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For photos and discussion of custom creations made out of Lego and other building block brands.
I tried fren. There just aren’t enough of us actual hoomans left I’m afraid.
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I was really happy to see this thread.
i want to add something but i'm too busy with my current work
I bought a cool set not so long ago and want to do more stuff with it but later.

I guess a lot of "moc-ers" and genuine anons just grew older and became more busy..

And the new generation witht tons of time are those who shitting in lego thread.
in 2018-2019 i was a freelancer with unlimited time that never went outside so i was posting in /lg/ non stop and ordering stuff from Bricklink all the time
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I'm here! I'm real, I swear. I'm flesh and blood, if a cat cratches me, I bleed.

I'm working on a Space MOC right now, but take some photos of my City MOCs in meantime. The building to the left is a Comic Shop I built from bootlego, the building to the right is an expansion MOC of the Noodle Shop. I made the floor footprint of the Noodle Shop bigger and turned the upstairs into an arcade.

Really wishing we had more Pirate stuff for me to do more MOCs of. I need to juat break down and make a Facebook account so I can do that marketplace thing. I keep seeing posts about bins full of parts and I need to get in on that. But on the other hand, I really don't want Facebook. Facebook and reddit suck
>that gold piece of beard+hair combo
What is this from?
i saw many of these in official lego shop in build-a-figure cans but decided to get more hats
>What is this from?

I made that dude using the make a character bin at the Lego store an hour away. I swapped the head and used one of my fleshy heads with glasses on. The beard/hair covers it up and because of the glasses you can hardly tell he's not a yellow fella. But I have no idea what real set it's from
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i have time to build characters mostly lately. Love making "OC"s using minifigure parts.
here is what im working on - a space ranger pigman.
Will order some stuff from bricklink to design him up
Just remember guys, report and ignore. If anyone engages and derails, suspect samefagging and report them as well.
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Nice thread, here's a fish from a couple months ago. I'll try and post some of a building i'm working on later.
Needs a utensil
That's so cool. a tiger shark spaceship?
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Thanks, Goldfish bus. Here's the building I'm working on. The space base is really a neat set.
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I think I posted this in the wrong MOC thread like a drunk retard...
If I iirc correctly it's from the anniversary all-gold Hagrid. Originally, that is.
Those mecha are hella sick bro
I’m very slow in gathering parts. I’m currently working on a table for a nice place to play. Eventually it’ll be pirate castle combo but I’m still figuring out my head canon. I’m still not sure if I’m going 4x6 baseplates or 5x5 but after I figure it out and get the garden in Ill get some wood and build a nice table with storage underneath and secure the baseplates to the top.
these mechs are inspiring!
I was actually thinking of buying a second magazine with this star lord build to get symmetric pieces for my mech
hole they still have this magazine on shelves
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>have Bean
>he's an outside slug :)
Imagine how much that table would cost if you bought those baseplates at The Lego Store instead of The Dollar Store.

How are tge baseplate holding up over time anyhow?

I have a real hard time getting parts to stick to the bottom of my Dollar Tree plates, but things seem to still stick to the top just fine and no warping yet.
You can make a FB account without giving them your real details, just call yourself Anon Smith.
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Thanks anon.

Glad to inspire. That little Starlord ship looks pretty cool. Is that magazine available in America?

I love this

Also, I finally got around to building an Mtron tank. I can't take full credit for the design though. I just upgraded a rebrickable design I downloaded.
The larger ones are holding up great! But the quarter baseplates are not as good and I agree they don’t hold on the bottom well at all. I think you hit the nail on the head the center needs a support or when you push down even slightly in the middle it pops off the edge pieces underneath. Still, Castle Bootlego hasn’t come loose and nothing’s broken yet so as soon as the garden is done it’s wood working time. I mentioned it before but the money I saved on baseplates will pay for an actual wooden table.
Not mine but I love ut
Looks like something that belongs in rock raiders
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I don't have anything new either, but seeing your photo made me want to repost these ones I had
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It was so much fun trying to bild overwatch characters when we didnt have any merchendize in 2016-2017
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I think you drunken retardedly saved that thread from page 10. Now we have 2 MOC threads and that one guy is gonna get really mad.
Cool, what are the treads like?
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>>10999909 (nice digits)
Love all the interpretations. I did mine a couple years ago so I didn't remember the "huge" gap between the game and the sets. Mercy's head bing all black was a jab at the printing of the official minifig
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>what are the treads like
Normal Lego treads I guess. It's part number 57518.

>that one guy is gonna get really mad
Good, I miss our banter. He kept things interesting and gave me an excuse to mess around with some of my older, neglected MOCs
>he kept things interesting and gave me an excuse to mess around with some of my older neglected mocs
What if that was his goal all along? Kick up a fuss and make things interesting again? Shit on you guys a bit so you’ll play with bricks more and show more stuff? As the kids say today “sus” out the tranny spammer and slop spammers and shills? There’s like 9 actual dudes who post anything good on here. The rest are tourists or posers. We’ve got three comfy threads right now and I bet cash money there’s gonna be a blast of leaks on Monday and we’ll be back to spams of YouTube’s and corposlop but for today. Today we have nice mocs and nice talks. It was me. I split the threads. I’m the asshole. Ignore trolls. Report spam. Don’t fal for obvious bait. Play with your legos. Have fun and don’t get mad it’s the internet it’s not real life.
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Well goddamit anon that's the comfiest psyop I've fallen for all week
Thanks based dubs hitler!
I love you
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>What if that was his goal all along?
What an M Night Shaymalan twist! Really though, he made me take out some of my old sets and sort of inspired me to get my kids on the MOC action since he kept calling me a shitty dad. We built a pretty big Grey space jet on Friday, but my oldest thought it'd be fun to test its durability and drop it down the steps. Needless to say, I didn't get a pic of it. Still, it was a good time. Based troll inspiring good parenting and all
I get it man the kids just aren’t into some of the things I’m into it’s cool. Don’t worry I’m not going anywhere and I’ll be shitting on everyone again tomorrow. If you look closely I’ve been seeding some trolls that should pay off soon. Like I said before I get bored and we’ve been playing with fucking license slop and Harry Potter lately and this isn’t the place for that kek. There’s like three bad agents and at least one major utoober around and I’ll keep going till they’re gone. Keep posting and get into castle so you’re not such a complete cum guzzling faggot.
Also been spending a lot of time outside getting the garden in lately. Pic related. Why you don’t let the kids have legos outside. That flea market faggot would be proud though.
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Good to have you back. But castle blows and only only shit stains like that theme. Long live space (and monkie kid, because fuck you). Also, thanks for making me drag my kids into building an MOC Friday. They rolled their eyes, but they liked it.

>Why you don’t let the kids have legos outside.
I should probably specify that my kids are 10 and 12 year old girls. They were never big into Lego, or really any toy that wasn't a baby doll (despite me letting them play with my transformers and Marvel Legends). Now that they're older, they're glued to their phone, but my wife and I do crafts with them every now and then so they aren't digital zombies 24/7. Every now and then they'll mess with my Lego if I'm building an MOC or putting together a set with multiple instructions. They also reorganized most of my shelves last week.

