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You float about the void, a wasted carcass of white flesh and bleached bones. A slug relentlessly clutches to your remains as you bare yourself to the motherly embrace of the cold black nothing.

You’re submerged in the loving abyss, the parasite your only tether. This is your birthright, revel in it. Feel.

You feel
You are

> Alone

You are being WATCHED

You felt it,weaved it into being, you float in front of indomitable perception. The full presence of the gazing bastard moon, sinking in the ink of god, as you rotate slowly in place towards its all mighty view you realize you’ve revealed the unseen and for your efforts have had your own eyes opened.

They bulge beneath the wilting skin on your face and gift you sights of the almighty, the eye of the infallible god waiting in the depths of his domain for you.

Endless warmths and sensations nip at your deadened nerve endings, an infinite embrace ensnaring you as you continue to stare. Slowly pulled further and further into ever reaching orbit.
The mortal body buckles under the influence of the divine, sensations course through your body and your blood begins to slow within your veins, hardening with each passing moment.

The colossal “slug” wrapped around your nethers ceases its feeding, a leech’s mouth releasing its teeth from your side now that your blood is slowly hardening into sludge and its meal is coming to an end. The creature pulses its eye stalks at you, waving its body, it squelches and spits the remains of your crimson out into the void. You begin to hear its voice as if it were your own.

“Blood man no”

It calls

“go bloodman. Away” wretched snail. Thieving for your essence.

The moon’s holy embrace grows closer to your meager body, divinity awaits.


>Listen to the bloodsucker
>Listen to the bloodsucker
The snail is Mazelas pet, we must listen to it or be eternally cursed

Why listen to the words of a leech?
Ok, I hate to agree with this faggot, but I'm seeing this as a choice between unity/rejoining the collective consciousness vs separation/maintaining individuation from the rest of the universe (albeit with a demon/negative vibrational parasite attached)
>Turn from the Moon's Embrace
(he prolly a crip & we a bloodman)


You take the weakling within your arms and cradle it gently as you both near the iris, it grows heavier with each moment, a weight binding you to this world, becoming more and more unbearable as your wasting vessel begins to disintegrate into nothing within the moon’s presence.

It sobs gently, heaving up and down beneath your fingers.


You drive your nails deep into the beast’s sides, plunging and tearing and ripping through. Its wails and screams elude you as the buzzing of the bastard moon fill the pits within the side of your skull

You fling the squalid earthly thing into the void

You are now loose
The moon awaits
An open eye opens, its pupil splitting at an open seam down the middle, incandescent light pours forth.


Buzzing absorbs your senses
Light warps and bends
Your bones wilt within its might


It pulls you forward, the matter within your brain pulses and twitches madly to the tunes of an all ringing chorus as you’re pulled into an invisible tender grasp, dragging you down.

You’re being pulled further in
The hearts of billions opening for you and you alone, to welcome you into the greater whole. All voices of longing and pleasantry


Your family


Unclean thoughts are singed and scrubbed free from you, but dark influences call from the depths behind you even as the body dissipates and your spirit boils out from your pores. Older voices beneath the sing songing of the beloved, whispering heresies, making offers. Their spiraling tones swim about the last vestiges of your organs


This is your last chance

>Join divinity

>Try to leave

>Listen to the spurned voices
>Join divinity
>Try to leave
We must get back to Mazela!
>Listen to the spurned voices
I uhh... Can we get a second opinion?
>>Join divinity

The voices within your rotting innards tangle and unscramble themselves as you focus your attention unto them. Away from the moon’s light. Whimpers and laughs of carnal sin rip and echo through your mind as you try to hone in on the gnashing calls bleating your name.

You are committing sin, even humoring the dark voices buried deep within the moon’s aura is a cardinal offense and even worse you have indulged in uncertainty. You have doubted the moon, you have doubted yourself, you are questioning your beliefs and the ways of the world now that you’ve reached the mountain’s crest.

This sin acts as a beacon, you’ve invited the voices in, you will humor them and lend an eager ear now that you have second doubts and they will flock to you. Millenia damned pastors issuing long silenced cries to their first audience in lifetimes.

