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Nice pecs faggot
4.5/10, average build and would be 5 if you shaved.
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4/10. I recommend taking up weightlifting before you age into a pudgy mess. Ignore the person telling you to shave. Build muscle and the hair will suit you.

7/10, needs more body shown, but looking tight.

6/10. Not bad, slim but needs more core work.

7/10. Beefy, nice bulge, weird underwear , don't skip leg day
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Wtf am i supposed to be rating here?
10/10 brian griffen
Cant see physique
6 aight physique
7 youre strong but not aesthetic
Shit tattoos icl
Are those fucking mouses lol
thread needs better quality pics

nice shoulder/waist ratio
would watch squating
Feet please?
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is my chest ok?
0/10 because you spam the same shitty pictures in every body thread
6/10, nice form with zero pecs

An overwhelming majority of you here have either godawful bodies, or you don't know how to take a picture properly showing your body off. I now understand why the average woman thinks the average man is an ugly, hideous slob.
Im so Sorry for you just not being able to enjoy real boddies, and having your brain melted for advertisement, Hollywood and fit influencers.
That might be stressful and painful
Lol what earned me the one point?
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is it over for me
well you don't have a dick so I'd say you have a leg up over 99% of other users here
You look awfully similar to someone, do you possibly have a scar on your forehead?
how do u know me….
i mean i have a scar but its barely visible
i'd call that perfected, sure
Im not sure if i know you but you look awfully similar to someone i knew...My question was, do you have a scar on your forehead? The person i knew hit a beam and they had a scar on their hairline.
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whats the name of this person
i hit a table but its barely visible
I gotta nut to you. Do you have any more pics of your sexy body?
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Seeing your hair color, i doubt your the person i once kne...but his name was reese.
What a wild coincidence
What do you mean by "wild coincidence".
I wish i was a moid and had a bf
What part of this is "over"? Your tits are perfect, you have an incredible and skinny body, and a beautifully luscious bush. 9.5/10 easy. Only area I can see might need improvement is general muscle tone. What's your ass like?
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do pushups or gain weight if you're worried about your chest
4.5/10 could be worse i guess

you lose points for being conventionally attractive women on 4chan in the name of equity
>conventionally attractive women

well ill take that as a compliment considering you didnt notice im a boy
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God fucking dammit I didn't pay close enough attention to the bulgey wulgey... or fully process the lack of tits.
Okay that one is on me.
the second one is not a woman
yeah I figured that out. just tell me how disgusting I am
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7/10 some definition will take you to a 9
8/10 nice pecs
its great. You are a petite girl, right?
nice gyno fag, also dick way too small
you need to hit the gym
Male, 29
Last rate thread it was agreed upon unanimously that I was a 4/10
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7, you need to fill out your top better
10, your tits are kind of too together but you have really nice shoulders; you should work them out
Damm, I guess I need to keep working out
Damn thats cold... time to hit the gym.. and eat less junk
Cute long foreskin on that flaccid dick. Would suck for hours. Sexy body, you should top men.
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sorry for not rating others, i have no idea how to rate bodies desu
10 literal perfect body woah
just be honest about what you think of them.
I can see ur nipples btw
Long ass fingers
Great core. What's your ab routine?

Here is mine, 30+ Incel edition
I want to see you get fucked by and suck this person's dick:>>33121539
Need to see a slim femboy fuck a fatter guy.
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Thoughts? Been on a cardio routine and now trying to start bulking up
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its easy
you look at the body
you write what you think about it
write the captcha and click send
now post a pic of those tits
Can't rate jailbait.
jeez i would wreck you
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give me ur opinions
hes pretty hot, I would do it desu
boobs look fake. Tummy is nice tho. Giving me tranny vibes ngl. solid 7 all things considered
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7/10, more depending on booty and assuming you didn’t crop out a cock
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post op trans woman
yeah my boobs are fake
I know you would be a total bottom for him. getting your ass rammed by that small femboy cock.
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let's hear it!
we will rate you https://discord.gg/cqqBgw9A
stop biting your finger nails
Still would
Also post cock
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DYEL reporting

