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Moon in prominence: ~~ 17th day of Rumina's last cycle
Orbital partition: ~~~~~~ exiting Volupta's last squadron
Epoch: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ yuga of Soranos

Location: ~~~~~~~~~~~ celestial body Providentia


start group listing...

... listing...

Identificatum: Ulrike 'The Chaste' Van Der Bij, batavian woman-at-arms

Status: known foreign life form, PARTICIPANT

Blessings of the Mother: polymath, experienced war veteran, trickster, enduring survivor, self exposure to an array of venom & poisons have made her immune to otherwise deadly quantities, has sympathy for vulnerable children

Sins of the Father: cunning, ruthless, paranoid, cynical, sporadic violent outbursts, memories of past traumatic events can cloud her judgement

Supplementum: carries a pair of occult dice with unknown origin in a pouch around her neck; has a bastard sword, smeared with potent poisonous secretions of a pet salamander; a queer looking snake, another pet, is roaming through her clothes freely; lightly armored

Corpus: three different intricate tattoo patterns cover her chest, stomach and legs. For some reason, the ink work is made in such a way that it allows her to see the drawn depictions in detail only from her point of view; light bodily humors

Phobos: erotophobia; partial agoraphobia regarding feeling trapped, helpless or embarrassed, PTSD

Eros: asexual; raped in childhood, now smears salamander poison on her lips and labia daily

Reason to participate: wants to fix her broken psyche

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Identificatum: Killia 'Saint Cambion' Krunne, dark elven mercenary brute

Status: known foreign life form, PARTICIPANT

Blessings of the Mother: huge, herculean strength, whole-of-body, pure-blooded, experienced, calculative, pain resistant, has innocent face, spends time in her ancestral woods when possible, likes observing masterful works of any kind

Sins of the Father: psychopath, kin slayer, sadist, masochist, rapist, cannibal, dreadful presence, severe mood swings

Supplementum: carries a humongous ancient broadsword named 'Mistral', whose innards are filled with shifting liquid mercury that changes the blade's weight distribution constantly, owner makes note of its more subtle uses; heavily armored

Corpus: self-inflicted scars and deep piercings dig her flesh all over, piercing on her right collarbone contains a small poison vial for her own use, if the time comes; keeps her mother's embroidering golden needle as, now crooked, ring that goes through her clitoris as a memento from her childhood; dark bodily humors

Phobos: cherophobia

Eros: pansexual deviant

Reason to participate: obsessed with life and death in all forms, has a deep seeded desire to meet someone strong enough to break her

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Identificatum: Augustyn 'Six Limbs' Kohout, sullied bohemian blacksmith

Status: known foreign life form, PARTICIPANT

Blessings of the Mother: ambidextrous, engineering and metals expert, agile, disciplined, pain resistant, obsessed, repentant zealot, reckless - wants to live, fight and die with worldly abandon

Sins of the Father: socially shunned misanthrope, freak-of-body, oath-breaker, unpolished, vindictive, has a malicious weapon that is corrupting him with each use

Supplementum: wields two weapons; has forged the occult sword 'Miasma' out of the corpse of a slain unknown foreign life form (its hand, eye and foot are still present on the blade). With each use, ''Miasma'' takes one blessing and turns it into sin. Carries a short sword made of very light self-discovered metal alloy. Various parts of Augustyn's body have been imbibed with multiple armor pieces, inserted directly in his flesh, made out of the same metal alloy; medium armor

Corpus: has been born with two right hands, making him to be perceived as a freak; obsessed with changing his body by infusing it with metal armor, trying subconsciously to distance himself further from the humanity that rejected him; light bodily humors

Phobos: anthropophobia

Eros: heterosexual virgin

Reason to participate: to finish his inner and outer transformation

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Identificatum: Anneliese 'The Loathsome' & Lilliette 'Dollface' von Freiburg im Breisgau, impoverished swabian nobles

Status: known foreign life form, INTRUDER

Blessings of the Mother: Anneliese is daring, swordswoman, pure-blooded, fiery, devoted, perceptive to her sister's inner states. Lilliette is friendly, gentle, self-sacrificial, pure-blooded, compassionate, curious, has gained a certain otherworldly presence, has access to the occult only if her sister participates in her ritual.

