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God the eyes on the two non shocked faces look so souless lol
Cyberfrog better
EVS is a confirmed faggot that can't get 3 issues out in 6 years. Meanwhile Kamen America is on Vol. 9.
What is this? Never heard of it before. Looks like the Spinerette comic.
Self-published right-wing leaning indie comic made during the big shitfest a couple years back
Creators pay better artists from Japan to do art to promote the comic and it kind of just stuck around long enough to have a toy
EVS is a retard and even worse writer. Derailed his own movement with his constant faggotry and couldn't even keep his kickstarter promises over the last 5 years.
rofl sounds like shit.
He's talking about the toy
>high heels
>butt piece instead of incorporating it to the legs
>comic has no nudity
I hate everything about this
low bar, those toys arent great neither
Looks bootleg quality.
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Her eyes look weird...I looked up the source material and it looks like a parody of anime where everything is drawn wrong on purpose to "emulate" 80s/90s style anime OVAs. Her eyes in the comic look like she's wearing wide rimmed glasses constantly. Also the lines of each character design are very sharp with lots of edges except for the titties of each girl giving off the appearance of an early 2000s cartoon. It looks more like Invader Zim with way more tits and thighs than it does any anime/manga I've ever seen. I think the worst thing about it is the oppressively bright shading filters and fucking CHROMATIC ABERRATION layered onto a 2D COMIC. Obviously the figure looks bad because instead of even trying to transfer the sharp edges, plump thighs, tits with slight sag, and nice armpit gap of the original design they neutered everything sexy about her.
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If he's talking about Heather Swain she barely comes out on top since the ripped jeans+t-shirt combo is easier to pull off as a sexy look in toy form. Also she comes with weapons, two extra heads with different expressions+hair styles, and a stand. There's also the layered shading of paint versus Kamen America's complete lack of it. Imagine if the Kamen America had creamy white skin that shined with a slight sheen of sweat like in the source material.
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>sexy round shoulder+armpit immediately halves in girth the moment her bicep meets the long glove
>sexy hips and meaty thighs immediately halve in girth the moment her thigh reaches the long boot
>just above her knee and going down looks like a completely different person's leg
>head is tiny and round with no definitive shape or features

It gets worse the more I look at it. It's like an AI generated image with "anime DC Star Girl" or "anime female Captain America" as the prompt.
>Verification not required
you've gotta be fucking kidding me.
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Alright Eric, your move
Cute design but the comic she's from is hilariously cringy, it feels like a leftist writing a comic parodying right wing media
the toy does not translate the design into 3D very well
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zombie tramp figure coming soon too
I want to hotglue her twin towers
these supposedly have some really terrible articulation tho I don't know anyone who actually has one.
Some joints are fairly normal in range, but then she lacks ankle rockers, she has no body crunch of any kind (both the waist and diaphragm joints are swivels) and as you can imagine the long hair heads barely move.
worth it for the coom?
western companies can't make anime figures
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this one looks better
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I just can't with these archaic ass looking joints that look like they're right out of 2000. Ugly shoulders with straight cuts through biceps? Those ugly single hinge elbows that could have easily been swivel hinges? Nah. Not when they cost as much as these do.
Looks good (mostly because of ripping off MHA’s art style). But how does it pose?
It's nice and I like it, but if the design didn't already sell you the figure at first sight then it's probably not worth it, I guess, since it won't blow your mind when you get it.
I think one of the major problems with the face is that the pupils are too small. With anime, they're usually drawn small to show a character is scared or crazy, so it just gives her a weird, crazed yandere look. The figure has a sort of thousand-yard stare, too.

The heads look pretty bad compared to the protos I remember seeing for these. Also feels like they had these shit single elbows, then they upgraded them to double-jointed elbows for a proto, then went back to single hinge.

I guess at the very least, weren't these figures only supposed to be like, $35 or $40? That's half what a loose collector figure sells for, and the Heather figure has like, twice the accessories.
where tf can i get this one
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>butt piece again
why arent designers learning?
Yeah, just wait for revoltech to make her
Face is a little wonkey.
I dont know why either. Grandma ass buttflaps are so lazy we already know what works better.
Are you blind, son? The image tells you all the information you seek.
well anon my account twitter got raided by a bunch of troons so i cant see the fucking post.

and do you have any idea how many kickstarters the dude got done
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This has to be a fucking joke. No way this comic got popular enough to get merch.

