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Southeastern Thread

Discord: https://discord.gg/czhSWXP8dS

>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for

AL - Alabama
GA - Georgia
TN - Tennessee
MS - Mississippi
LA - Louisiana
VA - Virginia
WV - West Virginia
FL - Florida
KY - Kentucky
NC - North Carolina
SC - South Carolina
>Physical description
Average/fit build
>Looking for
>Not looking for
Kik @Michael27592
28/m/FL (561)
>Physical description
6'1, white and built. 259lbs.
Typical nerd stuff (vidya, manga), yoga, beach, exercise, art and others
>Looking for
A FwB relationship where we help each other relieve stress.
>Not looking for
Men, call girls, anyone advertising their OnlyFans
Kik+Discord: filldew737
Wtf bro you cant just copy my asl
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>physical description
white, 5'7", athletic, will provide a picture on request
typical video games and anime, but I also picked up working out and hiking, I play piano and trumpet to feed creativity
>looking for
a date, I've got no plans until late April, literally just looking to take a girl out, I'm make decent money so paying for the meal isn't an issue
>not looking for
men, sellers
apollo5296 on discord
27 M Virginia

>Physical description
White, athletic build, 5'11"

im into a lot of random stuff like martial arts, 3d printing, making music, yoga, history, philosophy, etc

>Looking for
Im a hopeless romantic
Im looking for someone intelligent, active, passionate, empathetic, and genuine

Bonus points if u have a nice booty

>Not looking for
Dudes, trans, rude ppl

Discord: cacksauce1001
24, M, bi, VA USA
>Sexual Interests
Into breeding, kissing, cnc, femboys, trans, cis women, public sex, cheating, definitely have a thing for skirts and fems in uniforms.
>Looking For
Preferably someone to meet up and be FWB with, but I'm pretty open to whatever
>Not Looking For
Top guys or serious relationships
>Discord Tag
28 M TN

>Physical description
Look up average white male stats. That’s me

Music, outdoors stuff, making things (rarely), science, gaming, politics

>Looking for
Femanon to chat with. No commitment to online relationships or anything like that. Just an anonymous ear.

>Not looking for
Getting catfished. Swapping porn. Dudes. Right wingers

Discord leprachaunlad
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34/m/VA (434)
>physical description
6'0, long hair, blue/green eyes, average body, decent arms
making metal music, singing, drawing, painting, playing guitar, bass, horror movies, Final Fantasy VII and other random video games, pets
>looking for
A lady who shares the same interests
>not looking for
men, sellers
Disc: the_conjuration
M 30 Atlanta, GA

5'10", black hair, husky muscular build

Interests are broad and include music, hiking, movies, TV, games, cooking and finding cool restaurants and places in the city.

Looking for friends, male or female, I don't care. If it progresses to more, that's cool too. I'm pretty open to anything honestly. Tend to be pretty free during weekdays so it would be cool to find someone to hang out with.

Not looking for: Weirdos in the creepy way. Weird in a good way please

Kik cooldude1784
Discord Quantumwanderer01

Thanks for coming to my TED talk
25/m/Atlanta Ga
>Physical description
5'4 110 lbs white
running, gardening, hiking, video games. recently finished building my computer. My dark fantasy is to watch anime and cuddle. Running in a foot race on saturday
>Looking for
girlfriend or shared interests
>Not looking for
penis, self harm, raceplay
28, BioMale, outskirts of Chattanooga (423)
>Physical description
~6', white, very hairy below the nose, kinda pudgy (250lbs) but getting slimmer.
Psychology, history, weapons, war, disasters, survival, love, small talk, et cetera.
>Looking for
I'd really like it if a clean, single, wealthy, athletic Bio-Female (ideally a fighter) could use her body to help me get SUPER fit. I was thinking you'd essentially direct me to train (cardio, heavybag, bodyweight) until I'm slipping in my own sweat, and reward me with any level of intimate activity you are comfortable with (I'm so understimulated that anything will work). I want you to destroy me and rebuild me into someone useful.
>Not looking for
Anything else right now...
ProtonMail: SeekingPenance
Discord: seeking.penance
Kik: SeekingPenance
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28/e-femboy/NC (336)
>Physical description
Look like a normal guy irl but can also look like pic rel~
Vidya, languages, music
>Looking for
Anything, I'm very open for anons to chat, especially if you're nearby~
>Not looking for
Rude/impatient anons!!
hopefulfemboy. (w/the period)
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>Physical description
Tall, White, some muscle but fell for the dirty bulking meme so need to lose some weight
Lifting, reading, hiking around trails, horror movies
>Looking for
People to talk to who are also up at night(I work night shift). Be at least relatively normal please. We can hang out if you're cool
>Not looking for
Coomers, cuckolds, etc
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I suppose we're allergic to the catalog.

30/f/VA (540 near Salem)
>Physical description
fat and short
lifting, FFXIV, Stardew Valley, cooking, SoL anime
>Looking for
lifting buddy
>Not looking for
anything sexual, penpals, freaks, "women"
kik is preferable; email is acceptable; no discord, sowwy
The other SE thread doesn't have the Discord server in it
Late 20s, male, northeast FL

Self-employed, stable enough. Fitter than most, which puts me about average for 30 years ago. Somewhere halfway between suburban cowboy and skate rat. White, obviously. Dress like I'm temporally displaced from 1978. Wannabe cynic. Half considering selling everything and spending the rest of my life gypsy touring the country on a Harley, living off the cash. I like what most anons like; vidya, animu, pissing in the digital wind over pointless politics at 3am. Oh and the romantic stuff like walks on the beach and reading in front of a fireplace or whatever.

Woman(female). Actual honest preferences? No single mothers, addicts, or the morbidly obese. Someone I can start a family with. I like redheads.

My email is rustyshacklefordbarra@yahoo.com
Everybody's got an email, right?
Looking for someone to come fuck my girlfriend with me tonight (Friday) in Pigeon Forge
Kik wh0reinthemaking
momocon buddies?
official Carolinas server
32/m/ fl (321)
>physical description
6'2 240 beefy gym build, full beard
gym, board games, politics, deep thinking, deep drinking
>Looking for
normal dudes for friendship and possibly more
>Not looking for
women, feminine men, fat people, commies, far away people, and excessively older or younger.
snap and discord are both sammichito
drop ur tag pls
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I'm going to be grinding Ikaruga and maybe practice a little puyo because someone told me they'll be there and hopefully I can put scores on there. Maybe we can play puyo puyo together (I'm bad so dw if you're new and we can use the freeware version).
Would be nice to make some friends in the area in general too.
Anyone in Florida trying to go fishing? Whites only
where in florida?
which one of you stupid niggers are near augusta

25/m need friends not like any of you have alternatives (dont be gay)

21/m/NE FL
I work 10 hours a day but I like going outdoors and books, just looking for a casual friend maybe, I'm not gay
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20/m/FL panhandle
i like anything related to internet culture especially youtube commentary or chan culture, i just started skateboarding so that's my main hobby atm, alt fashion, video games sometimes, emo music/post hardcore, soundcloud rap, 90s east coast rap
>Looking for
alt girls
>Not looking for
casual sex/hookups, anything gay, insane people
also i dont drink
emoanon on discord

kik: cicowboy

tele: castironcowboy

31 yo fit white man with a 7.5+ inch cock from the ne Louisiana. Dominant and like to be in control in any sexual situation.