Sins of the Father: Anneliese is a power-hungry antagonizer, dramatic, callous, deceitful, scornful, domineering, manipulative. Lilliete is obsessive, rigid, kleptomaniac, insecure of her new body, resentful to women that might be her competition.

Supplementum: Anneliese carries the hereditary bastard sword 'Dark Sister', tries to be her sister's blade in every aspect of the word, lightly armored; Lilliette tries to be her sister's shield in every aspect of the word, heavily armored.

Corpus: identical twins; after witnessing her sister's suffering from an egregious illness, Anneliese temporarily encapsulates Lilliette's essence in a human-sized doll, made out of a rare hardy stone, with the assistance of an unknown foreign life form. Some characteristics of the latter rub on Lilliette and she gains occult insight with conditions. The costs of the extraction of the rare stone and the intricate sculpting process bankrupt the sisters. After not receiving material assistance from their rich cousins, judged for their unnatural relationship, the two wonder from place to place performing various jobs to make a living. Anneliese has dark bodily humors

Phobos: autophobia

Eros: homosexuals in a devoted incestuous relationship

Reason to participate: Lilliette wants to restore her physical body before her time runs out; Anneliese seeks the same, and more

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Autogenerated identificatum: Bláthnaid Caitir Railinn, ???????????

Status: unknown foreign life form, INTRUDER

?????? ????????? ?????: ???????

???????????'s Crest: ???????

Supplementum: ???????

Corpus: ???????

Phobos: ???????

Eros: ???????

Reason to participate: ???????


...end of group listing

... sizzling... sizzling... sizzling...

"... assign listed group to... number... one... one... four..."


... sizzling... sizzling... sizzling...

"... number... one... one... four... in 27 hours, 55 minutes, start following..."

>Ulrike 'The Chaste' Van Der Bij

>Killia 'Saint Cambion' Krunne

>Augustyn "Six Limbs" Kohout

>Anneliese 'The Loathsome' & Lilliette 'Dollface' von Freiburg im Breisgau

>Bláthnaid Caitir Railinn

>>Killia 'Saint Cambion' Krunne
>Anneliese 'The Loathsome' & Lilliette 'Dollface' von Freiburg im Breisgau

Really edgemaxxing with this one, huh? At least it's interesting.
>Killia 'Saint Cambion' Krunne
>Anneliese 'The Loathsome' & Lilliette 'Dollface' von Freiburg im Breisgau
Sorry for creating a tie, sounds like a cool concept.
>Killia 'Saint Cambion' Krunne
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Albania Won, /pol/ lost
Unban the Albanian
>>5999528 | >>5999552 | >>5999744 | >>5999804 | >>5999979

The wind carries a voice reading a rhythmic jingle somewhere in the distance ... father takes... mother imprints... I follow Rumina's nightclad path... respect Volupta's... bow down to.... Huge gates open, a figure enters, they close. Darkness envelops almost everything now, yet the eyes adjust with time. The figure walks slowly, her armor makes clanking noises with each step, her tremendous sword licks the granite floor occasionally and creates a sharp noise, carried for a long time in the straight miles-long corridors. She doesn't care about concealing her presence. She chooses a corridor.

Ceilings can't be seen but there are ceilings, somewhere... Killia thinks. She has been walking for hours and on every mile she is met with a statue of a saluting god. A few more hours of walking pass, now the anthropomorphic gods change their shape to more vague and nuanced representations of their divinity, taking the forms of animals, constellations, different body parts... Time passes. She is approaching an elliptical stone obelisk with drawn eyes. The liquid mercury in her sword starts vibrating, creating a pleasant sensation on her back. More light in the far distance reveal a mechanical contraption. It's hard to keep track of time. There isn't a soul around.