/end. Blogpost
Being a girl dad is weird but mine is into Super Mario and Harry Potter legos hard so we foster it. You legit sound like a good guy glad I could help. I’m torn do I take the obvious castle bait or the shelf bait? Castle isn’t going to get any love till September unless we get that Zelda drop soon. You’re gonna win with space for a while. Real talk get the girls those space Lego plushies they’ll love em.
I’ll go shelf! Give a close up of those turtles and ancient technology on the left faggot.
I hate that you got a complete set of the Zeo Rangers. I could only ever find Blue, Pink and Yellow. Feels bad only having half a team, but happy I at least got Rocky.

Rocky was one of my first crushes as a kid and my new feelings were confusing and weird. I didn't understand why I liked him so much, because I also resented that he replaces my personal hero Jason.

I hate that his Zeo figure only came with one of his weapon when he had two. Hasbro really sucks most of the time. I hate that I've already given them enough of my money
Much appreciated anon. While I hate castle, I will definitly get some castle shit if it's Zelda based. So far, I think only the Deku Tree is confirmed though, so don't get your hopes up too high. Also, my 10 year old would fucking love the little alien. My 12 year old...she's weird. She's at that age where she thinks she's too cool for everything, but she's still a kid at heart.

>Give a close up of those turtles and ancient technology on the left faggot
Sorry for the shit Pic. The lighting in here is terrible for these shots at night.

It's very bare bones.
That’s what I suspected you monkey kid faggot! I’m following the penny arcade model and mine’s getting systems in chronological order from my attic but you look like you got them ready to go and video games are always an inroad with kids. Unfortunately it’ll be a few years till she humans back up again. Adolescence is hard and I couldn’t imagine being a kid these days. You and I both know they’re gonna fuck up zelda so bad if it ever happens… I was stoked for the fantasy dnd stuff but hot damn it all just looks bad anymore. I’m glad space is doing well because it’ll be the only classic Lego to make it through the purge of anything with nay heartbeat at all… but it’ll come with a wheelchair ramp.
Zeo is probably my 2nd favorite era of PR, so im glad I got the full team. If I were you, I'd probably pay scalper prices to finish off the team. And yes, Hasbro is gonna Hasbro and do some scummy shit with the weapons. Thankfully, the machine empire dude is actually a very good figure, so I didn't mind buying him for the tonfas.

Unpopular opinion, but Monkie Kid is the best IP Lego has put out in years. The show is extremely good too. Having Goku play Monkie King is genius, and Vegeta's VA was the antagonist in the most recent season. Also, giving systems in chronological order is a great idea, and while I did something similar, neither of my girls got into gaming. So good luck with that. They love Roblox and Minecraft though, but watching them fail at literally any Mario game is painful. I have hope for the Zelda sets because at least we'll get some minifigs out the deal...which is at the very least a win in my book.hoping for a Zelda's castle set or really ANY dungeon/boss...but I won't get my hopes up.
I do like that green.
I will check out monkey kid I just can’t get into the Asian persuasion stuff but I’ll give it an honest shot now. It can’t be worse than dreamzzz that shit is insufferable and the sets are unplayable. Plus I hate the new tendency towards noodle arms. I also am hopeful for some Zelda minifigs. I’m as disappointed as everyone else about no Mario but if they don’t fuck it up (they will they absolutely will) we could get sets and sets for years and years out of Zelda ipslop and I’d probably buy it all despite my hatred of nulego. They could do every dungeon and every town and every castle from every game and I’d get this shit. “New 8bit NES Link minifig!” Sign me up!
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Moc’ed the tractor into a hot rod sort of deal. Now to break it down for parts
I recently learned that one of the characters in a dinosaur line is the grandson of Johnny Thunder from Adventurers. I remember that the android from Explorians had a brother that was in UFO, are there other lore connections between the various lines?
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i've been working on this lodge for the frontier mountain town layout, let me know if there is anything i should add :)
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here's the current state of the interior

I dig this. A lot. Reminds me of the Houses of the World sets, only scaled up to mini figure size instead of the weirs half micro scale they went with.

I just picked up Housea of the World set 2 off Facebook Marketplace thanks to >>10999635 and his great advice. Not looking to get in on Facebook but yeah cool deals to be found.

I like you have a stairway to the upper level abd the rubs on the floor add life and color. I especially like the overhang from the balcony on the front
I find fb marketplace pretty lame but every once in a blue moon I’ll get a steal. Moms who don’t know any better and are cleaning up after the kids have hit the teen years are where it’s at but most normies even know the value of a plastic brick now or think they do. Half the time the seller wants a premium and I’ve been jerked around more than once trying to arrange pickup and payments.
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Really nice and tastefully detailed. Covering up the antenna overshoot by impaling an owl on top of it is clever
Very nice!
It's neat. I would put something besides 1x1 plates inside the 2 porch arches in front, like plate with a clip and run a rod between them, for example.
thanks a lot, appreciate the comment :)
great thanks anon, i accidentally found out that was possible by slamming the pole down too hard
ty sir
thats a great idea, i'll try that out and see how that looks
The old Johnny thunder Dino sets were fucking wild. Kinda disappointed by the new ones.
I'm slowly accruing all the parts I need for my build, and then I can actually make the damn thing. Serves me right for needing so many weird, big parts, i guess
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GUYS! I was unhappy with my M:Tron MOC after looking how stubby it was, so I took it apart and started from scratch with the same idea in mind.

Completely one hundred percent better. Better nose, better tail and the wings are hella sick now. I doubled the wingspan

Still have a few more tweaks in mind for his dashboard, but I'm super happy. Goal was to use every red part I own and I succeed in that. Only used two parts outside my color scheme, but they are hidden inside. I used a bunch of my black Make-It Blocks parts from my Zombie set and a few parts from my Make-It Blocks construction set too.

I'll post better shots later, but I totally got busy on this after worktime and forgot about making dinner. I would have still been at it if my boyfriend hadn't said something asking if I was hungry.