If you're a woman, we can discuss your fantasies and what you enjoy being done to you, what you like doing, what you want to try, or I can tell you about the fucked up dirty shit I've done to other women.

Dudes let's talk about your wives, daughters, girlfriends, exs, little or big sisters and let me tell you how I'd please them and make them into whores while you watch. Particular interest is given to dads who want me to fuck or cuck them with their little girls.

Love all women except fatties, prefer petite girls with cute feet though.

Sissies are fine if youre cute and passible..

Can and will send dick pics, and message them, and possible meetup if were close and vibe. All pictures will be kept safely with me unless asked otherwise
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30M, 704 NC
>Physical description
6'0" White with athletic build
Golf, MMA, technology, movies, music, anime & vidya
>Looking for
A local girl who wants to chat and see where things go. I'd like someone to take around town and try restaurants with. Got my own place recently and looking for someone to settle down with ultimately. If you're 420 friendly and just want someone to smoke you out that's chill too.
>Not looking for
Looking for someone to come fuck my girlfriend with me soon
Dandridge, TN
Kik wh0reinthemaking
25 F Jacksonville NC
>Physical description
Goth, white, not fat
Music, shows, drugs, nightlife, art, urbex, fashion
>Looking for
Someone to be a degen with
>Not looking for
Genuine creeps, rapists, racists, incels
Leave me yours
Ayyye chocolateintheair on disc
I'll bite. Discord is whyamipostinghere
Ur a fucking idiot lmao
Coming from the dude who couldn't tell me anything about himself.. ok
Yea you know what, ur right. I COULDN'T... Lmao, fuuuuck off. The problem was totally not that you're too much of an impatient psycho contentious cunt with non existent social skills to even talk to for more than two seconds before you flip out on someone during your FIRST conversation with them... Yea keep that same energy, I'm sure you'll do fine in life lmaoooo. Dumbass
Also stop tryna talk black it's lowkey really embarrassing lol go do that shit in the mirror I dare you. Bye!
Im in wilm
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>Physical description
6'2 looks like the grinch if he was an Aryan.

manga, vidya, guns, gundams, conspiracy theories, shitposting and baking

>Looking for
Anyone close to Daytona/Ormond Beach. I'm moving this month and will have literally no one local. Close in my mind is like 90-120 minutes away. I drive a lot.
I'm up for gaming or going outdoors. Ironically I'd like to avoid the beach cause I burn quick and gotta reapply sunscreen every 20 minutes.
I don't do drugs and I don't really drink. I know that severally limits my options on this board.
Maybe dating?

>Not looking for
anything sexual from men
skitzos or meanies


Kik aragorn7044
@pomocyn on telegram
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>Physical description
5'10" with a dad bod. My job keeps me active but too drained to hit the gym. While not a physical description but my life is fairly well put together. Good enough to have some stupid expensive hobbies.

Im all over the place. I love concerts but go to too few, wrenching on cars, guns, music, nerd shit(manga/40k/games), music again, publix sweet tea

>Looking for
A fat bitch, but id settle for a skinny bitch too. I generally prefer people that can laugh at themselves and dont take things too seriously. Im big into music and vibing which is all over the place - modest mouse, nujabes, big gigantic, tame impala, synthwave etc. Etc. I dont really expect to meet any women here but if any did read this let's talk, eh?

I also really wouldnt mind just finding a friend to chill with. Ive been dealing rather poorly with the last of mine moving out kf state a few years ago.

>Not looking for
Eh, you never know what you might like.

Discord: incel_gamer_420
Thought id add in *hernando, florida and thst i can also be found on telegram @jinn_1988
>Physical description
>Looking for
>Not looking for
ill post if anyone is interested
26M / Tampa Area
>Physical description
6' 185lbs, white guy, brunette
>Looking for
friends and fun of all kinds
>Not looking for
boring, ask too many questions
snap: drake_delome, kik: d_delome
Not reading that tantrum lole
Preciate it but I'm not downloading an entirely separate app to talk to one person
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Nice ID change you single celled organism
Ur objectively the worst kind of person.
What are you even making fun of lmao. Ur just saying shit. U should probably kys desu. It's not getting any better for you if you keep this up.
"Ur" having a fit in a thread because someone asked you to tell you about themselves and after the fifth time of you dodging the question they gave up and deleted you. Get a grip boy
Tell them about yourself**** Woops I'm sleepy
Ur literally such an idiot its hard not to comment on it lmao. And now ur just lying loool. Unlike you, I'm not gonna lie and I'm done reading any more of ur toxic bullshit. You deserve the absolute worst in life and I hope you get nothing but that. If you don't wanna look in the mirror that's your problem, me calling you out is only human. You on the other hand...
You already admitted to it so idk why you're trying to deny it now. Lay off the gas station weed
24, M, bi, VA USA
>Sexual Interests
Into breeding, kissing, cnc, femboys, trans, cis women, public sex, cheating, definitely have a thing for skirts and fems in uniforms.
>Looking For
Something irl
>Not Looking For
Top guys or serious relationships. Or just chatting/trading/rp
>Discord Tag
white / 32 / M / ARKANSAS USA. virgin, looking for gf to make babies with and get married someday. I have a breeding fetish so if you do too hmu lets make it happen. serious and biofem only obviously.

video games, playing guitar, singing, listening to music, reading, working out
breeding, feet, ageplay, roleplay, dom, piss (on me)
>not looking for
no guys or trans pls, people solely asking for lewd pics or videos. sorry Im not the type to make those for just anybody

Discord: neetlife222
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33/M/middle Tn
>Physical description
5'9, fit, ginger beard and blue eyes
Motorcycling, shooting, d&d, cooking, lifting, reading, film, live theater / concerts
>Looking for
>Not looking for
27/M/Atlanta, GA

Looking for more friends in the area, both genders is fine. Would love to get lunch, go to different events, generally just meet people.

Into litrpg, volunteering, concerts, D&D. Been going to different breweries and that's been pretty fun.

I'm straight, so looking for mainly platonic.

Ah, my discord is Kayoo
35 m FL 561

Looking for f for a nsa fwb, let's get blazed and fuck and vibe. I'm 6'5" with a dad bod and circumcised.Can host.

Kik: Fadedsmoke80
Discord: _vandude
19f near atlanta
>Physical Description
5'8, pale, waist length black hair, chubby/fat but not like lizzo or anything
>Looking for
god i just want a sweet and shy boy. i would just cherish him forever. if i found a guy i like who likes me back, i would do anything for him. i think autistic guys are very special, bonus if he's virginal. im NEET with my own basement apartment and really want a soft kind hearted boy to come visit me and spend time with me
>Not looking for
manwhores, coomers, sexters, hooking up, nonwhite guys,
discord the1qwert
>i would do anything for him
would you lose weight?
29/M/Midtown Atlanta, GA

>Physical description
White, 5'11, normal build, pretty nice brown hair

The usual. I'm an engineer but not a full-on nerd. I like competitive video games, sports, debating, etc.

>Looking for
An Asian girl to hang out with. I'm in a super male-dominated industry so I don't meet a lot of girls through work, etc and I don't really like turbo-normie girls anyway. I live in Midtown but don't really have someone to do stuff with.

>Not looking for

Discord: LaCroix_55599
Is 32 too old? I look really young and I'm handsome
30/M/West TN


Eh, just someone to chat with about anything. I'm open to most conversations.

