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Nice OP :)

These fast expiring threads are so dumb.
No problem. It was cool picture.
Where the hell can you even get Halo Mega Construx now? It's always Pokemon sets, if even that in the aisles. There's one place near me that has them but they've not restocked in maybe a year and they're no huge chain either.
Recently got back into Halo Mega Construx, just built the Arbiter's Quest today
Used to have 4 of the 2009 sets, wish I still had the minifigs at least
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TRU in Canada has MEGA but only some HALO, Barbie, Pokemon or Hot Wheels.
Best grab the rest from Ali.
before even what fell off the truck is gone.
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Where the MEGAs at?
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Just chillin', nice mood.
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you know who needs a mega?
The OG, Starship troopers, would be even better.
But i would very happily accept these too.
Though sadly the community is crashing and burning now anyway and Sony is only doubling down on the rape.
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Only seen bits of that but damn, could they be any more self-destructive, are they taking cues from D*sney or something
They added mandatory linking of a PSN account to keep playing the game on Steam (well are adding, in a couple weeks).
Not so bad on the surface, a bit annoying. Except when you dig deeper, there are well over 60 countries in the world you cannot make PSN accounts in, but that you could already buy this game in. So those people would literally be locked out of their game.
One community manager basically ended up saying, "well tough shit do it, or try for refund".
Then Sony the other day tried to sneakily change their TOS from "sony published games will have a voluntary PSN linking procedure" to "some games may have mandatory PSN linking" a couple days AFTER this shit storm already started.
And then yesterday instead of allowing any backtracking of this, Sony delisted the game for sale from all those countries that cant do PSN accounts.
Steam is at least allowing refunds even well beyond usual play time limits now though.

So basically they've taken what was just reported as the 7th best selling playstation game ever, that had massive goodwill behind it and was being touted as THE way to do live service games and then crashed the goodwill plane with no survivors. And likely getting 100s of thousands+ of refunds. potentially million(s) as now anyone can do a refund, so you'll have tons that played the game a lot and are bored just using at as an excuse, the tons of people directly affected and then the huge amount who are taking a stand against it.

Yeah its straight up comical in a sad way how fucking retarded companies can be.
wow that's fucking awful
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Almost makes MEGA/Matty look competent by comparison... almost.
Yeah its pretty bad. They had to take one of the few games people were happy with the management of and then rape it.
Seriously crazy.

Haha, almost.
Maybe a match made in heaven (hell) then.
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Is there anyone who isn't shitting the bed these days
this is not about plastic, but the playstation twitter just said they're not gonna do that anymore.

My incontinent 905 year old grandpa shits his bed less than the game/media industry these days.

Holy shit. Thanks for the heads up.
After Sony pulled the games from sale in those countries I really didn't think they would backdown as it seemed like a pretty huge step.
I still think this will have ended with quite a lot of refunds sticking and a lot of lost future sales due to hurt faith. But im hoping the Devs keep up what they'd been doing and the game does stay healthy. It deserves that.
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Dang, did he go on Crusade in his youth?
The Starship Troopers Roughnecks animation.
That way you don't have to make as many "big" mechs. sell 4 troops with walls / small emplacements. Bugs. maybe Skinnies.
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They Blinked.
Sony caved.
In Canada people are boycotting a mega chain of grocery stores.. and the stores are worried.
let me break my cynicism for a second and say that these are small things - but people can make change.
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The Loblaws thing is lib/dip bs, blackface and rolex trying to pass the blame. Last year's pushback against Budd Light on the other hand lol

This is just bullshitting but...
I myself think it has more to do with Sony wanting to buy Paramount.
I mean think about it. the game isn't gonna make them nigga rich but it will allow them to offer slightly more to Papramount and not take as much of a loss but. the players GLOBALLY
start canelling accounts and also pre-orders and the ill-will they would get from the nerd and tech community..
Well maybe those pissed off people might jump off the sinking Paramount ship just after Sony bought it and roally fuck them.
Even the thought of a market share loss as well as tanking a giant media company - just a little bit more - that they now owned..made them cleanch their butts even tighter.
Nice foliage in the back. wanted to get something like that for the Mega I have in display that aren't part of a diorama.

Where did you get those/any clues on where one would get something like that?
Anyone here makes custom painted mcx figures?

Post your own! I see a bunch on reddit and instagram. Decided to try my hand at it. Any tips?
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They've come from packages of army men over the years. Can often find them packed with plastic animals or dinosaurs too, though you usually don't get much per set.
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Have there been any new shrunken KOs since that Yoroi Spartan heroes wave last year?
I’ve been lazy and haven’t taken any new pictures, just have old stuff so I don’t post.
Even Mega KOs are dead?
Well the chink stole some s17 shit and nothing else.
Why is Mattel killing Mega? Distribution is awful, I havent seen Halo sets in 8 years, only Pokemon. HOT WHEELS AND BARBIE. AND SOME MOTU.

Why dont they make an online store? But for the entire world
I mean there's Mattel creations but even that is underwhelming.

