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This is a Toriko fan quest, taking place after the manga/anime ended.

The world is in the Second Gourmet Age and you are Sterling Pister a student in his final year at Gourmet Hunter Academy.

Alright, your final assignment, which is necessary to graduate, is as you all you know the so called Graduation Full Course. This means that you need to come up with and hunt a full course meal using the ingredients available to this school. As a reminder anyone who successfully captures an ingredient with a Capture Level of 3 will be injected with gourmet cells, though I only recommend doing this if you're confident in your abilities. [/green.]

The moment your teacher is done with his speech you look at the form on your desk. There are of course eight courses in a full course menu and you had a good idea of what you wanted to go for, but the highest capture level is 2. Even your Main Course has a Capture Level of 1.

You have no doubt that your planned full course menu is good enough to let you graduate as is but should you keep it or try to go for the Gourmet cells? Of course as Gourmet Hunter you will get Gourmet Cells eventually just by eating delicious food but that way it can take a while. As you think it over you decide to at least fill in what you're already sure of.

*Hors d'Oeuvre: Almond Cabbage (CL less than 1)
*Soup: Rock River Soup (CL 1)
*Fish Dish: Garlick Crab (CL 2)
*Meat Dish: Bacon Leaves (CL 2)
*Main Course:
*Salad: Golden Carrots ( CL less than 1)
*Dessert: Cakeshroom (Cl less than 1)
*Drink: Stalactite Milk (CL 1)

What should you do for your main course?
> Original choice: Barbecue Pig (CL 1)
> Change it: Winged Buffalo (CL3)
>> Change it: Winged Buffalo (CL3)
Based Toriko enjoyer.

> Change it: Winged Buffalo (CL3)

Well as they say no guts no glory, at level 3 the Winged Buffalo might be too much to handle with conventional weapons but you have been trained to hunt animals like that and besides the taste is said to be worth the risk.

Having filled in your "Full course" form you get up and deliver it to the teacher's desk.

[Green]"Done already?"[/Green]

[Red] Yes, sir."[/Red]

He looks it over before giving his opinion, without giving away any of your choices. You wonder why he is being so vague but figure it's to prevent anyone unscrupulous from just stealing your ingredients and present them as their own.

[Green]"Not bad, not bad at all. The Fish Dish is the highest quality out of the entire bunch even if it isn't the most difficult to get. You are taking some risk with your Main Course but the fact that some of your ingredients are below 1 shows you're not just recklessly going for whatever is most dangerous. Finally your dessert and drink go very well together. Good luck."[/Green]

You exit the classroom, but before you leave the building to go to the hunting grounds you decide to check on your equipment one last time

Double vote.

What is your equipment?
> Fragrance Gauntlet. A special gauntlet that release fragrances that can affect wild animals in different way.
Comes with Super Deodorant Smoke: A fragrance that can erase the scent of the user and those nearby.

> Knocking Gun. The standard and most common Knocking Gun. It fires two needles at once into the target's body and if the right nerves are hit, it can knock out a beast instantly.

> Fragrance Gauntlet and Knocking Gun: You can use both these tools but aren't as skilled as you could be if you specialized in just one.

> Nothing: You rely on just your physical skill to hunt.

And where wil you start hunting?

> Black Grass Plains, here you can find The Winged Buffalo.

> The Bread Basket, here you can find Almond Cabbage, Bacon Leaf and Golden Carrots.

> The Rock River, here you can find Garlick Crab and Rock River Soup.

> Lemonstone Cave, here you can find Stalactite milk and cakeshrooms
>Fragrance Gauntlet. A special gauntlet that release fragrances that can affect wild animals in different way.
Animal tamer!
>Lemonstone Cave, here you can find Stalactite milk and cakeshrooms
Sounds delicious
> Nothing: You rely on just your physical skill to hunt.

And where wil you start hunting?
> Lemonstone Cave, here you can find Stalactite milk and cakeshrooms
> Fragrance Gauntlet. A special gauntlet that release fragrances that can affect wild animals in different way.
>Black Grass Plains, here you can find The Winged Buffalo.
Let's do the hardest one first!

Your Fragrance Gauntlet looks to be in good order, you attach it to your left arm while heading to the Lemonstone Caves. Lemonstones come in three variations and a pebble is enough to turn a pitcher of water into either yellow, pink or hard lemonade, though the last one wasn't used when making the artificial caves, since the Gourmet Hunter Academy is still a school with underage students. Despite the name not every part of the cave has Lemonstone in it, which is good for you cause otherwise the Milk Stalactites and Cakeshrooms wouldn't be found hard there.