But if it is real, yes, I'll probably get it, even though the ZT from part 2 is far more likable and cuter.
I hate this design so much
Let's see
>Datedly 90's edgelord frog
>Badly designed MAGAtard coombait
Gee, they're both awful
It's an action comic with nudity. Where's my Bomb Queen and Tarot already?
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Now THAT is a good western style coomer figure.
I haven't read the comic but I have admired the design for years. The static ass sucks but otherwise this is really cool.
Kamen America is just fucking lame.
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Bomb Queen would be cool. I feel like her comics sort of objectively suck but somehow I still had fun with them.
Also Mercy Sparx and Cassie Hack when?
needs nudity. I mentioned those for that reason only
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Cavewoman figure when?
I don’t understand why every single toy line doesn’t do it like Mika and Chun
I get that it has the gap when they bend over but it’s still better than the ass plate
>No way this comic got popular enough to get merch.

Loose Collector's whole deal is doing a whole bunch of "Bad girl" comic characters. Some are well known like Lady Death and Vampirella, but some are pretty obscure.
They oughta make Gen 13 next. I don't need it, but that'd be nice anyway
I wish we got spinnerette or Empowered
It is. I really wanted it be good but it's just so cringe and soulless. It isn't even good as a cheesecake comic.
Some decent covers though.

Just like the comic!
I mean he has a dedicated coomer kick starter audience.
Honestly I feel like his style has gotten too weird compared to how it used to be.
he's also gotten lazier and raised his prices a ton.
shut up fag
I like Spinnerette. She's more of a spider than Spider-man is and i dont think there was ever a good octo-ped Spidey. But I don't want one until they figure out long-hair posability and improved ass tech, by which I mean they need to incorporate the ass into the legs instead that back piece again
I think dc owns them so i doubt it.
So when are they making Wall Might?
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Can we please all join together as a community to make sure that they improve the ass tech? Particularly, replace the ass piece and incorporate it into the legs.
Turn this thread into an action figure kickstarter thread, thats more interesting than this >>10979268 dull eyed crap
>Wall Might
Ho my fucking god that's funny. I'm not even a republican and I'd buy it in a heartbeat.
Cassie deserved bettter.
>5" Super Powers knockoff
>6" whatever the fuck this is supposed to be
>a Minimates
Decent 1/12 Cassie and Vlad set never.
15 year old redditor humour
truly horrible
God damn it, I actually kind of wanted one but they're all sold out on the Kickstarter page. You snooze you lose, I snost and lost.
Wait never mind it's still available on the Indiegogo page. We're BACK bros!
This.....aged fucking horribly
The shocked expression would be the only I would ever use but, boy are those elbow joints terrible.
You'll never be able to type that word without the world knowing there are tears in your eyes when you hit post. :3
Thins thing looks cheaply made like it's going to break apart.
Well yeah it only exists to farm money from alt-right incels. They know it doesn't need to be a quality figure.
I can't wait to see Anons over in the coomer thread have a field day with this expression.
I want her to rape me. That's what I think
haha yes fellow anons I'm sure the Kamen America(tm) figure will make a great addition to your anti-woke /ctg/ collection! Be sure to take plenty of photos with #kamenamerica on twittergram!
She cute!
They did .. a week ago
Like most comics, the covers are great while the interior art is calarts tier.
Someone scanned and uploaded that comic on those free comic sites. That book was utter shit.
I'm debating it. Need to see more or a cheap asking price to warrant it. Other than that, it's a big meh. Most fun you could get out of it would be fairly niche. Her having a mask doesn't make it the most face swap friendly piece.
Really? What's wrong with it?
Not him but Isom's problem is that it's bland and horribly decompressed with the first issue being around 40-50 pages yet barely anything happened
Isom's supposed to have these special hyped up powers yet we still don't know what they're supposed to be a whole year later
The art isn't even that good either, it's generic 2000's cape comics
It is just horrifically bland and unoriginal with terrible pacing and an unfocused story. The art is usually semi-okay but there are some scenes that make it comically obvious that it was made by lazily tracing over 3D models. If it weren't sold as a political thing I don't think it would have any fans.
Yeah honestly every single comic I've read from the comics gate crowd has been super fucking boring and bland. Art is usually very low tier as well.
Like you'd think the comic from the OP would just be full of cheesecake and gratuitous poses but nah it's super fucking tame outside of the covers and her costume.
Guess you can't expect grifters to actually save something.
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>we have Empowered at home
volume 4 omnibus when?
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>full of cheesecake and gratuitous poses
it really doesn't make sense why it's not this. wasn't that the whole point?
Omega oof. I get that buildup is necessary but it's a comic. Not a novel. You can engage a reader and then build up because enough they have a reason to be invested in answers. I won't dock too much on the art. I get that it's supposed to be the main point of a comic but they are indie and aren't actively stylizing it and making it wind up looking shitty or out of tone with the story.
Trips demand to be checked.
>obvious it was 3d traced
Oh? What are the tells for that? Clipping? Terrible foreshortening? Lack of stylistic flair? Lack of detail, expression and shading? All in all sounds like it would not be stand out in any way. Shame. I really hope he's not touting it as some major accomplishment then.
I too am confused. Why not send the full bill on it then? Jesus, can't stop fumbling the bag can they? At this rate my unfinished smut will have been a greater contribution to society.
The creators are like, very religious
So I guess it's supposed to be "safe horny"
Damn, Americans are fucking weirdos