Killia decides to

>rest next to the stone obelisk, it must be night now

>push forward towards the mechanical contraption, it must be a couple hours away. A type of pressure is growing in it's direction

>switch corridors and try exploring more, don't spend the night in the obelisk's vicinity
>switch corridors and try exploring more, don't spend the night in the obelisk's vicinity
different guy

I've been doing lighthearted comedy quests and wanted to switch gears with something more serious

I will create the story through POV chapters for the characters that garner most interest, it seems the twins will have their time to shine. Also I'm surprised no one picked the voluptuous mystery box, edgy amazons it is then
To be fair, the mystery box would've been my second choice. It is a bit overplayed to choose them though, and I'm not even sure I like the concept of picking a character with no conception of what it is.

I also think Ulrike could play off Killia well.
>>rest next to the stone obelisk, it must be night now

I never liked mystery boxes
>switch corridors and try exploring more, don't spend the night in the obelisk's vicinity
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>>6000267 | >>6000313 | >>6000477

The width of the corridors is tremendous, Killia needs dozens of minutes to reach the neighboring one. Once there, the mood and aesthetics of the place changes completely. The Dorian columns, statues and geometrically proportioned masonry in the last one make way for an endless empty hallway, only its walls are vibrating with bright colors. A few more hours pass in walking, the dark elf is kept company only by queer lengthy colorful shapes for miles. She can pick up the forms of characters and the semblance of a story being told in the intertwined colorful mess, but her legs start to tire, it might be best for her to stop for now.

Placing her sword on the ground, her trusted weapon will now be a pillow, and while kneeling she hears moaning and mumbling somewhere ahead. She doesn't see anything. She checks it out. In a few minutes she stumbles on a breach in the wall to her right. As if someone used a giant pickaxe, a crudely made protrusion was housing a being, whose body was embedded into the wall with multiple iron rods, piercing it. Killia has never seen such creature before. It looked female, with 6 fingers on each hand, an exoskeleton surrounding it. Or maybe her flesh was stripped and now this was all that was left of her.

go down... or leave... go down... or leave... go down or leave...

Who put you here?

go down... or leave... go down...

Who are you?

go down... or leave... go down... go down... GO DOWN! ...


She must have lost her mind... the elf thinks.

>put her out of her misery with a sword swing

>get the multiple iron rods out of her. If she has survived that long in this state, she must survive their extraction too [Herculean strength]

>in her closed right hand, the being is holding a small blade. Killia cuts herself on it [Masochist] (incoming dice roll)

>the being is vulnerable. Very vulnerable [Sadist]

>Killia leaves her to her fate and continues exploring the gigantic murals on the walls
>the being is vulnerable. Very vulnerable [Sadist]
>the being is vulnerable. Very vulnerable [Sadist]

Welp, that's not ominous at all.
>>get the multiple iron rods out of her. If she has survived that long in this state, she must survive their extraction too [Herculean strength]
>>get the multiple iron rods out of her. If she has survived that long in this state, she must survive their extraction too [Herculean strength]
>get the multiple iron rods out of her
>>the being is vulnerable. Very vulnerable [Sadist]
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>>6001085 | >>6001274 | >>6001360 | >>6001362 | >>6001532

Killia pulls with great effort, the rods leave the flesh with a sickening sound, one after another. These is no blood and the being doesn't jerk in pain, doesn't scream, doesn't have any reaction at all. Only her incomprehensible mumbling continues. Finally the work is done and the being falls to her knees. Killia is exhausted and lays for sleep, close to her.

Time passes.

The elf wakes up. The light in the tremendous corridor never changes its brightness and looks evenly distributed across every surface, its source can't be located. It is as if the light is radiated by the walls themselves. Measuring time is nearly impossible with such external conditions. Killia gives the being the name of an annoying pet deer that she had in her childhood - Rel. Rel is annoying because not only has she lost her mind but is blind as well, Killia leads her as a guide, holding her hand. Rel doesn't seem to be suffering from any wounds, the holes left from the metal rods have completely closed during the night.

Hours pass in walking under the monumental wall murals and their depicted story develops - a man is searching for enlightenment and wants to dedicate more time to his spiritual practice. His wife opposes that, saying that he needs to work more in order to take care of his multiple children. For some time the man goes along with his wife, feeling guilty that he isn't providing enough, but the more he attends to his family duties the more he gets resentful of his wife for stopping his spiritual efforts. Eventually the two start to argue every night, then fight every night. The quarrel becomes so big that neighbors, relatives and even the children have to intervene. All of them take the side of the father, encouraging the holy path that he wishes to walk. The wife.... the story continues in the far distance, however Killia feels a tug on her arm. On her left, there is small hole that is leading somewhere.