The darkness behind you rattles and croaks and rustles, bubbling and shuffling and rotating as you hover in front of the moon.

“Vessel. Hear me”

You turn your gaze towards the rattling sounds and away from the colossal pupil’s ever glow.

“Incongruous vessel of bone and clay. Thou art one of many in a grand and horrendous line. A single link within an infinite binding. A monument to arrogance. Divine agony”

The darkness of the void continues to shimmer and distort as two limbs spring forth, descending upon the bleeding and writhing ruins of the groin slug like a rabid animal.

Melodic chimes of clashing metal ring out. Chains.

“mortal dreamer. I am a vassal scorned. Cast from moonlight for the truths I possess. I can free you from your fate, enlighten you to a world anew, reveal all that was hidden from you. I am Vhal Lumen. The path to your true divinity”

The lumen feasts upon the slug, ravenous eating sounds from the black beneath its voice as it talks directly into you.

“I only ask that you take my hand in trust, and swear fealty unto me.”

You stay within the light, within safety it’s too late to flee now. The dark is writhe and alerted. The lord scorned can’t approach you here. You lie between your two options, the indomitable eternal glow and the spurned voices of the infinite black.

>Step beyond the veil and pledge yourself to the lumen

>Await other voices

>Ask the Lumen a question of your own, write in

>Head into the light
>Await other voices
We must await for the voice of queen Mazela!
>>Step beyond the veil and pledge yourself to the lumen
>Await other voices
>Ask the Lumen from whence we came before being awoken to the Moon
>>Head into the light

You stew within the void, awaiting the arrival of others as the lumen hunches in front of you out of site, gorging itself on the groin slug. You’re naturally hesitant to accept its offer, the grand promises spoken along the rattling of a blasphemer’s chains. Your faith in the moon’s promises of divinity may be wavering, enough to compel you to sin, but to willingly place yourself into the hands of the being, to enter a pact with it without truly knowing why. You won’t, not now, another voice of sin needs to speak their claim.

Yet for now only the lumen remains, rattling its bindings.

“Perhaps you wish to know more. Though there is only so much I can part with,vessel.”

Within the silence you ask the lumen of your origins, what happened before you awoke before the moon, where you were.

“A vessel proved thyself exemplary. Seldom few part the tower whole. Fewer gain audience. But thy meager being remains together still. Even after all has been taken.”

It continues its brine soaked feast, dining upon the last of the pallid morsel, the stench of its ichor permeating throughout the nothing. The tether serves its purpose still even in death. The pungent scent bolsters the ravenous howls of the voices within the black, causing one of the shimmering forms along the veil’s edge to come forward and towards the light. Granting you audience.

A misshapen body of ivory skin sculpts itself before you, ribbons of sinew and clumps of muscle molding into a vaguely familiar shape.

the limbless approximation exudes a strange aura, you feel pangs of its influence even this far from its reach. Docility, deep enveloping sleep, suffocating calm. It merely nips at you now within the moonlight’s cover. Hummed lullabies sing, her name appears to you. Home.

“Listen not to the Lumen, sweet foundling. Neither he nor the moon will sully you now for I have come for you, to save you. You’ve come so far my love, through pain and loss. Your ambitions have hurt you so, cast them aside so I many relieve you. So I may bring you deep into my warmth and carry you away.”

An infinitely familiar voice smiling into the recesses of your spirit. Its words
intend to nestle deep. You feel as if you’ve known it, home, for far longer than now.

“You shall not find the divinity you sought.” She croons “As subjugation ill befits you. Your divinity shall carry through legacy. Through matrimony. Come forth.”

The lumen watches you expectantly, though you remain undecided as a voice slithers through you, stirring within.
Another shape appears, a body ensnared in strands of chitin sat in front of an Indiscernible mass. It reeks of an alien scent, unworldly.