I can explain.


Comics (Western comics) is a dying medium, if not already dead. For years DC Comics has been publishing comics at a loss. Marvel is not far behind. The reason comics are still produced is:
1) Advertising.
Even though nobody is buying them, they still fill up shelves with pretty images showcasing their IP. This is why the interior art is almost universally shit compared to the cover art.
2) Testing out ideas.
The real money is in games and movies but they cost hundreds of millions of $ to make. They minimize risk by seeing which characters or stories connect with the audience.
3) Signal boost advertising.
People who buy the comics also have an identity which revolves around comics. Everyone has friends. Everyone has family. Everyone has social media. This means 1 sale of a comic translates to advertising to dozens of people at least. Imagine all the video essays on YT made by superfans who want to let everyone else know how much "in the know" they.
4) Copyright maintenance.
A lot of the characters are old enough to have become public domain by now. DC and Marvel maintain their ownership by redesigning and retconning the characters. This is why Peter Parker is a black kid now called Miles. I'm sure there are a lot of loopholes but generally speaking copyright lasts about 70-75 years. Spider-man is 62 years old.
NOTE: Just checked Wikipedia and it appears in the US they managed to extend the copyright to 95 years from the moment of publication if the IP is owned by a company. However in Europe it's still 70 years. This means that in 8 years, Europe can produce any merchandise regarding Spider-man (Peter Parker edition) legally without paying any royalties or licences to anyone. Same goes for Japan, Russia, etc. In China it's 50 years but it's not as if they care in the first place lol.

It's important to know these things in order to understand the mindset of the comicsgate people.

>It's important to know these things in order to understand the mindset of the comicsgate people.

Comicsgate people live in the past. They don't understand or want to understand the current state of the comics industry. They think, or want to believe, that because shelves still have comics on them it means there's a demand for them. There's not. The ONLY people that buy comics are people who bought comics since they were kids. It's an industry which runs on the fumes of boomers and gen X'ers.

The upside is that boomers and gen X'ers have more money than sense. You see these crowdfunds for independent comics which rack up to six figures. Then you realize the audience is only 2000 strong. To put it in perspective: for a comic to rack 100 000$ in sales, at 4$ per unit, it should sell 25 000 copies. Marvel can barely break 100 000 units sold in 2022. Things got so bad they flat out stopped publishing the sales numbers.

Add to this the fact the numbers are (were) artificially inflated. Comics are sold through comic book stores and the numbers just show how many units were shipped to comic book stores. Now you know why so many comic book stores closed: they bought more inventory than they sold.

Then there's the situation of the comic book creators. Most are now working in movies, tv-shows, video-games, or flat out abandoned the creative field altogether. It's almost impossible to make a living creating comics. But the upside to this grand exodus of comic book artists is that those that stayed behind have very little competition and they can luckily make a living off of the vanity projects/delusions of boomers and gen X'ers.

This is why the quality of independent comics is so mid. There's really now point to work extra hard for the same amount of pay and the people who pay the bills are too old to care that much. It's just a nostalgia market at this point.
b-b-but 4chan said it's the leftists who are the real prudes :(((

Forgot to add something important regarding the sexuality/prudeness of the comics.