>go down the hole

>follow the mural story

>change corridors again
>>follow the mural story
>follow the mural story
>follow the mural story
>>follow the mural story
Seems like sadism should have played a role. I too am interested in an Ulrike POV later.

>Go down the hole
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>>6002244 | >>6002258 | >>6002592 | >>6003247 | >>6003368

From first glance the hole looks like a miniature crater, its indentation reminds Killia of the prints left by lying on moist soil elk. Hanging her head over the prolapse in the stone floor, black abyss meets her gaze and a bit to the side - an ornamented ladder, leading the brave ones downward. Peculiar design... Killia whispers to herself but Rel picks up her words and responds almost nonchalantly, as if the two have been having a normal conversation up until this point Just go down. Killia thinks for a moment, setting her eyes on her blind companion, then the murals in the distance and starts walking without a word.

With each step, Rel's words change their intonation from suggestion, to alerted warning and finally as if giving orders, pulling vigorously the hand of the dark elf in the opposite direction.

That's enough, you walking corpse

go down, just go down... or leave, you fool, go...

Killia grabs her by the neck and crotch and slams her to the ground with tremendous strength, squeezing her windpipe and more. I can rip you apart with those two hands, you go where I go... pleasant chills run over Killia's back, she is exited. The silence continues for some time, Rel doesn't look afraid, only the wind has been taken out of her, do as you please she responds. Her small knife is just resting in her hand.

With uninterrupted walking, the wall murals spring to life again ...The wife, feeling scorned and dejected, alienates herself from the ones she saw as closest and runs away in the nearby mountains. She feels that the isolated place gives her permission to lament all that has happened until now without judgement and calls it 'the Mountain of liberation'. With time, the knowledge in the steep hills imprint itself on her and she becomes a seeress. Years pass and her children come to visit her, bringing gifts. Her attachment for her children is long gone yet she provides them with gifts of her own, and what gifts they are! True blessings....

Killia first hears, then sees a buzzing creature, large as a man, breezing through the air. It's eyes are crying tears of anger and it seems completely oblivious of the world around. It clashes with one of the walls, intentionally it seems, exactly where the mural story continues, and starts fragmenting pieces of the coloring with its stinger hand. Told you to go down... Rel's face is expressionless.

>greet the creature, there is semblance of intelligence in its eyes (incoming dice roll)

>'I am the strong southern wind, flying one, go find cover now' [Dreadful presence] (incoming dice roll)

>attack it before it knows that you are there [Experienced] (incoming dice roll)

>backtrack your way to the hole and enter it
it seems the tie-maker anon cast his vote while I was writing and I didn't see it, so Rel to be released, otherwise I would have rolled for one or the other
>>greet the creature, there is semblance of intelligence in its eyes (incoming dice roll)
>attack it before it knows that you are there [Experienced] (incoming dice roll)
>attack it before it knows that you are there [Experienced] (incoming dice roll)
Can we throw forward Rel as bait to take the first hit?
it fits Killia's character, why not
>>greet the creature, there is semblance of intelligence in its eyes (incoming dice roll)
Rolled 2 (1d2)

>>6003509 | >>6003526 | >>6003529 | >>6003535

1 for attacking, 2 for greeting the creature
Three anons roll dice+1d2

if 1 is majority
>Killia successfully gets through to the frenzied creature

if 2 is majority
>Killia fails the diplomatic attempt
Rolled 1 (1d2)

Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolled 1 (1d2)

Rolled 2 (1d2)

Rolled 5, 8 + 3 = 16 (2d20 + 3)

>>6003670 | >>6003690 | >>6003974 | >>6004075 | >>6004252

Killia fails the greeting, loses the element of surprise and through tears of heartbreaking anger, the flying creature dives in attack from above