“They seek to entrap you, kin. To bleed you of your agency. Leave the fools amongst themselves in this pit, and I will set you on the path. True divinity is gained through lordship, through the self, and you will conquer all as you see fit. You can abandon this world, and flee into mine. There you will find your true home in my paradise, under the boundless freedom of the dark sea, there you will rise to your potential and take the throne, do as you wish, and provide the waters with your nourishment as king.”

Thousands of voices dictate through the body’s agape mouth, the stenches of death mired in that of what must be “sea” are unbearable. What is sea?

The silent mass behind it slightly retreats into the darkness, the loose hanging body drifting along with it.
The lumen grows bored of this, and seeks to end things before more are drawn near. It presents a final ultimatum.

“perhaps my purpose eludes thee. Only beneath my tutelage will existence serve our whims. Thou will receive mastery of all unending, and I shall reap freedom’s boons. Together we shall cut a new path from lunar skin and unleash majesty upon all. I only require your servitude.”
The three blasphemers await your decision, eagerly watching from the dark. Four avenues to divinity present themselves.

>The Lumen.

The Lumen promises an alliance against the divine bastard moon, revenge for its imprisonment. Yet you know nothing of why. You will enter a pact, freeing the beast and tethering it to you, offering undying allegiance in exchange for a divine ally and the knowledge it possesses, should it uphold its end of the bargain.



Home speaks of legacy and lineages as opposed to godhood, it promises to carry you far away from the holds of the void and embrace you forever, to rescue you. As long as you give up the prospect of ascension.

It is the only pleasantness you can recall ever encountering.

in accepting its offer of matrimony you will become a “consort” whatever that role entails, and home will be free to take you away from the moon’s influence.


>The body

The strange being spoke of a land beyond the void, the dark sea, promising it to be the opposite to every rule and convention your mind possesses yet everything you desire all the same. A land of constant strife and freedom, the chaotic nature of everything as opposed to the tranquil of nothing. The body spoke of ascension through lordship, mantling greatness by easily assuming a throne, and reigning over this other world.


Despite making contact with the heretics you have little understanding of the moon’s transgressions, its actions, its history. yet you still have a deeply ingrained reverence and adoration for it, the natural instinct to veer from sin, eternal gratitude for everything it has seemingly offered you. The chance to enter its graces and become a part of something higher.

>inquire with one of the heretics, time seems far from finite. Write in
>Why is the Bastard Moon called such? What has it done? Answer me this and I will choose

Extremely interesting stuff, seems like some NDEs & TES lore might be influences.
Incredibly evocative and fascinating.

Let us be curious. We have time, ample time.
You wish to know of the moon’s namesake, its history. You refuse to make your choice until you are given answers, you await their responses.

The carved form of home speaks first, compassion soaked melodies and smells of sweet wet earth. Your body involuntarily hums in place, muscles pulse and spasm to accordance to her speech. She talks to you gently, as if telling a secret to a child.

“though the world claims deafness, I yet hear the moon weep. An unwanted child of old, of ill conceptions, abandoned by its mother and spurned by its father. cast into this unforgiving plane. I wish it not upon anyone. rumor of cruelty smells of deceit, I see no harm within him. Only a wounded babe acting within its nature. A champion to the forsaken and abandoned seeds, the patron of all misbegotten, offering the nurture he could not receive. I have been cast from him for I see this truth, if you wish to bathe in moonlight I shall not stop you. But what burden is heavier than the responsibilities of divinity? You must not worry over such things.”

The scattered visage of the lumen distorts amongst the visible light at the words of Hope, making its discontent known through warbling growls. Yet it holds its tongue.

The ocean sovereign follows next, water logged croaks and chitterlings a thousand fold clutched within his rotting throat.

“Kin, what hasn’t he done to gain the name. Penance and agony a millennia fold, infinite souls cowering beneath the line and buckling against the weight of god’s will. Heed this lesson kin, you don’t harvest that much skin, bind that many chains, and forsake that many young without claiming a few curses to your name. Unification, conquest, it creates its share of detractors, generations lost pry foul utterings from the survivors’ tongues. It’s only natural.