As you arrive at the entrance of the caves you notice that most of the mining helmets are still there, even better news. With the caves mostly empty you can be sure that the Scorpion Bats won't be disturbed.

After putting on one of the helmets you enter the cave and start looking for your drink and dessert

>Roll me one 1d20, BO3. Feel free to reroll if needed after an appropriate amount of time.
Rolled 12 (1d20)

Mazela grant me LUCK!
Rolled 11 (1d20)

Time to EAT
Rolled 16 (1d20)


A few seconds after entering the caves you remember you need an empty milk bottle, and turn back to grab one from a nearby case of them.

As expected you find a Milk Stalactite without issue and after a quick check of the surrounding area you confirm there is no Lemonstone nearby to "contaminate" the milk. You place the empty bottle below it and decide to look nearby for Cakeshrooms as the bottle slowly fills.

It doesn't take you much longer to find what you're looking for and after gently prodding the mushroom to see if it's ripe, you confirm it has the texture of spongecake. After pulling the cap off you notice a second smaller Cakeshroom nearby. Deciding you might as well have snack while waiting on the milk you remove it's cap too and eat it. It tastes just like store bought cake but with the benefit that it's much healthier.

After you finish your snack the bottle is just filled enough for a single glass of stalactite milk so you take it and leave the Lemonstone Caves, having collected two ingredients without any issue.

[Blue]"Two down, six to go."[/Blue]

Where will you go next:
> Black Grass Plains, here you can find The Winged Buffalo.

> The Bread Basket, here you can find Almond Cabbage, Bacon Leaf and Golden Carrots.

> The Rock River, here you can find Garlick Crab and Rock River Soup.

And roll me Roll me one 1d20, BO3 to see how it goes
Rolled 13 (1d20)

>> The Bread Basket, here you can find Almond Cabbage, Bacon Leaf and Golden Carrots.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>The Bread Basket, here you can find Almond Cabbage, Bacon Leaf and Golden Carrots.
Rolled 2 (1d20)

The Bread Basket, here you can find Almond Cabbage, Bacon Leaf and Golden Carrots.
>The Bread Basket, here you can find Almond Cabbage, Bacon Leaf and Golden Carrots.
>The Bread Basket, here you can find Almond Cabbage, Bacon Leaf and Golden Carrots.
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You decide to head to the Breadbasket next and have the misfortune of entering at the same time as several of your classmates. The group ends up attracting the Gourmet Hunter in charge of the Breadbasket, and probably the least liked member of the school's staff, Zongeh. What is worse you all know for a fact the braggart could easily beat all of you.

"Oh great, Sanguellia noticed us."

You honestly don't know where the habit of calling Zongeh by obviously wrong names started but it has become sone kind of school tradition.

"Who the hell is Sanguellia?! It's Zongeh, Zongeh."

As always he quickly calms down after his outburst at being called a wrong name and he arrives at the wrong conclusion as to why you have come here. You highly suspect he is the only person in the academy who doesn't realize the final exam is going on.

"Did you come here to train under me? Perfectly understandable! In fact I have raised all my stats since..."

You tune him out as you have heard it all before and it's easier to let him finish before explaining what is going on. Unfortunately the other students take the opportunity to sneak off and get a head start while you are left to deal with him

"Actually Zongeh, we are on a ..fetchquest that we can't accept help on."

You explain your reason for having come to the Breadbasket in terms that he not only understands but also allows you to refuse his "help" in a way that shouldn't result in him bragging about knowing Toriko or having an ingredient with a capture level of 8 in his Lifetime Full Course.

"Oh right, I knew that."

What will you go after first?
>Almond cabbage
>Bacon Leaves
>Golden Carrots
Sorry I meant to link to
>Bacon Leaves
>>Bacon Leaves
>Bacon Leaves
>Bacon Leaves
>Bacon Leaves

You decide to get the Bacon Leaves first, figuring that they are probably the most popular of the three ingredients you are here. Looking for a bush you come across a field of Clovergers, a special type of clover with the form of a hamburger; having two bread leaves, one cheese leaf and one patty leaf. One of your classmates seems to be carefully inspecting them, no doubt looking for a perfectly ripe one.

"Good luck!"

Thanks, you too.

It doesn't take you much longer to find a bacon bush. but while there are enough leaves left for your purposes taking them all would leave the bush barren and almost certainly kill it.