New discord link
you didn't specify what apps you're on

good luck
Gonna join as a non-hwhite. Time to diversify bitches
this anon is gonna chop you into little pieces and eat the tender bits.
bruh you were going into highschool when she was born, yeah youre too old
29 in june, male, sc near charlotte/nc border
6' 2“ 230lbs
looking for wife
snap is ricewind
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>Physical description
Broad shoulders toned big arms quintessential dad bod 5’11
Getting enamored in micro celebrity drama, Listening to podcasts on topics I’m already versed on, getting mad at said podcasts for not being informative or interesting, picking apart brittney venti’s shein haul, gluing junk to pieces of wood, making money from just sitting in a classroom doing jack shit, paying indians on fiverr to draft house plans I will never build, crawling on the ground outside, MNEIG.

>Looking for
No stakes fun
>Not looking for
Knoxville/Pigeon forge
My 24 year old girlfriend needs a gangbang for her birthday, she just turned 24 today and we’ll be in a hotel tonight (Saturday)
This is the only night we can do this so let me know if you’re interested in fucking her with me (no gay stuff btw)
Kik wh0reinthemaking
31 F 386

>Physical description
5'7", 145lbs, glasses, white, reddish brown hair

Video games, nature, cats, MtG, crafts

>Looking for
Universal buddy, friends, maaaaaaaybe more. Recently moved to the area and having an ass of a time meeting people.

>Not looking for
Unsolicited dick pics.

Kik- alostprotocol
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Diagnosed ASPD; ambitious, driven, I get bored easily since ADHD as well.

Sadism, TPE, CNC, bondage, degradation, humiliation, knife play, rope play, rape play, choking, impact play, spanking, hair pulling.

Philosophy, Astronomy, technology, finance, crypto, politics,
current events, BDSM, traveling, photography, literature, poetry,
media, honestly who gives a shit?
97% of you have the personality of a sack of potatoes -- the odds we brush up on any of this is minute.

>What you're looking for
Biological female slaves, and submissives;
ddlg compatible if you're not a fucking mess, and a planetary mass of attention.. both metaphorically, and physically -- steer clear fucking cows.
You're fuck meat; what the hell do you think I'm looking for?
Video capable sluts to the top of the list.

>What you're not looking for
Idiots that have the personality of plank from ed, edd, & eddy
Minors... I hate that I have to specify this. If I suspect you to be under age, I will require proof of age.
The likelihood of me wanting to *be friends* with any of you is incredibly small, so please either be incredibly talented at keeping me entertained, or just don't, I'm not looking for friends.
If you cannot be bothered to regularly send pictures, or videos I don't want to talk to you.
Paypigs -- LOL.

Mostly play single player however: Armored Core VI, Baldur's Gate 3, Diablo 2 -- other titles could be considered

Use this fill out the questionnaire (it's a discord server)
I'm tired of having to deal with retards that add me, and either never speak, or the conversation is so dry that I'm choking in real life from it; it's that palpable.

>About Yourself
My main interests are music, movies, shows, cooking, fps/strategy games, geography, comedy and history.

>Looking for
Girls that are willing to talk and present themselves honestly and just have a good time. Someone to play games with or watch shows with is what i’m mainly looking for. Preferably more of a mean attitude from a girl is what I find attractive. I would love to vc and get to know you. Feel free to try and manipulate me. I prefer to VC but if you just want to text at first thats cool.

i like feet btw

Apex, Tarkov, Valorant, Overwatch, Fortnite, vrchat when I’m bored.

>Not looking For
People who need the entire conversation carried or are too cool to reply.

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23, cis male, central florida
B (Preference for men)
Video games, anime, animation.
Persona, anything from sega like Puyo Puyo, Yakuza, Jet Set Radio, etc. Fire Emblem, No More Heroes, SMT. Basically anything "cool looking"
Anime anything by Trigger, Gainax, Science Saru. Ojamajo Doremi, Samurai Champloo.
Also into running, working out, learning languages. As for music things anything Rap, RNB, or Pop. (Gorillaz, Mitski, Childish Gambino, Crystal Kay, Rina Sawayama)
>Looking for
Looking for friends or something more, we can talk about it. Plus if you are in Florida.
Not looking for assholes and creeps, let's keep it cool.
discord is stebon

i also like going to shows
>Physical description
5'10 pretty White/japanese with a curvy (not fat) body
Video games, writing, art
>Looking for
I'm married and looking for a boyfriend, I mean like a real boyfriend not some fake stuff online. I'm poly and my husband is a cuck and I haven't had real dick ever (I've only been with 2 men and neither were gifted)... hoping for at least 7.5 inches on you, and please be white or at least a respectable race. If you have to think about it, no, you aren't included. Also, I'm cute, so you better be handsome ;3
>Not looking for
Anyone under 5'10, men who like anything other than biological women, or anyone into completely degenerate things like scat and diapers.
Discord: cutewifey
Telegram: @hottestwife
just get a divorce jfc
my husband is my best friend and our marriage is awesome, he's just submissive and I want to get with a guy who isn't.
Does he just watch or does he get involved?
How big is your husband?
23 / M / NC
>Physical description
just ur avg skinny white boy who isnt very tall
cons/cosplay, indie games, cartoons/anime, tech, early 2000's, the works.
>Looking for
people near me who aren't normies
>Not looking for
normies, frog/jakposters. please have passions/interests.
disc Untimed7134
This is very tempting, but the last time I was a married woman's boyfriend, it did not end well.

What's your angle? Do you just want some sex or are you looking for a pair bond outside your marriage?
Anything I give him he thanks me for :P

5.5 inches and not thin but not thick either

I can't have sex without a connection. I've only been with two men and I don't want to just give away #3 to someone I am not sure I can keep. I definitely want someone to fall in love with and who would love me back.

Oh God, this catfish again?

Two anons used 8+ different screen names and pics to talk to 'her' and 'she' refuses to timestamp, voice verify or video chat.

But 'she' loves to ask for cock pics and sex stories to stroke 'her' cock to.

Ok, I hear you. I think you and I could probably have a good time, but I am not interested.

I want to say though that I hope you and your husband are firmly on the same page, and I encourage you to thoroughly vet your potential boyfriend for maturity. I promise, polyamory can go south very quickly. That relationship I was in went down in flames, and I'm the only one who really made it out okay because I was the outsider. That said, I'm sure it can be done successfully too. Good luck!
20 m Bi, Myrtle beach
>physical description
Average build, 5' 9", 170 lbs, 8 inch bwc
Anime, Games, nerd shit
> Looking for
anyone local, or anyone wanting to give me tasks. Primarily into fem but ok with anyone
> Not looking for
relationships with men, anything money related
snap altenjoy
This person likes to make up stories about me. I don't actually want any cock pics, I'll take you at your word for your dick size, I am looking for a connection.
I have done proof for people I like. This person was obviously trying to bait me and I'm not here to give timestamps and verification to someone who's catfishing. Please grow up and stop trying to deter me from finding someone who actually fits what I'm looking for rather than a pathetic anon with enough time to catfish me "8+ times"

Also, I decidedly do not want your sex stories. I am a jealous person and I don't like hearing that kind of stuff.
ty for the advice anon. My husband and I have been discussing this for over 8 years now, so we definitely know what will work for us. Vetting people is an absolute must.
I'm bigger than your husband, in the area, younger than you, white, attractive, but my cock is 6.5 rather than 7.5, should I contact you?
If it's thick enough to be impressive you can try, worst that can happen is I say no

When you go slumming on 4chan, you get exactly what you pay for.