Yet in his infinite domination, his gluttony unparalleled, the lord sought to conquer his own namesake, tearing the curse away from the downtrodden hordes. Embraced it, sanctified it, becoming the one and only bastard, and doing it proudly.

It’d be something to admire had he not scattered me to time, crushed me among the hordes in his grand subjugation. A foul one to the end if you ask me.”

The lumen grows ever more exhausted, the rich aromas of the slug’s wine stain its tongue.
The lumen grumbles and speaks

“The matron weaves reality to her liking and the earthly monarch clouds his recollections with rumor and bitterness, the title eludes any origin yet carries a potential many. All claim a differing answer, miring history in falsehoods. The white son has worn the name of bastard since its arrival, childhood nor matters of curse and mortality play any role. But If speculation is sought, then I shall humor thee.

Within its grand and arching history of expansion, the bastard deviated from his purpose. Bending against an order of its own in a time now forgotten, the perpetrator exudes the image of omnipotent, unconquerable. Yet it stood once where we do now, and mantled its former masters place, bastardizing its role as the lesser. And becoming the greater.

Yet truly vessel, I know not. I merely dream, as do you”

They have all presented their answer, your choices remain the same

>The body
>The Lumen
>The Moon
>Inquire yet again, write in
>The Lumen
Home wants us a docile slave, The body demands we make ourselves a king by his dogma, and the Bastard Moon would see our sense of self eradicated. Vhal Lumen alone is honest. He desires that we serve and promises power in exchange. Compared to the other three? That is enough. No foundation can be built that is not laid down on trust.
At least he's an honest asshole
The only way to truly reach divinity is through the union of the feminine & masculine
Waifu will save us
Better then being a servant and going into a crack den
Oh my god we are going to actually end up being a simp, the tits won
>The Lumen

It’s not really about tits for me she said she wants to keep us safe and she’s nice.

right now we’re kinda pooched and I’d rather live w her than be a slave right now I don’t see any downsides. There’s nothing stopping us from being in control and married at the same time is there?
Anon...these are fucked up demons from the abyss, we're not in control no matter who we go with. Lumen straight up tells us he wants our servitude, the Moon wants to subsume us and Home want us to renounce ascension altogether, something we literally set out to get apparently, to be one of her consorts. She's literally a god damn honey trap I'm not sure how you don't see that. We'll still be slave, just under a thin veneer of comfort and love. Notice how both Body and Home tell us that the others want to take away our agency but Lumen doesn't even deny it or pretend to ask anything but that.

This is a choose your poison situation and I'd rather be with an honest asshole than somebody who will smother us into docility.
Rolled 19 (1d20)

>Kill them all
Weird I had a dream about gang violence
this man is our only hope don’t let the hometards prevail
home is easily the worst option im not a cuck
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Vote ends within five hours, then the answer is locked in. So far:




>1 post by this ID
t. 1 post by this id
Fuck this, coomers really do ruin everything
Homecels genuinely what is your thought process?
Seems like it's either samefagging or anons would still flock to a honeytrap even if their life was endangered
Because fuck vote beggars going to /qtg/ to ask for votes to their preferred choice. Roll with the punches or skip the quest if you don't like the choices made.
I'd be less annoyed about it if it wasn't obvious that there was samefaggotry going on anon, probably for both sides actually. Fucking tragic for a quest to start like this.wg4ata
I get being annoyed by samefagging too, don't get me wrong, but I guess I just find begging for votes more frustrating. It's like a /qst/ localized version of those people who come into /qst/ asking for people to dox a person because of poor or faked reasons, at least to me.
I can see where you're coming from, though personally I guess just don't want to see yet another quest fucked by coomer tendencies and samefagging, especially not a cool drawquest like this one. We're literally being told to set aside all ambitions to go with the first woman we see and anons just go straight for it like moths to a flame. I sincerely hope it's not gonna suck as much as I think it will.
If they're all blasphemers in our eyes, then we can't at all be certain that there truly is an "honest" voice, sure they can be upfront, but they all want something from us for a reason.

If Home were to hold up to her end of the deal, she mentioned almost zealously protecting us and treating us as consorts, which usually means equals, yet, her exuding aura and fraternization Is almost pitiful in tone, which makes the claim dubious.