No, regardless of which gender you are (It's getting harder and harder for me to tell these days)
if legal girl: 8/10
if man: 1/10
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>>33127401 9/10
>>33126994 6/10
>>33126749 8/10
>>33125857 9/10
>>33125019 6/10
>>33125383 9/10
>>33124562 9/10
>>33122061 9.5/10 It's a pity we can't see your face
>>33115220 8/10
terrific skin
i hope u are a good dancer

fast for 2 months

would watching fucking until exhausted

would fuck until exhausted
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I've come to mog the men
Sexy guy. Show hard pp and feet please?
5'7 (170cm) 128lbs (58kg)
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I'm still cutting
I'm straight.
You're probably trying to go for some femboy shit, but I actually hate looking at your body for some reason.
At least it's normal for most guys here to be out of shape, but you look like you're striving for the wrong shape.

Sorry just not my style.
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Thank you
I hope you will be satisfied
Tasty looking. Thank you
You're welcome and glad you like it
youd look great if you lost weight
your haircut compliments you really well
These are the only physiques ITT that aren't utterly repulsive
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Cut going slow but sure
kinda unflattering candid shot
could be worse 7/10

protip: u can't rely on being skinny forever. hit the gym

keep up the good work
also learn basic muscle poses


longer than expected!

begin working on that immediately
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>protip: u can't rely on being skinny forever. hit the gym
what did he mean by this? But yeah I have gone to the gym the last 6 months and calisthenics before that, only recently started paying attention to nutrition so muscles should start to show soon. Although I think I'm already very close to an ideal male body for 18-20 years old girls. All I care about is a six pack and the ability to bench 225lbs (around 210lbs atm)
>>begin working on that immediately
I can fight and powerlift, I dont need to show cut mucles just to impress some random GUYS
So why are you posting lol
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7 probably but pic unclear
see above
6.5, not feeling the underwear
I mean it’s not actively off-putting but no
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meow i’m a boy :3
I would rate at least a 9
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Wtf you didnt rate me
8/10 cuz chest, but you drop down to a zero for rating literally everybody but me
Fat but strong
There is nothing here
Strong but fat
I got mogged
6/10 no meat or fat
You don't even lift bro ofc not
Probably annoying but I find that hot unfortunately. 9/10.
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why is it trying to look for soil to grow in
would buy your feet pics
lol what
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7.5 body 3.5 haircut
Buff-fat Jackie chan mode lol, I rate 7 gor good proportions
would buy your cock pics
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i fold
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Lost around 70 pounds since September, still got work to do though. Gaining muscle weight too though.
pls zoom in
or make dunking webm next time

looking good
will you ever grow the beard back?

so far so good
moar angles with moar confident posing?

dat fur
good luck
Congrats bro, keep it up.
Bump page 11?!
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show us the axe wound
Need you badly.
Soft and suckable <3
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Would fuck you
Would fuck you
Would fuck you
Might fuck you, too dark
Would fuck you
Would fuck you
Would fuck you
hey man you too. Nice cock btw.
This is simply one of the most beautiful pics I’ve ever seen.
I would dick you down so good
Id love to see you riding on it. Really like those thighs
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8. Nice thighs
7.5 solid
You're beautiful... more please?
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doot doot
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Pls be gentle
2.5 yrs of training under my belt so far
I am vampire

gangbang me in the locker room UwU
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Haven't been in one of these for a while...
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Back as well
impressive (esp below belt)

greatness possible
nice skin

always hot
fur/sack 10/10

would cuddle forever

needs moar shameless flexing

what core work are u doing?

could be leaner but ehhh
making the mother of all omelettes here Jack
estrogen st... oh you've already started by the suckable nipples
8 cause i have a weekness for gooks
9 do u fw whiteguys
3 u look like christian bale in the machinist
You are attractive, not over at all. Simply being a woman that’s not ugly and not obese is enough for most guys. You fit that criteria easily.
i bet youd make some gay guys VERY happy
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Literally flawless
Amazing body hair
Great cock
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Holy hell I feel mogged
v nice. back plx

would watch topping twinks

me gusta mucho
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Still on a slow cut after 2 months of bulk and lifting
Nobody asked for a paywhore here. Also you look terrifying.
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Not exactly where I want to be with my physique yet but I feel like I’ve made a ton of progress in the past couple months
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I wish I was thinner and more fit. There’s some other femanons who looks amazing on here. What do you think would help me look better?
How old are you? Doesn't look bad to me, but better thighs never hurt. More shape/definition in your legs would make a big difference.
I’m in my 30’s lol. I used to be thinner when I was younger, like 115 lbs. I’m only 20 lbs heavier though now. I never was defined anywhere but I think I should start working out as I get older. Also you never rated me LOL
8 Youve got a normal body an aren't overweight so you're miles ahead of most women. Big naturals are a bonus
Pretty nice V. Id have sex with you
Nice fur and nice long dick. I'd suck it.
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Discord: aeo1is
arms are overpowering your symmetry, whatever program you are on is working well just adjust it to bring up your weakpoints to match the arm size.