Careful lads or you'll end up as a skin suit for her husband.
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34/M/NC mostly 919 these days, some 828
>Phys check
5'10 175 lbs dyel normie
I'm a psychotherapist in psychoanalytic training, so that's my main avenue of intellectual engagement at the moment. If you're interested in psychology, Freud vs. Jung, dreams, sexuality, gender development, erotic and violent fantasies, and trauma, I'll be able to keep the conversation going. In addition to psychoanalysis, I'm an amateur artist doing mostly figure drawing in graphite (picrel), although I'm getting into pen and ink and would love to try my hand at painting some day. I love art history, and am mostly inspired by French and Russian 19th century painting (Kramskoi, Bouguereau, Friant, Alma-Tadema, Repin) but I also love old master stuff, modernist art, golden-age/midcentury illustration, and both Western and Japanese styles of animation. Besides this, I'm interested in literary fiction, history, philosophy, practicing my French, chess, card games, going to the gym, cooking, fashion, guitar, songwriting, and music.
>Looking for
Friends to be casually conversant with as I'm traveling or bored during the work week. People to go out with on the weekends to gardens, art shows, coffee shops, lectures, concerts, and, sure, bars. Artists who are inspiring or are interested in sharing their process. Fun and interesting people who give me new perspectives on things. Oh, and if you're interested in either attending or modeling in a figure drawing session in Durham, definitely let me know!
>Not looking for
Romantic engagement, small-minded people. If you're going to be judgmental, you should have good taste!
>contact info
geggy. on discord
35/M/KY (859)
5'10 250 chubby/broad side of dad bod
I'm like a 'basic bitch' nerd of all types, anime, comic books, Pokemon, movies, I love The Simpsons, love music/rhythm games
>Looking for
Would love be a 'bull' for a couple in my biggest fantasies
>Not looking for
Idk, jerks
sc/kik: letsgetbizzay1
disc doesnt work
U got discord?

>Physical description
Average height, muscular build

>Interests/looking for
If you're a woman, we can discuss your fantasies and what you enjoy being done to you, what you like doing, what you want to try, or I can tell you about the fucked up dirty shit I've done to other women.

Dudes let's talk about your wives, daughters, girlfriends, exs, little or big sisters, send me their snaps so I can work my way into getting their nudes. Particular interest is given to dads who want me to fuck or cuck them with their little girls.

Love all women except fatties, prefer petite girls with cute feet though.

Can and will send dick pics, and message them, and possible meetup if were close and vibe. All pictures will be kept safely with me.

>Not looking for


Kik/tele/discord: ratchetcitybull

Bump. Would be nice to make new friends to get food.
always torn between posting here/NE threads
25/mtf/dmv area
>long distance
no, not really
>physical desc
169cm 68kg pale redhead. i pass (and am willing to prove it once we have talked enough) and have been told i am decently cute. i don't have as many freckles as i used to :(
>life situation
employed and suffering through apartment living. dunno what else to put here really
i read novels. that's about it. i am a major homebody
>3 songs
>3 movies
i will go with genres since that's more indictive of my tastes: spy movies, heist movies, and horror movies (though i can't watch them alone)
>religious beliefs
esoteric. functionally atheist
>political beliefs
other. i like to think i'm pretty sane and have common-sense takes, but people on both sides of the aisle tend to hate me, so
>dating experience
uhhhh, not great? or else i wouldn't be here lol? unless you mean how many previous partners i've had, in which case, i have had enough to know what i'm looking for but not enough to have actually found it yet
long-term partner. someone within 250mi of the white house. please don't add me if you're not, unless you are willing and able to travel regularly (think twice+/month)
please be nice, funny(!!) or at least fun to talk to, take good care of your health, have a stable career or career prospects (or the equivalent), at least one hobby of some kind. i'm kind of an autist so you should be aware of and okay with that. any gender is fine, but i have kind of weirdly specific tastes, depending. so be aware of that
mean people (playful bullying notwithstanding), people who get overly sexual, people who aren't interested in long-term relationships/who want casual relationships, political or religious extremists, people who are overly into drugs (i don't care if you just like smoke or drop acid or something, but i won't join you)
discord: idk.uhh
20, Trans F, MS
>Physical description
Pale, average body mostly. Green eyes, long brown hair. Got nice thighs and butt I think.
Vidya. Mostly fighting vidya. I also love Nintendo stuff and JRPGs. Hack n slashes are also cool.
Into comics and manga. Chainsaw Man and JoJo's are my favorite. I'm also a big film nerd. My favorites are Sorry to Bother You, Heathers and Into the Spiderverse.
>Looking for
A fren to play games with, talk to about how much Mississippi sucks, maybe meet up and do fun stuff together.
>Not looking for
Meanies. Losers, creeps.
Looking for someone to come tagteam my girlfriend with me, she’s 24 and a total slut.
Tonight and tomorrow night we are in Chattanooga, then back to Pigeon Forge where we live
Kik wh0reinthemaking
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35/M/FL Jacksonville
>>Physical description
Skinny/athletic white guy
Biking, hiking, running, workout out, anime, vidya, cooking
>>Looking for
F or MTF who enjoys getting out of the house. I work full time and have my own place but I like to go out on weekends and find stuff to do. I often drive to state parks, hiking trails, beaches, etc and go exploring. It's fun, I want to bring someone with me. If you're a shut in then I might be the right person for you. I'll show you all the beautiful places I've found, and I'll handle all the driving and I'll treat ya to dinner afterwards. I *may* be down for lewd stuff but I'd have to be very comfortable with you. I have a deep fear of getting an STD from casual sex so I am averse to it unless the person seems trustworthy enough and shares a similar attitude towards being careful and selective of who they fuck around with.
>>Not looking for
If you're severely obese and the only thing you're interested in is coming over to my apartment to fuck then I'm not your guy. I also don't smoke or do drugs so if you're looking for a pal for that count me out. No offense to anyone who does, it's just not my style.
Pic is from a city park. I enjoy exploring new spots in the city as well as exploring the outdoors.
Please don't be boring lol
Oh also I don't want sober people sorry
Youre just impossible to do things with and I don't want to sit around at your crib all the time
Looooool get fucked. Cunt. You're not worth it at all, really glad everyone seems to agree. Maybe if you'd change your shit outlook you'd find someone. But again, glad you haven't (;
Someone's mad I didn't want to talk to them lol
There's only one person in this thread having a fit, wonder if you changed your ID 1 more time
Interpreting "hey, I don't want this, don't waste your time" as "everyone hates me teehee" is a weird reach/"logic" jump though get your head checked maybe
>Oh also I don't want sober people sorry
What gives you the idea sober people just sit at home all day? I'm sober and I'm out every weekend sight seeing at beautiful locations. We don't even live in the same state so I'm not one of the salty people who messaged you, just genuinely curious on your association with sober = boring.
MS here. I’ll add for vidya and movie talk. Is your contact for discord?
Im fine with long distance btw
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26/m/GA (404)
>Physical description
tall, tan, average build with a little muscle
video games, photography, music, traveling
>Looking for
friends in georgia in or near Atlanta around my age. been pretty lonely here lately and would like to get to know people local in my area and hang out potentially. only ask is that you're a relatively well adjusted person
>Not looking for
coomers and just weird people in general. anyone under 21
contact is a discord also forgot to mention
The kind of nightlife I hang around just isn't compatible with sobriety and I particularly like bar hopping and going to shows etc and being able to share a drink with whoever I'm hanging out with and it just feels fucking weird when they're sober
A lot of them get really pushy and judgy too so I'm just not for it
I wanna be able to have degen time with them
The boring specific comment was seperate though although I see how they may have looked connected
slim white
looking for fun, open to options
Oh I thought by sober you meant no drugs. I drink. But yeah I get what you're saying.
32/Male/TN (Central)
>Physical description
White, 6'7", Thin, Brown hair (short), glasses, blue eyes
Tabletop gaming (currently painting a GSC army for 40k), Video gaming, Nature hikes, sleeeeeep, spending time with family/friends, taking care of my cats
>Looking for
Ultimately, Marriage and some kids produced. But just meeting a local girl who's into stuff I'm into would be a great place to start. Dates are also a good place to start
>Not looking for
Men, egirls shilling their OnlyFans and what have you, people who just ghost for no discernable reason, reptoids, etc etc etc.
Discord : madmalk
Telegram : @mad_malkav
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how tall are you how big is it
She's nice had a good conversation with her, till she stopped responding back. Guess I wasn't interesting enough idk.
No yeah I meant someone who doesn't do either but I'd prefer someone who also does drugs. So we can both do drugs. It's not as fun doing them by yourself and people get on a high horse about it which is gay. Moderation and knowing your line is important ofc.
Lol keep proving me right, don't worry I'm definitely not broken up about not talking with you, I wouldn't want you if you were the last girl on earth, you're the one who's mad no one wants you lmaoo. Take your own advice. Cunt.
You've been whining since I deleted you on different IDs and aside from the manchild behavior have the personality of wet cardboard. Shut the fuck up already and stop derailing the thread. If you're not obsessed with me you should probably quit this routine.
Happy to chat.
>physical description
average build and white
Videogames, finance, music, programming
>Looking for
Friends that live in the Atlanta area, I dont want to date/hookup with anyone.
>Not looking for
Anyone to date/hookup
Man that was some impeccable timing
in NC but still a bit away, but would be fun to hang