Lumen seems a bit too un bothered to get us on his good side and we're one of many that cross this path so already we maybe are expendable to him in that sense. He said we would progress together yet he demands servitude instead and promises no safety whatsoever, which would be In line with his bluntness.

Body is just pure make believe so he's out of the question.
Ultimately though it's hard to say no to the gentleness of our probable benefactor wether it be poisoned or not. So.
Actually add something,
>Inquire yet again; To Home. Ask her what consort implies for the both of us and if she has an idea of where will we escape to
Would be good to at least get an outlook on what she really meant if she'd be so kind to spell it out
Better a happy simp than a sad vagrant
>The Moon
Don't trust any of these new guys.
Vote locks in shortly, taking time to read and tally. But right now I’ll be taking advantage of this window between updates.

I’m currently debating whether or not to prune suspicious one ip’d votes before the lock in on this current vote due to the sudden influx of quick single postings.

Regardless after the next update and from now on non backlinked 1ip posts will simply be disregarded, a trip will also suffice.

The discussion regarding the options is greatly appreciated, and I’m surprised to see this much investment so early. Even if it’s caused it’s share of discourse.
All of my votes. I can only assume the QM is stumped by the sudden cascade of samefagging, so everyone link back all your votes in order. This is far too interesting a qst to die off due to blatant bullshit among the voters.
Those are my votes. I know I voted for EMBRACE THE MOON in the beginning but I don't remember which was me
Hope this ain't dead really wanted to see where it would end up.
Samefags ruin all the good qsts
Please, continue.
You raise your voice and exclaim that you will be going with Home.

The Lumen wears a begrudging expression after which he groans and utters

“Hmph. Suit yourself, you ignorant fool. All mortals are the same. Enjoy thy unfulfilling matrimony, you sorry excuse for a vessel.”

The body reacts as well, its haunting thousand voices all filled with disappointment in your choice.
“May you be forever trapped in the endless suffering that is this realm then.”

They both disappear into the darkness of the abyss seemingly consumed by it or perhaps simply returning to it.

The Ivory sculpture seems taken aback at your choice. Her soothing voice once again blesses your ears and an overwhelming sense of calm fills you as she speaks in her mesmerizing voice.

“oh, my love, i’m so glad to hear, for you to be willing to be mine, your legacy shall be etched into the upper echelons of the world...” Her voice quivers as the soothing presence grows stronger, nearly making you lose consciousness.

“come forth, let me take over your burdens, your guilt, your body. so we may both act as one together…”
You’re about to fall into a slumber, but refuse and shake the feeling off, clearly Home is meddling with you actively, making you submissive and breedable. You have your own will and will not fall to her enforced bewitchment.

You demand her to stop her overpowering presence.

Her face tilts down. “then… then how will you ever love me.” the presence still lingers.

You grab her by the shoulders. Telling her you chose her for a reason. Being that you believed in her out of everyone that tried to entice you with wicked charms of divinity and delusions of grandeur.

You can’t read any explicit expression from her but you can feel her shock by your sudden words and movements. “do you… do you mean it, love? i’ve been here for eons… awaiting.. i- just wanted to comfort you in the sweet bliss that i never had.”

You tell her that won’t be necessary, for you have put your faith in her as she has in you. You kneel down to her and ask her to finish the pact, the sweet earthy smell of her accompanying you on your way down.

“so be it then… we will engage in matrimony.” proverbial chains can be felt inside your heart and throughout your body, you and Home are now consorts.

“it is done pookie. we have spiritually merged as one.”

You nod at her with a fullfilling smile.
“let us leave this place once and for all then.” she softly says.

“consort. grab my bosom” she bluntly says in an utmost serious tone, unusual of her. Estranged as you may be, you comply.

As you squish her bosom you both suddenly start propelling into a blinding light flying together for what feels like an eternity.

Somehow you both end up talking about how it’d be pretty stupid to pretend to be something you’re not in a system where the only verification for it is honor.



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