But now that I think of it, I still haven't parted out my Make-It Blocks cars, and I have an all red and a mostly black one. So maybe I need to make a version 3 later using those parts too. But as is, really happy with my MOC progress
The nosecone looks like a flacid dick. I have 2 MOCs that are using thst piece, so now I'm scared that'll happen to mine...
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I think I'm done with the outside, just need to dream up some space furniture and get some more purple foliage
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It opens like the original
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The first floor is basically a pedestal, for easy access
He’s been waiting for the rest of the crew for a while now.
Any anons here have some firas lego car’s MOC instructions?
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I've built the first MOC in my life out of AAT polybag, it's some sort of armored lawnmower.
Halofags post Halo mocs please
Just buy them and support the creator ffs
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How long were they buried? The dirt protected them from the sun damaging them. Nice find and they should clean up nicely.
Probably since last fall playing in the garden. I still have a devious plan to swap the single white Lego I found in my yard last year as well for a Deathstar. I’ll trade it around till I can work my way to minifigs and then Polybags then up to small sets and slowly trade up to a deathstar. You’re a god damned inspiration anon. Never stop.
>Jurassic Park
>Classic Lego Space
>Pacific Rim Kaiju
>Biker Mice from Mars
Holy based, that's a great collection! What do the shelves with video games look like?
Looks like a fucking manchild with more money than sense and a weeb obsession. God I hate this fucking faggot.
this whole thread has become very reddit cringe lately
People should post more mocs and stop blog posting about made up kids.
Cool moc bros
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I'm traveling but I have a go-box of pieces that I shitpost with. In the meantime I'll trickle feed some dioramas I made for (You) last year based on your prompts. I'll do another round of prompts eventually, it was fun.
>Aquanaut enjoying underwater sodie pop
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>What do the shelves with video games look like?
Thanks. Pic related. It's just video game stuff

>God I hate this fucking faggot.
I'm glad I'm able to get such strong emotions from you. It shows that I must be on your mind quite a bit. If I'm being honest, the thought of you thinking of me makes my dick hard.

>this whole thread has become very reddit cringe lately
Okay, so
>people whine, bitch, and troll like /lg/
>"you autists are cringe! Take your meds!"
>people get along and post MOCs
>"This is turning into reddit, reeeee!!!!"
It also implies you know what reddit is like, which says more about you than anything else.

>post more mocs and stop blog posting about made up kids
I included an old MOC mech in my Pic. I hope it makes you happy.
You and that mixel faggot and this homo>>11002420
should go suck each other’s cocks no one cares about your blog or moc.
>no one cares about your blog or moc.
>this is an moc thread
If you wanted to see my alien stuff, all you had to do was ask
You've got a solid console/handheld collection. What is the red one in the top left? And the silver one in the bottom left? Also don't let the rage bait faggot get a rise out of you. Just keep posting your cool MOCs. It's inspiring :) I really like your MTron stuff as someone who is trying to make a space display on my desk.
Thanks. Most of my vidya stuff is in storage though. Silver console is a Neo Geo pocket color, the red one is a Gameboy micro. I'm definitely not letting that other guy bother me, he has a hate boner for me, so I guess I should be flattered that I'm on his mind so much. I'm definitely not going to stop posting MOCs, especially since I know he likes me so much.
Uninspired and looks like you just mashed the ship from the second Lego movie together with a minifig and let it collect dust for 8 years you fucking poser.
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Thanks for the critique. How do you suggest I make it better? Also, I made a little buggy. Do you like it?
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>Wojtu committing genocide
I like all of them.
Make a buggy for each one in its respective color.
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Thanks anon.

I made one for the blue and white space guys. Fuck that green dude. He's an asshole
The green one was literally the only one I cared about. Your mocs are bad and you should feel bad.
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What’s he writing bros?
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In mine the scrolls are single-use consumable magic attacks that he sells for a profit to local adventurers.

Also, more pics of that writing desk? Looks great
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Heres another pic of the same moc, I just turned Majisto into a hoarder,
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This is awesome. There's a few pieces here I didn't even know existed.

I tried to give mine the messy workshop look too, but I now I see he's a neat freak in comparison
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>Galaxy Squad cleansing the buggoid nursery
I know my heart wasn’t in it this time I was trying to troll but like I said I was prepping up for the civil war going on with the lg generals. I can straight up say “I’m the troll and this is what I’m doing” now and it doesn’t matter kek.
It’s me again. It was me :).
Keep up the comfy mocs fellas. They’re gonna rage over there but I’m still only one of many assholes but I’m narrowing it down and burning it down. You fags aren’t going anywhere and it was a nice week or so this time before it got stupid again. The shills and spammers and trolls are getting tired. It’s a war of attrition.
kys loser
I love you too anon.
I realised that while I'm digging for parts and building Lego dark thoughts begin to linger, sometimes fearful or even violent. Anyone else get this feel? I'm otherwise a generally positive person.
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>I was actually thinking of buying a second magazine with this star lord build to get symmetric pieces for my mech
yay they still had one issue left on their shelves!

Damn this tiny built had so many neat unique details im so happy to get two of these.
These magazines remind me when i was a kid and LEGO had tons of super cheap sets of 1 minifigu + 1 simple vehicle.
and these days those vehicles are even more rich with cool pieces to help you in MOCing
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there is a comics inside that features this minibuild
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>God I hate this fucking faggot.
>You and that mixel faggot and this homo
>and let it collect dust for 8 years you fucking poser.
>kys loser
It's so easy to spot him.
He went full retard and made us understand that it's just a shizo-nothing more.
(sometimes i'm afraid that 4chan goes rotten with polfaggotry but it's always just 1-2 stinkers - nothing to worry about)

Keep building, bros!
i left all my galaxy bugs in my parent's place...sigh.
What are those "scriblle" looking eyes?
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holy shit anon this is awesome.
I always wanted to build a cool "collection filled with all kinds of stuff"
Picrelated is as far as i went. It's always the problem of having a room. I never tried to get plates and bricks to build walls.
I don't even know how many to order from bricklink so i'm just waiting for a good Creator set to come and give me all that stuff to moc it
That’s one way you can tell if it’s me or not I don’t shit on my own posts just to garner support. Also I’m 99 percent sure baddad and mixelbro knew what was up why do you have to be such a fag?
Ignore the hate. I don’t think I’d build something with the same lines but I appreciate the style choices and theme commitment and creativity. Ignore the haters and keeping moccin bro
They're spider eyes from some harry potter set I got in a bin. The ID is 98138pr0096
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>collection filled with all kinds of stuff
I've posted this guy a few more times than I'd like to without changing anything up but it's one of the better dioramas I've ever done and fits what your talking about.
New video just dropped. Possibly the greatest MOC of all time? You be the judge.

that's AMAZING!!!
damn i really want to build something like that.
How did you come up with the idea of how many bricks/etc you will need for walls and floor?
That's the main problem for me.
Did you just have them in your boxes and randomly build trying to make it look good?

Because calculating the possible amount of stuff that you need for a "base" is the most difficult part for me. Lego don't make that many sets that have many bricks to build a wall/floor of the same color
im going to fucking scream
im going to kermit sudoku
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Just picked this score up.
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What are you building?
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Kinda hard to answer because I'm spoiled by the size of my collection. Whenever I'm hit by a piece limitation I just pivot to a new idea. I do still run out of things or use my maximum, like with the brown floorboards and the dark gray tiles for the stone edges, but I don't really go out of my way to buy pieces for an idea I can't immediately build. My process is a mixture of random ludo and actually planning things out.