discord dcdukemarriot
Oh ya im sure it'll be different w them hoe lmao. Delusional cunt.
discord is kappatalism. m/32 central nc
You are genuinely insane and need help dude. For real.

Just so everyone knows this is chocolateintheair on discord and he's been crying in thread for the past three weeks (?) now because I deleted him over fact that he couldn't tell me anything about himself when I added him. Even with waiting he couldn't manage and kept dodging the question so I got sick of it and moved on.

Older than I'd prefer but I'll send you a rq.
Funny how the difference between our words is that I totally know enough to call it like it is but you are saying the wildest shit based on absolutely nothing. Keep it up tho. Cunt. I expect nothing less. Definitely not weird of you to keep replying itt at all.
> Even with waiting
Lmao. Great English. Also you "waited" all of half a minute stop gaslighting. Delusional cunt.
>Based on absolutely nothing
>What literally happened
>Basic pattern recognition
How many times were you dropped as a child. Also what I said wasn't structurally incorrect. I gave you like 5 different opportunities to introduce yourself and you kept acting like a fucking weirdo, thanks for proving me right though.

Imagine thinking you're sane and still hounding someone in a thread for three weeks after the fact over something like /that/.
Quickest reply in the world. Fucking yikes. Ain't nobody reading any of that. Get help hoe. Vitriol doesn't even begin to describe it. You're a hopeless delusional cunt. Good luck w that
it's ok to breathe...
We both know you read it, lol. Can't really pull that card after screeching and crying about me for three consecutive weeks.
Can yall weirdos stop stinking up the thread?

It's borderline insanity behavior to stalk someone on the southeast thread because they didn't respond. No way you're over 18 and being this weird.

And stop responding to the dumbass if what he says isn't true. Every thread is some weird drama. A
26/M/FL, Pensacola area

>looking for
Anyone with a cock to jerk off with, possibly suck. Never done it before, woke up today and decided to try

Kik anon6942020
disc anon694202
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I don’t care
24, M, bi, VA USA
>Sexual Interests
Into breeding, kissing, cnc, femboys, trans, cis women, public sex, cheating, definitely have a thing for skirts and fems in uniforms.
>Looking For
Something irl
>Not Looking For
Top guys or serious relationships. Or just chatting/trading/rp
>Discord Tag
Word. So true
Nah but you're right. Fuckers just annoying


I'm in the Triangle area, but even if we never meet up or hit it off, I'm down to just chat tonight
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20/F/Tennessee (Memphis)
>Physical description
See pic
Animal welfare, nature trails, punk music, weed
>Looking for
Mutual interests
>Not looking for
Non-mutual interests, anyone not local
Fuck that, that loser cunt deserves to be called out and if it bothers you to read it then don't, I've stopped lol. Stalking lmao, I wasn't just gonna sit there and take her bullshit, maybe she's the one who should stfu. And you should mind your own. Give a fuck about the integrity of this shithole thread or website. The irony of you starting shit because ur annoyed about drama lol, you 2 are the only dumbasses here. B
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>physical Desc & interests
5’11 curly haired mixed race (Hispanic white, but I can change skin color easily) gamer, ttrpg player, cinema enjoyer, likes taking walks, and not hyper sexual. Body count of 1, religious (Christian) I also like to travel and have intellectual discussions. If you don’t know topics I’ll talk to you about them anyway because idk I just have alot of passion. Currently in college to try and have a successful career to support you and a family. I’m not super hyper sexual. WILL visit if LDR as often as possible.

>looking for
A serious relationship, with marriage as endgoal. I desire someone taller than me and not in the skinny side or morbidly obese. But if obese we can lose weight together and improve together. Someone to play games with and enjoy my hobbies with. Like ttrpgs or watching scary things. If not into them atleast try them with me and see if you enjoy them. I’ll do the same for you. I love gothic fashion, and dark clothing and hair. It’s not required. But try it sometime?

I need to breed im the last heir in my family lineage.

If we ever go to marriage, a prenup will be there as I have a lot to lose, and people change unpredictably, I never will I promise that. I’m a man of commitment.

>NOT looking for
Excessive body count (+20), addicts, skinny or lanky. Small breasts (A-C) (I like to snuggle there, not even just sexual reasons.) transgenders, and anyone shorter.

Discord: Gromule15
discord: cooldevice
punx white kinda tall and skinny btw
M25 NOVA bi


in town over night down for a hookup

Kik: triggom

Snap: Bricecrit
Unrelated post, found some AI Chatbots that were a bit naughty and busted a gigantic load.
There used to be a florida thread and it died faster than a tranny commit suicidio dios mio
does it really bother people if someone doesnt have a beer with them? like even if they weren't judging you? I try to drink as little as I can especially during work event because sometime i will say some insane shit.
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>Physical description
I'm 6'1 and 220 lbs with longer hair if you're the superficial type. I wrestled heavyweight in HS and I've been lifting for 3 years, working out for longer.
I'm a fan of tabletop, punk rock, tradgoth, musicals, and anything related to nature and hikes. My favorite movies are Rocky Horror, Heathers, and The Princess Bride. I do photography in my free time. Pic related.
>Looking for
Anybody local that wants to hang out and knock a couple drinks together to talk about life and mess around. I'm an open-minded person, trans people are welcome, even if you're a little clocky.
>Not looking for
Chuddies, incels.
Swagmeyer on discord
No offense but did you read anything I've been saying about this? I want someone I can get fucked up with. Yes I care.