Rules for rolling

we roll 1d20, 1 crit failure, 20 crit success; Critical failure overwrites other results and is only overwritten by critical success
>=12 is success, unless there are specific situations that require more nuance

rolling for how the duo handles the battle, +3 modifier because Killia is [Experienced]
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The creature dives towards the two with tremendous speed. Killia only has time to unsheathe Mistral with one hand and seeing that she won't have time to swing, with the other she grabs Rel by the neck, pulling her in front of her, right on the creature's trajectory. The stinger hand of the flying one pierces Rel's ribcage with a deafening thud, almost up to the elbow, stopped only by the impact with Killia's heavy armor, who is standing behind. The tremendous inertia of the dive transfers to the breastplate of the huge dark elven brute, who is almost lifted from the ground while falling backwards. For some reason, the creature isn't taking advantage in attacking the downed elf, but is set on slashing Rel all over with her long razor-like fingers, her body still impaled by the huge stinger. The impact has discombobulated Rel and she can't put up a defense, the flying one finally makes several violent jerks and its stinger is freed from her ribcage (rolled 5, failure), Rel's body falls in stupor on the granite floor.

The creature's wings are already buzzing with great force, the sound that they make is almost unbearable to the ear, swirls of air form around, it wants to fly away. But Killia is already running towards it, making huge leaps with every step, she is holding Mistral with both hands now and swings violently. The flying one gasps in surprise, almost as a human, after witnessing how close the blade comes to her left bare breast but manages to fly away just in time (rolled 8+3 = 11, failure).

Rel is lying on the ground, unmoving, Killia is wondering if she is still alive. The creature is in the air again and prepares for another swift dive, Killia gets ready to meet it, you are a one-trick pony, buzzing bitch, go ahead and try again...

>roll dice+1d20+3 for the final outcome of the battle
Rolled 9 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Rolled 17 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

It would seem this is the tomb of this mad creature, or the mural & its anger could be unrelated, hard to say. Rel seems like a perfect meatshield going forward.
Rolled 5 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

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>>6004343 | >>6004566 | >>6004578 taking the highest score

Killia swings her sword several times over her head, the liquid mercury inside accumulates towards the tip of of the sword, drastically shifting its weight balance, straining her muscles to great extend. The creature dives again with such speed that for the half second it needs to reach Killia its shape gets visually distorted by the friction with the air. The elf realizes that by gaining such speed, a cost of mobility needs to be paid. Now the flying one can't change its trajectory and invests its force on the tip of its stinger, however Mistral proves to be mightier. The slash of the brute has such weight behind it that the creature loses its stinger arm and its torso is sawn in half (rolled 17 + 3 = 20, critical success). The body traverses another fifty meters by inertia, spilling guts and severed organs in the process. The womb of the creature has been slashed through as well, multiple fertilized eggs and forming embryos cover the ground.

The enemy is neutralized and Rel is unconscious with a huge gaping hole in her chest, multiple slashes make their way across her face and neck. Her breathing is shallow, but is there. Killia looks around. The place in the mural, where the creature was demolishing part of the stone mosaic, now partly reveals a small door. With confident swings of her weapon, the elf creates improvised stone dents in the humongous wall, slowly climbing towards the new find. After couple laborious hours she finally reaches it, there is no lock, she makes her way in. The door reveals a miniature version of the gigantic corridor that she has been traversing until this point, so miniature in fact that Killia has issues standing upright. Another difference is that here there is no illumination, the farther reaches of the miniature corridor are shrouded in darkness, the walls are bare. Yet there is enough space for two people to be next to one another and soon the brute places the wounded one inside, giving her a place to recover.

A day passes.

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Killia is guarding over Rel, who is still unconscious. This gives her time to explore her queer body. From the neck down, ligaments, joints and muscles look elvish enough for the educated guess that once there was skin over them. But instead of skin, a thin viscous film now covers Rel's entire body. Several protruding bone particles are covering parts of the her biceps, triceps, forearms and quads without impeding the constriction of the muscles. Her genitals don't have a clitoris but there are excretory outlets, suggesting that Rel needs sustenance after all. Her ribcage is more sturdy and has less ribs. Ironically now there is a huge hole that revealed several organs. Lungs, heart, diaphragm, stomach and uterus are clearly visible, all pulsating rhythmically to a very fast heartbeat. The hole was now smaller than yesterday, Killia decides to leave it untreated, not to stifle the healing process of the foreign body. In her right hand, Rel has a small knife that seems imbibed in her flesh. The handle looks organic, as if the knife is part of her body.