I usually start with a few isolated elements of the scene - for example here I started with the liquor cabinet and bar counter to get a sense of scale - and then progressively add elements to create a rough scene. I'll also make test builds of particular textures - like the trim around the walls made out of clips - so I can understand the dimensions and technique of how to incorporate them in advance. Once I get the sense of where everything goes I can stitch everything together into a final build. If I understand correctly I also suffer from not really knowing how big to make my platform until I've already made one, go "oh fuck, I should have made this a different size," and then rebuild it. Rebuilding is my favorite part about lego anyways so I just roll with it.
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Same here. Building more elves right now.
Stop posting this shitty picture.
Some minifig parts to meet minbuy
Buying mixel joints for ??? and I don't have (m)any
Various orange curves and slopes for
to improve the look of it
a bunch of those small 1x1 round plates w holes in them because it's the most useful part Lego has ever made change my mind

General shit but mostly way more orange than I need so I have some variety to improve the looks of my speeder.

Right now I'm working on an APC thing that is inspired by the Crimson Lance APC from Borderlands but I should have all or most of the pieces I need for that one, at least to get it to 99%. Maybe some color swaps might be needed but whatever.

Biggest challenge is getting 6 minifigs (driver, gunner, 4 transported personnel) to fit in a compact and attractive footprint, and leave space to model an engine.

I'm out right now I'll post a pic of the frame so far when I get home.
I like it a lot keep up the great work! One of the most wholesome lego guys out there.
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very WIP
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I'm convinced that this 2006 set is the reason why Lego stopped doing official alt builds around this time.
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>It’s me again. It was me :).
I ain't even mad. You gave me a good excuse to crank out a Classic Space MOC. I'll probably get around to making s space truck for the green dude later.
It would figure you’d hate the one I liked. Keep keeping it real anon like I said I dig your shit.
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Using three bodies I got at the build a figure at my nearest Lego Store, plus a bunch of extra parts I had, I made this small traveling band of crusaders. I used all my spare green parts and some dark tan pieces to try and make a rough foresty/jungle like terrain for them to be traveling through. They are on their way to a Forest Hideout to retrieve the stolen Golden Frog of Pondering. The poor squire is struggling to keep up with the load he is carrying.
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This is fantastic, ultimately I want to build something similar, a bar or diner for my growing monster minifigs. Possibly a little parking lot too for things like the monster fighters hearse and the hiddenside ghost racer.
Its probably a long ways off as I gather pieces, especially brown, tan, and grays.

As of right now my monsters are divided between partying at the Shrimp shack or fighting some of the monster fighters and other minis at the Whitecap Bay lighthouse.
You mean you dont remember the time Soongebob met the Wishmaster and wished to become like Speedbuggy?
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it's beginning to take shape.

4 minifigs across as transported troops
space to model an engine compartment on the back.
fully independent suspension

got a lot to do still. this is probably my most challenging MOC ever trying to fit so much into a smallish footprint.
Glad you're enjoying it, I made the first split. Some other kind gentlemen joined in, let's see how long we can keep it going this time.
Did you see that nigger shitting and pissing himself about "vandalism"? Gave me a hearty chuckle.
Ohh I did he’s sperging over “le mods” and making wild baseless accusations again. Someone asked why the civil wars start during the dead hours somewhere. Because that’s when the britbong wakes up, dusts his brown hands off and starts shitposting.
too many random slopes and curves looks incohesive.
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Ice Planet 2002 Elite
neat! excited to see how the shell turns out
I've got a very specific vision in my mind, it looks really fucking cool in my head.

I think I'm going to work on the engine compartment next, then the gunners position

side doors are going to be a bitch too. not turning out as smooth as I thought.
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Yea, you're right. I got rid of a bunch of the random slopes and it looks better. I also did a bit more color matching. Thanks for the advice anon
I'm impressed you took someone's advice because the slopes didn't look good. But then you ruined the front of the buggy with all that white.
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>ruined the front of the buggy with all that white.
Much better
NTAs but this is your best looking version yet

I am not sure if I think that bubble window matches or not.
blub blub that means hey guys in submarine
But did you make it out of SpongeBob?
Nice moc. Did your mother help?
Kek that dragon does look tarded
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coming right along...

Turret and working out some minor details is all it needs.

ignore the wrong color grey under-slopes near the front wheels it's the closest color I had.
pretend they're dirty or something.

opening front hatch for driver,
periscope that actually goes in front of his face
opening hood and modeled engine
side doors that fold down into a ramp

this thing has been a pain in the dick to build. the way I decided the suspension had to be has had me building around it, or the practical side effects thereof, the whole entire time.
Does your big tiddy goth girlfriend know you’re posting on here? Looks good still waiting to see that bootlego.
I killed spongebob
yeah probably
I moved to the MOC thread because there is substantially less faggotry here
still think there should only be one thread but if I have to continue sharing the air with some of the mouth breathers that have been frequenting /lg/ I might go postal
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This looks great. I'm interested in the final product. Way more creative than the vehicles I come up with

Based Ice Planet
No I really like how that little blue buggy turned out and that rig is awesome.

I think I want to do some kind of Baja buggy or something next.

I'm just a guy with too much free time and too many spare pieces but somehow not enough of either.
>No I really like how that little blue buggy turned out and that rig is awesome
Thanks, but I can't take credit for the Rig. That's from a batman set. But I'm seriously considering reworking it into a classic space science lab transport vehicle...

>I'm just a guy with too much free time and too many spare pieces but somehow not enough of either
Ain't that the truth. Nice MOCs though, and I'm seriously looking forward to the finished product. Looks awesome man.
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Been collecting a few boat hulls and just found out this one exists. Looks super sturdy for a nice moc without having to splurg for one of the city shipping yard versions or new arctic one. Also the black is a nice plain base color
meet the SS I'm going to fucking kill you I'm literally going to beat you to death and its tender mister scoops
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Genuine thank you friend. I think it's neat, but it didn't seem to get much traction when I posted the photo here >>11001440

I'm really excited I FINALLY got the Creator 3in1 Castle, found it on sale at Target for $80 and couldn't resist. But I'm saving it for later. Why, because I just got that Forest Hideout GWP after finally signing up for Facebook to use Marketplace. And now I'm busy MOCing

I posted a little scene >>11003750 I built of Lion Knights on a trek in the forest to try and find the Forestmen's Hideout and reclaim Royal Jewels stolen by the Merry Men.

Little do they know, on their way they will stumble upon my newest MOC I built today. The Dark Lord's Chapel of Fright. I used up a bunch of my Dollar Tree pieces along with leftover and spare parts, and stole most of my skeletons from to use.
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It's a little janky in that it isn't smooth, but I made a door that can be raised or lowered. The guy up top tower pulls the chains down to raise the door.
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Skeleton stand guard in the chapel on either side of the walls and obey the commands of their Vampire Lord or The Demon Mage.

Although the front is guarded by two Skeleton Knights, it's the Watchman up top the tower the keeps a lookout and controls the front gate. The Demon Mage can be seen with his Necronomicon and magic wand as he chills by the grave stones behind the chapel.