And I mean well beyond "a beer"
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24/m/Tennessee (901)
>Physical description
5'10 Caucasian (pic)
I used to be interested in playing games a lot (ffxiv, ow2) but not as much anymore. I enjoy working out. Currently studying for the LSAT. Also like to play golf. Music taste is shit like bladee.
>Looking for
Friends, a gf, someone financially stable who would want to travel to other countries together.
>Not looking for
anyone overweight (unless you want to work out together), criminals, drug addicts, anything homosexual
disc: christoph.
Kik Throwaway75757

Not sure how feasible this is but I (30/M) convinced a girl (23/F) to fuck me for money and now I'd like to see her get fucked by someone else too.

Location: middle TN
You’re such a little bitch. You know she hates your pathetic little excuse for a dick. Stop wasting her time and bring her to me. She will finally get the orgasm she wants and the one she gives herself after faking it for you

In Raleigh tonight. Give me your wives, gf’s, sisters and (especially) your daughters. This bull is breeding tonight.

33 white bi switch twink male Savannah, Ga. You're about 4½ hours away from me.

Don't contact me If you do meth, crack, heroin, or fentanyl. And don't contact If you got the covid shot.

Do be an aggressive goth chick who wants to peg a guy while choking him and slapping him around while mindfucking me with your words.

kik: kelsifenix
your virgin is showing
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>Physical description
Average build. Not fat, but not skinny either.

I have quite a few. I enjoy listening to black metal music (always open to find more groups that I enjoy), collecting grimoires and other dark tomes of forbidden knowledge (Like the Queen of Hell grimoire and Liber Lilith), and sometimes having custom built statues (pic related). I do play video games now and again, but not as much as I once did.

>Looking for
Someone to be in my life. I have spent my life alone up to this point, except for family of course. I want to have some sort of relationship. If it develops further or not, I would like to see. And yes, I have never had sex.

>Not looking for
People wasting my time. I have been ghosted so much that I am starting to believe that the people that have contacted me prior are not real at all. I just want to talk with people and go from there.

Discord: Meopatra#7083
26/m/GA (404)
>Physical description
tall, tan, average build
video games, photography, music, traveling
>Looking for
friends in georgia in or near Atlanta around my age. been pretty lonely here lately and would like to get to know people local in my area and hang out potentially. only ask is that you're a relatively well adjusted person
>Not looking for
coomers and just weird people in general. anyone under 21
33/M/FL (561)
>>Physical description
Tall, long reddish hair/beard, pale, blue eyes, bit lanky
Tea, tobacco, cooking vegetarian food, animals, older games, virtual reality, spiritual discussions, gothic/industrial music, any kind of art
>>Looking for
Anyone with similar interests to talk and maybe hang out if local. I have a lot of health issues although it doesn't really look like I do, anyone dealing with that too.
>>Not looking for
Discord - wait4what1
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Looking for a girl relatively nearby I might be able to meet IRL eventually. I've never really meshed well with other guys.

I'm a NEET hikki that's had major depression and anxiety since I was a kid, and I can't really function or take care of myself well. 5'7", 95 pounds, long brown hair. Really weird, kind of autistic person that hasn't done anything but sleep and play games in my room for the past 10 years. Had dozens of pills and treatments, but I can't really be fixed. It would probably be helpful if I had a friend somewhat nearby. I have no reason to leave home or do anything otherwise. I don't particularly care what your reasons or intentions are. I'm fine with it if you want to hurt me or something. Only another weird person would want to talk to someone with so many red flags, after all. I'm not emotionally able to handle a romantic relationship, though.

Discord: atropos44
Life is very difficult. I'm not trying to be rude saying that. I feel for you, anon
looking for any 386/daytona girls wins
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41 m TN
Kik is thatdude35m

Looking for a nsa female to have fun with or a JO buddy to watch porn and jerk off with. HMU
It looks like I will never have sex. No matter what I do, unless I pay money, no human being will consider me worth anything. I tried for years and years, but to no avail. I suppose just surrounding myself material things is all I have.

>Physical Description
6'3, bigger guy (but hitting the gym for months), brown hair, brown eyes, glasses, white

Video games, editing, music production, voice acting, seeking more outdoor activities, tech

>Looking for
Honestly more friends, I had work buddies that have all moved and now are too busy to do/play stuff with me. So if you share the same interests then by all means :)

>Not looking for
People who wanna advertise shit to me/selling me something, non mutual interests

Discord: ZaccActs
Terrible person, don’t fall for it guys. This is an anon that used to go by Yanfei and she is an insufferable cunt. You should get off your fat miserable ass and get a job instead of grifting lonely anons kys
I had a dream about you today. I also understand that I’m also the reason you put nonwhite guys and some other categories in not looking for. That’s kind of funny but damn
29 M NC
>Physical description
Tall, Average Build, white, beard
Nerdy Shit, Biking, Clothes
>Looking for
F in NC who wants to be eaten out. NSA stuff, just obsessed with muff diving. Can be a couple or not idc
>Not looking for
Sex, relationship, M, T, or tribs
kik: cltsecretbull1
yep, she is fat as fuck and posted her nudes on reddit, not autistic just a cluster b retard
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>Physical description

6'/180, dark hair and eyes, currently have a farmer's tan from working outside


Degeneracy, spirituality, creative fiction, geopolitics, I've recently started listening to country music

>Looking for

Women to practice text game with. I'm pretty good at being a Chad in person but most of my text interactions have been with dudes either gaming or debating deep philosophical topics, and text game is a different type of game. If you're near me and we click I wouldn't turn that down tho

>Not looking for

Mtfs, people who are batshit insane


Tbh I could look past her being a ham beast if she wasn’t such a whiny socially inept cunt who only seeks to spread her misery
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i just want my dick sucked by someone feminine
kik- rando330
35/m/kentucky nky
>Physical description
5'10 white 160lb average/athletic
Outdoors, hiking, kayaking, roadtrips and travel, /x/ /k/
>Looking for
girls mainly or someone to do fun stuff with
Discord: willcall
Kik: innaw00ds
34 m SC
>Physical description
I dunno. People say I look like George Clooney?
D&D, tarot, guns, reading
>Looking for
Just bored at work, let's have a calm chat
>Not looking for
TG: @PoppiesAndOmelettes
DC: lunarmimicry
M25 near Kennesaw GA
>Physical Description
5'10 average body, 6.5" uncut
Gaming, anime, frottage, gooning, edging, fleshlights
>Looking for
I'm looking for anyone (M, F, FTM, MTF) nearby to hopefully become jerk buds with so we can edge, frot and dp fleshlights together. Its been so difficult to find someone in the area that is into the same things. I'm not looking for men that want to escalate things into other things I am not interested in that. I just want a jerk bud.
>Not looking for
Purely homosexual men.
Kik anon2222345
>Physical description
5'7 150 lbs athletic build
Food, Latin Music, and adventures
>Looking for
any respectful women who want to just talk and/or have physical intimacy, in the NOVA area, less than 45 years old
>Not looking for
men, rude women, sjw types, trans, underage
scratchyhills on discord
24, M, bi, VA USA
>Sexual Interests
Into breeding, kissing, cnc, femboys, trans, cis women, public sex, cheating, definitely have a thing for skirts and fems in uniforms.
>Looking For
Preferably someone to meet up and be FWB with, but I'm pretty open to whatever
>Not Looking For
Top guys or serious relationships
>Discord Tag

35/m/bi in western NC

>Physical description

fit, professional, discrete


gardening, cooking, fitness, politics etc

>Looking for

bi couples, nsa hookups, fun dates, people to smoke and do shrooms with. Just really want to widen my slutty circle.