>Do you
>take the bacon leaves?
>look for another bush and risk someone else taking these leaves?
>look for another bush and risk someone else taking these leaves?
Its the right thing to do
Someone else is likely to take the leaves and kill it anyway, but we probably being watched so eh.
>look for another bush and risk someone else taking these leaves?
>look for another bush and risk someone else taking these leaves?

You decide not to kill the bacon bush, not when you still can find the leaves elsewhere. You walk around for about 45 minutes coming among more edible planta and animals. Eventually you find yourself at the edge of one of the Golden Wheat fields which give the Bread Basket its name.

As you push some of the stalks to the side you come across the half eaten body of an Axis deer mouse, named for the fact that it's a deer mouse the size of an actual deer with meat that tastes like venison. You immediately freeze, realizing you must be in the territory of the Bread Basket's most dangerous predator as there are no other animals capable of taking down a full grown Axis deer mouse.

As you slowly look around you don't see any sign of nearby Black Wolves but that doesn't say much. They aren't as strong as Winged Buffalo but they are much smarter and work together well, in fact a single adult Black Wolf has a Capture Level between 2 and 3 but in a pack of three more the level of each individual increases to 4.

What will you do?
> Quickly but calmly leave and look elsewhere.
> Keep looking around the Wheatfield.
> Use the Super Deodorant Smoke to hide your scent and keep looking.
> Use the Super Deodorant Smoke to hide your scent and keep looking.
> Use the Super Deodorant Smoke to hide your scent and keep looking.
> Use the Super Deodorant Smoke to hide your scent and keep looking.
>Use the Super Deodorant Smoke to hide your scent and keep looking.
>Use the Super Deodorant Smoke to hide your scent and keep looking.

You decide you want to keep looking where you are and since you doubt that your Super Deodorant Smoke wouldn't be useful on an open plain you might use as well use it here. After once again checking your surroundings for any sign that there are already Black Wolves nearby just in case, you spray yourself. You successfully cover your entire body in smoke, using it up in it's entirety.

Constantly keeping your guard up means you're moving a lot slower than normal and there are several times you nearly freak out because you think you see or hear something but in the end nothing happens.

Having stayed close to the edge of the wheatfield you successfully find several Baconbushes growing near each other, giving you more than enough Bacon Leaves. However not long after harvesting the leaves you spot a single Black Wolf Cub in the distance, it seems to be hiding from you in the wheat. Your first thought is that is abandoned and that you should help it. Before you do so you realize it might also be a trap of some kind, set up by the cub's parents. On the other hand Black Wolves are said to be smart enough to recognize and sometimes return acts of kindness depending on their mood.

What do you do?
> Throw some Bacon Leaves towards the cub.
> Ignore it.
> Scare if off.
> Throw a rock at it.

Whatever you choose roll me 1d20, BO3
Rolled 2 (1d20)

>Throw some Bacon Leaves towards the cub.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

> Throw some Bacon Leaves towards the cub.
>Abduct it
Pet wolf GETS
>Abduct it
YEA YEA YEA, let's call him Snuffles, he'll be our new partner in crime!!! Let's do it!!!!
Rolled 11 (1d20)

>Throw some Bacon Leaves towards the cub.
Man, so far you're avoiding all combat encounters. First by going to the caves first and avoiding students going in deeper and disturbing the scorpionbats, then by doing the sensible thing and using your Super Deodorant Smoke. The first bacon bush was more of a personality defining choice, which unlocked the feeding option here which you absolutely crushed. That said you will run into an unavoidable fight soon.

Despite knowing it might be a trap you can't leave the poor thing to die. Careful not to get too close you remove a few more Bacon Leaves and throw them towards the cub. It eyes you a bit before going after the offered meat, first smelling it and being strangely unfamiliar with something that should be part of its diet.

Soon enough though it chomps it down with gusto though it looks like it has some issue with tearing pieces off. Once its done eating instead of running away it slowly walks towards you, occasionally stopping to sniff the air and holding its head sideways seemingly confused as to why it can barely smell you.

Eventually it comes close enough that you can touch it and by now you're convinced that it isn't a trap as the parents would have reacted by now. You stretch your hand out to pet, making sure it can see what you're doing.

"Hey buddy."

Seeing no sign of aggression you pet the cub's head and aren't surprised when it follows you as you head off in search of your next ingredient.

Double vote time
What is your next target?
> The Golden Carrots.
> Almond Cabbage.