I used a decade for my Dollar Tree car set on a brown flat tile instead to make it look like the cover to a Mystical book.
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Helps if I attach the photo
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A look from behind
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View from other side
Brilliant way to mask that peg on his head. I'm 100% stealing this anon
I am hella busy today but I’ll try to sit down later and give these the reply they deserve. You’re awesome fella!
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thanks lol
I guess you can try other head pieces that don't require the "small minifig head" i'm searching for other options as well.

Btw just got my order for a little upgrade.
>just ordered 2 gold wheels
>seller actually sent me 4
holy cool
Maybe he forgot that i ordered just 2...anyways im not complaining
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will start building cool looking turbines with wings
cool idea but looks very amateur
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I needed those to help my elephant mech to..f l y
Will need couple of gun metal hose-pieces and something else.

Maybe Lego Chima mammoth is tall but my white short elephant is a FLYING BATTLESHIP
hmm yes, quite shallow and pedantic
Ignore the naysayers. I like it and I like that you used just what you had around. Don’t have to spend a lot to have fun but I’m glad you got your 3-1 and forestmen for a steal!
Cool mocs! If you have a criticism maybe offer helpful suggestions or I don’t know shut the fuck up?
be nice to people
I was trying to defend castle anon not double up on him
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worked on those turbines a bit more - swapped technic pipe for a more curved pipe + added gold thrust pipe
looks more organic now
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Also added a small screen to elephant's throne.
Will turn it into a more comfy place to sit/eat something and watch more screens
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god this set is so much fun. if i was a kid i would play for hours with it
I was also defending my guy. Sorry thought you were trolling and shitting on it.
all is well, glad we have the same intention toward shitters.

also these gold wheels look kino as f. some ppl shit on gold for some reason, and I don't like a lot of the official sets that use it extensively, so that's probably it, but used correctly it can look good asf.

I would use the shit out of those as wheels for some sort of rover or something. city space did it with that 6 wheel omni rover they put out a while back and I've been regretting not picking that up
>also these gold wheels look kino as
gunmetal and gold are my favorite "additional" colors for mechs. I forgot how those were called exactly.

Some color that is supposed to represent some middle-thing (machinery/turbines/pipes, etc.)
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might get picrelated nex time.
But it's a 2021 set so getting it will be a pain in the ass.
However that huge mech that looks like your average loader mech from Aliens but for bigfigs looks fo cool
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I'm not the biggest fan of mechs in general for Lego, but this thing looks rad. I think I like it because it's a thing and a ship on top of having a mecha. I like building 'places' and 'scenes' more than a 'thing', though admittedly I might change my tune if I built one myself and got a taste for it. I've never really bought a mecha Lego set. But I LOVE building big ships (and why Pirate is my favorite theme) because a big ship is both a THING and it's a PLACE. This sick Elephant ship is sort of like that. Abd all the changes you've made have been huge improvements. Those gold wheels for turbines are aces.

Also I have to say, I so want that Elephant minifigure to make a custom. I hope to one day have all the parts to make a custom of the Tower MOC Playset from The Tower of the Elephant story from Conan the Barbarian. That head on a torso that has those newer super long legs would be perfect for the Alien from that story.

Look forward to your thoughts. I planned to make a short video showing it later today when I got home from work.

>cool idea but looks very amateur
Yeah, I know it's not super fancy or pro looking like all the people on Instagram or Rebrickable, or even some of the guys here. But I'm literally working with parts from my leftover extras from sets and parting out knockoff micro sets I buy from Dollar Tree and one gray brick pack of 72 (pic related is what's leftover from that pack I didn't use.)

I made the MOC using parts from two Pirate VIP packs, parts from Pirate Playground GWP, leftover pea green from Creator 3in1 Noodle Shop and my extra skeletons. Everything else was taken from Dollar Tree sets. My "extras" to build from don't fill up a shoebox.

>hmm yes, quite shallow and pedantic
I actually laughed reading that, thanks yo.
>doesn't know what amateur means
I mean he's not wrong
>be nice to people
try reddit, anons are allowed to criticize people's builds, it helps people improve
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>Ignore the naysayers. I like it and I like that you used just what you had around. Don’t have to spend a lot to have fun but I’m glad you got your 3-1 and forestmen for a steal!

Thanks man. I'm excited for that Creator Castle because it looks to have great parts to draw from and build my own stuff if I decide to part it out after building all the instructions builds, including some great free alt builds I've seen posted online. I might end up buying a second set to part out if I fall in love with a particular build I want to incorporate into my small shelf display.

I also had fun with the Forest Hideout. I didn't do too much to customize it like I did for the Majisto's Workshop, but I added vegetation to it I've gotten from Dollar Tree sets, I made a candle for inside the tower, made two more mushrooms and gave lady a cup to drink from. And I gave them Red Royal Jewels they stole from the Lion Kingdom, which is why the Knights are questing to steal them back.


Thanks for best intentions. No need to fight. I'm just glad some folks actually dig what I'm doing. I'm no pro, but I like messing around and making up silly stories for my Lego builds while im board at work. Just trying to have fun and share some of that fun online with other folks that might like the same things. I don't have any friends local that like what I'm into since I moved cross country. The YouTube started as much to just talk about things I like and also a way to help me with my speech impediments and try and work on public speaking, if that makes sense.
Just bought this raised baseplate, I know I paid to much for it, but getting right away instead of waiting for it show up at my house is worth the extra bucks,
Now the next question is, what to moc?
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Here’s the pic because I’m retarded
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>I like it because it's a thing and a ship on top of having a mecha. I like building 'places' and 'scenes' more than a 'thing', though admittedly I might change my tune if I built one myself and got a taste for it. I've never really bought a mecha Lego set. But I LOVE building big ships
yeah that's exactly the reason i loved it so much.

It's basically one of those war elephants with lots of space on top of it. Like a walking ship/tower/etc.
So i decided to fully turn it into some sort of a battleship with cannons/turbines
>Tower MOC Playset from The Tower of the Elephant story from Conan the Barbarian.
ohh i love Conan. Used to read his stories all the time.

The gold + white colors of this elephant do fit into that "sword and sandals" theme!
Pretty cool baseplate! can fit a really comfy base on it!

or should i say...BASED plate
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>try reddit, anons are allowed to criticize people's builds, it helps people improve

Reddit is for fags, no thanks. Me and my boyfriend like /toy better. I may be gay, but I have standards. I get my fix between here and a Transformers forum I post on. Social media sucks. But lets say I did make a Reddit account last year... if they want to ban me for my 9/11 "tribute" MOC I built, why would I want to post there with a different account? They suck, everyone just chases likes and new release license slop and no one talks about playing or made up stories. And heaven forbid you complain about too many women and hearing-aid minifigure heads