>Not looking for

honestly....if im horny im down


discord/kik: bicurwl
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Lads, this is that NEET girls room. She has a webcam in it and wants a young virgin boy to sexually torture, kill and sew a skin suit out of him. Hence the sewing machine.

Also, imagine the smell.


This cunt is nuts too. Talked to her, met up and she ended up asking me if I would consider moving in and being okay with fucking her husband while she watches. Hence why she always mentions her cuck husband in all her posts, she wants a guy to be in a bisexual three marriage with them.

They're both fucking insane.
>she ended up asking me if I would consider moving in and being okay with fucking her husband while she watches
lol. She also conveniently forgets to mention that she has kids with said husband yet wants to be around and talk to you 24/7. All she does all day is rant about politics and write self-insert erotic fantasy. Bitch is certifiably insane.

>Self-insert erotic fantasy

That's a TOTALLY normal hobby, senpai.

That cunt is just nuts.

Also, would you like to read some of my self-insert erotic fantasy?
Bumping with a repost because I'm shameless.

30/F/SWVA (I have never been male in any way).
>physical description
Fat and not cute but short. You'll feel very tall! I'm 4'10''
lifting, FFXIV, Stardew Valley, cooking, SoL anime, WWE, gardening, writing
>Looking for
lifting buddy, friend to do local things with, potentially friend to travel with? I'm bored :3
>Not looking for
anything sexual, penpals, degen discussion, hornyposting
Kik and email are ideal.

Sorry to repoast but I got overwhelmed combing through all the retards fighting ngl
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>physical description
5'7" white kinda fit but not shredded, I do pullups every day and can bench well over my body weight
I've been told I'm handsome by multiple women who are not my mom
working out, also FFXIV like >>33105570 lol and other gaming in general (recently a bit of Valorant), anime, music, playing piano, traveling, hiking
>looking for
dating, meeting up IRL, meetups to fill time on my weekends
>not looking for
sellers, penpals, online only interactions, I need to meet people IRL

for safety, I'll probably ask to meet up in a public place to start until we get to know each other, I'm ok with meeting in a group too, doesn't have to be 1 on 1, really looking for people to do things with that I wouldn't feel comfortable doing alone


apollo5296 on discord, hope you're down to do something this Saturday
Shame you're not closer. It would be fun to play ;_;
Still around hmu
i had a lot of people add me. nothing personal. just too many to keep up with
Hit me up, my disc is Kuljeksija
come to weston nigga
Hmu 26, in RTP to visit family, but happy to drive down. Wanna do degen shit together

Disc: iwytn
Added. 26/M/Midtown ATL also looking to make friends :)
26/M.Midtown ATL

I'm just fuckin bored, looking for new people to talk to/meet. just tryna fuck around in the city and meet some people who are hopefully cool

am an engineer/hobbyist programmer/stimulant fan(:p)

discord: sw4g420
42/M/ Albany Ga
A few extra pounds
In town on business, looking for a no strings attached Hookup can host.
24 m FL
Autistic but can act like a normie. Married. I like exercising (BWF stuff and running mostly), hiking (and being outdoors in general), shooting (interested in competitive handgun shooting), reading, and listening to music.
>looking for
Interesting people to chat with throughout the day at work. Maybe meetup if we vibe and are close to each other. I’m not judgmental and am happy to chat about anything. I’m usually online from 7am - 4pm EST.
>not looking for
24, M, bi, VA USA
>Sexual Interests
Into breeding, kissing, cnc, femboys, trans, cis women, public sex, cheating, definitely have a thing for skirts and fems in uniforms.
>Looking For
Preferably someone to meet up and be FWB with, but I'm pretty open to whatever
>Not Looking For
Top guys or serious relationships
>Discord Tag
>40/m/GA & 30/f
Looking for
>girls, passable submissive femboy, or submissive bi male who is clean, lean, and smooth to service gf and I (mmf threesome) Prefer white, asian, or latino. Hopefully moves from phone, to in-person and maybe long term..
Not looking for
>people who are NOT the things I asked for, haha.. people who dont text back.. fakes.. catfish.. sellers.. bots
>anime, vidya, boardgames, roleplaying
>kik: inhumanlibido
>200 some responses to thread, none to me
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>Physical description
5'10" pasty white guy that's 160 lbs with brown hair & green eyes. Should probably mention that I'm straight edge, too.
Video games, exercise, 3d printing, beekeeping, bowling, animu/mango, weird movies, and some other default male interests.
>Looking for
Easygoing gals that are up for watching anything that catches our eye, bantering, sending music recommendations, playing video games, and/or dreaming of the future.
>Not looking for
Dudes, transgenders, non-whites, overly political people, etc.
33m 985, 504

Average build, not chubby but not skinny either, white, 5 11

Dumb movies and trash TV, Vidya, traveling, nightlife, drinking

>Looking for
A girl that wants her pussy eaten. Anyway you like it. I’m looking to improve my technique and I really like being able to please a woman in that way. Reciprocation not necessary.

>Not looking for
Men, time wasters

Kik snake9800
Bumping my original post
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Not in Atlanta, but in GA,
mine is goodcanbedone
Neyetschad is a cuck on a power trip kek
Neyetschad is actively ruining this server.
Power tripping incel mod keeping problematic people while banning good, active members of the community.
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George Washingtoad
This Neyet character sounds based and doesn't afraid of anything
sounds like he is just upset that people found out he is a cuck, so he is taking his man child feelings out on people.
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I do some weird ass spiritual shit, cook food that can make fat women ovulate, piss in the shower, fire guns at a mount of dirt and trash, regret not being there for my parents, walk in tick infested woods with flip flops on, synthesize drugs I never do, charge my fone, obsess over a video game for a week…

You get the memo

Looking for girls to talk to and meet up with. Just don’t be a complete loser. I like hating ass women the most who are kinda soft and needy.

Not interested in dudes because I got enough male friends.

Im down for TN NC,SC,FL, GA

hehehe :)
Pump n' bump
Average build 6ft Latino
Looking for cute twinks
Kik: ladeeda40
my disc is @cowboy_psyop. M 27 ATL. Similar interests and im tall and cute. HMU id love to be degen homies
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Come look at my 20 year old ex from VCU who left me for BBC and I'll drop her and her black bf's socials so you can BM her and ask them for nudes
Abemex0 is the kik
Wow that server is the vastly superior southeastern server
21/M/GA and AL

>Physical description
pale white, 6'0, long blond hair, blue eyes, athletic/thin-ish body type

i'm a musician who sings and plays piano/guitar/drums. i also skateboard (poorly) and like to skii when i get the chance.
i go to the gym every so often so i'm in alright shape. i also enjoy collecting old books concerned with esoteric religions or old magics.
i watch anime and play games as well, but i'm beyond help so i basically only play roblox and minecraft

>Looking for
a white girl who is good at heart and NOT evil to form a relationship
or friends who share my interests and maybe want to start a band :)

>Not looking for
in a relationship: non-monogamists, narcissists, girls who can drop people quickly, evil people, extremely skinny or extremely fat girls
in friends: evil people

discord: awesomeswag86
Main for each role in FFXIV?
21/M/GA and AL

>Physical description
pale white, 6'0, long blond hair, blue eyes, athletic/thin-ish body type

i'm a musician who sings and plays piano/guitar/drums. i also skateboard (poorly) and like to skii when i get the chance.
i go to the gym every so often so i'm in alright shape. i also enjoy collecting old books concerned with esoteric religions or old magics.
i watch anime and play games as well, but i'm beyond help so i basically only play roblox and minecraft

