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Inaugural Edition

Thread for miscellaneous "dolls" who don't fit in other generals scattered around the boards: artdolls, amigurumi, needlefelt, and so on. If you aren't sure that your doll fits here, feel free to post anyway and we'll figure it out together.

Other Doll Threads:
Fashion Doll General: >>10972569
BJD General: >>>/jp/46712840
You ain't gonna get any ongoing hits sis, if you want to talk about it just do so in one of the linked threads.
That's fine. I made this thread on request of another anon, to see if there would be any takers. It's always worth a shot!
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I would love to see what art dolls you have in your collection OP. I've seen so much variety in them, there's a lot of very interesting ones.

The only one I have myself is this deer creature by giftofmercury. I like to keep him posed like this, sitting like a goober.
What is this?
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I have always wanted to adopt something from Gift of Mercury! He's very silly and cute, have you named him? How do they pose?

And sure, I can do that. I'll see what other photos I have laying around. Picrel is Fingers, who is probably my favorite weird little guy. He is made by _n0yra_ (Errana's World) on instagram, and I am very happy I could adopt him. He's always fun to photograph and he's held up wonderfully through the years of rather extensive posing and re-posing. Errana's work is top-notch and worth the price it commands. I would like to send him home one day for some touch-ups if the opportunity ever arises, but right now the world situation makes that infeasible.

This is an artdoll, which is a sort of hand-made, articulated soft-sculpture. They tend to have some of armature inside of them, usually wire or lockline (teddy bear) spine to give them a range of movement, and beyond that they can be made of just about anything. Needlefelt dolls which don't move can also be considered artdolls, as can other fibercraft creations... it's a very vague and undefined sort of genre. Mixed-media creations of wire armature wrapped in cotton batting or upholstery foam, with clay sculpture details in the face, limbs and other body parts, covered variously in other textiles or faux fur, is probably the most common composition, I would say? But there are no real hard standards here. This one, specifically, is a winged snake named "The Cobra Queen" by the artist, Creatures of Whimsy. I named her Iris, and in my opinion she photographs very well! The build quality isn't the best, but I knew that would be the case going in due to the materials being what they are, so I'm okay with that. I'm really glad I was able to adopt her.

(TL;DR it's a handmade poseable stuffed animal.)
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Oh Fingers is fantastic! I love him! He is owning that branch. I have always admired the creepy and creepy-cute side of art dolls, maybe next time I have some spare cash I should go hunting for a new friend.

My deer fellow doesn't have a name, I'm not very good at naming things (I named the spider in my bathroom Bullshit). I don't have anything to compare it to obviously but I think his posing ability is pretty decent? He has one of those plastic internal armatures that creak a little when you move it, not in a worrying way just because of the friction in the joints. As you can see he can stand on all fours, splay out like a squashed bug, put his hooves up to his face as if gasping dramatically... not sure what more I would need to ask of him really!
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Oh, and if we're counting needle felted dolls I can also contribute these adorable birds in bonnets by pinocosmile! They're so kitschy, I couldn't resist them.
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Those are so cute anon, thank you so much for sharing! I don't have any needlefelt creatures, but I'd like to change that one day!

What are you talking about that's a great name for a bathroom spider, I laughed. I'm surprised they use lockline spines for articulation, I was thinking it would be wire armature... that's very interesting. He's a very cooperative little fellow!

It occurs to me that, technically speaking, long furbies are a type of artdoll. Thus, here is my boy Milkshake!
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Thoughts on zombaes forever?
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They have brains
They're kinda cute, if limited in articulation for my tastes. Wrong thread though friend, try over here:
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My mum told me about these dolls by a creator known as mewiefish, I quite like this Radish feller. These are apparently BJD and I was curious about their construction, it looks to have strings or wires running through the joints and I was wondering if that's common with these dolls as they aren't my forte.
Those are BJD! There's a bjd general in /jp/ if you want to see more examples. They are usually cast in resin (or porcelain) and string with elastic string to give them the ability to move and hold a pose. Very cute doll, anon!
I saw that there was a /jp/ general but I wasn't sure if it should go there due to the stylization of it. Thanks for the info, this is pretty interesting.
It's mostly for anime-style dolls cast in vinyl, because traditionally, the thread for resin dolls existed over here. But it keeps dying, so people are generally welcome to post in the /jp/ thread. All dolls are good dolls, after all.

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