Pic related is me using the rest of my gray Make-It Blocks to build a staircase for a battle scene. Some of the Lion Knights have been brought down, but as the Knight Captain faces the Devil Knight, our brace Berserker and his Warhammer face off against the Demon Mage. His magic carries prove a challenge for our Berserker hero.
But I'm happy for honest criticism or critique. Just keep in mind I don't have drawers full of sorted pieces to choose from with my haphazard stuff. I also don't mind good natured trolling,though admittedly I enjoy it more when aimed at licensed Lego over my own shitty builds
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Thanks, I plan on putting it on the left side of my adventures moc to expand it,
Maybe building something like the temple of Hatshepsut or a British fort would be great too
looks great but is this outside?
Hella sick baseplate yo, mega jelly. I would build a stone temple in desert abd put a brick built monster in it, maybe a griffin. Off the top of my head
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how does Lego justify all these colors in a gray adult oriented set?
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>I may be gay, but I have standards
based gaybros
why would they need to?
all the normies and licensefags ate it up just like they planned
>9/11 "tribute" MOC
post it
I love the mummy reference with the face in the sand. This moc would have been my dream when I was a child.
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Post more diorama anon
a long time ago I gave you shit reposting your monster bar moc. I'm sorry. your the best poster on lg
I don't wipe that cool?
Thanks, yeah, I set it up outside, it’s the only place with a table big enough, then I pack it back up
makes for good lighting and an excuse to play around!
just take the w man
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Running out soon. I'm skipping some of the anon suggestion dioramas cause they weren't really that good.
It's easy, people just have to touch bricks
Space base
oh gross the quest cunt is here now
I was unaware of how shit the mocs would be here. I assumed you were the norm.
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>post it

Wish I could. photo was on my old phone

Got home. Tearing my MOC apart and redoing it, gonna make it better. Might buy another $1.25 pack of gray bricks from Dollar Tree tomorrow to really beef it up
not memeing I would love to see your 911 moc
I respect your dedication to a moc anon. I know you can Improve
What's the consensus on bootlego here?

I only use real genuine klocki in my builds but could I be doing it cheaper especially on parts that reddit will never see?
>worries what reddit will see
jokes on you, I was only pretending to be retarded
kek good joke roll on snare drums fade to black
kill yourself questtrranny
what does this even mean you 4chin faggot?
Cool moc bros
suck my cock you fucking asshole raiding piece of fuckin cocking faggot shit riding lesbian ass hole sucking reddit licking coronary aids having loser
He lives!
Seconded. I say we can skip the vote and he can get aids and rot in a gutter like his mom.
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Just stopped at Dollar Tree. They're sold out of all the small sets, except a bunch of cement mixers which I don't want to stock up on. I had hoped they would have more of that Rock Wall set. But I got another pack of gray blocks and a baseplate to rebuild my haunted demon chapel thing on. Before I had it built piecemeal on several small flat plates. With the extra gray blocks I think I can greatly improve on my first demon castle thing I made >>11005180

I'll probably spend most my free day tomorrow working on it. Might do something tonight. Having a baseplate to build on instead of random flat parts put together will be quite freeing and I think will improve my MOC prospects.
I'm thinking of building a red castle to use up some of my red bricks, like picrel. Any ideas on how to make it look good?
Here's the closest MOC I found to what I'm thinking of. I like how the brown bricks in the walls make it look like red brick, but I'm thinking of something without the grey sections to contrast it.
I like I anon. looking forward to seeing what you do with it
I agree with your verdict
are those bricks bootleg? doesnt look lego, unless its just low quality image
No bootleg here, except for some unseen filler bricks
Looking good and keep up the good work! I never got a chance to reply earlier but I like it and I hope you post version 2 soon!
guess its just low quality pic then, cant see Lego logo on studs ,anyway its a cool moc
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Well I still want to buy one or two more packs of gray blocks to further fortify the Chapel, but the Dollar Tree onky had the one pack when I stopped by tonight. But I'm quite happy with the overall build considering my parts limitation. I'll take more photos and make a video tomorrow, but I gotta get to bed now. I stayed up too late building/playing and super tired.

But here's a quick photo of my Demon Mage's table of dark magics. I'll take more detailed photos tomorrow showing the whole build and the play features. But it's pretty much the same design as before, except with more space in back, larger walls and the ladders were replaced by stairs.

I need to think up a name and story for these guys, even if I've not completed arming up the skeletons I have.
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Those Lion Knights are about to stumble into one helluva a bad situation
I didn't realize Basil was in the Klan.
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alright it's finished. for now.
there's some color swaps I need to do on some pieces but it's good enough to be called done for now

dump incoming
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Front view.
Doesn't quite have the face I envisioned but I like it nonetheless.

there's some elements that exist that I don't have any of that could be used to improve the cohesiveness of the front.
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Ass view
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Modeled engine with hood.

In my mind it has some sort of dual jet turbine engine for redundancy that can run on multiple fuels including some sort of radioactive liquid that doesn't need oxygen, for vacuum operation. It would then drive generators that power electric hub motors on each wheel. Like a locomotive.

I just wanted an excuse to use some spare half moon plates in that new red orange they've been shipping with city space sets.
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The turret can rotate 360 and tilt fairly high.

I am unsure if I like the design. It kind of breaks up the otherwise sleek lines.

The lever bases on the sides with their levers removed are intended to be armored binocular cameras or sensor packages for targeting.
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The driver sits deep within the front of the vehicle under this hatch. The blue plates on the front in this pic >>11006719 are meant to be a periscope window.

A viewport is also present on the inside portion that comes down in front of the drivers face.
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All hatches open.

Driver compartment access, front.
Personnel egress (up to 4 personnel, with shit around their necks (slightly taller due to accessories) and backpack should be supported), 1 each side. They fold down into ramps in case terrain is uneven.
Engine compartment, rear.
Gunner seat, middle.
The Kooky Knights Klan?
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Demonstrating the seating capacity for us will be, left to right:
Mercedes F1 driver Alexander Hamilton
Hot Girl with Printed Boobs
The man that fell into the river in Lego city.
John Lennon from Alien Conquest
A pretty cool pilot guy.
Christmas C-3P0
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they all fit trust me. I unfortunately don't have the 360 cameras this APC has mounted to the sides
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fully independent suspension.

I originally used grey shocks but after building around them (some friction to the side plus I used friction pegs at all moving points to act as dampers, plus the vehicle probably quadrupled in weight vs the bare frame as I built it out) it was way too saggy and soft, so I swapped them out for yellows. I had some bricks at unhealthy angles to avoid complete disassembly, but I got it done.
That looks neat anon, I'm working on a fright knights thing too. I really dig your gate construction
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really like your growing adventure based on these.
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fucking hell im still beeming with excitement after adding whats really just walls to a building

also quite stressful when i got bricks from pickabrick just to think i would end up coming short a few pieces....
i should really visit a pick a brick store.
When i was in it and saw a box i thought "what? no interesting pieces? just bricks and basic stuff?"