>Also write in the name of your first partner.
> The Golden Carrots.
>> The Golden Carrots.
>The Golden Carrots.
Looks like a fun quest, QM! Will be reading this with interest.

Cute doggo. I suppose since the parent wolves aren't chasing after it, this one is was indeed abandoned.

>The Golden Carrots.
Soot. Like black, dirty fur, I guess.
>The Golden Carrots.
>> Almond Cabbage.
Toriko quest? LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO!!!!!
Rolled 2 (1d5)

Rolling for name and writing
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Oh god no, Gordon... Why did it have to be Gordon
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Confident that his parents must have abandoned him or that something happened to them you decide to take the wolf cub with you, luckily adopting animals as pets/partners is allowed even if he is a bit too young to help in any battles.

After thinking you decide to name the little guy Gordon, after one of the best chefs in the world.

"How do you like the name Gordon, buddy?"

Of course Gordon has no clue what you're talking about but he does follow you as you take a few steps. Pretty soon you come across what must be the edge of his packs territory as he suddenly stops walking.

"It's okay, nothing is gonna hurt you."

You stretch your hand out and wait patiently, Gordon sniffs it a few times before reluctantly following you.

Moving on you spot the Cloverger field from before in the distance and notice there is a group of people standing in it. Figuring they must be your classmate you pay it no further mind and keep looking for any sign of Golden Carrots or Almond Cabbages.

It doesn't take you long to find a whole field of carrot tops, and pick one to see if it's what you're looking for. Having confirmed these are indeed Golden Carrots you pluck enough for your meal, leaving you to only find the Almond Cabbages before moving on the next area?

Where will you look for them?
> Back at the entrance
> Near the Cloverger field
> Even deeper into the Breadbasket
>Even deeper into the Breadbasket

Sacrifice Gordon and offer him to the Witch Queen Mazela so we easily find the last ingredient and GTFO
> Back at the entrance
Almond cabbage should be easy to find
>The chef
Oh. Okay, I see what you're going for it now, I dig it.

>Witch Queen Mazela
Top fucking kek, scourge of the /qtg/, right there

>Back at the entrance
>Back at the entrance
Fuck off faggot

> Back at the entrance
> Back at the entrance
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Maybe I should have made it a bit clearer but this is literally the reason I introduced Zongeh, Almond Cabbages are one of his favorite foods.

You decide to look back at the entrance for Almond Cabbage. You walk a bit slower than normal so that Gordon can keep up with you, but for how short his legs are he does a pretty good job. Eventually you see the door you entered through and begin looking. You find many different plants including Ketchulips, Gratin Flowers and Bonito Bushes but you don't spot any Almond Cabbages. At one point you think you see one but it turns out to be a Snack Sangchu Lettuce instead.

Seeing how tired Gordon is you decide to take a break and figure you might as well grab some lunch while resting and pluck a Turkey Fruit since it is easily big enough for you and Gordon. It tastes just like a juicy fried turkey, as its name suggests.

During your meal Zongeh walks by again, since he usually just hangs near the entrance away from the Black Wolves.

"How is your quest going?"

"Well I've found two of the three ingredients I wanted but I have no luck finding Almond Cabbage."

"I had the last near the entrance for lunch. But this is clearly a flag so something is bound to happen to move things along"

By pure coincidence just as he is one talking Gordon flattened his ears and turned around barking. As you look to see what is going on you spot the figures you saw at the Cloverger field rushing towards the entrance with amazing and realize you recognize none of them and that most seem to be old to be students.

'Should we deal with them?"

"Remember no killing, we're just here to steal that and don't need the extra attention."

"Aww that is no fun."

Two of the figures stop, one of them blocking Zongeh's ax with a potlid while the other looks more around your age and gives you and points at you with his index finger, clearly beckoning you by moving it back and forth like a hook.

What do you do?
> Ignore him and run
> Try to fight
> Shout that there are intruders

No matter what give me 1d20, Bo3
Rolled 9 (1d20)

> Try to fight
Rolled 15 (1d20)

> Try to fight

Let's back up Zongeh-- he already seems to be engaging one of the bandits (?) with his axe, so we might as well.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

> Try to fight
Gas them with pepper spray
>> Shout that there are intruders
They said they don't want attention, give it to them.
> Try to fight
Nice finally some blood sacrifices for Mazela
i want to believe
He's dead Jim
Taken behind the shed and shot with a shotgun. RIP Headchef

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