I'm in europe and it would be easier to get my hands on heroin than mcx.
Heard from someone on the mcx subreddit that they were able to find a small toy store in southern France that stocked Halo sets, legit considered going there just to be able to buy some in person at an actual store.

In germany there is absolutely nothing, it's awful, I really hope mattel fixes their distribution before eventually killing off the brand.
I still think it's Lego's fault because of all the shelf space requirements they put on retailers.
I hate mattel
pretty sure mattel hates us too
The fact they never issued any statement on the death of the COD line (afaik) speaks volumes to me...

Also gen z and gen alpha need to get off their asses and ipads and go play with toys, the toy isles and stores are getting more and more depressing by the day.
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Until the day I die I will remain convinced one of the reasons CoD got dropped is cuz "concerned mothers" complained about the Nazis.
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Lmao was that an actual thing? What about literally any other toy brand that has depicted WW2 german troops?

Also, post what you think is the most creative/interesting mcx set.

For me it's picrel, love everything about it, the name of it, the figures, the war-torn look of the warthog, the terrain, etc...
Wish Mega still did these sort of mini diorama sets, with terrains and natural element parts. A line of 3 or 4 of these that you could assemble together would be terrific!
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Granted it is only a theory, but it's based on the following:
>neither set with German figs is on the Mega CoD site
While there are a few other CoD sets also missing from the site (notably the very last ones to be made, the P-47 (which seems to have had a very limited release) and WWII Beach Invasion (partial re-release of Landing Craft Invasion, with minor changes to the landing craft and without the bunker or enemy soldier)), it is interesting that the other two Legends figure packs released alongside the "Enemy Soldiers" one are on the site. I reached out to Mega and Mattel about this absence and got a bland non-reply, big surprise. Yes, the Checkpoint Charge features an "Axis Soldier" but is generic enough to slide under the radar.
>cancelled Panzer set
I was so hyped when word leaked out that Mega was going to release a Panzer set; but time went by and nothing came of it. Another anon got word from someone at Mega that apparently this set was shopped around the various retailers and all declined to order it, no reasons given (that I recall anyway).
The German sets came out in 2018; by 2021 Mega CoD was effectively dead. Toy companies are typically planning ahead by a couple years (i.e. Mega likely first started working on their initial Halo Wars line sometime in 2007; the game and toyline dropped in 2009). Given that the number of new CoD sets started declining significantly each year after 2018 (with a number of known cancellations like the aforementioned Panzer and the infamous The Last of Us set) is it much of a stretch to infer at least some connection?

tl;dr there is evidence Mega has suppressed some of its own sets for reasons unknown. And no you may not see my string board.
For your other question, that is a great choice for the reasons mentioned and for the fact that it was the first set to give you a pair of Hunters; previously they were only in the 2 Wolverine sets, forcing you to buy both or two of one to have a proper Hunter pair. I also have an implausible story for my EVA's Last Stand 'Hog and how it got its wheels but I'll save that for another post.

Difficult for me to single out a set above them all, been collecting from the beginning and they've done so many awesome ones. Think I'll give special mention to High Ground; it's an iconic multiplayer map from (in my humble opinion) the greatest online era and is easily identifiable as such. Plenty of neat little details like the exploding barrels, traffic cones and even a piece of camouflage netting on top of Sniper Tower. Included five Spartans in four different armors (Mk IV x2, EVA, CQB and Recon) with two red, two blue and one active camo who could be on either side. Great and varied selection of weapons and one of the first sets to have trip mines, with a blue flag to battle over rounding it out. The only other multiplayer map they did was Snowbound, split between one of the Battlescapes and a set of one of the structures (with downloadable instructions for combining the two). Would've been neat to see them try some of the other maps but I get that they probably didn't sell so well.
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The only thing keeping Mega on shelves...
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We need to keep the community alive!
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This is dope
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>trying to bandwagon off l*go and its bing bing wahoo
kek crazy enough to work. I've bought a few Poke sets over time, either between new waves of Halo and CoD or on deep discount. Was never into Poke itself, the fad started just a little after my time but the builds have been fun and there's meme potential. TRU used to have this display up, wonder what happened to it.
Reminds me, I have the set with all the different Eevees gathering dust lol should open it sometime I guess.
They usually destroy or sell these displays.
Well now that Israel is getting into the genocide game I'm sure Nazis are fine.
One day Mega will be on stofe shelves worldwide, Mattel will actually invest in it.
How many sets are we getting for Halo this year? Why can't Mattel fix the goddamn distribution?
3 sets, one wasp and 2 base builds.
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I didn't know about any of this, I can see the cancellation due to the Nazi sets as being highly likely.
Also can't forget that around 2020 everyone was hyper sensitive to those topics lol
It's a real shame, still want mega to make a generic military line using COD molds.

Love this set, was the first and only time I got a Mega set from the US, my dad found it on ebay back in 2013/4 for 30$ + shipping to Portugal. Ended up costing around the same as retail price. I still have it! would love to get a second one to have some extra gray pieces and expand my base for my large scale diorama I'm making.
Can't wait for the leaked base building sets. If those succeed I can imagine Mega eventually attempting to make another MP map set.

kek true

At this point I'm also manifesting this.