Now when i need to build a room diorama for my sigfig i think that it's exactly what i need
nearest pickabrick in my region has both mixel joint parts which is gonna be nice if i ever consider doing some robots or anything akin to that
just buy cool polybags or minisets-it usually gives not only those joints but tons of tiny pieces that WILL become handy in the future when you don't expect that
I’m not doing fright knights per say but was thinking of putting those werewolf by night figs into my horror army? Would that be too gay?
anything you do in these threads is pretty gay
Is less gay than >>11006910
and I’m pretty sure he straight up let’s a dude suck his cock.
>straight up let’s a dude suck his cock
holy based!
blub blub hey guys guess my gender
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>That looks neat anon, I'm working on a fright knights thing too. I really dig your gate construction
Thanks. The gate is janky because chain pegs get stuck when lowering it back down, but nothing a finger nudge won't fix

>I’m not doing fright knights per say but was thinking of putting those werewolf by night figs into my horror army? Would that be too gay?

It's your army brother. Do what makes YOU happy and it's just icing on the cake if other folks dig it too. That's how you make frens. But as another anon said >>11006914 my boyfriend is gay, so I obviously don't mind a a little gayness in my life.

I was thinking thinking of adding those alien werewolf things from the Ninjago sets my boyfriend bought into my Fright Knight army. I doubt he'd even notice I yoinked them

>really like your growing adventure based on these.
Thanks a lot bro. And what minifigure is that? It looks rad for a bad guy army
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>Thanks a lot bro. And what minifigure is that? It looks rad for a bad guy army
it's one of chima wolves without helmet mask
Damn that thing looks good. I love how many people it can hold. My only critique is that I've never been a fan of just Grey without some color to break things up. But the design is top notch.

As promised, i turned >>11005026 into a vehicle foe the green dude. Even made a little jet scooter for the baby.
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Yeah I'm not sure about the grey either. That's why I did the blue and white insignia to try and give it /something/

I don't know where else I'd add color without going overboard and I didn't have the parts to do it in, say, tan or brown, or green.

More out of necessity and not so much out of choice.

I'll probably do a bricklink order to replenish some of my supplies, I have no dark-blue-grey 1x1 bricks or square plates left at all now. Only black and mid-grey and white and a few older "true"/brown grey ones.

Maybe I'll add some color to that order if it's not too expensive.

Wouldn't mind a green one and a tan one.

Maybe I'll make instructions and build a fleet of them.

Yeah I'm pretty damn happy with the design this is honestly probably my most complex and cohesive MOC ever.

It only took disassembling like 5 star wars ships to have enough spare pieces that I didn't feel like I had to sacrifice too bad.

picrel is the periscope that comes down in front of the drivers face
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Trying some things out, might loose the round towers, and will probably have to not go so tall, already running out of bricks in this color
can you post the suspension in detail so I could try replicating for a mako and warthog
pretty sweet
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Easier to just build a replica than trying to half disassemble the APC.

Picrel would be a (US) Driver Side, Front assembly. You'd mirror this on the opposite side front, same assembly on opposite corner rear, etc.

Left to right:
Use a flanged axle (if I had one without a stud I would have used that, as I had to design around that stud exceeding the width of the beam arm, but this is all I had 4 of)

Red bushings represent your wheel.

Black beam is the moving arm. You could change the length of this a bit but too long and it might get too sloppy. This is the minimum practical length for the size of wheels I have.

Orange is the member that acts on the spring. There's a few ways to do this but this seemed strongest and simplest.

Red (with the example laying on the grey base plate) is what the arm pivots on.

Blue are your stationary anchor points to the body. You can of course use any kind of blocks that accept this type of connection.
Inner is just an open hole style, as is top, outer uses a T axle connection hole.

Yellow is the shock obviously

Then green is your body. Changing the position of these anchors in the main body of course impacts your geometry and where the wheels sit.

I do not guarantee that the shown positioning is actual to the vehicle but it is close.

There was much trial and error to get it to sit how I wanted.
also never commented on this. I like it. bumper looks good and the modular cargo base thing is neat. Makes me want to build something like that next. Probably going to go for a dune buggy.
That controller sign is so cool.
Now that I see how much space it takes up I realize it's probably impossible to replicate within the Warthog's dimensions, but still that's a great suspension system for other futuristic original vechicles. thanks.
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Dude this is hella sick, I love it so far. Also, super envious of your parts collect to draw from and MOC with. It looks Mike's ahead more professional than the ruined chapel tower I'm working on.

But I am excited to sat I've added some fun play features to my dark castle.

I've added a trap out front with a chain to be pulled and send a boulder falling on to enemies storming the gates.
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>That controller sign is so cool.

Thanks so much, but not one hundred percent mine, I just built it and slapped it on my arcade building. Got the idea from a Creator 3in1 set's alt build.

And attached picture is after my Watchman in the tower pulls a chain and sends a boulder crashing on top of Invaders whike also fortifying the tower opening
Yeah there's definitely a more compact way to build an effective suspension, even independent, but I wanted an open center between the wheels and I wanted the springs very inboard.
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On top of the front gate that can be raised and lowered as well as the boulder trap, play features also include this secret side entrance by swinging the gravestone
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I've also added a quick thing to my Demon Mage's table. I added another bottle of options and I made his melting candle taller using flower pieces.

This Demon Mage is now my favorite character for Castle stuff, just like Nathaniel Napsalot is my favorite Pirate character I've made. I've added a lot to give him personality. My boyfriend built his Houses of the World GWP and it had a gold ring piece left over as an extra, so I used that and a red jewel to make a crown. His magic wand is fun and the gold medallion hanging across his chest is rad. He really stands apart now and feels like a true character beyond just another skeleton. I'm calling him the Demon Mage, but I think that's a title and he needs a proper name to go with it. I was thinking Warrgre the Demon Mage. Like War mixed with Ogre, but one word.
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I made his Necronomicon with a flat tan 2x2 and used a decal that came with my Dollar Tree Make-It Blocks race car. I really like how the candle turned out too using a few white flower stacked together.

The Vampire Lord may be the leader of Fright Knights, but Warrgre the Demon Mage is the brains and true mastermind of all the plots.
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This one is pretty old. I want to redo it with some sort of basic modular system so I can make a row of them without gaps.
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As much as I want to have solid buildings, open backs will save me a lot of pieces esp. if it's all living between a shelf and a desk.
Skull castlebro here. Been hella busy but I was inspired by your shiz and picked up the spooky pirate island gwp and the wife got me the forestmens outpost and I scored a steal on the 3-1 castle of fb marketplace. Been a crazy weekend but hopefully I’ll have time to build and then moc soon. I saw you finally got one of the 3-1s and I hope you put some of those spooky builds you’re doing on the youtubes. For what it’s worth I have a diagnosed speech impediment and did therapy till HS and I couldn’t tell man and I can tell. You can ask the wife, I find you and your mannerisms and way of speech wholesome and your ability to let the criticism of these morons roll off your back like water off a ducks is admirable. Keep it up and keep being awesome!
Looks nice I like the couple stud attachments for the roof and walls. Seems modular and also accessible. I say keep four walls but maybe see about having the rows share a third wall? So you can still save on parts some? I don’t remember and you’ve been away what’s your feelings on bootlegos for just walls?
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Does YOUR mom let you have two power claws?
Fuck yeah, I'd play with that in the bath, and then I'd drown this asshole>>11006302 while farting on him, shit would be so cash
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What are they looking for?
What’s Athena is that the new Lego leak?
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Version 2,
still in the fence about it, and also runny out of bricks, might tear it down and try something new
>running out of bricks

so get a bricklink order going.

looks good man. Better than the first with the round towers imo.
I'm really digging the looks on this one friend.
Ice cream mine
I think this castle looks tight yo. It's got a great blend of bricks and looks good. I appreciate the textures.
It’s only me and you awake anon. Memorial Day weekend hit the board hard. I made this guy with some rebrickable help from the left over parts of the 3-1 pirate ship skull island build.
Never used bricklink before, now I guess would be the right time, yeah I like it a lot more than the towers
Thanks friend
Thanks yo
I stand corrected the castle does indeed look tight. I’m super jealous of that baseplate.
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>It’s only me and you awake anon

I never sleep, I'm too busy playing with my bricks or reading comics.