victim weight.

buffalo bill vibes


Yoga chick. Would smash.

buffalo bill vibes

no reason any male should be this soft and weak. Victim.

+10lbs muscle, cut and you're g2go, good frame

stop eating tide pods brother.

my ex was the size of you. I'd pin her against the wall with her legs around my face and eat her pussy. 10/10 Azn

eat more and lift heavy. You'll look 10x better if you, do that for a full year.

skyrim npc bugged tummy?

victim weight / soft / please dont expect much posting this.

sucking in that gut isn't fooling anyone dough boy
nice shadow maxing with the camera angle. really soft you got alot of dietting to go bro but you're in a good place (assuming you will cut 20-30lbs of fat)
U don't lift nor do you respect yourself enough to eat right. Zeerrrooooo
stolen from twitter go away.
your not cutting. you don't even lift or diet.
skinny fat that's brutal
get a haircut Weird Al it's not doing you any favors.
this just reminds me of every skinny zoomer in my gym -10/10
one of the few people here who is lean enough to bulk and actually make significant gains
cute. reminds me of my ex prob 7/10

u need to cut immediately then Bulk up slowly keeping the abs during your bulk. U could be modeling if you cut down to sub 10% and keep the muscle intelligently. Lots of potential there I don't usually see.
Nice tits homo
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Side effect of working out and having a bench-press that's heavier than your squat max. Don't worry about it too much faggot, not like you have anything of note to even post here. No pic, how embarrassing xD U must really look like shit.
7.5/10. Beautiful tits and hips and tummy, but your legs are a bit disproportionate. Have you tried squats and hip thrusts?

9/10, ideal male form. What's your bench, and flex those biceps for us

xD no.
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Thought this Twitter trend was funny, with the anime girl arm photoshop, you can now photoshop a waifu grabbing you
6.5 just tone up a bit
7, fitter is better but you know I’d still shag, baby.
8.5 solid, mirin.
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9. Love petite women.
7.5, you look very good for in your 30s.
hot but you should crop out your sink 7/10
you look handsome 8/10
blurry 6/10
nice, average body 6/10
amazing body hair, i like your glasses 9/10
great body 9/10
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Thought you should know...
Don't be so insecure, it's not attractive.
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Perfect little daddy’s girl
Looking like that in your 30s isn't bad at all. Don't think you need to be thinner at all, there's just a general weakness in your physique which isn't terrible but it's easily improved on.
I'm biased, because I really like that breast shape and love hip dips. From the front, agree with the other anon, probably an 8.
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I need to have a threesome with you two. You two are similar looking, both hot af.
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strong thread



I’d fuck you for sure
I'm gonna remember that so I can get better...
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Very hot
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Discord @ikoks
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26 / F / Enfield

If you're a nerdy submissive kinky guy that looking to fully commit into long term ownership basis online or IRL, i am the Domme you looking for ! Doesnt matter if you're inexperienced. ill mold you into every shape i want. Introduce yourself nicely and address me as Miss Chan !

KIK : ExclusiveChanell
I know it smell crazy in there
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ok body, nothing to write home about, although it looks strong and manly. But your cock! Wow I love that shape. the taper and supple foreskin towards the glans. retracted or loosely cut, it is gorgeous as it is. lovely rounded rip too.
you're really one of the people here that actually look unique. you got kik?
fantastic body torn to shreds by losers. beautiful serratus, well developed chest, something barely anyone on 4chan seems to manage especially the gymbros. the hair in the pits and on the chest is also perfect.
good thick cock that is shown, but completely a side note to the picture, as it should be. this is a body thread and not to be a focus on the dickpics.
in a certain way gorgeous. definitely a decent foreskin like a greek cupbearer. hope you are doing alright and grow to love yourself
great body, shit picture.
there are other muscles than your arms. don't neglect the chest. gorgeous midriff though. no need to suck in your belly. get yourself out there and you wont be an incel for long. male or female attention to your looks is definitely not the problem. get some decent speedos a book and a season pass for the local pool and just wait. be seen.
pretty skin and body hair. cute lovehandles. too much photoshop on the dick. if you are already brave enough to show it soft, show it as it is.