There were 4 leaked sets if I'm not mistaken, Artic Wasp (I think), 2 base building sets (we are getting official SPI armor aka Mirage armor) and the halo 2 anniversary figure set.
Because Mattel is Mattel.
>Also gen z and gen alpha need to get off their asses and ipads and go play with toys
I’m right here with you. For some reason my parents didn’t allow me to have Lego (it’s not that we couldn’t afford it, they wouldn’t even let family members buy it for me) but they did allow Mega, so it’s been with me for most of my life. I’m not sure about you guys, but I sometimes think about how I played/play with toys, and how it influenced my imagination. I didn’t have any sets with named characters and as a result when I’m imaging large battles it’s just a bunch of nameless nobodies dying with no-one to mourn or remember them.
I don’t think they ever made it to stores desu.
These look cool. I don’t care about Pokemon, but Palword really activated my almonds and now I want some.
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The 4-fig "Enemy Soldiers" definitely made it to stores, pic related. The other set was a large 16-fig WW2 Battle Pack evenly split between Americans and Germans, didn't find in stores but got off Amazon. Can still find the 4-pack for sale some places, if you're willing to cough up the ungodly late tax. China has given them a fair shake, can get packs of 6-8 soldiers with piles of guns and gear for pretty cheap, not quite up there in quality and sometimes terrible paint apps but great way to build up a Nazi platoon.
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All the figs in pic are the Chinese versions
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I was eying this during Covid. It was on Amazon for sixty USD and that big WWII was rereleased for cheaper, so I ended up getting that instead. I now regret not going back for it because this pack comes lugers, which the bigger boxset didn’t.
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Yeah, at the time I was on a more limited budget but managed to get two sets plus one of the 16-fig pack off Amazon. Only ever saw the 4-packs at a couple Walmarts here, not many stocked either. Got two of the Brits 4-pack as well, much better treatment too with having Stens, Brens and a nice Vickers machine gun. Had I known this wasn't the first wave of a new line of WW2 sets but rather a harbinger of doom I would've bought as many as I could find.
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Post franchises you wish Mega would do sets for.
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I want MegaBloks to actually release this shit
All the bullets talk about the features of the build, and it sounds like a nice set, especially if the buttons have some haptic responses, then suddenly that last line about recording Pokemon information, as if it can actually do this. I'm interested.

Looks cute.

Why? Did that actually catch on? As for the build, seems a bit boring.
>Why? Did that actually catch on?
I guess is not as bad as manchildren.
Every now and then I think about megabloks and how they could and should be a juggernaut of a toyline rivaling or surpassing Lego because they have better engineering and ideas and probably quality at this point too. So sad that's it's been relegated to an also ran after they were poised to explode 10-15 years ago.
The simple 'adult collector' is clear and gets the point across, I think.

Their minifigures are bar none the best minifigures out there, and are a massive selling point. On their own they're just legitimately good little figures. I think they just need a license (or lots of licenses) where those can shine. Sometimes it feels like the building aspect could be holding them back.
Will they ever reboot Dragons?
I would say Killzone, but that’s not gonna happen without a new game. At least with Fallout you have a TV show and a evergreen live service game.
Nope. Only boomer licenses and whatever IP Mattel owns.
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i like how well these go with big transformers.
Just ordered roton, landshark and paldea region pack. Looking forward to them. All for $35
Just cancelled it, apparently seller was a liar. Fuck them
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I got a couple of sets of these guys in Walmart's in Canada. They were still lingering long after most other cod sets vanished.
Got the vrs from TRU I think.
I should have bought 3 more sets of these guys.
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HASBRO and Matty would make bank.
Use the same stylin as the CoD figures. They need to put out at least 1 4pack of COBRA grunts. maybe release 1 name COBRA figure packed with one trooper or 2. Maybe a "OG Joe figure pack and singles of Snake Eyes variants (w Timber) etc.
people have done a LOT of customs.
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Hopefully soon, last good dragon sets were from GoT. We really need remakes of the best designs from Dragons.
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I miss seeing Halo and MOTU at retail so much. Fuck pokemon and why would they ever make a Beatles set of all things?
It's hover.
Yes, 10 years ago
The beatles crap was so fucking random and pointless.
They looks like customs to me. The guy with the silver face is basically just Alex Reyes.
As far as I know "just" customs.
Where is my MOTU shit?
in the trash where it belongs
but really they are done with it
I disagree with the attitude of this individual but sadly I think He man is gone.
MEGA likes to gwet a lot of interest, gain a following then abruptly drop anything that's going to sell.
Or crank out HALO and pokemon forever.
>lot of interest
He man wasn't selling to be fair, everything was always on sale and still not selling
Sold out because it was a minuscule stock
There were a few small sets at the start of the year.
No they announced two mini sets but confirmed it was a mistake.
Was it really? The Halo sets that came out in the same price range came out, right?
if you mean the two small vehicles sets with skeletor and the dude with the head bucket yes.
It's fun to know what we didn't get.
I hate He-Man, but that is unfortunate.
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