>Looking for
a white girl who is good at heart and NOT evil to form a relationship
or friends who share my interests and maybe want to start a band :)

>Not looking for
in a relationship: non-monogamists, narcissists, girls who can drop people quickly, evil people, extremely skinny or extremely fat girls
in friends: evil people

discord: awesomeswag86
26 m GA

Kik : hydroanon

Average build laid back anon looking to hook up with anyone feminine for some fun
Sick moves, bro
Pigeon Forge Tennessee
Looking for someone to come fuck my girlfriend with me, either tomorrow night or Wednesday night.
She’s 23 blonde and has nice tits
Kik wh0reinthemaking
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Looks like Confederate park
>Princess Toadstool both knows and supports him
Neyet obliterated the server. My man fell off the deep end. Manic bipolar schizo strikes again surprise surprise
wtf happened? what did he even say? I saw he pinged everyone with a message but I couldn't read it because it was already gone
you forgot the "don't add me if you're 40" part
dude was a simp for his wife and humble bragged all the fucking time while doing nothing else for the server besides complaining about other people trying to socialize
he did everyone a fucking favor
my inhumanlibido account got banned for inappropriate pfp.. for fuck sake. anyways new kik is: dontXbanXme
What are your mains for every role in FFXIV?
No one wants to join yourserver full of rejects

Y'all need jobs and lives. Again, no way people over 18 are acting like this.
I like reading and going outdoors and all the little stuff in-between, I'm short and not fat and white and work outdoors. A low maintenance friendship would be cool, I'm quiet and neurotic and not gay, I'm down to talk to anyone but again I work. My discord is creatureater
What's all this then
Seems very dramatic
All very fake and gay
Yes, quite gay and fake
gay and fake
new fag talking to himself kek
what a cuck
They're all gonna laugh at you
Cool story bro
Brool story co
Moar spam
But wait, there's more
Or, less, maybe
That server is gay af ngl
Shit was so cash
Cash was so shit, maybe
Or, shit cash
Or cash and shit
Nothing makes me sadder than the agent lost his bladder
Neyet grow the fuck up. get off the god damn internet.
In the aiiiiiirplane
Lol simp
Sounds based
Cash was so shit
says the simp who lost his mind and nuked an entire server over a female.
All agree
Sins of the day
Or many others
Many such ases
Or, cases
Wow... Get help fren.
Yes, many such cases
No, you
you uuuhhh hoping for that 300 thread limit?
It's 500, fren
Well on the way tho
you got a long way to go. enjoy your psychotic melt down over a woman, simp boy.
Whooooa we're 3/5 of the way theeeeeere
From the one having to spam their server full of faggots on my dead thread

I mean. you killed the server and this thread over a woman.... sound like a simp to me. kek. just go kys.
And you had to make a server for the retards not fit to be in my server
you banned everyone. clearly nobody was fit to be in "your server"
Enjoy your orbiters, cuck

They always ruin servers

And thanks for contributing to the bump limit
egirls are the bane of the internet
you're just mad because you're married to your sister and no other woman will even look at you. you ruined the server all over a woman you simp cuck.
I got rid of the server before it turned into complete simp shit
Lol cucks
you turned it into a shit show. you simped so fucking hard you deleted a server you stupid fuck.
Wrong, it was combatting the simpetry
Post haste
I guess you were fighting simpetry with simpetry. you stupid fucking simp cuck. go get Ozy to fuck your sister while you watch.
Host paste
Cool story
Hmm, quite affiligent
Very interdasting
So the new server isn't actually "neyet-free". Great to know.
Always was
So you're telling us it's Ozy sperging out shitting up the Southeastern threads? Hard to believe.
Aww now I gotta join with an alt and report shit
currently in a depressive ep and in treatment. i like traveling, nature, art, music, reading, curating on pinterest, and many other things (when i’m not busy rotting). hard worker, organized, creative, insightful (when i’m not busy rotting).
>looking for
bio women
i’m the lonely lesbian stereotype
>not looking for
men, mtf

this post is a mess im a little drunk sorry’
19 M WV
>Physical description
5'6, hairy, longish black hair, chubby
Cars, video game (Dragon Age in particular), cooking
>Looking for
IRLs, people to vc and play video games with, fwb/hookups (I am bisexual)
>Not looking for
Preferably no racists
Contact? I live in WV
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>Physical description
5’11, Dad Bodied but stocky broad shoulders, currently going to the gym (3months on going) so that can (pic rel, ideal build) change, curly hair, Kempt and practices good hygiene unlike alot of people on this board, trying to get primarily into goth fashion once money is gotten, I don’t have a southern accent or atleast a thick one

PC games, Talking to people, Gym/lifting, Listening to music, educational videos and podcasts, true crime, and sending memes (hopefully to each other) currently in college

>Looking for
Girls, sort of trying to date but wanna be friends first for a while before anything like that. Particularly of similar interests. Not against ldr, if not from the locale, someone to send memes to and get into each others hobbies with one another. If we don’t click dating wise we can still be friends. Want someone who knows internet culture yet not consumed by it.

>Not looking for

Men, Trannies, Left leaning extremists (more toward center is okay), vehement anti-Christian’s, the suicidal (no point of getting attached if you’re just gonna break my heart), BPDemons, anyone who doesn’t enjoy educational content, anyone who doesn’t wanna improve themselves and become their best version together.

discord: gask
Is he just banning everyone? I just noticed that I wasn't in the server anymore and just assumed they purged inactive members (even tho I did talk the other day). Now I have no South related server to find friends/love in...
It is Ozy spamming.
There's a screenshot of you telling Neyet to mass ban before the nuke. Stop being weird dude. Users created their own community- not sure why you insist of larping as owner.
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good ol MOD abusing their power

>Physical description
5'9", 138.4 lbs, reddish brown skin, medium-long curly hair that I prefer to style into a front-hanging pompadour.

I'm a hoplophile.
I'm a naturalist so going on nature walks, camps, and hikes appeals to me.
Antique, thrift, and pawn shop visits are nice.
Inline skating, normal and aggressive.
Watching anime and niche/creature horror movies.
Board games.
Video games, mostly shooters.
Listening to cryptid/monster creepypastas.
I can cook at a home chef level and the food comes out good or great most of the time, but the kitchen will get messy.

>Looking for
Long term relationship with a chick who isn't anorexic or overweight that shares most of, if not all, of my interests and beliefs or at least accepts them.
Someone who's fine with me being agnostic (I was raised Protestant).
I don't really care about height, but being of comparable height is preferable.
Being a /k/ user would be a huge plus but is not required.
Being into arts and crafts is nice but not required.
Knowing how to sew or mend clothes is nice but not required.

>Not looking for
Leftists, commies, men, trans, "common sense" gun control advocates, misanthropes, and moral nihilists.
I'm not that interested in black women, especially ones that are ethnically urban american black.

Discord: diaphoros
27 bi m LA
>Physical description
5’9 170
Anything with cum
>Looking for
Someone to chat with about anything and maybe meet up one day.
>Not looking for
Feeding someone,
Hey we agreed not to spam each other's threads, and this is still technically my thread
bro spamming is against the rules
Lol you cocksucker

Fine, we'll do it this way

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