10/10 healthy body. skin, muscles, posture, everything. well done anon. not muscular or shredded, but radiating a healthy lifestyle and good hygiene and someone who enjoys a meal without going overboard in either direction. gorgeous long foreskin btw.>>33127545
back is a bit lacking and lackluster compared to your front. pathetic ass ;) maybe you do have some regions that could require some attention
good skin. too much focus on the dick instead of your decent body. although textbook example that feet size does correlate to dick size.
Renaissance painting escapee
beautiful body shape. thick thighs(no, not a wide hip), tapered taille, broad-ish shoulders. chest is lacking compared to the shoulders. decent body hair. no need for a boner to impress people. could easily wear flabby boxers and you would still draw attention to yourself, although we would miss the massive balls
your hair is the only impressive thing on you, sorry, the body is totally misshapen. but your head and haircut is attractive as fuck
remember your pics from the silly animal censoring. you really improved since last year!
good glowing and shiny skin, sexy moles, nipple to navel arrangement in golden ratio. might want to bring some shape in your sides though. too squarish. work those thighs. lovely smile though. first one in the thread actually.

if anyone is interested, i love doing detailed rates and suggestions. just leave your kik
I suppose to late to ask for kik or snap now
I miss the skinny boys thread from a few weeks ago can we have another one pls
I'd do one myself but I don't want to have my weird fucked up looking skinnyfat torso in the catalogue it'd scare all the twinks away. This morbiund month-old thread will have to suffice in the meantime i suppose.....
Weirdly feminine looking ass in contrast to your apelike front, idk I'm sure someone is into this
That tattoo looks like the tribal tattoo game boy advance design, now thats an epic fucking gamer reference right there
You cant tell me what to do
Effervescently gorgeous im going to kill myself
You look like the skinny version of that one picture of elon musk being fat and anemic, you know the one right, make of that what you will
>You look like the skinny version of that one picture of elon musk being fat and anemic, you know the one right, make of that what you will
Yeah...i know the one. Ill have you know i got sunburnt to shit the day i took that...just so I can get a little bit of color in my skin...and you compare me to THAT picture...I wonder why i even bother making an effort sometimes man...
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disc : cyber03259
what do yall think
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omg new rate thread heckin poggerino new rate thread!!!
cant really see much
If youre actually over 18...youre a fucking creep for still usimg that app
i like its story feature
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Does Brian detect any bit of faggotry in this body too?
Damn. You're breathtaking.
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my physique is solely from working at a grocery store? I’m confused about it
pull the shorts down
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awaiting your next order
pull your legs up
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h-hey anon this is a body rate thread and I’m not nicely shaven for this kind of thing so I hope you can forgive. When I have shaven, my butt is one of my nicest features…
i like it better hairy but i'll let you be now. thanks for the pics ;)
Please don't shave anything anywhere, it's so hot
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Hottest physique in here, 9/10
bi by any chance?
cope and sneed

Get an even tan and calm down on the back exercises or start putting some meat on your chest to compensate. Your front is squished together by your massive back musculature.
Shame about the stupid ink, you have so much potential. But kudos for taking it to heart and improving yourself, taking new pics. You are hot, but have focused too much on some parts of your body while neglecting the absolutely most important one, the chest.
fantastic trapezoidal though. seriously impressive.
same poster as >>33160873 just new ID because of network change
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Can barely judge from that angle, 4/10
Nice body though needs to be toned up, still hot though 7/10
Absolutely impressive musculature
Let’s just hope that what you’ve got between your legs doesn’t resemble a Greek statue’s lol
awesome set
would worship

v hot
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I'm just curious desu
i am a sub male, 18
if ur a trans person, can i have ur discord/kik
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the ass of a MAN
wdym if? did you not see the reply screeching about me being a tranny?
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I hate my skinnfay body so much.
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