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800 join search party for legendary 'tsuchinoko' creature in Japan village


HIGASHISHIRAKAWA, Gifu -- Hundreds of curious-minded people joined an annual event here to look for the legendary "tsuchinoko" snakelike creature, but to no avail, again, with no one being able to claim the 1.32-million-yen (roughly $8,540) prize money.

The 32nd Tsuchinoko Festa was held in the central Japan village on May 3, during the "Golden Week" holiday period, with some 800 people from inside and outside Gifu Prefecture joining to search for tsuchinoko.

According to the tsuchinoko museum in the village, the creature resembles a snake with a triangular head, a body length of 30 to 80 centimeters and a torso as thick as a beer bottle. It moves quickly in a straight line, and is said to jump and roll.

The village prides itself as a location with multiple tsuchinoko sightings, and has held the search operation event since 1989. The prize money started out at 1 million yen (about $6,500), and 10,000 yen (roughly $65) has been added each year when no one could find the creature, bringing the total to 1.32 million yen this year.

The search area was on a mountainside that used to be a tea plantation, which was narrowed down based on the tsuchinoko's presumed habitat such as being "near the water and 'warabi' bracken fern which they feed on."
The participants were divided into groups of four and looked for the mystical animal through the grass for around half an hour, using poles and insect nets. A 52-year-old man from Nagano who joined the event for the first time with his family told the Mainichi Shimbun, "While we couldn't find any, maybe tsuchinoko should stay legendary."

Tsuchinoko sightings have been reported in the village from the early Showa period (1926-1989). The tsuchinoko legend pamphlet that the village created includes testimonies such as, "I thought it was an issho-bin sake bottle (which holds 1.8 liters of liquid)," "It was silver and shining," and, "It sounded like a tire when I threw a stone at it."
yes they're real, but they're made out of dark matter

prove me wrong
Dark matter is non-baryonic and thus does not interact electromagnetically and thus could not sustain the complex chemical reactions required for life.
Learn 21st century slang already, anon.

Dark = we don't have a clue
Cloud = somebody else's computer
Vaccine = mandatory therapy
I bet they are cute
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Seems pretty boring for a mythical creature
>look it up
>it's just a fat snake
what a lame cryptid
they shuold put that effort into finding the native mainland wolves instead, since they're the last pleistocene wolves
I SWEAR I saw something magical, mystical, that would defy all logic. It's a sign of the divine, that there are things we don't know, that there really is magic in the world.

What's it look like?

It's basically a slightly chunky snake.
Shut up
right, why would anyone make up a creature like that. they have to be real.
>look for them at the same time every year
pretty clever, what if they happen to be hibernating that time of year?
>I looked all over for polar bears every January for the past 20 years, but I never found any, they must be mythical
it looks like someone attached the head of a turtle to a turd
Someone probably saw a regular snake that had just gotten a big drink of water and confused it for a new kind of animal
it's originally a chinese mythical creature copied into japan. would be more fruitful to search inside china instead.
Or ran into a one-off mutant lizard with no legs. Surely it's happened a few times.
I don't know about other stuff but the fat mythical snakes is a literal 1:1 imported copy from chinkstan legend so it's stupid to search in japan.
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>legless lizards and snakes are different because reasons and stuff or something!!!
>t. soiyence faggot
why are soiyence faggots so enamored with stupid useless semantics?
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>Sheltopusiks can detach their tail which is like 50% of their body and it grows back shorter
>native to Russia
>why are soiyence faggots so enamored with stupid useless semantics?
Common calling card of people who have no legitimate worthwhile knowledge. Also the gateway to schizophasia
thats a snake
>stupid useless semantics
Semantics are what distinguish you from the other Apes.
from evidence (not posted here) it seems to suggest they do not
It's not a snake if it has its anus more in the middle. So it is written.
its clearly a snake, no amount of gay soiyence semantics will ever change that
Maybe not, but the fags will still try. They are still faggots after all
not possible, dark matter is made out of unicorns
Maybe tsuchinokos are just legless unicorns
without horns
You can't say for certain that they don't have horns because nobody has ever seen one
that seems like a pretty based form of locomotion, how come no real animals have ever invented it?
>racist image
playing with fire, I see
Japan is full of all sorts of strange exotic animals these days
bro its a dumbass way to locomote, one way is dependent on a movement which isnt in the direction the head is pointing the other one is dependent on a hill or drop, ask yourself that dumbass question, in water? sure that locomotion method might be viable but not on land where gravity is a big thing.
I have wonderful news for you
fat snake is fat
The gaboon viper also has the fastest strike of any snake. Maybe they used to live or currently live in Japan and thats where the Tsuchinoko legend comes from
There are other fat snakes closer to Japan anon. If it were based on a real animal it’d sooner be one of the short tailed pythons from SE Asia
The gaboon viper has a more appropriate head shape than the pythons do
And a blue tongued skink would have a more appropriate head shape than either, doesn’t make it more likely
you can't find them in Japari park
nice try, but skinks have legs and tsuchinokos don't
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Think again
Does it really do the rolling downhill thing too?
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I live in Japan, they're real, I've seen them
digits confirm
Wild animals can't be "obese", high bodyweight for them is just a natural side effect of living in a healthier than normal environment or being an unusually fit individual. In just about ever species the ones with the most body fat are the ones that are winning at life.
With very few exceptions, you are wrong. Most animals besides humans dont accumulate excessive body fat the way humans do. If they are in a "healthier than normal environment" they don't just keep eating and gaining excess fat, because for most animals, it's maladaptive. Excess fat slows down prey animals making them easier to catch and slow down predators making them worse at catching prey.
Hibernating animals are one of the few exceptions to this.
That’s a chart for captive snakes retard. Obesity in pet snakes is extremely common
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>wild animals won't eat to excess given the opportunity
Hibernating animals and marine mammals that need it for insulation are notable exceptions.
The bear fattens up on foods that it does not have to chase down with high speed - fish, berries, nuts, etc. Most animals can't afford to be slowed down by that kind of bodyfat. Game meat is almost universally very lean.
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See >>16207371
It’s very easy for a snake that naturally eats a lean small wild mammal every few months to get morbidly obese as a pet where it’s given a grain fed domestic rat every couple weeks
We were discussing wild animals, anon. Not captive ones.
The pic that started the discussion is about captive animals, anon. Not wild ones
Wild animals are lazy af, they exercise as little as possible. If they have tons of food easily accessible they will get fat for sure.
I understand that Anon, but other anons spoke in general terms about all animals.
>its just an exception
lame cope
What do they look like?
It's basically a slightly chunky snake.
Science really is just a religion with arbitrary meaningless made up rules
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"science" has become a fancy brand name
If I found a fat snake I could just call it one of them
Fatsnake would be a great name for if David Coverdale ever gets the band back together
Thats what makes it likely that they're real

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