker the better.
>Bring the bandit back
Ending vote in 10-15ish minutes
>Bring bandit back
Inindur tries dragging the bandit back, but the bandits clothes keep getting stuck in the terrain. Inindur ends up carrying the bandit over his shoulder instead to speed things up.
After a painful journey back, Inindur falls over the moment he is back in the village. He feels someone dragging him away, before he passes out.

Delirious dreams haunt Inindur during his sleep.
What does he dream of?
>The pain in his chest
>Something about rocks
>The holy word, Bremas
>His friends and close ones
>Write in
>Write in
About his Queen Mazela and how he's sacrificing all of the bandit bodies in a blood magic ritual for her
>The holy word, Bremas
>The holy word, Bremas
Im going to sleep, might post tomorrow
Vote is open until I return
>The holy word, Bremas
>His friends and close ones
Can do a session today
>Holy Word
Inindur walks along a forrest of pillars made from pure light. The ground he threads on is darkness, grasping at his feet. Yet it cant hold him still, as Inindur continues walking. Up ahead there is a pedestal with an object of sorts.

Inindur did not manage to see what the object was, before he wakes up. Drenched from sweat, he sits up and examines his wound.
A nasty wound with an ugly scab is hidden beneath the bandages covering his chest. It itches, but Inindur knows better than to mess around with the wound.
A young woman enters the room with water, bandages and alcohol. She is surprised that Inindur is awake, it was not expected he would wake up for at least another couple days. She advises Inindur to stay in bed and recover completely.

How does Inindur proceed?
>No time for that, talk with Vaars about the bandits
>Remain in bed for another day
>Stay for as long as he is required
>Write in

Stat growth:
STR: + 0
DEX: + 6 (Hitting bandit melee +1, hitting bandit ranged (crit) +2, chasing bandit +1, hitting bandit ranged (crit) +2)
INT: + 2 (Improvising a weapon +1, delirious dreams +1)
CHA: + 0
>Stay for as long as he is required and tell the nurse to call for Vaars so you two can talk about the filthy scum that you call bandits

We need to heal lads, the journey to the Witches Forest will be long and hard
>Stay for as long as he is required and ask the nurse to get Vaars, so they can talk
But not because Inindur gives a shit about some fictitious "witch-queen."
But but but sir, the witches forest awaits. The voices in our head keep telling us that the queen awaits. Don't you want physic powers???
Ah I just thought of something. I would like add this to the write-in I already made.

>AND since you're already having to lay in bed for the next few days you might as tell the nurse to get you a book in order to deepen your knowledge of Renduus
>Stay, but call for Vaars
Inindur asks for Vaars, but the woman eplains that he is in deep meditation. He is expected to awaken from his trance-like meditation around the same time Inindur recovers from his wounds. She is unsure why Vaars is meditating like this, but she reassures Inindur that there surely is a good reason.
She offers to bring some personal belongings to him, if he would like. Since the room is small, she cant bring too many things.

What does Inindur request for?
>1: Some light training equipment
>2: An instrument
>3: A book (you may choose a topic)
>4: Just some alcohol
>5: Nothing, better keep the room uncluttered
>6: Write in

Later that same day Joergen comes by. He has been busy chopping trees to make palisades and makeshift barricades. The captured bandits have not yet been interrogated, since Vaars wants partake.
While conversing, Inindur finds out that, the way Joergen knows it, Vaars might actually be meditating for a week or longer.
Joergen is afraid not interrogating the bandits soon will be detrimental to the village. The bandits have could provide crucial information, like how many more bandits there are and how far their camp is.

The other villagers are willing to wait for Vaars, but Joergen is getting impatient. He cant stand the possibility that bandits attack and could pose a danger to his family. Since Inindur has gotten some status from training with Vaars, Joergen believes he could convince the villagers to start the interrogation early.