Because, like I've said, comicsgate people live in the past, they have an archaic perspective on what comics should be. Yes, comics in the past were very kid-friendly because kids bought them. In 2024 literally no kid buys comics but the comicsgate-ers don't want to face this fact. They tricked themselves into thinking they're somehow winning the culture-war by influencing the young generation through comics. But the reality is the only people that buy their comics are the comicsgate crowd themselves. It's a self-contained market.
They are.
Leftists aren't prudes. People in power are prudes. Religion and politics are about control, and that includes controlling peoples' sexuality, development, relationships, etc. And no, democrats aren't leftists.
Nah, they definitely are. Just look at any left leaning tranny infested community and you can see they're more prude than religious groups
Technically speaking they were excommunicated by comicsgate and now exist in their own separate faction like how Isom technically isn't CG either
Guess who's being a bit of a prude right now anon
This nigga>>10993008
The trannies at hasbro,gamesworkshop, Blizzard,DC, Marvel and other westernigger companies
Well they aren't
if we're being completely honest they're both prudes. puritan thinking has been so steeped in america that its hard to get away from, regardless of how sexually liberated people claim to be.
Agreed, the whole cg thing failed because it couldn't make anything better than the mainstream. Some have good art, but the story drags it down. Expect the isom shit to be forgotten about in 5 years.
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You can look up the 3d assets used in the comic that were traced over.
Comicsgate failed because they literally spend 95% of the time fighting each other instead of making good comics, let alone just making comics period
>Comicsgate failed because they literally spend 95% of the time fighting each other instead of making good comics

That's why it succeeded. Drama sells. Always.
Even though they have a tiny audience it still pays the bills. The creators are making more money selling to thousands than they would have made selling to tens of thousands through DC or Marvel.

The graphic storytelling medium itself isn't dying as manga and manhwa are booming. They're selling 100x more than Western comics so the audience is there.

People today are fed up with cape-shit and because the comicgaters live in the past they can't fathom a comic without cape-shit. I did some research with primary school / junior high kids at some point. The moment I mentioned "superpowers" most of them literally rolled their eyes. The moment I mentioned "female protagonist" they almost lynched us, both the boys and girls. Something like Kamen America is the antithesis of what the younger generations want.
EVS and Ya boi Zack won.
When is Cyberfrog 3 coming out?
I pray his superpowers will later involve electricity, that would be hilarious.
Funny that you say comics don't sell nowadays when manga sell like crazy.
Comics don't sell because they were shit for years and still are shit in most cases.
>People today are fed up with cape-shit and because the comicgaters live in the past they can't fathom a comic without cape-shit. I did some research with primary school / junior high kids at some point. The moment I mentioned "superpowers" most of them literally rolled their eyes. The moment I mentioned "female protagonist" they almost lynched us, both the boys and girls. Something like Kamen America is the antithesis of what the younger generations want.
I want to say there was a poll recently stating young folks categorically do not want remakes of old properties. Stands to reason this would extend to comics.
There are plenty of "superpowers" in manga, but the stories also tend to have actual stakes. There are no stakes in what passes for mainstream American comics.
This is more expensive than a figma.
People love super powers. They hate capeshit due to oversaturation only. Comics don't sell because editorial oversight keeps the status quo to tightly.

Oh you want to read xmen? Well you have to read 5 issues of this side story, and 10 issues of this seemingly unrelated title, oh and the story finished under the wolverine title. Then read issues 1-3 of the special summer gala, but not 4-6 since theres a time skip that spouls what happened in x-force 22. Also there's gonna be 10 different 'first issue'. Oh and most of the story gets retconned and reinterpreted 2 years later to completely change the outcomes.this

Oh you want to read Demon Slayer? Read volumes 1-25.
I was talking about Western Comics specifically. Read my first post:
>Comics (Western comics) is a dying medium

I also mention manga here: >>10993347

Because comic book creators live in the past for them superpowers always equals capeshit. Harry Potter has superpowers, it is not capeshit, and at some point it was more popular than all the capeshit put together.
The kids I talked to weren't against superpowers but they didn't want the powers to be the main focus of the story. They were ok with lowkey powers like "talking to animals", "animal tamer", or "his best friend is a tiger", stuff like that.

>Comics don't sell because editorial oversight keeps the status quo to tightly.
This falls under point 2)
>2) Testing out ideas.
>The real money is in games and movies but they cost hundreds of millions of $ to make. They minimize risk by seeing which characters or stories connect with the audience.

They track the numbers very carefully to see what works. Not just what sells but also when it sells. So if someone buys their comics because they've always bought their comics this tells them nothing on whether or not the customer actually reads the comics or what said customer thinks of the story. So if a customer seeks out and buys all the branching storylines, this tells them that the story was interesting enough for someone to invest time and money into discovering it.
TL;DR version: it's not editorial oversight, they turned publishing into a type of "choose your own adventure" game.
Literally just read creator-owned titles
Demon Slayer is trash
Damn, western comics are fucking awful to look at
There are a good artists here and there
Especially in the European space

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