I love what you did there. Pirate will always be my favorite theme, even when I'm playing with the more plentiful City or Castle themes. That said, I'm having a blast with my Demon Mage Warrgre and I spent all weekend messing around to build his castle. I used two Make-It Blocks packs and one baseplate, so this set cost me about $3.70 after tax plus my extra parts to have a full fun 3 day weekend of building. Which is freaking rad. I'm tempted to spend another 2 bucks on two more Make-It Blocks packs and REALLY fortify the ways and redo the stairs, but I'm overall pretty happy with it.
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Also, anyone wanna tell me which of the Brick built weapons I made is best here? The gold one is cheating as the top part was from a Ninjago set my boyfriend got that had the werewolves I also put into my MOC, but I changed it enough I think it counts. All other 5 I just made with my spare parts fucking around.

I'm partial to the two black ones, especially with a red feather. Also the middle gray
I've been meaning to paint my elves ears forever.
What'd you use?
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I just went a bit nuts at well stocked Dollar Tree i had never visited before. Between whats shown here and two cat toys I bought, I spent $20 bucks there.

I got three more gray brick packs to really beef up my Fright Knights base, as well as finding two more construction packs that had the rock wall. I went ahead and bought another bench set too because it has useful parts, but I'm really excited for all the other sets because they are new to me. The bird sets look to have very useful parts and I bought two of the red bird because I anticipate it being a great part pack. Also super excited for the sets with transparent pieces and a light brick. It's worth the price alone for the light brick if it works well.

Also I had to grab that Final Faction comic. I've never bought the toys, but I'm always impressed when I look at them and the value of the $1.25 action figures VS 20+ dollar action figures I see at Target. I'm betting the Comic won't be great, but it'll be fun.

It's my day off with long weekend and I got most chores done yesterday. So I think today I will make a video for both my Fright Knight Castle, a comic review of the Berserk book I finished the other day and I'll also read and review this Final Faction comic. I might also do a build of some of these knockoff sets too. Make a big fun day of it.
You got a fuckin day ahead of you anon. Can confirm red bird is fantastic parts pack!
Yellow ink pens with a brush tip (permanent/archival ink); it's thinner and flows much better than paint. I have used it to color fleshy parts on torsos as well.
Have you built these yet? I skipped on the green bird because I didn't see any obvious parts I could use. Will I regret skipping it to get two red birds? Thankfully they had twice as many green birds as any others, so I can go back no problem if it really is a good one. But I grabbed the last two red birds and there's only two left of of the yellow and the white birds.

Also, I only ever see brown, gray blue and green block packs. Anyone know if that's all they make? I keep popping in hoping to find white or yellow brick packs with no luck, starting to think they don't make them. This dollar tree was well stocked and each color had its own hanger, with no space for any color but those four.

>Yellow ink pens with a brush tip

That's a great tip. I've been wanting to paint my fleshy heads and hands yellow. Will this work for bigger pieces, or rub off?
The green bird was the worst. I also only ever see green brown blue and grey. But my store only has brown blocks and I’m good on them. The red bird has great parts! The feet clips. The tail is a little swimfin. The beak has printed eyes. The wings are molded and the plant parts are a nice bonus! I keep hoping for some new colors too anon but we’ll have to see. I’ll spend $900 on bootlego before I buy a lego set over $100.
Lower left for sure. second favorite is middle bottom
I like bottom right or the red horn one.
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Uhh newfag here. made this in stud.io.
They were supposed to be minikits but I WENT TOO FAR.
>wow trash
Cool moc!
epic box haul of garbage bro!
Thanks! I appreciate your love and support anon! >>11010676
Imagine getting this triggered by seeing dollar tree legos!? Thanks for opening my eyes anon.
aww did someone online make fun of you again anon?
Nah just someone being a faggot. Another day around these parts. My dollar tree anon is a homo and he’s way less gay than you.
>no u
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My first attempt at a pirate layout from a few years ago
>Will this work for bigger pieces, or rub off?

Haven't tried coloring them, but in general soft hair pieces and prints hold the color better than the hard, shiny plastic (I ink these twice). With larger pieces it might also be difficult to get an even color.
>paint my fleshy heads and hands yellow
Why? Yellow hands are super common and painting the heads will cover up the face prints.
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I made a Kame House from Dragon Ball in that micro scale. I also made a tiny Launch, Krilin, Roshi and Goku, but I gave him gold hair because I had no blacks. Also, the house is red and not pink because I don't have pink pieces. I use real bricks within my range of owned parts abd not studio that let's me build anything at all.

It's not as smooth or pretty, but it's real and I know all the builds actually work when I put them together.
>Thanks for opening my eyes anon

I'm just happy my Dollar Tree discoveries helped out fellow bro-tier anons and unlocked cheap MOC fun. The cheapo baseplate alone are a magnificent find, but the Brick packs and miniature sets are radical for the price point. It's silly people would get upset about em

>My dollar tree anon is a homo and he’s way less gay than you.

True story. I just had my dick sucked by my boyfriend and am somehow less of faggot than like a fifth the poster I see on all of /toy. It's not segregated to the Lego threads, but it sure does thrive in em.
I freaking love this yo. Pirates are my absolute jam and this is a gorgeous fun MOC. You used that cool Creator Ship and Forbidden Island and made a hella sick lighthouse and cabin. This table is full on life goals, so much fun
I put the crew on my half ship. I hope you can enjoy!
speak to either myself or my child one more time and you'll be in big trouble
very comfy moc, love the incorporation of forbidden island, and nice crew on the ship too :)
Do custom/kitbashed minifigs count as MOCs?
Been putting together a bunch from miscellaneous parts that I feel work well together, I'm on the fence whether I consider them as true MOCs, but I feel like they would be more appreciated here than the Lego Business, Marketing, and Shill Strategy General thread.

Might just post anyway but I'm curious of people's opinions.
To me, anything that's an actual photo of your lego that isn't a dust collecting display is good for this thread
Those sound like they would be cool,
You should build little vignettes for them to really ramp them up
New /lmg/ thread
New /lmg/

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