How does Inindur proceed?
>A: No, wait for Vaars no matter how long it takes
>B: Ask again in a couple days, Vaars might wake up in a day or two according to the young woman
>C: Fine, but I will take it easy while I recover
>D: Write in
>A book (Renduus)

>D: Write in
Investigate early, but tell them not to kill them by "accident" if things get heated. You on the other hand should stay in bed and if anything you can interrogate them from a distance by proposing questions to ask or interrogation techniques to use
>1: Some light training equipment
>3: A book (something religious that could explain what we saw or at least to do with the meaning behind dreams or legends)
To keep ourselves from taking it too easy.
>B: Ask again in a couple days, Vaars might wake up in a day or two according to the young woman
I have a feeling Vaars meditation might be important. Besides it's said good things come to those who wait.
Rolled 1, 2 = 3 (2d2)

First dice is for the numerical decision, second die is for letter decision
1: >>5980849
2: >>5980916

>Book, Renduus theme
>Ask in a couple days
Joergen agrees to wait a few days. Hopefully Inindur has recovered succesfully, and Vaars has woken up from his meditation.

Inindur spends most the time he is recovering with books. While he had an easy time grasping Bremas, he did not really comprehend the other holy words. For now, he reads a book about people achieving their goal through skills and dreams.
Inindur feels like he understands Renduus a little better, but it is still hard. With more reading and some training with Vaars, Inindur feels confident in achieving understanding.

Three days pass. Inindur has recovered, but Vaars is still not done with his meditating. Unfortunately, one of the bandits managed to escape! During the escape, the bandit wounded the guard, which is now recieving medical attention. The prisoner holding rooms have had their security increased by a lot, to prevent further incidents.
Several villagers, Joergen included, want to start the interrogation right away. Inindur has a feeling the bandits might get a very rough treatment after the events that have happened so far.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Have them wait a couple more days, surely Vaars is done by then
>Attempt to wake up Vaars, then start the interrogations
>Start the interrogations now
>Write in
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Noooo, you made the prisoner escape!!! MAZELA CURSES YOU!!!

>Write in
Start the interrogations now, make sure not to kill them even if things get heated. If you don't achieve anything in the interrogation then wait for Vaars rather than doing something stupid. But before the interrogation make a blood sacrifice of a goat to Mazela so the escaped prisoner falls into a big pit by accident and dies.
>Start the interrogations now
Vaars is a decent guy, he'll understand.
>Start the interrogations now

Sorry anon.
No worries, Mazela is very forgiving, you may continue !!! But no guys, you need to do a write-in so the people don't kill the prisoners while being interrogated! It's going to get messy !!!! MAZELA CURSES YOU!
Well I can support not killing the prisoners.
But, if you think about it, we could just offer them as blood sacrifices to Mazela if they don't want to talk. In order to make the fleeing prisoner have an "accident"
>Interrogate now
Things have gotten out of hand, and the villagers want information as soon as possible. Inindur agrees, the interrogations must begin now. Surely Vaars would understand, it is either interrogate now or risk more harm to the village.

An abandoned house has been converted to a makeshift prison. Each bandit has their own room, each of them with a haybed and a bucket in them. The windows are boarded, and there is a couple guards stationed inside and outside the building.

Since Vaars is meditating, many consider Inindur the most suited for conducting the interrogations, with Joergen closely behind. Joergen asks if he can come along for the interrogations, as he believes it would provide both safety and information faster.
Inindur is uncertain. Joergen has shown a passion for protecting the village and his family. Chances are he could hinder the interrogation in some way.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Let Joergen participate
>Let Joergen come along, but he must refrain from questioning
>Have Joergen interrogate some other bandit
>Write in
>Write in
Tell him to play good cop, bad cop, where he's the bad cop. But he can't hurt them too much
Going to sleep, might post tomorrow
Vote is open until I return
>Let Joergen participate
I am most likely able to do a session tomorrow
Vote remains open
>Let Joergen participate
Sorry for the long gap since last post. Had some irl things to do
I will write soon ish
>Let Joergen participate
Inindur and Joergen interrogates the bandit for a couple hours. When questioned, the bandit replies with insults, jokes about genitalia, and how ugly Inindur and Joergen is.
Joergen remains calm, but Inindur can sense how Joergen is waiting for a good moment to perform some violence.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Convince the bandit to give up information
>Intimidate the bandit
>Let Joergen do his thing
>Try a different method
>Write in

Roll me a d10 with your vote
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>Write in
Perform a blood ritual in front of the bandit, scare the living behesus out of him. Tell him he'll be next if he doesn't give you answers
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>Convince the bandit to give up information

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