For a minute Rel wakes up and Killia talks to her, gently caressing the side of her face. Rel jerks her head in the opposite direction, there is a frown on her face. Maybe she doesn't appreciate being used as a meat shield Killia thinks. The wounded one loses consciousness again.

Another day passes.

Killia has been eating the corpse of the slain creature, the embryos turned out to be quite delicious, even though raw [Cannibal]. All food is welcomed, especially after fasting for several days Killia thinks. She drains some of its blood before the body turns completely carrion and serves it in Rel's mouth, in the brief moments of lucidity that she has. For the past couple days Killia has been feeling a presence outside, in the main corridor, but whenever she goes to check - there is no one there. She comes back to the miniature tunnel, disappointed.

Rel opens her blind eyes, this time for longer, she feels Killia is close. The silence persists for some time.

Do you have a name? Killia asks.

Long silence.

My kin... my kin don't have that... Rel is almost whispering, the damage on her lungs hasn't healed yet. Killia's efforts haven't gone unnoticed and Rel repays with a response. Soon she looses consciousness again.

Rel it is then...

Third day passes.

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The miniature corridor in which the two have taken cover is hot and humid, the door leading to the main corridor is closed, barely any light comes inside. A pleasant breeze reaches the two who have been talking for the past hour.

It should be evening outside Killia says

How do you.. how do you know? Rel is almost fully healed but her weird speech pattern persists

My inner rhythm suggests it a smile follows. Then silence.

Why are you here?

To make whole... make myself whole again...


Whole...beautiful, like my beautiful kin. They have ascended, ASCENDED! And I am still here... like this...disappointing...

Do your kin communicate like you? interspecies' differences in communication might explain her 'madness', Killia thinks

What do you mean? Rel isn't conscious of her weirdness, it seems

Never mind. How do you know the Common Tongue?

COMMON... common tongue? I have been speaking like this my whole existence...

Hours pass in talking, the two are lying down in the tight space next to each other...

>'Your body fascinates me, tell me more about you and your kind...' [Pansexual], [Mother's golden needle], [Obsessed with life in all forms] (the two spend the night together, Rel gives conditions to Killia if she is to become a permanent companion)

>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)

>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)

>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)

There will be others.
>>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
>Door Number 1
Let's keep the meatshield. We can question her later I take it.
>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
Ok, now I get it, we're travelling through a TOMB that's why it's called ENTOMBED

Plus there's likely a super-computer artificial intelligence thing from a forgotten age before a calamity wiped out civilization at the time and reverted us to a medieval fantasy like setting, and that's what is profiling/tracking all those who enter the ruins it surveys.
well you are half right with the first sentence. But artificial intelligence and huge time leaps that change civilizations is very cliché, so that's not right at all lol. Also you are missing two quite obvious things
>'Your body fascinates me, tell me more about you and your kind...' [Pansexual], [Mother's golden needle], [Obsessed with life in all forms] (the two spend the night together, Rel gives conditions to Killia if she is to become a permanent companion)
>Your body fascinates me, tell me more about you and your kind...'
>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
unwilling companion
>'Rel, do you know what happened with my pet deer?...' [Psychopath], [Sadist], [Rapist] (write-in if Rel ends up dead or becomes an unwilling companion)
Unwilling companion
Very intriguing story, getting some Fear and Hunger vibes. Glad the anons chose this character
>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)
Rolled 10 (1d20)

>>'Earlier it seemed as if the creature was targeting you specifically with its attacks, why?... Why were you chained when I met you?...' [Calculative], [Innocent face] (Killia gets information equivalent on the result of rolled 1d20, Rel leaves the party)
Number 114, what's the hold up? Don't make us bring 115 into this.
I'm super busy lately so there won't be updates for the foreseeable future, I will have to continue the story in a new thread later on
No problem, take care of yourself
Understandable, thanks for letting us know
Be free QM. Float by whenever.
69 Replies before mine, fitting. Someone archive this bread.

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